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Genetic diversity and structure of an endemic

and critically endangered stream river
salamander (Caudata: Ambystoma leorae) in

Article in Conservation Genetics · January 2014

Impact Factor: 2.19 · DOI: 10.1007/s10592-013-0520-9


5 290

4 authors:

Armando Sunny Octavio Monroy-vilchis

Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Méxic… Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Méxic…


Victor Fajardo Ulises Aguilera-Reyes

Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Méxic… Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Méxic…


All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Octavio Monroy-vilchis
letting you access and read them immediately. Retrieved on: 09 May 2016
Conserv Genet (2014) 15:49–59
DOI 10.1007/s10592-013-0520-9


Genetic diversity and structure of an endemic and critically

endangered stream river salamander (Caudata: Ambystoma
leorae) in Mexico
Armando Sunny • Octavio Monroy-Vilchis •

Victor Fajardo • Ulises Aguilera-Reyes

Received: 23 February 2013 / Accepted: 24 July 2013 / Published online: 8 August 2013
Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

Abstract Small or isolated populations are highly sus- leorae is critically endangered because it is a small isolated
ceptible to stochastic events. They are prone and vulnera- population.
ble to random demographic or environmental fluctuations
that could lead to extinction due to the loss of alleles Keywords Microsatellites  Endemic species 
through genetic drift and increased inbreeding. We studied Endangered species  Conservation  Mexico
Ambystoma leorae an endemic and critically threatened
species. We analyzed the genetic diversity and structure,
effective population size, presence of bottlenecks and Introduction
inbreeding coefficient of 96 individuals based on nine
microsatellite loci. We found high levels of genetic Small or isolated populations represent ‘‘islands’’ in terms
diversity expressed as heterozygosity (Ho = 0.804, of gene flow and genetic diversity (Kim et al. 1998). Such
He = 0.613, He* = 0.626 and HNei = 0.622). The popu- populations are very susceptible to stochastic events (Gibbs
lation presents few alleles (4–9 per locus) and genotypes 1998; Hicks and Pearson 2003), resulting in fluctuations of
(3–14 per locus) compared with other mole salamanders effective population size and other demographic and
species. We identified three genetically differentiated environmental parameters that can lead to extinction
subpopulations with a significant level of genetic structure (Gibbs 1998). Small populations also tend to have less
(FST = 0.021, RST = 0.044 y Dest = 0.010, 95 % CI). We genetic diversity than larger ones due to the loss of alleles
also detected a reduction signal in population size and through genetic drift and the increased chance of inbreed-
evidence of a genetic bottleneck (M = 0.367). The effec- ing (Van Treuren et al. 1991; Templeton and Read 1994;
tive population size is small (Ne = 45.2), but similar to Garner et al. 2005; Frankham et al. 2005). Reduced genetic
another mole salamanders with restricted distributions or diversity impairs the population’s ability to cope with
with recently fragmented habitat. The inbreeding coeffi- environmental variation and can translate to lower fitness
cient levels detected are low (FIS = -0.619–0.102) as is for the individuals in the population, increasing the
gene flow. Despite, high levels of genetic diversity A. extinction risk (Newman and Tallmon 2001; Johansson
et al. 2006). Establishing the genetic structure of small and
isolated populations may be critically important for man-
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this agement and conservation decisions (Palsbøll et al. 2007).
article (doi:10.1007/s10592-013-0520-9) contains supplementary Although, genetic variability is often less critical for pop-
material, which is available to authorized users.
ulation persistence than factors like habitat loss or frag-
A. Sunny  O. Monroy-Vilchis (&)  V. Fajardo  mentation (Lande 1988), it has a decisive role in a long
U. Aguilera-Reyes term because it enables populations to adapt and persist in a
Estación Biológica Sierra Nanchititla, Facultad de Ciencias, changing environment.
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Instituto literario
Ambystoma leorae (Taylor 1943), is a micro-endemic
# 100, Colonia Centro, CP 50000 Toluca, Estado de México,
Mexico salamander from the ‘‘Sierra Nevada’’, Central Mexico. The
e-mail:; mole salamander was historically restricted to six locations

50 Conserv Genet (2014) 15:49–59

within the protected area Iztaccihuatl-Popocatepetl National religiosa). The vertebrate community consists of 25 species
Park (Fig. 1, IPNP). Recent research identified a new and of amphibians and reptiles, 46 species of birds, and 38
relict locality of A. leorae, possibly the last one (Monroy species of mammals (Monroy Vilchis et al. 2012). Given its
Vilchis et al. 2012). No data exist on their ecology and basic proximity to Mexico City, the area is subject to constant
biology, and some experts considered this species extinct stress by land use changes mainly by human settlements and
(Parra-Olea, pers. comm.). The maximum number of the exploitation of its forest resources.
organisms reported for the only known population studied
was 55 (Lemos-Espinal et al. 1999). The population is next to Population sampling and molecular analyses
the world’s most human populous region. This lack of
knowledge, the limited distribution and the demand for We sampled monthly for 1 year. The search for specimens
resources (deforestation, pollution, water) by humans was intensive and all were caught by hand, between 9:00
threaten this species with extinction (SEMARNAT 2010; am and 5 pm. Sampling was done in two rivers separated
Shaffer et al. 2004). Ecological and genetic studies are by 0.56 km2. The rivers join after 0.68 km2. The rivers
important in order to provide information on the status of the flow over plains and gentle slopes, with pools approxi-
species. In the study area, the threats include the introduction mately 5 m from each other. There are three basic sub-
of cattle, the use of water for human consumption and the strates (stones, sand and mud) and the mole salamanders
direct collection of specimens for food. Our goals are to where captured every time in the same place. We obtained
understand the genetic diversity and structure, the effective 96 tissue samples (tail tip) and place immediately in 90 %
population size, the presence of bottlenecks and to determine ethanol, and then frozen at -20 °C until processed. We
the percentage of inbreeding of the last remaining population performed DNA extraction with a commercial kit Dneasy
of A. leorae in order to develop conservation strategies. Blood and Tissue Kit (Qiagen), following the manufac-
turer’s instructions. We assessed DNA quantity and quality
with a biophotometer (Eppendorf, Hauppauge, New York)
Materials and methods and in 1.5 % agarose gel stained with 0.5 lg/ml ethidium
bromide and observed with UV light.
Study area
Microsatellite typing
Iztaccihuatl-Popocatepetl National Park (IPNP) is located
on the border of the State of Mexico with Puebla. Geo- Genomic DNA was used as template for amplification of
graphical coordinates of the study site are 19°210 0900 N, nine loci following published protocols (Parra-Olea et al.
98°400 1100 W and 19°350 25’’N, 98°660 9700 W, at an altitude of 2007), with an Apollo PCR Touchscreen ATC201. We
4,130 masl (Fig. 1). We sampled individuals from a 1 km multiplexed amplified products on an ABI Prism3730xl
stream confined to a small alpine grassland (Muhlenbergia and sized with a Rox-500 standard in GENEMAPPER v.
sp.) surrounded by forest (Pinus hartwegii and Abies 4.0 (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). Multiple

Fig. 1 Map of Mexico

a showing Iztaccı́huatl-
National Park. b The points
marked from 2 to 7 are historic
populations considered extinct
and the number 1 is the study
population at Volcano Tláloc.
c Volcano Tláloc showing the
sample sites

Conserv Genet (2014) 15:49–59 51

samples were sized at least twice to assure reproducibility based on FST and RST. We calculate the significance using
and correct readings. a Wilcoxon test with 30,000 permutations of genotypes
among populations. In order to detect the degree of simi-
Statistical analyses larity of the sampling sites based on the species genotypes,
we did a factorial correspondence analysis of the micro-
Identification of identical genotypes for recapture satellite data using Genetix 4.05 (Belkhir et al. 2004). This
and potential scoring errors test graphically projects the individuals in the factor space
defined by the similarity of their allelic states.
We performed an analysis using the software Gimlet 1.3.2
Valière (2002) in order to identify recaptured individuals Genetic diversity
and reduce error in the interpretation of the results (Kohn
et al. 1999). The presence of null alleles and other typing We assessed genetic variability in the population by esti-
errors was determined using MICROCHECKER (Van mating the observed (no) and effective (ne) number of
Oosterhout et al. 2004). These alleles may affect estima- alleles, observed (Ho) and expected (He) heterozygosity,
tions of population differentiation, by reducing genetic (He*). Expected heterozygosity corrected for small sample
diversity within populations (Chapuis and Estoup 2007). sizes and Nei’s unbiased expected heterozygosity (HNei—
Nei 1973), using the software POPGENE version 1.31
Genetic structure (Yeh et al. 1997) and Genetic studio (Dyer 2009), for each
population-by-locus combination and then averaged over
We used the software Geneland 3.2.2 (Guillot et al. 2005), all loci to produce population estimates.
this software uses a Bayesian algorithm implemented in a Linkage disequilibrium between pairs of microsatellite
Markov Chain Monte Carlo scheme considering genetic loci and departures from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium
data and geographical coordinates. We choose the most (HWE) within each sample and locus were evaluated with
suitable combination of models for our data: we assumed a a Markov chain approximation (10,000 dememorizations,
correlated allelic frequencies model and a true spatial 1,000 batches, and 10,000 iterations per batch) of the
model (Guillot et al. 2005), with a coordinate uncertainty Fisher’s exact test performed and calculated the unbiased
value of 100 m. We performed 10 independent runs with P value with a Markov chain algorithm in Genepop 4.0
1,000,000 iterations, thinning = 100 and burnin = 100, (Raymond and Rousset 1995).
using K = 10, K = 5, K = 3, K = 2 and K = 1 in each In order to identify non-neutral loci, we used the soft-
trial. Once we got the maximum number of possible pop- ware LOSITAN (Antao et al. 2008) based on an F-outlier
ulations (in this case K = 3), we proceeded with the method and coalescent simulations to produce a null dis-
assigning of individuals, using 20 independent runs with tribution of FST values based on an infinite island model for
1,000,000 iterations (thinning = 100, burnin = 1,000). In the populations and an infinite allele model or a stepwise
addition, we did an assignment analysis with the software mutation model for polymorphism. Loci with high FST are
GeneClass version 2.0 (Piry et al. 2004), in which each under directional selection, and loci with low FST are under
individual’s genotype is analyzed to determine to which stabilizing selection. We ran 100,000 iterations with a
population each individual belongs, based on the genotypic significance of P B 0.05.
frequencies present in the populations (Paetkau et al.
1995). In order to estimate their degree of genetic structure, Isolation by distance, historic demography and genetic
we used several approaches. Given that microsatellites are bottlenecks
closer to the stepwise mutation model than the infinite
allele model, we calculated RST (Slatkin 1995; Michalakis In order to test the correlation between the pairwise genetic
and Excoffier 1996). However, because the sample size is and geographical distance, we performed a Mantel test
low and few loci, the FST values give a more conservative (Mantel 1967) in GenAlEx v. 6 (Peakall and Smouse 2006)
assessment (Gaggiotti et al. 1999). We calculated FST with 10,000 randomizations. With the software, Popula-
based on Weir and Cockerham (1984), using Arlequin tions 1.2.32 (Langella 2002) was constructed Neighbour-
version (Excoffier and Lischer 2010). We also Joining tree (NJ) with the Nei0 s standardized genetic dis-
calculated Jost’s (2008) D, using Software for the Mea- tance (Nei 1972) with 1,000 bootstraps. We calculated the
surement of Genetic Diversity (SMOGD; Crawford 2010) effective population size (Ne) by a method that estimates
with 1,000 replicates in the bootstrapped parameters. Ne from linkage disequilibrium (LD), using a Jackknife
To analyze the distribution of the genetic variance method with LD values between pairs of loci and a random
between and within populations, we used an analysis of mating system, with the software LDNE v.1.31 (Waples
molecular variance (AMOVA) (Excoffier et al. 1992) 2006; Waples and Do 2008).

52 Conserv Genet (2014) 15:49–59

We used the software BOTTLENECK version 5.1.26 Genetic population structure

(Cournet and Luikart 1996; Piry et al. 1999) to test for a
genetic signature of recent historical reduction in the Three subpopulations (subpop1 N = 31, subpop2 N = 22
effective population size (i.e., a bottleneck), based on the and subpop3 N = 44) were defined with GENELAND
two-phase model, which is an intermediate model of evo- based on 20 runs {[Ln Pr (K = 3) = -3,581.49]} the
lution considered more appropriate for microsatellites individuals were systematically distributed in the same
(Cournet and Luikart 1996). Accordingly, we estimated the groups. We performed data analysis considering the sub-
observed and expected heterozygosity under the two-phase populations together (population) and the three other ones
model, with settings of 90 % stepwise mutation model, independently (subpop1, subpop2 and subpop3). The
10 % infinite allele model, and 10 % variance; and used assignment analyses assigned 56 % of the individuals to
default values (70 % stepwise mutation model, 30 % infi- the three subpopulations found with Geneland (Table A1)
nite allele model, and 10 % variance). Both settings were correctly. Another result regarding genetic differentiation
run with 10,000 replicates. Excess heterozygosity was showed significant values (FST = 0.021, RST = 0.044 and
tested using a Wilcoxon test. We estimated another mea- Dest = 0.010, 95 % CI. Table 1), in agreement with the
sure of population size reduction, the Garza–Williamson AMOVA results that revealed the majority of genetic
index (M, the ratio of number of alleles to range in allele variation resided within populations (98 %; P = 0.01),
size) and the critical value (Mc), with the software Criti- followed by that among populations (2 %; P = 0.01, Table
calM. M-values lower than the critical number are indic- A8). Genetic structuring was low, three subpopulations can
ative of historical population declines. The latter was done be clearly distinguished (Fig. A3), and the same topology
based on 10,000 simulations and parameters from the was obtained with the principal components analysis (Fig.
two-phase mutation model, as described in Garza and A4). The NJ tree found that the ancestral subpopulation is
Williamson (2001). the subpop2 with a bootsrap of 69 %. The Nei0 s value
between the subpop1 and subpop2 was 0.081, between
Inbreeding and relatedness subpop2 and subpop3 0.045, and subpop1 and subpop3 are
sister groups with a bootstrap of 100 % and a Nei0 s value of
Finally, we evaluated the relatedness among individuals 0.041 (Fig. A2).
within each population, and between populations in order
to test the levels of endogamy, with the software MLRE- Genetic diversity
LATE (Kalinowski et al. 2006), which has the advantages
of being designed for microsatellites, is based on maximum We found 43 alleles across the nine loci, with a range of 4–9
likelihood tests, and considers null alleles. We also esti- (average 5.4) alleles per locus for the population: subpop 1
mated the within-population coefficient of genetic relat- had 3–8 (mean = 4.3), subpop2 had 3–6 (mean = 3.9) and
edness, r (Queller and Goodnigh 1989) in GenAlEx v. 6 subpop3 had 3–8 (mean = 5) (Table 2 and Table A2).
(Peakall and Smouse 2006). We bootstrapped allelic data Atig52.143, Atig52.115 and At52.2 were the most variable
within populations 999 times to derive 95 % confidence loci (Fig. A6). We found 67 genotypes for the population
intervals for r estimates; populations with non-overlapping (Table A3). The smaller number of genotypes per locus was
bootstrap intervals are statistically distinct. We also per- three to At52.20, At52.10 and At52.34, however the largest
muted genotypes from all populations 999 times and was 14 (Atig52.143). Atig52.143 had the highest number of
derived upper and lower 95 % confidence intervals (CIs) heterozygous genotypes (10), while the lowest was at
for r based on all populations. These intervals represent the At52.10 At52.20 had 2. Loci that had the lowest and highest
range of r expected if random mating occurs across all number of homozygous genotypes were At52.34, with 0 and
populations. Population r-values that fall above the upper At52.1 with 5. The subpopulations with the highest number
bound of the 95 % CI indicate that reproductive skew, of genotypes was subpop1 and subpop3 with 48, and the
inbreeding or drift are increasing relatedness, despite lower was subpop2 with 39. Expected and observed
potential gene flow among localities. heterozygosities in the population showed high values
(Ho = 0.804, He = 0.613, He* = 0.626 and HNei = 0.622),
while subpop1 had slightly higher (Ho = 0.849,
Results He = 0.616, He* = 0.626 and HNei = 0.616), subpop2
(Ho = 0.762, He = 0.627, He* = 0.641 and HNei = 0.627)
Identification of same genotypes and potential scoring and subpop3 (Ho = 0.803, He = 0.596, He* = 0.602 and
errors HNei = 0.596) (Table 2). False discovery rate correction
tests found departures from HWE in one locus in the popu-
Do not exist same genotypes and null alleles in any loci. lation and in the subpop2 and subpop3 due to heterozygote

Conserv Genet (2014) 15:49–59 53

Table 1 Differentiation indices for the population and for each locus
Locus Population

Atig52.143 -0.251 -0.249 0.003 -0.097 -0.103 -0.005 0 0 1.018 0.026 0

Atig52.115 0.102 0.103 0.002 0.112 0.122 0.011 0.003 0.012 1.029 0.042 0.009
At60.3 -0.606 -0.606 -0.0 -0.253 -0.268 -0.012 0 0 1.005 0.008 0
At52.1 -0.105 -0.092 0.032 -0.107 -0.005 0.091 0.018 0.057 1.044 0.063 0.040
At52.2 0.019 0.036 0.049 -0.106 -0.082 0.022 0.029 0.079 1.048 0.069 0.051
A52.6 -0.187 -0.189 -0.005 0.199 0.194 -0.006 0 0 1.008 0.011 0
At52.20 -0.619 -0.595 0.043 -0.128 0.023 0.134 0.028 0.091 1.062 0.087 0.064
At52.10 -0.619 -0.595 0.043 -0.128 0.023 0.134 0.028 0.091 1.062 0.087 0.064
At52.34 -0.382 -0.371 0.022 0.629 0.640 0.028 0.013 0.067 1.068 0.095 0.054
Average -0.294 -0.284 0.021 0.013 0.060 0.044 0.011 0.038 1.038 0.054 Ñ = 0.010
FIS, FST and FIT fixation indices estimated according to Weir and Cockerham (1984), RIS, RST and RIT fixation indices estimated according to
Slatkin (1995), GST_est genetic differentiation, G’ST_est genetic differentiation according to Hedrick (2005), DS component of the genetic diversity
and effective number of distinct genetic groups according to Jost (2008), D current differentiation by Jost (2008), Dest estimated current genetic
differentiation according to Jost (2008) with a correction for small sample sizes, Ñ harmonic mean

deficiency, but at different loci: At52.1 loci found departures (Table A11 and A12). The effective population size (Ne)
from HWE in the subpop1 due to heterozygote deficiency estimated from linkage disequilibrium was Ne = 45.2
(Table 1). We found linkage disequilibrium between the loci (26.7–45.2, 95 % CI) for the population, Ne = 16.7
At52.1-At52.34 in the subpop1, At52.20-At52.10 in the (13.6–17.1) for subpop1, Ne = 22.3 (21.3–22.3) for sub-
subpop2 and At52.20-At52.10 in the subpop3. Most loci pop2 and Ne = 27.1 (19.6–32.9) for subpop3 (Table A9).
showed private alleles in each subpopulation (sub-
pop1 = 32, subpop2 = 35 and subpop3 = 45; Table A2 Inbreeding and relatedness
and Fig. A6). The loci At60.3 and A52.6 under both models
(IAM and SMM) were found under balancing selection Finally, the values of the inbreeding coefficient (FIS; from
FST = -0.012 and -0.009, p = 0. The remaining seven loci -0.619 to 0.102) indicates that there is no inbreeding in the
were under neutral selection (Fig. A1 and Table A6). locus Atig52.143, Atig52.115, At52.100, At52.200 and
A52.600; and there is moderate inbreeding at locus At60.300,
Isolation by distance, historic demography and genetic At52.100 and At52.200 (Table 1 and Table A4). The propor-
bottlenecks tion of individual relatedness within each population was
similar (Table A13). Most individuals were unrelated (popu-
The Mantel test for isolation-by-distance found a positive lation = 68.90 %, subpop1 = 62.36 %, subpop2 = 74.45 %
but not significant relationship between geographic and and subpop3 = 66.66 %), followed by siblings (popula-
population genetic distance, (r2 = 0.011, P = 0.09) (Fig. tion = 26.42 %, subpop1 = 34.40 %, subpop2 = 23.37 %
A5). and subpop3 = 30.56 %), half-siblings (population = 3.96 %,
Evidence of a recent genetic bottleneck associated with a subpop1 = 2.58 %, subpop2 = 3.03 % and subpop3 =
heterozygote excess (BOTTLENECK results) was observed 2.54 %), and parent/offspring (population = 0.70 %, sub-
for the three subpopulations (subpop1, subpop2 and sub- pop1 = 0.64 %, subpop2 = 0 % and subpop3 = 0.22 %).
pop3) when analyzed independently and when combined, Average pairwise relatedness (rqg) was low for all subpop-
under the IAM model (P = 0.01). They also showed a ulations, subpop1 = 0.049, subpop2 = 0.010 and sub-
significant heterozygote excess with the TPM model pop3 = 0.072. (Fig. 2).
(P = 0.01) in the subpop1 and subpop2 and under the SMM
model none showed a significant heterozygote excess (Table
A10). The results from the Garza–Williamson test showed Discussion
empirical M values (population = 0.367, subpop1 =
0.414, subpop2 = 0.433 and subpop3 = 0.377) signifi- This is the first study on genetic variability of A. leorae
cantly lower than Mc for all the subpopulations (popula- using nine microsatellite loci from the last known popu-
tion = 0.9444, subpop1 = 0.9444, subpop2 = 0.9407 and lation of the species. High genetic diversity was found for
subpop3 = 0.9444), indicative of a historical bottleneck the population and for the three subpopulations obtained by

54 Conserv Genet (2014) 15:49–59

Table 2 Genetic diversity values per locus for the population and for each subpopulation
Atig52.143 Atig52.115 At60.3 At52.1 At52.2 A52.6 At52.20 At52.10 At52.34 Average

Ho 0.816 0.605 0.992 0.642 0.515 0.713 0.981 0.981 1 0.804
He 0.651 0.662 0.610 0.583 0.520 0.605 0.586 0.586 0.716 0.613
He* 0.662 0.673 0.619 0.592 0.552 0.615 0.595 0.595 0.728 0.626
HNEI 0.655 0.681 0.614 0.600 0.518 0.602 0.603 0.603 0.721 0.622
na 9 6 4 6 6 4 4 4 6 5.44
ne 2.890 3.130 2.590 2.500 2.070 2.510 2.520 2.520 3.580 2.700
A 7.177 3.999 3.898 3.919 4.683 3 2.919 2.919 3.997 4.057
Ho 0.838 0.709 1 0.612 0.741 0.806 0.967 0.967 1 0.849
He 0.704 0.697 0.573 0.654 0.595 0.623 0.530 0.530 0.635 0.616
He* 0.715 0.708 0.583 0.664 0.605 0.634 0.539 0.539 0.645 0.626
HNEI 0.704 0.697 0.573 0.654 0.595 0.623 0.530 0.530 0.635 0.616
na 8 4 4 4 5 3 3 3 4 4.220
ne 3.370 3.300 2.340 2.890 2.470 2.650 2.130 2.130 2.740 2.670
A 3 4 4 3 5 4 3 3 6 3.889
Ho 0.772 0.500 1 0.545 0.409 0.636 1 1 1 0.762
He 0.631 0.598 0.615 0.542 0.584 0.615 0.624 0.624 0.807 0.627
He* 0.645 0.612 0.630 0.555 0.598 0.630 0.638 0.638 0.826 0.641
HNEI 0.631 0.598 0.615 0.542 0.584 0.615 0.624 0.624 0.807 0.627
na 3 4 4 3 5 4 3 3 6 3.880
ne 2.710 2.480 2.600 2.180 2.400 2.600 2.650 2.650 5.200 2.830
A 5.809 5.501 3.947 4.265 4.040 3 3.763 3.763 5.885 4.441
Ho 0.837 0.604 0.976 0.767 0.395 0.697 0.976 0.976 1 0.803
He 0.617 0.691 0.639 0.551 0.379 0.574 0.602 0.602 0.705 0.596
He* 0.625 0.699 0.646 0.557 0.383 0.580 0.609 0.609 0.713 0.602
HNEI 0.617 0.691 0.639 0.551 0.379 0.574 0.602 0.602 0.705 0.596
na 8 6 4 5 5 3 4 4 6 5
ne 2.610 3.240 2.770 2.220 1.610 2.340 2.510 2.510 3.390 2.580
A 5.643 5.050 3.874 4.043 4.790 3.407 3.647 3.647 5.870 4.441
Ho observed heterozygosity, He expected heterozygosity, He* heterozygosity expected with a correction for small samples (Dyer 2009), HNEI
expected heterozygosity, na observed number of alleles, ne effective number of alleles, A allelic richness (estimated for 22 individuals, the
minimum number of samples in a population)

Geneland, in contrast with what would be expected for 2012). The explanation for the observed Hardy–Weinberg
small (\200 individuals) and isolated populations (Kilpa- disequilibrium could be genetic drift (Hedrick 2005). In
trick 1981; Frankham 1998). addition, other ecological or behavioral factors such as
social structure, could be affecting movement or repro-
Genetic diversity duction. The genetic diversity found was higher than
expected, the values obtained were similar to species that
There is significant deviation of the Hardy–Weinberg have been demographically stable (Allendorf and Luikart
(HW) proportions due to a heterozygote deficiency. This is 2007; Dlugosh and Parker 2008; Ho & 0.85). These levels
a common result for threatened species with fragmented of genetic diversity are similar (Goprenko et al. 2007,
populations (Degne et al. 2007; Spear and Storfer 2010; Greenwald et al. 2009) or slightly higher than those
Castañeda-Rico et al. 2011; Vázquez-Domı́nguez et al. reported in other studies with mole salamanders and

Conserv Genet (2014) 15:49–59 55

Fig. 2 Mean within-population

pairwise relatedness values (rqg)
between subpopulations of
A. leorae. The red bars are the
above confidence intervals and
the green bars are the lower
confidence intervals with 95 %
confidence with a null
distribution generated with 999
permutations, the blue bars are
the observed kinship mean
conducted with 999 bootstraps

amphibian species (Myers and Zamudio 2004; Steinfartz Wieczorek 2007; Purrenhage et al. 2009). These results
et al. 2006; Marsh et al. 2007; Zamudio and Wieczorek suggest that our genetic groups behave as a metapopula-
2007; Rhoads 2011). Moreover, the He average is 0.519 tion, rather than isolated populations (Jehle et al. 2005;
with a range from 0.140 to 0.937 regardless of the size of the Kinkead et al. 2006). No positive correlation exists
population (Curtis and Taylor 2003; Myers and Zamudio between genetic and geographic distances; this is consis-
2004; Adams et al. 2005; Jehle et al. 2005); similar results tent with field data because the individuals are collected
to those obtained in the present study (He = 0.520–0.716 and recaptured in the same place. This pattern generally
Table 2). However, when the average number of alleles is occurs in amphibians with highly philopatric tendencies
considered, the population and the subpopulations of (Funk et al. 2005; Spear et al. 2005; Savage and Zamudio
A. leorae have fewer alleles than in most other mole sala- 2005; Vences and Wake 2007; Gamble et al. 2007; Cal-
mander and amphibian studies (na = 5.44; Table 2). This is houn and deMaynadier 2008; Semlitsch 2008; Wang et al.
important to consider because the genetic diversity of 2009; Wang and Summers 2010) showing that there is little
A. leorae could be starting to decline because due to habitat gene flow between substrate types. This may also be due to
fragmentation, anthropogenic activities and isolation. The poor dispersal ability (Trenham and Shaffer 2005; Gamble
high levels of heterozygosity in this population could be et al. 2006; Gamble et al. 2007; Searcy and Shaffer 2008;
caused by high founder size, high effective population size Summitt 2009). It is also known that the main environ-
in the past, multiple paternity or, maybe, overlapping mental factors that influence the locomotion capacity are
generations. low temperatures (Johnson et al. 2010) and habitats with
low vegetation cover (Naughton et al. 2000; Wang et al.
Genetic structure and isolation by distance 2009). In the Tláloc volcano, the weather is very cold;
water temperature ranges from 6 to 10 °C and air tem-
We have 3 subpopulations (LnPr (k = 3) = -3,581.49) perature ranges from 4 to 8 °C. Outside the area beside the
which coincides with the three substrates present in the rivers there is no continuous forest allowing mole sala-
sampled rivers (stones, sand and mud). However, only mander dispersion (Wang et al. 2009). The results suggest
56 % of the individuals was correctly assigning to their that the limited dispersive capacity and the highly philop-
original population with Bayesian assignment method atric tendencies of this species mimics the pattern of iso-
(Table A1). We also found weak population structure lation-by-distance (Fig. A5) making the populations
(FST = 0.021, RST = 0.044 and Dest = 0.010; Table 1), subdivided or little structured (Jehle et al. 2005; Kinkead
small percentage of variation (2 %) generated by the et al. 2006). Moreover, no evidence of isolation by distance
AMOVA method (Table A8), and low genetic differenti- pattern implies a balance between drift and gene flow, due
ation with a correlation factor analysis and principal to an ancestral allelic variation. This means the population
components analysis (Figs. A3 and A4). With these results, could be a relict of a larger ancestral population; showing
we conclude that the structure observed is weak; a common that this allelic variation is not due gene flow.
trend found in amphibian populations in small geographi-
cal scales with limited distributions (Rowe et al. 2000; Effective population size
Newman and Squire 2001; Palo et al. 2003; Funk et al.
2005; Jehle et al. 2005; Spear et al. 2005; Johansson et al. The low values of effective population size (Table A9) are
2006; Giordano et al. 2007; Noël et al. 2007; Zamudio and similar to other mole salamanders (Funk et al. 1999; Jehle

56 Conserv Genet (2014) 15:49–59

and Arntzen 2002; Davis and Verrell 2005; Savage et al. species have become extinct by pollution and over
2010), with low effective population sizes Ne = 3.2–37.8 exploitation of water resources, no conservation action is
and no more than 100 individuals per population. These currently under consideration because of limited informa-
estimates are low but some studies have shown that tion on population size and current distribution. This last
effective population sizes are lower than thought (Frank- population probably is an evolutionarily significant unit
ham 2009). Small effective population sizes can occur for a (ESU) in terms of conservation (Moritz 1994; Hedrick
variety of factors including bottlenecks, genetic isolation, et al. 2001). The purpose of defining this unit is to ensure
asymmetry in the proportions of males and females and that the evolutionary heritage will be recognized and pro-
difference in reproductive success between individuals tected (Moritz 1994, 1995). We consider that the best
(Tennessen and Zamudio 2003; Myers and Zamudio 2004; conservation strategy is the creation of a protected natural
Wang 2009). area to preserve the habitat of A. leorae and the creation of
an ecotourism park in order to allow people to be made
Historical demography aware of the importance of this species.
In conclusion, A. leorae is a micro-endemic and
There are no recent bottlenecks (Table A10), but we detect endangered species with high levels of genetic diversity.
ancestral bottlenecks (Tables A11 and A12) which can be However, it has few alleles and genotypes compared with
associated with two factors (1) the founder effect suffered other mole salamanders species. The population and the
when this population was separated from a larger ancestral specie is critically endangered because it is an isolated
population and (2) because local people ate mole sala- small population. Therefore, it is urgent to undertake
manders, and stopped because the mole salamander pop- conservation strategies to avoid extinction, especially due
ulations drastically decreased. to the deterioration and loss of habitat.

Inbreeding and relatedness Acknowledgments We deeply thank to Dr. Carlos Aguilar Ortigoza
for borrowed a thermalcycler. We thank Brenda Cole and Carl
Mitchell for valuable comments and English editing. We thank all the
Despite the small sample size and the characteristics of this students who helped in field. We thank two anonymous reviewers for
species (endemic, restricted, isolated) no inbreeding was their comments that helped improve the manuscript. AS is grateful to
detected in the population and in the subpopulations the graduate program Maestrı́a en Ciencias Agropecuarias y Recursos
Naturales to Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México for the
(Fig. 2, Table A13) coinciding with other mole salaman- scholarship granted and also the scholarships received from CONA-
ders and amphibians studies located in small areas (Noël CYT and COMECYT.
and Lapointe 2010). We found many siblings, possibly
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