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Sample Question Paper, 2021

Course Name : M.B.A.

Semeter : III
Session : 2019-2021
Paper No. : 19B
Paper Code : MT-51- Consumer Behaviour

[Full Marks : 70 MCQ (Multiple –Choice Questions) 10x2= 20 Marks; Short Answer Type Questions 4x5=20
Marks; Long Answer Type Questions 2x15=30 Marks ]

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQ)

1. ‘Consumer Behaviour’ is the Process whereby Individuals decide on Purchasing the Goods and
Services, keeping in mind, one of the following:
i) What ?
ii) Where, and When ?
iii) How, and from Whom ?
iv) A Mix of (i), (ii), & (iii)
2. ‘Buyer Behaviour’ is :
i) Psychological.
ii) Social.
iii) Physical Behaviour of Potential Customers.
iv) All of the Above.
3. The Consumers must be aware of One of the following Major Aspects of a Product or a Service:
i) The Quality.
ii) The Cost.
iii) The Utility of the Product or the Service.
iv) All of the Above.
4. ‘Consumer Behaviour’ is studied Keeping the following Division in mind :
i) Personal Consumers.
ii) Organizational Consumers.
iii) Both (A) & (B).
iv) None of the above.
5. The Determinants of ‘Consumer Behaviour’ include :
i) Social & Cultural Factors.
ii) Personal Factors
iii) Psychological Factors
iv) All of the Above.
6. The Study of ‘Consumer Behaviour’ has developed as a Separate Marketing Discipline because of
a number of reasons such as :
i) Differential Preferences of Consumers.
ii) Environmental, Technological, and Consumer Movement Factors.
iii) Expansion of Global Marketing and Increasing Public Concern.
iv) All of the Above.
7. In the ‘Consumer Behaviour’ Research Process, One of the following is NOT a Source of Primary
Data Collection :
i) Survey.
ii) Qualitative Research & Observation.
iii) Experiment.
iv) Disturbances in Relations.
8. The ‘Consumer Behaviour’ Research Process remarkably depends on the Reliable Sources of
Secondary Data Collection such as:
i) Database Marketing.
ii) Census Data & Syndicated Services.
iii) None of the Above.
iv) A Mix of (i) & (ii).
9. 'Attitude' is defined as :
i) A Learned Predisposition to behave in a consistently favourable or unfavourable way
with respect to a given object.
ii) A Tri-Component Model.
iii) A Multi-Attribute Model.
iv) All of the Above.
10. The 'Cognitive Dissonance Theory' is :
i) Consumer's Experience Discomfort.
ii) Consumer's Post-Purchase Discomfort.
iii) Consumer's Initial Expectations Falsified.
iv) Includes (i), (ii), & (iii).
11. According to the 'Attribution Theory' of Consumer Attitude, One of the following is Not Correct:
i) Based on the Consumer's Introspection, Attitudes are formed and changed.
ii) Consumers make Inferences based on their own Behaviour.
iii) Consumers make Inferences that are based on the Behaviours of others as to why they
behaved the way they did.
iv) 'Attitudes' are not caused by the Behaviour of the Consumers or Marketers.
12. Which one of the following is NOT a 'Strategy' for 'Attitude Change'' ?:
i) Small Specialty Store Concepts.
ii) Changing the Basic Motivational Function.
iii) Associating the Product with a Special Group, Event, or Cause.
iv) Changing Beliefs about Competing Brands.
13. Which one of the following, is NOT TRUE in respect of 'Personality' ? :
i) External Appearance and Behaviour.
ii) Inner awareness of Self as a Permanent Organizing Force.
iii) The Particular Pattern or Organization of Measureable Traits, both inner or outer.
iv) Affecting things or Influencing others is not the Role of Personality.
14. 'Personality Traits' of the Consumer are determined by :
i) Freudian and Juangian Theories.
ii) Neo-Freudian Theory.
iii) Trait Theory.
iv) All of the Above.
15. Which one of the following is NOT a Significant Structure within the Human Mind ?:
i) The Id.
ii) The Ego.
iii) The Superego.
iv) The Selflessness.
16. 'Socialization' in Consumer Behaviour gains its importance because it enables Family Members
and Young Children:
i) To inculcate the Basic Values and Modes of Socially Acceptable Behaviour.
ii) To learn and adopt Culture.
iii) To imbibe and develop Moral and Religious Principles, Inter-personal Skills, Dress,
Grooming Standards, Appropriate Manners and Speech, Selection of Suitable Educational
Career, and Occupational Goals, etc.
iv) All of the things under (i), (ii), & (iii)
17. Which One of the following, is NOT a Learning Theory ? :
i) The Classical Conditioning Theory.
ii) The Instrumental Conditioning of Behaviour Modification Theory & The Cognitive Process
iii) The Social Learning Theory.
iv) The Exchange Theory of Thaibaut & Kelley.
18. The Consumer Decision-Making is explained by :
i) The Howard-Sheth Model.
ii) The Nicossia Model.
iii) The Engel-Blackwell-Miniard Model.
iv) All of the Above.
19. Some of the latest Trends in the Consumers' Buying Behaviour are :
i) Bulk Purchasing.
ii) Trendy Lifestyles.
iii) Buyer's Market in the Making & the Fast Paces of Consumers' Spending in the Market.
iv) All of the Above.
20. Consumers buy from Stores and Firms that offer the Highest:
i) Level of Customer Satisfaction.
ii) Company Image.
iii) Value for the Dollar.
iv) Customer-Perceived Value.


1. Outline the Utility of the Study of 'Consumer Behaviour'.

2. What do you Understand by the Phrase 'Consumer Research Process' ? Explain and Illustrate.

3. What are the 'Rational Motives’ ? Describe.

4. Do Personal or Psychological Influences really work in the field of 'Consumer Behaviour' ? How ?

5. Are 'Consumer Attitude' and 'Consumer Perception' the same thing ? Give a logical / reasoned
6. Explain the Term 'Marketing Significance'.

7. Give a description, in brief, of the Engel Blackwell-Miniard Model of the Consumer Decision-Making.

8. What is the Nicosia Model of Consumer Decision-Making ? Explain.

9. Discuss the different Types of Buying Situations, in brief.

10. What are some Major Factors that influence the Buyer's Behaviour ? State, and Explain.

11. In the Context of 'Consumer Behaviour', explain the Term : 'Inter-Personal Behaviour' and 'Group
Behaviour', in brief.

12. Is it Correct to say that All People are 'Consumers' of Goods and Services ? Explain.

1. "Consumer Behaviour incorporates several Major Aspects of Disciplines such as Sociology,
Psychology, Anthropology, and Economics." Elucidate.
2. What are the Various Sources for Collecting the Information in order to understand 'Consumer
Behaviour' ? Explain.
3. Give an account of the Various Methods of 'Consumer Research'.
4. Socialization is helpful to Individuals in determining his/ her Consumption Criteria. Elaborate, and
5. Do the Business Markets Compare to the Consumer Markets ? How ? Explain.
6. What do you understand by the Term ‘Personality’ ? Explain the Various Determinants of ‘Individual
7. Can ‘Personality’ be Tested ? If yes, then discuss the Various Techniques and Tests by which
‘Personality’ can be measured.
8. What is the Relevance of Studying the concepts of ‘Buying Behaviour’ in the present times ? Explain
its importance in terms of Management.

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