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SUBJ: Say these 3 words and have him FINALLY open up

SUBJ: These 3 words the key to make him WORSHIP you

SUBJ: Want him to share how he feels? Just whisper these 3

Hey, it’s (YOUR NAME) . . .

How many times has it happened…

You’ve met someone. Everything is going well. You date for

weeks, months, maybe even years.

But no matter how well things go, it just feels like there’s this...
chasm… that stands between you guys.

Sure he may trust you with his deepest darkest secrets.

But when it comes to sharing his feelings?

You have a better chance getting him to put on makeup and a


And unfortunately…

That little wall will stand between you and him ever truly

Because until he can share his feelings with you…

Can you and he really truly be one in the way you’ve always

I don’t think so.

Now it IS possible to bring down those walls...

But you have to understand something called “Testosterone

It might sound cheesy, but it’s the best way to describe what goes
on in a man’s mind.

And once you understand it, you’ll understand HIM.

Which will allow you to use these 3 simple words to

breakthrough his walls and have him finally be REAL with

To have him finally share his heart and be open with you.

To FINALLY connect with you in the way you’ve been craving.

And the best part…

Once you use this “Testosterone Telepathy”, you’ll be the ONLY

one in his eyes.

How could you not be?

You’ll be the only woman EVER to understand HIM to the core of

his soul.

Which is pretty much the same as having the key to his heart in
your pocket.

>> Watch the presentation on the next page to learn how 3

simple words can finally breach the gap between his heart
and yours
I can’t promise that Michael (the man that broke the code and
shared these secrets) will keep this video up forever.

Especially since he didn’t want to release this in the first place (his
girlfriend, now wife made him do it).

If you want to truly connect with your man…

And develop a bond that NOTHING can break…

>>Watch THIS video and learn how 3 words can open up his
heart and finally allow you to connect in the way you’ve
always wanted

SUBJ: He’ll be dragging you to bed when you use your
fingernails like THIS
SUBJ: Ignite his desire with JUST your fingernails (video)
SUBJ: He’ll be chasing you through the house when you use
your fingertips like THIS

Hey, it’s (YOUR NAME) . . .

You and I both know how much of a turn-off it is to be the one

initiating sex.

Once in a while is ok…

But when you’re the one that constantly has to jump on top to get
him going?

It’s like he might as well just say he doesn’t find you attractive!

Or at least admit that there’s someone else that’s got his


The problem is confronting him doesn’t really do much good.

Best case scenario he’ll start initiating again…

But you and he both know that his heart and mind is somewhere

And in the worst case…

He takes it as a sign that “this” isn’t working anymore.

Which is why if he hasn’t been paying you the attention he used

You HAVE to do something about it.

And silly as it sounds, all it takes is using your fingernails the way
this video shows how.

That might sound simple…

But inside every man is a fountain that gushes a primal

masculinity (the good kind that your Dad and his Dad and his Dad
used to have).

But most men today don’t know how to tap into it.

And without it, he can’t love you in the way he truly wishes he

And that’s why you have to help!

Because the truth is your fingertips are one of the best (and
easiest) ways to flip his switch so he can tap into his arousal.

When you do it the way this video from world-renowned expert

Michael Fiore shows how, be ready.

Because this trick will spike his testosterone through the roof…

Igniting a flash of desire in his eyes…

And have him dragging you toward the bedroom with a goofy
grin plastered across your face feeling like the most wanted
woman in the world.

You need to be careful with this…

Because once he gets a taste of what you can do, he will chase
you from the moment he gets home til the moment you go to bed.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you…

>> This video will show you exactly how to IGNITE his desire
and using JUST the tips of your fingers


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