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Cosasco User Input

11841 Smith Avenue, Santa Fe Springs, California 90670 USA Version 1.0.1
T: +1 (562) 949-0123 F: +1 (562) 949-3065 |

Probe Frequency Ratio Calculations Revision # 0.0

(Reference - ASME PTC 19.3 TW 2016)

Input Part Info Input Project Details

Part No.: 6200 Project Name: ECOPETROL - Akacias
Tag No: Coupon holder body Customer Name: INSERCOR S.A.S
Cosasco Quote Ref #: OC-COS-032-0822 Customer Purchase Order #: 4603476
Cosasco Sales Order #: 136523,00 Worksheet #: 4

Input Probe Properties Input Process Data

Model Number 6200 (ORDER LENGTH =>3.25") Process Fluid Phase Liquid

Material S31600 Operating Temperature (T) 140 °F 60,00 °C

OD at Support, A 0,625 in 15,875 mm Operating Pressure (P) 1525 psi 105,15 bar
OD at Tip, B 0,875 in 22,225 mm Fluid Density (ρ) 62,30000 lb/ft3 997,95 kg/m3
Bore Diameter (ID), d 0,000 in 0,000 mm Dynamic Viscosity (μ) 0,00000 lb/ft.s 0,00000 Cp
Order Length, L 11,000 in 279,400 mm Maximum Flow Velocity = 3,00 ft/s 0,914 m/s
Unsupported Length, Lu 9,870 in 250,698 mm Reynolds Number (Re) = N/A
Length of probe shielded from fluid flow, Lo 3,500 in 88,900 mm
Support (Weld or Thread) Weld Input Pipe Geometry Details
Pipe OD 10,000 in 254,00 mm
Wall Thickness 0,280 in 7,11 mm
Device Material Properties
Material S31600 Natural Frequency Calculation
Density 0,289 lb/in3 7999,492 kg/m3 Moment of Inertia (I) = 0,1198 in4 4,99E-08 m4
Young's Modulus (E) 2,89E+07 psi 1,93E+02 Gpa Cross Section Area (A) = 0,307 in 1,98E-04 m2
Max Allowable Stress (S) 29.733 psi 2,05E+08 N/m2 Natural Frequency (fcn) = 119,564 Hz -

Vortex Shedding / Wake Frequency (fw)

Strouhal Number, Ns 0,22
Wake Frequency (fs) 9,051 Hz

Frequency Limit
Ratio (fs/fcn) 0,0757
Status PASS

Cyclic Stress at In-Line Resonance

Velocity at Inline resonance, VIR N/A in/s N/A m/s
Bending Stress at VIR, Somax N/A psi N/A kPa
Fatigue Stress Limit, FT X FE X Sf N/A psi N/A kPa

Probe GAD Status

Maximum stress, Smax

Von Mises Criteria Value
Static Stress Limit

(Available Post PO only) Max allowable Stress Limit
(1.5 X S)
4,46E+04 psi 3,08E+05 kPa

Status PASS

Dynamic Stress Limit

Peak Oscillatory Stress, So,max 149,543 psi 1,03E+03 kPa
Allowable Fatigue Stress Amplitude 5400,000 psi 3,72E+04 kPa
Status PASS


Calculated By: Signature Date: lunes, 17 de abril de 2023

This Sheet is not a official Copy. Official Copy will be provided Post PO.
Cosasco prepared this worksheet in reference to ASME PTC 19.3 TW-16 to estimate the performance of Corrosion Monitoring Probes and Injection Quills when exposed to flow. These calculations are provided to give a sense of
the forces on the exposed elements, they are not accurate representations that can be used for design purposes. Customer is responsible to verify this calculation method is compatible to the actual process conditions. This is
an industry standard practice. We do not provide specific vortex modelling for intrusive elements outside of the PTC 19.3 standard. We can make certain allowances for additional mass or other safety factors at additional
expense; however, we are not able to provide more accurate simulations than those afforded by PTC 19.3TW. Certain coupon holders and elements do not conform sufficiently with the assumptions of 19.3TW to provide any
engineering calculations at this time.

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