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In his content , Dr Faris Al Hammadi will explain about about what are the Khawarij

characteristic ,how did they go astray , and do they still exist . In the introduction , the author

tell us one day one man come rushing to prophet SAW and said “ be fair ya Muhammad

because this is a division that is not meant for the sake of Allah “ and the prophet shocked

and said “ I was the messenger of Allah , if im not fair who is fair , you will be doomed if I

not fair , Allah give me a revelation and you should believe in me when Allah give me a

revelation and now you are telling me that I corrupted and I not fair because of this division”

and prophet feel very upset and Umar RA saw this situation and ask a permission from the

prophet to kill the man who said prophet Muhammad is unfair and corrupted and prophet

Muhammad said leave him alone so the people do not think that prophet Muhammad kill his

people . Prophet Muhammad also said something important which is people will come after

him will following his same ideology and he said you will compare our praying and fasting to

his people who follow same ideology of this person his name is Dul khuwaisirah at-tamimi .

Prophetv said to the companions and pious that u will think your prayer and fasting is

insignificant compared to their praying and fasting and they will slip away from Islam like an

arrow slip away from a bow meaning that they will recite the Quran and slip away from Islam

because they do not understand the Quran and they do not apply it correctly they do not know

how to implement it and interpret it .

And it happened at the time of Uthman they said Uthman is unfair ,many corruption and the

same ideology that happened with the time of prophet mentioned long time ago , people

started to hate and they started to reject some thing that used to happened at the ruleship of

Uthman until it reached a point when they gather and decided that they do not want Uthman

and we want to overthrow the government . Fitnah also grow and spread and eats everythings

like wildfire .And that time Ali RA took control , he was a Khalifa of the Muslim and then

they formulated as a group as a faction of outlaws who is started fighting against Ali

RA ,against the government . Khawarij derived from the word “ khuruj: its mean “exit” they

exited themselves from the unity of the Muslims because they want to against the rulership of

Islam . They exit from the group of Muslim and they believe that they are the true Muslim

and everybody else not considered as a muslim or they are not on a right track , actually they

are the worst deviant sect that took place in Islam . In jami’ at- tirmidhi hadith number 52 said

that the worst people that you can killed under the heaven is the Khawarij . :

‫ َقاَل َر َأى َأُبو ُأَم اَم َة ُر ُء وًسا َم ْنُصوَبًة‬،‫ َع ْن َأِبي َغاِلٍب‬،‫ َو َحَّم اِد ْبِن َس َلَم َة‬،‫ َع ِن الَّر ِبيِع ْبِن َص ِبيٍح‬،‫ َح َّد َثَنا َوِكيٌع‬،‫َح َّد َثَنا َأُبو ُك َر ْيٍب‬

‫ ( َيْو َم َتْبَيُّض‬: ‫ ُثَّم َقَر َأ‬. " ‫َع َلى َد َر ِج َم ْس ِج ِد ِد َم ْش َق َفَقاَل َأُبو ُأَم اَم َة " ِكَالُب الَّناِر َش ُّر َقْتَلى َتْح َت َأِد يِم الَّسَم اِء َخْيُر َقْتَلى َم ْن َقَتُلوُه‬

‫ُو ُجوٌه َو َتْس َو ُّد ُو ُجوٌه ) ِإَلى آِخ ِر اآلَيِة ُقْلُت َألِبي ُأَم اَم َة َأْنَت َسِم ْعَتُه ِم ْن َر ُسوِل ِهَّللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم َقاَل َلْو َلْم َأْس َم ْعُه ِإَّال َم َّر ًة‬

‫ َقاَل َأُبو ِع يَس ى َهَذ ا َحِد يٌث َحَس ٌن َو َأُبو َغاِلٍب ُيَقاُل اْس ُم ُه َح َزَّوُر َو َأُبو‬. ‫َأْو َم َّرَتْيِن َأْو َثَالًثا َأْو َأْر َبًعا َح َّتى َع َّد َس ْبًعا َم ا َح َّد ْثُتُك ُم وُه‬

‫ُأَم اَم َة اْلَباِهِلُّي اْس ُم ُه ُصَدُّى ْبُن َع ْج َالَن َو ُهَو َس ِّيُد َباِهَلَة‬.

"Abu Umamah saw heads (of the Khawarij) hanging on the streets of Damascus. He said:

'The dogs of the Fire and the worst dead people under the canopy of the heavens. The best

dead men are those whom these have killed.' He then recited: On the Day when some faces

will become white and some faces will become black... (3:106) until the end of the Ayah. I

said to Abu Umamah: 'Did you hear it from the Messenger of Allah (‫ '?)ﷺ‬He said: 'If I

had not heard it but one time, or two times, or three times, or four times - until he reached

seven - I would not have narrated it to you.'"

Many scholars describe them (Khawarij) is the most harmful and most wicked deviant sects

in Islam . And also the prophet SAW spoke about the Khawarij is the most from the all

deviant sect is Islam .

In the Hadith of Ibn Majah 174 said people who appear to recite the Quran and not beyond

they throat and the prophet said every time a faction of them emerges it will be cut off and

Ibn Umar said that he heard that the prophet said this more to 10 and 20 times and until the

massih dajjal will appear and they will follow him .

Ibn Majah 174 :

‫ َأَّن َر ُسوَل ِهَّللا ـ صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬، ‫ َع ِن اْبِن ُع َم َر‬،‫ َع ْن َناِفٍع‬، ‫ َح َّد َثَنا اَألْو َزاِع ُّي‬،‫ َح َّد َثَنا َيْح َيى ْبُن َحْم َزَة‬، ‫َح َّد َثَنا ِه َش اُم ْبُن َع َّم اٍر‬

‫ َقاَل اْبُن ُع َم َر َسِم ْع ُت َر ُسوَل ِهَّللا ـ صلى هللا‬. " ‫ـ َقاَل " َيْنَش ُأ َنْش ٌء َيْقَر ُءوَن اْلُقْر آَن َال ُيَج اِو ُز َتَر اِقَيُهْم ُك َّلَم ا َخ َر َج َقْر ٌن ُقِطَع‬

. " ‫ َأْكَثَر ِم ْن ِع ْش ِريَن َم َّر ًة " َح َّتى َيْخ ُر َج ِفي ِع َر اِضِهُم الَّد َّجاُل‬. " ‫عليه وسلم ـ َيُقوُل " ُك َّلَم ا َخ َر َج َقْر ٌن ُقِط َع‬

The Messenger of Allah said: "There will emerge people who will recite the Qur'an but it will

not go any deeper than their collarbones. Whenever a group of them appears, they should be

cut off (i.e. killed)." Ibn 'Umar said: "I heard the Messenger of Allah say: 'Whenever a group

of them appears, they should be killed' - (he said it) more than twenty times- 'until Dajjal

emerges among them.'

This is means this people do not go extinct at the time of prophet , Uthman , Ali , they keep

on coming until today they are still with us .

Dr Faris al -Hammadi also mentioned about the characteristic of Khawarij . Firstly they are

excommunicating with Muslim, meaning they take fear they take Muslim out of the falls of

judging that they are not Muslim anymore because of sin and major sin . Other Ulama said

they take people out falls of Islam because of the major sin they not consider it as major they

said this is actually Is a nullifier of Islam .

Other than that the other characteristic of Khawarij that mentioned by Dr Faris al-Hammadi is

they justify public critism against Muslim and government rulers , if they something wrong

from the Muslim and the government they will come to public and slandering and talking and

insulting and also saying this is wrong . Eventhough in Hadith prophet SAW said

: ‫َع ْن ِع َياِض ْبِن َغ ْنٍم َقاَل َقاَل َر ُسوَل ِهَّللا َص َّلى ُهَّللا َع َلْيِه َو َس َّلَم َم ْن َكاَنْت ِع ْنَد ُه َنِص يَح ٌة ِلِذ ي ُس ْلَطاٍن َفْلَيْأُخ ْذ ِبَيِدِه َفْلَيْخ ُلو ِبِه َفِإْن‬

‫‘ َقِبَلَها َقِبَلَها َو ِإْن َر َّد َها َك اَن َقْد َأَّد ى اَّلِذ ي َع َلْيِه‬

Iyad ibn Ghanam reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,

“Whoever has advice for the ruler, let him take his hand and give it privately. If he accepts it,

then he accepts it. If he rejects it, the duty upon him has been fulfilled.”

Next , the third characteristic of Khawarij is they do not obeying Muslim rulers . They says

there are no Muslim rulers today, they nullify the rulership in Islam . Why is this

happened ? ,because they say these countries are not Muslim and these rulers they are

puppets . Prophet also said in Hadith . “there will be a khilafa and there will be a monarchy “

in hadith at- tirmidhi 2226 hadith number 69 .

‫ َقاَل َقاَل‬،‫ َقاَل َح َّد َثِني َسِفيَنُة‬، ‫ َع ْن َسِع يِد ْبِن ُج ْمَهاَن‬،‫ َح َّد َثَنا َح ْش َر ُج ْبُن ُنَباَتَة‬، ‫ َح َّد َثَنا ُس َر ْيُج ْبُن الُّنْع َم اِن‬،‫َح َّد َثَنا َأْح َم ُد ْبُن َم ِنيٍع‬

‫ ُثَّم َقاَل ِلي َسِفيَنُة َأْمِس ْك ِخ َالَفَة َأِبي َبْك ٍر‬. " ‫َر ُسوُل ِهَّللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم " اْلِخ َالَفُة ِفي ُأَّمِتي َثَالُثوَن َس َنًة ُثَّم ُم ْلٌك َبْع َد َذ ِلَك‬

‫ َقاَل َسِع يٌد َفُقْلُت َلُه ِإَّن َبِني ُأَم َّيَة‬. ‫ َقاَل َفَو َج ْد َناَها َثَالِثيَن َس َنًة‬. ‫ ُثَّم َقاَل ِلي َأْمِس ْك ِخ َالَفَة َع ِلٍّي‬. ‫َو ِخ َالَفَة ُع َم َر َو ِخ َالَفَة ُع ْثَم اَن‬

‫ َقاَل َأُبو ِع يَس ى َوِفي اْلَباِب َع ْن ُع َم َر َو َع ِلٍّي‬. ‫ َقاَل َك َذ ُبوا َبُنو الَّز ْر َقاِء َبْل ُهْم ُم ُلوٌك ِم ْن َش ِّر اْلُم ُلوِك‬. ‫َيْز ُع ُم وَن َأَّن اْلِخ َالَفَة ِفيِه ْم‬

‫ َو َهَذ ا َحِد يٌث َحَس ٌن َقْد َر َو اُه َغْيُر َو اِحٍد َع ْن َسِع يِد ْبِن ُج ْمَهاَن َو َال‬. ‫َقاَال َلْم َيْع َهِد الَّنِبُّي صلى هللا عليه وسلم ِفي اْلِخ َالَفِة َشْيًئا‬

. ‫َنْع ِر ُفُه ِإَّال ِم ْن َحِد يِث َسِع يِد ْبِن ُج ْمَهاَن‬

"Safinah narrated to me, he said: 'The Messenger of Allah(s.a.w) said: "Al-Khilafah will be in

my Ummah for thirty years, then there will be monarchy after that."' Then Safinah said to me:

'Count the Khilafah of Abu Bakr,' then he said: 'Count the Khilafah of 'Umar and the Khilafah

of 'Uthman.' Then he said to me: 'Count the Khilafah of 'Ali."' He said: "So we found that

they add up to thirty years." Sa'eed said: "I said to him: 'Banu Umaiyyah claim that the

Khilafah is among them.' He said: 'Banu Az-Zarqa' lie, rather they are a monarchy, among the

worst of monarchies."'

Ther are no classical scholar or contemporary scholar saying that if there is no khalifa to rule

the whole Muslim nation there is no obedience , nobody said that except the Khawarij .There

are all there characteristic that already mentioned by the Dr Faris al-Hammadi . and he also

said that its not a nessecary to the Khawarij to have all of the these characteristic to be a

Khawarij , if you agree or meet one of three characteristic of them then you are considered al

Khawarij .

Next , how did they go astray , number one they misinterpreted the Quran they take things

out of context they also do not understand the Quran properly just like prophet SAW said

they will recite the Quran not pass their troats . And the second is they misinterpret or

sometime rejects the Sunnah and the Hadith of the Prophet SAW because it hurts them

because in Hadith mentioned detailed about the rulership about takrir and also about

Khawarij .

Until know the Khawarij still have and emerged for example the Muslim brotherhood in

Egypt . Youssef, in an interview with Kuwaiti Al-Shahed TV, said that the Muslim

Brotherhood is an extremist group, not a group of ideology, and that they resemble Al-

Khawarij who use weapons to achieve their illegitimate purpose.

He asserted that the outlawed group members turn against each other and always rejects calls

for ideological debate.

All armed parties stem from the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood group, Youssef


Egypt has designated the Muslim Brotherhood group as terrorist since late in 2013, after

former President Mohamed Morsi, who also served as head of the "terrorist" group, was

ousted. Morsi died in June this year after he collapsed in court during his trial.

A voice message, believed to be recorded by fugitive Hani Sabry, allegedly a Muslim

Brotherhood "terrorist" group member, has asked others who he called "youth" to send him

links of Facebook accounts, few days ago, as part of a systematic campaign attempting to

oust the president.

Moreover, MBC Masr satellite channel broadcast on Friday a footage, which showed one of

the "Muslim Brotherhood" leaders calling on supporters to gather near their houses and then

fill the cities' squares.

Who are the Khawarij ?

These are people who have deviated from Ahlul-Hadeeth (people of the tradition); and are a

different sect. This is evident as per the Sunnaah and the Consensus.

The following hadeeths shall be granted relevant:

Al-Bukhari (6934) and Muslim (1068) narrated that Yusayr ibn ‘Amr said: I said to Sahl ibn

Hunayf: Did you hear the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) say anything

about the Khawarij? He said: I heard him say – and he gestured with his hand towards Iraq –:

“From there will emerge people who recite the Quran, but it will not go past their

collarbones. They will pass out of Islam as an arrow passes out of the prey.”

Ibn Majah (173) narrated that Ibn Abi Awfa said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and

peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The Khawarij are the dogs of Hell.” (Classed as sahih by

al-Albani in Sahih Ibn Majah)

The Khawarij who deviated, whom the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)

enjoined us to fight, and whom Amir al-Muminin ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with him), one

of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs fought, and whom the leading scholars of Islam among the

Sahabah, Taabi‘in and those who came after them were unanimously agreed upon fighting,

were not described as disbelievers by ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib, Sa‘d ibn Abi Waqqas and others

among the Sahabah; rather they regarded them as Muslims even though they fought them,

and ‘Ali did not fight them until they shed blood unlawfully and raided the property of the

Muslims; then he fought them in order to ward off their wrongdoing and aggression, not

because they were disbelievers. Hence he did not take their womenfolk captive and he did not

seize their wealth as booty.” (Majmu‘ al-Fatawa, 3/282)

As stated above, 'Ali (may Allaah be pleased with him) did not fight with the khaawarij like

how one would initate jihaad against a kuffar government/army nor was the wealth seized,

this is because the khawaarij are not kaafirs,

Shaykh ‘Abd ar-Rahman ibn Salih al-Mahmud (may Allah preserve him) was asked: Are the

Khawarij disbelievers?

He replied:

“The scholars differed as to whether they are disbelievers, but the correct view is that they are

not to be regarded as disbelievers. ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) was

asked about them: Are they disbelievers? He said: They fled from disbelief, but they fell into

the innovation of labeling others as disbelievers; we will not fall into the innovation of

labeling others as disbelievers and thus label them as such. This is the correct view, in sha

Allah, even though their innovations may be described as innovations that constitute kufr.”

(Lam‘at al-I‘tiqad, 7/26)

Moreover: 'ibn Abidin (may Allah be pleased with him) said :

“Even though you may find that some scholars, within the context of debating with the

Mu‘tazilah and other groups, use the word kufr (disbelief) when refuting their arguments,

what they meant is that their (the Mu‘tazilah’s) arguments would inevitably constitute

disbelief, without implying that they themselves were disbelievers, because what may be

concluded from a view is not necessarily to be attributed to the one who holds that view.

Moreover, they think that they have Shar‘i evidence to support their view, even though they

are wrong and are falling into error.” (Hashiyat Ibn ‘Abidin, 3/46)

What are the innovation of Khawarij ? They think that faith does not increase or

decrease .They think that failing to do something obligatory constitutes disbelief. They think

that committing a major sin constitutes disbelief. They believe in fighting those Muslims who

disagree with them.

In conclusion ,. Khawarij doctrines are in general motivates a high enthusiasm in its

followers. It is typically prominent an aspect of life to the surface, particularly in the circle of

lower social strata level.. The attitude was very antagonistic to wide society. All people who

have different points of view are considered as infidels, so that Khawrij becomes exclusive in

the middle of the society. The world is only seen in “black and white” colors without

considering the social-culture context.other than that Khawarij desired that Islam doctrines

implemented as maximum as possible. The nature of doctrines of Khawarij is simple, pure,

and consistent. Thereafter are several principals of thought around the Khawarij and the

denominations, doctrines and the implications in the present context. The author wishes that

this seminar provides any constructive inputs in viewing the phenomenon of Islam doctrines,

which in the application are evidently very heterogen.


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