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05/02/22 EU4A2 - Globalisation, conflict and post-conflict reconstruction | Reading

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EU4A2 - Globalisation, conflict and View Online

post-conflict reconstruction
(Michaelmas Term 2021/22)

459 items

Week 1: Introduction - Globalisation and Totalitarianism (30 items)

Essay questions: Can totalitarianism survive in a global era? The difference between
authoritarian and totalitarian regimes is exaggerated. Do you agree? How does the legacy
of post-totalitarianism impact on transition to democracy?

Essential Reading (4 items)

The origins of totalitarianism - Arendt, Hannah, 1966
Chapter | Essential | Especially chapter 12

The political forms of modern society: bureaucracy, democracy, totalitarianism - Claude

Lefort, 1986
Chapter | Essential | Especially chapter 8

Problems of democratic transition and consolidation: southern Europe, South America, and
post-communist Europe - Linz, Juan J., Stepan, Alfred C., 1996
Chapter | Essential | Especially "Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation:
Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe". pp. 38-54.

The Totalitarianism of Jihadist Islamism and its Challenge to Europe and to Islam - Bassam
Tibi, 2007-03
Article | Essential

Further Reading (25 items)

ISIS Propaganda: A Full-Spectrum Extremist Message
Book | Background

Prospects for democracy: north, south, east, west - David Held, 1993
Book | Background | Especially chapter 1, From City-States to a Cosmopolitan Order by
D. Held (pp. 13-52)

Runaway world: how globalisation is reshaping our lives - Giddens, Anthony, 2002
Book | Background

Global transformations: politics, economics and culture - Held, David, 1999

Book | Background

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Nations and nationalism in a global era - Smith, Anthony D., 1995

Book | Background | Especially chapter 6, In the Defence of the Nation (pp.147-160)

The rise of the network society - Castells, Manuel, 2000

Book | Background

Imagining the Balkans - Todorova, Mariëiìa Nikolaeva, 2009

Book | Background

Global civil society: an answer to war - Kaldor, Mary, 2003

Book | Background | Especially chapter 3: ‘The Ideas of 1989: The Origins of the
Concept of Global Civil Society’

Beyond totalitarianism: Stalinism and Nazism compared - Geyer, Michael, Fitzpatrick,

Sheila, 2009
Book | Background

What is globalization? - Ulrich Beck, 2000

Book | Background

Beck, U. (2003) ‘The Analysis of Global Inequality: From National to Cosmopolitan

Perspective’, in M. Kaldor, H. Anheier and M. Glasius (eds) Global Civil Society Yearbook.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Document | Background | Beck, U. (2003) ‘The Analysis of Global Inequality: From
National to Cosmopolitan Perspective’, in M. Kaldor, H. Anheier and M. Glasius (eds) Global
Civil Society Yearbook. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Iron Curtain: the crushing of Eastern Europe 1944-56 - Applebaum, Anne, 2012
Book | Background

Nothing to envy: ordinary lives in North Korea - Demick, Barbara, 2009

Book | Background

Totalitarian and Post-Totalitarian Regimes in Transitions and Non-Transitions from

Communism - M.R. Thompson, 2002
Article | Background

A normal totalitarian society: how the Soviet Union functioned and how it collapsed -
Shlapentokh, Vladimir, c2001
Book | Background

The Totalitarian State - Waldemar Gurian, 1978

Article | Background

The Post-Totalitarian Blues - Deborah M. Brissman, Jacques Rupnik, 1995

Article | Background

To Shoot or Not to Shoot: Posttotalitarianism in China and Eastern Europe - Mark R.

Thompson, 2001
Article | Background

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Tyrants and Terrorists: Reflections on the Connection between Totalitarianism,

Neo-liberalism, Civil War and the Failure of the State in Iraq and Sudan - Thomas
Schmidinger, 2009-09
Article | Background

Libya, Social Origins of Dictatorship, and the Challenge for Democracy - Ali Abdullatif
Ahmida, 2012-01
Article | Background

Black mass: apocalyptic religion and the death of utopia - Gray, John, 2007
Book | Background | Especially chapter 2

Totalitarianism and Rationality - Zbigniew Brzezinski, 1956

Article | Background

The Totalitarianism of Jihadist Islamism and its Challenge to Europe and to Islam - Tibi
Bassam, 2007
Article | Background

Islamism and Totalitarianism: Similarities and Differences - Michael Whine, 2001-09

Article | Background

Politicized Justice: Africa and the International Criminal Court - Maxine Rubin, 2020-07-01
Article | Background

Week 2: A Critique of Democratic Transition Theory (49 items)

Essay questions: Globalisation is conducive to democratisation. Discuss. Schmitter claims
that democratisation has proved to be less consequential than anticipated. What does he
mean? The legacy of conflict has greater impact on post-conflict democratization than the
legacy of the previous regime. Do you agree?

Essential Reading (4 items)

Twenty-Five Years, Fifteen Findings - Philippe C. Schmitter, 2009
Article | Essential

What the democratization literature says-or doesn't say-about postwar democratization -

Bermeo, Nancy, Apr-Jun 2003
Article | Essential

Democratization after Civil War: A Brush-Clearing Exercise - Virginia Page Fortna, Reyko
Huang, 2012-12
Article | Essential

The Pipe Dream of Undemocratic Liberalism - Sheri Berman

Article | Essential

05/02/22 EU4A2 - Globalisation, conflict and post-conflict reconstruction | Reading
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Further Reading (44 items)

The light that failed: a reckoning - Ivan Krastev, Stephen Holmes, 2019
Book | Background

Democratization Studies: Citizenship, Globalization and Governance - Jean Grugel, 2003-04

Article | Background

The Tragedy of Liberal Diplomacy: Democratization, Intervention, Statebuilding (Part I) -

Beate Jahn, 2007-03
Article | Background | Part I

The Tragedy of Liberal Diplomacy: Democratization, Intervention, Statebuilding (Part II) -

Beate Jahn, 2007-06
Article | Background | Part II

Democracy from the Outside-In? International Organizations and Democratization -

Article | Background | International Organisation Vol 56, Issue 3

Transitions to democracy: a comparative perspective - Stoner, Kathryn, McFaul, Michael,

Book | Background

The Promise of the Arab Spring: In Political Development, No Gain Without Pain - Berman,
Sheri, Jan/Feb 2013
Article | Background

Democratic Triumph, Scholarly Pessimism - Bruce Gilley, 2009

Article | Background

Comparative Democratization: Big and Bounded Generalizations - V. Bunce, 2000-09-01

Article | Background

What has Eastern Europe taught us about the democratisation literature (and vice versa)?
- Petr Kopecý, Cas Mudde, 2000
Article | Background

Global civil society 2007/8 - Albrow, Martin, London School of Economics and Political
Science, University of California, Los Angeles, 2008
Book | Background | Especially 'Global Civil Society and Illiberal Regimes', pp. 86-111

Europeanizing the Balkans: Rethinking the Post-communist and Post-conflict Transition -

Denisa Kostovicova, Vesna Bojicˇic´-Dželilovic´, 2006-09
Article | Background

Persistent state weakness in the global age - Kostovicova, Denisa, Bojicic-Dzelilovic, Vesna
, c2009
Book | Background

The End of the Transition Paradigm - Thomas Carothers, 2002

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Article | Background

The global resurgence of democracy - Plattner, Marc F., Diamond, Larry Jay, c1996
Book | Background | Especially ‘Democracy’s Third Wave’, pp. 3-25

Capitalism by Democratic Design? Democratic Theory Facing the Triple Transition in East
Central Europe - Offe, Claus, Winter 1991
Article | Background

The Balkans: Democracy Without Choices - Ivan Krastev, 2002

Article | Background

How Different are Postcommunist Transitions? - Ghia Nodia, 1996

Article | Background

International Linkage and Democratization - Steven Levitsky, Lucan Way, 2005

Article | Background

Domestic and Transnational Perspectives on Democratization - Hans Peter Schmitz,

Article | Background

Democratization and Democratic Consolidation in Post-communist Politics - Ishiyama, John

T, Sep 2003
Article | Background

The structural context of recent transitions to democracy - RENSKE DOORENSPLEET,

Article | Background

Post-civil war democratization: promotion of democracy in post-civil war states, 1946–2005

- Madhav Joshi, 2010-10
Article | Background

Explaining (and re-explaining) political change in the Middle East during the Arab Spring:
trajectories of democratization and of authoritarianism in the Maghreb - Frédéric Volpi,
Article | Background

The End of the Libyan Dictatorship: The Uncertain Transition - Yahia H Zoubir, Erzsébet N
Rózsa, 2012-08
Article | Background

Iraq: A Vote Against Sectarianism - Adeed Dawisha, 2010

Article | Background

Post-Qadhafi Libya: interactive dynamics and the political future - Youssef Mohammad
Sawani, 2012-03
Article | Background

The Lessons of 1989 - Lucan Way, 2011

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Article | Background

Building Democracy While Building Peace

Article | Background

Civil Society and the Legacies of Dictatorship - Michael Bernhard, Ekrem Karakoç, 2007-7
Article | Background

A Boon or a Bane? The Role of Civil Society in Third- and Fourth-Wave Democracies - R. F.
Tusalem, 2007-06-01
Article | Background

The Iraq We Left Behind: Welcome to the World's Next Failed State - Parker, Ned, Mar/Apr
Article | Background

Is Iraq on Track?: Democracy and Disorder in Baghdad - Blinken, Antony, Jul/Aug 2012
Article | Background

The consolidation of democracy in East-Central Europe - Dawisha, Karen, Parrott, Bruce,

Book | Background | Especially ‘Perspectives on postcommunist democratisation’, pp.

Democratic consolidation in Eastern Europe - Zielonka, Jan, 2001-

Book | Background | Especially ‘Introduction’, pp. 1-27

The International dimensions of democratization: Europe and the Americas - Whitehead,

Laurence, 2001
Book | Background

Inequality, Democratization, and De-Democratization - Charles Tilly, 2003

Article | Background

Democracy from the Outside-In? International Organizations and Democratization - Jon C.

Pevehouse, 2002
Article | Background

Democratic consolidation in Eastern Europe - Zielonka, Jan, 2001-

Book | Background

Democratization, State-building and War: The Cases of Serbia and Croatia - Nenad
Zakošek, 2008-06
Article | Background

Embracing democracy in the western Balkans: from postconflict struggles toward

European integration - Cohen, Lenard J., Lampe, John R., c2011
Book | Background

Forced to Be Free?: Why Foreign-Imposed Regime Change Rarely Leads to


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Article | Background

Internal and external factors in the democratization of Azerbaijan - Aytan Gahramanova,

Article | Background

Globalization, democratization, and the Arab uprising: the international factor in MENA's
failed democratization - Raymond Hinnebusch, 2015-02-23
Article | Background

Week 3: New Wars Debate (48 items)

Essay questions: Evaluate main contentions in the 'new wars' debate. Are there any new
characteristics of wars that need to be accounted for? War fought in the global context
cannot be anything but new. Discuss.

Essential Reading (3 items)

New and old wars: organized violence in a global era - Kaldor, Mary, 2007
Chapter | Essential | Especially chapter 3

The changing character of war - Strachan, Hew, Scheipers, Sibylle, Oxford Leverhulme
Programme on the Changing Character of War, 2011
Chapter | Essential | Especially The 'New Wars' Thesis Revisited

Scholarship on civil war: topics, debates and controversies

Chapter | Essential | Chapter: Scholarship on civil war: topics, debates and controversies

Further Reading (44 items)

Paramilitarism in the Balkans: the cases of Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Albania 1917 - 1924 -
, 2020
Book | Background

Paramilitarism: mass violence in the shadow of the state -


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r, 2020
Book | Background

The Disintegration of Yugoslavia: A Critical Review of Explanatory Approaches - D. Jovic,

Article | Background

The post-Soviet wars: rebellion, ethnic conflict, and nationhood in the Caucasus - Christoph
rcher, 2009
Chapter | Background | Especially Introduction: War and Peace in the Caucasus

Shifting Dynamics of the Insurgency and Counter-insurgency in the North Caucasus -

Roland Dannreuther, 2014-08-08
Article | Background

Review article: In search of new wars: The debate about a transformation of war - P. A.
Mello, 2010-06-01
Article | Background

How New Are New Wars - Global Economic Change and the Study of Civil War - Berdal,
Mats, 2003
Article | Background

Deconstructing civil wars: Beyond the new wars debate - J. Mundy, 2011-06-01
Article | Background

The changing character of war - Strachan, Hew, Scheipers, Sibylle, Oxford Leverhulme
Programme on the Changing Character of War, 2011
Book | Background

The sociology of war and violence - Maleéseviâc, Siniésa, 2010

Book | Background

Anything new or more of the same? Wars and military interventions in the international
system, 1946–2003 - Sven Chojnacki, 2006-01
Article | Background

The ‘New Wars’ Debate: A Historical Perspective is Needed - Edward Newman, 2004-06-01
Article | Background

'New Wars' and Rumours of 'New Wars' - Errol Henderson, David Singer, 2002
Article | Background

War from the ground up: twenty-first century combat as politics - Simpson, Emile, 2012

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Book | Background

“New” and “Old” Civil Wars: A Valid Distinction? - Stathis N. Kalyvas, 2001-10
Article | Background

The new Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia - Herzig, Edmund, 1999
Book | Background

Mary Kaldor: Yugoslavia and the New Nationalism - Mary Kaldor, 1993
Article | Background

The death of Yugoslavia - Silber, Laura, Little, Allan, 1996

Book | Background

Thinking about Yugoslavia: scholarly debates about the Yugoslav breakup and the wars in
Bosnia and Kosovo - Ramet, Sabrina P., 2005
Book | Background | Especially 'Chapter 1: Debates About the War’, pp. 1-34

War and change in the Balkans: nationalism, conflict and cooperation - Blitz, Brad K., 2006
Book | Background

The ghost of freedom: a history of the Caucasus - King, Charles, 2008

Book | Background

New states, new politics: building the post-Soviet nations - Bremmer, Ian, Taras, Ray, 1996
Book | Background | Especially ‘The North Caucasus: Confederation in Conflict’

Yugoslavia and after: a study in fragmentation, despair and rebirth - Dyker, David A.,
Vejvoda, Ivan, 1997
Book | Background

Balkan ghosts: a journey through history - Kaplan, Robert D., 2005

Book | Background

National deconstruction: violence, identity, and justice in Bosnia - Campbell, David, 1998
Book | Background

MetaBosnia: narratives of the Bosnian War - CAMPBELL, DAVID, 2000/09/08

Article | Background

Bosnia-Herzegovina: the end of a legacy - Andjelic, Neven, 2003

Book | Background

The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Revisited: Was the War Inevitable? - 2001-01-05

Article | Background

Black garden: Armenia and Azerbaijan through peace and war - De Waal, Thomas, 2003
Book | Background

The Politics of Identity in Post-Soviet Abkhazia: Managing Diversity and Unresolved

Conflict1 - Rachel Clogg, 2008-05

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Article | Background

Cultural security dilemmas and ethnic conflict in Georgia - Cotter, John M, 1999
Article | Background

Small nations and great powers: a study of ethnopolitical conflict in the Caucasus - Cornell,
Svante E., 2001
Book | Background

Understanding order and violence in the post-Soviet space: the Chechen and
Russo-Georgia wars - Matt Killingsworth, 2012-06
Article | Background

The August 2008 war: main consequences for Georgia and its conflicts - Ghia Nodia,
Article | Background

The 2008 Russian-Georgian war via the lens of Offensive Realism - Emmanuel Karagiannis,
Article | Background

Displacing Blame: Georgian Internally Displaced Person Perspectives of the

Georgia–Abkhazia Conflict - Peter Kabachnik, Joanna Regulska, Beth Mitchneck, 2012-06
Article | Background

Russia resurgent? Moscow's campaign to ‘coerce Georgia to peace’ - ROY ALLISON,

Article | Background

Filling the Void: Ethnic Politics and Nationalities Policy in Post-Conflict Georgia - Laurence
Broers, 2008-05
Article | Background

Libya’s Revolution - A Brahimi

Article | Background

Libya Since 1969: Qadhafi's Revolution Revisited - Dirk Vandewalle, 2008

Book | Background

Try Again, Fail Again, Fail Better? War, the State and the Post-conflict challenge if
Afghanistan - Cramer, C., Goodhand J.
Article | Background | 885-909

Globalizing Afghanistan: Terrorism, War, and the Rhetoric of Nation-Building - Zubeda

Jalalzai, David Jefferess, 2011
Book | Background

Identity Politics in Iraq: How much of it is about identity? - F Haddad

Article | Background

The Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s - Catherine Baker, 2015

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Book | Background

Week 4: Oil and Conflict (40 items)

Essay questions: Oil causes war. Discuss. To what extent were Iraq and Libya 'new wars'?
How does oil affect post-conflict reconstruction?

Essential Reading (3 items)

Oil wars - Kaldor, Mary, Said, Yahia, Karl, Terry Lynn, 2007
Book | Essential | Especially: ‘Introduction', pp.1-40.

The oil curse: how petroleum wealth shapes the development of nations - Michael Ross,
Book | Essential | Especially chapter 5: ‘Oil-based Violence’, pp. 145-187

Oil and resource-backed aggression - Jeff Colgan, 2011-3

Article | Essential

Further Reading (36 items)

Geopolitics of resource wars: resource dependence, governance and violence - Philippe Le
Billon, c2005
Book | Background | Especially Chapter 1 ( page 1-29)

Criminals, Militias, and Insurgents: organized Crime in Iraq - Williams, Phil, 1948-,
Lovelace, Douglas.C, Army War College (U.S.), 2009
Book | Background | Especially chapter 2 - 'The Rise of Organized Crime in Iraq,'

Who said Gaddafi had to go? - Hugh Roberts, 2011

Article | Background | SCANNED READING

Demystifying the Arab Spring: Parsing the Differences Between Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya -
Anderson, Lisa, May/Jun 2011
Article | Background

Basra Crude: The Great Game of Iraq’s “Southern Oil” - Reidar Visser, 2007
Document | Background | NUPI Working Paper 723

Iraq's provincial elections: the Stakes - International Crisis Group, 2009

Document | Background | Middle East Report No.82

Regime Change in Iraq - M. Kaldor, Y. Said, 2003

Document | Background | CsGG Discussion Paper 26

The US and Iraq: Time to Go Home - Toby Dodge, 2010-05

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Article | Background

Iraq's Upstream Oil and Gas Industry: A Post-Election Analysis - Thomas W. Donovan,
Article | Background

The geopolitics of resource wars: resource dependence, governance and violence - Le

Billon, Philippe, 2005
Book | Background | Especially ‘The Geopolitical Economy of ‘Resource Wars’ pp. 1-28

Oil - Bridge, Gavin, Le Billon, Philippe, 2013

Book | Background

Petro-aggression: when oil causes war - Colgan, Jeff, 2013

Book | Background

Progress or Peril?: Measuring Iraq’s Reconstruction - CSIS, 2004

Document | Background

The Anbar awakening: An alliance of incentives - McCary, John A, 2009

Article | Background

Historical Myths of a Divided Iraq - Reidar Visser, 2008-05

Article | Background

The Price of the Surge - Stephen Simon, 2008

Article | Background

Lessons of Operation Iraqi Freedom - Foreign and Defense Policy - AEI

Webpage | Background

A history of Iraq - Tripp, Charles, 2007

Book | Background

Iraq in fragments: the occupation and its legacy - Herring, Eric, Rangwala, Glen, 2006
Book | Background

Identity and foreign policy in the Middle East - Telhami, Shibley, Barnett, Michael N., 2002
Book | Background

Saving Iraq From Its Oil - Nancy Birdsall ; Arvind Subramanian, 2004
Article | Background

The Kurdish policy imperative - Lowe, Robert, Stansfield, Gareth R. V., Royal Institute of
International Affairs, c2010
Book | Background

Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Iraq - Steven Metz, 2003

Article | Background

Iraq: A Decade of Lost Opportunities - Mina al-Oraibi, 2013-04

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Article | Background

From dictatorship to democracy: an insider's account of the Iraqi opposition to Saddam -

Bayåatåi, òHåamid, c2011
Book | Background

Idenity Politics in Iraq: How Much of it is about Identity? - Fanar Haddad, 2012
Article | Background

Winners Take All: The Politics of Partial Reform in Postcommunist Transitions - 1998-01-02
Article | Background

Criminalizing Consequences of Sanctions: Embargo Busting and Its Legacy - Peter Andreas,
Article | Background

Oil rents, corruption, and state stability: Evidence from panel data regressions - Rabah
Arezki, Markus Brückner, 2011-10
Article | Background

Basra Crude: The Great Game of Iraq’s “Southern Oil” - Reidar Visser, 2007
Document | Background

Democracy and Ethno-religious Conflict in Iraq - Andreas Wimmer, 2003-12

Article | Background

Historical Myths of a Divided Iraq - Reidar Visser, 2008-05

Article | Background

Libya's Revolution - Alia Brahimi, 2011-12

Article | Background

Libya since independence: oil and state-building - Dirk J. Vandewalle, c1998

Book | Background

Petroimperialism: US Oil Interests and the Iraq War’ - N. J. Jhaveri

Article | Background

Oil abundance and violent political conflict: A critical assessment - J. Di John

Article | Background

Week 5: Territoriality and Identity Politics (45 items)

Essay questions:

The global age is the age of identity politics. Do you agree?

The involvement of diasporas in conflicts in their homelands is a consequence of

globalisation. Discuss

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Explain the persistence of conflict over territory in the era of globalisation.

Essential Reading (3 items)

Transnational dynamics of civil war - 2013
Book | Essential | esp. Chapter 3 by Fiona B. Adamson, ‘Mechanisms of diaspora
mobilization and the transnationalization of civil war'

Territoriality and conflict in an era of globalization - Miles Kahler

Chapter | Essential | Chapter 1 - Territoriality and conflict in an era of globalization

Chapter 5: Help from Abroad

Chapter | Essential

Further Reading (41 items)

Digital nationalism: Understanding the role of digital media in the rise of ‘new’ nationalism
- Sabina Mihelj, César Jiménez‐Martínez, 2021-04
Article | Background

The Future of the Past: Reflections on the Present State and Prospects of Transitional
Justice - Pablo de Greiff, 2020-07-01
Article | Background

Diasporas in the contemporary world - Milton J. Esman, 2009

Book | Essential | Chapter 6 ‘Diasporas and ethnic conflict’, pp. 133-149

Global civil society 2003 - Kaldor, Mary, Anheier, Helmut K., Glasius, Marlies, Centre for
Civil Society (London School of Economics and Political Science), 2003
Chapter | Essential | Especially "Religious and Nationalist Militant Networks"

The spectre of comparisons: nationalism, Southeast Asia, and the world - Anderson,
Benedict R. O'G., 1998
Chapter | Background | Especially chapter 3 pp. 58-74

The global commonwealth of citizens: toward cosmopolitan democracy - Daniele Archibugi,

Book | Background | Especially Chapter 1: A Queen for the World? (pp 1-15)

The Balkans beyond nationalism and identity: international relations and ideology - Pavlos
Hatzopoulos, 2008
Book | Background | Especially Chapter 6: Reconceptualising the Balkans: the Realm of
Ideology (pp 153-178)

Human rights and empire: the political philosophy of cosmopolitanism - Costas Douzinas,
Book | Background | Especially Chapter 8 Human Rights: Values in a Valuless World (pp

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Understanding nationalism - Guibernau i Berdâun, M. Montserrat, Hutchinson, John, 2001

Book | Background | Especially ‘Homelands in a world of states’

Global diasporas: an introduction - Cohen, Robin, 2008

Book | Background | Especially chapters 7 and 8

The political lives of dead bodies: reburial and postsocialist change - Verdery, Katherine,
Book | Background

The New World Disorder - Benedict Anderson, 1992

Article | Background

Al-Qaeda: chasing the shadow of terror - Burke, Jason, 2003

Book | Background

Fundamentalism - Bruce, Steve, 2000

Book | Background

Nations and nationalism in a global era - Smith, Anthony D., 1995

Book | Background

Territoriality and conflict in an era of globalization - Kahler, Miles, Walter, Barbara F., 2006
Book | Background | Especially ‘Territoriality and Conflict in an Era of Globalization”

Migration, diasporas, and transnationalism - Vertovec, Steven, Cohen, Robin, c1999

Book | Background

Transnational dynamics of civil war - 2013

Book | Background | esp. Chapter 3 by Fiona B. Adamson, ‘Mechanisms of diaspora
mobilization and the transnationalization of civil war’

Ethnic groups and distance shrinking communication technologies - Michael Dahan,

Gabriel Sheffer, 2001-03
Article | Background

Ethno-National Diasporas and SecuritySurvival - Gabriel Sheffer, 1994

Article | Background

The geography of identity - Yaeger, Patricia, 1996

Book | Background | Especially ‘Sovereignty without territoriality: Notes for a
postnational geography’, pp. 41-58

Dismembering Yugoslavia: Nationalist Ideologies and the Symbolic Revival of Genocide -

Bette Denich, 1994
Article | Background

Diaspora & hybridity - Kalra, Virinder S., Kaur, Raminder, Hutnyk, John, 2005
Book | Background

Governance in post-conflict societies: rebuilding fragile states - Brinkerhoff, Derick W.,

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| Background | Especially ‘Contributions of digital diasporas to governance
reconstruction in fragile states: potential and promise’

Between ambivalence and intrusion: politics and identity in Armenia - Diaspora relations -
Razmik Panossian, 1998-10
Article | Background

Diasporic transnational financial flows and their impact on national identity - Yossi Shain,
Martin Sherman, 2001-12
Article | Background

Cities, war, and terrorism: towards an urban geopolitics - Graham, Stephen, 2004
Book | Background | Especially "Urbicide in Bosnia", pp.154-171

Cities, war, and terrorism: towards an urban geopolitics - Graham, Stephen, 2004
Book | Background | Especially 'New wars of the city: 'urbicide' and 'genocide'

Circassian Encounters: The Self as Other and the Production of the Homeland in the North
Caucasus. - S. Shami, 1998
Article | Background

Diasporas in conflict: peace-makers or peace-wreckers? - Smith, Hazel, Stares, Paul B.,

Book | Background | Especially The Armenian diaspora and the Karabagh conflict since

Is There an Albanian Question? - Judy Batt, 2008

Document | Background | Please read 'Albanian diasporas and their political roles'

Diasporas and secessionist conflicts: the mobilization of the Armenian, Albanian and
Chechen diasporas - Maria Koinova, 2011-02
Article | Background

Grassroots mobilization and Diaspora politics: Armenian interest groups and the role of
collective memory - Rachel Anderson Paul, 2000-03
Article | Background

Urbicide: the politics of urban destruction - Martin Coward, c2009

Book | Background

Armistice and Governance in the Iraqi Government-Formation Process: The US Position

Webpage | Background

Global Jihadism After the Iraq War - Hegghammer, Thomas, 2006

Article | Background

The Iraq Effect in Saudi Arabia | Middle East Research and Information Project
Webpage | Background

Iraq’s Civil War, the Sadrists and the Surge - International Crisis Group

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Webpage | Background

Modern hatreds: the symbolic politics of ethnic war - Kaufman, Stuart J., c2001
Book | Background

The Bosnian diaspora: integration in transnational communities - Valenta, Marko, Ramet,

Sabrina P., c2011
Book | Background

When the Whole Is Greater than the Sum of Its Parts: On the Conceptualization and
Measurement of Populist Attitudes and Other Multidimensional Constructs - ALEXANDER
Article | Background

Week 6: Reading Week

Week 7: Civil Society and Peace-Building (40 items)

Essay questions: Civil society is the opposite to war. Discuss. Can civil society be built
from outside? Why cannot civil society's constructive contribution to post-conflict
peace-building be assumed?

Essential Reading (3 items)

Civil society and transitions in the Western Balkans - Bojicic-Dzelilovic, Vesna, Ker-Lindsay,
James, Kostovicova, Denisa, 2013
Book | Essential | Especially ‘Introduction: Civil Society and Multiple Transitions – Actors,
Meanings and Effects’

Civil society & peacebuilding: a critical assessment - Thania Paffenholz, 2010

Chapter | Essential | Thania Paffenholz (2010) ‘Civil Society and Peacebuilding’ pp.

Global civil society 2006/7 - Helmut K. Anheier, Mary Kaldor, Marlies Glasius, 2006
Book | Essential | Mary Kaldor, Denisa Kostovicova and Yahia Said, ‘War and peace: The
role of global civil society’ pp. 94-121

Further Reading (36 items)

From War to Democracy: Dilemmas of Peacebuilding - Anna K. Jarstad, Timothy D. Sisk,
Book | Background | ‘Peacebuilding as democratization: findings and recommendations’
- Timothy D. Sisk

05/02/22 EU4A2 - Globalisation, conflict and post-conflict reconstruction | Reading
lists @ LSE

A place for us: how to make society civil and democracy strong - Benjamin R. Barber, 1998
Book | Background

Civil Society and Democratically Accountable Global Governance - Jan Aart Scholte,
Article | Background | Government and Opposition Vol 39, Issue 2

Civilizing Peacebuilding: Transitional Justice, Civil Society and the Liberal Paradigm - K.
Andrieu, 2010-10-01
Article | Background | Security Dialogue Vol 41, Issue 5

Civil Society and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding: Ambiguities of International

Programmes Aimed at Building 'New' Societies - B. Pouligny, 2005-12-01
Article | Background | Security Dialogue. Vol 36, Issue 4.

Reading the Small Print in Global Civil Society: The Inexorable Hegemony of the Liberal
Self - S. Hopgood, 2000-01-01
Article | Background | Millennium - Journal of International Studies. Vol. 29, Issue 1.

Transnationalization of Civil Society in Kosovo: International and Local Limits of Peace and
Multiculturalism - Ana Devic, 2006-09
Article | Background | Ethnopolitics Vol 5 Issue 3

Global civil society: an answer to war - Kaldor, Mary, 2003

Book | Background | Especially chapter 5

State and civil society: explorations in political theory - Chandhoke, Neera, c1995
Book | Background | Especially chapters 1 and 7

Can democracy be designed?: the politics of institutional choice in conflict-torn societies -

Bastian, Sunil, Luckham, Robin, 2003
Book | Background | Especially chapters 1 and 10

Activists beyond borders: advocacy networks in international politics - Keck, Margaret E.,
Sikkink, Kathryn, 1998
Book | Background

Cosmopolitanism, world citizenship and global civil society - Chris Brown, 2000-03
Article | Background

Civil society & development: a critical exploration - Howell, Jude, Pearce, Jenny, 2001
Book | Background

Contemporary conflict resolution: the prevention, management and transformation of

deadly conflicts - Ramsbotham, Oliver, Miall, Hugh, Woodhouse, Tom, 2011
Book | Background

Vigilance and vengeance: NGOs preventing ethnic conflict in divided societies - Rotberg,
Robert I., c1996
Book | Background

05/02/22 EU4A2 - Globalisation, conflict and post-conflict reconstruction | Reading
lists @ LSE

Rebuilding societies after civil war: critical roles for international assistance - Krishna,
Kumar, 1997
Book | Background

Ethnic conflict and civic life: Hindus and Muslims in India - Varshney, Ashutosh, 2003
Book | Background

The Virtue of Civil Society - Edward Shils, 1991-01

Article | Background

Civil society: the critical history of an idea - Ehrenberg, John, c1999

Book | Background

Bottom-up politics: an agency-centred approach to globalization - Kostovicova, Denisa,

Glasius, Marlies, 2011
Book | Background | Especially ‘Civility in Global Civil Society: The Missing Link’ ,

Uncharted journey: promoting democracy in the Middle East - Carothers, Thomas,

Ottaway, Marina, c2005
Book | Background | Especially ‘Is Civil Society the Answer’

Building democracy in Iraq - Ghai, Yash P., Lattimer, Mark, Said, Yahia, 2003
Book | Background | Especially ‘Post-totalitarian transition in Iraq’, pp. 16-26.

The biggest problem we face is keeping our independence - Party Oppressions of Civil
Society in the 'new' Iraq - Juliet Kerr, 2009
Document | Background

How to Build a Democratic Iraq - Adeed I. Dawisha ; Karen Dawisha, 2003

Article | Background

"Identity" and political survival in Saddam's Iraq - Dawisha, Adeed, Autumn 1999
Article | Background

An Iraq of its regions: cornerstones of a federal democracy? - Visser, Reidar, Stansfield,

Gareth R. V., c2007
Book | Background

Beyond Gaddafi: Libyas Governance Context - Jim Armstrong, Sanjay Gurung, 2011
Document | Background | Especially The Governance Network/Mercy Corps

The People's Peace? Peace Agreements, Civil Society, and Participatory Democracy - C.
Bell, C. O'Rourke, 2007-06-01
Article | Background

Democracy Promotion, Civil Society Building, and the Primacy of Politics - M. A. Jamal,
Article | Background

Republika Srpska and its Boundaries in Bosnian Serb Geographical Narratives in the

05/02/22 EU4A2 - Globalisation, conflict and post-conflict reconstruction | Reading
lists @ LSE

Post‐Dayton Period - DENISA KOSTOVICOVA, 2004-12

Article | Background

Democratization in Bosnia: The limits of civil society building strategies - David Chandler,
Article | Background

The Ethnocracy Trap - Lise Morjé Howard, 2012

Article | Background

Addressing Ethnic Divisions in Post-Conflict Institution-Building: Lessons from Recent

Cases - S. G. Simonsen, 2005-09-01
Article | Background

Partners in peace: discourses and practices of civil-society peacebuilding - Leeuwen,

Mathijs van, c2009
Book | Background

Civil Society and Democracy: The Gap between Theory and Possibility - G. Baker,
Article | Background

Everyday Peace: How So-Called Ordinary People Can Disrupt Violent Conflict - Roger Mac
Ginty, 2021
Book | Background

Week 8: Transitional Justice (60 items)

Essay questions: Why is complementarity a new buzzword in the field of transitional

justice? 'Justice must not only be fair, but must also be seen to be fair.' Discuss. Is the
dilemma between peace and justice outdated?

Essential Reading (4 items)

Interrogating the Peripheries: The Preoccupations of Fourth Generation Transitional Justice
- Sharp, Dustin N
Article | Essential

Transitional justice in the twenty-first century: beyond truth versus justice - Roht-Arriaza,
Naomi, Mariezcurrena, Javier, 2006
Book | Essential | Especially ”The New Landscape of Transitional Justice”, pg. 1-16.

Truth-Seeking, Truth-Telling, and Postconflict Peacebuilding: Curb the Enthusiasm? - David

Mendeloff, 2004
Article | Essential

Transitional Injustice: Subverting Justice in Transition and Postconflict Societies - Cyanne E.

Loyle, Christian Davenport, 2016-01-02
Article | Essential

05/02/22 EU4A2 - Globalisation, conflict and post-conflict reconstruction | Reading
lists @ LSE

Further Reading (55 items)

The politics of memory: transitional justice in democratizing societies - Alexandra
Barahona de Brito, Carmen
quez, Paloma Aguilar
ndez, 2001
Book | Background | Especially Introduction Chapter

Transitional Justice: A Colonizing Field? - Stephanie Vieille, 2012

Article | Background | Amsterdam Law Forum, Vol 4 Issue 3

Transitional Justice Genealogy - Teitel, Ruti G., 2003

Article | Background

Transitional justice - Teitel, Ruti G., 1999

Book | Background | Especially chapters 3, 4 and 5 (Historical Justice, Reparatory Justice
and Constitutional Justice).

Transitional justice: how emerging democracies reckon with former regimes - Kritz, Neil J.,
Book | Background | Especially ‘Justice after transitions: on the choices successor elites
make in dealing with the past’ pp. 104-115

Transitional justice and the rule of law in new democracies - McAdams, A. James, Helen
Kellogg Institute for International Studies, c1997
Book | Background | Especially ‘In Defense of Transitional Justice’ pp. 1-26

Reconciliation(s): transitional justice in postconflict societies - Quinn, Joanna R.,

Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict Research Group, c2009
Book | Background

Transitional justice in balance: comparing processes, weighing efficacy - Olsen, Tricia D.,
Payne, Leigh A., Reiter, Andrew G., United States Institute of Peace, 2010
Book | Background

Localizing transitional justice: interventions and priorities after mass violence - Shaw,
Rosalind, Waldorf, Lars, Hazan, Pierre, c2010
Book | Background

Order and Justice in Iraq - Leslie Vinjamuri, 2003-12

Article | Background

Transitional Justice and Human Rights in Afghanistan - Barnett R. Rubin, 2003

Article | Background

05/02/22 EU4A2 - Globalisation, conflict and post-conflict reconstruction | Reading
lists @ LSE

Saddam Hussein's Trial Meets the “Fairness” Test - Kingsley Chiedu Moghalu, 2006-12
Article | Background

Transitional justice in Iraq: the Iraqi special tribunal and the future of a nation - Smith,
Adam M, 2005
Article | Background

Exporting Justice: Perceptions of the ICTY Among the Serbian, Croatian, and Muslim
Communities in the Former Yugoslavia - Dan Saxon, 2005-10
Article | Background

Civil society and post-communist democratization: Facing a double challenge in

post-Milošević Serbia - Denisa Kostovicova, 2006-05
Article | Background

International Justice and Domestic Politics: Post-Tudjman Croatia and the International
Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia - Victor Peskin, Mieczyslaw P. Boduszyrski,
Article | Background

Judgement day: the trial of Slobodan Miloéseviâc - Stephen, Chris, 2004

Book | Background | Especially chapters 7,9, 10 and Epilogue

Stasiland: Stories from behind the Berlin Wall - Funder, Anna, 2003
Book | Background

The key to my neighbour's house: seeking justice in Bosnia and Rwanda - Neuffer,
Elizabeth, 2003, c2000
Book | Background

Rebuilding an Inclusive Political Community After War - R. Mani, 2005-12-01

Article | Background

Justice Discourses in Transition - C. Bell, 2004-09-01

Article | Background

Truth commissions, trials--or nothing? Policy options in democratic transitions - Skaar, Elin,
Article | Background

From Prague to Baghdad: Lustration Systems and their Political Effects1 - Roman David,
Article | Background

Is a Truth Commission the Solution to Restoring Peace in Post-Conflict Iraq - Hendy, Daniel
J., 2005
Article | Background

Briefing Paper: Iraq's New "Accountability and Justice" Law - 2008-01-22

Document | Background | International Centre for Transitional Justice

05/02/22 EU4A2 - Globalisation, conflict and post-conflict reconstruction | Reading
lists @ LSE

Bremer's "Gordian Knot": Transitional Justice and the US Occupation of Iraq - Eric Stover,
Hanny Megally, Hania Mufti, 2005
Article | Background

The European Union and Transitional Justice: From Retributive to Restorative Justice in the
Western Balkans - D. Kostovicova, 2009
Document | Background | Special bi-lingual issue of the Forum for Transitional Justice

My neighbor, my enemy: justice and community in the aftermath of mass atrocity - Stover,
Eric, Weinstein, Harvey M., 2004
Book | Background | Especially ‘A worlds unto itself? The application of international
justice in former Yugoslavia’ (Chapter 1)

Transitional justice and the rule of law in new democracies - McAdams, A. James, Helen
Kellogg Institute for International Studies, c1997
Book | Background

The politics of memory: transitional justice in democratizing societies - Aguilar Fernâandez,

Paloma, Brito, Alexandra Barahona de, Gonzâalez Enrâiquez, Carmen, 2001
Book | Background

Search for Post-Conflict Justice in Iraq: A Comparative Study of Transitional Justice

Mechanisms and Their Applicability to Post-Saddam Iraq, The - Hollywood, Dana Michael,
Article | Background

The foundations of constitutionalism: an analysis of debaathification - Jens Meierhenrich,

Article | Background

Paranoids may be persecuted: post-totalitarian retroactive justice - Aviezer Tucker, 1999-5

Article | Background

Expanding the scope of post-conflict justice: Individual, state and societal responsibility for
mass atrocity - J. Subotic, 2011-03-01
Article | Background

Transitional Justice as Global Project: critical reflections - Rosemary Nagy, 2008-02

Article | Background

From Prague to Baghdad: Lustration Systems and their Political Effects1 - Roman David,
Article | Background

Hijacked justice: dealing with the past in the Balkans - Subotic, Jelena, 2009
Book | Background

After Qaddafi: The Surprising Success of the New Libya - Vandewalle, Dirk, Nov/Dec 2012
Article | Background

Georgian Parliament Begins Inquiry into the War - Olga Allenova, Georgy Dvali, 2008

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lists @ LSE

Article | Background

War Crimes In The 2008 Georgia-Russia Conflict - C. W. Mullins, 2011-11-01

Article | Background

Transitional Justice and Georgia’s Conflicts: Breaking the Silence - Magdalena Frichova,
Document | Background | International Centre for Transitional Justice

Issues of justice and reconciliation in complex political emergencies: Conceptualising

reconciliation, justice and peace - Pankhurst, Donna, Feb 1999
Article | Background

Transitional justice in the world, 1970-2007: Insights from a new dataset - T. D. Olsen, L. A.
Payne, A. G. Reiter, 2010-11-01
Article | Background

Achieving Reconciliation in Divided Societies - Sarkin, Jeremy, 2008

Article | Background

The Role Of International Criminal Prosecution - Carla Del Ponte, 2003

Document | Background | Discussion Paper 24

Iraqi Refugees: Seeking Stability in Syria and Jordan - Patricia Weiss Fagen, 2007
Document | Background | Georgetown School of Foreign Service in Qatar: Center for
International and Regional Studies Occasional Paper No.1

A bitter Legacy: Lessons of Debaathification in Iraq - Miranda Sissons, Abdulrazzaq

Al-Saiedi, 2013
Document | Background | International Center for Transitional Justice

Prosecuting Saddam and Bungling Transitional Justice in Iraq - Tarin, Danielle, 2004-2005
Article | Background

Justice as Peace? Liberal Peacebuilding and Strategies of Transitional Justice - Chandra

Lekha Sriram, 2007-10
Article | Background

Guilt, responsibility, and denial: the past at stake in post-Miloéseviâc Serbia - Gordy, Eric
D., 2013
Book | Background

‘The European Future of the Western Balkans: Thessaloniki@10 (2003-2013) - Eviola Prifti,
Document | Background | Especially Civil Society and Reconciliation in the Western
Balkans: Great Expectation?’ pp. 101-107

Transitional Justice as a Global Project: Critical Reflections - Rosemary Nagy

Article | Background

Justice as Peace? Liberal Peacebuilding and Strategies of Transitional Justice - Chandra

05/02/22 EU4A2 - Globalisation, conflict and post-conflict reconstruction | Reading
lists @ LSE

Lekha Sriram
Article | Background

The Complexity of Reconciliation - Birju Kotecha

Article | Background

The ‘Art’ of Reconciliation - Rachel Kerr

Article | Background

Week 10: Economic Transition and Informal Economy (43 items)

Essay Questions: Expansion in informal economy is a temporary feature of economic

transition. Discuss. How is the presence of informal economy linked conflict? Why is
combating informal economy difficult in post-conflict, post-totalitarian transitions?

Essential Reading (4 items)

Dilemmas of transition: the Hungarian experience - Braun, Aurel, Barany, Zoltan D., c1999
Chapter | Essential | Especially 'Post- Communist Economic Transformation', pp69-88

Underground economies in transition: unrecorded activity, tax evasion, corruption and

organized crime - Ott, Katarina, Feige, Edgar L., c1999
Chapter | Essential | Especially 'Underground Economies in Transition' , pp 11-29

Economic Transformation outside the Law: Corruption, Trust in Public Institutions and the
Informal Economy in Transition Countries of Central and Eastern Europe - Claire Wallace
and Rossalina Latcheva, 2006
Article | Essential

What Are the Lessons from Post-Communist Transitions? - Dalibor Roháč, 2013-02
Article | Essential

Further Reading (38 items)

Peacebuilding with “Chinese Characteristics”? Insights from China's Engagement in
Myanmar's Peace Process - Monalisa Adhikari, 2021-08-20
Article | Background

The role of informal economies in the post-Soviet world: the end of transition? - Williams,
Colin C., Round, John, Rodgers, Peter William, 2013
Book | Background | Especially Part I (Re)theorising transition economies pp9-75.

"Seize the state, seize the day": state capture, corruption, and influence in transition -
Hellman, Joel S., Jones, Geraint, Kaufmann, Daniel, World Bank, 2000
Book | Background

05/02/22 EU4A2 - Globalisation, conflict and post-conflict reconstruction | Reading
lists @ LSE

Economic crime in Russia - Ledeneva, Alena V., Kurkchiyan, Marina, 2000

Book | Background | Especially "The Transformation of the Second Economy into the
Informal Economy", pp83-99 (Chapter 6)

Divergent paths in post-communist transformation: capitalism for all or capitalism for the
few? - Havrylyshyn, Oleh, 2006
Book | Background | Especially chapters 1, 2 & 3

Le programme du Comecon et l'intâegration socialiste - Lavigne, Marie, 1973

Book | Background | Especially chapters 6, 7 & 8

How Russia really works: the informal practices that shaped post-Soviet politics and
business - Ledeneva, Alena V., 2006
Book | Background | Especially pp10-28

Out of the shadows: political action and informal economy in Latin America -
Fernâandez-Kelly, Patricia, Shefner, Jon, c2006
Book | Background | Especially 'The Informal Economy in the Shadow of the State',

Organized Crime and Corruption in Iraq - Phil Williams, 2009-02

Article | Background

Shadow trade war economies and their challenge to peacebuilding - Monika Heupel,
Article | Background

Europeanisation and conflict networks: private sector development in post-conflict

Bosnia–Herzegovina - Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic, Denisa Kostovicova, 2013-03
Article | Background

L'ouevre au noir: The Shadow Economy of Kosovo's Independence - Francesco Strazzari,

Article | Background

Profiting from peace: managing the resource dimension of civil war - Ballentine, Karen,
Nitzschke, Heiko, 2005
Book | Background | Especially "Combating Organized Crime in Armed Conflict"

The political economy of armed conflict: beyond greed and grievance - Ballentine, Karen,
Sherman, Jake, International Peace Academy, 2003
Book | Background | Especially Introduction: pp1-19; Ch7: pp167-197; Conclusion:

Shadow globalization, ethnic conflicts and new wars: a political economy of intra-state war
- Jung, Dietrich, 2003
Book | Background | Especially chapters 1, 3 &7

War economies in a regional context: challenges of transformation - Pugh, Michael C.,

Cooper, Neil, Goodhand, Jonathan, 2004

05/02/22 EU4A2 - Globalisation, conflict and post-conflict reconstruction | Reading
lists @ LSE

Book | Background | Especially chapters 1,6 & 7

Blue helmets and black markets: the business of survival in the siege of Sarajevo -
Andreas, Peter, 2008
Book | Background

Problems of post-communism - George Washington University, 2004

Journal | Background | Special Issue on "Transnational crime and conflict in the Balkans"

How to formalise the informal? The dynamics of the grey economy in the Western Balkans
region- the case of Kosovo - Lea Haas, 2011
Document | Background | Hertie School of Governance

Economic Consequences of Conflict: The Rise of Iraq's In formal Economy - Robert Looney,
Article | Background

The Benefits of Ethnic War: Understanding Eurasia's Unrecognized States - Charles King,
Article | Background

Potentials of disorder - Koehler, Jan, Zèurcher, Christoph, 2003

Book | Background | Especially Civil Wars in Georgia: Corruption Breeds Violence,

Statehood and security: Georgia after the Rose Revolution - Coppieters, Bruno, Legvold,
Robert, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, c2005
Book | Background

From war economies to peace economies in the South Caucasus | International Alert
Webpage | Background

McMafia: a journey through the global criminal underworld - Glenny, Misha, 2008
Chapter | Background | Especially chapter 2

Organized crime and corruption in Georgia - Shelley, Louise I., Scott, Erik, Latta, Anthony,
Book | Background

Corruption, Reconstruction and Oil Governance in Iraq - Philippe Le Billon, 2005-06

Article | Background

Iraq and the Domestic Political Effects of Economic Sanctions - Nimah Mazaheri,
Article | Background

Global Governance - 2012

Journal | Background | Special issue ‘Hybrid Peace Governance'

Conflict dynamics in post-2011 Libya: a political economy perspective - I. Constantini

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lists @ LSE

Article | Background

Political instability and the informal economy - Elbahnasawy N.G., Ellis M.A., Adom A.D.
Article | Background

The Economics of Coping: The Plight of Women in Iraq’s Informal Economy - Looney R.
Article | Background

Iraq and the Domestic Political Effects of Economic Sanctions - N. Mazaheri

Article | Background

Reforming and Performing the Informal Economy: Constitutive Effects of the World Bank’s
Anti-Informality Practices in Kosovo - Danielsson A.
Article | Background

Linking the Formal and Informal Economy: Concepts and Policies - Basudeb
Guha-Khasnobis, Ravi Kanbur, Elinor Ostrom, 2006
Book | Background

Corrupting or Consolidating the Peace? The Drugs Economy and Post conflict peace
building in Afghanistan - J. Goodhand
Article | Background

Combating Corruption in Afghanistan - K. Von Hippel, 30 September 2009

Article | Background

Jihad & Co: black markets and Islamist power - Aisha Ahmad, 2017
Book | Background

Week 9: Protectorates and International Administrations (47 items)

Essay Questions: International administrations are an appropriate response to weak

states in a globalised world. Discuss. Evaluate the arguments for and against external
state-building. How do we know that state-building has failed?

Essential Reading (4 items)

The organised hypocrisy of international state-building - Robert Egnell, 2010-09
Article | Essential

Evaluating the Legacies of State-Building: Success, Failure, and the Role of Responsibility -
Oisín Tansey, 2014-03
Article | Essential

The ideology of failed states: why intervention fails - Susan L. Woodward, 2017
Book | Essential | Chapter 2 “What’s in a Name?”, pp. 11-25 and Chapter 8 “Neither
Security Nor Development’, pp. 221-254.

05/02/22 EU4A2 - Globalisation, conflict and post-conflict reconstruction | Reading
lists @ LSE

Guarding the guards: Pluralist accountability for human rights violations by international
organisations - Gisela Hirschmann, 2019-01
Article | Essential

Further Reading (42 items)

Persistence of informal networks and liberal peace-building: evidence from Bosnia and
Herzegovina - Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic, Denisa Kostovicova, Ahmet K. Suerdem,
Article | Background

The dilemmas of statebuilding: confronting the contradictions of postwar peace operations

- Paris, Roland, Sisk, Timothy D., 2009
Book | Background | Especially pp. 1-20

Persistent state weakness in the global age - Denisa Kostovicova, Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic,
Book | Background | Especially ‘Introduction: State Weakening and Globalization’ in
Denisa Kostovicova and Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic

State building and the non-state: debating key dilemmas - Sukanya Podder, 21-10-2014
Article | Background

Fixing failed states: a framework for rebuilding a fractured world - Ghani, Ashraf, Lockhart,
Clare, 2008
Book | Background | Especially chapter ‘Toward a multifunctional view of the state’.

International governance of war-torn territories: rule and reconstruction - Richard Caplan,

Book | Background

Neotrusteeship and the Problem of Weak States - 2004-21-05

Article | Background

You, the people: the United Nations, transitional administration, and state-building -
Chesterman, Simon, c2004
Book | Background

Peace at any price: how the world failed Kosovo - King, Iain, Mason, Whit, 2006
Book | Background

Between anarchy and society: trusteeship and the obligations of power - Bain, William,
Book | Background

The sovereignty paradox: the norms and politics of international statebuilding - Zaum,
Dominik, 2007
Book | Background

Problematic sovereignty: contested rules and political possibilities - Krasner, Stephen D.,

05/02/22 EU4A2 - Globalisation, conflict and post-conflict reconstruction | Reading
lists @ LSE

| Background | Especially ‘Compromised sovereignty to create sovereignty: Is
Dayton a futile exercise or an emerging model’, pp 252-300

Global governance: a review of multilateralism and international organizations - Academic

Council of the United Nations System, United Nations University, 2004
Journal | Background | Special Issue on the Politics of International Administration, Mats
Berdal and Richard Kaplan, guest editors

Legitimacy and International Administration: The Ahtisaari Settlement for Kosovo from a
Human Security Perspective - Denisa Kostovicova, 2008-11
Article | Background

Current International Civil Administration: The Need for Political Legitimacy - Sally Morphet
, 2002-06
Article | Background

Guilt, responsibility, and denial: the past at stake in post-Miloéseviâc Serbia - Gordy, Eric
D., 2013
Book | Background

Empire lite: nation building in Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan - Ignatieff, Michael, 2003
Book | Background

Building states to build peace - Call, Charles, Wyeth, Vanessa, International Peace
Academy, 2008
Book | Background

State-building: theory and practice - Hehir, Aidan, Robinson, Neil, 2007

Book | Background

Exit strategies and state building - Caplan, Richard, c2012

Book | Background

From Danzig to East Timor and Beyond: The Role of International Territorial Administration
- Ralph Wilde, 2001
Article | Background

Sustainable peace: power and democracy after civil wars - Roeder, Philip G., Rothchild,
Donald S., 2005
Book | Background | Especially ‘Dilemmas of State-building in Divided Societies’

Empowerment or Imposition? Dilemmas of Local Ownership in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding

Processes - Timothy Donais, 2009-01
Article | Background

Peacebuilding, Statebuilding, Nationbuilding – Turtles All the Way Down? - Catherine

Goetze, Dejan Guzina, 2008-12
Article | Background

Lessons from Afghanistan and Iraq - Zalmay Khalilzad, 2010

05/02/22 EU4A2 - Globalisation, conflict and post-conflict reconstruction | Reading
lists @ LSE

Article | Background

Constructing a Democratic Iraq: Challenges and Opportunities - 2003-29-08

Article | Background

"Democracy" without a Demos? The Bosnian Constitutional Experiment and the Intentional
Construction of Nonfunctioning States - R. M. Hayden, 2005-05-01
Article | Background

Beyond international trusteeship: EU peacebuilding in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Stefano

Rechhia, 2007
Document | Background

International intervention in the Balkans since 1995 - Siani-Davies, Peter, 2003

Book | Background

Swords and ploughshares: bringing peace to the 21st century - Ashdown, Paddy, 2007
Book | Background

Empire in denial: the politics of state-building - Chandler, David, 2006

Book | Background | Especially chapter 2

Bad Days in Basra - Hilary Synnott, 2008-09

Article | Background

Wings over Libya: The No-Fly Zone in Legal Perspective - Micheal N. Schmitt, 2012
Article | Background

Regime-Building - Oisín Tansey, 2009

Book | Background

The Causes of US Failure in Iraq - Toby Dodge, 2007-03

Article | Background

The Price of the Surge - Simon, Steven, 2008

Article | Background

The Iraq Study Group report - Baker, James Addison, Hamilton, Lee, Eagleburger, Lawrence
S., Iraq Study Group (U.S.), 2006
Book | Background

Iraq: Report of the UN SG

Webpage | Background

The Consequences of Forced State Failure in Iraq - Andrew Flibbert

Article | Background

Revisiting the Category of Fragile and Failed States in International Relations - M.

Nuruzzaman, 2013
Article | Background

05/02/22 EU4A2 - Globalisation, conflict and post-conflict reconstruction | Reading
lists @ LSE

State-building and transitional Politics in Iraq: The Perlis of a Top-down Transition - Katia
Papagianni, 2007
Article | Background

The Problematic Legitimacy of International-Led Statebuilding: Challenges of Uniting

International and Local Interests in Post-Conflict Kosovo - Mulaj K., 2011
Article | Background

Week 11: Reconceptualising Post-Totalitarian and Post-War

Reconstruction (57 items)
Essay Questions: Is reconstruction the same as state building? How does economic
reconstruction differ from economic transition? Does a relational perspective advance
theorising about state-building?

Essential Reading (5 items)

The handbook of global security policy - Mary Kaldor, Iavor Rangelov, 2014
Book | Essential | Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic, Denisa Kostovicova and David Rampton,
‘State-building, nation-building and post-conflict reconstruction’ Chapter 15, pp 265 - 281

Legitimacy in State-Building: A Review of the IR Literature1 - Morten Skumsrud Andersen,

Article | Essential

Explaining postconflict reconstruction - Desha M. Girod, 2015

Book | Essential | Chapter 2: Reconstruction Against All Odds and Chapter 7: Improving
Aid Effectiveness after Civil War

Chapter 1: Conceptualizing Peace

Chapter | Essential

Reclaiming the social: relationalism in anglophone international studies - Patrick Thaddeus

Jackson, Daniel H. Nexon, 2019-09-03
Article | Essential

Further Reading (51 items)

Measuring peace: principles, practices, and politics - Richard Caplan, 2019
Book | Background

Why International Trusteeship Fails: The Politics of External Authority in Areas of Limited
Statehood - David A. Lake, Christopher J. Fariss, 2014-10
Article | Background

Post-conflict Statebuilding and State Legitimacy: From Negative to Positive Peace? - David

05/02/22 EU4A2 - Globalisation, conflict and post-conflict reconstruction | Reading
lists @ LSE

Roberts, 2008-07
Article | Background

Persistent state weakness in the global age / - London School of Economics and Political
Webpage | Background | Kostovicova, Denisa and Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic, ‘Conclusion:
Persistent State Weakness and Issues for Research, Methodology and Policy’

Realising the post-modern dream: Strengthening post-conflict resilience and the promise
of peace - Pol Bargués-Pedreny, 2015-04-09
Article | Background | Resilience Vol 3 Issue 2

Global Governance, Liberal Peace, and Complex Emergency - Michael Dillon


Julian Reid, 2000

Article | Background | Alternatives Vol 25 Issue 1

State building and the non-state: debating key dilemmas - Sukanya Podder, 2014-10-21
Article | Background

State Building, Security and Development: state building as a new development paradigm?
- Heather Marquette, Danielle Beswick, 2011-11
Article | Background

External Actors, State-Building, and Service Provision in Areas of Limited Statehood:

Introduction - Stephen D. Krasner, Thomas Risse, 2014-10
Article | Background

Rethinking State–building in a Failed State - Seth Kaplan, 2010-01

Article | Background

Organized crime, political transitions, and state formation in post-Soviet Eurasia -

Alexander Kupatadze, Palgrave Connect (Online Service), 2012
Book | Background

Political economy of statebuilding: power after peace - Berdal, Mats R., Zaum, Dominik,
Book | Background

Post-Conflict Peacebuilding, Liberal Irrelevance and the Locus of Legitimacy - David

Roberts, 2011-08
Article | Background

Rebuilding governance in failed states and post-conflict societies: core concepts and
cross-cutting themes - Derick W. Brinkerhoff, 2005-02
Article | Background

05/02/22 EU4A2 - Globalisation, conflict and post-conflict reconstruction | Reading
lists @ LSE

Informality, inequality and social reintegration in post-war transition - Bojicic-Dzelilovic,

Vesna, 2013
Article | Background

Corrupting Peace? Peacebuilding and Post-conflict Corruption - Philippe Le Billon, 2008-06

Article | Background

State Fragility and Governance: Conflict Mitigation and Subnational Perspectives - Derick
W. Brinkerhoff, 2011-03
Article | Background

World Development Report 2011: Conflict, Security, and Development (World Bank: World
Development Report) - 1 Jan 2011
Document | Background

Ending wars, consolidating peace: economic perspectives - Berdal, Mats R., Wennmann,
Achim, International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2010
Book | Background | Especially "Crime, Corruption and Violent Economies"

Turbulent peace: the challenges of managing international conflict - Crocker, Chester A.,
Hampson, Fen Osler, Aall, Pamela R., 2001
Book | Background | Especially ‘The Challenge of Rebuilding War-torn Societies’, pp.

Reconstruction Survey: The Political Economy of Corruption in Post-War Lebanon - Khalil

Gebara, 2007
Document | Background | Especially "Corruption in Post-War Lebanon"

Reconstruction: An Agenda - Amitai Etzioni, 2007

Article | Background

Building states to build peace - Call, Charles, Wyeth, Vanessa, International Peace
Academy, 2008
Book | Background | Especially Part I, pp25-187

Theories, rhetoric and practice: Recovering the capacities of war-torn societies - Sultan
Barakat, Margaret Chard, 2002-10
Article | Background

From war to democracy: dilemmas of peacebuilding - Jarstad, Anna, Sisk, Timothy D., 2008
Book | Background

Towards a new agenda for transforming war economies - Mandy Turner, Michael Pugh,
Article | Background

The international community and state reconstruction in war‐torn societies - Robin

Luckham, 2004-12
Article | Background

Recovering from civil conflict: reconciliation, peace, and development - Newman, Edward,

05/02/22 EU4A2 - Globalisation, conflict and post-conflict reconstruction | Reading
lists @ LSE

Schnabel, Albrecht, 2002

Book | Background | Especially Introduction pp1-17

Post- war Peacebuilding Reviewed: A Critical Exploration of Generic Approaches to

Post-war Reconstruction - Monica Llamazares, 2005
Document | Background

Ending civil wars: the implementation of peace agreements - Stedman, Stephen John,
Rothchild, Donald S., Cousens, Elizabeth M., 2002
Book | Background

Peacebuilding as politics: cultivating peace in fragile societies - Cousens, Elizabeth M.,

Kumar, Chetan, Wermester, Karin, 2001
Book | Background

Development and change - Institute of Social Studies(Netherlands), 2002

Journal | Background | Special Issue: State Failure, Collapse and Reconstruction.

Rising From the Ashes? The Difficult (Re)Birth of the Georgian State. - Spyros Demetriou,
Article | Background

Postconflict development: meeting new challenges - Junne, Gerd, Verkoren, Willemijn,

Book | Background | Especially "Economic Policy for Building Peace", pp185-210

Peacebuilding in the Balkans: the view from the ground floor - Pickering, Paula M., 2007
Book | Background

Development and transition. - James Hughes and Ben Slay, 2005

Document | Background

At war's end: building peace after civil conflict - Paris, Roland, 2004
Book | Background | Especially Chapter 10 "Toward More Effective Peacebuilding",

When states fail: causes and consequences - Rotberg, Robert I., c2004
Book | Background | Especially ‘Civil Society and the Reconstruction of Failed States’

The Calm before the Storm: The British Experience in Southern Iraq - Micheal Knights, Ed
Williams, 2007
Document | Background

WHERE IS IRAQ HEADING? LESSONS FROM BASRA - International Crisis Group, 2007
Document | Background | Middle East Report No.67

Addressing Ethnic Divisions in Post-Conflict Institution-Building: Lessons from Recent

Cases - S. G. Simonsen, 2005-09-01
Article | Background

The Imperative to Rebuild: Assessing the Normative Case for Postconflict Reconstruction -

05/02/22 EU4A2 - Globalisation, conflict and post-conflict reconstruction | Reading
lists @ LSE

Gheciu, Alexandra, Summer 2009

Article | Background

Planning post-conflict reconstruction in Iraq: what can we learn? - ANDREW RATHMELL,

Article | Background

Methodology and the study of state-building in the Western Balkans - Suan L. Woodward,
Denisa Kostovicova, Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic, 2012
Article | Background

Locating power in state-building: the conflict network perspective - Vesna

Bojicic-Dzelilovic, Denisa Kostovicova, 2012
Article | Background

Europeanisation and conflict networks: private sector development in post-conflict

Bosnia–Herzegovina - Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic, Denisa Kostovicova, 2013-03
Article | Background | ONLY pages 20-22 for a relational perspective on state-building

Towards Better Theories of Peacebuilding: Beyond the Liberal Peace Debate

Webpage | Background

Introduction: Beyond Northern Epistemologies of Peace: Peacebuilding Reconstructed? -

Kristoffer Lidén, Roger Mac Ginty, Oliver P. Richmond, 2009-11
Article | Background


CONFLICT TRANSFORMATION - Mayanja, Evelyn N, Sep 2013
Article | Background | Especially Introduction Chapter

A state built on sand: how opium undermined Afghanistan - David Mansfield, 2016
Book | Background

Conflicted Corporates: Rethinking the Role of Business in Global Security - Mary Martin,
Article | Background


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