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Shlp To: 1002 Shlp From: 1314 Date Shlpped:
Oart Conta iner leola Solo Dallas TX Plt 11/01/2021
C/O Dart Container Leola Dallas 8111 of Ladlng No.:
ATTN : ANGELA IMMEL 4444 W . Ledbetter Orive Dellvery Date: 82563907
60 East Mil in Street Dallas TX 75236
Leola PA 17540-1940
Dellvery Time:
lll ll 2094491
Phone No.: 214-339-3131 3:00:00 PM
* Reference Shipment # for the payments
Dellvery Conf. No:
Phone No.: 717-656-2236

Customer Order No. : Shlp To P.O. No.: Traller No.: Booklng No.: Voyage No.:
4800769603 49902
Customer P.O. No.: carrler: Seal No.: Vessel No.: Container Id.:
BROCK LLC 7373666 49902


No.o! Cube per Total Welght per Frelght Class and

Stock Code Descrlptlon of Artlcles, Speclal Marks and Exceptlons Package Product NMFC
SAP Material No.: 1043090 157320SUB 3
Batch: 21F2881C6
Tot.1No. ol
inCLClkíffl . ,...,.,
Total Wftlhl

0.000 m 40,000.000 LB

Th• property dHaibe-d 1bove, In 1 ppu•nl &ooc:I otd-cr, e-upl II noted (conte nu 1nd tond/úon1 of cont1nt1 of s,.ck.l1H unknown) m1 rkcd, consJsnN , 1nd dn t lnl'd u lndlutl'd l>tlow, wh lch To beprepald 5utifKttoHfflOn7oft.heCondilionl,,tr
11ld t.11'Tltr (ttie ...o,d a,rT!er blln& und emood thro u,hout thl1 C.Ol'llrlCI u rne1nlfll 1 ny penori or corpor1tlon ln pou essJon ot t he property undu 1he 11r1u t o c1uy to lb u1 1U1I tht1~ t l $ t o b l ~Hto tfll
plKe of de llvtry 1t 111d dfltlfl.ll lon, lf on lts route, otherwl11 to dellvu to 1noWr arr1t r on th1 rout1 to 11ld dn Un1tlon. lt 11 mu t1i1 lty H lo uc.h uo rr1tr of 1H or 1 ny 11ld prope rty Send frel¡ht blll to: conlll~wlthoo.ltr""°"'""ontiw~.
ov1r 1Uo, 1ny pon Ion of 111d routl to dntlfl.ltlon, u udl p1rty 111ny time lntun ted In 111 or 1ny p«tlon of 111d f'OY tt to dt lllolt lon, u lo u c.h p1rty 111ny Um1 lnttt"nttd In 1!1 o, 1ny ol Out Conta iner Corponitlon tht c:onllpot Wil . thl
Miel p,opc rty, thll __,., IIN I~ to bl perforrned hareundt r 1h.lU bl l ubject to 111 th1 l lrmli 1nd c.ondJtlo n1 ol !he Untlorm Oomlttlc SH1isht 11111 of t..dlfll provldld by lh1 NMTf.-. 111 fonh (11 SOO Rd. llltl'ffW'lt
In Unlform Frtl&hl Cl111lflcatlo n1 In tffl<t on lh1 dllt hlrtof, lf !hit 1111or1 1'111-Wl llr 1hfpm1 nl, or l l l ln tht 1ppllCl bl1 motor a rriar <Ululflu t lon or llrlff lf 1h11 1i I motor C1'1'1" 1hlpm1n t Tht c:1mll'INl!not fflll1 ~ ol
Attn: A.ccounts Payab1e th111hlpffl.,_t ~PIO\lt Pl'f""H!t of fffitn t l1'd
("Col'ldltlon"), Shlp~r hffitby urtlflll th1 t ht 11 f1mílllr 1ll t1 rm11nd condltl on1 of lhl 11kt blll ol l1d ln1, lndudlnl thoH on btck th1nof, 11l forth In tht cl1u!flu tlon o, t1rll'I' wh k h
Mason, MI 4885-4 .it o1Mf' la wfuld\l,.,.1.
1overn1 !he tTtn'90"1tlon of lhli 1hlpme nt 1nd tht 1,11d ll! rml 1nd con dltlon1 " ' tlert by 1a,u d to by 1h1 lhlpper 1nd 1u1 p11d ror hlmu lr 1nd h11 u'4n1.

"I have baen provlded pfOper .... , ,.,.... 1nd/ot placards for thll lhlpment. H per appilaiblll lntemaUonal and
naUonal ,...,,a.tlons by tha lhlpper.•
5lln1ture: (Stgnakn cf Consigtior)

•1hereby declare thlt the contentl of thk c:o,.sltM'lent are fu1ty end tceUratety de1erfbed •hove by the proper FOIi OtEMICAL lME"GlNCY IN ntl! USA AND CANADA CONTACT U.MffllC AT ...... GH1DO fOII ASS&STAHCL 111
ahlppktc narne, and are daulfl.d, pacbaied, marbd and llbeled/placarded, and 1re i,, all ratpects Ir, propu
condltior, for tnMport • eso,dlnc to applk:abia internaUonal aowrnmental ,..ut.Uon,• (4t
5i11n1ture: L
172.l04(a)(l )) ª"

A.U. Olltl" COUNTIUU CAll C20ll 41J.1'11

• HM Mark "X" t o dttl¡nat• Huardou1 "1•ter1&lt Shlpment II deftntd kl u . e ~ a f ~ U o a -,

"fl- ..,. ll'l a11:ulatl0na - !"11

Loader: Date: Carrler's Aaent: Date:

The Flbre Boitu used for thls shlpme nt conform to lhe speclflcallon 111 forth In the bo11 mak1r'1 certlflcate th1r10n, and all othe r r1qulr1m1 nts Nol• - l ltems d11crlbtd he re ln may have bu n lncrused In we l¡:ht In illCcordance wlth
of a.ment Unlform Frel1ht Oaulflca Uons. provlslon of the aovunin¡ ci.ulflc:.tlo n and tar lffs
"Shlpper lmprlnt In lie u of sta mp, not part of bi11 of h1dln1 a pproved by the U.S. Oe partme nt of Transportatlon ."

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