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Name: M.

Jawad Younas

Roll no 013.

English assignment: Persuasive essay

Topic : The Blood of Palestinians.
The blood of Palestinians is not just a biological fluid as it symbolizes the people of courage and
determination who are fighting for their land. This ongoing conflict between Palestinians and Israel has
claimed countless lives including newborn babies to old aged individuals. It is not the fight of Palestinians ;it is
the fight of humanity. A large-scale genocide of Palestinians is happening and the whole world is silent. The
whole humanity should raise their voices against Israel for such brutality.

Palestinians have faced violence, threating, displacement and injustice from decades .This start from
the very beginning when Hitler in ww2,he was killing Jewish people and the Palestinians had gave them a
shelter when the Jews do not have anything to cover their bodies, and to eat anything and when they do not
had any place to save their lives Palestinians helped them gave them good cloths ,food and a safe area to live
their lives with their families. This help of Palestine proved in their own destruction. When Jews got grip in
their lives they started to betray them and got strength day by day and resulted in creating their country
named Israel; and made powerful allies outside. After then Israel started his agenda of conquer Palestine and
to build Haqle-e-Sulemane on place of masjid-e-Aqsa .This ongoing agenda of Israel has taken countless lives
of Palestinians and this should stop. It is a big tragedy for Muslim ummah; that they are ignoring the shed of
blood of their religious brothers and sisters.

When someone cut an animal everyone sees and hears and raises his voice against the butcher to
stop this brutality but when Muslim human got killed by an Israeli bullet and bombs everyone puts their hands
on their eyes and ears and has nothing to say . There is a say that everything has a limit and I believes that a
mashie will come and save the lives of Palestinians.

As a Muslim what is our role in this fight as we know that the time has changed no one can easily
move from one to another country we cannot go there and fight we can also boycott their products this will
happen in decrease their economy and helps in stopping the enemy and also to raise our voice and much as
possible to open the eyes of the rulers and to force them to take action. To do this we can use social media
platforms. The Muslim rulers should take actions against Israel to stop their brutality by conference or by war.

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