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Dld semester project proposal

Project members:
 Jawad.
 Haris.

Title: Water level indicator.

Every residential or commercial sector needs a tank to store water in it as it is an essential need of our
life. Water needs to be conserved sufficiently and requires systematic management. The water tank needs to
be refilled using pumps when the level of water is decreased. A water-level indicating system is useful for this
purpose. It is a simple tool to detect the level of water in any container or tank. It indicates when the level of
water is decreased or increased by a certain limit. Using this device helps prevent waste of water and energy
and the refilling of the tank is done efficiently.

Hardware Components
The following components are required to make Water Level Indicator Circuit Component Value Qty

1. Transistor BC547 4

2. Buzzer – 1

3. LED – 3

4. Resistor 330Ω, 220Ω 4, 3

5. Water Tank – 1 Component Value Qty

6. Battery 9V 1
Working Explanation:
This circuit uses transistors (BC547), LEDs, resistors, wires, and a buzzer for an indicator. The four wires as
used for four different levels in the tank where L1 indicates the lower level to L4 higher level respectively. The
transistors are used as a switch, connected to the level wires through resistors, and are placed in the water
tank indicating different levels. The Q4 is connected to the buzzer while the other three are connected to the
LEDs at the emitter junction and the 9V supply is connected to the collector terminal through a resistor. The
common supply wire is connected to the battery, coupled with the transistors’ collector terminal, and is placed
at the bottom of the tank or container.

As the power supply is provided to the circuit, the power is applied to the collector terminal and the common
wire. When the level of the water increases, it reaches the wire from L1 to L4 that provides power to the base
of the respective transistor. The base acts as a switch and on receiving a signal it makes the respective LED
glow, as the level reaches L4, the buzzer beeps indicating enough rise of the water leve l.


Water level indicators have importance because of their crucial use in different sectors. Without the
indicator, we have to check manually the level of the water in the tank or container. It allows you to monitor
the water level and take necessary action.

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