Clothed Characters Checklist

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Lesson 1 - Checklist

Do I have a checklist of feedback questions next to me?

Am I thinking about speci c, practical changes in the form of

next steps?

Lesson 2 - Priority Pyramid

Am I dividing my time into 3 stages? Pose, Garment Design, then Folds?

Have I drawn three rough poses per nal drawing?

Have I drawn the pattern by each of the three garment options?

Lesson 3 - Proportions and Pose

Have I acted the pose out during the drawing process?

Have I set a timer to remind myself to step back, both physically and mentally, every 5 minutes?

Lesson 4 - Visualise

Am I drawing sequentially?

Have I attempted to visualise on a timer for 1 minute before starting to draw?

Am I using stepping stones and making a leap of faith between them?

Am I focusing on the form between the lines or the lines themselves?

Lesson 5 - Edges

Am I drawing feathery lines?

Am I drawing edges only where the plane is facing at least 90 degrees away from me?

Am I staggering my lines?

Am I alternating lines on either side of the edge?

Lesson 6 - Line Roles

When I scan my drawing, can I see any lines that don't ful l a role?

Do I often draw lines without any clear goal? AKA "noodling"

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Lesson 7 - Sculpting

Am I thinking in a subtractive rather than additive way?

Are most of the lines near the edges of the shape?

Am I intentionally NOT drawing folds in certain regions in order to suggest a plane facing the

Lesson 8 - Levels of Volume

Am I intentionally varying the level of volume throughout the drawing?

Am I drawing in 3D when 2.5D would be more ef cient?

Lesson 9 - Overlap

Am I constantly stepping back and asking, "Is THIS in front or behind THIS?"

Am I accidentally drawing "Fanning" in regions of high overlap?

Have I clearly identi ed the 3 or 4 most important overlaps in the drawing?

Lesson 10 - Wedging, ABC and 123

Are my forms affecting each other when they merge?

Am I interlocking my folds?

Can I include at least 1 ABC fold in my character?

Can I include at least one 123-fold in my character?

Lesson 11 - Silhouette

Have I identi ed the 3-5 most important secondary silhouette overlaps?

Am I working methodically from Mannequin to Silhouette to Secondary Silhouette to Internals?

Have I added variety to the silhouette's width?

Lesson 12 - Internals and Noise

Am I adding internals because I'm not con dent with my secondary silhouette?

Am I squinting to check for clear shapes?

Am I breaking up the major shapes with too many internals?

Have I passed the sweet spot for clarity?

Lesson 13 - Contours and Hidden Contours

Have I included Hidden Contours?

Are too many contours breaking up my shapes?

Can I use a hidden contour to suggest a twist?

Lesson 14 - Bunching

Have I included at least one bunching area in my character?

Am I including any shelving?

Have I included a region of vertical overlap?

Have I included some wrapping?

Lesson 15 - The Fold Response

Have I identi ed the two most obvious folding regions?

Have I included an indication that the garment is responding to these folds?

Have I accidentally included a fold response in a region that s a pulling area?

Lesson 16 - Thickness

Have I given this garment an appropriate thickness?

Can I adjust the thickness of the openings for more believability?

Do I know the three opening styles, and which do I prefer?


Lesson 17 - Tension

Have I identi ed the 2 biggest pulling areas?

Am I accidentally using "Tension Lines" rather than lines to suggest bunching?

Lesson 18 - Z Lines

Can I identify the least decisive part of my drawing?

Can I Incorporate at least 3 Z Lines that region?

Am I including micro-tails or small shadows on the ends of my Z Lines?

Lesson 19 - X Folds

Am I drawing symbols instead of 3D forms?

Am I alternating corners with X Folds on?

Have I drawn the wrapping of the folds too at?

Lesson 20 - Perspective

Can I erase any lines to strengthen an implied plane?

Is there at least one clear top or bottom plane for each major shape?

Can I use bunching to strengthen the perspective?

Lesson 21 - Fold Variety

Have I paused and given the design some focus?

Have I varied the spacing, length and angle of secondary silhouette overlaps?

Can I identify any symmetrical regions in my folds?

Lesson 22 - Fold Grouping

Have I consciously chosen to either group or separate folding regions?

Have I considered the speci c direction, stage and strength of the movement?

Am I including any Suspension in the pose?


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