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chaty clever

brave easy-going
laid-back friendly
funny generous
workaholic hard-working
industrious honest
kind lazy
lucky unlucky
mean* moody
nasty neat
nervous nice
polite popular
quiet rude
selfish serious
shy silly
smart* stupid
tidy untidy
vain wise
affectionate aggressive
ambitious anxious
artistic bad-tempered
big-headed boring
bossy charismatic
creative courageous
dependable devious
dim extroverted
introverted gregarious
impulsive intelligent
cheerful joyful
adventurous realiable
focused unreliable
reflective sociable
mature sympathetic
immature loud
motivated talkative
weak upbeat
pessimistic supportive
hostile hopeful
grumpy childish

Important note
Take care using negative adjectives! Some people may be
very offendend if you use these words to describe them.
In most situations, it is much safer to use a
neutral adjective if you can't think of anything
positive to say about someone.

Writing and Speaking

Say the definition and write
one sentence using each word from the list

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