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“I am pleased to say that all our classmates are able to come to the party we are

organizing for the end of the course. There are just a few more things I’d like to ask
you. Should we hire a band for the ocation? Shall we order some food from a local
restaurant? How about making it a fancy dress party?

Speak to you soon

All the best, Sam.

My email:

Hey what’s up Sam? I see that you need some advices. Let me give you some ones.

About hire a band, I actually don’t think this is necessary, unless of course all of you
really, really love a specific band. But I don’t think this is your case so I recommend to
all of you to select your favorite themes and save them in a playlist, or search in
youtube or spotify some party-playlist for the ocation. In this way you save a lot of
money that you can use for other stuff.

Btw, another thing which you can spend your money is on food. You asked me if you
shall order some food from a local restaurant, and I say yes to it. You shall order
fast-food like hamburgers, sandwiches or even pizza, so this doesn’t take too much
time to be ready for your party, also you can order so much fast-food to all the people
in the party.

Anyways changing the subject, a fancy-dress party could be a good idea, but also a bad
one ‘cause your fancy dress could get dirty with the food, adding that it’s
uncomfortable to wear in a place where there is a crowd of people and probably is hot.
But this is my opinion, you can do whatever you want.

This are my advices to your doubts. I hope your party goes well.

See you, Manuel Garcia

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