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2 A Gift of Chappals

1. Who is the author of the story "A Gift of Chappals"?

 A Ruskin Bond
 B RK Narayan
 C Vaikom Muhammad Basheer
 D Anita Desai

1. What is the relationship between Mridu and Tapi?

 A Mother and daughter
 B Sisters
 C Grandmother and granddaughter
 D Friends

1. Who is Rukku Manni?

 A A wealthy woman
 B A beggar
 C A kind old woman
 D A music teacher

1. Why does Mridu go to Rukku Manni's house?

 A To play with her friends
 B To get some food
 C To deliver a message from her grandmother
 D To ask for help with her homework

1. What does Rukku Manni give to Mridu?

 A A piece of candy
 B A new dress
 C A pair of chappals
 D A book

1. Who is the music master?

 A Rukku Manni's son
 B Mridu's father
 C A visitor to Rukku Manni's house
 D A beggar

1. What does the music master think of the chappals?

 A He thinks they are ugly
 B He thinks they are too small for Mridu
 C He thinks they are beautiful
 D He thinks they are not worth anything

1. Why does the music master ask Mridu where she got the chappals?
 A He is curious about where they came from
 B He wants to buy them for himself
 C He thinks they are stolen
 D He wants to give Mridu some money for them

1. What does Mridu tell the music master about the chappals?
 A She tells him that she found them
 B She tells him that they were a gift from her grandmother
 C She tells him that they were a gift from Rukku Manni
 D She tells him that she bought them with her own money

1. What does the music master do with the chappals?

 A He throws them away
 B He gives them to a beggar
 C He keeps them as a memento
 D He gives them back to Mridu

1. Why does the music master keep the chappals?

 A He thinks they are valuable
 B He thinks they are beautiful
 C He thinks they are a reminder of Mridu's kindness
 D He thinks they are a good luck charm

1. What is the main theme of the story?

 A The importance of material possessions
 B The power of money
 C The value of kindness
 D The importance of following one's dreams

1. What is the tone of the story?

 A Humorous
 B Sad
 C Warm and heartwarming
 D Suspenseful

1. What is the setting of the story?

 A A big city
 B A small village
 C A rural area
 D A foreign country

1. What is the point of view of the story?

 A First person
 B Second person
 C Third person limited
 D Third person omniscient

1. What is the conflict in the story?

 A Person vs person
 B Person vs nature
 C Person vs self
 D There is no conflict in the story

1. What is the resolution of the story?

A The music master gives Mridu some money for the chappals
B The music master throws the chappals away
C The music master keeps the chappals as a memento
D The music master gives the chappals to a beggar

1. What is the significance of the chappals in the story?

 A They are a symbol of wealth
 B They are a symbol of power
 C They are a symbol of kindness
 D They are a symbol of good luck

1. What is the most important lesson learned in the story?

 A It is important to be


1. What secret does Meena share with Mridu?

Answer: Meena shares the secret of a kitten hidden behind a thick bitter-berry bush in the backyard.

2. How does Ravi get milk for the kitten?

Answer: Ravi gets milk for the kitten from the kitchen by deceiving his grandmother.

3. What does Ravi say about the kitten's ancestors?

Answer: Ravi says that the kitten is a descendant of the Egyptian cat-goddess and the Mahabalipuram

4. What does Mridu find in the backyard?

Answer: Mridu finds a pair of old chappals in the backyard.

5. Who gives Mridu the chappals?

Answer: Rukku Manni gives Mridu the chappals.

6. What does the music master think of the chappals?

Answer: The music master thinks the chappals are beautiful.

7. Why does the music master ask Mridu where she got the chappals?
Answer: The music master asks Mridu where she got the chappals because he is curious about their

8. What does Mridu tell the music master about the chappals?
Answer: Mridu tells the music master that the chappals were a gift from Rukku Manni.

9. What does the music master do with the chappals?

Answer: The music master keeps the chappals as a memento of Mridu's kindness.

10. Why does the music master keep the chappals?

Answer: The music master keeps the chappals because they remind him of Mridu's kindness.

11. What is the main theme of the story?

Answer: The main theme of the story is the value of kindness.

12. What is the tone of the story?

Answer: The tone of the story is warm and heartwarming.

13. What is the setting of the story?

Answer: The setting of the story is a rural area in India.

14. What is the point of view of the story?

Answer: The point of view of the story is third person limited.
15. What is the conflict in the story?
Answer: The conflict in the story is the music master's struggle to understand the value of the chappals.

16. What is the resolution of the story?

Answer: The resolution of the story is the music master's decision to keep the chappals as a memento
of Mridu's kindness.

17. What is the significance of the chappals in the story?

Answer: The chappals are a symbol of kindness and the power it has to touch people's lives.

18. What is the most important lesson learned in the story?

Answer: The most important lesson learned in the story is that kindness is a valuable gift that can have
a lasting impact on others.

19. What is the author's purpose in writing the story?

Answer: The author's purpose in writing the story is to show the importance of kindness and the power
it has to make a difference in the world.

20. How does the story make you feel?

Answer: The story makes me feel warm and happy because it reminds me of the importance of
kindness and the power it has to make the world a better place.


1. Discuss the significance of the chappals in the story "A Gift of Chappals".

Answer: The chappals in the story "A Gift of Chappals" are not merely a pair of footwear. They are a
symbol of kindness, compassion, and the power of small acts of generosity. The chappals are initially
given to Mridu by Rukku Manni, a kind old woman who sees that Mridu is barefoot. The chappals are
not new or expensive, but they are a practical gift that will help Mridu protect her feet.

When Mridu sees the music master admiring the chappals, she offers to give them to him. The music
master is initially hesitant to accept the gift, but he is touched by Mridu's generosity. He keeps the
chappals as a memento of Mridu's kindness, and they become a reminder to him of the importance of
helping others.

The chappals also serve as a reminder that even the smallest acts of kindness can have a lasting impact
on others. Mridu's simple act of giving the chappals to the music master brings him joy and makes him
feel appreciated. The chappals are a symbol of the power of kindness to make the world a better place.

2. Analyze the relationship between Mridu and the music master in the story "A Gift of Chappals".

Answer: The relationship between Mridu and the music master is one of mutual respect and
admiration. Mridu is a kind and compassionate child who is always willing to help others. The music
master is a wise and learned man who appreciates Mridu's kindness and generosity.

The music master is initially hesitant to accept the chappals from Mridu because he does not want to
take advantage of her. However, he is touched by Mridu's insistence on giving him the chappals. The
music master's acceptance of the chappals is a sign of his respect for Mridu's kindness.

The music master's decision to keep the chappals as a memento of Mridu's kindness shows that he
values her friendship. The chappals are a symbol of the bond between Mridu and the music master, a
bond that is based on mutual respect and admiration.

3. Discuss the theme of kindness in the story "A Gift of Chappals".

Answer: The theme of kindness is central to the story "A Gift of Chappals". The story shows how
kindness can be expressed in simple ways, such as giving a pair of chappals to someone who needs
them. The story also shows how kindness can have a lasting impact on others.
Mridu's act of giving the chappals to the music master is a small act of kindness, but it has a profound
impact on the music master. The music master is touched by Mridu's generosity, and he keeps the
chappals as a reminder of the importance of kindness.

The story also shows how kindness can be contagious. The music master is inspired by Mridu's
kindness, and he is more likely to be kind to others in the future. The story suggests that kindness is a
gift that can be passed on from one person to another.

In conclusion, the story "A Gift of Chappals" is a celebration of kindness. The story shows how
kindness can make the world a better place, and it encourages readers to be kind to others.

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