1 The Squirrel

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Certainly, here are 20 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with answers based on the poem "The

Squirrel" from Class 7:

1. In the poem "The Squirrel," what is the squirrel busy doing?

a. Singing songs
b. Sleeping in the sun
c. **Gathering nuts for winter**
d. Building a nest

2. How does the poet describe the squirrel's tail?

a. Fluffy and white
b. Long and curly
c. **Bushy and bright**
d. Short and skinny

3. What is the squirrel's color according to the poem?

a. Gray
b. **Red**
c. Black
d. Brown

4. In the poem, where does the squirrel make its home?

a. In a tree
b. In a burrow
c. **In a hole in the wall**
d. In a nest

5. What season is mentioned in the poem?

a. Spring
b. Summer
c. **Autumn**
d. Winter

6. How does the squirrel behave in the poem when the rain is falling?
a. It hides in its burrow
b. It dances and plays in the rain
c. **It sits still and waits for the rain to stop**
d. It builds a shelter from leaves

7. What does the squirrel's bright eye signify in the poem?

a. Fear
b. Sadness
c. **Alertness and curiosity**
d. Sleepiness

8. What does the squirrel's nimble feet help it do?

a. **Climb trees and jump from branch to branch**
b. Dig burrows
c. Sleep comfortably
d. Swim in the river

9. What is the tone of the poem "The Squirrel"?

a. Sad
b. Angry
c. **Appreciative and observant**
d. Frightening
10. How does the poet feel about the squirrel?
a. Indifferent
b. Fearful
c. **Admiring and appreciative**
d. Annoyed

11. What is the main focus of the poem?

a. Rainy weather
b. Various animals
c. **The activities and characteristics of a squirrel**
d. The changing seasons

12. What does the squirrel's bushy tail help it with?

a. Flying
b. Swimming
c. **Balancing and staying warm**
d. Camouflaging

13. What does the poet compare the squirrel's tail to in the poem?
a. A broom
b. A rope
c. A flag
d. **A feather**

14. What does the squirrel do when the poet approaches it?
a. Runs away
b. Attacks the poet
c. **Sits still and looks at the poet**
d. Chirps and makes noise

15. In the poem, what is the squirrel's main source of food?

a. Berries
b. Fish
c. **Nuts**
d. Insects

16. What does the poem describe the squirrel's ears as?
a. Tiny and pointed
b. Flat and wide
c. **Cute and furry**
d. Long and slim

17. What is the significance of the squirrel's actions during the rainy season?
a. It's playing a game
b. It's looking for a mate
c. **It's gathering food to survive the winter**
d. It's enjoying the rain

18. What is the poem's message about the squirrel's character?

a. Squirrels are lazy animals
b. Squirrels are dangerous creatures
c. **Squirrels are resourceful and resilient**
d. Squirrels are timid and weak

19. What does the poem suggest about the squirrel's intelligence?
a. Squirrels are not very smart
b. **Squirrels are clever and adaptive**
c. Squirrels are easily tricked
d. Squirrels are slow learners

20. In the poem, how does the squirrel react to the poet's admiration?
a. It ignores the poet
b. It scolds the poet
c. **It acknowledges the poet's admiration by looking into the poet's eyes**
d. It runs away from the poet.


Sure, here are 20 short answer questions along with their answers based on the chapter "The

1. **What is the main activity of the squirrel in the poem?**

- The main activity of the squirrel in the poem is gathering nuts for winter.

2. **How does the poet describe the squirrel's tail?**

- The poet describes the squirrel's tail as "bushy and bright."

3. **What color is the squirrel in the poem?**

- The squirrel in the poem is described as "red."

4. **Where does the squirrel make its home?**

- The squirrel in the poem makes its home in a hole in the wall.

5. **Which season is mentioned in the poem?**

- The poem mentions the season of "autumn."

6. **How does the squirrel behave when the rain is falling?**

- When the rain is falling, the squirrel sits still and waits for the rain to stop.

7. **What does the bright eye of the squirrel signify in the poem?**
- The bright eye of the squirrel signifies alertness and curiosity.

8. **What does the squirrel's nimble feet help it do?**

- The squirrel's nimble feet help it climb trees and jump from branch to branch.

9. **What is the tone of the poem "The Squirrel"?**

- The tone of the poem is appreciative and observant.

10. **How does the poet feel about the squirrel?**

- The poet feels admiring and appreciative of the squirrel.

11. **What is the main focus of the poem "The Squirrel"?**

- The main focus of the poem is the activities and characteristics of a squirrel.

12. **What does the squirrel's bushy tail help it with?**

- The squirrel's bushy tail helps it with balancing and staying warm.

13. **What does the poet compare the squirrel's tail to in the poem?**
- The poet compares the squirrel's tail to a feather.

14. **How does the squirrel react when the poet approaches it?**
- When the poet approaches the squirrel, it sits still and looks at the poet.

15. **What is the main source of food for the squirrel in the poem?**
- The main source of food for the squirrel is nuts.
16. **How does the poet describe the squirrel's ears?**
- The poet describes the squirrel's ears as "tiny and pointed."

17. **What is the significance of the squirrel's actions during the rainy season?**
- The significance of the squirrel's actions during the rainy season is that it is gathering and storing
food to survive the winter.

18. **What is the poem's message about the squirrel's character?**

- The poem's message is that squirrels are resourceful and resilient creatures.

19. **What does the poem suggest about the squirrel's intelligence?**
- The poem suggests that squirrels are clever and adaptive animals.

20. **How does the squirrel react to the poet's admiration in the poem?**
- The squirrel acknowledges the poet's admiration by looking into the poet's eyes.


Certainly, here are five long-answer questions along with their answers based on the chapter "The

**Question 1:** Describe the squirrel's behavior during the rainy season as portrayed in the poem
"The Squirrel."

**Answer 1:** In the poem "The Squirrel," the squirrel's behavior during the rainy season is
depicted as cautious and resourceful. When the rain is falling, the squirrel doesn't frolic or get
drenched. Instead, it sits still, crouching and patiently waiting for the rain to stop. This behavior shows
the squirrel's adaptability to its environment. It understands that getting wet can be uncomfortable
and perhaps even dangerous, so it conserves its energy and waits for better weather. The poem
highlights the squirrel's practical and intelligent approach to dealing with adverse conditions.

**Question 2:** How does the poet's admiration for the squirrel reflect in the poem "The

**Answer 2:** The poet's admiration for the squirrel is evident throughout the poem. The
admiration is expressed through the poet's keen observation of the squirrel's characteristics and
behavior. The poet describes the squirrel's tail as "bushy and bright," its eye as "bright and sharp,"
and its feet as "nimble and small." These descriptions convey a sense of wonder and appreciation for
the squirrel's physical attributes. Moreover, the poet's choice of words like "alert" and "curious"
further reflect the admiration, as these words indicate a sense of respect for the squirrel's qualities.

Additionally, the poet's overall tone is one of appreciation and observation, which underscores the
admiration for the squirrel's actions and existence. The poet's fascination with the squirrel's ability to
balance on the thinnest branch, gather nuts for winter, and stay warm with its bushy tail further
exemplifies the deep admiration for this small creature.

**Question 3:** What does the squirrel's behavior during the rainy season teach us about survival
and adaptation in nature?

**Answer 3:** The squirrel's behavior during the rainy season, as described in the poem, offers
valuable lessons about survival and adaptation in the natural world. The poem teaches us that in
nature, animals, like the squirrel, have developed instinctual responses to adverse conditions, such as
rain. Here's what we can learn:
1. **Patience:** The squirrel's ability to sit still and patiently wait for the rain to stop demonstrates
the importance of patience in dealing with adverse situations. It conserves its energy and avoids
unnecessary risks.

2. **Resourcefulness:** Squirrels are known for their ability to gather and store food for the
winter. In the poem, their gathering of nuts during the rainy season highlights their resourcefulness in
preparing for future challenges.

3. **Adaptability:** The squirrel's ability to adapt to changing weather conditions is a key survival
trait. By staying dry during the rain, it avoids discomfort and potential health issues.

4. **Observation:** The poet's keen observation of the squirrel's behavior reminds us of the
importance of paying attention to nature. Understanding animal behavior can provide insights into
their strategies for survival.

5. **Resilience:** Squirrels, like many creatures in the natural world, are resilient. They adapt to
changing circumstances, find ways to secure their food and shelter, and continue to thrive in various

In essence, the squirrel's behavior during the rainy season serves as a reminder that survival in the
natural world often involves a combination of patience, resourcefulness, adaptability, keen
observation, and resilience.

**Question 4:** How does the poet use vivid imagery to describe the squirrel in the poem "The

**Answer 4:** The poet uses vivid imagery to create a detailed and colorful picture of the squirrel
in the poem "The Squirrel." Here are some examples of vivid imagery:

1. "Bushy and bright was his tail" - This imagery paints a clear picture of the squirrel's tail,
emphasizing its bushiness and brightness.

2. "Bright and sharp was his eye" - This description highlights the squirrel's alert and intelligent
gaze, creating a mental image of its eyes.

3. "Nimble and small were his feet" - This imagery provides a visual of the squirrel's small, agile feet,
emphasizing its ability to move with dexterity.

4. "Balancing with the thinnest air" - This line evokes an image of the squirrel's impressive ability to
balance on slender branches, showcasing its agility.

5. "The creature is still" - This description helps readers envision the squirrel's stillness during the
rain, emphasizing its patience and quiet demeanor.

Overall, the poet uses vivid imagery to bring the squirrel to life in the reader's imagination, enabling
them to visualize the squirrel's physical characteristics and behavior.

**Question 5:** What is the underlying message or theme conveyed in the poem "The Squirrel"?

**Answer 5:** The poem "The Squirrel" conveys a theme of appreciation for the beauty and
resilience of nature, particularly in the small and seemingly ordinary creatures that often go
unnoticed. The underlying message is that even the most common animals, like the squirrel, exhibit
remarkable qualities when observed closely. The poem celebrates the squirrel's agility,
resourcefulness, and adaptability, highlighting these traits as essential for survival in the natural
Furthermore, the poem suggests that there is wonder and beauty in the everyday aspects of
nature, and it encourages the reader to take the time to observe and appreciate the small wonders
that surround us. The poet's admiration for the squirrel serves as a reminder that nature is full of
extraordinary creatures, each with its own unique qualities, and that these creatures play a vital role
in the ecosystem.

In summary, "The Squirrel" encourages us to find beauty and inspiration in the simple and often
overlooked elements of the natural world, fostering a deeper connection with and appreciation for

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