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Prepared by the Department of Ordnance and Gunnery

United States Naval Academy· Edited and produced by the

U. S. Navy Training Publications Center, under direction

of the Bureau of Naval Personnel

NavPers 10797-A



This 1957 Edition is Revised From the 1955 Edition

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office

Washington 25, D. C. -- Price $1.75

Gene Slover's US Navy Pages Table of Contents

Naval Ordnance and Gunnery (1957) isa basic textbook on the subject of naval
weapons and their control. Prepared for use primarily as a classroom text for mid-
shipmen at the United States Naval Academy and in ,the Naval Reserve Officers
Training Corps, it will also serve to support other officer and officer candidate training
programs and will have general use as a reference book.
The text is limited to a treatment of fundamental concepts and principles of
ordnance, with enough data on typical weapons and control systems for the purposes
of the training programs for which it is intended. It is not intended to replace
technical and doctrine publications of the Bureau of Ordnance and the Office of
the Chief of Naval Operations.
The present edition is a revision of Naval Ordnance and Gunnery (1955).
The present edition is issued in three volumes: 1, Naval Ordnance; 2, Naval Fire
Control and Gunnery Organization, and 3, Confidential Supplement. These are
all subtitles, appearing in conjunction with the general title, Naval Ordnance and
Revision of this publication, including the addition of new material, was accom-
plished by officers attached to the Department of Ordnance and Gunnery, U. S.
Naval Academy, working in conjunction with the Training Division, Bureau of
Naval Personnel, and the U. S. Navy Training Publications Center, Washington,


Gene Slover's US Navy Pages Table of Contents

The United States Navy is responsible for maintaining control of the sea
and is a ready force on watch at home and overseas, capable of strong
action to preserve the peace or of instant offensive action to win in war.

It is upon the maintenance of this control that our country's glorious

future depends; the United States Navy exists to make it so.


Tradition, valor, and victory are the Navy's heritage from the past. To
these may be added dedication, discipline, and vigilance as the watchwords
of the present and the future.

At home or on distant stations we serve with pride, confident in the respect

of our country, our shipmates, and our families.

Our responsibilities sober us; our adversities strengthen us.

Service to God and Country is our special privilege. We serve with honor.


The Navy will always employ new weapons, new techniques, and
greater power to protect and defend the United States on the sea, under
the sea, and in the air.

Now and in the future, control of the sea gives the United States her
greatest advantage for the maintenance of peace and for victory in war.

Mobility, surprise, dispersal, and offensive power are the keynotes of

the new Navy. The roots of the Navy lie in a strong belief in the
future, in continued dedication to our tasks, and in reflection on our
heritage from the past. .

Never have our opportunities and our responsibilities been greater .

. iv

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CONtENTS page for Chapters 9 and up.

Page Page
Historical foreword............ ............. Vll Chapter 8-Semiautomatic weapons
Chapter 1-lntroduction to ordnance and gun- A. General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
nery B. Five-inch 38-caliber assemblies. . . . . . . 158
A. General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 C. Five-inch 54-caliber assembly. . . . . . . 189
B. Scope of the text. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Chapter 9-Automatic weapons
Chapter 2-Explosives
A. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
A. Introduction . 7 B. 20-mm aircraft gun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
B. Explosive reactions . 7 C. 40-mm guns and mounts. . . . . . . . . . . . 198
C. Service explosives: propellants . 11 D. 3"/50 rapid-fire guns and mounts. . . . 201
D. Service high explosives and primary
explosives . 15
Chapter 1O-Automatic control equipment
Chapter 3-Ammunition
A. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
A. General . 18 B. Synchros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
B. Propelling charge . 20 C. Electric-hydraulic systems. . . . . . . . . . . 222
C. Primers . 25 D. Amplidyne follow-up system. . . . . . . . 231
D. Projectiles . 28 E. Other types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
E. Fuzes and tracers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 F. Shipboard tests of automatic control
F. Bombs . 38 equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Chapter 4-Armor and penetration
Chapter 11-Rockets and guided missiles
A. Types of armor . 41
B. Penetration .......................• 44 A. Rockets and the rocket principle. . . . . 242
B. Rockets fired from surface craft. . . . . . 249
Chapter 5-Elements of guns and mounts
C. Aircraft rockets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
A. Introduction . 46 D. Guided missiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
B. Features of modern naval guns and
mounts . 46
Chapter 12- Torpedoes
C. Conclusion . 80
A. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Chapter 6-Gim barrels and interior ballistics B. Head section of a Mark 15 type tor-
A. Introduction . 82 pedo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
B. Elements of gun design and mainte- C. Air system of a Mark 15 torpedo. . . . . . 277
nance . 82 D. Superheating system of a Mark 15
C. Interior ballistics . 89 torpedo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
D. Erosion . 92 E. Main engine of a Mark 15 torpedo. . . . 294
E. New developments in gun design . 94 F. Control systems of a Mark 15 torpedo. . 300
G. Tail section of a Mark 15 torpedo.. . . . 307
Chapter 7-T urret installations H. Aircraft torpedoes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
A. Introduction . I. Other types of torpedoes. . . . . . . . . . . . 312
B. Gun and breech assembly . 99 J. Above-water torpedo tubes. . . . . . . . . . 314
C. Slide assembly . 109
D. Elevating, training, and sight gear . 110 Chapter 13-Mines
E. Ammunition handling . 113
F. Turrets equipped with case guns . 121 A. General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
G. 6"/47 dual-purpose gun and turret . 123 B. Aircraft mines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
H. 8"/55 rapid-fire gun and turret . 137 C. Mine warfare. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324

Page Page,
Chapter 14-Antisubmarine weapons Appendix A
A. Antisubmarine warfare .. , . . . . . . . . . . 327 Safety precautions '. . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
B. Depth charges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
Appendix B
C. Depth bombs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
D. Throwing weapons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 Velocity-loss data curves (5"/38 gun}.; . . 354
E. Nets and booms. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 343 Index. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360



Gene Slover's US Navy Pages Table of Contents

Introduction so that the. thrower acted as an extension of the arm.
The bow; having much greater range and accuracy,
The usefulness of a Navy rests primarily upon the spread over most of the world and drove out the spear-
fact that it can use offensive and defensive weapons thrower except among a few isolated tribes. A few
effectively at sea. Ships of the Navy are often referred peoples developed more specialized missile weapons,
to as floating gun platforms. This definition is too such as the boomerang, the sling, the pellet-bow, and
limited, as the experience of World War II indicates the blow-gun. The natives of Borneo not only make
that ships are equally effective in carrying and employ- a blow-gun for shooting poisoned darts, but also equip
ing torpedoes, mines, depth charges, rockets, and it with a sight and a bayonet.
guided missiles, as well as airplanes, which with their The discovery of metals about 6,000 years ago
weapons greatly extend the fighting range of the ship. brought about a revolution in weapons, since they
The importance of weapons to the Navy is indicated could be made of copper or bronze more quickly than
by the fact that most line officers serve at least one of stone, and since the material allowed a greater
tour of duty in a gunnery department and that much variety of forms. For instance, swords became prac-
of the professional training of line Naval officers is tical for the first time though some peoples had pre-
occupied with the study of ordnance and gunnery. viously tried to make them by edging a flattened
The detailed story of the development of weapons wooden club with sharpened stones or sharks' teeth.
from the caveman's club to the guided missile of today A typical bronze-age battle comprised a few well-
is beyond the scope of the present book, but, for the armed nobles on each side, each protected by a helmet
purpose of establishing perspective, a brief review of and a big leather shield, poking at one another with
some of the most significant steps is presented here and bronze-pointed spears, while behind them howling
in certain of the later chapters, as appropriate. mobs of the common people hurled stones and insults.
The nobles' swords of bronze or (later) of iron were so
Ancient weapons soft that after a bit of hard fighting, the swordsman
had to take time out to straighten the kinks out of his
Although man, compared to most animals, is a fairly
large and powerful creature, he is weakly armed in
As metallurgy improved, not only did the quality of
proportion to his size. He lacks not only horns and
the weapons improve, but also more men could afford
claws, but even the big canine tusks owned by his
armor. Thus began the long conflict between armor
cousins the apes. A million years ago, when be began
and armor-piercing weapons that has continued ever
his climb towards civilization, he probably knew how
since. When King Darius of Persia sent an amphibi-
to throw stones and to hit with a stick. All his many
ous expedition against Greece in 490 B. C., the Greeks
weapons developed since have had the same purpose;
beat the Persians at Marathon, not because they were
to kill, wound, or otherwise subdue his enemy. These
braver, but because they had good bronze armor. The
weapons enable the warrior to attack his opponent at
unarmored Persian archers had always been able to
a greater distance than if he had to depend on hands
mow down their enemies from a distance; now, how-
and teeth alone, and, storing energy which is released
ever, their arrows merely bounced off the helmets
all at once when the weapon strikes, to damage the
and breastplates of the Greek soldiers, and when the
victim more severely than is possible by biting and
latter got in among them with spears there was nothing
for the Persians to do but run.
The bow, invented at the beginning of the Neolithic
Although nowadays science and invention are
Age, fulfilled both these functions. Before that time
closely' connected, this was not so in former times.
men used a device called a spear-thrower, a stick with Science was the vague speculations of priests and
a hook or spur at the end. They held the spear- philosophers, while practical inventions were created
thrower in the same hand that held the javelin or slowly and under great handicaps by unknown com-
throwing-spear, with the hook of the thrower engag- mon men. Moreover, most societies were very con-
ing a hollow in the butt of the javelin. Then they servative about new ideas, so that brilliant inventions
threw with an overhand motion, letting go the javelin were often not adopted because of inertia, ignorance,


Gene Slover's US Navy Pages Table of Contents


or distrust, or because they might impair somebody's the iron-casting furnace and the gun. Until the 13th
vested interest. century all iron was wrought iron, with a low carbon
For instance, the ordnance department, a group content and hence too high a melting point to be cast
charged with improving weapons and devising new with the types of furnace available.
ones, was invented as early as 400 B. C., but failed to
become an established institution until modern times. Gunpowder and early guns
At that time Dionysios, the dictator of Syracuse, was Near the middle of the 13th century, Friar Roger
planning to attack the Carthaginian colonies in Sicily. Bacon gave the western world its first useful formula
He therefore hired philosphers and skilled artisans at for gunpowder. This formula, which probably came
high wages, entertained them with wine, women, and from the Chinese by way of some Arabian manuscript,
song, and told them to devise something to beat the was followed by the discovery of the principle of the
Carthaginians, or else. The experts accordingly in- gun, a weapon which revolutionized the art of war.
vented the first catapult-a kind of overgrown cross- Early books on gunnery attribute the discovery of
bow on a pedestal, shooting 6-foot arrows. After the the principle of the gun to Friar Bertholdus, nick-
war one of these arrows was taken to Sparta as a curio, named "The Black," of Freiburg, Germany. The
where a certain Archidamus, seeing it, cried: "0 friar was trying to turn mercury into gold, according
Heracles, the valor of man is at an end!" That is the to report, when he put a quantity of saltpeter in his
first recorded protest against the mechanization of mixture. The resulting explosion blew the top off
warfare. his kettle, and probably some of the overhead with it.
Although such outcries have been heard with in- He repeated the experiment often enough to get the
creasing frequency ever since Archidamus' time, they idea of the gun.
have done little to retard the evolution of weapons. Early guns were crude and unpredictable, often
When the crossbow came into general use in medieval more dangerous to the gunner than to the enemy.
Europe it was considered such a fiendish weapon that For a long time after the invention of the gun, many
in 1139 the Catholic Church issued an edict against persons argued quite sensibly that bows were more
it, but with little effect. Similarly, objections have efficient. They probably were. The crossbow bolt
been raised more recently against submarine warfare, could penetrate the knight's armor; the early gun
gas, and the atomic bomb. couldn't. The archer with the long bow could shoot
several times while the gunner was loading and firing
Transition to modern weapons a single round.
In the Classical or Greco-Roman Age warfare The ballistics of early guns, which fired stone pro-
reached an extraordinarily high degree of organiza- jectiles, was largely a matter of guesswork and observa-
tion, with phalanxes of 20,000 spearmen, archers and tion. Powder was mixed on the spot by the gunner;
slingers, war-elephants, armored siege-towers, cata- artisans fashioned projectiles from local materials;
pults, incendiary bombs, and warships with crews of and the mount was built at whatever spot it was
a thousand men or more. After the fall of the Roman needed. The only part of the gun carried on early
Empire in the 5th and 6th centuries, the art of war campaigns was the barrel.
declined in Europe almost to the howling mob stage The ineffectiveness of the early guns is indicated by
out of which classical warfare had grown. For sev- a record of an attack on a European town which says,
eral centuries really skilled warfare was found only "A knight besieged the town and fired at it with thun-
in the Byzantine Empire, that revived eastern half of der guns. It did no harm."
the Roman Empire in Asia Minor and the Balkans, The noise, the smoke, and the flame of the guns
This superior military skill enabled the Byzantines undoubtedly had a disastrous effect on the enemy.
century after century to roll back waves of Huns, The horses were gun-shy, as a matter of record. An
Arabs, Russians, and other invaders before they finally eyewitness to the battle of Crecy in the 14th century
went down before the combined attacks of Turks, spoke with enthusiasm about the performance of
Slavs, and Western European Crusaders: "divers wooden and leathern tubes, called bombards,
The 4 or 5 centuries from the fall of the West Ro- which with a great flash of light and a noise like God
man Empire to the rise of Western European civiliza- his thunder, threw little iron balls to frighten the
tion, though known as the Dark Ages because of its horses."
political disorganization and general illiteracy, wit- Stone projectiles were replaced by bronze balls early
nessed a number of important inventions such as the in the 14th century, and these in turn were supplanted
wheeled clock, the iron horseshoe, and the rudder. by lead or iron balls by the middle of that century.
In the 13th and 14th centuries appeared two of the The mortar, which hurled a projectile a short distance
most important inventions in the history of warfare: on a high trajectory over hills or walls, was invented


Gene Slover's US Navy Pages Table of Contents


by 1354. The mortar required less powder, was less they turned early to the manufacture of ordnance and
likely to burst, and required fewer horses to trans- were artists by Henry's time. Every king who wanted
port it. a good gunnery department imported gunners from
Canister shot, which later won battles for Napoleon, Flanders at the gunners' own prices.
was first used about 1400. Balls, bottles, knives, and The Flemings formed a guild of "master gonners,"
random items of small hardware were put in a con- who jealously guarded the secrets of gunnery and sold
tainer and fired from a gun. The container opened their services to the highest bidder. Henry's "gonners"
in flight and sprayed exposed parts of the enemy's wore billowing pantaloons and hats with flowing
anatomy with considerable effectiveness. Grape shot, plumes, and were a swashbuckling, proud, and clan-
also an antipersonnel weapon, was a later develop- nish lot.
ment. The first exploding shell was used prior to These "gonners" earned their pay and prestige;
1418, but this type of projectile did not become they lived a dangerous life. An early book on gun-
popular until the reign of Henry VIII of England. nery opened with the maxim, "A gonner must love
Heated shot was used at Cherbourg in 1418. and serve God." The wick fuses they used burned
Although guns appeared on ships for the first time in "as long as it taketh to recite the Apostles' Creed."
the 15th century, firepower had been a factor in naval The guns most used at the time were the culverin
battles since well before the Christian era. The tactics and the demiculverin. A later version of these guns
were to maneuver a galley close to the enemy and at- pounded the Spanish Armada into the sea before the
tempt to ram him, overturn him, board him by means Spanish could get within their own battle range.
of grappling hooks, or shave off his oars by a close The early land version of the culverin weighed 4,000
run. An alternate procedure was to catapult flaming pounds and required 16 teams of horses to move it.
sulphur, pitch, niter, or petroleum on the enemy ship, The seagoing demiculverin weighed 3,600 pounds and
row away, and watch the fire. The first recorded could shoot 1,950 yards, although its effective battle
naval use of a tube containing gunpowder which, when range (point-blank) was about 80 yards. The muz-
ignited, shot out a projectile occurred in 1453, when zle velocity of these guns was on the order of 500 foot-
the Spanish opened fire with cannons and arquebuses seconds, whereas our modern big guns launch
at point-blank range on the Moslem fleet at Preveza. projectiles at about 2,500 feet a second. The demi-
The Turkish fleet fell apart. Although such incidents culverin took a 4~-inch iron shot, and the tube was
awakened the slowest thinkers to the importance of 1O~ feet long.
naval gunnery, the pike, the cutlass, and the grappling Loading the big guns was at best a dangerous op-
hook were not to become obsolete until the 20th eration, especially when "bombes" or fused projectiles
century. were used. To get the picture of an early operating
The battle of Pavia in the early 16th century further condition let us rephrase an old manuscript to repro-
proved the usefulness of guns as weapons of war. The duce an Ordnance Pamphlet as Henry's "gonners"
Spanish put a few "firebearing" troops among their might have written it:
pikemen and proved to the French that a knight's "To charge ye peece of ordnance Gonner-like, set
armor was no longer a protection. The usefulness of ye barrel of powdre on ye windward side of ye peece,
the gun was evident. The French equipped their have ye helper hold ye same at an angle and thrust
troops with arquebuses and returned to defeat the ye Ladle into ye powdre, filling it half full. Fixing
Spanish at Serisoles in 1544. Victory favored the army ye thumbe just over ye staffe of ye ladle, thrust it
with the most effective combination of guns and other into ye muzzle of ye peece, causing ye powdre to
weapons. Two and a half centuries later, Napoleon turn out of ye Ladle cleanly. Shake ye Ladle thrice,
could say "Le feu est tout." ("[Gun] fire is every- so that no powdre returne in it-for that be a foule
thing." ) faulte in a good gonner; then thrust ye powdre home
Henry VIII of England was the first ordnanceman. with ye tampion on ye other end of ye staffe. Have
The number of different sizes and kinds of guns in use ye helper holde his thumbe over ye touch-hole whilst
in his army and navy annoyed the good monarch to tamping. Then taking a rounde wadde of hay or
the extent that he issued an "ordnance" which cata- raveled rope, thrust it on top of ye powdre, again
logued and attempted to standardize the types used. tamping home. Then place ye shoote atop of yt
The title of this directive, corrupted to "ordnance," is wadde."
the modern term that includes weapons of all types, The gunner was warned to stand to one side when
ammunition, and associated equipment. he loaded a gun, lest stray sparks from a previous
The Flemings had an international monopoly in the loading ignite the powder and "spoile" him. Soap-
munitions business in the time of "Good King Hal." ing out the gun solved the problem of stray sparks,
Coming from one of Europe's habitual battlegrounds, but added further steps to the loading operation.


Gene Slover's US Navy Pages Table of Contents


Firing the gun was even more dangerous. Resum- Early gunners were not military personnel, but
ing our Ordnance Pamphlet: served as civilian advisers, like our modern technicians.
"In giving fire to. any great peece of Ordnance, Gunnery officers were not given military rank in France
such as Cannon, Culverin, or such like, it is requisite until 1732, and in England they remained civilians
that ye Gonner thereto appointed first see that ye until 1790.
peece be well primed, laying a little powdre about ye Less than 200 years ago, naval guns were fired at
touch-hole as a traine, and then to be nimble in giving point-blank range, and fire control was largely a mat-
fire, which as soon as he espieth to flame, he ought ter of skillful seamanship. The captain of the ship
with quicknesse to retire back three or four yardes out had to maneuver his vessel within shouting distance of
of danger of the reverse of ye wheels and carriage of the enemy to make a hit probable. Range of early
ye peece; for oftentimes it happeneth that the wheels naval guns was spoken of as "pistol shot" and "half
or axle-tree doth break and spoile ye Gonner that pistol shot." Not only were fire control devices non-
giveth fire, not having ability to move himself from existent, but the dispersion of the guns was such as to
the danger of ye same; yea, I did see a Gonner slaine make complicated sighting mechanisms useless. The
with the reverse of the wheele of a culverin, which development of fire control in the modern sense had to
crushed his legge and thigh in peeces, who, if he had wait until the 19th and 20th centuries, when refine-
had a care, and nimbleness withal, might have escaped ments in the manufacture of guns and a detailed study
ye misfortune. Also, if ye burning powdre be dankish, of the trajectory made possible accurate long-range
or ye cole of ye matche not cleare, ye Gonner can not shooting. Today it is possible to hit a moving target
speedily give fire; and therefore behooveth he fore-see many miles away.
it; or if he hold ye linstocke in which his fired matche is The foregoing pages give a brief description of some
tied long over ye touch-hole, ye violent flame issuing of the steps in the long history of the development from
thereout is liable to spoile him, or some thereabout, the primitive tools of the savage warrior to the com-
throwing ye linstocke or staffe wherewith he gives fire plex technological developments used by the gunnery
out of his hans. I have seen ye linstocke and matche department of today. Many minds have played a part
blown out of a Gonner's hans more than 80 yards from in this development. Discoveries in one branch of
ye peece by ye violent blaste of ye fire issuing out of ye the science have necessitated furious research in other
touch-hole of ye peece in giving fire to ye same. And branches.
it is to be noted, that ye wider ye touch-hole of ye The greatest improvements in the gun itself have
peece, ye greater ye flame that doth issue out thereat, consisted of increases in range, accuracy, and destruc-
which causeth ye peece to work lesse effecte than she tive power. These improvements have been accom-
would having a lesser touch-hole." panied by development of fire control equipment and
Is there any wonder that the early gunner was cau- operational procedures.
tioned to be a God-fearing man? War has been the major factor in the development
By modern standards, the "master gonner" didn't of the science of gunnery. Every war necessitates not
know much about the science of gunnery. Asked to only the development of new weapons, but the im-
explain what happened to the powder in firing, one provement and adaptation to new uses of existing ones.
expert of 1540 replied, "The powdre mixture, when World War I resulted in the development of accurate
burned, changeth into a strong wind." This theory methods of surface fire; World War II perfected the
was not improved upon from his day to the 19th cen- vastly more difficult problem of antiaircraft fire con-
tury. It has been said that hardly a single Ordnance trol. Similar developments were made in mines,'
Pamphlet would be needed to fit one of Drake's men rockets, torpedoes, and bombs, as well as the unique
to serve aboard one of Nelson's ships. device of the carrier-based airplane as an extension of
The culverin and the demiculverin weren't the only the striking power of the ship.
big guns that the early gunner had to handle. An old Many interesting devices are on the Bureau of
report tells of a gun made by the Mohammedans from Ordnance drawing boards now, and some are ready for
a Flemish design. The "Big Bombard," fired at Cairo, evaluation by the Fleet. If the science of ordnance
threw a 400-pound stone projectile more than two and gunnery continues to develop at the pace of the
miles. The reporter adds, "By God, if I had not seen last 50 years, we may well stand in as much awe of it in
it myself, I should not have noted it in my history, so the near future as would one of Henry's "gonners" if
unbelievably unusual and great was it." he were ordered to man a modern fire control radar.

Gene Slover's US Navy Pages Table of Contents

Chapter 1


A. General

1A 1. Definition of terms as the Naval Ordnance Laboratory and the Naval

Proving Ground, inspection facilities, manufacturing
This text is concerned with the study of Naval Ord-
plants, such as the Naval Powder Factory and the
nance and Gunnery. Together, the terms "ordnance"
Naval Gun Factory, and various storage and distribu-
and "gunnery" embrace weapons and their use; tion facilities.
Ordnance comprises the physical equipment per-
The operational use of weapons is controlled by the
taining to weapons. This equipment is further classi-
Chief of Naval Operations through the fleet and force
fied as explosive ordnance, including such elements as
commanders, with appropriate liaison with the tech-
gun ammunition, torpedoes, mines, bombs, rockets,
nical bureaus concerned. This control includes cogni-
and the like, and inert ordnance, which includes
zance over operational and team training.
projecting devices (such as guns, launchers, and re-
The Bureau of Ships and the Bureau of Aeronautics
lease gear), protective armor, and all the equipment
are concerned with the problems of design caused by
needed to operate and control weapons. Aboard ship
the installation of ordnance on ships and aircraft, re-
it refers to all elements that come under the general
spectively, and their plans are coordinated with those
term "ship's armament."
of the Bureau of Ordnance in the satisfactory solution
Traditionally, gunnery is the art and science of using
of these problems.
guns. However, in the sense used in this book, the
The Bureau of Naval Personnel is charged with the
term is broadened in agreement with modern usage,
responsibilities for training both officers and enlisted
to include the operation and control of all elements of
personnel as individuals in the performance of their
armament. Gunnery is concerned with the practical
professional duties, except as otherwise assigned, and
use of ordnance.
for the procurement, distribution, and record keeping
1A2. Navy Department responsibilities for ord-
of all personnel of the Navy. Training programs for
all gunnery personnel, except aviation, are maintained
nance and gunnery
by this Bureau.
Within the Navy Department, the responsibility for
ordnance material rests chiefly in the Bureau of 1A3. Department of Defense responsibilities
Ordnance. As defined by Navy Regulations, 1948: In ordnance. and gunnery, as in all other matters,
"The Bureau of Ordnance shall be responsible the Navy functions not alone but as one member of a
for the following, except as otherwise prescribed in team. The Army and the Air Force both maintain
these regulations or by the Secretary of the Navy: ordnance establishments and both are interested in the
"The design, development, procurement, manu- art of gunnery. Ordnance equipment is usually de-
facture, distribution, maintenance, repair, altera- veloped by and procured by the service primarily in-
tion, and material effectiveness of naval ordnance; terested. Doubtful or borderline cases are assigned
the research therein; and all pertinent functions to one service or another; for development work, by
relating thereto, including the control of storage and the Research and Development Board; for manufac-
terminal facilities for, and the storage and issue of, ture and procurement, by the Munitions Board.
ammunition and ammunition details." There are hundreds of cases in which an item of
The Bureau of Ordnance maintains field activities ordna~ce equipment is used by all three services. For
which contribute to the performance of its mission. instance, the Navy and the Air Force both use Army
These field activities include research activities, such rifles and pistols; the Air Force carries Navy mines, and

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FIGURE lBl.-Armament arrangement on a cruiser.

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the Navy, Air Force bombs; the Army uses some Navy teristics are primarily related to ordnance or aircraft,
projectile fuzes, and the Navy, several Army rocket one of the major command departments is the gunnery
fuzes. When one service develops and procures a de- department, headed by the gunnery officer. He is
vice for another, it usually furnishes all appropriate concerned primarily with the maintenance, upkeep,
spare parts, tools, and instructional material as well. and operation of all the equipment in the ship's arma-
Neither the Marine Corps nor the Coast Guard ment (with the exception of that of the ship's aircraft
maintains ordnance departments. Each of these serv- in ships having an air department). His department
ices has upon occasion developed and procured highly is organized into divisions, the number and function
specialized equipment for itself; ordinarily, however, of which depend upon the class and purpose of the
they are dependent for their ordnance upon the Army, ship.
Navy, and Air Force. In auxiliary vessels, and certain other types whose
offensive characteristics are not primarily related to
1A4. Function of the gunnery department aboard ordnance and aircraft, gunnery is a secondary function
ship of the deck department, which is headed by the first
lieutenant. In this case such ordnance equipment as
The requirements for battle are the basis for the is carried is the responsibility of the first lieutenant,
organization of the combatant ship. Under Navy usually exercised through a gunnery officer who is one
Regulations, 1948, in ships whose offensive charac- of his assistants.

B. Scope of the Text

181. General variety of individual instruments. This book was not
This text is planned to satisfy several needs. I t is written for the maintenance man or the repair tech-
intended as a training text for midshipmen and officer nician. Ordnance Pamphlets are available for all
candidates. It will be useful to gunnery department equipment discussed in this text and should be con-
officer personnel as a reference and as a guide in the sulted when more detailed information is required.
gunnery aspects of shipboard organization. And it is
183. Naval weapons
intended to serve as a convenient reference for all
officers, other than those in the gunnery department, The weapons to be discussed in the first part of the
who have occasion to deal with any aspect of United book include:
States naval weapons-fiscal, supply, passive, de- Guns. A gun typically consists of a tube, closed at
fensive, etc. one end, from which a projectile is fired by the burning
This text is not intended to supersede or supplant in an enclosed space of a propellent charge. Guns are
official publications of the Chief of Naval Operations, general-purpose weapons used against ships on the sur-
the Bureau of Ordnance, or the Bureau of Naval Per- face, aircraft, shore installations, and personnel.
sonnel with regard to doctrine, weapons and ammuni- Rockets. The rocket is a self-propelled weapon
tion, shipboard organization, or shipboard operations. whose absence of recoil makes it particularly suitable
The reader is referred to official publications of these for firing from small craft or aircraft.
authorities for instructions on these matters. This text Guided missiles. These are new weapons under cur-
will, however, serve as an introductory guide to the rent development. They may travel great distances
official publications on these matters. with heavy loads, and self-propelled, and contain a
mechanism capable of directing their own flight.
182. Presentation of the subject Torpedoes. A torpedo is a self-propelled under-
It is difficult to present a clear understanding of the water missile used against ships.
structure of ordnance mechanisms without some con- Mines. Mines are typically static weapons used to
sideration of their operational use. Similarly, the hinder enemy operations.
. successful study of gunnery depends upon a thorough Depth charges. These are antisubmarine weapons
understanding of the weapons and instruments used. which are exploded at a set depth or by proximity to
In this book a compromise is effected: Volume 1 con- a submarine.
centrates upon the study of weapons, with minimum Bombs. The term bombs covers all missiles
reference to control, while volume 2 assumes knowl- dropped from aircraft except torpedoes, mines, and
edge of the first part and is concerned with fire control. guided missiles.
Emphasis has been placed upon functional operation Chemicals. This term is used to describe a variety
of basic systems rather than upon the details of a wide of solids and gases which can be fired in projectiles

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FIGURE IB2.-Arrangement of weapons on a destroyer.

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from guns or mortars or dropped from aircraft. In are added when a minor alteration of design has been
WorId War II they were used chiefly for screening and made. Individual units of identical design have the
as incendiaries. same name, mark, and modification numbers, but have
different serial numbers.
1B4. Ballistics An example will help to illustrate the use of this
Ballistics is the science of projectile motion. It falls identification system: Computer Mark 1 Mod 0 is
naturally into two aspects; interior ballistics, which the first computer designed. The Computer Mark 1
treats of the motion of the projectile within the bore Mod 1 is similar to the Computer Mark 1 Mod 0,
of the gun, and exterior ballistics, which considers the but differs in some details. Serial numbers are usu-
action of the projectile in flight. ally assigned on the basis of finished assemblies. The
Each of these fields is the subject of careful and de- name of a gun includes its caliber, as 5-inch 38 caliber
tailed study by specialists. Their findings are of Gun Mark 12 Mod 1.
enormous importance in gun design and in the de- When the Navy uses items of Army ordnance, the
velopment of fire-control instruments. A general Army nomenclature is retained. In Army nomencla-
understanding of ballistics is essential to the naval of- ture, M corresponds to Mark, A to Modification; for
ficer afloat, so that he may achieve the best results example, the Carbine MIA1.
with his ordnance equipment. In referring to a piece of ordnance, the information
required for identification depends upon the circum-
1B5. Fire control stances. If reference is made to functions only, the
The practical application of exterior ballistics, and name, mark, and modification will be sufficient. If,
the methods and devices used to control guns and other however, spare parts are being requested from the Bu-
weapons are known as fire-control. The second part reau of Ordnance, the serial number may also be
of the book treats of this subject in some detail, but a necessary.
brief listing of some types of fire control equipment at
this point may help the student form a better picture 1B7. Knowledge of material
of the ordnance equipment found aboard most ships.
The operation of much ordnance equipment calls
Rangefinders. Rangefinders are optical instruments
for detailed knowledge. Some details are included in
used to measure the distance to the target.
this text, but the officer working with the gear should
Radar. Radar, using electronic means, provides
not be content with the coverage given here.
more accurate ranges and, in addition, may measure
Shipboard installations can seldom be disassembled
bearing and elevation of the target.
for the purpose of instruction, but a young officer
Directors. Directors are mechanical and electrical
should miss no opportunity to observe the disassembly
instruments which control guns from a remote sta-
of equipment for repair. At other times, he must
tion. They are usually located at a higher level than
study pamphlets, blueprints, ordnance circular letters,
the guns to provide greater range and better visibility.
and other sources. He should not be satisfied until
Rangekeepers and computers. Rangekeepers and
he is entirely familiar with the equipment assigned to
computers are mechanical and electrical, or electronic,
his charge.
instruments which automatically and continuously
This information is essential to the gunnery division
compute information needed to direct gunfire.
officer, not only because of his responsibility for the
Stable elements. Stable elements are gyroscopi-
equipment itself, but also because he is responsible
cally controlled mechanisms which measure movement
for the training of the enlisted men assigned to him
of the ship with respect to the horizontal and compen-
for the operation and maintenance of the equipment.
sate for the effect of this motion.
Without this knowledge, he will lack the necessary
Transmission systems. Transmission systems are
confidence, and his men will be quick to notice his
used to send information from one station to another;
deficiencies. Of course, much confidence can and
for example, to transmit gun orders automatically from
must be placed in the senior petty officers, but this
the computer to the gun mount.
does not relieve the division officer of his responsi-
1B6" Identification of ordnance equipment bility.
Each assembled unit of ordnance equipment is
1B8. Care of material
identified by a name, a mark number, a modification
number, and a serial number. This information is The Bureau of Ordnance issues complete instruc-
stamped either on the equipment itself or an attached tion for proper maintenance of ordnance material.
plate. Whenever a basic change in design is made, a These instructions should always be consulted and
new mark number is assigned. Modification numbers followed in detail.

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All ordnance material is carefully manufactured, might be expected during the entire normal life of
usually to close tolerances. Any' careless treatment is the material."
likely to damage seriously a valuable piece of equip-
ment, disabling it when it may be needed most. In 189. Safety precautions
using any fine apparatus, it is wise to be governed by Over a period of many years, various rules have been
common sense. The equipment was built to function. established to prevent casualty to personnel through
If it does not, something is wrong, and physical forc- carelessness or improper use of equipment. These
ing will cause trouble. Levers, knobs, buttons, and rules are called Safety Precautions and are published
switches should not be touched by a person who does by the Bureau of Ordnance, having the full force of
not know what they will do. The Bureau of Ord- regulations. They have been formulated through
nance Manual states: actual experience with ordnance, and are revised as
"The permanent damage done in a single day of needed.
experimentation by inexperienced personnel has Selected safety precautions are included in appen-
frequently exceeded that which, with proper care, dix A of this book.

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Chapter 2


A. Introduction

2A 1. Fundamental ideas by the great quantity of high explosives they contain.

One of the most important aspects of the history of
The value of ordnance lies in its power to destroy. ordnance is the development of explosives from the
This depends on the 'use of explosives more than on weak and unstable gunpowder of Roger Bacon to. the
any other factor. The gun projectile reaches the tar- highly specialized explosives of today. The latest dis-
get because of the energy released by the propellent covery was nuclear fusion and its release of tremendous
charge; it disrupts defenses and harasses enemy per- explosive energy.
sonnel primarily to the extent that the bursting charge The present chapter is confined to a discussion of
it carries is effective. Mines and torpedoes tear holes the characteristics, use, and handling of chemical ex-
in the steel skin of a ship because of the force released plosives currently used in the United States Navy.

B. Explosive Reactions
2B1. Preliminary most of the atmosphere), its oxidized form combines
with other elements to form (among other products)
Most people know that chemistry and physics are more or less unstable chemical compounds which ex-
sciences which deal with matter and energy, and that plode violently in the sense of the word as used in this
matter and energy are closely related. Chemistry
deals with the composition and changes in composition
of substances, and a chemical change is a definite
permanent change of certain properties, with the for-
mation of new substances. Such changes are always
accompanied by a gain or loss of energy. Whenever
a chemical change takes place, there is a chemical

An explosion is one kind of a chemical change. It
is a rapid and violent release of energy, produced by
the rapid chemical decomposition and oxidation of
any of several substances called explosives. It is true,
of course, that the term explosion is often applied to
violent releases of energy not involving explosive sub-
stances. In the explosion of a boiler, for example, the
water (or steam) is not considered an explosive sub-
stance. But in this text, the term explosion is reserved
to describe a chemical reaction that produces heat,
and forms decomposition products, some or all of
which are gases. An explosion is simply a rearrange-
ment process, whether it is a rapid burning (as in
some explosives) or a violent detonation (as in others) .
Many modern explosives are based on chemical
compounds containing nitrogen. Though nitrogen FIGURE 2Bl.-Smokeless powder grains (caliber .30 to
itself is chemically a relatively inert gas (it makes up 16"/50) ; the two white grains are SPCG powder.

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text. This violent explosion (or decomposition and or more combustive elements such as carbon or hydro-
rearrangement) liberates large amounts of heat and gen. Because the explosive itself contains all the oxy-
produces large volumes of gases, which expand and gen required for the reaction, the combustion can pro-
occupy a great deal more space than the explosive did ceed without support from outside sources. Among
originally. An explosive reaction, therefore, always the well-known burning explosives are black powder,
produces a sudden rise in pressure because of the for- ballistite, United States Navy smokeless powder, and
mation of gases and their expansion by the heat lib- Cordite.
erated in the reaction. The sound and shock waves NOTE: The term "low explosive" is no longer recog-
associated with an explosion are caused by this sudden nized by specialists as a distinctive term denoting a
rise in pressure. class of explosives, since many explosives of this type
It will be seen later that the rise in pressure may be can be made to react like high explosives under cer-
comparatively slow or it may be so fast as to be almost tain conditions. However, the term continues to be
instantaneous. But whether an explosion is fast or used in this text because the classification, though per-
slow, it is a decomposition and rearrangement of sub- haps no longer accurate enough for the specialist, is
stances and is therefore basically a chemical reaction. still a useful concept for the student.
For a discussion of atomic explosives, see volume 2 High explosives give rise to reactions that proceed
of this course. almost instantaneously throughout the explosive mass.
They produce their pressure (with a shattering effect)
282. Classification of explosive substances by re· almost instantaneously, in what is called a detonation.
action If a high explosive were to be used for a propellant in
Explosive substances include a large number of a cartridge case, all its energy would be used in shat-
chemical compounds and mixtures. The greater num- tering the gun before the projectile had a chance to
ber of military explosives fall into the following move. Combustible elements and oxygen are usually,
groups. but not always, present in high explosives. These sub-
1. Explosive inorganic compounds. Lead azide is stances are characterized by unstable molecules that
an example. Lead azide is used as the detonator in include weakly attached parts such as nitrate and nitro
major-caliber fuzes, because its relatively low sensitiv- groups. The initiating impulse brings about a break-
ity permits the projectile to penetrate armor plate be- ing down of the chemical bonds, and a molecular re-
fore the detonator functions. arrangement occurs so rapidly that the evolution of
2. Explosive organic compounds. In this group ar~ hot gases is almost simultaneous throughout the mass.
the main military explosives. It includes nitrated de- Some examples of high explosives are: TNT, RDX,
rivatives of the carbohydrates (example: nitrostarch), HBX, tetryl, and ammonium picrate.
and the nitrated derivatives of aromatic compounds, Primary explosives, like high explosives, detonate
such as trinitrotoluene (TNT). The prefix nitro ap- when initiated, but they are extremely sensitive and,
pears in the chemical names of several modem explo- as a class, have less power, weight for weight, than
sives, such as nitroglycerin, nitrocotton (the main com- high explosives. However, there is no abrupt, sharp
ponent of smokeless powder), trinitrophenol (picric dividing line between primary and high explosives.
acid), and others. Primary explosives are used chiefly to initiate explo-
3. Mixtures. This group includes mixtures formed sive trains. Primary explosives in current use in the
by oxidizable and oxidizing bodies, solid or liquid, Navy include lead azide, mercury fulminate, lead
neither of these being explosives separately. Black styphnate, diazodinitrophenol (DDNP), tetracene,
powder is an example. and nitromannite.
With regard to their type of reaction, however, ex-
plosives are classified as low (sometimes called burn- 283. Classification of explosive substances by com-
ing or progressive) and high. This speed of burning
or breaking up is considered the most important char- From the standpoint of their composition, explosives
acteristic of an explosive substance. may be divided into explosive mixtures and explosive
A low explosive reaction is a true burning, which compounds.
proceeds from point to point throughout the explosive Explosive mixtures are an intimate mixture of dis-
substance, accelerated by the heat and pressure pro- tinct substances, carefully prepared and mechanically
duced. Since a low explosive bums, it builds up pres- conglomerated in varying proportions. Explosive mix-
sure comparatively slowly, delivering a powerful but tures must have some oxygen supplier such as nitrate
controlled push to the projectile, following through all or chlorate, and some combustible such as carbon or
during the projectile's movement in the bore. Low sulphur. Black powder is a typical example of an ex-
explosives always contain a source of oxygen, and one plosive mixture.

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Explosive compounds are homogeneous substances dangerous, since under normal conditions of use these
whose molecules contain within themselves the oxygen, gases do not dissipate rapidly. Projectiles filled with
carbon, and hydrogen necessary for combustion. high explosives often burst after penetration into con-
Whereas the characteristics of explosive mixtures can fined spaces from which the gases are not easily
be varied by changing the proportions of the com- evacuated.
ponents, the elements constituting an explosive com- Some of the gaseous products of explosive reactions
pound are always present in the molecules in the same are themselves flammable, or form explosive com-
proportions. Therefore, the nature of the explosive pounds with air. Among these are hydrogen, carbon
compound cannot be changed by varying the quan- monoxide, and methane. The flame at the muzzle
tities of the constituent elements. Explosive com- of a gun when it is fired results from the burning of
pounds of different characteristics can be obtained, these gases in air. Similarly, residues of the explosive
however, by nitrating the basic substance to different mixture remaining in the gun, or blown back by ad-
degrees. Explosive compounds consist very largely of verse winds, have been known to ignite when brought
organic compounds (hydrocarbons) into which nitric into contact with air as the breech is opened. The
(-N02 or -O-N02) groups are introduced by the ignition may come from the high temperature of the
process of nitration. Examples of explosive com- gas or from the burning residue in the gun bore. The
pounds produced by nitration are cellulose nitrate, resulting explosion may transmit flame to the rear of
nitroglycerine, TNT, ammonium picrate, tetryl, and the gun, producing what is called a flareback. Flare-
RDX. backs may ignite fresh powder charges being served to
the gun. This danger has led to the adoption of gas-
284. Characteristics of explosive reactions expelling devices on guns installed in enclosed com-
The most important characteristics of explosive re- partments or mounts.
actions are as follows: 4. Pressure. The high pressure accompanying an
1. Velocity. An explosive reaction differs from explosive reaction is due to the formation of gases
ordinary combustion in the velocity of the reaction. which are expanded by the heat liberated in the re-
This is also the basis for differentiation between high action. The work which the reaction is capable of
and low explosives. The velocity of combustion of ex- performing depends upon the volume of the gases and
plosives may vary within rather wide limits, depend- the amount of heat liberated. The maximum pres-
ing upon the kind of explosive substance and upon its sure developed and the way in which the energy of
physical state. The burning rate of colloidal cellu- the explosion is applied depend further upon the
lose nitrate powders used as propellants in modern velocity of the reaction. When the reaction proceeds
guns is in the order of 24 centimeters per second at at a low velocity, the gases receive heat while being
average gun pressures, whereas the velocity of reaction evolved, and the maximum pressure is attained com-
of high explosives ranges from about 2,000 to 8,500 paratively late in the reaction. If, in the explosion
meters per second. of another substance, the same volume of gas is pro-
2. Heat. An explosive reaction is always accom- duced and the same amount of heat is liberated, but
panied by the rapid liberation of heat. The amount at a greater velocity, the maximum pressure will be
of heat represents the energy of the explosive and hence reached sooner and will be quantitatively greater.
its potentiality for doing work. It may be supposed However, disregarding heat losses, the work done will
that the quantity of heat given off by an explosive reac- be equal. The rapidity with which an explosive
tion is large, but this is not necessarily the case. A develops its maximum pressure is a measure of the
pound of coal, for example, yields five times as much quality known as brisance. A brisant explosive is one
heat as a pound of nitroglycerine. However, coal can- in which the maximum pressure is attained so rapidly
not be used as an explosive, because it fails to liberate that the effect is to shatter material surrounding it or
heat with sufficient rapidity. in contact with it.
3. Gases. The principal gaseous products of the
285. Sensitivity of explosive substances
more common explosives are carbon dioxide, carbon
monoxide, water vapor, nitrogen, nitrogen oxides, hy- The amount of energy necessary to initiate explosion
drogen, methane, and hydrogen cyanide. Some of is the measure of the sensitivity of the explosive. Sen-
these gases are suffocating; some are actively poison- sitivity is an important consideration in selecting an
ous. The gases from low explosives are rarely danger- explosive for a particular purpose. For example, the
ous, since they usually escape at once into the open and explosive in an armor-piercing projectile must be rela-
are dissipated and diluted with air. Generally speak- tively insensitive; otherwise the shock of impact would
ing, the commonly used high explosives produce a large detonate it before it had penetrated to the point de-
proportion of noxious gases, which are particularly sired. Again, if the molecular groups in the explosive

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are in such unstable equilibrium that the reaction starts 287. The explosive train
spontaneously, or in response to a slight blow, the Modern explosive devices, even of simple types,
substance can have no practical application whatever. very rarely contain one explosive or explosive com-
It was originally considered that the power of an ponent only. They commonly apply the principle of
explosive was measured by the sensitivity and that the chain reaction, in which a chain or train of elements
most powerful explosives were the most sensitive. In- functions in sequence. The first part of the train,
vestigation has proved that this is not true. TNT is a called the initiator, primer, cap, or detonator, begins
good example of a very powerful explosive which the action when set off by an electric current, shock,
under ordinary circumstances requires a severe shock heat, friction, or some other stimulation. The heat or
to initiate explosion. shock of explosion of this first part of the train sets off
one or more succeeding parts in sequence. Depending
286. Initiation of explosive reactions on their functioning, these are called ignition, booster,
An explosive reaction is initiated by the application or auxiliary charges. The final link in this intermedi-
of energy. The preferred method of initiation de- ate sequence (which may consist of one or more such
pends on the characteristics of the individual explo- links) ignites or detonates the main (burster, disrupter,
sive. However, in accordance with the dual classi- or propellent) charge.
fication of explosives into low and high, the two meth- There are two main types of explosive train, depend-
ods of initiation commonly distinguished are: ing on tee purpose and nature of the main charge.
1. By heat. Low explosives are commonly initi- Propelling or impulse charges are low explosives in-
ated by heat; and the resulting reaction is a burning tended to develop, through rapid burning, energy to
process, which occurs on the exposed surfaces of the be ~sed for propulsion. An explosive train for a pro-
substance and progresses through the mass as each pellmg charge generally begins with a primer which
layer is consumed. Some high explosives will react produces a hot flame. This sets off the ignition charge
when sufficient heat is applied, especially if heat is (composed of a flame-producing explosive-black
applied suddenly throughout the mass. Initiation by powder) . Last in the explosive train is the propel-
percussion (direct blow) or by friction is simply an- lent powder or grain itself, which burns to produce
other form of initiation by heat derived from the the hot high-pressure gases which propel the gun pro-
energy of the blow or friction. jectile or rocket.
2. By shock. High explosives, such as the main In t.he explosive train designed to detonate a high
charges of mines or torpedoes, in general require the explosive, the sequence of operation in general de-
sudden application of a strong shock or detonation to pends on the transmission and amplification of shock
initiate the explosive reaction. This detonation is rather than a hot flame. The initiating device con-
usually obtained by exploding a smaller charge of a tains a sensitive explosive which produces shock when
more sensitive high explosive that is in contact with set off; the initiating shock sets off the booster or a
series of boosters or auxiliaries; the magnified shock
or in close proximity to the main charge. The smaller
detonates the main charge. The booster may be com-
charge can readily be exploded by heat or shock.
posed of the same explosive as the main charge, but
It has frequently been demonstrated that detonation
in more sensitive form. Thus granulated TNT
of an explosive mass can be transmitted to other which is more sensitive than the c~st variety, is used a~
masses of high explosive in the near vicinity, without a booster in depth charges.
actual contact: The second explosion occurring under
these conditions is said to be initiated by influence, and 288. Classification of explosives according to serv-
ice use
it has been generally accepted that the initiating effect
is the result of the passage of an explosive percussion Naval explosives may be classified according to the
wave from one mass to the other. The second ex- use to which they are put:
1. Propellants and impulse explosives. These ex-
plosion is called a sympathetic explosion. The dis-
plosives are used to propel projectiles from guns, to
tance through which this action may take place varies
propel rockets, launch torpedoes, launch depth charges
with the kinds of explosive, the intervening medium,
from projectors, and catapult aircraft. They are all
and certain other conditions. The tremendous energy burning or low explosives. Examples are smokeless
of the percussive wave in an underwater explosion is powder, ballistite, Cordite, and black powder. Figure
evidenced by the immediate upheaval of the water 2B1 shows smokeless powder grains of various sizes.
when the explosion occurs. The geyser-like eruption 2. Disrupting explosives. . Explosives of this classi-
which occurs shortly afterwards is caused by the rise fication are all employed to create damage to the tar-
of the gases of the explosion to the surface. get under attack. They are all of the high explosive


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type and are used alone or as part of the explosive The device used to initiate the reaction of a dis-
charge in mines, bombs, depth charges, and torpedo rupting explosive is called a detonator, and in most
warheads, and in projectiles as a burster charge. cases it consists of a charge of lead azide or lead
There is a wide variety in this category, but the more styphnate either alone or with granular TNT or tetryl
common examples are RDX, TNT, ammonium pic- in a container. When fired, the detonator produces
rate, and tetryl. the shock necessary to initiate the explosive reaction.
3. Initiating (primary) explosives. As explained 4. Auxiliary explosives. Large propellent charges
in article 2B6, the initiation of an explosive reaction and relatively insensitive disrupting explosives require
requires the application of energy in some form. Pro- an intermediate charge, so that the flame or shock of
pellants are commonly ignited by the application of the initiating explosive may be increased to ensure
flame, while disrupting explosives are set off by a
proper reaction of the main explosive charge. The
severe shock. Many primary explosives can be used
intermediate or auxiliary explosive used with pro-
for initiating either propellants or disrupting explo-
pellants is called an ignition charge and consists of a
sives, because they produce both a flame and a shock
when exploded. quantity of flame-producing black powder sufficient to
The device used to initiate the burning of a propel- engulf the propellent grains. The auxiliary explosive
lent explosive is called a primer. A simple primer used with disrupting explosives is called a booster and
consists of a small amount of lead azide and a small consists of a quantity of more sensitive high explosive,
charge of black powder in a container. When fired, such as tctryl or granular TNT. The booster in-
the primer produces the long, hot flame required to creases the shock of the detonator to a degree sufficient
ignite the propellant. to explode the disruptive charge.

C. Service Explosives; Propellants

2C 1. General classes: (1) single-base powders, and (2) multi- (dou-
ble or triple) base powders.
The primary function of a propellant is to provide
In the single-base powders, cellulose nitrates (re-
pressure which, acting against the object to be pro-
ferred to hereafter as nitrocellulose) form the only
pelled, will accelerate the object to the required ve-
explosive ingredient. The other materials present in
locity. This pressure must be so controlled that it
single-base powders are included to obtain suitable
will never exceed the strength of the container in
form, desired burning characteristics, and stability.
which it is produced (e. g., guns, torpedo tubes, and
depth charge projectors). The control of pressure In the double- or triple-base powders, nitroglycerin
produced by propellants and impulse charges is treated is present to assist in dissolving the nitrocellulose dur-
in considerable detail in the chapter on interior ing manufacture, as well as to add to the explosive
ballistics. qualities. The single-base nitrocellulose powders pro-
duce a greater volume of gas, but less heat than the'
It would be possible to use any explosive for pro-
pellent purposes if the velocity of explosion could be double-base powders. From a thermodynamic stand-
point, single-base nitrocellulose powders are somewhat
controlled. Investigations of this problem led to the
development of smokeless powder as we know it today. less efficient, because of their lower burning tempera-
Nitrated cotton, the main constituent of smokeless tures. But they have the advantage of causing less
powder, is a high explosive by itself and entirely un- wear in the gun bore than double-base powders do.
suitable as a projectile propellant. However, it was Present triple-base powders, however, have a large
discovered that this high explosive could be colloided proportion of the "cool" -burning explosive nitroguani-
with an ether-alcohol mixture to produce a "burning" dine; they therefore produce maximum temperatures
explosive. Only a small number of chemical com- comparable to those of single-base powders. Triple-
pounds can be so treated as to permit control of the base powders also have other advantages, which are
velocity of explosion. Furthermore, the substance in mentioned in article 2C5.
its final state must not only be efficient, but must be
2C2. Smokeless powder manufacture
safe in use, easy to handle, and stable under varying
conditions of storage for protracted periods of time. The smokeless powder used by the United States
Smokeless powders of one form or another are now Navy is a uniform ether-alcohol colloid of carefully
used almost universally for propellent charges. For purified nitrocellulose to which is added a small quan-
military purposes (especially for guns larger than tity of diphenylamine to assist in preserving the chemi-
small arms) they may be considered to be of two cal stability of the powder. The principal raw


Gene Slover's US Navy Pages Table of Contents


materials used in the manufacture of United States during which it becomes partially dissolved or col-
Navy smokeless powder are: loided by the ether and alcohol.
1. Cotton. The cellulose material to be nitrated 6. Granulation. After mixing, the charge is re-
consists of bleached and purified short-fibered cotton, formed into a block and. taken to a press where it is
which is 90 percent pure cellulose. first forced through the small holes of a strainer
2. Acids. A mixture of about 1 part nitric acid (macaroni) press to ensure a thoroughly mixed ~nd
to 3 of sulphuric acid by weight is used in the nitrating uniform colloid and to eliminate lumps and foreign
process. matter. It is again reblocked and taken to a graining
3. Ether and alcohol. A mixture of ethyl ether and press, where it is forced through the die and extruded
ethyl alcohol is used as a solvent for the nitrocellulose. in the form of a continuous cord of circular cross sec-
4. Diphenylamine. This substance, used as a sta- tion with seven longitudinal perforations. The cord
bilizer has a slightly alkaline reaction and is incorpo- immediately passes to the grain cutter, which cuts it
rated in the powder to neutralize any acid products into grains of uniform length. In this form, it is
which might be formed as a result of gradual decom- known as "green" powder and is still fairly so~t an?
position of the powder. Since it thus prevents decom- pliable because of the excess of solvents which. It
position from becoming progressive, it adds to the contains.
stability of the powder. . 7. Drying. After a special heat treatment for n~-
The principal steps in the manufacture of United covery of most of the solvents, the green powder IS
States Navy smokeless powder are as follows: removed to large dry houses, where the solvent con-
tent is reduced to a predetermined amount. The dry-
1. Preparing the cellulose. The purified cotton is
ing process takes 4 to 6 months, depending on the
passed through picking machines which tear apart the
percentage of residual volatiles desired and. the size of
knots and tangles, and then through driers which
the grain required. The percentage of resl?ual vo~a-
reduce the moisture content to about 1 percent, mois-
tiles remaining in each powder after drymg vanes
ture being undesirable in the nitrating process.
from 3 to 7 percent, being greater in the larger
2. Nitrating. The cotton and acids are thoroughly
granulations. After drying, the powder. is blended
mixed and agitated in nitrators. The cotton is con-
with other poacher lots to make up one umform lot of
verted into nitrocellulose containing about 12.6 per-
powder. Samples of this lot are proof-fired, and aft~r
cent nitrogen. This is commonly called "pyro."
acceptance the lot is assigned an index number. It IS
After nitrating, the pyro and excess acids are sent to
then ready for issue to the Fleet.
a centrifugal wringer below the nitrator, where the
spent acids are removed. 2C3. Characteristics of smokeless powder
3. Purifying. The pyro is immersed in water and
Grains of smokeless powder have a hard, smooth
run through flumes to boiling tubs where it is given
finish and look very much like horn. When new, the
a preliminary boiling for about 40 hours to remove
grains are amber in color and are translucent. As the
the remaining free acids. It is then transferred t()
powder ages, its color becomes dark brown, then black,
pulpers which cut and grind it to the desired con-
and finally opaque. These changes do not indicate
sistency. The pyro is then boiled in water in poaching
any loss of stability.
tubs for 12 hours, during which time the water is
Smokeless powder is subject to a very gradual chem-
changed at regular intervals.
ical decomposition which may in time be a source of
4. Dehydrating. After the final stage of purifica-
danger (spontaneous combustion) unless measures
tion in the poaching tubs, the pyro is transferred to
are taken to arrest such action. Like many explo-
the dewaterers (large rotary filters equipped with wet
sive compounds, smokeless powder is in a state of un-
vacuum pumps) and to centrifugal wringers which
stable chemical equilibrium and is readily acted upon
remove water. The remainder of the water is forced
unfavorably by impurities which may be present with
out by placing the pyro in the cylinder of a hydraulic
it. If decomposition takes place in any particle, the
press and forcing alcohol under pressure through it.
decomposition products will include nitrogen oxides
The pyro cake formed is subjected to a final pressure
which have an acid reaction and will facilitate further
treatment to remove excess alcohol, leaving only suffi-
decomposition. The use of diphenylamine, whose
cient alcohol for making the desired colloid.
action has already been explained, has greatly in-
5. Mixing. The compressed pyro cake is now creased the stability life of smokeless powder. A
placed in rotating drums and block breakers and powder which may have become chemically dangerous
broken up into a coarse, fluffy mass. It is then put through partial decomposition is not dangerous for
into mixing machines where ether and diphenylamine use in a gun, since a part of the decomposition which
are added. The charge is mixed for about 30 minutes, should take place in the gun, with sudden evolution


Gene Slover's US Navy Pages Table of Contents

Chapter 2-EXPLOSIVES .

of heated gases, has already taken place and the pow- "macaroni" is then pressed again into blocks, and is
der has lost a corresponding number of heat units. extruded through dies to give the final grain cross
Excessive heat has a most unfavorable influence section. After this the extrusions are cut to proper
upon the stability of smokeless powder. At tempera- grain length, and the powder goes to the final stages
tures below 60° F., the stability is not appreciably of its processing.
affected, but at temperatures above 70° F.~the rate of The "green" powder next goes through a combined
decomposition rises quickly, becoming high at 90° F., screening-drying stage, in which clustered grains are
and dangerously accelerated at temperatures over 100° separated, undersize grains and dust are screened out,
F. Precautions must therefore be taken to ensure the and forced dry-air currents remove volatiles. After
maintenance of a uniformly low temperature in the drying, the powder is blended with other lots and
magazines in which powder is kept. packed.
Since the presence of moisture favors decomposition
of smokeless powder, the containers in which it is 2C5. Characteristics of triple-base powder
stored are made airtight, and every effort must be Triple-base (Cordite) powder grains resemble in
made to maintain their tightness. A leaky container size and shape conventional pyro powder grains for the
may not only admit undesirable moist air to the pow- same caliber, except that they have smooth, chalk-
der, but may also permit the loss of volatiles through white surfaces. After considerable time in storage,
evaporation, especially if the air in the container is the surface color may tend to yellow, but this is not a
subjected to alternate expansion and contraction due sign of deterioration.
to change in temperature. Such a loss of volatiles will Triple-base powders are far more stable in storage
increase the speed of burning of the powder to such than equivalent pyro powder, partly because of their
an extent that excessive pressures will be produced in relatively low nitrocellulose content, partly because
the gun. In this event the powder is ballistically of their extremely small content of volatile com-
dangerous. ponents, and partly because of their low hygroscopicity.
They are much more suitable as gun propellants than
2C4. Triple-base powder manufacture
double-base powders like ballistite (described below)
Triple-base powder, commonly called Cordite Nor because nitroguanidine, in contrast to the mixture of
SPCG, is composed of four principal ingredients- nitroglycerine and nitrocellulose in double-base pow-
nitrocellulose (19 percent) , nitroglycerine (a little un- ders, is a "cool" -burning explosive. The gases pro-
der 19 percent), nitroguanidine (55 percent), and duced by a triple-base powder with nitroguanidine
ethyl centralite (a little over 7 percent). Of these 4, have much less erosive effect than those of a double-
the first 3 are explosives. Ethyl centralite (also called base powder. Triple-base powders also have advan-
carbamite) is the stabilizer. A small amount of potas- tages in reduced production cost and reduced residue
sium sulfate may be added as a flash inhibitor, and for
after burning, although they do in general require
some calibers other ingredients may be added in small
a larger variety of ingredients than pyro powder.
They are also less sensitive to high temperatures in
The manufacturing process is in general similar to
that for pyro powder. It begins with passing the de-
hydrated nitrocellulose through a block-breaker screen 2C6. Shipboard tests and inspections of smokeless
(or this may be done before the nitrocellulose reaches powder
the Cordite production plant). Then the other dry
ingredients (except the ethyl centralite) are mixed The Bureau of Ordnance Manual gives the required
with the nitrocellulose for 6 minutes. Next, a mix- periodic tests and inspections prescribed for smokeless
ture of nitroglycerine and acetone (which desensitizes powder aboard ship in order to ensure its safe storage.
the normally very touchy nitroglycerine) is added to For each index of powder aboard ship, a sample is
the dry mix, and mixing continues for another half provided in a glass bottle with a tight glass stopper,
hour. Then the ethyl centralite is added and mixing and is stored in the magazine containing that powder
goes on for another 3 hours. More acetone and alco- index. These magazine samples provide a means for
hol may be added if required during this step. This daily visual examination of each powder index on
stage may end with maceration of the mix, if required. board. A strip of methyl violet paper is kept in each
The mix, which is by now mostly in colloid form, sample bottle. Oxides of nitrogen, emanating as a
next goes to a "macaroni" press which squeezes it gas from decomposing smokeless powder, will discolor
through strainers to remove uncolloided nitrocellulose the paper, changing it from violet to white. Such a
and bits of foreign matter that may be present. The change is a warning that the powder in the bottle and


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the powder of which it IS a sample have begun to cellulose, and are much more stable than pyro, violet
decompose. paper is not as reliable an indicator of triple-base pro-
Additional signs of decomposition which may be pellant stability as it is for pyw powders. Improved
noted by daily visual examination are: indicators and test methods are now under
1. Discoloration of grains, especially grains with development.
orange or yellow spots, or grains differing markedly in
2C7. Black powder
2. Grains showing fine cracks, especially if they lack Black powder (originally called gunpowder), the
their normal gloss. oldest of explosives, has undergone little change in its
3. Friable or easily crumbled grains. This applies composition from earliest times to the present. It
especially to the discolored spots on grains and to the consists of a mechanical mixture of approximately 75
off-colored grains. percent saltpeter (sodium nitrate), 15 percent char-
4. The unmistakable presence of nitrous fumes as coal and 10 percent sulphur, although these propor-
determined by sight or smell immediately on opening tions may be varied somewhat, depending on the use
the container". Only in the very worst cases are the for which the powder is intended. First used in guns
reddish-brown colored fumes likely to be visible. in the early 12th century, black powder was the only
Care should be taken not to mistake the normal ether- propellant for firearms until the latter half of the 19th
alcohol odor for the characteristic pungent odor of the century, when nitrocellulose powders were developed.
oxides of nitrogen. Black powder is unsuitable as a propellant for several
5. The metal of the container showing signs of a reasons:
green or white corrosion on the inside. 1. It leaves a large amount of residue, thus fouling
6. The powder is in a soft or mushy condition. the gun bore.
Conditions 1, 2, and 5 indicate some decomposition 2. It makes large quantities of black smoke when it
has taken place, but the powder may still be usable. burns.
Surveillance tests should be made immediately to de- 3. Its high temperature of combustion causes rapid
termine the extent of decomposition. Conditions 3 erosion of the gun bore.
and 4 indicate advanced decomposition; the powder 4. Its velocity of reaction is too rapid, even with very
should be turned in to an ammunition depot for dis- large granulations.
position. Powder in condition 6 is very dangerous Although black powder possesses practically unlim-
and should be thrown overboard immediately. ited chemical stability if stored in airtight containers,
The surveillance test consists in putting a sample it deteriorates irregularly when exposed to moisture,
of the powder in a tight, glass-stoppered bottle into an which it absorbs readily. Black powder is not affected
electrically heated surveillance oven, and exposing it by moderately high temperatures, nor is it subject to
to a constant temperature of 65.5° C (150° F.). The spontaneous combustion at ordinary storage tempera-
sample under test is examined once daily until red tures. It is, however, highly flammable and very
fumes appear, or 60 days elapse. If the red fumes sensitive to friction, shock, sparks, or flame. It is ex-
appear within a minimum time as specified in OP 4 tremely quick and violent in its action when ignited.
for that particular powder (for example, 16 days for The larger the granulation of black powder, especially
5"/38 powder), notify the Bureau of Ordnance and when pressed or cut into pellets, the slower the rate of
request disposition instructions. burning. Black-powder dust is exceedingly dangerous,
If fumes appear after the minimum period specified and its accumulation during the handling of any black
by OP 4, but before 60 days, the powder is reasonably powder should be prevented. Black powder is the
safe, but surveillance tests must be conducted at fre- most dangerous of all explosives handled aboard a
quent intervals. If red fumes do not appear in 60 man-of-war. ....
days, the powder is safe. The uses of black powder are dependent on the size
Surveillance testing equipment is carried at present of its granulations. In the order of decreasing grain
on relatively few types of ships-BB's, CA's, CL's, size, the types and uses of black powder in the United
CAG's, AD's, and several types of carriers. The States Navy are as follows:
equipment is optional on AE's. Other types of ships 1. Grained.- Torpedo and depth-charge impulse
send samples to ammunition depots for test. charges.
In general, Cordite type (triple-base) powders are 2. Granular.-Ignition charges for propellants and
not tested in surveillance equipment. At present, for saluting charges.
Cordite powders are subjected to methyl violet paper 3. Fine-grain.-Primer charges; expelling charge in
tests just as pyro powders are. However, because illuminating projectiles.
triple-base powders contain less than 20 percent nitro- 4. Meal.-Pyrotechnics and fuzes.


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2C8. Solid rocket propellants the propellant is extruded from the press through a
die that gives it the cruciform (cross-shaped) or hol-
Solid rocket propellants are double-base composi- low cylindrical cross section required for the particular
tions with added ingredients for plasticizing, control motor concerned. The charge is extruded as a homo-
of burning rate, and reduction of flash. Gas pressure geneous length of propellant, which is then cut and
during burning is about one-tenth of that in a gun trimmed to grains of appropriate length. The grains
barrel, and erosion effect is not important in this are then turned in a special lathe to give them the
application. proper dimensions for mounting in the motor. Single
A typical propellent grain is made up of a com- extruded rocket propellent grains range in size up to
position identified as Type N-2 (JPN) , and its main 60 inches in length and 6 inches in diameter.
ingredients are nitrocellulose (slightly over 51 per- From 1 to 4 grains of ballistite propellant are used
cent) and nitroglycerine (a little less than 43 percent) . as the propelling charge in a rocket motor. The
It also contains two plasticizers to ensure homogeneity grains are designed to burn at a uniform rate to pro-
of composition (these are diethylphthalate, around vide a uniform thrust during burning. In cruciform
3 percent, and a trace of Candelilla wax), about 1 grains provided with suitable plastic inhibitor strips
percent of stabilizer (ethyl centralite), a little over the burning area, and hence the rate of gas production
1 percent of potassium sulfate to reduce flash, and and the thrust, tend to remain constant throughout the
a small amount of carbon black to control burning burn time. In hollow cylindrical grains, plastic in-
rate. There are a number of other compositions also hibitors bonded to the grain limit the burning area
used for rocket propellent grains, but they are classi- during the first part of the burn period. Cylindrical
fied, and this one will serve as a specimen for study. grains have holes at regular intervals to equalize the
As manufactured, the propellant is produced in the pressures inside and surrounding the cylinder.
form of a sheet about 5 inches wide, 33 inches long, Single grains for JATO units or for use as missile
and 0.06 to 0.09 inch thick. To be converted into sustainer propellants are made as large as 25 inches
the grain which actually goes into the rocket motor, in diameter and 10 feet long. Such grains are made
several sheets are rolled into "carpet rolls" and put by a casting process, and may contain ingredients other
into a press. Under high temperature and pressure than the double-base mixture described above.

D. Service High Explosives and Primary Explosives

201. General (benzene, toluene, xylene, naphthalene, and anthra-
The list of substances which can be grouped under cene) and aromatic alcohols (phenol and cresol).
the term high explosives is a long one which, however, From these substances, or from other substances ob-
may be materially reduced by eliminating explosives tained from them, explosives may be made by nitration.
not suited for military purposes. The following con- High-explosive charges are usually loaded by melt-
ditions must be considered in choosing a military high ing and pouring, if the kind of explosive substance
explosive. Depending upon its use, it must: used permits this treatment. This gives greater den-
1. Have proper insensitivity to withstand: sity of the charge and hence greater explosive effect
a. Shock of gunfire. in a container of given volume.
b. Shock of impact against armor, if used for 202. TNT (trinitrotoluene)
projectile filler.
c. Shock of handling. TNT, the most familiar of all military high ex-
plosives, is obtained from the nitration of toluene in
2. Have maximum power.
three successive steps. TNT is a white crystalline
3. Have stability to withstand adverse storage con-
substance when pure, and varies in shade from a light
ditions, heat, moisture, etc.
yellow to a dirty brown when impurities are present.
4. Be easy to handle, load, and manufacture.
When pure, it melts at about 80.5° C. (177° F.).
5. Produce proper fragmentation. TNT is neutral in reaction and, even under unfavor-
6. Be cheap and available in quantity. able conditions of moisture and temperature, does not
A number of high explosives are derived from coal- form sensitive compounds by combination with metals.
tar products. When coal is subjected to destructive It has high chemical stability even when subjected to
distillation, coke, gas, and coal tar are obtained. Coal temperatures as high as 150° F. for considerable
tar is a heavy liquid of a complex nature, which on periods of time, and can withstand great variations in
further distillation will yield aromatic hydrocarbons temperature.


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TNT is relatively insensitive to shock, friction, or be cast-loaded-that is, it can be poured into the
pressure. When ignited, unconfined, it burns slowly burster cavity of a projectile and permitted to harden.
with a dense black smoke and without explosion. Many other high explosives have melting points too
However, in a hot fire it will explode with violence. high for this technique. But by using TNT as a
TNT can be melted and cast into any form desired. vehicle, it is possible to cast-load a mixture of TNT
This property makes it a very convenient substance for and some other explosive. Thus a mixture of TNT
explosive charges. The rate of detonation of TNT and RDX (to be discussed below) can be cast-loaded.
is about 7,000 meters per second. Two other fairly common mixtures including TNT
In a cast form, TNT is rather difficult to detonate are amatol and tritonal. Amatol is a mixture of TNT
and usually requires a booster such as refined granular and ammonium nitrate, and is used in large aircraft
TNT to provide the shock necessary to ensure com- bombs. The mixture is less expensive than straight
plete high-order detonation. TNT is not, however, as TNT. Tritonal is a mixture of TNT and aluminum
insensitive as one may suppose. Small particles of powder. In this and other mixtures containing alu-
TNT have been known to detonate when scraped with minum powder, the aluminum has the effect of im-
a knife. proving the brisance of the explosive components,
The presence of moisture in TNT adds greatly to although it does not significantly affect the power of
the difficulty of detonating it and probably decreases the explosive.
its explosive force. It is, therefore, of greatest im-
2D3. Explosive D (ammonium picrate)
portance that TNT boosters be kept dry.
A dark-brown oily liquid frequently separates out of This explosive, patented in 1888, was for many years
. cast TNT, and may exude from the containers after the secret high explosive of the United States. Its
a period of storage. This exudate consists of isomers particular importance as a military explosive lies in its
of TNT and lower nitrotoluenes. (Isomers are sub- marked insensitivity to shock and friction. It is only
stances having the same chemical formula but with slightly inferior to TNT in explosive strength. It is a
molecular arrangements and melting points different crystalline powder of light-yellow color which is
from those of the original substance.) Such exudates loaded in projectiles by pressure tamping. It is only
are relatively insensitive, but when mixed with an slightly hygroscopic, but, when wet, forms sensitive
absorbent cellulose material, form a low explosive and dangerous picrates with copper and lead. Al-
which is easily ignited, burns rapidly, and may even be though it does not form dangerous compounds with
detonated. An accumulation of exudate is considered iron, it does cause corrosion; the interiors of projectiles
both a fire hazard and an explosive hazard. Exudates are therefore painted or varnished before being filled.
discovered when cast TNT is inspected should be im- It has high chemical stability, even when subjected for
mediately removed. Large cast TNT charges must considerable periods of time to temperatures as high as
not be stowed on wooden or linoleum-covered decks, 1500 F. It cannot be melted and cast like TNT.
nor on any material that is likely to absorb the Explosive D is made by saturating a hot solution of
exudates. Exudate may be removed with carbon picric acid (trinitrophenol) with ammonia water
tetrachloride or alcohol, or, if discovered before it (ammonium hydroxide) or ammonia gas. This re-
hardens, by water and a stiff brush. Because of its sults in neutralizing the acid, which is shown by the
sensitivity, exudate must never be removed by steel formation of crystals. This solution, when the reaction
scrapers, nor should soap or other alkaline solutions is complete, is dumped into crystallization tanks, where
be used to remove it. the ammonium picrate crystallizes out. The crystals
TNT has many uses. It may provide main dis- are removed, drained, and screened. The powder is
rupting charges in projectiles, torpedo war heads, then ready for packing.
depth charges, mines, bombs, grenades, boosters, dem- Explosive D is used primarily as a burster charge for
olition charges, etc. It is more frequently used as a large-caliber armor-piercing projectiles, and armor-
component in other explosives. For fuzes and boost- piercing bombs, as it will withstand the shock of im-
ers, only a refined granular or crystalline TNT of high pact against any thickness of armor. The advantage
melting point is used. For large charges such as those of this is, of course, that the armor-piercing projectile
in mines, bombs, etc., cast TNT of one of the lower will have partially or completely penetrated the plate
grades and lower melting points is ordinarily used. before it is detonated by the fuze action.
TNT is not sufficiently insensitive to be a satisfactory Aboard ship, Explosive D is found only in loaded
filler for armor-piercing projectiles. projectiles or bombs and requires no special care,
TNT may be mixed with other materials for certain except to see that the projectile rooms are kept thor-
applications. For example, TNT, with its relatively oughly dry and at moderate temperatures. In case of
low melting point (80.50 Centigrade when pure) can fire in the vicinity of projectiles, care should be taken


Gene Slover's US Navy Pages Table of Contents


that they do not become heated to a high temperature. and a desensitizer composed chiefly of wax. It is
No special tests or inspections of Explosive D are re- stable, relatively insensitive to impact, and more
quired afloat. powerful than TNT. It is used in rocket heads as
a burster charge.
204. Tetryl Itrinitrophenylmethyltrinitraminel HBX-3 differs from HBX-1 in having a much
This high explosive is another aromatic nitrocom- larger proportion of aluminum powder to increase its
pound. It is a yellow crystalline substance usually brisance. It is otherwise similar to HBX-l, but has
produced by the nitration of dimethylaniline. much greater destructive effect underwater. It is
Tetryl is more powerful than TNT and more sen- therefore used in depth charges and other underwater
sitive to shock. It is stable at all ordinary tempera- explosive devices.
tures, melting at 1300 C. (2660 F.). Tetryl is an ex-
207. Primary explosives
cellent explosive for booster charges, especially in
mines and torpedo war heads, which do not have to Primary explosives are used in the early part of the
undergo the heavy shock of firing. Sometimes a mix- explosive train, where sensitivity is important. For
ture of tetryl and a primary explosive is used as a many years fulminate of mercury was the most im-
detonator. portant explosive used for this purpose. Because of
its relatively poor keeping qualities, particularly under
205. ROX higher temperatures and in the presence of even a
This high explosive, known also as "Cyclonite" and small amount of moisture, it is gradually being elimi-
"Hexogen", is a fairly recent development. It is a nated. Ammunition now being procured does not
fairly sensitive explosive, and is more powerful than contain mercury fulminate.
either TNT or Explosive D. It is produced by the The important primary explosives used in U. S.
nitration of hexamethylenetetramine, an organic com- naval ammunition today are lead azide, lead styphnate,
pound derived from ammonia and formaldehyde. DDNP, tetracene, and nitromannite. To ignite a pro-
Purification is accomplished by crystallization from pellant, the primary elements in an explosive train
acetone. The crystals are then coated with beeswax must produce a hot flame of sufficient temperature,
or similar waxes to reduce the sensitivity of the ma- size, and duration for reliable action. To detonate a
terial. In this form, RDX is insensitive enough to high explosive, the primary elements in the train must
permit handling. Further additions of less sensitive produce a shock sufficient to detonate the succeeding
materials are necessary before it can be used as a elements. The primary explosives mentioned above
military explosive. The forms in which it appears in are used in these applications.
service are: Detonators and primers differ chiefly in the auxiliary
1. Composition A. A mixture of about 91 percent ingredients used to produce the effects desired. Thus,
RDX and 9 percent beeswax or synthetic wax. Since oxidizing agents such as nitrates or chlorates are added
this composition has about the same sensitivity as Ex- to increase impulse (shock effect) and sensitivity;
plosive D but is more powerful, it is now being used abrasives like ground or powdered glass increase sensi-
as a projectile filler in place of Explosive D. tivity to firing pin action; fuels such as antimony tri-
2. Composition B. A mixture of about 60 percent sulfide increase flame energy. Explosive binders like
RDX, 40 percent TNT, and less than 1 percent wax.
nitrocellulose or nitrostarch are used to provide struc-
It is used as a projectile and bomb filler.
ture for the primary mixture and to hold it in place,
3. Composition C. A plastic mixture of about 90
and graphite or other electrical conductors are used
percent RDX and 10 percent emulsifying oil-used to
advantage as a demolition explosive because of its to increase conductivity for electrical initiation. These
plastic form. components are used in various combinations, depend-
ing on the characteristics desired in the initiator.
206. HBX For details concerning specific primary explosives
There are In service use two varieties of HBX- and the design of explosive trains, see the Ordnance
HBX-1 and HBX-3. HBX-l is a cast explosive, con- Explosive Designer's Handbook, published by the Navy
sisting of a mixture of RDX, TNT, aluminum powder, as NOLR/11l1.


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Chapter 3


A. General

3A 1. Definitions bombs, see Naval Airborne Ordnance, NavPers 10826.

Ammunition is the complete assemblage of the com- Other bomb-type ammunition is taken up in chapters
ponent parts, or ammunition details, which, together, 12-14 of this text.
make up a charge or round for any type of weapon. 3AS. Rocket ammunition
Ammunition details include primers, boosters, deto-
A rocket consists essentially of a head and a motor.
nators, powder, powder bags, cases, fuzes, projectiles,
The head may be solid or may contain a bursting
charge. The motor contains fuel, either in the form
3A2. Classification of ammunition of a large grain of powder or a liquid. The burning
of the fuel releases the energy necessary for propul-
Ammunition is classified by type stowage. The clas-
sion. To stabilize its flight, the rocket either has fins
sification consists of the following types:
on its after end, or is made to spin by exhausting the
1. Gun ammunition.
motor gases through canted nozzles. Rockets are de-
2. Bomb-type ammunition.
scribed more fully in chapter 11.
3. Rocket-type ammunition.
4. Guided missiles. 3A6. Guided missiles
5. Pyrotechnics. A guided missile is an unmanned vehicle moving
6. Chemical ammunition. above the earth's surface, whose trajectory or flight
7. Demolition material. path is capable of being altered by mechanisms within
8. Miscellaneous. the vehicle. Guided missiles include, besides such
3A3. Gun ammunition control mechanisms, explosive war heads and power
plants, usually of the rocket or jet type. For addi-
Gun ammunition comprises 4 types: bag, semifixed, tional data on this subject, see chapters 11 and 29.
fixed, and small arms. The distinction between the
first 3 depends on the manner in which the charges 3A7. Pyrotechnic ammunition
are assembled. In bag ammunition, the primer, pro- Pyrotechnic ammunition may be classified according
pelling charge, and projectile are separate units. In to use into three types: (1) signaling, (2) illuminat-
semifixed ammunition, the primer and propelling ing, and (3) marking. Pyrotechnic materials are
charge are contained in one unit, while the projectile mixtures of oxidizing agents and combustibles (pow-
is separate. In fixed ammunition, all 3 components ders such as magnesium and chlorate mixtures) to
are assembled in 1 unit. Small-arms ammunition will which other compounds may be added for such partic-
not be discussed in this text. ular purposes as to color the flame or smoke.

3A4. Bomb-type ammunition 3A8. Chemical ammunition

Bomb-type ammunition is characterized by thin- Included under this classification are all projectiles,
walled containers, loaded with relatively large burst- bombs, grenades, candles, or other containers of com-
ing charges. This ammunition depends for its effect pounds the purpose of which is to produce, when
upon the destructive blast of the explosive, rather than liberated, gas, smoke, or fire. Also, free fluids or gases
any penetrating qualities of the container. Included released from aircraft tanks, projectors, or sprayers
in the group are torpedo war heads, mines, depth are designated as chemical agents.
charges, and some aircraft bombs. Some bombs are Chemical ammunition may be designated according
discussed in this chapter; for further information on to the type of container, as projectile, bomb, or gre-

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nade. However, the more usual classification, and come known to the enemy. Because highly classified
the one used for storage purposes, is according to the instruments must be completely destroyed if capture
nature of the filling: or abandon ship is imminent, tiny bombs, called de-
Group A. Persistent vesicants. Vesicants blister the structors, are attached to them, to be actuated at a
skin. The usual ones are mustard gas and lewisite. moment's notice. Usually, they contain lead azide or
Group A-l. Nonpersistent lethal gases. These TNT -tetryl, with proper electric ignition elements.
gases, such as phosgene, injure the body when applied
externally, breathed, or taken internally. Protection 3A 10. Shaped charges
is not required in the open for more than 10 minutes Relatively small quantities of explosive known as
if the wind velocity exceeds 2 mph. shaped charges can be made to pierce heavy steel plate
Group B. Lacrimators and smokes. A lacrimator by employing them as shaped charges which direct the
such as CH (chloracetophenone) is used primarily to explosive force into a small and concentrated jet.
cause weeping and irritation of the throat and lungs. This jet supplies a directional damaging action.
The smokes, such as FM (titanium tetrachloride) and In an ordinary bursting charge the expanding det-
FS (sulphur trioxide in chlorosulfonic acid) are used onation wave proceeds outward from the point of
for screening but have an irritant and, in enclosed detonation, producing stresses on all portions of the
spaces, a toxic effect. enclosing case. The casing bursts into fragments un-
Group C. Spontaneously inflammable agents such der the action of these enormous forces. In a shaped
as WP (white phosphorus) . charge, however, a portion of the case (fig. 3A1)
Group D. Readily inflammable mixtures such as farthest from the detonator is in the form of a regular
TH (thermite), which burn rapidly and with extreme cavity (usually a cone, hemisphere, or V -shaped
heat. groove) so that the detonation wave fronts impinging
Chemical warfare is a specialized field which calls progressively over that portion of the case will cause
for specially trained men. The storage of chemicals compression toward the center of the cavity. Under
requires extraordinary safety precautions. Although the influence of this high-velocity compression, the
poisonous gases were not used in World War II, the portion of the case forming the cavity and known as
Navy was prepared for defense and for reprisal in case the liner gasifies under the extreme pressures and tem-
the enemy initiated such tactics. Chemical warfare peratures. Most of it squirts forward in a narrow jet
creates many problems in ship protection and decon- away from the advancing detonation wave. The front
tamination which are the responsibility of the Dam- of this jet is composed of a large number of gaseous
age Control Officer and are outside the scope of this metallic particles moving at speeds of 20,000 to 30,000
book. feet per second. This is followed by the slug, con-
3A9. Demolition material
sisting of moving particles, the residue of the highly
compressed liner (or slug), and fragments from the
Explosives intended for such uses as blasting, elim- skirt of the liner. Penetration is achieved when the
inating hazards to navigation and obstacles to am- high-velocitv jet particles impinge upon the target
phibious landing, and destroying gear to prevent cap- somewhat in the manner that a stream of machine gun
ture by the enemy, comprise demolition material. bullets entering the same hole would penetrate an
The use of blasting charges is a specialized art, re- earth bunker. The slug plays no role in penetration.
quiring intensive training. Demolition techniques are Although confinement increases the penetration of the
taught in special Navy schools and will not be dis- jet in some cases, the increase is slight and most shaped
cussed in detail in this text. For major blasting opera- charges have only light confinement. A well-designed
tions, various forms of dynamite are used; but dyna- shaped charge will penetrate armor up to three times
mite normally is not carried aboard ship. the diameter of the cone.
Half-pound demolition charge blocks, consisting of One important factor in the effectiveness of a
either pressed TNT or cast TNT and tetryl, are issued
shaped charge is the distance of the charge from the
to ships for general use. Large demolition charges,
target surface at the instant of detonation. This dis-
also consisting of TNT, and assembled with half-pound
tance, called stand-off distance, is necessary to permit
booster charges, are also issued for major projects,
such as scuttling vessels. Charges of both of these effective focusing of the gaseous jet.
types are detonated by means of blasting caps, set off In demolition charges the stand-off is obtained by
by electric current. legs which hold the shaped charge at the proper dis-
Aboard ship, in wartime, there are mechanical de- tance. When a shaped charge is employed in gun
vices the nature of which, preferably even the very projectiles or rockets, the nose will begin to crush be-
existence of which, must under no circumstances be- fore the fuze can detonate the charge. The nose is


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CLOSING CAP ~_=,___"





WELD LEGS TO BAND ----I~~~t=::;:t:;:+=1
, ,
:~ - ...•
1"- ...•

I'"I~ »0
::J °0
I m."



FIGURE 3Al.-Shaped charge and its effect.

therefore longer than the required stand-off distance sists of black powder and is assembled in a cartridge
by an amount calculated to allow for this crushing be- case with primer. Torpedoes are propelled from
tween time of impact and fuze functioning. In gen- above-water torpedo tubes by impulse charges. Im-
eral the stand-off distance at the time of detonation pulse charges are also used for propelling depth
should equal the diameter of the shaped-charge cone. charges.
In addition to the penetrative properties of the Trench-warfare ammunition, still so designated in
shaped charge, the accompanying blast and fragmen- spite of the change in the concept of trench warfare,
tation are important consideratioris. One new 5-inch includes hand and rifle grenades and mortar ammu-
rocket head is multipurpose in that it can be used for nition. It is issued to Marines and special landing
blast damage, fragmentation damage, or defeat of forces.
armor by shaped charge effect. Blank ammunition contains no projectile but con-
sists of a cartridge case with primer and powder
3A 11. Miscellaneous types charge. It is used to make a noise for saluting, or a
Under this heading are grouped a variety of types smoke for signaling, and for training exercises.
for special purposes such as impulse ammunition, Dummy ammunition includes any type of ammu-
blank ammunition, trench warfare ammunition, and nition or any ammunition detail assembled without
dummy ammunition. explosives. This type is used for training and test and
An impulse charge is a propelling charge designed is carefully marked so that it will not be confused with
to project a missile a short distance. It usually con- service ammunition.

B. Propelling Charge
381. Gun ammunition ponents of a complete round of gun ammunition,
whether bag, semifixed, or fixed. Each of these com-
Propelling charges with their containers, primers, ponents will be examined in some detail in the remain-
projectiles, and projectile fuzes are the major com- ing sections of this chapter. Each of the many naval


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guns is provided with its own associated ammunition, The firing of the separate primer used with bag guns
designed in normal service use to impart to its pro- can be relied on to set off the black powder in the
jectile a specified velocity at the muzzle called initial ignition pad, but may not be sufficiently potent to
velocity (abbreviated 1. V.). Special powder charges initiate combustion of the smokeless powder grains
may also be provided for use in experimental work, directly. It is essential, therefore, that each bag of a
shore bombardment, or target practice when reduced charge be loaded into the gun with the ignition pad
velocity is desired. Unless such reduced charges are aft, facing the breech plug and within a few inches of
specifically designated, it will be assumed throughout the next bag or of the breech plug and primer. This
this discussion that service 1. V. are meant. Figure factor also dictates that the total length of the powder
3B1 shows typical rounds. bags comprising a charge should be nearly equal to the
length of the chamber of the gun. When, therefore,
3B2. Bag ammunition a reduced charge is made up, the number and length
In bag ammunition the propelling charge is a of the powder bags are unchanged, but the diameter
separate unit. Large guns require large quantities of of each bag is reduced.
propellent powder to attain required projectile initial The powder bags used in a 16"/50 caliber gun are
velocity. If the total amount of powder required for shown in figure 3B2. The markings on such a bag
a 16-inch gun were placed in a single rigid container, should be noted. Those on the body of the bag indi-
the size and weight would make loading exceedingly cate the designation of the gun, the index or identifi-
difficult and slow. By packing the powder grains in cation number and the weight of the smokeless powder,
fabric bags, it is possible to divide the charge into the fraction of a full charge represented by the bag
units each of which can be expeditiously handled by and whether that charge is service or reduced, the
one man. initial velocity for which the charge is designed, and
Bag charges are used in the United-States Navy at the initials of the inspector. Markings on the igni-
the present time in some 8-inch guns and all guns tion pad indicate the number of grams of black powder
larger than 8-inch. As recently as the beginning of contained therein.
World War II, bag-type 5- and 6-inch guns were still
3B4. Powder tanb
in use. The largest guns in present use, the 16"/50
caliber on the newest battleships, use six powder bags Storage of smokeless powder must be both airtight
with each projectile. and watertight if standard performance is to be main-
tained. The diphenylamine stabilizer contained in
383. Powder bags smokeless powder prolongs the life of the powder but
The material used for powder bags is silk, because does not prevent deterioration under adverse condi-
only this fabric will completely burn away when com- tions. Since powder bags are neither airtight nor
bustion of the charge takes place, leaving no smolder- watertight, they are stored in tanks. These powder
ing residue to cause the premature explosion of the tanks are, therefore, important pieces of ordnance
next charge loaded. Each bag is roughly cylindrical equipment which must be properly maintained. Leaky
in shape. One end consists of an ignition pad con- tanks admit moisture and air and allow ether and
taining black powder quilted into the fabric so as to alcohol volatiles to escape.
keep the black powder evenly spread throughout the Several types of tanks are used, but all fulfill the
pad. Light-weight cloth, dyed red, is used for the same basic powder-storage requirements. Top covers
ignition pad. A heavier weight of fabric is used for are variously constructed but all are designed to permit
the rest of the bag. Bags are fitted with handling quick opening, because the number of loaded tanks
straps and lacings, which can be used to take up any allowed to be open at anyone time is strictly limited
slack in the bag. by safety precautions. All powder tanks have han-
Powder may be placed in the bags in either of two dling aids, the large tanks having lugs to fit slings and
ways. It may be dumped ·in with no regard for the the smaller ones having handles.
positioning of the individual grains; this produces an Tanks for powder bags contain wooden spacers to
unstacked charge. Or the grains may be arranged in prevent building of a static charge which might ignite
layers with the axis of each grain parallel to the axis the powder by a spark.
of the bag; this is a stacked charge. The latter re- (Bag movement within the tank during handling
sults in a smoother, more compact bag and provides causes the static charge. The spacer separates the ig-
for faster, more complete, and more symmetrical niter pads from the end of the tank to prevent sparking
ignition. which would ignite the black powder in the pads.)


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, ,


. :1


FOR 31~50 CAL. GUN








~~~~~;;:;::;';:=! __ RED IGNITION PAD




FIGURE 3BI.-Typical gun ammunition.

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FLAPS ANDL_---!Hffit-~__;"



FIGURE 3B2.-Powder bags and storage tank for 16"/50 caliber gun.

4181170-57--3 23

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385. Case ammunition r :••...•

Gun ammunition which has its propellent charge in AUXILIARY
a metal case or cartridge instead of a bag is called case
ammunition. (The term "cartridge" may also be ap-
plied to a complete round of small-arms ammunition.)
Both semifixed and fixed ammunition are of this type.
The factor that determines whether ammunition for "
a certain gun will be fixed or semifixed is the size and
weight of a unit which can be handled by one man.
Although mechanical improvements in loading tend to FUZE
minimize this weight factor at the gun, it must still be
considered in the supplying of reloads from handling











FIGURE 3B4.-5" /38 ammunition (semifixed).

CARTRIDGE CASE If-+-'l+--- DISTANCE PIECE rooms below. The primer in case ammunition is in-
serted in the base of the case at the ammunition depot
and is not removed or changed aboard ship.
The designs of various sizes of case ammunition are
similar, as may be seen from study of figures 3B3 and
3B4. The preparation of the case assemblies is com-
parable up to the point at which the mouth of a case
is sealed. In fixed ammunition the projectile is the
seal; a mouth plug is used in semifixed charges. There
are four steps in the assembly of case ammunition: (1)
CASE PERCUSSION priming, (2) loading the propellant, (3) fitting a wad
and sometimes a distance piece, and (4) inserting the
projectile or mouth plug. In priming, the primer used
is either screwed (40-mm, and larger) or force-fitted
ANTIAIRCRAFT (smaller cartridge ammunition) into the base of the
(COMPLETE ROUND) case. The desired weight of smokeless-powder grains
FIGURE 3B3.--40-mm ammunition (fixed). is then dumped loosely into the case. In 40-mm and

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larger guns, a cardboard disc, or wad, is forced into several times after being reprocessed at an ammunition
the case and a distance piece, if one is needed, placed factory.
on top. The mouth of a semifixed case is then sealed
by the insertion of a mouth plug as illustrated by the J.B6. Case ammunition containers
5"/38 case in figure 3B4. In fixed ammunition, the Since leaks may exist around the primer and the
mouth of the case is sealed by forcing in the base of projectile or mouth plug, the case cannot always be
the projectile until the rear of the rotating band makes relied upon to remain airtight. Therefore like powder
contact with the case. bags, case ammunition is transported and stowed in
A distance piece is made from a rectangular card- containers which provide air- and water-tightness.
board sheet, folded into a triangular shape and cut to There are several types of tanks and boxes in service,
the length necessary to fit the assembly, so that when and no attempts will be made here to describe them in
placed between the wad and the case closure or mouth detail. It is sufficient to state that regardless of vary-
plug, it will hold the propellant firmly in place. A ing. design, the container must, above all, provide
case mouth plug may be of cork, plastic, or cardboard proper storage for smokeless powder. In addition, the
and must be of sufficient strength to keep the contents container should be strong but not unduly heavy,
of the case from spilling out under any conditions of should handle easily, and should open quickly. Metal
handling or loading. In small-caliber ammunition, tanks made of aluminum most nearly conform to these
the fitting of wads and distance pieces may not be requirements, and tanks in current use are of either
necessary if the propellant fills the case. The cart- aluminum or steel construction. Metal tanks are also
ridge case itself is a hollow cylinder with either a advantageous in that they provide good storage in
straight or a bottle neck. The base has a rim around ready service racks on deck, or in ammunition-han-
its circumference to facilitate extraction of the empty dling rooms not equipped to provide the best storage
case from the gun. The empty cases can be reused conditions.

C. Primers
3C1. General Except for 5-inch mounts and older 6-inch turrets,
case combination primers are used only in short car-
A primer is a device used to initiate a flame for the
tridge cases for clearing the barrel after a failure to
ultimate purpose of igniting a charge of propellant.
fire electrically.
In bag ammunition this flame is applied to the ignition
The following service primers are in current use:
pad (the auxiliary ignition charge) in the base of the
1. Case percussion primer.
powder bag, which in turn ignites the smokeless pow-
2. Case electric primer.
der. In case ammunition the ignition charge is in-
3. Case combination primer.
corporated into the primer tube. Since the ignition
4. Lock combination primer.
charge incorporated in the bag can be proportional in
size to the charge) the primers are the same for bag 3C3. Case percussion primer
guns of all sizes. However, primers of different sizes
This type is used in light and heavy machine guns
must be used in cases of different sizes so that the
such as the 20- and 40-mm. In ammunition for the
amount of black powder in the primer may be pro-
smaller guns, which has a relatively small amount of
portional to the amount of propellant.
propellant, the primer consists only of a cap, an anvil,
3C2. Types and classes of primers and a percussion-sensitive mixture. The composition
Primers are divided into two types, depending on of the mixture varies with the amount of heat, flame,
how they are used in the gun: (1) case, (2) lock. and sensitivity desired. In operation, the firing pin
They are also divided into three classes, depending strikes the inverted cup which holds the primer cap.
upon the method of firing: (1) percussion, (2) elec- This indents the cup, forcing the cap against the anvil
tric, (3) combination. Percussion primers are fired and exploding the pellet of initiating mixture. The
by the mechanical impact of a firing pin. Electric

~ :=:::::Jt
primers are fired by passing a current through a
••••~ ::"'~"':: e.~ ~~,
resistance filament surrounded by an initiating mix-
ture. Combination primers may be fired by either of
these methods.
The current trend is toward the use of electric
primers only, in case guns of 3-inch and larger caliber. FIGURE 3C I.-Case percussion primer.


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FIGURE 3C2.-Case electric primer.

resulting flame ignites the propellant. Where greater in the event that electric firing fails. The percussion
energy is required to ignite the propellant, the primer element is similar to that of the case percussion primer,
includes a black-powder charge which is ignited by the except that the firing pin strikes a plunger which in
percussion cap. The 40-mm gun uses a primer of this turn explodes the cap against the anvil. The flames
type. See figure 3C 1. produced by the primer cap act directly upon the
powder in the electric ignition cup. See figure 3C3.
3C4. Case electric primer The electric element consists of a high-resistance
Case electric primers (fig. 3C2) are used for the wire wrapped in a wisp of guncotton and contained in
newer 3-, 5-, 6-, and 8-inch guns. These primers a mixture of pulverized guncotton and fine black pow-
contain an electric ignition element which consists of der in the ignition cup. This wire is connected at
two resistance filaments connected in parallel and sur- one end to the percussion plunger group, which is
rounded by an explosive mixture, and a small black- insulated from the primer stock. The other end of
powder primer charge. An electric current heats the the wire is grounded through the primer stock and
filaments, which then ignite the explosive mixture. the cartridge case to the metal of the gun. In firing
Flame from the initiating mixture ignites the black- the gun an electric current is passed through the firing
powder primer charge, which in turn ignites the main pin to the plunger; this heats the bridge wire, igniting
black-powder charge of the primer. the wisp of guncotton. The mixture in the ignition
cup is ignited and in turn fires the black-powder
3C5. Case combination primer primer charge. The primer charge is surrounded by
This type of primer is used in the 5" /38 caliber and the larger black-powder ignition charge and placed in
the older 5"/54 and 6"/47 caliber guns. It is also an outer perforated tube, which amplifies the heat and
used in clearing charges for all case guns of 3-inch flame sufficiently to surround the propellent charge.
caliber and larger. These primers can be fired, as
3C6. Lock combination primer
indicated by their name, either by percussion or elec-
trically. Electrical firing is considered the primary The same type and size of primer (fig. 3C4) is used
method; the percussion feature is a standby for use in all United States Navy bag guns. A primer is

CUP-- .....


FIGURE 3C4.-Lock combination primer.

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placed by hand in the firing lock of the gun each time bag. The percussion and electric features of the lock
the gun is loaded. There is no ignition charge in combination primer are the same as those of the case
the primer, as one is included in the assembled powder combination primer.

D. Projectiles
301. General
The projectile is that part of a round of gun ammu- ~----------------CHORD'----------------~
nition which is expelled from the gun by the force of
the explosion of the propelling charge. Present-day
projectiles are elongated cylinders with a pointed front
end. The application of the principle of rifling to
guns caused the abandonment of the earlier spherical
projectile. Rotation of the projectile permitted the
use of a longer and heavier projectile, thus obtaining
vastly increased range, accuracy, penetrative ability,
and sectional density. (See art. 3D5.)
Modern small-arms projectiles often consist of solid
metal; projectiles used in larger guns, however, are
assemblies of several components. The three essen-
tial parts are the metallic body, the explosive bursting
charge, and the fuze which sets off that charge.
There may also be a tracer to make the projectile more
readily visible during flight. Fuzes and tracers will
be discussed in the next section of this chapter.

302. Projectile bodies

The solid bullet damages by impact alone. As-

sembled projectiles, however, inflict damage prima-
rily by the blast of the high-explosive charge and the
resulting high-velocity fragments.
The external shape of the projectile is designed to
obtain the desired flight characteristics of stability and
minimum air resistance. The form of forward end
which best fulfills these conditions is the ogive. An
ogive (fig. 3D 1) is the shape generated by the revolu-
tion of an arc of a circle about a chord. In a pro-
jectile the chord is the axis of the projectile and the
FIGURE 3D 1.~give characteristics.
radius used is about nine times the diameter (caliber)
of the projectile. (In small-caliber projectiles a cone
is sometimes used instead of an ogive.) Abaft the raised above the body, provide the support and bear-
ogive a projectile is cylindrical. The cylindrical shape ing which steady the projectile in its passage through
may continue to the base, in which case the projectile the gun. They must be some distance apart to pre-
is said to have a square base; or the after portion may vent excessive wobbling in the bore. Except for the
be slightly tapered or conical, in which case the pro- bourrelet, the projectile does not require a fine ma-
jectiles are described as boat-tailed. The corner of chined finish; experimental firings have indicated that
the base in either type is usually turned to a small fine body finish adds very little to projectile accuracy.
radius. In fixed ammunition the form of the after See figure 3D2.
end is influenced by the need for providing a bearing
surface for the lip of the cartridge case. 303. The bourrelet
Between the two ends lies the cylindrical body of The forward bearing surface of a projectile is ma-
the projectile. Near the after end of the cylindrical chined to a fine finish to reduce friction and minimize
part of the projectile is the rotating band; at the for- the wear of the gun. In small projectiles the entire
ward end is the bourrelet. These two surfaces, slightly body forward of the rotating band may be finished to


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FIGURE 3C3.-Case combination primer.

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FIGURE 3D2.-Main parts of projectile.

bourrelet diameter. On large-caliber projectiles addi- of recent design have been banded with gilding metal
tional bourrelets, abaft and forward of the rotating (90 percent copper, 10 percent zinc), which increases
band, are added to provide better support, especially strength and reduces the amount of copper deposited
during ejection from the muzzle. A certain clearance in the bore of the gun.
must be provided between the bourrelet and the lands To reduce dependency on copper for this use (cop-
(the raised portions of the rifling). Standard United per is increasing in military importance while it be-
States Navy practice requires a specified bourrelet comes scarcer and more expensive) rotating bands of
diameter 0.015 to 0.023 inch (in different-caliber pro- sintered iron are under development.
jectiles) smaller than the diameter of the bore. To United States Navy projectiles generally have ro-
this margin is added a manufacturing tolerance of tating bands about one-third caliber in width. For-
minus 0.005 to 0.007 inch, so that total clearance limits eign services sometimes use narrow multiple bands on
vary from 0.015 to 0.030 inch. Unnecessary clearance major-caliber projectiles. The rough band is assem-
adversely affects accuracy and fuze performance and bled (after heating it, in 8-inch and larger calibers)
may mar the rifling by excessive wobble. by slipping it over the rear of the projectile and press-
ing it into a score cut into the body of the projectile.
304. Rotating band
This scoring usually includes a dovetail on each edge
The three primary functions of the rotating band are to assure that the band will not be thrown off by
to seal the bore, to position and center the rear end centrifugal force. Either waved ridges, longitudinal
of the projectile, and to impart rotation to the pro- nicks, or knurling are provided on the bottom of the
jectile. Its secondary function is to hold the projectile score to ensure against band slippage during rotary
in its proper position in the gun after loading and acceleration.
ramming, and to ensure that it will not slip back when The forward edge of the band is slightly conical, to
the gun is elevated. The band has considerable ef- facilitate engagement with the origin of rifling. The
fect on muzzle velocity, range, accuracy, and the life cone, during loading, wedges into a seat at the origin
of the gun. of the rifling (except in fixed ammunition) and holds
Rotating bands are usually made of fine copper; in the projectile in place during loading and elevating.
major-caliber projectiles a small percentage of nickel The central portion of the band is cylindrical and of a
is added to provide greater strength. Some projectiles slightly greater diameter than that of the bore plus

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the depth of the rifling. This portion is sometimes 1. Penetrating.

divided by circumferential grooves, called cannelures, 2. Fragmenting.
which provide space into which displaced copper may 3. Special-purpose.
be wiped. In the after part of the band separate-
loading projectiles have a raised lip followed by an 307. Penetrating projectiles
especially deep cannelure. The lip serves to ensure This type includes armor-piercing (AP) and com-
a good gas check and also to prevent overramming in mon (Com). They are designed to penetrate, respec-
a badly worn or eroded gun. tively, heavy and light armor. The usual bursting
The purpose of the cannelures is to minimize the charge for these types is Explosive D, which is insensi-
formation of a fringe or skirt from the excess metal tive enough to permit penetration without premature
which is wiped rearward. Such a fringe is likely to detonation. The characteristics which make that pos-
flare outward, at the muzzle of the gun, due to the sible will be described under the heading of penetration
effects of the gases and of centrifugal force, and cause in the next chapter.
loss of range and accuracy. Bands on which the lip
is well forward of the end of the band and is undercut 308. Fragmenting projectiles
with a deep cannelure are known as nonfringing. These projectiles are designed to inflict damage
305. Weight of projectiles
both by blast effect and by fragmentation; that is,
breaking up into small high-velocity fragments. They
Within reasonable limits, a gun can fire projectiles are characterized by thin walls and large cavities for
of varying weights. Approximate weights of United the explosive filled. The general type is subdivided
States Navy projectiles are determined by the formula as follows:
d' 1. High-capacity (HC) projectiles (fig. 3D3) are
W=2 used against unarmored surface targets, shore objec-
in which: tives, or personnel. Since no penetration ability is re-
quired, explosives more sensitive than Explosive D may
W=weight of projectile in pounds, and be used.
d=caliber of gun in inches. 2. Antiaircraft (AA) projectiles are designed for
The weight of the projectile per square inch of bore use against airplanes in flight. Except for fuzing they
is called sectional density. It is represented by the are substantially the same as high-capacity in the
in which:
SD=sectional density.
W=weight of projectile in pounds.
A = area of bore, including grooves, in square inches.
This ratio varies with the size of the gun, averaging
approximately six-tenths of the caliber. The concept COMPOSITION 'B'
of sectional density helps the designer to avoid design-
ing a projectile of given diameter and weight either
too long or too short for proper stability.
The distributicn of weight in a projectile is a matter PROJECTILE BODY
of considerable importance. The center of gravity
should be in the longitudinal axis and close to or abaft
the center of form.

306. Classification of projectiles BASE DETONATING FUZE

All gun projectiles, other than small arms, share the

characteristics thus far described, but since targets dif-
fer in character, projectiles must differ in design, the
better to defeat them.
The primary classification is into three general
types: FIGURE 3D3.-6" /4 7-caliber high-capacity projectile.


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larger calibers. In smaller sizes the explosive often 2. Smoke, or white phosphorus (WP), projectiles
contains an incendiary element. contain tubes of that substance which are scattered
3. Antiaircraft common (AAC) projectiles are a and burst by a small black-powder charge. White
dual-purpose design, combining the qualities of anti- phosphorus produces a screening smoke. It also has
aircraft projectiles with the toughness necessary to some incendiary effect.
penetrate steel plating not of armor thickness. The
3. Window (W) projectiles contain metal foil
type of fuzing will depend on the use. The walls may
strips, which, when scattered high in the air by the
be heavier than those of the other thin-walled types,
small burster charge, serve to confuse enemy radar
and the filler is usually Explosive D.
309. Special-purpose projectiles 4. Nonfragmenting projectiles are used for antiair-
These are not intended to inflict damage by explo- craft gun practices.~ They contain a smoke-producing
sion or by fragmentation. Their construction incorpo- substance, available in various colors, which makes it
rates no strength .other than that required to withstand possible to observe the bursts without close bursts de-
discharge from the gun without damage to the con- stroying the target.
tents. If the filler includes any explosive, it is a small 5. Target or blind-loaded (BL) projectiles contain
charge designed to expel the contents of the projectile. an inert substance, often sand, designed to give the
See figure 3D4. Some of the common varieties are:
same weight and balance characteristics as explosive
1. Illuminating (Illum) projectiles, often called
fillers. In large calibers (6-inch and above) target
star shells (SS), contain a bright flare attached to a
projectiles simulate the AP design but have no filler
parachute. They are expelled from the projectile
body by a small black-powder charge which also lights other than the spotting color.
the flare. As the parachute slowly lowers the flare, it 6. Proof-shot projectiles are used for proof tests of
serves to illuminate the target. guns at the proving ground.








G1~SS;~§;~~y BASE PLUG
FIGURE 3D4.-Special·purpose projectiles.


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\ EXPLOSIVE "0" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - YElLOW
COMPOSITION "A" - - - - - - - - - -
TNT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GREEN
BLACK POWDER - - - - - - - - - - - - - -SLATE
IllUMINATING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BLUE
CHEMICAL - - - - - - - - - - - -,-

INERT MATERIAL OR EMPTY - - - - - - - - - - - RED

White or white with four %" dots of color

corresponding with color of tracer

10 SMOKE AGENT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - YElLOW




HARASSING GAS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- RED

AP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BLACK
(OM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SLATE INCENDIARL ________________ PURPLE
H( ------------------- GREEN
AA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GREEN
AA COM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GREEN
IllUMINATING - - - - - - - - - BLUE WITH WHITE STAR Within this space around the body parallel with ·the rotating band there is
CHEMICAL, GAS, SMOKE - - - - - - - - - -OCEAN GRAY stenciled in white the following data:
TARGET - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - RED
W - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ALUMINUM ~-------- Ammunition lot no. Fuze identification
--------- Cal. and type of projectile Tracer and color burst identification

-- ------
, Mark and Mod of projectile Guns for which designed

Pointed some as body color on seporote·looding projectiles.

Cooted with shellac on fixed ammunition for ,toroge. I---- --;......

FIGURE 3D5.-Projectile markings.

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3010. Dye loads 3011. Projectile markings

Penetrating projectiles designed primarily for use Projectiles are painted various colors to facilitate
against surface targets usually contain small quantities rapid identification by gun crews. Nose fuzes and ro-
of dye, so placed in the nose of the projectile as to be tating bands are never covered with paint. . Bourrelets
are covered with one thin coat of paint only, and may
dispersed upon water impact. This dye colors the
never be repainted or retouched. The remainder of
splash produced by the hit and thus allows a ship to
the projectile is painted according to the code set forth
identify its own splashes. Standard practice is to in figure 3D5, which applies to all calibers larger than
issue to each ship in a division its own identifying color. 40-mm. Separate special codes are used for painting
Available colors are red, blue, green, and orange. 20- and 40-mm projectiles.

E. Fuzes and Tracers

3El. General for a sufficient distance outside to ensure security of
personnel in the vicinity.
A projectile fuze is a mechanical, electrical, elec-
3. It must initiate the explosion of the filler at the
tronic, magnetic (or combination) device which will
proper moment, whether on impact or at a specified
detonate or ignite a charge in a projectile at the time
and under the circumstances desired.
Fuzes may be classified according to function (im-
pact, time, or proximity) , the position of the fuze in the
projectile (nose or base), type of mechanism or prin-
ciple utilized (mechanical or VT), and specific action
at time of functioning or initiation (ignition or deto-
nation). Figure 3El illustrates typical fuzes.
Typical examples of nomenclature for Navy fuzes
are as follows:
1. Auxiliary detonating (ADF).
2. Base detonating (BDF).
3. Mechanical time (MTF) or electrical time
(ETF) .
4. Point detonating (PDF).
5. VT or proximity (VTF) .
Point detonating, time, and VT fuzes may all be
called nose fuzes because of their location in the projec-
tile. Fuzes are designated as detonating when they
contain within themselves a high-explosive charge suf-
ficient to set off a high-order explosion in the burster.
Ignition fuzes contain black powder sufficient to ignite
the burster of small projectiles. In larger projectiles
such fuzes function indirectly through an auxiliary
detonating fuze.

3E2. Fuze safety

It is necessary for the safety of personnel that a fuze

be made inoperative until the projectile is well clear
of the muzzle and of the firing ship. A fuze is said
to be armed when its component parts are so arranged
that it can operate to set off the next explosive in the
chain. It is unarmed when its safety features are so
functioning as to prevent its operation.
A satisfactory fuze must meet these requirements:
1. It must be safe to handle; that is, the fuze must
not become armed if dropped or joggled.
2. It must be safe within the bore of the gun and FIGURE 3E1.-Location of fuzes in projectiles.

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3E3. Fuze operation terminology 3ES. Base detonating fuzes

If fuzes were not equipped with safety features, they Base fuzes are used alone in armor-piercing and
would be relatively simple. The need for safety makes common projectiles. They are used in combination
for complicated operation, which depends for its initi- with nose fuzes in such dual-purpose projectiles as
ation on certain forces brought into play when a pro- AAC and HC. In the latter case their functioning is
jectile is fired from a gun. Forces which may be completely independent of the nose and auxiliary fuzes,
used to operate fuzes are: the former of which may for certain purposes be
1. Setback. The force of inertia which tends to replaced by a steel nose plug.
move all fuze parts to the rear as the projectile is initi- All base detonating fuzes function on impact; some,
ally accelerated in the bore of the gun. however, incorporate a delay feature. Base detonat-
2. Angular setback. The force of inertia, which ing delay fuzes function a short time (0.02 to 0.033
tends to resist the initial rotational acceleration of the second) after the projectile hits the target, thus allow-
projectile in the gun. ing time for armor penetration. Base detonating non-
3. Centrifugal force. The continuous force, caused delay fuzes contain no actual delay element, but a
by the rotation of the projectile in flight, which tends slight inherent mechanical delay provides a time mar-
to move all fuze parts radially away from the axis of gin sufficient for the penetration of thin sheet metal.
the projectile.
4. Creep. The continuing inertial force resulting 3E6. Time fuzes
from the deceleration of the projectile in flight, caused In most calibers of gun projectiles, time fuzes are
by air resistance, which tends to move forward the clockwork mechanisms used to obtain timed air bursts.
fuze parts not exposed to the air. They are used in AA, AAC, AA (non-frag), HC,
5. Impact. The sudden inertia force which tends Illum, WP, and W projectiles of 3- to 6-inch sizes and
to move all fuze parts forward when a projectile in HC projectiles of 8- to 16-inch caliber. There are
strikes. two general types of mechanical time fuzes: one type
6. Target contact. The rearward movement ofa depends for its action solely upon centrifugal force;
firing plunger or other device when the projectile the other is a spring-driven variety. The centrifugal
contacts the target material. type is less affected by long periods of storage, but the
The magnitude of some of the forces is illustrated spring-driven fuzes are more satisfactory for use on
in the table below. large projectiles which have slower speeds of rotation.
Each type is made in several marks and mods for
3E4. Auxiliary detonating fuzes various calibers.
"Aux dets" are used in conjunction with all types of A highly accurate electric time fuze that can be set
nose fuzes in HC, AA, and AAC projectiles of 3-inch very quickly (and thus reduces "dead time" to the
and greater caliber. They are interposed between the vanishing point) is under development at this writing.
nose fuze and the bursting charge of the projectile to
3E7. Point detonating fuzes
provide a heavier shock for detonating the bursting
charge. They also act as a safety feature, preventing Point detonating fuzes are designed to function on
the projectile filler from exploding in case the nose impact with the target. They have the advantage of
fuze should be accidentally actuated prior to the arm- being faster acting on impact than base detonating
ing of the auxiliary detonating fuze. fuzes. One group of such fuzes is used in place of


Muu;le Maximum Spin at Maximum

Projectile velocity Max. bore pressure in new guns setback muzrle retardation* *
js jorce* TPS (creep

20-mm ___________________ 2,725 24 long tons/in'' ___________ 96, 566g 1, 154 ----------
5" /38 AAC _______________ 2,600 18 long tons/in 2 ___________ 14, 344g 208 7.2g
16"/50 AP ________________ 2,500 18 long tons/in 2 ___________ 3,003g 75 1. 19

*g Equals the pull or force of gravity.

**Maximum occurs a short distance from the muzzle.


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mechanical time fuzes in connection with shore bom- fuzes except illuminating and window (which are not
bardment with HC, AAC, and WP projectiles. Other supposed to be exploded in the immediate vicinity of
marks of point detonating fuzes are used in 20- and a target). The VT fuze is a self-contained, radio-
40-mm projectiles, for which no other type fuzes are controlled fuze capable of transmitting pulses of radio
provided (20- and 40~mm AP projectiles are solid energy, and of receiving a portion of these pulses
metal, except for the tracer cavity, and thus unfuzed). which may be reflected by a target. The fuze fires
Figure 3E2 shows a sectional view of the 40-mm when the returning signal is of sufficient strength, due
Point Detonating Fuze Mark 27. This is a simple to proximity to the target, to trigger the firing circuit.
fuze, an explanation of which will illustrate typical Essentially, the fuze is an extremely rugged radio trans-
fuze operation and safety features. The fuze is com- mitting and receiving station, which fits into the nose
posed of four major parts: the fuze body, the maga- of a projectile and is so compact that it displaces a
zine, the firing-pin holder, and the rotor block volume less than half of an ordinary pint milk bottle.
assemblies. The forward section of the fuze body con- See figure 3E3.
tains the plastic firing-pin extension or hammer, the The principle of its operation can best be illustrated
stab-type firing pin, detents and springs contained in by describing the firing of a typical VT-fuzed pro-
the firing-pin holder assembly, and the rotor block jectile. Not only are VT fuzes as rugged as most fuzes,
with rotor, detents, springs, and rotor cover. The but they have been provided with reliable safety fea-
magazine is screwed into the after end of the body. tures. As a result, in safety of handling, safety in the
The fuze is designed: bore of the gun, and freedom f.rom muzzle bursts, they
1. To detonate the projectile explosive charge and are as safe as any fuzes used by the Navy.
thereby burst the projectile with high-order detona- At the instant the projectile is fired, a tiny wet
tion instantaneously upon impact. battery that furnishes energy to the fuze begins to be
2. To ensure safety and prevent detonation of the activated. The shock of fire breaks a small glass vial
projectile when fired in a gun or in normal flight until filled with liquid electrolyte. Centrifugal force in the
detonated by impact. rotating projectile causes this liquid electrolyte to flow
o peration. On examining figure 3E2 the student toward the outside of a cylindrical cell through a stack
will see that the firing pin cannot move aft (to the of thin ring-shaped plates that have been carefully
left in the diagram) because the firing-pin detents insulated from each other. Contact between the elec-
prevent it from doing so. Also, the detonator is not in trolyte and the plates makes the battery electrically
line with the firing pin, so that, if the firing pin should active. Within a half second after the battery has
somehow move aft, it would strike the rotor body and become active, it has charged a firing condenser with
not the detonator. If the detonator should explode, electricity. Once this condenser is charged and a
it would not detonate the booster. The rotor, and mercury safety switch has been opened, the projectile
consequently the detonator, is held in the unarmed is "armed", and ready to detonate when a target in-
position by the rotor detents, which fit into the rotor fluences it to do so. All this has been accomplished
body as shown in the diagram. The rotor body also by the time the projectile has traveled four or five
contains two lead counterweights. hundred yards.
When the projectile is fired, the rifling in the gun As the projectile speeds through the air at a rate of
rotates the projectile. As the projectile spins, cen- approximately 2,600 feet per second, a radio oscillator
trifugal force causes the firing-pin detents to move out- sends out electromagnetic waves or impulses at the
ward, freeing the firing pin. The rotor detents also speed of light. These impulses will be reflected back
move outward, freeing the rotor. Centrifugal force to the oscillator by any target that gives a radio reflec-
also acts upon the lead counterweights in the rotor tion, such as metal objects, water, or earth.
body, tending to move them outward. This causes At first the projectile is so far from the target that
the rotor body to rotate, bringing the detonator into these impulses are not returned in any strength. But
line with the firing pin and lead-in. The fuze is now as the projectile approaches closer to the target the
armed. oscillator receives ever stronger reflected impulses.
Upon impact, the firing pin is rammed aft, striking These incoming impulses interact with outgoing im-
and exploding the detonator. The detonator ex- pulses to create a "ripple pulse" which is amplified by
plodes the booster, which in turn detonates the burster vacuum tubes. If the projectile comes within a radius
charge of the projectile. of about 75 to 100 feet of its target, this "ripple pulse"
becomes powerful enough to trigger a thyratron tube
3E8. VT fuzes
which acts as an electronic switch. This releases the
The radio proximity or VT fuze is used in all of the electrical energy stored in the charged condenser
types of projectiles which can use mechanical time which, in turn operates an electrical primer. The

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VV\J\JV\A!\j\" v vv '-- __ -----,.







FIGURE 3E2.-Two views of point detonating fuze-unarmed.


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FIGURE 3E3.-Typical VT fuze.

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primer consists of a small container of black powder effective area. The introduction of this fuze in the
which is fired by an electrical current passed through European.campaign of World War II by United States
a resistance wire. The blast from this primer operates Army artillery had a tremendously demoralizing as
an auxiliary detonating fuze, which sets off the main well as destructive effect on enemy .ground troops.
explosive charge in the projectile.
This fuze, the result of Navy research, has been 3E9. Tracers
regarded as one of the greatest forward steps in recent It is sometimes advantageous to follow a projectile
ordnance development. It eliminates completely the in flight. For this purpose a tracer body is installed
tremendous problem of fuze setting in order to time in the base or as an extension to the base, of the pro-
the burst at a point in the trajectory where lethal darn- jectile. It contains a pyrotechnic mixture designed to
age results to a fast-moving target. This allows maxi- burn with a definite color during all or a specific part
mum concentration on accurate tracking and solution of the projectile's flight. Standard tracer colors in the
for the correct trajectory, which is necessary because Navy are red or white in AA projectiles and orange
the projectile must be placed within 100 feet of the (for night tracers) in AP and common projectiles.
target for the fuze to function. The tracer is ignited by the heat or pressure of the pro-
VT-fuzed ammunition is very effective on exposed pelling charge.
personnel and lightly armored targets ashore. I t is In 40-mm projectiles, tracers perform the special
also well adapted for harassing and interdiction fire to function of setting off the burster charge at the end
deny the enemy the use of, but not destroy, bridges and of the tracer burning period. This is accomplished
other works which our own forces may later require. simply by allowing the inside end of the tracer to have
No matter what the topographic configuration, the direct access to the main charge. The advantage of
fuze will detonate at that designed point in its flight in a self-destructive feature in AA projectiles, which
close proximity to a reflecting mass, such as the earth might otherwise land and burst on own ships or
or trees, where fragmentation blankets a maximum installations, is obvious.

F. Bombs
3F1. Bombs and bomb components sighting and control systems that are effective at high
altitudes and under all conditions of visibility or lack
The aerial bomb provides for very efficient use of
thereof; and evolution of more effective methods of
the load-carrying ability of a given plane. Only a
small fraction of the weight involved must be reserved
for suspension, release, and sighting equipment. On 3F2. Bomb classification
the other hand, an aerial bomb has very low initial
velocity, this velocity being that of the airplane carry- In terms of their fillers there are three general types
ing the bomb at the time of release. Time of flight is of bombs: explosive bombs, chemical bombs, and
relatively prolonged, and accurate computation is inert bombs. Varieties of explosive bombs include
required to obtain hits. A partial exception exists, of armor-piercing, semi-armor-piercing, general-purpose,
course, in glide bombs with homing mechanisms. The light-case, depth, fragmentation, and antiaircraft types.
first aerial bombs were the small, hand-thrown missiles Chemical bombs include gas, smoke, and incendiary
of World War I, but 2-ton bombs are now common- varieties. Inert bombs contain no explosives or
place, and even larger sizes have been standardized. chemicals, and are used in drills and in practice bomb-
A conventional aerial bomb has three major com- ing. A number of aerial bombs are shown in figure
ponents. The body contains the explosive charge, or 3Fl. All bombs are painted with appropriate identi-
it may have a chemical filler. The fin assembly is fying markings.
provided to keep the bomb stable' in flight. A fuze In addition to the three major types, various encased
serves to detonate the charge. These three elements pyrotechnic materials (not strictly bombs) are usually
usually are assembled into a complete round just be- regarded as bomb ammunition.
fore the bomb is loaded in or on the aircraft. A glide
3F3. Explosive bomb types
bomb, which is a guided missile, must in addition carry
the equipment necessary for guidance. ' Armor-piercing bombs (fig. 3F2) are thick walled,
Trends in bombing developments include the per- contain about 15 percent by weight of explosive filler,
fection of a great variety of special-purpose bombs, and are intended for use against heavily armored
including some relatively small types and others of ships and heavy steel or concrete structures. They
great weight; development of improved methods of incorporate only tail fuzes. The effect of a near miss
tracking, sighting, and computing; development of with such a bomb is small, because of the small per-


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B. GAS BOMB, 115-lb. (for duster) Q. A.P. BOMB, IOOO-lb.
F. G.P. BOMB, 2S0-lb. M. SM. BOMB, SOO-Ib. S. A.P. BOMB, 1600-lb.
G. G.P. BOMB, IOO-lb. N. G.P. BOMB, SOO-Ib. T. G.P. BOMB, 2000-lb.
FIGURE3Fl.-Types of aerial bombs.



------------== ~
SUSPENSION LUG -----------------


FIGURE3F2.-An armor-piercing bomb assembled for loading.

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centage of explosive contained. If used against un- steel rings or steel bars, and contain about 14 percent
armored or lightly armored ships, they are likely to by weight of explosive charge. When such a bomb
pass clear through the target before detonating. bursts, fragments from the shattered case are thrown
General-purpose bombs (fig. 3F3) have medium- outward at high velocity and may do considerable
thick cases, contain about 50 percent by weight of damage to light installations, aircraft on the ground,
explosive filler, and are used to produce blast, frag- unarmored vehicles, and personnel.
mentation, or mining effects. Appropriate targets in-
3F4. Fire and incendiary bombs
clude unarmored vessels, submarines, and land targets
such as ordinary buildings, aircraft (on ground), gun Fire and incendiary bombs are types of chemical
emplacements, and personnel. bombs. Large fire bombs may be droppable fuel
Light-case bombs carry a maximum explosive tanks filled with a highly flammable mixture, which
charge: about 75.6 percent by weight. The fuzes used is usually 94 percent of 80 or 100 octane gasoline and
function instantaneously; this is necessary, because 6 percent napalm. Napalm thickeners gel the gaso-
cases rupture upon impact. Various weights have line to a rubbery mass of such a consistency that when
been developed, ranging from 400 to 12,000 pounds. used in the fire bomb the resulting conflagration covers
The effect of such bombs depends largely upon blast, a large area, burns intensely, and lasts a long time.
and to a lesser degree upon fragmentation; they are As an antipersonnel weapon, the fire bomb has been
effective against light structures and personnel. found to be effective against personnel in slit trenches,
Depth bombs, intended primarily for attacks upon dugouts, and foxholes. As an incendiary, the fire
submarines, contain about 70 percent by weight of bomb has been found to be effective against wooden
explosive filler, and have relatively light cases. As piers, houses, docks and waterfront warehouses,
shown in figure 3F1, a depth bomb has a flat nose to wooden surface vessels, ammunition dumps, truck
reduce the possibility of ricochets when it is dropped convoys, and any other readily burnable target.
into the water at small entrance angles. For attacks The average coverage from one bomb dropped on
upon submarines, this bomb is fitted with a hydro- level terrain is about 300 feet long and 100 wide, when
static tail fuze, but an impact nose fuze may also be in- dropped from aircraft in level flight at altitudes of 100
stalled if the target is a surface ship. If a nose fuze feet and speeds of 300 knots. Higher altitudes and
is present, it must be unarmed in making antisub- lower speeds decrease the coverage and vice versa.
marine attacks. Depth borribs have little penetrating Other incendiary bombs usually c9ntain thermite
power, and depend primarily upon blast to produce in mag~esium alloy cases. ~s ~he ~ermite burns, the
desired effects. magnesium case becomes ignited and adds to the
Fragmentation bombs have heavy cases made up of incendiary effect.



FIGURE 3F3.-A general-purpose bomb assembled for loading.

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Chapter 4


A. Types of Armor
4A 1. Early ship armor ings. Therefore, even though early experiments had
established solid plate as better than a built-up cover-
The idea of sheathing ships with projectile-resisting
ing of laminated armor, naval designers were obliged
metal undoubtedly existed before any attempt was
to use plate built from thin layers, often inadequately
made to put it into practice. It is reported that a
bonded together. The armor of the Civil War iron-
Korean admiral used ironclads in the late 16th cen-
clads was of this type.
tury. The first European proposal to do so was made
The problem before the armorers of the day was
by S~r William Congreve in England in 1805, but the
quite clear: to produce a very hard face plus a very
first ironmaster to make the attempt was John Stevens
tough back. However, methods of providing sound
of Hoboken, N. j., some 7 years later.
cementation between a hard faceplate and a thicker
Stevens' efforts did not meet with immediate suc-
heavier foundation were still to be discovered. '
cess, but it does not appear that his approach to the
subject was unscientific, for he had experimented until 4A3. Steel armor
he knew the exact thickness of iron plate which would
withstand the fire of any given gun. About 30 years Before any process for the production of such bonded
after Stevens began the work, his son, Robert L. armor was developed, the Bessemer converter, followed
Stevens, felt that the work was far enough along to a few years later by the Siernans-Martin open-hearth
report the result to Congress. Yet another 12 years process, changed the course of development. The
elapsed before Congress authorized the building of an French, in 1876, produced a 22-inch mild steel plate
armored floating battery. Meanwhile the French and (which is said to have been hammered to that dimen-
the British laid the keels for a number of armored sion from a thickness of 7 feet) that resisted 'the fire
ships. In the bombardment of the Kinburn forts of all guns then in use. It was the best armor pro-
during the Crimean War, three French armored craft duced up to that time, but its tendency to crack led to
first demonstrated their usefulness. a return to research in built-up armor.
The widespread interest in armored ships was prob- 4A4. Compound armor
ably due to the fact that the rifling of the barrels of
long-range guns was also occupying the attention of The next advance resulted from the development
naval designers. The spin-stabilized bullet had been of two rival processes. The first was the Wilson-
used in small arms for some time, and it was felt that Cammel compound plate which consisted of an open-
a similarly designed long-range gun was feasible. Such hearth steel face cast on top of a hot wrought-iron back
a gun was developed, and by the last quarter of the plate. The second was the Ellis-Brown process of
cementing a steel face to an iron back by pouring
19th century, smooth-bore ordnance had disappeared
molten Bessemer steel between them. In both cases
from use in the navies of the civilized world.
the plates were rolled after compounding. '
4A2. Iron armor Actually, only a small advance had been made. All
the efforts of the steel men and Naval designers had
Although other metals were considered, only iron, amounted to a mere 25 percent advantage: 10
wrought or cast, seemed feasible as a protective cover- inches of compound armor was only about the equal
ing; and of these, wrought iron showed itself to be of 12~ inches of iron. It was some progress, but not
superior. The first practical armor consisted of 4- much.
or 5-inch wrought-iron plate, backed by 36 inches of
solid wooden timber. 4A5. Nickel-steel armor
The iron industry of the time, however, was not French engineers again took the next step forward
equal to the production of the necessary heavy forg- when, in 1889, Schneider introduced about 4 percent

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of nickel into his steel plate, which increased its ment was completed, but the resultant alloy was too
strength and toughness. His plate was hammer- difficult for the industry to handle until the Germans
forged, annealed, tempered, oil-quenched, and then discovered suitable methods. Krupp at that time
reannealed. This new process added another 5 per- used illuminating gas as a carburizing agent instead
cent of resistance to the 25 percent already gained by of bone charcoal, but the industry at a later date
the makers of compound plate. This type of plate returned to the use of a solid carbonaceous material
was used by the United States to protect the old for this purpose.
battleships Texas, Maine, and Oregon.
4A8. Krupp armor Idecrementally hardened)
4A6. Harvey armor Icarburized nickel steel)
The important decremental hardening process was
The next important development was American introduced by Krupp shortly after the development of
and, oddly enough, also originated in New Jersey, not carburizing. The Krupp armor was processed by
far from the Stevens plant where protective plating burying the plate, all but the face to be hardened, in
for naval craft had had its beginning about 80 years clay, and exposing the face to a high, quick heat.
before. In 1890, H. A. Harvey, of Newark, invented This heat traveled from the face of the plate toward
a process which added about 15 percent more strength the back in an evenly descending plane, and when the
to the plate described above. The new method con- critical heat for hardening had penetrated to from 30
sisted of carburizing the face of a plate of nickel steel to 40 percent of the thickness, the plate was removed
by holding it at about the temperature of molten cast to a spray pit and chilled by water played at first on
iron for 2 or 3 weeks with the face in contact with the face alone and, a few moments later, on both sides
bone charcoal. This increased the carbon content of of the plate together. This decremental face-hard-
the outer inch of the face from about one-fifth of 1 ening, as it was called, is still the general process by
percent to slightly more than 1 percent. The entire which modern protective armor is produced, though
plate was then quenched, first in oil and then in water, further refinement of the method constantly goes for-
and the result was both a hardening of the face and a ward. This process may be applied to carburized or
toughening of the back. Later, the water dipping was noncarburized armor as a final treatment.
replaced by cooling with a dense, high-pressure water
spray. 4A9. Class A armor
It was soon found that this type of plate could be The carburized face-hardened plating described in
reforged at a low temperature after carburizing, re- the foregoing article is known as Class A armor. Its
ducing its thickness by from 10 to 15 percent without use is protection of the vertical surfaces around the
loss of strength. The resultant plate had the strength more vital parts of heavily armored ships-the sides,
of iron armor half again as thick as itself. the turrets, the barbettes, etc. The. impact of a pro-
4A7. Krupp armor Icarburized nickel chrome alloy jectile against such surfaces would necessarily be at a
steel) ~ very small angle of obliquity 1 and as such would have
The hardening effect of adding chromium to nickel
1 The angle of obliquity is measured between the axis of the
steel had been discovered before the above develop- projectile and the normal to the plate at the point of Impact .



STEEL WASHER ---------+11:


OAKUM -------~~;;;;~IL

FIGURE 4Al.-Watertight armor bolt, showing interlocking use of resistant and yielding materials.


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to be withstood by a very hard face to resist the initial

impact, plus great backing strength to absorb the
shock. Class A armor must defeat a projectile by stop-
ping it, by breaking it up, or by rupturing the explosive
cavity (thus reducing its effectiveness even though it
penetrates the plate). Such armor must be of consid-
erable weight, and naval design admits of the use of
only a limited quantity of it. Enclosing the hull of a
ship with heavy armor not only does not add to the
strength of the craft, but actually diminishes it, for the
great mass, affixed to the framing members and other
strong points, complicates the stresses. For that mat-
FIGURE 4A2.-Method of keying adjacent plates of Class A
ter, all armor represents dead weight, and naval de- armor. Butt joint is shown at left-angle joint at right.
signers must balance the requirements of essential pro-
tection against dead weight. 4A 10. Class B armor
Class A armor can be machined only with difficulty, Armor designed for the protection of horizontal sur-
and cannot be fitted snugly against the skin of a ship. faces, and otherwise, where the anticipated angle of
The accepted method is to suspend it from the strong obliquity is great, is physically quite different, although
points of the hull by means of extended watertight chemically about the same. Here, instead of boldly
bolts (fig. 4Al) which allow about 2 inches clearance meeting force with resistance, advantage can be taken
between the armor and the hull, and then to fill the of the tendency of a projectile to ricochet. This glanc-
space with concrete. Abutting edges are keyed to- ing rebound is best achieved when the impact of the
gether, and plates which meet at an angle are rabbeted projectile is met with a plate that gives slightly, thus
(fig.4A2). spreading the force over a wider area. Moreover, the
The chemical analysis of a typical modem plate curvature of the depression induced by the impact
is about as follows: tends to pick up the curvature of the ogive, further
Carbon _ 0.33% inducing the projectile to rebound harmlessly away by
Nickel _ 3.33% increasing the angle of obliquity immediately after the
Chromium _ 2.00% instant of contact. (See fig. 4A3.) Homogeneous
11anganese _ 0.30% armor can be used in this application.
Silicon _ 0.07% Homogeneous armor is not face-hardened. In
Phosphorous _ 0.016% thicknesses 3 inches and less, it is called "STS" (Spe-
Sulphur _ 0.02% cial Treatment Steel). In thicknesses greater than 3
Iron _ 93.93% inches, it is termed class B armor. It can be inte-




FIGURE 4A3.-Diagram showing left, angle of obliquity at instant of contact with Class B armor, and right,
augmentation of same immediately afterward.

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FIGURE 4A4.-Arrangement of Class A armor on a battleship.

grated with the structure of the ship, but it complicates which castings can be manufactured, but metallurgical
the problem of weight, since it is heavy and lies high advances must take place before extensive use can be
in the ship's structure, thereby shifting materially made of it.
what would otherwise be the ship's normal center of Light armor is a rough designation for any armor
gravity. less than 2 inches thick. It is for the most part con-
structed like heavier armor, though some is com-
4A 11. Miscellaneous armor pounded armor consisting of a hard face fused to a
Two minor classes of armor are cast and light. In tough back. Its prospective usefulness as a protec-
the present state of its development, cast armor is not tion for aircraft personnel and engines makes this one
very satisfactory. It is used at points where plate- of the most important fields of ballistic research.
armor would be difficult to fit, such as turret range- Weight, however, is again a limiting factor.
finder end windows and sight hoods; attempts have Nonferrous armor (of aluminum alloy) can be used
been made to use it for boiler uptake grating plates. to protect against fragments. And plastic armor may
It has a future, because of the facility and speed with be used for personnel.

B. Penetration
4B 1. Introduction the projectile from being broken up by the violent
The same advances in metallurgy which contributed transverse stress caused by crashing through armor
to the development ofarmor plate have proved to be plate at an angle.
equally useful in the manufacture of guns and of pro-
4B3. Armor-piercing projectiles
jectiles, particularly those designed to penetrate armor.
The increased toughness effected by alloying steel with This term is used to designate the projectile de-
chromium and nickel, as well as improved methods for signed to be used against armor plate of about one-
producing and forging large ingots, have resulted in caliber thickness. It must penetrate this plate with
better guns and in a race for supremacy between the its bursting-charge cavity intact so that, when deto-
designers of protective armor and the designers of pro- nated by its delay fuze, it may produce high-velocity
jectiles to defeat the armor, fragments within the ship.
Armor plate is carburized to extreme surface hard- For stabilization in flight, the center of gravity of
ness, whereas guns and projectiles, which must com- a projectile must be just abaft the midpoint of its
bine toughness with elasticity and heat resistance, are axis; but to effect proper penetration, an armor-pierc-
not. Steel used in the manufacture of guns usually ing projectile should have the great mass of its weight
contains molybdenum, an alloying element which im- immediately behind its blunt nose. Figure4Bl shows
parts strength at high temperatures. how these two conflicting characteristics are reconciled
by fitting a light, tapered false ogive or wind-shield
4B2. Projectile steel over the heavy front end.
Steel used in projectiles designed to penetrate armor Within the false ogive, soldered and peened to the
is of the same general formula as Class A armor but nose of the projectile proper, is an armor-piercing cap.
with a higher carbon content. After rough forging, Made of the same steel as the projectile, the cap is
the projectiles are annealed, then rough-finished and hardened, but by a single immersion in molten lead.
again heat-treated. Decremental hardening is This cap serves several purposes: it is so shaped that
achieved by dipping the noses in melted lead and cool- it increases the biting angle s that is, the angle at which
ing them with water, this process being repeated twice. the projectile will penetrate instead of ricocheting; it
The result is a very hard nose and a tough, ductible spreads the shock of impact over the periphery of the
body, this last characteristic being necessary to keep nose instead of allowing the initial contact to batter

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CAP---- _
FIGURE 4B2.-Common projectile.
Certain terms must be defined to provide a basic
picture of test procedure:
FIGURE 4Bl.-Armor-piercing projectile. Ballistic limit or limit velocity is the striking velocity
which will permit the projectile to pass completely
the nose tip; and it prestresses the armor plate upon through the plate and emerge from the back with zero
impact before the cap shatters away and allows the residual velocity. Ballistic limit measures the true
projectile to penetrate the weakened plate. penetration resistance of the plate.
Projectiles of this type are not efficient against Residual velocity is the velocity of the center of
lightly armored ships, because of the relatively small gravity of the projectile at the instant the projectile
bursting charge that they are able to carry. Because emerges completely from the back of the plate.
of the delay feature incorporated in their fuzes, they Complete penetration is obtained when the projec-
have been known to pass entirely through unarmored tile passes through the plate and emerges. Incomplete
craft without bursting. penetration describes any result less than complete
4B4. Common projectiles penetration, and partial penetration describes the case
of a projectile that breaks up, only a part of it passing
The common projectile is for use against lightly
through the plate.
armored ships, being designed to pierce plate of Y3-
The ballistic limit of a plate may be determined by
to ~-caliber thickness. It resembles the armor-pierc-
any 1 of or a combination of the 3 following methods:
ing projectile except that it has thinner walls and can,
therefore, carry a larger bursting charge. It has, in- The bracket method consists of firing at varying
velocities until an incomplete and a complete penetra-
stead of an armor-piercing cap, a hood, which provides
tion are obtained within the desired small velocity dif-
a means of attaching the windshield without weaken-
ference or bracket. The ballistic limit is taken as the
ing the projectile body by cutting threads. The hood,
mean of the two velocities forming the bracket.
like the cap, is soldered and peened to the projectile
nose. See figure 4B2. The residual velocity measurement method consists
of firing one round at a velocity a little above the esti-
4B5. Ballistic tests mated ballistic limit and measuring the residual veloc-
Tests of both armor plate and projectiles consist of ity, the ballistic limit being then computed by
firing the latter against the former at measured striking reference to established relationships between the
velocities and at specified angles of obliquity. The residual velocity and the limit velocity.
projectile to be tested must be tried against armor plate The penetration method works in the opposite di-
of known resistance; or, if the armor plate is to be rection. A single round is fired at a velocity below
tested, the characteristics of the projectile must be the estimated ballistic limit and the depth of penetra-
known. The penetration test in each case is a measure tion measured, from which data the true ballistic
of the striking velocity at which the element being limit is computed.
tested will defeat the standard element. In testing, Armor plate is. also subjected to shock tests, which
.armor plate must withstand a maximum velocity; measure the resistance of the plate to shattering or
projectiles must penetrate at a minimum velocity. breaking up from the shock of projectile impact.

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Chapter 5


A. Introduction

5A 1. Development of guns responsible for making of them the effective weapons

As the Foreword to this course indicates, guns have they are today. Each of them is discussed individually
been used in warfare ashore and afloat for several in somewhat simplified form, with enough detail re-
hundred years. The Foreword indicates, in broad garding its application to facilitate the student's under-
outline, how its effectiveness as a weapon has increased standing of operating principles when he encounters
over this period of development. But this develop- them in actual guns and mounts aboard ship. These
ment has not been a slow, steady growth. For the first features include:
400 years the technology of gunnery changed so little 1. Improved metallurgy and barrel construction.
that, as the Foreword points out, one of Drake's men
2. Rifling.
would have had to learn very little that was new to
have served a gun at Trafalgar. Nearly all the basic 3. Breech-loading mechanisms.
features that have made the modern naval gun the 4. Percussion and electrical firing systems.
effective weapon it is today have been developed 5. Recoil and counterrecoil systems.
within the past 130 years, and most of them began to 6. Power rammers and mechanical ammunition
become important only after the turn of the century. feed.
Modern guns and mounts, with their associated
7. Power-driven ammunition hoists.
sighting and fire control equipment, represent a highly
developed technical level of achievement, not the less 8. Safety features-salvo latch, safety link, gas
impressive because most of their features were initiated ejection.
from 1 to 4 generations ago. Yet the guns and mounts 9. Sighting and fire control equipment.
aboard modern United States naval vessels, complex 10. Power drives for elevating and training.
though they are in detail, are based on these relatively The next section of this chapter will take up first the
few fundamental features. Once they are grasped, common or conventional structural features of naval
the student will find it easier to master the details of
guns and mounts, then will discuss individually the
structure and functioning of any gun mount or turret
characteristic structural and functional elements of
he encounters.
modern naval gun mounts, as listed above.
5A2. Scope of this chapter The final section of this chapter presents, in sum-
This chapter is devoted principally to those signifi- mary form, fundamental definitions relating to guns
cant features of modern naval guns that have been and mounts.

B. Features of Modern Naval Guns and Mounts

581. Common structural features of naval gun cerned. It differs structurally from most other 5-inch
mounts mounts principally in having a longer barrel. There
Figure 5B1 is a closeup phantom view of a 5"/54 are other differences in power drives and hoist arrange-
mount Mark 39. Though this particular mark is not ments with which we are not concerned at the moment.
the commonest of 5-inch mounts, it is a good example Besides showing (as a phantom) the shield which
of the conventional type of mount that shows the protects the mount, figure 5B1 shows also a number
features with which this chapter is particularly con- of the major mount components which are essential


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FIGURE 5Bl.-Enclosed 5"/54 singlemount. (Phantom view.)

to its proper functioning but are structurally acces- Mounted on it is the upper carriage, which is a pair of
sories rather than basic parts. Such units pointed out massive brackets braced to hold the trunnion bearings.
in figure 5Bl include parts of the elevation controls The trunnion bearings are large roller bearings into
and power drive (on the left side of this mount), the which the gun trunnions fit. The trunnions are part
pointer's sight telescope, the mount captain's open of the slide, a rectangular weldment which supports
sight (in the shield overhead), a ventilator duct (also all the elevating parts of the gun. The housing slides
in the shield), and parts of the hoists and fuze setter. in recoil in the slide; the barrel fits into the housing's
On the other (right) side of the mount are the train- forward end, and the breechblock can slide up and
er's controls and power drive. down in a breech way just behind the barrel. Arrows
In figure 5B2 these accessory units are stripped away show the movement of which each part named (except
to reveal what might be considered the "skeleton" of the breechblock) is capable.
the gun mount. Now consider these parts in further detail. Figure
Serving as the mount foundation is the stand, a steel 5B3 shows how the lower carriage or base ring fits into
ring bolted to the deck. The training circle is an in- the stand, and how the mount can move in train.
ternal gear inside the stand. Angle brackets called holding-down clips bolted to the
Supported by the stand, and capable of rotating in base ring fit under the stand so that the carriage will
train in roller bearings on it, is the base ring. It may not tip off the stand when the gun is fired or when
also be called the deep section ring or lower carriage. the ship pitches and rolls. The base ring can turn


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BREECHBLOCK -+-------~



STAND --;--""-----_i!

FIGURE 5B2.-Main assembliesof a 5-inch mount. (Exploded view.)


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FIGURE SB3.-B. Training circle and holding-down clips.

FIGURE SB3.-Details of the stand and carriage. A. Roller

on the stand in two large-diameter roller bearings.

One takes up vertical thrust; the other, horizontal.
The function of the training circle is illustrated in
figure 5B3; a pinion in the carriage engages the in-
ternal gear of the training circle to train the mount.
The carriage assembly is generally considered as two
pieces-the lower carriage (base ring) and upper car-
riage-though on 20-mm mounts the distinction is
unimportant. Figure 5B4 highlights these elements.
The base ring supports the upper carriage, and the
platform or working surface; the shield (in enclosed
mounts) is secured to it. It also supports the mount
power drives and other components. In mounts
equipped with hoists, the hoists are suspended from
the base ring and train with the mount. The upper
carriage, which in 5-inch mounts may be called the
carriage cheeks and in turrets is called the deck lug,
is principally the support for the trunnion bearings
(figure 5B4). The trunnion bearings and trunnions, FIGURE SB3.-C. Principle of training gear.
in addition to serving as a support which permits the
elevating parts to move in elevation, also provide a the limitations imposed by turret structure, elevating
connection point for air lines (for gas ejection) and mechanism, and ammunition feed equipment, turret
mechanical linkages (for mechanical firing linkages guns of older design are not capable of these extremes
and for transmission of elevation movement to firing of elevation.
stop mechanisms). Figure 5B5 points up the slide and the elements of
The trunnions are a part of the slide (fig. 5B5), elevating gear. The slide contains the ammunition
which is conventionally a rectangular steel weldment feed mechanism (or the power rammer where ammu-
which houses or supports all the parts of the gun and nition feed is performed manually with mechanical
mount that move in elevation. In modern mounts de- assistance) , the recoil brake, the counterrecoil mecha-
signed to engage either air or surface targets the limits nism, the elevating arc, and the gun housing. The
of elevation movement are from minus 10 to 15 degrees function of the elevating arc in positioning the slide in
(that is, with gun barrel depressed 10 to 15 degrees elevation is shown in figure 5B5. The arc is a gear
below the horizontal) to about plus 85 degrees (that sector secured to the slide. It engages a pinion in the
is, with the gun barrel within 5 degrees of pointing carriage. The pinion may be driven manually or by
straight up, at right angles to the deck). Because of an elevation power drive.

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FIGURE 5B4.-The carriage. A. Upper and lower carriage. B. Trunnion bearings.

The recoiling parts (that is, those that move to the device. When the gun fires, the reaction of the barrel
rear when the gun is fired) of a conventional naval forces the housing aft; this movement is opposed by the
gun are either attached to or are housed in the gun counterrecoil mechanism and by a hydraulic recoil
housing (also called the breech housing). The hous- brake (also not illustrated in fig. 5B6.) The counter-
ing and related parts are highlighted in figure 5B6. recoil and recoil mechanisms will be described and il-
(Some turret guns and 20-mm guns differ considerably lustrated in a later article of this chapter.
from this type of conventional design, and this descrip- Figure 5B6 also indicates the location and some fea-
tion is not intended to apply to them.) Secured to the tures of the breech mechanism. The type used in most
forward end of the housing is the gun barrel itself. guns of conventional design, including the 5-inch, and
The commonest method of attaching gun to housing illustrated here, is called the vertical sliding-wedge
is by use of a bayonet joint or interrupted-screw joint, type. Further details of its construction and function-
with a key to lock the barrel against possible rotation. ing principles appear later in this chapter.
The housing can move parallel to the gun bore axis in
ways in the slide. It is normally forced to its forward- 5B2. Gun barrel construction
most position (called battery position) by a counter- Superficially, the modern gun barrel resembles very
recoil mechanism (not illustrated in fig. 5B6), which closely its ancestor of several hundred years ago. The
may be either a powerful coil spring or a pneumatic old and the new both are thick-walled metal tubes.

FIGURE 5B5.-The slide. A. Main features. B. Principle of elevating mechanism.


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FIGURE SB6.- The housing. A. How barrel secures

to housing.
FIGURE SB6.-C. Location of breech plug.

FIGURE 5B6.-B. Recoil movement.

FIGURE 5B6.-D. Breechblock rising to closed position.
The propellent charge and projectile occupy the
breech end when the gun is loaded, and the projectile,
when fired, issues from the muzzle end.
But with this the resemblance ends. Figure 5B7
shows in cross section the old look and the new in gun
barrel profiles. The difference in shape is very sig-
nificant. The figure also points out the main features
of the contemporary gun barrel. Let us now consider
these more closely.
1. At the breech end is a plug or breechblock which
can be opened for loading the gun. Breechblocks take
various forms; the illustration shows (as viewed from
above) the general structure associated with the slid-
ing-wedge type used in 5-inch mounts. Breechblocks
will be discussed in further detail later. Early guns,
except for a few custom-made small-arms weapons,
were almost invariably muzzle loaders; breech loaders
were rarities. Hence the silhouette representing the
old gun shows no breech plug. FIGURE 5B6.-E. Breechblockdropping to open position.


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2. Just forward of the breech plug is an enlarged pressure as a sudden shock, and the gas pressure was
chamber to contain the propelling charge. falling rapidly. The breech had to be especially heavy
3. The bore is rifled-a set of spiral grooves twists to withstand the shock, but the tube was short because
the projectile as it moves toward the muzzle, so that the gas pressure fell so rapidly. In modern guns using
it is spinning when it leaves the gun. Old guns as pyro or triple-base propellants, the maximum gas pres-
a rule were smoothbores. In newer types of larger sure is developed far more smoothly, and declines less
guns, the rifling is cut in a liner-a tubular insert that suddenly. This is reflected to a great extent in the sil-
can be replaced when worn. (Fig. 5B7 shows the houette of the modern barrel.
rifling cut into the liner of an 8-inch turret gun of re- The thinner barrel walls of modern guns are evi-
cent design. The liner. reference marks are used for dence not only of more effective propellants but also
aligning the liner in the gun tube.) In other guns, the of improved metallurgy of the barrel. Before the
rifling grooves are cut into the barrel. '80's of the last century, the surest way to make the
4. As compared with early guns, the barrel walls barrel of a gun withstand more pressure was to make
are much thinner in modern guns, and the taper is it thicker. But there were limits to this method.
much less exaggerated. As will be explained, im- Then it was discovered that by prestressing, it was
proved propellants and improved steels have together possible to make a gun barrel more resistant to internal
brought about this silhouette. pressure. The earliest method of applying this prin-
Common external features are pointed out in figure ciple was to heat steel ring-shaped jackets, or hoops,
5B7. Many guns have a bell at the muzzle, where to high temperatures, then slip them over the gun tube
the metal is made thicker to discourage any tendency and allow them to cool. As the hoops cooled, they
to split. Most modern weapons lack a bell, or instead contracted, until at the end of the process they were
have lugs, which are utilized when the liner (see No.3 squeezing the gun tube inside with a pressure of thou-
above) is replaced. (The lugs serve to anchor the sands of pounds per square inch. Guns so constructed
tool used for pulling the liner out.) are known as built-up guns, and are still made in
The thinnest part of the barrel, just aft of the bell, sizes over 8-inch.
is the neck. Then comes the tapering chase, followed About the time of World War I, the same principle
by the slide cylinder, which moves in a bearing in the was applied to monoblock (one-piece) guns in the
slide during recoil. The after part of the barrel is radial-expansion or autofrettage process. In this
secured to the gun housing. In the conventional 5- process, a single steel gun tube whose bore is slightly
inch gun, the breechblock slides up and down in a smaller than the caliber desired is filled with hydraulic
grooved rectangular breechway in the housing. fluid. The pressure is then built up enough to en-
Now consider what is between the exterior and the large the bore permanently about 6 percent. When
interior surfaces of the barrel-the steel itself. Look- the pressure is released, the outer layers of the tube
ing at the profiles of guns old and new (fig. 5B7), it's tend to return nearly to their original dimensions,
evident that although both taper from a wide breech while the inner layers, which have been considerably
end to a narrower muzzle, the taper is much more enlarged, tend to maintain their increased diameter.
drastic in the older weapon. Superficially, this differ- The result is that the inner layers of metal are severely
ence in silhouette may seem a small matter, but it is compressed by the contracting force of the outer layers,
actually very important. It indicates the revolution- just as if a hoop or jacket had been shrunk on. In
ary developments in propellants and in metallurgy that other words, the tube is "self-hooped."
differentiate the new from the old. The big advantages of the radial-expansion mono-
Consider what happens when the propellant in a bloc gun over the built-up type are simplicity of manu-
gun is ignited. As it burns, it turns to hot gas under facture and comparatively low cost and weight. Be-
terrific pressure-up to 60,000 psi in small guns, up cause of the difficulty of working on the single huge
to 40,000 psi in larger guns. As the projectile moves forgings required for guns over 8-inch, though, larger
along the bore toward the muzzle, the gas pressure goes weapons are still built-up. Or the two methods. of
down. I t follows, then, that the chamber wall should prestressing may be combined.
be the thickest part of the gun barrel, with the taper
from breech to muzzle reflecting the decreasing gas 583. Rifling
pressure behind the projectile. As the Foreword to this course explains, early guns
However, when black powder was the propellant, were capable of hurling a projectile to a respectable
the chamber had to withstand the initial shock of this range, all things considered. Large cannon could
propellant's exceedingly rapid burning rate. Thus, heave an iron or stone ball at a target a couple of
before the projectile was well along the bore, the pro- miles away, and actually overshoot. But their fire was
pelling charge had already developed its maximum so inaccurate that a gun capable of an extreme range


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FIGURE 5B7.-The gun barrel. A. Old and new gun barrel profiles. B. Main parts of the barrel. C. Muzzle end of 8-inch
turret gun, showing the rifling and the liner.

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of about 2,000 yards was considered reasonably certain practicable because of the difficulty of ramming close-
to hit its target only at point-blank range-in this case, fitting ammunition down the length of the bore. Such
up to 80 or 100 yards. ramming was possible only in small arms (which is
There were several reasons for this poor showing. why rifted shoulder weapons were used by infantry as
One was that, other things being equal, a light pro- far back as the American Revolution), but not in
jectile will travel a lesser distance, and be more cannon.
affected by wind and air resistance, than a more Figure 5B9 illustrates how these problems are solved
massive one. Since these old smoothbore cannon in modern conventional naval guns. First of all, the
could fire only round shot (and the maximum volume projectile is elongated, with an ogival forward end.
of a sphere is rigidly determined by its radius), it was Breech-loading permits an enlarged chamber which
difficult to make the projectile sufficiently massive. contains more propellant of a slower burning and less
An elongated projectile could, of course, be made more erratic type than black powder. The projectile has a
massive by making it longer. But unless it can be copper or alloy rotating band. The chamber is con-
made to spin around its long axis, an elongated pro- nected to the bore proper by a short tapering forcing
jectile has, as some ballisticians put it, the ballistics of cone. When the projectile is rammed into the gun,
a brick, and its ftight path or trajectory is much more the rotating band forcibly engages the forcing cone.
erratic than that of a spherical one. Hence, because And the gun bore itself is different. It isn't smooth.
a smoothbore cannon cannot make its projectile spin, It is grooved or rifled, and the grooving is helical or
round shot were the only alternative. spiral. (Fig. 5B9). The rifting begins at the forcing
There were other reasons, too, for the inaccuracy cone and continues to the muzzle. In all naval guns
of early gunnery. One standard method for loading and small arms except the .45 caliber pistol, the rifting
the classical type of seagoing muzzle-loading smooth- has a right-hand twist. The twist may be uniform
bore required the gunner first to ladle into the breech (generally around 1 in 15 or 20 times the bore diam-
end of the bore a measured quantity of black powder eter) , or increasing (as in the 4O-mm gun) so that the
(later, a paper- of cloth-wrapped "cartridge" was twist becomes sharper as it nears the muzzle.
used) , and then to ram down the bore the round shot The number, depth, and width of grooves varies in
wrapped in a fabric "patch." Since close clearances different desi.gns. Small arms have relatively few
would have made loading impossible, the shot was a grooves, and cannon (fig. 5B9) have a large number.
fairly loose fit. (See figure 5B8.) When the gun was Groove width may decrease toward the muzzle. The
fired (by lighting off a priming mixture which filled a bore diameter or caliber of a rifted gun is measured
"touch hole" leading into the blind breech end of the from the top of one land (the high surfaces between
bore) , the patch was supposed to seal the powder gases grooves) to that on the opposite side of the bore.
behind the loose-fitting ball projectile. But much of Since the rotating band for the projectile is slightly
the gas would blow by one side or the other. The larger than the nominal gun bore diameter, the rifting
result was that a. lot of the gas pressure was wasted cuts into or engraves the softer metal of the rotating
because it didn't serve to propel the ball, and as the band when the projectile is rammed, as can be seen
ball left the muzzle it was not likely to be traveling in figure 5B9. When the gun is fired, the projectile
along the bore axis. Hence the ball was slow (300 spins at an increasing rate as the propellent gas forces
fps was a likely speed, as compared with 2,700 fps in it toward the muzzle. (With right-hand twist in the
conventional modern naval medium-caliber guns), rifting, the direction of spin is clockwise as viewed
and its trajectory predictable only in the most general from the breech.) Moreover, because of the close fit
fashion. between the rotating band and the rifting it engages,
Rifting the oldtime muzzle-loading cannon was im- the gas is effectively sealed behind the projectile.
I I!~TUHC;tAOcLKE~~:~MEE~ (This explains why rifting is made with grooves that
narrow toward the muzzle; the grooves continue to
engrave wider and wider notches in the rotating band,
ensuring a tight fit as the projectile approaches the
muzzle. ) Figure 5B9 shows how a projectile might
look as it leaves the muzzle, spinning rapidly and with
rotating band deeply engraved.

5B4. Breech mechanisms

A previous article has already noted that rifting was
FIGURE SB8.-Cross section of early naval gun (loaded and
primed). applied to small arms quite a long time ago. (Rifled


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FIGURE SB9.-Rifled "guns. A. Cross section of gun chamber

(fixed ammunition).

FIGURE SB9.-C. The rifling engraves the rotating band.

FIGURE SB9.-B. Rifled bore (viewed head-on). FIGURE SB9.-D. Projectile spin during flight.

small arms were used in the American Revolution, and type. The other, used in 40-mm, 3-inch, 5-inch, and
enabled American sharpshooters to stand at a distance 6-inch guns, and in 8-inch turret guns for case ammu-
and pick off the redcoats, whose smoothbore muskets nition, is the vertical sliding-wedge type. Consider the
were no match for the American rifles either in range interrupted-screw type first.
or accuracy.) But it could not be applied in a prac- Interrupted-screw breech mechanism. The screw
tical way to artillery, either seagoing or ashore. Ram- is a widely used device for securing something against
ming large-caliber ammunition from the muzzle was a heavy thrust. Figure 5B10 shows how a continuous
excessively difficult if the projectiles fitted the rifled screw closure might be used to seal the breech end of
bore closely, and the rifling was useless if they didn't. a metal tube to make a gun of it. Such a breech
The k~y to making effective and practical rifled closure or plug would of course require unscrewing to
cannon lay in the development of effective and prac- open the breech after firing. The mass of such a
tical mechanisms to permit loading from the breech device, designed to withstand the 40,000 psi gas pres-
end of the gun rather than the muzzle. sure developed in a typical large-caliber cannon, would
. With but one exception (which is discussed in vol- inevitably be considerable. (The breech plug of a 16-
ume 3 of this series of textbooks), all naval guns in inch naval gun, for example, weighs about 1,400
present use in calibers 40-mm and larger use 1 of 2 pounds.) Turning such a screw through several revo-
general types of breech mechanism. One, which is lutions would not be easy.
used in bag guns only, is the Welin interrupted-screw Application of the principle of the interrupted screw

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FIGURE SBIO.-Principle of the interrupted-screw breech-

mechanism. A. Continuously threaded breech plug.

FIGURE SBIO.-C. Stepped-thread plug (Welin type).

DISENGAGED CD steps. The steps are arranged in groups, with each

group of four ascending (or descending) steps occupy-
ing one 90° sector. On the plug (figure 5B10), the
lowest step of each group is blank, and the others are
threaded. On the breech screw box the highest step
in each group is blank, and the others threaded.
Figure 5Bl1 shows how an obsolete 14-inch breech
mechanism functions in closing. The principle is the
same on present-day 8-inch and l6-inch bag guns
now in the Fleet, but in those ships the plug swings in
a vertical arc (as in figure 5B12) rather than a hori-
zontal one. Note that there are two distinct motions
of the plug in opening and closing-a translating
movement in which the plug swings on a massive car-
rier hinged to the side of the breech, and a rotating
INSERTED CD ENGAGED CD motion in which the plug screws into the screw box.
Both of these may occur together in the final stages of
closing or the beginning of opening.
Figure SBIO.-B. Interrupted-screw bolt and nut.
Now follow the breech-closing action as illustrated
reduces the number of turns required to a fraction of in figure 5B1l:
a revolution. If half the threaded area is removed 1. From its open position, the plug swings around
from a bolt (representing the breech plug) and the toward the screw box. As the plug moves in, each
nut (representing the breech or screw box), then it is high threaded step of the plug fits into a low blank
possible to insert the bolt (l and 2 in figure 5B10) and step of the screw box (fig. 5B1l). The high
engage the two by turning the bolt 90° (3 in figure threaded steps on the screw box fit into the low blank
5E1O) . sectors of the plug. The other threaded steps also
The disadvantage of this straightforward applica- clear each other in this position.
tion of the interrupted-screw principle is that half the 2. When the plug is well into the screw box, but has
threaded area must be removed, and this reduces the not yet begun to rotate, a cam roller on the plug con-
"holding power" by reducing the amount of thread tacts a camway in the screw box. (Figure 5B11 shows
area that can be engaged. This disadvantage is partly how the plug must rotate to engage the screw box.)
obviated by the Welin stepped-thread breech mechan- 3. During the last part of its translation into the
ism. In this arrangement, both plug and breech have screw box, the plug's cam roller engages the camway


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c D
FIGURE 5Bll.-Interrupted-screw breech mechanism. Steps in closing.

and the plug turns so that the mating threads on box the screw box (fig. 5B12) rather than horizontally as
and plug engage. Figure 5Bll shows the breech in the 14-inch breech pictured in figure 5B1l.
closed, locked, and ready for firing. Because of the large size of the guns on which they
Notice the two great advantages of the Welin-type are generally found, interrupted-screw plugs are too
screw box and plug: heavy for unassisted operation by hand. (As noted
1. About 75 percent of the engaging surfaces of above, on a lfi-inch gun the plug may weigh as much
plug and screw box are threaded. as 1,400 pounds.) Interrupted-screw mechanisms
2. The plug requires only about 27.5 degrees of ro- for these large guns are therefore generally fitted with
tation for full engagement and locking. air- or spring-powered devices to aid the gun crew in
Compare these characteristics with the original bolt operating them. These devices will be discussed
and nut, and you can see the improvement. further in chapter 7 on turrets.
Welin-type breech mechanisms may have 3, 4, or The discussion of the interrupted-screw type breech
even 5 steps, counting the blank sectors. In most mechanism so far has concentrated on the principles
modern installations, the plug swings vertically up into of operation of the engaging parts-the plug and


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primer vent. The primer fits In a primer chamber

in the after end of the mushroom stem. (The primer
vent does for the modern bag gun what the touch hole
did for its ancient counterpart.)
Between the mushroom head and the forward face
of the breech plug, and bearing against a smooth sec-
tion of the breech chamber called the gas-check seat,
is the gas-check pad. This is a thick flat resilient
doughnut-shaped disc of plastic, whose outer and inner
edges are protected from wear by steel split rings.
The system works this way:
1. When the gun is loaded and the breech plug is
closed, the ignition charge in the powder bag (not
shown in figure 5B13) is right up against the mush-
room head. (The ignition charge is composed of
black powder. When the ignition charge explodes, it
sets off the smokeless powder which comprises the bulk
of the propelling charge.)
2. The primer is in the primer chamber. When
the gun is fired, the primer goes off, sending a hot
flame down the vent in the mushroom stem. That
ignites the black powder ignition charge, which in
turn sets off the smokeless powder.

FIGURE5B12.-Interrupted-screw type breech mechanism

(16-inch) now used in the Fleet.
screw box. There remains one other important func-
tion for this type of breech mechanism to perform.
Besides withstanding the brute thrust of the high-
pressure propellent gas in the chamber during firing, it
must also prevent leakage of the burning, toxic gas
into the turret or mount. It does this by means of an
obturator or sealing device-the DeRange gas-check
The DeBange gas-check system is used in all United
States Navy bag guns. Its main parts are the mush-
room, gas check pad, split rings, and gas check seat.
Figure 5B13 shows a typical gas-check assembly.
The biggest component is the mushroom. (In a
16-inch gun it weighs 220 pounds.) It consists of a
large flat steel head at the forward face of the plug,
with a long steel stem extending through a hole in the GAS-CHECK SEAT

plug and protruding from its rear face. Through the

FIGURE 5B13.-DeBange gas-check system. A. Exploded
center of the stem and head passes a hole called the view. B. Cross section, showing operations.


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3. As the powder burns, the expanding gases push

hard against all sides of the breech chamber, the
projectile, and the mushroom head. The only thing
that can yield is the projectile, which begins to move up
the gun bore.
Meantime the pressure goes higher and higher up
to 40,000 psi until the projectile is fully under way,
when the pressure tapers off.
4. As the pressure increases, it shoves the mushroom
head hard back against the gas-check pad. The pad
expands against the gas-check seat, effectively sealing
the breech against the escape of gas. And note this
feature of the device-the greater the gas pressure, the
harder the mushroom compresses the pad against the
gas-check seat.
Vertical sliding-wedge breech mechanism. The in-
terrupted-screw type of breech mechanism has its ad-
vantages. Since it has its own obturator mechanism,
it can use propelling charges in silk bags which are
consumed in firing, and once the bore is cleared of
residual gases and burning fragments, the next round
can be loaded without requiring extraction and dis-
posal of the used container for the fired propelling
charge. It can also be used (though the U. S. Navy
has no guns of this type in active service at the present
time) to fire case ammunition.
But this kind of breech mechanism also has dis-
advantages. One is really to be ascribed particularly
to the nature of the ammunition itself. Because of
the fire hazard, a crewman must inspect the chamber
after each round fired to ensure that it is safe to load
FIGURE 5B14.-S1iding-wedge breech mechanism. A.
the next round. This slows the rate of firing. More Breechblock movement. B. Sealing by expansion.
important, this kind of breech mechanism is complex
in operation. Coupled with the number of separate other words, in rising to the closed position, the breech-
ammunition details that must be handled per round block moves forward as well as upward.
(totaling up to 8-primer, projectile, and 6 powder The effect of the breechblock's forward movement
bags), this type of breech mechanism is not easy to as it closes is"to wedge the cartridge case into the gun
adapt to automatic or semiautomatic operation. chamber (hence the name sliding-wedge breech
For this reason, guns 40-mm and up, of late designs, mechanism) .
use a breech mechanism that works on a completely The method of obturation used in this type of breech
different principle-the sliding-wedge breech mech- mechanism depends on the cartridge case for sealing
anism. This uses a sliding element to block off the effect. There is no sealing device incorporated into
breech opening. The sliding breechblock may move the breech mechanism. Figure 5B14 shows what hap-
either horizontally or vertically. pens when the gun fires. As the propelling charge
Figure 5B14 shows in simplified form the elements burns, the hot powder gases expand against the sides
of a vertical sliding-wedge breech mechanism as it of the cartridge, which in turn expand against the
looks from the side, with the breechblock or plug in smooth walls of the chamber and against the breech-
its lowered (open) position. The dotted outline rep- block. Since the cartridge case tightly seals off the
resents the breechblock in its raised (closed) position. entire length of the chamber, the gases can escape only
Notice that the grooves in which the plug can slide forward, driving the projectile. None can escape
up and down are not exactly vertical; they're slanted through the breech. This is sealing by expansion.
slightly forward. It is clear that in its open position But after the gun fires, the chamber is not clear.
the plug is noticeably aft of its closed position. Or, in The cartridge case is not designed to disappear with

Gene Slover's US Navy Pages Table of Contents

the burning propelling charge, and it must be removed and the extractor tips have seated in recesses in the
from the chamber before a new round can be loaded. housing. (Figure 5B6 shows those recesses) .
Therefore all guns with sliding-wedge breechblocks After the gun fires, the breech block is opened by
have one or a pair of extractors as part of the breech camming action. (The details of this action vary in
mechanism. In 40-mm, 3-inch, and 5-inch guns the different gun designs, and will be described in subse-
extractors are mechanically operated by breechblock quent chapters.) As the block drops, the extractors
movement. Figure 5B15 shows several views to clarify retract. They haul the fired cartridge case out of the
their functioning. chamber and catapult it to the rear into the slide. At
When the breechblock is down (open) the extrac- the extreme of their rearward movement, they lock
tors are pulled back. In these guns the extractors per- the breechblock down until the next cartridge case
form the dual function of locking the breech block again pulls them forward to unlock the breechblock.
down and extracting the case. As a fresh round of Figure 5B15 shows the type of breech mechanism
ammunition is rammed into the chamber, the rim of used in conventional 3-inch and 5-inch guns. In
the cartridge case engages the extractors, and pulls 40-mm guns the sequence of operations is similar, but
them forward. This unlocks the breechblock, which the extractors are pivoted on a spindle, and lock the
is then forced upward by a spring mechanism. The breech block down with a pair of hooks. In 3-inch and
round is chambered, the breechblock moves upward, 5-inch breech mechanisms the extractors are not piv-
and the extractor tips move forward in a coordinated oted, but rock back and forth on their forward curved
group of movements. When the breechblock is fully surfaces, which bear against the gun housing. The
closed, it has forced the round fully into the chamber, movement of each extractor is controlled by two lugs;

FIGURE 5B15.-Sliding-wedge breech mechanism. Extractor action. A. How the extractors grip the cartridge case.
B. Ramming. C. Extraction. D. Extractor positions,plug up or down.


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the inner lug engages a camming groove in the breech- tioning, it distinguished between percussion, electric,
block, and the outer one oscillates in a small curved and combination primers. It also described a special
groove in the housing. It is also noteworthy that in type of primer used in bag ammunition. (The other
3"/50 guns equipped with power loaders the breech- types are all associated with case ammunition.)
block-locking function of the extractors merely sup- Firing mechanism for case guns. The commonest
plements the normal functioning of another locking ammunition, and the commonest guns, are of the case
mechanism (described in another chapter) . But, re- type, and it is appropriate to look at these first.
gardless of the method of locking, the extractors un- Figure 5B16 shows the principal common element of
lock the breechblock when they are moved forward a percussion or combination firing system. Of course,
by the cartridge case being loaded. not all the elements of a percussion or combination
In contrast to the sliding-wedge breech mechanisms firing system are common to all gun designs. Since
described above, which are operated through mechan- this chapter is concerned primarily with common ele-
ical camming and spring action when the gun housing ments, other important parts that are not common
moves backward and forward in recoil and counter- are omitted.
coil, the breech-mechanism in 6-inch and 8-inch case

guns are operated hydraulically. BREECH FIRING
The descriptions above do not apply to the very
newest designs of 3-inch and 5-inch gun mechanisms CARTRIDGE CASE
\ :.- -.,. ••
- I
with sliding-wedge type breech mechanisms. See I FIRING PIN I I
volume 3. ~~~ ••••••••••••
~ I I
Bolt-type breech mechanisms. The sliding-wedge
and interrupted-screw types of breech mechanisms are ~~~ :
not used in guns 20-mm and smaller. These use ~
variants of the bolt principle. The bolt is a breech-
block which moves in line with the bore axis-forward LOCK
to close the breech, and to the rear to open it. FIGURE 5B16.-Firing mechanism for sliding-wedge breech
In so-called bolt-action weapons like the old M1903 mechanism.
rifle (the famous "Springfield" of World War I) the
bolt is operated by hand. The important common element is the firing mech-
In gas-operated weapons like the Browning auto- anism, sometimes called the firing lock. This part is
matic rifle M1918A2 (the "BAR") or the Ml rifle secured in the breechblock, but is not considered part
("Garand") the bolt is cammed to the rear by a of the breechblock, and is very easily removed for
piston actuated by a small amount of propellent gas cleaning. The illustration shows a combination
diverted from the barrel while the bullet is moving electric-percussion firing mechanism typical of case
through the bore. Spring action forces the bolt for- guns 3-inch and larger.
ward to ram the next round home. Mechanical linkage in the breechblock operates the
firing mechanism in the following ways:
In recoil-operated weapons like the Browning ma-
chine guns, a complex of mechanical parts is forced 1. It retracts the firing pin or striker when the
breechblock is not fully closed.
to the rear to varying distances by recoil, and is then
driven forward by springs to reload and fire the next 2. It cocks and releases the firing pin or striker to
round. fire the cartridge case by percussion. The part in the
breech mechanism that does this is called the sear.
In blowback-operated weapons like the 20-mm AA
gun and the Thompson or M3 submachine guns (Not illustrated in figure 5B16.) In different gun
("Tommy" guns) the bolt is pushed back, when the designs this function is accomplished in different ways:
gun is fired, by gas pressure in the chamber, and a a. In the conventional 5-inch gun, for example, the
spring mechanism afterward forces it forward to ram firing pin or striker moves into contact with the primer
the next round home. in the cartridge case as soon as the breech closes fully,
and remains in contact until the breechblock begins to
Aircraft machine gun designs use all three of these
drop. In percussion fire, a massive spring-loaded part
actuating forces (gas, recoil, and blowback).
in the firing mechanism is released by the sear in the
SBS. Percussion and electrical firing systems breechblock to strike a bushing, through which the
impact is delivered to the firing pin and thus to the
An earlier chapter, on ammunition, describes the pnmer.
types of primers that are used in gun ammunition to b. In 3"/50 guns, the firing pin contacts the primer
initiate the propelling charge. With regard to func- as soon as the breech is closed, and remains in contact


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unless the percussion firing linkage is actuated. When

this happens, the sear (which looks and works differ-
ently from its namesake in the 5-inch gun) retracts
the spring-loaded firing pin and releases it to strike
the primer.
c. In 40-mm guns the firing pin automatically
strikes the primer as soon as the breech is fully closed.
Firing is controlled by regulating rammer action, as
described in a later chapter. The 40-mm firing mech-
anism is a percussion-only device.
d. In 6-inch case guns the firing mechanism closely
resembles the conventional 5-inch firing mechanism
briefly discussed above. In 8-inch case guns, how-
ever, the firing mechanism is stripped to the essentials
needed for electric firing only. It is not a combina-
tion device. The firing pin retracts when the breech
is open, and maintains contact with the primer at all
times when the breech is closed. When it must be 'FIGURE 5B17.-·5"j38 percussion firing linkage. (Simplified
schematic. )
fired by percussion in emergency, a special percussion
attachment must be rigged for the purpose, and a ent, and must be done by operating a control on the
special type of cartridge case equipment with per- slide.
cussion primer must be substituted for the normal Figure 5B17 shows in simplified form the firing link-
service cartridge, which has an electric primer. age for a conventional 5"/38 mount. Any percussion
In electric firing (for which all the mechanisms firing linkage from a foot pedal to the slide or breech-
mentioned above are adapted, except the 40-mm and block uses similar mechanical elements. The little
some older 3-inch hand-loaded mounts), all that is arrows show how each part of the linkage moves when
necessary is for the firing pin or striker to maintain the pointer steps on the treadle. The treadle tilts
good electrical contact with the case primer. When down, swinging the rectangular connection lever as-
the firing circuit is closed, current passes through the sembly aft, and so rotating the firing rod. A firing rod
cable and the firing pin through the primer's contact lever at the top of the firing rod pushes the outer push
and filament, then by way of the cartridge case and rod, which runs inboard through the inner surface of
gun to ground. The breech mechanism device which the slide. The trip plate transmits the push to the
retracts the firing pin automatically prevents firing inner push rod in the housing. If the breechblock is
both by percussion and electrically when the breech fully closed, the inner push rod accomplishes the entire
is not fully closed. purpose of this linkage, which is to push the sear to the
Percussion firing linkage (for case guns). Mounts right. (It will be recalled that the sear releases the
(40-mm and larger) in which percussion firing is con- cocked firing mechanism.)
sidered an alternate rather than an emergency method Note two important safety features of this linkage:
of fire, conventionally have foot pedals at the point- 1. The trip plate can push the inner push rod only
er's station for control of percussion fire. when the gun is completely in battery.
In 40-mm mounts, depressing the pedal part way 2, The inner push rod can push the sear only when
causes an electrically driven firing linkage to release the breechblock is fully closed.
the rammer and initiate firing. If the electrically In 6-inch case-type turret guns percussion firing is
driven linkage is not functioning, depressing the pedal an alternate method, and the general operation re-
all the way initiates firing' mechanically. In either sembles that in conventional 5-inch mounts.
case, the actual firing in the gun is done by percussion. In 8-inch case-type turret guns percussion firing is
In 3-inch mounts of the older hand-loaded type, an emergency method. As an earlier paragraph in this
"electric" firing is an alternate method, but here, too, article has pointed out, it requires attachment of a
so-called "electric" firing is done by percussion; the special percussion firing accessory and use of a special
percussion firing mechanism is actuated by a solenoid. cartridge.
"Percussion" firing is done by depressing the foot Bag-type firing lock. In bag guns the primer is in a
pedal; this operates the firing linkage directly. small cylindrical case loaded separately from the re-
In newer 3"/50 mounts with automatic loading mainder of the round into a primer chamber. When
equipment, percussion firing is an emergency expedi- the gun fires, the spit of flame from the primer passes


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through the primer vent in the mushroom stem of the mount or turret. The diagram does not show scalar
DeBange mechanism and ignites the ignition charge distances or the physical locations or appearance of the
on the after end of the rearmost powder bag. This elements.
general arrangement is illustrated in figure 5B13.
The primer chamber is in the mushroom stem, and FIRING
the. firing operation is carried out with a firing lock
wliich by means of an interrupted-screw joint fits onto ----~'---~~--=~
TO 115V AC SHIPS SUPPL Y ~ II =----,
the after end of the mushroom stem. The firing lock BREECH_ INTERLOCK FIRING STOP POINTER'S
in general performs the same function as the firing CONTACT OR RELAY SWITCH KEY
mechanism in a sliding-wedge breechblock. All bag yATTERY

guns now in active use in the Fleet use the same firing FIRING

lock, the Mark 14. (See figure 5B18.) It is de-
DC "'-.1
scribed in further detail in the chapter on turrets. It GROUND GROUND
has a little sliding-wedge type breech mechanism,
FIGURE SB19.-Representative electrical firing circuit.
which is mechanically linked to the gun's breech plug
so that it normally closes and opens with the plug. It Firing under normal service conditions is performed
cannot fire the primer unless the plug is closed and using the ship's 115-V ac-e supply as a current source.
locked. However, it can be opened while the plug is Trace the circuit beginning with this source. There
locked so that a defective or misfired primer can be are switches (not shown on the schematic) in fire-
replaced. control plot which determine where control of auto-
matic fire will be placed, and at least one firing key on
the stable element or stable vertical in plot. (The key
RECEIVER is a spring-loaded normally open switch which may be
mechanically latched in closed position.) There is a
!IS. HAY,"!. 1).10,.••.11(..( PUt,. r
firing key in the director, and, in some mounts (like
crnftlf Hih_ t ''':i;''~ ';i II the 3"/50 with automatic loader), a selector at the
(/Uf}j'J 1.0(.1( )0114 10\ •••• eo e,
fJt,.H!;7" ' .." lil"· mount captain's station for cutting one or both guns
of a twin mount in or out of the circuit. All these
are in the 115-V line to the primary of the firing trans-
former located at the mount.
The firing transformer's secondary feeds 20-V a-c
to a firing selector switch (sometimes called a firing
snap switch) . This switch, generally at the pointer's
------COCKING lEVEtI: or mount captain's station (depending on the mount
concerned), permits selection of a-c from the trans-
FIGURE SBI8.-Mark 14 firing lock (for bag guns). former or d-e from a local battery. In many mounts,
the a-c position is labeled MOTOR GENERATOR and the
For electric firing, the firing lock has a terminal to d-e position is labeled BATTERY. The normal position,
which a lead from the electrical firing circuit can be which is used if firing is to be controlled remotely by
attached. The firing pin in the lock is kept in contact plot or by the director, selects the transformer. The
with the bag combination primer when the lock is fully battery supplies firing current in emergency, and can
closed, to permit electric firing. For percussion fir- also supply emergency current for lamps illuminating
ing a lanyard is connected to the cocking lever on the the sight setter's scales and the sight telescope reticles.
lock; pulling steadily back on the lanyard first cocks (The lamps normally get their current from an il-
and then releases a hammer which strikes the firing lumination transformer, not shown in figure 5B19.)
pm. After the firing selector switch come a number of
Electric firing systems. So far, the discussion here of switches or contacts on the mount. The pointer's fir-
electrical firing has dealt with electric or combination ing key is generally on one of the elevating handwheels,
primers, and with the firing mechanism proper- and is connected to the circuit by a flexible cable. The
which has as electrical elements only an insulated fir- firing stop mechanism switch is part of the firing stop
ing pin and a quick-disconnect terminal to which a mechanism (to be described later). It opens the firing
firing lead or cable is attached. But this is only the circuit when the gun is pointed where it will endanger
final part of the electrical firing system. part of the ship's structure. Some mounts have no
Figure 5B19 shows schematically the elements that interlock switch or relay, but such interlocks are a com-
will be found in a typical electrical firing system for a mon feature of mounts with automatic loading equip-

Gene Slover's US Navy Pages Table of Contents

ment or hydraulically operated breech mechanisms.

The one shown in the schematic may represent up to
six or more, each of which registers that a certain
mechanism or part is in a position that is safe for firing.
Such electrical interlocks are not limited to automatic
mechanisms; even bag guns have such devices to reg-
ister, for example, that ammunition handling and
loading gear is in safe position for firing. The breech-
closed contact is a common variety of interlock. In
addition (and not shown in the schematic) are the
safety devices in breech mechanisms, firing locks, and
firing mechanisms, which prevent contact between
primer and firing pin when the breech is not fully
closed or the gun is not fully in battery.
The last part of the circuit is the firing pin's contact
to the electric primer. The circuit is completed
through the filament in the primer, the cartridge case,
and ground return to the firing transformer or battery.
Note the emphasis on safety in this circuitry. All
the switches and keys are in series. Any link in the
circuit can break the entire circuit if conditions are
unsafe at that point. Yet the mount is capable of fir-
ing under local control if the remote system has failed.
Firing stop mechanism. At any greater range than
point-blank (a range so small that the gun need not
be elevated above the line of sight to the target) a gun
when correctly laid is aligned with a point other than
the target. The greater the range, the greater the
deviation. This makes it possible, particularly in en-
closed mounts, for a pointer or trainer, looking through
a telescope, to see no obstacle in the line of sight, while
the gun's bore may be in line with some part of the
ship's structure, so that firing the gun will damage the
For this reason measures are taken either to prevent
the gun bore from being brought into alignment with
the ship's structure, or to prevent it from firing under
these conditions. The former method is used on some
20-mm AA mounts, where a large circular earn sur-
rounding the stand prevents depression of the gun bar-
rel below safe limits. And on some carriers there is
provision for preventing 5-inch mount power drives
from positioning the gun so that its bore axis will be
aligned with the ship's structure. But by far the com-
monest device for preventing this kind of accident is
the firing stop mechanism, which disables the firing FIGURE 5B20.-Principle of firing stop mechanism. A. Me-
system when the gun is aimed on a bearing or elevation chanical inputs. B. Cam plate. C. How fire is interrupted.
that endangers the ship on which it is mounted.
mount training gear engages the radial gear teeth
Figure 5B20 shows the fundamental mechanism around the circumference of the earn plate or disc.
used in all mounts larger than 20-mm. It is essen- The elevation input shaft moves toward the center
tially a disc-type earn, in which the inputs are gun of the cam plate when the gun elevates, and toward
train (which rotates the cam) and gun elevation the edge of the earn plate when it depresses. At the
(which moves the earn follower approximately radi- end of the elevation input shaft is a spring-loaded
ally across the earn). A spur gear driven by the plunger which maintains contact with the earn plate.


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When the gun mount is installed, the axis of its rolls in heavy seas. This is something that can scarcely
bore is observed through all angles of train and eleva- happen aboard a modern naval vessel; other gear may
tion. Each position of the gun (as defined by its break loose, but it is hard to see how a gun mount
train and elevation) corresponds to a location of the can. Why were not the guns in the days of sailing
plunger on the cam plate. The angles of elevation vessels simply secured to a fixed mounting, as guns
and train at which the gun endangers parts of the are today?
ship's structure are plotted on a special diagram that The answer is that modern guns have recoil and
corresponds to the cam area. Then the cam plate counterrecoil mechanisms, and ancient guns did not.
surface is machined. The surface is cut so that safe A naval gun can be rigidly secured to the deck, but
areas are depressed, while danger areas remain the without some provision for its recoil it will break loose
original surface of the plate. when fired.
Thus, when the gun is positioned at angles of train Recoil is simply the manifestation of the third of
and elevation where it is safe to fire, the plunger rides Newton's three laws of motion-the one that says,with
on the depressed surface of the cam plate. As soon deceptive brevity: "To every action there must be an
as the gun trains or elevates to a bearing or elevation equal and opposite reaction." The enormous thrust
which aligns the bore with any part of the ship's struc- that can send a ton of steel screaming at supersonic
ture, the plunger rides on the uncut surface of the speed toward a target over 20 miles away acts not only
cam plate. on the projectile, but on the gun. Yet, though the
Plunger movement, as the plunger rides up to the recoil of a full broadside salvo on a BB will push it side-
uncut surface or down to the depressed surface of the ways like a piece of driftwood, the guns themselves do
cam, is communicated by a mechanical linkage to a not break loose and roll threateningly across the deck.
clutch and to a switch. As figure 5B20 shows, the Why?
clutch is in the mechanical linkage of the percussion The answer, again, is that these guns have recoil and
firing system. (The clutch is also shown (encircled) counterrecoil mechanisms.
in figure 5BI7.) The switch is in the electrical firing The antique naval gun was fired from "battery"
circuit. When the plunger is riding on a high (dan- position-with the mount pushed as far outboard
ger) cam plate area, the clutch is disengaged, inter- through the gun port as the bulkhead would permit.
rupting percussion fire, and the switch is opened, Its recoil hurled it inboard, rolling on its wheels until
interrupting electrical fire. When the plunger is rid- it brought up against its stout tackle. In this "recoil"
ing on a low (safe) cam plate area, the· clutch is position, well back of the gun port, the bore could be
engaged and the switch. is closed, permitting fire. swabbed, and the powder and ball loaded for the next
Firing stop mechanism functioning is completely shot. Then the crew hauled it up to battery position,
automatic. It requires no attention from the gun and lit off the primer to fire again.
crew after installation, beyond periodic maintenance Thus in naval guns the entire gun carriage, or what
checking to see that it is functioning properly and re- we would now call the mount, was rolled backward
quires no adjustment. Only if the mount location or in recoil and forward (manually) in counterrecoil.
ship's structure is changed is it necessary to revise the Artillery ashore did this too; the classic example
cam plate. In this case, the cam plate is replaced by ( 1904) is the Russian gunners fighting up a hill at
one cut to a new pattern. Port Arthur-firing, then chasing madly down the hill
Firing stop mechanisms on turrets function only to after their runaway pieces, and laboriously hauling
interrupt the electrical firing circuit. (There is, ob- them up the hill again (if they could get them up) for
viously, no way to interrupt the percussion firing link- the next round.
age, since the only connection between the firing lock As naval gun mounts evolved, control over recoil
and the individual firing the gun by percussion is a improved. Engravings of the interior of post-Civil
lanyard.) Therefore an indicator lamp for each gun War monitors (early descendants of the Union's pio-
shows whether or not the gun is positioned on a safe neer armored and turret-equipped war vessel) show
bearing and elevation. tracks on which the great guns recoiled when fired.
But it wasn't until 'shortly before World War I that
586. Recoil and counterrecoil systems.
effective recoil brakes and counterrecoil mechanisms
Novels about life aboard naval vessels of a hundred were developed. These were, for the time, triumphs
years ago or more, frequently have at least one scene of metalworking accuracy and engineering ingenuity,
in which a naval gun mount breaks loose-either in and were treated as military secrets, much as a new
battle, during a storm, or both-and thunders, an un- type of radar application or atomic bomb trigger
controllable Juggernaut, across the deck as the ship mechanism is treated today.

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There are a number of different types of recoil

brakes and counterrecoil mechanisms that have been
found efficient in land artillery and elsewhere, but the
United States Navy uses in naval gun mounts but 1
general type of recoil brake (in either of 2 variants)
and but 2 kinds of counterrecoil mechanism. But be-
fore considering these, note the general functions of
these devices:
1. A recoil brake is primarily designed to absorb
the force of recoii and "spread" it so that the sudden
heavy shock is converted to a thrust exerted over an
appreciable distance through which the recoiling parts
of the gun are permitted to move. In the mechanical
sense, work is done by the recoil force in pushing the
gun and housing aft against the resistance of the recoil
brake; the energy absorbed in the brake appears as
a. A secondary function of all recoil brakes in naval
gun mounts is to bring to a smooth stop by dash-
pot action the forward movement (counterre-
coil) that follows recoil.
2. A counterrecoil mechanism is a device that stores
some of the energy of recoil and uses it to force the
recoiling parts forward into battery after the projectile
has left the gun muzzle. (The energy of' recoil can,
of course, be traced ultimately to the combustion of
the propellant.)
Recoil and counterrecoil mechanisms are designed
to work together. Figure 5B21 shows in a general
way where the recoil and counterrecoil systems are
located in a conventional 5-inch mount.
Recoil systems. All present-day recoil systems for
naval guns larger than 20-mm use hydraulic recoil
brakes. A hydraulic recoil brake is a mechanism of
the type commonly termed by engineers a "dashpot."
It has a piston and a cylinder which can move with
respect one to the other. There is a liquid in the

FIGURE 5B22.-Hydraulic recoil .brakes. A. Throttling"

groove type. B. Throttling-rod type.

cylinder which can move from one side of the piston

to the other, but its rate of movement is restricted or
"throttled. "
The two general variants of this type of device are
shown in figure 5B22. In one variant (A in the fIg-
ure) , the piston is solid, and each cylinder is filled with
recoil fluid (usually a mixture of water with glycerin) .
In the wall or liner of each cylinder are cut three
throttling grooves 120 degrees apart. They are
FIGURE 5B21.-Recoil and counterrecoil systems in a con-
shallow at the forward end of the cylinder and deepen
ventional 5-inch mount. toward the' after end.


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When the gun is fired, the force of recoil pushes As the piston moves in recoil, the fluid that it dis-
the housing and the recoil cylinders within it to the places can flow from one end of the cylinder to the
rear, thus exerting pressure on the fluid in the forward other only through the holes. Because the throttling
end of the cylinder. rod varies in diameter at different points, it blocks off
But the throttling grooves permit the fluid to flow a varying portion of the hole as the piston moves in
around the piston at a reduced or throttled rate. The its stroke. Where the rod's diameter is large, for in-
cylinder can, therefore, yield to recoil thrust and 'move stance, it blocks off most of the hole, leaving only a
aft, subject to the continuous braking action of the small opening for fluid flow, and the braking effect
hydraulic fluid as it flows through the grooves from the is large. Where the rod is small, on the other hand,
forward end of the cylinder to the rear. Since the less of the opening is blocked, and more fluid can pass,
recoil fluid can flow only at a rate proportional to the with decreased braking effect. The rods are so tapered
size of the throttling grooves, the recoil brake resists as to provide evenly distributed resistance to recoil
the force of recoil over its entire stroke. thrust over the length of the recoil stroke.
In effect the recoil brake, by distributing the force One advantage in the use of throttling rods is that
of recoil over the length of the recoil stroke, converts the rods can be replaced with others of different taper
this force from a sudden, destructive impact to a still- if a change in the gun's recoil characteristics is desired.
powerful, but controllable, thrust exerted over a All recoil systems used in United States naval guns
considerable distance. incorporate a counterrecoil buffer dashpot mechanism
Note that the grooves are TAPERED. (In the figure, used in bringing counter recoiling parts to a smooth
in order to show this more clearly, both the taper and stop. This is discussed further in connection with
the size of the groove are exaggerated.) At the be- counterrecoil systems.
ginning of the stroke the grooves are comparatively Counterrecoil systems. There are 2 basic types of
deep, so that the fluid will not offer too much resist- counterrecoil systems (also called recuperator) used in
ance to the initial thrust of recoil. As the housing United States naval guns. Guns smaller than 5-inch
moves aft, the grooves become shallower, until by the use 1 or more counterrecoil springs. (These are some-
end of the recoil stroke the grooves are very shallow times termed recoil springs in OP's and elsewhere, but
indeed. By this time the force of recoil is spent, and, the function is the same.) Guns 5-inch and larger
by throttling the fluid flow down, the shallow grooves use pneumatic recuperators, which depend on .corn-
help to bring the housing to a smooth stop. pressed gas (generally air or nitrogen) to provide
In the conventional 5-inch gun there are two recoil counterrecoil thrust. Since the very high-pressure gas
cylinders of this kind, symmetrically arranged about used in such systems is sealed by use of packings under
the long axis of the housing. Since the cylinders are hydraulic pressure, such systems are most often called
bores in the housing, in this design the cylinders move hydropneumatic counterrecoil systems.
in recoil while the pistons are fixed to the slide by the The functions of any counterrecoil system are pri-
piston rods. A transverse bore in the housing, called. marily to return the recoiling parts of the gun to bat-
the equalizer hole) permits enough fluid flow between tery after the recoil stroke, and secondarily to hold the
cylinders to equalize the pressures built up and the recoiling parts in battery. Thus a counterrecoil system
resistance offered by the two cylinders to recoil must not only provide thrust to return the recoiling
movement. parts to battery, but must also develop enough con-
In other designs, there may be but 1 recoil cylinder, tinuous thrust at all times to hold them there except
or 2 cylinders may be arranged asymmetrically. Or while the projectile is actually being propelled through
the recoil cylinder may be in the slide, while the recoil the bore. This is in contrast with recoil brakes, which
piston rod is secured to the housing. All of these develop their "reverse thrust" for braking only while
variations on this type of recoil brake can be found the recoiling parts are actually moving in recoil, and
in United States naval gun mounts. at other times exert no forces on the gun parts.
The other major variant in recoil brakes is in guns Because it continues to develop a heavy forward
6-inch and larger. This kind of recoil brake has a thrust "following through" to the end of the counter-
somewhat different method of controlling recoil fluid recoil stroke, any counterrecoil system tends to drive
flow. Instead of being solid, the piston has 3 holes the recoiling parts into battery with considerable
bored in it, spaced 120 degrees apart. Through each shock. For this reason, all counterrecoil systems for
of the holes passes a tapered throttling rod secured to guns with massive recoiling parts (which include guns
the ends of the recoil cylinder so that it is parallel to 40-mm and up) must have a counterrecoil buffer to
the piston rod. (For simplicity's sake, only one throt- take up this terminal shock. Counterrecoil buffers
tling rod and hole are shown in figure 5B22.) There are discussed in further detail below.
are no throttling grooves. Spring counterrecoil systems. In all naval guns

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(which is typical) is around 1,500 psi. A plunger fit-

ting into the after end of the housing is forced outward
(to the rear) by the gas pressure against the after end
COMPRESSED AIR of the slide. The thrust exerted by the plunger against
the slide holds the housing in battery and returns it
to battery after firing.
The complication of this arrangement lies in the
packing which surrounds the plunger in the housing.
Ordinary packing, unsupported, will not withstand
the gas pressure in the counterrecoil chamber. There-
fore the packing used is a chevron type "inflated" by
oil under pressure. (Figure 5B24.) The oil pres-
FIGURE 5B23.-Hydropneumatic counterrecoil system. sure in the packing is always higher than that of the
(Simplified schematic.) gas in the cylinder. Figure 5B25 shows functionally
the device that ensures this pressure relationship-the
differential cylinder.
smaller than 5-inch, coil springs provide counterrecoil One end of the differential cylinder (to the left in
thrust. In late 3"/50 mounts and most 40-mm figure 5B25) is connected to the air chamber. The
mounts, the springs surround the exterior of the barrel other (right end in figure 5B25) is connected to the
(water jacket in 40-mm mounts). In single Army- oil-charged packing, and is full of oil. The piston is
type 40-mm mounts and in some earlier marks of free-floating, and the piston rod on the oil side goes
3"/50 hand-loaded mounts the springs are concealed; through a packing gland to the outside, but does not
in some 3-inch mounts they may be the recoil cylinder. connect mechanically to any other component.
Hydropneumatic counterrecoil systems. Figure The values for dimensions and pressures shown in
5B23 shows in simplified form how a pneumatic coun- the figure and in the discussion below are not intended
terrecoil system works. I t requires a cylinder or bore to represent any specific installation, but serve only to
(in the housing) charged with gas (generally nitro- illustrate the principle of the differential cylinder.
gen or air, never oxygen or other chemically active Suppose the total area of either face of the piston is
gas). Gas pressure in a conventional 5-inch system 3 square inches, but the cross-section area of the piston
rod is 1 square inch. The air pressure of 1,500 psi is
exerted on the full piston area of 3 square inches, and
the total thrust or force developed is 3 x 1,500 or
But on the other side of the piston only 2 square
inches are exposed to oil pressure, since 1 square inch is
occupied by the piston rod. (For the sake of sim-
plicity, atmospheric pressure on the outside end of
the rod is neglected in this example.) The oil is
therefore subjected to a thrust of 4,500 lbs. exerted 'on
a 2-square inch area. Hence, it is under a pressure
of 2,250 psi, which is higher than that of the air (1,500
psi). The pressure is communicated to the packing.
I t is obvious that even though the air pressure fluc-
tuates, the pressure relationship will remain the same
(in the ratio, oil to air, of 3: 2), so that the packing
will always be under higher pressure than the air.
The differential cylinder serves not only as a device
to maintain pressure in the packing, but also as an
indicator of oil level in the sealing system. When the
differential cylinder is fully charged with oil, the
plunger is flush with the end of the cylinder. If oil
leaks out, the piston is driven farther to the oil side (to
the right in figure 5B25). Gun mount maintenance
FIGURE 5B24.-Hydropneumatic counterrecoil system. Detail
af oil-pressure type chevron packing. personnel are supposed to inspect the cylinder daily,


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2250 L BS.

FIGURE 5B25.-Hydropneumatic counterrecoil system. Principle of differential cylinder.

and to see that oil is pumped in if the piston rod pro- of counterrecoiling parts at the end of the counter-
trudes more than 2 inches. recoil stroke. A typical design (similar to that in 5-
Counterrecoil buffers. It was brought out earlier inch guns) is shown in figure 5B26 (left), in three
that any counterrecoil system must develop enough stages of operation. . As counterrecoil movement be-
thrust to hold the recoiling parts in battery, and that gins, the housing and recoil cylinder move forward
in guns whose recoiling parts have appreciable mass over the recoil piston. The buffer plunger, which
the shock at the end of the counterrecoil stroke can be
closes off the after end of the recoil cylinder, is aligned
considerable. Counterrecoil buffers must conse-
to enter a hole in the recoil piston and piston rod.
quently be incorporated into the gun mount to reduce
As the plunger enters the hole in the piston, the fluid
this shock. These are not physically part of the coun-
terrecoil system components described above; in pres- caught therein is trapped, and can escape only through
ent designs, they are located in the forward end of the small passages in the plunger. At the end of the
recoil cylinders. counterrecoil stroke (full battery position) , the plunger
Counterrecoil buffers are dash pot devices which use is entirely nested within the recoil piston and piston
oil forced through small orifices to reduce the velocity rod.

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the proper procedure in setting these valves, see the

OP on the mount.
Where (as on 5-inch mounts) there are two recoil
cylinders, each with a buffer, the valves must be set
for balanced functioning.
Note that the counterrecoil buffer regulates only the
end of counterrecoil movement. This provides some
control over the rate of fire of automatically loaded
guns, but does not regulate the recoil stroke or most
of the counterrecoil stroke.
587. Power rnmmers and mechanical ammunition
The effectiveness of a gun per round. fired is con-
cerned with such factors as range, efficiency of propel-
lant, accuracy of fire, weight and initial velocity of
projectile, explosive filler of the projectile, and the
FIGURE 5B26.--Counterrecoil buffer functioning.
like. But the effectiveness' of a gun as a weapon de-
pends on the number of rounds per minute it can put
into the target.
It is here that mechanical loading and feeding de-
vices are important. For convenience, these can be
considered in two main categories. One is that of
hoists, which are used to lift ammunition from the
magazine to the gun deck level. These will be taken
up in a subsequent article. The other category in-
cludes ammunition feeding and loading devices at the
gun deck level. These include power rammers, slide-
mounted ammunition loading gear, and equipment
used to transfer ammunition from the hoist to the gun
In 5-inch mounts through Mark 39, in 6-inch tur-
rets of Cleveland class cruisers and in bag gun turrets,
separate power r amrners are used for moving into the
gun chamber ammunition which has been loaded into
the slide.
Figure 5B27 shows a slide-mounted rammer on a
5-inch mount. Here a piston in a long-hydraulic
cylinder operates a reciprocating rubber-faced rammer

FIGURE 5B26.-( Continued.) Needle valve control.

As is evident from figure 5B26, the flow of fluid

through the counterrecoil buffer plunger is controlled
by a needle valve. This valve can be set by moving a
calibrated nut in the recoil cylinder head. (Figure
5B26, right.) By controlling the flow of the liquid
through the discharge orifices or holes, the needle
valve controls the speed of counterrecoil. The num-
bering on the calibrated valve nut makes it possible to
FIGURE 5B27.-Slide-mounted power rammer in ·5-inch
set both buffers for equal, balanced functioning. For mount. Initiating ram stroke.


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spade or shell guard. The rammer. is controlled by a only), and is stiff in the other. As the figure shows,
rammer man. When a projectile and powder case in the type illustrated the links will remain straight
have been deposited in the gun slide loading tray by without continuous support when extended hori-
the loaders, the rammerman depresses a lever on the zontally.
rammer control rod. The rammer hydraulic cylinder, At the end of the chain is a buffer to protect the
fed by a motor-driven pump on the slide, drives the ammunition component being rammed. In bag-gun
piston, piston rod, and rammer spade forward, pushing turret installations, the rammer operation is always
the round into the chamber. When the cartridge case under manual control, generally by regulating pump
is in the chamber, it automatically releases the breech output to the hydraulic motor that drives the chain.
mechanism (as has been described earlier in this chap- The ramming operation requires two ramming strokes.
ter) and the breechblock rises. When the gun fires, In the first, the projectile is rammed home in a full
the rammer spade rides backward with the housing; maximum-thrust stroke, to ensure that the rotating
this automatically (through mechanical linkage to a band engages the rifting. Then the rammer is re-
control valve) initiates the rammer retract stroke -. tracted, and the powder bags are rammed much less
The rearward-moving spade rides a camming groove forcibly"in a second stroke. After the second retrac-
in the slide which raises it well above the loading tray, tion the breech can be closed. Two strokes are neces-
so that it offers no obstruction to the extraction of the sary because the maximum-thrust stroke needed for
fired cartridge case. The spade is dropped to ram the projectile would damage the powder bags. (The
position manually. Except for this operation and for 5-inch rammer discussed previously is used with pro-
initiating the ram stroke, all rammer operations on pelling charges housed in sturdy cartridge cases, so
this type of mount are automatic. only one ram stroke is needed. )
This rammer arrangement is used in all 5" /38 Newer designs of 3-inch mounts, 6-inch turrets, and
mounts and in the 5"/54 Mark 39. The only notable 8-inch turrets all include a great deal of almost en-
difference among them is that in enclosed mounts the tirely automatic ammunition-handling gear. In the
rammer hydraulic cylinder is shortened and a rack- turrets, this equipment transfers the ammunition from
and-pinion arrangement is used to make the stroke of the hoist to the slide (except that in the 6-inch design
the rammer space the proper length for ramming. the projectiles must be manhandled through this
The rammer in the 6-inch Cleveland class mount is stage) , rams it into the chamber, and then disposes of
of a similar type. the empty cartridge cases after firing. In the 3-inch
gun, as in 20·mm and40-mm machine guns, the am-
munition is loaded manually into a loading device on
the slide of the gun, and the ammunition is handled
automatically from that point.
BUFFER But notice the distinction between 3-inch and larger
RAMMER HEAD ammunition-handling machinery, and that in true
machine guns like the 20-mm and the 40-mm. In the
latter, the ammunition-handling gear is operated by
energy developed ultimately in the burning of the
propelling charge. In the former, the ammunition-
FIGURE 5B28.-Principle of chain-type rammer. handling gear, though some operations are controlled
by recoil and counterrecoil movements, is powered by
Bag-type turret guns have long chambers, to accom- an external source. In the 3-inch mount, the loader
modate (in 16-inch ,guns, for instance) up to six pow- mounted on the slide of each gun is powered by an
der bags plus the projectile. This means that the electric motor. In the turrets, the automatic loading
rammer stroke must be very long. The length of a equipment is driven by electrohydraulic gear.
single hydraulic cylinder for such a rammer would be Because each type of mount or turret has its own
prohibitive. Such turrets are therefore equipped with design of ammunition-handling equipment, these units
chain-type rammers. are described in further detail later in this textbook,
Although the details of operation differ from one each in connection with the mount of which it forms a
type of bag turret to another, all of them work on the part.
principle illustrated in figure 5B28. A rotary hydrau-
lic motor drives a sprocket which engages the links in 588. Power-driven ammunition hoists
a rammer chain. This is somewhat like an exagger- One of the earliest operations to be mechanized in
ated bicycle chain, except that the straight chain will connection with gun operations on naval war vessels
bend in only one direction (in the figure, upward was that of ammunition transportation. In the clas-

0-57--6 71

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sic warship of Nelson's day, black-powder propelling One of the forerunners of modern shipboard ammu-
charges were stowed in magazines below the water- nition supply systems was the mechanical hoist arrange-
line, and were brought up to the gun decks by agile ment on the Monitor, which pioneered in naval
runners. Even with the slow rate of fire characteris- warfare in so many other ways.
tic of contemporary cannon, there must have been de- Ammunition supply systems. Figure 5B29 shows in
lays and traffic jams in ships of the line of 80 guns or cutaway form the ammunition supply arrangements
more, as runners scurried below to fetch their charges, for a modern 5-inch twin mount. At the lowest level
then climbed up to the gun deck, the precious (and is the magazine, in which are stacked the propelling
dangerous) charges guarded against sparks by being charges. The magazine partly surrounds the lower
wrapped in the sailors' shirts. handling room, which is separated by a flameproof

GUN HOUSE -----lII,.




FrGURE 5B29.-Ammunition supply system for 5";38 twin mount.


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bulkhead from the magazine. Powder cases, which Endless-chain hoist-or-lower multistage hoist. This
are stored in the magazine, are passed by hand through is the commonest type of hoist, and includes all dredger
scuttles in the magazine bulkhead to the lower han- hoists, conventional 5-inch powder hoists, and anum-
dling room. (Projectiles are normally stored in the ber of others used in turrets and elsewhere. Funda-
lower handling room itself, in racks in the upper han- mentally, it consists of an articulated endless chain
dling room, and on the gun-house bulkheads.) with supports or flights secured to it at regular inter-
The powder cases and projectiles are then loaded vals (fig. 5B30). Powder cases or projectiles are
into the 2 dredger hoists (1 for each of the 2 guns in loaded by pushing them into the hoist in the path of
the mount) which haul them up to the upper handling the flights; when the hoist starts, the chain is driven
room. Each dredger hoist handles both projectiles and upward until the next vacant flight is in loading posi-
powder cases. tion. When the next unit is loaded, the hoist goes up
On the upper handling room deck are located the one more flight, and so on. Except in certain turrets,
upper ends of the 2 dredger hoists, and around the the hoist starts automatically when the ammunition
central column in the room are mounted the 2 sets of detail is loaded, actuating a switch or hydraulic valve.
projectile hoists and powder hoists, 1 projectile hoist Endless-chain hoists are driven by rotary hydraulic
and 1 powder hoist for each gun. The handling room motors whose functioning is controlled by valves.
crew removes the projectiles and powder cases from the Endless-chain hoists generally can be operated in
dredger hoists, loads the projectiles into the projectile reverse to lower ammunition units, as is required in
hoists, and loads the powder cases into the powder taking ammunition aboard. In either mode of oper-
hoists. In 5-inch hoists powder cases are loaded into ation, the hoist moves one flight at a time, inter-
the hoist base up to protect the impact-sensitive com-
bination primer from being jarred by jolts on the base ONE STAGE FULL LENGTH
of the case. Five-inch projectiles also go into their AT A TIME OF HOIST
hoists base up, so that their noses will rest in the hoist
fuze-setting mechanism.
Most of the propelling charges are stored in the
magazine, and most of the projectiles are stored in
the lower handling room. To begin ammunition serv-
ice without delay, a number of complete rounds are
maintained in ready nicks in the upper handling room.
For long periods of sustained fire, however, the entire D ,0 HYDRAULIC'
ammunition supply system must be in action. I MOTOR ,
With smaller mounts like the 3"/50, 40-mm, and I , I

20-mm, hoists are relatively unimportant. Generally :J
their ammunition is stowed in ready-service lockers , /'
nearby, and is hand carried to the mounts, though ~ 'HOIST CHAIN'
hoists may be used (depending on the installation) to 'REVERSES I
replenish supplies. In turrets, the entire ammunition
supply system, except the magazines themselves, is in- I
side the turret and rotates with it. PROJECTILE I
Types of hoists. All,' gun ammunition hoists on
~ I
modern United States naval vessels can be classified
into one of the following categories:
1. Endless-chain.
a. Hoist-or-lower multistage.
b. Hoist-only single-stage.
2. Elevator.
3. Pawl.
4. Open-tube.
The most widely used is the first class (in its two
subtypes) . The other 3 are used exclusively in tur-
rets (though at least 1 rocket mount design employs
FIGURE SB30.-Principles of endless-chain hoists. A. Hoist-
No.3). No.4 is an auxiliary. or-lower multistage. B. Hoist-only single-stage.


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mittently in the same direction. Only one side of the
chain is used.
Endless-chain hoist-only single-stage hoists. Like
the preceding type, this hoist is an endless chain driven
by a rotary hydraulic motor. It is used in 5"/38 and
5"/54 (Mark 39 only) mounts, and incorporates a
fuze setter (described in a later chapter) . Both sides
of the chain are used (fig. 5B30). There are 2 flights,
arranged so that when one is at the top of the hoist on
one side, the other is at the bottom of the hoist on the
other. The chain runs first in one direction, then the
other, and the flights always move from all the way
at the top to all the way at the bottom (or vice versa) .
The arrangement is similar to that of the old-time well
with 2 old oaken buckets, one of which descended
while the other went up. CROSSHEAO

The projectile is loaded into one side, and auto-

matically the hoist starts if the top is empty. As the
loaded flight ascends, the empty comes down. The
cycle reverses for the next projectile. GUIDE RODS

This type of hoist can be used for hoisting only.

It is not safe to attempt to lower projectiles in it.
Elevator-type hoists. This kind of hoist is a
single-stage system with a car which is moved up or
down a hoistway. The car is secured to a hydraulic-
ally operated system of cables-a hoisting cable and a
downhaul cable. Both are always in tension, and DOWN HAUL CABLE
provide positive control of the car position. Unlike
conventional elevators ashore, the car has no counter-
The principal application for hoists of this type is to
haul powder in bag-type turrets. Although protected FIGURE 5B31.-Schematic of car hoisting machine (lower
by interlocks, such hoists are generally manually con- powder hoist) in 8-inch Baltimore class turret.
trolled. All loading and unloading points in such in-
stallations are protected by interlocked flametight given distance (one "stage") apart. The pawls pro-
doors. trude into the hoistway. Running the length of the
In 8-inch bag-type turrets (Baltimore class), there hoistway is a jointed rod, or rack, similarly equipped
are two sets of elevators. One set hoists the powder with spring-loaded pawls one stage apart. The rod
bags to an intermediate flametight compartment can be hoisted one stage by a hydraulic cylinder, then
where they are manually transferred to a second set, lowered back to starting position. This type of hoist
in which the bags are hoisted the rest of the way to is used for hoisting projectiles in 8-inch and 16-inch
the gun deck level. In the transfer compartment bag turrets, and in one rocket mount for hoisting
interlocks prevent the protective flametight doors of rockets.
the lower hoist upper end from being open at the same The operating cycle is as follows:
time as the doors of the upper hoist lower end. This 1. A projectile is loaded at the lowest level. It is
arrangement avoids the possibility of having a straight supported by the hoistway (stationary) pawl.
path open to flame from the gun deck level to the 2. The hoist cylinder pushes the hoist rod upward
magazine level. one stage. At the beginning of the upward stroke,
the lowest rod pawl engages the projectile base, and
In 16-inch turrets a single elevator-type powder
lifts it. The end of the upward stroke is just above
hoist serves each gun, but operating procedures pro-
the next hoistway (stationary) pawl.
vide for opening the hoist upper doors only when 3. Next, the rod is lowered back to starting posi-
conditions in the gun compartment are safe. tion. The projectile is deposited on the hoistway pawl
Pawl-type hoists. In this type of hoist the hoist just below it. Another projectile can now be loaded
tube is equipped with a set of spring-loaded pawls a into the first (lowest) stage.


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--~. \. 2. Automatic hoists will not start automatically

(-----'-----" when loaded if the top level discharge point is occu-
pied with ammunition.
RACK \ \ 3. All hoists in which powder bags are handled
\. \ are equipped with flametight doors and' interlocks to
\\. \ PRo.JECTILE prevent an open flame path between lower handling

room and gun deck.
4. Most power-operated ammunition hoists are
equipped for manual operation in event of power
~/ failure.
5. Ammunition hoists are equipped with hydraulic-
ally actuated brakes or hydraulic locking to prevent
loaded flights or cars from falling or drifting down the
hoistway .:
6. Most hoists are equipped with indicators to show
whether there is an ammunition item at the receiving
end of the hoist.

589. Miscellaneous safety features

Some of the safety features of modern gtln mounts
and turrets have been taken up in connection with the
other mechanisms or systems discussed above. But
there are several additional noteworthy ones that
should be taken up briefly. These are discussed in
detail and illustrated in later chapters of this text,
where appropriate.
-TUBE PAWLS DEPRESSED -TUBE. PAWLS IN POSITION TO. Salvo latch. This is a device that locks the breech
SUPPORT PRo.JECTILE closed. It can be opened only by deliberate effort.
FIGURE 5B32.-Principle of pawl-type hoist. The function of the salvo latch is to prevent accidental
manual opening of the breech in the event of misfire.
4. At the next upward stroke of the rod, the next Salvo latches are part of the breech mechanism of
higher rod pawl engages the projectile, and raises it all guns larger than 40-mm, except for the very newest
another stage, where it can be supported by the next designs of automatically loaded guns like the 8-inch
higher hoistway pawl. case gun used in Salem class turrets. It is also omitted
The process repeats until the projectile is at the top from guns smaller than 3"/50.
of the hoist. It must be removed (by loading into The salvo latch is a positive lock which is, in present
the gun) before another cycle can begin. designs, cammed to open automatically during recoil
Open-tube hoists. This kind of hoist is a simple of the gun. It will not open automatically if the gun
open tube connecting one level of a bag-type turret does not recoil.
with the next higher or lower level. Secured to the Safety link. The safety link is a metal strip that
overhead above the tul::ieis a small motor-driven hoist couples the breech yoke (in bag guns) or housing (in
equipped with block and tackle, or with internal gear- case guns) to the slide. It is intended to hold the gun
ing and hoist chain. Normally the tube is closed by . in battery in the event of failure of the counterrecoil
a flametight cap. The arrangement is used for hoist- mechanism, or if the counterrecoil mechanism is dis-
ing or lowering projectiles when taking ammu- abled. It is used in guns equipped with hydropneu-
nition aboard or transferring it from one level to matic counterrecoil systems.
another. It is not designed for use as part of the If the gun is fired with the safety link engaged, the
normal path of ammunition from stowage point to link will part. However, it is part of the normal gun
the gun deck. operating procedure to disconnect and stow the link
"Ammunition hoist safety features. Noteworthy before firing. The link must be replaced when the
safety features of ammunition hoists include: mount is secured.
1. Automatic hoists have doors or gates which will Gas ejection. When a shot is fired from a gun, the
permit them to start up only after the ammunition bore is filled with residual powder gas. The gas is
item has been completely inserted into the hoist and unsafe for humans to breathe,. and is likely to be either
the loader's hands have been withdrawn. flammable or actually burning; it is sometimes capable

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of spontaneous combustion when mixed with air. The line of sight and for introducing sight angle and sight
function of the gas ejector, which is a part of every deflection so that the gun's bore axis will be properly
enclosed mount 5-inch and larger, is to force this offset. In gun mounts 3-inch and larger, sights gen-
residual gas out of the bore by a blast of air from the erally consist of telescopes which move in train and
ship's air system. elevation with the gun and also can be moved verti-
In case guns the gas ejector is designed to open and cally and horizontally with respect to the gun bore axis
shut off automatically during normal operation, to introduce sight angle and sight deflection. For ac-
though it can be operated manually. In bag guns the curacy at long range, telescopes give an enlarged view
gas ejector goes on automatically when the breech plug of the target.
opens, but must be shut off manually by the gun One telescope is provided for the gun' pointer and
captain. another for the trainer. Each telescope has a reticle
When a gas ejector fails, the gun can continue firing, with a vertical and a horizontal crosshair to establish
but caution is necessary to ensure safety. The rate of accurately the line of sight to the target. The pointer
fire may have to be reduced. In bag guns, powder elevates or depresses the gun to get the horizontal
bags for the next round must not be exposed until crosshair on target, and the trainer trains the mount
fumes and embers have been cleared away. Inspec- to get the vertical crosshair on target.
tion for smoldering embers is required in any event in Offsetting the sight telescopes with respect to the
bag guns, but it is especially important in case of gas bore axis is the duty of a third member of the mount
ejector failure. crew, the sight setter. The computed value of sight
angle and sight deflection to be used is sent by tele-
SB10. Sighting and fire-control equipment
phone or indicated on dials to the sight setter. He
With the increase in ranges of modern guns the has two handcranks which he uses to move the tele-
problem of aiming the gun has become more complex. scopes, one to shift them vertically by the amount of
Sighting is considerably more complicated than merely sight angle, the other to move them horizontally by
pointing the gun at the target and firing. A projectile, the amount of sight deflection. The sight-setting
when fired, travels in a curved path, not a straight line. mechanism has scales which enable the sight setter
This curved path is called the trajectory, to crank in the precise values.
Many factors affect the trajectory of the projectile. On most mounts, there are two scales the sight setter
The major factor is the force of gravity, which causes can use to introduce sight angle (the vertical offset).
the projectile to start falling as soon as it leaves the One is graduated in minutes of arc, to display the
support the barrel provides. To fire at long range, actual value of the angle. The other is graduated
the bore axis of the gun must therefore be elevated. in yards of range. This is called the sight bar range
Another force affecting the trajectory is the wind, scale. I t is designed for use against surface targets
which tends to blow the projectile off its course. only. This range scale is used when the fire control
Then there is the problem of the moving target. system transmits the range to target (plus or minus
While target motion does not affect the trajectory, corrections for wind, target motion, etc.), in linear
the gunner must lead the target the proper amount units-yards. Most modern fire control systems trans-
to hit. mit sight angle in minutes of arc. But some auxiliary
These factors and others complicate the problem systems still use li~ear values (yards on the sight bar
of aiming a gun. The solution of this problem is in range scale). Whichever scale is used, the sight setter
the field of fire control. The fire control system, in turns the same handcrank to set the desired value.
solving the gunnery problem, computes the angle by To introduce the correct amount of horizontal off-
which the bore axis of the gun should be offset from set, the sight setter sets the value of sight deflection
the straight line between the gun and the target. This on the sight deflection scale, graduated in mils. (A
straight line is called the line of sight (LOS). It is mil is the angle subtended by an arc of length equal
the starting point in aiming the gun. With the line to one-thousandth of the arc's radius-equivalent to
of sight on target, and the bore axis offset the correct 3.44 minutes.) This 'value is computed by the fire
amount, the gun is aimed for a hit. control system and sent to the gun. There it is set
The offset is divided into 2 components, 1 vertical, on the sight deflection scale by the sight setter with
called sight angle, and 1 horizontal, called sight de- the deflection hand crank.
flection. Sight angle and sight deflection are the angu- In aiming a gun, the pointer, trainer, and sight setter
lar values of the offsets which the fire control system work as a three-man team. The pointer sights through
computes and transmits to the gun for use in aiming his telescope and keeps the horizontal crosshair on the
(fig. 5B33) . target. The trainer sights through his telescope, keep-
The sights at the gun provide for establishing the ing the vertical crosshair on the target. This estab-


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FIGURE 5B33.-Sight angle (A) and sight deflection (B).

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lishes the line of sight. With no sight angle and sight A typical fixed-prism telescopic sight is shown on a
deflection set, the bore axis of the gun will be directed 3"/50 mount, next to the open sight, in figure 9D9.
along the line of sight. Movable-prism telescopes used on 5" /38 mounts are
Here the sight setter enters the picture. Using the shown in figures 8B23 and 8B24.
value of sight angle or sight bar range received from A third general type of sight, the lead-comput-
the fire control system, he sets this value on the proper ing sight, has movable optical parts and computing
scale by cranking the vertical offset handcrank. This mechanisms which automatically offset the line of
moves the pointer's and trainer's telescopes off the sight. Lead-computing sight mechanisms are discussed
target-usually moving them downward. in volume 2.
The pointer then elevates with the elevation hand-
wheel until he is back on target. In doing this, he 5812. Train and elevation systems
elevates the gun as well as the telescope, and the bore One important respect in which today's naval gun
axis of the gun is now elevated above the line of sight differs from its ancestors is in theimprovement in (a)
by the proper vertical offset (sight angle) . the methods available for positioning it in train and
Likewise, when the sight setter cranks in the value elevation, and (b) the methods available for measur-
of sight deflection, the trainer's and pointer's telescopes ing its position-s-or, alternately, for shifting it to a
move off the target to the right or left. The trainer prescribed position.
then puts his vertical crosshair back on the target by Some smaller old-time cannon, called swivel guns,
training with the train handwheels. This trains the could be trained with relative ease, but, in general,
entire mount, offsetting the bore axis from the line of training the old-time heavy cannon that poked their
sight by the amount of the sight deflection. muzzles through the gun ports was a matter of getting
Thus the three-man team establishes the line of sight the whole gun crew to drag it ponderously a few inches
and also offsets the bore axis from the line of sight by to one side or the other. Only a few degrees of train
the amounts of the sight angle and sight deflection, so were possible anyway. It was better (and far com-
that the projectile, when fired, will hit the target. moner) to turn the whole ship. As for elevating, the
old-time guns were breech-heavy, and a quoin or
5811. Types of sights wedge under the breech could be pulled out to elevate
The simplest type of sight now in use is an open the gun, or driven in to depress it. Again, it was easier,
sight consisting of a small peephole behind a vertical and much commoner, to leave this alone and let the
rod. The line from the peephole through the top ship's roll decide the firing elevation.
of the rod defines the line of sight. Such a sight is used Long before aircraft made such methods as hope-
at the local surface control station of the 3" /50 rapid- lessly antiquated as they sound, gun mounts and tur-
fire mount; it is illustrated in figure 9D9. This open rets were equipped with mechanical gear for training
sight is used to bring surface targets into the view field and elevating the gun barrel. But the development of
of the adjacent telescope; it is not primarily designed aircraft in war accelerated these developments.
for controlling gunfire. In a modern gun mount, the trunnions are placed
An almost equally simple type of open sight is the where the gun is approximately in balance. In con-
peep-and-ring sight; an example is visible in figure ventional designs, handwheels connected through
9Cl installed on a 40-mm mount. The rear part of gearing to the training and elevating gear are arranged
the sight is a peephole. The front part consists of so that the pointer's handwheels are at his station on
concentric rings which are used not only to establish the left, and the trainer's at his station on the right.
the line of sight but also to estimate lead angle for The pointer's handwheels, in gun mounts, turn a
fast-moving air targets. Considerable skill and train- pinion which rotates a gear sector on the slide called
ing are necessary for effective use of this sight. It is the elevating arc. (Figure 5B34.) The trainer's
used nowadays only for local control in emergencies, handwheel, through gearing, turns a gear that engages
or for slewing a gun mount toward the approximate the training circle in the stand.
location of a target. In bag-type turrets, where maximum elevation is
Telescopic sights permit more accurate sighting limited and the mass of the parts to be elevated is
than open sights. There are two general types-the especially great, the elevating gear turns an elevating
fixed-prism and the movable-prism. In the fixed- nut which engages a screw pivoted to the gun slide.
prism type the entire telescope is moved in order to (Figure 5B34 inset.) Turrets of the case type must
offset the line of sight. The movable-prism type need be capable of much greater elevations than are prac-
not be moved because the prisms in the instrument tical with this type of arrangement. They therefore
can be shifted to offset the line of sight. The princi- use an are-and-pinion type of elevating gear.
ples of prismatic telescopes are taken up in volume 2. All turrets, and mounts larger than 20-mm, use

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ITRAINER r--__ _-----.., POINTER I


;-----_-1 ELEVATING



FIGURE SB34.-Training and elevating gear. (Inset: Screw-type elevating gear.)

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power drives as the normal method of positioning, the power drives. The left gun layer's station is used
though the pointer and trainer can readily switch to for positioning the mount when firing on air targets;
manual operation. Power drives and controls are dis- the right gun layer's station is in control for surface
cussed in more detail in chapter 10. targets. Either station, or the director, may be in full
In some later mounts all these conventional arrange- control. When either gunlaying station is in control,
ments are not followed. For example, in the auto- mount train and elevation are both controlled by that
matically loaded 3" /50 mounts, the gun cannot be station. Hence there is no "pointer's" station or
manually elevated and trained from the gun-laying "trainer's" station on this mount. And manual eleva-
stations on either side of the mount. The controls tion and train are used only for positioning the mount
there provide only for operating the mount through for maintenance or alignment-checking purposes.

C. Conclusion
5C1. General gun. The traznzng gear is the equipment used to
The preceding section provided an overview of the train the gun.
10 major features or characteristics which distin- Elevation. The elevation of a gun is the angle that
guish the modern gun from its predecessors. As the the gun bore axis makes with the deck, measured per-
discussion has pointed out several times, not all of these pendicular to the deck. Elevating the gun is increasing
features will be found in all modern guns-particularly this angle; depressing the gun is decreasing this angle.
in small arms and machine guns. And considerable The elevating gear is the equipment used to move the
variations in details of design from one mark and mod gun in elevation. The term pointing has the same
of weapon to another. But the features described are meaning as the terms elevating and depressing com-
tliose that are referred to elsewhere in this book as bined. The pointer is the person who controls the
"conventional," meaning that they represent standard elevation or pointing of the gun.
practice in the art of gun and mount design as it exists Recoil. Recoil is the force tending to push the gun
in the United States Navy about the middle of the 20th to the rear as the projectile is discharged. It is the
century. New developments and improvements in gun's reaction to firing. Recoil is also the rearward
guns and mounts are, of course, always in progress. movement of the gun. The recoil mechanism is the
Many of these are taken up later in this series of text- equipment used to control the gun recoil. Recoiling
books-particularly in chapter 32, volume 3. Further parts are those that move with the gun in recoil and
details of these "conventional" features, as they per- coun terre coil.
tain to specific guns and mounts, are in later chapters Counterrecoil. Counterrecoil is the forward move-
concerned with the different main types used in the ment of the gun after recoil which returns the gun to
Fleet. its original firing position. The counterrecoil mech-
anism (also known as the recuperator) is the equip-
5C2. Review of definitions ment that returns the gun to its firing position.
Following is a brief list of definitions which sum- In battery. A gun in its firing position as regards
marize in general form some key terms used in the recoil and counterrecoil is said to be in battery. A
preceding section. gun moves out of battery during recoil and returns
Gun. The term gun properly designates the tube to battery during counterrecoil. Recoil position is the
or barrel, but is commonlyused to refer to the whole rearmost position of the recoiling parts in recoil
assembly of which the barrel is but a part. movement.
Mount. This is the entire system between the gun Housing. The housing of a gun is a generally box-
and the ship's structure which supports the gun, se- shaped structure joined to the gun barrel with a bay-
cures it to the ship's structure, and provides for its onet-type joint. On most intermediate-caliber guns it
elevation, train, and (in guns larger than 20-mm) houses the breech mechanism. Since it is attached to
recoil and counterrecoil. There are several types of the gun barrel, it is a recoiling part. Major-caliber
mounts, but all of them must accomplish these func- bag guns have no housing; these have yokes, which, in
tions. Larger mounts have other functions as well. general, perform a similar function. (See art. 7B1.)
Train. The train of a gun is the position of the Slide. On all guns larger than 20-mm, the slide
axis of the gun's bore in azimuth (or in a plane paral- is the structural part which supports the gun, housing,
lel to the deck), as measured from the ship's center- and other recoiling parts, and permits them to move in
line. Training the gun is rotating it in azimuth. The recoil. The slide will be discussed further in the next
trainer is the person who controls the training of the section, where it is taken up as part of the mount.


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Automatic guns. Automatic guns are case guns in less than 3 inches are not usually spoken of as being so
which some of the energy of the propellent explosion many calibers long.
is used to open the breach, eject the empty case, and Guns are usually designated by (1) .their calibes.
operate the device which automatically loads another in inches, followed by the length of the gun in calibers
round of ammunition. The gun can continue to fire and by mark and modification numbers, or by (2) the
so long as ammunition is supplied and the trigger is diameter of the gun is millimeters followed by the
operated. mark and modification numbers. Thus there are 16-
Semiautomatic guns. Semiautomatic guns are case inch 50-caliber Guns Mark 1 Mod 1, and 40-milli-
guns in which some of the energy of the propellent meter Guns Mark 1, Mod 1.
explosion is used to open the breech, eject the empty Guns are classified according to bore diameter:
case, and automatically close the breech when another 1. Major-caliber-8 inches or larger.
round is loaded. Semiautomatic guns, unlike auto- 2. Intermediate-caliber-greater than 4 and less
matic guns, must be loaded either by hand or by than 8 inches.
auxiliary equipment. 3. Minor-caliber-greater than 0.60 inch but not
Nonautomatic guns. Nonautomatic guns are those more than 4 inches.
in which none of the energy of the propellant is used 4. Small arms-O.60 inch or smaller.
to perform breech opening, closing, or loading func-
5C4. Guns in service
tions. All bag guns are of this type.
Rapid-fire guns. Rapid-fire (RF) guns are those Guns most likely to be found on Navy ships today
in which loading, firing, empty-case ejection, and are:
breech operation are performed automatically but are Guns Carried on
powered by a source of energy other than the propel- 16"/50 caL _ Battleships
ling charge. 16"/45 caL __--- Same
Axis of bore. The axis of the bore is a straight line 12"/50 caL _ Large cruisers
passing through the center of the gun bore. 8" /55 caL _ Heavy cruisers
6"/47 caL _ Light cruisers
5C3. Designation of guns by caliber 5"/54 caL _ Large carriers, destroyers, and
The caliber of a gun (the diameter of its bore meas- frigates
ured to the tops of the lands) is expressed in inches or 5" /38 caL _ Battleships, cruisers, destroy-
millimeters. For all guns of caliber 3-inch and above, ers, carriers, and auxiliaries
the length of the gun barrel is customarily expressed 5"/25 caL _ Submarines
by dividing the length of the bore plus the length of 3"/50 caL _ Any ship horn patrol craft to
the chamber by the diameter of the bore. Thus a battleship
3"/50 caliber gun barrel has a caliber of 3 inches 40-mm _ Same
and is 50 calibers or 150 inches long. Guns of calibers 20-mm _ Same


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Chapter 6


A. Introduction

6A 1. Scope of this chapter In this chapter, gun, tube, or barrel designates the gun
tube only, and not the remainder of the gun assembly,
The preceding chapter has already defined a gun which includes, in addition, the mount and other parts
as a tube designed to discharge a projectile at high described in the preceding chapter.
velocity by the gas pressure produced by a propellant This chapter is concerned with gun barrel construc-
in the tube. Commonly, the term gun applies to the tion and maintenance, and with interior ballistics-
entire assembly of which the barrel is but one part. what happens inside the gun when it is fired.

B. Elements of Gun Design and Maintenance

681. Modern requirements for gun power 2. A longitudinal stress tending to pull the gun apart
in the direction of its length.
Present requirements for guns demand muzzle ve-
Experiments have shown that the greatest stress on
locities of from 2,500 to 3,500 fps. Lower velocities
the metal of the gl,ln is the tensile stress set up in the
give less striking energy. More important still, a pro-
direction of its circumference by powder gas pressure.
jectile fired at low velocity would describe a curve so
In addition, the gun also experiences a longitudinal
high in the air, for long ranges, that hits could not be
stress of relatively small value. If this longitudinal
made unless the range were known with great ac-
stress may be considered constant (and in guns it may
curacy. Since the accurate determination of range is
be so considered without great error) we may lay down
a critical problem in naval gunnery, the high-power
the first of "Lame's laws," as follows:
gun is a necessity. High velocity of a projectile is
produced, of course, by high pressure upon it while
traveling through the bore. (ANY POINT IN WALL)
A gun may be considered as a tube designed to with-
stand a given pressure from within. In constructing
such. a tube, we must first consider what pressures it
will have to withstand at the various points of its
length, and then make it strong enough to insure per-
fect safety. The bore should also be of such material
as to stand the wear and tear of firing a large number
of rounds without being so damaged by expansion or
abrasion as to interfere with the shooting.

682. Stresses in a gun cylinder

Considering a gun only as a cylinder, we find that
the two principal stresses (fig. 6B1) to which such a
cylinder is subjected upon the explosion of a charge
1. A circumferential or tangential stress or tension,
coupled with a radial stress, tending to split the gun Copyright 1939 by the U. S. Naval Institute
open longitudinally. FIGURE6Bl.-Forces in a gun cylinder.

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At any point whatever, in a cylinder under fluid stretch, while the expansion is continuously resisted by
pressure, the sum of the tangential tension and the the tension of the outer layers.
radial pressure varies inversely as the square of the
radius. 683. Properties of gun steel
. This law ~ays, in effect, that in a simple hollow cyl-
. Before considering the construction of a gun accord-
mder under mternal pressure, points in the metal close
mg to this principle, it will be necessary to examine
to the bore experience a large proportion of the stress,
some of the properties of gun steel which have not vet
whereas those at a greater radius experience only a
been considered. Gun steel is elastic within limits:
small proportion. This means that in a simple hollow
thus, if a stress is applied so as to set up a strain (de-
cylinder composed throughout of .metal of homoge-
form.ati?n .or chang: in dimension) not exceeding the
neous physical properties, we soon reach a limit be-
elastic limit of strain of the steel, then the steel will
yond which any thickness of wall aids but little in
return to its original shape and dimensions when the
enabling the cylinder to withstand pressure.
stress is removed. It is then said to have been worked
Hence a modern gun would not be sufficiently strong
within its elastic range. However, when the elastic
to withstand the required pressure if made of a single
limit of strain has been reached, if the stress is in-
simple hollow cylinder, however thick. But the gun
creased the steel will yield rather suddenly and suffer
must be built on a principle which will enable it to
a comparatively large strain without further increase
withstand more internal pressure than could be with-
in stress. Thereafter increase in stress will still further
stood by the simple cylinder type of construction. The
increase strain. The steel is now being worked in its
problem is to make the outer layers take a proper pro-
semiplastic range. (If the stress is still further in-
portion of the stress. In one modern solution to the
creased the strain will go beyond the semiplastic range
problem, the gun is constructed of layers of metal.
The layers nearer the bore are held under an initial and the steel will give rapidly and fracture, even with
compression by the tension of the outer layers. Thus, decrease of load.) The important point is that the
when the gun is fired, the inner layers must first be steel has now received a permanent set or deformation.
expanded sufficiently to remove the initial compression Nevertheless, it will attempt to return to its former
before they begin to experience a positive tension or dimensions when the stress is removed. In other


y K F




Copyright 1939 by the U. IS. NavaZ In8titute

FIGURE 6B2.-Stress and strain in a gun cylinder.

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words, it has suffered a deformation that is permanent but a compound cylinder of two members, the inner
but elastic. of which has an initial strain in compression (nega-
These properties of gun steel are plotted in figure tive) and the outer an initial strain in extension
6B2, in which the ordinates, measured along OY, (positive) .
represent the stresses applied to a test piece, and the When powder gas pressure (stress) is applied in the
abscissas, measured along OX, represent the corre- bore of such a compound cylinder, the pressure must
sponding strains set up. The curve is drawn only to first expand the tube enough to remove the initial
show tension stresses causing extension strain in the strain of compression before it can continue the ex-
steel, but it could be shown that the steel behaves pansion toward the elastic limit of extension of the
similarly under compression stresses causing compres- tube. Such expansion is continuously opposed by the
sive strains. jacket, which is pressing inward. This action may be
As the stressis raised from 0 to A, the steel is strained stated in the following principle:
by the amount OC. If the load is increased slightly, If any pressure be applied to a compound cylinder,
the steel yields suddenly and suffers the additional the strain at each point will be the algebraic sum of
strain CE at practically constant load. A further in- the strain at the point before the pressure was applied
crease in the load to K causes an additional strain EG. and the strain which the same pressure could cause at
The behavior of the steel thus far is represented by the the corresponding point in a simple cylinder, of the
curve OBDF. same dimensions as the compound one. '
If the load is now removed, the curve is seen to re- In a compound cylinder, accordin.g to this rule, the
turn, not to the origin but to the point H, the line FH inner layer receives less strain in firing than would be
being about parallel to OB. The steel has taken the received by the corresponding layer in a simple cylin-
permanent deformation, or strain, OH. but still has der, for the original compression must first be over-
elastic properties, as is shown by the decrease in strain come before any positive strain (extension) can be
from G to H upon removal of the load. HG is some- introduced. Correspondingly, the outer layer receives
what larger thanOC. If the same test piece is again more strain than it would in a simple cylinder plus
stressed, a stress equal to OK will be required to strain the original strain in extension that it receives in con-
it by the amount HG; for purposes of such a second struction. The stress felt by the different layers of
stress, H may be considered to be at the origin. . the gun is then no longer inversely proportional to the
From the above, it may be seen that the steel has ac- square of the radius according to Lame's law, but in-
quired two important new properties: stead is more evenly apportioned among the layers of
(1) It has received a permanent deformation, or metal.
strain, and will resist a compression stress tending to This principle is applied in the built-up gun, which
compress it to its former dimension (curve HM shows was briefly described in the preceding chapter, and is
this action). illustrated in figure 6B3. The principle of prestressing
(2) It has changed its physical qualities in that the by shrinkage has its limits of application, however.
application of a stress beyond its original elastic limit, Regardless of whether strains are set up by firing or by
has given it a new elastic limit practically equal to the prestressing (shrinkage), the following limiting prin-
stress it has sustained. ciple applies: '
Now consider the application of this principle to No fiber of any cylinder of a built-up gun must be
gun construction. strained beyond the elastic limit of the metal of that
6B4. Built-up guns
In a built-up gun, the outer cylinders, or hoops, are
In the simplest built-up gun we begin with an inner heated and assembled one at a time on the tube. As
steel tube of outer diameter d, and place around it a the hoops cool, they shrink, and tightly grip the cylin-
cylindrical jacket of inner diameter d-s. s is small- ders within them. The locking rings are then added
on the order of 0.01 in.; s is called the shrinkage. to prevent longitudinal movement of the hoops. After
The usual method of doing this is to heat the jacket, the hoops and locking rings are assembled on the tube,
thereby expanding it, and to slip it over the cold tube, the entire assembly is heated and shrunk on a liner.
allowing it to cool and shrink in place. The result is The 16-inch ,gun is an example of this construction.
that the tube receives a strain in compression (nega- The liner, which carries the rifling, is usually thinner
tive extension), because of the shrinkage of the jacket than the tube. It is, therefore, not to be considered
upon it, while the jacket receives a strain in extension, a major strength member, since all but a small part
being unable to shrink to its former size. These strains of the strain is transmitted through the liner to the
are well within the elastic limit of strain of the steel. tube and hoops. The liner can be replaced when the
We have here, then, not an initially unstrained steel, rifling has worn down, without sacrificing the other


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FIGURE 6B3.-Built-up major caliber gun. (Cross section.)

parts of the barrel which have a much longer service side the bore layer is brought just to its elastic limit,
life. and the tension in all the other layers is increased.
The assembled barrel forms a cylinder within which Still further increase of pressure increases the per-
high pressure is developed as the charge explodes. manent strain in the bore layer (which is now being
The effect of the pressure is greatest on the inner worked in the portion of the curve BDF, fig. 6B2),
cylinder, and diminishes rapidly as it proceeds out- strains the second layer beyond its elastic limit, brings
ward. If the outer hoops were assembled over the a third layer up to its elastic limit, and increases the
tube without shrinkage, they would be subjected to tension in all the other layers. The increase in pres-
less strain than the tube and the strength of gun sure is continued until the outside layer of metal just
would be little greater than the strength of the tube. reaches its elastic limit of strain, and this pressure is
However, the shrinkage of the hoops squeezes the tube, held for a time. This pressure is considerably greater
at the same time stretching the hoops. The safe than the pressure which the gun will be called upon
pressure of explosion can.then be increased, for it must to withstand when fired.
overcome the squeeze before it can stretch the tube. When the pressure is removed and the metal allowed
The shrinkage is so calculated that each hoop carries to return to a state of rest, the physical condition of
a share of the strain. the forging is as follows:
1. The bore layer, which has experienced the great-
685. Radially expanded guns
est stress and therefore received the greatest perma-
A gun made from a single cylinder which has been nent strain, is pressing outward upon the second layer,
subjected to a radial-expansion process is called a for it tends to be larger than the second layer. Hav-
radially expanded monobloc gun. In this process ing received the greatest stress, it has a greater per-
the gun forging is bored to a diameter somewhat less manent-and-elastic limit than the second layer, and a
than the finished dimension, and turned down on the greater elasticity.
outside to something greater than its finished diameter. 2. Conversely, the second layer, having received
Hydraulic pressure is then applied to the bore. By slightly less stress, is strained' slightly less, has less
Lame's law the metal at various points through the elasticity, and is pressing inward upon the first layer.
wall of the gun will experience stresses. which are 3. Continuing outward, the third layer bears the
inversely proportional to the square of their radii. same relation to the second layer as the second does
The pressure in the bore is increased in steps, until a
to the first, and so on.
thin, indefinite layer of metal nearest the bore is
The net result is that the -inner layers are being
brought to its elastic limit of strain. At this time all
pressed upon by the outer layers, and receive a strain
the other (imaginary) layers of metal in the forging
are also strained, but all within their elastic limit, and in compression, as in the curve HM, figure 6B2, but
the amount of strain decreases regularly as we con- they resist this pressing inward by pressing outward,
sider layers of the metal more and more remote from and thereby place the outer layer in a state of tension.
the bore. We then have a gun constructed by a process of self-
The pressure is now increased so that the bore layer hooping (autofrettage), made as if composed of an
is strained beyond its elastic limit, the layer next out- infinite number of infinitely thin hoops shrunk to-

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gether and therefore demonstrating the principle of per square inch in small guns may be higher than
initial tensions. those in large guns, but this may be compensated by
The radial-expansion process results in a cylinder increasing the size of the forging, which is not exces-
in which the change from squeeze on the inner layer sively large in any event. This type of construction
to stretch of the outer layer is uniform. The change is, at the present time, limited to guns of 3-inch caliber
in a built-up gun is in steps from hoop to hoop, and and smaller; but the development of steels with greater
the strength of the metal is not fully utilized. The metallurgical strength may make it applicable to large
metal in a radially expanded gun is used much more guns in the future.
efficiently; therefore, radially expanded guns weigh
688. Rifling
less than built-up guns of the same strength. The
reduced weight of the barrel makes possible a lighter Chapter 5 explained the nature and purpose of
gun assembly. rifting. Figure 6B4 shows in a detailed cross section
The radial-expansion process permits faster gun pro- the chamber of a gun, a seated projectile, and the
duction at lower cost. With the saving in weight, this origin of rifting, and figure 6B5 shows details of gun
makes radially expanded preferable to built-up guns. rifting. The velocity of projectile rotation when it
However, the process is limited at present to moderate- leaves the muzzle of a gun. depends on the twist of
size guns because of the difficulty of obtaining a single the rifting and the velocity of the projectile. A 16"/50
forging large enough for those of major caliber. Typ-
projectile turns at about 4,000 rpm when it leaves the
ical monobloc barrels are found in the 5"/38 caliber
muzzle, and a 40-mm projectile turns at about 40,000
guns and the 6"/47 caliber guns.
686. Combination guns In guns 5-inch and smaller, rifting is cut into the gun
tube's bore. Larger guns may be fitted with tubular
The built-up and radially expanded methods may
also be incorporated in a single gun. Thus the diffi- loose liners, which can be replaced with relative ease
culty of obtaining a single forging big enough for the when the rifting is worn out. The rate of rifting wear
larger guns can be overcome. The 8"/55 caliber gun, tends to increase with caliber.
for example, has a jacket shrunk on a radially ex-
689. Differences in construction between case and
panded tube.
bag guns
687. Simple one-piece guns Nowadays only large guns (8-inch and up) use bag
Many small guns such as the 40- and 20-mm are· ammunition. Hence bag guns are generally of the
made from a single steel forging which requires neither built-up type, while a case gun may be monobloc or
radial expansion nor hoops. The pressures developed built-up, depending on size. Other differences in con-




FIGURE 6B4.-Details of breech and chamber (bag gun), with projectile seated.


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FIGURE 6B5.-Details of gun rifling.



.FIGURE 6B6.-Housing-to-barrel joint for case gun.

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struction between case and bag guns are concerned because of the possibility of one inadvertently remain-
only with the breech structure. ing in a gun when firing. However, dirt and water,
The breech end of a case gun generalIy terminates especially salt water, must be kept out of the gun; so
in an "interrupted-screw thread which meshes with a canvas, or in the case of small calibers, plastic, muzzle
similar thread in the gun housing. Figure 6B6 illus- covers are used. In an emergency, the projectile can
trates a typical arrangement, which is easy to recognize be forced through such covers without bursting the
as an application of the interrupted-screw principle barrel. This procedure is, of course, subject to cer-
discussed in the preceding chapter. A key prevents tain limitations. Projectiles with supersensitive nose
rotation of the barrel with respect to the housing after fuzes cannot be fired through muzzle covers of any
engagement. sort. In cold-weather operations, when canvas covers
The breech end of a bag gun has a yoke, a massive may become ice coated, they should be removed before
metal ring, surrounding it. The yoke provides a con- firing.
nection between the barrel and other recoiling parts More immediately dangerous than corrosion or dirt
and the recoil and counterrecoil systems. Shoulders is metallic constriction of the bore. Before and after
on the gun prevent movement with respect to the yoke. each firing, barrels are tested for this condition with
The yoke serves also as a counterweight to bring the a plug gage, which is a steel cylinder accurately ma-
gun's center of gravity toward the breech. The after chined to slightly under the diameter of the bore. If
end of the gun chamber contains the screw-box liner at any time it is discovered that the plug gage will not
or screw box, a steel insert whose threaded interior pass through the bore without undue forcing, the
surface meshes with the stepped thread of the breech nature of the constriction must be determined.
plug. The liner is locked in position by keep screws, One type of constriction is coppering consisting of
and can be replaced if worn or damaged. It is illus- metallic deposits on the bore, left behind by the rotat-
trated in the chapter on turrets. ing bands of projectiles. Even an amount of copper
too slight to impede the projectile will affect its
6810. Care of bore and chamber accuracy. Metallic lead foil in the powder charge,
Complete instructions for the regular inspection and while increasing muzzle flash, has been used in some
cleaning of gun barrels will be found in the Bureau of powders to control coppering. The lead, reduced
Ordnance Manual and other publications of that either to a molten and thinly dispersed state or to a
bureau. Only a few of the more important aspects gaseous one, serves as a lubricant on top of which
of gun maintenance will be discussed here. copper deposits will not form. Once so treated, new
or increased deposits of copper will not occur, and the
Great heat, great pressure, and complicated chemi-
existing deposits wiII be abraded or swept along by
cal changes accompany the burning of the charge.
the passing projectile. The firing of the older type of
Some but not aII of the residue of the burning is biown
star shell, which has a lead gasket between its base
out of the muzzle after the projectile. That which
and its flanged base plug, has a similar effect. The
remains in the gun is in the form of a corrosive salt.
newest propellants have incorporated into their com-
Standard procedure is to remove this "fouling" by
position a trace of lead carbonate, much more readily
washing out the bore with a hot soda solution and ap-
reducible than even the finest metallic lead foil.
plying a thin film of oil before securing until the next
Copper fouling may also be removed with an acid
firing. Since the advent of chromium plating of gun
treatment, but this is not authorized for shipboard
bores, powder fouling is much less of a problem.
use. Approved mechanical means for meeting this
Dirt in a gun bore is not only an invitation to cor-
condition consist of rubbing away the constriction
rosion but a source of positive danger because, if it
with a wire bore brush or with a lapping head such
offers sufficient resistance to the passage of the projec-
as shown in figure 6B7. The head is covered with a
tile, excessive pressure may pile up at a point where the
fine abrasive material and is drawn back and forth
design of the gun will not withstand it. To guard
at the location of the constriction until the plug gage
against the accidental admission of dirt, spray, or mois- can be passed through without forcing. Special
ture into the gun, a solid muzzle plug, rather like a scraping or decoppering heads, fitted with steel blades,
cork, calIed a tompion (pronounced tom-kin), is in- are supplied for certain guns.
serted. This is only a partial solution, because under
certain weather conditions considerable condensation
accumulates in the bore. This moisture is also a
source of corrosion danger. In fair, dry weather,
tom pions are removed to air out the barrels.
Tompions cannot be used under combat conditions, FIGURE 6B7.-Plug gage and lapping head.

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Steel constriction also occurs in built-up guns. The liner inward. As with coppering, steel constriction
friction of the projectile on the bore tends to drag can be removed by lapping and polishing.
the liner along with it, which tendency is resisted by Continued firing may also elongate the liner and
the shoulders of the liner and the tube. With con- cause it to protrude from the muzzle. This is not a
tinued firing, the shoulders of the liner tend to over- serious condition. When the extension amounts to as
ride those of the tube, thereby forcing the walls of the much as half an inch, it is simply cut off.

C. Interior Ballistics
6Cl. Ballistics ity may be imparted to the projectile without excessive
heat, pressure, or erosion. To accomplish this the
Ballistics is the science of the motion of projectiles.
thrust against the base of the projectile must be uni-
It is divided into two branches, interior and exterior
form. The most efficient propellant for a gun would
ballistics. Interior ballistics is that branch of the sci-
be so balanced that the charge is entirely consumed
ence which treats of the motion of the projectile while
immediately before the projectile leaves the muzzle.
in the gun. The initial velocity-i. e., the speed of the
A "high explosive" is one capable of instantaneous
projectile at the time it leaves the muzzle of the gun-
evolution of masses of highly heated gases. A "low
IS a result of the various forces which are involved in
explosive," such as smokeless powder is not detonated
the general term, interior ballistics. Exterior ballistics
but is burned in an appreciable length of time, causin~
pertains to the projectile after it leaves the gun and
a comparatively gradual evolution of gases, with
will be considered in the fire control problem, dis-
consequently much less shock and wear to the con-
cussed in Volume 2. Obviously the initial velocity is
tainer. From this may readily be seen the imp rac-
the one value common to both interior and exterior
ticabilit~ of using high explosives for propelling
charges m guns, and the suitability therefor of smoke-
Gun design is essentially a compromise. The gun-
less powder. Figure 6C2 illustrates this fact.
ner naturally desires a maximum velocity for great
A propelling charge must be suited to the gun in
range and flat trajectory; the designer must consider
which it is to be used; that is, the speed of burning of
the strength of his gun and desires the minimum wear
the charge must, within close limits, be appropriate to
or erosion therein. The velocity finally agreed upon
the specific gun. Several factors are involved' for
must take into consideration both of these require-
example, the size of the grain, the shape, the number
ments. To determine the velocity of the projectile at
o.f perforations, the web thickness between perfora-
the muzzle of the gun requires a study of (1) the com-
tions, the percentage of nitration, the moisture con-
b~sti.on of the powder, (2) the pressures developed
tent, the remaining volatiles, and the stabilizer used.
within the gun, (3) the variations in pressures and
?f th.ese, grain size is the most easily changed, and it
velocities with changes in any of the "conditions of
IS vaned to control the rate of burning. The percent-
loading", and (4) erosion at the bore. Such is the
age of nitration is fixed. The moisture content and the
field of interior ballistics.
remaining volatiles vary with grain size. Diphenyla-
6C2. Propellants mine stabilizer absorbs nitrous vapors, the first prod-
Propelling charges are designed to burn in the cham-
ber of the gun in such a way that the maximum veloc-


FIGURE 6Cl.-Burning surface of perforated powders. FIGURE 6C2.-Gun pressure curves.


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ucts of decomposition, the pressure of which would charge begins to burn but before the projectile begins
otherwise cause the generation of more vapors at a to move. (The x-axis in the figure represents pro-
continually increasing rate. jectile movement in the bore, not time or bore length.)
The grain shape of gun propelling charges is nor- The projectile begins to move only after the propellent
mally cylindrical. The web thickness and the number gas reaches the initial forcing pressure required to ini-
of perforations vary with the size of the grain. For tiate movement of the projectile in spite of projectile
guns smaller than 40-mm the number of perforations inertia and the engagement of the rotating band in
is 1 or none, and for larger guns the number of per- the rifling.
forations is usually 7. See figure 6Cl. Note that the gun strength curve is represented as
A propellant's potential is defined as the total work a straight horizontal line above the area between the
that could be performed by the gases of combustion point of initial forcing pressure and the point of maxi-
while expanding from the solid state to the space they mum pressure. It does not vary in parallel with
would occupy when fully expanded to atmospheric pressure curve. The reason is that the same pressure
pressure and when cooled to a specified temperature. that the expanding gases exert against the base of the
It is of interest to note that there is less stored-up projectile is exerted equally against all interior sur-
energy in smokeless powder than in most common faces of the gun behind the projectile. Hence the
fuels. The chief characteristic of an explosive lies in breech part of the barrel must be designed for the
its enormous rate of delivery rather than in its amount maximum stress to be imposed.
of delivery. In the average conventional gun, some After the projectile passes the point of maximum
60 percent of the potential disappears in muzzle loss; pressure, it continues to be accelerated by gas pres-
30 percent is transmitted to the projectile, and all other sure until it leaves the muzzle. The total area under
losses-such as heating the projectile and gun, causing the curve, up to the point where the projectile leaves
the gun to recoil, and so forth-amount to about 10 the gun, is a rough measure of initial velocity, and the
percent. pressure remaining at the muzzle is an indication of
the muzzle loss. A high muzzle pressure increases
6C3. Gun strength-pressure relationship
muzzle flash.
To establish the basic principles of gun design, study·
figure 6C3. The figure may be taken as typical of 6C4. Changes in "conditions of loading"
the strength-pressure relationship in modern guns.
Note that the high breech strength is carried well By "conditions of loading" are meant the powder
forward of the point of maximum pressure. The gun used, the weight of charge, the density of loading, the
strength at every point must exceed the powder pres- volume and form of the powder chamber, and the
sure at that point by an amount that will provide a weight of the projectile.
suitable margin of safety. a. Powder used and weight of charge. Powders are
The curve as it appears in figure 6C2 shows pressure spoken of as quick and slow powders, these terms being
beginning at a value well above zero. This indicates used only in reference to a particular gun. A slow
the pressure build-up that occurs after the propelling powder is one in which the rate of combustion is com-
paratively slow, and a quick powder is one in which the





FIGURE 6C4.- Typical gun pressure curves showing variations
FIGURE 6C3.-Typicai gun strength and pressure curves. due to quickness of powder, same weight of charge.


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little space for initial expansion, and consequently that

the pressure builds up rapidly. Therefore the maxi-
mum pressure behind the projectile is reached early in
the projectile's movement through the bore. With a
lower density of loading, more expansion of the gases
may take place before the projectile starts to move;
the maximum pressure is achieved later, and this
maximum is necessarily lower than that resulting from
high density of loading. Other factors remaining
equal, increased density of loading increases maximum
pressure, muzzle velocity, and muzzle loss.
The densities of loading at present vary between 0.4
PROJECTIlE TRAVEL • and 0.7, depending on the caliber of the gun and on
FIGURE 6C5.-Typical gun pressure curves showing methods whether the charge is case, stacked bag, or unstacked
of obtaining increased muzzle velocity in a gun without bag. Since the specific gravity of smokeless powder is
increasing maximum pressure.
about 1.6, the following relationship holds:
Density of loading= 1.6 v,
rate of combustion is comparatively rapid. For in- where
stance, a small-grain powder is quicker than a larger v = the proportion of the total chamber volume
grain of the same shape, since all the grains would be which is filled by the charge.
consumed in a shorter time. Not only will the larger Hence it is apparent that a loading density of 0.4
grain increase the time required for burning the would require a charge filling 25 percent of the cham-
charge, but it will also cause maximum pressure to be ber volume, and a loading density of 0.7 would require
lower and tobe reached later in the travel of the pro- a charge filling 45 percent of the chamber volume.
jectile. The gun pressure curves shown in figure 6C4 When the density of loading drops markedly below
compare slow powders and quick powders where the the above figures, irregularities of muzzle velocity may
same weight of charge was used. Within limits, the be expected. This is probably due to nonuniform ig-
muzzle velocity for a particular gun may be increased nition, excessive physical displacement of the powder
without causing excessive pressure by increasing the grains during the burning, and an abnormal burning
size of the charge and at the same time using a powder rate. Whatever the cause, it is evident that the pres-
that burns more slowly. See figure 6C5. sure builds up irregularly instead of smoothly, and
b. Density of loading. Density of loading is the ratio there is real danger that the high point will be reached
of the weight of the charge of powder to that of the at the wrong time.
volume of water which, at standard temperature, A practical example of this would be a projectile
would fill the powder chamber. It is a measure of lodged part-way down the bore of a gun, thus greatly
the amount of space in which the gases of combustion increasing the effective chamber volume. Not only
may expand before the projectile begins to move. has this the effect of greatly lowering density, thereby
See figure 6C6. causing pressure waves which may build up beyond a
It follows that a high density of loading leaves but safe limit, but it also extends the area of maximum
pressure beyond the area of maximum barrel thickness.
Should a normal powder charge be used to dislodge a
projectile so positioned, the result would be a burst, or
at least a bulge, immediately behind the projectile.
Very high density of loading, on the other hand,
may cause detonation of the propelling charge, again
resulting in a burst gun.
c. Volume and form of powder chamber. The de-
:::0 signers of the gun, having established first the desired
muzzle velocity, then the limiting maximum pressure
.... allowable in the gun (determined from study of gun
construction), can proceed to determine the volume
and form of the powder chamber and the weight of the
PROJECTILE TRAVEL • charge. Once a particular gun has been built, the
volume and form of the powder chamber changes only
FIGURE 6C6.- Typical gun pressure curves showing variations
due to density of loading. because of erosion at the origin of rifling and improper


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seating of the projectile. This will cause irregular powder, and attains this maximum pressure lat~r in
muzzle velocity. Projectiles differing in weight-for the travel of the projectile.
example, high-capacity and armor-piercing types-can 3. Increasing the weight of a charge of powder of
be fired from a given gun. High-capacity projectiles, a given grain size increases the maximum pressure
being lighter, will have a slightly higher muzzle attained and causes this maximum to occur earlier
velocity. in the travel of the projectile.
6C5. Summary 4. Because of muzzle loss and irregularity of muzzle
velocity, slow powders are less efficient than fast
The following conclusions may be drawn from the
propellant pressure curves and the foregoing powders.
discussion: 5. The muzzle velocity of a given gun may be in-
1. High explosives are not suitable for use as creased within limits by using larger charges of slower
propellants. propellan ts.
2. Using the same weight of charge, a slow powder 6. In general, powders designed for different classes
produces a smaller maximum pressure than a fast of guns are not interchangeable.

D. Erosion
601. Causes of erosion therefore the muzzle velocity. To avoid this, there is
a lip of slightly greater diameter at the base of the
The deterioration and wearing away of the bore sur-
rotating band which tends to engage the forcing cone
face by use is known as erosion. This effect is not
more nearly at the same point at every loading, re-
the direct result of friction caused by the projectile in
gardless of gun wear. Naturally, this applies only to
its movement down the bore. There is some uncer-
bag and semifixed ammunition, where the projectile
tainty about the exact process by which the interior
is not positioned by the case. In all guns, however,
of a gun wears away, but it is generally agreed that
erosion at the origin of rifling permits gas to escape
the following are the principal causes:
around the projectile, and this in turn increases
1. The inner surface becomes intensely heated in
firing, and the rush of hot gases across this hot metal
As the lands wear, not only does more gas escape
has a scouring effect.
around the projectile but the rifling engraves the band
2. The hot powder gases react with the metal,
less deeply, reducing materially both the initial forc-
changing the carbon content on the surface of the bore.
ing pressure and the resistance of the projectile to the
Since this surface is designed with an optimum carbon
gas pressure. The effect is a material drop in muzzle
content, any change results in a weakening of the
3. The alternation of intense heat and rapid cool- 603. Control of erosion
ing affects the temper of the metal.
All erosion factors are related to (1) the tempera-
4. The explosion gases are forced into and out of
ture of the expanding gases and (2) the duration of
the pores in the metal surface as they open and close
their confinement in the bore. So, larger guns, with
during the expansion and contraction which accom-
their slower powders and longer barrels, suffer more
panies such drastic temperature changes.
erosion per round fired than smaller guns, but the
5. Heat cracks may develop.
higher firing rate of the lesser guns offsets this,
6. Gases escaping around the projectile act as high- because it permits less cooling time between rounds.
velocity jets, scouring the bore and causing damage,
Chromium plating of gun bores has reduced the
especially where there are heat cracks.
effects of erosion, and it may be possible that in the
602. Effects of erosion future the use of molybdenum in this fashion will make
for even better erosion resistance.
Two fundamental facts of erosion are (1) that it is Some smaller guns are cooled by water jackets
always greatest at the origin of rifling, and (2) that around the barrels, and experiments are under way
the tops of the lands wear away faster than do the bot- on introducing a coolant between the tubes and the
toms of the grooves. liners of larger guns. Also under development are
Enlargement at the origin of rifling, in bag guns cooler propellants. Any development that reduces the
and guns using semifixed ammunition, tends to heat of explosion will aid in erosion control and,
permit the projectile to seat farther and farther toward inasmuch as excessive erosion imposes much of the
the muzzle. This reduces the density of loading and present limitation upon muzzle velocity, temperature

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reduction appears to be a most practical approach to tive service conditions. With expendable liners, much
more effective gunnery. higher muzzle velocities with their increased erosion
would become acceptable.
604. Gun life
605. Erosion measurement
Erosion, however carefully controlled, eventually
terminates gun life. Though, with the exception of There are, for each class of gun, curves furnished
the larger turret installations, regunning is relatively to ships showing relationship between the enlarge-
simple, it cannot be done under combat conditions. ment of the bore and the initial velocity to be expected
Therefore, the duration of the effectiveness of a gun from the gun. Thus if the actual diameter is fre-
is of paramount importance. quently checked, velocity loss becomes predictable,
Symptoms of the end of serviceability are: ( 1) loss proper allowance for it can be made in aiming, and,
of accuracy, (2) loss of velocity, and (3) erratic fuze of at least equal importance, barrels or liners may
actions. Naturally, a gun that does not hit its targets be replaced before their performance becomes notice-
is no longer useful; neither is one of inadequate ably erratic.
range and armor-piercing capacity, both of which In some minor-caliber guns, measurement of bore
result from velocity loss. Erratic fuze action not only enlargement is made at the origin of rifling only. This
undermines effectiveness but can endanger friendly is done with a wear gage, which is a truncated cone
personnel. that can be inserted directly in the breech. In larger
Any of these conditions can take place when the guns, erosion is measured at several points in the bore
rifling no longer imparts adequate rotational velocity with a star gage.
to stabilize the projectile in flight. In small arms, This is a simple device, consisting basically of a
this effect can be seen when tracers are used, and a
hollow staff with a head at one end and a handle at
barrel should be replaced when erratic flight is
the other. By means of the staff, the head can be in-
observed. With larger guns, however, it is important
serted in the bore to the desired point. Three re-
that replacements be made before the effectiveness is
seriously reduced. movable points, the length of which varies with the
Up to the present, relining guns has been a naval caliber of the gun to be measured, are carried in
shipyard operation, but recent experiments indicate sockets spaced radially 1200 apart in the head. The
that it may soon be possible to use a loose liner with sockets are pressed inward upon a cone by spiral
as much as 0.010 inch between it and the tube. This springs and move inward or outward, at right angles
will make it possible to regun aboard ship under ac- to the staff, as the cone, activated by a threaded rod







FIGURE 6Dl.-The star gage.

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which the hollow staff contains, is advanced or re- the curves can be used. For instance, it has been de-
tracted. A vernier on the handle end of the staff termined that a reduced 1,200 fs charge will cause only
measures this inward and outward movement of the one-sixth the erosion of a full 2,600 fs charge. Conse-
points in thousandths of an inch. quently, for computation purposes, six such rounds
Before use, the star gage is calibrated by inserting would be regarded as one E. S. R.
the points into a standard ring, accurately machined The legend accompanying the graphs gives the
to the designed bore diameter of the gun, and setting proper method of using them. (See appendix B.)
the vernier at zero. Then, upon insertion into the Other corrections are required when firing certain in-
bore, vernier readings directly measure bore enlarge- dexes of powder, but such information is included in
ment. As a rule, two readings, 1800 apart, are taken the same Bureau of Ordnance publications as the
at each point of the bore to be measured. curves.
Of these measurements, that taken immediately Without periodic star gaging, the equivalent-rounds
forward of the origin of rifling is the most important. procedure would not be accurate, mainly because the
It has been found that muzzle velocity loss is a function typical curves take no account of the rate of fire.
of bore enlargement at this point, and tables'or graphs, Rounds fired with very short cooling intervals between
such as those illustrated in volume 2, are predicated cause much greater erosion than the same number of
upon it. rounds fired at normal intervals. For practical gun-
Specimen curves (for 5"/38 guns Mk 12 and mods) nery, however, the curves are considered sufficiently
used in figuring equivalent service rounds and velocity reliable for use, if no better data can be obtained.
loss are illustrated in appendix B. One curve shows
607. Improved methods of measuring I. V.
equivalent service rounds plotted against measured
bore enlargement (in thousandths of an inch) at the At proving grounds gun projectile velocity is meas-
origin of rifling. The other curve shows directly ured by a device called a chronograph. In one (older)
velocity loss (from the nominal standard service value type the projectile cuts wires when it passes through
of 2,600 fps) as plotted against bore enlargement at two successive screens located in the trajectory at
the same point. Thus, from the measurement of bore known ranges, and the exact time of each passage is
enlargement, it is possible with these curves to deter- recorded. This yields the projectile velocity between
mine equivalent service rounds fired, and velocity loss the screens, and from this 1. V. can be reckoned. In
in feet per second. a more recent type, the projectile passes through two
magnetic coils in succession, and the induced impulses,
606. Velocity loss estimation amplified, cause sparks to pass through a rapidly mov-
Star gages are not carried on combatant ships, and ing tape. From this the elapsed time and then the
star gaging is done only when shore- or tender-based 1. V. can be worked out.
facilities are available, however desirable it might be Both of these methods require special setups of coils
in theory to do it before and after every firing. After or screens, careful gun placement and aim, much aux-
each firing, when a star gage is not available, the addi- iliary equipment, specially skilled technicians, and a
tional bore enlargement must be approximated. good deal of time. They are consequently not prac-
Estimates depend upon the fact that, under normal tical for shipboard use. But because erosion and 1. V.
are significant factors in fire control, the Navy has
conditions, each round fired causes a certain amount
developed chronographs on far different principles
of erosion, experimentally determined for various
which can actually measure service rounds fired on
periods in the life of the barrel. The standard unit
shipboard. One such design incorporates the velocity-
of measurement is equivalent service rounds (E. S. R.) . measuring device in a fire control system. In the
Reduced charges, which are used for such purposes as other, the chronograph device (which works on a
gunnery practice, have less effect than service charges. different principle from those already mentioned, since
Increased charges, used for proving guns, have more it measures projectile velocity in the gun bore) is
effect on bore enlargement. When such charges are mounted in the barrel and on the carriage as an inde-
fired, their effect must be reduced to E. S. R.'s before pendent unit.

E. New Developments in Gun Design

6El. Attainment of high muzzle velocity future position of the target, and the less time the pro-
jectile spends in the air between the muzzle and the
Defense against modern high-speed aircraft is objective, the less time hostile aircraft have for de-
lar.gelya fire control problem. Firing is at a predicted fensive maneuvering. Higher muzzle velocities are


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FIGURE6El.-Five ways of imparting high velocities to projectiles.

not the whole answer, but do contribute to the sim- from gO-mm antiaircraft guns. This too has disad-
plification of the problem. vantages for sea use, as the discarded sabot is danger-
Of the several means of achieving higher muzzle ous to nearby friendly ships.
velocities, the following either were used in action in Conventional projectiles fired from high-strength or
World War II or were experimented with. See fig- extra long guns can attain a velocity limited only by the
ure 6El. amount of pressure that the gun can withstand and
Lightweight projectiles fired from conventional guns by the amount of pressure that can be developed with
attained muzzle velocity of about 4,000 feet per second available types of powder. Such guns would be heav-
as compared with 2,700 for the standard projectiles. ier and require considerably more space aboard ship
Air resistance, however, so quickly retarded this type than guns which impart conventional velocities to
of projectile that it was of slight use at the longer standard projectiles.
ranges prevailing in naval warfare. It was used with Tapered-bore guns firing "skirted" projectiles have
.great effect ashore in antitank warfare, where ranges many of the advantages of the sabot without the
were shorter. danger to friendly personnel. This subcaliber projec-
Subcaliber projectiles fired from conventional guns tile is equipped with flanges which furnish a gas seal
lightened the projectile and, at the same time, pre- and which are squeezed inward by a tapered reduction
sented less surface for air resistance. This is a more in the size of the bore toward the muzzle. There is
slender projectile fitted with a lightweight bushing some loss of accuracy and a smaller projectile is fired,
called a sabot which fits the gun bore and drops away but these effects are more than compensated for by the
after the projectile leaves the muzzle. The German reduced time of flight. The Germans used such
army achieved muzzle velocities above 5,000 fs with "squeeze-bore" guns in sizes from 20- to 75-mm and
guns as large as l l-inch and also fired sabot projectiles attained 4,700 fs muzzle velocities with them.

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FIGURE 6E2.-Exaggerated sketch showing how the projectile causes high stresses in the gun barrel.

Rocket-assisted projectiles were used by the Ger- projectile to pass through, and to resume its normal
mans in large guns, the rocket action being initiated diameter after the projectile has passed, rather like an
during flight. The range of this projectile was greatly ostrich swallowing an orange. See figure 6E2. En-
increased, but the space in the projectile occupied by tirely new methods of stress analysis had to be devel-
the rocket propellant reduced the pay-load of high ex- oped to evaluate the influence of this previously un-
plosive that the projectile could carry. It appears recognized factor.
doubtful that rocket-assisted projectiles could consist-
ently provide the accuracy obtainable from other pro- 6E3. Disadvantages of high-velocity guns.
jectiles, but they are worthy of consideration for fir- Reduced time of flight increases a gun's effective-
ing at very long ranges. ness, but, especially for shipboard use, there are other
considerations. Such guns must necessarily be larger
6E2. Design aspects of high-performance gun
barrels and heavier than conventional guns, so much so that
the installation of one high-velocity gun on a present
Ordinary-performance guns have always been made day naval craft might mean sacrificing several guns of
with a high safety margin, but the development of ordinary velocity. Moreover, because of the addi-
the high-performance barrel, with its concomitant tional powder required, ammunition handling would
bulk and other complications, required a re-study of be complicated and it would be harder to maintain a
gun design, so as to cut safety margin to a minimum. high rate of fire. Further, these guns wear out more
It was with some surprise, during this study, that quickly than those designed for ordinary-velocity pro-
ordnance engineers learned that the projectile set up jectiles. A careful evaluation of all advantages and
higher stresses within the gun than the powder pres- disadvantages of various types of guns is necessary in
sure. The liner is obliged to stretch to allow the determining optimum armament. of a ship.

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Chapter 7


A. Introduction

7A 1. General stowage magazines, are completely surrounded by

heavy armor protection.
The type of gun emplacement called a turret is, in
general, that in which several heavy guns of at least 7 A4. Description of a typical bag-gun turret
6-inch caliber are mounted in an armored structure
which is revolved on rollers by suitable machinery, the All turrets equipped with bag guns are essentially
guns being elevated independently of the structure. similar. The major portion of this chapter is devoted
The Bureau of Ordnance designates ordnance equip- to a detailed description of the lfi-inch 50-caliber 3-gun
ment as gun mounts or as gun turrets according to the turret as installed on the Iowa class battleships.
division of cognizance between that bureau and the Other modern major-caliber turrets such as the
Bureau of Ships. In general, if the equipment is mas- 16"/45 caliber, 12"/50 caliber, and 8"/55 caliber
sive enough to require assembly of parts on the ship (Baltimore class) differ from the turret described in
as it is being built, it is called a turret. If the assembly many mechanical details, but in general the installa-
tions and equipment perform the same' basic functions.
is made in a gun shop and then hoisted aboard as a
Therefore, if the operation of one of these assemblies
complete unit, it is called a gun mount.
is thoroughly understood it is a relatively simple matter
Turret installations on present United States Navy to learn the details of the others from appropriate
ships are equipped with guns of 6-inch caliber or ordnance publications.
larger. All turrets have either 2 or 3 guns. They The 16-inch 50-caliber turret has its' equipment
are the primary offensive armament or main battery located on six separate levels.' These are (1) the
of cruisers and battleships. gun house, (2) the pan floor, (3) the machinery floor,
(4) and (5) the upper and lower projectile flats and
7A2. Turret arrangement (6) the powder-handling room. See figure 7Al.
The first (upper) level, or gun house, contains the
Turrets are located fore and aft on the centerline
turret officer's control booth, the gun compartments,
of the ship, so that they are able to fire on either beam.
and the right and left sight stations. See figure 7A2.
Some turrets are built higher than the adjacent ones, All of these compartments are separated by flametight
so that they can shoot over them. This arrangement bulkheads. The after part of the gun house contains
provides the maximum arc of fire, usually about 300 the only entrance hatch to the turret from the
degrees per turret. weather deck. The hatch opens 'into the turret
officer's booth. Located in the booth are the range-
7A3. Turret armor finder, the local control computer, the fire control and
communications circuits necessary for turret control,
All turret structures are protected by armor plate.
and the power equipment for the rammer mecha-
The gun house is protected by heavy armor plate on
nisms. The three separate gun compartments, or gun
the face, sides, roof, and rear. Surrounding the rotat-
rooms as they are commonly called, have the controls
ing structure below the gun house and extending to and equipment necessary for servicing the guns. The
the armored decks of the ship, is a fixed cylinder of two sight stations contain duplicate equipment for the
heavy armor called the barbette. The lower spaces operation of the turret optical sights by the pointers,
of the turrets are protected by the side armor belt of trainers, and sight setters.
the ship, and by the armored decks of the ship. All The second level, counting downward, is called the
the turret structures, therefore, including the powder pan fioor. It contains the pockets or open pits into


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FIGURE 7Al.-Cutaway view of a modern turret (16-inch).

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FIGURE 7A2.-Plan view of turret gun house.

which the breeches of the guns are depressed as the projectile stowage and handling rooms, shown in figure
guns are elevated. It also contains operating ma- 7A5. Here the projectiles are taken from the stow-
chinery as shown in figure 7A3. ages, loaded into hoists, and lifted up into the. gun
The third level (downward) is the machinery rooms.
floor on which are located the stations for the three The lowest level is the powder-handling room. Sur-
gun layers and the turret trainer. They operate the rounding the handling room are the fixed powder-
machinery which moves the guns in elevation and stowage magazines. The bags of powder are passed
the turret in train in response to fire control orders. from the magazines through flameproof openings
This level is a maze of electric-hydraulic machinery called powder scuttles into the handling room. Here
necessary for turret operation. See figure 7A4. the bags are loaded into elevator-type hoists which
The next two levels down are the upper and lower deliver them to the gun rooms.

B. Gun and Breech Assembly

7B1. The gun cylinder. The total weight is approximately 120 tons.
The rifling has a uniform twist of 1 turn in 25 cali-
The 16"/50 caliber gun is a built-up gun consisting bers. The bore is chromium plated to retard erosion.
of a liner, a tube, a jacket, three hoops, and a yoke The powder chamber is slightly less than 18.5 inches in
ring. It has an overall length of 68 feet, and a maxi- diameter and about 9 feet long.
mum outside diameter of 46 inches at the slide The screw-box liner is screwed into the breech, and

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FIGURE 7A3.-Pan'Hoor, plan view, 16"/50 gun turret,

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FIGURE 7A4.-Machinery floor, plan view, 16"/50 caliber gun turret.


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FIGURE 7A5.-Projectile stowage and handling floor. plan view, 16"/50 caliber gun turret.
its inner surface provides the stepped threads which plug, (2) a mushroom and gas-check pad, (3) a car-
engage those on the Welin-type plug. Ducts between rier, (4) counterbalance springs and closing cylinder,
the gun and the liner, and holes through the latter, (5) rotating cams, (6) an operating lever and con-
provide the air leads of the gas-ejector system. necting rod, and (7) a salvo latch.
The yoke is mounted around the breech end of the Welin plug and gas seal. The plug rotates 29° to
gun to provide the means for securing the recoil pis- lock to the screw-box liner. The design of the blank
ton rod and the two counterrecoil cylinder yoke rods sectors permits the two plug-rotating cams to rotate
to the gun. See figures 7Cl and 7C2. The yoke also the plug slightly over 6 degrees before the threads en-
helps to counterbalance the gun. The yoke is secured gage while the breech is closing. The earn action
to the gun by a key, a fixed ring, and a locking ring. assists in obtaining a smooth transition between plug
A shoulder on the yoke butts against the rear face or translation and rotation.
breech end of the fixed ring secured to the gun in an The mushroom and gas-check pad are the conven-
annular groove. The locking ring screws into the tional De Bange type described in article 5B4. An
yoke and holds it in place against the fixed ring. The indication of the mushroom size is that its weight is
key prevents rotation about the gun axis. over 220 pounds.
The plug is mounted on the carrier as shown in figure
7B2. Breech mechanism 7B3. The threads on the carrier journal and in the
The breech mechanism is shown in figures 7Bl and plug recess have a pitch of 0.9 inch. This means that
7B2. Its principal parts include: (1) a Welin-type the plug will move aft 0.9 inch per counterclockwise


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FIGURE 7Bl.-16-inch breech mechanism, breech open. Inset: Details of breech operating devices.

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FIGURE 7B2.-16-inch breech mechanism, breech closed.

revolution. Since the plug is unlocked by a rotation does not, the continued rearward movement of the
of 29°, it is evident that it will move aft on the carrier plug separates the pad from its seat.
journal about 0.1 inch when the breech is opened. Carrier and associated equipment. The plug and
carrier, which have a combined weight of about 2,000
If the gas-check pad is stuck to the seating surface, the
pounds, swing about a pivot supported by the hinge
plug will pull away from the back of the pad and the
lug secured to the gun. The plug is locked in the open
compressed spring around the mushroom stem will position by a holding-down latch until it is released
tend to force the mushroom nut, and hence the pad, by a foot crank near the loading platform.
aft. This force ordinarily breaks the seal; but if it The opening buffer functions to bring the downward


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'-----------'~RECOIL PISTON
FIGURE 7B3.-Breech plug and carrier.

movement of the carrier to a stop without shock. In system after the pressure ha~ been reduced from 200
construction and operation it is similar to a grooved- to about 40 psi. The counter-balance springs are so
wall type of recoil brake. The counterbalance and adjusted that the breech mechanism will swing down
closing cylinders are a combination of spring and pneu- and latch without a jarring stop or rebound. The air
matic mechanisms which function to balance and pressure in the cylinders is set so that, when the air
check the weight of the breech assembly in opening valve is opened by the gun captain, the breech will
and to furnish assistance in closing the breech. The close and swing the operating lever nearly home. The
cylinders receive their air supply from the gas-ejector swing of the lever is always completed by hand.


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Operating lever and salvo latch. The operating the operating lever is stopped by the operating-lever
lever is pivoted on the carrier and is connected to the buffer, which is similar to the opening buffer.
plug by means of the connecting rod which extends The salvo latch is an automatic latching device of
from a pivot on the lever to a pin on the breech-plug the positive action type. It functions to prevent lifting
rear face. Motion of the operating lever about its of the operating-lever latch when the breech is closed
fulcrum as it is pulled aft causes the connecting rod until after the gun has fired. It releases the lever
to rotate the plug and unlock it from the screw-box latch as the gun recoils, so that it may be lifted subse-
liner. A beveled, spring-loaded plunger in the end of quently. Figure 7B4 shows the assembled arrange-
the lever engages the operating-lever latch when the ment.
breech is fully closed. ( See fig. 7B2.) The swing of The roller support bracket and roller are mounted











FIGURE 7B4.-Salvo latch for l6-inch gun.


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on the counterrecoil cylinder. They are the only parts firing until the gun breech and the firing lock are
of the salvo latch assembly which do not recoil. As completely closed. These include:
the gun recoils, the salvo-latch lever moves past the 1. A lug on the hammer slides in a groove in the
roller, and is rotated by it. This turns the shaft and the receiver and lifts the hammer enough to break
salvo-latch locking arm. The locking arm is caught electrical contact between the firing pin and
and held in its displaced position by a latch catch primer until the wedge is in the closed position.
(not shown in the figure). This action also holds 2. The same lug also prevents the hammer from
the salvo-latch lever- in its displaced position. The being drawn back for percussion firing until the
locking arm is thus held out of the way of the lug wedge is in the closed position.
on the latch sleeve. The operating-lever latch, being 3. The hammer thrust pin must line up with a hole
integral with the latch sleeve, can now be raised against in the carrier before the cocking lever can be
spring pressure to release the breech-operating lever. pulled back for percussion firing. This align-
After the gun has returned to battery, the plugrnan ment occurs only when the wedge is fully closed.
opens the breech. His action of raising the operating- 4. The cocking lever is so constructed that it trans-
lever latch rotates the sleeve and depresses the latch mits any accidental blow directly to the wedge
catch, so that the locking arm springs back to its instead of to the hammer and firing pin. The
locking position. Then, when the breech is closed, hammer placed between the cocking lever and
the operating lever slides under the operating-lever the wedge is amply protected from exterior
latch, where it is caught and held. blows.
For drills the salvo latch is secured in its unlocked The wedge is connected with the breech-plug oper-
position, so that the habit of manually unlocking the ating lever by means of a lock-operating bar (fig. 7B2)
salvo latch will not be formed. This is accomplished and a mechanical linkage. The motion is such that
by screwing the latch locking pin in hole B. The pin the wedge is withdrawn and the primer extracted when
holds the salvo-latch locking arm in its displaced posi- the operating lever is pulled aft and down in opening
tion. At all other times, it must be kept in the turret the breech. To reprime in case of a misfire the wedge
officer's booth. can be retracted, without opening the breech, by un-
latching the retracting lever latch (fig. 7B2) and ro-
783. Firing mechanism tating the retracting lever. This permits downward
The firing mechanism consists of a Mark 14 Mod movement of the lock operating bar without moving
5 firing lock and the associated operating devices which the breech operating lever. But the wedge cannot be
synchronize its action with that of the operating lever. fully closed unless the breech is closed and locked.
The firing lock, shown in figure 7B5, consists of a The wedge is secured to the operating bar by means
receiver which is attached to the end of the mushroom of a pin. The hole in the wedge through which the
stem and a wedge which slides back and forth in the pin passes is slotted to permit movement of the mush-
receiver, to open and close the primer chamber in the room stem during fire. The firing lock can be re-
mushroom stem. The primer-retaining catch helps moved by taking out the pin and turning the receiver
to hold the primer in place until the wedge closes; 90 degrees to unfasten it from the mushroom stem.
the extractor ejects the primer case as the wedge opens.
784. Gas-ejector system
The wedge contains an insulated firing pin which
carries the current to the primer bridge for electrical The system includes a series of storage tanks, piping
firing. For percussion firing, a hammer, a contact with the necessary swivel and expansion joints, the
piece, and a cocking lever attached to the wedge func- gas-ejector valve (fig. 7B2), the gas-ejector trip plate,
tion to deliver a blow to the firing pin. This is passages through the screw-box liner, and nozzles
accomplished by drawing back the cocking lever, which which direct the air into the bore. Air at 150 to 200
pulls the hammer with it until a catch on the lever psi from the ship's compressors is brought into the
releases the hammer. As the hammer is drawn back, turret through the central column for the main gas
the hammer spring is compressed. When the hammer ejectors, the auxiliary gas ejectors, and the pneumatic
is released, this spring drives the hammer forward, breech-closing cylinders.
making the contact piece strike the firing pin, which From the tank the air is piped to the slide and
transmits the blow to the primer. thence through an expansion joint to the breech.
Safety features incorporated in the lock prevent The gas-ejector valve controls the flow of air in the

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FIGURE iBS.-Mark 14 firing lock.

A: Assembled view, wedge closed. C: Percussion firing position.
B: Electrical firing position. D: Ejecting primer after firing.

ejector system. It is automatically opened by the their ends. The air jets direct their streams forward
gas-ejector trip plate when the plug is turned for open- toward the bore center.
ing the breech, and is closed manually when the bore An auxiliary gas ejector consisting of a hose with a
is clear. When the valve is opened, air is admitted quick-acting valve and nozzle is stowed overhead near
to an annular space between the screw-box liner and the breech. This is a standby device which can be
the gun. Three equally spaced holes extend through directed into the gun to clear the bore in case normal
the liner from this space, and nozzles are recessed into gas ejection by the primary means fails.


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C. Slide Assembly
7C1. General is 51.5 tons. All 3 guns in the turret are identical,
except that a few components, found on 1 side of the
Although in general the principles of gun mount
right and center guns, are on the opposite side of the
construction as discussed in chapter 5 apply to the
left gun. Figure 7C2 shows a left gun.
gun, slide, and deck lug structures of bag-type turret
guns, there are important differences in some details, The gun-slide bore of the steel forging is fitted with
particularly with respect to the relationship of recoil- 6 bronze liners, each 10 inches wide. The liners are
ing and nonrecoiling parts, and the locations of com- provided with oil grooves and are the bearing surfaces
ponents of the recoil and counterrecoil systems. on which the gun slides during recoil and counter-
Therefore, in addition to figure 7C2, which shows in
an exterior view the gun and slide of a 16-inch turret 7C3. The trunnions
gun, figure 7C1 shows, in simplified exploded sche-
matic form, the relationship of recoiling and nonre- Integral with the slide are the 18.5-inch diameter
coiling parts, and the locations of important parts trunnion journals. Each of these journals rests in a
of the recoil and counterrecoil systems. specially designed roller-bearing assembly fitted into
Each gun has a separate slide which is individually a deck lug (fig. 7Al) which is supported by the gun
mounted in trunnion bearings and is arranged for in- girder. Each bearing includes 24 cylinder rollers 2.5
dependent elevating movement. The main element inches in diameter and 3.5 inches long. These bear-
is a steel forging, shown in figure 7C2, with attached ings carry the weight of the entire gun and take the
parts which include: (1) the trunnions, (2) the rear shock of firing.
end brackets, (3) the loaders' platform bracket, (4)
7C4. The rear end brackets
the hydraulic recoil system, (5) the counterrecoil re-
cuperator system, (6) the slide-securing device, (7) These brackets are bolted to the left and right side
the yoke-locking device, (8) upper and lower shield of the slide. One rear end bracket, as shown in figure
plates, and (9) a cylindrical gun cover. The com- 7C2, provides mounting attachments for the loaders'
plete assembly is over 33.5 feet long, 79 inches across platform bracket and the slide-securing pin is seated
the trunnions and 116.5 inches high. The total weight in an aligned socket in an adjacent gun girder when
the gun is at zero degrees elevation. The pin is forced
into the socket by means of a hand wheel-operated
screw. This arrangement serves to relieve the elevat-
ing screw and drive gear from the effects of roll, pitch,
and vibration when the gun is not being used. An-
other socket permits locking the gun at 20° elevation
while the recuperator air cylinders are being charged.
The other rear bracket on the slide (not shown in
fig. 7C2) mounts the large pivot pin to which the
elevating screw is attached. (See article 7D 1.)

7C5. Recoil mechanism

The recoil mechanism is the conventional hydraulic
type and has a single, cylinder of 26-inch bore diam-
eter and an over-all length of about 5 feet. It is
similar to the one shown in chapter 5. Three equally
spaced throttling rods control recoil fluid flow. The
recoil, limited to 48 inches (3 calibers), occurs in
approximately one-third second.
Counterrecoil buffing action is provided by a
plunger-dash pot arrangement at the forward end of
the cylinder. Liquid displacement from the dash pot
occurs through four grooves of variable depth and
through the small clearance between the plunger and
FIGURE 7Cl.-l6-inch gun assembly. Simplified exploded
schematic. the dashpot entrance. Buffing action takes place


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FIGURE 7C2.-16-inch gun assembly, side view (left gun).

during the last 16 inches of counterrecoil. Two ex- safety link rests in a notched bracket on top of the
pansion tanks are mounted forward of the recoil yoke, and a nut on the link is tight against the
cylinders. bracket, holding the yoke and gun securely to the
slide. The link is stowed by loosening the nut, swing-
7C6. Recuperator
ing the pin up and forward, and clamping it out of
The hydropneumatic counterrecoil mechanism the way. If the link is inadvertently left in place
consists of two air cylinders mounted on top of the when the gun is fired, it will part without damage to
slide and a differential cylinder between them. Its the gun, but it must be replaced without delay.
operating principles are discussed in chapter 5. The
counterrecoil cylinders, shown in figure 7C2, are about 7C8. The shield plates and gun cover
11 feet long and have an inside diameter of 14 inches.
The upper and lower shield plates are located just
The plungers are hollow cylinders closed at the for-
inside the gun port at the face plate of the turret.
ward end, and are about 6 feet long and 11 inches in
outside diameter. They are connected to the gun They form a weather and splinter shield for the slide.
yoke by means of a plunger yoke and two yoke rods The gun cover is a ~-inch thick cylinder whose
which are covered by the plunger cover (fig. 7C2). inside diameter is slightly larger than the gun's slide
cylinder. It extends through the gun port about seven
7C7. Yoke-locking device feet. At its forward end there is a wiping-ring as-
This device, which holds the gun in battery when sembly which serves as an oil and weather seal for
it is not in use, even though pressure in the recuperator the gun. A neoprene cover (gun buckler) clamps on
is lost, is on top of the slide, at the rear, between the the outer end of the gun cover and is attached on the
counterrecoil cylinders. A safety link, in the form sloping front face of the armor plate, completely
of an eyebolt, is pinned to the slide. When locked, the enclosing the gun port.

D. Elevating, Training, and Sight Gear

701. Elevating gear bearing assembly, and control mechanisms, shown
The three elevating-gear installations of each turret schematically in figure 7Dl. The greater part of
are independent assemblies. Each assembly consists these assemblies are located below the respective guns,
of an electric-hydraulic power drive, an oscillating forward and below the gun pockets in the pan and


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FIGURE 7DI.-Elevating gear for 16-inch gun.

machinery floor spaces. The arrangements on these Gun-elevating movement is controlled automatically
levels are shown in figures 7A3 and 7A4. by means of a receiver-regulator or by rotation of the
The electric-hydraulic power drive has a 60-horse- gun layer's handwheels on the machinery floor. In the
power electric motor driving a variable-displacement latter method the gun-laying personnel (one gun layer
hydraulic pump (A-end) which supplies oil pressure for each gun) control the power drive in accordance
to a fixed-displacement hydraulic motor (B-end), as with dial-indicated gun-elevation orders emanating
described more completely in chapter 10.' The B-end from either the director system or one of the two sight-
output shaft is connected to the elevating-nut drive.
ing stations within the turret. Elevation stops are
(See fig. 7D 1.) The elevating nut is threaded around
installed to limit elevation and depression to 45° and
the elevating screw and is mounted in the oscillating
minus 2°, respectively. The maximum elevating
bearing (not shown in fig. 7D1), which allows the
complete assembly to tilt. The elevating screw is speed is approximately 12° of arc per second. After
secured to the pivot pin on the rear end bracket of the firing the gun is automatically lowered to the loading
gun slide, and is moved up or down as the elevating angle of five degrees elevation by operation of a
nut rotates. control lever.


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(Right) o
to CONTROL-----l
A-END~---+1 c:
(Center Gun)



FIGURE 7D2.-Training gear for lfi-inch gun.

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702. Training gear 703. Sighting gear

The training gear and its control equipment, shown Each 16-inch turret has duplicate sight stations in
schematically in figure 7D2, also consists of an electric- enclosed compartments located outboard from the
hydraulic power drive which can be automatically or win.gguns and approximately on the transverse center-
manually controlled. The electric motor (300 hp, line of the turret. Each station transmits gun eleva-
with an overload rating of 540 hp) drives the A-end tion or gun train orders to the indicators and control
of the hydraulic transmission unit through a reduction gear on the machinery floor from which the power is
gear. Two B-end units are driven by the single A-end. actually applied to the turret and guns. The pointer's
The B-ends drive the training pinions, which mesh and the trainer's telescopes are so mounted that they
with the training circle secured to the turret founda- have parallel motions when the sight settings are
tion. The brakes between the B-ends and the pinions made.
function to prevent the turret from turning when the Corresponding elements of the two stations are inter-
training power is off. The brakes are set by springs connected so that either station can take over sighting
and released by hydraulic cylinders. When power is operations. When this is done, the guns are indirectly
off, no pressure is in the hydraulic cylinders, and the positioned from a sight station by first setting the sight.
springs set the brakes. During training, a piston in The pointer and trainer then turn their handwheels to
each cylinder is forced upward by oil under pressure, keep the crosslines of the telescopes on the target. The
releasing the brakes. pointer's handwheel operates indicators at the gun
Training may be automatically controlled from the layer's station. By keeping a dial pointer matched
director system through a receiver-regulator, or locally with these indications, the gun layer positions the gun
controlled from either the gun deck or the machinery in elevation. The trainer's handwheel can accom-
floor by handwheels, Iri indicator gun laying, either plish the same result in train. In addition, it is pos-
the train operator on the machinery floor trains the sible, by use of appropriate selector, for the trainer
turret in accordance with dial-indicated train-order in the gun house to bypass the trainer at the machinery
signals, received from the director system or turret level and move the turret directly in train, as he rotates
sighting stations, or one of the sight trainers controls his handwheel in keeping his vertical crosslines on the
the drive by keeping his telescope on the target. target.

E. Ammunition Handling
7E 1. Projectile stowage first, they land on the main deck in a horizontal posi-
tion and a shell carrier (on the left in fig. 7E2) is
Projectile stowage in each turret is arranged in two
fitted around them. An electric drum-type hoist then
circular compartments, called upper and lower pro-
lowers them in vertical position (center item in fig.
jectile flats. Figures 7A5 and 7E 1 show the arrange-
7E2) through hatches alongside the turret to the
ment of these flats. The projectile stowage spaces are
second platform level. Here they are transferred to
between the turret foundation bulkhead and an inner
an overhead trolley, from which they hang in hori-
concentric circular bulkhead. The latter bulkhead
zontal position (on the right in fig. 7E2). The trolley
surrounds machinery compartments at the center of
takes them under a hatch in the projectile flat, where
each flat. and separates them from the stowage and
they are transferred to an electric whip hoist which
handling compartment. In each stowage compart-
hauls them (in vertical position) up to the projectile
ment the floor is subdivided into three concentric
flat to be stowed. The projectiles are lowered and
ring-shaped platforms. The outer ring is a fixed shelf
hoisted one at a time; when each projectile reaches the
attached to the turret foundation and provides the
flat, its carrier is removed and sent up to the main deck
"fixed" projectile stowage. The intermediate ring is
to be used again. The projectiles are stowed standing
part of the rotating structure and is the shell-handling on their bases, and each is separately lashed to the
platform. The three projectile hoists have loading bulkhead.
aperatures in this intermediate ring. The inner ring With the projectile rings loaded and ready for use,
is a roller-mounted platform supported by the turret the inner rotating projectile ring moves projectiles to
rotating structure and has a power drive which can positions near the hoists. All 3 hoists can be served
rotate the ring in either direction with respect to the simultaneously from 1 ring. Loading into the hoists
intermediate ring. This inner ring provides the "ro- is performed by parbuckling-passing a line around
tating" projectile stowage. the projectile, leading the line to a power-operated
Projectiles are brought to these stowages as follows: capstan, and sliding the projectile along on its base.


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FIGURE 7E I.-Projectile flats in l6-inch turret.

See figures 7A5 and 7E 1. The parbuckling gear can center tube continues its vertical course, so that at
also deliver the projectiles from fixed stowages to the the guns all cradles are equidistant from the breech.
rotating ring. Manual controls with automatic stop The hydraulic lift consists of a hydraulic cylinder
arrangements operate the rotating ring through arcs vertically mounted between the decks of the projectile
of 30 degrees to facilitate continuous delivery to the flats, a piston, and a piston rod which connects to a
hoists. Three projectiles per minute per hoist can rack in the tube casing. The piston diameter is about
be delivered. 6 inches, and the piston stroke is approximately 8 feet.
The hydraulic lift raises or lowers the projectiles one
7E2. Projectile hoist stage per stroke. The distance to the cradle is 4
Each gun has a projectile hoist which raises the stages from the lower projectile flat and 3 from the
projectiles from the stowage compartments in the upper.
turret rotating structure to the breech end of the gun. The hoist contains 2 sets of spring-loaded pawls, 1
The hoist (see fig. 7E3) consists of a tube through set on the rack connected to the hydraulic piston, and
which the projectile passes (base downward), a the other on the inner wall of the hoist tube. The
hydraulic-ram-type lift, and a power drive with its pawls in each set are spaced one stage apart. The
associated control. The three tubes pass through the principles of operation of pawl-type hoists were ex-
middle rings of the projectile flats and are almost plained in chapter 5. As the piston and rack move
vertical up to the pan floor. From this point the up, the lowest rack pawl picks up the projectile base
two outboard tubes slope rearward at an angle and pushes it upward past the tube pawl at the next
to the cradles at the upper ends of the tubes. The stage. Then the rack moves downward with the


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FIGURE 7E2.-Shell carrier for lfi-inch projectiles. Left: The carrier. Center: Carrying projectile in vertical position.
Right: Carrying projectile in horizontal position.

piston down stroke, but the tube pawl engages and brake on the electric-motor shaft operates to prevent
supports the projectile's base. The projectile body motion of the hoist when there is a power failure.
forces the rack pawl for the next stage to retract as The main hoist-control system includes duplicate
the rack descends. At the end of the stroke, this pawl installations of control handles at stations near the
is under the projectile, ready to lift it when the rack hoist-loading apertures in the upper and lower pro-
moves up again. The process repeats until the pro- jectile flats, mechanical and electrical interlocks, and
jectile is at the top of the hoist. audible and visual signals at these stations.
The pawls can be hydraulically retracted as re- Mechanical and electrical interlocks prevent opera-
quired, so that the hoist can also be used for lowering. tion of control handles when projectiles are being
The power drive for each hoist is located on the loaded in the hoist, when there is a projectile in the
machinery floor and consists of an electric motor (75 cradle, or during the ramming cycle.
hp), a reduction gear, and the A-end of a hydraulic
speed gear. The A-end is directly connected to the 7E3. Cradle
hoist cylinder and develops the 700 psi pressure re- The cradle assembly shown in figures 7E3, 7E5, and
quired to lift a full load of 4 projectiles. A solenoid 7E6 includes the cradle fulcrum, cradle, and spanning


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Shelf Plate




Pan Floor


Machinery Floor


Upper Projectile Handling Floor _---.-==~rIJ:j~~;:J.s~,",~_.a....-;I-"'"



Lower Projectile Handling !.F~/oo~r~ ...,...l...J-f:~:B.~ NOTE: - Hoist controls and powel' unrt
revolved from true position ~

FIGURE 7E3.-16-inch projectile hoist.


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tray. Durmg hoisting the rammer chain is in its re- closed, inclined trunk which extends through the
tracted position, the cradle is upright so that its axis turret structure from the hoist-loading space to the
lines up with that of the hoist tube, and the spanning turret roof. The car is a large box-shaped structure
tray is folded against the cradle. A projectile hoisted closed on three sides. Four guide wheels, mounted
into the cradle is supported there by a projectile latch on the rear corners, ride along the after side of the
within. trunk. The bags are carried on two vertically spaced
The cradle and spanning tray are operated by a trays which can be separately tilted by means of hand
hydraulic cylinder not shown in the figures. The con- levers on one side of the car. A loaded car delivers
trol lever for this unit is located at the after end of a full-service charge of six bags to the gun without
the gun compartment at the side of the rammer and intermediate handling.
cradle. When the control lever is operated, the cradle
tips forward and the spanning tray moves forward
and down, forming a smooth path from the hoist to
the chamber. (Fig. 7E5.) The gun must be ele-
vated to 5 degrees for loading, so that the tray lines
up with the gun bore.

7E4. Rammer
The ram mer consists essentially of a special roller-
type chain which meshes with a power-driven sprocket.
The arrangement of parts is shown in figure 7E6.
The rammer assembly is located in the turret officer's
booth just abaft the gun compartment.
The power drive includes an electric motor (60 hp
with an overload rating of 108 hp) and a conventional
hydraulic speed gear whose B-end drives the sprocket
wheel. The control arrangement provides full-power
projectile ramming to a jammed stop. This is neces-
sary, since the rotating band must be forced into the
rifling so that the projectile will not move to the rear
when the gun is elevated. The maximum velocity
during the ramming cycle is slightly less than 14 feet a
second, and the time required for ramming is 1.7
seconds. The powder bags are rammed into the
chamber at a slower speed.
The rammer chain forms a rigid column when it is
extended. The chain assembly, including the head
link buffer, is about 25 feet long. When in the "ready
to ram" position the ramming head is about 8 inches FIGURE 7E4.-Powder car and trunk for 16-inch turret.
behind the projectile base and 9 feet from the breech
face. The projectile travel to full seat during ram- The car is loaded in the hoist-loading space beneath
ming is about 19 feet. the projectile flats, through an aperture in the trunk.
This opening is sealed by a manually operated, verti-
7ES. Powder hoist cally sliding door which must be closed before the car
The powder magazines are outside the turret foun- can be hoisted or lowered. It cannot be opened unless
dation on the platform deck beneath the lower pro- the car is in its loading position.
jectile flat. The powder is passed manually through Powder is delivered to the gun through a door
self-closing scuttles in the powder-handling room bulk- located just abaft and to one side of the breech
heads and in the lower foundation, into the hoist- mechanism. The door swings outward and down,
loading space around the lower end of the turret providing a shelf across which the powder bags roll
revolving structure, and delivered by hoists to the guns. from the -car to the loading tray. (Fig. 7E5.) The
An electric-hydraulic powered hoist is provided for door is operated by a hydraulic power device. When
each gun. Each hoist contains a powder car (fig. the delivery door is open, the car can be lowered, but
7E4) which rides up and down like an elevator in a not raised. The interlocking features make it im-


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FIGURE 7E5.-Loading a round of ammunition into a 16-inch gun. A. Ramming the projectile.

possible to have both the loading and the delivery 7E6. Loading operation
doors open at the same time.
A 16-inch 3-gun turret can be operated with a mini-
The hoist power unit consists of an electric motor
(100 hp) and a conventional hydraulic speed gear mum crew of 77 men inside the turret. Station assign-
that drives a hoisting drum. This unit is located in ments for the turret crew are ordinarily as listed in the
the gun compartment next to the trunk. The car is accompanying table.
lowered by gravity and hoisted by means of a %-inch
diameter wire rope which passes over a sheave under STATION ASSIGNMENTS, TURRET CREW
the turret top plate and thence to the hoisting drum.
The hoist control is located at the hoist operator's Station Location
station near the top of and abaft the trunk. Control Turret officer _
arrangements include visual powder hoist indicators, Turret officer's talker., _
starting and control selector levers, devices which Turret captain _
limit acceleration and deceleration rates, door interlock Computer operators (2) _ Rangefinder and Turret
switches, safety car-stop operating devices, and a Rangefinder operator; _ Officer's compart-
power-failure brake on the hoist drum. The latter Rangefinder pointer., _ ment.
prevents the car from falling in case of power failure Rangefinder trainer _
or rupture of hydraulic leads. Talker _


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FIGURE 7E5.-(Continued.) B. Powder hoist door open, rammer withdrawn.


Station Location Projectile-h 0 i s t operators
Sight trainer, right., ] (3) .
Projectile-ring operator _ Projectile-handling floor
Sight pointer, right., ~ Right sight station,
Shellmen (9) _ (each level) ,
Sight setter, righL- J
Electrician _
Sight trainer, lefL ) Shell-deck P. 0 _
Sight pointer, lefL________ Left sight station.
Sight setter, left., _ Powder-door operators (3)_)
Powde.r passers (9) Powder-handling floor.
Plugmen (gun captains) (3) Handlmg-room P. 0 _
Cradle operators (3) G
Rammer operators (3) un rooms. In addition, there are 6 powder passers in the
Primermen (3) _ annular space between the powder-handling room
and the magazines, and 12 powder passers in the
Powder-hoist operators (3) _ Top, powder trunks. magazines.
Gun layers (3) -----------} M ac h'mery f oor. With the turret in all respects ready to fire and the
G un train operator., _ power machinery in operation, the first command is:

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FIGURE 7E5.-(Continued.) C. Loading the powder.

"Fill the powder train; fill the projectile hoists." At the breech-operating lever and pushes it down. The
this command the necessary powder tanks in the mag- primerman, under the breech, assists the gun captain
azines are opened; powder is passed through the in locking the breech down. The gun captain wipes
scuttles to the lower handling room; the powder cars the mushroom and inspects to see that the bore is clear.
are filled and raised to the top of the hoists. BuOrd As soon as the "Bore clear" signal is given, the gun
safety precautions require that in each flametight stage captain shuts off the gas ejector valve and signals the
of the ammunition train, not more than one charge cradle operator to span the tray (lower it to loading
per gun, for the guns being supplied through that position) .
stage, shall be exposed or allowed to accumulate. At the same time the primerman inserts a primer
Simultaneously the projectile-handling room crews into the open firing lock. The rammer operator rams
are loading the projectile hoists with the required type the projectile (fig. 7E5) until it is seated and with-
of projectiles. draws the rammer as he opens the powder hoist door.
The powder-car operator tilts 1 of the powder-car
This command further implies that whenever an
trays, and 3 bags of powder roll across the door onto
empty powder car is returned to the lower handling
the spanning tray. The gun captain and cradle opera-
room, or that whenever an empty stage in the pro- tor guide the powder bags across the door and space
jectile hoist appears, the crew must reload immediately them out on the spanning tray. The powder car
until otherwise ordered. lowers about 23 inches and stops automatically, and
The first command to the gunroom crew is "Load." the remaining three bags of powder are rolled onto
The gun captain, on the loading platform, unlatches the spanning tray. (Fig.7E5.)


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FIGURE 7E6.-Rammer mechanism (16-inch turret).

The rammerman closes the powder-car door and and opens the air valve to the closing cylinder. He
carefully rams the six powder bags to place the rear- then latches the operating lever as the plug rotates
most bag not more than 4 inches from the mushroom to the closed position. The gun captain steps off the
when the breech is closed. The cradle operator folds loading platform and operates the "ready" switch to
the spanning tray as soon as the rammer is withdrawn. signal that the gun is loaded and to bring the gun
The gun captain releases the breech hold-down latch to gun order position.

F. Turrets Equipped With Case Guns

7Fl. General is a turret which, upon signal from a remote station,
Propelling charges in metal cartridge cases have a will train and elevate its guns to a desired position,
number of advantages over charges in fabric bags. load its guns, commence firing when the target comes
Metal cases are mechanically much sturdier than fab- within range, and continue firing until the target is
ric bags; they don't burn if exposed to a spark or destroyed or all the ammunition expended, all without
momentary flame; they're much less likely to rupture assistance from operating personnel.
and spill powder; and the complete propelling charge At the present time the Navy has 6-inch and 8-inch
in its case, including powder, igniter, and primer, can case-gun turrets. The earlier 6-inch turrets require
be loaded into the gun in one operation, as compared in general about as much manhandling of ammunition
with the multiple bags and separate primer required as does a 5"/38 twin mount. The later types of
for bag-type ammunition. Consequently a turret for 6-inch turrets have eliminated manhandling of pro-
case guns can be designed to have a minimum of com- pelling charges after they have been loaded into the
partmentation as compared with a bag-gun turret; hoist; projectiles still are transferred manually from
manhandling of powder can be reduced to a mini- hoist upper end into gun slide. In the newest 8-inch
mum-which means that automatic handling by power turrets there is no manhandling of ammunition at all
gear can be increased to a maximum; extra handling after it has been loaded into the hoists.
necessary because of the requirements of flametight The remainder of this section will be concerned with
integrity can be radically reduced. It follows that the earlier type of 6-inch case-gun turret. The next
guns and turrets using case-type propelling charges two sections in this chapter will take up the newest
can be designed to develop much higher rates of fire, types of 6-inch and 8-inch turrets. Emphasis in these
and with smaller crews, than can those using bag-type discussions will be upon the novel features of the
ammunition. ordnance design.
Hence there has been a trend to substitute turrets
7F2. Six-inch 47 -caliber triple-gun turrets
and guns using case ammunition for those using bag-
type ammunition, and at the same time firing rates Light cruisers of the Brooklyn, Cleveland, and Fargo
have increased, the size of crews has decreased, and classes are equipped with single-purpose 6-inch tur-
more and more operations are completely mechanized rets of similar designs. The gun has a monobloc,
and made automatic. The ultimate design objective radially expanded barrel with housing and wedge-type


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FIGURE 7F I.-Section through 6"/47 triple gun turret.


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sliding breechblock. Ammunition is supplied to the booth with range finder and equipment for local con-
gun room through 1 projectile hoist and 1 powder trol of fire. The pointer's and sight checker's stations
hoist for each gun, and is transferred by the gun crew are located outboard of the left gun, the trainer's and
from the top of the hoist into a loading tray in the sight setter's stations outboard of the right gun, neither
gun slide. Although the maximum elevation of the station being separated from the gun compartment by
guns is 60°, loading must be accomplished at an ele- bulkheads.
vation of 22° or less because of the limitations of the Levels of the turret below the gun compartment
ammunition-loading mechanisms and the empty-case serve the same purposes as in the 16"/50 turret
ejection system. Gun compartment. features gener- described above. They are, as is clearly shown in
ally resemble the smaller semiautomatic guns, such figure 7F1, somewhat simplified as appropriate to the
as the Y' /38 caliber which is described in the next smaller size and lighter weight of the whole assembly
chapter. and each of its components. One major simplification
The gun compartment is not divided into separate is in powder hoist design, the charges for the 6"/47
gun rooms, because the inherently greater safety of gun being handled by an endless-chain conveyor-type
case ammunition renders such minute flametight sub- hoist with open flights instead of powder cars. Elevat-
division unnecessary. The rear part of the gun house, ing and training gear are of electric-hydraulic type
as in major-caliber turrets, includes the turret officer's and permit a selection of remote or local control.

G. 6/1/47 Dual-Purpose Gun and Turret

7Gl. General of the barrels and the power plants for the slide power
equipment, are located in the gun house. (The slide
The main battery of light cruisers of the CL-144
equipment motor-pump units are located on the next
( W oreester) class comprises the newest design now in
level, the pan plate.) Also located in the gun house
service of 6-inch guns and turrets. There are 12
are the upper ends of the 6 ammunition hoists, 2 fuze
guns in six 2-gun turrets, all of them capable of rapid
setting indicator-regulators, all components of the 2
fire against either air or surface targets.
elevating-gear drives and their indicator-regulator
7G2. Turret. structure controls, and the 2 gun captain's control panels.
Other major units in the gun house are the compo-
In general structure these turrets are similar to the
nents of the fire control equipment. These are
6-inch triple-gun turrets discussed in the preceding
grouped into three stations: the right and left wing
section, though there are minor variations (fig. 7G 1) .
stations (also called sight stations) and the turret
The turret foundation is built into the ship and sup-
officer's booth. The right wing station includes con-
ports the roller path, above which are the gun house
trols for the turret trainer and for the right gun pointer
and pan floor. Immediately below the pan floor are
and sight setter; the left station includes controls for
two projectile-handling levels, then the electric deck, the checker (standby turret trainer) and for the left
and at the bottom is the powder flat. The barbette gun pointer and sight setter. The turret officer's
extends from just below the gun house to the armor booth includes the controls for the turret officer, tur-
deck. Interior compartmentation is not severe; there ret captain, radar control operators, and computer
are no flametight bulkheads subdividing the gun house, operator. Almost all of the equipment is mounted
whose space is divided principally by the placement either on the forward bulkhead or on the after wall
of its equipment and the arrangement of the guns. of the booth.
The gun slides themselves are supported by deck lugs, Twenty-one members of the crew are located on
and these in turn by gun girders ·and the remainder the shelf plate of the turret; 10 in the turret officer's
of the turret structure, as in the other turrets taken booth and 11 in the gun house. These comprise 11
up so far. turret controlmen, 3 gun-laying operators, 3 gun
operators, 2 hot-case men, and 2 projectile loaders.
7G3. Arrangement of turret personnel and equip-
The 11 turret controlmen are: the turret officer,
the turret captain, the talkers, the radar operators,
Figure 7G2 shows the arrangement of ordnance computer operator, and two sight setters. The
equipment and crew stations in the gun house of the checker, a member of the crew in training operations
6"/47 turret. only, does not man his station in battle action.
All units of both guns, except the forward portions The three gun-laying operators are the right and

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, /



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FIGURE 7G1.-Section through 6"/47 dual-purpose two-gun turret.


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FIGURE 7G2.-6" /47 dual-purpose turret. Plan view of gun house, showing crew station and ordance equipment arrange-
ment. (Note: Equipment duplicated on both sides of the turret is generally labeled once only.)


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left pointers, and the trainer. The 3 gun operators upper flat. The lower flat is generally similar, except
are the 2 gun captains, 1 for each gun, and the that its diagram would show only 4 hoists (2 powder
gunner's mate repairman, stationed in the turret of- and 2 projectile) instead of the 6 visible in figure 7G3.
ficer's booth for general maintenance of the gun control Only two of the hoists shown open into the upper flat;
equipment. His principal responsibility is trouble the powder hoists and the projectile hoists from the
correction; he also aids in preparing the guns for lower flat are enclosed tubes passing through. This
firing, in maintaining continuous operation of the guns, turret has but 1 projectile ring assembly, but the ring
and in stowing the guns. has 2 tiers, 1 for each flat. Each tier is set up to stow
The 2 projectile loaders are located 1 at the loading 288 projectiles. The projectile ring power drive has
tray of each gun. They operate the fuze setting indi- 4 control stations, 1 near each projectile hoist. The
cator-regulator when the fuze setting system is in controls are operated in pairs; at each level, the hoist
manual control. The 2 hot-case men are located 1 on loaders on both sides must cooperate to start the ring.
the outboard side of each gun near the case ejector. Fixed stowage capacity is 106 projectiles at the
The pan plate (not illustrated) contains most of the upper level, and 124 at the lower. Some sections of
components of training gear drive and the hydraulic the upper flat are hinged so that they can be swung
power supply for the slide power equipment, as well out of the way when the lower flat is in use.
as some of the equipment for the hoist power drives. The same crew of 7 operates on either the upper
The projectile-handling floor is divided into upper or the lower flat. It consists of a petty officer in
and lower projectile stowage flats. Much of the space charge and 1 projectile loader and 2 passers for each
at this level is taken up by hydraulic gear for hoist being served. The loaders merely shove projec-
the hoists and the train drive suspended from the over- tiles into the hoists, which start automatically when
head. Most of the rest is taken up by stowed projec- loaded. The passers keep the loaders supplied; they
tiles and projectile hoists. Figure 7G3 shows the also operate the projectile ring as required.



I ---- ....•








FIGURE 7G3.-6" /4 7 dual-purpose turret. Plan view of upper projectile flat, showing ammunition stowage, equipment, and
crew stations.


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FIGURE 7G4.--6" /47 dual-purpose turret. Plan view of powder-handling flat, showing equipment and crew stations.

At the powder-handling room level, four powder- hand. The two gun assemblies are symmetrically ar-
passing scuttles admit powder cases from the magazine. ranged about the turret centerline.
A crew of 9 operates in the powder-handling room- The 6"/47 gun used in these turrets is a monobloc
6 powder passers taking the charges from the scuttles radially expanded type, designed for semifixed ammu-
to the powder hoists, 2 powdermen operating the nition, whose bore has 48 rifling grooves with right-
scuttles at the foot of the hoists, and a petty officer hand uniform twist, 1 turn in 25 calibers.
in charge (fig. 7G4). The gun housing has a vertically sliding breech-
block operated by a hydraulic cylinder, and a single
7G4. Gun assembly spade extractor, also hydraulically operated (fig. 7G5).
The right- and left-hand gun assemblies are func- The firing mechanism is designed primarily for elec-
tionally identical, though some parts are of opposite tric primers, but it provides for percussion firing of


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FIGURE 7G5.-6"/47 dual-purpose gun and housing (left rear view of left gun).

short cases. The breech and firing mechanism and 7GS_ Slide, rammer, and case ejector
their power-operated components normally function
In many ways, these assemblies are similar to those
automatically when the gun is firing, but they can be of the Cleveland class turret. This article will con-
operated manually or by power under manual control. centrate on the novel features. These are the mecha-
In general, the gun assemblies resemble those of 6"/47 nisms for loading the gun, fuze setting, and disposal
guns in Cleveland class turrets. of the empty case.


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Figure 7G6 shows the slide of the left gun. tion. The projectile hoists bring the projectiles to a
Mounted atop the slide is an accumulator from which point adjacent to the slide, from which they are manu-
is distributed the hydraulic fluid that operates the case ally transferred to the gun slide. Projectiles can be
extractor and breechblock in the gun housing and the loaded at any gun elevation.
projectile tray, case stop, traverse carriage, and am- All six ammunition hoists are generally similar. All
munition rammer-empty case ejector in the slide. are of the continuous type in which an endless-chain
Most of these slide ammunition-handling units are at conveyor, operating intermittently, automatically
least partly visible in this view; the main exception starts hoisting every time the hoist lower end is loaded,
is the empty-case tray at the left side of the slide. until the hoist is full. Each hoisting cycle lifts the
The pump that through the accumulator supplies the projectile or powder case one stage. The hoists can
hydraulic fluid under pressure that drives all these also be reversed for lowering ammunition.
units is on the pan floor, and the fluid flows to and The powder hoist lower end is fitted with a flame-
from the slide through the three jointed pipes under proof scuttle for extra safety. The upper end termi-
the slide. nates in a power-driven cradle which automatically
The projectile is manually loaded into the projectile loads the propelling charges into the gun slide.
tray, and the powder case is mechanically loaded into
the powder-case loading tray. The projectile tray 7G7. Fire control and power drive equipment
drive unit then drives the projectile tray and fuze
The 6"/47 dual-purpose turret is designed to deal
setter head aft. The powder-case crosshead, which is
with air as well as surface targets. It is capable of a
mechanically linked to the case-stop drive, engages the
maximum surface range of over 25,000 yards, and can
base of the case in the powder-case loading tray. The
reach targets at an altitude of over 51,000 feet when
case stop drive for most of this operation is set to
at its maximum elevation of 78°. There is no optical
function as a braking unit; thus the projectile tray
rangefinder in these turrets, but they are equipped
drive unit during most of its stroke aft drives the pro-
with telescopic prismatic sights, periscopes, and sight-
jectile and powder case against the braking effort,
setting equipment, as well as radar and computer
exerted through the powder-case crosshead, of the
case-stop drive unit. This keeps the projectile's nose
The turret is driven in train and the guns in eleva-
firmly inside the fuze-setter pot. The fuze is set dur-
tion by electric-hydraulic power drives controlled by
ing this operation.
receiver-regulators. The fuze setters on the gun slides
At the end of this stroke the complete round is in
are also operated by receiver-regulators. There are
the traverse carriage loading tray in the traverse car-
six designated types of turret control:
riage, which moves transversely across the slide. It is
1. Primary surface control. The gun and turret
driven by the traverse carriage drive unit near the rear
drives are controlled by an aloft radar antenna mount
of the slide. It has two trays. The traverse carriage
or by an aloft main-battery gun director, operating in
loading tray is visible in figure 7G6; the other, the
conjunction with main-battery plotting room equip-
traverse carriage empty-case tray, is not. The car-
ment. This control has two variations: "AUTOMATIC"
riage has two positions. Figure 7G6 shows it in FIRE
position, with the empty-case tray lined up with the
gun bore to receive the empty case upon extraction; 2. Primary AA control. The gun and turret drives
in RAM position the carriage moves so that the loading are controlled by an aloft main-battery gun director
tray is lined up with the bore and the traverse carriage operating in conjunction with main-battery plotting-
empty-case tray is lined up with the empty-case tray room equipment. This control has two variations:
on the slide. "AUTOMATIC" and "INDICATING."
The functioning of these units will be further dis- 3. Secondary surface or AA control. The ,gun and
cussed when turret operation is taken up. turret drives are controlled by a 3-inch battery director.
4. Local radar control. The drives are controlled
7G6. Ammunition hoists by the radar equipment within the turret. In this
Each gun is served by three ammunrtion hoists: method of control, the pointers control gun laying with
one 'powder hoist, and two projectile hoists (one pro- their sights and handwheel controls: Turret train is
jectile hoist from each of the two projectile flats). controlled by the radar operators using the train trans-
The powder hoist delivers the powder cartridge mitter (turret order) to send gun train orders to the
directly to the gun slide completely automatically, receiver-regulator and to the gun train indicators.
regardless of the movement of the gun in elevation, 5. Hand control. The gun-laying and training
without manhandling of the case, and without requir- drives are controlled by the pointers and selected
ing that the gun be brought to a specific loading posi- trainer using their sights and handwheel controls.


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FIGURE 7G6.-6"j47 dual-purpose gun. Slide assembly. (Right rear view of left gun.)

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FIGURE 7G7.-6"/47 dual-purpose gun. Slide loading equipment in secured position. Powder cradle registered with hoist.

In primary surface or AA control, the turrets and finder of earlier turret design, and provides new alter-
their guns are controlled, in automatic control, by native methods for local control. The radar signal
signals received from the controlling plotting room. beam to the target can be employed to yield line-of-
Or they may be controlled and positioned in the fol- sight and range data.
low-the-pointer operation, called indicating control. Unlike other 6-inch turrets, the elevating gear is of
Either selection can be controlled from the forward the arc and pinion type (same principle as the 5"/38
or after plotting room, using anyone of the aloft radar mount) instead of the screw and nut type (like that in
antenna mounts or main-battery directors for surface the 16"/50 turret).
control, or using anyone of the main-battery directors
for AA control. 7G8. Other facilities
In secondary surface or AA control, the turret drive The 6"/47 dual-purpose turret is fitted with the
may be controlled by similar automatic and follow- usual electrical illumination, power, data-transmis-
the-pointer (indicating) control variations from a se- sion, alarm, signal, and communications circuits. It
lected secondary (3-inch battery) director. is equipped with 2 compressed-air pipe systems--one a
Turret local control methods include local radar 125-psi system for supplying air to the gas ejector and
control, hand (target-sighting) control, periscope sprinkling systems, and the other a 3,000-psi supply for
control, and combinations of these. All of these meth- the counterrecoil air-replenishing system for replen-
ods use the local computer for solution of the firing ishing accumulator air, and for charging the emer-
problem for the proper sight angle and sight deflection gency air flasks.
for hitting the target. The computer operator gives The turret also has 2 self-contained exhaust systems
the computed values of sight angle and sight deflec- for the empty-case ejectors and 2 ventilating systems
tion to the sight setters. The sight setters crank these
which supply air under forced draft to all turret levels.
quantities into their indicators to set the sights to the
It is equipped with an elaborate sprinkling system
ordered values of sight angle and deflection.
which can spray water at all ammunition stowage
Radar control arrangements are one of the feature
innovations of the turret. The installation includes points as well as in the ammunition hoists and at the
one complete radar control set in the turret officer's gun breeches. The sprinklers are supplied with water
booth, a radar antenna, and antenna train drive. This under pressure, and function either automatically in
installation enables the turret to ascertain target direc- case of fire, by remote control from several stations,
tion, distance, course, and speed. It is a range-finding or manually. The turret also contains drainage, hy-
system that completely displaces the optical range- draulic fluid filling and clarifying, and heating systems.


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FIGURE 7G8.-6"/47 dual-purpose gun.


FIGURE 7G9.-6"/47 dual-purpose gun. Ammunition in loading tray.


FIGURE 7GlO.-6"/47 dual-purpose gun. Ammunition moving aft.

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FIGURE 7G 11.-6" /47 dual-purpose gun. Ammunition in traverse carriage.

7G9. Turret operation rises, latches to the slide, and ejects the case into the
slide loading tray (fig. 7G8).
This article will be concerned with ammunition
The projectile loader then manually transfers the
supply, loading, gun firing, and extraction operations.
projectile from the hoist to the slide. With both the
Operations concerned with fire control, casting loose,
powder case and the projectile in the slide, the pro-
and securing the turret will not be taken up. The
jectile loader pulls down the projectile-tray control
student is referred to OP 760 for this information, and lever to start the projectile tray and fuze-setter head
for further details on all aspects of this type of turret. moving aft.
When the ammunition hoists are filled, a powder The tray and fuze setter force the projectile and case
case goes into the cradle and a projectile goes into the to the rear of the slide against the braking action of the
projectile hoist upper end. When the powder cradle case stop (figs. 7G9, 7GIO, and 7GII). The forward
receives a powder case from the hoist, it automatically crosshead of the case stop holds the projectile nose




FIGURE 7G 12.-6" /4 7 dual-purpose gun. Traverse carriage moving to ram position. Fuze setter head and projectile tray
moving forward.


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FIGURE 7G 13.-6" /4 7 dual-purpose gun. Traverse carriage and case stop movement. .. ,

seated in the fuze-setter head, and the fuze setter func- heads which were pushed to the rear by the rearward
tions to set the fuze as the projectile travels aft. movement of the ammunition. The powder cradle,
After the ammunition has moved all the way aft during the previous ammunition movements, has re-
into the traverse carriage (fig. 7G11), the fuze-setter ceived another case, raised it, and latched to the slide
head remains in contact with the projectile fuze until ready for the next cycle.
the empty case from the previous round has been ex- As the traverse carriage reaches ram position, the
tracted and is latched in the empty-case tray. projectile tray is forward and the case stop is nearing
The projectile tray and fuze setter head then move its forward position. (Fig. 7G 13.) The projectile,
forward, clearing the traverse carriage (fig. 7G12). being manually loaded, mayor may not be in the tray
This allows the traverse carriage to start toward ram at this instant. The rear case-stop crosshead, upon
position. reaching its forward position, initiates the powder-
The traverse carriage continues toward ram posi- case ejection from the cradle to the slide loading tray.
tion and clears the return path of the case-stop cross- (Fig. 7G14.)




FIGURE 7G 14.-6" /4 7 dual-purpose gun. Traverse carriage at ram position.


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FIGURE 7G15.-6"j47 dual-purpose gun. Ramming.

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FIGURE 7G16.-6"j47 dual-purpose - gun. Breechblock

closes; rammer retracts; traverse carriage shifts to fire
Next, the rammer drives the round into the chamber. Figure 7G15 (B) shows the ramming action from a
At the same time, the empty-case ejector crosshead slightly different point of view. This is a cross-section
pushes the empty case from the preceding round from view of the round being rammed past the breechblock
the traverse carriage empty-case tray into the slide into the chamber.
empty-case tray. By this time the next round is on When the ram mer crosshead reaches the end of the
the slide loading tray. Figure 7G15 (A) shows the ram stroke, the traverse carriage shifts back to fire
operation of slide units in ramming. position. See figure 7G 16 (A). At the same time,

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the breechblock starts closing. When the block has

moved up far enough to hold the ammunition in the
chamber, the rammer retracts. See figure 7G 16 (B).
As the breechblock rises, the slope of the ways and
guides in which it moves wedges the case securely in
the chamber. When the breechblock has risen to its
fully closed position, it is locked by the breech bolt
(not illustrated), and the firing pin of the cocked
firing mechanism contacts the primer of the powder
The gun ordinarily fires electric-primed ammuni-
tion; the only percussion primers used are those in
short cases for clearing the gun. When the gun fires,
it moves in recoil and counterrecoil (the two strokes
require about 0.5 second altogether) under the control
of the recoil brake and recuperator mechanism, which
are generally similar in principle to those described
elsewhere in this course. During the counterrecoil ~-+--- BREECH BLOCK
stroke the breech block is mechanically unlocked; a
valve ports hydraulic fluid to the breech operating
cylinder to lower the block shortly before the end of
the counterrecoil stroke.
When the breechblock is hauled down to its fully
open position by the breech operating cylinder, it cams
open a valve that activates the extractor cylinder; the FIGURE 7G17.-6"/47 dual-purpose gun. Case extraction.

fired case is extracted from the chamber (fig. 7G 17)

and is thrown aft into the traverse carriage empty-case The fired case remains in the traverse carriage
tray. At the same time the gas-ejector valve is empty-case tray until the next round is rammed. See
cammed open. The breechblock then rises slightly to figures 7G14 and 7G15 (A). Then it is pushed for-
the position it had at the time of loading, camming ward by the case-ejector crosshead into the slide empty-
the extractor cylinder valve to permit the extractor to case tray. Then comes the last manual operation in
return to its seated position. The gas-ejector valve is the gun's operating cycle: The hot-case man picks up
automatically closed by a timing arrangement as the the case from the slide empty-case tray and drops it
breechblock rises to loading position. The same link- into a power-driven conveyor (not illustrated) called
age also actuates an interlock to permit repetition of the empty-case ejector, which sends the empty out
the cycle just described. through a door in the rear of the turret.

H. 8"/55 Rapid-Fire Gun and Turret

7Hl. General in part to the design types and details of the guns and
At the present time the closest approach to the com- ammunition-handling equipment. The ammunition
pletely automatic turret described earlier in this chap- and equipment designs do not require flameproof
ter is the 8-inch 55-caliber rapid-fire gun and turret. bulkheads separating the guns, the control stations,
These are the largest United States naval weapons now and the powder service.
in service using case ammunition. Three such tur- The foundation structure, barbette, and magazine
rets are installed on Salem class heavy cruisers. designs are quite similar to those of earlier heavy
In this type of 8-inch turret, structural and space cruisers, differing principally in the magazine stowage
arrangement plans differ substantially from those of provisions and powder-passing scuttles for powder
bag-gun turrets like the 16-inch turrets taken up cases instead of powder bags.
earlier in this chapter. They are equally different In their ordnance feature, however, the turrets are
from 8-inch bag-gun turrets on cruisers of similar entirely new. The guns operate automatically, and
type (for example, Baltimore class). This difference require no attendants in the gun compartment. They
is due in part to the use of case-type ammunition, and fire at three times the rate of the comparable 8-inch


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three-gun turrets of the Baltimores. Other features local and remote control. Because it uses case-type
are: comparatively fast gun laying and turret train propelling charges, many of the flameproof integrity
drives; loading at all angles, while gun laying; sub- construction features are eliminated-unlike the Balti-
stitution of radar range-taking equipment for optical more class bag-gun turret of the same caliber, the
rangefinder; automatic fuze setting; local radar con- powder hoist system is single-stage and the gun deck is
trol; and other flexihle fire control arrangements for not compartmented, though scuttles separate the han-



~~is~ PROJECTILE r--- .•.



FIGURE 7Hl.-8" /55 rapid-fire turret. Cross section.


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-- .•...•-=-1 RIGHT GUN PIT I





FIGURE 7H2.-8"/55 rapid-fire turret. Rotating structure (simplified).


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FIGURE 7H3.-8" /55 RF gun and turret. Muzzle, showing rifling and lugs.


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dling room from the magazine. Because the guns use

case ammunition, there is a case-ejection mechanism-
a continuous-chain conveyor unit below the slide
which pushes the cases out an empty-case tube under
the gun.
The training mechanism of this turret is of the usual
type, but it has an are-and-pinion type of elevating
gear instead of the elevating-screw type.
As to ammunition-handling facilities, the projectile
flats each have TWO projectile rings, plus an improved
type of parbuckling mechanism. Moreover, the guns
incorporate completely mechanical ammunition-han-
dling arrangements that make it unnecessary for the
crew to handle or even touch the ammunition, once
it has been loaded into the hoists.

7H2. Structure and space arrangement

As with earlier designs, the fixed-turret structure

includes a foundation which supports a roller path,
and an armor barbette which protects all levels of the
turret between the armor deck and the gun house.
The rotating structure is topped by a gun house; under
this, the levels are the pan plate (which forms the
bottom of the gun pits), two projectile flats, and a
powder-handling room. There is no separate electric
deck; the equipment that usually occupies such a deck
is mostly inside the circular bulkheads that enclose the
central part of the turret at the projectile-flat levels FIGURE 7H4.-8"/55 RF gun and turret. Gun-supporting
(figs. 7Hl and 7H2).

7H3. Gun
7HS. Gun housing and breech mechanism
The gun is a combination type, 2-piece, 8-inch
55-caliber design consisting of a tube and rifled liner. Figures 7H5 and 7H6 illustrate the anatomy of the
It is a "loose" assembly. The liner is fitted for con- housing and breech mechanism with the breech open
venient removal and replacement on board ship. It is and closed. The gun housing is a rectangular alloy
designed to withstand a pressure of nineteen long tons steel forging. It is attached to the gun shoulder and
per square inch. Its rifling is of uniform .right-hand rear cylinder by a bayonet-type joint. The housing
twist with 64 grooves and 1 turn in 25 calibers. The has vertical guide ways for the breechblock. The
powder chamber and breech are designed for semi- guides have a sli.ght forward slope to make the breech-
fixed ammunition. block seat the projectile as it rises.
Figure 7H3 shows the muzzle details, including the The breech mechanism consists of a vertically slid-
three lugs which anchor the jacks that are used to ing power-operated breechblock, an electric firing
haul out the liner for replacement. mechanism, a power-operated mechanical case ex-
tractor, hydraulic cylinders and valves to drive these
7H4. Gun supporting elements components in normal breech operation, and man-
The gun supporting structures are of the usual tur- ually operated mechanisms to supplement the power
ret type-gun girders (fig. 7H2) which support the system.
deck lugs (fig. 7H4) into which the gun slide trunnions The breechblock is a rectangular steel forging simi-
fit. The slide trunnions pivot in roller bearings in the lar in general design to other vertical sliding breech-
deck lugs (fig. 7H4) . blocks. Its top surface has a longitudinal concave
The trunnion arrangements of the slide include area that" forms an extension of the ramming tray (fig.
journals for mounting two cradle units. These are 7H6) . A horizontal fore-and-aft bore through its
the upper ends of the ammunition hoists. middle houses the firing pin assembly. The breech-


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("lOSEl' PO;;ITIO"l)


I .,REECr: hOl T I


FIGURE 7H5.--8"j55 RF gun and turret. Gun housing and breech mechanism. Cross section, breech closed.

block is moved vertically in the housing ways by a tripping one of the breechblock hydraulic system
hydraulic cylinder. When closed (top position, as operating valves.
in figure 7H5), it is locked by a spring-loaded rec- The spring-loaded case-retaining pawl in the top of
tangular bar-the breech bolt. the breechblock fulfills its function as the ram mer re-
The breech bolt is released from this position by a tracts. It holds the case in the chamber until the
rack-and-pinion gear arrangement (fig. 7H7) actuated breechblock rises.
by an inner release bar during the automatic cycle. The firing pin assembly (fig. 7H5) extends longi-
(It can also be released manually.) The breech bolt tudinally through the breechblock. It is for electrical
and bolt earn (fig. 7H5), together perform this locking firing only, though it can be rigged for percussion
operation, plus that of retracting and holding the firing firing in emergency. The spring-loaded firing pin is
pin when the brcechblock is not closed, and that of retracted by the cocking lever (fig. 7H6) until the


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·FIGURE 7H6.-8" /55 RF gun and turret. Housing and breech mechanism. Cut-away view, breech open.

breech is closed and locked. Its spring then pushes- a recess of the cartridge rim seat of the gun. The
the pin forward through a hole in the front face of the back of each spade is curved so that the spade rocks
block so that it contacts the powder-case primer. to move the toe aft when the cylinder hauls the upper
The case-extractor mechanism has 2 extractor end forward during extraction. The extractor-operat-
spades, operated by 2 hydraulic cylinder units bolted ing mechanisms are spring loaded to return the spades
on top of the gun housing (fig. 7H6). Suspended in to the cartridge rim seat after extraction. In normal
the breechway, the lower end or toe of each fits into operation, the extractor functioning is controlled by


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FIGURE 7H7.-8" /55 RF gun and turret. Breech bolt and bolt release mechanism.
(Cut-away view. Cocking le-ver omitted.)


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electrical switches and solenoids actuated by the kinds of hoist are of the electric-hydraulically driven,
breechblock as it nears the bottom of its downward endless-chain and sprocket type, and in principle re-
movement. semble the dredger hoist used in 5-inch mounts. Since
The hydraulic system for raising and lowering the the projectile and powder hoists are similar in general
breech block consists principally of a breech-operating construction and principle, only the projectile hoist
cylinder, piston, and piston rod attached to the bottom is shown in the figures (fig. 7H9).
of the breechblock (fig. 7H5). Valves in a valve The upper end of each hoist terminates in a
block under the breechway control hydraulic fluid cradle-a tubular unit suspended from a journal on
flow into the cylinder. The valves are positioned me- the slide trunnion and arranged to swing between the
chanically by a valve-operating lever; this, in turn, top of the hoist and the side of the slide. In this
is actuated by the movements of the breech bolt. swinging movement the cradle lower end is guided
(Part of this linkage is shown in figures 7H6 and 7H7.) by a curved rail (not shown in the figures) mounted
The breechblock has 2 open positions-l for ramming on the gun girder. When the cradle swings up to
(top of block aligned with bottom of chamber), and the slide, it latches there and moves with gun-laying
a lower one for extracting. action until the projectile or powder case is ejected.
Manual breech-operating devices provide for auxil- Then it moves to the hoist, and latches in alignment
iary or emergency operation of the breech mechanism. with the hoist tube, permitting the hoist to feed it
Unlocking and locking the breech, resetting the breech another projectile or powder case.
control valves, controlling extractor functioning, and Each cradle has a pawl at its open end and a large
opening and closing the breech can be done manually. spring-ram device at the trunnion end. When the
hoist lifts a projectile into the cradle, the spring ram
7H6. Slide and slide power equipment is compressed and a pawl latches the projectile so
The gun slide (fig. 7H8) supports the gun m a that it cannot move out unless the pawl is depressed.
cylindrical bearing and two parallel rails. The slide A remotely controlled fuze setter is located in the
is fitted with a hydraulic recoil brake and hydro- projectile cradle.
pneumatic recuperator of types already discussed else- The powder hoist has, at its lower end, a flameproof
where in this book. The slide trunnions fit into bear- scuttle consisting of a revolving cylinder with two
ings in the deck lug. The slide also contains power- compartments 1800 apart. When one compartment
operated units which accept ammunition from the faces into the hoist tube, the other faces outward.
hoists, ram it into the chamber, and dispose of ex- An electric drive controlled by a crewman rotates the
tracted cartridge cases. cylinder 1800 when a powder case has been loaded
The slide power equipment includes the breech- into the outer compartment, to transfer the case in-
operating mechanism, the ammunition transfer trays, ward to be hoisted.
and the rammer and case-ejector hydraulic operating'
units, all of which receive hydraulic fluid from a hy- 7H8. Ammunition-handling operations
dropneumatic accumulator. This unir coasists of a
Each 140-pound metal powder case contains the
large vertical cylinder and two air flasks mounted at
the side of the slide. An extensive system of hydraulic complete propelling charge for an 8-inch gun. The
pipes connects it to all operating units and to a pump cases are moved in small trucks, rather than by hand
mounted with its electric motor on the upper projectile carrymg.
flat. This system continuously delivers power through- The powder-handling room is not divided by flame-
out all gun-loading and gun-firing operations. tight bulkheads, but forms one large enclosure. Pro-
Hydraulic power operations of the gun units are pelling charges are transferred from the magazine
controlled by limit and interlock switches and valve- through the powder-handling room bulkhead by rotary
operating solenoids on the breech, rammer, tray, hoists, scuttles. Crewmen load the charges into hand trucks,
and case-ejector mechanisms, and control switches of push them to the hoists, and unload them into the
the gun captain's control panel in the turret officer's rotary scuttles (described in a previous paragraph)
booth. This gun-loading control system enables all at the powder-hoist lower ends.
loading and firing actions to be performed without The projectile hoist can be loaded at either projec-
attendants in the gun compartment and during gun-
tile-flat level. Projectile hoist operation is normally
laying movement.
completely automatic. Loading the hoist automati-
7H7. Ammunition hoists cally starts its hydraulic drive to raise the ammunition
Each of the three guns of the turret has a projectile one flight (if the empty cradle is waiting at the upper
hoist on its right and a powder hoist on its left. Both end) . The hoists are also capable of emergency


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FIGURE 7H8.-8" /55 RF gun and turret. Right rear view of slide (installed).

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ICHAIN FLIGHT I------.=::.--::-..;...-==:.~L-=



!-_----- I A-END PUMP I






FIGURE 7H9.-8" /55 RF gun and turret. Projectile hoist.


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FIGURE 7HIO.-8"/55 RF gun and turret. Parbuckling gear and projectile rings.

manual control and can be used for lowering The projectile-hoist cradle, which receives the pro-
ammunition. jectile from the projectile hoist, can swing up and
Figure 7HlO illustrates the projectile ring and par- down (arrow A) between its hoist or receiving position
buckling gear layout in the Salem class turret. Much (aligned with the hoist), shown in the figure, and its
of the gear crowding the interior of this turret is not discharge position, aligned with the tubular projectile
shown in the illustration. Inside the turret foundation transfer tray. The projectile-hoist cradle is rotated
bulkhead are: on a journal bearing surrounding the trunnion by a
1. The outer projectile ring (capable of independ- hydraulic cylinder (shown in fig. 7H9). The cradle
ent rotation and powered by an electric-hydraulic Jocks in either position, regardless of gun elevation
drive) . angle, and regardless of whether or not the gun is
2. The outer projectile-handling platform (part of moving in elevation. There is a similar powder-hoist
the turret rotating structure) on which are cradle (not shown in the figure) on the left trunnion,
mounted the right and left projectile hoists, and which has similar positions with respect to the powder
the 3 gypsy heads and 2 steady arm mechanisms hoist and the powder transfer tray.
(1 for each projectile hoist) used in parbuckling. The powder transfer tray and projectile transfer
3. The inner projectile ring (independently driven tray, when swung outboard as in figure 7Hll, are in
by an electric-hydraulic power drive) . firing position. These trays can swing (arrows B, C)
4. The central part of the turret rotating structure, inboard, under the thrust of hydraulic cylinders (the
with the center projectile hoist and its steady cylinder for the projectile tray is visible in figure 7H8)
arm, the power hoists, the central column, and to ramming position, in which they are aligned with
various other gear. each other, with the gun breech, and with the rammer.
Only the two projectile rings are used for projectile When in firing position, the trays allow clearance
stowage. for the gun to recoil and for the ejected cartridge case
to move along the spanning tray into the empty
7H9. Gun-loading equipment powder-case tray. Note that the spanning tray, which
is structurally a part of the housing, moves in recoil
Most of the loading machinery that serves ammu- with the housing under the empty powder-case tray,
nition to the 8-inch RF gun is shown in figure 7H 11. which remains stationary.


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FIGURE 7H 11.-8" /55 RF gun and turret. Loading equipment.

When the powder transfer tray swings inward thing happens in both cradles, only the projectile
(arrow C), the empty- powder-case tray, which is cradle is shown in the figure. The fuze setter is not
linked to the transfer tray and moves with it, goes shown.) Spring-loaded pawls hold the projectile and
downward to the case-ejection mechanism. This case in the cradles.
mechanism is a hydraulically driven chain-conveyor 2. Cradle movement to discharge position. Next,
unit which thrusts the empty cases outside through a each cradle swings upward to discharge position, auto-
tube under the gun barrel to fall to the ship's deck. matically latching in alignment with the transfer tray
(fig. 7H13). (Only the projectile side is shown.)
7H 1O. Operating cycle
3. Transfer to transfer tray. When the powder
Following is the sequence of operations in normal cradle reaches this position, interlock switches close a
automatic operation, beginning with the hoists full, circuit which causes immediate hydraulic retraction of
and with gun-loading equipment in the positions the retaining pawl. The compressed coil spring in
shown in figure 7H 11. the cradle thereupon throws the powder case into
1. Hoists load cradles. First of all, the projectile the transfer tray.
and powder hoists lift a projectile and powder case Operations on the projectile side are similar, except
into their respective cradles, compressing a heavy coil that retaining pawl retraction is synchronized to occur
spring in each (fig. 7H12). (Since about the same only when the breech is open (fig. 7H 14) . This de-


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layed delivery of the projectile keeps the projectile retaining latch keeps it from slipping forward too
fuze in contact with the fuze setter until the last soon. Other cam and stop devices similarly keep the
possible moment, and so reduces fuze dead time. It powder case in place within its tray, and, at the right
also simplifies operations in case of misfire or other time, position the projectile and case properly for
When the projectile has been thrown into its trans-
fer tray, a buffer brings it to a controlled stop, and a

~LlDE FIGURE 7HI3.-8"/55 RF gun and turret. Cradle moving
to discharge position.

FIGURE 7HI4.-8"/55 RF gun and turret. Projectile III

transfer tray, cradle still in discharge position.

FIGURE 7H 12.-8" /55 RF gun and turret. Projectile loaded
into hoist cradle.

FIGURE 7H15.-8"/55 RF gun and turret. Trays moving

toward ramming position.


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FIGURE 7H16.-8"/55 RF gun and turret. Start of ramming action.

ramming. Meanwhile, the cradles automatically cam. The spring-loaded bolt moves forward across
swing down to receiving position, ready to be reloaded the top of the earn to breech-locked position, and the
by their hoists. cocking lever and firing mechanism move to firing
4. Transfer trays to ramming position. At the same position.
time, or when other interlocking elements permit, the 8. Gun firing. In its firing position, the pin is in
two trays are hydraulically swung into ramming posi- contact with the primer of the powder case. As the
tion, and the powder case and projectile are properly firing circuit is closed, the current ignites the primer
positioned for ramming. Figure 7H15 shows how the and the powder charge.
trays move toward ramming position. 9. Gun recoil, gun counterrecoil, and breech open-
5. Ramming. When the trays are lined up with mg. During counterrecoil a cam in the slide causes
the open breech and the rammer (fig. 7H16), the
rammer rams the projectile and powder case into the
gun chamber, then automatically reverses and retracts.
The spring-loaded pawl at the top of the breechblock
engages the cartridge-case rim to prevent the case
from sliding rearward into the path of breech block
closing movement (fig. 7H 17) .
6. Breech closing. (Fig. 7H18.) When the ram-
mer chain has cleared the breechblock, the block rises.
Breechblock movement wedges the powder case into
the chamber.
7. Breech locking. (Fig. 7HI9.) Positive stops
limit breeckblock closing movement at a position that
synchronizes with the end of bolt travel on the bolt


111m! LEVER


FIGURE 7H17.-8"/55 RF gun and turret. Rammer retract- FIGURE 7H18.-8"/55 RF gun and turret. Breech closing;
ing; case-retaining pawl functioning. case being wedged.

4181170-57--11 151

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FIGURE 7H20.-8"/55 RF gun and turret. Breechblock

unlocking in counterrecoil movement.

FIGURE 7HI9.-8"/55 RF gun and turret. Breech closed

and locked: firing pin contacting primer.

two push bars to rotate the gear in the block and

retract the breech bolt (fig. 7H20). This retracts
the firing pin, unlocks the block, and causes the
breech block cylinder valves to port hydraulic fluid
into the cylinder to lower the block.
10. Case extractor operation. As it nears full open
position, the breechblock actuates a valve that admits
hydraulic fluid to the extractor hydraulic cylinder.
In full open position, the top of the breech block is
below the path of the empty powder case when it is
extracted (fig. 7H21). Both extractors move to ex-
tract the case and eject it to the rear (fig. 7H22).
Then they retract.
11. Gas ejector operation. When the case extrac-
tors are actuated, a mechanical linkage (not illus-
trated) opens the blow valve of the gas ejector. This
ports air via the pilot valve to three orifices in the
breechway. The air automatically shuts off.
12. Breechblock to loading position. The breech-
block moves upward approximately 0.75 inch to gun-
FIGURE 7H21.-8" /55 RF gun and turret. Breech open
loading position. (in case-extraction position).


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FIGURE 7H22.-8" /55 RF gun and turret. Extractor action.

FIGURE 7H24.-8" /55 RF gun and turret. Empty-case tray
moving downward.
13. Empty-case tray operation. As the empty case
comes out of the chamber (fig. 7H23), the guide keeps
it from being thrown out of the slide. The hydraulic
buffer takes the impact of the case, and the two retain-
ing latches (one is shown in the figure) hold it in
place in the empty-case tray.
By now the powder and projectile trays have been
reloaded. Arrival of the empty case in its tray actu-

FIGURE 7H25.-8" /55 turret. Empty case in

ates 1 of a series of interlocked electric switches, and

the 2 reloaded trays move toward ramming position
once more, ready for the next shot. As the powder-
case tray swings downward, so does the empty-case
tray (fig. 7H24). The case-retaining latches are
cammed open, and the empty case is dumped into
the case-ejection mechanism under the gun slide.
14. Case ejector action. The case ejector consists
principally of a sprocket-driven endless chain with
two equally spaced pawls, and a tube leading outside
the turret under the gun, with a spring-loaded door
at its end. When the empty case lands on the ejector,
it depresses a pawl which closes a switch; this causes
the case-ejector drive to move the chain forward one
flight (one-half the length of the chain) (fig.7H25).
As the chain moves forward, 1 of its 2 pawls pushes
the powder case into the tube. Since the capacity
FIGURE 7H23.-8" /55 RF gun and turret. Empty-case tray
of the empty-case tube is only five cases, eventually
receives extracted case. the cases at the front end are ejected past the door


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out to the ship's deck (fig. 7H26). A special drain rectly control A-end tilt to regulate the functioning of
disposes of sea water that may be shipped in heavy the elevating and training power drives.
weather while the door is open.
7H 12. Fire control
In general, fire control arrangements are quite simi-
lar to those possible with the Worcester class 6"/47
turrets described in the preceding section. The turret
battery can be controlled by main-battery directors
through forward or after plot, or by the secondary-
battery directors. Turrets II and III have their own
radar equipment for determining target location, in-
cluding range. Turret II can function to aim the
guns of turret 1. (This is called "hi-turret" control,
because turret II is several feet higher than turret 1.)
Each turret can also function in local control.

7H 13. Crew stations and operations

Forty-four men are required to man the battle sta-
tions of this turret installation. Twenty-seven men
of this complement, located in the levels below the
gun house, operate the ammunition service to the guns;
FIGURE 7H26.-8"/55 RF gun and turret. Empty case six others, stationed in the gun house, control and
being expelled from ejector tube. maintain gun operations; these 33 men are identically
employed in all methods of turret control.
7H 11. Training and elevating gear
The balance of the organization consists of 2 gun-
The guns of this turret are laid by arc-arid-pinion laying operators and 10 turret controlmen, all sta-
type elevating gear. The training gear is similar to tioned in the gun house. These 12 men have varying
that of other turret installations. duties, depending on the method of control. In this
The training units include the training gear electric- installation, in fully automatic operation, the oper-
hydraulic drive equipment, a train receiver-regulator, ations of the guns are controlled from the turret
and control station equipment for the turret training officer's booth in the rear of the turret from control
system. There are 3 elevating gear assemblies, 3 gun panels and switchboards.
elevation indicator-regulators and power drives, and Eighteen members of the crew are located in the
1 pointer's control station equipment for the gun ele- gun house. (fig. 7H27). There are 10 turret control-
vating system. men, 2 gun-laying operators and 6 gun operators.
Turret training and gun laying are controlled much The 10 turret controlmen are the turret officer,
as in the 6"/47 dual-purpose turret described earlier turret captain, computer operator, 2 radar operators,
in this chapter. The pointer's and trainer's control 3 talkers, sight setter, and checker. The checker is
equipment provides for three methods of control- a member of the crew in training operations only; his
automatic, local, and hand. In automatic, the elec- station is not manned in battle action.
tric-hydraulic train and elevation power drives are The two gun-laying operators are the pointer and
under the immediate control of the fire control di- trainer.
rectors, or some other source of gun order signals. The 6 gun operators are the 3 gun captains, their
In local, the power drives are controlled through the assistants, and the electrician. This electrician is sta-
receiver-regulator or indicator-regulators by the tioned in the gun house for general maintenance of
trainer's and pointer's handwheels. In hand control, control and communications circuits. His principal
the receiver-regulator and indicator-regulators are by- responsibility is trouble correction and aid in main-
passed, and the trainer's and pointer's handwheels di- taining continuous operation of the guns.


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r Co ",pUTi'R I


FIGURE 7H27.-8" /55 RF gun and turret. Gun house crew stations.

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FIGURE 7H28.-8"/55 RF gun and turret. Upper projectile flat crew stations.

Eight members of the turret organization are sta- tional crewman-a roving electrician with mainte-
tioned in the upper projectile flat-3 in the inner nance duties. Figure 7H29 shows the station arrange-
compartment, 2 at the rear right and 3 at the rear left ments of the remainder of the turret organization.
of the outer compartment (fig. 7H28). They are all
Ten men conduct the powder transfer service; three
engaged in supplying projectiles to the hoists, with the
ring operators maintaining supply to all. men serve each hoist under supervision of a petty
The lower flat is set up similarly, except for an addi- officer.


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FIGURE 7H29.-8"j55 RF gun and turret. Powder-handling room crew stations.


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Chapter 8


A. General
8A 1. Introduction 5" /38 (all types) and 5"/54 (Mark 39 only) designed
for semifixed ammunition, and the 3"/50 and 5"/25
Semiautomatic guns are case guns in which energy
which use fixed ammunition. Although these guns
stored during recoil is used on counterrecoil to operate
differ in mechanical details, they all use the vertical
the breech mechanism, eject the empty case, and later
sliding-wedge semiautomatic breech mechanism.
to close the breech and (if required) cock the firing
mechanism. Power for loading, ramming, and firing The 3"/50 caliber semiautomatic gun is a pedestal-
is supplied separately and requires independent control mounted, hand-loaded weapon which is not capable of
by members of the gun crew. firing at a rate comparable to the newer 3"/50 caliber
The cycle of operation is as follows: (1) the gun rapid-fire gun, which is covered in chapter 9. The
recoils after firing, and energy is stored in the counter- former is still in use on certain types of small patrol
recoil system; (2) during counterrecoil the breech- craft and on auxiliary vessels.
block is automatically lowered and the empty case is The 5"/25 caliber gun is also used on an open-
extracted; (3) after the next case is rammed into the pedestal type single mount. The dual-purpose 5"/25
chamber, the block is automatically raised to close the caliber is now mounted only on a few of the older
breech; and (4) the firing mechanism is cocked, either heavy cruisers in the reserve fleet.
when the block is lowered or when it is raised, depend- During World War II a special wet-type 5"/25
ing on the design of the gun, and the gun is then ready caliber pedestal mount was developed for use on fleet
for another operating cycle. The firing rate of semi- submarines. This is a single-purpose mount with
automatic guns depends largely upon the time required maximum elevation of 40°. It is not equipped with
to load. a power drive. The ammunition is fixed, consisting
All semiautomatic guns use fixed or semifixed am- of a projectile weighing 54 pounds and a cartridge
munition, depending upon their size. These guns with a loaded weight of 21 pounds.
utilize a sliding-wedge breechblock. A firing mecha- The 5"/38 caliber and the 5"/54 caliber assemblies
nism is fitted in the breechblock to fire the primer are in more general use than any of the above and will
electrically or by percussion. be described in more detail. The 5"/38 caliber is
Semiautomatic guns are used extensively by the particularly well adapted to use for the purpose of
United States Navy on all types of combatant and demonstrating the operating principles generally ap-
auxiliary vessels. Examples of this type of gun are the plicable to all semiautomatic guns.

B. Five-Inch 38-Caliber Assemblies

881. General 3. Power-operated rammer.

4. Power-operated elevating and training gear.
The 5"/38 caliber gun is a semiautomatic, dual-
5. Movable-prism telescopes.
purpose, pedestal- or base-ring-mounted gun which
6. Power-operated fuze-setting projectile hoist (ex-
uses semifixed ammunition. The principal features
cept on mounts of type 4 listed in article 8B27) .
of 5"/38 caliber gun assemblies arc as follows:
7. Power-operated powder hoist on all twin mounts
1. Vertical sliding-wedge breech mechanism. and some singles.
2. Hydraulic recoil and hydropneumatic counter- The operating principle of the 5"/38 caliber gun is
recoil systems. the same for all of the installations found on naval


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FIGURE SBl.-5"/38 housing and gun removed from mount.

vessels. Minor variations in mechanical features re- of the older cruisers and destroyers, as well as on
flect either improvement in design or the special re- various types of minecraft, landing craft, patrol craft,
quirements of certain installations. The majority of and auxiliaries.
these variations are in mount design. The main purpose of this section is to describe the
The gun, slide, and housing assemblies, the breech basic features, the function, and the mechanical opera-
mechanism, and their associated parts are almost iden- tion of the 5"/38 caliber twin mount assembly. In-
tical in all mounts. The greatest variation in these asmuch as the two gun assemblies are identical in
parts occurs in the twin mount, in which the gun em- operating principles, only the right assembly will be
placements form left and right gun assemblies, alike discussed, unless otherwise stated. Other types of
in all respects except for the reversed left and right 5"/38 mounts are discussed briefly at the end of the
arrangements of the two gun, slide, and housing section.
assemblies, the breech mechanism, and their com-
ponent parts. Each assembly is mounted separately 882. Ammunition
in carriages on a large rectangular platform. This The gun uses semifixed ammunition consisting of a
difference changes the appearance of the gun assem- 54-pound projectile and a case assembly weighing
bly but does not affect the mechanical operating about 28 pounds, which includes a IS-pound powder
principles. charge. The projectiles used are antiaircraft common,
Twin mount assemblies are installed on battleships, common, illuminating, and WP smoke. The bal-
cruisers, carriers, and destroyers. Single mounts are listic performance obtained with a IS-pound service
found on carriers and destroyer escorts and on many charge is as follows: initial velocity, 2,600 feet per


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second; maximum horizontal range, 18,000 yards; Each side face of the housing has a fore-and-aft slot
maximum vertical range, 37,300 feet. The gun is forming the bearing surface for the slide guide rails.
capable of sustained firing at a rate well in excess of The housing assembly supports the gun in the slide,
any which can be attained by the loading crew. An prevents the gun from rotating, and moves on the slide
experienced crew can load about 15 rounds per min- guides during recoil and counterrecoil.
ute for long periods, and may attain a short-period rate Other housing attachments and their operations are
of 22 rounds per minute. discussed later in this section.

883. Gun 885. Slide

The gun is a radially expanded monobloc barrel The slide, shown in figure 8B2 is a large box-shaped
which weighs about 2 tons. The rifling has a uniform structure within which the housing moves in recoil and
twist of 1 turn in 30 calibers. The bore is chromium- countercoil. It is open at the top and bottom, and
plated from the forward portion of the powder cham- closed at the rear by a removable plate. The rear
ber to the muzzle. The barrel is connected to the plate forms a seat for the support-bar housing of the
housing by means of a bayonet-type joint and locked countercoil mechanism. The top center of the rear
by a key and key-bolt seated in a keyway in the barrel. plate provides a mounting surface for the case tray
This design facilitates regunning the mount without and guide plate. The front plate has a circular open-
ing for the gun, a gun support bearing, and openings
dismantling the breech mechanism or other parts.
for the piston rods. The gun housing is supported and
884. Housing guided by two guide rails bolted to the inner side
plates. The elevating arc, gun-port shield, and ram-
The housing is a rectangular block-shaped forging
mer mechanism are secured to the slide. The slide
about 5 feet long and less than 2 feet wide between its assembly is supported in the carriage by integral trun-
parallel side faces. Its forward portion is machined to nions on roller bearings.
receive the barrel. In the center is a vertical well ac- The slide encloses and supports the housing and its
commodating the breechblock; and to the rear of this, assemblies during recoil and counterrecoil, and pro-
aligned with the barrel bore, is a trough-like ammuni- vides a method of elevating and depressing the gun.
tion-loading tray. Three bores in the after end of the Except for the rammer, the single mount slide illus-
housing and parallel to the gun bore axis provide twin trated in figure 8B2 is similar to the right-hand gun
recoil cylinders and a single counterrecoil cylinder. slide in the twin mount.



~ .,
•.•• J-

!ELEVATING ARC ~." •••• ~j,~

.-" .•..•

FIGURE 8B2.-5"/38 slide (single mount type).


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FIGURE 8B3.-5"/38 recoil mechanism. Above: In battery. Below: In recoil position.

886. Recoil system der serve as combination cylinder heads, buffer plung-
ers, and seats for adjusting valves. As the gun is re-
The recoil system (fig. 8B3) utilizes pistons working
turned to battery in counterrecoil, the buffer plungers
in twin hydraulic cylinders to absorb the major shock
enter the open pistons and produce a dashpot effect.
of recoil, and to provide a buffer for counterrecoil,
Escape of fluid through each plunger during this ac-
cushioning its return to battery.
tion is controlled by a needle valve (adjusting valve)
The piston rods, which are integral with their pis-
which alters the size of the opening in the plunger
tons, extend forward from the hydraulic cylinders
through which the fluid is passing. Thus the valves
through the housing (through a series of bronze sleeves
control the rate at which the gun returns to battery at
and packing glands) , and are secured to the gun slide
the end of counterrecoil, and the smoothness with
by piston rod yokes and nuts. Therefore, the pistons
which its forward motion stops. These valves are usu-
and rods remain stationary in recoil and counterrecoil
ally set before the gun is installed on a ship.
while the cylinders move. The after ends of the pis-
tons are open and hollow to admit the buffer plungers. 887. Counterrecoil system
The twin recoil cylinders are formed by two longi-
The counterrecoil system is a hydro pneumatic type
tudinal bores in the housing parallel to the gun axis.
of recuperator. The cylinder is formed by a bore in
Into these bores are fitted bronze sleeves or liners about
the after part of the housing, below the loading tray
18 inches long, having in their inner surfaces three
and parallel to the gun axis. The counterrecoil
equally spaced grooves of variable depth. As ex-
plained in chapter 5, these grooves control and throttle plunger, a highly polished, hollow cylinder about 2
the amount of hydraulic fluid passing from one side feet long and 3Y2 inches in diameter, extends out of
of the piston to the other, and so insure the proper the after end of the air cylinder through a chevron
rate of recoil brake action. Pressure in both cylinders packing and packing gland. It is coupled to the rear
is kept equal by a pressure equalizing line. plate of the slide by the support block, support bar,
The cylinder heads closing the after end of the cylin- and support bar housing. See figure 8B4. This


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AIR CYLINDER 1--...."...,



FIGURE 8B4.-5" /38 counterrecoil system. Run in full recoil position.

coupling arrangement is not rigid, but is designed to recoil pistons and piston rods are held stationary by
permit enough freedom of motion so that the counter- the slide while the recoil cylinders move with the
recoil plunger can align itself with the packing gland, housing. Recoil fluid is forced past the pistons
thus preventing distortion of the packing and con- through the variable depth grooves, and the move-
sequent air leakage through the packing gland. ment of the recoiling parts is retarded and finally
When the gun is in battery, normal pressure in the stopped.
air cylinder is kept at 1,450-1,550 psi. Recoil com- Assisting this brake action of the recoil system is the
presses the air further and the pressure rises to action of the recuperator. As the air cylinder moves
approximately 2,250 psi. aft over the stationary counterrecoil plunger, the air
Fluid under pressure is forced to the chevron pack- pressure in the cylinder is increased.
ing from the differential cylinder through drillings in When the rearward action of the recoiling parts
the air cylinder forging. See figure 8B4·. has been stopped, the highly compressed air within
As the barrel and housing move aft in recoil, the the recuperator main cylinder drives the cylinder and


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D~4- __ SEAR

POSITION ------t~









- I

FIGURE 8B5_-5"/38 breechblock. A. Main parts. B, C, D, E, F. Steps in functioning.


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gun housing forward. The first 6 inches of this when the inner lugs are forced forward. The lips on
counterrecoil motion is retarded only by the recoil the extractors engage the rim of the cartridge case.
fluid as it is displaced past the recoil piston. Then The quick forward motion of the lower end of the
the plungers of the recoil cylinder heads enter the open extractors causes an accelerated flip of the extractor
ends of the recoil pistons and produce their dashpot lips to the rear, thus extracting the case (fig. 8B5.).
effect (as explained in chapter 5), as controlled by Spring-loaded extractor plungers (fig. 8B6) push for-
the needle valves. ward against the outer lugs and assist in extraction.
When the gun is not in use, the housing is secured The held down against the action of
to the slide by a metal safety link. (It should always the operating spring by the inner lugs bearing on the
be disconnected before firing, but neither gun nor pallets. (See fig. 8B5.) When the block is in its
mount will be damaged if this is not done. ) lowest position, the extractor inner lugs are in the
curved portion of their slots and are held there by the
8B8. Breechblock
extractor plungers, which are pushing forward on the
The breechblock (fig. 8B5) is a vertical sliding outer lugs. The lower surfaces of the lugs and the
wedge which fits into a rectangular well cut through upper surfaces of the pallets are flattened to provide
the center of the housing from top to bottom. Ribs
good bearing surfaces.
on the left and right sides of the block match grooves
The breech cannot be closed as long as the lugs bear
in the breechblock guides of the housing and guide the
on the pallets. However, when the gun is loaded, the
block as it moves up and down to close or open the
breech. They also function to transmit the recoil rim of the case strikes the extractor lips and forces
shock from the breechblock to the housing. The them forward. (See fig. 8B5.) The extractor rocker
upper portion of the forward face of the block is action moves the inner lugs aft against the action of
beveled, and the breechblock guides slant forward the extractor plunger springs, until they clear the
slightly from bottom to top. The result is twofold. pallets and are in the vertical portion of the slots.
As the block rises it also moves slightly forward to The operating spring can then force the breechblock
wedge the cartridge case home, while the beveled for- upward to close the breech.
ward face assists the wedging action. A bore pene-
trating the block from rear to face contains the firing 8B 10. Operating shaft
mechanism. Additional bores house the sear, sear The vertical motion of the breechblock is controlled
safety latch, retracting lever bearing blocks, and by the operating shaft (fig. 8B7), which rotates in
operating shaft central arm. Slots or grooves ma- bearing caps on the bottom of the housing. The op-
chined in the right and left sides of the block serve as erating shaft is rotated automatically by cam action
camways for the extractor inner lugs. These slots are during the firing cycle, or manually by movement of
fitted at the upper end with pallets-shoulders against the hand-operating lever.
which the inner lugs bear when the block has been The operating shaft has cranks on both ends. A
dropped. lug extends out from the operating-shaft crank at the
left end to engage the operating-shaft cam plate for
8B9. Extractors
semiautomatic operation of the breech mechanism.
Extraction of the empty cartridge case is a mechan- The crank at the right end (hand-operating crank)
ical operation accomplished by the extractors as the has a projecting lug which engages a crank of the
breech block is lowered during counterrecoil. The hand-operating mechanism for manual operation.
two extractors are rocker arms, each with inner and Near the left end of the shaft is a curved, cam-like
outer lugs projecting from the opposing flat surfaces arm to which the operating-spring chain is attached.
at its base. The outer lugs ride in kidney-shaped slots In the center is the operating-shaft central arm, made
in the breechblock guides of the housing. In these up of two parallel arms, with a pin passing through
slots the lugs can move in a fore-and-aft direction, both arms. The pin also passes through the curved
but not up and down. slot of the retracting lever which operates between the
The extractors also have eccentric inner lugs which arms during shaft rotation. The ends of the pin pro-
fit into slots machined in each side of the breech block. ject beyond the sides of the central arm and carry
As the block drops, these inner lugs ride in their slots the bearing blocks. These bearing blocks slide in the
and are forced forward by the curved portion. Since inclined bearing-block ways (fig. 8B5) within the bot-
the extractors are rocker arms rocking on the breech- tom of the breechblock. Thus rotation of the shaft
face, the upper portion of each extractor is forced aft causes vertical movement of the breechblock.


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FIGURE 8B6.-Right extractor, 5"/38 gun.


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8811. Salvo latch tery, the latch is engaged with the latching lug on
the operating-shaft crank. Engaged, it prevents the
The salvo latch, shown in figure 8B8, is a positive- opening of the breech of an unfired gun by preventing
type latch, mounted on the left operating-shaft bear- rotation of the operating shaft unless the latch is
ing. With the breechblock raised and the gun in bat- tripped by hand. Durin.g gun recoil movement, the



FIGURE 8B7.-Parts and functions of 5"/38 breech mechanism.


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FIG URE 8B8.-5" /38 salvo latch.

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latch-operating lug projecting from the salvo latch the spring is bolted to the lower part of the gun housing
passes beneath the salvo-latch cam plate. This forces (fig. 8B7). Opening the breech compresses the spring,
the salvo latch down, permitting the spring-loaded because the rotation of the operating shaft winds up
pawl to snap forward and retain the latch in its dis- the chain connection on the shaft, pulling on the ad-
engaged position by bearing against the lower surface justing nut on the other end of the spring. In this
of the latching lug. The operating-shaft crank is now way the spring stores up the energy for closing the
free to rotate to permit opening of the breech. When breech. The adjusting nut provides a means for vary-
the breech block is closed again, rotation of the operat- ing the spring tension, which in turn regulates the
ing shaft causes the latching lug to rotate aft and force force of the breech closing.
the salvo-latch pawl aft. This permits the salvo latch
to rise under spring pressure and engage the latch lug, 8813. Cam plate
so that the breech is locked.
A pivoted cam plate, mounted in the inner left face
8812. Operating-spring assembly of the slide, as shown in figure 8B9, controls the rota-
tion of the operating shaft by means of a crank arm
This assembly consists of an operating chain, con-
at the left end of the shaft. During recoil, the crank
necting rod, coil spring, adjusting nut, and cylindrical
housing for the spring. pushes the cam plate outward toward the slide about
One end of the operating chain is attached to the the pivot pin. This movement compresses a spring
operating shaft (fig. 8B7), while the other end is placed between the cam plate and the slide. The
secured to the connecting rod. This rod passes operating shaft does not rotate at this time. At the the coil spring and is attached to the after end instant the crank moves abaft the cam plate, the spring
of it by the adjusting nut. The housing which encloses snaps the cam plate back into position.



FIGURE 8B9.-S"/38 operating-shaft earn plate.


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During counterrecoil, the lug on the operating-shaft in the operating-shaft central arm passes through the
crank strikes the curved portion of the cam plate and slot in the lower arm of the retracting lever. When
is forced downward by it. This motion of the crank the breech block crank rotates to lower the breech-
rotates the operating shaft and lowers the breechblock. block, the pin rides in the slot and forces the retracting
The central inboard section of the cam plate tapers lever to rotate and cock the firing-pin unit. It is to
down to a wedge-shaped groove which is opposite the be noted that cocking is accomplished when the block
position of the lug on the crank when the gun is in drops.
battery and the breechblock is open. This groove per- The firing-pin unit, shown in figure 8Bll, part A,
mits the crank to rise as the breech block closes. is held in the breechblock by the mechanism lock.
A movable cam-plate retractor, has a cam surface In the fired (uncocked) position, the firing plunger
which positions the cam plate against the slide so that rests against the shoulder on the firing pin. During
the cam plate will be inoperative. The breechblock cocking, the retracting lever pulls the cocking handle
must then be lowered by a hand crank. The cam-plate and firing pin aft, thereby drawing the firing plunger
retractor can be moved forward to the positiondesig- to the rear and compressing the firing spring. The
nated by symbol S (single) for manual operation or cocking sleeve, attached to the plunger, moves aft
pulled rearward to the position designated by symbol until the cocking-sleeve lug just passes the sear
A (automatic) for semi-automatic operation, in which shoulder. At the same time, the contact spring is
the cam plate will open the breech during counter- compressed.
recoil. As the breech block closes, the retracting lever allows
the contact spring to move the firing pin forward until
8B14. Hand operating lever it gently but firmly contacts the primer after the block
Since the hand operating lever on the 5"/38 caliber is fully closed.. During the movement of the firing pin,
gun is not a recoiling part, it is necessary to provide the sear shoulder engages the cocking-sleeve lug, hold-
a mechanical linkage which acts to engage the operat- ing the cocking sleeve and firing plunger in the cocked
ing shaft when the gun is in battery and still permits position. As the breechblock finishes closing, the cen-
the shaft to move freely in recoil. The linkage is tral arm of the operating shaft raises the sear safety
mounted and pivoted on the right outside face of the latch, disengaging its lug from the groove in the sear.
slide, as shown in figure 8B10. The pin is then in position to pass the current for
The hand operating lever is linked to a latch bell electrical firing, and ready to transmit the blow of the
crank which projects in from the side of the slide. firing plunger for percussion firing (part A of fig.
With the gun in battery, the latch bell crank contacts 8Bll) .
the hand-operating crank at the right end of the Percussion firing is initiated by the pointer, who
breech-operating shaft in such a way that rotation of presses a foot treadle. Through a system of linkages
the latch bell crank (in a counterclockwise direction and push rods (discussed in the next article) , the sear
by the hand-operating lever) will cause rotation of is pushed inward against its spring. This releases the
the breech-operating shaft and the lowering of the cocking-sleeve lug through the sear notch. The firing
breechblock. spring drives the cocking sleeve and firing plunger
The hand-closing latch is provided to permit manual forward, and the blow of the plunger drives the firing
closing of the breech during action in case there is a pin into the primer, thus firing the gun.
failure in the breech-operating spring or connecting The gun cannot be fired until the breech is fully
rod. closed, because until then, (1) the firing pin does not
touch the primer, (2) the sear is locked by the sear
8B15. Firing mechanism safety latch, and (3) the sear is out of alignment with
The firing mechanism provides for percussion and the inner push rod of the foot firing linkage.
electrical firing. Electrical firing requires that the
8B 16. Foot-firing linkage and firing stop mecha-
firing pin be insulated from the gun, but be in contact
with the primer when the breechblock is closed. Per-
cussion firing with the pin resting on the primer is The foot-firing mechanisms of both guns are oper-
obtained by striking the pin with a plunger. The ated by a foot treadle mounted on the outboard side
arrangement of the firing mechanism in the cocked of the left carriage. They are controlled by the point-
position is shown in figure 8Bll, part A. er's right foot when it is desired to fire the guns by per-
The retracting lever is pivoted in the breechblock cussion. As the pointer depresses the treadle, its action
extensions. The vertical arm of the retracting lever is transmitted through a system of cranks and levers to
engages a flange on the firing-pin unit. A pin carried the outer push rod located in the slide. See part B of


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\ \ \


FIGURE 8B 10.-5" /38 hand-operating mechanism.

figure 8Bl1. Movement of this push rod pivots the part B. It functions to interrupt fire both by percus-
trip plate inward. This moves the inner push rod (in sion and electrically, whenever the axis of the bore is
the housing) inward. The end of this rod is in con- aligned with some part of the ship's structure.
tact with the sear when the breech is fully closed. A spring-loaded plunger that bears against a circular
Movement of the inner push rod displaces the sear, cam plate permits fire when it is in contact with a
and the gun fires. recessed part of the cam plate surface, and stops fire
To ensure that the firing rod can be rotated only when in contact with a raised part of the cam plate
when the gun is not pointed into own ship, a firing stop surface. The pattern to which the cam is cut is plotted
mechanism is used. The principles of this mechanism individually for each gun mount.
were explained in chapter 5, and the mechanism as it is As the gun is elevated, the plunger is positioned
installed on 5-inch mounts is shown in figure 8Bll, vertically by the elevation input rod and rack. As the


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FIGURE8Bll.-S" /38 firing system. A. Firing mechanism. B. Foot-firing linkage and firing stop mechanism.

mount is trained, the profile earn is rotated by the bevel a switch in the electric firing circuit when the plunger
gears and pinion to correspond with the position of the rides out of the recessed surface of the profile earn.
mount. Thus the position at which the plunger
strikes the profile earn will be determined by the eleva- 8817. Gas ejector system
tion and train of the gun. Gas ejectors function to prevent the entry of powder
If the plunger rides on a portion of the earn which gases into gun mounts, to safeguard against the danger
is not recessed, the clutch throw-out lever and clutch of flarebacks, and to assist in maintaining a rapid rate
lever do not contact each other. The pointer pressing of fire by clearing the bore of gases. Air under pres-
the treadle does not move the firing rod, and he cannot sure of approximately 75 psi is piped to the gun mount
fire the gun~ If, on the other hand, the plunger rides from the ship's supply. It moves through tubing and
on a recessld portion of the profile earn, the bell crank
air passages bored in the gun housing to nozzles located
will move the linkage sothat the clutch throw-out lever
in the breechblock guideways and pointed toward the
and clutch lever are in contact, and motion of the
pointer's foot on the treadle will be transmitted to the gun bore. During counterrecoil of the gun, a gas
firing rod, and thus the gun will be fired. The profile ejector valve, located in the forward and top of the
earn must be so cut that when it is positioned by an housing is cammed open and the gas ejection action
angle of elevation and train of the gun which would begins. The valve is tripped and closed by action of
damage own ship, the plunger will strike a nonrecessed the rammer operating shaft as the next round is
surface of the earn. rammed. A hand lever permits manual opening and
The movement of the plunger is also transmitted to closing of the valve.

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8818. Gun operating cycle movement in counterrecoil, the gas ejector valve is
tripped to open position.
When the gun is fired, the following cycle of opera-
tion takes place. When the next round is rammed, the cartridge case
The force of the expanding gases causes the barrel trips the extractors, rocking the inner lugs off the
and housing assemblies to move rearward in recoil pallets. The gas-ejector valve is tripped to CLOSE by
within the slide. During the first part of recoil, the rotation of the rammer-operating shaft. The block
salvo latch is disengaged and the operating shaft is rises, wedging the cartridge case, moving the retract-
then free to rotate. The braking or retarding action ing lever to permit the firing pin to contact the primer,
of the recoil and counterrecoil systems stops the rear- and bringing the sear in line with the inner push rod
ward action, and the recuperator moves the recoiling of the foot firing mechanism. Simultaneously, as the
parts forward again. This forward movement, in operating shaft rotates, the latching lug on the shaft
turn, is checked and smoothed by the dash pot and picks up the salvo-latch pawl and enables the salvo
buffing action within the recoil cylinder. latch to lock the breech. The gun is now ready to
During counterrecoil the operating shaft is rotated fire the next round.
upon contact with its cam plate. This rotation drops 8819. Rammer mechanism
the breechblock, retracts the firing pin, sets the sear,
and compresses the operating spring. As the breech The rammer assembly is a semiautomatic, electric-
opens, the outer lugs of the extractors are thrust for- hydraulic unit mounted at one side of the loading tray
ward by their plungers while the inner lugs are moved on the upper rear portion of the slide. It is designed
forward by their slotted camways in the breechblock. to function properly at any gun elevation.
The lips of the extractors snap to the rear, extracting The power unit consists of a 7Y2-hp electric motor
the empty case, and the inner lugs come to rest on which drives a hydraulic pump mounted in the oil
the pallets, holding the breechblock down against the supply tank.
pressure of the operating spring. During the initial The rammer itself (fig. 8B12) includes:








FIGURE 8Bl2.-5"/38 rammer, assembledarrangement.


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FIGURE 8B13.-5"/38 rammer pinion and rack arrangement.

1. a hydraulic cylinder padded with rubber and backed with canvas to prevent
2. a piston and piston rod damage to the base of the case during the ramming
3. a pinion secured to the after end of the piston operation. The spade is mounted on the crosshead
rod by a yoke in such a manner that it can be moved upward about
4. a fixed rack (fig. 8B13) secured to the inner face 5 inches against the action of a vertical spring placed
of the slide between spade and crosshead. A spring-loaded
5. a crosshead, consisting of a crosshead detail plunger (plunger latch) projects from the inboard
(movable rack) , a crosshead arm, and a shell guard or side of the spade.
spade The erosshead guide and earn plate is mounted along
6. control valves and operating levers one side of the loading tray. Its purpose is to guide
In open mounts the rack-and-pinion arrangement and support the crosshead, and to provide cam sur-
(No.5) is omitted. The crosshead drives the spade faces upon which the plunger latch rides and hence
direct. controls the vertical motion of the spade. After a
The hydraulic pump introduces oil under pressure round is rammed, the breechblock rises and forces the
into the cylinder to drive the piston forward for ram- spade upward about 3 inches. After the gun is fired,
ming and aft for retracting. This motion is trans- as the spade and crosshead move aft in retraction, the
mitted to the crosshead through the pinion which is plunger latch rides up an inclined cam surface on the
meshed with both the fixed pack and the crosshead de- cam plate and the spade is raised an additional 2
tail (movable rack). The rammer piston pulls the inches. The upward movement of the spade, totaling
pinion forward about 261'2 inches, forcing it to rotate about 5 inches, is sufficient to permit the ejected case
between the two racks so that the crosshead is trans- to pass under the spade.
lated a distance equal to twice the linear travel of the A projection on the forward left side of the cross-
pinion. This pinion arrangement permits the use of head engages with a rammer interlock mechanism at
a shorter cylinder which can be completely enclosed the end of the ram stroke, latching the crosshead to
within the shield. the housing. The interlock mechanism is a spring-
The spade rams the projectile and case into the loaded catch partly enclosed in the safety-link bracket.
chamber at the same time. The face of the spade is The crosshead is unlatched by relative motion between


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housing and slide during the first part of recoil as the Near the end of the retract stroke, the crosshead
ram mer interlock is forced to the left by the unlatch- engages a retract-control rod connected to the control
ing cam on the cam plate. A lever is attached to valves by a linkage. When the rammer forces the
permit manual release. retract-control rod a short distance aft, the linkage and
Control valves, operated partly by hand and partly valves are returned to neutral position and retraction
automatically through a control shaft and linkage, is stopped.
mounted as in figure 8B14, control the motion of the When a round is rammed and the breechblock rises,
piston. Movement of the control shaft and linkage forcing the spade upward, the spade plunger latch
positions hydraulic valves which cause the piston to actuates the latch-pin lever. The latch-pin lever is
ram, retract, or remain at neutral. An operator can connected to the control mechanism so that upward
control the rammer at any point in the cycle by mov- movement of the lever positions the control valve to
ing the control lever. neutral, releasing the ram pressure.


FIGURE 8B14.-5"/38 mount rammer controls.


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Automatic retraction of the rammer is accomplished ride the upper cam surface. This prevents damage,
by means of a cam follower attached to the control should the breechblock be closed.
shaft which rides over the cam mounted on the upper
part of the housing. The retraction cam moves rear- 8821. Loading operation
ward during recoil of the gun, operating the cam fol- Assume that the gun crew has been firing. After the
lower which rotates the control shaft to the retract ejected case has cleared the loading tray, the gun cap-
position. tain depresses the spade release lever to drop the
8820. Ramming cycle
The powder man takes a powder case out of the
Assume that the cartridge case and projectile have powder hoist, removes the primer-protecting cap, and
been placed in the loading tray and that the spade places the case on the loading tray. The projectile
is behind the case in position for ramming. The pro- man removes a projectile from the projectile hoist and
jectile man throws the hand control lever into the places it on the loading tray just forward of the case.
RAM position; the spade moves forward, forcing the The projectile man then pulls the rammer lever to
ammunition into the gun; and the crosshead is locked RAM, and the charge is rammed home. After the
to the housing by the crosshead interlock latch. (Fig. gun fires, the hot case is ejected through the case ejec-
8B14.) When the rim of the cartridge case strikes tion chute for angles of fire up to 40°. For higher
the extractors, the breech block rises and forces the angles of fire, the hot case must be removed manually
spade upward. As the spade rises, the plunger latch by the hot-case man.
forces the latch-pin lever upward. This action re-
turns the control valve to the neutral position. 8822. Carriage, stand, and roller path
After the gun is fired, the following actions take The general arrangement of these parts is shown in
place during the first part of recoil: (1) The crosshead figure 8B15.
rides back with the recoiling gun and housing; (2) the The carriage is an assembly of the base-ring type.
crosshead unlatching cam pushes against the cross- The right and left gun carriages are secured to the
head interlock, latch, releasing the crosshead ; and (3) four fore-and-aft girders which are supported by the
the rammer control shaft is positioned for retraction by base ring. The base ring supports the twin guns, their
the retraction cam, and the rammer continues to re- elevating and training drives, hoists, sights, shield, and
tract under its own power. other parts of the rotating assembly. The upper roller
During retraction, the plunger latch rides on the path is fitted into the base ring.
inclined cam surface on the earn plate, and the spade The stand is a large, circular steel casting with a
is raised to provide the necessary clearance for the flange at the bottom around the outer circumference
ejected case. Near the end of the retract stroke, the for bolting to the gun foundation. It is designed to
crosshead engages the retract-control rod. When the accommodate the training circle and lower roller
rammer forces the retract-control rod a short distance path.
aft, the control valves are returned to the neutral posi- The upper roller path furnishes a bearing surface
tion and retraction is stopped. The spade is held in for the horizontal rollers and the radial rollers. A
its upper position by a latch which must be released radial bearing surface secured to the inner vertical
manually by means of the spade-release lever before surface of the stand serves as the other bearing sur-
the spade can drop into position to start another ram- face of the radial bearings. The horizontal rollers
ming cycle. bear on the lower path, permitting the mount to rotate.
There are two inclined cam surfaces on the forward Bronze separators support and separate the rollers.
part of the crosshead guide and cam plate which are Secured to the base ring are four holding-down clips,
not used in ordinary operation. The plunger latch is designed to fit under the training circle with a small
raised above these surfaces by the rising breechblock, amount of clearance. They serve to steady the mount
and rides past them during recoil, directly to the cross- during rotation and firing, and to hold the mount to
head guide and cam plate. The lower of the two cam the roller path.
surfaces is used when exercising the rammer with the
breech mechanism idle and the breech open. Then 8823. Training and elevating gear
the spade is not raised by the breechblock, but is raised These assemblies, illustrated in figure 8B16, are
by the latch riding the lower cam surface. The upper electric-hydraulic power drives of similar type in ar-
cam surface is included in the design as a precaution- rangement, operation, and control, but different in
ary measure. If the ram stroke is started with the size and capacity. The training gear is driven by a
spade in its up position, the spade plunger latch will 40-horsepower motor and the elevating gear by a 10-


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FIGURE 8B15.-5" /38 twin-mount stand and carriage.

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FIGURF, 8B16.-5"/38 twin-mount elevating and training gear.

horsepower motor. Each has its own hydraulic trans- 2. Local. In this mode, rotation of the pointer's or
mission unit. trainer's handwheel positions a servo device which in
Each transmission unit consists of a hydraulic pump turn positions an A-end tilt box of the appropriate
connected by pressure lines to a hydraulic motor. drive. This type of control, then, is similar to auto-
The output of the pump to the motor is controlled by matic, except that rotation of the handwheels takes
an indicator-regulator or by a control unit. Through the place of the electrical signals from the remote
each transmission unit, the constant-speed, unidirec- point. Either high or low speed may be selected.
tional input from the electric motor is converted into 3. Hand. This is power drive control using the
a reversible, variable-speed output to the respective handwheels with their shafts and gears to position the
elevating arcs or training rack. Further discussion of A-end tilt box without the intermediate use of the
automatic control equipment is found in chapter 10. servo mechanism. Either high or low speed may be
Both pointer and trainer have two shift levers avail- selected.
able. One of these is a speed selector, which permits 4. Manual. This is manual drive of the gun
a selection of either high speed or low speed operation.
movement, with the handwheels geared directly to the
The other lever provides a choice of 4 methods of
training rack or elevating arc. The hydraulic trans-
gun movement control, 3 of which employ power drive
mission and the power drive are bypassed and hence
while the fourth is a manual operation. The 4
methods of gun movement control are as follows: inoperative. Normally, only low speed is employed
1. Automatic. This is remote director control of in manual.
the hydraulic pump by electrical signals transmitted The selector levers of the pointer and trainer oper-
to the indicator-regulators of the elevating or training ate independently, so that a different gun movement
assemblies. The speed selector lever must be in the control or speed may be employed in train from the
HIGH SPEED position if automatic control is selected. control or speed in use in elevation.


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FIGURE 8Bl7 .-5"/38 projectile hoist.

8824. Projectile hoists side of the power chain are fuze-setting drive chains.
These will be discussed later.
The twin mount is equipped with right and left
Two projectile flights (fuze sockets) are attached
hoists of similar design. They are semi-automatic
to the power chain of each hoist. The flights are so
endless-chain, enclosed, dual-tube hoists with electric-
placed that 1 is at the upper end of 1 tube when the
hydraulic drive. An auxiliary manual drive is pro-
other is at the lower end of the opposite tube. The
vided for emergency use. Figure 8B17 shows the
upper and lower position of the flights are the limiting
upper end of the hoists in the gun mount and the
points of chain movement. .
lower end in the handling room. Each hoist is sep-
The control gear shown in figure 8B19 consists of a
arately driven and controlled, but an indicator-regu-
system of linkages from the top and the bottom of the
lator simultaneously adjusts fuze settings for both hoists
hoist to the hydraulic control unit. At the bottom of
through shafts and gears.
the hoist, a control cam protrudes into each hoisting
The hoist drive consists of a lO-hp electric motor, a
tube. A projectile placed in one of these tubes de-
hydraulic pump enclosed in a tank, a motor unit, and
presses the cam and causes its clutch to engage t?e
a control unit. The hydraulic pump is connected to
shaft to the starting lever. Then, when the hoist
the hydraulic motor by pressure lines.
door is closed on that projectile, the shaft is turned,
The hydraulic motor is geared to a chain-driving actuating the starting valve.
sprocket in the upper end of the hoist. A lower idler At the top of the hoist, a projectile-interlock carn
sprocket is enclosed in the lower sprocket housing. An protrudes into each tube. If a projectile is a:. the
endless power chain or hoist chain is held between the top of the hoist, the cam will be depressed, pOSItIOn-
two sprockets as shown in figure 8B18. On either ing the interlock valve in neutral, so that the power

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~ .


FIGURE 8B18.-5"j38 projectile hoist. Hoisting and fuze-setting gear. (Schematic.)

drive cannot hoist. The doors at the top of the hoist Assume that a projectile is in its flight at the top of
are. also equipped with interlock cams. When either the hoist and that the other flight is empty and at the
door is open, its cam acts to prevent hoisting. bottom of the hoist. With the projectile-interlock
The control cam and interlock cams thus provide cam at the top depressed, the hydraulic unit is main-
safety features which will prevent the power drive tained in neutral. Now a projectile is manually
from functioning: loaded in the other tube and the lower door is closed.
1. When the projectile is being placed in the hoist. The depressed control cam and the closed door actu-
2. When the loaded flight reaches the top position. ate the starting valve, but the interlock valve pre-
3. While the projectile is being removed from the vents a hoisting cycle. The projectile at the top is
hoist. then manually removed. This removal of the projec-


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FIGURE 8B19.-5" /38 projectile hoist. Hydraulic system controls.


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tile frees the interlock cam and forces the upper door the manual handwheel to actuate the chain-setting
open. As long as the door is open, the door interlock drive, and the time setting is effected by one of the
cam prevents hoisting. When the projectile clears following methods:
the door, the door snaps closed under spring pressure, 1. By matching pointers, in which case the fuze
and the door interlock is released. The hydraulic setter matches pointers on 2 sets of regulator dials,
motor drives, the projectile rises, and the empty flight one set of which is actuated by electrical signals from
goes down. As the projectile reaches the top of the the computer in the director system, and the other
hoist, the interlock cam is depressed, placing the hy- set by rotation of the manual handwheel.
draulic controls in neutral. The above cycle will con- 2. By setting the desired fuze time on the regulator
tinue as long as shells are loaded and removed. A dials, in which case the manual handwheel is turned
handwheel, geared to the power-drive output shaft until the dials indicate the fuze time opposite fixed
through a clutch, provides an auxiliary manual drive index marks. This method is used when the com-
to be used in case of power failure. puter is disconnected from the regulator.
Projectiles are manually loaded and removed from In automatic control, the manual handwheel is dis-
the hoist. Manually operated upper and lower pro- engaged, and the fuze chains are automatically posi-
jectile-ejector mechanisms facilitate removal. This tioned by an electric power drive in the regulator.
type of hoist furnishes the gun mount with a rapid, The power drive is controlled by electrical signals from
continuous supply of projectiles. the computer. The gun-crew fuze setter has no con-
trol over the regulator in automatic control.
The fuze-setting mechanism consists of (1) a fuze-
A flight consists essentially of an outer socket at-
setting indicator-regulator, (2) fuze-setter chains, and
tached to the hoist chain, and an inner socket so
(3) projectile flights. These three components,
mounted on ball bearings that it can rotate within
shown schematically in figure BB1B, are called regula-
the outer socket. (Fig. BB20, left.) The inner socket
tor, fuze chains, and flights in the following discussion. is geared to a sprocket which engages the fuze chain.
The regulator is a device which sets the fuze by The fuze chains are endless chains mounted on the
controlling the position of the fuze chains. It is outboard sides of the hoist chain.
mounted at an angle on the carriage inboard of the A fuze is set by rotating the time-ring lug (fig.
right gun. The regulator can be set for either man- BB20, right). The projectile must be placed on the
ual or automatic control by means of a selector lever. hoist with the fuze fixed lug in the V-slot to obtain
In manual control, the gun-crew fuze setter turns correct settings. The initial fuze setting is SAFE, and



FIGURE8B20.-Fuze-setting mechanism, 5"/38 caliber gun. A. Projectile flight. B. Fuze.


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FIGURE 8B21.-Endless-chain powder hoist.

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during the fuze-setting operation the time ring is ro- vided for emergency use. Figure 8B21 shows the
tated from the maximum time setting down to the upper hoist location.
setting required. Each hoist is driven and controlled by an electric-
The pawls on the inner socket will engage the time- hydraulic drive. This drive consists of an electric
ring lug when these parts are in alignment. Further motor, pump, and tank unit connected by piping to a
rotation of the socket, after engagement, sets the fuze. hydraulic motor and control unit.
During hoisting, the point in the flight travel at which The hydraulic motor is geared to a chain-driving
engagement does take place depends upon the fuze sprocket in the upper end of the hoist. An idler
setting desired. sprocket is mounted in the lower end. A conveyor
The sprocket transmits fuze-setting adjustment from chain, provided with five flights uniformly spaced, is
the fuze chain to the time fuze in the following ways: held between the sprockets. It is reversible, for hoist-
1. By movement of the flight with respect to the ing or lowering powder cases. A HOIST-STOP-LOWER
fuze chain when the projectile is hoisted. The gear- hand-operated control lever, connected to the hy-
ing is so arranged that movement of the flight from draulic control unit, regulates the direction of motion.
the lower to the upper position causes the inner socket The control gear (fig. 8B22), linked to the hydraulic
to rotate almost exactly one revolution in a direction control unit, is similar to that of the projectile hoist.
to reduce the time setting on the fuze. A rotation of This control equipment regulates the hoisting and low-
3150 is equivalent to 45 seconds fuze-setting time. ering limit of each flight supporting a powder case, and
2. By movement of the fuze chain. This is con- prevents hoisting or lowering when it is unsafe. A
trolled by the regulator. handwheel, geared to the power-drive output shaft
From the above discussion it is apparent that if a through a clutch, provides an auxiliary drive to be
high fuze setting is desired, the regulator must so used' in case of power failure.
position the fuze chain that the pawls will engage Cases are manually loaded and removed from the
the time-ring lug late in the hoisting cycle. The time hoist, and the hoist furnishes the gun mount with a
ring will then be turned a small amount during the rapid, continuous supply of powder cases.
remainder of the flight travel and the setting will be
high. On the other hand, the pawls are positioned 8826. Sights and sight assembly
for early engagement in making low fuze settings. Movable prism-type telescopes are mounted at the
Thus, in obtaining a given fuze setting, it is only neces- pointer's, checker's, and trainer's stations. Figure
sary to make the setting on the regulator which posi- 8B23 shows the location of the telescopes and the sight
tions the fuze chain, and then hoist the projectile. setter's indicator. The telescopes are located within
Changes in fuze setting may be introduced at any hooded sight ports which project through the side
time while the projectile is in the hoist by changing shield plates.
the setting on the regulator. The fuze will be set for The elevating prisms in the three telescopes are all
the time indicated by the regulator when the projectile moved simultaneously by a system of interconnecting
is lifted out of the flight, even though it has remained shafts and gears in response to rotation of the sight-
at the delivery end of the hoist for some time. angle handcrank. Similarly, all the deflection prisms
Projectiles without mechanical time fuzes, such as are positioned by the deflection handcrank. Since
VT -fuzed or target projectiles, can be hoisted by this the telescopes are mounted on the carriage instead of
equipment. Such projectiles may even be hoisted in- the slide, the elevating prisms must be rotated by the
terspaced with mechanical time fuze ammunition, if so elevating gear, as the gun elevates, to maintain the
desired, for, having no fuze lugs, the VT-fuzed or vertical angle which has been set between the LOS
target projectiles are unaffected by the fuze-setting and axis of the bore. In deflection setting, however,
mechanism of the hoist. Such a situation occurs in since both the sight and guns move together as the
AA firing when mechanical time fuzes are fired inter- mount is trained, the lateral angle between the tele-
spaced with VT fuzes to aid in spotting the burst onto scope and axis of the bore is maintained, once it has
the target. been set. Adjustable couplings in the shafting pro-
vide for independent adjustment of anyone of the
8825. Powder hoist telescopes or the indicator dials.
The twin mount is equipped with right and left The sight setter's indicator has 2 sight-angle dials
hoists of similar design (fig. 8B21). They are semi- (1 high-speed and 1 low-speed), 2 deflection dials
automatic endless-chain, enclosed, single-tube hoists (1 high-speed and 1 low-speed), and a range dial as
with electric-hydraulic drive. A manual drive is pro- shown in figure 8B24. The sight-angle and de-

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FIGURE 8B22.-5"/38 caliber powder hoist. hydraulic system control.


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FIGURE 8B23.-Sights in 5"/38 twin mount.

flection dials consist of two dials each; an inner dial the ring dials show the desired settings opposite the
is electrically operated from the computer. The fixed pointers. In the latter method, the sight-angle
inner dials have a position index mark, but no grad- settings desired might be expressed in yards, and this
uated scale. The sight-angle high-speed outer-ring setting would then be made on the range dial.
dial is graduated in minutes of arc, and the low-speed Since the telescopes are mounted on the carriage
outer dial in 100 minutes of arc. The deflection high- instead of the slide, the elevating prisms are rotated as
speed outer-ring dial is graduated every mil, and the the gun elevates as well as by changing sight-angle in-
low-speed outer dial every 100 mils. The outer sight- puts. The two variable quantities, gun elevation order
angle and deflection ring dials are operated by the and sight angle, are combined in a differential to pro-
sight-angle and the deflection handcranks. The range duce this effect. The net result keeps the vertical
dial is geared to the sight-angle hand crank and has angle between the line of sight and the axis of the bore
spiral graduations every 100 yards, with readings in- in agreement with the angle set on the sight-angle
creasing inwards radially in a clockwise direction. dials for any position of the gun in elevation.
When the dials are at zero position in deflection and
elevation, the index of each of the dials matches a 8827. Types of mounts and shields
fixed index. Sights are set by the sight setter in one There are four main types of 5"/38 mount
of two ways. If the computer is furnishing sight angle assemblies:
and deflection electrically, the proper setting is ob- 1. Enclosed twin mount with ammunition-handling
tained by turning the handwheels until index marks room beneath the mount. The type of mount is the
on the outer ring dials match with the index marks standard installation on battleships, cruisers, and de-
on the inner dials which are positioned by the com- stroyers. It is also used on the island (starboard) side,
puter. If sight angle and deflection are received by of Essex class aircraft carriers. This is the type with
voice transmission, the handwheels are turned until which this chapter has been concerned up to now.


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FIGURE8B24.-Sight setter's indicator on 5/1/38 twin mount. (Front plate of indicator removed.)


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2. Enclosed single mount with ammunition- Illumination in the gun and handling room is sup-
handling room beneath the mount. The enclosed plied by the ship's general illumination circuit. This
single mount is the old standard destroyer-type mount. circuit also includes outlets for ( 1) battle lanterns, (2)
It is now found on the many minecraft and auxiliaries window-wiper motors attached to each telescope, and
which have been developed from the older classes of (3) the battle illumination transformer.
destroyers, as well as on most of the destroyer escorts The battle illumination system provides illumination
in the- Fleet and many large auxiliaries (repair ships, by small lamps at all instruments, and controls, such as
destroyer tenders, etc.) . telescopes, dials, each gun breech, and the bottoms of
3. Open single mount with ammunition-handling the projectile hoists.
room beneath the mount. This mount was specially The mount is provided with two sources of electricity
developed for installation in the walkways on the port for firing the guns: ( 1) a motor-generator (ship's
side of aircraft carriers. It is also occasionally found power supply) , and (2) a 6-volt battery located in the
on auxiliary vessels. mount handling room. A selector switch mounted
4. Open single mount without ammunition- near the pointer's station controls the source. The
handling room. Mounts of this type can be installed firing circuit provides for electrical firing either locally
on ships without extensive reconstruction. For that or from a remote station.
reason it is a type of installation frequently used on Gun-elevation, gun-train, fuze-setting, and sight-
converted vessels originally of merchant types. There setting electrical signals are supplied to the indicator-
are no ammunition hoists associated with this mount. regulators and the sight setter's indicator in the mount
by fire control circuits from the computer.
8828. Other characteristics of 5"/38 caliber twin The communications facilities for the twin mount
mounts include (1) a voice tube between gun room and upper
All twin mounts are enclosed in a shield of armor handling room, (2) an automatic telephone which is
plate which varies in thickness from Y4 inch on destroy- part of the ship's general communications system, (3)
ers to 2Yz inches on battleships. The shield is a box- a battle telephone system' (sound-powered telephone
like structure about 15Y2 feet long, 15 feet wide, and circuits) between mount and fire control stations, (4)
lOYz feet high. It provides weather, blast, and an auxiliary sound-powered telephone circuit with call
splinter protection for the crew. bell between the mount and the lower ammunition-
There are doors on both right and left sides near handling room, and (5) a powerful loud-speaker which
the after end, through which the operating personnel is connected to the director and plotting room.
enter or leave the gun room. Other doors and access Approximately 27 men are required to man all sta-
cover plates are provided to make the operating tions in the mount and the upper handling room.
mechanisms more accessible for inspection and repair. Additional personnel in the lower handling room and
Two identical openings in the front plates provide gun magazines are required when fire is to be sustained for
ports. The case-ejector chutes lead to doors in the considerable periods.
rear plate of the shield. A roof hatch is located near
8829. 5"/38 caliber single mounts
the after end of the gun mount. Where mount loca-
tion renders it necessary, this hatch is equipped with a Aside from the number of guns installed, there
blast hood or shield. Sight hoods mounted on the side are four significant differences between the various
shield plates provide protective covering for the three 5"/38 caliber single mount assemblies and the 5"/38
telescopes. The hoods are fitted with hinged shutters caliber twin mount assembly. These differences are
and hand cranks, so that they can be opened and closed in (1) the rammer, (2) the sight mechanism, (3) the
from the inside. A ventilation system installed in the power drive, and (4) the ammunition-handling
gun room supplies air to various parts of the mount arrangements.
and handling room. The rammer on the 5"/38 caliber single mount is
All twin mounts are equipped with various types of not equipped with the 2 to 1 gear ratio arrangement
electrical power installations. described in article 8B19. The rammer piston travels
All power+motors have associated controllers and the same distance in its cylinder that the crosshead
push-button arrangements to start and stop them. and spade move during the ramming stroke.
The power equipment also includes electric heaters Although final results are the same, sights on single
for warming the gun room and the hydraulic mounts are different in design from those on the twins.
equipment. There is no differential for adding gun elevation and

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FIGURE BCl.-5"/54 caliber single mount Mark 39 as installed in Midway class.

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sight angle. Instead, the linkages to the sight prisms Several different types of power drive are used with
on enclosed single mounts are driven by a large sight single mounts, depending upon the type of mount and
driving gear inside the large circular housing next to the ship upon which installed. On ships which are
the slide. This gear in turn is driven by a banjo- equipped with fire control installations the drives are
shaped assembly which moves in elevation with the such as to provide for automatic control, local con-
slide. In the banjo are a worm and worm gear me- trol, and manual control. On many converted mer-
chanically connected to the sight angle crank. Turn- chant ships only local and manual controls are
ing the crank causes this .gear train to rotate a pinion available.
meshed with the sight driving gear, which in turn The 5"/38 caliber single mounts of the handling-
positions the sight prisms. room type are equipped with projectile hoists of the
Sights on single open mounts are in general similar same type as used in twin mounts. There are, how-
to those on single enclosed mounts, except on open ever, no powder hoists. Powder is passed from the
mounts not equipped with movable-prism telescopes. upper handling room to the gun room through a
On such mounts, the mechanical linkage briefly de- scuttle. Mounts of other than the handling-room
scribed above positions the pads on which the sight type are not equipped with hoists, but do have a fuze
telescopes are mounted. setter located outboard of the projectile man's station.

C. Five-Inch 54-Caliber Assembly

8Cl. General This mount has an enclosed gun room arrangement

with shield, gun, slide, and hoists mounted on a base-
The 5"/54 mount Mark 39 is an enclosed, dual-pur-
ring type carriage above an ammunition-handling
post, semiautomatic, rapid-fire, tray-loading, base-
room. The carriage is supported and rotates on bear-
ring type single gun mount. It is a mount resembling
ings on a conventional stand. Carriage and gun are
the 5"/38 caliber single enclosed mount. It differs,
arranged for empty-case ejection from the gun
however, from that basic type in its elevation and train
through chute and doors in the carriage overhang to
power drives, and its ammunition service. And its
the main deck level of the sponson. Gun room and
sights are like those of 5"/38 twin mounts.
handling room are weather-sealed and power-ven-
8C2. Design development tilated.

The 5"/54 caliber mount, shown in figure 8C 1, is a 8C4. Elevating and training gears
design developed primarily for the USS Midway class
The power drives for elevating the gun and training
carriers. It will also be installed on certain other new-
the mount are separate high-speed all-electric amp li-
construction vessels. Installations on each Midway
dyne units (chapter 10 discusses the operation of
class ship consist of 9 port and 9 starboard mounts,
amplidyne units) controlled by electric signals either
placed outboard below the level of the flight deck.
from a remote computer (when in automatic) or
The mounts are supported on cylindrical foundation
from the local handwheel stations. The elevating
bulkheads similar to turret foundations. These foun-
dations are structurally supported on sponsons ex- and training gears are equipped for auxiliary manual
tending from the ship's hull, with sponson platforms drive. The elevating and training power-drive gen-
mounted flush with the main deck. The foundation erating equipment is remotely located in the ship at
bulkhead forms the upper ammunition-handling room the second platform. The limits of gun laying motion
enclosure. are from 10° depression to 85° elevation, with a maxi-
mum train of 190°.
8C3. Mount arrangement
8C5. Ammunition
The general design (see figs. 8C2 and 8C3) and
functional arrangement of the 5"/54 caliber gun and This gun uses semifixed ammunition consisting of
mount are patterned after the 5" /38 caliber single and a 70-pound projectile and a case assembly weighing
twin enclosed mounts. 32 pounds. The powder charge itself weighs 18

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FIGURE BC2.-5" /54 caliber mount-right side, longitudinal section.

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FIGURE BC3.-5" /54 caliber mount-plan view.

pounds. The gun and its crew are capable of a 49,000 feet. Initial velocity of service rounds is 2,650
sustained firing rate of about 15 to 18 rounds per feet per second.
8C7. Personnel
8C6. Ballistic data
A minimum crew of 16 men, 10 for the gun room
The mount is designed for use against surface and and 6 for the handling room, is required for ammuni-
airborne targets. The gun has a horizontal range of tion service, gun loading, gun laying, and sight
about 26,000 yards and a maximum vertical range of operations.


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Chapter 9


A. Introduction

9A 1. General The United States Navy's medium-range (8,000

Automatic guns are case guns in which part of the yards) AA. weapon is the semiautomatic 3"/50 gun,
energy of explosion is used to eject the empty cases with a separately powered automatic loader making
and to activate a device which reloads and continues it in effect an automatic gun. This weapon has been
to fire the gun as long as the trigger is operated and developed from the old semiautomatic 3-inch gun
the ammunition supply is maintained. All short-range which was still used in World War II.
(3,000 yards) AA guns aboard ship are automatic
This chapter takes up the 20-mm aircraft gun, the
40-mm AA gun, and the new 3"/50 gun, as repre-
The short-range automatic weapons used by the
Navy include 20-mm and 40·mm guns, both of which sentative of present aircraft and AA machine guns.
were used in destroying the enemy's air power in World It does not take up the 20-mm AA gun or the old
War II. 3"/50 without automatic loader.

B. 20-mm Aircraft Gun

981. The general problem of aviation gunnery "When" is the problem of when to open and cease
fire to provide maximum probability of obtaining hits,
Because aircraft speeds are high and constantly tend
yet maintain necessary conservation of a limited am-
to become higher, actual firing time in any attack is
limited to seconds. For this reason it is essential that munition supply.
rate of fire be rapid, so that there is reasonable prob- 982. Types of aircraft guns and installations
ability of scoring enough hits to do effective damage.
High projectile velocity is also desirable, to reduce Aircraft guns incorporate certain modifications of
time of flight and thereby minimize the effect of many conventional gun structures to reduce weight and
variables which tend to detract from accuracy. It length, and generally to make them adaptable to air-
must also be remembered that performance of the craft installation. Guns as small as caliber .30 machine
airplane itself is a factor in the effective employment guns, and as large as 75-mm guns, have been installed
of the plane's guns. in military planes. The aviation gun in current Navy
Recognition of targets is one of the most critical use is the 20-mm automatic gun, but the caliber .50
items in air combat, because it is the key to making ini- machine gun was the one most extensively used in
tial estimates of range, speed, and mission. A common Navy planes throughout World War II. However, the
error in aerial gunnery is to open fire before the target latter weapon seems destined to have little potential
comes within range, and to continue fire when the tar- significance in future aircraft installations.
get is beyond effective range. Aircraft guns may be installed on either fixed or
In fact, the general problems of aircraft gunnery free mounts. Fixed guns are rigidly attached in the
can be reduced to questions of who, where, and when. forward part of the plane, including leading wing
"Who" refers to the problem of whether a potential edges, and may be trained or elevated only by
target is friend or foe, and if foe, what the type of plane maneuvering the plane. They are, of course, forward-
may be. ."Where" is the problem of target location firing guns. Free mounts, on the other hand, provide
relative to the gun) which in modern installations may for train and elevation in limited arcs.
be solved or largely solved by automatic means. The British first used airplane turrets mounting


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F1cuRE 9Bl.-20-mm Automatic Gun M3.

flexible guns in battle during World War II. The Operating with the gun is a feed mechanism
modern aircraft turret is a self-contained mechanized mounted on top of the gun proper. Rounds of ammu-
unit, consisting of an enclosure housing the gunner, nition are fed into the gun from a disintegrating link
guns, ammunition, power drives in train and elevation, belt. A charger retracts the breechblock initially and
armor plate, and other accessories. Such an installa- cocks the gun, or can remove a round from the cham-
tion provides many advantages: the angle of fire is ber. Firing is done by an electric trigger, which fires
increased; movement of guns in elevation and train the 20-mm Automatic Gun M3 by remote control.
against the force of the slipstream is facilitated; Each of these units will be discussed below.
larger guns can be utilized more read;ly; the gunner
is protected; and, in general, a more adequate defense 985. Principie s of functioning
can be realized in the case of larger, slower aircraft. Power to keep the gun operating automatically
In addition, a fire control system may be installed to comes from the energy released each time a round is
provide local and remote control. fired. This energy is utilized in three ways:
l. When the round is fired, sorne of the ammunition
983, Development of the 20- mm Gun M3
propellent gas goes through a small hole drilled in the
During the interim between World War I and World gun barre! to act on the gun components and unlock
War II, both the Germans and the Japanese developed the breech block. This is called gas operation.
20-mm guns for aircraft installation, and during 2. The expanding gas remaining in the gun barre!
World War II the Germans installed as many as six pushes the breech locking and closing components to
of these guns in sorne planes. Our own development the rear. This is called blowback.
of a 20-mm gun was initiated in 1937, and speeded up 3. Firing the gun causes sorne of the gun compo-
when the European conflict began. nents to recoil. The energy of recoil compresses springs
Since its inception this gun has undergone two of sorne of the gun components. The expansion of
major changes, each incorporating sorne improvement these springs causes these components to counterre-
in design and operating characteristics. The end coil and return the gun to battery. Recoil and coun-
product of this technological advance is the 20-rnm terrecoil activate the feed mechanism which supplies
Aircraft Gun M3. Figures 9Bl and 9B2 show this ammunition to the gun.
gun. Since the 20-mm M3 gun utilizes all these sources of
power, it is classified as a combination gas-operated,
984. General description blowback, and recoil weapon.
T he 20-mm Aircraft Automatic Gun M3 is an air- The functioning of the main parts of the gun in the
cooled weapon weighing approximately 100 pounds, entire automatic action is described under the follow-
and is capable of firing up to 800 rounds of ammuni- ing heads:
tion per minute at an initial velocity of 2,730 feet per l. Recoil mechanísm.
second. 2. Receíver.

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FmuRE 9B2.-Subasscmblies of lhe 20-mm Automatic Gun M3.


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3. Breechblock. strips bolted inside the front of the receiver body, one
4. Driving-spring assembly. on each side. They support the breechblock when it
5. Gas mechanism. is in the front of the receiver body, and aid in locking
the breechblock in firing position. Carn surfaces at
986. Recoil mechanism the rear of the slides engage corresponding cam sur-
The function of the recoil mechanism is to cushion faces on the breechblock lock (a hinged arm) of the
the impact of recoil and return the gun to battery. breech block mechanism as it moves forward in the
receiver. The resulting action forces the lock down-
The recoil mechanism consists of a recoil spring and
ward into a notch in the breechblock-Iocking key and
a recoil housing assembly.
locks the breech block in firing position.
Recoil spring. The recoil spring is a heavy, flat,
helical (or coil) spring which surrounds a portion of 988. 8reechblock
the gun barrel slightly forward of the chamber. The
front end of the recoil spring seats against a bracket The breechblock moves forward and backward in-
which is directly attached to the gun barrel and recoils side the receiver body. On the forward movement it
with it. The after end of the recoil spring rests against takes the ammunition cartridge from the mouth of the
the recoil housing assembly, a nonrecoiling part. feed mechanism, carries it into the chamber, and fires
the round. On its return stroke, the breechblock
Recoil housing assembly. The recoil housing as-
sembly consists of two main parts: a hollow tube, or carries the empty cartridge case to the ejector. Figure
9B3 is a sectional view of the breechblock.
sleeve, and a separate spring called the ring spring,
which fits inside the sleeve. The sleeve is a cylindrical The breechblock consists of the bolt, the breech-
steel tube that surrounds the gun barrel abaft the re- block lock, two breech block slides, a firing pin, and an
coil spring. It is secured to the stationary mounting extractor. See figure 9B3.
assembly of the gun and does not recoil. Bolt. The bolt is the main component of the breech-
As the gun recoils, the gun barrel moves rearward, block. It helps carry the cartridge to the gun-barrel
attempting to carry the recoil spring with it. The chamber and closes the breech end of the barrel. It
recoil spring bears against the ring spring inside the also houses the firing pin and supports the breech-
sleeve of the recoil housing assembly. The stationary block slides, the extractor, and the breechblock lock.
sleeve forces both springs to compress, stopping the The firing pin and driving spring are inside the
recoil movement. Recovery of the springs initiates longitudinal tunnel of the bolt. The tip of the firing
counterrecoil and returns the, gun to the battery pin protrudes through a small tapered hole in the
position. front of the bolt. The bolt's front face is recessed to
accommodate the base of the cartridge case.
987. Receiver Flanges along the lower edges of the bolt guide the
The receiver is the component of the gun assembly breechblock slides. The bottom of the bolt is recessed
that mounts the barrel and houses the breechblock and at the rear to receive the breechblock lock, and at the
driving-spring assembly. It consists of three main front to accommodate the extractor. The extractor
components: the receiver body, the breechblock-lock- is attached to the bolt by the extractor pin and a
ing key, and the receiver slides. . cylindrical strut-type spring which forces the forward
end of the extractor toward the face of the bolt.
Receiver body. The receiver body is a hollow rec-
Breechblock lock. The breechblock lock seats on
tangle, partially open at the top and bottom and fully
the breechblock-Iocking key. It locks the breechblock
open at the rear. A large opening in the front end of
in battery while the round is fired.
the receiver body is threaded to receive the gun barrel.
The breechblock lock is a flat plate with cams pro-
Since the gun barrel is directly attached to the re-
jecting from each side of its top surface. When the
ceiver, the receiver is a recoiling part. breech block moves forward, these cams engage the
Breechblock-locking key. In approximately the receiver slides and force the breechblock lock down-
midpoint of the receiver, near the bottom, a solid ward against the breechblock-locking key. The
rectangular breechblock-locking key passes through rounded forward edge of the breechblock lock fits into
slots on the sides of the receiver body. This key keeps a mating recess in the breechblock bolt. This arrange-
the breechblock, which slides back and forth in the ment provides a hinge action between the lock and
receiver, locked up tight against the chamber during the bolt. The protruding shoulders on top of the lock
firing. Its action will be described later in more move up into the notched section of the breechblock
detail. slides when the slides are retracted.
Receiver slides. The two receiver slides are metal Breechblock slides. Two breechblock slides serve


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FIGURE 9B3.-20-mm Automatic Gun M3. Breechblock, cut-away view.

to guide and support the bolt in the receiver. These that the breech block slides and firing pm operate
slides are shorter than the bolt, and slide forward and together.
backward on the flanges along the lower edge of the The bottom edges, near the rear of the breech block
bolt. slides, have notched recesses cut in them to accommo-
The 2 slides, 1 on each side of the bolt, are keyed date the raised shoulders of the breechblock lock when
together by the slide key, a flat, rectangular piece of the breechblock is unlocked. It will be remembered
metal with rounded edges, which extends through a that the breechblock lock, hinged to the bolt, is cam-
slot in the bolt. This slot is elongated to allow the med down by the receiver slides and engages with the
slide key to move forward and backward during the breechblock-Iocking key as the breechblock moves for-
locking and unlocking action of the breechblock. The ward just prior to firing. At this time the breechblock
slide key also mates with a recess in the firing pin, so is in its full forward position in the receiver, and the


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FIGURE 9B4.-20-mm Automatic Gun M3. Breech unlocking action; slides being forced rearward by push rods.

breech end of the gun barrel is closed and locked. Firing pin. The firing pin strikes the round in the
This is the firing position. chamber of the gun barrel and fires the round. The
The breechblock lock cannot move back up into firing pin is cylindrical, with a tapered tip in front
the notched recesses in the breechblock slides, because and a machined slot approximately in the center of
the slides continue to travel forward slightly after the the body. The slot allows the firing pin to ride on the
lock is cammed down. The rear ends of the breech- slide key which extends between the two breechblock
block slides, abaft the notched recess, rest on top of slides. As the breechblock moves to battery position,
the raised shoulders of the breechblock lock and pre- the breechblock slides and slide key carry the firing
vent it from rising. pin forward, causing its tip to protrude from the
When the breechblock is unlocked by the gas mech- breechblock bolt and fire the round. After firing, the
anism after firing, the breechblock slides. are pushed breechblock slides and slide key move rearward and
backward by push rods, which also compress springs retract the firing pin.
inside the slides. See figure 9B4. The forward inner Extractor. The extractor grips the round as it
notched surface of the slides catches the raised shoul- enters the chamber, holds the round during firing,
ders of the breechblock lock and forces it up and free and draws the empty case rearward as the breechblock
from the breechblock-Iocking key. The breechblock is blown back by the expanding gases after firing.
lock moves back up into the recess in the slides and Ejector prongs fastened to a nonrecoiling part of the
prevents the slides from moving with respect to the gun assembly strike the top of the cartridge case as it
bolt. The slides, however, have stored energy in the moves rearward. The extractor and empty case are
compressed springs located inside them. When the pivoted downward, and the case drops through a hole
breech block lock is cammed down, freeing the slides in the bottom of the receiver and out of the gun. The
to move, the springs expand and push the slides extractor spring forces the extractor upward to the
forward. position where it grips the next round.


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989. Driving-spring assembly forces the piston rod and yoke forward to the position
When initial recoil movement begins, the barrel, where they are ready for another cycle. The push
receiver, and breechblock all move rearward together. rods slide forward freely when struck by the counter-
Shortly after recoil begins, however, the breechblock is recoiling breechblock slides.
unlocked from the receiver. The expanding gases in 9811. Cyclic action
the chamber; acting against the face of the breech-
In an automatic gun like the 20-mm Aircraft Auto-
block, blow it back faster than the receiver and barrel
matic Gun M3, the firing of a round furnishes the
are recoiling. The recoil mechanism, discussed earlier,
energy to carryon the cyclic functioning of the gun
absorbs the force of recoil and initiates counterrecoil.
to fire succeeding rounds. The sequence of cyclic
The receiver will not carry the breechblock forward
actions is:
with it in counterrecoil, since the two are not locked
1. Gun fires and recoils.
together as at the moment of firing. It is the function
2. Breechblock unlocks.
of the driving-spring assembly to make the breechblock
counter recoil-and return to battery position. 3. Breech opens and fired case is ejected.
4. Gun counterrecoils and driving spring drives
The main parts of the driving-spring assembly are
the driving-spring plunger and the driving spring. breechblock forward (picking up a new round).
Drioing-spring plunger. The forward end of the 5. Breechblock locks.
driving-spring plunger is attached to the base of the 6. Gun fires and recoils.
firing pin. The after end is attached to the rearmost 9812. Gun fires and recoils
component of the gun assembly, the rear buffer, which
When the round is fired, the gun barrel, receiver,
in turn is attached to the rear of the receiver. The
and breechblock recoil. The gun barrel carries rear-
plunger telescopes as the breechblock is blown back.
ward the recoil spring which surrounds it. The re-
Driving spring. The driving spring surrounds the
coil spring contacts, the ring spring inside the station-
plunger and is compressed as the breechblock moves to
ary sleeve of the recoil housing assembly, compressing
the rear. It is the recovery of the driving spring that
both springs and stopping recoil movement.
drives the breechblock forward to strip -a round out of
the feed mechanism and chamber it ready to be fired 9813. Breechblock unlocks
by the firing pin. At the moment of firing, the breechblock is held
against the breech of the gun barrel by the breechblock
9810. Gas mechanism
lock resting against the breechblock-locking key. The
The gas mechanism unlocks the breech block and re- breechblock lock slides prevent the breechblock lock
tracts the firing pin when the gun has fired. The gas from disengaging until after firing.
mechanism consists of a cylinder which mounts on top The action of the gas mechanism unlocks the breech
of the gun, covering a small hole drilled in the top as shown in figure 9B4. Propellent gases enter the
of the barrel; a piston and rod which move rearward gas cylinder through the small hole in the gun barrel.
in the cylinder against spring pressure; and two push Gas pressure forces the piston rod and yoke aft. The
rods which are forced rearward by an extension of the yoke, through the two push rods, forces the breech-
piston rod, called the yoke (fig. 9B4) . block slides rearward. The breechblock slides are
As the gun is fired, the projectile moves forward, connected by the breechblock-slide key, which actuates
uncovering the small hole, or port, in the top of the the firing pin. The firing pin is notched to fit over
barrel. Some of the expanding propellent gas escapes the breechblock-slide key. Therefore, as the breech-
through the port into the cylinder, where it exerts block slides move rearward, the breech block-slide key
pressure on a piston and rod, forcing the rod rearward retracts the firing pin. The notched sections at the
against spring pressure. The yoke on the piston rod rear of the breechblock slides engage the protruding
pushes the two push rods, which are free to move back shoulders of the breechblock lock, forcing the lock
and forth in longitudinal holes drilled in the front of clear of the breechblock-locking key, and unlocking
the receiver body. In turn, the two push rods, when the breech block.
forced rearward by the yoke, force the breechblock
slides back, retracting the firing pin and unlocking 9B 14. Breech opens and fired case is ejected
the breechblock. After unlocking, blowback starts the breechblock to
The propellent gases, still inside the barrel, force the the rear. As gas pressure in the gun barrel drops,
breechblock rapidly to the rear. (This is blowback.) spring action in the gas cylinder returns the gas mech-
As the gas pressure lessens in the gun barrel and the anism components to their original position. The
gas cylinder, spring pressure in the cylinder gradually breech block and extractor move backward until the


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tip of the fired case strikes the stationary ejector prongs, of ammunition per minute into the gun. The linear
pivoting the empty case out of a hole in the bottom of movement of gun components in recoil and counter-
the receiver and out of the gun. recoil is transformed to rotary motion by mechanical
means in the feed mechanism. This rotary motion
9815. Gun counterrecoils and driving spring drives winds coil springs which drive a set of starwheels.
breech block forward The starwheels are 9-toothed sprockets contoured to fit
The recoil spring and ring spring, which were com- between the cartridge cases in the ammunition belt.
pressed during recoil, now expand and start the re- As the starwheel housing rotates, the two starwheels
ceiver and gun barrel forward in counterrecoil. engage the incoming rounds, drawing them into the
The breechblock, when it was blown back in the feed mechanism. Once inside, stripper cams strip
receiver, compressed the driving spring in the bolt. off the detachable links which hold the rounds to-
Recovery of the driving spring sends the breechblock gether in belts. The cartridge is then aligned with
forward toward firing position, where it picks up a the mouth of the feed mechanism. The extractor
new round of ammunition from the feed mechanism. grips it and rams it into the gun chamber.

9816. 8reechblock locks 9819. Charger

As the breechblock moves forward in the receiver, A charger is used to retract the breechblock and cock
projecting cams on the breechblock lock engage the gun, or to remove a round from the chamber. A
camming surfaces on the receiver slides, forcing the lug on the breech block slide extends through a long
lock to rotate downward. The breechblock lock seats slot in the receiver. This lug is engaged by the
against the breechblock-Iocking key in the receiver, charger, which draws the entire breechblock assembly
and is held by the rear lower surface of the breech- to the rear until it reaches the cocked position. The
block slides. Simultaneously, the breech block bolt breech block is held in this position by the trigger
reaches the end of its forward motion and chambers mechanism. Charges may be either manually, hy-
the cartridge. The slide springs, combined with the draulically, or pneumatically operated.
momentum of the driving spring, cause the breech-
9820. Electric trigger
block slides and breechblocks slide key to continue for-
ward after the bolt has stopped. The trigger in the pilot's compartment and the
mechanism which actuates firing at the gun are con-
9817. Gun fires and recoils nected electrically. The mechanism that holds the
breechblock in the rear of the receiver and prevents
The firing pin is carried forward by the breech-
firing is the sear. The sear mechanism is fastened to
block-slide key, and by the expanding driving spring.
the underside of the receiver. The sear itself is a
The firing pin strikes the cartridge primer and fires
hooked arm which engages with a recess in the bottom
the round. This cycle repeats until the trigger is re-
of the breechblock lock, preventing it from moving
leased or the ammunition is expended. forward. The other main part of the sear mechanism
9818. Feed mechanism is a solenoid assembly. Pressing the trigger causes the
solenoid assembly to draw the sear out of the path of
The feed mechanism used with the 20-mm Aircraft the breechblock. When the circuit is opened, a spring
Automatic Gun M3 is designated the AN-M2 feed forces the sear upward again, where it engages the
mechanism. It is designed to feed up to 800 rounds breechblock lock.

C. 40-mm Guns and Mounts

9Cl. General or single fire. The maximum cyclic rate of automatic
The 40-mm gun is a recoil-operated, heavy machine fire is about 160 rounds per minute.
For naval use, these guns are usually water-cooled
gun designed primarily for AA fire. Its distinctive
and assembled in pairs, 1 pair making up a twin
features include (1) a vertical sliding-wedge breech
mount, 2 pairs a quad mount. The individual gun
mechanism, (2) a hand-fed automatic loader, (3) a
mechanisms are alike except for the changes necessary
spring-operated rammer, and (4) a trigger mechanism to make them right and left guns. Both twin and quad
that controls the rammer operation only. mounts are used on destroyer escorts, destroyers, and
Once put in operation and the ramming cycle many classes of larger naval ships. Air-cooled single
started, this gun loads and fires without further at- guns are used on some small craft.
tention. It can be operated in either fully automatic The conventional mounts for twins and quads have


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-0 ~

..r~. ~ELEVATION P~R~~:


FrGURE 9CI.-40-mm quad mount assembly.

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power-operated elevating and training gear to position forced through a series of orifices. Both recoil braking
the guns as a unit. Power drives may be controlled and counterrecoil buffing are accomplished in this
at the mount by the pointer and trainer, or from the single cylinder unit. A needle valve adjusts orifice
director through an electrical control system. The size, and its setting determines the time required for
mounts can also be trained and the guns elevated counterrecoil. The length of recoil is governed by the
manually by handwheels. quantity, specific gravity, and temperature of the re-
Ammunition is of the fixed type, loaded into clips coil fluid, and to a slight extent by the elevation of the
containing four rounds each. The usual AA pro- gun. The setting of the needle valve in the recoil
jectile is provided with a tracer and a nose-type cylinder has no appreciable effect on the length of
impact fuze armed by the rotation of the projectile recoil, but does control the velocity of counterrecoil
in flight. A complete round weighs about 5 pounds, and, as a result, the rate of fire.
the projectile about 2. The tracer is effective for
from 7~ to 8 seconds, after which it destroys the 9C2. Mount
projectile by detonating the burster charge. Non- The 40-mm twin and quad gun assemblies have open
self-destructive AA and AP projectiles are also avail- base-ring mounts. The training circle is secured to
able. The service charge produces an initial velocity the stand, and the carriage is supported on radial and
of about 2,800 feet per second. The maximum hori- thrust roller bearings. A platform on the after end of
zontal range obtained before self-destructive action, the carriage is used by the loaders when the gun is in
is about 5,000 yards; without self-destructive action, operation. The cooling-system tanks and electrically
the range is increased to about 11,000 yards. driven circulating pumps are mounted on the after
See figure ge1 for the general arrangement of end of the platform. The firing mechanism is
40-mm quad assemblies. mounted on the forward face of the carriage. The
The gun mechanism consists of the following five slide trunnions are supported on roller bearings.
major components: Individual power drives, electric-hydraulic or
1. Barrel assembly. This consists of the gun bar- amplidyne, are used for the elevating and training
rel, its water jacket, the recoil spring, and the flash gear. See chapter 10. With late models of twin
hider. The barrel is a single-piece forging 56 cali- mounts and with all quads, in local power control the
bers long. It is rifled with 16 .grooves having a right- pointer controls both train and elevation. With the
hand increasing twist of 1 turn in 45 calibers at the electric-hydraulic system, he uses a single control lever
origin to 1 turn in 30 calibers at the muzzle. The bar- or "joy stick"; with the amplidyne system as installed
rel passes through the cylindrical fore part of the slide on quad mounts, he uses a pair of handles on a control
and is attached to the housing within by means of a box. For manual control, the pointer's and trainer's
bayonet-type joint. handwheels are geared directly to the elevating and
2. Slide. assembly. This has a box-shaped rear
training racks.
section and a cylindrical forward section, which serve
The mount can be trained 3600 in either direction
to support and provide working surfaces for the other
from the locked position. A training stop is pro-
parts of the gun mechanism.
3. Breech-mechanism assembly. This consists of a vided to prevent training beyond these limits. A
housing assembly, a breech block assembly, and asso- power-drive cut-off switch operates, when the limit
ciated operating parts. It is a recoiling part of the is approached, to shut off the driving motor. The
gun mechanism. elevation limits, unless restricted for specific shipboard
4. Loader assembly. The loader feeds cartridges to installations, are 15° depression and 90° elevation.
the rammer tray and catapults them into the firing Elevation and train centering pins lock the gun and
chamber. The main operating parts are the loader, mount in place when the gun is secured.
ram mer tray, and rammer. Open peep and ring sights are provided for the
5. Recoil-counterrecoil system. Each gun has its pointer and trainer. On some mounts, especially
own recoil-counterrecoil assembly, which consists of a singles, lead-computing sights are also provided; but
recoil spring fitted over the after end of the barrel as- . the normal method of control is by director.
sembly and a hydraulic recoil unit secured to the
under-side of the slide, with the piston rod attached to 9C3. Personnel
the housing. The spring is compressed during recoil The basic gun crew for the twin or quad mount
and returns the gun to battery as the recoil piston includes the following: a mount captain, a pointer, a
moves back and forth in the hydraulic cylinder. At trainer, 1 loader for each gun, and at least 1 ammu-
the same time a fluid mixture of glycerin and water is nition passer for each gun. More handlers will be


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needed if the ready ammunition is stored at some dis- and operates the foot firing pedal. (Joy-stick control
tance from the mount. in both elevation and train may be given to the pointer
The mount captain is in charge of the gun and crew. when desirable.) The loaders set the firing-selector
In local control, he designates targets and gives orders lever at the desired position (STOP FIRE, AUTO, or
for firing. In addition to his regular duty of training SINGLE), operate the hand operating lever, and place
the mount, the trainer releases the train centering pin the ammunition in the loader. The ammunition
and starts the circulating pumps in the cooling system. passers bring the clipped cartridges from the ready
The pointer releases. the elevation centering pin, starts stowage or magazines and hand them to the loaders on
the firing motor, elevates the gun with the handwheels, the gun platform.

D. 311/50 Rapid-Fire Guns and Mounts

901. General The other holding mechanism is similar to that used
in the 5" /38 gun, in which the two extractors hold
The 3"/50 rapid-fire guns are semiautomatic guns
the breechblock down by engaging its pallets. How-
with automatic power-driven loaders, installed in
ever, their arrangement in the 3"/50 is such that, when
dual-purpose open twin or single mounts. They are
they complete their empty-case extracting action, the
weapons primarily intended for defense against air-
extractors are poised above the pallets in the lowered
craft, but are so equipped that they may be used
breech block, and function to hold the breechblock
against surface targets. They were planned during
World War II when a need developed for a rapid-fire down only if the other device fails. This arrangement
gun with a larger explosive projectile. The 40-mm reduces the effort required to trip the extractors when
mount, the best rapid-fire gun at that time, was often a rammed round of ammunition engages them.
making hits that were not stopping suicide planes or The gun barrel and housing are supported by the
dive bombers short of their targets. The 3"/50 mount slide. When the gun is fired, they move backward
was not completed in time to be used in combat in and forward on bearings in the slide. A hydraulic
World War II, but it has proved itself in practice recoil cylinder brakes rearward motion. A large coun-
firings to be very effective. terre coil spring drives the gun forward into battery.
This mount is now replacing 40-mm on all types The slide, gun, and housing are supported by the
of combat ships. The twin mount shown in figure carriage. The trunnions, which are integral with the
9D1 is dimensionally interchangeable with the 40-mm slide, rest in roller bearings at the top of the carriage.
quad mount. The single 3" /50 rapid-fire mount, A large elevating arc attached to the bottom of the
which is similar in most respects to the twin, is de-
slide is concentric with the trunnions. It meshes with
signed to be substituted for the 40-mm twin mount.
the elevating pinion of the mount. elevation power
The barrel of the 3"/50 is a one-piece, rifled, cham-
drive system.
bered tube, with its breech end locked to the housing
The 3"/50 gun assembly stand is a deck-flange ring-
by a bayonet-type joint.
shaped design with dimensions identical to those of
The housing contains the breech mechanism and is
supported in the slide. The breech mechanism is a the 40-mm stand. It includes the training circle and
vertical sliding-wedge breechblock type with several the stationary roller path. The mount is driven in
additional features. train by a power motor which drives the training
The breech block has two mechanisms for lowering pinion and pulls the gun, slide, and carriage around
it against the action of a breech-closing spring. One the training circle on the stand.
is a hand-operating lever employed only for initial General characteristics. The 3"/5.0 gun has the
round loading or for servicing or unloading the gun. following general characteristics:
The other breech-opening arrangement is an auto- Bore 3-inch
matic recoil-operated cam-and-Iever device. Length__________________ 50 calibers
When the breech is open, two mechanisms func- Muzzle velocity 2,700 feet per second
tion, alternately, to hold the block against the action Range, horizontaL . 13,100 yards
of the closing spring. One is a stiff-leg type of breech Range, ceiling____________ 27,300 feet
hold-down mechanism which serves as a positive lock, Rate of fire (design) .:.._45 rounds per minute
holding the block and locking it until the gun is Ammunition type fixed, electric primed
loaded. It prevents breech closing until it is first re- Fuze type VT, PDF, BDF
leased and then displaced from its holding position. Weight complete weapon 6,230 pounds


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10 m
0 }>

FIG URE 9D 1.--3" /50 twin mount with mechanical loader.

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FIGURE 9D2.-3" /50 rapid-fire gun. Ammunition service to loader.


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Dimensions, over-all: motor and various chain and gear drives. Most of the
Muzzle to rear end . 16 feet latter are located in the main housing, which is a large,
VVidth 38 inches square, box-like structure mounted on top of the gun
HeighL . 56.8 inches slide. The drive motor is flange-mounted to the for-
In many features of design the 3"/50 rapid-fire gun ward face of this housing. The drive motor drives
differs markedly from conventional automatic guns. the gearing and chains which in turn cause all the
These differences are chiefly in the automatic loader mechanical parts of the loader to function at the
and the breech mechanism modifications to accommo- proper time and in the proper sequence.
date the automatic loader. It will be mainly these The hopper, into which the ammunition is manually
differences that will be taken up in this chapter. fed by the two shellmen, is located directly abaft the
main housing and is secured to the left and right side
902. Automatic·loader plates.
The loader is an independent, electric power-driven The heart of the hopper is the hopper feed mecha-
machine mounted on the after part of the slide. It nism, which consists of right, center, and left shaft-
mechanically loads each gun at the rate of 45 rounds and-sprocket units and right and left round-aligning
per minute as long as ammunition is served, as shown attachments. The aligning attachments ensure that
in figure 9D2, and the firing control is operated to fire. the ammunition is correctly loaded by the shellmen.
The right and left sprockets revolve intermittently
in one direction to move ammunition to the center.
The center sprocket revolves in alternate directions to
accept rounds from right and left sprockets. After
five rounds have been loaded, the first round will be
indexed (loaded into the transfer tray for catapulting)
by the center sprocket. See figure 9D3.
The transfer tray and shell carriage unit is the loader
component that moves each round of ammunition
from its index position down into line with the gun
bore, and catapults it into the breech chamber. See
figure 9D4. The tray is a rectangular box structure
with 2 sprockets, 1 in each end of the tray, about
which the endless ramming chain is looped.
The tray is supported and positioned by four arms
pivoted in the right and left side plates. The two left
tray arms, hence the whole tray assembly, are driven
by the transfer-tray drive gears mounted in the left
side plate. Drive for the rammer chain comes from
concentric shafting through the left forward tray arm
to the forward chain sprocket.
Secured to the ram mer chain on the upper part of
the tray is the shell carriage, a small L-shaped casting,
FIGURE 9D3.-3" /50 rapid-fire gun. Sprockets drawing am-
to support, transport, and release the round on the tray
munition into the feed mechanism of the automatic loader. during the ramming cycle. The cycle of operation of
the transfer tray assembly begins when an indexed
The major loader components that will be discussed round from the hopper seats in the shell carriage. The
are as follows: four arms then begin to rotate about their pivots,
1. Loader drive unit. translating the tray downward.
2. Hopper. VVhen the tray is almost in line with the breech
3. Transfer tray and shell carriage. opening, it begins to swing forward toward the
breech. At this point the ram mer chain begins mov-
4. Control system.
ing the shell carriage and round rapidly forward.
5. Left side plate.
When the tray is at its forwardmost point, the car-
6. Right side plate.
riage is all the way forward, relative to the tray, and is
The loader drive unit consists of a 3-horsepower releasing the round, which travels on into the breech


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FIGURE 9D4.--3"f50 rapid-fire gun. Tray of automatic loader swinging down into alignment with open breech.


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FIGURE 9D5.-3"j50 rapid-fire gun. Shell carriage catapulting cartridge into open breech.


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as shown in figure 9D5. The tray then reverses its use of the breech hold-down mechanism instead. See
direction and moves aft and up to pick up another figure 9D6. The hold-down lever is a vertically posi-
round. During this time the ramming chain moves tioned lever pivoted near its center. When the gun is
aft to reposition the shell carriage on the tray. in battery and the breechblock is in its held-down posi-
The right and left side plates of the loader are tion, the hold-down lever bears on the hold-down arm
similar steel forgings-roughly 4 feet long, 2 feet deep, of the breech operating shaft, preventing rotation of
and 6 inches thick-secured to the right and left sides the shaft and closing of the breech.
of the gun slide respectively. They support all the The hold-down latch lever is the positive latch that
loader subassemblies except the drive gear. In addi- secures the hold-down lever in place when the latter
tion, each includes many loader operating and con- is holding the block down. The latch lever is dis-
trol devices and elements of the breech mechanism. engaged in normal operation by a cam pin on the front
The loader control system synchronizes and inter- right arm of the transfer tray.
locks the components of the loader with the breech The hold-down lever is released from the hold-down
mechanism and with each other. ~It consists of elec- arm of the operating shaft in normal automatic load-
trical circuits, solenoids, selector switches, automatic ing by movement of the right extractor. When the
switches, firing keys, electrical interlocks, and other extractor is carried forward by the rammed ammu-
items. The mount captain's control panel is a com- nition, the extractor push rod is thrust rearward. This
bination control and indicator station for the loader actuates the transfer lever, and the thrust is trans-
control system. (I t will be described in more detail mitted through another push rod to the hold-down
lever, moving it clear of the operating shaft hold-down
in a later paragraph.)
arm and allowing the block to rise.
9D3. Breech mechanism
9DS. Extractors
The breechblock is a vertical sliding-wedge type,
The extractors are very similar to those in the
similar in principle to that of the 5"/38. The breech- 5"/38, except that the inner lugs do not normally bear
block moves as the operating shaft rotates. Much as in on the block pallets but are poised above the pallets
the 5"/38 design, in automatic operation the breech- in a free position. In this free position, the extractors
block is lowered and the operating spring is com- do not impose any appreciable resistance to the ammu-
pressed on counterrecoil when the 'operating-shaft nition-ramming action, an important factor in rapid
crank is rotated by the operating-shaft cam plate. automatic loading. While the breech is opened, the
The breech is closed by the operating spring. A extractors are held in their correct position by ex-
manual breech-opening mechanism is provided. A tractor push rods, which also aid in extracting the
conventional, positive-type salvo latch on one end of empty case. The right extractor push rod is longer
the operating shaft prevents unintentional opening than the left and extends through the rear of the
breechblock, where it engages the transfer lever for
of the loaded breech before the gun has fired. The
use in the hold-down mechanism as previously
breechblock is fitted with a firing mechanism, which
will be discussed later. Some of the new design fea-
In the event of a failure of the breech hold-down
tures of the breech mechanism are as follows: mechanism, the breechblock will be held down by the
1. A breechblock hold-down mechanism holds the inner lugs bearing on the pallets.
breech open until the loader completes delivery of a
round. 9D6. Shell lock
2. A breech interlock mechanism prevents repeti- The breech shell lock (fig. 9D7) functions to pre-
tion of the loading cycle until the round has been fired vent a rammed cartridge from rebounding or backing
and the breechblock dropped. out of the breech to foul the rising breechblock. It is
3. A shell lock prevents the rebounding of a rammed a vertically sliding latch that rides in a slot in the
cartridge. shell-lock carrier on the face of the breech. The latch
4. A novel extractor arrangement eliminates resist- is moved upward during ramming and allows the
ance to ammunition-ramming action. round to pass into the bore. It is then moved down
by action of the lock spring to trap the seated round.
9D4. Breech hold-down mechanism
The rising breechblock pushes the shell-lock latch clear.
Other guns of similar design usually make use of the It remains clear after firing until the extractors have
extractors to hold the breechblock down until a round moved the lip of the empty case past the shell lock,
is rammed. However, the 3"/50 rapid-fire gun makes allowing extraction.


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FIGURE 9D6.-3" /50 rapid-fire gun. Breech mechanism. Hold-down mechanism.


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~ COCKING LEVER Ll-...~~ u....__ ~

FIGURE 9D7.-3" /50 rapid-fire gun. Breech mechanism.

·907_ Breech interlock of the breech opening. When either a round is

rammed or the block is raised, the latch lever is moved
The breech interlock mechanism (fig. 9D8) is a
aside, actuating, through linkages, the loader control
system of mechanical linkages which function auto-
lever and stopping the loading cycle.
matically to stop the loader from delivering another
round to the breech whenever there is a round in the 908. Firing mechanism
bore or the breechblock is up. The breech interlock The firing mechanism (fig. 9D7) consists of the
latch lever, the first mechanism in the chain of link- following:
ages from the breech face to the loader control lever, is 1. Breechblock firing-pin insulation.
pivoted in the shell-lock carrier next to the shell lock 2. Firing-pin assembly.
and extends down the breech face, partially in front 3. Firing-pin cocking mechanism and sear.


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lLATe" L£V"

~ --

FIGURE 908.-3"/50 rapid-fire gun. Functioning of breech interlock.

The firing pin is a steel rod with a conical head that moves the firing pin aft to keep it from shearing or
extends through the breechblock. It is similar to the fouling as the block lowers, and moves it forward into
5"/38 firing pin. It provides an electrical path for contact with the case electric primer when the block
electrical firing and hammer action for percussion rises. The cocking lever holds the cocking sleeve aft
firing. By action of the cocking mechanism, the firing against spring pressure during this up stroke (unless
pin is cocked for percussion firing and positioned for it is released by the sear if percussion-type firing is
electrical firing with each cycle of the breechblock. used) .
The cocking mechanism consists of the retracting It should be understood that electrical firing is the
lever and the cocking lever. The retracting lever normal firing method. Percussion firing, using a spe-


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cial short case with percussion-type primer, is em- control arrangement in that there are two types of
ployed for clearing-round action only. This short case local control, local AA and local surface. Each has a
is used only if a projectile has separated from the case separate control station. Local surface is the right
and remains lodged in the gun while an attempt is gun-laying station (fig. 9D 1) . Local AA is the left
being made to unload a round through the breech. ,gun-laying station. When the gun-laying drive selec-
Selection for percussion firing is made by setting tion is local AA, the left gun layer controls the mount
an ELECTRIC-PERCUSSION lever near the left side plate in both train and elevation, and fires the gun. The
of the ,gun. left gun layer's controls consist of a ring sight, a one-
The firing circuit of this gun cannot be closed by the man gun-laying control unit with gun firing key in
firing keys alone. The various electrical interlock right hand grip, a fire cutout indicator, and a gun-
switches of the loader control system, such as the laying emergency stop control. There is no sight-
TRAY UP switch, must also be closed to energize the setting provision at this station.
firing circuit. Thus any dangerous malfunction of The right gun layer is responsible for starting the
the loading cycle will cause the firing circuit as well as elevation and train drive, selecting the control station,
the loader control circuit to open. laying and firing the guns when the drive selection is
local surface, and observing correspondence between
909. Mount control stations gun position and gun order signals. The right gun
The mount's amplidyne electric power drives may layer's controls consist of a telescope and open sight,
a one-man gun-laying control panel, and a train cable-
be controlled in automatic from a director or in local
twist indicator (fig. 9D9). The gun-laying control
at the mount. There is no manual control as such,
panel, for a twin mount, contains a control-station
only an auxiliary handcrank for securing or servicing
selector switch,gun-firing cutout lights, power-on
the mount. These mounts feature a unique local lights, correspondence-indicator meters to indicate
correspondence between gun and mount position and
the order signal, and power START and STOP buttons.
Used in conjunction with the local surface station
but requiring an additional operator, is the sight
setter's station (fig. 9DIO). It is located directly be-
hind the right gun layer. The sight setter operator
receives sight-setting orders via telephone from the
director or other fire control station and sets them into
the sight setter's unit by handwheel operation. This
action offsets the right gun layer's sight the required
GUN LAYING amount. The sight setter is used only with local
CONTROL PANEl surface gun laying.
The mount captain's station on a twin mount is
located between the guns. It is to the right of the
gun on a single mount. The mount captain is the
CONTROL RHEOSTAT supervising gunner and crew captain. His operations
are directed via telephone by the control officer. He
controls and directs the performance of both guns by
his use of the mount captain's controls. In emer-
gency he stops the firing of either or both guns. His
panel of switches allows him to select the control sta-
tion, switch to single or automatic fire, and select the
gun or guns to fire.
Other elements of his control panel are master push
buttons for stopping either one or both of the loaders,
power-drive emergency stop buttons, and various illu-
minating indicators to indicate the occurrence and
lWlST INDICATOR LOCAL SURFACE STATION location of malfunctions. The gun captain's firing
key must be closed before the loader's will function.
FIGURE 9D9.-3" /50 rapid-fire gun mount. Surface control-
man's station. The key has a latch to hold it in closed position when


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79 MOD. 0


FIGURE 9DIO.-3"/50 rapid-fire gun mount. Sight setter's controls and surface controlman's sight.

control of fire is to be at either left or right control crew is composed of 11 men, as follows: a mount
station or at the director. captain, 2 control-station men, 4 shellmen, and 4
shell passers. (One control-station man controls the
9010. Ammunition
mount in local surface, the other in local AA.) An
The 3"/50 gun fires fixed ammunition. A com- additional crew member, a sight setter, is required
plete round is 34.74 inches long and weighs 24 pounds in local surface control. The shellmen transfer am-
(the projectile, with fuze, weighs 13 pounds). Since munition from the gun carriage racks to the right and
neither the mount installation nor the associated fire left sides of the hopper of each gun. The shell passers
control system includes provision for fuze setting, only
keep the carriage racks, called magazines, supplied
VT-fuzed projectiles are used in AA fire. Base-fuzed
with ammunition from a ready-service locker or hand-
and point-detonating fuzed projectiles for surface fire
are also available. passing scuttles leading up from the handling rooms.
The handling rooms are supplied by dredger hoist
9011. Personnel from the ship's magazines. The number of passers
The personnel arrangement of a 3"/50 rapid-fire may vary, depending upon the arrangement of ready-
twin mount is shown in figure 9D 11. The normal service lockers and passing scuttles.


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FIGURE 9D 11.-3" /50 rapid-fire twin mount. Crew stations.


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Chapter 10


A. Introduction

lOA 1. General mechanisms. Their principal disadvantage is the con-

stant maintenance effort required.
Automatic control equipment, also referred to as
Amplidyne drives are also reliable and accurate, and
remote-control power-drive equipment, is provided
require less maintenance. They are superior to elec-
to position the various elements of the battery in corre-
tric-hydraulic drives for lighter loads and are used on
spondence with an electrical order, called the signal,
mounts, directors, and searchlights. To date, the
received from some other station, generally a com-
largest size in use is the train unit on the 5"/54 Single
puter. The elements commonly using this equipment
Mount Mark 39.
are turrets, mounts, and directors.
The advantages of automatic control equipment are 10A2. The basic problem
the speed and accuracy with which guns may be laid
The basic technical problem incurred in driving a
and fired. The training and elevating of guns by man-
mount or director in response to a remote signal is
ual control of power equipment, either by matching
divided into four general phases, as illustrated in figure
indicating dials or by using telescopes, is relatively
difficult and inaccurate. Fluctuations in the incom-
ing gun order, the inertia of heavy turrets or mounts,
rolling and pitching of the gun platform, and the per-
sonal reaction time of the pointers and trainers in
observing and responding to a variation in the order-
all these tend to cause inaccuracy in the gun laying, RECEIVER
with resulting large patterns. OEVICE)

The design of automatic control equipment depends ERROR POWEll

upon the nature and source of the signal, the load to
be moved, and the nature of the damping required to
eliminate random movements and to ensure accuracy
and rapidity of response. RESPONSE
The principle of automatic control is applied in
ordnance equipment both where loads are light (as in FIGURE lOAl.-Basic automatic control system.
computers and indicators) and where they are heavy
(as in driving gun mounts, turrets, or fire control di- 1. An order signal is received from a remote station.
rectors) . Light loads are usually driven by small It is compared with the response or position of
electric motors. For heavy loads, either of two general the load (mount). The result of this compari-
types of power drive is used: (1) electric-hydraulic son is an error signal.
or (2) amplidyne. 2. The error signal is amplified to operate the con-
Electric-hydraulic drives are powerful, reliable, and trols of the power drive unit.
accurate. They are used principally where loads are 3. The power drive unit drives the load in such a
heavy, as in the training and elevating gear of mounts manner as to reduce the error signal to zero.
and turrets, or when large starting and stopping forces 4. In the driving of the load a response is sent back
are involved, as on ammunition hoists and rammer to be compared with the order signal.


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B. Synchros
1081. Introduction
The most important unit in a modern transmission
system is the synchro. Synchros of different types
transmit, receive, or combine signals among stations
which may be widely separated; for example, they
transmit gun order signals from a computer to the
automatic control equipment at a gun mount.
The simplest types of synchro units are the synchro
transmitter (sometimes called synchro generator) and ROTOR

the synchro receiver (sometimes called synchro 1'=============lllt::±::::::::::..

•.. LINES vAel

motor). The transmitter is a device that transmits an

electrical signal corresponding to the angle of rotation
FIGURE IOBl.-Elementary synchro


of its shaft. The receiver is a device that, when it

receives such a signal, causes its own shaft (if not ap- The transmitter and receiver are identical in con-
preciably loaded) to rotate to an angle corresponding struction except that the motor has a damper (not
to the signal. Thus, as figure lOB I shows, when the illustrated) -a device that keeps it from "running
transmitter shaft is rotated, the receiver shaft rotates away" when there are violent changes in its electrical
through exactly the same angle. input.
To understand how a synchro functions, think of it
1082. How a synchro system works
for the moment as a transformer in which the primary
From the outside, a synchro transmitter or receiver and secondary are wound on separate cores (fig.
looks much like an ordinary small motor or generator lOB3) . When a current flows in the primary, it forms
(fig. lOBI). So does the inside. See figure IOB2 (B). a magnetic field in its core. As the current changes
It has a bobbin-wound ball-bearing mounted rotor and reverses (which it does constantly, being an
surrounded by a wound stator. The stator consists of alternating current) so does the magnetic field. The
three iron-core coils connected as in figure IOB2 (A), changes in the field induce current in the secondary
and terminating in three stator leads (S" S2,Sa). The (whose circuit is closed through a load). The cur-
two rotor leads (R, and R2) shown in figure lOB2 (A) rents in the secondary produce their own magnetic
are connected to the rotor. See figure lOB2 (B). field. At any instant, the induced or secondary field


BEARING ------#----..-:



ROTOR ------I'-+it-






FIGURE IOB2.-Inside a synchro transmitter. A. Schematic representation. B. Construction.

4181170-57--15 215

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three fields (white arrows) which, when added to

produce a resultant (symbolized by a large white
arrow), exactly oppose the field in the (primary)
rotor winding.
If the rotor is now turned, say, 60 degrees clockwise,
as in figure 10B4 (B), the rotor field, shown by the
black arrow, will produce in the 3 stator coils 3 fields
which will again add up to a resultant directly opposed
to the rotor field.
In each of the cases illustrated in figure 10B4, the
rotor will induce in the stator coils currents correspond-
ing to that position of the rotor, and to that one only.
S This is true for all positions of the rotor.
Now consider a synchro transmitter connected to a
receiver as in figure 10B5 (A), so that the rotors are
fed by the same AC line and the stator coils of the
receiver load the corresponding coils of the transmitter.
The currents induced in the transmitter stator flow
also in the receiver, and produce the resultant stator
fields shown by the white arrows. Thus the receiver
rotor, which produces a magnetic field similar to that
of the transmitter rotor (because it is excited by the
FIGURE lOB3.-Instantaneous magnetic fields in a transformer. same AC line) always, because it is free to rotate, as-

opposes in direction that produced by the primary.

Figure lOB3 shows the field at a selected instant. At
some other instant the fields might be of opposite
polarity, but the primary and secondary fields are
always opposed, whatever the instantaneous polarity.
Now consider what happens in a synchro trans-
mitter. Let 115-volt AC flow through the rotor. As A
shown in figure 10B4 (A), the rotor will produce a
changing magnetic field. Its direction at some selected
instant is shown by the black arrow. At that instant,
the rotor field induces· currents in the three stator
fields, which are connected to a load. This trans-
former action produces in the three stator windings


n B

t =
A = t:?~







B =~c:?'=::)
D = ~o
. FIGURE lOBS.-Synchro system (transmitter connected to a
FIGURE IOB4.-Transformer action in a synchro transmitter. receiver) .


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sumes exactly the same angular position (relative to primary of the transformer; the rotor is its secondary.
the stator) as does the transmitter rotor. The output thus comes from the rotor and varies with
When the transmitter rotor is turned-say 30°, as its position with respect to the stator. This output is
in figure lOBS (B) -the resultant field produced by not a synchro signal; it is a voltage whose value and
the stator turns too, as it did in figure lOB4; so does polarity with respect to the AC supply depend on the
the receiver stator field. And the transmitter rotor, position of the control transformer's rotor with respect
being free to follow, does. See figure 10BS (C). to the stator.
NOTE: In this explanation, in the interest of sim- This is how the rotor output varies with rotor posi-
plicity, the effects of the voltages induced by the re- tion. Assume an unchanging field set up by the stator
ceiver rotor in its stator have not been explored. windings of a synchro control transformer, and let
However, since the transmitter does not rotate except the rotor be turned through a full revolution. When
in response to whatever drives it, the net action is the rotor winding is at right angles-dark arrow in
substantially as described above. figure 10B6 (A) -to the stator field-white arrow in
figure 10B6 (A) -the induced voltage in the rotor
10B3. Other types of synchros will be at a minimum. This is called zero or null
The transmitter and receiver synchros described in position. (Actually there will be small residual volt-
the preceding section are only part of the synchro ages, which can be neglected.)
family. The other members are: As the rotor turns, the output voltage increases and
1. Synchro control transformer ( CT). This device, reaches a maximum when the rotor winding is paral-
like the synchro transmitter, has a wound rotor coil lel to the stator field; As the rotor continues to turn,
and three stator coils, but the internal construction the output falls. At 180 degrees the output is again
is different. See figure lOB6 (A) . The rotor is round zero, then increases and decreases as the rotor turns,
instead of bobbin-shaped (to keep it from tending to much as in the first 180 de.grees of revolution. But if
line up with a magnetic field as a receiver rotor does) in the first half revolution the instantaneous polarity
and is wound with finer wire to increase electrical of rotor output was in phase with that of the stator
field currents, in the second it was opposed-180 de-
impedance and limit the amount of current it will
grees out of phase.
Thus any position of the rotor with respect to the
The synchro control transformer has 2 inputs, 1
stator field will yield a characteristic output (consid-
mechanical (its rotor is driven by the mechanism or ering both voltage and phase) .
load whose position it regulates) and the other elec- Now consider the synchro control transformer as
trical (the synchro signal from the transmitter which part of a system set up to control a power unit that
is to control the load). See figure 10B6 (B). The positions a load. Suppose that the transmitter in
electrical (synchro) 3-wire input goes into the control figure 10B6 (B) is cranked from 10 degrees position to
transformer's stator. The stator's field acts as the zero. This changes the direction of the transmitter's

S26'--+--4 TRANSMITTE~ /~'-
OUTPUT ____ __- - 10




FIGURE IOB6.-Synchro control transformer. A. Circuit diagram (null position). B. How it is used.


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stator field. Since the control transformer's stator is

connected to the transmitter's stator, the control trans-
former's stator field rotates similarly. This changes
the value of the output of the control transformer's
rotor from zero. Since the control transformer's out-
put is too small to drive a motor, it is amplified. The
amplifier's output drives a motor which positions the
load. But the control transformer's shaft is so geared
to the load that, as the motor drives the load, the con-
trol transformer's input to the amplifier falls. When
the control transformer's output is zero again, the
amplifier's output has also fallen to zero, and the motor
stops. At this point, the load is in the position required
by the transmitter operator.
The main advantage of a transmitter-control trans-
former system over a transmitter-receiver system is
that friction and load weight are unimportant with a
synchro control transformer, while they limit the accu-
racy of a synchro receiver. Any appreciable load
increases a receiver's angular error; sensitivity rather
than load limits and a control transformer.

45o ••• t
FIGURE 10B8.-Synchro differential receiver.

The application of a synchro control transformer

to a gun mount power drive is described in section lOD.
2. Synchro differential transmitter (sometimes
called differential generator). The differential trans-
mitter is a device which yields the sum or difference
of two signals.
The differential transmitter's rotor and stator each
have three windings. One input to the differential
transmitter is a synchro signal to the stator winding.
The other input is mechanical-that is, the rotor is
driven mechanically to some angle. The output from
the rotor of the differential transmitter is an electrical
synchro signal that represents (depending on how
the system is connected) either the sum or the differ-
ence of the mechanical and electrical signal inputs.
See figure lOB7. The differential transmitter is not

connected to the I lS-volt AC line.
3. Synchro differential receiver (sometimes called

differential motor) . Like the differential transmitter,
the synchro differential motor yjelds the sum or differ-
ence of two inputs. Both inputs (fig. lOB8) are elec-
ELECTRICAL RESULTANT trical synchro signals. The receiver gives the sum or
SIGNAL ELECTRICAL difference mechanically-generally by rotating a dial.
INPUT SIGNAL OUTPUT The construction of the differential receiver resembles
FIGURE lOB7.-Synchro differential transmitter. that of the differential transmitter, except that, like the


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synchro receiver taken up above, it is fitted with a mark and mod of standard Navy synchros, see OP 1303
damper. It does not have any direct connection to and OP 1755.
the lIS-volt AC line.
1085. Synchro dial mechanisms
1084. Summary of synchro types A synchro receiver can be set up very simply (as
The present functional classification of synchros, as shown in several figures earlier in this article) with a
described in OP i303 (first revision in preparation at calibrated dial on its shaft to display information in
this writing), classifies all synchros into seven cate- terms of shaft rotation. It can also be set up so that
gories, each described by a group of letters. The clas- it can display in addition the response of another
sification recognizes not only the categories described mechanism (such as a gun mount) to the informa-
in the 2 articles preceding, but also 2 broader cate- tion. For example, such a set-up can show the move-
gories-synchros designed primarily for systems pro- ment of a gun mount in elevation (or train) in re-
ducing an electrical control voltage signal, and sponse to elevation (or train) gun order.
synchros designed primarily for systems producing a A common set-up to display such information is the
mechanical movement (torque) or dial indication. follow-the-pointer mechanism, illustrated in figure
As a convenience for the student in learning about lOBlO. Here the synchro receiver, to which is fed a
the inputs, outputs, and functions of all the types of synchro signal representing gun order, drives a dial.
synchros, the table below and figure lOB9 show in sum- Surrounding this dial is a ring dial geared to the mech-
mary form the types of synchros discussed above. For anism (in this case, a gun mount) which is supposed to
a fully detailed description of all standard Navy types follow the transmitted signal (gun elevator or train
of synchros, and for complete details of the nomen- order). A third fixed calibrated dial (not illustrated)
clature and symbol system that also shows the size and may surround these two.

Functional nomenclature Letter-group Signal input or inputs Output


Torque transmitter ..... " TX 1 input-rotor positioned me- Electrical. 3-wire synchro signal
chanically or manually. from starter to TDX, TR, or
Central transmitter . CX Same as TX . Same as TX, but fed to CT or
Torque differential trans- TDX 2 inputs-a. 3-wire synchro signal Electrical. 3-wire synchro output
mitter. from TX to TDX stator. (representing sum or difference
b. Rotor positioned mechani- of inputs) from rotor to TR,
cally or manually. TDX, or TDR.
Central differential trans- CDX Same as TDX, but synchro Same as TDX, but supplied only
mitter. input usually from CX. to CT or CDX.
Torque receiver . TR 1 input-synchro signal from Mechanical. Rotor assumes posi-
TX or TDX to TR stator. tion corresponding to input
synchro signal.
Torque differential receiver. TDR 2 synchro inputs-one to rotor, Mechanical. Rotor assumes posi-
one to stator; each input from tion corresponding to sum or
a TDX or TX. difference of inputs.
Control transformer . CT 2 inputs-a. Synchro signal from Electrical. AC voltage (2-wire
CX or CDX to stator. b. Ro- signal) from rotor, proportional
tor positioned mechanically or to sine of difference between
manually. rotor position and stator input.

NOTE Transmitters called generators, symbol C.

The letter-group symbols and functional nomenclature Differential transmitters called differential generators,
represent current BuOrd practice. Older nomenclature and symbol DC.
symbols will often be seen in BuShips and BuOrd publications Differential receivers called differential motors, symbol D.
issued in the past but still in current use, as follows: Older nomenclature and symbols do not distinguish be-
Receivers called motors, symbol M. tweeen torque-type and control-type units.


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S ill COX




FIGUREIOB9.-Summary of synchro types.

FIGURElOB1O.-Follow-the-pointer mechanism.
When a change in gun order occurs, the synchro FIXED INDEX
rotor turns the dial. When the mount power drive DIAL
or the gun pointer or trainer responds by moving the
gun in accordance with the indicated order, this move-
ment drives the response gearing, which turns the ring
dial to follow the inner (synchro-driven) dial. When
the two index marks match again, the gun mount is in
gun order position.
Synchros are often mounted, as in the above ex- SYNCHRO
ample, so that their stators remain fixed; however, RECEIVER
__ ----------R~g~~JR
they may also be bearing-mounted so that their stators
can be mechanically rotated.
A common example of such a mounting is the zero-
reader mechanism. This mechanism is used to oper-
ate a dial which displays response of a gun mount or
other load to a synchro signal. The example illus-
trated in figure lOEll shows a synchro receiver to
which is fed a synchro signal representing gun eleva-
tion (or train) order. This turns the rotor, which
turns the zero-reader dial off the fixed index mark.
As the gun mount is moved automatically (by the (FROM GUN MOUNT)

power drive) or manually (by the gun pointer or FIGURElOBll.-Zero-reader mechanism.


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trainer), it drives the synchro stator through gearing When accurate values of quantities are required,
so that the whole synchro (including the dial) rotates synchros are used in pairs geared to each other so that
toward the fixed index mark. (The rotor and stator one transmits coarse readings, the other fine readings.
are electrically locked together by their magnetic For example, one might be used to transmit 360 de-
fields.) The zero-reader dial shows the difference be- grees per revolution, the other 10 degrees per revolu-
tween the signal and the response. When the two are tion. This materially increases the sensitivity and
equal, their difference is zero, of course. When the accuracy of automatic transmission. In addition,it
indexes are matched, and the dial indicates "zero," is evident that the graduations on the fine dial can be
the gun mount position coresponds to gun order posi- more easily read. These are called double-speed
tion. The process of matching the indexes is called systems.
matching zero readers. It is possible to connect several synchro receivers to



FIGURE lOB12.-An electrical follow-up.


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a single transmitter so that the transmitted quantity ing which produces counterclockwise rotation (indi-
can be sent to several stations at the same time, and cated by the arrows on the end of the motor) , and the
the values received will be synchronized at all stations. clockwise contacts are connected to the other winding.
Assume that the remote synchro transmitter is
1086. Synchros and servos sending a zero signal, and that zero bearing is set into
One of the limitations of synchros is their small out- the computer. The contact arms is in the neutral po-
put torque; hence, their use is limited to positioning sition; both sets of contacts are open; and the servo
dials and opening and closing contacts. But often the motor is motionless. As the director trains to 30°,
response to the indications must be made automatic. the transmitter sends a signal to the synchro receiver
Mechanisms which provide automatic response are which rotates the contact arm clockwise far enough
called follow-ups or servo mechanisms. An electrical to close the counterclockwise contacts. This energizes
follow-up employs an electric servo motor to provide the servo motor counterclockwise winding; the motor
the additional power required. then turns the drive shaft counterclockwise, and the
One such follow-up, using a synchro control trans- synchro stator rotates counterclockwise until the syn-
former, is shown in figure 10B6. As later articles in chro rotor puts the contact arm in neutral position.
this chapter will show, this principle can be also used The servo then stops, and the input to the computer
to position massive gun mounts and turrets. However, is 30°. If the signal then changes to 20°, the contact
a synchro receiver can also be used for controlling a arms closes the clockwise contacts, and the servo
small motor in an instrument servo mechanism with- drives the synchro stator 10° to make the remaining
out requiring an amplifier. Such a set-up, in a fire input 20°.
control computer, is illustrated schematically in figure Usually dials indicate the settings made by the
lOB12. servos. The dials may be zero readers or angle
The servo motor stator has two windings, either of readers.
which may be connected in series with a phase-shifting Actual follow-up mechanisms, especially in equip-
ment of recent design, have refinements omitted in
capacitor. When one winding is in series with the
this presentation. For example, servos in which the
capacitor, the servo motor shaft turns clockwise; when
speed or power of response is proportional to the
the other winding is in series with the capacitor, the
amount of error have many advantages, such as re-
rotation is counterclockwise. The servo motor is en- ducing oscillation or "hunting" around the signal.
ergized through the follow-up control, which consists When coarse and fine synchros are used in a system,
of two sets of sensitive contacts mounted on a fixed the servo mechanisms are often so constructed as to
block. A light contact arm on the synchro rotor shaft respond to a coarse error with high-speed response
operates one or the other set of contacts, depending on until it becomes a fine error, when the response is
which way the synchro rotor turns. The counterclock- scaled down to the accuracy required for accurate
wise contacts are connected to the servo motor wind- synchronization with the signal.

C. Electric-Hydraulic Systems
10C1. Principles of hydraulic mechanisms ceeding articles in this section explain a typical electric-
hydraulic system-that for the 5"/38 twin mount.
Electric-hydraulic power drives are used with all
Strictly speaking, hydraulics as a science has to do
calibers of naval gun mounts from 40-mm mounts to
with the behavior of liquids in motion; hydrostatics
16-inch turrets. Their great advantage is that they
has to do with the behavior of liquids at rest. This
provide positive control at all speeds, and in both accel-
discussion will not emphasize the distinction.
eration and deceleration, of the most massive moving
Whether at rest or in motion, all liquids are nearly
units-including rotating turret structures weighing
incompressible, at least within the pressure ranges that
millions of pounds. Complete systems are unavoid-
are encountered -in ordnance hydraulic systems. The
ably complex, especially in the more highly automatic
liquid in any system is always under the pressure,
types of installation; but their principles of function-
called pressure head, imposed by its own weight, and
ing can be presented relatively simply, once certain
this increases in proportion to depth. It varies, of
elementary facts about the behavior of liquids are course, with the specific gravity of the liquid. In
known, and once certain basic hydraulic mechanisms water, this pressure head is 8 psi at 222 inches below
are understood. the surface; in a typical oil with a lesser specific
This article presents this fundamental background gravity, a depth of 252 inches is required to attain this
in simplified, somewhat foreshortened, form. Sue- pressure head.


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FIGURE lOCl.-Pressure head is a function of: A. Liquid specific gravity. B. Depth of liquid.

Other pressure imposed on an enclosed hydraulic Pipe or tube lines, to conduct the fluid between com-
system (for example, pressure imposed by a piston on ponents of the systems, and fittings to mate these com-
liquid in a closed cylinder), are distributed equally in ponents.
all directions throughout the entire volume of the Valves, to direct and control the flow of fluid, and
liquid. Thus a pressure imposed at one end of a long to control fluid pressure. Some valves are hand oper-
liquid-filled tube is communicated undiminished to ated, but most are automatic. Many, like check
the other end. (This applies strictly to liquids at rest; valves, pressure-regulating valves, and dumping valves,
other factors modify this behavior when the liquids are are hydraulically operated; others are operated by
in motion.) electric motors, solenoids, or synchros. Some of the
Although, with regard to pressure transmission, all more complex automatic types are described later in
liquids are about the same, they differ radically in this section.
their resistance to flow (otherwise known as viscosity) , Gages, to measure pressure, velocity, and volume of
in their lubricant effect, and in their general suitability hydraulic fluid. (Ordnance hydraulic systems use
for use in hydraulic systems. Hydraulic fluids for mostly pressure gages.)
ordnance hydraulic systems are petroleum-based oils Pumps, to drive the hydraulic fluid through the
selected for superior lubricant quality (but they are system. There are many types, ranging from simple
not lubricants) , low viscosity throughout a wide range rotary and reciprocating units to relatively complex
of temperatures, low volatility, high stability, and com- axial-piston pumps whose rate and direction of out-
patibility with the metals of which such systems are put can be almost instantly varied from zero to full
constructed. in either direction without varying their speed of rota-
Hydraulic systems include some or all of the follow- tion. All pumps in ordnance hydraulic systems are
ing main types of components: driven by electric motors.


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- B -END







FIGURE lOC2.-5"/38 twin rriount, showing electric-hydraulic train drive units.


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Hydraulic motors and" work cylinders) whose func- 10C4. Variable-speed drive (hydraulic speed gear)
tion it is to convert the energy delivered through the
The speed gear consists of a variable-displacement
hydraulic fluid to mechanical motion. Most hy-
hydraulic pump, the output of which drives a hy-
draulic motors are actually somewhat modified pumps
draulic motor. The pump is called the A-end, and
of one type or another) working in reverse.
Pressure chambers) to protect the hydraulic system the hydraulic motor is called the B-end. The hy-
against sudden shocks and surges, and accumulators) draulic system through the two units and the two large
which store a certain amount of fluid under air pres-
sure to equalize fluid flow under sudden heavy demand
in excess of the capacity of the pumps, or to complete
an operating cycle in case of power failure.
Reservoirs and tanks) to store fluid and provide for
its expansion with heat.
Gaskets to seal joints, and packing to seal openings
around moving parts against leakage of fluid.

10C2. Introduction to
power drive
5" /38 twin mount train
REGULATOR '------------ •.•
The system described in this article is a simplified RESPONS~
version of the train drive for the 5"/38 twin mount.
See figure IQC2. Refinements omitted are needed for
smooth operation but do not contribute to an under-
standing of the principles of the system. FIGURE lOC3.-Power drive operation in automatic control.
The main equipment consists of a variable-speed
drive, an indicator-receiver-regulator, and associated
auxiliary equipment.

10C3. Methods of control

This system has four methods of control: AUTO,

LOCAL, HAND, and MANUAL. Selection of the type in
use is made by the control-selector lever at the trainer's
station. Also located at the station is a speed-selector
lever having two positions, HIGH and LOW. It has no
function in automatic control, but determines the
ratio between handwheel movement and follow-up
operation in the other control methods.
In AUTO gun laying, the remote signal is received by
a synchro receiver, is amplified hydraulically, and FIGURE lOC4.-Power drive operation in local control.
causes the training system to follow the signal at a
maximum rate of 25 degrees per second. Figure IOC3
is a block diagram representation of this system in ELECTRIC POWER MOTOR~
automatic control.
In LOCAL power control for indicator gun laying,
movement of the handwheels takes the place of the
remote signal entering the indicator-regulator. See
figure IOC4.
In HAND control, movement of the hand wheels goes , I
directly to the A-end control unit, bypassing the in- ' •••. ...1 TRAINING

dicator-regulator. See figure lOC5.

In MANUAL control, the handwheels are geared di-
rectly to the training rack, bypassing the entire power-
drive unit. FIGURE lOC5.-Power drive operation in hand control.


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FIGURE IOC6.-The hydraulic speed gear.

interconnecting pIpes IS referred to as the active the A-end, the direction and speed of rotation of the
system. B-end can be controlled; therefore, the direction and
The A-end is driven at constant speed by an electric speed of the motion of the mount can be controlled.
power motor through a set of planetary reduction The hydraulic output of the A-end is controlled by
gears. The B-end, as already mentioned, is driven by varying the angle between the socket ring and cylinder
the hydraulic output of the A-end, and the mount itself barrel of the rotating group of the A-end. See figures
is driven by the mechanical output of the B-end. See lOC7, lOC8, and lOC9. This angle is called the angle
figure lOC6. By controlling the variable output of of tilt and is controlled by the A-end control unit




FIGURE IOC7.-Varying tilt angle in A-end.


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varied. The angle between these two planes is the

CYLINDER BARREL (THRUST AND angle of tilt. See figures lOC7 and lOCB.
RADIAL BEARINGS The socket ring is mounted inside a large, steel, cup-
NOT SHOWN) like casting. This yoke is called the tilt box and does
UNIVERSAL not rotate with the socket ring. Therefore, suitable
~--JOINT thrust and radial roller bearings are provided to sup-
port the socket ring inside the tilt box. The tilt box
TILT BOX is trunnion-mounted in large ball bearings so that
the tilt box and the socket ring may be tilted anywhere
within a limit of +20 degrees from the zero tilt posi-
DRIVE tion. A universal joint is provided so that the socket
SHAFT FROM ring may be rotated by the drive shaft as the angle of
REDUCTION GEARS tilt varies between its limits of +20 degrees. The
same drive shaft that rotates the socket ring rotates
FIGURE 1OC8.- Tilt-box arrangement. the cylinder barrel. The cylinder barrel is keyed to
the drive shaft. See figure lOCB.
To follow piston A through a complete revolution,
when the equipment IS In HAND control. In AUTO refer to figure lOC10. Note that the numbers are ar-
and LOCAL power control, the angle of tilt is controlled ranged as are the numbers on the dial of a clock.
by the position of the main piston. The position of Then consider piston A to be at a position equivalent
the main piston is in turn controlled by the hydraulic to 3 o'clock and the rotation clockwise as indicated by
follow-up system. the arrows.
The cylinder barrel rotates in a fixed plane, while As rotation progresses, piston A will begin to move
the socket ring rotates in a plane whose angle to the outward in relation to the cylinder in which it operates.
fixed plane of rotation of the cylinder barrel may be The relative motion of the piston is outward until the





FIGURE lOC9.-Phantom view of A-end.


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VALVE PORT II piston is at the 9 o'clock piston. The piston mo-

tion up to this point has been such as to draw oil into
VALVE PLATE the cylinder in which the piston operates. The oil has
entered the cylinder through valve port I and active-
system pipe 1. Continuing the rotation from 9
o'clock to 3 o'clock it must be noted that the relative
motion of the piston in its cylinder is now reversed
and is inward, forcing oil out of the cylinder through
valve port II and active-system pipe II.
At 9 o'clock and at 3 o'clock, where the relative
motion of the piston in its cylinder reverses and where
the relative motion is zero, lands are provided in the
valve plate to separate port I from port II. These
two points are points of commutation where the piston
motion reverses from that of drawing in oil to that of
pumping out oil under pressure. The two lands sep-
arate the high-pressure discharge port from the low-
pressure intake port. .The width of these lands must
be at least as great as the diameter of the opening at
JOINT NOT SHOWN the end of the cylinder. This is necessary in order to
prevent a hydraulic short" circuit between the low-
PIPE I pressure port and the high-pressure port as anyone of
FIGURE 1DC 1D.-A-end operation. the nine pistons of the rotating group passes over one
of the lands.


(ONE OF 9)



FIGURE IDCl1.-Phantom view of B-end.


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The cylinder barrels bears against the valve plate at

all times, and the construction of the two parts is such
that leakage is reduced to a minimum.
The tilt-box trunnions are adjacent to the points
designated as 6 o'clock and 12 o'clock. See figure
lOC9. The tilt box rotates within limits about an
axis through these two points.
It should be evident at this point that, with the tilt
shown, the pumping action is such as to force oil out
through port II and to draw oil in through port I.
That is, the oil drawn in through port I at low pres-
sure is pumped out through port II at high pressure.
It should also be noted that if the angle of tilt is re-
versed the direction of flow is reversed, and that the
volumetric rate of pumping depends upon the value
of the angle of tilt.
The active-system piping leading from the two valve-
plate ports of the A-end provides for flow of oil through
to the B-end.
The B-end is similar in construction to the A-end,
except that the tilt of the socket ring is fixed. The
angle of tilt of the B-end is built into the unit and can-
not be changed. See figure lOCll.
The flow of oil under pressure to the B-end will
exert forces normal (at right angles) to the faces of
the pistons open to the valve port receiving the oil
under pressure. See figure lOCl2. These forces on
the piston faces will result in :
1. A thrust component along the axis of rotation of
the socket ring. This component does no useful
work and is neutralized by a suitable thrust roller
2. A turning component which will rotate the socket
ring. This force component is at right angles to
that described in 1. The cylinder barrel will
rotate, driven by the rotation of the socket ring,
through the drive shaft and universal joint.
This, of course, will cause the B-end to rotate,
and thereby provide the power required to drive
FIGURE lOC12.-B-end operation.
the guns.

10CS. The A-end control unit introduces a change in the value of the angle of tilt of
Control of the speed-gear output for driving the the A-end tilt box.
guns when the equipment is in HAND control is accom- The action of the A-end control unit is to change
plished by action of the A-end control unit. In HAND the angle of tilt until mechanical response and there-
control (see figure lOC5), the signal to the A-end fore gun movement is synchronized with the hand-
control unit is transmitted mechanically through wheel motion.
shafting and gearing from the pointer's or trainer's
10C6. The indicator-receiver-regulator
handwheels. Mechanical response is also transmitted
to this unit through shafts and gears. The indicator-receiver-regulator (commonly called
Within the unit is a special type of mechanical dif- the indicator-regulator) contains all the equipment
ferential. Any difference between the signal and re- necessary for (l) receiving the order signal and the
sponse will cause axial movement of a shaft which response, (2) comparing them to obtain the error


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DIFFERENTIAL (AM----+-~rr-n_


PR2 = 55 LB. (NEUTRAL)

Pl = 100 LB.
HP( = 1000 LB.



FIGURE lOC13.-Action of hydraulic valves.


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signal, (3) amplifying the error signal, and (4) trans- valve) escapes through the port (opened by the fine
mitting it to the A-end properly. It is equipped with pilot piston movement) to the PX (exhaust) line.
dials which indicate the order signal and the response. As the pressures on the top and bottom of the amplifier
The indicator-regulator is in use only when AUTO or valve piston are no longer in balance, PR pressure on
LOCAL power gun laying is employed. (See figures its bottom will cause the amplifier valve piston to
lOC3 and lOC4.) move up, closing the port from PR2 to PX. The
Figure lOC13 shows only the major parts of the
amplifier valve piston moves exactly the same direction
(train) indicator-regulator. I t demonstrates the con-
and amount as the fine pilot piston, and it follows the
trol of the principal valves by movement of the fine
fine pilot piston almost instantaneously.
synchro receiver. Rotation of the synchro rotor causes
the fine pilot piston to move up or down. The ampli- 2. The main valve had been in balance, with the
fier valve piston follows the movement of the fine pilot pressures Pi and PX working against PRo Now with
piston. This positions the main valve, and the main the loss of volume from the PR side resulting from the
valve controls the main piston, which is attached to the rising of the amplifier valve piston, the piston of the
A-end tilt box. As the B-end drives the mount, re- main valve will move to the right. The IHP line to
sponse gearing rotates the response gear, which reposi- the center of the main valve is then open to the exhaust
tions the fine pilot piston to bring the system to rest. PX.
In automatic control, the synchro receiver rotor re- 3. The main piston had been in balance, with PR
ceives a gun-train order from the synchro transmitter and IHP working against pressure HPC. With IHP
in the computer. As the rotor moves, it turns the opened to the exhaust, the resulting unbalance permits
rotating fork through the relief-eam assembly. The HPC to force the main piston to the left.
ends of the fork fit in slots in the differential-eam fol- 4. The main piston is directly connected to the tilt
lower (spider). Since the spider is constrained to box, so that its movement produces an angle of tilt.
move in helical grooves in the differential cam as it is 5. Now the B-end drives the mount until response
rotated,it moves up or down. Attached to the lower gearing brings the system to rest.
end of the spider is the fine pilot piston which moves It must be realized that the preceding paragraphs
with it, deal with the problem in the simplest terms. Actually,
Now, as the mount moves in train as a result of the two synchro receivers are used to initiate the move-
above signal, gearing from the B-end output shaft ment of the pilot piston. One is a coarse synchro; the
turns the response gear of the differential cam. The other a fine at the ratio of 1 : 36. If the signal differs
helical grooves of the differential cam are moved while from the existing position of the mount by an angle
the rotating fork is preventing the spider from rotating. equal to 3.8 degrees, the coarse synchro will take con-
Thus, the spider and the fine pilot piston are raised or trol to move the fine pilot piston to its maximum posi-
lcwered in accordance with the signal. tion and keep it there until this difference becomes less
On figure lOC13, we will trace one cycle of opera- than 3.8 degrees. Then the fine synchro, through the
tion of the hydraulic valves shown. Assume that a cam, will again perform its function as described above.
signal has caused the fine piston to move up: Also there are other valves in the system such as the
1. Oil in chamber PR2 (at the top of the amplifier acceleration, offset control, and synchronizing valves.

D. Amplidyne Follow-up System

1001. General is geared to the load and so indicates what the position
of the load actually is. The synchro compares the
An amplidyne follow-up system in its simplest form
actual load position with the ordered position; and, if
consists of the four units shown in figure lOD 1 :
L The synchro control transformer. the two do not agree, it generates an alternating-cur-
2. The amplifier. rent signal which is transmitted to the amplifier. The
3. The amplidyne motor-generator. angular difference between the two positions is called
4. The follow-up DC motor. the error, and the signal to the amplifier is the error
The synchro control transformer receives the order signal. The error signal indicates by its electrical
signal which indicates electrically what the position characteristics the size and direction of the error. If
of the load should be. The rotor of the synchro con- no error exists, the system is said to be in correspond-
trol transformer is turned by the response shaft, which ence and the error signal is zero.

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-RE~~SE __ ~

A-C I :::c
! o
I »
I m
I »

G- I m
FIGURE lODl.-The amplidyne follow-up system.

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The amplifier receives the alternating-current error the rotor with respect to the stator's magnetic field.
signal, amplifies it, and converts it into direct current The stator receives a gun-order synchro signal from a
suitable to energize the field windings of the amplidyne synchro transmitter, and the synchro control trans-
generator. former's rotor is driven by the gun mount. As the gun
The amplidyne generator supplies direct current to mount is driven toward gun-order position by the
operate the follow-up motor. The direction of rota- amplidyne power drive, the control transformer's rotor
tion of the motor depends on the polarity of the output approaches the null position. At null, the gun mount
of the amplidyne generator, which in turn depends is in gun-order position.
on the direction of the error as indicated by the error Because of the sensitivity of the system, the synchro
signal. As a result, the motor moves the load in the control transformer's output very closely controls the
proper direction to reduce the error. operation of the power drive, increasing acceleration
The amplidyne generator is a power amplifier on of the mount's movement as the rotor signal increases,
a large scale. Its power output depends on the and minimizin.g overshooting.
strength of its control-field current but is several thou- As with other types of synchro units, synchro con-
sand times greater. The additional power is supplied trol transformers can be used in pairs in a double-
by the motor which drives the amplidyne generator. speed arrangement. Identical synchros are used, but
The strength of the control-field current from the they are geared at 36: 1. Both synchros are connected
amplifier depends on the size of the error as indicated to the input of an electronic amplifier, but a relay,
by the error signal. The power applied to the follow- switching circuit, or electrical network automatically
up motor, therefore, is greater for a large error than selects the output of either the coarse or the fine syn-
for a small one. chro. The coarse synchro control transformer's signal
In the normal operation of following an order sig- is switched to the amplifier input when the gun mount
nal, an increased error indicates that the order signal is more than about 3° out of synchronism. As the gun
has suddenly picked up speed and that increased mount approaches synchronism with the gun-order
power is required to bring the load quickly to the signal, the fine synchro signal automatically switches
higher speed. In response to an iricreased error, the into the circuit to furnish the controlling input to the
amplidyne generator promptly supplies the necessary amplifier and continue gun mount movement until it
added power. If the order signal suddenly slows is fully matched with gun order.
down, the load may overrun the signal and reverse the
1003. Amplifier
direction of the error. As a result, the polarity of the
amplidyne output is reversed; the motor tries to run The function of the amplifier is to supply two
in the reverse direction, and so applies a retarding control-field currents for the amplidyne generator.
force to the load. In following an order signal in automatic control,
When the order signal moves at a uniform speed, these currents must be varied in accordance with
the motor must supply only enough power to over- chan.ges in the error signal. When the error signal is
come the friction in the system. The power output of zero, the two control currents should be equal. When
the amplidyne is then much less than when the speed the error signal calls for movement of the mount in
is increasing or decreasing, and the error will be corre- one direction, one control current must increase and
spondingly smaller. the other must decrease. When the mount is to move
Because of the immense power amplification avail- in the opposite direction, the unbalance in the control
able in the amplidyne generator and amplifier, an currents must be reversed.
extremely small error signal supplies enough power The amplifier has two stages. The first stage is
to control the mount. In following the usual gun- primarily a rectifier stage in which two direct cur-
train or gun-elevation order, the errors should not be rents are produced whose magnitudes are controlled
more than a few minutes of arc under the most adverse by the error signal. These currents are amplified in
conditions. the second stage to provide the control-field currents
for the amplidyne generator.
1002. Synchro control transformer
1004. Amplidyne generator
The functioning of a synchro control transformer
was described earlier in this chapter. As in the system The construction and operation of the amplidyne
described in article lOB3, the synchro control trans- generator can best be understood by following through
former's output in an amplidyne system produces an the steps necessary to convert an ordinary direct-
AC output signal which depends on the position of current generator into an amplidyne generator.


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When a coil of wire is rotated in a magnetic field,

voltage are induced in the coil, and, if the ends of the
coil are connected together, these voltages cause elec-
tric currents to flow in the coil. This is the basic
principle of a generator.
The principal parts of a generator are the stator, 100 AMPS
or stationary part, and the armature, or rotating part. 10 K.W.
In a common form of generator, a coil of wire is wound
on a part of the stator and is supplied with a small
exciting current which magnetizes the iron in the
stator and armature to provide the necessary magnetic ORDINARY D-C
fields. The armature carries other coils which are ro- GENERATOR
tated in the magnetic field as the armature is turned.
As a result, voltages are induced in the armature coils.
The ends of the armature coils in a De generator
are connected to copper bars on a commutator which
rotates with the armature. The voltages induced in
the coils are taken off by stationary carbon brushes en-
gaging the commutator as it turns. If the brushes are Cj+~~.J;:=ilVOLTM ETER
connected together an external circuit, cur- 100 VOLTS
rent will flow in the circuit and through the armature
The connections to the commutators are such that
the maximum voltage appears across two points on BRUSHES SHORT
opposite sides of the commutator. The positions of CIRCUITED AND
these points depend on the direction of the magnetic EXCITATION REDUCED
field and do not change as the commutator rotates.
The brushes are located at or near these points to take
advantage of the maximum voltage.
In figure 10D2, the upper view represents an ordi-
nary direct-current generator such as the one just
described. The inner circle is the commutator, with VOLTS
brushes at top and bottom. The next circle represents AND AMPS
the armature, and the outer structure is the stator with NEAR ZERO

a coil carrying the exciting current wound on its pole

piece. Other conditions being equal, the power out-
put of the generator will be proportional to the power
input to the excitation winding, within the limits of LOAD CONNECTED
normal operation. This generator is assumed to be a TO NEW BRUSHES
l O-kw machine (10,000 watts output), and the excita-
tion required is about 100 watts. The amplification,
therefore, is 100 to 1.
The excitation current produces a magnetic field 10HM
whose direction is indicated by the arrow Fe. It is LOAD
this magnetic field which induces the 100 volts which FS
appears across the brushes. At the same time, the 100- 100 AMPS
amp load current flowing in the armature coils creates 10 K.W.

another magnetic field FS at right angles to Fe. It ~~=;:t;~,L-COMPENSATI NG FI ELD

has about the same strength as the field Fe. This
second magnetic field, called armature reaction, does
no useful work in the ordinary generator and is, in
fact, a source of trouble. COM PENSATING
If now the brushes are short-circuited, as shown in
the second view, an immense armature current will FIGURE lOD2.-Development of amplidyne generator.


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flow unless the excitation is reduced. If the excita- equipment now in use, excitation is supplied to two
tion is cut down to about 1 watt, FC is reduced accord- control windings which are oppositely wound. The
ingly, and the normal full-load current of 100 amperes direction of the magnetic field FC and the polarity of
flows through the short-circuit path. This current the output of the generator depend upon which wind-
produces the same armature reaction FS as before. ing receives the stronger current. Thus, the direction
The armature reaction FS induces a voltage in the of rotation of the follow-up niotor, which receives its
armature in the same manner as flux FC but this volt- power supply from the amplidyne generator, can be
age appears on the commutator at 90 degrees from the controlled at will by supplying the stronger current to
voltage induced by FC. A voltmeter connected to one or the other of the control fields. By balancing
points on the commutator.jis shown in the second view, the control currents, the amplidyne output is brought
will indicate approximately full-load voltage. to zero and the motor stands still. The difference
In the next view, new brushes have ·been added to between the two control currents determines the
points 90 degrees from the original brushes, and the amount of power supplied to the motor.
original load of 1 ohm has been connected between
them. The high voltage formerly existing between 1005. 5"/54 amplidyne train drive
these points has almost disappeared. The reason for An example of amplidyne power drives in the Navy
this is that current flowing in the armature coils be- is the Train Power Drive Mark 14 on the 5"/54 single
tween these brushes has created a second armature mount.
reaction FA which opposes the exciting field FC and The main units in this system at the mount are
reduces its effect. The decrease in the effect of FC ( 1) gun train indicator-regulator, (2) 40-hp train
reduces FS and consequently reduces the voltage across motor, (3) brake unit, (4) train-selector switch, (5)
the new brushes. master switch, and (6) shifting clutch; those located
The lower view shows the last modification neces- in the amplidyne control room below deck are (7)
sary to produce an amplidyne generator. The arma- train amplidyne motor-generator and (8) amplifier
ture current from the new brushes has been taken unit. See figure 10D3.
through a compensating field winding and creates a The indicator-regulator contains the synchro con-
magnetic field FB opposed to FA. This field may be trol transformer and the indicator dials. The brake
adjusted to balance out FA and thus restore the full unit is a safety mechanism which locks the drive and
effect of the exciting field FC. FS is restored to nor- holds the mount stationary if power supply fails during
mal, and full-load current may be drawn from the power operation. The master switch is a start-stop
new brushes. Since both FA and FB depend on arma- push button used to start and stop the amplidyne
ture current, they will always be approximately bal- motor -generator.
anced and the output voltage is nearly independent The shifting lever has two main positions, MANUAL
of the armature current. Full-load output has been and POWER. A middle position of STOP acts as a
obtained with only I-watt excitation instead of 100. safety feature in shifting the mount between power
The amplification is 10,000 to 1 instead of 100 to l. and manual.
Other refinements are necessary to produce the fast, The selector switch has four positions: AUTO, LOCAL
stable operation necessary in a follow-up system, but HIGH, LOCAL MEDIUM, and LOCAL LOW. It is used to
the machine shown in the lower view of figure lOD2 select any of these four means of power operation of
is the basic form of all amplidyne generators. In the the mount.

E. Other Types

1OE1. Thyratron system DC output of the rectifier tubes is led to a DC motor,

the direction of rotation of which depends upon which
Thyratron systems are found on stable elements and
of the rectifier tubes furnishes the voltage. This DC
stable verticals which require a simple and accurate
motor furnishes the working power for the system.
low-power automatic control system. -In this system
the electrical (AC) signal is amplified by electronic 10E2. York Safe and Lock Company drive
tubes. The amplified signal is then changed to DC
by 1 of 2 half-wave rectifier tubes. A signal in 1 This drive, used extensively as the train and eleva-
direction utilizes 1 rectifier tube, while a signal in the tion units on 40-mm mounts, is an electric-hydraulic
other direction utilizes the other rectifier tube. The drive using both electronic and hydraulic amplifica-


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FIGURE IOD3.-5"/54 amplidyne equipment in mount.


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tion. Figure lOE! is a simplified schematic drawing motor, and a receiver-regulator control system. The
of the drive. electric motor drives the A-end pump. Fluid from the
The main parts of this system consist of an electric A-end drives the B-end in the proper direction and
power motor, a hydraulic A-end pump and B-end amount. The B-end is directly geared to the mount


~--.., ERROR


r--- ....•
0:: I
L _


FIGURE lOEl.-York Safe and Lock drive.


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B- END j:::::()




FIGURE IOE2.-16"j50 caliber train power drive.

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to drive it in train (elevation). The receiver-regu- In HAND control, movement of the trainer's hand-
lator controls the position of the tilt box of the A-end wheels rotates a nut on the control screw, causing the
in the following manner: screw to move axially within the nut. This move-
The receiver-regulator has a control transformer ment of the screw through linkages and valves controls
which sends an electrical error signal to an electronic the flow of fluid into the servo cylinder, moving the
amplifier. The amplified signal drives a stroke motor servo piston. The servo piston, being directly con-
which controls a hydraulic pilot valve. This pilot nected to the A-end 'tilt box, tilts it the amount or-
valve positions the booster piston directly connected to dered. As the turret trains, response turns the control
the A-end tilt box, thereby providing the necessary screw, moving it axially and thereby repositioning the
control of the mount. As the stroke motor rotates, it tilt box back to its neutral position. Handwheel mo-
drives the stroke generator, which sends a pre-response tion, as can be seen from figure lOE2, may come from
signal back to the amplifier, thus smoothing out the the train layer's station or from either the left or the
operation of the system. right sight trainer's stations, depending on the positions
This mount is equipped with a three-position selec- of the clutches. _
tor lever whose settings are: MANUAL, LOCAL, and In AUTO control, the remote signal is received at the
AUTO. In MANUAL control the pointer's and trainer's receiver-regulator by a synchro. The rotor of the
handwheels drive the mount and the power motors are synchro positions a small hydraulic valve. This signal
not energized; however, the lag meter may be used to .is amplified hydraulically and controls the flow of fluid
match a signal from the director. The lag meter is a into the servo cylinder. This positions the servo piston
voltmeter indication of the error signal. In LOCAL and, hence, the A-end tilt box. Response, as the turret
power control, the pointer controls the mount in train trains, rotates the stator of the synchro and returns the
and elevation through useof the handle control (joy synchro rotor and the A-end tilt box to neutral.
stick). In AUTO, the mount is positioned by the power
drives using remote signals from a director. 10E4. Fuze-setting drives

10E3. 16" ISO turret train drive An all-electric type of drive is used on automatic
fuze setters. This drive may be considered nothing
The automatic control equipment used to train the
more than a two-stage servo-motor drive. Movement
16"/50 caliber turret is an electric-hydraulic drive de-
signed by the General Electric Company. See figure of the synchro receiver rotor, in response to the remote
10E2. signal, closes contacts to a 115-volt AC pilot motor.
The main units of this system are the electric drive Rotation of this pilot motor shaft closes silver contacts
motor, the variable-speed gear consisting of 1 A-end which sends 115-volt alternating current to the power
and 2 B-ends, a servo stroking system, and a receiver- motor, and causes it to drive the load in the proper
regulator. direction. Rotation of this pilot-motor shaft also ro-
Turret train movement is controlled by positioning tates the synchro receiver stator, returning it to neutral
the A-end tilt box. Such tilt-box movement is per- and opening the first set of contacts. Response from
formed by a servo stroking cylinder and piston under the load drives back to the power-control head of the
hydraulic pressure from a control pressure pump. pilot motor, opening the second set of silver contacts
Opening of servo pressure to the stroking cylinder is and stopping the power motor when the load is posi-
controlled by two methods: HAND and AUTO. tioned in response to the original signal.

F. Shipboard Tests of Automatic Control Equipment

10F1. General 40-mm, matching 180 degrees out may occur because
the error voltage for 180 degrees error is zero, since the
Frequently, errors made by automatic contro~equip- coarse synchro is 2-speed (i. e., 1 revolution of the
ment in following a remote signal are obvious and may synchro causes 1800 revolution of the mount). Ex-
be readily determined without special apparatus. A cessive oscillation of the mount or sluggishness in fol-
lowing a signal indicates that the drive needs adjust-
mount matching a fixed signal may be in error by a
ment. In order to determine whether a drive is fol-
constant amount such as 10 or 120 degrees. This type lowing a signal accurately, instruments such as the
of' error may be only a mistake in wiring, which is dummy director with its accompanying error recorder
easily corrected. In certain types of drives, such as are used. See the next article.


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FIGURE lOFl.-Dummy director and error recorder.

10F2. Dummy-director tests makes a permanent record of the error on a strip of

paper. Figure lOF2 shows sample recordings. If no
Using a dummy director and error recorder, the
error exists, the recording shows a straight horizontal
dynamic accuracy (error in following a remote signal)
of automatic control equipment may be determined. line. The amount of variation of the plot from the
The dummy director is an instrument which trans- zero error line, therefore, is a measure of the error
mits an electrical order signal to the control equipment in minutes.
of the unit under test. The motion introduced may Such tests are made whenever equipment does not
be either constant or simple harmonic. seem to be functioning properly, as well as periodically
The error recorder (spark recorder) measures and each quarter and during shipyard overhaul.


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......................... _ .............•.................................................................................

. .......•....•............
•........--- ...•.. . .. .......
••_~e..•••J.. • •••••..
..•..........•... .a••••••••••••


(This curve represents an error of 9 minutes of arc)


uJ 2
'0 0
.s 2
~ 0
"'0 0.5 1_0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3_0 3..5 4.0 4..5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 1.5 8.0 8.5 '.0 t..5 10.0 10.5 11.0JL5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0
Seconds of Time

The time from peak to peak is read on the horizontal scale. The error in minutes of arc is rea d on the ver-
tical scale and is then divided by 2. Here the reading of 18:2 represents an error of 9 minutes, which
is within the maximum allowance error of 10 minutes for a roll of 25 degrees. A similar curve, if obtained
far a roll of 20 degrees or less however, would indicate excessive error.

FIGURE10F2.-Sample error-recorder strip.


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Chapter 11


A. Rockets and the Rocket Principle

11 AI. Definitions went a considerable revival in the United States, Great

Britain, Germany, and the U.S.S.R. Short-range
A rocket is a missile propelled by the escape of
gases produced from the burning of solid, liquid, or rockets were developed for use 'against shore installa-
gaseous propellants completely contained within it- tions, ships, tanks, airplanes, and personnel.' The Ger-
self. A true rocket by definition does not, for example, mans produced a long-range rocket missile known as
use atmospheric oxygen to burn its fuel. the V-2.
Figure IIAI shows the external appearance of one 11 A3. Principles of rockets
type of rocket. The head of this rocket contains a
high-explosive charge and a nose fuze to initiate A rocket motor is a metal tube that serves as a com-
detonation. The motor contains the combustion bustion chamber. The burning propellant generates
chamber, and houses the propellant charge. Hot hot gas, and the gas pressure within the 'combustion
gases from the combustion chamber issue from a noz- chamber rises quickly to some value determined by the
zle at the after end of the assembly. amount and characteristics of the propellant and the
Rockets exhibit two characteristics unique in the size of the nozzle or nozzles. The gas exerts approxi-
field of propulsion: (1) the propulsive force delivered mately the same outward pressure on each square inch
is independent of atmospheric air, and thus the rocket of surface within the combustion chamber; however,
may be propelled through empty space, and (2) the the gas rushes out of the nozzle without exerting any
propulsive force is unaffected by the velocity. One force upon the area of the opening, but with exertion
of the challenging problems in rocket design is to of full force upon the corresponding area at the for-
develop an acceptable degree of stabilization in flight. ward end of the combustion chamber. Thus a net
The rocket shown in figure 11A 1 represents a spin- force or thrust acts in the forward direction. The
stabilized rocket. magnitude of this force is roughly the area of the orifice
in square inches multiplied by the internal pressure in
IlA2. History of rockets
pounds per square inch.
Rockets were used in the Far East as early as the Fundamental to rocket propulsion, then, is the con-
13th century. In the first decades of the 19th century version of heat energy into kinetic energy by an adia-
several western armies employed rocket projectiles with batic expansion. This poses two basic problems: (1)
greater or lesser success, a notable incident in the his- to generate gas under high pressure and at a constant
tory of our own country being the use of rockets by the rate-a problem of chemical reaction; and (2) to
British during the attack on Washington in the War direct the high-pressure gases into a high-velocity
of 1812. stream-a problem of nozzle design. Pressure in a
But the military use of rockets languished after the rocket motor depends largely upon the burning rate
middle of the 19th century, attention being diverted and escape rate. In the case of solid-fuel rockets, for
from them by improvement in guns and gunnery. example, the composition of powder, shape of grain,
Projectiles fired from guns proved to be superior to and rate of burning, which have important relation-
rockets in both range and accuracy. So for many ships to performance as discussed in chapters 2 and 3,
years the employment of rockets was largely associated are also important factors in rocket design.
with pyrotechnic displays. During World War II, a. Rocket motors. The thrust of a rocket motor
however, the development of military rockets under- is an equal and opposite reaction to the expansion of


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FIGURE llA1.-5~inch spin-stabilizedrocket.

gases discharged at the nozzle; and since the expansion

of these gases is maximum in a vacuum, rockets func-
tion most efficiently in such a medium. Rocket mo-
tors contain all the essentials for functioning, and do NOZZLE APERTURE
not require atmospheric oxygen for combustion.
Consider the nozzle in a little more detail.
The function of the nozzle is to permit the hot gas
produced by the burning ballistite propellant to flow
out of the rocket motor, pushing the rocket along as
it goes. TAPER
The shape of the nozzle determines the character- TURBULE

istics of gas flow, and hence has much to do with how

efficiently the gas flow propels the rocket. Gas flow
must be smooth (nonturbulent). For a smooth, con-
trolled trajectory, it must produce thrust along the
long axis of the rocket. And the nozzle must be de-
signed to develop every possible bit of thrust from the
By tapering the rear of the chamber so that it nar-
rows smoothly toward the nozzle aperture, a smooth,
nonturbulent flow of escaping gas is created. This
tapered section forms the forward half of the nozzle.
The tapered extension, forming the after end of the
nozzle, which leads outward from the nozzle aperture,
forces the escaping gas, as it expands to furnish addi-
tional (about 33 percent) forward thrust. (Fig.
llA2.) FIGURE lIA2.-Rocket motor nozzledesign.


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BR IDGE IGN I T E 5 ----+--+--fllj~






FIGURE llA3.-Rocket motor ignition.


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Many rockets have a number of nozzles, rather than side forces of the nozzle and to improve the accuracy
just one. The same principles apply there. of fire. When there is a tail shroud around the fins,
The rocket MOTOR TUBE contains the propellant it supports the rear end of the rocket in the launcher.
charge and igniter. It is a combustion chamber in Most newer shipboard-fired rockets are SPIN-STA-
which the propellant is burned to provide the motive BILIZED; that is, their nozzles are canted to exert torque
power (hot gases) for the rocket. It generally threads as well as forward thrust. The result is that the rocket
to the rocket or an adapter in the base of the head, spins like a gun projectile in flight. Such rockets, of
and is usually shipped separate from the head. The course, have no fins. Since spin begins as soon as
diameter of the motor is less than that of the head in the propellant starts to burn, the stabilizing effect be-
some rockets; in others its diameter is about the same gins as soon as sufficient thrust is developed to launch
as the head's. the rocket.
The IGNITER contains black powder loosely packed, Aircraft rockets are fin-stabilized designs. (To save
and an electric SQUIB with a low-resistance bridge wire space, folding fins that open on launching are often
running through a match composition. used.) Fin stabilization is poor when a rocket is
All present types of rocket motors are initiated elec- launched at zero or low air speed (as is the case on
trically. As figure 11A3 shows, the firing impulses surface craft); in aircraft, however, the plane's air
may be transmitted either (in aircraft rockets) by a speed ensures good stabilization at the instant of
pigtail lead from the rocket plugged into a source of launching.
firin.g current, or (in surface-launched rockets) by Rockets have been designed with canted fins, to pro-
contact surface on the shroud surrounding the rocket's duce spin. This kind of design is, however, subject
tail. to the drawbacks common to other firmed rockets.
Most Navy rockets use either (fig. 11A4) a solid b. Rocket heads. As previously noted, the head of
cruciform grain or a cylindrical grain with an axial a conventional rocket contains a high-explosive charge
hole and radial perforations. The latter, often used capable of being detonated by action of a fuze or fuzes.
in Navy ground or shipboard mounted rockets, is char- Use of centrifugal force and setback to arm fuzes, as
acterized by three ridges spaced 1200 apart and run- in gun projectiles, is not universally applicable to
ning longitudinally along the grain. The cruciform rocket fuzes. In part, this is because rockets acceler-
grain, usually found in Navy aircraft rockets, in section ate at a lower rate than do gun projectiles; moreover,
is a symmetrical cross. If all of the exterior surface with fin-stabilized rockets no centrifugal forces are
of this grain were permitted to burn, there would be a available. For these reasons various other devices
gradual decrease of area, and the burning rate would are employed to arm rocket fuzes. The fuzes of some
be regressive-that is, the rate of gas production would antisubmarine rockets, for example, are armed either
decrease as the grain continued to burn. Since a uni- by hydrostatic pressure or by rotation of a propeller
form burning rate is desired, a number of slower after travel of 15 to 20 feet in the water. When armed,
burning plastic strips or INHIBITORS are bonded to cer- such rockets detonate upon impact with any solid
tain parts of the area exposed on the outer curved object. Several methods have been utilized to arm
ends of the arms. These slow the initial burning rate, the fuzes of barrage or bombardment rockets so that
and gas production rate is approximately uniform as they will detonate upon impact or after a predeter-
long as the grain burns. mined delay. In one type of nose fuze, arming de-
Hollow cylindrical grains have inherently uniform pends upon rotation imparted to a small propeller as
burning rates and usually require no inhibitors. the rocket moves through the air. A base-detonat-
Grain sizes vary according to the motor in which ing type is armed by a mechanism that is actuated
they are to be used. Most use only a single grain, but by pressure in the rocket motor during burning.
some may use up to four. On the other hand, fuzes used on spin-stabilized
The grid is a metal piece near the nozzle which rockets may be similar to the fuzes of gun projectiles,
supports the propellent grain so that sufficient clear- since centrifugal force is present.
ance is allowed between the grain and the nozzle to c. Rocket launchers. Modern rockets are launched
permit a free flow of gas through the nozzle. With- from various types of launchers, which in essence are
out the grid, the grain will move aft, blocking the mechanisms designed to point the rocket in the right
nozzle and causing excessive pressures to build up in direction and to actuate or ignite the motor. One sig-
the motor. nificant fact about launching is that there is little or
Tail fins provide stability in flight, prevent tum- no recoil. The forward momentum given to the
bling, and ensure head-on impact. During burning, rocket is balanced by the rearward escape of propellant
the action of the air against the fins tends to resist gases. Therefore, a very large total weight of "pay


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FIGURE llA4.-Rocket motor grains. A. Cylindrical. B. Cruciform.


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load" may be fired from boats, airplanes, or other its launcher, if at all, during only a very small portion
conveyances which could not possibly withstand the of the time that its propellant burns; in all cases, maxi-
recoil shock incident to firing equivalent projectiles mum velocity of the rocket is attained after it has left
from traditional types of larger guns. This is why the launcher, and in some cases after the rocket has
the development of aircraft rockets, to cite one ex- passed through hundreds of feet of free flight. In ad-
ample, has been so significant. Inability of aircraft dition, the center of gravity of a gun projectile re-
structure to stand up under the recoil shock of con- mains fixed in position in relation to the projectile
ventional-type guns had long been a limiting factor while the latter is in flight, whereas the center of
in aircraft armament. Until the rebirth of military gravity of the rocket necessarily shifts in relation to the
rockets occurred, the largest projectile fired by most rocket as the fuel in the motor is consumed.
aircraft guns weighed only 2 or 3 pounds. The mod, After a rocket has attained maximum velocity, it
ern rocket-firing plane, however, is capable of launch- may traverse a trajectory similar to the path traversed
ing rockets which weigh over 1,000 pounds. by a gun projectile. On the other hand, it is possible
I t also is noteworthy that many rocket launchers are to place lifting surfaces (wings) on the rocket head,
relatively light in weight, simple, inexpensive, and which will cause the missile to follow a glide path
more readily replaceable than comparable guns. On rather than a purely ballistic path, once acceleration is
the other hand, much more propellant is required to completed.
bring a rocket up to a given velocity than is the case The older type of rockets which came into wide-
with a gun projectile. Moreover, rocket fire (with spread use during World War II were fin stabilized.
conventional short-range rockets) launched from the S;;'ch rockets have the advantage of being relatively
ground or from the deck of a ship compares unfavor- simple to manufacture, but are likely to prove some-
ably in accuracy with gunfire. what cumbersome in handling, launching, and stow-
Shipboard rocket launching devices always have a ing. It may be pointed out, however, that fin
tube or rail which supports the rocket until firing, and stabilization is the type associated with a glide path of
guides it during the critical initial portion of its trajec- flight, and that stabilizing fins, with proper adaptation,
tory. This is necessary because, especially with fin- may be used as rudders and elevators in controlling the
stabilized rockets, the stability of the rocket is relatively path of flight. These facts take on special significance
poor until it attains a fairly high air speed. when we consider the potentialities of guided missile.
On fixed-wing aircraft, as has already been ex- Spin stabilization has also been used extensively in
plained, fin stabilization of rockets is effective at the the case of rockets. A spin-stabilized rocket, like a
instant of launching because of the plane's ·air speed. gun projectile, tends to maintain a relatively stable
Rocket launchers in aircraft are therefore merely sup- course because of the gyroscopic effect resulting from
its rotating motion, which in part counteracts forces
ports which hold the rocket until launching, and then
that otherwise would produce deviation in line of
release it as the propellant is ignited. These are called
flight. As a case in point, one type of 5.0-inch spin-
"zero length" launchers.
stabilized rocket developed during World War II had
Shipboard launchers may be of "repeater" design to a nearly flat trajectory at short ranges, and rotated at
fire rockets successively at short intervals from a maga- about the same or even higher speed than 5" /38
zine or loading device. Electrical contact to the caliber projectile.
rocket's squib in such launchers is made through a set In a gun projectile, rotary motion or "spin" is im-
of contactors which rub against insulated metal con- parted by rifling of the gun barrel. Spin-stabilized
tacts on the rocket. In aircraft launchers, only one rockets, however) achieve a spinning motion because
rocket is fired per launcher per flight. The electrical they have several nozzles, slightly canted in position.
connection from plane firing system to rocket is made Since fins are absent, such rockets can be relatively
through pigtail leads and plugs, which part upon compact, which makes for greater convenience in
firing. handling; launching, and stowing. The degree of
stabilization may also be considerably greater than that
11A4. Rocket trajectory and stabilization
of fin-stabilized rockets. The old fin-stabilized 4.5-
Mention has been made of the fact that conven- inch barrage rockets, for example, Had a dispersion of
tional rockets are less accurate than gun projectiles. from 20 to 40 mils, whereas the comparable figure
One reason for this is that gun projectiles are guided for spin-stabilized rockets is about 20 mils. When
by the gun bore during the entire period in which the fired forward from airplanes, fin-stabilized rockets
propellant is burning and maximum velocity is being achieve a much better performance.
attained. A rocket, on the other hand, is guided by Fired from aircraft) dispersion of fin-stabilized

418117 0--57--17 247

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rockets may be no more than 6 to 8 mils. Comparable where the propelling reaction takes place. A com-
dispersion of gun projectiles would be a single mil or paratively elaborate mechanism was used in the V-2
less. rocket to control this use of fuel and oxidizer; how-·
It therefore is evident that the accuracy of COT"- ever, simple designs have been developed subse-
ventional-type rocket fire is not on a par with the quently which permit the use of liquid propellants in
accuracy of gunfire. Rockets, however, have proved high-performance antiaircraft rockets, less than 4-inch
to be extremely valuable weapons for special pur- diameter, capable of developing high thrust for a short
poses. Examples include the employment of rockets period of time. Also the fuel tanks of liquid-fuel
in antisubmarine attacks, and the saturation of enemy- rockets for guided missile propulsion can be so located
held beach positions by rocket fire launched both from that change in center of gravity is reduced to a mini-
mum as fuel consumption proceeds.
airplanes and from the decks of landing ships. Figure
Among the advantages of solid-fuel rockets is sim-
llA5 shows barrage rockets being launched from an
plicity of design and operation. A single chamber
LSI which is moving in toward a beach.
serves as a container for the propellant and as a com-
11AS. Rocket fuels bustion chamber. Rate of gas production is con.
trolled by the chemical composition of the propellant
From the standpoint of fuels there are two general (especially by the ratio of the oxidizing agent to the
types of rockets: those incorporating liquid-fuel units fuel), by the operating pressure and temperature, and
as typified by the German V-2, and those incorporat- by the shape of the propellent charge and combustion
ing solid-fuel units as represented by various barrage chamber. In some cases inhibitors, consisting of slow-
rockets. burning material attached to certain surfaces of the
In liquid-fuel rockets, the fuel and the oxidizer are powder grain to delay combustion, are used. A dis-
carried in separate containers from which they are advantage of solid-fuel rockets is the relatively great
ejected into a relatively small combustion chamber weight of the motor housing.

FIGURE llA5.-Rocket being launched from an LSI.


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11A6. Naval uses of solid-fuel rockets perstructure areas around launchers. Some launchers
have blast deflectors for protection of the immediate
Rockets (but not guided missiles) fired by naval
area, while others are mounted slightly outboard, so
ships and aircraft are designated by head diameter in
that blast is directed into the water. It is obviously
inches. (This is analogous to the caliber of gun pro-
unsafe for anyone to be directly in front of or behind a
jectiles.) The motor may be the same size as, or
smaller than, the head, but never larger. loaded launcher, or one that is being loaded. Person-
nelloading a launcher should always stand to one side
Several types of rocket of 3-inch and smaller caliber
of the path that would be taken by rocket or blast in
are used for practice firing, for targets at which other
the event of accidental or intentional firing. All per-
weapons can fire, or for signaling. Subcaliber rockets
sonnel in the vicinity of a launcher should wear long
which fit into the launchers of larger types and are
trousers, and long shirt sleeves buttoned about the
used as inexpensive substitutes for training purposes
are also in this range of sizes.
3. Firing precautions. The firing circuit must be
Aircraft rockets intended for use against enemy tar-
open at all times until the launcher is ready to fire.
gets or for other combat use are made in 3.5-inch,
All extra rockets must be kept at a safe distance from
5.0-inch, and 11.75-inch sizes. (Other sizes may be
loaded deck-mounted launchers. No personnel may
under development.) Rockets fired from surface craft
approach a loaded launcher until the safety plug or
are the obsolescent 4.5-inch fin-stabilized barrage
firing key has been removed from the firing circuit.
rocket, several types of 5.0-inch spin-stabilized rockets,
The fuze safety wire must be reinserted as soon as
a 7.2-inch rocket designed for antisubmarine use, and
the safety plug or firing key has been removed, but not
the antisubmarine 12.75-inch rocket.
before. No test of the firing circuit may be conducted
11 A7. General safety precautions in handling and until all rockets have been removed from the launcher
firing rockets and placed at a safe distance. Naked lights, matches,
or other flame-producing apparatus must never be
1. Review of ordnance instructions. Frequent re-
allowed in the vicinity of rocket ammunition.
view of ordnance pamphlets and the latest ordnance
4. Fuzes. At no time are any personnel permitted
instructions pertaining to each piece of equipment
to attempt disassembly of an armed fuze. Such a fuze
should be made mandatory by all authorities in com-
mand of units afloat and ashore, wherever rockets are must be disposed of.
stowed, assembled, or fired. 5. Propellent grains. Under no circumstances may
2. Nozzle blast. It should be remembered that a propellent grain be removed from a motor. No
nozzle blast from a rocket motor is intensely hot. Small surveillance tests are made of rocket propellants.
pieces of burning powder frequently are blown out of Other safety precautions are detailed in appropriate
the nozzles and may be hard to extinguish. Steel ordnance publications, in appendix A of this volume,
sheathing is therefore used to protect decks and su- and in the next section, on shipboard-fired rockets.

B. Rockets Fired From Surface Craft

11 B1. General 11 B2. 5.0-inch spin-stabilized rockets

As the previous article stated, the most important These rockets may be divided into three types, with
operational Navy rockets fired from surface craft are respective maximum ranges of 2,500, 5,000, and
the spin-stabilized 5.0-inch (of which there is an entire 10,000 yards. All three have the same over-all length,
family, with matching heads and motors) , and two fin- so that they may be fired interchangeably from the
stabilized AjS rockets, one 7.2-inch and one 12.75-inch. same launchers. The shorter-range rockets, requiring
The 4.5-inch barrage rocket is now considered quite smaller motors, are therefore provided with larger
obsolete, and therefore is not taken up in this text. heads. For example, the 2,500-yard rocket has a
The 7.2-inch and 12.75-inch rockets are designed small motor, and a large head that contains about 12
to serve primarily as launching devices for A/S charges pounds of explosive. The 5,000-yard rocket is about
(although the 7.2-inch type can be used against sur- half motor and half head; it carries a 9.6-pound burst-
face targets when equipped with the proper type of ing charge. The head of the 1O,000-yard rocket con-
fuze) . They are therefore discussed elsewhere in this tains only about 2.8 pounds of explosive.
course, along with other A/S weapons. The re- The bursting charges, heads, fuzes, and motor desig-
mainder of this section is devoted to the 5.0-inch spin- nations of 5.0-inch spin-stabilized rockets Marks 12,
stabilized surface-fired rocket. 10, 7, and 8 are compared in the table on page 250.


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Mark 12 (2,500 yards) Mark 10 (5,000 yards) Mark 7 (10,000 yards) Mark 8.(70,000 yards)

Head: Mark 12 (Gen- Head: Mark 10 (High- Head: Mark 7 (Gen- Head: Mark 8 (Com-
eral- Purpose) . Capacity). eral-Purpose) . mon).
Fuze: Nose Mark 30 Fuze: Mark 30 PD, Fuze: Mark 100 PD, Fuze: Mark 31 base.
PD. Mark 173 VT. Delay. Filler: 1.7 pounds Ex-
Filler: 12 pounds TNT. Filler: 9.6 pounds TNT. Filler: 2.8 pounds TNT. plosive "D".
Motor: Mark 5. Motor: Mark 4. Motor: Mark 3. Motor: Mark 3.

Rockets of this type are designed for shipboard use, seals the forward end of the motor tube and holds the
to which end several launchers or launcher assemblies igniter and propellant in place. There is a light,
have been developed. Spin-stabilized rockets have metal blow-out disc in the center of the front closure·
proved very effective for beach neutralization and ~n its inner surface a thin felt pad is cemented. just
shore bombardment when fired by LSMR or other mboard of this pad is the igniter, which is a fiat, tinned
Inshore Fire Support type vessels. Their relative case containing 35 grams of black powder and an
electric squib. Two wires pass from the squib to the
neutralization effect, as compared to 5"/38 AA Com-
rear of the motor tube, where one wire is connected
mon projectiles, is as follows: 1 Mark 12 (at 2,500
with the contact ring and the other wire is grounded to
yards) equals 2 AA Common projectiles; 1 Mark 10
the motor tube at the nozzle-ring plate. A l-inch
(at 5,000 yards) equals 1.7 AA Common projectiles;
thick felt washer is placed forward of the propellent
1 Mark 8 (at 10,000 yards) equals 1 AA Common
grain to protect against accidental shock.
The propellent used in this motor is an inhibited,
Since an LSMR-IFS vessel has a firing rate of 250-
cruciform extruded grain of Ballistite weighing about
350 rounds per minute, these rockets give these rela-
10 pounds. A plastic inhibitor is cemented to both
tively small ships a fire power almost equal to that of a
ends of the grain, and plastic inhibitor strips are ce-
light cruiser in weight of projectiles per minute. The
mented on the webs. These inhibitors control the
general-purpose and common rounds are particularly
burning area of the grain and thus regulate the pres-
well adapted to PT-boat attacks at ranges up to
sure developed within the combustion chamber during
10,000 yards.
the burning period. The nozzle-plate assembly con-
1183. 5.0-inch rocket motor sists of eight nozzles and a grid mounted on a nozzle
plate. The nozzles have a 12-degree cant, which
The S.O-inch Rocket Motor Mark 3 is used to propel
produces clockwise rotation when the rocket is fired.
common and general-purpose 5.0-inch spin-stabilized
At the after end of the motor is an assembly consisting
rockets. It is shown in figure l1B1. The motor tube
of a nozzle-plate ring and an insulated contact ring.
is about 22 inches long. It houses the propellant and
The nozzle-plate ring has external threads which en-
serves as a combustion chamber. The motor tube
gage internal threads of the motor tube. The contact
has internal threads and an external bourrelet ring at
ring is riveted to the nozzle-plate ring, but electrically
each end. A shipping cap is screwed into the front
insulated from the latter. The nozzle-plate ring and
end of the motor tube during shipment. The front
the contact ring act as terminals of the igniter electri-
closure is a sheet-metal disc pressed in position near
cal circuit. A short-circuiting band creates a short
the front end of the motor tube. This front closure
circuit between the nozzle-plate ring and the contact
ring; it is removed when the rocket is prepared for
firing. The after end of the motor tube is sealed by a
thin metal disc cemented in place within the rear of
the nozzle-plate ring. Front and rear closures of the
motor tube should remain in place at all times; if a
closure has been broken, the motor should be turned
over to an ammunition depot or disposed of by
FIGURE I1B1.-5.0-inch Rocket Motor Mark 3 Mod 1. lowering into deep water.


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11 B4. S.O-inch spin-stabilized Rocket Head Mark

7 and fuzes
Rocket Head Mark 7 and Mods is used for general-
purpose rounds in the case of the 5.0-inch spin-
stabilized rockets. This head, with nose fuze in place,
is shown in figure 11B2. When shipped, the head is
protected by a nose shipping plug and a base shipping
cap. The head is closed at the after end, where it is ROCKET HEAD
threaded externally for assembly to the Motor Mark 3.
The forward end of the rocket head is internally FIGURE IlB2.-Rocket Head Mark 7, with fuze.
threaded to receive the adapter, on which the Auxil-
iary Detonating Fuze Mark 44 Mod 2 is mounted. outboard if practicable. Fuzing of general-purpose
When the adapter is screwed into the forward end of and high-capacity rounds should be delayed as much
the body, the auxiliary fuze is properly positioned as is commensurate with the tactical situation. The
within the body. The Nose Fuze Mark 100 Mod 2 rockets should be kept in the shade, and should not be
is then screwed into the adapter. The rocket head fired if motors have been exposed for more than an
contains a 2.8-pound charge of TNT. hour to temperatures outside the safe temperature
The Nose Fuze Mark 100 is a selective-action type limits specified on the motor tubes.
which is armed by rotation during flight. A selector In assembling the rocket, the gasket and shipping
in the side of the fuze body may be turned to DELAY cap are first removed from the motor tube. Forward
or s. Q. (superquick). The amount of delay incorpo- and after closures of the motor tube must remain in
rated is 0.025 second. position. The base shipping cap is now removed from
the head. AMark 8 head must be examined to assure
11 BS. S.O-inch spin-stabilized Rocket Head Mark 8 that the base fuze is in place; if not, the rocket head
and fuze must be disposed of. If such a rocket head were as-
The Rocket Head Mark 8 and Mods is also used for sembled to a motor, the main charge would detonate
assembly with the Mark 3 motor. The Mark 8 head, when the motor was fired. Strap wrenches and bench
designated for common rounds, is a hollow steel shell clamps are now used to engage the threads of the motor
with a solid nose, containing a 1.7-pound charge of and head until the seating surfaces meet firmly. In
Explosive D. It is shown in figure 11B3. Its after the case of the Mark 7 rocket head, a further step is
end bears external threads for assembly to the motor; to remove the nose plug and make sure that the auxil-
it also is threaded internally to receive an adapter. iary detonating fuze is present and screwed in the nose
The Base Fuze Mark 31 is screwed into this adapter. fuze.
The head is shipped with the base fuze in place, and In disassembling 5.0-inch spin-stabilized rockets
protected by a base shipping cap. The latter is re- which have Mark 7 heads, the nose fuze is first removed
moved when the head is assembled to the motor. and replaced by the nose plug. It is necessary to be
Personnel must not attempt to remove the base fuze sure atthis stage that the short-circuiting band remains
from the head at any time. This fuze is armed by on the motor, or has been replaced thereon. Strap
rotation during flight, and functions upon impact. wrenches and bench clamps are then employed to dis-
engage the motor and rocket head. The base shipping
1.1B6. Stowing and assembly of S.O-inch spin-
stabilized rockets cap is replaced on the head, and the gasket and ship-

The motors of 5.0-inch spin-stabilized rockets should

be stowed in the shipping boxes or tanks in which
issued, in smokeless-powder magazines where tem-
peratures are maintained below 90° F. Prolonged
stowage at or about 100° F. is considered to be haz-
ardous. Where magazine stowage in shipping boxes
is not practicable, the Bureau of Ordnance prescribes
special stowage conditions. Motors should not be ~BASE FUZE
stowed in the same compartment with or near elec-
tronic apparatus or antenna leads.
At the discretion of the Commanding Officer, ready- BASE SHIPPING CAP
service rounds may be stowed with the rounds pointing FIGURE I1B3.-Rocket Head Mark 8, with fuze.


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ping cap are replaced on the motor. The bourrelet

rings are greased lightly to prevent rusting, and the
rocket head and motor replaced in the shipping box.

1187. 5.0-inch Rocket Launcher Mark 50

One of the launchers used to fire 5.0-inch spin-

stabilized rockets is the Mark 50, shown in figure
IlB4. This is an 8-tube launcher designed for use on
PT boats. Two launchers are mounted on each boat;
they may be swung inboard for loading and outboard
for firing. The barrels are arranged in 2 rows of 4
each, 1 row above and the other below a horizontal
supporting shaft. Elevation is adjustable, and train
is effected by turning the PT boat. When a firing but-
ton is depressed (on the bridge), one rocket is fired
from each launcher. Current to fire a motor is fed to
a rocket by means of the contact ring. The electrical
impulse passes from the contact ring to the squib, caus-
ing the latter to set off the black powder in the FIGUREIlB4.-Rocket Launcher Mark 50.






IJI.-l--+:::J::::== HOIST SHUTTERS


-,.''---!--- LOADING PLATfORM

FIGUREIlBS.-The Mark 102 rocker launcher assembly.

A. Firing position. B. Loading position.


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11 88. S.O-inch Rocket Launcher Mark 102 elevating shoulder, a support for holding the launcher
guides at the proper elevation for firing.
Another launcher for 5.0-inch spin-stabilized
c. The third component is the carriage assembly,
rockets the Mark 102, is designed for use on LSMR's.
which supports the cradle and the train and elevating
This launcher is a mechanism for the automatic firing
power drives above decks. The carriage assembly also
of rockets at a sustained rate of 30 rounds per minute.
supports the hoist below decks.
The assembly includes the deck-mounted rocke:-
d. The fourth component is the stand, which is fixed
launcher components, and a rocket-launcher ammum-
to the deck and supports a roller path that provides
tion hoist below decks, both of which are mounted or,
for train of the rocket-launcher assembly.
a carriage, power-driven in train. Elevation is ac-
e. The final component is the hoist, which consists
complished by movement of the rocket-Iaunc?er
of 2 tubes and hydraulic lifting devices provided for
guides. Remote control is possible in both elevation
simultaneous lifting of 2 rockets from a below-decks
and train. The assembly is shown in figure 11B5.
handling room into the rocket launcher guides. The
The five principal components of the Mark 102
hoist rotates in train with the rest of the rocket-
Mod 0 rocket-launcher are:
launcher assembly.
a. The rocket-launcher guides, a pair of tubular
The carriage of this assembly represents an unusual
guides mounted in a guide housing which is hydra.uli- adaptation of equipment designed for a very diffe:ent
cally moved from a vertical position for reloading. purpose, in that it is really a modified 40-mm Carnage
Mounted forward on the guides is a blast shield. Mark 1 Mod 2. This carriage, described in chapter 9,
b. The second component is the cradle, which sup- has been modified by removal of the guns, firing mech-
ports the launcher guides. The cradle includes the anism, cooling system, loader's platform, and other

FIGURE llB6.-Mark 105 rocket launcher installation on IFS-l.


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normal components. Various additions have been drive. The guide tubes are moved in elevation by a .
made, of which the principal items are the rocket- hydraulic cylinder which positions them at either
launcher cradle and ammunition hoist. Train and elevation order position (firing position) or at 90° ele-
Elevation Power Drives Mark 4 Mod 3 are the same as vation (loading position). This arrangement re-
those used with the 40-mm carriage, except that a sembles that in the Mark 102 mount. The rocket
train and elevation emergency start push button and a guides are fitted with blast deflectors fore and aft.
train emergency stop switch have been added. The The rocket launcher ammunition hoist is suspended
stand is the 40-mm Stand Mark 1. from the underside of the carriage base ring and ro-
Rocket-Launcher Assembly Mark 102 Mod a is tates in train with it. The hoist extends downward
subject to remote control by a director fire control sys- inside a stationary barbette through the second deck to
tem. A firing stop mechanism prevents firing into the third deck of the ship, which is the magazine level.
ship's own structures. In automatic firing the load- Power drives. The electric-hydraulic train and ele-
in.g of two rockets into the hoist tubes in the handling vation power drives used in the Mark 105 Mod 2 rocket
room below decks initiates the' cycle of hoisting the launcher are similar to the Mark 10 drives used in
rockets, transferring the rockets to the launcher guides, Mark 3 Mod 4 40-mm (single) mounts. They are
moving the guides to the firing position, firing the equipped with radial-piston A-ends and B-ends. The
rockets, and returning the guides and hoist lifter to friction brakes and linkages in the original Mark l O's
the loading position. Each step in this automatic cycle have been omitted, there is no local (power) control,
is controlled in proper phase by mechanically actuated and the output speed' ratio is modified. Normal
switches. The intervalometer, a device in the firing launcher operation is director-controlled. Manual
circuit, introduces a 0.66-second delay between the operation for maintenance and. starting up the equip-
firing of two rockets, to avoid blast interference. A ment is possible by declutching the power drive units
safety interlock prevents the rocket-launcher guides and operating the handwheels by hand.
from returning to reloading position until the rockets The train power drive is on the right side of the car-
fired from both guides are clear. riage; the elevation drive is on the left.
Ammunition hoist. This is a manually loaded four-
1189. 5.0-inch Rocket Launcher Mark 105 stage arrangement which lifts the ammunition rounds
The official nomenclature for this weapon is Rocket in pairs, one stage at a time, when the rocket guide
Launcher Assembly Mark 105 Mod 2, and it fires the tubes are in loading (vertical) position. The hoist is
5.0-inch spin-stabilized rocket ammunition described not of the endless-chain type. A fixed-tilt axial-piston
in this section. It is a barrage weapon designed for pump feeds hydraulic fluid under pressure, through
installation aboard amphibious warfare support vessels control valves, to a hydraulic cylinder. The piston rod
such as inshore fire support ships (IFS). Figure 11B6 of the cylinder is connected through wire rope tackle
and pulleys to the four-stage lifter, which, upon each
shows the U. S. S. Carronade, which is equipped with
piston stroke (26.25 in.) moves upward or downward
eight Mark 105 launchers.
one stage (52.5 in.).
Figure 11B7 is a view of the installed launcher as-
The complete cycle of operation for a single-stage
sembly showing below-deck as well as above-deck lift consists of a hydraulic piston downstroke (lifter
components. The Mark 105 launcher resembles the upstroke), followed immediately by a piston upstroke
Mark 102 in using twin rocket guide tubes and twin (lifter downstroke). During the first lifter upstroke,
hoists, but it has several novel features and a higher pawls on the lowest part of the lifter engage the bases
rate of fire (48 rounds per minute) . of the 2 rockets just loaded into, the hoist, and raise
The main features of the Mark 105 rocket mount them 1 stage. While the lifters downstroke, pawls in
are summarized below: the hoist tube support the rounds in the tube. At
Structure. The launcher stand is a deck ring bolted the next lifter upstroke, the second-level lifter pawls
to the rocket launcher foundation. The top face of engage the rounds, and carry them up the tube an-
the stand is the main support of the entire rocket other stage, where they are held by stationary tube
launcher assembly. The carriage is a flanged base ring pawls during the next lifter downstroke. The process
that trains on roller bearings and supports the oscil- repeats as necessary to hoist the rockets into the rocket
lating assembly, the dud jettisoning unit, and all the guide tubes. Electrical and mechanical interlocks
other units that rotate in train. The oscillating assem- start up the hoisting action when the hoist lower end
bly's main components are the elevating shoulder and is loaded, and prevent hoisting into the rocket guide
the guide tubes. The elevating shoulder is positioned tubes unless the tubes are in loading position. Rockets
according to elevation order by the elevating power are loaded manually at the hoist lower end through


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FIGURE IIB7.-Mark 105 rocket launcher assembly. Partial cutaway of launcher installation.


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shutters which align the rounds into proper position each ram head is just behind the rocket in either guide
for loading. tube. When the unit functions, each piston is pushed
There is no provision for lowering ammunition forward by air under 1,000 psi pressure from the ship's
through the hoist. supply, and the ram heads eject the rocket or rockets
The hoist hydraulic pump also supplies hydraulic over the side into the water. (Jettisoning can, of
fluid to the guide tube cylinder which shifts the guide course, be accomplished safely only when there are
between firing and loading position, and to the hy- no ships or other obstructions close aboard.)
draulic cylinder in the jettisoning unit. A water line
with quick-connect fittings provides for emergency 11 B10. Safety precautions in firing 5.0-inch spin-
flooding of the hoist. The hoist is also equipped with stabilized rockets
a central lubrication system. General precautions pertaining to the firing of
Dud jettisoning unit. This unit is a semiautomatic, rockets, as partially outlined in article 11A7, are
electrically controlled, hydraulic-pneumatic operated largely appropriate in the case of 5.0-inch spin-stabi-
device which provides for jettisoning misfired or other- lized rockets as well. In addition, it may be reiterated
wise defective ammunition that has been loaded from that in the case of Mark 3 motors, front and rear
a remote point below decks. When jettisoning is re- closures of the motor tubes must remain intact at all
quired, the launcher is trained to relative bearing 90° times prior to firing. In Mark 8 common rocket
or 270° (depending on which is the outboard direc- heads, base fuzes must be in place before assembly.
tion) , elevated to 5°, and the jettisoning unit is acti- Note also that a lO-minute precautionary wait should
vated. A hydraulic cylinder in the jettisoning unit be observed before unloading any misfired rounds.
raises the unit's cradle to 40°; the rocket guide tubes Mark 3 motors should not be allowed to stand on end
are then elevated automatically to 40° to line them up for any considerable period of time (over an hour),
with the jettisoning unit cradle. and short-circuiting bands (on insulated contact rings)
In the cradle, each aligned with one rocket guide should be left in place until removed during the load-
tube, are two pneumatic cylinders. The piston rod ing operation. Many special precautions must be
of each cylinder terminates in a ram head. When the observed in the operation of Mark 102 and Mark 105
guide tubes are aligned with the jettisoning unit cradle, launchers; these are detailed in appropriate ordnance
and the pneumatic pistons are in retracted position, pamphlets.

C. Aircraft Rockets

11 C1. Rockets and aircraft launching plane, with the result that actual velocities
Aircraft rockets have been used primarily as for- attained approach those of comparable projectiles,
ward-firing weapons, which supplement or take the and this accuracy increases as the speed and stability
place of forward-firing guns. The virtual absence of of the aircraft at the time of release are increased.
recoil in launching aircraft rockets makes possible the In antisubmarine use, the underwater trajectory of
use of lightweight gear for such launching, and intro- rockets is predictable, and this fact can be used to
duces no stresses inimical to the plane's structures. A great advantage.
modern rocket-firing plane armed with 5.0-inch
11 C2. Aircraft rocket types
rockets can deliver one salvo comparable to that of
a destroyer, and a squadron of F9F planes carrying Basic types of aircraft rocket include a 2.25-inch
11.75-inch rockets can fire a salvo similar to that of a training rocket (SCAR), the 2.75-inch air-to-air
cruiser division. In making such a comparison, how- "Mighty Mouse" (FF AR) , the 5.0-inch aircraft
ever, it must be remembered that the ships can keep rocket (5.0-inch AR), the 5.0-inch high-velocity
on firing, whereas the planes must return to base after rocket (HVAR), the 7.2-inch antisubmarine rocket
delivering their pay loads. Generally speaking, (VAR), and the 11.75-inch aircraft rocket (11.75-
rockets provide superior firepower with minimum inch AR) or "Tiny Tim."
added weight, The pay load of a rocket is less than The "Mighty Mouse" is a 2.75-inch contact-fuzed
that of a comparable bomb, but the rocket presents air-to-air rocket with folding fins that open on launch-
advantages related to accuracy of fire and greater ing. It is small enough to be carried in quantity, but
penetration. with a direct hit, one round can destroy a plane.
Rocket velocity is augmented by the velocity of the The rockets are carried in streamlined cylindrical


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------ ....

U1 :>
"-. .•. ..

-. rn

FIGURE 11C 1.-2. 75-inch 7- and 19-round launchers suspended from wing of aircraft.
19-round la unchers. )
(Frangible noses removed from

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jettisonable launchers, carrying up to 19 rockets each, To increase the rocket firepower of aircraft there
which can be suspended under the wing of an aircraft. have been developed self-contained jettisonable mul-
(Fig. 11C 1.) The rockets are "ripple-fired" through tiple launchers for 2.75-inch FF AR's. These are at
the frangible nose of the launcher in quick succession. present made in 2 standard sizes-a large one with a
The 5.0-inch high-velocity rocket (1,375 fps) can capacity of 19 rounds (the 4 with noses removed,
penetrate 6 feet of concrete. It is used against ships, shown to the right in figure 11C 1), and a smaller 7-
pillboxes, locomotives, and tanks. Its head is a 5- round unit ( the outboard unit in figure 11C 1). These
inch Mark 35 common projectile, with nose and base launchers are aluminum-clad paper tubes (which
fuzes and a 7.9-pound charge of TNT. The propel- shield against radar and other electromagnetic radia-
lant is a 24-pound grain of ballistite. The 11.75-inch tion) with frangible nose and tail pieces, and a cen-
rocket (fig. 11C2) attains a velocity of 800 fps and has tral aluminum beam which serves as the "backbone."
the explosive effect of a 500-pound bomb. Its head The rockets are fired serially in "ripple" fire; the
contains about 150 pounds of TNT. The motor con- launcher's frangible nose and tail collapse upon firing.
tains 148 pounds of ballistite. When the ammunition load is exhausted, the launcher
is jettisoned. Among the advantages of this type
11 C3. Suspension and launching of aircraft rockets of launcher are the large number of rounds that can
The conventional aircraft launcher for forward fir- be stowed on the plane (an AD-6, which used to
ing is the post type, which has been employed to launch carry only 12 5-inch rockets, can load 156 of the 2.75-
2.25-inch, 3.5-inch, and 5.0-inch rockets. In the inch FF AR's in these launchers), the rapidity with
Mark 5 zero-length launcher, a pair of posts supports which the launchers can be mounted on the plane
the rocket, (fig. 11C3). The forward post houses an (mounting the loaded launchers takes only 5 percent
arming solenoid which controls arming of the nose as much time per round as loading the rockets indi-
fuze. The rear post incorporates a firing socket into vidually), and the stowability of the loaded launchers
which the rocket electrical lead is plugged. Retract- as complete units. Most rockets up to now have been,
ible types of post launchers have been developed. for the sake of safety, assembled and loaded indi-
Firing of the rockets is controlled from the pilot's vidually at the aircraft takeoff point. Exhaustive
station. analysis by the Bureau of Ordnance has, however, veri-

FIGURE 11C2.-An 11.75-inch aircraft rocket on a trailer.


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FIGURE llC3.-Zero-length launchers for 5.0-inch aircraft rockets.

fied that completely assembled 2.75-inch FFAR's in the effect of the plane's speed. The rocket follows a
these launchers are as safe as the disassembled com- substantially vertical path to the target.
ponents stowed in a canister. And a further ad- A drop launcher has been perfected for firing the
vantage of these launchers is that, unlike previous types 11.75-inch Tiny Tim. This installation consists of a
which would fit only one type of aircraft, they can be Mark 51 bomb rack, and a lanyard and lanyard-op-
mounted on several types. erated switches. The rocket is suspended from the
A rearward-firing launcher has also been developed bomb rack, and falls away from the plane when re-
for firing 7.2-inch antisubmarine rockets. This leased. As it falls the rocket pulls out the 8-foot
launcher provides a metal channel 8 feet long, 7 inches lanyard, which unreels until two micro switches are
wide, and 2 inches deep; 12 of these launchers are actuated and current flows through the lanyard to
mounted on each wing panel of a PBY, and 4 on ignite the rocket propellant. Use of the lanyard makes
each wing panel of the TBF. A magnetic submarine- it possible to delay firing of the rocket motor until the
detection device gives a peak signal when the plane plane is safely out of the potential zone of rocket blast.
is directly over a submarine; at this moment a rocket Further information on aircraft rockets may be
may be fired rearward with sufficient velocity to nullify . found in Naval Airborne Ordnance, NavPers 10826.

D. Guided Missiles

11 D1. Definition of guided missiles for surface launching against surface targets. Several
types of guided missiles are now under development.
The term "guided missile" has been defined by the
Among the missions assigned to such missiles are the
Joint Committee on Guided Missiles as: "An un-
manned vehicle moving above the earth's surface,
whose trajectory or flight path is capable of being Air-to-air (AAM).
altered by a mechanism within the vehicle." This is Air-to-surface (ASM).
a broad definition, but it limits the term to missiles in
or above the atmosphere, and excludes such things as Air-to-underwater (AUM).
the guided torpedo. When we consider the guided' Surface-to-air (SAM).
missile as a weapon, we must qualify the above defini- Surface-to-surface (SSM).
tion by adding that the missile must tarry some lethal
Surface-to-underwater (SUM).
or useful military load.
Guided missiles are designed for special purposes. Underwater-to-air (UAM).
The German V-2 rocket, for example, was designed Underwater-to-surface (USM).


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A number of special terms are encountered fre- area lagged, because of lack of funds and unsolved
quently in the study of guided missiles. Some of these problems of devising suitable controls. But in 1926,
terms and their meanings are as follows: Goddard of the United States perfected and tested the
Drone. A remotely controlled aircraft. first successful liquid-fuel rocket. He also developed
Glide bomb. A winged missile powered by gravity. the first system of automatic rocket design by using
JATO. An auxiliary rocket device for applying vanes in the exhaust blast for steering. In addition,
thrust to some structure or apparatus. Goddard was the first to fire a rocket at supersonic
Mach number. Ratio of speed of an object to the speed.
speed of sound in air through which the object is mov- In 1936 the Navy initiated a project designed to
ing. A missile climbing upward through the earth's produce a radio-controlled, pilotless aircraft which
atmosphere at constant velocity has a constantly in- could be used as a target in gunnery training. Sys-
creasing Mach number, because sonic speed decreases tems of radio control and stabilization were devised,
with decrease in temperature. and successful flight of a drone plane was effected in
Sonic speed. The speed of sound. This is 766 1937. Shortly thereafter a drone plane was employed
mph under standard atmospheric conditions. It in gunnery exercise at sea. Radio control also came
varies directly as the square root of the absolute into use for purposes of testing new, experimental
temperature. planes. Attention also was turned to the possibility of
Subsonic speed. Speed lessthan the speed of sound. developing guided missiles in the form of aerial bombs
Supersonic speed. Speed greater than the speed of or assault drones, and radio-controlled gliders. The
sound. latter were known as glombs, and were tested success-
fully in 1943, but their production was soon discon-
1102. History of guided missiles
tinued. However, several types of glide bombs were
Guided missiles have come into being because of soon perfected, and used effectively in combat in
developments in several engineering fields. Part of World War II. The Navy also began experiments
this history begins with the development of air-duct with a series of jet-propelled guided missiles in 1943;
engines within the present century. Guillaume of several types were brought into being but not employed
France outlined the principles of the modern turbo- tactically in World War II. Since the end of that
jet engine in 1909, and the Italian Campini used the war the Navy program of experimentation with guided
same sort of propulsion system in the first jet-propelled missileshas been greatly expanded.
airplane, which he designed in 1932. In 1933 Leduc
of France detailed the possibilities of the ram-jet 1103. German long-range missiles
engine, and in the same year Bleecker of the United During World War II the Germans achieved con-
States experimented with a pulse-jet engine. siderable success in the use of long-range missiles, in-
Meanwhile, the Wright brothers had begun the cluding the V-I pulse-jet missile (buzz bomb) and the
study of aerodynamic design at the turn of the century. V-2 rocket. Both of these weapons served to effect
Thereafter, a number of European scientists turned area bombardment. About 15,000 buzz bombs and
their attention to the various problems involved. In 2,600 V-2 rockets were launched against England
1928 active study of flow phenomena got under way in and the channel ports. The external appearance of a
the United States at the Langley Field Laboratory. buzz bomb is shown in figure llDl. Overall length
At first thought, these early experiments may seem to was a little over 25 feet, and weight at takeoff was
have little relationship to modern guided missiles; but 4,750 pounds. Speed attained in flight was about 3.60
in fact all of them made some contribution, as did the mph, and maximum range was 150 miles.
various experiments with powder rockets reaching The V-2 (fig. llD2) was radically different, being
back to the 13th century. a true rocket of the liquid-fuel type. It had a takeoff
The Navy and the Army Air Corps initiated experi- weight of 30,000 pounds; which included 19,800
ments concerned with flying bombs and aerial tor- pounds of alcohol, liquid oxygen, and auxiliary fuels;
pedoes in 1916. An aerial torpedo, launched from a a warhead of 2,200 pounds; and rocket structures
catapult at the Naval Proving Ground in 1920, flew weighing 8,000 pounds. Maximum velocity attained
for about 15 minutes. Such early experimental by this rocket was approximately 5,000 fps; exhaust
models, however, were scarcely guided missiles, since velocity was 7,000 fps, and range was 200-300 miles.
they were not subject to control after launching. Then The V-2 rocket was stabilized by graphite vanes in
in 1924 a pilotless seaplane under radio control was the exhaust blast, and by the external fins. Earlier
launched successfully, although it crashed in landing. models were guided in flight by an auto-pilot set to
For a time thereafter, military experimentation in this maintain a predetermined course.


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FIGURE llDl.-The German V-I pulse-jet missile (buzz bomb).

FIGURE llD2.-V-2 rocket fired from deck of USS Midway.


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1104. Mission of guided missiles The development of such missiles has been asso-
ciated with rocket development in general, with ad-
All improvements in weapons, or attempted new
vances in jet propulsion and techniques of guidance or
weapons, are directed toward one or more of the
control, and with perfection of airframe design for
supersonic speed. Guided missiles are still in their
1. Increased striking range of the weapon itself,
infancy, and it is entirely possible that they may con-
rather than increased range only of the ship or air-
stitute the standard bombardment weapons of the
craft that launches the weapon.
future. Great advances in their design undoubtedly
2. Reduction in susceptibility to countermeasures.
will be made in the years ahead. Potentially, the
3. Increased destructive effect gained by greater
guided missile is a weapon which may be used at long
accuracy, greater explosive force, or both.
range, where conventional gunfire would be either
Guided missiles are needed for both offensive an d
impossible or ineffective.
defensive reasons. A little imagination when studying
the above list will lead to an understanding that if we 1106. Component parts
can perfect missiles in these three ways, we will have
powerful offensive weapons. In general, a guided missile IS composed of four
On the other hand, we must assume that the enern y principal components:
will also perfect guided missiles. To defend ourselves 1. Propulsion system.
against these enemy weapons, we must have guided 2. War head and fuze.
3. Guidance system.
missiles capable of seeking out and destroying the
4. Air frame.
enemy missiles in fli.ght. It is essential that we gain
In this volume, only the first two components will
and maintain supremacy in this new field.
be considered. The various systems of missile guid-
1105. The guided-missile principle ance will be discussed in volume 3.

We have seen that a guided missile is an unmanned 1107. Propulsion systems

vehicle whose trajectory is influenced by a self-con- Supersonic speed is the best defense of the guided
tained mechanism. Quite a number of missiles now missile against enemy countermeasures. Since a
come within the scope of this definition. Unlike the guided missile cannot easily detect or avoid counter-
Japanese "kamikaze" or suicide planes of World War measures, it relies on its very high speed to reach its
II, such missiles are pilotless by definition. Each mis- target. Similarly, when used defensively to intercept
sile is used only once, however. This puts a premium hostile aircraft or missiles, it must have a wide speed
on simplicity of design, low cost, and the possibility of margin over its target. The German V-I flew at
quantity production. 3,000 feet and 400 miles per hour; as a result, defenses
Until comparatively recent times, projectiles fired were able to achieve as high as 95 percent effective-
from guns were committed to a certain course and per- ness against it. On the other hand, no German V-2,
formance at the moment they left the gun muzzles. a supersonic missile, was ever destroyed in flight by
Then came the development of proximity fuzes, de- Allied countermeasures.
signed to produce detonation when certain conditions Reaction-type power plants (rocket and jet engines)
were met. The existence of such fuzes made possible are the only presently known kind capable of pro-
one type of control, but a type which involves definite pelling aerial missiles at these required supersonic
limitations at the longer ranges. A guided missile must and hypersonic speeds.
have a mechanism that can make corrections in course We have already studied the rocket principle, which
during flight to compensate for initial errors in launch- applies also to jet engines. Jet propulsion is defined
ing, deviation from course due to wind or other ef- as motion resulting from ejection of matter from
fects, and target motion. within the propelled body to create momentum. To
To be effective, then, a long-range guided missile develop thrust, a means of ejecting matter must be
clearly must have a propulsion system capable of pro- found. This may be done in two ways.
ducing high and sustained speed; must be able to 1. Mechanical jets. Pumps or fans can be used to
traverse a considerable range; must incorporate a produce a jet of air, water, or other fluid. A rotating
mechanism adequate for purposes of guidance; must lawn sprinkler is mechanically jet propelled.
have control surfaces capable of effecting necessary 2. Thermal jets. A thermal reaction, usually oxi-
changes in flight path; and must carry a "pay load" dation, produces great volumes of gases at high tem-
appropriate to its mission. peratures and pressures, which expand through a


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FIGURE llD3.-A pulse-jet engine.

ducted outlet, producing a jet. All practical jet pipe and meet the air coming through the valves,
engines work on the thermal principle. compressing the new air slightly. This compression,
There are four varieties of reaction-type power plus residual burning fuel, plus the heat of the walls
plants: of the combustion chamber, ignites a new charge of
1. Pulse jets. fuel which enters at this time, and the cycle is re-
2. Ram jets. peated. It was this intermittent cycle, about 40-50
3. Turbo jets. times per second, which gave the name of "Buzz
4. Rockets. Bomb" to the German V-I. The pulse jet is not used
Pulse jets. This engine, also known as an inter- for manned flight.
mittent jet, includes an air scoop, a flapper valve Advantages:
system, a combustion chamber, and a discharge pipe. 1. Light, economical, and easy to construct.
The pulse jet is started by forcing compressed air 2. Uses atmospheric oxygen so needs no oxidizer.
through the spring-loaded flapper valves, adding the 3. Uses common fuels.
fuel (usually gasoline) under pressure, and igniting Disadvantages:
this mixture with a spark plug. See figure 1ID3. 1. Speed subsonic; limited to about 450 miles per
The flapper valves prevent the expanding gases from hour.
escaping forward, but permit gases to rush out the 2. Operation limited to earth's atmosphere.
discharge pipe at high velocity. This velocity is so 3. High fuel consumption.
high, in fact, that the gases overexpand and cause a Ram jets. This engine is also known as an "atho-
partial vacuum in the combustion chamber. This dyd" (contraction of aero-thermodynamic duct) or a
action, plus the inrush of air caused by the motion of "flying stovepipe." The latter designation is inspired
the motor through the atmosphere, opens the flapper by the shape of the engine and its lack of moving parts.
valves and permits air to enter the combustion The ram-jet engine consists of a diffuser or inlet air
chamber. duct, a combustion chamber, and a discharge nozzle.
Part of the exhaust gases flow back up the discharge Figure 11D4 is a sectional diagram of a ram-jet engine.




FIGURE llD4.-A ram-jet engine.

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Consider a piece of straight stovepipe at rest. If Advantages:

fuel were ignited in the middle of the pipe, the hot 1. Simple-no moving parts.
expanding gases would escape from both ends. Now 2. Light and cheap.
consider the pipe moving along its axis at 400 miles 3. Easy to manufacture.
per hour. Rammed air is traveling through the pipe 4. Uses common fuel.
at 400 miles per hour without combustion. When 5. Efficient at high speeds and altitudes.
the heat of fuel combustion is added at a point near 6. Supersonic.
the forward end of the pipe, the gases seek to expand Disadvantages:
in all directions. Obviously, this expansion will be 1. Must be boosted to high speed before it will
opposed by the "head" of air at the duct of the pipe. operate.
The only point of escape is at the rear. The pressure 2. Limited to earth's atmosphere.
and heat produced by combustion are so great that 3. Speed presently limited to about 2,700 miles per
the gas leaves the rear at 1,400 miles per hour. The hour.
mass of air entering at the front is thus rapidly accel-
Turbo jets. The turbo-jet engine includes an air
erated to the rear, and produces thrust.
scoop, a mechanical compressor driven by a turbine,
In actual operation the ram jet has a divergent
a combustion chamber, and an exhaust nozzle. See
inlet nozzle. This raises the pressure of the air "head"
by decreasing its velocity inside the pipe, and allows figure llDS. It does not require a booster. A turbo-
more heat to be added. The discharge nozzle is· jet engine provides good fuel economy at both high
convergent, and thus increases the velocity of the jet and low subsonic speeds.
stream. Entry head becomes still greater, and makes Turbo-jet propulsion has been used extensively in
the acceleration greater; you can say of the ram jet airplanes, since it is readily controllable in manned
that "the faster it goes, the faster it goes!" flight. It has also been used for the propulsion of
However, the ram jet must be boosted to a high long-range missiles. Velocities approximating Mach
speed before it will operate. This requires a booster 1 are attained. One objection to the use of turbo-jet
that is larger and heavier than the ram jet itself. At propulsion in expendable missiles, however, is that
low speeds-SOO to 800 miles per hour-the ram jet the mechanism is relatively complex and costly.
uses fuel rapidly. As it reaches extremely high speeds In operation of the turbo-jet engine, the compres-
at very high altitudes, however, the ram-jet unit itself
sor, driven by the gas turbine, supplies air under high
gets hot from "skin friction." This heat increases
pressure to the combustion chamber, and the turbine
the pressure of the ejected gases, and relatively little
absorbs only part of the jet energy. The result is an
fuel is required.
open-cycle gas turbine combined with a jet stream.
There is a limit to this, however, for at extremely
high speeds skin friction makes the metal of the ram The turbo jet is limited to less than the speed of
jet white hot, and it soon collapses. Research will sound. When it approaches the speed of sound, shock
have to create metals to withstand this temperature if waves develop on the compressor blades and interfere
the advantages of the ram jet are to be fully used in with their operation. A recent development may per-
guided missiles. In the near future, it may be possible mit turbo jets to operate up to Mach 1.2. But such
to construct a ram jet limited in range only by the jets would be relatively inflexible, and very inefficient
amount of fuel carried. at low speeds.


FIGURE IlDS.-A turbo-jet engine.



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FIGURE IlD6.-Components of a liquid-propellant rocket motor.

Advantages: fuel and oxidizer tanks can be of relatively lightweight

1. Develops large static thrust. construction.
2. Carries fuel only; gets oxygen from air. The pressure feed system is similar to the pump feed
3. Thrust practically independent of speed. system, except that pressure in the tanks takes the
4. Burns common fuels. place of the pumps. The main disadvantage is that
Disadvantages: this pressure must be greater than the operating pres-
1. Subsonic speeds at present. sure of the combustion flask, which is 250-500 pounds
2. Complicated engine with moving parts. per square inch. Consequently, the fuel, oxidizer,
3. Power limited by stresses on turbine blades. and pressure flasks must be of heavy construction.
4. Must operate in earth's atmosphere. Advantages:
Liquid-fuel rockets. To overcome the problems of 1. Relatively simple.
weight and heat of burning for long-duration units, 2. Practically unlimited speed.
liquid-fuel rockets are used. The problems are alle- 3. Operates in any medium or 4 vacuum.
viated by the fact that the combustion chamber may 4. Relatively few moving parts.
be made lighter and smaller than with a solid propel- 5. Develops full thrust at takeoff.
lant. Fuel and oxidizer may be fed from their re- 6. Has less need for a booster than air-breathing
spective tanks to the motor by either the pressure feed engine.
system or the pump feed system. Figure 11D6 is 7. Can utilize multiple-step rockets in combination
a diagram of liquid-propellant rocket motor using the with solid-fuel rockets.
pump feed system. Disadvantages:
Most liquid-fuel motors are of the regenerative type. 1. High rate of propellant consumption.
Those are built as a double shell, with separate open- 2. Short burning time.
ings for injection of fuel and oxidizer. Fuel enters 3. Comparatively short range.
the rear of the motor, flows between the walls, cools 4. Cannot be stored fully fueled for long periods of
the inner surface, and makes possible the use of a
thin-walled combustion chamber. The fuel then en-
ters the forward end of the combustion chamber. This 1108. War heads and fuzes
not only permits longer burning, but because of the
War heads. The payload of a guided missile is its
preheated fuel it also increases the heat energy released
on combustion. war head. There is an optimum position of burst to
The fuel is ignited by a spark or a pyrotechnic de- accomplish the desired effect on the target. Within
vice. Once initiated, combustion is self-sustaining, limits, the closer the burst to the target, the smaller the
since fuel and oxidizer are continuously injected. war head required. On the -other hand there is a
The source of power for the pumps is a turbine limit to the maximum size of war head for a specific
driven by a steam generating plant. Since pressure is missile. Any increase in the effectiveness of guided
developed only on the output side of the pumps, the missiles will require either that we launch larger num-


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bers of missiles against each target, or that we improve 1109. Problems of guided-missiles design
the guidance system. The latter is the most logical A ,guided missile must withstand very heavy accele-
approach to the solution. Constant research is being ration forces and inertia loads produced by rapid
devoted to improving methods of guidance. turns at high speed. Materials used in construction
At present, there is no reason to believe that the
must also withstand very high temperatures produced
war heads used by other military weapons cannot be by air resistance (external), and fuel combustion (in-
adapted to guided missiles. The following types of
ternal). It is axiomatic that if the missile becomes
war heads might be used:
misshapen, it will fall out of control.
1. Blast effect. Depends on shock wave generated
From the aerodynamic standpoint, a long-range
by explosive force to do damage.
guided missile must have an airframe adapt~bl: to very
2. Fragmentation. Depends on explosive force to
high speed and precise control. The mISSIlemust
eject numerous metallic fragments at high velocities.
travel at supersonic speed to realize the full potential-
3. Shaped charge. Used for maximum penetration.
ities of jet propulsion and achieve greatest benefit of
4. Explosive pellet. Contains numerous sepa~ately
surprise at the target. One of the challenging needs
fuzed pellets that withstand initial ejecting force from
is to reduce drag: resistance to motion through the air.
war head, but detonate on impact with target.
Drag increases rapidly as missile velocity increases
5. Chemical. Contains gases or incendiary
within the sonic range: within this range it is difficult
to effect controlled flight as acceleration increases.
6. Biological. Releases living micro-organisms to
The Germans met the problem in their V-2 rocket by
cause sickness or death.
installing g-raphite control vanes within the jet stream;
7. Atomic. Depends primarily on blast and heat
these vanes effected control within the sonic range and
resulting from atomic fission or fusion.
were burned out when the V-2 attained supersonic
8. Radiological. Depends primarily on saturation
speed. Thereafter, the surfaces in the air stream
of target with radioactive material.
provided control. . .
The type of target is the most influential factor in
The range attained by a long-range mISSIledepends
the selection of war heads. It is emphasized that the
primarily upon maximum velocity of that missile.
war head and the results it can achieve at the target,
Maximum velocity, in turn, is conditioned by the
constitute the only justification for building and flying
amount of fuel, the exhaust velocity when the fuel is
guided missiles,
being burned, and the effect of drag upon rocket
Fuzes. One or more fuzes may be used in conjunc-
velocity. For example, one variable is the mass-ratio
tion with any of the above-listed war. heads. Here
of the missile, which represents comparison of (1)
again, the type of target is the most important consid-
takeoff weight with fuel load, and (2) weight without
eration in the type of fuze desired.
fuel load. The theoretical mass-ratio of the V-2
The fuzes used fall into three general categories:
rocket was about 3: 1; however, its actual performance
impact, proximity, and ground-controlled.
was more nearly represented by a mass-ratio of 2.2: 1.
1. Impact. This fuze is actuated by inertia on im-
In preceding discussions we have noted that many
pact, either at once or after a pre-set time delay. short-range rockets depend upon solid fuels for pro-
2. Proximity. This fuze is actuated by some char- pulsion. The burning rate of solid fuels can be in-
acteristic of the targ-et, which causes the fuze to operate hibited or delayed, but even so, solid-fuel rockets are
at a predetermined distance from the target. Follow- not preferred as long-range vehicles. This is because
ing are five basic types of proximity fuzes: their combustion chambers must be as as the
a. Radio-proximity (similar to VT fuzes). fuel charge, and must have relatively heavy walls to
b. Pressure proximity. withstand the forces of combustion. In other types
c. Electrostatic proximity. of long-range missiles it is possible to have small com-
d. Photoelectric proximity. bustion chambers, into which fuels are drawn as needed
e. Acoustic proximity. from fuel tanks of much lighter construction.
3. Ground-controlled fuzes. This fuze does not Thus kerosene or gasoline carried in tanks has com-
monly been used as fuel for air-duct engines. In
contain the mechanism for determining the proximity
liquid-fuel rockets, however, where fuel consumption
of the target. When the missile gets close enough to
is relatively high, the development of superior fuels
its target, a signal to detonate the missile is sent from
becomes a critical consideration. The Germans used
a station on the ground. liquid oxygen and alcohol in the V-2 rocket. They
A fuze may appear to be a minor component of a also developed a nitric acid and hydrocarbon com-
guided missile, but a poorly designed or wrong-type bination, and a hydrogen peroxide and hydrazine
fuze can render an otherwise powerful weapon useless. mixture for use in rocket propulsion.


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FIGURE llD7.-Use of booster in launching rocket.

11 D 1O. Single-step versus multiple-step rockets previously mentioned, represented a sort of multiple-
stage rocket. . The A-lO rocket incorporated the first
A rocket missile which has a single propulsion unit
stage and the A-9 rocket incorporated the second
containing a charge which burns continually to the
point of exhaustion is a single-step rocket. Such a
rocket has the inherent disadvantage that the weight 11 D11. Launching problems
of all structures (less.weight of consumed fuel) must
be retained throughout the period of acceleration. A The Navy problem with respect to the launching of
multiple-step rocket, on the other hand, incorporates long-range missiles is complicated by the fact that
one or more propulsion units which are discarded as launchers must be compact for shipboard installation,'
rapidly as they serve their purpose. Step 1 is fired and that decks of ships do not provide the relatively
initially and burns to exhaustion. Step 2 now carries stable base for launching that is provided by a land
on the work of acceleration until it, too, is exhausted, area. Launchers may be either fixed, in which case
whereupon step 3 is ignited and step 2 is discarded. the missile is dispatched in the fixed direction and
This process continues until all steps incorporated in subsequent control must be provided to guide the
the rocket are consumed. Figure llD7 shows a sim- missile to the target, or trainable, so that the missile
ple two-step rocket, in which a booster is used to give is initially dispatched in the direction of the target.
the missile its initial acceleration. When the booster A fixed launcher is comparatively simple, but neces-
is exhausted the propellant of the larger rocket will be sitates employment of rather exacting guidance during
ignited, and the booster will fall away. flight for each missile, and can be effective only
The potential superiority of a multiple-step rocket, against long-range targets. A trainable launcher
from the standpoint of achieving high velocity, will makes less demand upon guidance in flight at short
now be apparent. This superiority stems from the range, but is a much more complex structure from an
fact that it is not necessary to accelerate the entire engineering standpoint.
initial mass (less burned propellant) except during Among the first guided-missile launchers to be used
the burning of the first stage. It will also be seen that were gravity launchers for the release of short-range
the proposed German A-9 and A-lO combination, glide bombs. Essentially, such launchers are modified


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bomb racks. The launching thrust is provided by It is possible, moreover, to use a catapult and booster
gravity, and initial train is effected by maneuvering charges in combination. Special gun types of missile
the airplane. Early types of glide bombs such as the launchers have also been developed.
Bat were launched in this manner. Pit launchers were
11 012. Missiles in use in the Fleet
constructed to fire V-2 rockets. Within the pit the
missile rested on its stabilizing fins in a vertical posi- Although it is not possible in this volume of this
tion; the rocket provided its own launching thrust. course to go into detail regarding guided missiles that
Such a pit launcher is an example of a fixed launcher. are now operational in the Fleet or under develop-
Various types of inclined-ramp launchers, such as ment, chiefly because of security classification, it is
the one shown in figure llD8, have been tested in possible to survey very briefly here a few important
experimental work. Such a launcher must provide for types of missiles concerning which unclassified infor-
whatever control and initial propulsion are necessary mation is available.
to get the long-range missile on the way to the target, Missile types while under development are identi-
so that the missile's own propulsion and guidance sys- fied by code names rather than by descriptive nouns
tems may function effectively. Essential components followed by mark and mod numbers.
may include a set of rails along which the missile The best known United States Navy missile at the
slides in the launching process. Such a launcher must present time is a surface-to-air (SAM) type known as
also provide stable and rigid support, meet general the Terrier. Terrier is the chief armament of CAG
requirements of compactness, and withstand the blast ships. At least one DD is being modified to carry it,
of the missile or its auxiliary boosters. and it will also be mounted on some new frigates. It
Some long-range missiles, of course, have propulsion is a 9-foot-long rocket-propelled weapon, which starts
systems which do not function until the missiles have its flight from a twin launcher on the ship's deck. The
been accelerated to a requisite velocity. Booster units booster which gives the missile its start is nearly as
can be employed singly or in combination to supply long as the missile. The booster drops off after it
burns out. The missile is guided electronically by the
the thrust necessary to produce this velocity. The
launching vessel.
thrust can also be provided by action of a catapult,
The twin launchers on CAG vessels (the present two
which also gives support and direction during the
are former CA's) are mounted above ammunition
launching period. The Germans used a catapult sys- hoists which mechanically lift the missiles into the
tem to give initial acceleration to their V-I bomb. A launcher. Reloading can be done twice a minute.
catapult is likely to be large, complex, and heavy; on It has been stated that two Terriers are normally suf-
the other hand, it may be used over and over again. ficient to bring down any aircraft. Figure 1lD9
shows Terriers in their launchers aboard CAG 1.
An Army-developed missile similar in mission to Ter-
rier is Nike, which is used in defense of ground instal-
lations and cities. Nike is not fired from naval vessels.
T alas is a newer naval SAM larger than Terrier.
At least one light cruiser is being modified to carry it.
Regulus is one of several SSM's developed for naval
use. It is a high-sub sonic-speed pilotless bomber
which can be launched from any of several types of
ship, including submarines. It can be fired from de-
mountable launchers or from steam catapults. An-
other SSM still under development is the Loon.
Sparrow is a rocket-propelled AAM now opera-
tional in the Fleet. (See fig. l1D 10.) It is guided
by a radar beam transmitted from the launching air-
craft. Sparrow is about 12 feet long, weighs around
300 pounds, and can attain a speed of 1,500 knots
within a few seconds after launching. It has proved
effective against both high-and low altitude targets,
even while they are taking evasive action.
Sidewinder is another rocket-propelled AAM. At
FIGURE IlD8.-So1id-fuel booster rocket on a launching
ramp. this writing, details of this missile are classified.


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FIGURE llD9.-Terrier missilesin launcher aboard CAG 1.

Development is close to completion on the AUM tions as a homing torpedo against a submerged or
Petrel. This is essentially a homing torpedo mounted partly submerged target.
in an airframe with its own jet engine. It flies for Aerobee is a research vehicle. It is a rocket capable
some distance after launching, jettisons its airframe of speeds up to 2,000 knots and altitudes of 78 miles.
and engine when it strikes the water, and then func- It carries instruments rather than a war head.


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FIGURE llDlO.-Sparrow suspended from the wing of the launching aircraft.


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A. Introduction

12A 1. General While it is submerged, a submarine is not vulnerable

to gunfire. A submarine can often approach within
A torpedo is a self-propelled underwater weapon
torpedo range of its target before its presence is de-
that carries a high-explosive charge to its target. A
tected. Torpedoes will therefore continue to be the
torpedo can do more damage than a projectile from
principal armament of submarines in the foreseeable
the biggest guns on a battleship. There is more ex-
plosive in a torpedo war head than there is in any
Homing torpedoes are a relatively recent develop-
ment; they have been perfected since the end of World
The torpedo war head explodes under water, and
War II. With homing torpedoes, a destroyer can
that increases its destructive effect. When a projectile
attack a submerged submarine, even when its exact
explodes, a part of its force is absorbed by the sur-
position and depth are unknown. The homing tor-
rounding air. But when the torpedo war head ex-
pedo is becoming increasingly important as a weapon
plodes, the water transfers almost the full force of the
with which one submerged submarine may attack
explosion to the hull of the target ship. Thus, even
if a projectile could carry the same amount of explo-
sive, the torpedo would do more damage. 12A3. Launching methods
The torpedo makes it P9ssible for small ships to
There are two principal ways to launch a torpedo-
carry heavy armament. But of course it can not make
by firing it from a tube, or by dropping it from a rack.
a small ship the equal of a large one in combat. A
PT boats launch torpedoes from racks at the sides
torpedo moves slowly compared to a projectile, and of the boat. A PT boat may carry from 2 to 4 tor-
its effective is much shorter. pedoes. Aircraft drop torpedoes from launching
12A2. Applications
racks; usually, an aircraft carries only a single torpedo.
Older destroyers carry 5 torpedoes, in a tube mount
The torpedo is an important weapon of destroyers, that consists of 5 barrels side by side. The tube mount
destroyer escorts, and frigates. Torpedoes are the is carried amidships. It can be trained through a
principal armament of PT boats and submarines, and, wide arc, so that torpedoes may be fired from either
under certain conditions, of aircraft. The tactical use side of the ship. Impulse charges of black powder
of torpedoes is gradually changing; their use in surface are used to expel the torpedoes from the tube mount
engagements is less frequent than it was a number of with enough force to clear the firing ship.
years ago. The outcome of a battle is likely to be Newer destroyers, destroyer escorts, and frigates are
decided before the enemy is within torpedo range. fitted with fixed, non-trainable tubes-usually four of
Even so,-the ability of a destroyer to launch torpedoes them. The tubes are located below the weather deck
serves as a constant threat to the enemy, and thus limits with their muzzles extending through the sides of the
the range of maneuver available to him. deck house. Torpedoes are expelled from these tubes
When aircraft approaches a surface ship within by compressed air.
torpedo-launching range, it is vulnerable to antiair- Submarines fire torpedoes from fixed, below-water
craft fire. In future warfare, it is likely that both de- tubes. The fleet-type submarine is fitted with 10
stroyers and torpedo planes will use guided missiles tubes-6 in the bow and 4 in the stern. On firing, the
against surface tar.gets. The missiles will carry tor- torpedoes are expelled from the tubes by compressed
pedoes to within launching range of the enemy. air. Spare torpedoes are carried in ready racks near


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the tubes. A submarine on war patrol will usually 3. By their speed and range.
put to sea with a load of 28 torpedoes aboard. 4. By the type of exploder. The impact exploder
operates only when the torpedo actually strikes its
12A4. Requirements of a torpedo target. The influence exploder (which will not be
As previously stated, a torpedo is a self-propelled described in this volume) operates when the torpedo
weapon. Its principal requirements are, therefore, a passes near its target.
charge of explosive and a power plant. As a practical 5. By the type of control mechanism. In the older
weapon, a torpedo must have a number of other' torpedoes, the control mechanism holds the torpedo
features. These include the following: on a previously calculated collision course with the
A shell, or housing, strong enough to support the target. The homing torpedo (which is described
explosive charge, power plant, and related· mecha- briefly in article 1216) can steer itself toward its tar-
nisms, and strong enough to withstand the shock of get and, if necessary, chase it.
launching. The following list summarizes the characteristics of
A source of energy for the power plant, and for the the nonhoming torpedoes now in the Fleet.
torpedo control mechanisms. Mark 13 type. The Mark 13 torpedo, compared
An exploder that will detonate the explosive charge with the others, is short and thick: its length is 13~
when the torpedo reaches its target, but which will feet, and its diameter, 22~ inches. (The others all
remain inoperable while the torpedo is close to the have the same diameter-21 inches-so they will fit
firing ship. the standard torpedo tubes.) . The Mark 13 is de-
Control mechanisms that hold the torpedo on a signed for launching from aircraft and PT boats. Its
preset course, at a preset depth. range is 6,000 yards at an average speed of 33Y2 knots,
One or more propellers to drive the torpedo through and it carries 600 pounds of high explosive.
the water. Mark 14 and 23 types. The Mark 14 torpedo is
Tail vanes and rudders, to control course and depth. fired from submarines. Its length is about 2012 feet.
Sections B through G of this chapter will show how It offers a choice of two speeds. At the high-speed
these requirements are met in a typical torpedo--the setting it has a range of 4,500 yards, at an average
Mark 15 type. speed of 46 knots. At the low-speed setting its range
is 9,000 yards, and its average speed is 32 knots. It
12AS. Types of torpedoes in service carries 600 pounds of high explosive.
All torpedoes are similar in general appearance; The Mark 23 torpedo is exactly like the Mark 14,
they are typically cigar-shaped, as shown in figure except that it has no speed-change mechanism. It
12Al. Torpedoes may be classified in several ways: operates only at high speed.
1. By their power plants (gas-steam or electric). Mark 15 type. The Mark 15 torpedo is launched
from the deck tubes of surface ships. It is 24 feet
Electric torpedoes are powered, of course, by electric
long, and carries an explosive charge of about 800
motors; the energy source may be either a dry battery
pounds. It has three speeds: 26~ knots (range
or a lead-acid storage battery. The power plant of
15,000 yards) ; 3312 knots (range 10,000 yards) ; and
a gas-steam torpedo consists of a pair of turbines and 45 knots (range 6,000 yards) .
a gear-reduction engine. In most of the gas-steam Mark 16 type. The Mark 16 is a "chemical" tor-
torpedoes, energy is provided by compressed air and pedo. It uses a strong solution of hydrogen peroxide,
alcohol. In the Mark 16 type, the energy source is rather than compressed air,.to support the combustion
alcohol and a concentrated s.olution of hydrogen of its fuel. This feature 'gives the Mark 16 a rela-
peroxide. tively high speed and long range, and enables it to
2. By the craft from which they are launched (de- carry a relatively heavy charge of explosive.
stroyer, submarine, or aircraft) . Mark 18 type. The Mark 18 is the only nonhoming

FIGURE 12Al.-Torpedo Mark 15 Mod. 3 with war head.


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Chapter 12- TORPEDOES

electric torpedo now in the Fleet. Its principal source

of energy is a large lead-acid storage battery. It has
a length of about 2012 feet, and an effective range of
4,000 yards at an average speed of 29 knots.

12A6. Construction of the gas-steam torpedo

A gas-steam torpedo is made up of five sections-
the head, air-flask section, midship section, afterbody,
and tail. Figure 12A1 is an external view of a Mark
15 type torpedo, showing the four principal sections.
The midship section, which is not indicated in the
figure, is very short; it is located at the after end of
the air-flask section. Because it is permanently joined
to the air flask, it is not always counted as a separate
When a torpedo is issued to the Fleet it consists of
three main units:
1. The head.
2. The air-flask and midship sections (permanently
joined) .
3. The afterbody and tail (assembled together with
joint screws) .
Figure 12A2 is a cutaway view of a Mark 15 type
torpedo, showing the principal contents of the various
The war head contains the charge of high explosive,
and the exploder mechanism that detonates it.
The air-flask section contains the air flask, fuel flask,
and water compartment.
In the midship section are a number of valves and
fittings for transferring fuel, air, and water between the
air-flask section and the afterbody, and for recharging
the air flask. Also in the midship section, but at-
tached to the afterbody, is the combustion flask. In
this flask, compressed air and fuel are mixed and
burned, and provide a high-speed stream of exhaust
gases to spin the turbines. Water is sprayed into the
combustion flask to increase the volume of gases that
go to the turbines, and to prevent overheating.
The contents of the afterbody include the turbines
and gear-reduction engine, and their lubrication sys-
tern; the starting gear; and the mechanisms that con-
trol the course and running depth of the torpedo.
The depth mechanism includes a diaphragm and pen-
dulum, which determine the torpedo's depth and the
inclination of its axis, and a depth engine to control
the depth rudders. The steering mechanism includes
a gyro to determine the torpedo's actual course with
respect to the preset course, and a steering engine to
control the action of the steering rudders.
The mark of a gas-steam torpedo applies to the air
flask, afterbody, and tail. The war head, exer~ise
head, and gyro have individual marks.

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B. Head Section of a Mark 15 Type Torpedo

1281. General and cylindrical in its after part. A nose ring is pro-
vided at the forward end of the shell to facilitate han-
The head section may be either a war head or an
dling. The shell itself is made of phosphor bronze.
exercise head. The war head is almost entirely filled
Although the Mark 17 war head uses only an impact
with high explosive. The exploder is mounted in a
exploder at the present time, the use of phosphor
cavity on the lower surface of the war head shell. For
bronze rather than steel makes it possible to use an
a test shot, or for firing practice, an exercise head is
influence exploder when necessary.
used in place of the war head. The exercise head
The high-explosive charge consists of more than
contains no explosive charge, and no exploder mecha-
800 pounds of HBX. The lead ballast weight
nism. For an exercise shot, the exercise head is filled
mounted in the bottom of the war head shell, helps
with a liquid ballast-either water or a solution of
to control the trim of the torpedo and to minimize
calcium chloride. At the end of an exercise run the
liquid ballast is automatically expelled. When' the
A joint ring at the after end of the war head shell
head is empty, the torpedo has enough buoyancy to
is drilled and tapped for the joint screws that secure
float until it can be recovered.
the head to the air-flask section. The after end of the
1282. Functional description shell is closed by a bulkhead, which is bolted to a
flange on the inner side of the joint ring. A gasket
The war head shell serves simply as a container to between the bulkhead and flange forms a watertight
house the high-explosive charge and the exploder seal.
mechanism. Since the main charge of explosive is The exploder mechanism fits in a cavity in the bot-
relatively insensitive to shock, an exploder mechanism tom of the forward end of the war head. The ex-
is needed to detonate the main charge when the tor- ploder is mounted on a base plate, which is secured to
pedo strikes the target. The exploder mechanism is the war head shell with screws. The base plate is
so designed that, on impact with the target, it explodes curved to match the curvature of the war head.
a small detonator charge. The detonator then ex-
plodes a booster charge, which in turn detonates the 1284. Exploder construction
main charge.
Anyone of several different exploder mechanisms
When the torpedo is launched, the exploder mecha-
may be used in the war head of the Mark 15 torpedo.
nism is in a "safe" condition. It cannot explode the
The following discussion applies to the impact-oper-
booster charge, even if its detonator explodes ac-
ated Exploder Mechanism Mark 6.
cidentally. During the first few hundred feet of the
torpedo's run, the exploder mechanism arms itself. Figure 12Bl shows the location of the exploder in
When the torpedo reaches a safe distance from the the war head. The booster charge is shown in out-
line, mounted above the exploder in the top of the
firing ship, the exploder is completely armed. It will
explode~ ca:ity. The arming action of the exploder
then detonate the main charge when the torpedo
mechanism ISbrought about by the impeller. The im-
strikes any solid object.
:peller is turned by the flow of water through the
The exercise head simulates the war head during Impeller channel in the exploder mechanism base
test firing. It has the same shape as the war head, and plate. The horizontal shaft to which the impeller is
when filled "with liquid ballast it has approximately keyed passes into the exploder cavity through a water-
the same weight. Thus an exercise torpedo has the tight packing.
same trim and running characteristics it will have
when fired with a war head.
At the end of the exercise run, compressed air from
the torpedo's air flask expels the liquid ballast through
a discharge valve. An air-releasing mechanism re-
leases the compressed air into the exercise head auto-
matically when the pressure in the air flask drops to
a predetermined value.

1283. War head

The Mark 15 type torpedo is provided with a Mark

17 war head. It is ogival in shape at its forward end, FIGURE 12Bl.-Impeller action.


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Figure 12B2 shows the Mark 6 exploder in both the put of a direct-current generator driven by the impeller
unarmed and armed condition. The exploder's prin- shaft. The generator output passes through a volt-
cipal safety device is the safety chamber, which may age-regulator tube, which keeps its voltage nearly
be seen at the top of the pictures. When the ex- constant regardless of generator speed.
ploder is unarmed, the detonator is housed within the A second safety feature is provided by the delay
safety chamber. If the detonator should explode pre- device indicated in figure 12B2, part A. A spring-
maturely within the safety chamber, it could not deto- loaded contact grounds the generator output through
nate the booster charge. As the exploder arms, the the delay wheel. As the torpedo moves through the
detonator rises out of the safety chamber to its position water, the delay wheel is turned by a worm on the
within the booster cavity. vertical shaft (at the left in figure 12B2). After a
On impact with the target, the detonator of the short time, a hole in the delay wheel reaches the spring-
Mark 6 exploder is fired by a charge of electricity loaded contact. The contact falls into the hole, and
stored in a large condenser. During the first part of the generator output is no longer grounded. At the
the torpedo run, the condenser is charged by the out- same time, a blank sector on the wheel reaches the




; FIGURE 12B2.-A: Exploder Mechanism Mark 6, unarmed.

B: Exploder Mechanism Mark 6, armed.


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FIGURE 12B3.-A: Exploder Mechanism Mark 6 ball switch, open.
B: Exploder Mechanism Mark 6 ball switch, closed (fired).

worm on the vertical shaft, and the wheel stops not rotate. Rotation of the safety chamber thus lifts
turning. the detonator up into the booster cavity. The delay
Figure 12B3 shows the ball switch through which wheel, meanwhile, un shorts the generator. The gen-
the detonator is fired on impact. Note that the left erator, through the voltage regulator tube, charges the
side of the pictures is forward; when the torpedo is condenser. The exploder mechanism is then com-
under way the switch, as shown here, is moving from pletely armed, both electrically and mechanically.
right to left. The ball is held in a cup-like depression On impact with the target, the inertia ball closes
by the force of the spring on the movable contact. the switch contacts. The condenser discharges
When the torpedo strikes its target, the inertia of the through the switch, and through the electric detonator.
ball carries it forward (to the left), overcoming the The detonator fires, exploding the booster. The
resistance of the spring and closing the contacts. The booster detonates the main charge of high explosive.
ball switch will operate even when the torpedo strikes
< the target a glancing blow. A sideways force on the 1286. Exercise head construction
ball will cause it to climb out of the cup, thus forcing At the present time, Exercise Head Mark 31 is used
the movable contact forward. with Mark 15 torpedoes. Figure 12B4 shows a sec-
1285. Exploder operation tional view of this exercise head.
The exercise head has the same shape and size as
At the instant of firing, the exploder is in its unarmed the war head .. And, like the war head, it is closed at
condition. The detonator is completely housed within
its after end by a concave bulkhead. The exercise
the safety chamber. The generator output is short-
head, however, is made of steel rather than phosphor
circuited to ground through the delay wheel. The
bronze. The war head is strengthened by the high-
inertia switch is open.
explosive charge, which completely fills it. Since the
As the torpedo moves through the water, the im-
exercise head contains no explosive, it is reinforced by
peller wheel turns. The impeller shaft, through the
gear train shown in figure 12B2, turns both the delay a series of nine strengthening rings.
wheel and the safety chamber. The upper rim of In the bottom of the exercise head shell, near the
the safety chamber is threaded on its inside, to match after end, is the discharge valve. This is a one-way
the threads of the detonator. The detonator is free valve, which keeps sea water from entering the head
to move up and down, but is so mounted that it can but permits the liquid ballast to be blown out at the


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Chapter 12- TORPEDOES

shallow water. If the head fails to blow and the tor-
TO BLOW VALVE pedo sinks, the noise of the pinger makes the torpedo
easier to find.

1288. Exercise head operat.ion

When an exercise torpedo is fired, the exercise head
is filled with liquid ballast. The air-releasing mech-
anism is connected to the air flask through the fitting
in the exercise head bulkhead, and through the blow
valve on the flask. The blow valve is opened when
the torpedo is prepared for firing. This allows com-
pressed air, at full flask pressure, to reach the air
FIGURE 12B4.-Exercise Head Mark 31. releasing mechanism. Air pressure overcomes the
pressure of a spring inside the mechanism, and closes
end of the run. The air-releasing mechanism is its valve so that no air can enter the head section.
mounted on a flange at the top of the exercise head During the torpedo run, the torpedo constantly uses
shell, and connected by a length of pipe to a fitting air from its air flask, and the flask pressure slowly
in the bulkhead. The pipe is always provided with falls. When it reaches a certain predetermined level,
one or more loops, to prevent any danger of break- it can no longer overcome the spring pressure in the
age due to fatigue. Two additional flanges, on which air-releasing mechanism. The valve open~, and re-
various accessories may be mounted, are provided at leases compressed air into the exercise head. Air
the top of the head. pressure then forces the liquid ballast out through the
discharge valve.
1287. Exercise head accessories

One or more accessories are mounted on the flanges 1289. Exer:cisefiring and recovery
in the top of the exercise head, according to the con- Every torpedo is given at least one proof run before
ditions under which the exercise torpedo is fired. it is issued to the Fleet. In the Fleet, it will make one
The headlight helps the recovery crew to locate a or more practice runs before it is returned to a tender
torpedo that has been fired at night. It contains a for overhaul.
bulb and a set of flashlight batteries. An inertia An exercise torpedo is recovered from a boat that
switch in the headlight case turns the light on when approaches from the lee side, to prevent any danger
the torpedo is fired. of drifting down on the torpedo. The torpedo is
A torch pot helps in locating an exercise torpedo in nearly vertical in the water, because of its empty head
the daytime. The torch pot contains a chemical that section. A noose is passed over the torpedo's nose,
gives off smoke when it gets wet. A metal seal on the and a line secured to the nose ring. The torpedo is
torch pot case is removed shortly before firing. When towed slowly until it is nearly level in the water.
the torpedo is fired, water seeps into the case, and the The noose can then be worked aft and secured around
the tail section. As a safety precaution, to keep the
torch pot begins to smoke.
torpedo engine from starting up again, the stop valve
The depth and roll recorder is a mechanical device
is closed and a lock installed on the propellers as soon
that helps in the evaluation of the torpedo's perform- as these parts are accessible. The torpedo is then
ance during an exercise run. Throughout the run, towed back to the firing ship.
it makes a continuous graphic record of the torpedo's After hoisting an exercise torpedo aboard, the
running depth and angle of roll. torpedo crew will perform a prescribed lubrication and'
A pinger is a sound-making device. It is sometimes maintenance routine to prevent corrosion and deterio-
used when an exercise torpedo is fired in relatively ration because of salt water.

C. Air System of a Mark 15 Torpedo

12C1. General in the air flask. Compressed air alone could be used
The inside volume of the Mark 15 air flask is 23 to spin the turbines, and to drive the torpedo for a
cubic feet, and the flask is charged to a pressure of considerable distance. But both the speed and range'
2,800 psi. Obviously, 'a great deal of energy is stored of the torpedo are increased by passing the compressed


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air through a superheater before it reaches the tur-
bines. The superheater increases both the volume
and the speed of the gas that strikes the turbine blades.
The main part of the superheater is a closed
chamber-the combustion flask. A mixture of com- WATER COMPo FUEL COMPo
pressed air and alcohol is forced into the combustion
flask, where it burns. The products of burning alco-
hol-carbon dioxide and steam-add to the volume
of the exhaust gases. Because of the extreme heat --_.
generated in the combustion flash, water is sprayed in ---
with the air and fuel to prevent damage to the super-
heater and turbines. In cooling the flask, the water
is turned to steam and adds to the volume of gases
that spin the turbines.
Because compressed air and alcohol are the only
sources of energy in the Mark 15 torpedo, compressed
air is used for several things. Besides spinning the
turbines, it also does the following:
1. At the end of an exercise run, it blows the liquid
ballast out of the exercise head.
2. It forces fuel and water into the combustion flask.
3. It operates the igniter that starts the air-fuel
mixture burning.
4. It operates the starting valve, which puts all the
propelling and control mechanisms of the torpedo into COMBUSTION POT

5. It operates the gyro-spinning mechanism, which KEY
gives the gyro its initial spin and brings it up to full
speed. AIR
6. It keeps the gyro spinning during the whole tor-
pedo run. . ~ WATER
7. It supplies energy for the depth and steering TO

engines, which operate the depth and steering rudders. nil FUEL TURBINE

FIGURE 12Cl.-First diagram of the air system.

12C2. Functional description
The air system of the Mark 15 torpedo is complex ..
I t can best be explained by developing a diagram of it flask from the rest of the torpedo during testing and
gradually, adding a few features at a time. Figure repair. The stop valve is located between the air
12Cl shows the simplest possible type of air system. flask and the starting valve.
The supplies of air, fuel, and water must be kept in In figure 12Cl, fuel and water can reach the com-
separate compartments. A pipe from each of these bustion flask only by gravity. An efficient system re-
compartments goes to the combustion flask. The ex- quires that fuel and water be forced out of their
haust gases leave the flask and go to the turbines. compartments by compressed air. But this should take
The air system shown in. figure 12C 1 has several place only after the starting valve has opened. The
obvious defects. First, there is nothing to keep the air air lines that go to the fuel and water compartments
flask from exhausting into the combustion flask before will therefore join the main air pipe between the start-
the torpedo is fired. A starting valve must therefore be ing valve and the combustion flask. The air system
placed in the air pipe. This valve will open when has now been developed to the point shown in figure
the torpedo is fired, and release air from the flask 12C2.
into the rest of the air system. But the system shown in figure 12C2 can easily be
It is also desirable to have a stop valve in the main improved. First, a means for recharging the air flask
air line. This will make it possible to shut off the air is necessary. This calls for a charging valve, located


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Chapter 12- TORPEDOES



FIGURE 12C3.-Charging the air flask.

starting valve by an air pipe. It allows the starting

valve to open by venting the pressure in this pipe.
When these features have been added, the air system
has reached the stage shown in figure 12C4.
A number of desirable features can still be added.
For example, the starting gear begins to vent air from
the starting valve as soon as the torpedo is fired. To
prevent waste, this air should be carried back into the
air system. Because there is a drop in pressure as




................ HIGH-PRESSURE

~::-:I WATER

... .

FIGURE 12C2.-Second diagram of the air system.

between the stop valve and the starting valve. The air
flask may now be recharged, as follows:
1. Close the stop valve (if it is open) .
2. Connect the charging line to the charging valve.
(Figure 12C3.)
3. Open the stop valve.
4. Open the valve in the charging line, and charge
the flask to full pressure. (The starting valve is closed,
and keeps air out of the rest of the system.)
5. Close the stop valve. COMBUSTION POT

6. Close the valve in the charging line, and discon-

nect the line. ~~~ WATER

The pressure in the air flask-2,BOO psi-is much

too high for most of the torpedo mechanisms. A re-
ducing valve is therefore added, between the starting TO
valve and the lines that go to the fuel and water com-
partments. The starting gear is connected to the FIGURE 12C4.-Third diagram of the air system.

4181170-57--19 279
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the air passes through the starting gear, the pipe that connected together.) Figure 12C7 is a schematic
returns the air from the starting gear will be connected diagram that shows the actual appearance of the parts.
to the low-pressure side of the reducing valve. The operation of the air system can be reviewed by
Flask-pressure air is used to blow the exercise head showing what happens during a war shot. At the in-
at the end of an exercise run. We therefore need a stant before firing, with torpedo loaded in the tube, the
pipe extending from the flask, which can be connected following conditions exist. The stop valve is open.
to the fitting in the exercise head bulkhead. _A blow The charging valve will let air flow to the starting
valve must be added in the pipe, so that it can be gear; but its charging fitting is closed so that no air can
o ,.
closed off at all times except when an exercise head leak outboard at that point. Because this is a war
is in place. shot, the blow valve is closed. There is flask-pressure
In the system shown in figure 12C4, there is noth- air in the preheater. There is flask pressure on the
ing to keep fuel and water from trickling and sloshing o flask side of the starting valve and in the line from the
into the air system and combustion pot before the starting valve to the starting gear. But the air is
torpedo is fired. This can be prevented by putting blocked off at the starting valve and starting gear, and
check valves in both air lines, and in the fuel and there is no pressure in the system beyond those points.
water delivery pipes. The check valves are closed by When the torpedo is fired the following things hap-
low-pressure springs. As soon as the torpedo is fired, pen. (The operations are listed here in numbered
working-pressure air overcomes the spring pressure, steps. But remember that as soon as the starting valve
and forces the check valves open. opens, all the rest of the operations happen almost
The air system has now been developed to the stage simultaneously. )
shown in figure 12C5. It is nearly complete. Only 1. As the torpedo begins to move forward in the
a few refinements are needed. tube, the tripping latch in the tube strikes the torpedo's
As the air expands in the reducing valve, its tem- starting lever, and throws it aft.
perature drops. But the reducing valve works more
2. The starting gear vents the line from the start-
efficiently when it is warm than when it is cold. This
ing valve, and the pressure in this line drops.
difficulty can be overcome by preheating the' air before
3. The starting valve opens.
it reaches the reducing valve. The preheater consists
4. Flask-pressure air goes to the gyro-spinning
simply of one or more loops in the main air pipe,
mechanism, which spins the gyro and quickly brings it
located between the charging valve and the starting
up to full speed. The mechanism then shuts itself off,
valve. The preheater is mounted in the afterbody,
and uses no more air.
where the hot exhaust gases from the turbine can flow
over it. 5. Flask-pressure air passes through the reducing
High-pressure air is used to bring the gyro up to valve, which drops it to working pressure-about 500
speed. The gyro-spinning mechanism is therefore psi.
connected to the main air pipe at a point between 6. Air from the starting gear passes back into the
the starting valve and the reducing valve. The system on the low-pressure side of the reducing valve.
igniter, mounted in the combustion flask, is connected 7. Working-pressure air flows into the combustion
to the air system on the working-pressure side of the flask through a restriction valve and an air whirl.
reducing valve. As soon as the torpedo is fired, work- . 8. Working-pressure air opens the air check valve
ing-pressure air will operate the igniter. in the line to the fuel compartment. The pressure in
Working-pressure air is also used to operate the con- the fuel compartment opens. the fuel check valve, and
trol mechanisms. Because of the close tolerances in fuel flows into the combustion flask through a restric-
these mechanisms, the air is first passed through an air tion valve and a fuel spray.
strainer body. From there, it goes to both the steering 9. Working-pressure air flows to the igniter, and
engine and the depth engine. Air from the strainer starts it burning. The igniter ignites the fuel-air
body is also used to sustain the speed of the gyro, after mixture.
it has been brought up to speed by the gyro-spinning 10. Working-pressure air opens the air check valve
mechanism. But because the full working pressure is in the line to the water compartment. The pressure
too high for this purpose, the air first passes through a in the water compartment opens the water check valve,
gyro reducer, which decreases its pressure to about 125 and water flows into the' combustion flask through a
psi. restriction valve and a water spray.
Figure 12C6 shows the diagram of the completed air 11. A mixture of hot compressed air, combustion
system of a Mark IS-type torpedo. (Remember that gases, and steam strikes the turbine blades, and spins
this diagram is not intended to show the relative size or the turbine. The turbine, through the gears and shafts
location of the parts. It merely shows how they are of the main engine, spins the propellers.


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Chapter 12- TORPEDOES



- - --




~ "'-.--
--- t VALVE





~-=~~ WATER



FIGURE 12C5.-Fourth diagram of the air system.


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"'" L»..»••»~.' .•. ".0.'' ' ' 0~·llllr{1





· .

··. f::








FIGURE12C6.-Final diagram of the air system.


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Chapter 12-TORPEDOES



--- ••••
JI •••••••••



" GAS {Air, Water

and fuel mixed)

§t t

FIGURE 12C7_-Torpedo Mark 15 type, schematic diagram of the air system.

12. Working-pressure air passes through the air The air flask is made up of several forgings welded
strainer to the depth engine. The depth engine will into a unit. It is closed at both ends by dome-shaped
then operate the depth rudders as soon as it gets an bulkheads, permanently welded in place. In the cen-
order from the depth mechanism. ter of the forward bulkhead is a small, removable bulk-
13. Air from the air strainer body goes to the steer- head, which gives access to the inside of the flask. A
ing engine. The steering engine will then throw the clamp and lock nut hold the small bulkhead in place,
steering rudders as soon as it gets an order from the and the pressure inside the flask forces it firmly against
steering mechanism. its seat.
14. Air from the air strainer body goes through the A short length of pipe connects the removable bulk-
gyro reducer, which drops its pressure to 125 psi. head to the blow valve. As previously explained, the
This low-pressure air keeps the gyro spinning. blow valve is opened for an exercise shot, and closed
for a war shot.
12C3. Air-flask section A nut and nipple connect the main air pipe to the
after bulkhead of the air flask. The pigtail shape of
The air-flask section includes the air flask and the
this pipe allows the air flask bulkhead and the water
fuel and water compartments; the rnidship section is
compartment bulkhead to expand and contract when
permanently attached to its after end. The air-flask
the temperature changes, without putting any strain
section is by far the longest section of an air-steam on the nipples. The dry pipe goes straight into the
torpedo; in the Mark 15 type, it makes up more than flask from the main air pipe. At the end of an ex-
half the total length. Figure 12C8 shows a sectional ercise run the torpedo floats almost vertically, with
view of the air-flask section; the left-hand end of the its tail down. The dry pipe keeps any water that may
picture is forward. Note that part of the flask be in the flask from running down through the main
has been cut out; it is relatively longer than it appears air connection.
in the illustration. The water compartment is enclosed by the outer


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-- 1

t~~ •• ~~~m.~·"~~""-RETURN FROM STARlING GEAR



FIGURE 12C7.-Torpedo Mark 15 type, schematic diagram of the air system-Continued.

shell of the torpedo. It is closed at its forward end by In the rim of the water compartment bulkhead are
the after bulkhead of the air flask, and at its after end four clamping nipples. To these are connected the
by the water compartment bulkhead. This bulkhead two pipes that pressurize the fuel and water compart-
fits against a ground scat, and is held in place by screws. ments, and the fuel and water delivery pipes. A
On its forward face, the water compartment bulk- safety feature-the blowout plug-is also mounted in
head supports the doughnut-shaped fuel flask on four the water compartment bulkhead. If, through me-
brackets. In the top of the fuel flask is a filling plug. chanical failure, flask-pressure air should enter the
When the torpedo is assembled, this plug lies directly water compartment, a copper disc in the blowout plug
under a second plug in the outer shell of the torpedo. would give way. The high pressure would then be
This makes it possible to fill both the water compart- vented through the plug and into the midship section,
ment and the fuel flask through a single opening in the without serious damage to the water compartment or
torpedo shell. fuel flask.





FIGURE 12C8.-Air-flask section.


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FIGURE 12C9.-Valves and fittings on the water compartment bulkhead.


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12C4. Fittings of the midship section

The midship section is a short steel ring, riveted and
soldered to the after end of the air flask section. Its
after end is machined to form a joint with the after-
body. At its forward end, the midship section is
closed by the water compartment bulkhead. When
the torpedo is assembled, the midship section is closed
at its after end by the turbine bulkhead of the after-
body. The midship section carries the stop and
charging valves, the fuel and water check valves, the
fuel and water strainers, the two air check valves, and FIGURE 12CI I.-Stop and charging valves.
the speed-setting socket. The combustion flask,
Some of the fittings in the midship section have to
igniter, reducing valve, and several other parts are
carry hot gases. The sea water that flows around
mounted on the forward face of the turbine bulkhead,
them keeps them from overheating.
and are therefore considered parts of the afterbody.
However, they are enclosed by the midship section 12C5. Stop and charging valves
shell when the torpedo is assembled.
The stop and charging valves are contained in a
Figure 12C9 shows the fittings attached to the
single housing, as shown in figure 12C.11. The open-
after side of the water compartment bulkhead. All
ing at the right is connected to the air flask through
of these parts are enclosed by the midship section,
the main air pipe; from the opening at the left, a
and the valve housings are secured to the mid ship
pipe takes air to the starting valve.. .
section shell by screws. Figure 12C10 shows the top
The stop valve plug makes an airtight conn~ctlOn
of the midship section of an assembled Mark 15 tor-
against a washer on its seat. Inside the plug IS the
pedo. Note the openings in the shell. Fuel, air, and
operating spindle. The small threaded follower screws
water pass between the air-flask section and the after-
into the inside of the plug. The shoulder on the op-
body through five separate lines. The connections
erating spindle makes an airtight seal between the
for these lines can be secured only after the air-flask
plug and the follower, so that no air can leak outboard
section has been assembled to the afterbody. The
through the stop valve.
openings in the midship section make this possible.
To open the stop valve, the operating spin~le is
Two additional openings are not shown in figure
turned manually with a socket wrench. The spmdle
12ClO. One of these provides access to a vent fitting,
can not rise, because its shoulder is bearing against
the other to the igniter.
the plug. But the square shank at the bott~m of the
When the torpedo is under way, sea water floods the
spindle turns the threaded stop valve carner. The
mid ship section through the openings in its shell.
carrier rises, and lifts the stop valve off its seat.
The stop valve must be opened to charge the air
flask. 'It is closed again as soon as charging is com-
pleted. During final preparations for firing,. the stop
valve is opened shortly before the torpedo IS loaded
into the tube.
The charging valve assembly consists of a plug valve
and a spring-loaded check valve. The plug must be
removed before charging the flask. Spring pressure
TO ~NNE(TlONSl on the check valve holds it shut, so that no air can
leak outboard. When the charging fitting is screwed

·L (:~::LVE
in, its tip unseats- the check valve.

12C6. Check valves

The 2 air check valves-1 for fuel and 1 for water-
are identical and are housed in a single casting. Fig-
ure 12C12 shows the air check valve housing, with the
fuel air check valve partially cut away.
Before the torpedo is fired, spring pressure holds
both of the air check valves on their seats. The valves
FIGURE 12CIO.-Midship sec.tionof a Mark 15 torpedo; top
VIew. thus serve to isolate the fuel and water compartments


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Chapter 12- TORPEDOES


firing, spring pressure keeps the valves closed, and thus
keeps fuel and water out of the combustion flask. On
firing, pressure builds up in the fuel and water com-
partments, and unseats the valves. Fuel and water
then flow through the strainers and check valves. The
fuel and water check valves, like the air check valves,
are vented through a common opening.
AIR FROM The location of the four check valves in the midship
section may be seen in figure 12C9. This figure also
shows the location of the vent fitting. When the tor-
"- pedo is assembled, a pipe carries any air vented
through this fitting into the afterbody.
FIGURE 12C12.-The air check valves.
12C7. Restriction valves

from each other, and to keep fuel and water out of Before entering the combustion flask, both fuel and
the air pipes. When the torpedo is fired, air from water flow through restriction valves, which control
the reducing valve enters the housing through the the speed of flow. Working-pressure air, before it
nipple shown at the left in figure 12C 12. It surrounds enters the combustion flask, also flows through a re-
both valve stems, overcomes the spring pressure, opens striction valve. The restriction causes a small de-
the valves, and flows to the fuel and water compart- crease in air pressure; as a result, the pressure in the
ments. The restrictor serves to smooth out any surges fuel and water compartments is higher than that in
of pressure that might pressurize the fuel and water the combustion flask. It is this differential pressure-
compartments unequally, with resulting damage to the from 40 to 75 psi-that forces fuel and water into the
fuel flask. The spaces above the valves are vented flask.
through a common opening. The venting feature pre-
vents any air that may leak up past the valve stems 12C8. Starting valve
from cushioning the action of the valves. The starting valve, reducing valve, and restriction
The water air check valve will also serve as a safety valve are located in a single housing, as shown in
device in the event that air leaks from the main air
figure 12C14.
pipe into the water compartments before firing. If
When the stop valve is closed, there is no pressure
the pressure exceeds 5 psi, it will unseat the valve and
exhaust into the combustion flask. on either side of the starting valve. Its spring holds it
The fuel and water check valves and strainers are shut. When the stop valve is opened, flask-pressure air
mounted in a single housing, as shown in figure 12C13. flows in through the passage marked "1" in the illus-
The strainers remove any foreign matter that may be tration, and surrounds the bottom part of the valve.
present in the fuel and water. The two check valves A deep groove runs around the bottom of the valve.
are similar in principle to the air check valves. Before Flask-pressure air fills this groove, pushing up against
the top of it and down against the bottom.
FUEl flASK (NOTE: In this discussion, the terms "up" and
(NOT SHOWN) "down" refer only to figure 12C14-not to the actual
valve as assembled in the torpedo.)
Because the area of the top of the groove is larger
than that of the bottom, the total pressure on the top
FUEl TO of the groove is greater, thus tending to overcome the
------ spring pressure and open the valve. But, while the
stop valve is being opened, air leaks up through a
small passage in the starting valve and fills the space
above it. This air goes through the connection at "2"
(figure 12C 14), to the starting piston of the starting
COMBUSTION FlASK./ gear. But, until the torpedo is fired, this passage is
WATER COMPARTMENT blocked off at the starting gear. By the time the stop
FITTINGS valve is fully open, the space above the starting valve
FIGURE 12C13.-Fuel and water strainers and check valves. is filled with flask-pressure air. Since flask-pressure air


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__ I-•...


FIGURE 12C14.-Starting and reducing valve groups with control valve.

is now pushin.g down on a much larger area than it's (7) . And it goes through outlet "4" to the gyro-
pushing up on, air pressure helps the spring keep the spinning mechanism.
starting valve closed.
When the torpedo is fired, the starting gear vents 12C9. Reducing and control valves
the air line and the pressure above the starting valve
In figure 12C14, note the letters A, B, C, and D on
drops. The pressure at the bottom of the valve forces
it open, and flask-pressure air flows into chamber "3". the lower part of the reducing valve stem. These
From there it goes to three places. It goes to the right, letters refer to the different cross-sectional areas that
and flows around the bottom end of the reducing valve the air pressure acts on. In the picture, the valve is
stem. It goes through the control pipe (6), through partly open. Imagine the valve stem in a higher posi-
a small restriction at "9", and into the control chamber tion, with the valve completely closed. Flask-pressure


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Chapter 12- TORPEDOES

air will then be pushing upward on the area A minus The stinting valve will then open, and release air to
B, and downward on the area C minus B. Since A the reducing valve.
minus B is bigger than C minus B, the net force is up- Figure 12C15 represents the starting gear of a Mark
ward, and the valve stays closed. 15 torpedo. Note that the right-hand side of the
But air is also going through the control pipe (6) illustration is forward. The upper half of the illus-
and the restriction (9), into the control chamber (7). tration shows the condition of the starting gear before
There it pushes down on area E, and forces the valve the torpedo is fired. The starting gear valve and
open. As soon as the valve is open, air flows into the piston may be seen in the small diagram at the upper
reduced-pressure chamber (8). And there it pushes right. The valve is seated, and spring pressure holds
up against area D, and tends to close the valve again. it in place. High-pressure air enters the valve housing
So the valve stem moves up and down until it finds through the opening at the left, which is connected
a point at which the upward forces exactly balance the by a pipe to the space above the starting valve piston.
downward forces. This high-pressure air pushes downward on the valve,
The control valve (figure 12C14) is a spring-regu- and aids the spring pressure in keeping it shut.
lated leak-off for the control chamber. As air pressure The starting gear operates when the torpedo is fired.
builds up in the control chamber, it moves the control
The piston lifter then forces the piston upward, open-
valve against the pressure of its spring. Because the
ing the valve. The high-pressure air above the valve
restriction at "9" is small, pressure builds up rather
slowly in the control chamber. When it reaches a is vented through the right-hand passage, permitting
certain preset valve, the piston of the control valve the starting valve to open.
uncovers a groove in the control valve housing, and The starting gear of a Mark 15 torpedo is operated
some of the air leaks out. The control valve serves to by two separate devices-the starting lever and the
keep the pressure in the control chamber constant. inertia weight. The starting gear is mounted in the
The actual pressure on the working-pressure side of the top of the afterbody, with the starting lever projecting
reducing valve depends on the pressure in the control upward through an opening in the afterbody shell.
chamber. Thus the working pressure can be adjusted, When the torpedo begins to move forward in the tube
to some extent, by adjusting the pressure on the control on launching, a tripping latch in the tube engages the
valve spring. starting lever and throws it aft. The starting lever,
As the torpedo uses up the air in the air flask, the through a mechanical linkage, moves the piston lifter
flask pressure gradually drops. But the working pres- upward toward the starting piston, but it does not
sure remains constant. If the pressure in chamber "8"
lift the piston.
should start to drop, the upward pressure on area D
As the torpedo gains momentum in the tube, the
would also drop. The valve would open wider; letting
inertia weight trends to lag aft. The weight, through
more air into "8". If the pressure in "8" should get
too high, it would tend to close the valve and bring a second linkage, completes the upward movement of
the working pressure back to normal. the piston lifter, and opens the valve. A spring-loaded
From the reduced-pressure chamber (8), the work- latch holds the starting gear in this position, so that
ing-pressure air goes to three places. It goes through its valve can not close again during the torpedo run.
passage "11" to the igniter. It goes through "12" to Throughout the run, a small flow of air continues to
the two air check valves. And it goes through the pass through the starting gear, and is returned to the
restriction in the restriction valve, into chamber "5", low-pressure side of the air system.
and from there to the combustion flask. As shown in the lower half of figure 12C15, neither
The two upper passages in the restriction valve stem the starting lever nor the inertia weight can operate
(figure 12C14) are for fuel and water. The three the starting gear alone. Both must act together be-
passages through the restriction valve stem control the fore the valve can open. This safety feature prevents
rate at which fuel, air, and water enter the combus- the possibility of accidentally starting the torpedo
tion flask. Thus the delivery rate, and therefore the
before it is fired.
running speed of the torpedo, can be changed by turn-
The index spindle is operated manually with a
ing the restriction valve stem on its axis. Turning the
socket wrench. Turning the spindle releases the latch,
valve stem will bring other passages, of different
diameter, into position. and permits the starting lever and inertia weight to
return to their original positions. The index spindle
12C 1 O. Starting gear is used to stop the torpedo after a test run on deck,
When the torpedo is fired, the starting gear vents and to reseat the starting piston before the air flask is
the pressure above the piston of the starting valve. charged.


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FORWARD ..••••.•..•


LIFTER-----....•.. 0





A-Before firing-p is ton seated, valve lift in lowest position.




B-Starting lever tripped, but tor- C-Torpedo fired from tube. In-
pedo not fired from tube. Inertia ertia weight operative. Piston open,
weight not operative. Piston seated, valve lift in raised position lifting
valve lift in partially raised position, piston.
just below piston.
FIGURE I 2C IS.-Operating positions of inertia starting gear.


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Chapter 12- TORPEDOES

D. Superheating System of a Mark 15 Torpedo

1201. General combustion flask. That gives the air-fuel mixture a
chance to burn before water is sprayed into it.
Figure 12D1 is a diagram of the superheating sys-
The hot combustion gases pass at high velocity from
tem of a Mark 15 torpedo. The system consists of
the combustion flask to the nozzle unit. They strike
the combustion flask, the devices through which air,
the blades of the first tubine wheel, and start it spin-
fuel, and water enter the flask, the igniter, the nozzles
ning. The gases are deflected from the blades of the
through which combustion gases flow to the turbine
first turbine wheel and strike those of the second, and
blades, and the nozzle valve. All of these parts are
mounted on the forward face of the turbine bulkhead. spin it in the opposite direction.
The nozzle valve (figure 12D1) is a part of the
1202. Functional description speed-change mechanism. Note, in the illustration,
As previously explained, the compressed air in the that combustion gases pass through five separate noz-
torpedo's air flask has enough energy to propel the zles before they reach the first turbine wheel. When
torpedo for a short distance at moderate speed. But the nozzle valve is raised a short distance it closes 3
both speed and range are increased considerably by of the nozzles, leaving only 2 of them open. When
superheating the compressed air. This is done in the raised all the way, the valve closes all of the nozzles
combustion flask, where fuel is burned in a stream of but one.
working-pressure air. In burning, the liquid fuel is
converted to gases, which add their volume to that of 1203. Igniter
the compressed air. The heat of combustion increases The igniter may be seen in figure 12Dl, screwed into
the pressure, and therefore the speed at which the place in a threaded opening in the combustion flask.
combustion gases strike the turbine blades. The water During transportation or overhaul of the torpedo, a
that is sprayed into the flask to cool it turns to steam,
dummy igniter is used in this opening to keep out drift
and adds to the volume of gases. The water, of course,
and moisture. During preparations for firing, the
contributes no energy to the system. But it does take
energy that would otherwise be wasted as heat, and dummy is removed and replaced by the real igniter.
makes it do useful work. A protecting nut and lead disc are then removed from
When the torpedo's starting valve opens, air passes the outer end of the igniter, and an air pipe from the
through the reducing and restriction valves, and into reducing valve is connected to it.
a fitting at the end of the combustion flask. A part Figure 12D2 shows a cutaway view of the igniter.
of this air passes out through a pipe to the air strainer When the torpedo is launched, air from the reducing
body, to operate the depth and steering engines. The valve enters through the reduced-pressure air inlet at
rest of it enters the flask through a whirl or premixer, the outer end. Air pressure, acting through the rub-
which gives it a spinning motion. Air from the re- ber diaphragm, presses down on the housing. The
ducing valve also flows to the fuel and water compart- sheer nibs hold the housing in place until pressure in
ments, and forces fuel and water into the flask. As the igniter builds up to about 250 psi. Then they
previously explained, the air pressure drops slightly as suddenly give way. The housing and the firing pins
the air passes through the restriction valve. The snap down, and fire the primer caps. Flame from the
pressure in the fuel and water compartments is there-
caps spurts down through the two ignition tubes, blows
fore higher than that in the combustion flask, thus
out the end seal, and lights the ignition charge. The
insuring a continuous flow of fuel and water into the
flask. ignition charge burns from the bottom upward.
The fuel spray, mounted in the center of the air 1204. Speed-change mechanism
whirl, delivers fuel in the form of a fine mist. The
fuel and the whirling air mix thoroughly, and the The speed change mechanism is not a part of the
igniter starts them burning. Once ignited, the fuel superheating system, but is closely associated with it.
and air mixture continues to burn without any further The mechanism is so designed that the torpedo tube
help from the igniter. The igniter burns out after crew can change the speed at which the torpedo will
about 6 seconds. run by turning a single shaft accessible from outside
Water is delivered to the combustion flask through the torpedo. The torpedo tube barrel is provided
two water sprays. (Only one of them is visible in with a spring-loaded spindle for this purpose. This
figure 12D1.) The water spray holders are longer spindle can be forced down into the socket of the
than the fuel spray holder, and are set deeper into the speed-setting shaft of the torpedo. The torpedo speed


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FIGURE 12Dl.-Combustion flask and nozzle unit.

can thus be changed at any time up to a few seconds

before launching.
Figure 12D3 is a diagrammatic view of the speed-
change mechanism of a Mark 15 torpedo. The
operating shaft is at the left of the figure, and the
setting socket at the top of the shaft. Turning the
shaft does three things:
1. It changes the size of the restrictions in the re-
striction valve.
2. It changes the number of nozzles covered by the
3. It changes the gear ratio of the main engine.
The operating shaft, through its associated gear
train, turns the restriction valve stem. One of the
gears in this train meshes with a rack on the lower end
of the nozzle valve stem, so that turning the operating
shaft will raise or lower the nozzle valve. A cam is FIGURE 12D2.-Igniter Mark 6.


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Chapter 12-TORPEDOES

FIGURE 12D3.-Speed-change mechanism and nozzles (in low-speed setting).


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mounted' on the operating shaft near its lower end. rod. (The gear-shift mechanism will be described
The insert at the upper right of figure 12D3 shows later. )
how the earn changes the rotary motion of the shaft Speed-setting data for the Mark 15 torpedo is sum-
to a fore-and-aft motion of the gear shift operating marized in the following table.


Spindle Setting Restriction Valve Rear Ratio Number of Standard Speed Designed
Noreles Range

HIGH ........... Large Opening ......... High .......... 5 46.0 knots ...... 6,000 yds
INT ............. Intermediate Opening. : .. High .......... 2 33.5 knots ...... 10,000 yds
LOW ............ Small Opening .......... Low ........... 1 26.5 knots ...... 15,000 yds

E. Main Engine of a Mark 15 Torpedo

12El. General divide this force equally between the two counter-
rotating propellers.
The main engine is located entirely within the
afterbody, and is supported by A-frames secured to Finally, the main engine must continuously lubri-
the after side of the turbine bulkhead. It consists cate its moving parts throughout the torpedo run.
of the turbine wheels, gear reduction train, and pro- 12E3. Gear train
peller shafts, along with the frames, spindles, shafts,
and bearings that support these parts, and the oiling Figure 12E2 is a schematic diagram of the main
system that lubricates them. The main engine of a engine. This illustration should be compared with
Mark 15 torpedo, viewed from the starboard side, is figure 12El, bearing in mind that the two views are
shown in figure 12El. from opposite sides. (The side gears are .not shown
in figure 12E2; they will be described later.)
12E2. Functional description Each of the two turbine wheels is mounted on a
The main engine converts turbine-wheel rotation separate spindle. The first turbine spindle is short
into propeller rotation. In order to do this effectively, and hollow, and carries the first turbine pinion at its
lower end. The second turbine spindle is longer, and
it must have several special features.
passes through the' opening in the first spindle. The
Because of the high velocity at which the com-
second turbine pinion is mounted at the bottom of the
bustion gases strike the turbines, the turbine wheels second turbine spindle.
must turn at high speed in order to use the available As they pass through the nozzles, the hot combustion
energy efficiently. But, if the propellers are to operate gases expand and reach a high speed-about 4,000
efficiently, they must turn more slowly than the turbine feet per second. They strike the blades of the first
wheels, and develop a higher torque. The main (lower) turbine wheel, and spin it counterclockwise
engine must therefore include a gear reduction train. (as viewed from the top of the torpedo). The first
The torpedo is provided with two propellers, which turbine turns its spindle, and the first turbine pinion,
rotate in opposite directions but at the same speed. counterclockwise. The pinion meshes with the upper
This feature is necessary because the torque developed main drive gear, and turns it clockwise. The drive
by a single propeller would tend to roll the torpedo gear turns the upper bevel pinion clockwise.
in the opposite direction. As previously stated, the The combustion gases are deflected from the blades
two turbine wheels also turn in opposite directions. of the first turbine, and strike the blades of the second
But it is not possible to drive each propeller with a (upper) turbine. The second turbine spins clock-
different turbine wheel, because the first turbine wheel wise (still looking down from the top). The second
develops a much higher torque than the second. The turbine turns the second turbine spindle, and the
main engine must therefore combine the two unequal second turbine pinion. The second turbine pinion
torques developed by the turbine wheels, and then turns the lower main drive gear counterclockwise.


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Chapter 12- TORPEDOES




FIGURE 12El.-Main engine.

Each of the 2 bevel pinions meshes with both bevel bevel gear turns the after (inner) propeller shaft,'
gears. Working together, the 2 pinions turn the 2 which turns the after propeller. Because the two pro-
bevel gears. The forward bevel gear turns counter- peller shafts are linked together through the bevel
clockwise (looking aft from the forward end of the gears and bevel pinions, they turn in opposite direc-
engine) . The after bevel gear turns the forward tions at the same speed.
(outer) propeller shaft, which turns the forward pro-
peller. The forward propeller shaft is hollow; the 12E4. Turbines and turbine spindles
after propeller shaft turns inside it. The forward Figure 12E3 shows the turbine and spindle assem-
bly; the spindle casing is at the left. In both turbines,
the blades are of crescent-shaped cross section. On


the end of each blade is a small projection to which
MAIN DRIVE GEAR the turbine band is riveted. The turbine band is made
up of overlapping segments. The clearance at the
butt ends of the segments gives them room to ex-
pand when they get hot. The blades of the second
turbine curve in the opposite direction from those of
FORWARD BEVEL GEAR the first turbine. And the blades of the second turbine
are slightly larger than those of the first, so that the
SECOND TURBINE-o!!@~~~~~ gases' can keep expanding as they pass through the
FIGURE 12E2.-Schematic diagram of the main engine. The upper and middle bearings support the first

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FIGURE 12E3.-Turbine and spindle assembly.

turbine spindle. The second turbine spindle, which The after propeller shaft passes through the cross-
passes through the first, is supported by the lower bear- head in a floating bronze bushing. The forward bevel
ing and the top bearing. (The top bearing does not gear is keyed to the after (inner) propeller shaft; the
show in figure 12E3; it is located above the second after bevel gear is keyed to the forward (outer) pro-
turbine wheel.) peller shaft. The outer propeller shaft turns in a
bearing in the engine frame strut. This bearing sup-
12ES. Crosshead assembly
ports the shaft radially; it prevents any motion at
The crosshead is shown in figure 12E4. Its outer right angles to the torpedo axis. Between the after
ends are supported in the two A-frames. Bronze bush- bevel gear and the crosshead are a bearing washer
ings fit over the two crosshead shafts. These bushings and a thrust bearing.
serve as bearings for the main drive gears and bevel
pinions. (Each drive gear and pinion combination is 12E6. Engine thrust
machined from a single forging.) In figure 12E4 the
As the propellers turn, they develop a thrust, or
bushings are in place on the crosshead. Note the spiral
oil grooves on the surface of the bushings. Notice pushing force. They transmit this thrust to their
also, to the right of the strut, a small pinion gear ma- shafts. To drive the torpedo through the water, this
chined on the outside of the forward propeller shaft. thrust must be taken from the propeller shafts and
This pinion supplies the power that drives the steering applied to the shell of the torpedo. This is done in
mechanism. three ways:


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Chapter 12- TORPEDOES





FIGURE l2E4.-Crosshead assembly.

The after bevel gear is driven by the two bevel fering with the steering mechanism of the torpedo, the
pmlOns. Because of the slope of the gear teeth, the main engine is balanced. The gyroscopic force of
turning force of the bevel pinions tends to push the each of the principal rotating parts is balanced by the
bevel gear aft. But the thrust of the forward pro- force of a similar part rotating in the opposite direc-
peller tends to push the bevel gear forward. The tion. For example, the gyro action of the first turbine
thrust of the propeller is stronger than that of the wheel is balanced by that of the second. Other pairs
gears. A part of the thrust of the forward propeller of counterrotating parts include the turbine pinions,
therefore goes through the after bevel gear to the bevel the main drive gears, the bevel pinions, and the bevel
pinions, and from there to the crosshead. The rest gears.
of the thrust from the forward propeller is applied to
12E8. Side gear assembly
the crosshead directly, through a thrust bearing and
washer. As previously explained, the speed-change mech-
The crosshead transmits the forward thrust through anism of the Mark 15 torpedo includes a means for
the A-frames and the turbine bulkhead to the shell changing the gear ratio in the main engine. This is
of the torpedo. The after propeller shaft applies its accomplished by interposing idler gears, called side
thrust to a thrust bearing mounted on the after side gears, between the turbine pinions and the main drive
of the turbine spindle casing. The spindle casing car- gears. Figure 12E5 is a diagram representing the
ries the thrust through the A-frames to the turbine side gears in the low-speed setting (left) and the high-
bulkhead. speed setting (right).
The side gear carrier is mounted on the turbine
12E7. Engine balancing spindle casing. When the speed-setting socket is
Any rapidly rotating body develops a gyroscopic turned the cam rotates, moving the operating rod back-
action, and resists any force that tends to turn its ward or forward. The operating rod turns the side
axis of rotation. The engine parts of a Mark 15 tor- gear carrier, so that either the high-power or the low-
pedo rotate fast enough to develop a considerable power side gear may be engaged with the main drive
gyroscopic action. To keep this action from inter- gear.


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FIGURE 12E5.-Speed-change mechanism, showing positions of gears and earn.

The turbine spindle gear (turbine pinion) is en- to the reservoir. The reservoir ensures a steady sup-
gaged with both side gears at all times. In the left- ply of oil for the pump. The pump which is driven
hand diagram (figure 12E5) , the high-power side gear by a worm on the bottom of the second turbine spindle,
is turning idly; the main drive gear is driven through operates at constant pressure. Excess oil is bypassed,
the low-power side gear. The right-hand diagram and returns to the reservoir. The pump forces oil
shows the opposite condition. through 2 separate outlets-l for the turbine spindle
Figure 12E5 shows only 1 set of side gears. There bearings and 1 for the crosshead. The oil that flows
are, of course, 2 such sets-l for each of the two tur- to the crosshead lubricates the crosshead bushing, the
bine pinions and main drive gears. This can be seen driving pinion bushings, and the top bearing of the
in figure 12El, in which the 2 low-power side gears second turbine.
are meshed with the 2 main drive gears. The pump does not force oil directly to the gear
teeth, or the strut bearing, or the propeller shaft thrust
12E9. Oiling system bearing. But oil leaks out constantly past the main
The after propeller shaft bearings are lubricated by driving gear washers, and past the crosshead bushing.
grease, which has been applied under pressure to seal The turning gears whip this oil into a spray, or fog.
the afterbody against entry of sea water. All other This oil fog lubricates all the parts that aren't supplied
bearings associated with the main engine, as well as all directly by the oil pump.
the gear teeth, are supplied with oil throughout the
12E 1O. Exhaust system
torpedo run.
Figure 12E6 is a diagram of the oiling system of a Figure 12E7 shows the exhaust system of a Mark 15
Mark 15 torpedo. Oil flows from the two oil tanks torpedo, looking down from the top. The two tubes


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ElBOW_~ __ ,_




FIGURE 12E6.-0iling system.

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FIGURE 12E7.-Exhaust system.

carry exhaust gases from the space above the turbines torpedo will then leave a heavy wake of smoke. This
to the tail section. Near the after end of the afterbody, is prevented in two ways:
each tube separates into two branches. (In figure 1. Under the turbines, attached to the top engine
12E7, the lower branch of each tube is hidden.) The frame, is a sheet steel pan called the turbine oil guard.
exhaust gases enter the tail section through four open- This pan, together with thin horizontal and vertical
bulkheads, keeps oil fog out of the exhaust system.
ings in the after bulkhead of the afterbody.
2. Above the upper turbine spindle bearing is a
When the torpedo is under way, the main engine
baffle, called the oil deflector ring. This ring keeps
space is filled with a fog of oil. If this fog is allowed the oil in the spindle bearing from entering the turbine
to mix with the hot exhaust gases it will burn. The exhaust space. .

F. Control Systems of a Mark 15 Torpedo

12Fl. General Each of the 2 control mechanisms consists of 3 parts:
The torpedo is provided with 2 pairs of rudders-l a sensing part, a detecting part, and an engine.
horizontal and 1 vertical. The vertical rudders control Sensing part. In the steering mechanism, the sens-
the. steering of the torpedo to left or right, and keep it ing part is the gyroscope. There is no way to keep
on Its preset course. The horizontal rudders steer the the torpedo on course unless some part of the mech-
torpedo up or down, to keep it at its preset depth. anism always points in the same direction-regardless
of which way the torpedo may turn. Throughout
The 2 control systems-l for steering and 1 for
the torpedo run, the axis of the gyro always points in
depth-are .located in the afterbody. The steering
the same direction.
syste~ consl.sts of a gyro, a pallet mechanism, and a
steermg engme. The depth system consists of a dia- The depth mechanism has two sensing parts-a dia-
phragm, pendulum, and depth engine. Each of the phragm and a pendulum. To keep the torpedo at
two engines operates a rod that extends aft through a the proper depth the mechanism must include a part
packing in the after bulkhead of the afterbody. Each that can measure how deep the torpedo is in the water.
of the two rods is connected to its pair of rudders The diaphragm does that job. The pendulum is sensi-
through a semicircular yoke. tive to the "running attitude" of the torpedo. Since
the pendulum tends to hang straight down, it can tell
12F2. Functional description if the torpedo is tilted up or down, or if it is running
The control mechanisms have been called the
. " 0f t h e torpedo. The steering mechanism
"b rams Detecting part. In the steering mechanism, the
turns the torpedo to its preset course, and keeps it detecting part is the pallet mechanism. Assume that
there. If the torpedo wanders off course to left or a torpedo has been fired with zero gyro angle. Then
right, the steering mechanism throws the vertical steer- the axis of the gyro lies along the desired course of
ing rud.ders t.o correct the error. And the depth the torpedo, and it will point out the proper course
mecha~llsm brmgs the torpedo to its preset depth and throughout the run. If the torpedo turns to the left
keeps It t~ere. If it starts to rise too high in the or right from its course, the pallet mechanism will
water, or smk too low, the depth mechanism throws detect the difference and send correcting orders to the
the horizontal rudders to bring the torpedo back to its steering engine.
proper depth. In the depth mechanism, the diaphragm and pen-


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Chapter 12-TORPEDOES

dulum are linked together. Through this linkage 12F3. Control mechanism assembly
they work together to send corrective signals to the Figure 12Fl shows the control mechanism assembly
depth engine. . of a Mark 15 torpedo, looking from the starboard side.
Engines. The steering engine, when it gets an order The entire assembly is mounted on an oval base plate,
from the pallet mechanism, throws the vertical steer- which fits a flanged opening in the lower side of the
ing rudders in the direction required to bring the tor- afterbody shell, and is secured in place by screws. The
pedo back on course. When the depth engine gets vertical cylinder in the center of the assembly is the
an order from the diaphragm and pendulum linkage, gyro pot, which serves as a housing for the gyro and its
it moves the horizontal depth rudders in the direction gimbal mounting. The pallet mechanism, which de-
required to bring the torpedo back to its preset depth. tects the relative position of the gyro axis, is mounted
Both engines are powered by working-pressure air. on the top plate at the top of the gyro pot. For an
The two control mechanisms provide only enough angle shot, the top plate and pallet mechanism are
energy to actuate the controls of the engines. Com- rotated, through a shaft and gear train, by a setting
pressed air, rather than the gyro or diaphragm and socket on the outside of the afterbody shell.
pendulum, does the work of turning the rudders. The pallet mechanism is linked to the valve of the





FIGURE 12Fl.-Gyro and depth mechanism.


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steering engine, which is visible in figure 12F1 on the ings in the outer gimbal. The outer gimbal is free to
starboard side of the gyro pot. The depth engine is rotate on a vertical axis, in bearings mounted in the
mounted in a similar position on the opposite side of top and bottom plates of the gyro pot. Thus the
the pot. The air strainer body is mounted on the gyro wheel, with three degrees of freedom, is free to
outboard side of the steering engine. Air passes from turn' in any direction with respect to the torpedo.
the strainer to the steering and depth engines, and to Or, more precisely, the torpedo is free to turn in any
the gyro reducer (near the upper right in figure 12F 1) . direction without disturbing the gyro axis.
Low-pressure air for sustaining the gyro spin enters the The cam plate is rigidly attached to the top of the
gyro pot through a fitting in the center of the top plate. outer gimbal. If the torpedo turns with respect to the
The gyro spinning and unlocking mechanism gives gyro, it therefore turns with respect to the cam plate.
the gyro its initial speed at the moment of firing. It is The pallet mechanism, by detecting the relative posi-
visible at the extreme left in figure 12F1. The pen- tion of the cam on the earn plate, is able to determine
dulum of the depth mechanism is at the extreme right. when the torpedo has turned off course, and in which
The diaphragm assembly is mounted on the base plate direction.
under the pendulum. The gyro sustaining air enters through a fitting in
the center of the top plate. It flows through passages
12F4. Gyro
in the upper arms of the outer gimbal, through the
The action of a gyroscope is explained elsewhere in inner gimbal bearings, and through passages in the
this text. The gyro has two properties that make it inner gimbal arms to the spinning buckets.
useful in ordnance devices. The property of preces-
sion is used in the lead-computing sight. The property
of rigidity in space is used in the torpedo. Through-
out the torpedo run, the axis of the spinning gyro re- I SPINNING
mains rigid in space; that is, it points constantly in the
same direction. If the torpedo turns off its proper
course, it must turn with respect to the gyro axis,
which remains fixed. The pallet mechanism detects
this relative turning, and sends the necessary corrective
orders to the steering engine.
Figure 12F2 shows how a torpedo gyro is assembled
in its gimbals. The gyro wheel alone is shown at the
top of the illustration. Most of its weight is concen-
trated in its outer rim, to increase its gyroscopic action.
Throughout the torpedo run, low-pressure air from
the gyro reducer strikes the spinning buckets on the
outer rim of the wheel, to maintain the original rate
of spin. A spur gear is mounted on each end of the
gyro wheel axis. One of these is engaged by a gear of
the gyro spinning and unlocking mechanism, to give
the wheel its initial spin. The other is present to bal-
ance the first, and to provide equal air resistance so
that no unbalanced forces will be applied to the gyro.
The middle picture shows the gyro wheel mounted
in its inner gimbal. The wheel is free to rotate on
its bearings within the inner gimbal. Note that parts
of the inner gimbal are cut away to expose the two
spur gears.
The lower picture shows the gyro and gimbals com-
pletely assembled. (Note that in each of the three
pictures the gyro wheel is shown in a different posi-
tion.) In the torpedo, the gyro spins on a fore-and-
aft horizontal axis within the inner gimbal. The
inner gimbal itself is free to rotate on a horizontal axis
at right angles to that of the gyro wheel, on bear- FIGURE l2F2.-How a torpedo gyro is assembled.


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Chapter 12- TORPEDOES

12F5. Spinning and unlocking mechanism driving gear is turned by a spur gear on the forward
(outer) propeller shaft. Its rotation is transmitted to
At the instant of firing, the gyro is rigidly locked
the bevel gear in the center of the gyro top plate.
with its axis of spin parallel to the axis of the torpedo.
This is accomplished by the centering pin of the spin- Figure 12F4 is a diagram of the whole steering
ning and unlocking mechanism. The centering pin mechanism. (The mechanism shown is actually that
is engaged in a cavity in the center of the after side of a Mark 13 torpedo. It differs from the Mark 15
of the inner gimbal. This cavity may be seen in the in a few details of the linkage between the pallet mech-
lower illustration in figure 12F2; it is located just anism and the steering engine. This difference may
below the opening for the spur gear. The spur gear be seen by comparing figure 12F4 with 12F3. The
is engaged by a gear on the spinning mechanism. pallet mechanisms, and the principles of operation, are
the same.)
When the starting valve opens, flask-pressure air
enters the spinning mechanism and spins its turbine. On the shaft of the eccentric gear (figure 12F4) is
This spin is transmitted to the gyro wheel through its a cam that passes through an opening in the eccentric
spur gear. The gyro wheel reaches full speed in a little plate. Rotation of the cam gives a fore-and-aft mo-
more than half a second. The spinning gear then tion to the plate, and to the pallet shaft holder at-
snaps out of engagement with the gyro spur gear. tached to it. The pallet shaft is free to turn within
When this action is completed, the centering pin snaps its holder, but must move fore-and-aft with it. Thus
out of the cavity, unlocking the gyro and leaving it the pallet shaft and its pallet (at the top) and its two
free to control the steering of the torpedo. A valve cam pawls (at the bottom) have a continual fore-and-
in the spinning and unlocking mechanism closes auto- aft motion throughout the torpedo run.
matically, to shut off the supply of high-pressure air. If the pallet (figure 12F4) is on dead center during
its motion aft, it will pass between the two pallet
12F6. Pallet mechanism pawls. But if the pallet shaft has been rotated in
Figure 12F3 shows the pallet mechanism of a Mark either direction, the pallet will strike one of the pallet
15 torpedo, mounted on the gyro top plate, The pallet pawls and throw it aft. The two pawls are so linked



FIGURE12F3.-Pallet mechanism.


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FIGURE 12F4.-Steering mechanism.

that when one of them is thrown aft, the other is auto- plate; on the port side, a similar groove is cut in the
matically thrown forward. At the same time, the upper edge. If the torpedo is exactly on course during
linkage will move the valve of the steering engine in the forward stroke of the pallet shaft, the two earn
or out. pawls will straddle the earn and enter the grooves.
Note the earn on the after edge of the earn plate. The pallet shaft will not be rotated. If the torpedo
Because the earn plate is rigidly attached to the outer is off course, one of the earn pawls will strike the earn,
gimbal, the position of the earn indicates the desired rotating the pallet shaft. Then, on the next backward
course of the torpedo. On the starboard side of the stroke, the pallet will strike one of the pallet pawls and
earn, a groove is cut in the lower edge of the earn throw it aft. The pallet pawl, through its linkage, will


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Chapter12- TORPEDOES

Top view above shows Pallet assembly has been Pallet assembly has been The pallet blade having
cam pawls forward with thrust aft by motion of brought back by motion of received its "steering
port pawl engaging port pallet slide; pallet blade pallet slide; torpedo is now orders" through momen-
groove, causing pallet pivots port pallet pawl aft. assumed to have swung off tary contact of the cam
blade to swing to position To avoid disturbance of course to starboard. Star- pawls with the cam and
opposite port pallet pawl. gyro, pallet slide is kept in board cam pawl engages plate, the pallet moves aft,
Lower view shows pallet constant motion fore and starboard groove in cam pushing the toe of the star-
blade in position for thrust aft, so contacts with cam plate, and pallet blade board pallet pawl aft.
against pawl. are momentary. swings to starboard.
FIGURE 12F5.-0peration of the pallet mechanism.

move the valve of the steering engine. The action of the steering engine gets the opposite order. And there
the pallet mechanism is shown in detail in figure 12F5. will be no new order to the engine until the torpedo
Assume that the torpedo has turned off course to has crossed its course, so that the other earn pawl can
port. The gyro axis and earn are still pointing in the strike the earn.
original direction; the torpedo has turned to port with Therefore, the track of the torpedo is not a straight
respect to the gyro axis and earn. Because the pallet line. The rudder oscillates constantly, and the tor-
shaft is abaft the earn plate, it has moved to the star- pedo weaves back and forth across its course. But
board side of the earn. When the pallet shaft moves because the pallet mechanism is sensitive, the weaving
forward, the port earn pawl will strike the earn. The is small; the actual track is very close to a straight line.
pallet shaft will turn counterclockwise (looking down Summary. The pallet mechanism is driven by
from the top). The pallet blade will swing to star- power taken from the forward propeller shaft. A part
board. When the pallet shaft moves aft, the pallet of the pallet mechanism makes a light, intermittent
will strike the starboard pallet pawl and throw it aft. contact with the earn plate of the gyro. If the torpedo
The linkage will move the port pallet pawl forward, has turned off course, the mechanism will detect a
and it will move the steering engine valve aft. change in the relative position of the earn plate. Then,
The steering engine is so designed that when its through a mechanical linkage, it will send an appro-
valve is moved in one direction, its piston moves full- priate order to the steering engine valve. The steer-
throw in the opposite direction. The piston will there- ing engine will respond by throwing the rudders in
foremove forward, carrying the piston fork and rudder the direction necessary to bring the torpedo back on
rod with it. The rudder rod, through its yoke, will course.
apply right rudder. The rudder will turn the torpedo
back onto its course. 12F7. Angle fire
Actually, the torpedo will not stop turning when it In the foregoing discussion, it has been assumed
comes back on course. It will swing off course on that the pallet shaft is always in line with the gyro
the other side. The rudder will stay where it is until axis, and that the pallet slide moves forward and aft.


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But those conditions exist only when the torpedo is COURSE "

fired with zero gyro angle.

It is often inconvenient or impossible to launch a
torpedo in the direction required by the solution to
the torpedo fire control problem. This is especially
true with fixed tubes. In such situations angle fire
is used. The steering mechanism is set so that the
torpedo, after it enters the water, will turn through
the angle necessary to bring it onto its proper course.
For an angle shot, the gyro angle is set through
one of the gyro setting sockets on the outside of the
torpedo. The socket, through a gear train, turns the
gyro top plate through the desired gyro angle. (But
note carefully that it does not move the gyro.) The
top plate carries the whole pallet mechanism around
with it. Since an eccentric earn drives the pallet slide,
the slide will still have its back-and-forth motion in the
new position. That motion will no longer be fore-
and-aft, but it will still be toward and away from the
center of the gyro top plate.
Figure 12F6 shows the angle of the gyro, the pallet, CAM PAWLS

and the rudder-for both a straight shot and an angle

shot. In diagram A, the torpedo is ready to be fired
on a straight shot. The gyro angle is set at zero. The
earn pawls are in line with the gyro axis and the earn,
ready to correct any deviation from the course. A
In diagram B, the torpedo is ready to be fired on an GYRO
angle shot. The desired gyro angle has been set, thus
turning the gyro top plate and moving the earn pawls
away from the gyro axis. The angle between the earn
pawls and the gyro axis is exactly the angle through STEERING RUDDER

which the torpedo will turn. Note that for an angle

shot, as well as for a straight shot., the gyro axis is FIGURE 12F6.-Angle shot, showing angle of the gyro pallet,
and rudder.
fore-and-aft at the moment of firing.
In part C of figure 12F6, the torpedo is under way there. The two horizontal depth rudders control the
on an angle shot. The earn pawls have detected that running depth of the torpedo. The depth engine,
the torpedo is off its set course. They have turned powered by compressed air from the reducing valve,
the pallet shaft, and the pallet mechanism has ordered operates the rudders. And the depth mechanism
left rudder. In the diagram, the rudder has turned sends orders to the valve of the depth engine.
the torpedo part way through the desired angle. And This system has two sensing parts-a hydrostatic
the earn pawls are part way around to the gyro axis. diaphragm and a pendulum. The flexible diaphragm
is open to sea water on one side; a spring resists the
Notice that the gyro axis is still pointed in its original
pressure of the water. The stronger the water pres-
sure, the farther the diaphragm will move against the
In diagram D, the torpedo has straightened out on
force of the spring.
the course it was set for. The earn pawls have moved
Since the pressure of the water depends on the
around into line with the gyro axis and the earn. The
depth, the position of the diaphragm can be used to
rudder is oscillating in the normal way. And the gyro indicate the depth at which the torpedo is running.
axis is still pointing in the original direction. Because the pendulum responds to gravity, and tends
to hang straight down, it can determine the angle at
12F8. Depth mechanism
which the torpedo is changing depth. The diaphragm
While the steering mechanism brings the torpedo and pendulum work together to send orders to the
onto its proper course and keeps it there, the depth depth engine.
mechanism brings it to its proper depth and keeps it There are two reasons why the depth engine may


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Chapter 12-TORPEDOES

of the diaphragm rocks the diaphragm lever counter-

clockwise. Since the diaphragm has only a limited
movement, the lever is pivoted near the diaphragm, so
that it multiplies the diaphragm movement by a factor
of 18.
The pendulum lever and link transfer the rocking
movement to the pendulum, swinging it forward (to
the left in figure 12F7). The pendulum pulls the
depth engine valve rod forward. The depth engine is
built so that its piston follows the movement of the
valve. So the piston moves forward, applying up
~~g>T./ LEVER
rudder, and the torpedo begins to climb.
CHAMBER But as the torpedo turns upward, gravity tends to
FIGURE 12F7.-Depth control mechanism, schematic. pull the pendulum aft (to the right in figure 12F7),
against the action of the diaphragm. That reduces
need new orders. First, the torpedo may be running the amount of up rudder. When the climbing angle
at the wrong depth. Second, it may be changing its is just steep enough to make the diaphragm action
depth at too steep an angle. balance the pendulum action, the rudder will be in
Assume the torpedo is running below its preset neutral. But the torpedo will still be climbing.
depth. The diaphragm responds to the extra water As it climbs, the water pressure becomes less. So
pressure, and sends an up rudder order to the depth the downward pressure on the diaphragm decreases.
engine. The torpedo begins to climb. If the engine That lets the pendulum move farther to the right, and
gets no further orders, the torpedo will be climbing apply down rudder. The torpedo begins to level off,
fast when it reaches the right depth, and it will over- and reaches its set depth at a slow rate of climb. In
shoot. Then the diaphragm will send a down rudder that way, the pendulum tends to prevent overshooting.
order. The torpedo will go down and overshoot And the torpedo runs at a nearly uniform depth-the
again. So, if the torpedo is going to make a success- depth set before firing by adjusting the tension on the
ful run, the depth mechanism must control not only diaphragm spring.
its depth, but also the rate at which it changes depth. Figure 12F8 is a cutaway view of the depth mecha-
Figure 12F7 shows schematically how the diaphragm nism. It shows the actual appearance and location of
and pendulum work together. the parts shown schematically in figure 12F7. These
Under the diaphragm is a sealed chamber of air. two figures should be carefully compared.
Sea water reaches the upper surface of the diaphragm Like the steering engine, the depth engine works on
through suitable passages, and tends to push it down. compressed air from the reducing valve. But the two
The spring, being under tension, resists this downward engines differ considerably in operation. When the
pressure. (The depth at which the torpedo will run valve of the steering engine moves in one direction,
is set by adjusting the tension of this spring.) the piston goes full-throw in the opposite direction.
To see how the mechanism works, assume that the It has no in-between positions. But the piston of the
torpedo is below its set depth, with its axis horizontal. depth engine moves in the same direction as its valve.
Water pressure pushes the diaphragm down, against And it follows the valve exactly. So the depth engine
the force of the spring and the resistance of the air can hold the horizontal depth rudders at any position
trapped in the chamber. The downward movement between full up and full down.

G. Tail Section of a Mark 15 Torpedo

12G 1. General 2. The surfaces that control the path of the tor-
pedo-the tail blades and rudders.
The tail section is a short, truncated cone. Holes
3. The sleeves and hubs that support the propellers.
are drilled in its forward end so that it may be secured
4. The rods and yokes that operate the rudders.
to the afterbody with joint screws. The principal
parts that it carries are: 12G2. Construction
1. The surfaces that drive the torpedo through the Figure 12G1 is a cutaway view of the tail section. A
water-the two propellers. bearing in the after bulkhead of the afterbody sup-


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-------- AIR CHAMBER

FIGURE 12F8.-Depth mechanism, partially cut away.

ports the after end of the forward propeller shaft. The is under way, the hot exhaust gases melt the grease in
after propeller shaft turns, in a bronze bushing, inside the reservoir. Centrifugal force pushes the melted
the forward propeller shaft. The forward propeller grease through small passa.ges in the propeller sleeves,
sleeve (B in figure 12G1) is keyed to the forward pro- to lubricate the bushings (R) and the tail bearing (F).
peller shaft and secured to it by screws. The after The forward propeller hub (G) is keyed to the for-
propeller sleeve (C) is secured to the after propeller ward propeller sleeve. The forward propeller nut
shaft in the same way. screws onto the sleeve to hold the propeller in place.
The forward propeller sleeve turns in the tail bear- Locking screws keep the nut from working loose. Half
ing (F). The after propeller sleeve turns in four of each locking screw is in the nut, and half in the pro-
bronze bushings (R) inside the forward sleeve. The peller. The after propeller hub (J) is an integral part
grease reservoir shell (S) holds a supply of grease of the after propeller sleeve. Except for that, the
inside the after propeller sleeve. When the torpedo mounting of the after propeller is the same as that of


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) )

p Q R 5
view of the tail section: (A) tail cone; (B) forward propeller sleeve; (C) after propeller sleeve;
(D) vertical blade; (E) steering rudder; (F) tail bearing; (G) forward propeller hub; (H) forward propeller; (I) for-
ward propeller nut; (1) after propeller nut; (M) grease retainer ring for forward propeller sleeve; (N) drain and access
hole; (0) vertical blade; (P) steering rudder adjusting rod; (Q) steering rudder; (R) propeller sleeve bushings; (S)
grease reservoir shell.


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the forward propeller. Each of the 2 propellers has gases then flow into the tail, into the propeller sleeves
4 blades. through the holes in their forward ends, and out to
The exhaust gases pass through openings in the the sea.
after bulkhead of the afterbody, and enter the tail The four tail blades are riveted to projections on the
through exhaust valves. (One of these valves is visible outside of the tail cone. They stabilize the torpedo as
in figure 12G 1.) Springs in the exhaust valves hold it travels through the water. The two pairs of rudders
them shut, except when the pressure of exhaust gases are mounted at the after edges of the tail blades. Each
forces them open. The exhaust valves thus keep water rudder turns in an inner bearing on the tail cone, and
out of the afterbody at the end of an exercise run, and an outer bearing screwed to the tail blade. These
when the torpedo is in the flooded tube of a submarine. outer bearings have a double purpose. Their outer
When the torpedo starts, pressure builds up in the ex- edges serve as bearing surfaces to guide the tail as the
haust tubes and pushes the valves open. The exhaust torpedo slides through the torpedo tube.

H. Aircraft Torpedoes

12H1. Construction and use 2. The Mark 13 torpedo has greater capacity for
withstanding water impact.
Aircraft torpedoes came into common tactical use
during World War II, as alternate weapons to aircraft 3. The Mark 13 torpedo contains a smaller explo-
bombs for use in attacks on surface ships. Torpedo sive charge: 600 pounds of HBX.
attacks, however, ordinarily are not made against 4. The Mark 13 torpedo has a shorter designed
well-defended units, unless supporting attack is made range: 5,700 yards.
simultaneously by other types of planes to divide the 5. The Mark 13 torpedo has a single speed: 33.5
enemy antiaircraft fire. When properly employed, knots.
torpedo attack may force enemy ships to maneuver 6. The Mark 13 torpedo has a water trip delay valve
into an unfavorable position with respect to a main to prevent ignition until the torpedo enters the water.
attack delivered by own ships, or accept the penalty 7. The Mark 13 torpedo has a shroud ring around
of torpedo hits. its tail vanes, which tends to minimize hooking and
Aircraft torpedoes must be able to withstand heavy broaching upon water entry, and makes for greater
water impacts. They must also be capable of main- stability during the water run.
taining stable fli.ght from plane to water, and a stable 8. The Mark 13 torpedo is rigged for launching
course through the water to the target. The Mark 13 with a box-shaped plywood stabilizer fitted over the
torpedo, shown in figure 12H 1, is one of the older types fins and shroud ring. This stabilizer causes the tor-
still in service use. It is similar to the Mark 15 tor- pedo to falI in a smooth curve, and to enter the water
pedo but differs in certain details of size and design, head first. The stabilizer breaks up on impact with
including the incorporation of special stabilization the water. A parachute drogue stabilizer has been
elements necessary for effective launching from air- designed as a substitute for the box stabilizer.
craft. 9. The Mark 13 torpedo has a drag ring, in the form
An aircraft torpedo usually is suspended between of a plywood tube open at each end, fitted over its
two racks, which have suspension cables running be- head. The drag ring slows the torpedo's rate of fall,
tween them and around the torpedo. A smalI stop tends to reduce wobbling, and acts as a shock absorber
bolt, projecting downward from the plane into a hole on water impact. The stabilizer and drag ring are
in the torpedo casing, serves to prevent fore-and-aft shown in figure 12H2. This dra.g ring is not used when
the torpedo is rigged with a parachute stabilizer.
slipping of the torpedo in its cables. When one end
Near the after end of the torpedo is a starting lever.
of each cable is released, the torpedo falls away.
When the torpedo is installed on the plane, a toggle is
12H2. Mark 13 torpedo hooked to this lever and is attached to the aircraft by
a lanyard. When the torpedo is released, action of the
The Mark 13 torpedo differs from the Mark 15 lanyard and toggle trips the starting lever, but a water
torpedo in the following ways: trip delay valve serves to prevent the combustion flask
1. The Mark 13 torpedo has better provision for from lighting off until water entry. A gyro-locking
air stabilization, being much shorter and slightly larger mechanism is also provided. When the torpedo is
in diameter. It is 13 feet 5 inches long, and 22.42 installed on the plane, the gyro is locked with its axis
inches in diameter. parallel to the axis of the plane. The gyro begins to


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Chapter 12-TORPEDOES




f...... . MAIN ENGINE

FIGURE 12HL-The Mark 13 torpedo.


FIGURE 12H2.-Stabi1izer and drag ring installed on Torpedo Mark 13.

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spin on release from the plane. The gyro will there-

fore keep the torpedo on the course determined by the
direction of aircraft travel at the instant of release.

12H3. The aircraFt-torpedo problem

Track angle
The basic problem in launching a torpedo from an
aircraft is to put the torpedo in the water on a collision
course with the target. Although improvements in
aircraft torpedoes have made launchings possible from Ground range

greater altitudes and at longer ranges, speed and

mobility of attacking planes simplify the problem to
Note: This diagram
the extent that experienced pilots can obtain satis- pictures projection
factory accuracy without the use of special computing on water's surface
Sighting angle
gear. The pilot must be able to (1) estimate target
angle (see figure 12H3), (2) estimate target speed,
(3) estimate and utilize proper lead, and (4) release
the torpedo at the sighting angle which will produce a
collision course.
Speed of the plane at the point of release usually is
established by doctrine, to ensure that the torpedo will FIGURE 12H3.-The aircraft-torpedo problem.
enter the water at an angle between 20 and 33 degrees,
and not deep-dive or ricochet. When the plane has a yards; the exploder mechanism is armed after water
speed in excess of 150 knots, and the water is at least run of 200 yards.
150 feet deep, an entrance angle of 26 to 30 degrees is In recent years lightweight directors have been de-
preferable. The torpedo will assume its preset run- veloped for aircraft installation; their use greatly
ning depth (up to 50 feet) after water travel of 300 simplifies practical solution of the torpedo problem.

I. Other Types of Torpedoes

1211. General the size of the restrictions in the air, fuel, and water
delivery lines.
All United States Navy gas-stearn torpedoes are
similar in principle to the Marks 15 and 13 described The Mark 14 torpedo has a governor whose func-
above. Electric torpedoes differ from the gas-stearn tion is to stop the torpedo, if the starting lever is
type in respect to their main power plants, as described tripped accidentally, before the engine develops ex-
in article 1213. In all the nonhoming torpedoes, the cessive speed, and thereby to safeguard personnel and
steering and depth mechanisms are similar, if not to prevent serious damage to the torpedo. Centrifu-
exactly the same. And war heads and exercise heads, gal force actuates the governor,. closing a valve in the
although they differ in size, are basically similar. air line from the starting piston to the low-pressure
For these reasons, the discussion of other types of side of the reducing valve, thus banking the air over
torpedoes will be brief, and will deal primarily with the main starting valve and stopping the torpedo's
the features that distinguish them from the Mark 15 power plant.
type. The Mark 23 torpedo is a Mark 14 torpedo from
which the speed-change mechanism has been removed,
1212. Torpedoes Mark 14 type and Mark 23 type leaving all five nozzles open. The restriction valve is
locked in high power, and thus the engine can be
These torpedoes are only 20Y2 feet long, to fit in
operated at high speed only.
submarine tubes. The Mark 14 has two speeds. The
low-power setting will give a range of 9,000 yards at 1213. Torpedo Mark 18 type
approximately 32 knots, and the high-power setting,
a range of 4,500 yards at 46 knots. Its war head con- The Mark 18 is an electrically propelled torpedo
tains about 700 pounds of high explosive. designed for use in subinarines. I t is single-speed,
There are no side-gear assemblies in the main en- designed to run for 4,000 yards at an average speed
gine of this torpedo. The two speed settings are of about 29 knots. The primary advantage of the
obtained by changing the number of nozzle jets in Mark 18 is that it is wakeless.
use (two for low speed, five for high) and by altering In place of an air-flask section this torpedo has a

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Chapter 12- TORPEDOES

battery compartment, which contains a lead-acid stor- The main engine is a turbine with reduction gear-
age battery, a hydrogen eliminator, and a ventilating ing, similar in principle to the engine in a Mark 15
system. The battery runs a gO-horsepower series elec- torpedo, but differing radically in mechanical detaiL
tric motor (located in the afterbody) whose armature The turbine axis is horizontal instead of vertical, for
is connected by the main drive shaft and gearing to which reason this engine is referred to as a "hori-
two 'counterrotating propellers. Compressed air-re- zontal" or "H" engine, and spur gears rather than
quired to close the starting switch, spin the gyro, and bevel gears are used for speed reduction.
operate the depth and steering engines-is stored at
1215. Electrically set torpedoes
3,000 psi in three small flasks in the afterbody, The
gyro is of "run-down" type, After the initial spin In the torpedoes described above, the gyro angle
the air is shut off and the gyro is unlocked; the gyro and running depth are ordinarily set mechanically, by
wheel continues to spin of its own momentum. The inserting a spindle into the setting socket' and turning
war head contains about 600 pounds of high explosive. it. Mark 14 and Mark 15 torpedoes have an addi-
tional socket for the speed setting. Obviously, all
1214. Torpedo Mark 16 type spindles must be withdrawn from their sockets before
The Mark 16 is a single-speed 21-inch by 21Y2-foot the torpedo can be fired.
submarine torpedo. It is a gas-steam torpedo in In several modifications of the torpedoes mentioned
which hydrogen peroxide (NAVOL), instead of com- above, and in practically all homing torpedoes, the
pressed air, supplies the oxygen required for combus- settings are made electrically, rather than mechani-
tion of the fuel. This use of NAVOL rather than air cally. A multi-conductor cable enters the breech of
allows the Mark 16 torpedo to carry as much explo- the torpedo tube, and is connected by a plug and
sive as the Mark 15 and to have greater high-speed socket to a similar cable that enters the afterbody of
range, while not exceeding the Mark 14 in, size. the torpedo. When the proper electrical inputs are
The head section of this torpedo is similar to that supplied through the cable, servomechanisms in the
of the Mark 15, The second or flask section contains torpedo automatically set the proper depth and gyro
a small compressed-air flask, a fuel (alcohol) tank, a angle (and make the proper speed setting if the tor-
water compartment, and a NAVOL tank-the last com- pedo has a speed-change mechanism). At the instant
pletely surrounded by the water tank. The main of firing, the cable is automatically cut off close to the
engine, valves, and control devices are located con- torpedo.
ventionally in the midship section and afterbody. The electric setting system has several advantages.
The source of the oxygen and of part of the water Its settings are relatively exact, and it eliminates sev-
for the combustion cycle of these torpedoes is the eral sources of error inherent in the mechanical setting
NAVOL, which is a solution of hydrogen peroxide system. Electric settings can be made right up to the
(H202) in water. Hydrogen peroxide, passing instant of launching, since the cable is not cut until
through a chamber containing a catalyst, decomposes after the torpedo begins to move forward in the tube.
with evolution of heat, to form water (steam) and And the electric setting system can easily be integrated
oxygen. The oxygen unites with the fuel (alcohol) with the advanced fire control systems, so that the
in the combustion pot, combustion being initiated by setting signals are supplied automatically.
an igniter of conventional type. The resulting hot Except for the short length of cable that protrudes
gases mix with steam and drive the main-engine tur- from the afterbody, an electrically set torpedo is
bines. Part of the steam comes from the breakdown identical in external appearance with mechanically
of the H202 and part from additional water from the set torpedoes of the same mark number.
water compartment which is sprayed into the com-
bustion pot to control the temperature. 1216. Homing torpedoes
By using NAVOL, the torpedoes require no air ex- The torpedoes described above are designed to take
cept (1) to force fuel). NAVaL, and water from their up the course set on their gyro mechanisms, and then
storage compartments to the combustion flask, (2) to
run in a straight line. Homing torpedoes can also
drive the gyro, and (3) to operate the steering con-
follow a gyro course. In addition, a homing torpedo
trols, As no air is fed to the combustion pot, no nitro-
can search for a target, and, when it finds o~e, chase
gen is present in the exhaust to rise to the surface and
leave the customary wake. There is, however, a small it until it secures a hit. Some types can switch back
amount of non soluble gas resulting from the com- and forth between gyro control, search pattern, and
bustion of alcohol, which is forced out of the exhaust, homing control, as appropriate. Several types of hom-
leaving a very small wake that is practically invisible ing torpedoes are now in the Fleet, and others are in
except in flat, calm water. various stages of development. For security reasons,


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only a short and very general discussion can be given safe until the torpedo has traveled a safe distance from
here. the firing ship. The homing mechanism also has an
At present, homing torpedoes are acoustic (operated arming feature, so that it remains inoperable (with the
by sound) . In general, they are of two types-active torpedo on a gyro course) until the torpedo has
and passive. The active type sends out short pulses of traveled through a preset distance. One or more ad-
sound, and "listens" for echoes from the target. When ditional safety features not found in nonhoming tor-
an echo is detected, the torpedo steers itself toward the pedoes are present in all homing torpedoes.
source of the echo. The passive type merely listens Homing torpedoes, almost without exception, are
for target sounds (such as propeller and machinery powered by electric motors and batteries. In shape
noises), then steers itself toward the source of the and external appearance they are quite similar to the
sounds. nonhoming torpedoes already described. Several
The homing torpedo has the same safety devices as types are somewhat smaller than air-steam torpedoes,
the air-steam type described above. Its exploder is in length, diameter, or both. And several types have
armed both mechanically and electrically, and remains a single propeller, rather than two.

J. Above-Water Torpedo Tubes

12Jl. Function rnium on topside deck space. New destroyer and

escort designs have therefore featured above-water
. Torpedo tubes serve the following purposes:
torpedo tubes in locations other than weather deck.
1. House and protect the torpedo (including heat-
Such tubes are housed and fixed (i. e., nontrainable).
ing in cold weather) until the instant of firing.
With fixed tubes greater gyro angles must be used in
2. Provide means for setting torpedo gyro angle,
firing than from trainable tubes; and, since torpedoes
running depth, and, where required, torpedo speed
tend to depart more widely from their predicted
as necessary, up to the instant of firing.
courses when fired with large than with small .gyro
3. Expel the torpedo with sufficient force to clear angles, this is a disadvantage. Also, tubes must be
the firing ship and with such velocity and direction carried on both sides of the ship. However, the
that it will remain on its firing course until its engine weight gained by eliminating the training gear, pivots,
develops enough power for self-propulsion. etc., provides a partial compensation. The interior
4. As expulsion starts, trigger the torpedo so as to location permits all tubes to be located in the same
start its engine and .gyro. compartment of the ship, in which reload torpedoes
These functions apply to submarine tubes as well and quick-reloading gear may also be carried. Fixed
as above-water tubes. Since, however, the former tube designs include the Marks 23 and 24.
must also serve as pressure members of the ship's hull,
they incorporate additional features which are not 12J3. 21-inch Above-Water Torpedo Tube Mark 14
suitable for discussion in this textbook.
Each Mark 14 torpedo tube consists of five barrels,
12J2. Typecind location supported in a single saddle which functions like the
carriage of a gun except that no provision is made for
Above-water tubes may be classed as trainable or
fixed. Until afterWorld War II, United States Navy elevating the barrels. The saddle rests on a roller
destroyers and destroyer escorts armed with torpedoes bearing assembly supported by a stand. The stand,
all carried trainable tubes. Destroyers mount either like that of a gun, contains a training circle. The
the Mark 14 or the Mark 15 quintuple tubes. The tube is normally trained by an electric-hydraulic drive,
two types are substantially identical, except that the similar to a gun mount train drive and controlled by
latter was designed to accommodate a blast shield for the operation of the training hand wheels on top of the
the protection of personnel from the blast of adjacent mount. Provision is made for manual train in case
guns. Trainable tubes require large clear deck areas, of power-drive failure. See figure 12.11.
and in all ships retaining torpedoes they are mounted Each barrel is an assembly of a main barrel, a
topside on the ship's centerline as shown in figure IB2. spoon, and a spoon extension. The main barrel is
From this location torpedoes can be fired through cylindrical in shape, but the spoon and spoon exten-
limited arcs of train on either side of the ship. sion are open on the under side. The spoon extension
In the latter phases of World War II the necessity is hinged at the top, so that it can be folded back
for increasing antiaircraft armament put a high pre- along the spoon to save deck space. Within the barrel,


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Chapter 12-TORPEDOES




FIGURE 12JI.-21-inch Above-Water Torpedo Tube Mark 14.

at the bottom, are rollers which facilitate loading the stop, between which the torpedo's guide stud is
torpedo. Running the length of the top of the barrel gripped. After the torpedo is loaded, a tension link
to the end of the spoon extension is a T-shaped guide is placed in the housing to hold the front stop in
slot. The guide stud on the torpedo rides in this slot position. When the torpedo is fired, the tension link
as the torpedo is fired. The stud prevents the torpedo parts and the front stop swings out of the way of the
from dropping downward before the tail has cleared guide stud.
the main barrel, thereby preventing damage to the tail Also mounted on the T -guide of each barrel is the
assembly and helping to keep the torpedo horizontal tripping latch. It projects into the barrel and engages
as it is launched. and trips the starting lever of the torpedo as it begins
The breech end of the barrel is closed by a door, so to move forward in the barrel. As stated in article
flanged and sealed that it will hold the pressure 12ClO this is essential in order to start the torpedo
developed by the impulse charge in launching the power plant.
torpedo. Atop the barrels are a seat for the trainer and gyro
Torpedoes ar- expelled from each barrel individu- setter, the train controls, and the sight and fire control
ally by an impulse charge fired in the firing mechanism apparatus. Also on top of the barrels, and thus
on top of the barrel. A passage from the firing mech- within easy reach of the crew, are the gyro-setting,
anism leads to the space between the door and the
depth-setting and speed-setting mechanisms. The
torpedo. Normally, charges are fired electrically
barrels also have covered openings .which permit
from the bridge, but they can be fired by percussion
access to the torpedoes for fueling, air charging, and
at the tube if necessary. Each black-powder impulse
charge is contained in a special 3-inch case about 13 other maintenance routine.
inches long.
12J4. Torpedo-setting mechanism
A torpedo stop is employed to keep the torpedo from
sliding in the barrel. The stop is bolted to the T -guide The depth-setting mechanisms, located on top of
of each barrel. It incorporates a back and a front the barrels, are arranged to set the five torpedoes

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simultaneously with the same depth setting. A depth- 12J5. Torpedo tube sight and torpedo course indi-
setting hand crank operates through gears and shafts cator
to turn depth-setting sockets in each barrel, at the The trainer and the gyro setter are guided in deter-
same time turning a dial index which shows the depth mining the proper firing course for the torpedoes,
set. A socket-engaging lever moves the socket of each either by the torpedo tube sight (in local control) or by
barrel into engagement with the depth-setting spindle the dials of the torpedo course indicator (in remote
of the torpedo; sockets are usually engaged well in control) . Since an understanding of either of these
advance, so that there may be assurance that the instruments presupposes a comprehension of the
sockets and spindles align properly. They must be torpedo fire control problem, they are discussed in
disengaged before firing. volume II.
The speed-setting mechanisms of the barrels are
separate. Each consists of a permanently mounted 12J6. 21-inch above-water torpedo tubes Marks
wrench protruding upward from a cylindrical hous- 23 and 24
ing within which is a spring that holds the spindle up Figure 12J2 represents a single-barrel fixed-type
out of engagement with the torpedo's speed-setting non trainable torpedo tube designed to mount singly
socket except when the wrench handle is pushed down or in groups of two or more on each side of a vessel.
by hand, and a cam that allows the wrench to spring The tubes are mounted athwartship within the super-
up only when properly positioned at the HIGH, IN- structure, with muzzles extending through the sides
TERMEDIATE, or LOW speed position. The wrench and of the deck house. The tubes are constructed of a
spindle must never be left in the down position. light-weight aluminum alloy. They are air-fired and
The gyro-setting mechanism provides a means for: are suitable for launching only torpedoes having elec-
1. Setting the gyros of the torpedoes in all five bar- trically set torpedo controls. The breech and muzzle
rels to any desired basic gyro angle. doors are so interlocked that firing can occur only when
2. Setting any desired spread up to 10 degrees; i. e., the breech door is closed and locked and the muzzle
setting the gyros of torpedoes in the wing barrels and door opened. The torpedo control cable enters the
right-center and left-center barrels so that they will tube through a special electrical terminal plug mounted
diverge from the course of the torpedo in the center in the breech door. The door connector is in two
barrel by the desired amount. parts. One part is permanently installed in the center
3. Engaging the gyro-setting spindles in the sockets of the .door, while the inner half is affixed to the tor-
of the torpedoes, and withdrawing them, at will. pedo cable. The two halves are coupled together after
Two separate hand cranks are used, one for setting the torpedo is loaded into the tube. The cable is cut
the basic gyro angle and the other for making spread- by the forward motion of the torpedo at launching.
angle setting. They work together through a differ- Torpedo Tube Mark 23 is designed to launch 21-inch
ential at each tube to set the proper resultant angle torpedoes with a length not exceeding 161 inches.
on each torpedo. The angles set are shown on the Torpedo Tube Mark 24 is designed to launch 21-inch
dials of the gyro-setting mechanism; basic gyro angle torpedoes with a length not exceeding 246 inches.
shows also on the dials of the torpedo course indicator, Both tubes are supplied with adapter rings which can
which is described in volume II. Spindles must be be installed so as to permit launching a 19-inch

disengaged before the torpedoes are fired. diameter torpedo.




FIGURE 12J2.-Fixed above-water torpedo tube.


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Chapter 13


A. General

13A 1. Naval mines defined have an electrical system connecting them to a shore
station. Signals from approaching or passing ships
There are two general classes of military mines:
are transmitted to shore over this electrical system.
.land mines, under Army cognizance, and sea mines,
Depending on the military situation, the personnel at
under Navy cognizance. This chapter is concerned
the shore station may merely observe the signals, may
with sea (or naval) mines only.
detonate a given mine by answering its warning with a
Navy mines are thin-cased underwater weapons
return signal, or may set the equipment to return the
with a heavy load of high explosives-usually either
firing signal automatically.
HBX, HBX-1, or TNT. Mines are actuated when
Other classification methods. The broad classifi-
touched or closely approached by a ship. An actua-
cation system described above is cut across by three
tion can have 1 of 4 results, as follows:
other methods of classifying mines; namely by method
1. The mine, especially if it is one of the older types,
of planting, by position after planting, and by type of
may explode almost immediately.
firing mechanism. The paragraphs following will
2. The mine may explode after a short delay that explain these three classification systems.
gives the target ship time to reach a more vulnerable
1. By method of planting. Mines may be laid from
position. surface craft, from submarines, or from aircraft.
3. The actuation may be registered by a ship- When secrecy is not a prime consideration, mines
counting component that prevents explosion until a may be planted from specially designed minelayers or
predetermined number of actuations have been from certain other surface craft. By working as a
counted. team, surface vessels can lay a large field in a short
4. In a controlled mine field, the actuation of a time. Controlled fields are planted by surface craft,
mine energizes indicating devices at a shore station, as are many of the defensive fields containing inde-
but does not result in an explosion unless a return sig- pendent mines.
nal is sent to the mine from shore. When secrecy is supremely important, submarines
can carry mines great distances from home ports.
13A2. Classes of naval mines
Submarines may also launch mobile mines-usually
Broad classification. All naval mines fall within 1 called torpedo mines-into the fringes of established
or the other of 2 broad classes-independent and fields or into enemy-held waters.
controlled. When extensive mining operations are to be con-
All old mines and many new ones are the independ- ducted in enemy-held waters, when large defensive
ent (sometimes called the automatic) type. Once fields are to be replenished, or when shallow inland
planted and armed, the independent mines can be waterways are to be mined, aircraft planting is usually
actuated by the presence of a ship, without any human most efficient. The airplane has the advantages of
intervention. They are incapable of discriminating speed and maneuverability, but it sometimes has the
between hostile and friendly vessels. Until they have disadvantage of being easily seen and fired upon by
been made harmless-either by incorporated self- the enemy.
destructive features or by sweeping-independent 2. By position after planting. When classified ac-
mines are a threat to all vessels approaching the area. cording to the position they assume in the water, mines
In contrast to independent mines, controlled mines fall again into three groups. These are bottom mines


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(formerly known as ground mines), moored mmes, The earliest galvanic contact devices were horns
and drifting mines. assembled to the mine case. In the Mark 6 type of
Its large amount of negative bouyancy brings the moored contact mine, the contact area of this type
bottom mine to rest on the ocean floor and keeps it of firing mechanism has been increased considerably
there. Bottom mines are most effective in compara- by the addition of an antenna or sometimes a pair of
tively shallow waters. If a bottom mine is planted antennas, the second of which doubles as the upper
in very deep water, surface vessels may pass over it part of the mooring cable. Horns on the float that
without actuating its firing mechanism, or, in event streams the upper antenna also act as contact devices.
of an actuation, without suffering much damage. Of The mechanical type of contact firing mechanism is
course a bottom mine planted in deep water may still usually triggered by the inertia of impact, or by the
be effective against submarines. Bottom mines are mechanical movement of a protruding horn, arm, or
used in controlled fields, but are by no means limited bridle. The contact area of this type of mechanism is
to that use. sometimes increased by the use of snag lines. Me-
The explosive charge and firing mechanism of a chanical-type firing mechanisms are not extensively
moored mine are housed in a positively buoyant case. used by the United States Navy.
A cable or chain, attached to a negatively buoyant The nearby presence of a ship, rather than actual
anchor that rests on the sea bottom, holds the case contact, is all that is necessary, under certain condi-
at a predetermined depth beneath the surface. tions, to actuate an influence mine. The three classes
The drifting mine floats freely, at or near the sur- of influence firing mechanisms are the magnetic, acous-
face. It has no anchoring device, and its buoyancy tic, and pressure types.
is approximately neutral. The depth at which this The actuating influence in a magnetic firing mecha-
mine travels is determined by one of three methods: nism is the magnetic effect of a cruising steel ship.
by suspending the mine from a small float, by incor- The acoustic mechanism responds to the underwater
porating a mechanical depth-control device, or by at- sound waves set in motion by the normal noises of a
taching a cable or chain that drags on the bottom in cruising ship.
shallow }Vater. A ship in motion creates an area of reduced or nega-
3.By type of firing mechanism. There are two
tive underwater pressure, to which the pressure mecha-
main classes of mine-firing mechanisms: the contact
nism responds.
type and the influence type. The influence type is
In actual practice, a number of mines contain 2 of
the newer one. Each type is represented by three
the 3 types of influence devices. Others may contain
distinct classes. The next few paragraphs will explain
an influence feature and a contact one.
the terms used in this system of classification.
H contact or influence features are combined with
Actuation of a contact mine takes place only when
a control feature, the two may be independent of each
a target ship actually touches the mine or one of its
other, or control may be exercised to render a given
sensitive components. The required contact point may
mine safe or dangerous at the will of the control
be the mine case, a horn, an antenna, a snag line, or
a protruding arm, depending on the particular char-
acteristics of the mine involved. Contact firing mech- 13A3. Major components
anisms may be further classified as electrochemical,
galvanic, or mechanical. The major components of a mine are the case, the
Electrochemical contact mines have fragile protrud- explosive filler, the anchor (if one is used), and the
ing horns, each one of which contains a glass vial of firing mechanism with its accessories.
acid. When any horn is struck forcibly, its vial breaks. The mine case provides a watertight compartment
Then the acid supplies the electrolyte to the plates of for the main charge and the firing mechanisms. The
a battery cell that generates sufficient current to fire main charge is cast into the main compartment, and for
the detonator. bottom mines will fill most of it. For moored or
The galvanic type of contact firing mechanism em- drifting mines, the case must be large enough to pro-
ploys the current drawn from a sea battery formed by vide the proper amount of air space for buoyancy.
the immersion of two dissimilar metals in sea water Smaller compartments within the case hOUSe!and
(a weak electrolyte) to fire the mine. The metals secure the batteries, firing mechanism, and various
normally used are copper and steel. The copper is accessones.
in the firing mechanism; the steel is either in the tar- Mine cases are usually made of steel, but a non-
get hull or in a mine component that requires a blow ferrous metal is required when certain influence firing
from a target hull to place it in a closed electrical sys- mechanisms are to be used.
tem with the copper. Anchors for the various moored mines naturally


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Chapter 13-MINES

differ in size, shape, and method of operation. All this, the mark designation of the mine usually applies
must be capable of mooring the mine at a preset depth only to the assembled case and anchor. On the other
below the surface. For ease in handling, the anchor is hand, a specific modification of a production mine
assembled integrally with the case. Aircraft- and usually designates its explosive filler, firing mechanism,
submarine-laid moored mines have the anchor secured accessories, and the special features which adapt this
firmly enough to the case to allow the mine to be lifted mine to surface, submarine, or aircraft planting.
by either end or by a strap in the middle.
The operation of the anchor assemblies during 13A4. Accessories
planting of a typical moored mine is illustrated in The accessories of a mine include a number of units
figure 13Al. Note that this surface-laid assembly has which assist or modify the action of the actual firing
a net positive buoyancy until the mine and case are mechanism. For example, there are the batteries
separated, flooding the anchor. Conversely, aircraft- which furnish the power for the operation of the mine.
laid or submarine-laid assemblies, which are employed Some of the accessories are safety devices, while others
in offensive mining operations in enemy waters, have a serve to increase the efficiency of the planted mine.
net negative buoyancy and never reach the surface 1. An extender is a hydrostatically operated device
after planting. The submarine-laid assemblies sink to used to move the mine's detonator into a booster
a minimum depth of 65 feet, and further incorporate charge. Until the mine has been planted, the ex-
a few seconds of delay before separation of case and tender holds the detonator sufficiently clear of the
anchor. booster to prevent a premature firing of the detonator
Most of the standard naval mine cases will accom- from exploding the booster or the mine. After the
modate a choice of explosive fillers and a choice of the mine is planted and reaches a certain depth of water,
various firing mechanisms and accessories. Because of the extender moves the detonator into an envelope

Mine is Launched.

Plummet Shears
Pin,and Case
and Anchor

Anchor Sinks Anchor Continues Anchor Rests

and Pays Off to Sin k and Pulls on Batt am
Mooring Cable Until Case below Surface with Case
Plummet Strikes Bottom. as Upper Antenna and Upper
Locking Cable Drum. StreamsOut. Antenna in
FIGURE 13Al.-Mine Mark 6, planting sequence.


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FIGURE 13A2.-Extender mechanism Mark 6 Mod. 2.

in the booster. See figure 13A2. In the extender

shown in this figure, the piston rod transmits linear
movement of the piston to the lazy-tongs linkage that
moves the detonator.
2. A clock delay mechanism (CD mechanism) is a
device which delays arming of the mine for a preset
time after planting. It is basically a spring driven
cam that operates electrical contacts or switches.
There are two distinct types. One is a hand-wound
clock which can be started by the mechanical action
of a hydrostatic clock starter; the other is a motor-
FIGURE 13A3.-Mine Mark 12 Mod 0, showing locations of
wound clock which can be started by closure of one accessories.
of the switches of the hand-wound clock which must
always be used with it. Figure 13A3 shows where the
extender and clock mechanisms are located. RETAINER -------.,--, SAFETY PIN
Hand-wound clocks may be set to provide a delay
in arming of Y2 to 10 days, and motor-wound clocks
SLEEVE ------I-r lI'--=------ LOCKING BALL
can provide a delay of 3 to 100 days. In addition, PISTON ROO EXTENSION-
motor-wound clocks have a sterilizing switch, which,
if utilized, ends the armed life of the mine 3 to 210
days from the time of planting.
The clock delay employs at least two switches in the
process of arming a mine. Closing of the first switch
connects the battery to the firing mechanism. The
second switch closes 3 or more hours after the first
one, to complete the circuit from the firing mechanism
to the detonator.
3. A clock starter (CS mechanism) is a hydrostat- PLUNGER~
ically operated device capable of starting or stopping STARTING BAR
the operation of a clock delay mechanism. See fig-
ure 13A4. FIGURE 13A4.-Clock starter Mark 1 Mod O.


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Chapter 13-MINES

Both clock starters and the extender mechanism of ships may pass over the mine before it becomes
mentioned earlier employ some positive type of safety armed. This device reduces the effectiveness of the
device to prevent their operating prematurely. For enemy's countermeasures, and it vastly increases the
surface-laid mines, this usually consists of a soluble effectiveness of an offensive mine field.
washer which prevents a spindle attached to the hydro- 8. Microphones (MI), usually of the crystal type,
static piston from moving inward until the washer are used with acoustic firing mechanisms. These
has been dissolved by the sea water. Aircraft-laid microphones must be watertight and extremely rugged
mines employ an arming wire which must be pulled in construction. Microphones must be particularly
free of the mechanism. Submarine mines have a sensitive to sounds in the frequency range for which
positive-locking safety bar which falls free when the the associated firing mechanisms are designed.
mine is ejected from a torpedo tube. They also have 9. A search coil (SC) is used in a magnetic influ-
a lock-ball safety device which prevents movement ence mine to detect changes caused in the earth's
of the hydrostatic piston until sufficient depth is magnetic field around the mine by the magnetic field
reached. of a moving ship. A coil consists of 15,000 to 30,000
For further safety in handling and stowage, safety turns of fine copper wire wound over a cylindrical core
nuts are always provided to keep extenders and clock of high-permeability magnetic alloy, such as permal-
starters in the unarmed condition. These safety nuts loy. A search coil is always used with a steel mine
must be removed before planting, or the mine will case, because the steel adds to the effective size of the
not arm. permeable core.
4. An anticountermining device (AC) is sometimes 10. One minor accessory which adds greatly to the
used to deaden the mine's electrical circuits for a short ease of assembling a mine and testing its various cir-
time following a nearby shock or explosion. cuits is the terminal block (TB). The circuits, bat-
5. Batteries used in a mine must provide the volt- teries, firing mechanisms, and various other electrical
ages and power to operate the firing mechanism and accessories are connected at this block. The block
set off the detonator. All naval mine batteries are of (or the main block, if the mine has more than one)
the dry-cell type, each composed of several cells ar- is located just under the main cover leading to the
ranged in a housing. The life of the batteries in a firing mechanism. Thus it is readily available for final
planted mine is what largely determines the life of the electrical tests and for connecting of the detonator
mine itself. leads just before the mine is sealed.
6. A sterilizer (SD, for self-destructive, mechanism) 11. Many aircraft-laid mines (see section B) use
is used to limit the armed life of a mine to a predeter- some sort of flight gear to decrease the impact velocity
mined period. At the end of this time it operates, of the mine as it strikes the water. This usually con-
usually to short out the battery. In some instances it sists of a parachute, parachute pack, and release gear.
may open the detonator circuit. In the case of a As the mine strikes the water, the release gear operates,
moored mine, it may function to fire a sinkingdetona- freeing the parachute from the mine case. Parachute
tor which blows out a plug and permits water to enter and mine will sink free of one another.
the case.
Sterilizing switches are sometimes incorporated in a 13AS. Representative firing mechanisms
clock delay mechanism. However, the most positive Firing mechanisms are the units which are set off
type of sterilizer consists of an electrolytic cell, a re- by contact with a target ship or which, alternatively,
sistor, a spring-loaded plunger, and switches associ- receive a small impulse from the search coil, micro-
ated with the plunger. As current flows through the phone, or pressure device and send a magnified firing
cell, the anode is electrolyzed away until it is sufficiently impulse to the detonator. Newer and better firing
weakened for the plunger to rupture the cell. Move- mechanisms are constantly being designed. The
ment of the plunger closes two normally open switches, mechanism must, of course, fire the mine when a bona
shorting out the battery. fide target goes by. That in itself is simply a problem
When thorough sterilization of a mine field must be of amplifying the original signal to an impulse strong
sure to be completed by a certain date-for example, enough to trigger the firing circuit. The reason firing
to allow passage of our own vessels-two or more ster- mechanisms are so complicated in construction is that
ilizers may be connected in parallel in each mine. they are designed in such a way as to avoid actuation
7. A ship counter (SE device, formerly called a by countermeasures such as minesweeping by the
ship eliminator) is used to delay firing of the detona- enemy.
tor until a pre-set number of complete actuations of Section A of this chapter described contact firing
the firing mechanism have occurred. Thus a number mechanisms in enough detail for the purposes of this


Gene Slover's US Navy Pages Table of Contents


course. Influence mechanisms, being more complex, at distances well beyond the effective explosive radius
need a somewhat more detailed discussion. The next of the charge,
few paragraphs will take up the three classes of influ- Acoustic mines must also be unresponsive to types
ence mechanisms-namely, the magnetic, acoustic, of underwater sounds that are likely to represent non-
and pressure types. target objects-such, for example, as a school of
1. Magnetic mechanisms. Every steel ship has defi- porpoises. Another design requirement is that these
nite magnetic characteristics produced by the perma- mi~es must not be easily actuated by counterrnining
nent magnetism of the ship's hull and the induced noises.
magnetism resulting from passage the earth's Therefore acoustic mines are usually fired byactuat-
magnetic field. A ship's magnetic field may be re- ing the mechanism when the sound intensity reaches
duced substantially by using degaussing coils, often in a predetermined value, after building up at a pre-
conjunction with the process of deperming (neutraliz- scribed rate of change. If the incoming sound builds
ing the permanent magnetism of a ship) ; but for prac- up too quickly, as in the case of an underwater ex-
tical and theoretical reasons it is impossible to plosion, the mine will inhibit itself from firing by the
eliminate such fields entirely from ships of even mod- action of an anticountermining device, and will be-
erate size. come passive for a short time, If the sound builds up
Magnetic mine-firing devices are of two general too slowly, the mine will not respond at all.
types: magnetic dip-needle and induction. The actu- The United States Navy has no distinctive acoustic
ating unit of the needle-type mechanism is a mag- mine, but employs acoustic firing mechanisms as
netized needle assembly which responds to changes accessories which are designed to be interchangeable
produced in the vertical component of the earth's with other firing devices in several different mine cases.
magnetic field by the proximity of a ship. ' Once the 3, Pressure mechanisms, There is a continuous flow
mine is planted, a very slight movement of the needle of water from the bow to the stern of a moving ship,
may trigger the firing circuit. As the forward part of the moving ship displaces water,
The induction-type mechanisms employ a search an equal amount must flow to the after part of the
coil and a means of amplifying the signal from the ship to restore the displaced water after the ship has
search coil. Some induction mechanisms use a sensi- passed. This continuous water flow is measurable at
tive relay for this purpose, Others have a highly com- considerable distances from the ship, and creates
plicated electronic or electronic-mechanical system. variations in the pressures which normally exist at
From the above, it will be noted that the needle-type various depths in the water. The pressure differential
mechanism operates simply upon the magnitude of becomes more pronounced when the ship is moving in
change in the magnetic field, whereas mechanisms of confined waters, such as rivers, but is still appreciable
the induction type may require both magnitude of in the open sea, even at considerable depth. The
change and rate of change, two or more actuating pressure signature of a ship is a function of its speed
pulses (called looks) of opposite polarity, or other and displacement and the water depth,
special conditions. This feature gives the induction Ocean swells and surface waves also produce pres-
mechanism a distinct practical advantage by allowing sure variations of considerable magnitude; but in a
a wider diversity of selective firing, Induction firing much faster cycle than those of ships, Therefore, to
mechanisms can be used in mines with ferromagnetic avoid premature firing because of wave action, pres-
cases, while needle mechanisms require mine cases of sure firing mechanisms are designed to ignore rapid
nonmagnetic material (usually aluminum). Induc- pressure fluctuations. Pressure firing mechanisms are
tion mines can be made much more sensitive than seldom used alone, but are generally combined with
needle 'mines, other influence firing devices,
2. Acoustic mechanisms, Acoustic disturbances
such as propeller noises, machinery noises, and hull 13A6. Special-purpose mines
vibration invariably accompany the passage of a ship Special-purpose mines are those designed for special
through the water. The output depends upon sev- missions,
eral factors such as size, type, and number of pro- A self-propelled torpedo mine-also called 'a mobile
pellers, type and speed of engines, condition of loading, mine-permits a submarine to lay mines in water too
character of the bottom, and depth of water. A shallow for safe navigation of the submarine. This
ship's acoustic signal is therefore variable, and acoustic mine becomes a bottom influence mine at the end of
mines must be designed in such a way as to prevent its run.
an intense signal from actuating the firing mechanism The delayed-rising mine is used in offensive moored


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Chapter 13-MINES

fields. This mine lies on the bottom, married to its and destroy sweep wires when such wires strike the
anchor, until the mine case is released either by the mooring cable or float.
functioning of a time delay or by a ship-counting Examples of other special-purpose mines are limpet
mechanism. The case then rises to set depth. mines and beach-defense mines. The latter are bot-
Moored antisweep mines are interspersed in moored- tom mines laid in shallow water and designed to ex-
mine fields. Antisweep mines are designed to explode plode on contact with landing craft.

B. Aircraft Mines

1381. Aircraft minelaying marines and Mod 7 from surface craft. As regards
the anchor and the interior arrangement of the case
Almost any aircraft capable of carrying bombs can
assembly, the Mod 9 resembles both of these modifica-
also carry and lay mines. Aircraft, as a matter of
tions. Its differences from-them lie in the parachute
fact, were used extensively for such purposes during
assembly and in the other external provision for air-
World War II, carrying and releasing some mines from
craft planting.
ordinary bomb racks or shackles, and other mines from
Parachute assembly. Two parachute assemblies
cables suspended between a pair of racks or shackles.
are authorized for use with Mine Mark 10 Mod 9.
An aircraft mine may either be free-falling with fin
One of these, Parachute Pack Mark 14 Mod 1, is
stabilization, or may employ a parachute to control the
rate of fall. shown in figure 13Bl. The other, Parachute Pack
Mark 3 Mod 0, is shown in figure 13B2.
As a minelayer, the aircraft has several advantages.
The Mark 3 Mod a pack has a plastic dish that fits
For one thing, planes can lay mines in shallow bodies
the contour .of the end of the mine case, to which it
of water, including rivers, which cannot be penetrated
is bolted. The folded parachute lies inside the dish.
by submarines or the larger surface minelayers. Also,
The cover is made of canvas, with eight sectors or
planes can drop additional mines to replenish a mine
flaps. The risers shown in figure 13B2 attach the
field without encountering the hazard of detonating
parachute and the pack to the release mechanism.
mines previously planted. Mines dropped by para-
The static line keeps the parachute from opening
chute can be released from relatively high altitudes, al-
dangerously close to the planting aircraft. One end
though with some loss of accuracy. On the other
of this line is attached securely to the planting craft.
hand, minelaying operations involving parachutes are
The other end is attached by break cord to the para-
subject to detection by the enemy.
chute. When the mine has fallen the length of the
1382. Typical aircraft-laid mine static line, this line acts to pull the parachute from
the dish. Almost at the same instant, the break cord
Figure 13B1 shows a current aircraft mine. This snaps and frees the 'chute from the static line.
is Mod 9 of the Mark 10 type of magnetic dip-needle Parachute packs of more recent design have been
mme. improved in various details; but they are similar to
Unlike many aircraft-laid mines, the Mark 10 Mod the Mark 3 Mod 0, both in components and in
9 is a moored rather than a bottom type. This fact principles of operation.
explains the presence of an anchor. Release mechanism. The device shown in figure
There are two other current modifications of the 13B3 serves a double purpose. Until the mine enters
Mark 10 magnetic mine. Mod 3 is laid from sub- the water, the release mechanism secures the parachute
to the mine. Upon striking the surface of the water
with great force, the 2 impact plates pull out the re-
lease pins that have been holding the 2 halves of the
release mechanism together. Now flat springs, as-
sembled between the release mechanism and the mine
case, force the 2 halves of the mechanism apart and
let the mine sink free of the parachute.
If the parachute remained with the mine after water
entry, it could foul the mine mechanisms. It might
even roll or drag the mine in such a way as to cause
a premature explosion. (N. B. In order to clarify
the details, the figure shows the mechanism upside
FIGURE 13Bl.-Mine Mark 10 Mod 9. down.)


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FIGURE 13B2,--Parachute Pack Mark 3 Mod 0 with Parachute Mark 3 Mod 2.

Arming wires. Like bombs, aircraft mines are as-

sembled with arming wires as shown in figure 13Bl.
These wires, threaded through the delay devices, keep
these devices in their unarmed condition. The bitter
ends of the wires are attached to the planting aircraft.
Fairings. Some mines are assembled with fairings.
These are attachments designed to improve the stream-
lining of the case and thus make the trajectory easier
to predict. DOT"
To release the mine ready for arming, the bom-
bardier operates his controls to pull the wires from the
mine at the instant of planting. To jettison the mine
in a comparatively safe condition, he lets the wires fall PLATE
with the mine.
A jettisoned mine, however, is.not absolutely safe.
Therefore the area where it was dropped must be noted
with care. As soon as practicable, after a mine has
been jettisoned over a friendly area, trained personnel
are sent to dispose of it. FIGURE 13B3.-Release Mechanism Mark 8 Mod 2.

C. Mine Warfare

13C1. Definitions Types of operations. Minelaying operations are

classified as follows:
Mine warfare is the strategic and tactical employ- 1. Physical position of field-defensive or offensive.
ment of naval mines and mine countermeasures in the 2. Relationship to other military operations-stra-
conduct of war. tegic or tactical.


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Chapter 13-MINES

3. Purpose of field-closure or attrition. ground mines may be used in tactical mining opera-
4. Method of laying-aircraft, submarine, or tions such as preventing pursuit of own forces to a
surface. base, and denying a channel 10 enemy forces operating
Types of fields. Mine fields are defined as follows: tactically' against own forces.
1. Defensive fields are those in waters under friendly
13C2. Command problems
control, where enemy sweeping would be improbable.
These fields are laid by minelayers whose only escort . The importance of offensive mine warfare is rapidly
is an antisubmarine screen or combat air patrol. The increasing. A sudden, massive attack by minelaying
area to be mined is carefully surveyed.' Beach mark- aircraft is considered to be one of the greatest threats
ers may be used as additional aids to navigation. to any maritime power that exists today. So great,
Buoys are sometimes anchored in advance to mark the in fact, that the possibility of such an attack requires
beginning and end of the field, and every effort is made major expenditures of manpower and equipment in
to lay the mines in the exact location designated. conducting countermeasure operations, whether a
Controlled mines, to which reference has been made single mine has been laid or not.
repeatedly in this chapter, are used in some types of Offensive minelaying by surface craft, including
defensive fields. PT boats, has comparatively limited application in
2. Offensive fields are those laid in disputed or enemy-held waters. The utmost secrecy can, of course,
enemy-controlled waters, and may be subdivided into be obtained by laying mines from submarines. How-
two classes: (1) those designed to prevent passage of ever, a submarine cannot replenish the interior of an
enemy vessels (closure mining) and (2) those in which existing mine field without itself being exposed to an
passing of enemy ships is welcomed because they will unacceptable amount of danger. That brings us to
be destroyed (attrition mining) . the use of aircraft. The aircraft naturally leads in its
a. Closure fields are frequently laid around an area ability to lay mines suddenly and in great quantity.
or harbor to prevent passage of enemy vessels. It is, further, the only craft capable of replenishing a
b. Attrition mine fields are laid primarily to destroy large existing field without danger from the field itself.
enemy vessels, not to deny their passage. They Offshore shipping lanes can be mined by bombers and
are laid in ship lanes where enemy traffic has been patrol planes whenever the depth of water is not too
observed. The utmost secrecy is essential. For great. Mining of enemy-held rivers and harbors
this mission, aircraft or submarines are employed. would generally be effected by tactical aircraft under
Strategic versus tactical. Strategic and tactical conditions of low visibility or under cover of diversion-
mining are defined as follows: ary raids.
1. Strategic mining is a mining program, independ-
13C3. Mine countermeasures
ent of other military operations, conducted over an ex-
tended period of time for the purpose of blockading Mine countermeasures include all actions taken pri-
enemy ports and strangling enemy supply systems. The marily to protect own or friendly shipping against
term implies that the program does not have as its ob- mines. Protection is accomplished in two general
jective an immediate attack on any specific enemy ways: (1) by reducing the effectiveness of enemy
force. Strategic mining is a very powerful offensive mines and (2) by clearing areas mined by friendly
weapon when carried out by aircraft or submarines forces, after these areas have served their purpose.
against waterways vulnerable to mine attack. Against The three major types of mine countermeasures are
an island empire, it may be the decisive factor in a
ship treatment, mine hunting, and minesweeping.
military campaign.
We'll consider each of these very briefly.
2. Tactical mining in an engagement is now con-
Ship treatment. Ships are capable of being treated
ceived as a function of aircraft or light, high-speed
minelayers. The use of drifting mines, for turning the to reduce their magnetic and acoustic fields of influ-
enemy battle line, has been outmoded by the increased ence. Such treatment gives them a measure of immu-
speed of the modern battleship. However, tactical nity to mines designed to be actuated by those fields.
use of drifting mines to cover the retirement of a sur- It is possible that eventually hull design will be im-
face raiding or bombardment force is highly proved to reduce pressure signals as well.
practicable. When protection against magnetic mines is men-
Such mines, as well as other types, may be used to tioned, degaussing is the word most likely to come to
prevent the escape of enemy vessels from a base or the mind of the Navy man. The degaussing process
lagoon where such ships are under attack by aircraft is the most effective means of reducing the magnetic
or forced to sortie for any other reason. Moored or influence of a steel ship. This process makes use of


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electric cable installed either (1) in a single large coil Moored contact mines are swept by means of a
surrounding the hull or (2) in a large coil plus a sys- paravane rig, which is an underwater kite towed by
tem of lesser coils. Direct current is sent through each the minesweeper. The sweep cable contacts the mine-
coil in such a direction as to create a magnetic field anchor cable, guiding it into the cutter jaws of the
opposite in polarity to the corresponding component paravane. These jaws cut the mine adrift, allowing
of the ship's magnetic signature. it to rise and be destroyed harmlessly on the surface.
The installation of the de.gaussing system is often Some magnetic mines are capable of being swept
preceded by an electromagnetic process called de- by towing a buoyed electric cable over them. The
perming. This preliminary process reduces the ship's strong magnetic field set up by this cable causes the
inherent magnetism to a value regarded as standard mine to detonate. Since these mines are designed to
for vessels of the given class. After a ship has been function as the peak of the magnetic field passes, they
depermed, mass-production techniques, rather than are not set off by the relatively weak field of the
custom methods, may be used in installing the degauss- minesweeper. Through use of advanced degaussing
ing equipment. systems, and nonmagnetic construction materials, new
An older process called flashing or wiping is similar designs of minesweepers reduce their magnetic fields
to deperming, but is normally applied only to small to a minimum.
vessels that are not intended to be fitted with degauss- Some acoustic mines are swept by creating under-
ing coils. water sounds of proper intensity and quality to actuate
To reduce the danger from acoustic mines, ships are the mine-firing mechanism. Noise makers are of
being designed and treated to eliminate unnecessary various types, some being towed astern by a sweep
cruising noises. wire and others being located in the bow of the mine-
Mine hunting. The methodic detection, location, sweeper to direct the noises ahead of the vessel. New
and neutralization of mines is appropriately called types of engine mountings and other noise-reducing
mine hunting. Some craft and their highly trained devices are at present being applied to minesweepers
personnel specialize in this work. to reduce acoustic disturbances produced by their own
The shipboard devices used in mine detection are propulsion equipment, and thus.improve their ability
called ordnance locators. The sensing component of to sweep acoustic mines with safety.
an ordnance locator is called an ordnance detector. As yet the sweeping of pressure mines and subsonic
The term ordnance detector can also refer, however, acoustic mines has presented great difficulties.
to a small, man-carried ordnance locator in its entirety. Other countermeasures. In addition to the three
Minesweeping. The process of clearing a given major types of countermeasures, various other pro-
region of mines is called minesweeping. Mechanical tective measures may be taken. These include mine
devices, explosive charges, and apparatus for produc- watching, prevention of enemy minelaying action,
ing influence fields may all be needed in the sweeping and the use of long-range detecting and actuating
of a single field. devices.


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Chapter 14


A. Antisubmarine Warfare

14A 1. Introduction nets and booms, and underwater listening and echo
Antisubmarine warfare (ASW) comprises the em- ranging equipment. Fixed installations are usually
ployment of available weapons, resources, and neces- supplemented by surface A/S units capable of attack-
sary tactics against enemy submarines, their operating ing any submarine detected. Air patrols, including
bases, and their supporting activities. The purpose of planes equipped with magnetic airborne detection
ASW is to deprive the enemy of effective use of his (MAD) equipment, are also available to harbor de-
submarines. fense forces.
Operations contributing to accomplishment of this 5. Submarine antisubmarine operations. Subma-
purpose are various in nature and may be either offen- rine-versus-submarine operations are showing increas-
sive or defensive in character. In general, the prin- ing effectiveness, and development in this field is be-
cipal categories of antisubmarine operations are as ing actively prosecuted.
14A2. General
1. Bombing and mining. Destructive bombing (or
bombardment) of enemy submarine pens, bases, build- The importance of antisubmarine warfare cannot be
ing yards, and repair facilities will reduce enemy ca- too highly stressed. Recent advances have been made
pabilities to wage submarine warfare. Mining serves in submarine design and operation, such as greater
the purpose of preventing movement of enemy sub- speed and the ability to stay submerged almost in- -
marines to and from their bases. Such operations definitely. These facts, plus the submarine potential
may be carried out by aircraft or submarines. of any prospective enemy, make it obvious that max-
2. Hunter-killer operations. A hunter-killer group imum effort must be devoted to attain proficiency in
consists characteristically of an aircraft carrier with antisubmarine warfare. Current emphasis in research
radar-equipped antisubmarine planes, sonar-equipped and development-in both equipment and tactics-
antisubmarine helicopters, and a screen of destroyers. and an intensive fleet A/S training program are di-
Aircraft conduct both surface and undersea searches, rected toward this end.
and are capable of rocket, depth bomb, depth charge, It was demonstrated during World War II, and has
and antisubmarine torpedo attacks. When aircraft been further confirmed by operational evaluation since
cannot complete the destruction of the submarine, that time, that the air-surface hunter-killer team is one
they guide surface units to the scene for concentrated of the most effective forces in combating submarines.
attack and reattack. Aircraft have the advantage of searching large areas
3. Escort of convoy. Escort of convoy, or screen- quickly, an important consideration because of in-
ing, is usually conducted by antisubmarine surface creased submerged speeds of modern. submarines.
vessels. Air support may be available at times, and Formerly, aircraft contact with underseas craft was
may include surface search by fixed-wing A/S planes, limited to surfaced or snorkeling submarines. If the
or sonar search by helicopters and airships. submarine submerged before the attack, surface units
4. Harbor defense. Harbor defense comprises were guided to the scene for further operations. It is
_measures for protecting fixed geographical areas by now possible for airborne units to maintain 'contact on
preventing penetration of submarines, small surface submerged targets and to deliver lethal attacks while
craft, or manned torpedoes into these areas. Harbor the submarine is below the surface.
defense measures include using defensive minefields, Airships and helicopters track submarines with

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sonar. The airship tows a sonar transducer which 14A3. Weapons

gives azimuth, or scanning, presentation comparable Since antisubmarine warfare has a high pnority,
to surface ship sonar. As a matter of fact, airship the near future will see in use against submarines
sonar applications are quite similar to those of surface weapons which cannot be described in this volume
vessels, and the airship has the additional advantage because of security classification. In addition to those
of greater search speeds. Antisubmarine helicopters weapons described in preceding chapters, there is a
are equipped with dipping sonar. The helicopter special group of weapons designed especially for use
hovers in the target area, lowering a searchlight-type against submerged submarines. They have common
sonar transducer for careful step-by-step underwater characteristics of sinking or diving from the surface
search. of the water and producing an underwater explosion
Another means of tracking submerged targets from either (1) on contact with the submarine, (2) in
the air is by magnetic airborne detection equipment. proximity to the submarine, or (3) at a preset depth.
MAD operates on the same principles as fixed mag- Depending upon the launching method, such weapons
are grouped as follows:
netic loops that are standard equipment in harbor
1. Throwing weapons, including the hedgehog and
defense detection systems. MAD measures distortion
an antisubmarine rocket called weapon A;
of the earth's magnetic field caused by the presence
2. Torpedoes;
of ferrous metal such as a submarine. 3. Depth charges;
Attack capabilities of both airships and helicopters 4. Depth bombs.
have been increased by recent developments. The In addition to the three classes of active weapons,
helicopter is capable of carrying an antisubmarine this chapter includes a discussion of nets and booms,
torpedo, while the airship may attack by torpedo, described above as one of the passive means for anti-
depth charge, depth bomb, or conventional hedgehogs. submarine (and anti torpedo) defense.

B. Depth Charges
1481. General exact position of the submarine usually is not known.
Consequently, depth charges depend on the percus-
Depth charges are thin-walled containers filled with
sive wave of the explosion for their effectiveness.
a heavy charge of explosive and designed to explode
The effective radius of the percussive wave depends
at a predetermined depth or by the action of an in-
upon the structural strength of the attacked vessel,
fluence fuze.
and no definite values can be stated. Approximate
The older depth charges are cylindrical in shape,
information indicates that a 600-pound charge may
about 28 inches long and 18 inches in diameter. They
cause moderate damage at 80 feet, but to be fatal it
contain 300 pounds of TNT. This type of depth
charge, the Mark 6, is now used largely for training.
An even larger cylindrical depth charge, the obsolete
Mark 7, contained 600 pounds of TNT. The later
types of depth charges, Mark 9 and Mark 14, have a
teardrop shape and a weighted nose, to increase the
sinking rate and improve the underwater trajectory.
They contain about 200 pounds of TNT or of HBX
and have the same over-all dimensions as the 300-
pound cylindrical charge. Representative depth
charges are shown in figure 14Bl.
The depth at which explosion will occur is controlled
in the older type by setting a hydrostatic exploder
mechanism which is graduated to 600 or 1,000 feet (in
different mods). In the newer charges explosion is
initiated by an influence-type firing mechanism.
Neither type of exploder mechanism depends upon
contact with a submarine. It is extremely difficult to
obtain a direct hit with depth charges, because the FIGURE 14BI.-Depth charges.


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must explode within about 30 feet. The 300-pound 1482. Release gear
charge may prove fatal within 20 feet. It is to be
noted that doubling the weight of charge does not One type of track used to drop depth charges from
double the effective radius. the stern of a vessel is illustrated in figure 14B2. Es-
sentially, it consists of inclined rails on which the
Destroyers, destroyer escorts, subchasers, PT boats,
charges rest, with suitable mechanical devices arranged
and other vessels likely to engage submarines, carry
to release one charge at a time. The track shown
depth charges. Generally several charges are released
will hold eight Mark 6 charges. Minor modifications
in rapid succession to form a pattern in depth, width,
make the track suitable for dropping teardrop
and length, and thus increase the probability of de-
charges. .
stroying the submarine. The pattern is obtained by
dropping some charges from release gear on the stern, The charges roll aft by their own weight and rest
and firing others abeam from projectors, with ap- against the after detents. When the release lever is
propriate depth settings made on the depth charges operated, the after detents depress, allowing the first
before launching. The charges are never thrown charge to roll off the track into the water. At the
far from the attacking vessel; hence care must be same time, forward detents (not shown) rise and hold
taken that the ship is making sufficient speed to be the second and following charges steady on the rails.
out of the way of the violent effect produced. The When the track control lever is returned to its original
computation of the speed necessary is considered to be position, the detents move in reverse directions, and
part of the antisubmarine fire control problem, which the second charge rolls down to the dropping position
is discussed in volume 2. against the after detents. The track control unit is



FIGURE 14B2.-Depth-charge release gear.


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connected hydraulically to a control unit on the bridge 1483. Projectors

of the ship by means of which the charges may also
The Depth Charge Projector Mark 6 Mod 1, com-
be released. monly called the K-gun, is illustrated in figure 14B3.
Most depth-charge release tracks bear mark and It is used to launch the 300-pound cylindrical depth
mod designations. Four tracks, however, have letter
charge or the 20b-pound teardrop charge.
designations instead. All four of these tracks are
The K-gun consists of a smooth-bore barrel attached
intended primarily for use on small vessels and motor
boats, although they have been grouped along the sides to an expansion chamber fitted with a breech mecha-
of somewhat larger craft on occasion. All have cable nism. The breech plug is an interrupted-screw type,
pendants for holding the depth charge (or pair of housing a firing mechanism which provides for local
charges) in place. All have built-in local control de- percussion firing by lanyard, or electrical firing con-
vices. Types A and C hold a single; types B trolled from the bridge.
and D are designed to hold two charges. They are The projector is permanently secured to the ship,
dropped by releasing the cables which hold the case in and cannot be. trained or elevated. Variations in
position and letting the charge roll from the track. range are obtained by altering the weight of the im-




FIGURE 14B3.-Projector, ready to fire.


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pulse charges, which are assembled in3-inch cases INDEX POINTER

_-:? •....••
similar to those used for torpedo impulse charges.
Three standard weights of spherohexagonal black-
powder charges are used to obtain ranges of 50, 75,
and 120 yards (Mark 6 depth charge), or 60, 90, and
150 yards (Mark 9 and Mark 14 depth charges).
The depth charge is launched with an arbor (fig.
14B3) attached to it, the action of the propellent gas
being against the base of the arbor. The arbor used
with a cylindrical depth charge remains attached to
the charge after firing, whereas that used with a tear-
drop charge detaches after firing, to permit taking
advantage of the streamlined design.

1484. Depth-charge operation

Mark 6, Mark 7, and Mark 9 charges are similar FIGURE 14B5.-Depth-se~ting index dials.
in functional operation. The general arrangement of
a typical charge is shown in figure 14B4. The princi- the booster is moved against the centering flange. The
pal components are: booster extender, operated by hydrostatic pressure,
1. The main charge and case. The outer shell is pushes the booster against the centering flange when
a sheet-metal case, through which passes a central tube. the charge reaches a depth of between 11 feet and 25
The space between the tube and case is completely feet.
filled with cast TNT or HBX. 3. The detonator and pistol. The detonator is se-
2. The booster and booster extender. The booster cured to the inner end of the pistol, and is supported in
is attached to the booster extender, and is free to move the center of the tube by the centering flange. The
longitudinally in the tube. A central recess in the in- pistol mechanism, when operated by hydrostatic pres-
board end of the booster envelops the detonator when sure, releases a firing pin which strikes the cap 'of the
detonator. Before the charge is launched, the depth
at which the pistol is to operate is set as described in the
next article. Depth settings from 30 to 1,000 feet may
be made.
- __ +--__ BOOSTER
Accidental detonation of the depth charge is pre-
vented (1) by setting the pistol on SAFE, thereby lock-
ing the pistol, and (2) by a safety fork, which pre-
vents the booster from moving inward. The booster
will not detonate unless it partially surrounds the
detonator. An inlet-valve cover protects the water
inlets to the pistol against dirt. It should always be
removed prior to firing, as otherwise it will prevent
the entrance of water after a charge is launched.
Depth settings are made with a special wrench. If
the charge is dropped from a rack, the safety fork and
inlet-valve cover are automatically wiped off by wiping
plates on the rack. The cover must be removed by
hand and the fork by lanyard if the charge is
launched from a projector.

1485. Pistol operation

The construction of a pistol is illustrated in figure

14B6. The firing pin is secured to the firing plunger.
Around the plunger are three holes, each of which con-
tains a lock ball. The release plunger is free to slide
within the firing plunger, and is held by a spring in the
FIGURE 14B4.-Depth charge, sectional view. position shown. The lock balls, held outward by the


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release plunger, rest against the end of the guide-tube

bushing and prevent the firing plunger from moving
toward the detonator.
When water flows through the inlet, it fills the bel-
lows. Water pressure then expands the bellows, push-
ing the piston and piston stem toward the release
plunger. This action compresses the depth spring and
the firing spring. As the movement continues, the
piston stem contacts the release plunger and moves
it toward the firing pin. When the annular recess on
the release plunger has moved under the lock balls,
the latter move inward, releasing the firing plunger
with its attached firing pin, which is driven into the
detonator by the firing spring.
The depth spring is seated in the adjusting bushing,
and is compressed between it and the spring collar as
the bellows expand. The adjusting bushing, threaded
within the depth-setting sleeve and keyed to the piston
stem, is positioned by rotation of the sleeve when the
index plate is turned. The position of the bushing con-
trols the resistance offered by the depth spring to the
expansion of the bellows, and thus determines the
water pressure required to operate the pistol. When
the pistol is set on SAFE, the adjusting bushing is so
close to the spring collar that the piston stem is pre-
vented from moving far enough to release the locking
The 300-foot setting uses the maximum strength of
the depth spring; hence it cannot keep the pistol from
FIRING PIN firing at greater depths. The inlet valve provides the
GUIDE JUBE BUSHING necessary control for depths between 300 and 1,000
feet. The valve ball is held against its seat by the
valve spring. The compression of this spring is set by
rotating the adjusting sleeve.( with the inlet-valve cover
off) . When the valve is set for depths between 0 and
300 feet, it admits water freely as soon as the charge
is submerged. When set for greater depths, the valve
admits no water until the set depth is reached. Then
the pressure of the water opens the valve, and the
water pressure immediately expands the bellows, firing
the detonator. Figure 14B5 shows the two dials.
For depths up to 300 feet, the deep-firing pointer
I DEPTH SPRING on the adjusting sleeve is set at 0 to 300, and the index
pointer on the index plate is set to the required depth.
The dial plate has, opposite each depth mark, a small
DEPTH SmlNG recess to receive the index-pointer plunger, which acts
as a detent to maintain the setting. For depths greater
than 300 feet, the index pointer is set at 100.,and the
depth-firing pointer is set to the required depth.

14B6. Booster-extender operations

A booster-extender mechanism, ready for launching,

is shown in figure 14B6. The operating parts are en-
FIGURE 14B6.-Depth-charge pistol and booster extender. closed within a watertight bellows, which fills with


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water and extends the booster to envelop the detonator

as the depth charge descends.
The booster and the piston are secured to the spindle, PISTOL ---
which is locked in position by the safety fork. When
the safety fork is removed at launching, the bellows,
assembled under slight compression, elongates enough
to open the inlet around the spindle. The spindle
moves inboard until the outboard shoulder of the
annular groove contacts the locking balls held in the BOOSTER
locking slide. The spring prevents further inboard
movement of the locking slide until the water begins
to operate the bellows. SPACER
As water pressure builds up, the locking slide is
gradually drawn inboard by the spindle. When the
charge reaches a depth of between 11 and 25 feet,
the locking balls move outward into the enlarged
recess in the spindle guide and release the spindle.
Water pressure then quickly extends the bellows, plac-
ing the detonator envelope around the detonator, thus
arming the charge.

1487. The Depth Charge Mark 14

The Depth Charge Mark 14 (see fig. 14B7) is a
streamlined missile similar to the Mark 9, but is fitted
with an influence-type firing mechanism. This de-
vice greatly increases the accuracy with which the ex-
plosion may be placed in depth, and eliminates the FIGURE 14B7.-Depth Charge Mark 14.
disturbance caused by explosions of noneffective
charges, which otherwise may interfere with the S011.1-
at about 2,500 feet as a result of leakage or deforma-
tion of the antisubmarine fire control problem.
tion of the case.
The case, like that of the Mark 9, contains a 40- The Pistol Mark 12 acts as a safety device. It is
pound nose weight, and has canted fins which equipped with two hydrostatic arming switches, a
provide stable underwater flight characteristics, and a detonator, and a detonator positioning device. Prior
sinking speed of about 23 feet per second. These to use, the pistol safety latch is kept at SAFE and locked
charges are launched in a conventional manner from
with a safety fork. When the charge is to be used, the
tracks or projectors, but because of the influence fea- safety latch is turned to SERVICE or to the deep arming
ture, they do not have to be set for a depth pattern. position, and the safety fork is removed by lanyard or
The A-4 is an influence firing mechanism, designed by wiping. Water pressure arms the pistol at a depth
to initiate an explosion when the charge is close enough of about 35 feet when set on SERVICE. When the
to a submarine to do serious damage. Delay in its deep-arming safety latch is set to the deep-arming posi-
operation and in the detonator make the minimum tion, it locks the extender mechanism and keeps the
depth at which the charge will fire upon actuation from pistol from arming until some depth between 200 and
a normal signal about 65 feet. It is equipped with an 400 feet is reached.
anticountermining switch which prevents firing for a The deep-arming feature is designed for use in
short period following any other explosion near by. "creeping attacks" against deeply submerged subma-
The mechanism may fire upon reaching the bottom of rines. It prevents premature explosion which might
the ocean or, in very deep water, the charge may fire result in damage to a slowly moving attacking vessel.

C. Depth Bombs
14C1. Description defined as depth charges designed for dropping from
Figure 14Cl shows a current depth bomb, the HBX- Depth bombs were among the major antisubmarine
loaded Mark 54 Mod 1. Depth bombs are sometimes weapons used in World War II. Three methods of


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FIGURE 14Cl.-Aircraft Depth Bomb Mark 54 Mod 1; HBX-loaded.


FIGURE 14C2.-Bomb Fuze AN-Mark 230 Mod 4 (Hydrostatic Tail).

dropping-toss bombing, glide bombing, and low- onate on water entry. In planes that lack selective
altitude release-were employed. arming, only the tail fuze is.used.
A depth bomb has a rather light case. The ex- During World War II, many depth bombs were
plosive filler comprises about 70 percent of the weight fitted with an athwartship hydrostatic fuze. This
of the assembled bomb. To reduce the danger of feature, however, is not present 'in the Depth Bomb
ricochets at small entrance angles, the depth bomb Mark 54 Mod 1 shown in figure 14C1.
has a flat nose. Fuzing arrangements are discussed The tail fuze shown in figure 14C2 allows five
in the next article. choices of depth setting, varying from 25 to 125 feet.
Normally the depth setting is made before take-off,
14C2. Fuzing though it can be made aboard the planting aircraft.
When carried m aircraft with selective armmg, This gives an approximate control over the depth of
depth bombs normally take two fuzes. An impact- the explosion.
type nose fuze with a special flat arming vane is in- 14C3. Damage to target
stalled for use against suitable surface or land targets. Like its close relative the depth charge, a depth
A hydrostatic tail fuze, shown in figure 14C2, is in- bomb is unlikely to hit a submarine directly. Instead,
tended for use against submerged submarines. it gains its effect by creating an underwater pressure
When the tail fuze is dropped armed, the nose fuze wave that may weaken or crush the hull plates of the
must be dropped safe. Otherwise the bomb will det- target.

D. Throwing Weapons
1401. The 7.2-inch rocket thrust against the deck when a pattern is fired; thus
Chapter 11 described the solid-nose 3.5-inch rocket, this weapon is suitable for use on such small craft as
which is used as an airborne antisubmarine weapon. PC's and SC's.
Surface craft may also carry antisubmarine rockets As the rocket head carries a contact fuze, a direct
and rocket-type missiles. hit on the target submarine is required; but, when a di-
The first thrown missile put in service by the Navy rect hit is obtained, even the small charge carried in
was the 7.2-inch rocket and its associated Rocket the rocket head can well be lethal.
Launcher Mark 20, illustrated in figure 14Dl. Two The Mark 20 launcher and its associated rockets
such launchers, mounted on the forecastle of an anti- have been replaced in service on DE's and larger ves-
submarine vessel, can fire a pattern of eight charges. sels by the Mark 10 projector and its 7.2-irich missile.
Since the charge is a true rocket, there is negligible Since, however, the Mark 10 projector is much heavier


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FIGURE 14Dl.-7.2-inch Rocket Launcher Mark 20, loaded and ready for firing.


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fUZE CAP -------------

a tail, fins, and a shroud. (See fig. 14D2.) However,
this missile is not a rocket; the propelling charge is an
impulse charge of smokeless powder. The fuze arms
during flight and is designed to function upon impact
only. The explosive charge consists of 30 pounds of
TNT. The tail is a steel tube, the forward end of
which contains a cartridge case with the propelling
charge of smokeless powder.' The propelling charge
is fired electrically by means of a primer in the base
of the cartridge case. As the missile leaves the pro-
BODY BAlE jector, the cartridge case base falls to the deck.
1403. The 7.2-inch projector Mk10 and Mk 11
'--------- CARTRIDGE
Several different projectors are used with the 7.2-
'-- TAIL TUBE inch charge. In principle, all of them resemble the
Mark 10 (fig. 14D4), which projects a pattern of 24
charges ahead of the attacking vessel. The missiles
are loaded on cylindrical bars called spigots, attached
to cradles which can be swung about a fore-and-aft
FiGURE 14D2.-7.2-inch projector charge.
axis by means of a roll-correction gear assembly
mounted on a "gun-train indicator pedestal. This
than a rocket launcher and the deck thrust incident to movement is limited, but it allows the spigots to train
its use is considerable, the Mark 20 rocket launcher is enough to compensate for roll of the ship and to aid
not considered obsolete for small craft. in leading the target. The spigots are so positioned
that, when fired, the charges describe an elliptical pat-
1402. 7.2-inch projector charge
tern of about 140 by 120 feet.
The projector charge is similar in shape to the 7.2- The base frame of the projector consists of two 18-
inch rocket. I t has a head 7.2jnches in diameter, with
inch channel beams running fore and aft and two
12-inch I-beams athwartship, forming a box. Each
I-beam carries four bearings which support the cradle
assemblies. The four IO-inch cradle beams (fig.
14D5) ride on trunnion assemblies welded at each end.
The trunnions fit into the bearings on the base frame.
The cradles can be tilted on their trunnions about an
axis parallel to the keel of the ship. A connecting bar
tilts all four cradles simultaneously when the roll-
correction gear is operated.
Six spigot sockets are welded to each cradle and hold
the spi.gotson which the charges are loaded for firing.
The wires of the firing circuit pass through holes in the
spigot, as shown in figure 14D3. The ungrounded
side of the firing circuit terminates in a firing pin,
which is contained in the spigot. The grounded return
of the firing circuit is through a spring contact which
touches the inside of the projector-charge tail tube.

14D4. Operation

The projector is loaded by placing the tails of the

missiles over the spigots and sliding them down gently.
FiGURE 14D3.-Section through spigot and tail tube. After the missile is all the way down on the spigot, it


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FIGURE 14D4.-Projector Mark 10.


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rWORf>.\ GE",R SHA,F,T·


BAR --..---01.
FIGURE 14D5.-Gradles.


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FIGURE 14D6.-Loading outboard spigots.

is rotated 360° to ensure good contact between the LO SECOND

firing pin and primer. (See fig. 14D6.)

The charges are fired by means of a ripple switch.
This switch has 12 contacts and, as the switch rotates,
it completes the firing circuit to the missiles by pairs. 200 YOS.

the interval between contacts is about 0.10 second ••••


(0.20 second in some mods). The firing circuits are

200 f.O
so wired that the missiles with the highest trajectories
are fired first and those with the flattest trajectories ,.. 1>.3

last. Thus all the missiles hit the water at approxi- .,. "..
mately the same 'time. The average range is about
200 yards. Variations in powder temperature have ••• 2U

little effect between 30° and 90° Fahrenheit. Figure ' "'0
14D7 shows the nominal trajectory and sinking time
of the 7.2-inch projector charge.
FIGURE 14D7.-Trajectory curve, Mark 10 projector missile.
The Mark 11 projector is very similar to the Mark
10 described above.
14D8) resembles the Mark 10 type described in some
1405. The 7.2-inch ProjectorMark 15
detail in the preceding articles. I t is equipped with
In principle of operation and in general external 24 spigots which accept 7.2-inch charges like those
appearance, the AjS 7.2-inch Projector Mark 15 (fig. already described, and ripple-fires them in a circular


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FIGURE14D8.-Projector Mark 15 Mod O. A. Front view. B. Left rear view.


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FIGURE HE l.-Net defenses as employed at a typical advanced base.

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pattern. However, the cradles on which the spigots elevate in unison. The cradles are housed in a train-
rest are at right angles to the line of fire (the Mark lO's able carriage mounted on a stand on the deck (as con-
are parallel to the line of fire), and can rotate in trasted with Mark 10's fixed-base frame). The ele-
limited arcs of elevation in trunnion bearings. (The vating and training parts are positioned by electro-
Mark 10 projector's spigots cannot move in elevation hydraulic power drives similar to those used on 40-mm
at all.) The cradles are cross-connected so that they quad mounts.

E. Nets and Booms

14E.l. General systems. The net is woven around a top wire rope,
called the [ackstay, and around end and bottom wire
Efforts to block the entrances to harbors against
ropes, called perimeter ropes. The jackstay supports
surface vessels date back to the earliest times. The
the weight of the net, and it is to this that the flotation
appearance of the high-powered, steel-hulled surface
gear is secured.
vessel, the submarine, and the torpedo have made the
present-day problem of protecting ships at anchor in- The net is floated by spherical or barrel-shaped
creasingly difficult. The problem has evolved into one buoys shackled to the jackstay. The moorings are de-
of defense against torpedoes. This defense is accom- signed both to keep the net in position against the
plished in two ways: by preventing the vessel carrying force of tide and current, and to furnish the installa-
the torpedo from approaching within firing range, or tion with the required elasticity. The typical mooring
by stopping the torpedo itself. See figure 14E1. consists of four 6,000-pound stockless anchors, two on
There are five classes of nets and booms, with indi- the seaward and two on the harbor side of the net.
vidual variations within each type. These are: These anchors are laid in tandem at right angles to the
1. Type S net (antisubmarine). net line. Elasticity is provided by slinging heavy iron
2. Type I (Indicator) net (antisubmarine). cubes, called stretcher weights, in the bights of the
3. Type T net (antitorpedo). mooring system. The stretcher weights and ends of
4. Type B boom (antimotorboat). the net are floated as illustrated in figure 14E2.
5. Rigid obstructions.
To protect ships at anchor in a harbor either (1)
the harbor must be blocked off or (2) each ship must
be protected individually. During World War II
merely blocking off the harbor did not, in itself, give
sufficient protection, because of the torpedo-carrying
aircraft. Therefore, valuable ships and floating dry
docks may be surrounded by a variation of the Type
T net called an ISP (Individual Ship Protection) net. \.~;,
14E2. Type S net (antisubmarine)
The purpose of the Type S net is to block submarine
attacks, or, if a submarine does break through, to reveal
its presence to patrol craft. To prevent the passage of
a submarine the net must be constructed of very heavy
material and must have sufficient elasticity to absorb
a sudden heavy strain without breaking. The three
basic elements are:
1. The net, a fabric woven of heavy wire.
2. The flotation, a system of buoys and floats.
3. The moorings, the anchors and their connections.
The standard submarine net is constructed of a
diagonal mesh measuring 8 feet per side, assembled in
lengths, called panels, which measure 300 feet. Nets
are tailored to fit the depth of the water; they must
reach the bottom without fouling on it. Two panels
joined together longitudinally form a section, the lineal
unit used in installing and when referring to large net FIGURE 14E2.-Type S net, showing yield in moorings.

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A harbor entrance net has one detachable panel,

called a gate, which may be swung open by a gate
vessel to allow passage of friendly ships. In deep
entrance channels the gate may be guarded by a sub-
merged bottom net under the entrance. Such a net
is supported by submerged buoys; it effectively seals
the gate against submarines attempting to slip through,
deeply submerged, while the gate is open. Of course
the top of this net must b~ deeper than the draft of
the largest friendly ship which will use the gate.

14E3. Type I (Indicator) net (antisubmarine)

The purpose of this net is to indicate the position

and movements of a submerged submarine. As the
Type S net is extremely heavy and bulky, it requires
heavy equipment to move it, lay it, and tend it. There-
fore a relatively light, compact net, easily shipped to
and installed in distant harbors, is required.
The Type I net is not designed to stop a submarine.
Its strength requirements are that it must be capable
of staying in position in all conditions of wind and
weather, and that any section must hold together
while being towed by a submerged submarine.
The net is woven with a 4-foot diagonal mesh into
panels 210 feet long and 50 feet deep. The net is
not tailored to fit the depth of water, but the panels
are fastened to each other until the net reaches the
bottom. Any excess is secured by brailing and stop- FIGURE 14E3.-Action of indicator net (Type I).
ping, so that it will not foul on the bottom.
The two distinctive features of the Type I net are
burster clevises and the indicator floats. Burster 14E4. Type T net (antitorpedo)
clevises are U-shaped shackles used to connect the The Type T net is used (fig. 14E4) to fence out
mesh of the net to the jackstay. They are designed to torpedoes. It may be laid in any of the following
break at a predetermined stress, thus freeing the net ways:
from the jackstay. Indicator floats are small steel
1. As a continuous barrier across a harbor.
pontoons, each containing a reel with 300 feet of line,
a flotation chamber, and a pot of calcium chloride and 2. In a non-continuous baffle arrangement.
calcium phosphide. When a panel of the net is pulled 3. In individual ship-protection units.
clear of the jackstay, tear-off strips are pulled from the The Type S net must withstand the impact of the
indicator floats; water enters the pots containing the slow-moving large body of a submarine, the kinetic
calcium compounds, and smoke is generated. energy of which is diffused rapidly throughout a large
The operation of the net is illustrated in figure area of the net. A torpedo, however, poses an entirely
14E3. A submarine, attempting to enter the harbor, different problem to the net designer. A torpedo ar-
comes in contact with a panel of the net; when the rives at the net with a high degree of kinetic energy.
stress on the net reaches a certain amount the burster At the critical instant of impact, because of the small
clevises part, freeing the panel from the jackstay;
diameter of the war-head nose and its high velocity,
this panel drapes itself around the bow of the subma-
that total energy of the 300-horsepower torpedo is con-
rine; as the net moves away with the submarine, the
centrated upon one element of the net. If that ele-
indicator floats initially remain attached to the jack-
stay; the tear-off strips are pulled clear and the floats ment fails, the net is defeated.
produce smoke; when the 300 feet of line in the indi- The distinctive feature of the torpedo net is the
cator float is paid out, the floats are pulled clear of grommet. Grommets are rings of steel wire with a
the jackstay and are towed along the surface astern breaking strain of 46 tons. As the net is woven, each
of the submarine. grommet finally is passed through six other grommets


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.FIGURE 14E4.-Type T net defeating a torpedo.

(as shown in fig. 14E5), producing a fabric much An Individual Ship Protection (ISP) net provides
like the chain-mail armor of feudal days. When the an answer for this problem. It is an antitorpedo net
torpedo strikes, the force of its impact is expended in completely surrounding an individual ship. The net
stretching, or elongating, the grommets, each one ren- is held off about 60 feet from the sides of the ship
dering against the adjoining grommets. by special spars and is attached to the anchor chain or
Antitorpedo nets are attached both to the top and to mooring buoy. The main disadvantage of this net is
the bottom of the flotation buoys, in order to protect tactical; that is, it interferes with the ability of a ship
agains surface torpedo runs. . The bottom of the tor-
to get under way rapidly.
pedo net is left free to swing from the jackstay, thereby
adding to its elasticity. 14E5. Type B boom lantimotorboatl
The continuous barrier and the baffle methods of
laying the Type T net are self-explanatory. However, The purpose of the boom is to block passage of motor
neither of these affords protection against torpedo torpedo boats. Such a craft is built with an extremely
attack by plane. light hull, because speed is its principal and virtually
its sole protection. The Type B boom is designed with
this weakness in mind.
The distinctive feature of this boom is the baulk-
a heavy iron-strapped wood-and-metal tank fitted with
eyebolts and links for connecting it to the boom jack-
stays. Two watertight iron tanks occupy the interior
of each baulk and provide flotation. Each baulk is
fitted with four steel spike cutters whose points project
outward from the baulk. The baulksare connected by
upper and lower jackstays; along the upper jackstays,
at intervals of 4 feet, are four-pronged steel star cutters.
While this type of defense has been effective under
favorable conditions, its limitations should be kept in
mind. It is designed only for protection against very
light craft and will not stop steel-hulled boats and
FIGURE 14E5.-Portion of Type T net. heavier landing craft equipped with propeller guards.


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Moreover, the weight and shape of the baulks

creates a definite problem where strong currents are

14E6. Rigid obstructions

It is sometimes necessary to close entrances to har-
bors where the water is too shallow for efficient net
operation. In such cases it is usually more efficient to
employ some kind of rigid obstruction. These may
take one of several forms:
1. Cribs. These are heavy structures built up from
the bottom in the form of boxes of the heaviest timbers
available and ballasted with rock or concrete. Heavy
wire is rigged between them.
2. Concrete blocks. Where time and cost are not
-FIGURE 14E6.-Type B boom (motorboat boorn),
controlling factors, heavy tetrahedronal concrete
blocks have been cast with their bases jointed to form a double line of its specific antidote, will still stop
~ a semibreakwater across the channel. most torpedoes fired into it and, if well patrolled, will
3. Dolphins. Pile dolphins may be used where the leave little chance that a submarine will pass
nature of the bottom and availability of pile-driving undetected. This combination is a compromise, but a
equipment permit. These may be connected with thoroughly practical compromise. Without unlimited
jackstays and star cutters. reserves of material it often constitutes all that can
4. Blockships. The traditional means of closing a be done in a given situation.
harbor is, of course, to sink a ship in the channel. This The double-line Type S net installation provides
is very difficult to do correctly since, to be effective, as nearly complete protection against submarines as
the ship must be sunk on an even keel directly across can be established at the existing stage of net develop-
ment. But a review of actual war experience in
the channel. Provisions should be made for very
this field indicates that, when considered on the basis
rapid, controlled flooding and for venting of trapped
of calculated risk, the expense in materials and trans-
portation capacity is justified only where there is both
14E7. Multiple installations very great risk of determined attack by submarines and
an extremely important prize inviting such attack.
Because of the specialized character of nets and The case against double-line installation applies in
booms no single installation can deal with all of the a lesser degree to torpedo nets. They too, with their
torpedo threats which may develop against an im- flotation and moorings, impose a heavy load upon
portant base or anchorage. Often it is necessary to war-burdened transportation and maintenance fa-
combine different types of barriers, either using one in cilities. Torpedo net is used in greater quantities than
support of another, or joining two or more into a any other type of heavy installation. A practice which
single-line obstruction. would double the mileage of net required would al-
A Type S net, for example, constitutes no very effec- most inevitably entail leaving some naval anchorages
tive obstacle to a torpedo fired through its mesh. And entirely unprotected.
to a motorboat designed to ride over low obstacles a Type SBT net is a combination of submarine and
torpedo net would not be a much more positive barrier torpedo net lines with a motorboat boom (fig. 14E6)
than a motorboat boom would be to a torpedo fired added, the submarine net being installed at the sea-
under it. ward line, using the motorboat baulks for flotation.
Sometimes the only solution is a combination of two It provides protection against three types of attack:
or more types of defense. In practice any or all of submarine, torpedo, and motorboat.
the possible combinations may be used, from simply
doubling a line of one kind of net to combinations 14E8. Gates
of three separate types. Standard Type S moorings Where nets or booms entirely close the entrance to
for a double line will readily carry a Type T net in a port, passage must be provided for friendly vessels
place of the second Type S net. Such a barrier, while while still barring the enemy. This is the function of
not as formidable to either a submarine or a torpedo as the gate. Net and boom gates are simply movable see-


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tions of the barrier so rigged that they may be opened 14E9. Summary of net defenses
to permit the passage of friendly craft. When closed,
In considering the type of net defenses to employ,
such gates will be as strong as or stronger than the
one must give thought to transportation facilities,
other sections of the barrier.
weight of the net and accessories, net-laying and tend-
Gates are classified according to use as main, emer- vessels available, and tactical requirements. Type
gency, and side. All must be so rigged that they may S and Type T nets are very heavy and bulky, and re-
be operated easily and rapidly under all conditions of
quire the use of large laying and tending vessels. The
weather and sea, will be entirely secure when closed,
Type I nets are made in various weights, varying from
and will be controllable by the officers operating the
fairly heavy to extremely light.
port's defenses.
The adage among net personnel states that "a net
They are classified according to design as horizontal
and vertical. The horizontal gate is operated by is no stronger than its patrol." These patrols must
swinging it open, still floated by its buoys, until the keep watch not only for the enemy but also for damage
passage is cleared. The vertical gate is lowered at one to the net by currents, weather, and corrosion. The
end or at both ends until sufficiently submerged to per- most important factor in maintaining effectiveness
mit vessels to pass over it. of any net installation is a continuous and alert patrol.


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Appendix A


The following safety precautions were issued, in accordance with article 0406, Navy Regulations, by
the Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance, 29 October 1948, and approved by the Acting Secretary of the Navy
3 November 1948. In separate publication, they are designated NavOrd Instruction 5100.1; and the con-
tents are the same as the contents of chapter 20, U. S. Navy Safety Precautions, OpNav 34Pl.

I. General safety watch shall keep his assigned area clear and if
unable to do so shall immediately report his unit
1: To avoid danger of casualties, the observance of
fouled, and the controlling station shall promptly stop
the following safety precautions is mandatory. The
the unit until it is again reported clear.
Bureau of Ordnance shall be informed of any cir-
5. In turrets and enclosed mounts, a warning signal
cumstances which conflict with these safety pre-
shall be installed outside the turret or mount; and
cautions or which for any other reason require changes
whenever power train is used, except at general
in or additions to them.
quarters, the officer or petty officer in charge of the
2. When in doubt as to the exact meaning of a
turret or mount shall cause warning signals to be
safety precaution, an interpretation shall be requested
sounded before using power and at intervals during
from the Bureau of Ordnance. Conditions not cov-
its use. ,
ered by these safety precautions may arise which, in
6. Changes, modifications in, or additions to ord-
the opinion of the commanding officer, may render
nance material, or other material used in connection
further operation of the equipment unsafe. Under
therewith, shall not be made without explicit authority
these conditions, nothing in these safety precautions
from the bureaus concerned.
shall be construed as authorizing such further
7. No ammunition or explosive assembly shall be
used in any gun or appliance for which it is not
3. Safety devices provided shall always be used as
designated to prevent possibility of accident, and shall
8. No other than drill ammunition shall be used for
be kept in good order and operative at all times.
All instructions promulgated by competent authority
9. On guns equipped with hydropneumatic counter-
to insure safe operation or handling of equipment shall
recoil systems, the safety link, locking the gun to the
be strictly observed.
slide, shall be connected up at all times except when
4. Whenever any motion of power-driven units is
firing or when testing and overhauling the counter-
capable of inflicting injury on personnel or material
recoil systems or when a battery is in a condition of
not continuously visible to the person controlling such
motion, the officer or petty officer who authorizes the readiness for action.
unit to be moved by power shall, except at general 10. Except in action or when specifically authorized,
quarters, insure that a safety watch is maintained in antiaircraft guns shall not be fired at elevations greater
areas where such injury is possible both outside and than, or fuze settings less than, those prescribed in the
inside the unit, and shall have telephone or other current orders for Gunnery Exercises. When firing
effective voice communication established and main- antiaircraft guns as such, all personnel not required to
tained between the station controlling the unit and the be exposed shall be kept under cover.
safety watch. These precautions are applicable to
turrets, gun mounts, guns, directors, range finders, II. Ammunition Handling and Stowage
searchlights, torpedo tubes, rocket launchers, and
similar units. Under the conditions stated above, the 1. As familiarity with any work, no matter how
station controlling shall obtain a report "all clear" dangerous, is apt to lead to carelessness, all persons
from each safety watch before starting the unit. Each who may supervise or perform work in connection


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with the inspection, care, preparation, use, or handling 11. Magazines shall be kept scrupulously clean and
of ammunition or explosives- _ dry at all times. Nothing shall be stored in maga-
( a) Shall exercise the utmost care that all regu- zines except explosives, containers, and authorized
lations and instructions are rigidly observed. magazine equipment. Particular attention shall be
( b) Shall carefully supervise those under them paid that no oily rags, waste, or other foreign materials
, and frequently warn them of the necessity of using the susceptible to spontaneous combustion are stored in
utmost precaution in the performance of their work. them.
No relaxation of vigilance shall ever be permitted. 12. Naked lights, matchesyor other flame-producing
2. Except in case of emergency, ammunition shall apparatus shall never be taken into magazines or other
not be transferred during fueling operations. spaces used primarily as magazines while these com-
3. All ammunition, explosives, and powder shall be partments contain explosives.
protected from abnormally high temperature. If so 13. Before performing any work which may cause
. exposed, they shall be handled, in accordance with cur- either an abnormally high temperature or an intense
rent instructions of the Bureau of Ordnance. Per- local heat in a magazine or other compartment used
missibie maximum storage temperatures shall be pre- primarily as a magazine, all explosives shall be re-
scribed by the Bureau ?f Ordnance. moved to safe storage until normal conditions have
4. Smokeless powder which has been wet from any been restored. '
cause whatever must be regarded as dangerous for dry 14. Black powder is one of the most dangerous of
storage. Such powder shall be handled in accord- explosives and shall always be kept by itself. Only
ance with current instructions of the Bureau of Ord- such quantities as will meet immediate needs shall be
nance. taken from the magazines. A container of black
5. Smokeless powder which shows unmistakable powder shall never be opened in a magazine nor in the
signs of advanced decomposition shall be disposed of vicinity of a container in which there is any explosive.
in accordance with current instructions of the Bureau 15. Ammunition shall not be altered, nor shall
of Ordnance. fuzes or any other parts be removed or disassembled,
6. To minimize the. risk of fire, explosion, and dam- without explicit instructions from the Bureau of
age to ammunition and its containers from accidental Ordnance.
causes, ammunition shall be handled as little as prac-
ticable. As the action of denting thin-cased high- III. Service of Guns, including Ammunition Supply
explosive ammunition is known to have caused detona- 1. Live ammunition shall be loaded into guns for
tion of the explosive in some instances, special care firing purposes only. Test or inspection of ammuni-
shall be exercised to insure that such ammunition is tion by fitting it into guns is prohibited, except when
never struck, dropped, or bumped. authorized by specific instructions of the Bureau of
7. Def~ctive bomb-type and thin-case ammunition Ordnance.
shall be disposed of in accordance with current in- 2. During firing no other ammunition than that
structions of the Bureau of Ordnance. immediately required shall be permitted to remain
8. A fuzedprojectile, whether in a container or not, outside of the magazine.
if dropped from a height exceeding 5 feet shall be 3. During gunnery exercises, charges in excess of
dumped overboard in a manner conforming with reg- the amount required to be available for one run shall
ulations for dumping ammunition at sea except when not be assembled in the vicinity of guns mounted out-
practicable to turn the projectile in to a Naval Am- side of turrets. No charge for a bag gun shall be re-
munition Depot. Such ammunition shall be handled moved from its tank, nor shall the tops of tanks be re-
with the greatest care. moved or so loosened that the bags may be exposed
9. Care must be used to avoid tapping or otherwise to flame until immediately before the charge is required
striking fuzed projectiles. This precaution is partic- for loading.
ularly applicable to attempts to loosen such a projec- 4. When either cartridges or bag charges are out-
tile in the cartridge case by repeated light blows of a side the magazines, each flame-proof compartment or
mallet, unloading such a projectile wedged in the bore space which forms a stage of the ammunition train,
of a gun, and the striking of a projectile by the recoil including the magazines and gun compartments (in
of a gun or an ejected case. or out of turrets) , shall, wherever practicable, be kept
10. The covers of switches, circuit breakers, etc., closed from all other compartments or spaces except
shall be kept securely closed while powder is exposed when the actual passage of ammunition requires it to
in the vicinity. be open. Where practicable, no flameproof stage


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of the ammunition train shall be open to both the pre- continuous-chain powder hoists, or for hand passing,
ceding and the following stages at the same time. the powder shall not be exposed in the turret chamber,
5. If flame seals be damaged during firing, except nor shall the flame seal, shutter, or flap between the
in action, so that they can not fulfill their purpose, the turret chamber and the next stage in the powder train
gun or guns concerned shall cease firing until the flame be opened or unlocked until the "bore clear" signal is
seals are again effective. given.
6. (a) In a magazine or handling room in which 8. If a powder bag is broken to the extent of allow-
powder is removed from tanks to be sent to the guns ing powder to fall out, the command "Silence" shall
in bags, not more than one charge per gun, for the be given and the loose powder shall be gathered up.
guns being served by that magazine or handling room, If it is impracticable to utilize this section of the charge
shall be exposed by removal from tanks, by removal satisfactorily in loading, it shall be secured in a flame-
of tank tops, or by so loosening the tank tops that the proof container or immersed in water.
bags may be exposed to flame. 9. In turrets not fitted with bulkheads between guns,
(b) In each subsequent flameproof stage of the the "bore clear" signal to the turret crew shall not be
ammunition train, not more than one charge per gun, given until the guns which have been fired and whose
for the guns being supplied through that stage, shall breech plugs have been opened are reported clear, at
be allowed to accumulate. For this purpose, the which time one signal to the entire turret crew shall
spaces or handling rooms at the tops and bottoms of be given.
continuous-chain powder hoists will be considered 10. Care shall be exercised to prevent projectiles
separate stages (whether or not separated from the from slipping back from their seats, as unseated pro-
hoists by flameproof doors, flaps, or shutters) . jectiles may cause abnormally high pressure. In bag
(c) In addition to the above, continuous-chain guns, projectiles shall not be rammed by interposing
powder hoists may be kept filled; or if hand passing is one or more sections of a powder charge between the
used, there may be one bag of powder at the station of head of the rammer and base of the projectile.
each man in the train. 11. The mushroom of every bag gun shall be wiped
(d) It is the intent of this article to permit suffi- after each shot with a sponge or cloth dampened with
cient powder to be exposed to provide an adequate fresh water.
supply for the guns being served. The maximum 12. As soon as a gun is loaded the breech shall be
amount specified above should be exposed only if a closed without delay.
smaller amount will not assure an adequate supply. 13. When priming a lock of the sliding-wedge type,
7. As there is an inflammable gas present in the care shall be taken to insure the primer being pushed
chamber of a gun after firing which, under certain con- in beyond the primer catch to prevent the primer com-
ditions, may constitute a danger by igniting the powder ing out or being crushed by the operation of the wedge
charge which is to be used for the next round, and as in closing.
smoldering remnants of powder bag may also be pres- 14. In loading a bag gun, neither the gun ready light
ent, the following precautions shall always be observed: switch nor the gun firing cut-out switch (which are
(a) Bag guns shall not be loaded until a member combined in some installations) shall be in the closed
of the crew has assured himself that the bore is clear position until the breech is fully closed and all per-
of powder gases and remnants and has announced sonnel are clear of the recoil.
"bore clear" either by voice or by approved signal, such 15. To guard against blowing out primers which
as a hand, whistle, gong, or horn, except that, when may fire at the instant of closure, care shall be taken
the gas-ejector system does not readily clear the bore, whenever the breech of a bag gun with a live primer
the combined sponge and rammer (where provided) in the lock is being closed, that the operating lever is
may be used. The sponge shall be dipped in water followed through during the last part of its travel, to
for each load. prevent any opening of the lock due to rebound.
(b) Until the "bore clear" signal above described 16. The breech plug of a bag gun shall never be un-
is given, or the projectile is rammed home with the locked or opened while there is a live primer in the lock.
wet combined sponge and rammer, powder shall not 17. A firing lock into which a live primer has been
be exposed closer than 4 feet to a gun not mounted inserted shall never be opened, either independently
in a turret. or by operation of the breech mechanism, unless the
(c) In turrets fitted with ammunition cars, the firing circuit is broken externally of the lock or breech
car and the center of an open breach shall not be al- mechanism (for example, at local pointer's key or gun
lowed within 6 feet of one another until the "bore captain's ready switch), except when it is known that
clear" signal has been given. In turrets fitted with the loaded gun has fired. This applies to the firing of


Gene Slover's US Navy Pages Table of Contents


primers at drill, to the operation of loaded guns, and (2) A charge remains in a bag gun, with the
the examination of pnmers. possibility of ignition by an undetected ember from the
18. The limiting position of the breech of the gun previous round.
on recoil shall be indicated and the gun crew shall be ( b) The following procedure shall be followed in
instructed to keep clear. the cases noted above:
19. While a gun is being unloaded, all personnel
not required for the unloading operation shall be kept (1) Keep the gun pointed and trained in a
at a safe distance from the gun. safe direction.
20. Only approved ramming devices and methods (2) Keep the breech mechanism fully closed.
shall be used in loading live cartridges. Any cart- (3) Continue attempts to fire, if desired, re-
ridge which does not freely and fully enter the cham- priming bag guns provided such efforts do not involve
ber of the gun shall be carefully extracted and put any movement tending to open the breech.
aside, and no further attempt shall be made to fire ( c) If the gun is not fired under the above con-
such a cartridge. ditions·
21. In every case gun using primers with a per-
cussion element, except those guns of the sliding-wedge
( 1) Open the firing key and break the firing
type, the breech plug shall not be closed until the plug- circuit elsewhere.
man is assured by actually feeling that the front face
(2) Unhook the firing lanyard, if detachable.
of the plug is free from any projections, such as a
(3) Remove the primer from the lock of a bag
protruding firing pin or fuzed metal, in order to pre-
gun, using the primer tools supplied for this purpose,
vent discharge of the gun when the breech plug is
taking care to avoid danger from recoil or blowback.
swung to but not rotated.
For this purpose, or for shifting primers, do not leave
22. In order to avoid danger from inflammable
the firing lock open longer than necessary.
gases, fired cartridge cases shall, before stowing below,
remain in freely circulating open air for at least 10 (4) Do not open the breech for 30 minutes
minutes. If practicable they should be stored on their ( 10 minutes for field and landing guns on shore) after
bases. the last attempt to fire. This, at the discretion of the
23. Effective measures shall be taken to guard commanding officer, is not obligatory in time of action;
against prematurely opening the breech of a loaded nor is it obligatory or advisable with a hot gun if an
gun, whether or not the gun is fitted with a salvo latch. instruction of the Bureau of Ordnance to prevent a
24. If a gun is loaded at the order "cease firing"- projectile "cook-off" recommends earlier opening of
(a) The ~n shall be kept pointed and trained in the breech when the gun cannot otherwise be cleared
a safe direction. by firing it.
( b) The breech mechanism shall be kept fully (d) The crew shall never leave a loaded gun until
closed. the precautions in (b) and (c) (1) to (3) above have
( c ) The gun shall normally be cleared by firing been carried out.
as soon as practicable. ( e) Ammunition removed from a loaded gun
25. A loaded and fuzed projectile, seated in the shall be disposed of in accordance with current instruc-
bore of a gun that is hot from previous firing, pre- tions of the Bureau of Ordnance.
sents a hazard, since detonation of the projectile is
possible as a result of being heated. Whenever prac- 27. Ships shall cease the firing of any gun whose line
ticable, such projectile should be disposed of promptly of fire is endangering any object other than the desig-
by firing the round. Whether a gun is hot or cold, the nated target. These objects include friendly ships and
risks attendant upon removing a loaded and fuzed aircraft and own ship's structure together with the
projectile seated in the bore, by backing out, are con- mounts and launchers and their barrels, fixed or mov-
sidered unwarranted except in the case of guns for ing. This stipulation applies to objects in the vicinity
which existing instructions specifically prescribe this of the firing point, throughout the trajectory and in
procedure. the vicinity of the target. Turrets, mounts, guns and
26. (a) The possibility of a serious accident due to launchers which are not firing, shall be trained and
opening the breech of a gun too soon in the case of a elevated if manned, or secured if unmanned, in a
hangfire demands the constant exercise of the utmost manner that will provide the greatest amount of safety
prudence and caution. A hangfire must be assumed from the firing. The position of greatest amount of
to exist when: safety of the unmanned mounts will generally be that
( 1) An unsuccessful attempt has been made position which the firing cut-out mechanism cams of
to fire the gun. the firing mounts were cut to clear.

4181170-07--24 351

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IV. Precautions to be Observed in Handling, moved until the ammunition has been loaded in racks,
Fuzing, or Inserting Detonators in Explosive projectors, or launchers and not until after the arming
Ordnance wire or device has been put in place. Bombs, mines,
1. Since it is not always possible to ascertain readily depth charges, rockets, or projector charges not ex-
whether mines, depth charges, rockets, projector pended shall be made "safe" at the first opportunity
charges, and aircraft bombs have been inadvertently in accordance with current instructions for the respec-
armed in storage or handling, all of these types, when tive assemblies. When handling or unarming an ac-
fuzed or assembled with firing mechanisms, shall at all cidentally armed fuze, the prescribed procedure shall
times be handled and treated as if armed, in strict con- be carefully followed.
formity with the instructions for safeguarding against 9. Electric igniters, primers, or detonators, elec-
the inadvertent arming, firing, or launching of such trically fired rocket and guided missile motors, electric
ammunition. or electronic ordnance fuzes, including VT fuzes, shall
2. Certain types of bombs, mines, depth charges, not be stowed in the same compartment with, or be
rockets, and projector charges are normally issued un- exposed within five feet of, any exposed electronic
fuzed. Fuzes shall not be inserted in such ammuni- transmitting apparatus or antenna or antenna lead,
tion (nor in the case of fuzes having separate detona- except where such electronic apparatus or antenna is
tors, shall the detonators be inserted into the fuzes) a part of authorized test equipment of a weapon or is
until just prior to placing in ready stowage, or just integral with a weapon containing such components,
prior to or after loading the ammunition on the racks, in which event special instructions pertinent thereto
launchers, or projectors preparatory to dropping or shall apply.
launching. Such fuzing or inserting of detonators V. Torpedoes, Torpedo Air Flasks, and Accessories
shall not be accomplished in or near a magazine or
ready service stowage, but may be accomplished in 1. Torpedo air flasks shall never be charged to more
handling rooms or spaces specially designated for such than 100 pounds above the prescribed working pres-
purposes by competent authority. In general, fuzing sure. When the prescribed working pressure is for
or inserting of detonators shall be done on individual any reason altered, the new pressure designated shall
rounds isolated from other ammunition insofar as be stamped on the flask near the charging valve.
practicable. 2. The artificial cooling of torpedo air flasks during
3. Fuzes which have been set shall be reset to the or after charging by spraying with water or by flooding
safe position before sending them below. the torpedoes in the tubes is prohibited.
4. Fuzes, firing mechanisms, or primer mechanisms 3. Any cutting of torpedo air flasks, accumulators,
for bombs, depth charges, rockets, projector charges, piping, or other receptacles for compressed air is pro-
demolition outfits, or mines shall. not, except as cov- hibited.
ered by special orders or current instructions of the 4. Torpedo air flasks in a fully charged condition
Bureau of Ordnance, be removed, disassembled, re- shall not be transported, hoisted from one deck to an-
paired, or in any way altered. other, struck below, etc., except when it is not possible
5. Bombs, rocket heads, and projector charges, for to perform the operation efficiently and expeditiously
which fuzes are issued separately, shall not be stowed with the air flasks partially charged.
with those fuzes installed in or near magazines con- 5. In recovering a torpedo in the water the propeller
taining explosives. lock shall be put on at the first opportunity and kept
6. Fuzes issued separately for bombs, rockets, and on until the torpedo is safely landed.
projector charges, which contain integral detonators or 6. Because the filling material used in torpedo torch
other explosive components, shall be stored only in pots ignites spontaneously or forms poisonous gas when
specially designated fuze magazines which shall not combined with water, or subjected to moisture, ex-
be located adjacent to magazines containing high ex- treme care must be taken to follow existing Bureau of
plosives. Ordnance instructions concerning the handling of
7. Detonators which are not assembled integrally torch pots.
with fuzes shall be stored only in standard type detona- 7. The use of electric torpedoes involves hazards of
tor lockers located in approved places. mechanical injuries, electrical shock or burn, acid
8. Fuze-arming wires or devices shall not be re- burns, and hydrogen explosion or combustion. Bu-
moved from the unarmed position until just before reau of Ordnance instructions prescribe effective
releasing or firing. Safety pins or other devices requir- measures to prevent accidents and shall be rigidly
ing removal before flight, or firing, shall not be re- adhered to at all times.

Gene Slover's US Navy Pages Table of Contents


VI. Miscellaneous Ordnance Safety Precautions in regular pyrotechnic storage spaces, if such are pro-
vided, or in pyrotechnic lockers on upper decks. In
1. Current instructions prescribe effective measures
using it, only a minimum amount shall be exposed.
for the safe employment, operation, and service of
5. All personnel shall keep clear of the possible
catapults and their guns. In addition, all safety pre- exhaust path of rockets at all times.
cautions pertaining to guns and ammunition, unless 6. Launcher-firing circuits shall not be tested when
manifestly inapplicable, apply to catapult guns and rockets are in the launchers.
their ammunition. 7. In case of rocket misfire, personnel shall not
2. Smoke-making devices which misfire or have approach the rocket for at least 10 minutes, nor until
been in the water shall not be taken on board ship firing circuits are known to be open. This, at the dis-
or inside buildings or structures on shore. Gas masks cretion of the commanding officer, is not obligatory in
shall be worn when entering concentrated smoke time of action.
clouds. 8. When a misfire occurs in handling demolition
3. All personnel working with chemical ammunition material, an ample margin of time shall be allowed
shall be trained in the fundamentals of handling toxic before investigating the reason of misfire. A period
of 30 minutes after the longest predictable delay has
chemicals and shall be familiar with the instructions
elapsed is considered ample.
pertaining thereto. They shall be equipped with ade-
9. In firing small arms, machine guns, and subma-
quate and effective equipment, including protective
chine guns, whenever a blow-back occurs, the bore shall
clothing and gas masks.
be examined for foul bore before firing another round.
4. Pyrotechnic material shall always be kept by itself


Gene Slover's US Navy Pages Table of Contents


Appendix B


The curves and data reproduced in the following pages are intended for use in
connection with part of the text of chapter 7.


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..:..;: ,-._.- t-- ~
· .. ", r:
--- ~~:.~.-:

For instructions see N. P. G. .Photo

No . .287.20A (opposite page)

Gene Slover's US Navy Pages Table of Contents


N. P. G. Photo No. 28720 A

INSTRUCTIONS for use of N P. G Photo No. 28720 (opposlle page):

A If powder index to be used is NOT listed in Powder Charge Velocity <
Column I: Index Correction Loss »
I Enter curves with present estimated bore o to 4103
enlargement and charge weight as marked 4105 to,4120 0. 15 Ibs +- 21 t/s :::tI
on powder tank (interpolating if necessary) 4122,4123.4331 o
and obtain velocity loss, 4347, 4348
a If powder index to be used IS listed in 5609 to 5616 0 -16 f/s

Column I: 5618 "
I Add the charge correction given in Column II to the charge weight marked on powder
0- z
tonk and obtain corrected charge weight. o
2. Enter the curves with this corrected charge weight (interpolating if necessary) and G)
present estimated bore enlargement and obtain velocity loss due to erosion. c
3. Tothis loss add the loss given in Column or to obtain velocity loss due to both erosion Z
and'charge weight as assembled. rn '
Given Index SPDN 4103 (charge weight marked on tank 14,78 Ibs) and Bore Enlargemenl
0~/90. .
I. Corrected charge weight is 14.78 +. Ib' :: 14. 93 Ibs. r
2. Velocity loss due to erosion is 171 f/s.
3. Total velocity loss is 171 + 21:: 192 f/s,'

U,S. Naval Proving Ground

Dahlgren, Va. Date approved by BuOrd:
December 1944 29 March 1945

Gene Slover's US Navy Pages Table of Contents


f:--:...- . _. N.P.G. PHOTO NO. 28723 -'J"

-- .' ..; !- :::.:! •. I:' :! .. :'71:
....;. -.... ... -- . ,
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Gene Slover's US Navy Pages Table of Contents


N.P.G. Photo No.28723 A

INSTRUCTIONS for use of NP.G.Photo No.28723 (opposite page):

I .II .III »
A If powder index to be used is NOT listed in Powder
Column I:
I Enter curves wifh erosion gauge reading and o to 4103 o
charge weight as marked on powder tank 4105 to 4120 0.15Ibs. ~21 f/s C
(interpolating if necessary) and obtaIn 4122. 4123,4331 Z
velocity loss. 434.~4348 »
B If powder index to be used IS listed in 5609 to 5616 0 #6f/5 n
Column I:
/. Add the charge correction given in Column .JJ.
5618 ;
to the charge weight marked on powder fank and obtain corrected charge weight. C
2. Enter the curves with this corrected charge weight (interpolating if necessary) and G)
erosion gauge reading and obtain velocity loss due to erosion.
3. To this loss add the loss given in Column 10 to obtain velocity loss due to b9th Z
erosion and charge weight as assembled. ::0
Given Index SPDN 4103 (charge weight marked on tank 14. 781bs) and Erosion Gauge
Reading 65.1 ...•.
I. Corrected charge weight is 1418 +.15 z 14.93 Ibs.
2. Velocity loss due to erosion is 17/ f/s.
3. iotal velocity loss is 171 #21 zl921/S

U. S. Naval Proving Ground

Dahlgren, Va. Oat. approved by BuOrd:
December 1944 29 March /945

Gene Slover's US Navy Pages Table of Contents


~~ N.P.G. PHOTO NO. 28718 of:··:·"

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Gene Slover's US Navy Pages Table of Contents

Gene Slover's US Navy Pages Table of Contents
~- ---~-- ~--


Guns and installations, types of 9B2 Control equipment 10AI-I0F2
Mines 13Bl, 13B2 Tests, shipboard, of 10Fl, 10F2
Torpedoes 12Hl-12H3 Weapons 9Al-9Dll
Bag 3B2 BAG
Bomb 3Fl-3F4 Ammunition 3B2
Bomb-type 3A4 And case guns, differences in construction 6B9
Containers 3B6 BALLISTICS IB4
Chemical 3A8 Exterior IB4, 6Cl
Classification of 3A Interior IB4, 6Cl-6C5
5" /54 assembly 8C5 BARRELS, GUN 6Al-6BI0
5" /38 gun 8B2 High-performance; design aspects of 6E2
Fuzes 3El-3E8 BLACK POWDER 2C7
General 3Al-3All BOMBS
Guided missiles 3A6 Ammunition 3Fl-3F4
Gun 3A3 And components 3Fl
Propelling charge 3Bl Armor-piercing 3F3
Handling 7El-7E6,7H8 Classification 3F2
Hoists 5B8, 7G6, 7H7 Depth 3F3, 14Cl-14C3
Primers 3Cl-3C6 Fire and incendiary 3F4
Projectiles 3Dl-3Dll Fragmentation 3F3
Propelling charge 3Bl-3B6 General-purpose 3F3
Pyrotechnic 3A7 Light-case 3F3
Rocket 3A5 BOOMSANDNETS 14El-14E9
Rotating band 3D4 Type B boom (antimotorboat) 14E5
Trench-warfare 3All Hold-down 9D4
Follow-up systems 10DI-I0D5
Train drive,S" /54; Mark 14 10D5 CALIBER, DESIGNATIONOF GUNS BY 5C3
Warfare 14Al-14A3 CASE
Weapons 14Al-14E9 Ammunition 3B5
ARMOR 4Al-4Al1 Containers 3B6
Cast 4All Combination primer 3C2
Class A 4A9 Electric primer 3C2
Class B 4AI0 Percussion primer 3C2
Early ship 4Al CHARGES
Harvey (carburized nickel steel) 4A6 Impulse 3All
Iron 4A2 Shaped 3AI0
Krupp (carburized nickel chrome alloy steel) 4A7, 4A8 CHEMICAL AMMUNITION 3A8
Light 4All CLASS A ARMOR 4A9
Nickel-steel 4A5 CLASS B ARMOR 4AI0


Gene Slover's US Navy Pages Table of Contents



Primer Ammonium picrate 2D3
Case 3C5 Auxiliary 2B8
Lock 3C6 Classification of, according to service use 2B8
COMMANDPROBLEMS,MINE WARFARE 13C2 Introduction, fundamental ideas 2Al
CONTROL EQUIPMENT, AUTOMATIC 10AI-I0F2 Service; propellants 2Cl-2C8
CONTROLLED MINES 13A2 Solid rocket propellants 2C8
3" /50 rapid-fire gun 9D5
20-mm aircraft gun 9B8
DEPTH BOMBS 3F3, 14Cl-14C3
Mark 54 Mod 1 14Cl
8" /55 rapid-fire gun and turret 7H12
6" /47 dual-purpose turret 7G7
Mark 6 14Bl, 14B3, 14B4
Mark 7 14B4
5" /38 gun 8B15
Mark 9 14B1, 14B3, 14B4
Mine 13A5
Mark 14 14B1, 14B3, 14B7
3" /50 rapid-fire gun 9D8
Projector, Mark 6 Mod 1 14B3
Rocket motor I1B3
Auxiliary 3E4
Spin-stabilized rockets I1B2
Base 3E5
Point 3E7
Amplidyne train drive 10D5
Assembly, Mark 39 8Cl-8C7
Assemblies 8Bl-8B29
8"/55 RAPID-FIRE GUN AND TURRET 7Hl-7H13 Twin mount train power drive 10C2-10C6
5" /38 8B23 FUELS, ROCKET lIAS
Turret 7Hl1 FUZES 3El-3E8, nns
ELEVATION SYSTEMS 5B12 Detonating 3E4, 3E5, 3E7
EROSION, BORE SURFACE 6D1-6D5 Operation terminology 3E3
Causes 6D1 Safety, personnel 3E2
Control 6D3 Time 3E6
Effects 6D2 VT or radio proximity 3E8
Measurement 6D5
Accessories 12B~ GAS EJECTOR SYSTEM 8B17
Mark 31, for torpedoes 12B6
Operation 12B8
Characteristics of 2B4 GERMAN LONG-RANGE MI~SILES 11 D3
Initiation of 2B6 GUIDED MISSILES I1D1-11D12
Classification of, by GUN-LOADING EQUIPMENT 7H9
Composition 2B3 GUNNERY
Reaction 2B2 Aviation 9B1
Sensitivity of 2B5 Department aboard ship, function of 1A4


Gene Slover's US Navy Pages Table of Contents


GUN(S) JETs-Continued
Aircraft, and installations; types of 9B2 Ram IlD7
And breech assembly 7Bl-7B4 Thermal IlD7
Barrels 5B2, 6Al-6BI0 Turbo IlD7
Built-up 6B4
Caliber, designation 5C3
Case and bag; differences in construction 6B9
Decrementally hardened 4A8
Combination 6B6
Cylinder; stresses in 6B2 LIGHT-CASE BOMBS 3F3
And maintenance, elements of, 6Bl-6BI0 LOCK COMBINATIONPRIMER 3C2
New developments in, 6El-6E3 Low EXPLOSIVE REACTION 2B2
8/1 /55 rapid-fire, and turret 7Hl-7H13 MARK DESIGNATIONS. See DEPTH BOMBS, DEPTH CHARGES,
5/1 /38 8Bl-8B29 ROCKETS,and TORPEDOES
High-velocity; disadvantages of 6E3 MATERIAL,ORDNANCE
Housing and breech mechanism 7H5 Care of IB8
In service; list 5C4 Knowledge of 1B7
Life of; erosion 6D4 MIGHTY MOUSE(FF AR) ROCKET 11 C2
Power; modern requirements for 6Bl MINE WARFARE 13C1-13C3
Radially expanded 6B5 MINES 13A1-13C3
Simple I-piece 6B7 Aircraft 13B1, 13B2
6/1 /47 7F2,7Gl-7G9 Mark 10 Mod 9 13B2
16/1 /50 7Bl-7B4 Classes 12A2
Steel, properties of 6B3 Controlled 13A2
20-mm aircraft 9Bl-9B20 Firing mechanisms 13A5
GUNS AND MOUNTS Independent (or automatic) 13A2
Definitions, review of 5C2 Magnetic; Mark 10 Mod 3 and Mod 7 13B2
Electrical firing systems 5B5 MISSILES, GUIDED I1DI-I1D12
5/1 /38 8B27
Power rammers and mechanical ammunition feed 5B7
Safety features 5B9 GUNNERY lA2
Sighting and fire-control equipment 5BI0 NET DEFENSES,SUMMARY 14E9
Structural features, common 5Bl NETS, 14E1-14E4, 14E7, 14E9
3/1 /50 rapid fire 9Dl-9Dll Type I (Indicator), antisubmarine 14E3
GYROSCOPE, TORPEDO 12F4 Type S, antisubmarine 14E2
Type T, antitorpedo 14E4
HIGH EXPLOSIVE 6C2 Mark 3 Mod 0 13B2
Reactions 2B2 Mark 14 Mod 1 13B2
8/1 /55 rapid-fire turret 7H13
5/1 /54 8C7
Charge 3All
40-mm twin or quad mount 9C3
Explosives 2B8
6/1 /47 turret 7G3
3/1 /50 rapid-fire twin mount 9Dll
Bags 3B3
Black 2C7
JETS Hoist 7E5, 8B25
Mechanical IlD7 Smokeless 2C2, 2C3, 2C6
Pulse llD7 Tanks 3B4


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MOUNTS 5B7 Mark 20 14Dl
PRIMARY EXPLOSIVE~ 2B2, 2B8, 2D7 Mark 102, 5.0-in. 11B8
PRIMERS Mark 105, 5.0-in. ·11B9
Ammunition 3Cl-3C6 ROCKETS 11AI-11C3
Case combination 3C5 Aircraft 11 er-nC3
Case electric 3C2, 3C4 Suspension and launchings 11 C3
Case percussion 3C2, 3C3 Ammunition 3As
Lock combination 3C6 And rocket principle 11 Al-11 A 7
PROJECTILES Fired from surface craft I1BI-IIBI0
Ammunition 3Dl- 3Dll 5.0-in- spin-stabilized; stowing and assembly of IlB6
Armor-piercing 4B3 Launchers. See above.
Bodies 3D2 Mark 7, 5.0-in. spin-stabilized rocket head and fuzes llB4,
Bourrelet 3D:; IlB6
Classification of 3D6 Mark 8, 5.0-in. spin-stabilized rocket head and fuze IlB5,
Common 4B4 llB6
Conventional 6El Motor; s.O-in. I1B3
Fragmenting 3D8 7.2-in. 14Dl
Hoists 7E2, 8B24 Single-step vs, multiple-step 11 Dl 0
Illuminating 3D9 Solid-fuel; naval uses of 11 A6
Lightweight 6El
Markings 3Dll SAFETY
Nonfragmenting 3D9 Features
Penetrating 3D7 Ammunition hoist 5B8
Proof-shot 3D9 Guns and mounts 5B9
Rocket-assisted 6El Fuze 3E2
Smoke 3D9 Precautions IB9, p. 348
Special-purpose 3D9 Rockets
Steel for 4B2 5.0-in. spin-stabilized; firing I1BI0
Stowage 7El Handling and firing llA7
Subcaliber 6El SALVO LATCH 8B11
Velocity; measurement by chronograph 6D7 SEMIAUTOMATICWEAPONS 8AI-8B29
Depth charge 14B3 SHAPED CHARGES 3AI0
Mark 6 Mod 1 14B3 SIGHTING
7.2-in. missile And fire-control equipment, guns and mounts 5BI0
Mark 10 14Dl, 14D3 Gear, turret 7D3
Mark 11 14D3 SIGHTS
Mark 15 14D5 And sight assembly 8B26
PROPELLANTS 2B8, 2CI-2C8, 6C2 Types 5B11
PYROTECHNIC AMMUNITION 3A7 Dual-purpose gun and turret 7Gl-7G9
RADAR IB5 Triple-gun turrets 7F2
RAMMER MECHANISM 8B19 Breech mechanism 7B2
RAMMING CYCLE 8B20 Firing mechanism 7B3
RDX (CYCLONITE OR HEXOGEN) 2D5 Gas-ejector system 7B4
RECEIVER, 20-MM AIRCRAFT GUN 9B7 Turret train drive 10E3
And slide power equipment 7H6
Assembly 7Cl-7C8
Rear end brackets 7C4
Recoil mechanism 7C5


Gene Slover's US Navy Pages Table of Contents



Shield plates and gun cover 7C8 TRAIN AND ELEVATION SYSTEMS 5B12
Yoke-locking device 7C7 TRAIN DRIVE, 5"/54 AMPLIDYNE; MARK 14 10D5
In 6" /47 dual-purpose gun and turret assemblies 7GS TRAINING GEAR
Characteristics 2C3 5"/38 8B23
Manufacture 2C2 Turret 7D2, 7IIll
Shipboard tests and inspections 2C6 TRAJECTORY AND STABILIZATION,ROCKET llA4
And assembly of S.O-in. spin-stabilized rockets IlB6 Characteristics 2C5
Projectile 7El Manufacture 2C4
Control transformer (CT) 10B3 TURRETS
Amplidyne system 10D2 Armor 7A3
Differential receiver 10B3 8" 155 rapid-fire 7IIl-7II13
Differential transmitter 10B3 Equipped with case guns 7Fl, 7F2
SYNCHROS 10BI-I0B6 Gun-loading equipment 7II9
And servos 10B6 Loading operation 7E6
Dial mechanisms lOBS Rammer 7E4
Sighting gear 7D3
TERMS, DEFINITION lAl, 3Al, 3E3, 4B5, 5C2
16" 150 train drive I OE3
Typical bag-gun; description 7 A4
Automatic control equipment 10F1, 10F2
Ballistic; armor plate, projectiles 4B5
Breechblock 9B8, 9B13-9B16
Dummy-director and error recorder 10F2
Development of 9B3
Smokeless powder 2C6
Functioning 9BS
5" /38 8B27, 8B28
A-end control unit IOC5
Indicator-receiver-regulator 10C6
Train power drive 10C2-10C6
Methods of control 10C3
Aircr.llt 12IIl-12113 Or quad, 40-mm gun 9Cl-9C3
Electrica ily set 1215
3" 150 rapid-fire 9Dl1
Gyroscope 12F4 VALVES
Horning 1216 Check 12C6
Launching methods 12A3 Reducing and control 12C9
Mark 13 12A5, 12II2 Restriction 12C7
Mark 14 12A5, 1212 Starting 12C8
Mark 15 12A5 Stop and charging 12C5
Control systems 12Fl-12F8 VELOCITY LOSS
IIead section 12B1-12B9 Data curves, 5"/38 gun p. 354
Main engine 12El-12E10 Estimation 6D6
Mark 6 exploder mechanism 12B4 VT OR RADIO PROXIMITY FUZE 3E8
Superheating system 12Dl- i2D4
WAR HEADS I1D8, 12B1, 12B3
Tail section 12G1, 12G2
Mark 17 12B3
Mark 16 type 12A5, 1214
Mark 18 type 12A5, 1213
Mark 23 type 12A5, 1212
Antisubmarine 14Al-14E9
Mark 31 exercise head 12B6
Automatic 9Al-9Dll
Self-propelled, or mobile mine 13A6
Naval; list 1B3
Tubes, above-water 12Jl-12J6
Throwing 14Dl-14D5
Mark 14 21-in. 12J3
Marks 23 and 24 21-in. 12J6
Types of, in service 12A5 YORK SAFE & LOCK CO. DRIVE 10E2

365 U. s. GOVERNMENT PRINTING osrtcs. 1957 0--418117

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