Emiliano Report Card

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NurturePlay Peru Child: Emiliano Lazalde Ferreira Birth: 15/08/2017 Criteria : Daily meetings at the park in small groups.

Playing and Exploring Scale: 1 2 3 4 5 Active Learning Scale: 1 2 3 4 5 Creating and Thinking Critically Scale: 1 2 3 4 5
Finding out and exploring 4 Being involved and concentrating 3 Having their own ideas 5
Playing with what they know 5 Keeping trying 4 Making links 4
Being willing to ‘have a go’ 4 Enjoying achieving what they set out to do 5 Choosing ways to do things 4
The child clearly shows signs of discomfort e.g. The posture, facial expression and actions The child has a neutral posture. Facial The child shows obvious signs of satisfaction The child looks happy, cheerful and lively.
crying, sad, angry, frightened. They don't respond indicate that the child does not feel at ease. expression and posture show little or no (as listed under level 5). However, these Actions can be spontaneous and expressive.
to the environment, avoid contact and are However, the signals are less explicit than emotion. There are no signs indicating signals are not constantly present with the The child may talk to themselves, play with
withdrawn. They may behave aggressively, under level 1 or the sense of discomfort is sadness or pleasure, comfort or discomfort. same intensity depending on the situation. sounds, and sing. The child appears relaxed
hurting themselves or others. not expressed the whole time. and is open to the environment. Expressing
selfconfidence and self-assurance.

1 2 3 4 5
Activity at this level can be simple, stereotypic, The child is engaged in an activity but half of The child is busy at an activity but it is at a The child’s activity has intense moments. The child shows continuous and intense
repetitive and passive. The child is absent and the observed period includes moments of routine level and the real signals for This intense level of activity is resumed after activity. In the observed period not all the
displays no energy. There is an absence of non-activity, in which the child is not involvement are missing. There is some interruptions. signals for Involvement need be there, but
cognitive demand. The child characteristically concentrating and is staring into space. progress but energy is lacking and External stimuli such as environmental the essential ones must be present:
may stare into space. N.B. This may be a sign of There may be frequent interruptions in the concentration is at a routine level. noise, do not distract the child away from concentration, creativity, energy and
inner concentration. child’s concentration, but their Involvement The child can be easily distracted if not the activity when fully engaged.. persistence. This intensity must be present
is not enough to return to the activity if the inspired or moved by the routine activity. for almost all the observation period.
activitiy does not interest them.
1 2 3 4 5
Self Awareness Self Regulation Motivation Social Skill Empathy
The ability to recognise and understand moods, The ability to control or redirect disruptive A passion to learn. Pursues ideas with Can manage relationships. Are able to make Sensitive to others. Able to understand the
emotions and drives, as well as their effect on impulses and moods. energy and persistence. Optimism even in friends and can build reports with others. emotional makeup of other people.
others. Self confident and able to carry out Trustworthy. Open to change. the face of failure. A desire to achieve. Persuasiveness. Negotiate the needs of
realistic self-assessment. others. Conflict resolution skills.

Scale: 1 2 3 4 5 Scale: 1 2 3 4 5 Scale: 1 2 3 4 5 Scale: 1 2 3 4 5 Scale: 1 2 3 4 5

Personal Environment Social
How well a person regulates themselves i.e. self control How well a person behaviours towards the environment / property. How well a person regulates themselves with others e.g. peers, authority

Scale: 1 2 3 4 5 Scale: 1 2 3 4 5 Scale: 1 2 3 4 5


Emiliano is a very kind and bright boy with an electric and quick wit about him. His energy level is average to high, depending on the activity he is invovled with at any given time. He does not tire easily and seems to play and work at a
steady pace when his commited or fully obsorbed with something he enjoyes. He does not have any particular limitations, although it takes creative motivation from his peers to get him invovled with writing or drawing.
Emiliano is a very sensitive,smart and active four year boy with a great social understanding of sharing and caring for his family and felllow friends in the group. He displays attributes of leadership and proposes his ideas to the group or
teachers with confidence and ease. Emiliano enjoys reading and takes care of his belongings and that of others His sharp sense of humor makes for incrdedible, funny and intelligent converstation with both adults and other children. It was
a pleasure to grow and learn with Emiliano this year and we wish him all the best on his next learning adventures.

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