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Magn. Reson. Chem. 37, 393–400 (1999)

Application of LC–NMR to the identification of bulk drug

impurities in GART inhibitor AG2034

Barbara C. M. Potts,1 * Kim F. Albizati,1 Mark O’Neil Johnson2 and Joyce Prosser James2
Department of Chemical Development, Agouron Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 3565 General Atomics Court, San Diego, California 92121, USA
Bruker Instruments, 47697 Westinghouse Drive, Fremont, California 94539, USA

Received 5 November 1998; revised 4 January 1999; accepted 5 January 1999

ABSTRACT: Liquid chromatography (LC)–NMR spectroscopy was used to obtain detailed information regarding the
structure of a bulk drug impurity present in glycinamide ribonucleotide transformylase (GART) inhibitor AG2034. The
LC–NMR experiments (1D 1 H and 2D TOCSY) were performed in the stop-flow mode on crude retained impurity-
enriched samples of the synthetic precursor to AG2034. Comparative analysis of the data for the parent compound
with those for the impurity indicated that the impurity was nearly a dimer of the parent, and allowed all major
substructures to be delineated. The structural information derived from both LC–NMR and LC–MS data provided
insights into purification methods, which ultimately led to the full characterization of the impurity by high-resolution
NMR spectroscopy. Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
C NMR; LC–NMR; bulk drug impurity; pyrimidothiazine

INTRODUCTION and may be adopted as a general strategy for BDI identi-

fication. The major impurity present in crude 3 was 4, the
In an ongoing effort to comply with regulatory guide- putative synthetic precursor to 2 (Scheme 1). Thus, the
lines for the identification of bulk drug impurities1 (BDIs), identification of 2 proceeded through the structure eluci-
we are currently exploring the utility of high-performance dation of 4. Although 3 and 4 were chromatographically
liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with NMR spec- resolved by analytical HPLC, both normal- and reversed-
troscopy (LC–NMR).2 – 4 The difficulties associated with phased chromatography on a semi-preparative scale failed
the identification of BDIs stem from the fact that these to provide pure 4 for structure elucidation by traditional
compounds represent low-level components of a mixture. NMR methods. This made crude 3 an excellent candi-
Even when it is possible to isolate the impurity, sufficient date for LC–NMR analysis. The analytical HPLC method
quantities must be generated to allow for positive iden- and relative quantities and HPLC retention times (Rt) for
tification. LC–NMR is well suited to meet the challenge the parent compound 3 [47% (UV area % at 280 nm),
of BDI identification as it rapidly provides detailed struc- Rt D 24.8 min] and 4 [12% (UV area % at 280 nm),
tural information on small quantities of substances which Rt D 29.5 min] were established prior to LC–NMR analy-
can be resolved by analytical HPLC, thereby circumvent- sis (Fig. 1); the only modification to the LC–NMR method
ing purification while providing the requisite sensitivity. was substitution of deuterium oxide for water in the HPLC
We have recently applied this technique to the identifi- method. Crude 3 was injected on to the HPLC column
cation of bulk drug impurities present in manufactured and the mixture was analyzed by LC–NMR in the stop-
lots of AG2034 (1), a potent glycinamide ribonucleotide flow mode. As each compound eluted from the analytical
transformylase (GART) inhibitor currently under clinical HPLC column, it was detected by its UV absorbance and
evaluation for antitumor activity.5 subsequently trapped in the LC–NMR flow cell for NMR
Our studies focused on the identification of 2, the major analysis. 1 H NMR spectra were acquired with double pre-
unidentified impurity in 1. Our goal was to obtain as much saturation of both HOD and acetonitrile resonances. In
information about the bulk drug impurity profile as pos- order to obtain additional structural information on the
sible from LC–NMR and LC–MS methodologies. The BDI, a 2D TOCSY6 was also acquired. These NMR spec-
analyses were performed on retained samples of crude 3, tra, together with LC–MS data, provided unique structural
the synthetic precursor to 1, as these samples were both insights into the BDI in a timely manner.
enriched in impurities and readily available. The use of
impurity-enriched mother liquors or crude reaction prod-
ucts can overcome problems associated with sensitivity RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

LC–NMR and LC–MS analysis

* Correspondence to: B. C. M. Potts, Department of Chemical Deve-
lopment, Agouron Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 3565 General Atomics Court,
San Diego, CA 92121, USA. The 1D 1 H LC–NMR spectrum obtained for 3 [Fig. 2(A)]
E-mail: was consistent with the 1 H NMR data for pure 3 (Table 1).

Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. CCC 0749–1581/99/060393–08 $17.50
394 B. C. M. POTTS ET AL.

Scheme 1

Figure 1. HPLC of crude 3 with UV absorbance monitored at 280 nm showing retention times for 3 and 4 of 24.8 and
29.5 min, respectively.

This spectrum established the chemical shifts of 3 in 4.17, 4.06) and methyl triplets (υ 1.22, 1.17) arising from
the eluent solvent system (acetonitrile–0.1% TFA in the two ethyl esters (C-21, C-22, C-24, C-25); (iii) a
deuterium oxide), allowing a comparative analysis with multiplet at υ 4.51 assigned to the C˛ proton of the ester-
unknown compounds present in the mixture. Key reso- protected glutamic acid residue (C-17); (iv) resonances
nances present in the 1D 1 H LC–NMR spectrum and at υ 3.72 and 3.44 arising from the methylene protons
their assignments (by carbon atom, numbered according of the pyrimidothiazine (C-7); (v) a broad multiplet at
to Scheme 1) include (i) a pair of thiophene doublets υ 3.06 encompassing the thiazine methine proton and the
at υ 6.95, 7.57 (C-12, C-13); (ii) two ethyl quartets (υ methylene protons adjacent to the thiophene ring (C-6 and

Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Magn. Reson. Chem. 37, 393–400 (1999)

Figure 2. 1D 1 H LC–NMR spectra of (A) 3 and (B) 4 acquired at 500 MHz on a 4 mm triple-resonance LC–NMR probe in
the stop-flow mode with double presaturation of the HOD and ACN resonances. These data provided the first indication
that 4 was nearly a dimer of 3.

Table 1. 1 H and 13 C NMR assignments for purified samples of 3 and 4 in DMSO-d6

3, Resonance assignments 4, Resonance assignments and correlations
13 1 13
υ C (ppm) at υ H (ppm) at υ C (ppm) at υ1 H (ppm) at
Atom 75 MHz, 500 MHz Atom 75 MHz, 500 MHz Long-range 1 H– 13 C 1
H– 1 H
No. mult. [mult., J (Hz)] No. mult. [mult., J (Hz)] correlationsa correlationsb
2 159.3 s 2 159.5 s
2a 6.04 (s) 2H 2a 6.19 (br s) 1.5H
[6.05, (br s) 2H]
3 10.08 (s) 3 10.51 (br s) 0.1H
[10.1, 0.6H]
4 152.2 s 4 152.3 s
5a 75.8 s 5a 75.8 s H-3, H-8
6 35.3 d 2.88 (m) 6 35.4 d 2.88c H-8, H-9, H-90 H-7, H-70 , H-9, H-90
7d 47.5 t 3.52 (br d, 12.5) 7d 47.6 t 3.51 (m) H-6, H-8, H-9, H-90 H-6, H-70 , H-8
3.22 (br m) 3.24e H-6, H-7, H-8
8 6.65 (s) 8 6.56 (br s) H-7, H-70
8a 155.8 s 8a 155.9 s
9 33.9 t 1.89 (m) 9 33.9 t 1.89 (m) H-6, H-90 , H-10
1.74 (m) 1.74f H-6, H-9
10 27.1 t 2.96 (m) 2H 10 27.2 t 2.95c H-12g H-9, H-90h
11 149.2 s H-9, H-90 , H-10, H-12,
12 125.6 d 6.89i H-10j , H-13 H-13
13 128.2 d 7.56 (s) H-12 H-12
14 137.2 s H-12k , H-13
15 161.2 s H-13, H-16, H-17, H-170
16 8.51 (br t) H-17, H-170
17 42.8 t 3.45 (m) H-16, H-18 H-16, H-170 , H-18
3.36e H-16, H-17, H-18
18 43.1 d 2.93c H-17, H-170 , H-19, H-17, H-170 , H-19,
H-20, H-200 , H-36 H-190

(continued overleaf )

Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Magn. Reson. Chem. 37, 393–400 (1999)
396 B. C. M. POTTS ET AL.

Table 1. (continued)
3, Resonance assignments 4, Resonance assignments and correlations
13 1 13
υ C (ppm) at υ H (ppm) at υ C (ppm) at υ1 H (ppm) at
Atom 75 MHz, 500 MHz Atom 75 MHz, 500 MHz Long-range 1 H– 13 C 1
H– 1 H
No. mult. [mult., J (Hz)] No. mult. [mult., J (Hz)] correlationsa correlationsb
19 33.4 t 1.94l H-17, H-170 H-18, H-190 , H-20
1.73f H-18h , H-19, H-20
20 26.9 t 3.02c H-22g H-19, H-190 , H-200
2.90c H-20
11 149.5 s 21 150.1 s H-19, H-190 , H-20,
H-200 , H-22, H-23
12 125.5 d 6.92 (d, 2.5) 22 125.5 d 6.88i H-20j , H-200j , H-23 H-23
13 128.9 d 7.69 (d, 3.0) 23 128.9 d 7.67 (d, 3.5) H-22 H-22
14 136.3 s 24 136.3 s H-22k , H-23
15 161.2 s 25 161.4 s H-23, H-26, H-27
16 8.62 (d, 7.5) 26 8.60 (d, 7.5) H-27
17 51.7 d 4.37 (br m) 27 51.8 d 4.36 (br m) H-26, H-28, H-280 , H-29 H-26, H-28, H-280
18 25.7 t 2.07 (m) 28 25.8 t 2.07 (m) H-26, H-27, H-29 H-27, H-28 0 , H-29
1.96 (m) 1.96l H-27, H-28, H-29
19 30.0 t 2.40 (dd, 7.0, 7.5) 2H 29 30.1 t 2.40 (dd, 7.0, 7.5) 2H H-27, H-28, H-280 H-28, H-280
20 172.0 s 30 172.2 s H-28, H-280 , H-29, H-31m
21 59.8 t 4.03 (q, 7.0) 2H 31 60.0 t 4.02n H-32o H-32p
22 13.9 q 1.16 (m) 3H 32q 14.1 q 1.16r H-31s
23 171.5 s 33 171.7 s H-27, H-34
24 60.5 t 4.10 (q, 7.0) 2H 34 60.6tt 4.08n H-35u H-35v
25 13.9 q 1.18 (m) 3H 35q 14.1 q 1.16r H-34w
36 32.5 t 3.26e
37 169.6 s H-36, H-38
38 8.46 (d, 7.0) H-39
39 51.5 d 4.25 (br m) H-38, H-40, H-400 , H-41 H-38, H-40, H-400
40 26.1 t 1.99l H-38, H-39, H-41 H-39, H-400 , H-41
1.83 (m) H-39, H-40, H-41
41 29.8 t 2.35 (dd, 6.5, 7.0) 2H H-39, H-40, H-400 H-40, H-400
42 172.0 s H-40, H-400 , H-41, H-43m
43 60.0 t 4.02n H-44o H-44p
44 14.0 q 1.16r H-43s
45 171.4 s H-39, H-46
46 60.7t t 4.08n H-47u H-47v
47q 14.1 q 1.16r H-46w

Atom numbers (columns 1, 4, 7 and 8) refer to Scheme 1. Chemical shifts are referenced to DMSO (υ 2.49, 1 H; υ 39.5, 13 C). A prime (0 ) denotes the
upfield-shifted proton of a pair of methylene protons. Brackets indicate exchangeable proton chemical shift observed in more concentrated solution.
H multiplicity reported as observed in 1D 1 H NMR. 13 C multiplicity derived from HMQC and DEPT-135 or APT spectra. 1 H resonances in columns
3 and 6 integrate to 1H unless indicated otherewise.
Correlation between proton and the 13 C resonance in column 5.
Correlation to proton resonance in column 6 observed in 2D 1 H– 1 H DQF-COSY.
All resonances denoted by this footnote collectively integrate to 6H.
HMQC signals are broadened suggesting conformational exchange.
Proximity to HOD signal precludes integration in the 1D spectrum.
All resonances denoted by this footnote collectively integrate to 2H.
Cross peak can be assigned to either one or both correlations.
Signal integrates to 2H.
Cross peaks not resolved in the 13 C dimension.
Cross peak can be assigned to either one or both correlations.
All resonances denoted by this footnote collectively integrate to 3H.
Cross peak can be assigned to either one or both correlations.
All resonances denoted by this footnote collectively integrate to 8H.
Cross peak can be assigned to either one or both correlations.
Degeneracy observed in both the 1 H and 13 C dimensions.
All resonances denoted by this footnote collectively integrate to 12H.
Cross peak can be assigned to either one or both correlations.
Assignments are interchangeable.
Cross peak can be assigned to either one or both correlations.

C-10); and (vi) a triplet at υ 2.47 arising from the C pro- UV absorbance and HPLC retention time. The 1D 1 H
tons of the diethyl ester-protected glutamic acid residue LC–NMR spectrum of 4 retained similar features to those
(Et2 GLU; C-19). Although the aliphatic protons of C-9 of 3, but a doubling of resonances was immediately
and C-18 were largely obscured by the acetonitrile sol- apparent [Fig. 2(B)]. In regions of the spectrum which
vent signal and the exchangeable protons could not be could be reliably integrated without concern regarding
observed, all of the major functional groups of 3 could be attenuation from presaturation of solvent signals, the extra
identified by the presence of signals arising from each of resonances were determined to be present in a 1 : 1 ratio
the spin systems outlined above. with those signals common to 3, suggesting that the
Once data acquisition on 3 was complete, LC–NMR spectrum represented a single compound. For example,
data were acquired on 4, which was identified by its two sets of thiophene resonances were clearly present,

Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Magn. Reson. Chem. 37, 393–400 (1999)

and integration of the methyl signals arising from the One Et2 GLU spin system was further identified in the
ethyl esters was consistent with the presence of four TOCSY spectrum via a correlation of the C˛H at υ 4.55
methyl groups instead of two. These data provided the with the C H2 triplet at υ 2.49 (J D 7.9 Hz). The C H2
first indication that the BDI was nearly a dimer of 3. triplet of the second Et2 GLU residue was tentatively
Acquisition of a 2D 1 H– 1 H TOCSY experiment allowed assigned from analysis of the 1D spectrum, which showed
the resonances in the more crowded region of the spectrum a signal of comparable chemical shift, multiplet structure
to be analyzed in greater detail (Fig. 3). The multiplet and intensity (υ 2.40, t, J D 7.9 Hz) to that of its
at υ 3.48 was correlated with a broad doublet at υ 3.78, counterpart at υ 2.49. Although a second C˛H resonance
and both of these protons showed a correlation with a was not detected in the 1D spectrum, a C˛H–C H2
signal at υ 3.12. Although some of the aliphatic signals cross peak was present at ω2 D υ 4.32, ω1 D υ 2.40
were obscured by the solvent acetonitrile signal in the in the TOCSY. Hence the inability to observe the C˛H
1D 1 H LC–NMR spectrum, the 2D TOCSY made it resonance in the 1D spectrum was clearly a result of
possible to identify these resonances. In this manner, attenuation by presaturation of the HOD line at υ 4.36.
a strong cross peak was observed at ω2 D υ 3.12, After careful consideration of the data for both the parent
ω1 D υ 1.85. The chemical shifts of this spin system 3 and the BDI, it was concluded that for each non-
(υ 3.78, 3.48, 3.12, 1.85 [assigned to protons of C-7 (2H), exchangeable proton present in 3, two such protons were
C-6 and C-9, respectively] were compared with those of present in 4.
the LC–NMR spectrum of 3 and found to be consistent In order to gain further structural information, LC–MS
with the substituted pyrimodothiazine, suggesting that this analysis was performed on the crude mixture containing
moiety was also present in 4. A similar spin system the BDI and the parent drug. The parent ion for the BDI
was identified by a pair of coupled spins at υ 3.64, (4) at m/z 980 (MHC ) suggested that 4 was a dimer of 3
3.50 (C-17), which were in turn correlated with a proton minus C2 N3 H3 , which is equivalent to loss of guanidine
at υ 2.98 (C-18), and each of these signals showed a and one additional carbon atom. This interpretation was
weak correlation with a proton at ω1 D υ 1.8 (C-19); consistent with the LC–NMR-derived working hypothesis
these four proton signals were clearly analogous to those that all of the non-exchangeable protons present in 3 were
of the substituted thiazine. Four ethyl esters previously doubled in 4. A fragment ion observed at m/z 777 was
identified by integration of the methyl signals (see above) assigned to loss of an Et2 GLU residue, and an ion at
strongly suggested the presence of two Et2 GLU residues. m/z 642 was consistent with loss of a major fragment

Figure 3. Expanded view of the LC–NMR TOCSY spectrum of 4 highlighting the pyrimidothiazine correlations from H-6
to H-7 and H-70 , the analogous correlations from H-18 to H-17 and H-170 and the two C˛–C H2 correlations arising from
the two Et2 GLU residues. Specific assignment of the 27/29 and 39/41 pair was made by subsequent comparison with the
data for the purified compound (Table 1).

Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Magn. Reson. Chem. 37, 393–400 (1999)
398 B. C. M. POTTS ET AL.

Figure 4. Assignment of key LC–MS/MS fragment ions observed for BDI 4.

containing both the pyrimidothiazine and the substituted 4. In order to provide complete and unequivocal charac-
thiophene moieties (Fig. 4). These data provided further terization of this complex BDI, however, isolation and
confirmation that the major substructural fragments of 3 structure elucidation via high resolution NMR were ulti-
were present in 4. mately required.
The combined LC–NMR and LC–MS data provided
the first structural insights regarding the BDI of inter-
est. The apparent dimerization minus guanidine (and car- Isolation and structure elucidation of purified BDI
bon) was considered together with the synthetic route to
arrive at potential structures for the BDI. Specifically, the The large molecular weight difference between 3 and 4
apparent dimerization minus guanidine suggested that the suggested that size-exclusion chromatography could suc-
BDI might arise from an intermolecular reaction involv- ceed where semi-preparative HPLC had failed to provide
ing intermediate 6 (Scheme 2). During the synthesis pure BDI. As expected, chromatography on Sephadex LH-
of AG2034, 6 undergoes an intramolecular nucleophilic 20 effectively resolved the BDI from the parent 3. The
addition to form 7, which subsequently reactions with final purification was achieved by flash chromatography
guanidine hydrochloride to form the pyrimidothiazine of and, with pure 4 in hand, it was possible to characterize
AG2034. A possible intermolecular side reaction gener- fully the BDI by mass spectrometry and traditional high-
ating intermediate 8, which would give rise to 9, could resolution NMR methods. The resonance assignments for
explain both the dimerization and the incorporation of 4 were made by analysis of 1D 1 H NMR, 2D 1 H– 1 H
only a single guanidine equivalent into the final compound DQF-COSY,7 1D 13 C, APT, 2D 1 H– 13 C HMQC8 and 2D

Scheme 2

Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Magn. Reson. Chem. 37, 393–400 (1999)

H– 13 C HMBC9 data. The process was facilitated by com- and HOD (chemical shift dependent upon the D2 O/ACN
parative analysis with 3, and the 1 H and 13 C assignments ratio over the course of the HPLC gradient), impurity
for pure parent 3 and BDI 4 are summarized in Table 1. peaks were present at υ 3.56 (q), 3.27 (s), and 1.11 (t). The
1D 1 H spectra were acquired using double presaturation
of both the HOD and ACN resonances. The presatura-
Synthetic origin and biological activity of the BDI tion was employed during the 1.8 s relaxation delay. Data
were acquired with a 10 kHz sweep width using 32K
The origin of 4 as outlined in Scheme 2 is proposed on the time-domain points with an acquisition time of 1.64 s. In
basis of the synthetic route to AG2034 (1). Deprotection addition, a TOCSY spectrum was collected for 4 using a
of intermediate 5 to give the free amine 6 sets the stage 10 kHz sweep width, 180 scans per t1 increment and 160
for intramolecular nucleophilic addition to obtain lactam time-domain points in ω1 , with a 1.5 s relaxation delay for
7. However, if 6 undergoes intermolecular addition to the a total experiment time of 13 hs. The spin-lock was gener-
ethyl ester of the substituted thiophene, an intermediate ating using MLEV-1710 and the spin-lock time was 85 ms.
8 is generated which will give rise to 4 upon completion Data were processed using sin2 ./2/ in both dimensions.
of the remaining synthetic steps. In order to verify that
4 represented the precursor to the major impurity present
in bulk AG2034 (1), 4 was hydrolyzed under the reaction Purification of 4
conditions which are used to convert 3 to 1. This gave
Crude 3 (1.26 g) containing 4 was dissolved in 30 ml of methanol
the free acid, 2, which co-eluted with the major impurity and chromatographed on Sephadex LH-20 (5 cm ð 86 cm column, bed
present in bulk 1 on analytical HPLC. The acid impurity volume 1.69 l), eluting with 100% methanol with a flow rate of
2 showed a Ki of 69 nM against the GART enzyme. 0.7 ml min 1 . Fractions were assayed by TLC and analytical HPLC,
and those containing 4 were pooled to obtain 46 mg of crude 4. This
crude material was further purified by flash chromatography on silica
gel (1 cm ð 14 cm), eluting with 92% dichloromethane–8% methanol
CONCLUSIONS followed by 100% methanol to obtain pure 4 (10 mg). High-resolution
fast atom bombardment MS: m/z calculated for C42 H58 N7 O12 S4 (MHC ),
980.3026; found, 980.2973 (MHC ).
LC–NMR and LC–MS provided a window through which
to view BDI 4 prior to performing any purification and
allowed detailed structural information to be obtained in Conversion of 4 to 2
a timely manner. The combined methodologies provided Compound 4 (10 mg) was dissolved in 1 M aqueous NaOH (250 µl) and
key insights into molecular weight, structure and purifi- stirred at room temperature for 20 min. The solution was acidified with
cation methods which ultimately allowed this complex HCl (1.2 equiv.) to precipitate 2, a yellow solid, which was washed with
water. 1 H NMR (500 MHz, DMSO-d6 ):υ 12.41 [br s, 4H (4 ð COOH)],
impurity to be fully characterized through high-resolution 10.17 (br s, 1H), 8.49 (m, 2H), 8.34 (d, 1H), 7.66 (d, 1H), 7.56 (d, 1H),
NMR of the purified compound. 6.88 (m, 2H), 6.71 (br s, 1H), 6.15 (br s, 2H), 4.31 (m, 1H), 4.21 (m,
1H), 3.17–3.58 (m; signal could not be accurately integrated owing to
the presence of HOD), 3.15 (s, 2H), 2.80–3.05 (m, 6H), 2.29 (m, 4H),
2.05 (m, 1H), 1.92 (m, 4H), 1.74 (m, 3H). High-resolution MS: m/z cal-
EXPERIMENTAL culated for C34 H41 N7 O12 S4 (MHC ), 868.1774; found, 868.1738 (MHC ).

High-resolution NMR spectroscopy
LC–NMR was performed on a Bruker Avance 500 MHz
NMR spectrometer coupled to a Bruker LC22 pump Purified 4 (5.4 mg) was dissolved in DMSO-d6 . 1D 1 H,
equipped with a BPSU-12 (Bruker peak sampling unit). C and APT, and 2D gradient 1 H– 13 C HMQC and gradi-
A 4 mm triple-resonance (1 H, 13 C, 15 N) LC–NMR probe ent 1 H– 13 C HMBC spectra were acquired on a Bruker
fitted with triple axis gradients was used. LC–NMR was Avance 500 MHz NMR spectrometer utilizing a 5 mm
performed in the automatic, stop-flow mode. The HPLC triple-resonance probe equipped with triple axis gradients
method was initiated with 90% D2 O containing 0.1% and a 5 mm broadband observe probe with a z-axis gra-
TFA–10% ACN (protonated acetonitrile), held for 10 min, dient. In addition, 1D 1 H and 2D 1 H– 1 H DQF-COSY
followed by a gradient to 60% D2 O containing 0.1% and 1 H– 13 C HMQC were acquired at 25 ° C on a Var-
TFA–40% ACN over 20 min (total run time 30 min), with ian UnityPlus 500 MHz spectrometer utilizing a 5 mm
a flow rate of 0.7 ml min 1 and UV detection at 280 nm. triple-resonance (1 H, 13 C, 15 N) probe equipped with z-
The sample was prepared as follows. A 5 µl aliquot of a axis gradients. Compound 3 (12 mg) was dissolved in
35 mg sample of crude 3 in 120 µl of CD2 Cl2 and 50 µl DMSO-d6 . 1D 1 H and 2D 1 H– 1 H DQF-COSY, gradient
of ACN was diluted to 100 µl of ACN. A 40 µl aliquot 1
H– 13 C HMQC and gradient 1 H– 13 C HMBC spectra were
(400 µg total material) was injected on to a Waters Sym- acquired at 25 ° C on a Varian UnityPlus 500 MHz spec-
metry ODS column (4.6 ð 250 mm). It was estimated that trometer utilizing a 5 mm triple nucleus (1 H, 13 C, 15 N)
ca 300 µg of 3 (ca 575 nmol) and 60 µg of 4 (61 nmol) probe equipped with z-axis gradients. 1D 13 C NMR data
were injected on to the column. NMR data was collected were acquired on a GE QE 300 MHz NMR spectrome-
on the parent compound (3, Rt D 24.8 min) and the BDI ter equipped with a dual (1 H/13 C) probe. A DEPT-135
of interest (4, Rt D 29.5 min). A reference spectrum of the spectrum was acquired on a Bruker Avance 500 MHz
solvent was also collected; in addition to the solvent res- spectrometer utilizing a 5 mm broadband inverse probe
onances ACN (υ 2.08, internal chemical shift reference) equipped with triple axis gradients.

Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Magn. Reson. Chem. 37, 393–400 (1999)
400 B. C. M. POTTS ET AL.

Acknowledgments 2. J. C. Lindon, J. K. Nicholson and I. D. Wilson, Prog. Nucl. Magn.

Reson. Spectrosc. 29, 1 (1996).
3. N. Mistry, I. M. Ismail, M. S. Smith, J. K. Nicholson and J. C. Lin-
We thank Mary Kay Harper and D. John Faulkner for their contribu-
don, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 16, 697 (1997).
tions during the initial purification phase of the project, Kanyin Zhang
4. K. Albert, J. Chromatogr. A 703, 123 (1995).
for performing LC–MS/MS experiments, Steve Margosiak for perform-
5. M. D. Varney, C. L. Palmer, W. H. Romines, T. Boritzki, S. A. Mar-
ing Ki measurements against GART enzyme, Van Martin for helpful
gosiak, R. Almassy, C. A. Janson, C. Bartlett, E. J. Howland and
technical discussions and Nuria Assa-Munt and Xin Jia at The Burn-
R. Ferre, J. Med. Chem. 40, 2502 (1997).
ham Institute NMR facility, where several high-resolution NMR data
6. L. Braunschweiler and R. R. Ernst, J. Magn. Reson. 53, 521
sets were acquired.
7. U. Piantini, O. W. Sorensen, and R. R. Ernst, J. Am. Chem. Soc.
104, 6800 (1982).
REFERENCES 8. L. Muller, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 101, 4481 (1979).
9. A. Bax and M. F. Summers, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 108, 2093
1. Federal Register 61(3), 372 (1996). 10. A. Bax and D. G. Davis, J. Magn. Reson. 65, 355 (1985).

Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Magn. Reson. Chem. 37, 393–400 (1999)

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