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1. How do you feel as a teacher coordinator?

2. What are your most important duties and responsibilities?
3. What are your achievements as a teacher coordinator?
4. What challenges have you encountered as a teacher coordinator?
5. How do you cope with those challenges?
6. What are your insights and lessons gained as a teacher coordinator?

NO. Initial Coding Categories/ Initial


1 Being a teacher coordinator is tiring but doable Feeling

liking the coordinatorship because it is manageable tiring, and
Feeling confident and well-versed in the coordinatorship challenging, but
being handled manageable

Having interest in the coordinatorship

Being confident because of experience prior knowledge

Finding tasks doable if all coordinatorship will not ask for

reports simultaneously

Being able to do the task

Finding the ancillaries too many to handle, yet still


Loving the work because it is computer-related and


Feeling stressed especially when tasks all come at once

Finding it tough when the tasks are already piled and asked
all at once.

Being pressured when reports are to be submitted at the

same time

Finding it as an extra burden when there are urgent reports

Finding it challenging because of having more ancillary

functions than co-teachers
having the feeling of unfairness to have more ancillaries than
her co-teachers

Feeling tired because of the additional work

Finding it hard due to limited time and conflict with other


Finding it hard and challenging because of the many reports

Having mixed emotions about it depending on the gravity or

urgency of tasks

Having mixed feelings depending on the kind of tasks

Having mixed feelings of sadness and fulfillment depending

on the nature of the work

Being happy but pressured due to the gravity of the task

finding it challenging yet fulfilling

feeling honored but worried,

Finding work challenging and time consuming because of

the nine coordinatorship

Finding work hard and challenging, yet interesting

Finding the number of ancillaries overwhelming

Accepting that with a higher position means having more


Having classes to attend to beside the coordinatorship

Finding it challenging to juggle between being a classroom

teacher and a teacher coordinator.

Having to balance time between ancillaries and classroom

teacher responsibilities

finding it difficult to balance the time for teaching and extra


Finding work as a heavy task

Finding the work too much

Finding work as a heavy workload

Finding it challenging to perform specific functions

Having no choice but to love it

Loving the work as a teacher coordinator

Loving the work but willing to share it with others if given a


Learning to appreciate the beauty and importance of the

nature of the work

Loving the work as a teacher including the ancillaries

Loving the work for the learners and the community

considering it as a commitment to the work and community

Feeling overwhelmed with a lot of things to do on top of

being a combination teacher (handling 2 grade levels)

Not being to love it because of its weight

Considering not accepting it if given a chance.

2 Having no choice Having difficulty

refusing or
Having no choice since colleagues would not accept them declining the
Having no choice because name was already listed immediate
Having no choice because of limited workforce request

Having no choice because it is part of the job

Feeling rewarded because of the immediate supervisor’s


Having been appointed by immediate supervisor

Having seen suited for the tasks by the immediate supervisor

Being mandated by the school head

Being chosen by the immediate supervisor based on skills

and capabilities

being given most of the ancillaries because of being the

newest teacher in the school

Having been appointed and informed of the assigned

coordinatorship without prior consultation

Being surprised to see the name on the memo of a certain


Being added to the GC without prior notice

Having been informed directly of the assigned


Having been nominated by other co-teachers.

Being nominated to save others

Being pushed to accept the ancillaries because of co-teachers


Having difficulty refusing or declining the immediate

supervisor’s request

Accepting the ancillary functions because of the Respecting

and trusting the immediate supervisor

Being afraid to refuse since just hired in the service

Having no choice because of the job itself

Feeling grateful for the trust given to her

reminding ourselves that we are trusted by others

3 Seeing it as an opportunity for growth to be updated in one’s Considering it as

profession an opportunity
for personal and
Wanting to learn and improve oneself professional
Finding it helpful for professional growth growth

Accepting the responsibilities because of learning

Being motivated to update one’s knowledge

Honing one’s abilities

Having sense of purpose, recognition and desire for

professional growth

Having to explore and join different activities and contests

Wanting to prove one’s worth to others

Challenging one’s self to prove one’s capabilities

Trusting one’s capabilities

Wanting to prove others of one’s capabilities

Being able to see improvements in their coordinatorship

being able to develop leadership skills

being able to develop leadership skills and self-confidence

Being able to increase and boost self-esteem

Having the chance to explore and learn

Upgrading knowledge and skills

Gaining learning from trainings and seminars

being able to boost one’s confidence when being recognized.

considering ICT Skills and time management skills as


enabling you to overcome shyness

being able to
Seeing the most and truly unfortunate extend help to
ensuring safety of the learners while working on your ancillaries others
Seeing great joy in their faces during the feeding program
Being touched by children who look forward to the next feeding program
being productive as ICT Coordinator since I can help co-teachers
helping and assisting co-teachers and learners
being able to help me prepare lessons and assist my co-teachers
introducing new ideas to indigenous people
Seeing the most and truly unfortunate

ensuring safety of the learners while working on your


Seeing great joy in their faces during the feeding program

Being touched by children who look forward to the next

feeding program

being productive as ICT Coordinator since I can help co-


helping and assisting co-teachers and learners

being able to help me prepare lessons and assist my co-


introducing new ideas to indigenous people

4 being afraid to miss the cut-off and deadlines to avoid being aiming to submit
reprimanded by the school head reports on time to avoid
being reprimanded
making sure not to submit last among other schools

aiming for the school not to be mentioned for having

pending submissions

aiming to submit and beat the deadline without

compromising the school

aiming to be the 1st one to submit but sometimes hindered

by internet connectivity

aiming to submit reports first

aiming to be active and submit needed reports on time

ensuring that the principal will be happy

aiming to submit reports on time

aiming to accomplish all the reports asked and required

Ensuring not to be reprimanded by the school head

Doing job well to prevent top management in providing

negative feedback

Being pressured by the district coordinators

Feeling scared to be blamed

Being afraid to elicit bad impression

Being motivated to make the school head happy that his

subordinates are performing well

aiming to improve the quality of the school programs to be


Being motivated to fulfill duties to beautify and improve the aiming to fulfill
school duties and
Being fulfilled to exercise duties and responsibilities as a responsibilities as
teacher coordinator teacher coordinator

having the school program activity implemented in the

school is already an achievement

having no awards or recognitions received yet

making certificates of our own and the school head will sign

being unable to receive any awards based on coordinatorship

having no credible achievement in the coordinatorship that I

handle being unable to receive
6 any awards based on
Being unable to received recognitions and awards focusing
on coordinatorship

"Having no school or district awarding

Hoping for a school or district awarding"

Thanking myself in behalf of my school head

Being unappreciated by the school head

7 Feeling valued and given importance in the job Feeling appreciated by

others with the job
Feeling appreciated by others performance as teacher
hearing and receiving only “thank you”

Considering “thank you” as an award for working hard and

performing well

Feeling accomplished and fulfilled upon receiving “thank


Being able to receive words of affirmation from the school

head more than material tokens.

receiving praises from the district coordinators and school

head coordinator
being able to receive only spoken praises, nothing more

Being appreciated by co-teachers for being the first one to

submit sometimes or submitting a good report

Loving the work when being recognized

Feeling good if the school is first to submit the report

Being known in the district for working accurately

feeling good to be included in the first 3 to submit reports

8 Being satisfied with one’s job performance despite difficulty Being satisfied with
one’s job performance
Being satisfied with the job performance since able to despite difficulty
accomplish all the reports

Being satisfied with the performance as a teacher

coordinator because of the exerted effort

Giving oneself with ten out of ten because of complying

with everything

Being satisfied with the his job performance as teacher


being satisfied because of loving the works assigned

being satisfied being the ICT coordinator because of being

appreciated with the updated reports
giving oneself with 10 out of 10 because of the effort exerted

Giving oneself with 9/10 rating because of the genuine work


Seeing worth and value for his sleepless nights to complete

and submit reports on time

being grateful to achieve one’s purpose

Rating myself with 8/10 because there is still room for


Believing that there is still much to learn, experience, and


Rating oneself with 7.5 because there are still lapses

rating oneself with 8 because the 2 points will be for recognizing that there is
improvements still still room for
being unsatisfied because there is still room for improvement

rating one’s self with 8 or 7 because of being not so efficient

9 being unable to accomplished some tasks

being not fully satisfied with the performance because there

are still many to learn

rating oneself with 8 of 10 because there are still point for


Being unsatisfied with the performance of the ancillary

functions assigned

Giving oneself with only 6 out 10 since the school was

mentioned several times in the group chat already

being unsatisfied because of the belief of being able to do


10 aiming to finish work with the time frame set managing time properly
between work and
observing time management is highly needed personal life
Mismanaging time

Managing the time properly

Finding ways to balance time between work and family

Managing the time

Having time management to finish work on time

balancing time between ancillary duties and teaching

balancing time between family and work time

Having balance of time

having time management and work-life balance

setting time for work and personal time

finishing tasks some other time if already tired

being motivated to manage time effectively

Prioritizing tasks based on urgency

avoiding overlapping tasks

Being allowed and given time by the school head to finish

and comply with the tasks

being given time by the immediate supervisor to do the work

Getting confused about where to start and how to tackle the


Finding it hard what to prioritize first

Being preoccupied and bombarded with many tasks

Being confused on where or what to start.

liking the LIS coordinatorship because of ample time given

for each task

setting time frame when to do the task

11 being able to carry out duties being able to do and

being able to carry out the tasks required

being able to perform most of the duties and beat the


being able to complete successfully the reports with the help

of co-teachers perform responsibilities

being able to do and perform responsibilities

being able to submit reports on time for that coordinatorship

feeling happy for accomplishing and achieving something

recognizing not being effective and functional in some


being mentioned in the group chat for submitting the reports

late because of internet connection

being usually the last to submit reports being ineffective in some

12 of the coordinatorships
being unable to carry out all the duties but working to the assigned
best of one’s abilities

feeling pressured of the coordinatorship because other

teachers would give most of the task to the ICT Coordinator

doing all the computer-related tasks

Being ready for class the next day though lacking of sleep

Enduring the lack of sleep and energy for the day after Lacking energy to
Lacking energy for the next day engage with the learners

Having less energy in dealing with learners

14 Feeling motivated to work harder being determined to do

more and better next
being motivated to do more and better next school year time
Being motivated to do better

being motivated to work harder and be more effective as

teacher and teacher coordinator
being determined to do more and better next time

being motivated to do better in the reports next time

Feeling motivated to do good reports more

Feeling more eager to perform your ancillary functions

Being motivated with the opportunities and challenges

Being motivated with brilliant co-teachers

Being motivated to do and perform better the ancillary duties


Doing his best as a coordinator even with no extra benefits

Making it a challenge and motivation to do more and better

Being motivated to interact with other people

taking it as a challenge

doing your best in you work

being responsible with your work

being committed to the assigned work

Doing our best in making reports

Working smart rather than working hard

Considering being a teacher coordinator a privilege

Ensuring error-free work

being able to perform more and better now compared to the

time of being new in the service

15 failing to give pupils proper attention Prioritizing the reports

to make and submit over
Giving learners seat works to do while making reports teaching the learners
Being unable to teach the day’s lesson effectively

Having less time and attention given to the pupils

Giving less attention to the pupils.

Falling behind on the learning competencies to be taught

Feeling guilty for failing to teach, since ancillary tasks are

only considered secondary duties.

Prioritizing urgent reports over classroom teaching

having no choice but to leave students with emergency


Giving less attention to the class

Having the teaching performance affected by urgent reports

Having teaching performance affected

ensuring safety of the learners while working on your


Giving learners seatworks during busy days

Sacrificing teaching time to comply with ancillary works

16 Being given extra incentives like allowing to not report in receiving extra
the school to have some rest incentives from the
immediate supervisor
being permitted and allowed to be late in coming to school

Having local agreement between the school head and the

teacher regarding absences depending on the number of days
to be absent especially with regards to the DTR

Being excused from duties in times of emergencies

Having no trouble asking school head’s permission to be late

or absent from duties

asking permission from the principal easily knowing that

you have done your part and responsibilities

feeling relieved to be off from duty easily without having it

reflected in the DTR

seeing it as an advantage to ask immediate supervisor for


Attaching the certificates received in the IPCRF as one of

the MOVs

receiving school-based certificates during Closing Exercises

to be attached in the IPCRF portfolio

receiving certificates of recognition during Graduation


Receiving certificates of recognition (school-based)

Receiving awards and recognitions during Teachers’ Day

Celebration by the school head.

Receiving certificates during Teachers’ Day

Receiving certificates from the principal (school-based only)

receiving certificates during closing exercises

Being able to receive more certificates than fellow teachers Receiving certificates to
be attached in the RPMS
17 Winning and receiving certificates of recognitions in the
Portfolio for Plus
district level
being the 2nd place in Brigada and those certificates given
by our school head during Graduation

receiving award from cluster chairman and as a research


Being given by Cluster Chairman with Most Outstanding

Teacher Award

being qualified and winning some division level contests

Receiving certificates of recognitions from contests

Receiving certificates and recognitions

Receiving incentives such as service credits

Receiving tokens of appreciation

winning some contests makes me more motivated

Feeling deserving of the awards received because of the
effort exerted to work and perform

Being deserving of the awards and recognitions especially

with the experiences and the learning from the seminars and

Being able to submit reports on time, though there are things

Feeling deserving of the
being deserving of the recognitions received because of awards received because
18 working hard of the effort exerted to
work and perform the
feeling deserving of the praises received because of working ancillary functions
hard for it

Feeling deserving of recognitions for sacrificing sleep just to

make and finish reports

Feeling comforted by the received awards/ recognitions

Feeling deserving of the recognitions and awards received

because of taking tasks seriously

Being able to develop friendships with other teachers from

the other schools

Being able to benchmark with other schools especially on

things you don’t understand

Being able to enjoy the extra time after a task/ meeting

Being allowed to attend virtual meetings at home enjoying from benefits

19 accompanied with being
receiving/ enjoying 15 days service credits a teacher coordinator
considering having floating teachers to take over the class to
attend to an urgent report

changing attitudes and behaviors for the better

being given and receiving extra supplies because of the

assigned coordinatorship

20 Finding the work challenging due to unclear instructions Finding the work
challenging due to
Accomplishing reports urgently with unclear instructions

Dealing with unclear instructions for different tasks

unclear instructions
Doing the report all over again because of unclear

Asking help and ideas from co-teachers Asking help from other
Asking help from other people people

Being pressured due to having not enough time to do the

being stressed and
Receiving instructions 1 hour prior before submission time pressured of deadlines

Considering deadlines as one of the challenges

Sleeping late to comply with reports asked

Having sleepless nights working on paper works and reports

for many days

Sleeping late or lacking sleep due to working at night Sleeping late or lacking
sleep due to working at
23 Being unable to sleep/ Lacking sleep to comply with the
night with the reports
Sleeping late to comply with paperwork

Experiencing or having sleepless nights

Enduring lack of sleep and drained energy

24 Experiencing headaches Having one’s physical

and mental health
Going to sleep with a headache affected
Having one’s physical health affected

Affecting mood due to lack of resources

Affecting emotional health already

Making and complying with reports even if you are sick

thinking always of what are needed to comply even though it

means skipping meals and sleeping late

Working still instead of spending time with family

Compromising time with family over work

Spending less time with family

Being not able to attend or spend time with our own


Having problems in my marital relationship with my wife

Having less time with self and family

Having no time for romantic relationship

Having no time for friends

Sacrificing many things Compromising time with

family over work
Having to work beyond school hours

Bringing one’s work at home

Bringing home reports and tasks at home do during


Prioritizing working on some reports instead of relaxing or


Working beyond duty hours

Having to submit urgent report but being away from home or


being able to perform the responsibilities to the point of

sacrificing personal and family aspects

26 Having time to destress Having time to destress

Engaging destressing activities and rewarding one’s self

Watching movies

Going out and spending time with friends

Resorting to stress-eating

Relaxing and doing stress-eating

Diverting stress by doing other chores

Using social media to relieve stress

Going to coffee shops

Drinking alcohol, beer or coffee

Trying to keep one’s self with coffee

Wearing a smile
27 Enjoying while working
enjoying your work

Addressing problems and challenges on my own

Learning to refuse or
28 Learning to say NO decline for one self’s
reminding oneself of your limit

29 Staying at home Giving time for oneself

to rest and relax
Talking to one’s self

Remembering one’s health

having time to relax

having time to rest if already tired

giving time to ourselves

Having “me time” for yourself

taking a break to relax

Learning from others the importance of taking a pause

Taking a break and continuing the task the next day

Applying for leave to rest

Relaxing to avoid stress

Relaxing to avoid cramming

Staying away from stress to avoid panic and cramming

Taking a break to relax and unwind before finishing the task

Affecting relationships with co-teachers Affecting relationships

with co-teachers and
Having ill relationship with co-teachers learners
Receiving late the data or information from co-teachers
30 Having felt the unsupportive attitude of co-teachers

Lacking trust and respect from the pupils

Being hindered by the school head to join and participated in


Having financial problems in terms of school activities having to fund

personally some
31 Buying prepaid load from own pocket
activities to comply with
Buying load from our own pocket for internet connection reports

Making up for the time lost

Making up for the lost time when being busy

Coping with time loss through printing learning materials


Allotting time for family bonding

Making up for the lost
Spending time with the family time when being busy

Allotting time for each task to have time for the family

Developing a schedule system for the family

Allotting time for loved ones

Spending or having time with the family

33 Having 11 coordinatorship having numerous

coordinatorships to
Having 6 coordinatorship handle
Having 6 coordinatorship

Having 8coordinatorship

Having 14 ancillaries

Having 7 ancillaries

Having 10 ancillaries

Having 9 ancillaries

Having 7 ancillaries

Having 6 ancillaries

Feeling happy with the number of ancillaries

Sharing responsibilities due to limited workforce

Working and performing other’s ancillaries Working and

34 Working in behalf of co-teachers’ responsibilities performing other’s
Putting co-teachers’ data by myself just to be able to submit

Feeling good to be able to shout and cry

Sharing emotions and feelings to others Expressing emotions and

feelings through
35 Expressing emotions and feelings
complaining, ranting,
Ranting to express emotions shouting and crying

Crying out for the time lost for the family

Lacking resources

Feeling irritated because of many factors such as internet Lacking resources

connections especially with internet
connection in the
Having no internet service provide in the assigned station assigned school
Having unstable internet connection in the assigned school

37 being the School Based Feeding Program Coordinator recognizing the ancillary
function one is good at
being the LIS and ICT Coordinator

being the BSP, LIS, ICT and Sports Coordinator

being the ICT Coordinator

being the Brigada Eskwela and DRRM Coordinator

being the School Based Feeding Coordinator and ICT


considering the Brigada Coordinator and GPP Coordinator

the most important responsibility

being Brigada Coordinator is the most important duty and


considering the ICT COordinator the most important

because you can help your school head, co-teachers and

being good at as ICT Coordinator

being good at being Purok Coordinator- socializing and

mingling with people in the community

being good at as School ICT and BSP Coordinator for

having good performance on it

Being good as Brigada Eskwela Coordinator

feeling confident about being ICT and LIS Coordinator

being good at finding school partners, dealing parents and

helping school maximize volunteers’ attendance

Making family
Making family understand of the nature of work
38 understand of the nature
Being understood with the nature and needs of the task
of work
Accepting the difficulty and nature of work
considering all aspects of being a coordinator
39 Working for the family Remembering the
reason of working
Being devoted to one’s family, a source of strength

having a mindset of working and performing to be worthy of

the salary

Acting as a leader for the group Taking the lead in the

Taking the lead in the group group

Finding work a bit hard due to the school’s location Having problems due to
Having problems due to school’s location school’s location

Preferring to be a subject teacher Preferring to be a

subject teacher with
ancillary functions over
classroom adviser

Risking my name to risk and facing consequences risking name for any

improvising previous reports to have something to submit improvising previous

44 reports to have
something to submit

preparing and planning things in advance preparing and planning

things in advance

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