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IEEE SA STANDARDS ASSOCIARON IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers IEEE Power and Energy Society Developed by the Power System Relaying and Control Committee IEEE Std C37.91™-2021 (Revision of IEEE Std C37.91-2008) IEEE ISTANDARDS | ae IEEE Std C37.91™-2021 (Revision of IEEE Sti £37.91-2008) IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers Developed by the Power System Relaying and Control Committee of the IEEE Power and Energy Society Approved 25 Maren 2021 IEEE SA Standards Board Abstract: Guidelines for protecting three-phase power transformers of more than 5 MVA rated Capacity and operating at voltages exceeding 10 kV is provided to protection engineers and other readers in tis guide. In some cases, a user may apply the techniques described in this guide for protecting transformars of less than 5 MVA ratings or operating at voltages less than 10 kV. Information to assist protection engineers in properly applying relays and other devices to protect transformers used in transmission and distribution systems is also provided. General philosophy. practical applications, and economic considerations involved in powor transformer protection are discussed, with an emphasis on practical applications. Types of faults in transformers are described. Technical problems with the protection systems, including the behavior of current transformers during system faults, are discussed, as well as associated probloms, such as fault clearing and post trip reenergization, Keywords: current transformer, differential protection, gas accumulator relay, grounding transformer, IEEE C37.91', magnetizing inrush, overcurrent protection, power transformer, regulating transformer, sudden pressure relay, transformer overexcitation, transformer protection, volts-per-hertz protection ‘The ns of Becteal ad Electrics Encneers, he ‘Part Avenue, New York NY #0016-5997, USA, Cony © 2021 by Tho Intute cf Eactitsand Electrics Engnaer. [trig reson Publehod 29.1 202%. Pres re Unod Stats ef metic, IEEE en gute cera US, ate Trcanan Oe, cred Th re Een te Eee Erne atonal Eletics Cade, NEC, and NFPA 70 oro regtered vadomara inthe US. Peter & TradomarkOfiee,ovned by the Natonel Fe Protection Aasosato. Naonal Etec! Safety Cooe and NESC are rapsiered radomaris ard series memo he ste of Eker ar Elan Engneess, incorporated Por: 19D o7o-+soe7sce0 oroatcen Pane ISBN O7e-1€0u76007 — STOPOMEED IEEE prchnts discriaton, harassment rd bly or more rformetion, ist Minimise rains abouusaisootces-20 No part of tis publica may oe aptaiced Wary fa, He escrons earl Sys or thors, weet ie pir witen permission Sri uber 2 Copyright® 2021 IEEE. 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Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any patent rights, and the risk of inftingement of such rights, ely their own responsibility. Further information may be obtained from the IEEE Standards Association, 5 Copyright® 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved IMPORTANT NOTICE IGE Standards do not guarantee or ensure safety, security, health, or environmental protection, or ensure against interference with or from other devices oF networks, TEEE Standards development activities consider research and information presented to the standards development group in developing any safety recommendations. Other information about safety practices, changes in technology or technology implementation, or impact by peripheral systems also may be pertinent to safety considerations during implementation of the standard. Implementers and users of IEEE Standards documents are responsible for determining and complying with all appropriate safety, security, environmental, health, and interference protection practices and all applicable laws and regulations 6 Copyright® 202 IEEE. Al sights reserved Participants At the time this IEEE guide was completed, the Protecting Power Transformers Working Group had the following membership: William E. Engl Stephen P. Conrad, Vice Ciair ‘Abu Bopary Alex Lee LLuborie Sever Michael Bloder Matthew Leyte Michael Thompson Bran Boysen Jeff Long, Nefialy Torres Patrick Caroll Don Lukach Johan van den Bers Randall Crellin Brice Mackie sun Verzoua Brandon Davies Tapan Manna Christopher Walker Paul Elkin Reve Midkene Don Ware Randy Hemitton Chair Patt Guillermo Weyer Meyer Koo Bruce Pickart Charles White Mark Schrocder The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this guide. Balloters may have voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention, William Ackerman Gary Donner James Kinney Chris Ambrose Michael Dood Gary Kobot Jay Anderson Paul Etkin Bais Kogan Abu Bepary, William P. Engiish Axel Kraemer Radeslay Burne Dominick Fontana Sim Kulehisky ‘Thomnas Bares Derek Foster Andrew Kunze Jetirey Basch George Frimpong (Chuang Lam Barry Beaster ean Sebastien Gagnon Alert Livshitz Thomas Beckwith Kamal Ganz Don Lnkach Martin Best Jalal Gohasi ‘Thomas Lundquist Steven Beaver Edwin Goodwin Bruce Mackie’ Wallace Binder Stephen Grier ©. Mati Thomas Bishop Randall Groves Kumar Mani ‘Thomas Blackburn Nathan Gulezynski J. Demis Marlow Thornas Blt Said Hechiot Lee Matthews Williaa Bloethe Randy Hemilton (Onna Mazzoni W. Boetiger John Harley William McBride Bren Boysen Roger Hediting Walter MeCannon Philip Beaumont Jefltey Helzer Gustave tiunello Werner Host2t Demotrio Bucuneg, Je Robert Hocraut ‘Adi Mulanarman William Byrd Geary Hottinan Daniel Mulkey Thomas Calsen Jill Holmes . Murphy Paul Cardinal Philip Hopkinson Ryan Musgrove Suresh Channarasappa Motammad Iman K-R M. Nair Michael Chirico Richard Jackson Kris K, Neild Kurt Clemente John John “Arthur Neubauer Stephen P. Conrad Gerad Fotnson. doe Nims Randall Crllin Laselo Kader James O'Brien John Crouse: Innocent Kamwa Loraine Paden Randall Cunico Joba Kay Mirko Palazzo Jorge Fernandez Daher Goel Kennedy Bans Pats] Rohert Dempsey Sheldon Kennedy Dhirw Patel Alla Derooja Yuri Khersonscy Brian Penny 2 Copyright© 2021 IEEE. Al signts reserved Robert Petigrow Gerald Vaughn Gene Poleto Roger Verdolin Alvaro Portillo deny Smith John Vergis, Moises Ramos Gary Smalin Jun Verzosa [Lakshman Raut Kris Sommersiad Ilia Vole Seott Rood Gary Stoedter Christopher Walker Charles Rowers Paul Sullivan David Wallace Dag Roieman oral Swing Pater Walsh Rodrigo Ronchi David Tepen John Wane Ryancl Ryan Brie Thibodeau Soe Watson Daniel Sauer Michael Thompson Kenneth White Baicn Sayogo Matthew Vacha Philip Winston Stephen Schroeder James Van De Ligt Murty V.V. Yala Robert Seta Alwyn Van Der Walt Jian Yo Nikunj Stal Benton Vandiver Karl Zimmerman Ison Vemmoll, When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this guide on 25 March 2021, it fad the following membership: Gary Hoffman, Chair Jon Walter Rosdabl, Vice Chair John D. Kulick, Past Chair Konstantinos Karachalios, Secreiary Edward A. Addy Howard Li Mehmet Ulerna Doug Edwards Deezhuang Lin Loi Wan Ramy Ahmed Fathy Kevin Lu Keith Waters 1 Travis Gritfith Daleep C. Mebla Karl Weber Thomas Kosby Chenbui Niu Sha Wet Joseph F. Koepringert Damir Novose! Howard Wolfman David J. Law Annette Reilly Daid Zhong Dorothy Stanley Member Emerinss 8 Copyright© 2021 IEEE. Al signts reserved Introduction (as inodtion is ot part of TERE Sid 3791-2021, EEE Guid for Protsing Pons Taio ] This document is a revision of IEEE Std C37.91-2008 and is intended to provide aid in the effective application of relays and other devices for the protection of power transformers. In tis revision, the following notable changes have been made. — Added converter, Scott, and Le Blanc transformers to special-purpose transformers clause, — Added information on negative sequence differential protection — Removed information on topics that are now adequately addressed in other IEEE guides, such as phase-angle regulating transfomers and transformer gas analysis. — Removed outdated annex on transformer failure statistics, — Corrected errors in Annex A related to through fault protection curves and their application, — Updated information on multiple topies throughout the guide. 9. Copyright© 2021 IEEE. Al signts reserved Contents 1. OVErVIEW rnnnnsinnnininnninninninsnnnininnnnnnnnnnn ween ID Lo General cece ' ncn ven ID 1.2 Scope 2 1.3 Word usage: se sn ven ID La Purpose. 1B 1.5 Device numbers B 2. Normative references... 3 3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations ..u.nnnmnsnnnineenninnnnannnonenninennn 1 3.1 Def iiOn§ newness — ar) 3.2 Acronyms and abbreviations 15 4. Philosophy and economic considerations.. Is 5. Types of failures in transformers..ocnn se a veneenne 16 65, Relay currents 0 6.1 General "7 6.2 Minimum internal faults. vo sn Coon 8 6.3 Maximum internal Faults. 1s 64 Performance of CTs. 6.5 Reasons for mismatch... 7. Electrical detection of FaUHS a. cesnnn se snseninmnsnennsnanninnsnsens 22 TA Gen etal cnn nines : ncn rennin 2D 7.2 Fuse protection and self pawered resetiable alt interrupters 3 7.3 Differential protection 28 7.4 Overcurrent relay protection 46 7.5 Ground-fault protection 48 76 Fault detection for special-purpose transformers S4 7.7 Backup and extemal fault protection 64 7.8 Temperature relays 7.9 Miscellaneous relays. 8. Mechanical detection of faults 7 8.1 General nnn ninenennnn . sna ven OF 8.2 Gas accumulator relay 67 8.3 Gas detector relay vo seen OF 8.4 Pressure relays. 6x 9. Thermal detection of abnormallites.....ninminnainininsnsiininnnnmnneninnnnnineennnnnns TL 8.1 General sssnnsnnninninnininsnnnnsnsenn ‘oonmninnnanniseannsnnnnns TH 9.2 Winding hot-spot measurement thermnal relays. 7 9.3 Caleulated thermal model relays... R 9.4 Top-insulating liquid temperature proceetion sniimaenninmneninmernnmeens TA 9.5 Fuses or overcurrent relays, B 9.6 Thermal relays for tank temperature ve en senna TB 9.7 Overexcitation protection RB lo Copyright© 2021 IEEE. Al signts reserved 10, Fault clearing... 10.1 General. 10.2 Relay tipping circuits. 103 Circuit breakers... 10.4 Tripping of remote eireait breakers 10.5 Circuit switcher. 10.6 Fuses — 10.7 Self-powered resetible fault interrupters 11, Posttrip analysis prior to re-enorgizing 12, Gas analysis 13, Special protective schemes... 13.1 General 13.2 Grounding transformer inside the main transformer differential zone 13.3 Unbalanced voltage protection for wye-connected, three-legged core-type transformers 134 Differential protection of single-phase transformers connected in three-phase banks. 14, Other considerations... Anne informe) Application of the transformer hoghfol-uret duration gsi tthe protection of power transformers. sen senna Annex B (normative) Examples of setting transformer protection relays. Annex C (informative) Thermal overload protection ‘Annex D (informative) Phase shift and zero-sequence compensation in differential relays Annex E (informative) Bibliography... LL Copyright© 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved 80 5 8 76 76 76 78 » 79 » 80 8 85 89 vol LT BI 140 IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers 1. Overview 1.1 General ‘This guide is intended to provide protection engineers and other readers with guidelines for protecting three-phase power transformers of more than $ MVA rated capacity and operating at voltages exceeding 10 KV. In some cases, 2 user may apply the techniques described in this guide for protecting transformers of less than 5 MVA ratings or operating at voltages less than 10 KY. 1.2 Scope The scope of this guide includes gencral philosophy. practical applications, and economic considerations involved in power transformer protection, Emphasis is placed on practical applications. General philosophy and ceonomic considerations in protecting transformers are reviewed. Types of faults in transformers are deseribed. Technical problems with the protection systems, including the behavior of current transformers (CTs) during system fauls, are discussed. Associated problems, such as fault clearing and reenergization, are discussed as well 1.3 Word usage The word shall indicates n and from which no deviation is permitted (shall equals is required to). anlatory requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to the standard The word should indicates that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning of excluding others; of that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required (should equals is recommended tha). The word may is used to indicate @ course of action permissible within the limits of the standard (may equals is permitted to) The word must is deposi the word wil is depreoted and cannot be wed when sang mandatory requirements; wil aly used in atement oft. se cannot be ese whan stating mandatory requirement; su! i ted oly to descrip unavoidable BR Copyright© 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers The word can is used for statements of possibility and capability, whether material, physical, or causal (can equals is able to). 1.4 Purpose ‘The purpose of this guide is wo provide protection engineers with information to assist in properly applying relays and other devices t0 protect transformers used in transmission and distribution systems. 4.5 Device numbers The device numbers used in this guide are listed in Table 1. Detailed dofinitions of these devices are given in IEEE Std C37.2 Table 1—Device numbers and device identification Device Device ldentifcation Bi __| Vols perhore (VIN relay 26] Apparstos thermal deviee 46 | Reversephase or phase-halancecverent relay 29 Machine or transformer thermal relay 30 | Trstantancous overourrent clay SON | Instantaneous neutral overcurrent rly sr AC inverse time avereurrent relay 31G__ [AC inverse time ground overeunrent relay SIN [AC inverse time neural oveveurrent relay 32 [AC eursut breaker 0 | Overvoitage relay 0] Voltage or current balance relay 63 | Pressure switch 4 | Ground detseworralay 67] AC directional overeurrent ay {7G [AC irectional groaned overcurent relay 36 | Lockout relay 87__| Differential protvinve elay B7G__| Ground differential protective lay 2. Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (ie. they must be understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this dacument is explained). For dated references. only the edition cited applics. For undated references. the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies. *tnfaomtion on references can be fund in Cause 2 Copyright© 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transtonners IEEE Std C372", IEEE Standard Electrical Power System Device Funetion Numbers, Acronyms, and Contaet Designations? IEEE Std C57.12.00™, IEEE Standard for General Requirements for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulating Transformers. IBEE Std C57.109™, IEEE Guide for Liquid-lmmersed Transformers Through-Fault-Current Duration. 3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations 3.1 Definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause. © differential current: The sum of all currents entering and leaving a section of the eleetrial system; ‘measured with consistent polarity. Also referred to 2s an operating current. See: restraining curr digital relay: A static relay or relay unit in which the designed response is developed by converting the Inputs inco numeric form and manipulating them mathematically or logically. harmonic sharing: A modification of the general harmonic blocking technique for preventing ‘misoperations of a transformer differential relay during inrush; where the magnitude of the harmonic content of the operating currents in all three phases is summed before itis compared in ratio with that of the fundamental current in each phase clement, Operation is blocked if the ratio exceeds a prespecified threshold. microprocessor-based relay: A rvlay in which the designed response is developed by using one or more ‘microprocessors. See: digital relay protective relay: A relay whose function is to detect defective lines or apparatus or other power system conditions of an abnormal or dangerous nature and to initiate appropriate control circuit action, NOTE A protostive ley may be clasified aovording to its operating principle or performance characteristics.” restraining current: A current in a low-impedance differential relay which is derived from all currents of the differential zone to make the differential function more secure when current transformers are saturated due (0 extemal faults. Tis used in conjunction with a percentage differential characteristic 10 desensitize the effect of the differential current and reflects the severity of external faults. See: differential current. restricted earth fault protection: A sensitive ground relay system that is designed to detect ground falls ina well-defined protective zone. “TREE pubicuton are availabe tom The Intute of Flcircal and Electronics Engineers hn /standans ee. or, The TERE sitar oF peed refered to Chuse 2 are trademarks ewred ty The Inte of leiden Elections Engines, Ineoporsted "ELE Stenderde Dictionary Online is avilable of: bip/disionsryisee.onp. An IEEE Account is rquind for asces 10 the tionary, nd ore cen be eened at po charge onthe dctonary sgn-n pegs. ‘Notas in tod ble, and figures of «sander ae given for iormatan nly end donot contain euirennds sesded to ineplemont ‘his sande lb Copyright® 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers me-limited cross-blocking: A restraint in a differential relaying application based on blocking of tripping of all three phases when the operating current of any ene phase has sufficient harmonic content for blocking during inrush. Adjacent phase blocking is rernoved after a predetermined time delay. 3.2 Acronyms and abbreviations ac cr de DETC aic HsGs KCL MoD oLte REF RTD SPR Vine wri alternating current current transformer direct current de-energized tap changer ‘geomagnetic induced currents high-speed ground switch Kirchhof"s Current Law motor-operated disconnect ‘on-load tap changer restricted earth fault root-mean-square resistance temperature detector Suckien-Pressure Relay volts per hertz ‘winging ternperature indicator 4, Philosophy and economic considerations Protective relays are applied to elements of a power system forthe following reasons, zmong others: In protecting some system elements, particularly high: To isolate the faulted equipment from the remainder of the system so that the system can continue to function properly, To limit damage to the faulted equipment. ‘To minimize the possibility offre. To minimize hazards to personnel ‘To minimize the risk of damage to adjacent apparatus, ‘To prevent damage due to abnormal operating conditions. joltage transmission lines, high speed is often critical for preserving the integrity of the system; limiting damage to equipment sometimes becomes a secondary benefit. With transformers, however, the excessive cost of repair or replacement, as well as the poxsibiliy of a violent failure or fire involving adjacent equipment, may make limiting the damage a major objective. Because sensitive, high-speed protection systems can reduce damage and consequently reduce repair cost, the protection aspects of relays are important considerations when protecting transformers, particularly those of larger sizes, 1s Copyright© 2021 IEEE. Al signts reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers Faults internal to the transformer quite offen involve only a few tums, While the currents in the shorted tums are largo in magnitude, the changes of the currents at the terminals of the transformer aro low compared (0 the rating. of the transformer, This indicates a need for protection systems that have high sonsitivity and high speed. There is no one siandard way to protect all transformers, or even identical transformers that are applied differently. Most installations require individual engineering analysis to determine the best and most cost effective scheme. Usually more than one scheme is teehnically feasible, and the alternatives offer varying degrees of sensitivity, speed, and selectivity. reasonable plan balances the best combination of these faciors against the overall economics of the situation while minimizing the following factors: —_ Costof pairing damage = Cox of ost production — Adverse effoets on the balanee ofthe system — Spread of damage o adjacent equipment = Duration of unavailbilty ofthe damaged equipment In protecting transformers, backup protection is an important consideration. The failure of a relay or eincuit breaker during a fault may cause such extensive damage to the transformer that its repair may not remain a practical altemative. When a fault in the transformer protection zone is not cleared by the wansformer proteetion system, remote line relays or other protective relays are set to operate. Part ofthe evaluation of the type of protection applied to a transformer includes how the system integrity would be affected by such ‘contingency. In this determination, because rare but costly failures are invelved, a diversity oF opinion on the degree of protection required by transformers might be expected among those individuals farniliar with power system protection engineering, The major economic consideration ordinarily includes both the fault detection equipment and isolation devices. Circuit breakers often cannot be justified based on transformer protection alone. At least as much weight is given to the service requirements, the operating philosophy, and the system design philosophy. Evaluations ofthe risks involved and the cost effectiveness of the protection are necessary. 5, Types of failures in transformers The electrical windings an the magnetic cove in wansformer are subject to the folowing forees during operation, among oshers: — Expansion and contraction due to thermal eyeling — Vibration — Local heating due to magnetic flux — Forces due to the flow of through-fault currents —_Bacessive heating due to overloading or inadequate cooling These different forces can cause deterioration and failure of the electrical insulation of the transformer windings. Statistics for th causes of transformer failures experienced in US. utilities aro not readily available, Canadizn and intemational failure statistics have been collected by the Canadian Electrical Association (B32] and CIGRE [B21], respectively.» * Tho suber brachotscorespond ts thse ofthe bibliography ia Aas E Copyright© 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers This guide primarily addresses the application of electrical relays to detect fault currents that result from an insulation failure, Clause 6 examines tae current a relay can expect to see due to several types af winding insulation failures The detection systems that monitor other transformer parameters can be used to indicate an incipient electrical fault. Prompt response to these icators may help avoid crious fault, Examples of actions taken to detect undesirable operating conditions are as follows: a) » ° ’ ° “Monitoring devices for winding andior insulating liquid ternperatute are typically used 10 initiate an alarm requiring investigation by maintenance personnel. At this stage, the operators may start to reduce the load on the transformer to avoid reaching a condition where tripping the transformer would be required, Gas detection relays can detect the evolution of gases within the «ansformer insulating liquid, Analysis of the gas composition indicates the mechanism that caused the formation of the gos, €. acetylene, ean be caused by electrical arcing; other gases are caused by partial discharge and thermal degradation of the cellulose insulation. The gas detection relays may be used to trip or to generate an alarm depending on the utility practice. Generally, gas analysis is performed on Sumples of the insulating liquid that ate collected periadically” Continuous yas analyzers are available to allow online detection of insulation system degradation, Sudden-pressure relays located on the transformer tank below the insulating liquid level respond to the pressure waves in the transformer insulating liquid caused by internal arcing Sudden-pressure relays located on the transformer tank above the insulating liquid level respond to sudden changes in gas pressure due tothe arcing in the insulating liquid. Liquid level detectors sense the insulating liguid level in the tank snl are used ta generate an alarm indicating minor reductions and trp for severe reductions inthe liquid level. Online devices monitor bushings of the transformers, CTs installed in those bushings, and surge arresters installed on the transformers and generate an alarm indicating that repait is needed urgently so that_major damage can be avoided. Details of techniques for monivoring. these components are given by Cofleen et al. [B23]. These and other relays are discussed in greater detail in later clauses of this guide. 6. Relay currents 6.1 General The following two characteristics of power transformers combine to complicate detection of internal faults \with relays aewated with currents available atthe terminals of a transformer: a) » The change in magnitude of current at the transformer terminals may be very small when a limited number of turns of winding are shorted within the transformer. ‘When a transformer is energized, magnetizing inrush current that floors in one set of terminals may be equal io many times the transformer rating. These and other considerations require careful thought to obtain relay characteristics best suited to a particular application. Copyright© 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers 6.2 Minimum internal faults The most difficult transformer winding fault for which to provide protection is the fault that initially involves one turn. A turn-to-turn Fault results in a terminal current change of much less than rated full-load current. For example, as much as 10% of the winding may have to be shorted to cause full-load terminal current to flow. Therefore, a single turn-to-tum fault results in an undetectable change of current at the transformer terminals. If the turn-io-turn fault is not quickly detected, it can escalate into a more serious ground fault involving the iron core and result in cost repairs, 6.3 Maximum internal faults There is no limit to the maximum infernal fault current that can flow, other than the system eapability when the fault is on the source-side terminals of the transformer, or # fault extemal to the transformer but in the relay zone. A well-designed relay system is capable of withstanding the secondary current of the CTS on a short-time basis. This may be a factor if the rated transformer load current is small relative to the system fault current and the CT ratio is chosen to match the transformer rating, 6.4 Performance of CTs During an intemal fault, or fault external to the transformer but in the protected zone of the relay system, lone of mote CTs may saturate. Severe CT saturation can cause a harmonic blocking element to pick up or cause harmonic restraint to desensitize the relay. As a result, a transformer differential relay may fail to ‘operate or its operation may be delayed. The effect depends on the relay's response to distorted currents. The direct current (de) offset of fault current can cause CTs to go into saturation and then recover once the de transient decays and the current waveform becomes symmetrical. This is called asymmetrical saturation. Ifa CT is severely underrated, it ean experience saturation regardless of the presence of a de transient. This is called symmetrical saturation, On a transient basis, second and third harmonics predominate initially when a CT saturates due to asymmetrical saturation. Even-numbered harmonies are also a characteristic of inrush current, and even-numbered harmonic restraint or blocking techniques ean cause the loss of dependability curing asymmetrical saturation. Ulianately, the even-numbered hiatmonics disappear with the decay of the offfet de component of the short-circuit current. Whether the odd-numbered harmonics idisappear depends on whether the CT experiences symmetrical saturation. The ratings of the CTs are normally selected to avoid symmetrical saturation for internal faults and limit asymmetrical saturation as ‘much as practical for through-faults. For severe internal faults, 2 high-set unrestrained element is often relied upon to provide dependability when asymmetrical saturation cannot be completely avoided, 6.4.2 External faults Figure | shows three scenarios of external fauits: The scenario in Figure 1(a) shows a transformer that is connected to single bus arrangements on the souree and load sides and an extemal fault at location Fy. In this seenario, the fault currents flow through the transformer. The scenario in Figure 1(b) shows @ transformer thet is connected to 2 breaker-and-a-half bus arrangement on the source side and a single bus arrangement on the load side and an external fault at location F). In this scenaso, the fault currents flow through the transformer as wel. (These fault-current flows are also referred to as hrough-currents.) These fault currents are limited by a series combination of the source impedance, Z,, and the transformer impedance. The currents are not likely to cause the C7 to saturate ifthe CTs ate selected afer considering the levels of the fault currents and the relay burden (including the burden due tothe Ieads connecting the CTs with the relay) as discussed in IEEE Std C37.110°* [B67] Copyright© 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transtonners The scenario in Figure I(e) is the same as the scenario in Figure I{b) except that the fault is at location Fy, {In this scenario, the fault current does not flow through the transformer but flows through the two CTs provided on the breaker-and-a-half bus that form part of the transformer protection schame. The levels of primary currents in CTs would be substantially large because they are limited by the souree impedance only. One or both CTs through which the fault current or currents flow may saturate. The unequal outputs of the CTs cause the difference currents to flow in the operating coils of the differential relay. (For more details, see the IEEE PSRC Report on CTs [B53].) Time overcurrent relays, without restraint, ean overcome this problem only by having their pickup and time dial settings made sufficiently high to override this false differential current, Pereentage differential relays offer the advantage of faster speed and security with reasonable sensitivity. Ideally, the relays are applied with a restraint element in each CT circuit, Also, the burden of each CT secondary circuit is checked to verify that the burden is not so high that the permissible ratio errors recommended by the relay manufacturer are exceeded. Using the approach described in these scenarios, problems astocisted with CT performance can be reviewed for other scenati s oa a aoe Z| tonne Rafekadtdehasasrgebe sarpened sus helndade hn nsnrgibe argent =f te Taras racy ot RCTa tar ty sonra Sansa 2 Land corn nein ie m2 Lae conn een re Dwiwaceanainnnaeias Figure 4—Three external fault scenarios 6.4.3 CT connections The performance of a CT is a function of the burden connected to the secondary winding of the CT. The ‘method of connecting the CTs (2g. deta connected CTs have an effective burden of three times the one- way lead resistance for three-phase fails as discussed in IEEE Std C37.110 [B67) and the impedances of the secondary circuit and the relay determine the total burden. Also, the physical and electrical locations of auxiliary CTs affect the burden, For more information on the effect of CT connections, see TBE Sid C37. 10 [B67] Io Copyright® 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers Capabilitics of the relay will impact the decision on how to conncct the CTs, Many differential relays can internally zecommodate the phase shift of the transformer and allow the engineer to choose CT connections that suit other devices connected 10 the same CTs, Some relays co not have this versaility; and in those ceases, the CTs are connected to compensate for the same phase shift the transformer windings created, For example, a transformer using both deia and wye connections create a 30° phase shift between the current entering and leaving the transformer. By connecting the CTs in delta on the wye side of the transformer and connecting the CTs in wye on the delta side of the transformer, the 30° phase shift can be matched between the transformer and the CT currents. Therefore, the relay dees not see any phase shifi between the input and output currents when current flows through the transformer. For proper pluase shift, the delta connection of the CTs is made to have the same configuration as the delta connection of the transformer winding, Ifthe configurations of the delta connections are not identical, the phase angles of the currents contributed from the two windings will not match, The grounded wye winding of a delta-wye transformer allows zero-sequence currents to flow in the wye winding when @ ground fault occurs on the eircuit connected to it. The zero-sequence currents in. the grounded wye-connected winding circulate in the delta-connected winding and are not present at the terminals of the deliz-connecied winding. Some relays address this problem by removing the zero- sequence currents as part of the internal phase-shift accommodation. On the other hand, many other relays do not accommodate this function and use the CT connections to filter out the ground current. The connections used in the example from the previous paragraph address this problem as well. The delta connection of the CTs on the wye side of the transformer trap the zero-sequence currents and prevent them from flowing in the secondary circuit. The result is that the differential relays do not sce the mismatch due to the flow of zero-sequence eurrents. 6.5 Reasons for mismatch 6 1 General There ate non-fault related curents or factors that may requice compensation to prevent undesirable operation of differential relays. Subclauses 6.5.2, 6.53, and 6.5.4 include a discussion of some of those situations. 6.5.2 Unbalance caused by CT ratios Even if a transformer has a fixed ratio, itis frequently difficult to match CT ratios exactly on the two (or more) sides of a transformer. CT mismatches result in current flows in the operating cireuits of differential relays. Ifa transformer has an on-load tap changer (OLTC), the possible mismatch is increased further. Ifa tap on a de-energized tap changer (DETC) is changed and the relay settings are not updated accordingly the possible mismatch is also ineressed. During a through-fault condition, the differential operating current duc to mismatch can be very large. 6.5.3 Magnotizing inrush Magnetizing inrush is a phenomenon that causes the violation of the basie principle of differential relaying, Ifthe primary winding ofa transformer is connected to a source and the secondary winding is connected to loads, magnetizing inrush currents flow from the source to the primary winding while no currents (or much sinaller load currents) flow out of the transformer secondary windings. Current produced by magnetizing Inrush can reach many times the transformer rating, and these currents appear in the differential relay. The inrush current duration ean range from a few cycles to many seconds, Explanations of this phenomenon are given by Lin et al. [B97] and Rockefeller et al. [B121 20 Copyright© 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transtonners Although usually considered only in conjunction with the energizing of a transformer, magnetizing inrush ‘current can be caused by any abrupt change of voltage at the transformer terminals, Such transients include the oceurrence of a fault, the removal ofa fault, the change of character of a fault (for example, the change from a single-phase-to-ground fault to a two-phase-to-ground fault), and out-of-phase synchronizing. Thus, 1 desensitizing scheme that is effective only when a transformer is being energized is not am adequate countermeasure, ‘There are several conditions that cause particularly severe magnetizing inrush phenomena. More details are ttiven by Rockefeller et al, [B121]. One condition involves the energizing of a transformer at a station at Which at least one other transformer is already encrgized (see Hayward (B46). The inrush phenomenon involves transformers that are already energized as well ns the tansformer being energized (See Lin etal (B97). This inrush transient may be particularly long in duration. It is important to realize that the inrush into the transformer being energized occurs during the opposite half-cycle to that of the already energized transformer. Thus, the net inrush ince all wansformers may approximate a sine wave of the fundamental frequency; therefore, the harmonic restraint clement of a differential relay if itis protecting both parallel- connected transformers, will not operate. However, the inrush is no more severe in this case than for a normal inrush, The problem is that there is inrush current from the previously energized transformer to the adjacent incoming trensformer. The net inrush to both transformers contains little second harmonic. It i, therefore, desirable to provide a separate differential relay for each parallel-connected transformer, The two important characteristics of magnetizing inrush current are as follows: 8) Magnetizing inrush currents contain substantia! harmonies, particularly the second harmonic. These harmonics ate not always present in high quantities in all the phases. 'b) There is a time during each eyele when the current magnitude is almost zero. A typical magnetizing. jnrush current waveform is shown in Figure 2. Inrush current Instantaneous value Figure 2—Typical magnetizing inrush current waveform ‘The harmonic content of the inrush current depends on several factors, such as remnant flux in the core, ‘switching angle, and load on the transformer. Harmonic analysis of the inrush current for such cases shows that the second-harmonic content of the inrush current is sensitive to all these conditions. The secon¢- hharmonie content reduces appreciably with inereasing load at lagging power factor (see Lin etal. (B97). If three single-phase point-on-wave closing circuit breakers are used for switching a transformer, substantial reduction in magnetizing inrush currents can be achieved. The approach used in such applications is to estimate the residual flux in the transformer core for each phase and close the eincuit breaker of that phase at an instant the maximum flux in that core does not substantially inerease from the ormal maximum flux, 21 Copyright® 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers 6.5.4 Magnetizing current during overexcitation A mimber of phenomena can subject a transformer to overexcitation, possibly coupled with substantial overvoltage at nominal frequency. At startup or shutdown of unit connected generators, the machine is brought up to speed and voliage prior to synchronizing tothe system. If care is not taken the W/Hz rating of the step-up transformer may be exceeded. During static start, pumped hydro starting and rotor warming jperations, the field can be applied at very low frequencies. Other overexcitation events at power plants include exeitation system runaway, manual excitation control error, and sudden loss of Toad that may also involve overvoltage well above nominal In the transmission system a number of voltage and reactive support control failures can create overexcilation at nominal frequency with possibly substantial overvoltage. These are as follows: — Capacitor banks on when they should be off — Shunt reactor compensation off when it should be on —Single-cnd breaker trip failures resulting in voltage rise at the open end of a long line (errant Effect) = Runaway load tap changers If transformer saturation occurs, substantial exciting current flows and may overheat the transformer core, tank, or structure and damage the transformer. The waveform is distorted; it has harmonic content and near zero-current periods. With overexcitation, the waveform is distorted, but the behavior on the pesitive-going. half-eyele is the same as on the negative-going half-eycle, and therefore only odd harmonics are present, with no appreciable even harmonies that appear during inrush, So the presence of third snd fifth harmonies is a signature of overeacitation. The extent of these effects depends on the generator connections and the transformer design and connections. The third harmonic content of the relay current, but not the fifth is also altered by delta connections of CTs. The third harmonic (and other iriplens) may be effectively canceled in dela transformer windings. For information on how the fifth-harmonic is used in differential relay applications 10 avoid undesired operations due to overexcitation, see and Protection for excessive volts per hertz (V/llz) in accordance with the transformer manufacturers’ specifications is covered in 9.7, 7. Electrical detection of faults 7.4 General Fuses are commonly used to provide protection for transformers with minimum nameplate ratings of up to 5000 kVA, three-phase (Category I and Category 11). Transformers 10 000 kVA and larger, three-phase, ‘minimum nameplate (Category Il and Category LV), are generally protected by a combination of protective devices as shown in Figure 3. Transformers that fall between these two ratings are protected by either fuses or relays, sel powered resettable fault interrupters can be used for transformers up to $0 000 kVA at 69 KV oF up to 83 000 KV at 138 KV. The ehoice of protection depends on the criticality of the load, the relative size of the transformer compared to the total system load, and potential safety concems. System considerations, such as ability to coordinate fuses with upstream relays or with transformer damage eurves, ‘may determine what protection is used. Some other considerations include types of faults, personel safety issues, speed of clearing, single phasing of load, and fetroresonance. More details of the definition of these categories are given in Annex A. Copyright© 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers CATEGORY HOR IV ‘TRANSFORMER SOURCE PROTECTNE DEVICE (CIRCUIT SWITCHER, OR RELAYED CIRCUIT BREAKER, ETC.) ‘TRANSFORMER CT FOR 87 WHEN USING CIRCUIT SWITCHER OR PROTECTIVE DEVICE wocts TRANSFORMER CTFORSO-5 WHEN USING Eacum SwinevEh On PROTCCTNE LEVEE woers Iemwemarreten 2) 9) treated tom Ground (28) (4 = @® & Lows @) &) ‘Surge Arrester ‘OPTIONAL PROTECTIVE DEVICE PROTECTIVE DEVICE CT OR TRANSFORMER (CTWHEN PROTECTIVE DEVICE IS NOT USED. ©. CONNECTED IN DELTA CONFIGURATION (SAME AS DELTA OF TRANSFORMER HIGH-SIDE WINDINGS) OR FOR MICROPROCESSOR RELAY, CONNECTED |WYE AND COMPENSATED WITHIN THE RELAY. Figure 3—Protection of a dolta-wyo transformer Loan 7.2 Fuse protection and self-powered resettable fault interrupters, Fuses have the merits of being economical and requiring litle maintenance, Battery supplies and relay enclosure buildings aro not needed, Fuses can reliably protect some povver transformers against damage ‘fom primary and secondary external faults. They, however, provide Limited protection for intemal faults Generally, more sensitive means for protection from internal faults are provided for transformers with ratings of 10 MVA and higher, Fuses have been used at higher transformer ratings depending on the availability of fuses that have the needed current ratings. Self powered resettable fault interrupters are applied similarly to fuses, but the interrupters generally have higher continuous current flow snd faul-interrupting capabilities. They also have the capability of sensing neutral cusrent and have three-phase tripping capability, Like fuses, self-powered fault interrupters are economical and require little maintenance. A battery supply is not requited beeause tripping power is Uerived from the CTs (usually, transformer bushing CTS) that provide current sensing. Fault interrupters are resettable after the occurtence of a fault. 23 Copyright© 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers Primary fuses for power transformers are not applied for overload protection; their main purpose is to protect during faults. The operation of one fuse on a three-phase system does not necessarily de-energize the fault. If the fault is not de-energized, the resulting, single-phase service may be detrimental to the conneeted polyphase motors and other loads. If required, special protection can be added for detecting and protecting from single-phasing conditions. A typical transformer that exhibits this protection issue is station transformer whose primary winding is connected in delta and the secondary winding is connected in wye configuration with neutral connected 10 ground, Ifa phase-to-phase-to-ground fault e¢eurs on the secondary side between the transformer terminals and the low-side protective device, then the fault is cleared by the high-side fuses. The fuse with the highest current operates first and leaves the transformer energized through the remaining two fuses. AC this point, the secondary fault is further limited by «wice the transformer impedance: depending on the fuse size, transformer impedance, and system impedance, the remaining fuses may or may not operate, This condition ‘could overload the wansformer and may severely overload the neutral connection because the euerents in the secondary windings are in phase and their sum flows in the neutral connection. Table 2 shows the magnitude of currents for a typical 69 KV/13.2 kV, 8.4 MVA power transformer before and after the first fuse clears. This transformer would normally be protected by 100E fuse. Table 2 clearly shows that the corrent in the neutral connection remains essentially the same after the first fuse opens; this current persisis luntil the second fuse opens, See Jensen [B85] for more in-depth discussion of issues related to fuse protection of power transformer. ‘Table 2—Currents for a typical distribution station delta-wye power transformer Phase B-C-ground fault on the Phase B-C-ground fault on the lom-voltage side before first fase opens low-voltage side after first fase opens High side Low side High side Low side Phase | Carrent(ay | Phase | Current(a) | Phase | Current (a) |" Phase |Current (a) A as a o x 226 x 0. 5 a5 B wer B 26 3 2050 c oor c WT6dh c o c = — Neural 4100. = = ‘Newwal ‘The selection of the source side fuse and proper current rating involves considering the following factors: a) Fuse fault-interrupting eapability and available system fault current b) Maximum anticipated peak load current, daily peak loads, emergency peak loads, maximum permissible transformer load current, and the applicable transformer through-fault-current duration curve (see Annex A), ©) Hot-load pickup (inrush curent upon instantaneous reclosing of source-side circuit breaker) and cold-load pickup (inrush current and undiversified load current afier an extended outage). 4) Available primary system fault current and transformer impedance ©) Coordination with souree-side protection equipment 1) Coordination with low-side protection equipment. £2) Maximum allowable fault time on the low-side bus conductors, hh) Transformer connections and grounding impedance as they affest the primary current for several types of secondary faults, i) Sensitivity for high-impedance faut j) Transformer magnetizing inrash, 24 Copyright© 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers Curent rating sclection is facilitated by data published by fuse manufacturers. Such data include time-current characteristic curves, ambient temperature, and preloading adjustment curves, plus daily and emergency peak-loading tables, 7.3 Differential protection 7.3.1 General While fuse protection is a simple and minimal-cost approach, many advantages are realized with differential protection (sce Blackbur [B15], Elmore [B29], and Hayward [B46]). These advantages include the following: — Differential protection provides faster detection of faults that can reduce damage due to the flow of fault currents — The location of the fault is determined more precisely depending on the “size” of the protection zone (c.g. transformer only, transformer and bus, transformer and bus and feeder breakers). — Accurate faut location allows the application of automation techniques, such as rapid isolation oF faulted components, and restoring load, — The high-speed clearing of in-aone faults can significantly lower the are flash incident enerey levels and the associated clothing and personnel protective equipment needed for energized work. Current differential relaying is the most commonly used proctice for protecting transformers that are rated approximately 10 MVA (three-phase, self-cooled rating) or more (see IEEE PSR Report on protecting power transformers [B55). Figure 4 shows a typical differential relay connection diagram for a single-phase transformer of ratio 1:1 ba ot cT2 we — — Power Transformer Differential Relay Figure 4—Typical differential relay connection diagram for a single-phase transformer Ifthe ratios of CT1 and C12 are 1:1, the operating current, op, which is the difference between the current entering one winding and the current leaving the other winding, can be represented as the sum of the ccurrents entering both windings as expressed as in Equation (1) Toy = Int + Ina 0 where Joy is the operating current Jy isthe current in the primary winding of the transformer Jz is the current in the secondary winding of the transformer 25 Copyright© 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers Relays of taree general classes are used in current differential schemes as follows: — Time overcurrent relays with or without an instantaneous trip unit — Poreentage differential relays with restraint actuated by the currents going into and out of the protection zone — Percentage differential relay with restraint actuated by one or more harmonies in addition to the restraint actuated by the currents flowing into and out ef the protection zone Power transformers of 1:1 ratio are rarely used. The transformation ratio of the power transformer is considered and CT connoctions and ratios are selected such that the net current in the relay operating coil for any external fault is effectively zero, unless matching or scaling current taps are available in the relay. Various types of CT connections are used, and some are shown in Figure 5 through Figure 9. Paralleling of two or more CTs for connection to a single restraint coil or element is usually avoided for the most effective restraint action. ‘The arrangements shown in Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7, and Figure 8 are typical CT connections when eleetromechanical relays and some types of solid-state relays ure used for differential protection. In these types of applications, when configurations such as delia-wye transformations are used, care is needed while connecting the CTs, For example, ina typical delta-wye power transformer, the CTs Would be connected as wye-delta, Another feature involves correction for CT ratios, which in the electromechanieal world may require extemal auxiliary CTs. Proper grounding of the sccondary circuits of CTs is explained and discussed in IEEE Std C57.13.3™" [B76]. As shown in Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7, and Figure 8, the seconclary circuits and the circuits connected to them are grounded at single physical location, On the other hand, for microprocessor-based relays and some types of solid-state relays, all CTs are connected in wye as shown in Figure 9. The phase compensations are done by the software or circuit board jumpers (for analog relays) in the relay. The magnitude compensation in microprocessor-based relays is also done in the relay. Each set of CTS in this case is provided with 9 separate ground. Because the inputs 10 the relay ate from wye-connecied CTs, the inputs can be used for olier protection functions, such as overcurrent and ground overcurrent protection, Differential protection of transformers and its implementation in mieroprocessor-hased relays are discussed in several books and published papers, ¢g., Guzman etal, [B41] and (B42), Murty and Smolinski [108} Murty et al. (8109), Phadks and Thomp (5112) and (B113), Sachdev [B12] (B123], and (B1124), Sachdev and Nagpal (BI25], Sachey and Shak (B126}, Sachdev et al. (B127], Sidhu et al. [B134). Thonp and Phadke [B147], and Ziegler [B159}, The issue of testing the differential circuits is not included in this guide; it is discussed in detail in IEE Std 37.103" (B65). {circuit breaker CTs are used for input tothe transformer differential, bypassing the cireuit breaker affects the inputs for the differential relays. If the differential relay is removed from serviee and other relay schemes are protecting the transformer, care is needed so that other breakers trip in liew of the bypassed breaker. If this alternative Cipping is not available, the transformer breaker is not normally bypassed because a fault in the protected zone may not be removed properly. Copyright© 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers le % sf % lesle bose R H@> resreanrean GO} rerernocon Figure 5—Typical schematic connections for percentage differential protection ofa delta-wye transformer 27 Copyright© 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers bak = R oT Vola, © : tor - ek (0) tok (R= RESTRAINTCOL Figure 6—Typical schematic connections for differential protection of a wye autotransformer with unloaded tertiary 2s Copyright© 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved —(0— oFeRATING con, IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers ike = 1 tele fo CPERATING COIL A(R) resrmant con Figure 7—Typical schematic connections for differential protection of a ‘wye autotransformer with loaded tertiary 29 Copyright© 2021 IEEE. Al signts reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers “= ONE dk bz A(R) restaawr cot ~(o}-crenarnecot, Figure 8—Typical schematic connections for differential protection of a three-winding transformer 30 Copyright© 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers Digtal orsold state relay Figure 9—Typical schematic connections for differential protection of a three-winding transformer using solid-state or microprocessor-based relays 7.3.2 Differential protection using time overcurront relays Overcurrent relays without restrain are seldom used due to their susceptibility fo false operation from the following causes: Saturation errors or mismatch errors of CTS — Mognetizing inrush current Now from the source end when energizing the transformer To compensate for the saturation and mismatch errors, overcurrent relays are set (0 operate above the anticipated inrush values. Time delay to override inrush is also necessary. Due to power transformer uration, caution is advised against the use of this relay Where exposure to yeomagnetic-induced currents (GIC is possible. 7.3.3 Differential protection using percontage differential relays To overcome the drawbacks of applying overcurrent relays for differential protection, manufacturers developed percentage differential relays. Those relays offer sensitive differential protection at low currents ‘and tolerate larger mismatches at high currents while still ripping for internal faults 31 Copyright© 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transtonners The basis of the percentage differential relay is that the difference current (as measured at the ends of the proteeied zone) is more than a predetermined percentage of the restraint current. The basic arrangement for percentage differential protection ofa single-phase two-winding transformer is shown in Figure + Different altematives are used for obtaining the restraining current, Ins (See Thompson [B146). Several combinations of the currents at the two terminals of the transformer shown in Figure 4 are used for restraining differential relays: some of them are expressed in Equation (2), Equation (3), and Equation (4) Tree = k \Iwi — In| (2) Tau = kMil+\Eva)) 6) Fg = m9 (rh fv) “ where Jey isthe restraining eurrent kis aconstant of proportionality Jy, isthe current in the primary winding of the transformer yas the current in the secondary winding of the transformer In these equations, is constant that is usually 1 or 0.5. Equation (3) and Equation (4) offer the advantage of being applicable to differential relays with more than two restraints. The percentage difference can be fixed or variable, based oa the relay’s design, There is also a minimum differential current threshold before wipping without cegard to the restraint current, Details of minimum pickup, restraint current, and characteristic slope vary among manufacturers, Slope may not be a straight line but may curve up depending on the design of the percentage restraint system. This curve allows even larger percentage mismatches during heavy through-currents. These options are shown in Figure 10. a Dual Slope 2 Varable Slave 2 racterisioNy 5 CerdeteS i Goteece 5 fa 3 / 2 Operating Resion #7 3 4 Single Slope 5 Cheracterstc é Restraining Curent, ix Figure 10—Typical options for the characteristics of percontage differenti rolays 32 Copyright 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers High-voltaze power transformers present several possibilities for current mismatch as seen by the differential relay. These mismatches, caused by different phenemena, can add to or offset each other; thus they make the tal mismatch difficult co predict. Therefore, the worst-case aadition of the mismatch errors is used when sclocting a percentage differential rolay and developing settings forthe relay. First the ratio of the high-voltage transformation inherently mandates different currents at the primary and secondary terminals. Depending on the transformer ratio, sometimes this difference is precisely compensated for by using offsetting ratio differences in the CT primary ratings. For example, a 138 kV/69 kV transformer could use 600:5 CTs on the 138 KV side and 1200:5 CTs on the 69 kV side. For wye-delta transformer connections, the 30° phase shift is compensated for by proper connection of the CT secondary windings when eleciromechanical relays are used, but the current ratio difference is affected by the multiplier for currents leaving the delta CT secondary connection. Alternatives used with lectromechanical relays consist of using CTs with internal current taps to compensate for current input ratio differences and/or using special ratio auxiliary CTs. In solid-state and microprocessor-based relays, these differences are accounted for in the software/firmvvare of the relay, For more details, rofer to Amnex D, Second, a large contribution to current mismatch is the application of an OLTC for voltage regulation. typical OLTC range of +10% voltage creates a +10% variation in current. To avoid differential relay ‘operation for this substantial mismatch, the percentage slope in clectromechanical relays is increased, This approach is also used in some microprocessor-based relays. However, in some modern microprocessor: based protection systems, the tap positions ate monitored, and the mismatches are addressed in the sofiware, ‘Third, another contributor 10 current mismatch is the difference in the performance of CTS applied 1 different voltage terminals of the transformer. At low currents, such as for load, CT errors are very small and insignificant compared to the OLTC errors. For high current faults just outside the differential zone, CT saturation is a likely possibility, The difference in performance between the CTs on different transformer terminals appears as differential current in the relay. Some moder microprocessor-based relays can monitor the CTs for saturation of detect a through-fault and take remedial measures to remain secure from false differential current caused by CT saturation, Fourth, 2 contributor to current mismateh during normal operation is the magnetizing inrush eurremts that flow when a transformer is energized, a parallel transformer is energized, or the system recovers fiom & fault outside the transformer proteetion zone. The magnetizing currents can be many times the rated current of the transformer. Fifth, current mismatch can result fiom overexcitation due to excessive voltage at the terminals of the transformer. When the voltage exceeds the rated value, the flux also exceeds the rated value. Typically, a 10% increase is tolerated because the wansformer is operating in the Tinear range of the magnetizing characteristic of the core. When the voltage further excoods the transformer rating, the transformer operates parcly in the saturated region of the magnetic circuit. This results in Iarge magnetizing currents for parts of cach period ef the voltage. Because this current is at ene terminal of the transformer, it appears as differential current in the relay. ixth, load taken from an in-zone station service transformer also contributes to mismatch, 33 Copyright© 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers 7.3.4 Differential protection using percentage differential relays with inrush and ovoroxcitation restraint General The addition of some type of restraint (7.3.42) or blocking ( or wave-shape recognition method (73.4.4) that recognizes the characteristics of the inrush current allows the relay to be set with greater sensitivity. 2 Harmonic restraint General Harmonic restraint is used to avoid undesired tripping by the percentage differential relay due to the flow of magnetizing inrush currenis when a transformer is energized. In addition, the use of hasmonic restraint allows the use of more sensitive settings. Different methods are used in the relays for harmonic restraint, Typical methods are described in this subclause. The general principle of operation, when harmonic restraint is used, can be expressed as shown in Equation (5): lel > $1 | + Kael Eaaa| + Kavli (3) vrhere ly i the fundamental frequency component ofthe operating current s i the slope ofthe percentage dierent eharactrstis (non variable sope types) Mees is the restraining current fons beer constants of proportionality associated with each hamonie componcct Toca te the secomd-andkigher harmonic ctrnpowent ofthe operat cureat The harmonic restraint is high when this approach therefore, it provides security for inrush conditions at the expense of operating speed for high-current internal faults and faults with CT saturation, See Kasztenny et al. [B88] for discussion ofthe effect of harmonic restraint on protection speed. Second- and fifth-harmonic restraints The second-harmonic component of the operating current is used to identify inrush currents, and the fifth-harmonie component of the operating current is used to avoid incorrect operations during transformer verexcitation. The basic equation for the operation of one phase of this type of relay can be expressed as shown in Equation (6) | > nal + Raul laua|+ Rss 6) vvhere ly she fundamental frequency component ofthe operating current 5 the slope of the percentage diferntaleharacterstic (on-variable slope pes) Tes is the restaningcument fous tin ae constans of proportionality associated with each hammonic component 34 Copyright© 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers dow is the second harmonic component of the operating current bon is the fifth harmonic component of the operating current In some relays, the harmonic restraint is proportional to the sum of the second- and fifth-harmonic components of the three phase-elements ofthe relay; its operation, therefore, can be expressed as shown in Equation (7) | > lao + De (boalsr| + ealsal 0 where by isthe fundamental frequency component of the operating curren 5 i the slope ofthe percentage iferntl characteristics (non-variable slope types) des i the restraining current 1" isthe page clement foe kw ate constants of proportionality associated with sash harmonic somponsrt Ions se second harmonic component of he operating curt in phase m on is he ith hanmonke component of the operating curve in phase n Figure 11 shows the logic of @ second ancl filt-harmonie restraint differential relay element defined by Equation (6) and a high set element for the fifth-harmonie component. Nove that in this harmonic restraint etement, the operating current is expected to overcome the combined offeets of the restraining current and the second and fifth harmonics of the operating current, As previously stated, the fifth-harmonic current is experienced when the transformer is overexcited due fo excessive voltage applied to it, Overexcitation with excessive magnetizing current can damage the transformer; therefore, some rolays include a high-current setting for xy. The fith-harmonie restraint is removed if the To exceeds the seting Common harmonic restraint increases the security of the differential relay, but itis likely to delay the relay ‘operation for internal Faults combined with inrush currents in the non-faulted phases. There iso fundamental difference between the second-harmonic component of the operating current, used to identify inrush currents, and the fifth-harmonic component of the operating current, used 10 avoid incorrect operations during wansformer overeacitation. The difference is that overeacitation V/Hz, if caused by high voltage even at nominal frequency, is capable of ereating en incipient fault, especially with ‘older insulation. When the insulation is sessed, this increases the risk ofan internal fault. As 2 result, ian incipient fault occurs inthe transformer, there may be enough fifth harmonic to still restrain the differential clement. The fifth-harmonie restraint may well prevent the differential element from tripping until a more severe fault develops. 35 Copyright© 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transtonners rel 4 .--—____ Wool a EH or TRIP Harmonic Restraint Von Val High Setting Figure 11—Second- and fifth-harmonic restraint logic of a differential element 11 is not the excessive fifth-harmonic current that damages a transformer; itis the excessive magnetizing current that heats up the core. Transformers are rated with V/Hy withstand curves and limits, not fifth- bharmonie withstand limits, therefore overexcitation protection is voltage and frequency based (V/Hz). The fifth harmonic is only a symptom of overexcitation. Ifa high-current setting for fis used to remove the Sth harmonic restraint, there is no way of knowing if or when an insulation failure would occur. So this seiting could false trip the differential when no fault exists or dolay a differential tip until a more severe fault develops. For a given overexcitation event, if there is no incipient faull, and therefore no reason Por the differential element to operate, a given /ny high-current setting could trip too carly, since overexcitation ig a heating phenomenon, and the V/Hz function has a relatively Jong inverse time delay. Conversely, a given fa high-current seiting could be above a given level of overexcitation and fail to trip. This high- current setting for /xy isnot appropriate to use for protecting a transformer from overexcitation, as it does not coordinate with the damage curve published by the manufacturer. When used, V/F2 protection is applied as specified by manufacturers to properly protect a transformer from overexcitation (see 9.7). A steategy depicted in Figure 12 is employed in some relays, using the ffth-harmonic level to adaptively raise the pickup level of the differential element to ride through the increased differential currents caused by the transformer overexcitation, The differential clement with the remaining percentage differential characteristics still in place, ean now trip if, during overexcitation, an internal incipient fault occurs due to increased insulation stess 36 Copyright 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transtonners 15 877 Pick Up Stove? 10 ‘ath Sih Harmonic Restraint RESTRAIN a7rPick Up Toper ——> 05 Siope 2 Breakpoint Os 1.0 15 20 Figure 12—Differential oloment with adaptive 5th harmonic pickup Even-harmonic restraint The use of even harmonies (second and fourth) in a restraint scheme is another method that helps to ensure security during inrush currents that may have very low second-harmonic current, This differential function is shown in Equation (8) \Fop] > sll + Kanal + Aas a ) vrhere i is the fandarental frequency component of the operaing curren : i the slope ofthe peroentagediferentalehaactratice (oon- variable slope pes) es ie be reseralsing care ou kin ae constanis of proportionality associated wih cach harmonic component bh i the ssond harmonie component of the operating current he isthe rt hermonie component ofthe operating corent In contrast to the add harmonics, which are generated by CT saturation caused by excessive alternating current (ac), even harmonics are better indicator of magnetizing inrush, Even harmonics resulting from de saturation of a CT are transient in nature. The use of even harmonics (and not only the second harmonic) usually provides better discrimination between inrush and internal fault currents 31 Copyright 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transformers Harmonic blocking General Harmonic blocking ean also be used to avoid undesired tripping by the percentage differential relay due to the flow of magnetizing intush currents when a transformer is energized. Typical methods are described in this subelause 1 2 Second- and fifth-harmonic blocking Some transformer differential relays use second. and fifth-harmonic blocking logic. Te differential relay generates a trip if the condition defined by Equation (®) is satisfied and the blocking conditions defined in Equation (10) and Equation (11) ate satisfied: Vol > Maal ° where : ee dapenfc peinags dSleal chests Gow aslo pes) > FeayelFan (10) on] > Fsal snl ay whee by is the Fundamental fequency component ofthe operating eurent fuakiw ate constants of proportionality nstosated with each harmonic component he isthe second harmonic component ofthe operating curet he isthe ith harmonic somponent ofthe operating eurent I is important to appreciate that, in this ease, the operating current is independently compared with the restraint current and the second- and fifth-harmonie components ofthe operating current I is a common practice to use the fifth harmonic of the operating current to avoid the operation of the differential relay when the protected transformer experiences overexcitation. One approach is to use a harmonic blocking scheme in which the fifth harmonic is independently compared with the operating current. In this seheme, a given relay seiting. in terms of percentage of the fifth harmonic, always represents the same overexcitation condition, On the other hand, in a fifth-harmonic restraint scheme, a given setting may vepcesent different averexcitation conditions, depending on the other harmonies that may be presen, ‘The blocking action can be on a per phase element basis or some form af eross pha for discussion on these techniques. e blocking See ‘The unintended consequences of filh-harmonic blocking are similar 10, but may be more severe than, the effects of fifth-harmonic restraint as discussed in 7.342.2. As previously mentioned. an eyerexcitation event, if caused by high voltage even at nominal frequency, will stress the insulation and is capable of 38 Copyright© 2021 IEEE. Al signts reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transtonners creating an intemal fault. Since the operating current is independently compared with the fifth-harmonic component of the operating current, and is used to block the differential relay, the fifth-harmonie blocking may well prevent the differential element from tipping unil a severe fault develops The strategy of using the overexcitation fifh-harmonic level to adaptively raise the pickup of the uifferemtial element, Keeping the remaining percentage differential characteristics still in place, solves this problem. A false trip of the differential during overexcitation is prevented, but a sensitive trip upon the ‘occurrence of an ineipient fault is permitted (see Figure 12). Harmonic shi ing Harmonic sharing is 2 modification of the harmonic blocking technique, where the harmonic content of all three phases is summed before checking if the ratio of the fundamental frequency and harmonic components of the operating current is more than a prespecified threshold, This approach adds security in applications in which harmonic content on one or two phases is not sufficient 1o block the operation of the relay versus the use of eross-blocking ( to overcome this limitation of simple harmonic blocking schemes, Wave-shape recognition methods 1 1 Goneral The inrush currents of a power transformer exhibit intervals where the currents are both small and flat. This observation was used in some eatly implementations of the dwell-time principle (waveform analysis) in uifferential relays, See Figure 13 for an illustration of the dwell time in the incush waveform. The three traces represent the inrush current in the three phases. Modem digital technology has allowed improvements based on this principle. Current (pu) 2 Time (eycies) Figure 13—Dwoll-time intervals in the inrush curronts Due to the nature of the magnetic circuit of the common three-legged core of a three-phase transformer, the periods of near zero currents are aligned in all three phases. Another algorithm uses this principle 10 reliably detect inrush and block the differential clements without a danger of blocking en internal faults with heavily saturated CTS, Heavily saturated CT's may also produce periods of small and flat current, but these periods are not aligned between the three phases of the transformer. The periods of small and flat current occur once every power system cycle—even in cases of ultra-saturation when second harmonic content of the inrush waveform is low, Kasztenny et al, [B87] describes ultra-saturation during inrush in detail ‘This algorithm sums the absolute values of the instantaneous samples of the three phases to detect this pier of time-aligned dwell time of small and flat current, However, the measuring CTS inside a digital relay ean also experience saturation due to the unipolar nature of the inrush current. Figure 14 illustrates the result on the current measured by the relay 39 Copyright 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved IEEE sta car et-2021 IEEE Guide for Protecting Power Transtonners Figure 14—Explanation of saturation of a CT Because the absolute value of the current samples is no longer near zero, the simple algorithm would tend to unblock, However, examining the waveform shows that the dwell time is easily discerned by the Fact that it ig relatively flat. Therefore, the algorithm in the digital implementation is enhanced to take the first Uerivative of the current signal (rate of change of current) and use that signal as well. The algorithm develops its operating signal from a weighted average of the sum of the current samples from the three phases and the sum of the di/dt samples from the three phases. This signal is compared to a threshold based ‘on the magnitude of the differential current from the three phases and passed through a pickup timer of Vi8th of a eyele to recognize the small and flat dwell times with a dropout delay of one cycle to ride through the period between the concurrent dwell time periods of the waveforms If a fault occurs during inrush, the faulted phases will not exhibit the small and fat characteristic concurrent with the other phases and the algorithm naturally resets in about one cycle. Kasztenny et al [B87] provides more details on the scheme logic. The scheme can be adapted for use with three single phase transformer banks or other core designs (¢.., five-logged, shell form) that do not exhibit concurrent dwell times during inrush by separating the algorithm imto per phase measurements Low-curront dotection method One principle recognizes the length ofthe time intervals during which the differential current is neatly zero (see Rockefeller et al. [BI21)). Figure 15 depicts the basic concept behind this low-current detection method. The differential current is compared with positive and negative thresholds of equal magnitudes. This comparison helps to determine the duration of the intervals during which the value of the current is less than the valuc of the threshold. The time intervals arc then electronically compared with a threshold value equal to one-quarter cycle. For inrush currents shown in Figure 15(a), the low-current intervals, ta, are greater than one-quarter cycle, and the relay is blocked. For internal faults shown in Figure 15(b), the low-current intervals, ta, are less than one-quarter cycle, and the relay operates. It is possible that the low-current intervals of magnetizing inrush curremt may not be greater than ‘one-quarter cyeles in a specific case. If this happens, the low-current detection technique fails, and remedial ‘measures are needed to identify the situation as magnetizing inrush 40 Copyright 2021 IEEE. Al sights reserved

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