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Quiz 1.

1. What is meant by the acronym/term GVW?

General vehicle worktruck
Greatest variable weight
German Volkswagen
Gross vehicle weight
2. In the trucking industry there is only one option to buying a vehicle. False
3. What is a incomplete vehicle?
Missing power train and cannot be shipped
Sent in to another company to finish in installing the body or equipment
missing floor mats
Missing the wheels and cannot be shipped
4. What is the purpose of a Float truck?
can transport various loads, that may have width and high restrictions
very low so if anything falls of it is close to the ground and will not break
Only hauls heavy equipment
designed to transport vehicles on wheels
5. Why is it called a dump truck?
only used on the high
because it is used to carry things to the dump
It can be used to carry anything that can be dumped out
never used on the highway
6. when you buy a incomplete vehicle. the manufacturer GVW cannot be changed.
7. why would tire size have any affect on the final ratio?
The size of the tire will change the rolling distance
The tire rolling distance will have no effect on final drive ratio
Neither A or B
Both A and B
8. Will engine HP have any effect on the vehicle you are buying
depending on the size and use of the vehicle, It may require a larger Motor,
I should really buy a gas engine as it has better emissions
as long as it is a diesel engine it will have the torque to pull my vehicle
Electric vehicles will never be strong enough to pull transport trucks from coast
to coast
9. Why would frame height have any importance
Frame design will not change the height the of the deck
different depths of frames could change finished height
Both A and B
all of the above
10. On page 24 of the PDF document, What are you calculating in figure 3.1
Kenworth body builder manual PDF/ found in the links in our shell
Length of the vehicle
turning radius
number of axles
all of the above
Quiz 2
1. Department of Transport (DOT) is the US agency that insures North America
has the world most: All of the above
2. A properly design truck shall:
Accommodate operational requirements
Make operation conform to the truck
A and B
None of the above
3. Ministry of Environments (MOE) responsible for transportation system:
All of the above
4. Transport Canada is responsible for: All of the above
5. Specifications are generally divided in to categories of: a and b
6. Vehicles Build and sold in to Canadian Market must comply with: a and c
7. Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) mission is to: all of the above
8. A person who writes specification for the purchase of the trucks must be fully
familiar with regulations pertaining to: all of the above
9. Highway Traffic Act (HTA) is the Ontario act which regulates: all of the above
10. The National Safety Code (NSC) was established for Motor Carriers as:
All of the above
11. To successfully spec out vehicle for the job that will produce positive results a
spec writer must fully understand: all of the above
12. Technical specification express the level of performance of the individual units
subdivided in to: all of the above
13. A payload being the most important consideration when specing out a truck
additional factors must be considered such as: all of the above
14. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for all pollution issues
including transportation sector by: all of the above
15. Vehicle manufacturers are in business to produce vehicles that meet:
All of the above
16. Vehicle specification should be defined by the: a and b
17. California Air Resources Board (CARB) was established to regulate emissions
in California. Some Other States have adapted CARB standard over EPA. The
manufacturers of motor vehicles based on the market can chose to comply with:
Both EPA and CARB Standards
18. A day to day real world in use information can be obtained by talking to the:
A and B
19. International Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) is the world organization
composed of Thousands of Engineers that produce: all of the above
20. Typically Trucks or Busses are produced in stages by various manufacturers
which must be registered with Transport Canada either as: all of the above
21. All of the vehicles specified for production or imported in to Canada must
comply with: a and b
22. To spec a truck for the application one must fully understand: all of the above
23. Incorrectly spec"ed truck will result in: all of the above
24. A Definition of Specification is: all of the above
25. Technology and Maintenance Council (TMC) is the organization that: a and b
Quiz 3.
1. In class this week we discussed different types of truck and trailer designs.
What was some of the advantages of a flat bed design.
hard to load different loads
Able to carry various pay loads of different weights and sizes with loading easy
Had good protection from the elements
all of the above
2. What was some of the advantages of the covered trailer or truck design. I said
that this design may have removeable sides.
some weather protection
fork lifts in some case could not be used
crane were the best type of device to unload this type
All of the above
3. I said that some of the flat deck trucks and trailer had cranes to unload or load
the truck.
This type would not require PTO options
This type would have hydraulic to power the crane
crane would have its own motor source
crane only works when it is plugged
4. what was some of the advantages of an open sided van type.
easier to unload the front of the unit first
lighter than other fully enclosed type van type
lighter in design, which could mean better fuel economy and or more pay load
because of the reduction of trailer weight
All of the above
5. what were some of the options for a fully enclosed van type units.
could be temperature controlled warm or cold
could have very light floor designs that could not support a forklift
able to keep good dry
all of the above
6. On propane trucks and trailers which of these are true.
Plaque cards are used to identify the company
carry liquid cargo under pressure
carry product in the gas form
product was drained off and on these units
7. bulk fluid tankers require.
vented vapours while filling or emptying to the atmosphere
bulk heads to stop the product from moving
usually only have one compartment
required plaque cards to identify the company hauling the liquid
8. bulk tanker units required safety devices.
hand rail on top of the unit for operator safe
static cables to increase static while filling
never filled from the bottom because the operator has no way to see how much is
in the tank
none of the above
9. Dry bulk units can be empty by gravity. False
10. Boom truck units can be in various forms.
bucket type
concrete pump truck
block truck design
all of the above
Quiz 4.
1. what is meant by lugging a engine?
operation at to high of RPM
operating below the torque band of a engine.
operating below peek HP
all of the above
2. Does our highway regulations apply to of road situations, where a vehicle register
to drive on the highway could be carrying more than the legal limit.
They can never carry over the legal limit even off road
There are no regulations to what they can carry while off road but this will effect
the life cycle of the vehicle
3. What are the effect on a motor if operated below the torque band of a engine to
heat damage
burnt pistons
damaged fiction bearing.
all of the above
4. Which frame do you think would be stronger. a single frame or a double frame
both can have the same strength
double will always be stronger
single will always break more cross members
neither triple is the best
5. On the video I supplied that shows me with a engine on a engine dyno. at what
RPM does this engine produce the highest torque.
6. What are examples of shock loading?
Tire getting good traction while spinning
Sudden wheel speed variations because of driving conditions
load shifts
all of the above
7. What did I say was the relationship between the HP and torque was called.
torque rise
HP rating
Torque rating
all the above
8. In the example Gross combined vehicle weight, what option would be
considered for that type of vehicle.
Engine torque
lower differential ratios
drivetrains with possibly two transmission cases
all of the above
9. What are 2 areas that will reflected on the life cycle of a vehicle.
both A and B
10. How could we maintain the normal life cycle of a engine?
schedule oil changes
schedule repair cycles
neither A or B
Both A and B

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