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“I don’t know what I want to do in the future, but that is the beauty of Sweden.

I interviewed my classmate in college called Zahra, who has always been very mysterious
and private with her life. She is a year older than the rest of our class and lives in Lindängen
with her parents and little sister who is 17 years younger than her. In this interview you will
get to know more about her personal life as well as her dreams and aspirations.

Zahra spoke about how the future is unpredictable and that she doesn’t know what she wants
as an occupation. “In three years I hope to have graduated and gotten into a university”, she
explains how being a teacher would be the perfect job for her as it’s very flexible and she
loves being around children. Zahra expresses that her biggest worry at the moment is that she
doesn’t know what to choose as her future career. “But that’s the beauty with Sweden, you
can always change your mind and switch the program that you are studying”. Like she
mentioned earlier, the future is uncertain and you never know when life might take a turn.

When asked about college, she states that her favorite teacher has to be Kajsa because she is
very understanding and always motivates her with everything. Kajsa has always supported
Zahra in reaching her maximum potential and encourages her to do her best. She brings up
that English is the subject that excites her the most. “I am very fascinated by the history of
language and its process”. She proceeds to add that everything in the English language thrills
her and that the literature is amazing and the classics remarkable. If by any chance she
becomes a teacher one of the subjects she would choose is English.

Later on in the interview we got a bit personal and spoke about what Zahra is like as a person
and what her day to day life looks like. She describes herself as an introvert that loves to read
and watch tv series. She mentions that she has social anxiety and doesn’t like to talk in front
of bigger groups but is very calm and open with her friends. Whenever she has spare time she
dedicates it to reading books, learning new languages and watching tv series. But some days
she doesn’t have the same amount of time so she prioritizes her studies insteads. “If I have
some extra free time I dedicate it to research some royal genealogy which is a big passion of

Last but not least she describes her views on her hometown where she has spent most of her
life and will probably continue to do so. “Malmö is a great city, and very diverce. It has
everything that you would need in your day to day life.” But like any other city it also has a
downside. She mentions that one thing she would like for them to improve is to add trams as
a traffic option. Before she dies, she would like to have an adventure and travel around the
world to experience other cultures, traditions and food.

After this interview, the mystery around Zahra has cleared up and she seems like a very
intelligent person. I hope that she achieves her dream of becoming a teacher and becomes
successful in the future.

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