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University of Baghdad

College of Medicine

Title: Introduction to Human Anatomy - Part 1

Grade: First
Module: HSF 1 / Anatomy
Speaker: Dr Rana A Altae
Date: / 11 / 2023
University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023

At the end of the lecture the students will be able to:
1. Outline the definition of Anatomy.
2. Identify the methods Human Anatomy is studied by.
3. List the forms of Anatomy.
4. Recognize the Human Body Systems.
5. Define the Anatomical Position.
6. Define the Anatomical Planes.
7. State the Language of Anatomy with its Directional Terms
8. Review the Terms of Movement.
Anatomy University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023

is the study of the structure and shape of the body

and body parts and their relationships to one another.
The term HUMAN ANATOMY "A study of the structure of the human body.
Designed primarily for students preparing for careers in medicine, nursing,
physical therapy, and related fields." It is to develop a true appreciation and
respect for the beautiful structure of the human body.
Regarded from such a standpoint it
may be studied by two methods:
(1) the various structures may be separately considered - systematic anatomy; or :
(2) the organs and tissues may be studied in relation to one another-
topographical or regional anatomy.
Forms of Anatomy University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023

It is, however, of much advantage to add to the

facts ascertained by naked-eye dissection those
obtained by the use of the microscope. This introduces two fields of
investigation, viz., the study of the minute structure of the various
component parts of the body-HISTOLOGY-and the study of the human
organism in its immature condition, i.e., the various stages of its
intrauterine development from the fertilized ovum up to the period
when it assumes an independent EMBRYOLOGY
University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023

Owing to the difficulty of obtaining material

illustrating all the stages of this early
development, gaps must be filled observations on
the development of lower forms-COMPAEARTIVE EMBRYOLOGY, or
by a consideration of adult forms in the line of human ancestry-
The direct application of the facts of human anatomy to the various
pathological conditions which may occur constitutes the subject of-
APPLIED ANATOMY. Finally, the appreciation structures on or
immediately underlying the surface of the body is frequently made
the subject of special study- SURFACE ANATOMY
Human Body Systems:
University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023

• How many Systems are there in the Body?

• Why there are different numbers in the Books?
• There are 11 Systems in the body and if the Reproductive system is University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023

considered as Male and Female Reproductive systems separately so there are 12 systems.
1. Integumentary System (Skin-Integument)
What is the largest Organ in the Human?Homework: What is the difference between
Skin and Integument?
2. Skeletal System- 206 Bone, cartilage, ligaments, and joints What is the largest bone in the Human? What
is the smallest bone in the Human?
3. Muscular System- About 600 muscles in human
4. Nervous System- CNS central nervous system-Brain and the spinal cord. PNS peripheral nervous system-
Distributing nerves (mixed, motor, sensory) Homework: Which is more numerous in human body motor or
sensory neurons?
5. Cardiovascular System What is the percentage of damage that could occur to the heart but the human
can still be alive?
6. Respiratory System The lightest organ is the lung. What is the percentage of damage that could occur to
the lungs but the human can still be alive?
7. Lymphatic System What is the Largest Lymphoid Organ?
8. Digestive System Where does digestion start? Where is digestion manily? Where is absorption mainly –
nutrients and water-?
9. Urinary System What is the percentage of damage that could occur to the Kidneys but the human can
still be alive?
10. Endocrine System 11. Reproductive System
University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023

Anatomical Position

•Standing erect, with the feet parallel and

the arms hanging at the sides with the
palms facing forward.
• Is the standard reference point in
which all positions, movements, and
planes are described
• it provides a precise and uniform
way to describe the body structures
• Individual anatomical positions are
described using various anatomical
terms describing their relative
placement to standardized positions.
University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023

University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023
University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023

The Language of Anatomy

• To accurately describe body parts and position we

have to have a reference point that is accepted universally. This is
helpful when the coroner finds a body and must describe the body.
. Directional Terms are always used in this subject and mainly used in
the Doctor’s career and life for describing communicating with our
collogues and medical staff.
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University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023
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University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023
University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023
University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023
University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023

Angular movements
• Flexion and extension are opposite
movements. in flexion there is decrease in
angle between the articulating bones
while in extension there is an increase in
the angle. (flexion=bend,
extension=stretch out). Extension usually
restores the part of the body to the
anatomical position after it has been
flexed. EX: tilting the head downward to
the chest (flexion) and returning it back to
its normal position (extension). Other EX:
University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023

• Abduction is the
movement away from
the midline whereas
adduction is the
movement toward the
midline Ex: moving the
arm laterally at the
shoulder joint is
abduction while
returning it back to its
normal anatomical
position is adduction.
Other Ex: (Home work).
University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023

• Note that abduction and

adduction of the fingers and
toes are movements away and
towards an imaginary line
drawn through the longest
middle finger in the hand and
the second toe in the foot. So
spreading out the fingers is
abduction while returning them
back to their normal anatomical
position is adduction.
University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023

• Circumduction is the movement of the distal end

of the body around a circle, it’s a result of a
continuous sequence of flexion, abduction,
extension and adduction. Ex: moving the arm in a
circle at the shoulder joint. Other Ex: (Home
• Rotation means that the bone revolves University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023

around its own longitudinal axis EX: as in

pivot joint, and moving the trunk from
side to side at the intervertebral joints
while keeping the hips and the lower
limbs in their anatomical position. In the
limbs , rotation is defined relative to the
midline and specific qualifying terms are
used. If the anterior surface of the limb is
turned toward the midline, the movement
is called medial (internal) rotation. If the
anterior surface of the limb is turned away
from the midline, the movement is called
lateral (external ) rotation.
University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023

• Special movements occurs only at specific joints.

They include
1.elevation, depression,
2.protraction, retraction,
3.inversion, eversion,
4.dorsiflexion, planter flexion,
5. supination, pronation,
University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023

• Elevation is an upward movement of a part

of the body, such as closing the mouth at the
tempromandibular joint or shrugging the
shoulders at one of the lateral joint of the
• Depression is a downward movement of a
part of a body, such as opening the mouth
ton depress the mandible or returning the
shrugged shoulders to their anatomical
University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023

• Protraction is a movement of a part

of the body anteriorly (to draw
froth) as in protract the mandible
at the temporomandibular joint by
thrusting it outward, or protract
your clavicles by crossing your
• Retraction is the movement of the
protracted part of the body back to
the anatomical position. (to draw
University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023
University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023

• Inversion ( to turn inward ) is

movement of the soles medially
at the intertarsal joints (between
the tarsals)
• Eversion (to turn outward ) is the
movement of the soles laterally
at the intertarsal joints.
University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023

• Dorsiflexion refers to bending of the foot at

the ankle in the direction of the dorsum
(superior surface). Dorsiflexion occurs when
you stand on your heels.
• Planter flexion refers to bending of the foot at
the ankle joint in the direction of the planter
or inferior surface (sole), as when standing on
your toes.
• NOTE: dorsiflexion is true flexion, whereas
planter flexion is true extension.
University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023

“The Kings Pronate The beggers Supinate”

• Supination is a movement of forearm at the

proximal and distal radioulnar joints in
which the palm is turned anteriorly or
superiorly. This position is one of the
defining features of the anatomical position.
• Pronation is the movement of the forearm
at the proximal and distal radioulnar joints
in which the palm is turned posteriorly or
University of Baghdad/ College of Medicine 2022-2023

• Opposition is the movement of

the thumb at the
carpometacarpal joint in which
the thumb moves across the
palm to touch the tips of the
fingers on the same hand. This
gives the ability to grasp and
manipulate objects very

Dr. RaNa…

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