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Complete a career plan identifying development needs

This career development plan template can be used as a tool to guide your thought process and map your progress over a chosen

Completion of this plan will follow a 4 step process. Each step will address specific career related questions:

1. What skills do you already possess? (Where are you now?)

2. What do you want for your career? (Where do you want to go?)
3. How might you get there? (What steps do you need to take to get there?)
4. Who can help? (What resources might I use?)

1. Where are you now?

This process starts with taking a good look at where you are currently at. What are your skills, talents and interests? What are your
values – do you like to lead, work with people or alone with data or text? Do you like working face to face with people or prefer
independent work? Do you like to work inside or outside? Do you like working to deadlines? Which teams do you like working on,
quiet or loud, small or large?

Answering the questions below will assist you in determining your starting point. There are several tools & resources that can assist
you with this on the web.

Question Notes/Comments.
Where am I now in regard to my Currently, I am a second-year student studying H&SC at WKC. In terms of my career
career? plans, I am hoping to get into university to study public Health.

What are my views of current In terms of COVID-19, I hope that it gets better in time for university – so that the virus
situation? doesn’t interferes with higher education and the experiences along with it .
What have been my experiences to I have gained experience in different fields such as working in a nursery setting,
date? contributing in a health fundraising event and was previously class representative.
What do I enjoy most? Academically, I enjoy learning new things the most but also listening to debates or class
(personally and academically) Personally, the things I enjoy doing in my spare time are reading, journaling, calligraphy
& photography.

What skills come to me naturally? Listening & paying attention to those who are speaking.

What do I think my strengths/assets Paying attention to small details from interactions with people to objects or things/items.
are? (Skills, knowledge, talents,
What are some things people ask me Drawing shapes that require precision.
to help with?
What do I do well? Finding a solution or alternative to an issue or concerns of others.

What appeals to me? Creative minds.

What are my values? (work/life) Work – I always acknowledge feedback positively as I think of this as a chance to
improve the quality of my task
With my everyday life, I tend to have a line between what I can do and what should be
left for the other person to discover of figure out themselves – separation of life tasks.
Do I like to lead, work with people as a I like working as a team as I find that by working with others, the task gets done quicker,
team or work alone (with data or text)? however I also enjoy working alone since I find that I think of more ideas when alone.
Do I like working face to face with Back office work.
customers or back office work?
How do I feel when I think about my I haven’t thought of or have a current ideal job in kind however thinking about perusing
ideal job (excited, motivated, fear)? a career in the public health industry makes me feel motivated for what’s yet to come.
Is there anything getting in my way of No
achieving what I want?
2 Where do you want to go?
What you'll do next is:
 Consider your career goals
 Explore your career options.
 Develop concise written statements related to your goals and add them to the table below.
Knowing where you want to go makes the next steps in determining your future career move much easier.

There are several tools & resources that can assist you with this.
Question Notes
What does my ideal job look I haven’t thought of an ideal job yet however I most likely see myself teaching people health
like? education and the importance of protecting & preventing ourselves from potential illness or

If I could do any job in the I would be a coder because not many people pursue it or are aware of the high demand coding
world what might it be and is for our future – because of this I think it would be a rewarding career.

What are my goals (short/long

term)? A long-term goal of mine is to be happy with my career/job

What energizes me? Doing or being around the things that I enjoy doing most.

Where do I want to be (in 1 yr, In one year, I would hopefully be in the university of my choice.
In five years, I want to be travelling the world.
Question Notes
in 5 yrs)

Are there any specific no

challenges I want to face?

Are there any specific no

challenges I want to face?

Why is this important to -


What do I want to Academically, I want do engage more in the field of my work/jo hands on so things like work
see/get/do more of? experience.
Personally, I want to travel the different parts of the world ( long-term goal)

What do I want to Not sure

see/get/do less of?

What is my preferred Personally, the way I balance work and my personal life is by setting hours or a part of the day that
balance between work I’m going to focus on schoolwork and the rest of the day with personal interest/hobbies and other
and my personal life? personal things I may run into.

Who else does this affect? Whether the balance between my personal and work life becomes unbalanced, then ultimately it
would effect myself.

What normally gets in the Sometimes I tend to procrastinate which may slow down achieving my goals.
way of achieving my

What kind of work A quiet environment typically at a library centre.

environment suits me

3. How might I get there?

By answering questions 1 & 2, you should now have a clearer idea of what you want & where you want to go. The next step is
figuring out how you might get there. What do you need to do? Below are some questions you may consider in deciding what
resources may be useful.

There are several tools & resources that can assist you with this on the web.
Question Notes
How can I prepare myself and To prepare myself I plan to set up timetable/schedule dedicated to myself and the goals I wish to
my environment to achieve my achieve. With the current lockdown, I plan to wake up earlier on the days I need to focus.
What resources and Textbooks & other useful materials which can help support my goals
tools/resources do I need?

What steps do I need to take Organise

to get from where I am now to
where I want to be?
Question Notes

What new skills, knowledge do Being able to self-discipline myself.

I need to possess?

What new skills do I want to Personally, I want to learn to speak a foreign language fluently.

What existing skills do I need I need to develop my communication skills to be at a similar level to my listening skills.
to develop?

How can I commit to achieving Reminding myself of how useful and the benefits of communicating well at any circumstance will
my goals? enable me to develop a flexible communication style.

How can I commit to achieving Reminding myself of how useful and the benefits of communicating well at any circumstance will
my goals? enable me to develop a flexible communication style.

What barriers do I need to A major barrier I think I need to remove in order to be successful is overthinking.
remove to make this happen?

How will I know I have been Once I find myself overthinking less about what I was going to say or present in a classroom
successful? setting and just went with my initial thoughts in the moment of a particular topic.
3. Who can help (resources)?
Knowing who can assist you and what resources you need to achieve your career goals can greatly assist you in staying focused
on your goals.

Question Notes
What new relationships might I build help Friend relationships
me attain my career goals?

Who do I know who can support me attain My family & friends

my career goals?

Who have I lost touch with who might be Nobody

able to support me in my career goals?

What role can my friends and family take By reminding me of my goals. For instance, my current goal is to get a distinction in my
in encouraging me to stay focused? next assignment, once my friends and family remind me of my goal, this will help me get
back on track.

What role can my unit head/manager play Delivering resources to support my assignments.
in supporting my career aspirations?

What communities of practice currently My local library centre

exist that I can tap into?
My Current Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths Weaknesses
- Procrastinating
- Listening well
- Respecting other opinions
- Reading

What opportunities are open to me now and hopefully in the future and what threats do I face in achieving these?
Opportunities Threats
Not sure
Not sure



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