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Name of Drug Classification Action Adverse Effect

Used with other

medications to treat
active tuberculosis (TB)
infections. It is also
used alone to prevent
(Nydrazid, Fever, Dark Urine, Clay-
active TB infections in
Laniazid, Solonex, antituberculosis Colored Stools, Jaundice,
people who may be
Rifinah, Rifater, agent Kin Rash, Vision Changes,
infected with the
Rimstar and Stomach Pain
bacteria (people with
positive TB skin test).
Isoniazid is an antibiotic
and works by stopping
the growth of bacteria.
Treats constipation. It
Bisacodyl may also be used to
(Dulcolax, clean out the intestines diarrhea, abdominal pain,
Correctol, before a bowel abdominal discomfort and
BisacEvac, examination/surgery. cramping pain, headache,
Bisacolax, Laxative Bisacodyl is known as a subsequent radiographic
Codulax, Alophen, stimulant laxative. It changes of colonic
Feen A Mint, Fleet works by increasing the redundancy and dilation of
Stimulant Laxative, movement of the colon
Laxit, Modane) intestines, helping the
stool to come out.
relieves mild to
Paracetamol Hepatotoxicity, Low Fever
moderate pain and
(Biogesic, with Nausea, Stomach
Analgesic and reduces fever by
Dymadon, Lemsip, Pain, and Loss of Appetite;
Antipyretic affecting an area of the
Panadol, Panamax, Dark Urine, Clay-Colored
brain that regulates our
Tylenol) Stools, Jaundice
body temperature
Acts as an inverse
Reaction, QT Prolongation,
agonist at the H1
Anemia, Hemolytic,
Diphenhydramine receptor, thereby
(Benadryl, reversing the effects of
Antihistamine Agranulocytosis,
Genahist, histamine on
Leukopenia, Pancytopenia,
Sominex, Unisom) capillaries, reducing
Arrhythmias, Seizures,
allergic reaction
Toxic Psychosis, Acute
Labyrinthitis, Heatstroke
Losartan (Anzar. Postural Hyotension,
Arbloc, Besartan, Treats high blood Edema, Flush, Increased
Cozaar, Doxar, Antihypertensive pressure (hypertension) Urination, Rapid Pulse,
Getzar, Hartzar, and heart failure. Wheezing/Shortness Of
Hextan) Breath And Dizziness
Thioridazine Phenothiazines Treats psychosis by Pigmentary retinopathy,
(Mellaril or Melleril) blocking dopamine dizziness, drowsiness,
(DA) receptors. These difficulty urinating,
medications effectively constipation, restlessness,
treat the positive
symptoms of
schizophrenia, such as headache, and blurred
hallucinations, vision
delusions, and
Treats serious bacterial
Kanamycin Aminoglycoside infections in many Vertigo, Auditory Nerve
(Kantrex) Antibiotics different parts of the Damage, Nephrotoxicity
Prevents certain viral
cells from multiplying in
your body. Cidofovir is
used to treat an eye Uveitis, nausea, vomiting,
infection called diarrhea, loss of appetite,
Cidofovir cytomegalovirus white patches or sores
(Cidnavir, Vistide) Antivirals
retinitis (CMV) in inside your mouth or on
people who have AIDS your lips, headache, skin
(acquired rash, hair loss, or cough.
syndrome) and
transplant receipients.
Fights bacteria.
Ethionamide is used to
treat tuberculosis (TB).
Ethionamide must be
(Ethiokok, antituberculosis Diarrhea, abdominal pain,
given in combination
Ethomid, Ethide, antibiotic hepatotoxicity
with other tuberculosis
medications and it
should not be used
Electrolyte abnormalities,
Reduces the swelling Glucosuria, Gout attacks,
and fluid retention Headache, Hepatotoxicity,
Metolazone caused by heart failure Hemoconcentration,
(Zaroxolyn, or kidney disease. It Hyperuricemia,
Mykrox) also is used alone or Hypokalemia,
with other medications Hypochloremic alkalosis,
to treat high blood Lightheadedness,
pressure. Necrotizing angiitis,
Treats acute migraine
Fatigue, Paresthesia,
Frovatriptan or cluster headaches in
Somnolence, Dyspepsia,
(Allegro, Frova, adults. Frovatriptan
Triptan Nausea, Xerostomia,
Migrex) works in the brain to
Skeletal pain, Myocardial
relieve the pain from
migraine headaches.
Warfarin anticoagulant Inhibits the clotting of Bleeding, necrosis,
(Coumadin, blood. It prevents the purple toe syndrome,
Jantoven) formation of blood clots osteoporosis, valve
and migration. It also
treats venous
pulmonary embolism,
thromboembolism with and artery
atrial fibrillation,
calcification, and drug
thromboembolism with
cardiac valve interactions
replacement, and
thromboembolic events
post myocardial
Helps restore the Neuroleptic Malignant
Quetiapine balance of certain Syndrome, Dementia,
(SEROquel, natural substances Suicidal Thoughts And
SEROquel XR, (neurotransmitters) in Behavior, Somnolence,
Qtipine, Quantia, the brain. This Stroke, Myocarditis,
Quetadin, medication can Dizziness, Orthostatic
Quetiapro, Victus) decrease hallucinations Hypotension, Cardiac
and improve Arrhythmia, and Sudden
concentration. Cardiac Death
Increases the amount
of serotonin that is
available in the brain. It
Syncope, lightheadedness,
treats depression,
diarrhea, nausea, sweating,
dizziness, xerostomia,
Sertraline (Zoloft, disorder, panic attacks,
confusion, hallucinations,
Altruline, Lustral) antidepressants posttraumatic stress
tremor, somnolence,
disorder, and social
impotence, a disorder of
anxiety disorder.
ejaculation, fatigue, rhinitis,
Sertraline is also used
and female sexual disorder.
sometimes to treat
headaches and sexual
Bradycardia, Tachycardia,
Treats the symptoms of
Nitroprusside Flushing, Palpitations,
acute heart failure,
(Nitropress, Nipride Severe hypotension,
Vasodilators hypertensive crisis and
RTU) Electrocardiographic
controlled hypotension
changes, Substernal chest
during surgery.
pain, Shortness of breath
Affects chemicals in the
brain that may become
Halazepam unbalanced and cause Sedation, Somnolence,
(Paxipam, Alapryl, anxiety. Halazepam is Diplopia, Dysarthria, Ataxia
Pacinone) used to relieve anxiety, And Intellectual, Impairment
nervousness, and
tension associated with
anxiety disorders.
Atropine (AtroPen, Anticholinergics Helps reduce saliva, xerostomia, blurred vision,
Sal-Tropine, (bronchodilator) mucus, or other photophobia, tachycardia,
secretions in your
airway during a flushing, and hot skin,
Atreza) surgery. Atropine is constipation, difficulty with
sometimes used as an urination, anhidrosis,
antidote to treat certain hypersensitivity reactions
types of poisoning.
Verapamil (Isoptin Treats high blood
SR, Calan SR, pressure and to control
Covera HS, angina (chest pain).
Gingival hyperplasia,
Isoptin, Isoptin IV, The immediate-release
Calcium-channel Constipation, Peripheral
Calan, Verap, tablets are also used
blocker edema, Hypotension,
Verapamil SR, alone or with other
Fatigue, Dyspepsia
Verelan, and medications to prevent
Verelan PM) and treat irregular
Fights infections
caused by fungus.
Jublia Ingrown Toenail, Dermatitis,
Jublia solution is used
(Efinaconazole) Azole Antifungals Vesicles, Application Site
to treat a fungal
infection of the toenail
called onychomycosis.
Eosinophilia, Leukopenia,
Oxacillin (Bactocil, Treats many different
Wydox, Cilvex, types of infections
Penicillin Thrombocytopenia,
Triavex 1) caused by
Elevated AST, Acute
interstitial nephritis, Serum
sickness-like reaction
Lowers cholesterol and
Rosuvastatin triglycerides. It's also Congestion, Dry or sore
(Crestor, Ezallor taken to prevent heart throat, Runny nose, Tender,
Sprinkle) and blood vessel Swollen Glands in the neck,
disease, heart attacks Jaundice
and strokes.
Treats high blood sugar Hypoglycemia, Allergic skin
levels caused by type 2 reactions, Erythema,
Glimepiride diabetes. It may be Morbilliform or
(Amaryl, Zoliget, used alone, or in maculopapular eruptions,
Solosa) combination with insulin Pruritus, Urticaria, Diarrhea,
or another oral Gastrointestinal pain,
medicine such as Vomiting, Agranulocytosis,
metformin. Hyponatremia, Asthenia
Ursodiol (Actigall, gallstone Dissolves gallstones in Dizziness, Diarrhea,
and Urso Forte) dissolution agent people who do not want Dyspepsia, Nausea,
surgery or cannot have Vomiting, Back pain, Upper
surgery to remove respiratory tract infection,
gallstones. Ursodiol is Alopecia, Rash,
also used to prevent Hyperglycemia, Flatulence,
the formation of Peptic ulcer, Urinary tract
gallstones in infection, Leukopenia,
overweight people who
are losing weight very
anaphylaxis, angioedema,
Vertigo, otalgia,
hyperacusis, Eye pain,
Zaleplon (Sonata, visual disturbance,
Zalwell 10, Hyplon) Hypnotic Treats insomnia
conjunctivitis, drowsiness,
hypoaesthesia, migraine,
hypertonia, tremor, Nausea

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