Episode 1 - Hotel Problerms

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Practical EnglishHotel problems


Match problems 1-4 to offers a-d.
1 I have a prob lem with the wi -fi. _ c_
2 This room is very noisy .
3 I want to ta lk to the manager.
4 There' s no water in my min i-ba r.

a I'll see if we have a quieter one.

b I'll send two bott les to your room right now.
-c- Wl-i,Ht-yetHflf~-1+.-
d I'll ask her to call you.

a @the correct words.
1 What's your room like? Do you have a good
'91 look?
2 · It's great to be I be here.
a Complete the sentences with a word from the list. 3 You can I must be really tired.
4 I want I guess you're right.
b oth er Rave 's put send this 5 It's great to see you, too I two.
6 By the way I On the way, Martha wants to see
I have a problem with the wi -fi.
you whi le you're here.
2 I'll you through to IT.
3 I'll somebody up right away. b Complete the conversation with the missing
4 I'm sorry to you. words.
5 Hello . is room 315.
1 A Welco me to New York.
6 There a problem with the shower. B Thanks . It 's great to be here.
b Complete the conversations with sentences 1-6 from a.
2 A Do you have a g,__ _ _ _
1 A Hello, recept ion . v___ __ ?
B Hello . 1 This is room 315 B Yes. I can see the Empire State Building
A How can I help you? from my window .
B 2
There isn't any hot water. 3 A It' s time to go. You m ____ _
A I'm sorry, ma'am. 3 b._ ____ really tired.
B Thank you . B I g,___ __ you're right.

4 A B __ __ _ t ____ _
2 A Hello, reception .
B Hello, this is room 315 again. 4
________ _ w_ _____ , it's great to see yo u again.
but there 's one more thing. B Yes. It's great to see you, t __ __ _
A How can I help you?
B s___________________ _
I can't get a signa l.
A I'm sorry , ma 'am . 6__ __________ _

B Thanks.

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