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PracticalEnglish Restaurantproblems

at the restaurant V re staurants

a Complete the sentences with a phrase from the
list .

a mist ake any sug gestions be grea t could

sta rt with tcll-me to go

1 A So tell m~ , Adam, what are your plans?

B Well, to , I'd like to visit the
Empire State Building.

2 A I'd like to go sightsee ing this afterno on. Do you

1 VOCABULARY restaurants have ?
Complete the sentences. B How about going to Central Park? I could take
1 Can we have a tab le for two, please?
A That would
2 What's on the m__ __ _ today?
3 I'll have the steak for my ma in c.____ _ 3 A we have the che ck, please?
4 Let' s ask thew _ ____ for ano t he r bottle B Yes, of course . Here you are.
of water .
5 Can we have the ch___ __ , please? 4 A Excuse me. I think there's
6 Let's leave a good t"- - - -- · The waiter was I asked for tuna, not salm on .
rea lly good . B Oh, sorry . I'll take it back to the kitchen.

5 A It's very late .

Order the conversation.
b Complete t he convers at ions with a phr a se fr o m a .
A Are you ready to order? 1
B Still. 1 A OK, time to go.
A Still or spa rkling? __ B Can 't we stay a little bit longer ?
8 Yes, please . __
A And how wou ld you like your stea k? Rare, medi um, 2 A Would you like to come to lunch on Sunday?
or well done? B Thanks,·- ··
8 A ba ked potato , please. _ _
A Ca n I get you somet hing to start with? __ 3 A Where are you taking Hannah for dinn er?
8 Rare, please . _6 _ B I don't know . ?
A Here 's your stea k, ma'am. __
4 A Can I get you anyt hing else? A coffee, maybe?
8 Water , please . _ _
B No, thanks . ?
A Would you like that with fries or with a baked
pot ato? __
5 A Is there a prob lem with t he check?
8 I'm sorry, but I asked for my ste a k rare, and t his is
B Yes, I think _
well done .
A OK. And to drink?
6 A So, _ _ _ , how was your even ing with
8 No, thank you . J ust a main cours e. I'd like the steak,
please . __
B Well, _ ___ _ _ __ , th e food was awful.
A I'm very sorry , ma'am. I'll ta ke it back to the
kitchen. __15._

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