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Unit 3 | Session 2

The right job for me

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: evaluate a personal statement
Unit 3 | Session 2
The right job for me
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: evaluate a personal statement

Lesson Overview
1. GET STARTED: Job responsibilities

2. READING: Wells Brook Zoo job openings

3. CRITICAL THINKING: Evaluating personal statements for job applications

4. SPEAKING: On the hiring team

Job responsibilities

Think about each of the jobs. Discuss the questions with your classmates.

1. What is the person’s main responsibility?

2. What kind of education or training do they need to perform their job?
3. Which job do you think would be the most interesting to do? Why?

A sales assistant A zookeeper A cook

Wells Brook Zoo job openings
Scan the job descriptions. What kinds of skills does each job require?
Evaluating personal statements for job applications
Jonathan Mendoza is applying for
the zookeeper assistant position.
Read and evaluate his personal
How good of a candidate do you
think he is? Why might he not be a
good candidate? Give reasons and
examples. Discuss in groups.
In terms of his qualifications, . . .
With regards to his experience/skills, . . .
Regarding his career goals, . . .
Overall, I think that . . .
On the hiring team
You are on the hiring team for the
sales assistant position at Wells
Brook Zoo. Review the job
posting. Then discuss the kinds
of qualifications, skills, and
personality traits your team will
look for in a candidate.
It would be good to hire someone who . . .
It also should be someone who . . .
Someone working as a sales assistant
needs . . .
It’s also important that . . .
On the hiring team
Read the personal statements from two job applicants. Evaluate their strengths and
weaknesses. Then decide which candidate your team chooses to hire and why.
On the hiring team
Share your team’s decision with the class.
Then take a class vote to decide who gets
the job!
We chose . . . because . . .
We think / feel that . . .
His / her biggest strength is . . .

We chose Marcy Jolosky because she has

experience arranging store merchandise. We
think that is one of the most important
responsibilities of the sales associate position.

Now I can . . .

 scan a text for details and evidence.

 evaluate personal statements for a job application.

Unit 3 | Session 2
The right job for me
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: evaluate a personal statement

Thank you!

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