Reflection Paper Parish Immersion

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Reflection Paper

Name: Paulette Beatrice T. Malicay Block: STEM 11 - G

Dynamic Story Presented in Parish: Kingdom Date of Parish Immersion: November 7, 2023

What line I find most captivating is the line of Nathan to David which says “You are the man! This is
what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘I anointed you king over Israel, and I delivered you from the hand of
Saul. 8 I gave your master’s house to you, and your master’s wives into your arms. I gave you all Israel and
Judah. And if all this had been too little, I would have given you even more. 9 Why did you despise the word
of the Lord by doing what is evil in his eyes? You struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword and took his
wife to be your own. You killed him with the sword of the Ammonites. 10 Now, therefore, the sword will
never depart from your house, because you despised me and took the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your
own.’ This particular line captivates my attention, resonating deeply as it directly confronts the enduring
issue of adultery, a matter that persists prominently in contemporary society. It strikes a chord with the
timeless relevance of moral challenges, pointing to the enduring nature of human frailty and the need for
reflection on our actions.

In summarizing the insights gleaned from our Small Group Sharing activity, it emerged that our
interviewees did not articulate a distinct moment of detachment from their community bonds. Nevertheless,
notable instances of physical separation within their families were recounted. One interviewee, driven by
professional commitments, entrusted her children to her parents while residing in the city. Simultaneously,
another interviewee, constrained by work demands, found herself unable to devote ample time to her
children. Despite these challenges, both interviewees perceived these circumstances as providential,
seeing in them an opportunity for divine intervention to fortify the familial ties that bind.

Among the noteworthy insights gleaned from our Small Group Sharing Activity, two concerns raised
by our interviewees have left a lasting impression. Maria Christy Teves voiced apprehensions about
poverty, highlighting the distressing reality of young children resorting to criminal activities to meet their
basic needs. Equally disconcerting was Mariafe Condesa's account of the adverse effects of flash floods
during heavy rains in their sitio. These environmental challenges evoke a sense of empathy as I reflect on
the difficulties faced by individuals residing in this community. I earnestly hope that, in due course, they may
successfully navigate and overcome the challenges they currently endure or have encountered.

From our Small Group Sharing Activity, two salient concerns emerged, encapsulating not only the
socio-economic fabric but also the political, cultural, and religious dimensions within our interviewees'
narratives. Maria Christy Teves poignantly highlighted the socio-economic challenge of poverty, shedding
light on the distressing phenomenon of young individuals resorting to criminal activities as a desperate
means to fulfill their basic needs. This issue inherently touches upon socio-political dynamics, exposing
systemic inadequacies that contribute to such vulnerabilities. In a parallel vein, Mariafe Condesa articulated
a pressing environmental concern related to flash floods during heavy rains in their sitio. This predicament
intertwines with socio-political and cultural facets as it underscores the community's vulnerability to natural
calamities, potentially exacerbated by inadequate infrastructure and resource allocation. These multifaceted
challenges underscore the intricate interplay of socio-political, cultural, and religious factors in shaping the
lived experiences of our interviewees.

Reflecting on the entirety of the Parish Immersion Activity, my encounter proved both challenging
and profoundly thought-provoking. The challenges were manifold, demanding an adaptation of my social
dynamics to engage with individuals whose experiences and perspectives differed significantly from my
own. Navigating interactions with unfamiliar faces necessitated a conscious adjustment of my social battery,
compelling me to present myself as approachable and open-minded, fostering a space for genuine
connection and understanding. Moreover, the experience was deeply reminding, serving as a reminder of
the enduring hardships faced by those residing in the marginalized sectors of Cebu City. The stories and
daily lives of these resilient individuals became a mirror reflecting the stark realities of inequality, poverty,
and societal neglect. The immersion served as a wake-up call, urging me to confront the stark disparities
that persist within our community and compelling a contemplative examination of the systemic issues that
perpetuate such conditions.

The Parish Immersion experience I underwent serves as a compelling directive, guiding me towards
transformative actions both within myself and in relation to the church community. It calls for a multifaceted
response aimed at fostering positive change and a more profound connection with the broader community.
The immersion experience compels me to go beyond passive observation and engage actively with the
community. It encourages participation in initiatives that contribute to the welfare of the marginalized,
fostering a sense of solidarity and communal support. The immersion experience highlights the significance
of fostering inclusivity within the church itself. It encourages me to actively contribute to a church
community that is welcoming and supportive, embracing diversity and recognizing the inherent dignity of
every individual. In essence, the Parish Immersion experience becomes a catalyst for personal growth and
societal change, urging me to integrate the lessons learned into tangible actions that contribute to a more
just and compassionate community.

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