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Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 7
1.1 History ............................................................................................. 7
1.2 Management ..................................................................................... 8
1.3 Highlights of 2011 ............................................................................. 9
2. KEY IT INDICATORS ...............................................................................17
Human Resources .....................................................................................17
Projects ...................................................................................................21
Publications ..............................................................................................22
3. FINANCIAL OUTLINE ..............................................................................29
4. RESEARCH AREAS ..................................................................................31
4.1 Wireless Communications ..................................................................31
4.1.1 Area Coordinators ......................................................................31
4.1.2 Human Resources ......................................................................31
4.1.3 Summary of Research Achievements ............................................40
4.1.4 Running and Concluded Projects ..................................................52
4.1.5 Running and Concluded Theses ....................................................86
4.1.6 Publications ...............................................................................97
4.1.7 Other Achievements ................................................................. 113
4.1.8 Other Contributions .................................................................. 115
4.2 Optical Communications .................................................................. 118
4.2.1 Area Coordinators .................................................................... 118
4.2.2 Human Resources .................................................................... 118
4.2.3 Summary of Research Achievements .......................................... 123
4.2.4 Running and Concluded Projects ................................................ 129
4.2.5 Running and Concluded Theses .................................................. 144
4.2.6 Publications ............................................................................. 149
4.2.7 Other Achievements ................................................................. 160
4.3 Networks and Multimedia ................................................................ 161
4.3.1 Area Coordinators .................................................................... 161
4.3.2 Human Resources .................................................................... 161
4.3.3 Summary of Research Achievements .......................................... 175
4.3.4 Running and Concluded Projects ................................................ 182

4.3.5 Running and Concluded Theses .................................................. 237
4.3.6 Publications ............................................................................. 251
4.3.7 Other Achievements ................................................................. 276
4.3.8 Other Contributions .................................................................. 277
4.4 Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies ......................................... 282
4.4.1 Area Coordinators .................................................................... 282
4.4.2 Human Resources .................................................................... 282
4.4.3 Summary of Research Achievements .......................................... 288
4.4.4 Runing and Concluded Projects .................................................. 317
4.4.5 Running and Concluded Theses .................................................. 336
4.4.6 Publications ............................................................................. 344
4.4.7 Other Achievements ................................................................. 363
4.4.8 Other Contributions .................................................................. 364

List of Tables

Table 1 - Foreseen and achieved scientific output in 2011 ..................................11

Table 2 – Number of active projects in 2011, according to funding source ...........21
Table 3 – Number of published works in 2011 ..................................................22
Table 4 – Total operational income in 2011 ......................................................29
Table 5 – List of major income sources during 2011 ..........................................30
Table 6 – Major costs in 2011 ........................................................................30
Table 7 – Main asset changes in 2011 .............................................................30
Table 8 – Overview of human resources in the Wireless Communication Area in
2011 ....................................................................................................31
Table 9 – Permanent collaborators working in the Wireless Communications Area in
2011 ....................................................................................................34
Table 10 – Non-permanent collaborators working in the Wireless Communications
Area in 2011 .........................................................................................39
Table 11 – Number of active projects in the Wireless Communications Area in 2011
Table 12 – List MSc Theses running in the Wireless Communications Area during
2011 ....................................................................................................91
Table 13 – List of PhD Theses running in the Wireless Communications Area during
2011 ....................................................................................................96
Table 14 - Overview of human resources in the Optical Communications Area in
2011 .................................................................................................. 118
Table 15 – Permanent Collaborators working in the Optical Communications Area in
2011 .................................................................................................. 119
Table 16 – Non-permanent Collaborators working in the Optical Communications
Area in 2011 ....................................................................................... 122
Table 17 - Number of active projects in the Optical Communications Area in 2011
......................................................................................................... 129
Table 18 - List of MSc Theses running in the Optical Communications Area during
2011 .................................................................................................. 145
Table 19 - List of PhD Theses running in the Optical Communications Area during
2011 .................................................................................................. 147

Table 20 – Overview of human resources in Networks and Multimedia Area in 2011
......................................................................................................... 161
Table 21 – Permanent Collaborators working in the Networks and Multimedia Area
in 2011 ............................................................................................... 166
Table 22 – Non-permanent Collaborators working in the Neteworks and Multimedia
Area in 2011 ....................................................................................... 174
Table 23 – Number of active projects in the Networks and Multimedia ............... 182
Table 24 - List of MSc. Theses running in the Networks and Multimedia Area During
2011 .................................................................................................. 244
Table 25 - List of PhD Theses running in the Networks and Multimedia Area During
2011 .................................................................................................. 250
Table 26 – Overview of the human resources in the Basic Sciences and Enabling
Technologies Area in 2011 .................................................................... 282
Table 27 – Permanent Collaborators working in the Basic Sciences and Enabling
Technologies Area in 2011 .................................................................... 285
Table 28 – Non-permanent Collaborators working in the Basic Sciences and
Enabling Technologies Area in 2011 ....................................................... 287
Table 29 – Number of active projects running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling
Technologies Area in 2011 .................................................................... 317
Table 30 – List of MSc Theses running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling
Technologies Area during 2011 .............................................................. 340
Table 31 – List of PhD Theses running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling
Technologies Area during 2011 .............................................................. 343



1.1 History
Instituto de Telecomunicações (it) is a private, not-for-profit organisation, an
association of eigth institutions with research and development in the field of

• Instituto Superior Técnico (IST);

• Universidade de Aveiro (UA);
• Universidade de Coimbra (UC);
• Portugal Telecom Inovação, (PTIn);
• Nokia Siemens Networks S.A;
• Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI);
• Universidade do Porto (UP);
• Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa (ISCTE-IUL).

it is organised around three sites:

• Aveiro, in the University Campus;

• Coimbra, in Site II of the University of Coimbra;
• Lisbon, in Instituto Superior Técnico.

and four delegations:

• Leiria, in the “Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão” of the Leiria Poly-

technic (IPL);
• Covilhã, in the University of Beira Interior (UBI);
• Porto, shared by the Faculty of Engineering (FEUP) and the Faculty of
Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP);
• Lisboa, in (ISCTE-IUL).

Setting up of it was the result of a 1.5 billion escudos (about 7.5 million Euros)
grant from Programme CIENCIA, through three contracts signed in 1991. This
investment enabled new infrastructures to be built and research laboratories to be
equipped at each site.


Installation was concluded in Aveiro in 1993 and in Lisbon and Coimbra in 1994.
Since 1993, it activities proceed regularly.

it bylaws were first approved in 1992, modified in 1997 and modified again in 2003
and 2011. New site bylaws deriving from it bylaws were approved and
implemented in 2011.

Key developments in 2011 are highlighted ahead. Details are included in the
sections dealing with each of the research areas.

1.2 Management

it is managed by a Board of Directors, elected by the General Assembly, and by

Site Management Boards, which include the site members of the Board of Directors.
Site Management Boards enjoy ample freedom to deal with current affairs and
usually meet weekly. The Board of Directors meets at least once a month.

it scientific activities are overseen by the Scientific Board, which includes all it
researchers holding a Ph.D. degree. The Scientific Board meets in Plenary or in
Committees, both permanent and temporary. There are two permanent
committees: the Science and Technology Committee and the Research Group
Coordination Committee.

it Work Plan and the Annual Report are discussed with the Advisory Committee,
formed by three independent experts in the field of telecommunications (Dr. Roland
Huber, Prof. Sir John O’Reilly and Prof. Martin Tomlinson) acting in a personal
capacity, and together with the Accounts Report (after legal certification) are
subsequently submitted to the General Assembly for approval.

The General Assembly met formally twice in 2011. The first meeting was held on
May 31st, in the Meeting Room of the Aveiro site, to discuss and approve the 2010
Annual Report and Accounts and some ammendments to it bylaws. The second
meeting took place on December 13th, in the Meeting Room of the Aveiro site, to
discuss and approve the Work Plan and Budget for 2011.

The Research Group Coordination Committee also met twice during 2011. On the
first meeting, held on March 29, at Lezíria Park Hotel (Vila Franca de Xira), the
Draft Proposal of the 2011 Annual Report and the re-organization of the research

groups were discussed and received a favourable opinion. On the second meeting,
held on December 12, in the meeting room of Hotel D. Luis (Coimbra), the Work
Plan and Budget for 2012 and a proposal to create new research groups were
discussed and received a favourable opinion. The external it image was discussed
at length and the possibility of research groups having an independent web site
(within a simple set of rules) was accepted.

1.3 Highlights of 2011

In spite of the economic and financial crisis 2011 was a pretty good year for it.

Scientific output, exceeded expectations and constitutes a new record year:

• 7 books;
• 55 book chapters;
• 249 papers in international refereed scientific journals;
• 563 papers in refereed conferences, with published proceedings;
• 16 patent requests.

Fostering advanced education remained at a high level:

• 35 PhD theses, submitted and approved;

• 188 MSc theses, submitted and approved.

even if it is certain that not all MSc theses submitted and approved are recorded.

it researchers received the following IEEE distinctions

• IEEE fellowship (the fourth);

• Distinguish lecturer;
• 2011 Best paper award of the Joint Communication Society and Information
• 2011 Best paper award of the Signal Processing Society;

• Signal Processing Society Board of Governors (in the capacity of Member at



FCT funding was almost normal and caused no major thumbling blocks:

• 2 M€ from IT – Laboratório Associado contract 2010 was paid in January

• 1.2 M€, corresponding to 40 % of the IT – Laboratório Associado contract
2011 was paid in two instalments (April and July);
• 510 k€ in running and concluded projects;
• 267 k€ in CIENCIA work contracts, related to 2010 expenses.

The major payment in arrears (618 k€) corresponds to the CMU project. Since it
has been underspending, in this contract FCT is in debt to only about 100 k€.

Due to prior delays in the transfer of funds from FCT, the execution periods for the
2009 and 2010 were extended to the 30 th of July 2011 and the 31st of December
2011, respectively.

The new funding rules applicable to the FCT contracts (including IT – Laboratório
Associado) foresee a upfront payment of (at least) 15 % of the approved budget.
The following payments will only be made after a minimum amount of 10 % of the
budget is reported. This new payment technique implies a much stricter treasury
control and may be damaging if FCT does not meet its promised one month
payment delay.

An interesting new point in FCT contracts is the return of the 20 % flat rate on
indirect expenses. This simplification will certainly save a lot of work and

The number of scholarships decreased slightly with respect to 2010, with the
exception of mobility fellowships, that is:

• 211 Ph.D. scholarships;

• 271 M.Sc. and B. Sc. Scholarships;
• 13 Integration in R&D fellowships;
• 2 Management of Science and Technology fellowships;
• 14 mobility fellowships associated with the ongoing CMU-Portugal Program.


With the exception of the Ph.D. fellowships, that were funded by FCT, all other
fellowships were funded by it.

During 2011, 150 nationally funded and 29 internationally funded projects were
active, as shown in section 2.2. It is particularly noteworthy the fact that on the
31st of December it was involved in 33 FP7 projects (running and selected for
funding) in addition to other 5 projects, where there was involvement of some it
researchers from the Lisbon site.

To reflect it 2011 activity some tangible objectives were defined in the Work
Programme and Budget. These objectives together with the achieved values are
given in Table 1

Graduate and post-graduate Foreseen Achieved


MSc Theses 170 187

PhD Theses 30 35

Publications: Foreseen Achieved

Books 8

Book Chapters 25 55

Papers in Journals 170 250

Papers in Conference Proceedings 400 561

Table 1 - Foreseen and achieved scientific output in 2011

Achieved scientific output exceeded our forecast, in all areas, and becames a
new record except in the number of papers in conferences. It is worth noting
that the number of concluded PhD exceeded our forecast which may mean that
supervisors are improving their time required estimations.


it co-authored 16 patent applications in 2011.

it received the following distinguished visitors:

 Pampilhosa da Serra, 10th of April

 Secretary of State for Science, Prof. Leonor Parreira, Lisbon,28 th of October.

it hosted the following national and international events (referred by date):

• Optical demonstration of the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm with a single qubit, in

Lisbon, 11th of January

• Talk ''UWB Antenna Applications'', in Lisbon, 27th of January

• Workshop on The Interface Between Mathematics, Science and Engineering,

in Lisbon, 10th of March

• Talk on Side Information Fusion for Multiview Distributed Video Coding, in

Lisbon, 17th of March

• The Connectivity Discovered by Routing Protocols: Why Networking Is Not

Graph Theory, in Lisbon, 18th of March

• IEEE Portugal APS/EDS/MTTS Joint Chapter Instituto de Telecomunicações,

Instituto Superior Técnico, in Lisbon, 26th of April

• EUROCON2011, in Lisbon, 27th of April

• Forum FISTA (Forum of ISTA), in Lisbon, 3th of May

• Seminar "Combining Negation" in Lisbon, 6th of May

• SEMINAR - Taking Saratoga from Space-Based Ground Sensors to Ground-

Based Space Sensors, in Aveiro, 23th of May

• Workshop ''The Growing Demands on Connectivity and Information Processing

in Radio Astronomy from VLBI to the KKA'', in Aveiro, 24thn of May

• Talk - Must and May Abstractions for Markov Decision Processes, in Lisbon,
27th of May

• Talk entitled ''Human Motion: Tracking and recognition of actions, emotions

and interactions'', in Oporto, 27th of May


• Seminar - Blind Compressed Sensing Over a Structured Union of Subspaces,

in Lisbon, 2th of June

• SEMINAR: Improving Primal and Dual Decompositions in Convex Optimization

Problems: Application to Signal Processing and Communications, in Lisbon,
3th of June

• Seminar - ''Generative model inversion and information geometry'', in Lisbon,

3th of June

• Research Symposium, in Oporto, 9th of June

• CST Workshop Series, 2011 LISBON, in Lisbon, 17th of June

• Some History and Recent Developments in Iterative Shrinkage/Thresholding

(IST) Algorithms, in Lisbon, 17th of June

• Seminar - Semi-quantum key distribution with less states and Semi-quantum

secret sharing without entanglement, in Lisbon, 17th of June

• SEON 2011 - IX Symposium On Enabling Optical Networks and Sensors, in

Aveiro, 1st of July

• Seminar - Semi-quantum key distribution with less states and Semi-quantum

secret sharing without entanglement, in Lisbon, 1st of July

• Talk - Fibring as biporting subsumes asymmetric combinations, in Lisbon, 8th

of July

• Escola de Verão ''Criptografia e Segurança da Informação'' , in Lisbon, 13th of


• Graphene-Based Electronics for RF Communications and Sensing, in Aveiro,

19th of July

• First Lisbon Machine Learning School (LxMLS 2011), in Lisbon, 20 th of July

• 3rd International ICST Conference on Mobile Networks And Management, in

Aveiro, 21th of September

• Seminar - “Organic electronics, now with biomolecules” , in Lisbob, 22th of


• Seminar - Weyl-Wigner formulation of quantum mechanics, in Lisbon, 23th of


• Talk - Mobile Video Coding Challenges, in Lisbon, 23th of September

• Talk - On meet-combination of logics, in Lisbon, 23th of September


• Palestra - “Iterative Processing for Cooperative Communications Allowing

Intra-Link Errors”, in Lisbon, 18th of October

• Seminar - Communications with Single and Entangled Photon Pairs, in Aveiro,

20th of October

• Seminar - Semi-quantum secret sharing without entanglement, in Lisbon, 27th

of October

• Iberian Meeting on Computational Electromagnetics, in Sesimbra, Portugal,

2th of November

• Seminar - Recurrence in quantum walks, in Lisbon, 3th of November

• Workshop on Operational Research in Telecommunications, in Lisbon, 4 th of


• Seminar - On co-algebraic dualities for modal logics, in Aveiro, 4 th of


• Seminar - Taming detector side channels in quantum cryptography, in Lisbon,

25th of November.

• Workshop Tecnologia para o Espaço e sinergias com Polos de

Competitividade, in Aveiro, 28th of November

• 4th Annual Videogame Conference, in Porto, 2-4th of December

• 4th Annual Conference on Art and Science of Videogames, Videojogos 2011,

in Porto, 2nd of December

• Conference on The mosaic method for combinations of tense and modalities ,

in Lisbon, 9th of December

• Workshop on White Space Technologies, in Aveiro, 12th of December

• Performance Models of OFDMA Systems, in Porto, 12th of December

During 2011 it researchers were awarded the following prizes:

 Carlos Fernandes, UTL-Santander prize in the area of Electrical Engineering,


 Fernando Pereira, Honorable Mention, UTL-Santander prize in the area of

Electrical Engineering, 2011.


 Fernando Pereira, has been elected to serve on the Signal Processing Society
Board of Governors in the capacity of Member-at-Large for a 2012 term,

 Andreia Mordido, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation award, ''Estímulo à

Investigação'' 2011.

 Hugo Silva and André Lourenço Best Paper Award, Conference ''USAB 2011.

 Fernando Velez, “ANACOM URSI Portugal 2011", Honorable Mention with the
work “Fixed WIMAX Profit Maximisation with Energy Saving Through Relay
Sleep Modes and Cell Zooming“, 2011 .

 Navin Kumar, Rui Aguiar and L. Alves; "Fraunhofer Challenge 2011 ", Won
Second prize in PhD category for the best Idea in PhD thesis work for session
2010-1011, 2011.

 Leonor, N., Rafael Caldeirinha, "Semi-finalist of the IEEE AP-S Student

Design Contest 2011: Radiation Patterns on a Budget”, 2011.

 Navin Kumar, Nuno Rafael Lourenço; L. Alves; Rui Aguiar; "Visible Light
Communication for Road Safety”, Best Poster Award in the Engineering
Category at Annual Research Day at University of Aveiro, 2011.

 Tiago Alves, Adolfo Cartaxo, "Best paper award ",Optics Conference 2011,

 Margarida Silva, Carla Simões, Hugo Silva, Award “Engenheiro Jaime Filipe",
Portuguese Social Security Institute, 2011.

 A. Veiga, Sara Candeias; Fernando Perdigão, 3rd Best Paper, “8th

Symposium in Information and Human Language Technology (STIL 2011)"

 Dias, J. D., João Isento, Joel Rodrigues, L. Lloret, Best Paper Award
"Performance Implications of Fragmentation Mechanisms on Vehicular Delay-
Tolerant Networks ", 2011 .

 Mariana Almeida, " Honorable Mention” “Prémio Científico IBM 2010", 2011.


 Hugo Marques, beatriz Borges, Best Poster Award, “Contactless Battery

Charger with High Relative Separation Distance and Improved Efficiency”
33rd International Telecommunications Energy Conference – INTELEC, 2011 .

 Nuno Freire, Jorge Olvieira Estima, António Cardoso, Best Paper Award, 12th
Portuguese-Spanish Conference in Electrical Engineering, 2011 .

 Ana Teresa Pereira, Quirina Ferreira, Edison Pecoraro, Carmen Ferreira, Jorge
Morgado, Luis Alcácer; Best Poster "Inkjet printing of organic field-effect
transistors using biocellulose derivative materials", XXII Encontro Nacional da
SPQ”, 2011.

 Eduardo Pinheiro, Outstanding Reviewer of 2010, IEEE Transactions on

Instrumentation and Measurement , 2011 .

 José Barndão Faria, "IEEE Fellow", Fellow IEEE, 2011.

it is a member of the CIENCIA VIVA, the National Agency for Scientific and
Technological culture and co-operates in some of its events, namely those
related with the diffusion of know-how on electromagnetic radiation and its
effects on the human body. Project MONIT, ( is actively
engaged in promoting and diffusing know how on electromagnetic radiation and
mobile communications. Occasionally, through this project, it offers two week
training in the measurement of electromagnetic radiation.

Sponsored by VODAFONE and in cooperation with IST, it organized and

implemented a 30-hour update course in Telecommunication Systems for high
school teachers which was run once in 2011 (25 teachers).

Also in cooperation with IST, it organized visits and demonstrations for high
school pupils, involving about 1200 pupils (in 2011.


Human Resources

In 2011 it human resources included 808 people distributed as follows:

• 260 researchers;

• 211 PhD students;

• 300 grantees;

• 15 technical;

• 22 administrative.

All researchers but 2, hold a PhD degree.

The distribution of all human resources between the three sites is represented
graphically in Figure 2.1. It is obvious from this figure that the ratios between
PhD students and researchers and grantees and researchers is much higher in
Aveiro than in Lisbon a fact that is partly explained by the much higher
involvement of Aveiro in FP7 projects.






60 Coimbra


Figure 2.1: Distribution of it human resources between the three sites

The distribution of researchers and PhD students between sites and delegations
is shown in Figure 2.2. One must bear in mind that the 13 PhD students shown
in figure as belonging to the Leiria delegation, because they are all assistants of
IPL, as PhD students, they “belong to” FCTUC (12) and UA (1). This figure
shows, more than the previous one, the lower proportion of PhD students in
relation to the number of researchers in the IST site and, even more seriously, in
the ISCTE delegation.






100 Researcher

PhD Student

Figure 2.2: Distribution of itresearchers and PhD students

among main sites and delegations

Unfortunately our accounting systems only provides site information for grantees
and thus it is not yet possible to have a more detailed picture of grantees

As a result of the application it quality policy, from the 234 researchers holding a
PhD Degree, 50 were excluded from FCT basic funding, and 12 had a 25 %
reduction of FCT basic funding. As a result in the first semester of 2011 it has
178.25 eligible researchers.

The distribution of it administrative staff is shown on Figure 2.3.


Figure 2.3 Distribution of it administrative staff


Funding Agency Number
British Council/CCISP 1
EU 2
EU, FP7 17
FCT, UT Austin 2
IEEE, TC-25 1
Intellab 1
IT 30
IT, CreativeSystems, Vicaima 1
JustBit 1
Marinha Portuguesa 2
Microsoft 1
Ministério da Ciência e Inovação Espanhol 1
Nokia Siemens Networks 1
Optimus, TMN, Vodafone 1
Plano de Inovação PTInovação 1
PO Centro 1
Private International Company (confidential) 1
PT-Inovação 5
QREN, PT-Inovação 4
QREN, Televés 1
Thales Alenia Space 1
Table 2 – Number of active projects in 2011, according to funding source



Books Journals Conferences Patents MSc Thesis PhD Thesis

63 250 561 16 187 35

Table 3 – Number of published works in 2011

"Books and Books Chapters”- Fully authored books, Editor books, and book chapter
"Journals”- Papers in International refereed journals;
"Conferences”- Communications in International and National refereed conferences;
“Patents” - Patent applications;
"MSc and PhD Theses”- Concluded dissertations.

It is interesting to compare the distrubution of the number of researchers per

site and delegation with the number of number of published works (papers in
international journals and communications to refereed conferences). One should
note that the sum of the number of publications per site and/or delegation is
higher than the number of publications for it because a significant number of
publications (about 30 %) are authored by researchers from more than one site
and/or delegation. This fact in itself is an important indicator that it is
increasingly operating as a unity rather than as a collection of research units. In
the following, it and CIENCIA paid researchers and their publications are not




Figure 2.4 : Distribution of it researchers per site



Figure 2.5 : Distribution of journalpapers published in 2011 per site


Figure 2.6 : Distribution of communications in international refereed conferences in 2011 per




Figure 2.7: Distribution of patents in 2011 per site


Figure 2.8 : Distribution of it researchers per delegation

Figure 2.9 : Distribution of journalpapers published in 2011 per delegation


Figure 2.10 : Distribution of communications in international refereed

conferences in 2011 per delegation


Lisboa IST
Lisboa ISCTE

Figure 2.11 : Distribution of patents in 2011 per delegation


Even if Figures 2.5 to 2.11 are self explanatory it is interesting to remark that at
the level of papers in journals, site distribution follows very closely research
distribution. Differences are slight at the level of communications to conferences
and considerable at the number of patents where the importance of PT Inovação
and Nokia Siemens Networks in Aveiro shines. Going into delegations, some
differences are rather more striking, particularly at the level of papers in
journals, which could not be seen at the site level and at communications in
conferences that disappears at the level fo delegations.


Operational income during 2011 totalled 9.169, k€ distributed as indicated in
Table 4. Major income sources (clients of services and sources of subsidies) are
detailed in Table 5. Costs in 2011 totalled 7.306,5 k€ as partially indicated in
Table 6. Main asset changes in 2011 are listed in Table 7. All values in tables 4,
5, 6 and 7 are provisional and subject to revision.

Sources of Income Amount [k€]

Services to third parties 1.473,6 k€

Subsidies 6.381,2 k€

Other 1.314,5 k€

TOTAL 9.169,3 k€

Table 4 – Total operational income in 2011

Major clients of services Amount [k€]

PT Inovação 808,8 k€

Brisa 199.9 k€

VODAFONE 86,7 k€

TMN 82,4 k€

Be Artis 58,5 k€

Nokia Siemens 61,7 k€

Huawei Technologies 55,2 k€


Main sources of subsidies Amount [k€]

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia 4.140,6 k€

Commission of the European Communities 854,7 k€

Universidade de Aveiro 987,6 k€

Agência de Inovação 376,1 k€

Table 5 – List of major income sources during 2011

Costs Amount [k€]

Staff 1.807,3 k€

Researchers 720,1 k€

Scholarships 2.290,1 k€

Missions 770,1 k€

Books and journals 66,9 k€

Consumables 330,1 k€

Table 6 – Major costs in 2011

Assets Amount [k€]

Increase in tangible assets 836,3 k€

Depreciation 1.452,1 k€

New Technical and Scientific Equipment 724,7 k€

Table 7 – Main asset changes in 2011


4.1 Wireless Communications
4.1.1 Area Coordinators

 Carlos Cardoso Fernandes

 Nuno Borges de Carvalho

4.1.2 Human Resources


Degree Aveiro Coimbra Lisboa

Professor Emeritus 0 0 2

Full Professor 3 0 4

Associate Professor 4 0 6

Assistant Professor 10 1 24

Assistant Lecturer 1 0 1

Post. Doc 11 1 0

PhD Student 27 3 45

(Licenciado) 1 1 2

TOTAL 42 6 84

Table 8 – Overview of human resources in the Wireless Communication Area in 2011


Permanent Collaborators

Position Degree Name Group

Assistant PhD Adão Silva Mobile Networks – Av
Full Professor Agregação Afonso Barbosa Antennas and
Propagation – Lx
Post. Doc. PhD Alberto Jesus Nascimento Mobile Systems - Av

Full Professor Agregação Américo Correia Radio Systems – Lx

Associate PhD António Alves Moreira Antennas and

Professor Propagation – Lx
Assistant PhD António Rodrigues Radio Systems – Lx
Assistant PhD Armando Rocha Radio Systems – Av
Assistant PhD Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues de Radio Systems – Av
Professor Oliveira

Associate PhD Atílio Gameiro Mobile Networks – Av

Post. Doc. PhD Ayman Radwan Mobile Systems - Av

PhD Student MSc Carla Oliveira Antennas and

Propagation – Lx
Full Professor Agregação Carlos Cardoso Fernandes Antennas and
Propagation – Lx
Assistant PhD Carlos Gaspar Ribeiro Mobile Networks – Av
Associate Agregação Carlos Paiva Antennas and
Professor Propagation – Lx
Professor Agregação Carlos Salema Antennas and
Emeritus Propagation – Lx
Assistant PhD Custódio Peixeiro Antennas and
Professor Propagation – Lx
MSc MSc Daniel Sebastião Antennas and
Propagation – Lx
Post. Doc. PhD Du Yang Mobile Systems - Av

MSc MSc Eduardo Lima Antennas and

Propagation – Lx
Assistant PhD Fernando J. Velez Radio Systems – Lx
Assistant PhD Fernando Nunes Communication Theory
Professor – Lx

Position Degree Name Group

Associate PhD Francisco Cercas Radio Systems – Lx
Assistant PhD João Carlos Silva Radio Systems – Lx
Associate Agregação João Costa Freire Wireless Circuits – Lx
Associate PhD João Nuno Matos Radio Systems – Av
Assistant PhD João Vaz Wireless Circuits – Lx
Assistant PhD Jonathan Rodriguez Mobile Systems - Av
Lecturer Gonzalez

Post. Doc. PhD Jorge dos Santos Freitas de Wireless Circuits – Av


Assistant Agregação Jorge Rodrigues da Costa Antennas and

Professor Propagation – Lx

Assistant José André Rocha Sá e Radio Systems – Lx

Professor Moura

Full Professor Agregação José Carlos Neves Radio Systems – Av

Full Professor Agregação José Carlos Pedro Wireless Circuits – Av

Assistant PhD José Sanguino Radio Systems – Lx

Post. Doc. PhD Joseph Mwangoka Mobile Systems - Av

PhD Student Licenciatura Lúcio Studer Ferreira Antennas and

Propagation – Lx
Post. Doc. PhD Luís Carlos Carneiro Mobile Networks – Av

Associate Agregação Luís M. Correia Antennas and

Professor Propagation – Lx
PhD Student Luís Miguel Fernandes Administrative Lisboa

Assistant PhD Marco Alexandre Ribeiro Radio Systems – Lx

Assistant PhD Maria João Rosário Wireless Circuits – Lx
Assistant PhD Mário Marques Silva Radio Systems – Lx
Assistant PhD Mário Silveirinha Antennas and
Professor Propagation – Co
Post. Doc. PhD Michele Albano Mobile Systems - Av


Position Degree Name Group

Licenciado MSc Mónica Rute Cardoso Antennas and
Antunes Propagation – Lx

Associate Agregação Nuno Borges Carvalho Radio Systems – Av

Assistant PhD Nuno Souto Radio Systems – Lx
Assistant PhD Paulo Gustavo Martins da Radio Systems – Lx
Professor Silva

Assistant PhD Paulo Jorge Coelho Marques Mobile Systems - Av

Assistant PhD Pedro Amaro Sebastião Radio Systems – Lx
Assistant PhD Pedro Mendonça Santos Wireless Circuits – Lx
Post. Doc. PhD Pedro Miguel Cabral Wireless Circuits – Av

Assistant PhD Pedro Miguel Lavrador Wireless Circuits – Av

Assistant PhD Pedro Renato Tavares Pinho Radio Systems – Av
Assistant PhD Pedro Vieira Radio Systems – Lx
Coordinator PhD Rafael Caldeirinha Antennas and
Professor Propagation – Lr
Post. Doc. PhD Ramiro Samano Robles Mobile Networks – Av

PhD Student MSc Rui Filipe Rosa Paulo Radio Systems – Lx

Assistant PhD Rui Miguel Henriques Dias Radio Systems – Lx

Professor Morgado Dinis

Assistant PhD Sérgio Almeida Matos Antennas and

Professor Propagation – Lx
Post. Doc. Stanislav Maslovski Antennas and
Propagation – Co
Assistant PhD Telmo Reis Cunha Wireless Circuits – Av
Post. Doc. PhD Wonhoon Jang Radio Systems – Av

Table 9 – Permanent collaborators working in the Wireless Communications Area in 2011


Other Collaborators

Position Degree Name Group

PhD Student MSc Abubakar Sadiq Hussaini Mobile Systems - Av

PhD Student MSc Alexandre Passos de Almeida Radio Systems – Lx

PhD Student MSc Ana Catarina Caniço Cruz Antennas and Propagation
– Lx
PhD Student MSc Andela Zaric Antennas and Propagation
– Lx
Full Professor PhD Aníbal Manuel de Oliveira Mobile Systems - Av

PhD Student Licenciatura António Abreu Wireless Circuits – Lx

Assistant PhD António Navarro Mobile Networks – Av

PhD Student MSc António Serrador Antennas and Propagation
– Lx
PhD Student Licenciatura António Tavares Radio Systems – Av

Assistant PhD António Topa Antennas and Propagation

Professor – Lx
PhD Student MSc Carlos Alberto Barreiro Antennas and Propagation
Mendes – Lx

PhD Student Carlos Miguel Sendas Pires Radio Systems – Lx

Associate PhD Carlos Sá da Costa Radio Systems – Lx

PhD Student MSc Cesaltina Nabais Escarigo Antennas and Propagation
Ricardo – Lx

PhD Student Daniel Filipe Marques Mobile Networks – Av


PhD Student MSc Daniel Luís Silveira Robalo Radio Systems – Lx

PhD Student MSc Darlene Maciel Neves Radio Systems – Av

PhD Student MSc David Emanuel Dias Antennas and Propagation

Fernandes – Co

PhD Student Eduardo Lourenço e Sá Antennas and Propagation

– Lx
PhD Student MSc Fábio José Silva Amaral Radio Systems – Lx

PhD Student MSc Fernando de Sousa Communication Theory –


Position Degree Name Group

Assistant PhD Fernando Fortes Wireless Circuits – Lx
PhD Student MSc Fernando Santos Azevedo Wireless Circuits – Lx

PhD Student MSc Filipa Isabel Rodrigues Antennas and Propagation

Prudêncio – Lx

PhD Student MSc Filipe Alexandre da Silva Radio Systems – Av


Assistant PhD Filipe Duarte dos Santos Antennas and Propagation

Professor Cardoso – Lx
PhD Student MSc Firooz B. Saghezchi Mobile Systems - Av

PhD Student Francisco José Dinis de Radio Systems – Lx

Sousa Fernandes Ganhão

MSc MSc Francisco Monteiro Radio Systems – Lx

Assistant PhD Francisco Sena da Silva Communication Theory –

Professor Lx
PhD Student MSc George Jr. Shaundel Matthew Mobile Systems - Av

PhD Student MSc Gonçalo Valadão Pattern and Image

Analysis – Lx
PhD Student Hamed Hasani Antennas and Propagation
– Lx
PhD Student Hugo Almeida e Marques Mobile Systems - Av

PhD Student MSc Hugo Miguel Cravo Gomes Radio Systems – Av

PhD Student MSc Ivo Luís de la Cerda Garcia e Radio Systems – Lx


PhD Student MSc João Carlos Roquete Fidalgo Antennas and Propagation
Canto – Lx

PhD Student Licenciatura João M. Ferro Radio Systems – Lx

PhD Student MSc Radio Systems – Av

João Paulo Martins

PhD Student MSc João Tavares Radio Systems – Av

PhD Student MSc João Tiago de Figueiredo e Antennas and Propagation

Costa – Co

PhD Student MSc Joaquim Manuel C.S. Bastos Mobile Systems - Av


Position Degree Name Group

Assistant PhD Jorge Paulo Alves Torres Wireless Circuits – Lx
Full Professor Agregação José Leitão Communication Theory –
PhD Student MSc José Miguel da Silva Bergano Radio Systems – Av

PhD Student MSc José Miguel Ferreira Preto Radio Systems – Lx

Marques Luzio

Associate PhD José Rocha Pereira Radio Systems – Av

PhD Student MSc Jun Li Pattern and Image
Analysis – Lx
PhD Student MSc Luís M. Borges Radio Systems – Lx

PhD Student MSc Luís Miguel Mendes Wireless Circuits – Lx

PhD Student MSc Luis Pedro Marques Brás Radio Systems – Av

PhD Student MSc Luisa Caeiro Antennas and Propagation

– Lx
Assistant Licenciatura Manuel Dinis Radio Systems – Av
PhD Student MSc Marian-Daniel Iordache Network Architecture and
Protocols – Lx
PhD Student Mário Jorge Simão de Wireless Circuits – Lx

Professor Agregação Mário Lança Wireless Circuits – Lx

PhD Student MSc Michal Lukasz Mackowiak Antennas and Propagation
– Lx
PhD Student MSc Miguel Campilho Gomes Wireless Circuits – Lx

PhD Student Miguel Ramos Pereira Radio Systems – Lx

PhD Student Mohsen Koohestani Antennas and Propagation

– Lx
PhD Student MSc Muhammad Alam Mobile Systems - Av

PhD Student Radio Systems – Av

Nelson José Valente da Silva

PhD Student MSc Norberto José Gil Barroca Radio Systems – Lx

PhD Student MSc Nuno Cota Radio Systems – Lx

PhD Student MSc Nuno Miguel Abreu Luís Radio Systems – Lx


Position Degree Name Group

PhD Student MSc Nuno Miguel de Radio Systems – Lx
Figueiredo Garrido

PhD Student Nuno Miguel Faria Pires Antennas and Propagation

– Lx
PhD Student MSc Orlando Manuel Brito Radio Systems – Lx
PhD Student MSc Pedro Miguel Duarte Cruz Radio Systems – Av

PhD Student MSc Pedro Miguel Ferreira de Radio Systems – Lx

Oliveira Pedrosa

PhD Student MSc Rafal Glogowski Antennas and Propagation

– Lx
PhD Student Reza Holakouei Mobile Networks – Av

PhD Student MSc Ricardo Dias Fernandes Radio Systems – Av

Licenciado Licenciatura Ricardo Matos Abreu Radio Systems – Av

PhD Student Riccardo Bassoli Mobile Systems - Av

PhD Student Radio Systems – Lx

Rui Jorge Ferreira Esteves

Assistant PhD Rui Miguel Neto Marinheiro Radio Systems – Lx


Post. Doc. Licenciatura Sara Helena Marques Radio Systems – Av


PhD Student MSc Senka Hadzic Mobile Systems - Av

PhD Student MSc Sérgio Carlos da Conceição Radio Systems – Av


PhD Student Sérgio Morgadinho Rebelo Antennas and Propagation

– Lr
PhD Student MSc Susana Mota Radio Systems – Av

Associate PhD Telmo Fernandes Antennas and Propagation

Professor – Lr
PhD Student Teresa Paula Soares de Radio Systems – Lx

PhD Student MSc Tiago André Nogueira Antennas and Propagation

Morgado – Co


Position Degree Name Group

PhD Student MSc Tiago Miguel Valente Varum Radio Systems – Av

PhD Student MSc Vahid Nazari Talooki Mobile Systems - Av

PhD Student MSc Valdemar Monteiro Mobile Systems - Av

PhD Student Victor Sucasas Iglésias Mobile Systems - Av

Table 10 – Non-permanent collaborators working in the Wireless Communications Area in



4.1.3 Summary of Research Achievements Contributing groups

 Antennas and Propagation - Lx

 Antennas and Propagation - Co
 Antennas and Propagation - Lr
 Mobile Networks - Av
 Radio Systems - Av
 Radio Systems - Lx
 Wireless Circuits - Av Antenna Analysis and Design

Work on antennas has been focused on a few main topics: antennas

for RFID and UWB systems and antennas for microwave and mm-wave
applications with emphasis on antennas for Ka-band satellite
communications. RFID and UWB Antenas

Work continued on the design of UHF RFID tag antennas and UWB
antennas for indoor personal communications and for indoor
localization. New low-cost antennas for UWB indoor localization,
including hybrid antennas appropriate for simultaneous RFID
identification and UWB localization have been designed. A system
demonstrator and new algorithms for indoor localization enhancement
were developed.
Work continued also on near-field reader antennas for UHF-RFID
confined detection applications, including mirror embedded transparent
Low cost UHF RFID tag antennas for near-body applications, including
interworking with body-implantable antennas have been designed,
fabricated and experimentally tested. Emerging low-cost tag
fabrication techniques based on ink-jet printed have been explored.


A source-stirred UWB radiation efficiency measurement method was

developed and results were compared with reverberation chamber
measurements and computer simulations. The method provided a
simple cavity-based approach to UWB antenna efficiency
An efficient and simple UWB model of a human limb was introduced for
antenna simulations. The adequacy of the model was confirmed by
antenna measurements and an antenna prototype for wearable
systems was developed.
UWB matching resilience of dielectric loaded antennas was confirmed
and improved through measurements and by using a simple and
accurate human limb model. Satellite related antennas

 Development of a new concept of low-cost antenna for GPS-based

positioning calibration for precision demanding applications like
aircraft instrument landing systems in airports;

 New developments on low-cost dielectric lens-based mechanical

steerable beam antenna for Ka ground terminal satellite services;

 Design of multi-beam metamaterial-based antennas for Ka satellite

deck installation;

 Design and test of microstrip patch antenna elements and arrays for
Ka band space applications; Other antenna related topics

Other lines of research have been pursued including:

 Analysis of antenna-user interaction through the evaluation of mutual
coupling and correlation, with emphasis on printed antennas for small

 Design and test of an implantable compact antenna to be applied

under the human skin for medical applications;


 Exploration of reverberation chamber design for small antenna

efficiency measurement.

 Work was also put in the designing of special antenna structures for
vehicular communications, among vehicles and between vehicles and
infrastructures based on wireless communication technology known
as dedicated short range communications (DSRC). DSRC are in great
development with the aim of reducing traffic problems and improving
road safety. The study addressed both the development of an
antenna solution for the mobile module, usually named On-Board Unit
(OBU) and the design of an antenna for the RSU (Road Side Unit). Circuits and systems for wireless communications

During 2011 the work devoted to wireless circuits and systems was
mainly concentrated in the design of flexible radio circuits and systems
for several applications, including: Software Defined Radio systems,
Wireless Power Transmission, Nonlinear Models and Characterization
for high speed digital buffers, Circuits for Dedicated Short Range
Communications. Agile Transmitters

New reconfigurable ΣΔ-based transmitter architecture supporting

multichannel multimode data transmission has been designed and
validated. The high flexibility of this architecture enables a data
transmission scenario where the frequencies of the carriers and the
spectral masks can be easily changed through software, making this
agile transmitter interesting for use in cognitive radio-based
Moreover injection locked class-E power amplifiers were built and
characterized in CMOS technologies. The prototypes achieved almost
30 dBm output power. An EER amplifier was designed and built. An
envelope detector and a DC-DC converter were included in the


architecture. The converter filter is off-chip but the rest of the system
is fully integrated.
Monolithic power combiners are being studied and designed. These
structures will be integrated with the power amplifiers. A TLT and LC
baluns and Wilkinson combiners were submitted to fabrication in CMOS
An effort was made with the internationalization. Research cooperation
with State Key Laboratory from Macau University has also started in
this field. The challenge to use new CMOS technologies with 130, 90
and 65nm channel length was achieved. Also an important investment
was made in using electromagnetic and systemic simulators.
Highly efficient wireless transmitter architectures based on a pulsed
operation were also addressed this year in complementing agile
transmitters. In that sense the study of the viability of building highly
efficient and linear carrier-burst transmitters, namely to study their
practical implementation difficulties was addressed. Beyond these
works, research was carried on the design of nonlinear behavioral
models for telecommunication sub-systems and devices, and their use
in digital pre-distortion linearization. The application of these studies
has been directed to both conventional Cartesian and polar wireless
transmitters, namely for current-mode and switched-mode RF power
amplifiers and wireless transmitter systems.
A buck switch mode converter at 100MHz was fabricated and tested in
a 180nm CMOS, to supply a Class-D PA. A 5V to 1.8V buck converter
at 100MHz was also designed and sent for fabrication, using a cascode
topology for the power circuit switches, in a 180nm CMOS. The study
and design of a fully integrated buck switch mode converter was
started. The idea is to increase switching frequencies up to hundreds of
MHz (>300), in order to integrate the LC filter. Preliminary results
indicate the viability of the proposal.
A strong effort was put on the study of its nonlinear impairments to the
overall linearity and efficiency. Other technologies have been
approached as self-oscillating power amplifiers that constitute an
innovative architecture that has theoretical 100% efficient operation


under linear operation. The end of this year also marked the beginning
of a research project in collaboration with an International Company
aiming to study distortion generation mechanisms in Doherty power
amplifiers. Agile Receivers

This year some innovative ideas for increased dynamic range and
bandwidth for software defined radio receivers were also explored,
including the study of nonlinear behaviors, which is fundamental for
the increase of the dynamic range.
This was complemented with theoretical evaluation of polynomial
behavioral model simplifications using circuit level physical knowledge
and general Volterra series calculations, and also combined with the
study of Predistortion theoretical limits. The goal of this work is to
calculate the maximum power efficiency of an amplifier with and
without the use of a predistorter in order to determine the maximum
profit that can be obtained using this technique.
Study of low noise amplifiers was also pursued this year by designing a
simple version of a SiGe active inductor with less transistors and
independent voltage control of inductance and quality factor. A 30GHz
LNA with CMOS technology was designed and sent for fabrication. Signal Integrity in Devices

Advances in the design of new enhanced behavioral models for

accurate simulation of Input/Output buffers of IC circuits were
conducted. These new models extend the accuracy of previous models
and can incorporate the characterization of additional physical
phenomena within the IC chip, such as bouncing of the power and
ground rails. Additionally, such models aimed also at very high
simulation efficiency. This is very important for proceeding with robust
estimation, through simulation (before prototyping), of signal integrity
of complex IC design devices, such as in System-in-Package or
System-on-Chip architectures.

ANNUAL REPORT 2011 – WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Short Range Communications Systems

Work continued on the proof of concept on wireless communications

system for road applications, with emphasis on safety, following the
“WAVE recommendation”. While the standard IEEE-802.11.p is not
completed, the development follows the IEEE 802.11.a whenever
necessary. Following the current 802.11p recommendations, basic
functionalities are being implemented in order to comply with the
identified applications and scenarios. Wireless Power Transmission

This year a new area emerged on the design of better and improved
circuits for wireless power transmission: the effort was put on the
design of RF-DC converters and on the design of highly efficient

waveforms for maximizing the range of these circuits. Earth-Satellite propagation and instrumentation

Work in this sub-area included the characterization of propagation

through vegetation as well as fundamental research on
electromagnetics of complex media with possible applications to
antennas and guided wave structures. Studies on EM exposure
assessment have also been pursued. Radiowave propagation modelling

A time varying dRET simulator is being developed to study the effects

of vegetation in radiowave propagation.
A ray tracing model is being developed with MIMO capabilities for the
extraction of doubly selective channel models.
A multi-frequency swept-time delay cross-correlation channel sounder
is being developed for propagation studies. A measurement system is


also being developed that enables DVB-T trials, both at radio and link
levels in addition to video and channel coding optimizations.

Building scattering mechanisms are being studied for millimeter wave

frequencies (e.g. 61 GHz).

Channel models are being developed for Body Area Networks; Electromagnetics of Complex Media

Work continued on the characterization and applications of

metamaterials, namely based on wire media or nano-wires:
Investigation of RFID systems with ultra-confined interrogation region;
Experimental verification of the detection of targets separated by
subwavelength distances using a metamaterial based “superlens”;
Prediction and experimental verification of ultra-confined “interlaced
plasmons” in arrays of crossed metallic wires, which may enable
mimicking the role of surface plasmon polaritons at IR and microwave
Development of an FDTD based algorithm for the extraction of the
effective medium parameters of metamaterials.
Proposal for the realization of hyperbolic local media based on;wire
media loaded with lumped loads, and development of the
corresponding effective medium model;
Study of quantum metamaterials based on semiconductors, and
proposal for tailoring the electron transport using novel metamaterial
inspired semiconductor superlattices;
Study of the Casimir effect (based on the quantum fluctuations of the
electromagnetic field) in moving media, and Casimir repulsion using
nanowires metamaterials.

Fundamental work on electromagnetic wave propagation in complex

media, namely chiral, anisotropic and bianisotropic media has been
continued. Main results of this work include:


Analysis of interfaces between isotropic and anisotropic media using a

unified coordinate free approach;
Study of dispersion and losses in waveguides containing negative or
chiral metamaterials;
Development of a new geometrical approach for the analysis of
electromagnetic wave propagation in unbounded bianisotropic media
using Clifford algebras;
Redefinition of a perfect electromagnetic conductor (PEMC) as a limit of
a Lorentz invariant isotropic medium (MIM) using space time algebra;
Work on planar guided wave structures with omega and indefinite
media was pursued. A detailed study of mode characteristics in several
indefinite waveguides was carried and some uncommon properties as
coexistence of forward and backward waves and contra directional
coupling have been analyzed. Transmission and Receiving Systems

These studies were mainly concentrated on the optimization and

performance of current and next generation radio systems, both for
mobile communications (such as Wimax, LTE and LTE-Advanced) and
satellite systems, with special emphasis on radio navigations systems. Mobile Communications

The achievements for mobile communications focused on several

aspects of present and future radio systems including modulation,
coding, equalization, channel estimation and synchronization. Most of
these studies were based on an analytical approach.
Following the work from previous years, studies were performed on
interference coordination and power saving techniques for LTE-
Advanced. Study of capacity enhancement of wireless communications
systems using multiuser MIMO techniques, in particular with
applications for LTE in microcell scenarios.


Development of exact and approximate analytical methods for the

performance evaluation of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
(OFDM) schemes with nonlinear effects.
Iterative frequency-domain receivers for block transmission techniques
with rate-1 Space Time Block Coding (STBC) for two and four transmit
antennas using both OFDM and Single-Carrier (SC) schemes.
Design, analytical performance and evaluation of multipacket detection
schemes for SC-FDE systems. Evaluation of channel estimation
techniques for MIMO-OFDM systems with Complex Rotation Matrices.
Analytical evaluation of the correlation of TCH sequences combined
with nonlinear OQPSK signals. Performance of channel codes in
wireless communication systems using efficient simulation. Cognitive Radio

The development of cognitive radio (CR) terminals that can sense the
radio environment, reason about it, and adapt their transmission
characteristics to the existing opportunities represents one trend for
efficient spectrum management. Specific topics addressed in 2011
regarding spectrum sensing were:
Sensing algorithms including localized versions based on feature
detection and collaborative algorithms. New selectivve reporting
algorithm proposed.
Characterization of spectrum activity through the development of
dedicated scanning spectrum systems. One measurement setup was
developed and used to characterize spectral activity in the Aveiro
Study of decentralized cooperative spectrum sensing for ad-hoc
disaster relief networks. Model for the correlation between Quality of
Service and Experience in cognitive radio networks. Integrated
Common Radio Resource Management with Spectrum Aggregation over
non-contiguous frequency, and its energy efficiency. Study of efficient
detection methods for active users in random access networks;


Study and comparison of different transmission schemes (OFDM versus

Single Carrier with hierarchical constellations) for broadcast satellite
Study, characterization, development and implementation of new
algorithms for coordinated positioning systems using Global Navigation
Satellite Systems (GNSS) with practical applications, such as
navigation systems for the visual impaired, autonomous train collision
detection systems or assisted navigation based on V2V (vehicle-to-
vehicle) communications and GPS.
Continuation of the development of the IT GNSS monitoring station. Radio Networks

Radio resource management and network planning

 Development of CRRM algorithms for heterogeneous mobile

communication systems and development of RRM algorithms for
virtual communication systems;
 Development of various simulators for the air interface of
UMTS-FDD, with HSDPA and HSUPA, and LTE, enabling analysis
of traffic aspects as well as load and handover ones.
 Distributed brokerage service to supervise and control a 4G
infrastructure in terms of user admission, network selection,
load balancing and network congestion;
 Fixed WiMAX radio and network planning. Relay sleep modes
and cell zooming. Experimental Characterization of WiMAX
propagation in microcellular and picocellular environments;
Unified propagation model for Wi-Fi, UMTS, WiMAX and LTE
 Performance analysis of a two-phase contention scheme for the
scheduled channel polling MAC protocol;


 Study of business models for a 4G environment to optimize the

usage of available wireless network resources. Architectures for Wireless Systems

Future wireless systems should fulfill several goals, among which:

provision of true broadband wireless access and enhanced system
capacity when compared with current 3rd Generation (3G) networks.
To achieve a generalized deployment, all technical solutions are
constrained by capital and operational expenditures and should provide
the required flexibility to allow upgradeability and reconfigurability.
This requires the definition of novel architectures and appropriate
algorithms / protocols. At the architecture level work was focused on
distributed antenna systems (DAS) and cooperative diversity / relaying
systems. Work topics included:

 Precoding techniques for Coordinated Multipoint based

 Power allocation strategies for MIMO-OFDM based systems;
 Channel estimations techniques for Relay-assisted based
 Linear and non-linear precoding techniques;
 Receiver optimization;
 Channel estimation for SISO and MIMO channels;
 Hardware implementation in FPGA of selected algorithms;
 Scheduling algorithms for distributed antenna systems;
 System capacity evaluation;
 Development of system level simulators to support the

Work addressed also the development and optimization of

combinations of physical and network techniques based on intercell
and wireless intracell cooperation in a cellular enhanced architecture to


increase network capacity and coverage, improve flexibility, robustness

and fairness. Specific aspects dealt with recently are:

 Precoding techniques for relaying systems;

 Distributed space-time-frequency coding for systems with
cooperative diversity;
 Channel estimation for systems with relays;
 Development of system level simulators for systems employing
relays to support the research.


4.1.4 Running and Concluded Projects


Funding Agency Number

EU, FP7 10
IT 4
IT, CreativeSystems, Vicaima 1
Marinha Portuguesa 2
Optimus, TMN, Vodafone 1
PO Centro 1
Private International Company 1
PT-Inovação 1
QREN, PT-Inovação 1

Table 11 – Number of active projects in the Wireless Communications Area in 2011


Activity in Projects

Acron / Ref ADCOD

Title Advanced Code and Receiver Designs for Transmission over Selective
Radio C

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. Future wireless systems are expected to support data rates of several
hundreds of Mbit/s in a variety of scenarios with high spectral and
power efficiencies. Due to high transmission rates the channel will be
severely time dispersive. For this reason, block transmission techniques
combined with frequency-domain equalization (such as, OFDM
(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) and SC-FDE (Single-
Carrier Frequency-Domain Equalization) modulations schemes are
strongly recommendable.

A key technology to improve power and spectral efficiencies is the use

of multi-antenna schemes exploiting spatial diversity (such as STF
(Space-Time-Frequency) codes) and spatial multiplexing (such as LST
(Layered Space-Time) techniques). The use of signals with reduced
envelope fluctuations is also important to allow efficient power
amplification. This is particularly important in the case of OFDM signals.
Conventional FDE implementations require accurate channel estimates
at the receiver, something particularly important in multi-antennas
systems. These estimates can be obtained with the help of appropriate
training symbols or blocks. Due to frequency offsets and Doppler
effects, the channel is expected to change from block to block, or even
within a given block, especially for large blocks, high carrier frequencies
and/or high moving speeds. In this case, it might be recommendable to
employ non-coherent systems. This project considers efficient
transmission schemes for frequency-selective channels. For this reason,
we will employ OFDM and SC-FDE block transmission formats with
multi-antenna schemes. The research team involved in this project
includes researchers working in transmission, codebook and receiver
design and optimization, as well as researchers working on propagation


issues. In the first phase of this project, we address the problem of STF
codebook design for both coherent and non-coherent communications.
In contrast with conventional approaches, the codebook design takes
into account the envelope fluctuations and dynamic range of the
transmitted signals, so as to allow efficient power amplification. We will
also take into account non-linear effects (e.g., due to clipping of OFDM
signals) in the STF code design. The impact of nonlinear distortion
effects on the designed STF codes will be studied, whenever possible,
employing analytical methods. Contrarily to the usual approach, we will
take into account non-white noise effects (e.g., due to self-distortion
inherent to nonlinear effects) in our designs. Pragmatic code designs
(eventually combined with conventional error correction schemes and
allowing low-complexity transmitter/receiver implementations) will also
be considered. In the second phase of this project, we will generalize
the results obtained in the first phase to the fading channels that are
both time-dispersive and time varying (i.e., doubly selective channels).
For the coherent case, the combination of suitable block/frame designs
and adequate estimation and tracking techniques (both for the channel
frequency response and the frequency offsets/phase noise carrier) will
be considered to cope with time-varying channels. We will also develop
receiver structures for the case where the channel changes significantly
within a given block, both coherent and non-coherent.
To achieve these goals, we need accurate channel models taking into
account short-term and long-term variations. We will develop new,
more accurate narrow and wideband channel models through
theoretical investigations as well as experimental data gathering for
different frequencies (e.g., 2.4, 5.6 and 38 GHz), in several deployment
scenarios. A time-varying tapped delay line based model will be
developed to represent the doubly selective channel phenomena. The
combined channel model will be suitable for simulating fading
mitigation techniques such as adaptive coding and modulation,
interference cancellation, and other capacity enhancing techniques. We
will also consider STF codebook designs and receiver designs exploiting
the knowledge about short and long term channel statistics.


Acron / Ref ARNAGGS

Title Advanced Receivers and Navigation Algorithms for GPS/Galileo Signals

Funding FCT/PTDC

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The project objectives are to study and develop:

a) Algorithms and methods for fast acquisition of weak navigation


b) Open-loop tracking architectures alternative to the conventional

DLL+PLL, based on stochastic nonlinear filtering. Harsh environments
such as indoor reception and use of highly-accelerative platforms will
be considered;

c) Structures and algorithms for advanced multipath mitigation.

Alternative solutions to the double-delta correlation, based on the
gating concept, will be proposed;

d) Coordinated positioning techniques;

e) Communication channel models relevant in navigation.

A collaboration with Portuguese companies operating in aerospace

activities is foreseen.


Acron / Ref ASSIST

Title COST IC0603 (ASSIST)

Funding ESF, COST

Descript. To assist in the research & development of antenna systems and

sensors necessary for the new ubiquitous wireless society

 Coordinate existing research

 Suggest new topics
 Stand in a scientific/technological survey attitude
 To contribute to the visibility of antenna activities in Europe and
to lobby for new projects
 Creation of an European Antenna community
 Conferences and Workshops
 Exchange of researchers
 Interactions academy-industry
 To increase public awareness of antenna related issues

Acron / Ref C2POWER

Title Cognitive radio and Cooperative strategies for POWER saving in multi-
standard wireless devices

Funding EU, FP7

Descript. The promise of a truly mobile experience is to have the freedom to

roam around anywhere and not be bound to a single location. However,
the energy required to keep mobile devices connected to the network
over extended periods of time quickly dissipates. In fact, the
operational time, has been identified as the number one criteria by the
majority of the consumers purchasing a mobile device. Moreover,
concern about exhausting battery lifetime is also one of the main
reasons why users do not opt to use advanced multimedia services on
their mobiles more frequently.

To avoid the foreseen 4G “energy trap” C2POWER project will

investigate, develop and demonstrate how cognition and cooperative
strategies can be extended to decrease the overall energy consumption


of mobile devices while still enabling the required performance in terms

of QoS.

In particular, C2POWER will investigate two complementary techniques

to increase power efficiency at the wireless interface of handsets:

 Cooperative power saving strategies between neighbouring nodes

using low power short range communications;

 Cognitive handover mechanisms to select the Radio Access

Technology which has the lowest energy demand in
heterogeneous environments.

Acron / Ref CADWIN

Title Cooperative and Antenna Diversity for Broadband Wireless Networks

Funding FCT/PTDC

Wireless services are of great economic and social value and will be one
of the enablers of the so-called information society. It is envisioned that
among the multiple networks/services that will be part of what is
commonly termed as 4G, we will have a broadband component, where
spectrum efficiency will be a premium. This means that the
terminals/access points will need to explore in a “quasi-optimal” way all
the dimensions provided by the space/time and frequency domains of the
radio channels. Diversity is inherent and well known in the physical layer
and either time, frequency, space has been used to combat the fading by
trying to stabilize the channel. Diversity can also be achieved in the MAC
or higher layer, which is termed network diversity, which can be divided
in multiuser diversity (by scheduling or routing) and cooperative diversity
(by cooperative transmission). While research concerning the classical
forms of diversity has already taken a very practical flavour with
proposals/technological evaluation and integration, the know-how to
exploit the benefits brought by the cooperative dimension is still far
behind and also the understanding of the impact it may have on wireless
network planning. These provided the main impetus for this project
proposal whose key objectives are:


Definition, evaluation and validation of techniques exploiting channels

diversity and cooperation between users in order to enable the high bit
rates targeted in the broadband component of future wireless systems;
improve the power and spectrum efficiencies of the existing OFDM-based
wireless systems and improving and/or extending coverage and fairness.
Most of the research work in this area have assumed dedicated relays
(fixed or nomadic), while the CADWIN project will also consider relaying
functionalities at the MT. To reach these main goals, specific research
objectives are:
• Design and evaluation of practical VMIMO or distributed coding
algorithms. In a first phase we will start with space-time/frequency block
codes designed for co-located antennas, which will be evaluated in a
distributed environment. In a second phase, specific and optimized
solutions will be proposed and investigated.
• Design and evaluation of practical distributed precoding algorithms
considering different levels of the channel state information available at
the transmitter (BS in the downlink), relay and destination (MT in the
Downlink). Precoding algorithms to enable cooperation between base
stations to provide intercell interference cancellation will also be
• Design and evaluation of joint distributed precoding and space-
frequency/time coding algorithms. In a first phase the concepts of
distributed precoding and coding are considered separately, while in a
second phase the researchers working on the two topics will consider the
optimized joint precoding/coding schemes.
• Design and evaluation of channel estimation algorithms. In a first phase
we will evaluate the classical channel estimation algorithms in
cooperative communications scenario with emphasis on AF relaying
protocol. In a second phase, will investigate and evaluate specific
algorithms to deal with the issue of estimating non point-to-point
channels, present in the envisioned scenarios.
 Design and optimization of medium access control protocols for
centralized and decentralized systems with joint scheduling, relay node
selection and dynamic link adaptation.
 Study and design of systems with imperfect network station information


and evaluation of signalling resources for setting up cooperative relaying

 Development of a system level simulation tool for analysis of a hybrid
cellular network incorporating cooperative diversity.
 Usage of the simulation tool to validate the algorithms developed and
demonstrate at a system level the potential of cooperative diversity.

Acron / Ref CelCop

Title Multicell Cooperation for Future Wireless Systems

Funding IT

Descript. The main objectives of the project are to design, implement and
validate techniques exploring BSs collaboration for future wireless
systems. The aim is to design practical multicell transmission and
reception techniques to improve the user’s fairness and throughput,
namely at the cell-edges. The specific objectives include:
• Design multiuser linear precoding techniques for downlink of multicell
MIMO-OFDM based networks.

• Design multiuser detection techniques for uplink of multicell MIMO SC-

FDMA based networks.

• Assessment and validation of the proposed downlink and uplink

algorithms under realist scenarios, trough a link level simulator based
on LTE specification.

• Development of an FPGA based testing infrastructure allowing to

experimentally show the feasibility of the proposed algorithms. Only
some selected downlink precoding algorithms will be tested in this
• Attract students for a career in R&D in the field of
• Promotion of research collaborations between research groups within
the Institute for Telecommunications.


Acron / Ref COGEU

Title Cognitive radio systems for efficient sharing of TV white spaces in

EUropean context

Funding EU, FP7

Descript. The complete transition from analogue to the digital TV is planned in

Europe for 2012. This will release significant amount of valuable
spectrum in VHF/UHF bands. In fact, the Digital TV Switchover provides
a “once in a lifetime” opportunity for the development of innovative
services and the introduction sophisticated new technologies into the
VHF/UHF bands.

However, despite the grand words about opening up a new band to

support low cost, low power, ubiquitous access and innovative new
providers, there are many obstacles to TV white spaces systems. The
creation of workable devices that clearly demonstrate and prove that no
harmful interference is caused to broadcasters or other licensed systems
is one of those challenges as is the completion of standards.
The CogEU project aims to take advantage of the transition to digital TV
by developing cognitive radio systems that leverage the favourable
propagation characteristics of the TVWS through the introduction and
promotion of real-time secondary spectrum trading and the creation of
new spectrum commons in the upper band of the cleared spectrum.
CogEU will also define new methodologies for TVWS equipment
certification and compliance addressing coexistence with the DVB-T/H
European standard.

Three main application scenarios with good market potential will be


 Cellular, WiFi and WiMax network extension over TV white spaces

 Mobile TV over TV white spaces
 Public safety applications over TVWS


Acron / Ref COMMON

Title Coordinated Multiuser MIMO for Future Wireless Networks

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The aim of the project is to provide a better understanding of multiuser

coordinated multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) capacity
enhancement in the fourth (and future) generation(s) of wireless
systems. In fact, the realistic capacity estimation using spatial
multiplexing and beamforming MIMO is of great interest, since it
represents the enabling technology to achieve the new 4G 5 bit/s/Hz
spectral efficiency requirement.

MIMO links can offer a so called spatial multiplexing gain by opening

parallel spatial data pipes or channels within the same frequency band.
This is achieved by the creation of orthogonal information channels
mostly in the presence of rich multipath leading to antenna
In these conditions, MIMO links offer capacity gains (relatively to SISO)
that are proportional to the minimum of either the number of TX and RX
antennas. As a matter of fact, a key feature of MIMO is to turn multipath
propagation, traditionally a pitfall of wireless systems into a benefit for
the user. MIMO takes advantage of random fading, for increasing
transfer rates.

The proposed work in the project will cross the fields of research of
mobility and channel modeling, information theory and practical systems
and applications. Firstly, directional channel modeling will be developed
in order to simulate the MIMO channel.

Secondly, information theory and eigenanalysis based on MIMO spatial

multiplexing and beamforming will be used, together with the use of
uniform and power efficient allocation methods. Optimized MIMO
antenna configurations will be set, in order to boost up cell capacity.
Then, the gains of using coordination methods in multiuser scenarios will
be considered with applications examples and system performance
evaluations over LTE (and LTE Advanced) and mobile WiMAX 802.16


family of standards radio interfaces.

This evaluation will be done considering radio advanced resource

management techniques such as improved admission control, power
control and scheduling techniques.

Acron / Ref COST BM 0704

Title Emerging EMF Technologies and Health Risk Management

Funding ESF, COST

Descript. The main objective of the Action is to create a structure in which

reseachers in the field of EMF and health can share knowledge and
information on:

1.How existing EMF technologies change either in their operating

characteristics or in novel way sand applications in which they are used.

2. Identifying what entirely new EMF technologies are introduced and on

what time-scale.

3. What novel emission and operating characteristics might result and

what impact these would have on the device-specific and overall EMF
exposure of people.

4. What possible health effects could consequently arise and the

scientific evidence for health concerns if any.

5. How such concerns should be addressed through the use of evidence-

based information and

6. What tools are effective in communicating and managing such risks

and perceived risks. And, effectively publish all such information in the
public sector for the benefit of all stakeholders.


Acron / Ref COST2100

Title Pervasive Mobile & Ambient Wireless Communications

Funding ESF, COST

Descript. The main objective of the Action is to increase knowledge of mobile and
wireless network technologies, by exploring and developing new
methods, models, techniques, strategies and tools that will facilitate the
implementation of next generation mobile radio communication systems
and will foster the development of the paradigms of pervasive and
ambient wireless communications.

Acron / Ref COST-IC1004

Title Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments

Funding ESF, COST

Descript. The main objective of the Action is to increase knowledge of cooperative

communications applied to Green Smart Environments, by exploring and
developing new methods, models, techniques, strategies and tools.

Acron / Ref COST-902

Title Cognitive radio Systems

Funding ESF, COST

Descript. Study cognitive radio systems

Acron / Ref CROWN

Title Co-operative Radio over Fibre for Wireless Networks

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The project activities will encompass the three phases needed for a


successful demonstration, i.e:

•Definition of requirements and scenarios;

• Algorithm definition and validation;

• Proof of concept.

The proof of concept will be done at two levels:

At the system level through the integration of the selected algorithms on
a network simulator; At the hardware level, though the development of
an FPGA based testing infrastructure complemented by the required
Radio-Frequency (RF) and optical modules, allowing to experimentally
show the feasibility of the architecture and algorithms proposed.
The project brings together expertise from the areas of wireless and
optical communications, allowing previously untapped synergies
between these two areas, and builds up on the experience of the
research team in international projects dealing with Radio over Fibre

Acron / Ref DiRecTRadio

Title All-Digital Reconfigurable System-on-Chip Transmitter for Cognitive

Radio Systems

Funding IT

Descript. In this project the main objective is to study, design, prototype and
evaluate innovative System on Chip architectures and synthesizable
models for flexible, all-digital and fully integrated transmitters for
Cognitive Radio (CR) systems. Building all-digital flexible transmitters
requires traversal competences on different areas, namely,
reconfigurable digital systems, signal processing and RF design. These
areas of expertise are covered by the members of the research team.
Our approach to all-digital transmitter design will explore the huge
computational power, input/output bandwidth and flexible integration
capacity of modern FPGAs in order to build customizable computation
and communication architectures as well as the required dynamic


reconfiguration methodologies that fulfill the transmitters’ flexibility

needs for future CR systems. This project will contribute to the state-of-
art of all digital transmitters in several aspects, namely:
- Advanced digital signal shaping techniques and corresponding
implementation circuits that allow a fully FPGA-based flexible processing
of high bandwidth signals.

- Novel baseband to RF up-conversion techniques and corresponding

fully integrated FPGA-based realization circuits that allow using flexible
hardware modules for configurable and simultaneous multi-band and
multi-standard operation.

- Tight integration of signal shaping and up-conversion techniques with

FPGA-based baseband processing engines for high throughput, low
latency and fast reconfiguration times.

Acron / Ref Digital_PAs

Title Digital_PAs - Digital RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Applications

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The main objective of this project is to study the feasibility of

incorporating digital techniques in wireless power amplifiers. For that, it
will address both the system level concepts of transmitter architectures
as the Polar, Cartesian and the LINC; and the implementation level of
switching RF power amplifiers and their bias modulation control. So, this
objective can be decomposed into: 1 - Investigate non-conventional
wireless power amplifier and transmitter architectures that can bypass
the traditional compromise between power added efficiency, efficient
spectral usage and linearity. 2 - Identify the practical limits of bias-
modulated digital power amplifiers in Cartesian and Polar transmitters in
terms of (i) requirements imposed on the RF power devices by bias-
modulated switching operation (ii) parasitic AM-to-PM modulation, (iii)
class-D AM amplifier bandwidth, (iv) zero bias RF carrier leakage (zero-
AM off-set), (v) AM envelope modulation linearity and (vi) time-delay


mismatch between the AM and PM modulation paths.

Acron / Ref DOLPHIN

Title Development of Pre-operational Services for Highly Innovative Maritime

Surveillance Capabilities

Funding EU, FP7

Descript. DOLPHIN aims at developing new tools providing effective improvements

of the state of art capabilities in Maritime Surveillance with respect to
users’ needs, in particular by filling present Technological Gaps and by
developing new algorithms and Decision Support Modules.

Acron / Ref EARTH

Title Energy Aware Radio and NeTwork TecHnologies

Funding ICT Programme (European Commission)

Descript. The goal of the project is to address the global environmental challenge
by investigating and proposing effective mechanisms to drastically
reduce energy wastage and improve energy efficiency of mobile
broadband communication systems, without compromising users
perceived “quality” of service and system capacity.

Acron / Ref GREENET

Title An early stage training network in enabling technologies for GREEN radio

Funding FP7

Descript. Current 4G vision envisages higher data rates and multi standard radio
interfaces to provide all users with a continuous seamless connection.
The large number of foreseen devices coupled with the surge in power
requirements for future emerging handsets raises significant challenges


in terms of: i) reducing the energy consumption; and ii) reducing the
amount of electromagnetic radiations. GREENET targets the following
main objectives:

1. Recruitment of ESRs with the clear and long-term objective to conduct

top-notch research and to pursue research excellence at the national,
European, and international levels.

2. Develop training and career plans that are personalized as possible to

meet the needs and desires of each ESR.

3. To allow the ESRs to understand and address key research challenges

on energy efficient GREENET communications, that form pivotal societal
and economic concerns for Europe within the mid-to-long term.

4. Offer to each ESR top-level training and research programs with the
twofold objective to reinforce and corroborate their own background, as
well as to complement this with active participation in a multi-
disciplinary network of research scientists.

5. Complement the typical competences of “applied research” with

aspects related to project management, intellectual property rights,
writing of patents, presentation and communication skills, writing of
technical papers, exploitation of technical results and creation of start-up
companies, etc.

6. Guide and help the ESRs to build the bridge from academia to a
remarkable and untactful professional career in either the
private or public sectors.

Acron / Ref GreenTel

Title GreenTel

Funding PT-Inovação

Descript. Study of Energy efficient RF Systems


Acron / Ref INSHORE

Title Integrated System for High Operational Resolution in Shore


Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The main goal of this project is to develop methodologies to large scale
morphologic and sedimentary survey of sandy beaches. These
methodologies are based on the use of satellite and digital image
technologies to perform efficient monitoring programs. Specific
objectives of this project are:

1) Development of a low cost and high resolution GPS prototype system,

to be mounted on a land vehicle, appropriate for driving in sand. This
system will allow an efficient morphologic survey of sandy beaches
stretches with tens of kilometres, from which it is possible to build 3D
digital elevation models and to characterise the main morphological
2) Development of a digital image prototype system for an automatic
beach sand textural analysis. This system, when incorporated in a land
vehicle and integrated with the GPS based system, will permit a geo-
referenced real-time grain size quantification of a great number of
samples along a sector under study.

3) Development of a morphodynamic model of a sandy beach sector

with 65 kilometres of extension, which will work as a predictive tool
regarding natural and human induced impacts.

Acron / Ref Headway

Title DSRC 5,9GHz

Funding BIT

Descript. Develop a DSCR 5,9GHz (Layers PHY & MAC) transceiver, FPGA based


Acron / Ref META-ID

Title Spatially confined RFID detection with a metamaterial grid

Funding IT

Descript. To use metamaterials to confine the detection of UHF RFID systems to a

desired volumetric region of space, and prevent in this manner
unwanted detections of nearby tags.

Acron / Ref MISC

Title MISC - Massive Information Scavenging with Intelligent Transportation


Funding FCT/MIT

Descript. The MISC project has the following key objectives:

- Scientific goals: devise adequate models for network information flow
in vehicular networks and urban environments; quantify the benefits of
network coding for massive data gathering; characterize human stress in
traffic situations; provide solid guidelines for the design secure and
dependable system architectures;

- Technical goals: Develop secure network coding protocols that

leverage geographic positioning information to bring the right
information to the right place at the right time; combine real-time
biomedical signals with vehicle and urban context information;
- Social-economic goals: increase the safety and efficiency of public
transportation systems and road networks by means of massive data
9 of 12 15-10-2008 15:52

- technology; transfer technology to local and global companies.

- Education goals: attract the brightest students for a career in R&D,
use the developed data gathering tools for lab training, adopt some of


MIT’sbest practices.

Acron / Ref MOBILIA


Funding PO Centro

Descript. MOBILIA project targets ITU IMT-advanced requirements for future

wireless systems, i.e. peak data rates of 100 Mbps for mobile
applications and 1 Gbps for low mobility. The IMT-advanced vision of
future network as being formed of interworking access systems will also
be considered. A derived target is to obtain an increased aggregate
throughput/ user satisfaction vs. existing systems. MOBILIA will address
these various challenges, mainly in the context of WiMAX, covering, at
least, IEEE802.16m, 802.16j and beyond. Other complementary
technologies will be also analyzed, e.g. WiFi to perform relaying in the
framework of IEEE 802.16e.

Acron / Ref MONIT

Title Monitoring of Electromagnetic Radiation in Mobile Communications

Funding Optimus, TMN, Vodafone

Descript. Main objectives: To provide ''public awareness'' information about

exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic wave radiation. To perform
a systematic monitoring of electromagnetic radiation level near mobile
communications base station sites all over the country, and to share
these results through a dedicated website.


Acron / Ref MPSat

Title Multi-Packet Detection Techniques for Satellite Networks

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. Future satellite communications systems face a challenge to provide

higher bitrates, together with improved QoS (quality of service)
guarantees, to more GT (ground terminals). Moreover, this should be
achieved with higher spectral and power efficiencies, with less energy.
This project considers future very high bitrate LEO (Low Earth Orbit)
satellite systems with satellite MPR (multipacket reception), compatible
with low-cost portable GTs. A cross-layered approach is proposed: a
physical layer team will handle the signal design, the synchronization
and estimation issues, and the receiver design, including MPR
development; a data link layer team will handle the Multiple Access
control protocol design and the scheduling algorithm to support different
QoS (Quality of Service) classes, and the interaction with the network
layers. Both teams will be involved in the design and test of the cross-
layering features involving both layers, required to provide guaranteed
QoS, even during satellite handover.

In this project we will develop OQPSK-type schemes with reduced

envelope fluctuations and high power and spectral efficiencies and
compatible with an efficient and low cost power amplification. To further
improve the overall system power efficiency we also consider schemes
with spectral overlapping between different frequency channels. With
respect to the receiver design, the main goal is an efficient multipacket
detection technique able to cope with collisions, already shown by the
research team to allow significant improvements in personal area
networks. We will consider turbo frequency-domain equalizers suitable to
cope with time-dispersion effects and able to handle spectral overlapping
between frequency channels. Hybrid ARQ/FEC (Automatic Repeat
reQuest/Forward Error Correction), namely with packet combining, will
be proposed to handle fading for the most demanding QoS classes and
control packets. To cope with Doppler effects, suitable synchronization
and channel estimation methods will be developed for MPR on a LEO


scenario. Joint detection and estimation schemes will be considered.

Since MPR needs to know which users are involved in a collision, suitable
methods to detect them will be developed. The statistical
characterization of block error rates with MPR will be evaluated using
simulations for homogenous and heterogeneous SNR GTs. We will
develop a new MAC protocols for MPR that combine random access with
demand assigned access on the uplink controlled by a downlink control
channel, offering improved QoS support compared to other LEO MAC

Acron / Ref NAGCPS

Title Navigation Algorithms for GNSS-based Coordinated Positioning Systems

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The applied research addressed by the proposed project is focused on

the development and evaluation of algorithms and estimators in
the context of navigation and coordinated positioning.

Acron / Ref Napis

Title NAPIS - NAvy Positioning and Identification Systems

Funding Marinha Portuguesa

Descript. Design location systems for personal use.

Acron / Ref NEWFOCUS

Title New Fromtiers im mm/sub-mm waves integrated dielectric focusing


Funding ESF, PESC

Descript. • Development of advanced analytical and numerical modelling


techniques in electromagnetic theory using complementary formulations

for the analysis, synthesis and optimisation of integrated dielectric
focusing systems

 Implementation of powerful computer-aided-design tools

Benchmarking measurement facilities at mm and submm

 Promotion of research mobility

Acron / Ref Nonlocal

Title Non-local Metamaterials and Applications

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. Design of low-loss materials with anomalous dispersion.

• Demonstration of broadband negative refraction a partial focusing
using nonlocal metamaterials.

• Realization of ultra-subwavelength waveguides.

• Realization of absorbing metamaterials with enhanced properties.

Acron / Ref NRT

Title NATO SET-ET-066 - Multifunction Noise Radar

Funding Marinha Portuguesa

Descript. The main objective is to assess the applicability of Noise Radar

Technology and related technologies for design of future military MFR
and MFR Networks.

A second objective is to indicate the main advances and the priorities for
future efforts. New concepts and promising applications should be tested
by participating laboratories. The test results will be analyzed, discussed
and evaluated by the Task Group for inclusion in the final report.



Title Opportunistic Aggregation of Spectrum and Cognitive Radios:

Consequences on Public Policies

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. Networks of the future are tending towards a diverse wireless

networking world, where scenarios define that the end-user will be able
to attain any service, at any time on effectively any network that is
optimized for the application at hand resulting in “flexibility and choice”
to enhance the quality of life of the individual, in a context of seamless
interoperability and cognitive radio between network operators and
access technologies, complemented by a business exploitation strategy
that adapts to future economic infrastructures.

Advanced algorithms for multi-band access/selection will be explored to

optimize the offered capacity whilst maintaining the user service
experience acceptable. Also secondary users may have temporary
opportunistic access to free spectrum ''holes'' or a set of users may
simultaneously utilize, optionally, spectrum resources in lower/upper
frequency bands, improving the quality of experience. The consequences
of this new perspective for spectrum management in public policies will
be addressed as well as the impact of having secondary spectrum
markets. From the technical point of view, modeling, simulation and
experimental approaches will be followed, e.g., by using emulators with
a hardware component within academic and/or industrial partnerships to
be developed. Spectrum usage optimization is one of the goals of our
Project, fig. in Annex. The opportunistic utilization of spectrum holes by
secondary users will be investigated by implementing novel MAC designs
regarding sensing cooperation and opportunistic transmission that will
use cross layer and cross system information. Another objective is to
attend to the increasing demand of higher data rates. Spectrum
aggregation (SA) is a technique that attempts to increase spectrum
utilization and it is therefore a coming solution to support the 100 MB/S
over a wireless connection. After World Radiocommunication Conference

2007 (WRC07) the new bands to be considered for International Mobile

Telecommunications - Advanced (IMT-Advanced) were 450-470, 698-
862, 790-862, 2300-2400, 3400-4200 and 4400-4990 MHz. In order to
support the increasing demand of high data rates bandwidths of 100MHz
have to be considered. These bandwidths can only be achieved by going
to high frequencies.

The drawback of going into high frequencies is the high propagation

losses and the Doppler Effect on high velocities. Multi-hop and
Infrastructural users will be managed by a Multiband Common Radio
Resource Management (MB-CRRM) entity. This management will be
direct in the Infrastructural case scheduling user/group of users in a
given frequency and indirect in the multi-hop case (secondary users) by
demanding or leaving a control channels open for secondary user
coordination and taxation. The management of secondary users will be
performed by making hopping frequency directives so that a dynamic
coordinated secondary use of the spectrum can be made.
The MB-CRRM has the ability to optimize frequency scheduling for
infrastructural users, and also frequency scheduling for secondary usage.
While each system maintains control over his RRM entity, including the
distributed secondary system, the MB-CRRM entity will make them more
dynamic radio wise.

A wide and local MB-CRRM optimization could be differentiated. By wide

MB-CRRM it is meant frequency planning for all the systems being
considered in a given area considering several base stations (BSs).

Acron / Ref PLANOPTI

Title Planning and Optimization for the Coexistence of Mobile and Wireless
Networks Towards Long Term Evolution

Funding EU, FP7

Descript. This proposal addresses a research programme and a series of initiatives

on next generation mobile networks in a context of coexistence to be
developed in the Instituto de Telecomunicações/Universidade da Beira


Networks of the future are tending towards a diverse wireless
networking world, where scenarios define that the end-user will be able
to attain any service, at any time on effectively any network that is
optimised for the application at hand resulting in “flexibility and choice”
to enhance the quality of life of the individual, in a context of seamless
interoperability between network operators and access technologies,
complemented by a business exploitation strategy that adapts to future
economic infrastructures. The economic vision targets a converged
network and service infrastructure for communication, computing and
media applications that will create new market opportunities for 3rd
party service providers. The drive for ubiquitous, cost-effective
communication in unison with new service provisioning opportunities
provided the impetus for the OPTIMOBLE proposal. It intends to design,
implement and demonstrate “cooperative networking and optimisation
strategies” for next generation networks that will provide a significant
step towards network convergence in a truly heterogeneous
environment. Cooperative-common radio resource management
strategies are considered, assisted by context-aware information (e.g.,
positioning) for maximising network utility and QoS delivery, and by
incorporating ad-hoc relaying and mesh networking mechanisms to
ensure virtually collocated heterogeneous systems and coverage. These
visions will be complemented by a business feasibility study, and will
include innovative graphical cellular planning tools.


Title Prototypes for Efficient Energy Self-sustainable Wireless Sensor


Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. Prototypes for Efficient Energy Self-sustainable Wireless Sensor



Acron / Ref PANORAMA

Title Plataforma Rádio

Funding QREN, PT-Inovação

Descript. O projecto Panorama é um projecto em co-promoção em que são

parceiros o Instituto de Telecomunicações e a Portugal Telecom
Inovação, S.A. (PT Inovação) promotora do projecto. Como projecto de
I&DT inclui actividades de investigação industrial e desenvolvimento
experimental cujo objectivo é desenvolver plataformas ópticas e wireless
avançadas para redes metro, acesso e core com gestão integrada,
capazes de competir no mercado internacional e projectar neste
mercado tecnologia que “fala” Português.

A participação do IT neste projecto insere-se âmbito da sua função de

criar e disseminar conhecimento no domínio das telecomunicações. O IT
disponibiliza ao projecto Panorama o conhecimento de ponta nas áreas
das microondas, comunicações ópticas e redes de telecomunicações,
contribuição importante para que seja criada uma solução integrada e
inovadora para as redes de acesso, metro e core.

A PT Inovação, como âncora tecnológica e o centro de excelência do

Grupo PT, introduz no projecto o conhecimento dos requisitos de
mercado a par da sua experiência de investigação industrial e
desenvolvimento de soluções de telecomunicações.

O projecto é uma iniciativa QREN, do financiamento UE/FEDER através

do COMPETE – Programa Operacional factores de Competitividade.

O investimento elegível do projecto é de 3.053.370 € a que corresponde

um incentivo de 1.807.737 €.

O projecto foi iniciado em Março de 2009 e terá a duração de 27 meses.

O objectivo global do projecto PANORAMA é o desenvolvimento de um

Sistema de Telecomunicações sustentado em Plataformas Ópticas e de
Rádio Avançadas com gestão integrada. Será concretizado com a
implementação de:

- Plataformas Ópticas Avançadas


- Plataformas Rádio

- Plataformas de Routing IP/MPLS

- Soluções Residenciais

Nestas plataformas serão integradas as funções de suporte:

- Gestão de Rede e Serviços

- Gestão Automatizada Distribuída

- Segurança

- QoS (Quality of Service), Probing e Módulos Protocolares

em resultado de actividades transversais a todas as plataformas.

Acron / Ref PEACE

Title IP-Based Emergency Applications and Services for Next Generation


Funding EU, FP7-ICT

Descript. Design and Specification of Next Generation Emergency Communication


Specify a general all-IP IMS-based emergency management architecture

− Investigate and provide solutions for supporting daily emergency
communication basedon IP protocols.

- Specify and integrate mechanisms for user and device location in Next
Generation Networks.

- Specify a representation of emergency numbers in IMS and its

mapping to PSTN

- Extend IMS with mechanisms for indication of location and emergency


- Support ad-hoc communication in a secure manner.


Acron / Ref QOSMOS

Title Quality of Service for Mobile Opportunistic Systems

Funding EU, FP7

Descript. Develop algorithms and protocols for CR

Acron / Ref RFID-Local

Title Advanced Antennas for Radio Frequency Identification and Localization

Funding FTC/PTDC

Descript. 1. Extension of previous work from this team on UHF RFID antennas for
smart storeware, to replace or complement current optical bar code
solutions, with the added value of enabling automation.
2. Design of dedicated UHF RFID passive tags for application on specific
type of objects to enhance its detection, considering omnidirectionality,
size, read range and sensitivity to nearby objects. Commercially
available passive chips will be integrated into the developed prototypes.
3. Development of antennas for a new generation of ultra wideband
impulse radio (IR-UWB) RFID technology at microwaves (3 to 10 GHz).
Studies will explore the use of these tags for precise indoor location
applications; this includes the development of a demonstration test bed.

Acron / Ref SAIL

Title Scalable & Adaptive Internet soLutions

Funding ICT Programme (European Commission)

Descript. SAIL will both design technologies for the Networks of the Future and
develop techniques to transition from today’s networks to such future
concepts. SAIL leverages state-of-the-art architectures and technologies,
extends them as needed, and integrates them. SAIL uses
experimentally-driven research, building prototypes that will proof the


advantages in concrete use cases.

Acron / Ref SiMTraMil

Title Silicon Monolithic Transceiver for Portable Communication Systems in

Millimetre Wave

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The final goals are to design and test a single chip millimetre wave
receiver and the key component of the transmitter (power amplifier)
with the same technology for a 30GHz LMDS (Local Multipoint
Distribution Systems) transceiver. Since, when
needed, passive and active improved components models will be
developed during the project and they will be valid for higher
frequencies. As a secondary goal we will study by simulations the
performance of key components of a future 60GHz WLAN
(wireless local area network) system receiver with SiGe technologies
(LNA, down converter and VCO) and CMOS up to 30GHz.

Acron / Ref SOPAS

Title Self-Oscillating Radio Frequency Power Amplifiers

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. This project is aimed at the design and test of an

innovative RF Self-Oscillating Power Amplifier (SOPA) in which the
feedback loop is not made at the RF carrier, as in the usual approach,
but now between the output signal envelope and the input baseband
signal. This topology is a novel, and very promising, approach to the
linearity/efficiency compromise in RF transmitters as it is capable of
greatly reducing switching losses but also compensate for the
nonlinearities of the AM and PM modulator, of the RF PA and of the
output band-pass reconstruction filter. Furthermore, the complex
stability and ultimate injection locked behavior analysis of these SOPA


structures (which is a determinant problem for any highly nonlinear

dynamic feedback loop) will be thoroughly performed through bifurcation
analysis across input envelope amplitude. In addition, this new SOPA
based Tx architecture, but also many other coming digital Tx’s, suffer
from the inexistence of proper simulation tools. As they involve
baseband AM and PM signals, a digital self-oscillating clock and a RF
carrier - of three disparate time-scales - exciting strongly nonlinear low-
frequency broadband but also RF narrow-band circuits, no circuit
simulation tool is able to handle it. So state-of-the-art simulation
techniques for systems with autonomous components (as is the case of
SOPAs) will be studied. In summary, the expected results from this
project are: (i) system-level analysis of SOPA behavior, its stability and
injection locking conditions; (ii) the design, implementation, test and
validation of a novel, highly efficient and linear, SOPA based Tx
topology; and (iii) a new simulation method dedicated to device-level
simulation of SOPA circuits (or circuits that suffer from similar multirate

Acron / Ref SARMonitor

Title Civil Traffic Monitoring Using SAR

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The goal of this project is to develop techniques for spaceborne SAR
platforms to automatically extract the parameters of interest for civil
traffic monitoring and planning at a continental scale. We also intend to
develop a PC application to demonstrate the feasability of traffic
monitoring from space borne SAR.

Acron / Ref SATSON

Title Vehicles velocity estimation and classification in free flow environments

Funding BRISA


Descript. Vehicles velocity estimation and classification in free flow environments

Acron / Ref TACCS

Title Cognitive Radios Adaptable Wireless Transceivers

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. Software Defined Radio has already start its way to conquer traditional
radio configurations, by moving base band (de)modulators
completely to the digital world and thus implementing it by software.
Nevertheless, it is expected that Cognitive Radio, CR, will be the next
frontier in terms of radio architecture design, in fact the new
paradigm that CR can bring to traditional ways to think on radio
architectures, is so huge, as it was the transition from Analog to
Digital systems. CR will allow the optimization of radio spectra
occupancy, but also the implementation of the supreme universal radio,
that is radios that talk to each other’s no matter the original
But in order to achieve such a new deployment, the radio should be
constructed with some form of processing capabilities, which it is
not possible with traditional schemes, that processing capabilities arises
from some kind of processor that treats the transmitted/received signal
in real time, and makes decisions over it. That processing capabilities
should be done at the digital counterpart, but also, and most of the time
neglected, at the analog part. In fact the main conclusion of the last SDR
forum meeting was that the analog part, usually called agile radios,
should have a huge research effort in order to implement most of the CR
This project aims exactly to study most of the physical layers of CR,
starting from agile RF front ends, but also considering digital
implementations, either FPGA based, but also DSP based.
The project will try to give an answer to software engineers, by carefully
studying the last piece of the system that is avoiding the
complete implementation of CR. The main difficulty of implementing


these CR architectures is the non-ideal behavior of the analog

components, due mainly to bandwidth limitations, and to signal
amplitude limitations, dynamic range, by creating nonlinear distortion
that severely degrades SNR. Thus the correct identification of the system
components behavior, that is nonlinear dynamic models, the correct
understanding of the new waveform behaviors, which will be created in
the CR approaches, will allow the correct design of the transmitted
signal. This signal should be pre-distorted in order to be transmitted with
perfect spectrum masks, but the received signal should also be
compensated either by overcoming the non-idealities of the receiver
components but also by reducing interference distortion due to
the existence of jammers outside the band. Thus the now proposed work
will make new contributions on (1) behavior models for non-ideal analog
RF components; (2) new signal identification methods, either for
evaluation of the analog needs at transmission or at receivers, but also
for spectrum sensing; (3) new waveform generation for CR applications,
in order to maximize the SNR, but also for maximize the transmitted bit
rate; (4) new design of reconfigurable architectures based on FPGA, for
efficient CR implementation; (5) improved receivers for spectrum
sensing sub-systems by maximizing the gathering of large bandwidths;
(6) new improved receivers for maximization of dynamic
range; and finally (7) new transmitters for linear and high efficient signal
The proponent team is composed of a number of different
knowledgeable elements, coordinated by a senior researcher of IT with
previous international and recognized work on nonlinear distortion
modelling, RF circuit/system design and SDR system
implementation. For signal processing capabilities the team has two
researchers with very important achievements in the area of
Sampling Theory and Signal Reconstruction, plus a researcher with
knowledge on FPGA-based reconfigurable architectures and
hardware accelerators, digital systems modeling, simulation and
synthesis. The team is complemented by the work of three PhD
students that are working in these fields, and we hope to have the help
of two “bolseiros” that will assist in the simulation,


laboratorial measurements, and design of most of the new proposed CR

Moreover there is no other Portuguese research team working in this
new emergent and future area of communication circuits and
systems applied to SDR and CR RF front ends.
These team combined with the new ideas will allow the proposed project
to give a step further in the state of art in the area of agile
RF front ends for CR implementations.

Acron / Ref TERRA

Title Techno-Economic Regulatory Framework for Radio Spectrum Access for

Cognitive Radio/Software Defined Radio

Funding ESF, COST

Descript. The main objective of this Action is to develop a comprehensive techno-

economic regulatory framework of radio spectrum access rules for
CR/SDR-based wireless applications, catering for envisaged CR/SDR
deployment scenarios and shown to benefit most optimally the
development of the wireless industries and consumer interests at large.
Furthermore, the Action will provide assistance to European
administrations in formulating a European position on radio spectrum
access rules for CR/SDR applications. This Action will establish a multi-
disciplinary European forum focused on coordinating techno-economic
studies for the development of a harmonised European regulatory
framework to facilitate the advancement and broad commercial
deployment of Cognitive Radio/Software Defined Radio (CR/SDR)
systems. The Action will leverage on results and experiences from
national and international research initiatives and early standard-setting
activities by recommending sound regulatory policies that would
facilitate fastest possible uptake and proliferation of CR/SDR. The need
for this Action has been supported by European regulators in the
European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations
(CEPT). They stated willingness to use the results of the Action in their
work on developing the harmonised European regulatory regime for


CR/SDR. Very conveniently, proposals elaborated by the Action could

also be used as a part of European contributions to the forthcoming
World Radiocommunications Conference in 2012, which has CR/SDR
regulatory policy on its agenda.

Working towards that objective, TERRA will structure its activities in the
following clusters: research into development of plausible deployment
scenarios for CR/SDR, based on results of current and future
technological R&D activities, research into what regulations would be
technically feasible, research into what regulatory regime would be
economically attractive, research into overall impact assessment and
societal benefits of developed regulatory scenarios.

Acron / Ref WHERE2

Title Wireless Hybrid Enhanced Mobile Radio Estimators 2

Funding EU, FP7

Descript. Improving Positioning:

Enable indoor terminal location with an accuracy at least equivalent to

that of outdoor GPS, by combining & extending distributed techniques
into the new dynamic heterogeneous and cooperative scenario
Improving Communications:

Quantify geo-location-based cooperation gain in wireless

communications in terms of throughput, reliability, power consumption,
complexity and security.

Developing integrated hardware platform to confirm performance and
feasibility of cooperative positioning and communications algorithms by


4.1.5 Running and Concluded Theses

MSc Theses

Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Rafael Industrial placement - MCEL,
Edmundo Monteiro 2/2011
Caldeirinha Mozambique
Pedro Renato Filipe Nogueira Antenas para sistemas de
Tavares Pinho Silva localização
António Miguel
Carlos Cardoso Jorge Rodrigues da Efficiency Measurement of
Castanheira 3/2011
Fernandes Costa Broadband Antennas
Pedro Miguel
Carlos Cardoso Jorge Rodrigues da Transparent Antennas for
Araujo Ambrosio 3/2011
Fernandes Costa Advanced RFID Applications
Alvares Serrao
João Francisco
Filipe Andre Ana Cristina Costa Wireless Communication in
Cordeiro de 3/2011
Sampaio Ribeiro Aguiar Vehicular Networks
Oliveira Barros
Advanced Transmitter/Receiver
Nuno Souto João Conduto Schemes for Future Wireless 6/2011
José Bioucas Colonic polyp detection from
Ricardo Cotilho Mário Figueiredo 6/2011
Dias capsule endoscopy data
Manuel Joaquim Amplificadores de Potência de
Pedro Miguel
Campos Mendes José Carlos Pedro Rádio Frequência Auto- 7/2011
Nunes Duarte Oscilantes
Circuits development for wireless
João Vaz Vitor Canosa 7/2011
Design, simulation and
Bruno Miguel fabrication of an invisibility
Alexandre 7/2011
Freire Mendes cloaking and other artificial
electromagnetic materials
Implementação de um Sistema
Adão Silva Paulo Serralheiro Atílio Gameiro de Comunicações Móveis de 4G 7/2011
para o Uplink
Medição do campo próximo de
Rodrigues da João Sena Marcos Mário Silveirinha 7/2011
antenas e outras estruturas
Vasco Miguel Técnicas de Cooperação entre
Adão Silva Barroso da Silveira Atiqur Rahman Estações Base para Sistemas 7/2011
e Carvalho Celulares de Portadora Múltipla
Telmo Reis
Marcin Janiszewski Audio Effects Unit 9/2011
Aumento de Capacidade em
Sistemas MIMO Coordenados
Pedro Vieira André Martins 9/2011
Multi-utilizador para Advanced
Desenvolvimento de Metodologia
e Projecto de Sistemas de 4ª
Pedro Vieira Nuno Paes Jorge 9/2011
geração Móvel no Interior de
Detecção e Identificação Pessoal
António Alves Raul Lourenço
Automática por RFID nos Navios 9/2011
Moreira Machado
da Marinha
Monolithic Power Amplifier in
0.13um CMOS for WLAN
Marco António da
João Vaz Mota Carvalho 9/2011
Silva Pereira


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Planeamento e Optimização em
Redes Celulares Móveis Auto-
Pedro Vieira Marco Carvalho 9/2011
Geridas assentes em LTE

João Filipe Elói Simulator-based performance

Aleluia Carrasco Maria Paula Queluz evaluation of LTE and LTE- 9/2011
Gonçalves Advanced
Successive Interference
Cancellation in Vehicular
Ana Cristina
Carlos Pereira Networks to Relieve the Negative 9/2011
Costa Aguiar
Impact of the Hidden Node
Telmo Reis Krzysztof
Wireless Audio Unit 9/2011
Cunha Stelmachowski

Advanced Performance Analysis

Luís M. Correia Vasco Fradinho 10/2011
of GSM and UMTS Radio
Jorge Antenas de banda-dupla para
Ana Catarina Carlos Cardoso
Rodrigues da sistemas de localização em 10/2011
Caniço Cruz Fernandes
Costa interiores
Nuno Borges Mariana Pedro Renato Tavares
Antenas for Location 10/2011
Carvalho Cascalheira Pinho
Nuno Borges Location systems using Android
Carlos Pereira 10/2011
Carvalho phones
Américo Modelos de Extensão de
António Nanfade 10/2011
Correia cobertura para LTE
Nuno Borges
Diogo Ribeiro Wonhoon Jang SDR Instrumentation 10/2011
Nuno Borges Super Caps for Energy
Diana João Nuno Matos 10/2011
Carvalho Harvesting
Adaptive Flexible Spectrum
António João António
Usage Algorithms in 11/2011
Rodrigues Mouro Mestre
Heterogeneous Cell Deployment
Assessment and Design of 11/2011
Luís M. Correia João Pinto
Telecommunication Systems
installed in NAV
Fernando Hugo José Dias Attitude Determination of Highly 11/2011
Nunes Lopes Dynamic Fixed-wing UAVs
Cognitive Radio Systems for the 11/2011
Fernando J. Helder Roberto Álvaro Henrique C. Efficient Sharing of TV White
Velez Rodrigues Alves Gomes Spaces with LTE

Data Rate Performance Gains in 11/2011

UMTS Evolution to LTE at the
Luís M. Correia Pedro Carreira
Cellular Level

Energy efficient solutions based 11/2011

on beamforming for UMTS and
Luís M. Correia Tiago Gonçalves

Experimental Study on Spectrum 11/2011

Pedro José
António Sensing for Cognitive Radio
Pinheiro de José Sanguino
Rodrigues Networks
Almeida Alvarez

Impact Analysis of the Galileo 11/2011

Fernando André Filipe Sérgio System Deployment
Nunes da Silva


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Monolithic Power Combiners in 11/2011
CMOS technologies for WLAN
João Vaz Paulo Gomes applications

Navegação e Determinação de 11/2011

Fernando Afonso Rodrigues Atitude em Aeronaves Através de
Nunes Gonçalves Múltiplos Receptores GNSS

Performance Evaluation of 11/2011

UMTS/HSPA+ Data Transmission
Luís M. Correia Ricardo Batista
for Indoor Coverage

Sistema de Comunicação entre 11/2011

Rafael Filipe Marques Pedro Amado Assunção,
Veículos com Integração
Caldeirinha Raimundo Luis Conde Bento
João Carlos Synchronization for FDE systems 11/2011
Antero Correia
Silva using Orthogonal Sequences
WiMAX Capacity vs. Channel 11/2011
Luís M. Correia Pedro Tareco
Tiago Vicente
Development of a Firefighting
Berlinga de
José Sanguino António Rodrigues Coordination Positioning 12/2011
Almeida dos
Santos Barroso
Energy efficient solutions in 12/2011
Luís M. Correia Digo Silva GSM/UMTS based on traffic
profiling models
Estudo exploratório da 12/2011
Armando Miriam Martinez
Susana Mota informação espacial-temporal do
Rocha Baez
canal rádio
Jorge Tiago 12/2011
Pedro Renato Implementação de um sistema
Pereira Mogas da
Tavares Pinho MIMO em FPGA
Pseudorandom sequence 12/2011
Francisco Ângelo Tomé Rui Miguel Henriques
performance of a nonlinear CDMA
Cercas Penha da Luz Dias Morgado Dinis
Armando Marco André Receptor de propagação para 12/2011
José Carlos Neves
Rocha Almeida Sousa satélite Alphasat
Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues 12/2011
João Nuno Diogo José Simões SDR emitter applied to DSRC
de Oliveira, Ricardo
Matos Mrtins communications
Matos Abreu
Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues 12/2011
João Nuno Pedro Filipe Vieira SDR receiver applied to DSRC
de Oliveira, Ricardo
Matos Rito communications
Matos Abreu
Armando José António Sistema Multi-Antena para 12/2011
Susana Mota
Rocha Negro Medição Canal Rádio Direccional
Francisco Miguel Viegas da 12/2011
Pedro Amaro Sebastião Smart Link Planning Tool
Cercas Costa
Rafael Performance Optimisation in 3D 2/2012
Tiago Figueirinha Telmo Fernandes
Caldeirinha TV Broadcasting Services
Francisco Gonçalo Jorge Propagation model generalization 2/2012
Pedro Amaro Sebastião
Cercas Domingues Bastos including tunels (co-supervision)
João Costa Monolithic Active Inductors in
Joaquim Ferreira Jorge Paulo Alves Torres 3/2012
Freire Silicon
António Duarte Garrido Telecommunications market
Rodrigues Gameiro characterization
Ricardo João do Aircraft Automatic Positioning
José Sanguino António Rodrigues 5/2012
Carmo Plácido Transponder System
Carlos Cardoso Jorge Rodrigues da Antenas impressas com tintas
Luís Almeida 5/2012
Fernandes Costa orgânicas para RFID passivo

Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Antenas para a nova geração de
Carlos Cardoso Valter Santos Jorge Rodrigues da
sistemas UWB-RFID 5/2012
Fernandes Matos Costa

Antenas para auto-confinamento

Carlos Cardoso Jorge Rodrigues da
Nuno Santos da detecção em aplicações UHF- 5/2012
Fernandes Costa
Carlos Cardoso André Generoso Jorge Rodrigues da Antenas para redes de sensores
Fernandes Santiago Costa corporais
Autonomous system for track
Ricardo Jorge
José Sanguino Nizar Venturini athletics guidance for the visual 5/2012
Fernandes Chaves
Distributed Remote Tracking and
Nelson Flavio de
José Sanguino António Rodrigues Surveillance for Covert 5/2012
Cintra Correia
Evaluation of GPS Receiver
Filipe de Oliveira
José Sanguino António Rodrigues Autonomous Integrity Monitoring 5/2012
Navegação Descentralizada de
João Miguel Formações de Aeronaves com
José Sanguino Paulo Oliveira 5/2012
Mendes Cóias Redes de Telecomunicações

A ray tracing based model using

Nuno Leonor Telmo Fernandes point scatterers for doubly 7/2012
selective radio channels
Application for Remote Piloted
Semi-Autonomous Aerial 7/2012
Pedro Amaro
Carlos Lima Francisco Cercas Surveillance System Using
Terrestrial Wireless Networks
Using Android Software
Filipe Miguel
José Carlos Circuitos Electrónicos Baseados
Esturrenho Pedro Miguel Cabral 7/2012
Pedro em Dispositivos Paramétricos
Design and Implementation of an
João Pedro Horta Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor 7/2012
Nuno Souto
Simões Network for Building/Home
Armando Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues Detector Digital Síncrono de Sinal
Flávio Silvestre
Rocha de Oliveira CW baseado em FPGA 7/2012
Marco Domotic interaction with the
Carlos Diogo
Alexandre Nuno Souto human brain using EEG 7/2012
Baptista Duque
Ribeiro thecnologies
Pedro Miguel Efficient Amplification in
Nuno Oliveira
Lavrador MultiStandard Wireless Networks 7/2012
Estimativa das Contribuições de
Armando ´Flávio Miguel da
Jose Neves Chuva e Gelo na Despolarização 7/2012
Rocha Silva Jorge
Implementation of sub-urban
João Tiago dos radio coverage prediction 7/2012
Luís Cruz
Santos Martins methods using GIS

Implementation of urban radio

Luís Cruz David Marques coverage prediction methods 7/2012
using GIS
Pedro Miguel Elói
António Topa Aleluia Carrasco Pulse propagation in fiber optics 7/2012
Reliable Monitoring and Control
Diogo Filipe of Home/Building appliances 7/2012
Nuno Souto
Ferreira das Neves using a Wireless Personal Area


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Pedro Renato Cláudio Alves da Analisador de espectros baseado
Tavares Pinho Silva em SDR
Análise de Desempenho em
Redes Móveis Long Term
Pedro Vieira João Nascimento 9/2012

Análise de Desempenho em
Sistemas MIMO Coordenados
Pedro Vieira Nuno Porteira 9/2012
Multi-utilizador para Mobile
WiMAX 802.16m
Aumento de Capacidade em
Pedro Vieira Carla Oliveira Sistemas MU-MIMO Coordenados 9/2012
para Advanced LTE
Simão Fernandes
António Cell load balancing in
Lopes Marques Neeli R. Prasad 9/2012
Rodrigues heterogeneous scenario
António Duarte Garrido Characterization of the
Rodrigues Gameiro telecommunications market
António André Miguel Comparative studies of classic
Rodrigues Vieira Rodrigues and cloud computer technologies
António Miguel Arantes Compatibility between private
Rodrigues Moreira Alexandre mobile radio service equipment
Condicionamento de transmissão
Pedro Renato Luís Pedro Couto em redes sem fios para
Tavares Pinho Antunes aplicações de localização e
António Nuno Emanuel Femto/pico basestation
Neeli R. Prasad 9/2012
Rodrigues Cabral Monteiro deployment risk assessment
Fully integration of switched
João Vaz Pedro Mendonça Santos regulators in CMOS Technology 9/2012
António João Martins Minas Impact of femtocell introduction
Rodrigues da Piedade in operational mobile networks
Planeamento e Optimização de
Femto-células em Ambiente
Pedro Vieira Pedro Santos 9/2012
Residencial e Empresarial

Pedro Renato Ricardo Miguel

Reconfigurable antenna 9/2012
Tavares Pinho Romão Gonçalves
António Francisco de Spectrum Sensing Algorithms
Neeli R. Prasad 9/2012
Rodrigues Castro Paisana
The receiver analysis and design
João Vaz José Nogueira 9/2012
from a system point of view
VSAT satellite network systems
António application to broadband access
Pedro Brasão José Sanguino 9/2012
Rodrigues services

António José Mário Martins Cognitive wireless regional area

Rodrigues Dias Valente networks
Carlos Cardoso GPS Ground Base Antenna for
Rodrigues da Duarte Fonseca 10/2012
Fernandes Precision Positioning
Impact of mobile data evolution
Paulo Aníbal
António in telecommunications networks
Pereira Serra de 10/2012
Rodrigues and its sustainability
Magalães Corrêa

Lens-based steerable-beam
Carlos Cardoso compact antenas for Ka-Band
Rodrigues da Joana Silva 10/2012
Fernandes ground terminals


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Multi-cell coordination in LTE
António Sérgio Galveia
Nuno Cota systems using beamforming 10/2012
Rodrigues Nunes
QoS mechanisms analysis in
António Vítor Manuel present mobile networks and in
Rodrigues Ferreira Fonseca LTE

Pedro Rui Ceia dos Assisted Navigation Based On

José Sanguino António Rodrigues 11/2012
Santos V2V Communications and GPS
Frederico Miguel
de Azevedo Ricardo Jorge Autonomous Train Collision
José Sanguino 11/2012
António Machado Fernandes Chaves Detection System
da Silva
Detection and correction of cycle
Pedro Manuel slips in GNSS carrier phase
José Sanguino Rodrigues,Teresa 11/2012
Figueiredo e Silva measurements using low-cost
IMU measurements
From dishes antennas to planar
João Nuno Pedro Renato Tavares structures, applied to satellite
João Felgueiras 11/2012
Matos Pinho communications

José Manuel
José Sanguino Mateus de Jesus António Rodrigues Geo-Location in Social Networks 11/2012
João Halm Gomes GPS-based Electronic Monitoring
José Sanguino António Rodrigues 11/2012
da Costa for Law Enforcement Applications
Nuno Borges Location system for the
Fábio rico 11/2012
Carvalho University Campus
Positioning and Navigation in
José Sanguino Pedro Ferrão António Rodrigues 11/2012
Multi-Constellation Scenarios
Gil Dias Uso de Repetidores na Rede LTE 11/2012
Web Platform for the
José Sanguino Sandro Borim Neto António Rodrigues Performance Assessment of 11/2012
GNSS Positioning Algorithms
Rui Miguel Henriques
Francisco Filipe Jorge Bolas BS cooperation for system
Dias Morgado Dinis, 12/2012
Cercas Casal Ribeiro performance enhancement
Pedro Amaro Sebastião
Development of a new control
Francisco João Carlos
Pedro Amaro Sebastião station for satellite 12/2012
Cercas Martinho Pires
Técnicas de detecção para o
Adão Silva Eduardo Conde Atílio Gameiro sistema LTE no sentido 12/2012
Técnicas de Processamento com
Adão Silva Pedro Dias Atílio Gameiro Múltiplas Antenas Para o Sistema 12/2012
Schedduling for Distribted
Atílio Gameiro Eduardo Castaned 1/2014
wireless networks

Table 12 – List MSc Theses running in the Wireless Communications Area during 2011


PhD Theses

Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Cross layer Optimization Techniques
Atílio Gameiro Shahid Mumtaz 1/2011
in 4G networks
Distributed Coding in Cooperative
Atílio Gameiro Sara Teodoro Adão Silva 1/2011
Diversity Systems
José Bioucas Oil Slick Surveillance Using ASAR
Sonia Pelizzari 1/2011
Dias and MERIS Data
Magnitude Modulation for peak
Francisco Marco Alexandre Vitor Manuel Mendes power control in single carrier
Cercas Cravo Gomes Silva communication systems (co-
Clifford Algebras and
Marco Alexandre Electromagnetism: Towards an
Carlos Paiva 5/2011
Ribeiro Equivalence Principle for
José Bioucas
Gonçalo Valadão Absolute Phase Estimation 6/2011
Signal Processing Techniques in
Fernando Nuria Blanco
Modern Multi-Constellation GNSS 6/2011
Nunes Delgado
Capacity-approaching codes with
low implementation complexity,
Américo Alberto Amaral Nuno Souto, António
Capacity-approaching codes with 9/2011
Correia Lopes Rodrigues
low implementation complexity

Optimization of the Interoperability

and Dynamic Spectrum
Fernando J. Orlando Manuel
Management in Mobile 9/2011
Velez Brito Cabral
Communications Systems Beyond
Electromagnetic Wave Propagation
in Metamaterials: Reflection,
Transmission and Waveguiding
João Carlos Roquete
Carlos Paiva Afonso Barbosa Problems, Electromagnetic Wave 12/2011
Fidalgo Canto
Propagation in Metamaterials:
Reflection, Transmission and
Waveguiding Problems
Analytical Evaluation of Nonlinear
Distortion Effects in Multicarrier
Fernando Rui Miguel Henriques Signals, Analytical Evaluation of
Teresa Araújo 1/2012
Nunes Dias Morgado Dinis Nonlinear Distortion Effects in
Multicarrier Signals

Joint Frequency-domain
Equalization and Fine Decision-
directed Carrier Synchronization for
Fernando Rui Miguel Henriques Single-Carrier Modulation, Joint
Pedro Pedrosa 1/2012
Nunes Dias Morgado Dinis Frequency-domain Equalization and
Fine Decision-directed Carrier
Synchronization for Single-Carrier
Cooperative Techniques for Wireless
Atílio Gameiro Andreia Moço Adão Silva, communications 2/2012

Miqdad AL- Time-varying wideband channel

Rafael Sérgio Morgadinho
Nuaimi,Telmo model for propagation of 2/2012
Caldeirinha Rebelo
Fernandes radiowaves in vegetation media
Interference Minimization in RF
Nuno Borges
Hugo Cravo Gomes Front-ends, Interference 3/2012
Minimization in RF Front-ends

Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Tiago André
Mário Subwavelenth Imaging with
Nogueira Morgado 3/2012
Silveirinha Microstructured Materials

Common Radio Resource

Luís M.
António Serrador Management in Integrated 4G 4/2012
Mobile Communication Systems
João Miguel dos Cross-layer Optimisation of Routing
Fernando J.
Santos Mercante Protocols for Ad-hoc and Wireless 6/2012
Ferro Sensor Networks
Enhanced Two-Phase Contention
Fernando J. Luís Miguel Moreira
António Sérgio Lebres window MAC Protocol for Wireless 6/2012
Velez Borges
Sensor Networks Applications
Novel Cooperative Spectrum
António Nuno Manuel de Ramjee Prasad,Neeli R.
Sensing Methods and their 6/2012
Rodrigues Matos Pratas Prasad
CMOS self-oscillator mixer for 5GHz
applications, CMOS self-oscillator
Maria João Luís Miguel Moreira mixer for 5GHz applications, CMOS
João Vaz 7/2012
Rosário Mendes self-oscillator mixer for 5GHz
applications, CMOS self-oscillator
mixer for 5GHz applications
Common Radio Resource
Luís M. Filipe Duarte dos
Luísa Caeiro Management in Heterogeneous 7/2012
Correia Santos Cardoso
Maria João Fernando dos Integrated Receiver in CMOS
Fernando Fortes 7/2012
Rosário Santos Azevedo technology
Luís M.
Carla Oliveira MIMO in Body Area Networks 7/2012
Luís M. Radio Channel Models for MIMO
Cesaltina Ricardo 7/2012
Correia Systems
Luís M. Radio Resources Management in
Lúcio Ferrreira 7/2012
Correia Wireless Mesh Networks
Arnaldo Silva
Nelson José Valente Arquitecturas Reconfiguráveis para
Rodrigues de Nuno Borges Carvalho 9/2012
Silva Rádios Controlados por Software
Channel Estimation And Parameter
Acquisition Systems Employing
Atílio Gameiro Darlene Neves Adão Silva 9/2012
Cooperative Diversity

Dimensioning of Mobile and

Wireless Communication Systems
Fernando J. Rui Filipe Rosa
with Relays in the Context of 4G 9/2012
Velez Paulo

MAC / Network and RRM algorithms

and protocols in cooperative
Atílio Gameiro Kazi Huq 9/2012
diversity communication

Efficient Multi-mode Software

Nuno Borges
Pedro Miguel Cruz Defined Radios Design 10/2012

Electromagnetic bandgap
Henrique Mário Rui Silveira components and antennas for
José Rocha Pereira 10/2012
Salgado Pereira broadband communications,

Interference cancellation techniques

and Resource Allocation for
Atílio Gameiro Daniel Castanheira distributed cellular systems 10/2012


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Microstructured High Impedance
Mário João Tiago de
Silveirinha Figueiredo e Costa
Antenna Substrates
Nuno Borges Nelson José Valente Reconfigured Architectures for
Carvalho da Silva Software Defined Radio
Virtual MIMO Techniques for
Atílio Gameiro Reza Holakouei Adão Silva Distributed Broadband Wireless 10/2012
systems (DBWS)
Design Synthesis and
Henrique Miniaturization of Multiband and
Qi Luo José Rocha Pereira 11/2012
Salgado Reconfigurable Microstrip Antenna
for Future Wireless Applications
Design of Adaptive Analog Filters
Francisco Nuno Miguel de Francisco Cercas,
for Magnetic Front-End Read 12/2012
Cercas Figueiredo Garrido Augusto Albuquerque
Channels (co-supervision)
Electrónica para comunicações sem
Pedro Miguel
Filipe Rodrigues José Carlos Pedro fios: Amplificadores de Rádio 12/2012
Luís M. Modelling MIMO Systems in Body
Michal Mackowiak 12/2012
Correia Area Networks in Outdoors
José Carlos Hugo Miguel Santos Nonlinear Behavioural Modelling of
Telmo Reis Cunha 12/2012
Pedro Teixeira Mixed Signal RF-Digital I/O Devices
Francisco Roberto Dimas do Terrestrial Digital Television and
Cercas Amaral new market opportunities
João Nuno Tiago Hipkins Wireless Communications for
José A. Fonseca 12/2012
Matos Meireles Assistive Technologies
Cooperative Positioning for
Rodriguez Senka Hadzic 2/2013
Heterogeneous Wireless Systems
Antennas for integration into small
António Alves Nuno Miguel Faria
Anja Skrivervik personal terminals and Ultra-wide 2/2013
Moreira Pires
band antennas
Cooperative positioning for
Jonathan Rodriguez
Manuel Violas Senka Hadzicl heterogeneous wireless systems 2/2013
Candidate: Senka
Atílio Gameiro Eduardo Castaned System Level Simulation 2/2013
MIMO techniques in future high
António Ivo Luís de la Cerda
Maria Paula Queluz capacity wireless communication 3/2013
Rodrigues Garcia e Sousa
António Motion Estimation and its Hardware
Nalluri Purnachand Luis Nero Alves 3/2013
Navarro Implementation
António Nuno António Fraga Automatic Radio Resource
Rodrigues Juliano Cota Management for 4G Networks
Michel Distributed Control of Road Traffic
Celestino Hugo Conceição O. K. Tonguz based on Vehicular Ad Hoc 9/2013
Paiva Ferreira Networking
Innovative Energy-efficient Sensor
Fernando J. Norberto José Gil
Medium Access Control and Routing 9/2013
Velez Barroca
Rodriguez Firooz B. Saghezchi MAP-Tele 9/2013
Native P2P VoIP/Video
Jonathan Rodriguez Communication over Autonomic
Manuel Violas George Matthew 9/2013
Gonzalez Wireless Network Infrastructures

Planning of Opportunistic Spectrum

Fernando J. Daniel Luís Silveira Sharing Heterogeneous Networks
Velez Robalo with QoE Optimization


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Rafal Glogowski Printed Millimetre Wave Antennas 9/2013
Secure and Reliable Communication
Vahid Nazari Infrastructure for IP-Based
Rodriguez 10/2013
Talooki Emergency Applications - Map-i
Nuno Borges Pedro Renato Tavares Antennas for high resolution
Luis Bras 10/2013
Carvalho Pinho location
Nuno Borges Figures of Merit for the Wireless
José Pedro borrego 10/2013
Carvalho White Spaces
José Carlos Behavioural Modelling of High-
Wael Dghais Telmo Reis Cunha 12/2013
Pedro Speed Digital Devices
João Costa Mário Jorge Simão Modelling of Passice Structures on
Pedro Mendonça Santos 12/2013
Freire de Assunção Silicon Technologies
José Carlos Sérgio Carlos da Multi-Standard Reconfigurable
Pedro Miguel Cabral 12/2013
Pedro Conceição Pires Wireless Transmitter Architectures
Primary-Secondary Spectrum
Rathapon Sharing in the Presence of Primary
Luís M.
Saruthirathanawora Transmissions: Feasibility Study in 12/2013
kun Cellular Bands and Radar Bands,
and Policy Implications
Reducing primary energy
João Costa António Manuel consumption through lower power
Pedro Mendonça Santos 12/2013
Freire Sequeira Abreu losses of electrical transmission and
distribution systems
VANET-Based Traffic Information
Celestino Ricardo Fernandes 12/2013
Paiva Ferreira
Applications of Spacetime Algebra
Carlos Paiva Filipa Prudêncio Sérgio Almeida Matos 1/2014
in Electromagnetics
Decentralised control of stochastic
Zafeiris processes with application to urban
Celestino Cristina Olaverri 1/2014
Kokkinogenis traffic control
Paiva Ferreira

Manuel Joaquim Amplificadores de Potência Auto-

José Carlos
Campos Mendes Pedro Miguel Cabral Oscilantes em Transmissores de 9/2014
Nunes Duarte Comunicações Sem Fios
Victor Sucasas
Rodriguez Electronic Engineering 9/2014
Rodriguez Riccardo Bassoli Electronic Engineering 9/2014
Manipulating the electromagnetic
Mário David Emanuel Dias field in the nanoscale with nonlinear
Silveirinha Fernandes metamaterials

Real-time Kinematic Positioning in

José Carlos Miguel
Urban Environments 9/2014
Sanguino Sendas Pires

Cognitive Radio for Military

Nuno Borges
Eduardo Bolas Applications 10/2014
Cognitive Networks for Green and
Seamless User Mobility - MAP-i
Rodriguez Muhammad Alam 11/2014

Comunicação multi-hop com LTE-

Carlos Reis Nuno Souto Advanced 11/2014


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Coordinated multiuser MIMO
António André Eduardo enhancement for LTE advanced
Pedro Vieira 11/2014
Rodrigues Ponciano Martins wireless networks

Beamforming antenna for satellite

João Nuno Tiago Miguel Pedro Renato Tavares
communications 12/2014
Matos Valente Varum Pinho

Rafael RF transparency control of building

David Ferreira Telmo Fernandes 12/2014
Caldeirinha wall structures
Fernando Vector Structures in GNSS
José Marçal 1/2015
Nunes Receivers
Energy Efficient Self Organising
Luís M.
Eduardo Sá Network Mechanisms for Next 3/2015
Generation Mobile Networks
Nuno Borges
Nuno Borges
Ricardo Fernandes Carvalho,João Nuno Passive Wireless Sensor Networks 3/2015
Wireless Power Transmission
Nuno Borges
Alírio boaventura Solutions for Wireless 4/2015
Optimal Planning of Femtocells in
Nuno Souto Luís Gonçalves Pedro Amaro Sebastião 5/2015
Jorge Rodrigues da Antennas for Localization and
Cardoso Andela Zaric 9/2015
Costa Identification Systems
António Alves Compact and integrated antennas
Mohsen Koohestani Anja Skrivervik 9/2015
Moreira for portable applications
Estudo e implementação de
João Vaz Joaquim Oliveira moduladores de fase para 9/2015
amplificadores polares
Ana Catarina Caniço Carlos Cardoso Lens-based Focal Plane Antenna
Rodrigues da 9/2015
Cruz Fernandes Arrays for Imaging Systems
Mecanismos de geração e controlo
Pedro Miguel Luis Carlos Cotimos
José Carlos Pedro da distorção não-linear em 9/2015
Cabral Nunes
amplificadores Doherty.
Luís M. Radio Resource Management
Sina Khatibi 9/2015
Correia Strategies in
Marco António da
Power amplifiers for wireless
João Vaz Mota Carvalho Silva 10/2015
Hamed Hasani Juan R. Mosig Reflectarrays of Printed Elements 10/2015
Synchronization and Channel
Francisco Rui Manuel Sousa Rui Miguel Henriques
Estimation for Nonlinear OQPSK 12/2015
Cercas Rodrigues Dias Morgado Dinis

Table 13 – List of PhD Theses running in the Wireless Communications Area during 2011


4.1.6 Publications


Book Chapters
- Oliveira, C.; " Body Communications " - Chapter in Pervasive Mobile & Ambient
Wireless Communications , Roberto Verdone , Springer , (to be published) , 2011 .

Papers in Journals

- Koohestani, M.; M. Akbari; J. Khalilpour; " A New Compact Dual-Wideband Printed

Monopole Antenna for WLAN/WiMAX Applications ", Intrnl. Journal of RF and
Microwave Computer Aided-Engineering , Vol. 21 , No. 6 , pp. 674 - 679 ,
November , 2011 .

- Akbari, M.; M. Koohestani; Ch. Ghobadi; J. Nourinia; " A New Compact Planar
UWB Monopole Antenna ", Intrnl. Journal of RF and Microwave Computer Aided-
Engineering , Vol. 21 , No. 2 , pp. 216 - 220 , March , 2011 .

- Khalilpour, J.; M. Akbari; M. Koohestani; " Adjustment of Waveguide Power

Divider Properties by Changing the Dimension of S-shaped Ring Resonators ",
Intrnl. Journal of Electronics , Vol. 2 , No. 3 , pp. 7 - 11 , September , 2011 .

- Amaral, F.; R. Dinis; P. M. Montezuma; " Approaching the MFB with Block
Transmission Techniques ", European Trans. on Telecommunications , August ,
2011 .

- Luo, Q. L.; J. R. Pereira; H. Salgado; " Compact Printed Monopole Antenna With
Chip Inductor for WLAN ", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters , Vol. 10
, No. 10 , pp. 880 - 883 , August , 2011 .

- Amaral, F.; R. Dinis; P. M. Montezuma; " Estimation of the Feedback Reliability for
IB-DFE Receivers ", ISRN Communications and Networking Journal , Vol. 2011 ,
June , 2011 .

- Costa, J.R.; E.B. Lima; C. R. Medeiros; C. A. Fernandes; " Evaluation of a New

Wideband Slot Array for MIMO Performance Enhancement in Indoor WLANs ", IEEE
Trans. on Antennas and Propagation , Vol. 59 , No. 4 , pp. 1200 - 1206 , April ,
2011 .

- Varum, T.; J. N. Matos; P.T. Pinho; R. Abreu; A.O. Oliveira; J.A. Alves; "
Microstrip Antenna Array for Multiband Dedicated Short Range Communications ",
Microwave and Optical Tech. Letters , Vol. 53 , No. 12 , pp. 2794 - 2796 ,
December , 2011 .

- Serra, C. C. ; C. R. Medeiros; J.R. Costa; C. A. Fernandes; " Mirror-integrated

Transparent Antenna for RFID Application ", IEEE Antennas and Wireless
Propagation Letters , Vol. 10 , pp. 776 - 779 , September , 2011 .


- Medeiros, C. R.; J.R. Costa; C. A. Fernandes; " Passive UHF RFID Tag for Airport
Suitcase Tracking and Identification ", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation
Letters , Vol. 10 , No. s/n , pp. 123 - 126 , March , 2011 .

- Medeiros, C. R.; J.R. Costa; C. A. Fernandes; " RFID Reader Antennas For Tag
Detection in Self-Confined Volumes at UHF ", IEEE Antennas and Propagation
Magazine , Vol. 53 , No. 2 , pp. 39 - 50 , April , 2011 .

- Morgado, T. A.; J. Marcos; M. Silveirinha; S. Maslovski ; " Ultraconfined Interlaced

Plasmons ", Physical Review Letters , Vol. 107 , No. 063903 , pp. 1 - 4 , August ,
2011 .

Papers in Conference Proceedings

- Costa, J.R.; E.B. Lima; C. R. Medeiros; C. A. Fernandes; " 2×2 Dual Linear
Polarization Wideband Slot Array ", Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation
- EUCAP , Rome , Italy , Vol. - , pp. 355 - 358 , April , 2011 .

Mackowiak, M.; C. Oliveira; L. M. Correia; " A Statistical Analysis of the Influence

of the Human Body on the Radiation Pattern of Wearable Antennas ", Proc IEEE
International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun - PIMRC ,
Toronto , Canada , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 5 , September , 2011 .

Amaral, F.; R. Dinis; P. M. Montezuma; " Approaching the Matched Filter Bound
with Coded OFDM and SC-FDE Schemes ", Proc IEEE Military Communications Conf.
- MILCOM , Baltimore, MD , United States , November , 2011 .

Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; T.R. Fernandes; D. Ferreira; " Automatic Antenna Alignment

System (A3S) ", Proc CETC2011- Conf. on Electronics, Telecommunications and
Computers , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , November , 2011 .

Pinho, P.T.; C.M. Mendes; N. Amaro; " Bending effects on a textile microstrip
antenna ", Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Spokane , United States ,
Vol. 1 , July , 2011 .

Oliveira, C.; M. Mackowiak; L. M. Correia; " Challenges for Body Area Networks
Concerning Radio Aspects ", Proc European Wireless - EW , Wien , Austria , April ,
2011 .

- Oliveira, C.; Lopes,C. Lopes; M. Mackowiak; L. M. Correia; " Characterisation of

On-Body Communications at 2.45 GHz ", Proc International Conf. on Body Area
Networks - BodyNets , Beijing , China , November , 2011 .

Glogowski, R.G.; JFZ Zurcher; JM Mosig; C. Peixeiro; " Circularly polarized

aperture coupled stacked patch antenna element for Ka-band ", Proc IEEE AP-
S/URSI International Symp. , Spokane , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , July ,
2011 .


Luo, Q. L.; H. Salgado; J. R. Pereira; " Compact printed C-shaped monopole

antenna with chip inductor ", Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Spokane ,
United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 156 - 159 , July , 2011 .

- Fernandes, C. A.; E.B. Lima; J.R. Costa; " Double-shell Modified Extended
Hemispherical Lens Feed for Reflectors in Scanning ", Proc European Conf. on
Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP , Rome , Italy , pp. 3850 - 3854 , April , 2011 .

- Amaral, F.; R. Dinis; P. M. Montezuma; " Efficient Channel Estimation for OFDM
and SC-FDE Schemes ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Computer Communication
and Networks - ICCCN , Maui, Hawaii , United States , August , 2011 .

- Amaral, F.; R. Dinis; P. M. Montezuma; " Efficient Channel Estimation for Single
Frequency Broadcast Systems ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Fall ,
San Francisco , United States , September , 2011 .

- Amaral, F.; R. Dinis; P. M. Montezuma; " Estimation of the Feedback Reliability for
IB-DFE Receivers ", Proc IASTED International Conf. on Signal Processing, Pattern
Recognition and Applications - SPPRA , Innsbruck , Austria , February , 2011 .

- Costa, J.R.; E.B. Lima; C. R. Medeiros; C. A. Fernandes; " Impact of a New

Wideband Slot Array on MIMO Indoor System Performance ", Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI
International Symp. , Spokane , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 2208 - 2211 , July ,
2011 .

- Pires, N.; M. Letizia; S. B. Boyes; Y. L. Lu; A. Skrivervik; A. A. Moreira; "

Improved Design of an Ultra Wideband Universal Serial Bus Device Mounted
Antenna Based on Comparative Radiation Efficiency Measurements ", Proc European
Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP , Rome , Italy , pp. 1430 - 1434 , April ,
2011 .

- Brás, L.; N.B.C. Carvalho; P.T. Pinho; " Improved Sectorised Antenna for Indoor
Localization Systems ", Proc European Microwave Week/European Microwave Conf.
, Manchester , United Kingdom , Vol. , pp. 1 - 4 , October , 2011 .

- Fernandes, D.F.; J. Marcos; S. Maslovski ; M. Silveirinha; " Measurement of the

Specific Absorption Rate using a single electric field sensor ", Proc EUROCON and
CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , April , 2011 .

- Varum, T.; J. N. Matos; P.T. Pinho; R. Abreu; " Microstrip antenna for vehicular
communications with improved axial ratio band ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE
2011 , Lisbon , Portugal , pp. 1 - 4 , April , 2011 .

- Santos, V.; K.G. Garcia ; F. Lopes; " Microstrip Antennas Experiments for Digital
Television Reception ", Proc Portuguese-Spanish Conf. in Electrical Engineering ,
Ponta Delgada , Portugal , Vol. I , pp. 1 - 4 , June , 2011 .

- Peixeiro, C.; " Microstrip Patch Antennas: An Historical Perspective of the

Development ", Proc International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conf. - IMOC ,
Natal , Brazil , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , November , 2011 .


- Mackowiak, M.; L. M. Correia; " Modelling the Influence of Body Dynamics on the
Radiation Pattern of Wearable Antennas in Off-Body Radio Channels ", Proc URSI
General Assembly , Garmisch-Partenkirchen , Germany , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , March ,
2011 .

- Amaral, F.; R. Dinis; P. M. Montezuma; " On the Design of Frequency-Domain

Receivers for SFN Where the Transmitters Have Different CFO ", Proc IEEE Military
Communications Conf. - MILCOM , Baltimore, MD , United States , November ,
2011 .

- Costa, J.R.; E.B. Lima; C. A. Fernandes; " Optimized Design of a Double-Shell

Integrated Lens Antenna ", Proc ESA Worshop on Millimetre Wave Technology and
Application , Espoo , Finland , May , 2011 .

- Peixeiro, C.; " Patch Antennas for BAN/PAN Applications at 2.45 GHz ", Proc IEEE
II Conference on Telecommunications - CONATEL 2011 , Arequipa , Peru , Vol. 1 ,
pp. 1 - 5 , May , 2011 .

- Brás, L.; N.B.C. Carvalho; P.T. Pinho; " Patch-Excited Horn Antenna Array for
Localization Systems ", Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Spokane ,
United States , pp. 1 - 4 , July , 2011 .

- Pinho, P.T.; P.T. Pinho; " Performance of microstrip antennas in the presence of
EBG in an indoor localization system ", Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. ,
Spokane , United States , Vol. 1 , July , 2011 .

- Varum, T.; J. N. Matos; P.T. Pinho; " Printed antenna for On-Board Unit of a DSRC
System ", Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Spokane , United States ,
Vol. , pp. 457 - 460 , July , 2011 .

- Amaral, F.; R. Dinis; P. M. Montezuma; " Receiver Design for Single-Frequency

Networks with Fast-Varying Channels ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. -
VTC-Fall , San Francisco , United States , September , 2011 .

- Pires, N.; M. Letizia; S. B. Boyes; Y. L. Lu; A. Skrivervik; A. A. Moreira; "

Simulation and Measurements of Ultra-Wideband Antenna Radiation Efficiency ",
Proc Encuentro Ibérico de Electromagnetismo Computacional - EIEC , Sesimbra ,
Portugal , pp. 61 - 62 , November , 2011 .

- Serra, C. C. ; C. R. Medeiros; J.R. Costa; C. A. Fernandes; " Study of Transparent

Antennas for RFID ", Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Spokane , United
States , July , 2011 .

- Fernandes, C. A.; E.B. Lima; J.R. Costa; " Tapered Waveguide Feed for Integrated
Dielectric Lens Antenna Performance Evaluation ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE
2011 , Lisbon , Portugal , April , 2011 .

- Medeiros, C. R.; C. C. Serra; C. A. Fernandes; J.R. Costa; " UHF RFID Cabinet ",
Proc IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp. , Spokane , United States , Vol. 1 , pp.
1429 - 1432 , July , 2011 .


Project Reports

- Glogowski, R.G.; JFZ Zurcher; JM Mosig; " Ka-band Payload Data Downlink
Antennas Definition for Earth Observation ", ESA , ESA AO/1-6057/09/NL/ST , June
, 2011 .


Book Chapters

- Pereira, J. R.; P.T. Pinho; " Using the Smith chart in an E-learning approach " -
Chapter in E-Learning / Book 2 , Prof. Adilson Guelfi, Laboratory of Integrated
Systems, Polytechnic School at the University of São Paulo, Brazil , In-Tech , ,

Papers in Journals

- Silva, T.; L. A Cruz; L. Agostini; " A Novel Macroblock-Level Filtering Upsampling

Architecture for H.264/AVC Scalable Extension ", Journal of Integrated Circuits and
Systems , Vol. 1 , No. 6 , pp. 43 - 49 , March , 2011 .

- Stievano, I. S.; L. Rigazio; F. Canavero; T.R. Cunha; J. C. Pedro; H. Teixeira; A.

Girardi; R. Izzi; F. Vitale; " Behavioral modeling of IC memories from measured
data ", IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement , Vol. 60 , No. 10 , pp.
3471 - 3479 , October , 2011 .

- Cunha, T.R.; H. Teixeira; J. C. Pedro; I. S. Stievano; L. Rigazio; F. Canavero; R.

Izzi; F. Vitale; A. Girardi; " Validation by measurements of an IC modeling
approach for SiP applications ", IEEE Trans. on Components, Packaging and
Manufacturing Technology , Vol. 1 , No. 8 , pp. 1214 - 1225 , August , 2011 .

Papers in Conference Proceedings

- Azevedo, A.F.; F. Fortes; M. J. Rosário; " A 1.8V/5.2GHz WLAN CMOS RFIC

Receiver ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. I , pp. 1 -
4 , April , 2011 .

- Ribeiro, R. F. Ribeiro; L.M. Mendes; J.M.C.V. Vaz; M. J. Rosário; J. Costa Freire; "
A 130 nm CMOS LNA for 30 GHz Applications ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE
2011 , Lisbon , Portugal , April , 2011 .

- Vaz, J.M.C.V.; J.M.C.V. Vaz; J.M.C.V. Vaz; " A 2.45 GHz 30 dBm Differential 0.18
ƒÊm CMOS Class•]E Power Amplifier with 42% PAE ", Proc Conf. on Design of
Circuits and Integrated Systems , Albufeira , Portugal , November , 2011 .

- Bergano , JB; A. Rocha; L. Cupido; D. Barbosa ; " A 5 GHz LNA for a radio-
astronomy experiment ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisboa , Portugal ,
pp. 1 - 4 , April , 2011 .


- Fernandes, R. D.; N.B.C. Carvalho; J. N. Matos; " Design of a battery-free

wireless sensor node ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisboa , Portugal ,
Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , April , 2011 .

- Fernandes, R. D.; N.B.C. Carvalho; J. N. Matos; " Increasing the range of wireless
passive sensor nodes using multisines ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on RFID-
Technology and Applications , Barcelona , Spain , Vol. 1 , pp. 549 - 553 ,
September , 2011 .

- Cadete, F.C.; DG Guilherme; J.G. Guilherme; N.H. Horta; F.C. Cadete; "
Overcurrent Detection Circuit for Integrated Class-D Amplifiers ", Proc European
Conf. on Circuit Theory and Design , Linköping , Sweden , Vol. 1 , pp. 410 - 413 ,
September , 2011 .

- Gonçalves Lima, E.; T.R. Cunha; J. C. Pedro; " PM-AM/PM-PM distortions in

wireless transmitter behavioral modeling ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on
Microwave Theory and Tech. , Baltimore , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , June ,
2011 .

- Cunha, T.R.; P.M.L. Lavrador; E. Gonçalves Lima; J. C. Pedro; " Rational function-
based model with memory for power amplifier behavioral modeling ", Proc
Integrated Non-linear Microwave and Millimetre-wave Circuits Conf. - INMMIC ,
Wien , Austria , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , April , 2011 .

- Vaz, J.M.C.V.; " Switched Dual•-band CMOS LNA for 802.11b/g WLAN and
WiMAX Applications ", Proc Conf. on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems ,
Albufeira , Portugal , November , 2011 .


Papers in Journals

- Maslovski , S.; M. Silveirinha; " Casimir forces at the threshold of the Cherenkov
effect ", Physical Review A , Vol. 84 , No. 062509 , pp. 1 - 7 , December , 2011 .
- Maslovski , S.; " Casimir repulsion in moving media ", Physical Review A , Vol. 84
, No. 022506 , pp. 1 - 16 , August , 2011 .

- Alù, A; A. D. Yaghjian; R. A. Shore; M. Silveirinha; " Causality relations in the

homogenization of metamaterials ", Physical Review B , Vol. 84 , No. 054305 , pp.
1 - 16 , August , 2011 .

- Kaipa, C. S. R.; A. Yakovlev; M. Silveirinha; " Characterization of Negative

Refraction with Multilayered Mushroom-type Metamaterials at Microwaves ", Journal
of Appl. Physics , Vol. 109 , No. 044901 , pp. 1 - 10 , February , 2011 .

- Kapitanova, P. V.; S. Maslovski ; I. V. Shadrivov; M. Voroshilov; P. A. Belov; Yu.

S. S.; " Controlling split-ring resonators with light ", Applied Physics Letters , Vol.
99 , No. 251914 , pp. 1 - 3 , December , 2011 .


- Canto, João R.; C. R. Paiva; A. Barbosa; " Dispersion and Losses in Surface
Waveguides Containing Double Negative or Chiral Metamaterials ", Progress In
Electromagnetics Research - PIER , Vol. 116 , pp. 409 - 423 , May , 2011 .

- Silveirinha, M.; " Examining the Validity of the Kramers-Kronig relations for the
magnetic permeability ", Physical Review B , Vol. 83 , No. 165119 , April , 2011 .

- Kaipa, C. S. R.; A. Yakovlev; S. Maslovski ; M. Silveirinha; " Indefinite dielectric

response and all-angle negative refraction in a structure with deeply-subwavelength
inclusions ", Physical Review B , Vol. 84 , No. 165135 , pp. 1 - 7 , October , 2011 .

- Kumar, Navin; Nuno Rafael Lourenço; L. Alves; R. L. Aguiar; " LED-based Traffic
Light Emitter Model for Road Safety Applications ", Vol. 1x , No. 2 , April , 2011 .

- Maslovski , S.; M. Silveirinha; " Mimicking Boyer’s Casimir repulsion with a

nanowire material ", Physical Review A , Vol. 83 , No. 022508 , pp. 1 - 13 ,
February , 2011 .

- Costa, J.; M. Silveirinha; " Mimicking the Veselago-Pendry’s lens with broadband
matched double negative metamaterials ", Physical Review B , Vol. 84 , No. 155131
, pp. 1 - 14 , October , 2011 .

- Canto, João R.; C. R. Paiva; A. Barbosa; " Modal analysis of bi-isotropic H-guides
", Progress In Electromagnetics Research - PIER , Vol. 111 , pp. 1 - 24 , January ,
2011 .

- S. Maslovski ; Yu. S. S.; P. A. Belov; " Nonlocal effective medium model for
multilayered metal-dielectric metamaterials ", Physical Review B , Vol. 84 , No.
115438 , pp. 1 - 9 , September , 2011 .

- Kosulnikov, S. Yu.; E. A. Yankovskaya; S. Maslovski ; P. A. Belov; Yu. S. S.; "

Optimal filling factor of nanorod lenses for subwavelength imaging ", Physical
Review A , Vol. 84 , No. 065801 , pp. 1 - 4 , December , 2011 .

- Costa, J.; M. Silveirinha; A Alù; " Poynting Vector in Negative-Index

Metamaterials ", Physical Review B , Vol. 83 , No. 165120 , April , 2011 .

- Rebelo, S. Morgadinho; R.F.S. Caldeirinha; M. AL-Nuaimi; I. Cuinas; M. Sanchez ;

T.R. Fernandes; J. Richter; " Radio Channel Characterization and Modelling in
Dynamic Vegetation Media at Millimetre-Wave Frequency (Accepted for Publication)
", IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine , January , 2011 .

- Silveirinha, M.; C. R. Medeiros; C. A. Fernandes; J.R. Costa; " Resolving

subwavelength objects with a crossed wire mesh superlens operated in
backscattering mode ", New Journal of Physics , Vol. 13 , No. 053004 , pp. 1 - 14 ,
May , 2011 .


- Silveirinha, M.; " Time Domain Homogenization of Metamaterials ", Physical

Review B , Vol. 83 , No. 165104 , April , 2011 .

Papers in Conference Proceedings

- Rebelo, S. Morgadinho; R.F.S. Caldeirinha; T.R. Fernandes; M. AL-Nuaimi; J.

Richter; " A Channel Dynamics dRET Model for Vegetation Media Assessed against
Indoor and Outdoor Measurements ", Proc IEEE International Geoscience and
Remote Sensing Symp.- IGARSS , Vancouver , Canada , Vol. 1 , pp. 2 - 6 , July ,
2011 .

- Leonor, N.; R.F.S. Caldeirinha; T.R. Fernandes; D. Ferreira; " A ray tracing based
model using point scatterers for doubly selective radio channels ", Proc URSI
Seminar of the Portuguese Committee , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 ,
November , 2011 .

- Correia, L. M.; " Addressing Challenges in Propagation and Channels in the

Networks of the Future ", Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP
, Rome , Italy , April , 2011 .

- Rebelo, S. Morgadinho; R.F.S. Caldeirinha; T.R. Fernandes; M. AL-Nuaimi; J.

Richter; " Analysis of the dRET input parameters under varying wind conditions at
20 GHz ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 2 - 6
, April , 2011 .

Ganhão, F.; R. Dinis; L. B. Bernardo; " Analytical Evaluation of Iterative Packet

Combining and Multipacket Detection Schemes for SC-FDE ", Proc IEEE Vehicular
Technology Conf. - VTC-Fall , San Francisco , United States , September , 2011 .

- Matos, S.A.; C. R. Paiva; " Anisotropic and bianisotropic media in

electromagnetics with geometric algebra ", Proc International Conf. on Clifford
Algebras and their Applications - ICCA9 , Weimar , Germany , July , 2011 .

- Matos, S.A.; C. R. Paiva; A. Barbosa; " Biaxial Media Beyond Electric Anisotropy ",
Proc Encuentro Ibérico de Electromagnetismo Computacional - EIEC , Sesimbra ,
Portugal , November , 2011 .


Conf. on Clifford Algebras and their Applications - ICCA9 , Weimar , Germany , Vol.
1 , pp. 1 - 10 , July , 2011 .

- Mota, S.M.; M. G. Garcia; A. Rocha; F. Fontan ; " Clustering of the Multipath

Radio Channel Parameters ", Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation -
EUCAP , Rome , Italy , Vol. I , pp. 3232 - 3236 , April , 2011 .

- Matos, S.; C. R. Paiva; " Conical refraction for new classes of biaxial
metamaterials ", Proc Metamorphose International Congress on Advanced
Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics - METAMATERIALS , Barcelona ,
Spain , October , 2011 .


- Matos, S.A.; C. R. Paiva; A. Barbosa; " Conical Refraction in Generalized Biaxial

Media A Geometric Algebra Approach ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 ,
Lisbon , Portugal , April , 2011 .

- Ferreira, D.; R.F.S. Caldeirinha; " Development and Implementation of a Real

Time High-Resolution Channel Sounder – IF Stage ", Proc IEEE Vehicular
Technology Conf. - VTC-Spring , Budapest , Hungary , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 5 , May ,
2011 .

- Ferreira, D.; " Development and Implementation of a Real Time High-Resolution

Channel Sounder – IF Stage ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Spring ,
Budapest , Hungary , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , May , 2011 .

- Ferreira, D.; R.F.S. Caldeirinha; " Development and Performance Analysis of a

Real Time High-Resolution Channel Sounder – IF Stage ", Proc EUROCON and
CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , April , 2011 .

- Ferreira, D.; R.F.S. Caldeirinha; " Development and Performance Assessment of a

Real Time High-Resolution RF Channel Sounder ", Proc IEEE International
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp.- IGARSS , Vancouver , Canada , Vol. 1 ,
pp. 4257 - 4260 , July , 2011 .

- Topa, A.; " Dispersion Diagrams of Waveguides Filled With Indefinite Media ", Proc
EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , April , 2011 .

- Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; T.R. Fernandes; D. Ferreira; " Estimation of Dielectric Building

Material Properties from Power Measurements at 60 GHz ", Proc CETC2011- Conf.
on Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp.
1 - 4 , November , 2011 .

- Feitor, B.; R.F.S. Caldeirinha; T.R. Fernandes; D. Ferreira; N. Leonor; " Estimation
of Dielectric Concrete Properties from Power Measurements at 18.7 and 60 G ",
Proc Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conf. – LAPC , Loughborough ,
United Kingdom , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , November , 2011 .

- Rebelo, S. Morgadinho; J. Richter; R.F.S. Caldeirinha; T.R. Fernandes; "

Investigation of a time-variant dRET model in vegetation ", Proc URSI General
Assembly , Istanbul , Turkey , August , 2011 .

- Amaya, C. A; T.Ngu Nguyen; A. Rocha; J. M. R. Riera; A. Benarroch Benarroch; P.

G. Garcia-del-Pino; " Joint Results of 20 GHz Recent Earth-Space Propagation
Experiments in Canada and Europe ", Proc European Conf. on Antennas &
Propagation - EUCAP , Rome , Italy , April , 2011 .

- Amaya, C. A; T.Ngu Nguyen; A. Rocha; J. M. R. Riera; A. Benarroch Benarroch; P.

G. Garcia-del-Pino; J. M. R Garcia-Rúbia; " Joint Results of Long-Term Earth-Space
Propagation Eexperiments at 20-GHz in Canada and Europe ", Proc ESA Propagation
Workshop - Radiowave Propagation Modelling and Measurements for SatCom and
SatNav Systems , Noordwijk , Netherlands , November , 2011 .


- Rocha, A.; " Long Term Rain Rate and Ka-Band Attenuation Variability in Aveiro ",
Proc European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation - EUCAP , Rome , Italy , April ,
2011 .

- Leonor, N.; R.F.S. Caldeirinha; T.R. Fernandes; D. Ferreira; " Modelling and
Measurements of the Directional Spectra of Scatter Signals Inside a Formation of
Tree Trunks ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp.
1 - 4 , April , 2011 .

- Maslovski , S.; " Motion-induced repulsive Casimir-Lifshitz forces ", Proc Days on
Diffraction , St. Petersburg , Russia , Vol. 1 , pp. 142 - 142 , June , 2011 .

- Kaipa, C. S. R.; A. Yakovlev; M. Silveirinha; S. Maslovski ; " Negative refraction

by a two-sided mushroom structure with loaded vias ", Proc Metamaterials
Congress , Barcelona , Spain , Vol. 1 , pp. 693 - 695 , October , 2011 .

- Maslovski , S.; A. Tretyakov; " Perfect lens based on ideal phase conjugating
surfaces ", Proc Metamaterials Congress , Barcelona , Spain , Vol. 1 , pp. 627 - 629
, October , 2011 .

- Maslovski , S.; A. Tretyakov; " Perfect lensing with phase conjugating surfaces:
approaching practical realization ", Proc Days on Diffraction , St. Petersburg ,
Russia , Vol. 1 , pp. 143 - 143 , June , 2011 .

- Maslovski , S.; M. Silveirinha; " Quantum levitation in nanowire materials ", Proc
Metamaterials Congress , Barcelona , Spain , Vol. 1 , pp. 1015 - 1017 , October ,
2011 .

- Kaipa, C. S. R.; A. Yakovlev; M. Silveirinha; S. Maslovski ; " Reflection properties

of mushroom-type surfaces with loaded vias ", Proc Metamorphose International
Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics -
METAMATERIALS , Barcelona , Spain , Vol. 1 , pp. 185 - 187 , October , 2011 .

- Leonor, N.; D. Ferreira; R.F.S. Caldeirinha; T.R. Fernandes; " The development of
an empirical model for single tree trunk re-radiation pattern for dRET model
applications ", Proc URSI General Assembly , Istanbul , Turkey , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 ,
August , 2011 .

- Prudêncio, F.; S.A. Matos; C. R. Paiva; " Waveguides Containig Minkowskian

Isotropic Media (MIM) and the Perfect Electromagnetic Conductor (PEMC) ", Proc
Encuentro Ibérico de Electromagnetismo Computacional - EIEC , Sesimbra ,
Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , November , 2011 .



Book Chapters

- Kürner, T.; P. Grazioso; A. Eisenblätter; G. de la Roche; F. J. Velez; " Deployment

of Next Generation Cellular Networks " - Chapter in Pervasive Mobile & Ambient
Wireless Communications (COST 2100) , Roberto Verdone , River Publishers ,
aalborg, Denmark , 2011 .

- Mwangoka, J.; P. Marques; J. Rodriguez; " Elements of Efficient TV White Space

Allocation Part I: Acquisition Principles " - Chapter in Wireless Networks in the TV
White Space: Concepts, Techniques and Applications , Rashid A. Saeed and
Stephen J. Shellhammer , CRC Press , 2011 .

- Mwangoka, J.; P. Marques; J. Rodriguez; " Elements of Efficient TV White Space

Allocation Part II: Business Models " - Chapter in Wireless Networks in the TV White
Space: Concepts, Techniques and Applications , Rashid A. Saeed and Stephen J.
Shellhammer , CRC Press , 2011 .

Papers in Journals

- Serrador, A. Serrador; L. M. Correia; " A Cost Function Model for CRRM over
Heterogeneous Wireless Networks ", Wireless Personal Communications , Vol. 59 ,
No. 2 , pp. 313 - 329 , July , 2011 .

- Velez, F. J.; M.K. Nazir; H. Aghvami; O. Holland; D.R. Robalo; " Cost/Revenue
Trade-off in the Optimization of Fixed WiMAX Deployment with Relays ", IEEE
Trans. on Vehicular Tech. , Vol. 60 , No. 1 , pp. 1 - 15 , January , 2011 .

- Cabral, O.; F. Meucci Meucci; A. Mihovska; F. J. Velez; N. Prasad; " Integrated

Common Radio Resource Management with Spectrum Aggregation over Non-
Contiguous Frequency Bands ", Wireless Personal Communications , Vol. 59 , No. 3
, pp. 499 - 523 , August , 2011 .

Papers in Conference Proceedings

- Saghezchi, F.; A. Nascimento; M. Albano; A. R. Radwan; J. Rodriguez; " A Novel

Relay Selection Game in Cooperative Wireless Networks based on Combinatorial
Optimization ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Spring , Budapest ,
Hungary , April , 2011 .

- Ferreira, L. S.; L. M. Correia; " Energy-Efficient Radio Resource Management in

Self-Organised Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks ", Proc IEEE International
Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun - PIMRC , Toronto , Canada ,
September , 2011 .

- Robalo, D.R.; J. Oliveira; F. J. Velez; V. Petrini; M. Barbiroli; C. Carciofi; P.

Grazioso; F. Fuschini; " Experimental characterisation of WiMAX propagation in


different environments ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon , Portugal ,
April , 2011 .

- Holland, O.; O. Cabral; F. J. Velez; A. Aijaz; P. Pangalos; H. Aghvami; "

Opportunistic Load and Spectrum Management for Mobile Communications Energy
Efficiency ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio
Commun - PIMRC , toronto , Canada , September , 2011 .

- Francisco, H. F.; P. Vieira; " QoS Control and Analysis for LTE Networks ", Proc
EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , April , 2011 .

- Ferreira, L. S.; L. M. Correia; " Radio Resource Management for Optimising Multi-
Radio Wireless Mesh Networks Deployments ", Proc IEEE Wireless Personal and
Mobile Communications - WPMC , Brest , France , October , 2011 .

- Sousa, I.; M.P. Queluz; A. J. Rodrigues; P. Vieira; " Realistic Mobility Modeling of
Pedestrian Traffic in Wireless Networks ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 ,
Lisbon , Portugal , April , 2011 .

- Dionísio, R.P.; P. Marques; J. Rodriguez; " TV White Spaces Maps Computation

through Interference Analysis ", Proc ICT Mobile and Wireless Communications
Summit , Warsaw , Poland , June , 2011 .


Book Chapters

- Neves, D.; C. Ribeiro; A. Silva; A. Gameiro; " Channel and Parameters Acquisition
in Cooperative OFDM Schemes " - Chapter in Chapter in Wireless Technologies , I-
Tech Education and Publishing , In-Tech , 2011 .

- Silva, A. ; R. Holakouei Holakouei; A. Gameiro; " Multi-Cell Cooperation for Future

Wireless Systems " - Chapter in Recent Advances in Wireless Communications and
Networks , Jia-Chin Lin , In-Tech , 2011 .

- Bonifácio, g; P.S André; N.B.C. Carvalho; " RESONANT WIRELESS POWER

TRANSMISSION " - Chapter in Advances in Energy Research – Volume 8 , Morena
V. Acosta , Nova Publisher , New york , 2011 .

Papers in Journals

- Carson, W.; M. Rodrigues ; I. J. Wassell; " Characterization of Demapper EXIT

Functions with BEC a priori Information and Applications to BICM-ID ", IEEE Trans.
on Communications , Vol. 59 , No. 11 , pp. 1 - 10 , November , 2011 .

- Araújo, T. ; R. Dinis; " Loading techniques for OFDM systems with nonlinear
distortion effects ", European Trans. on Telecommunications , Vol. PP , No. 99 , pp.
1 - 12 , December , 2011 .


- Castanheira, D.; A. Gameiro; A. Silva; " Minimum Bit Error Rate Nonlinear
Precoding for Multiuser MIMO and High SNR ", Physical Communication-Elsevier ,
Vol. 4 , No. 4 , pp. 296 - 304 , December , 2011 .

- Holakouei, R. Holakouei; A. Silva; A. Gameiro; " Multiuser precoding techniques

for a distributed broadband wireless system ", Telecommunication Systems , Vol. 1
, No. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , November , 2011 .

- Sebastião, P.; A. Correia; " O que é a tecnologia LTE? ", Comunicações – Revista
da Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento das Comunicações , pp. 26 - 28
, May , 2011 .

- Araújo, T. ; R. Dinis; " On the Accuracy of the Gaussian Approximation for the
Evaluation of Nonlinear Effects in OFDM Signals ", IEEE Trans. on Communications ,
Vol. PP , No. 99 , pp. 1 - 6 , December , 2011 .

- Prabhu, V.; M. Rodrigues ; " On Wireless Channels With M-Antenna

Eavesdroppers: Characterization of the Outage Probability and \epsilon–Outage
Secrecy Capacity ", IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security , Vol. 6 , No.
3 , pp. 853 - 860 , September , 2011 .

- Sebastião, P.; F.C. Cercas; A. Cartaxo; " Performance of channel codes in wireless
communication systems using efficient simulation ", IET Communications , Vol. 5 ,
No. 13 , pp. 1939 - 1946 , September , 2011 .

- Silva, A. ; R. Holakouei Holakouei; A. Gameiro; " Power Allocation Strategies for

Distributed Precoded Multicell Based Systems ", EURASIP Journal on Wireless
Communications and Networking , Vol. 2011 , No. 2011 , pp. 1 - 1 , April , 2011 .

- Wake, D. ; A. Nkansah; P. Assimakopoulos ; N. J. G. Gomes; M. Violas; Z. Liu; S.

Pato; F. M. Ferreira; G. Valicourt; R. Brenot; " Rádio sobre Fibra ", Revista RTI -
Redes, Telecom e Instalações , pp. 52 - 63 , November , 2011 .

- Cruz, P.M.; N.B.C. Carvalho; " Wideband Behavioral Model for Nonlinear Operation
of Bandpass Sampling Receivers ", IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tech. ,
Vol. 59 , No. 4 , pp. 1006 - 1015 , April , 2011 .

Papers in Conference Proceedings

- Jang, W.; N.B.C. Carvalho; " Crest factor reduction through scaling and recovering
by frame in OFDM communication systems ", Proc URSI General Assembly ,
Istanbul , Turkey , Vol. 2011 , pp. 1 - 4 , August , 2011 .

- Neves, D.; C. Ribeiro; A. Silva; A. Gameiro; " A Pilot-Data Based Channel

Estimation Method for OFDM Relay-Assisted Systems ", Proc IEEE Vehicular
Technology Conf. - VTC-Fall , San Francisco , United States , Vol. 74th , pp. 1 - 5 ,
September , 2011 .


- Vieira, P.; " A Problem Based Learning Approach in Wireless Communications

Teaching ", Proc World Engineering Education Flash Week , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol.
1 , pp. 1 - 1 , October , 2011 .

- Carvalho, M.; P. Vieira; " An Enhanced Handover Oscillation Control Algorithm in

LTE Self-Optimizing Networks ", Proc Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications
Symp. - WPMC , Brest , France , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , October , 2011 .

- Neves, D.; A. Silva; C. Ribeiro; A. Gameiro; " An Iterative Pilot-Data Aided

Estimator for OFDM-Based Relay-Assisted Systems ", Proc IEEE Latin-American
Conf. on Communications - LATINCOM , Belem , Brazil , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 5 ,
November , 2011 .

- Cercas, F.C.; D_Afonso Afonso; R. Dinis; R.Rodrigues Rodrigues; " Analytical

Correlation of Spreading Sequences for Nonlinear OQPSK-Type Modulations ", Proc
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Spring , Budapest , Hungary , May , 2011 .

- Ganhão, F.; R. Dinis; L. B. Bernardo; P. C. Carvalho; R. O. Oliveira; P. Pinto; "

Analytical Performance Evaluation of SC-FDE Modulations with Packet Combining
and Multipacket Detection Schemes ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-
Spring , Budapest , Hungary , May , 2011 .

- Cercas, F.C.; D_Afonso Afonso; R. Dinis; R.Rodrigues Rodrigues; " Correlation of

Spreading Sequences Combined with Nonlinear OQPSK Signals ", Proc EUROCON
and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisboa , Portugal , April , 2011 .

- Reboredo, H.; M. Rodrigues ; J. Xavier; " Design of Filters For Reliable and Secure
Communications: Conditional Mean Estimation at the Eavesdropper ", Proc
EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon , Portugal , April , 2011 .

- Lourenço, A. L.; N.S. Souto; R. Dinis; " Detection of Colliding Users in OFDM
based Random Access Networks ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon ,
Portugal , April , 2011 .

- Holakouei, R. Holakouei; A. Silva; A. Gameiro; " Distributed Precoding with

Centralized Power Allocation Techniques for Multicell OFDM Systems ", Proc
Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications Symp. - WPMC , Brest , France , Vol.
1 , pp. 1 - 1 , October , 2011 .

- Holakouei, R. Holakouei; A. Silva; A. Gameiro; " Distributed Versus Centralized

Zero-Forcing Precoding for Multicell OFDM Systems ", Proc IEEE GLOBECOM
Workshops: Distributed Antenna Systems for Broadband Mobile Communication ,
Houston , United Kingdom , December , 2011 .

- Monteiro, F. A.; I. J. Wassell; " Dual-Lattice-Aided MIMO Detection for Slow

Fading Channels ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Signal Processing and
Information Technology - ISSPIT , Bilbao , Spain , pp. 464 - 469 , December ,


- Ganhão, F.; M.P. Pereira; L. B. Bernardo; R. Dinis; R. O. Oliveira; P. Pinto; M. M.

Macedo; P, Pereira ; " Energy efficient NDMA multi-packet detection with multiple
power levels ", Proc Doctoral Conf. on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems
- DOCEIS , Costa de Caparica , Portugal , February , 2011 .

- Cruz, P.M.; N.B.C. Carvalho; " Enhanced Architecture to Increase the Dynamic
Range of SDR Receivers ", Proc IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium - RWS ,
Phoenix , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 331 - 334 , January , 2011 .

- Boban, M.; R. Meireles; J. Barros; O. Tonguz; P. Steenkiste; " Exploiting the

Height of Vehicles in Vehicular Communication ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Networking
Conf. (VNC) , Amsterdam , Netherlands , Vol. 3 , pp. 1 - 8 , November , 2011 .

- Reboredo, H.; M. Ara; M. Rodrigues ; J. Xavier; " Filter Design with Secrecy
Constraints: The Degraded Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Gaussian Wiretap
Channel ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Spring , Budapest , Hungary
, May , 2011 .

- Reboredo, H.; V. Prabhu; M. Rodrigues ; J. Xavier; " Filter design with secrecy
constraints: The multiple-input multiple-output Gaussian wiretap channel with zero
forcing receive filters ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and
Signal Processing - ICASSP , Prague , Czech Republic , May , 2011 .

- Silva, P.; R. Dinis; " Frequency-Domain Multiuser Detection for Highly Overloaded
DS-CDMA Systems ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Fall , San
Francisco , United States , September , 2011 .

- Sebastião, P.; F.C. Cercas; " Generalização do modelo de propagação LUI a

cenários com túneis para as tecnologias Wi-Fi, GSM, UMTS, WiMAX e LTE ", Proc
URSI Seminar of the Portuguese Committee , Lisbon , Portugal , November , 2011 .

- Barroso, T.B.; J. Sanguino; A. J. Rodrigues; " Georeferencing for Coordinated

Positioning Applications ", Proc Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications
Symp. - WPMC , Brest , France , pp. 319 - 323 , October , 2011 .

- Pedrosa, P.; R. Dinis; F. Nunes; " Joint Detection and CFO Estimation for QAM
Constellations ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Spring , Budapest ,
Hungary , May , 2011 .

- Holakouei, R. Holakouei; A. Silva; A. Gameiro; " Linear Precoding for Centralized

MultiCell MIMO Networks ", Proc IEEE Symp. on Computers and Communications
(ISCC) , Corfu , Greece , June , 2011 .

- Almeida, K. A.; P. Vieira; " Maximizing Performance using MIMO Techniques for
4th Generation Mobile Communication Systems ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE
2011 , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , April , 2011 .

- Cruz, P.M.; N.B.C. Carvalho; " Multi-Carrier Wideband Nonlinear Behavioral

Modeling for Cognitive Radio Receivers ", Proc European Microwave Week/European
Microwave Conf. , Manchester , United Kingdom , October , 2011 .


- Sousa, F.; F. Nunes; " New Expressions for the Autocorrelation Function of Galileo
Signals ", Proc European Navigation Conf. - ENC-GNSS , London , United Kingdom ,
Vol. I , pp. 1 - 15 , November , 2011 .

- Ferreira, F. M.; S. Pato; H. A. Silva; P. Monteiro; " On supporting multiple signal

formats over a FUTON system ", Proc Conf. on Optical Networks Design and
Modelling - ONDM , Bologna , Italy , pp. 1 - 6 , February , 2011 .

- Rodrigues , M.; " On the Constrained Capacity of Multi-Antenna Fading Coherent

Channels With Discrete Inputs ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Information
Theory - ISIT , Saint-Petersburg , Russia , July , 2011 .

- Cercas, F.C.; R.Rodrigues Rodrigues; D_Afonso Afonso; R. Dinis; " ON THE

SIGNALS ", Proc IASTED International Conf. on Signal Processing, Pattern
Recognition and Applications - SPPRA , Innsbruck , Austria , February , 2011 .

- Almeida, A.; R. Dinis; F.C. Cercas; " ON THE USE OF TCH CODES IN ULTRAWIDE
BAND SYSTEMS ", Proc IASTED International Conf. on Signal Processing, Pattern
Recognition and Applications - SPPRA , Innsbruck , Austria , February , 2011 .

- Nunes, F.; F. Sousa; J. Leitão; " Performance Analysis of Low-Complexity VDLL

Architectures for GNSS Signals ", Proc European Navigation Conf. - ENC-GNSS ,
London , United Kingdom , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 13 , November , 2011 .

- Holakouei, R. Holakouei; A. Silva; A. Gameiro; " Performance Evaluation of

Distributed Precoding Schemes for Multicell OFDM Systems ", Proc IEEE Vehicular
Technology Conf. - VTC-Fall , San Francisco , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 ,
September , 2011 .

- Holakouei, R. Holakouei; A. Silva; A. Gameiro; " Power Allocation Strategies for

SVD Multicell MIMO-OFDM Based Systems ", Proc Wireless Telecommunications
Symp. - WTS , New York , United States , April , 2011 .

- Balseiro, F. B.; N.S. Souto; " Robust Channel Estimation for Broadband Satellite
Communications ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon , Portugal , April ,
2011 .

- Seguro, J. S.; P. G. Gomes; N.S. Souto; A. Correia; R. Dinis; " Rotation Matrices
for OFDM Transmission ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon , Portugal ,
April , 2011 .

- Monteiro, F. A.; F. R. Kshischang; " Trellis detection for random lattices ", Proc
International Symp. on Wireless Communication Systems - ISWCS , Aachen ,
Germany , Vol. - , pp. 755 - 759 , November , 2011 .

- Trigo, G.; D. Donas-Boto; C. Silva; J. Sanguino; " Vehicle Heading Estimation

Using a Two Low-Cost GPS Receiver Configuration ", Proc IEEE Vehicular
Technology Conf. - VTC-Spring , Budapest , Hungary , May , 2011 .


- Kumar, Navin; Domingos Terra; Nuno Rafael Lourenço; L. Alves; R. L. Aguiar; "
Visible Light Communication for Intelligent Transportation in Road Safety
Application ", Proc IEEE IWCMC - IWCMC , Istanbul , Turkey , July , 2011 .

- Carson, W.; M. Rodrigues ; F. Perez-Cruz Perez-Cruz; A. R. C. Calderbank; S. G.

Goparaju; " When to add another dimension when communicating over MIMO
channels ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal
Processing - ICASSP , Prague , Czech Republic , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , May , 2011 .

4.1.7 Other Achievements


- Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; N. Leonor; D. Ferreira; T.R. Fernandes; " A ray tracing based
model using point scatterers for doubly selective radio channels ", ADCOD ,
November , 2011 .

- Leonor, N.; R.F.S. Caldeirinha; " Low cost and portable radiation pattern
measurement system at 2.4 GHz ", ESTG , June , 2011 .

- Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; D. Ferreira; T.R. Fernandes; " Multi-frequency swept-time

delay cross-correlation channel sounder for propagation studies ", STDCC ,
December , 2011 .

- Kumar, Navin; L. Alves; R. L. Aguiar; " Prototype Design of Visible Light

Communication for Road Safety ", 01 , October , 2011 .


- Serra, C. C. ; C. R. Medeiros; J.R. Costa; C. A. Fernandes; " Dispositivo com

antena transparente integrada em espelho para sistema de identificação por rádio-
frequência ", (Pending) PT 105477 , January , 2011 .


- Velez, F. J.; " Prémio ANACOM URSI Portugal 2011 ", (Menção honrosa) com o
trabalho “Fixed WIMAX Profit Maximisation with Energy Saving Through Relay Sleep
Modes and Cell Zooming “ , 01-10-2011 .

- Kumar, Navin; R. L. Aguiar; L. Alves; " Fraunhofer Challenge 2011 ", Won Second
prize in PhD category for the best Idea in PhD thesis work for session 2010-1011 ,
01-10-2011 .

- Leonor, N.; R.F.S. Caldeirinha; " Semi-finalist of the IEEE AP-S Student Design
Contest 2011: Radiation Patterns on a Budget ", This paper presents a radiation
pattern measurement system in order to evaluate 2.4GHz antennas. This


measurement system was built with the demand of being an inexpensive and easily
reproducible system, lightweight and visually and user friendly. Prize of $1,500 ,
01-06-2011 .

- Kumar, Navin; Nuno Rafael Lourenço; L. Alves; R. L. Aguiar; " Visible Light
Communication for Road Safety: Poster Award ", Awarded one of the best poster
award in the Engineering Category at Annual Research Day at University of Aveiro ,
01-06-2011 .

- Fernandes, C. A.; " UTL/Santander Totta Award in the Electrotechnical

Engineering area ", Honorable mention , 01-02-2011 .


- Velez, F. J.; M. del Camino Noguera; O. Holland; H. Aghvami; " National Delegate
", Fixed WiMAX Profit Maximisation with Energy Saving through Relay Sleep Modes
and Cell Zooming ", COST IC1004 - Cooperative Radio Communications for Green
Smart Environments TD(11) 02040 , 01-10-2011 .

- Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Antena para Orientação Indoor ", Mariana
Silva Cascalheira, University of Aveiro , 01-07-2011 .

- Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Sistema de Localização Utilizando Redes
sem Fios ", Carlos Miguel Cardoso Pereira, University of Aveiro , 01-07-2011 .

- Barroca, N.; F. J. Velez; J.M. Ferro; Luis M. Borges; A. Lebres; " Seminars ", Block
Acknowledgment Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks ", COST IC1004 -
Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments , 01-06-2011 .

- Barroca, N.; F. J. Velez; J.M. Ferro; Luis M. Borges; A. Lebres; " Tutorial ", 13º
Seminário RTCM - Rede Temática de Comunicações Móveis ", ENERGY-AWARE

- Cabral, O.; F. Meucci Meucci; A. Mihovska; F. J. Velez; N. Prasad; " Seminars ",
Integrated Common Radio Resource Management with Spectrum Aggregation over
Non-Contiguous Frequency Bands ", COST TERRA- Techno-Economic Regulatory
Framework for Radio Spectrum Access for Cognitive Radio Software Defined Radio ,
01-01-2011 .

- Pires, N.; " Invited Talks ", Ultrawide Band Antennas Design & Applications ", IEEE
APS/EDS/MTTS Joint Chapter Portugal , 01-01-2011 .


4.1.8 Other Contributions

Conference Committees

- Encuentro Ibérico de Electromagnetismo Computacional - EIEC , Organizing

Committee, Sérgio Almeida Matos, 01-01-2011
- European Microwave Week/European Microwave Conf., Sessions Chairman , Nuno
Borges Carvalho, 01-01-2011
- National Conf. on Telecommunications (Peru), Technical Programme Committee,
Fernando J. Velez, 01-01-2011
- IEEE International Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun - PIMRC
, Technical Programme Committee, Fernando J. Velez, 01-01-2011
- International Symp. on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication
Technologies - ISABEL, Technical Programme Committee, Fernando J. Velez, 01-01-
- Conf. da Engenharia - UBIEngenharias, Technical Programme Committee,
Fernando J. Velez, 01-01-2011
- Conf. sobre Redes de Computadores - CRC, Technical Programme Committee,
Fernando J. Velez, 01-01-2011
- International Conf. on Clifford Algebras and their Applications - ICCA9, Sessions
Chairman , Sérgio Almeida Matos, 01-01-2011
- IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Fall, Technical Programme Committee,
Fernando J. Velez, 01-01-2011
- IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symp. - IV, Sessions Chairman , Cristina Olaverri , 01-
- IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Fall, Technical Programme Chairman,
Fernando J. Velez, 01-01-2011
- IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Spring, Sessions Chairman , Fernando J.
Velez, 01-01-2011
- International Conf. and Exhibition on Next Generation Mobile Applications,
Services and Technologies - NGMAST, Technical Programme Committee, Fernando
J. Velez, 01-01-2011
- IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Spring, Technical Programme Committee,
Fernando J. Velez, 01-01-2011


- IEEE International Symp. on Microwave Theory and Tech., Technical Programme

Committee, Nuno Borges Carvalho, 01-01-2011
- IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Spring, Technical Programme Committee,
Américo Correia, 01-01-2011
- Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Conference Chairman, João Costa Freire,
- IEEE Region 8 EUROCON 2011 International Conference on Computer as a Tool
joint with the Conference on Telecommunications, Organizing Committee, Pedro
Mendonça Santos, 01-01-2011
- EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011, Conference Chairman, João Costa Freire, 01-01-
- IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symp., Sessions Chairman , Jorge Rodrigues da
Costa, 01-01-2011
- Celtic Plus Event 2011, Technical Programme Committee, Luís M. Correia, 01-01-
- Conf. on Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers - CETC, Conference
Chairman, Paulo Alexandre Carapinha Marques, 01-01-2011
- IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Spring, Technical Programme Committee,
Rafael Caldeirinha, 01-05-2011
- EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011, Scientific Committee, Rafael Caldeirinha, 01-04-
- Conf. on Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers - CETC, Scientific
Committee, Rafael Caldeirinha, 01-11-2011
- International Conf. on Wireless Information Networks and Systems - Winsys,
Conference Chairman, Rafael Caldeirinha, 01-07-2011
- IEEE International Conf. on RFID-Technology and Applications, Technical
Programme Committee, Pedro Miguel Cabral, 01-01-2011
- NEWCOM++ / COST 2100 Joint Workshop on Wireless Communications - JNCW,
Technical Programme Committee, Fernando J. Velez, 01-01-2011
- Workshop on The Future Internet: The Social Nature of Technical Choices,
Technical Programme Committee, Luís M. Correia, 01-01-2011
- Conf. on Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers - CETC, Technical
Programme Committee, Paulo Alexandre Carapinha Marques, 01-01-2011
- International Conf. on Body Area Networks - BodyNets, Technical Programme


Committee, Luís M. Correia, 01-01-2011

- ICST Conf. on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI), Technical
Programme Committee, Luís M. Correia, 01-01-2011
- ICNIRP International Conf. on Non Ionizing Radiation and Childrens Health,
Technical Programme Committee, Luís M. Correia, 01-01-2011
- Congresso Português de Protecção Contra Radiações - CPPCR, Technical
Programme Committee, Luís M. Correia, 01-01-2011
- International Conf. on Cloud Computing and Services Science - CLOSER, Technical
Programme Committee, Luís M. Correia, 01-01-2011
- URSI Commission F Triennial Open Symposium on Radio Wave Propagation and
Remote Sensing, Technical Programme Committee, Luís M. Correia, 01-01-2011
- IEEE Region 8 EUROCON 2011 International Conference on Computer as a Tool
joint with the Conference on Telecommunications, Sessions Chairman , Pedro
Mendonça Santos, 01-01-2011
- CETC2011- Conf. on Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers , Technical
Programme Committee, Pedro Vieira, 01-01-2011
- Canada Eu future internet workshop, Technical Programme Committee, Luís M.
Correia, 01-01-2011


4.2 Optical Communications

4.2.1 Area Coordinators

 Adolfo Cartaxo
 José Ferreira da Rocha

4.2.2 Human Resources


Degree Aveiro Coimbra Lisboa

Full Professor 2 0 0

Associate Professor 2 1 3

Assistant Professor 6 2 4

Post. Doc. 6 0 2

Visiting Professor 1 0 0

PhD Student 25 3 3

(Licenciado) 2 0 0

TOTAL 44 6 12

Table 14 - Overview of human resources in the Optical Communications Area in 2011


Permanent Collaborators

Position Degree Name Group

Associate Agregação Adolfo Cartaxo Optical Communications and
Professor Photonics – Lx
Associate PhD António Teixeira Optical Communications and
Professor Photonics – Av
Assistant PhD Armando Nolasco Pinto Optical Communications and
Professor Photonics – Av
Associate Agregação Carlos Ferreira Optical Communications and
Professor Fernandes Photonics – Lx
PhD PhD Daniel Diogo Trindade Optical Communications and
Fonseca Photonics – Lx
Associate PhD Henrique José A. Silva Optical Communications and
Professor Photonics – Co
Assistant PhD João Pires Optical Communications and
Professor Photonics – Lx
Full Professor Agregação João Lemos Pinto Optical Communications and
Photonics – Av
Associate Agregação Jorge Manuel Torres Optical Communications and
Professor Pereira Photonics – Lx
Full Professor PhD José Ferreira da Rocha Optical Communications and
Photonics – Av
Assistant PhD José Morgado Optical Communications and
Professor Photonics – Lx
Assistant PhD Luís Cancela Optical Communications and
Professor Photonics – Lx
Assistant PhD Manuel Violas Optical Communications and
Professor Photonics – Av
MSc Marcelino Pousa Optical Communications and
Photonics – Av
Assistant PhD Marek Hajduczenia Optical Communications and
Professor Photonics – Co
Assistant PhD Mário Lima Optical Communications and
Professor Photonics – Av
Assistant PhD Natasa Pavlovic Optical Communications and
Professor Photonics – Av
Post. Doc. Agregação Paulo André Optical Communications and
Photonics – Av
Associate PhD Paulo Monteiro Optical Communications and
Professor Photonics – Av
Post. Doc. PhD Rogério Nunes Optical Communications and
Nogueira Photonics – Av
Assistant PhD Rui Sousa Ribeiro Optical Communications and
Professor Photonics – Av
Post. Doc. PhD Tiago Manuel Ferreira Optical Communications and
Alves Photonics – Lx

Table 15 – Permanent Collaborators working in the Optical Communications Area in 2011


Other Collaborators

Position Degree Name Group

PhD Student MSc Álvaro José Caseiro de Optical Communications and
Almeida Photonics – Av

PhD Student MSc Ana Maria Sousa da Optical Communications and

Rocha Photonics – Av

PhD Student MSc Ana Oliveira Pratas e Optical Communications and

Sousa Photonics – Av

PhD Student Licenciatura Ana Patrícia Santos Optical Communications and

Ferreira Photonics – Av

PhD Student MSc Carlos Alberto Ferreira Optical Communications and

Marques Photonics – Av

PhD Student MSc Carlos Miguel Santos Optical Communications and

Vicente Photonics – Av

PhD Student MSc Cláudia Sofia Marcos Optical Communications and

Machado Reis Photonics – Av

PhD Student PhD Claunir Pavan Wireless Circuits – Av

PhD Student MSc Fernando Pedro Pereira Optical Communications and

Guiomar Photonics – Av

PhD Student MSc Filipe Manuel Wiener Optical Communications and

Ferro de Carvalho Photonics – Lx

PhD Student MSc Filipe Marques Ferreira Optical Communications and

Photonics – Co
PhD Student MSc Hugo Filipe Teixeira Lima Optical Communications and
Photonics – Av
Visiting PhD Hypolito José Kalinowsky Wireless Circuits – Av
PhD Student MSc Jacklyn Dias Reis Optical Communications and
Photonics – Av
PhD Student MSc João Carlos de Melo Optical Communications and
Ferreira Photonics – Av

Assistant MSc João da Silva Pereira Optical Communications and

Professor Photonics – Co
Assistant PhD João Lopes Rebola Optical Communications and
Professor Photonics – Lx
Post. Doc. PhD João Manuel Ferreira Optical Communications and
Pedro Photonics – Lx


Position Degree Name Group

PhD Student Licenciatura João Miguel Lopes dos Optical Communications and
Santos Photonics – Lx

Licenciado Licenciatura José Miguel Santos Optical Communications and

Photonics – Av
PhD Student MSc Wireless Circuits – Av
Lara Penedo Pellegrino

PhD Student PhD Lúcia Maria Botas Bilro Optical Communications and
Photonics – Av
PhD Student MSc Maria de Fátima Fonseca Optical Communications and
Domingues Photonics – Av

PhD Student MSc Miguel Ângelo Madureira Optical Communications and

Photonics – Av
PhD Student Licenciatura Miguel Vidal Drummond Optical Communications and
Photonics – Av
PhD Student MSc Nélia Jordão Alberto Optical Communications and
Photonics – Av
PhD Student PhD Nelson Jesus C. Muga Wireless Circuits – Av

PhD Student Licenciatura Nelson Manuel Simões Optical Communications and

Costa Photonics – Lx

PhD Student MSc Nuno Alexandre Peixoto Optical Communications and

Silva Photonics – Av

PhD Student MSc Paulo Alexandre Optical Communications and

Ferreirinha de Almeida Photonics – Co

PhD Student MSc Paulo Fernando da Costa Optical Communications and

Antunes Photonics – Av

PhD Student MSc Rogério Pais Dionísio Optical Communications and

Photonics – Av
PhD Student Rui Manuel Dias Morais Optical Communications and
Photonics – Av
Post. Doc. Licenciatura Rui Meleiro Wireless Circuits – Av

Assistant PhD Rui Pedro Oliveira Alves Optical Communications and

Professor Photonics – Av
Post. Doc. MSc Sérgio Junior Optical Communications and
Photonics – Av
PhD Student MSc Silvia Medeiros Vaz Pato Optical Communications and
Photonics – Co
Licenciado Licenciatura Teresa Almeida Wireless Circuits – Av

Post. Doc. MSc Tiago Silveira Optical Communications and

Photonics – Av

Position Degree Name Group

PhD Student MSc Vítor Manuel Costa Optical Communications and
Ribeiro Photonics – Av

PhD Student Zhansheng Liu Optical Communications and

Photonics – Av
Table 16 – Non-permanent Collaborators working in the Optical Communications Area in


4.2.3 Summary of Research Achievements Contributing groups

 Optical Communications and Photonics – Av

 Optical Communications and Photonics – Co
 Optical Communications and Photonics – Lx Scope and Objectives

In the following, the achievements in the Optical Communications area

are grouped, under three sub-areas:

 Optical Components and Subsystems

 Optical Communication Systems
 Optical Networking Expertise and research topics for research

Optical components and sub-systems

The work carried out in this sub-area concentrated on the modeling, performance
evaluation, optimization and implementation of key components and subsystems
for all-optical networks.

The dynamic transfer matrix method (TMM) has been numerically implemented in
non-conventional DFB laser structures. Preliminary dynamic results concerning
the transient behaviour of the output power and the emitted wavelength of an
optimized asymmetric 3PS-DFB laser structure have been obtained.

The frequency response of dual depletion InGaAs/InP PIN photodiodes was

investigated in detail. The location of the drift region relative to the n and p
contacts, the direction of the incident light and the bias voltage were taken into
account in the numerical simulator model. The bandwidth results from the
interplay between the transit time, in the drift and absorption region, and the
capacitive effects and, for short devices, it is mostly independent of bias voltage
because the capacitive effects are dominant. The bandwidth may be optimized by


an adequate choice of the absorption and drift region lengths and bias voltage,
and takes larger values than for the conventional PIN structure.

New techniques and new innovative devices based on fiber Bragg gratings (FBG)
in micro-structured plastic optical fibers were developed for optical
communications and sensing applications.

Carbon allotropic (diamond and graphene) coated optical fiber devices were
studied for sensing and communications applications.

Optical fiber sensors were developed for: monitoring human joint angles,
measuring water turbidity, hemodynamic assessment, monitoring the Madeira
wine vinification process, measurement of refractive index and bending, viscosity
and anion recognition. This work included novel plastic fiber sensors for refractive
index and bending measurement. A fiber monitoring system, based on fiber
sensors and wireless transmission was also optimized and developed.

Some strategies were studied to mitigate the fiber fuse effect. This effect can
have a deteriorating impact in practical cases where the optical power carried by
an optical fiber is greater than a certain threshold. Power transmission over
optical fiber was also studied and some experimental work performed.

The following devices were optimized and developed for some specific
functionality in optical communication systems and networks:
- passive devices (Y-branch splitter and MZ modulators) for passive optical
networks, based on sol-gel technologies;
- an acoustic wave generator was used for optical fibers to be used in tunable
- optical filters for radio over fiber;
- a novel photonic true-time delay beamforming system for phased array
antennas. The system relies on tunable delay lines which are based on Mach-
Zehnder delay interferometers (MZDIs) with tunable coupling ratio;

In the area of all optical signal processing, we showed that all-optical polarization
control based on Raman scattering can be obtained over a wavelength range of
60 nm. The efficiency of the pulling process is higher close to the Raman gain
peak. For shorter and longer wavelengths, higher pump powers are required in
order to assure maximum efficiencies. Such polarization controllers provide a

very fast response time, overcoming an important drawback of polarization

control schemes based on optoelectronic elements.

We also studied the generation of two idler waves inside a high birefringent (HiBi)
optical fiber through three four-wave mixing (FWM) processes. The coupled-
equations for the field amplitudes were derived and analytically solved, in the co-
polarized and orthogonal polarization schemes. Results show that the stimulated
Raman scattering does not change the efficiency of the idler wave generation in
the co-polarized scheme, whereas in the orthogonal polarization scheme the
nonlinear process decreases the efficiency of the four-wave mixing processes.

Work on all-optical signal processing for high bit rate optical networks covered the
following aspects: advanced techniques for all-optical routing, tunable dispersion
compensation, optical filtering, pulse shaping, clock recovery, optical code
division multiplexing and regeneration. In the area of all-optical processing for
ultra-high speed systems, we have carried out some work in deriving latching
structures for implementation of all-optical memories. Work on all optical signal
processing with SOAs has focused on the set-up of a lab experiment for
evaluation of static RAM. The set-up is ready and measurements should start in
the first quarter of 2012.

An all-optical packet monitoring technique was derived and is now being

simulated. Work on the experimental demonstration of this technique has started
in order to give some more capabilities to the physical layer. Optical communications systems

In the area of equalization in high-bit rate optical communications, we proposed a

non-iterative digital backward propagation technique, based on an inverse
modified Volterra series transfer function to post-compensate linear and nonlinear
transmission impairments in the presence of optical noise. Our compensation
algorithm is able to surpass the maximum accuracy obtained with a symmetric
split-step Fourier method, enabling us to increase the nonlinear tolerance by
approximately 2 dB. Also some DSP algorithms were developed for coherent
receiver applications. In addition, the study of techniques for impairment
compensation in coherent communication systems based on memory
polynomials was initiated.


Work was carried out in the area of RoF transmission using directly modulated
lasers. Studies of RF propagation over fiber included TDT, satellite (video) and
multi-band OFDM-UWB radio signal transmission along long-reach PONs. These
studies included simulation and experimental evaluation. Experimental evaluation
concentrated on video over fiber (CWDM and DWDM) scenarios, compensation
of non-linear laser response, amplification topologies, and transmission
impairments. Research on RoF systems also focused on photonic techniques for
generation of microwave and millimeter wave sub-carriers.

The study of GPON standards and evolution to NGPON involved topologies and
modulation formats. Work was also carried out regarding scenarios and
technologies to support XGPON (extended reach GPON).

Some efforts were dedicated to the study of performance degradation of optical

single sideband signals in the case of direct detection.

The topic of optical transmission systems based on mode group diversity was
identified as having a large potential. A digital simulator for the propagation in
multimode fibers was developed, which takes into account modal coupling at fiber
imperfections and splices between single mode and multimode fibers. A nonlinear
model for pulse propagation in multimode fibers with reduced radius, which
supports a small number of modes, has also been developed.

In the area of quantum cryptography, we have derived novel analytical

expressions to estimate the quantum bit-error rate (QBER), in quantum key
distribution (QKD) systems based on polarization encoding with single-photons
state of polarization (SOP). Such expressions are in agreement with experimental
results. We have also shown that the de-correlation between the reference and
data signals is the fundamental impairment in the implementation of WDM based
SOP control schemes. This makes mandatory the use of low PMD fibers in order
to achieve large distances with a low QBER.

The search for new CDMA codes has been pursued, by exploring their
applicability in access networks with coherent modulation and detection.

A moment generating function of the signal at the output of direct-detection

optically pre-amplified OFDM receiver, relying on the uncorrelation of signal
samples at the receiver fast Fourier transform block input, was proposed to

assess the performance of direct detection OFDM receivers. The development of

an accurate moment generating function that takes into account the correlation
between the signal samples at the receiver fast Fourier transform block input for
the same kind of receivers was initiated.

A photonic analog-to-digital conversion (Ph-ADC) structure based on wavelength

division multiplexing (WDM) was investigated, and its performance was
compared with the performance of the Ph-ADC photonic structure based on time
division multiplexing. Optical networking

The work on access networks has continued, with special emphasis on next
generation PONs and their convergence/integration with MANs.

Wired-wireless converged next generation optical access networks were

investigated. The coexistence of multi-format OFDM-based signals (custom
OFDM signal bearing Gigabit Ethernet data, WiMAX, LTE, UWB sub-bands) in
long-reach PONs (LR-PONs) using directly modulated lasers and externally
modulated lasers was studied numerically and experimentally. Schemes for
centralized broadband impairment compensation at the central office of such
multi- services/signals LR-PONs were proposed and assessed experimentally
considering single wavelength and multi-wavelength transmission. Linearization
improvement of directly and externally modulated LR-PONs achieved by using
digital pre-distortion of those multi-octave OFDM-based signals was investigated
numerically and experimentally.

Several achievements were obtained in the area of FTTH. António Teixeira has
been appointed IEEE and FSAN/ITU representative for next generation PON's.
Marek Hajduczenia also participates actively as editor in the standardization
activities of IEEE 802.3 (focus on the physical layer of EPON systems) and IEEE
1904.1 (focus on logical layer and service layer interoperability of EPON systems)
as well as in major IEEE projects, namely P802.3bf (focused on development of
standard interfaces for all types of Ethernet physical layers; chief editor) and
DOCSIS (Evolution of Cable Networks). Therefore, several contributions have
been made as regards standards organizations.


Raman amplification was studied in the context of PON applications and optical
powering of remote nodes was demonstrated. Raman amplification was also
analyzed for optical burst switched networks and comparisons (experimentally
and by simulation) were made with other amplification technologies (EDFAs and

In the area of RoF systems, several techniques were investigated for

simultaneous transport of different services in the baseband and in several
microwave and millimeter wave bands, and for the optimum operating conditions
for supporting multiple radio channels over a SCM-based distributed antenna

In the case of optical network dimensioning, we developed a genetic algorithm for

the topological design of survivable optical transport networks, with minimum
capital expenditure. Using the developed genetic algorithm, we could obtain near-
optimal topologies in a short time. The quality of the obtained solutions was
assessed using an integer linear programming model. Results obtained using real
telecommunications networks show that by using an initial population that
resembles real optical transport networks a good convergence is achieved.

Work on optical burst-switched networks continued in 2011. Strategies to deal

with quality-of-service differentiation in OBS networks have been proposed.

An optimization framework for designing optical transport networks in

environments with mixed line rate demands (40 Gb/s and 100 Gb/s), aiming at
the minimization of the network cost, by taking into account aspects such as
grooming, virtual concatenation and regenerator placement has been continued.

A planning tool to design multi-stage passive optical networks, which includes the
proposal of an integer linear programming model and an efficient heuristic to deal
with the optimization problem, has been developed.

In the area of physical layer impairments in optical networks, the influence of

crosstalk-crosstalk beat noise on optical DPSK systems performance was
investigated, the behavior of eigen-functions and eigen-vectors in those systems
was studied, and the impact of in-band crosstalk in the performance of those
systems was evaluated using Monte Carlo simulation.


4.2.4 Running and Concluded Projects


Funding Agency Number

EU, FP7 1
IT 4
JustBit 1
Nokia Siemens Networks 1
PT-Inovação 2
QREN, PT-Inovação 2
QREN, Televés 1
Table 17 - Number of active projects in the Optical Communications Area in 2011


Activity in Projects

Acron / Ref (NeCiRA)

Title New Challenges in Raman amplification


Descript. The major objective of this project is to study the new challenges
impose by Raman amplification in optical communications. In
particular, the questions related with temporal and spectral transients.
Another relevant aspect of this amplification scheme is the fibre
catastrophic fuse effect, responsible by the fibre destruction due to
the high injected optical power.

Acron / Ref AdaptDig

Title Adaptive Digital Compensation in Access and Transport Optical


Funding PT-Inovação

Descript. Design, implement and validate efficient algorithms for digital pos-
compensation for access and transport optical networks.

Acron / Ref ANION

Title Optical Sensors and Nanomaterials for Anion Recognition

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The main goal of this project is to develop novel anion host materials,
with adequate structural features, for biomedical,
environmental and sensing applications. Based on our interest in the
development of an efficient technology for water treatment we
considered the possibility of supporting the most promising anion
receptors on magnetic nanoparticles, allowing their recovery using
external magnetic forces. Another goal will be the construction of a


refractive index sensor based on tilted fiber Bragg gratings (TFBG)-

functionalized by the most efficient synthesized hosts or by gold
nanoparticles wrapped also with anion hosts. These efforts will
be pursued in order to evaluate the potential applications of these
molecules and the resultant materials to be used as anion
This proposal aims five specific objectives having the overall goal of
exploiting the anion properties of new hosts that are
stated below: (Aim 1) develop robust precursors or platforms that
enable rapid development of new compounds, and build up
the target receptors based on porphyrin related compounds; (Aim 2)
develop new sensors based on smaller and cheaper
commercial reagents like triazine and perfluorinated derivatives. Such
new materials should be able to host different types of
anions in selective and efficient ways, through their cavities or clefts;
(Aim 3) screen the most promising materials, evaluating
the anion binding properties of all new compounds/materials;
assessing their hypothetic advantage as novel anion binding
agents, when compared with the present technologies; (Aim 4)
prepare new nanomaterials, based on magnetic nanoparticles covered
with small and cheap hosts, that can be recovered and reused; (Aim
5) translate the anion binding results in solution into the construction
of novel optical fiber sensors, by wrapping a thinned fiber Bragg
gratings with the best selective anion hosts synthesized, covalently or

Acron / Ref CITO

Title CITO

Funding IT

Descript. Objectiva o estudo de potenciais soluções para compressão de

imagem totalmente optica com base em transformadas.


Acron / Ref CONLUZ

Title Steering of light in nonlinear waveguides with resonant interactions

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. This project aims to study the steering of light in different nonlinear
systems with internal resonances. Nowadays such systems attract a
great deal of attention because modern technologies allow to produce
devices where internal resonant interactions between light and
material excitations result in huge optical nonlinearities, providing a
rich plethora of nonlinear effects at relatively low power. These huge
nonlinearities and the flexibility of physical parameters make such
devices very attractive for different practical applications, including
guidance of light, information processing, and generation of new
frequencies. In addition, such systems constitute laboratories to study
fundamental nonlinear phenomena. This project addresses several
kinds of physical systems and devices. We consider hollow-core
photonic crystal fibers filled with gases of multi-level atoms whose
resonant frequencies match the frequency band guided through the
fiber. In these systems, the matter-light interactions are not only
strong because of their resonant nature, but are also easily
manageable through the control of the coupling field on the other
hand. Systematic investigation of the nonlinear dynamics will be
undertook, starting from the study of the propagation of the
continuous radiation in simple geometries, but also looking into the
dynamics of short pulses, to the formation of optical solitons, and to
their mutual interactions in more sophisticated geometries, like
coupled waveguides, networks of waveguides, couplers, etc.. The
formation and stability of solitons, representing coupled states of light
and matter, i.e. a kind of polaritons, is expected to be strongly
affected by the waveguide characteristics and by the material
dispersion of the media. Hence, it will be explored how the
propagation of short pulses can be steered by the slowly varying
quasi-continuous waves and by additional short pulses. Effective


models describing linear and nonlinear effects by taking into account

the quantum mechanical description of the interactions will be
developed, giving special attention to the impact in the propagation of
solitons of dissipation, particularly dissipation due to spontaneous
emission from the excited states of the multilevel atoms, material
losses and imperfect guidance of the light. When dissipation is weak
enough we can speak about quasi-solitons propagating at long
distances, whereas in the quantum regime, when dissipation is strong
enough, we can expect manifestations of the Zeno effect. We also
investigate how the dissipation affects not only the maximum
propagation distance of the solitons, but also their shapes and
stability. Technologically it is possible to manufacture a multi-core
fiber filled with active gases. For these fibers, it is important to study
the interaction between the pulses propagating in the neighbouring
cores and find out the conditions of effective energy transference
between modes. We plan to address this problem analytically and by
extensive numerical simulations. We also investigate semiconductor
microstructured systems, which are another important kind of the
waveguiding systems produced on semiconductor chips. The main
advantages of these systems are their small sizes and the possibility
to pump them by external continuous sources of the light. Cavity
solitons can survive in these systems until the pump is switched off.
The bright and dark solitons can be controlled by the pump and by
weak control signals. This type of systems can be used as optical
memories and for information processing, as well as, on the
generation of new frequencies. We also consider systems consisting of
a semiconductor thin film which serve as planar waveguide for the
light and can be pumped by a coherent light due of imperfect
guidance. The resonant nonlinearity arises from stimulating excitons
with resonant frequency coinciding with the cut-off frequency of the
planar waveguide. Consequently, it is possible to excite quasiparticles
with very low group velocities, commonly known as polaritons and
resulting from the resonant coupling of light and
mater excitations, which provides very strong nonlinearities. This
allows the formation of resting or slow moving localized


optical structures at low pumping powers.

Meta-material waveguiding systems consisting of weakly nonlinear
dielectric films with build in metallic nanoparticles are also considered.
The nanoparticles provide polariton resonances playing a role similar
to the exciton resonances. These systems will be modelled rigorously,
starting from basic quantum-mechanical theory. We will investigate
the dynamics of the solitons in detail using analytical and numerical
methods. The possibility of controlling the solitons by weak
perturbations of the pump, as well as, the resonant mutual interaction
between cavity solitons and between the solitons and quasi-linear
waves will also be investigated.

Acron / Ref CONTACT

Title Components and techniques for high capacity optical communications

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. A) Main aims and expected results

- Development and production of a set of novel low cost components

for optical systems (lasers, filters, BGW, optical cavities for clock
recovering etc)

- Development of innovative concepts and architectures for optimized

optical systems, such has energy scavenging, polarization
dependant architectures, integrated functions through advanced
devices in fiber or integrated optics, such as tuneable header
recognition and processing for all-optical routers.
- Develop new concepts, ideas, strategies and architectures for the
transmission above 100Gbit/s and beyond 8Tbit/s;
- Test the new components and architectures in “real world”


Acron / Ref FIVER

Title Fully-Converged Quintuple-Play Integrated Optical-Wireless Access


Funding EU, FP7

Descript. i) to propose a streamlined optical access and radio network

architecture with extended range, simplified implementation and
ii) to develop combined fibre and radio transmission centralised
impairment compensation extending the FTTH range to > 100 km;
iii) to enable single, end-to-end management architecture along the
FTTH access network of the complete photonic and radio access paths;
iv) to provide converger OFDM-baseband, medium-range WiMAX and
short-range UWB and cellular LTE on a conventional wavelength
division-duplexed (WDD) and a reflective-electroabsorption
transceiver (R-EAT) based network architecture;

v) to demonstrate the feasible network operation with signals (UWB)

in the 60 GHz radio band;

vi) to create an open house showroom in order to shown the approach

benefits to the general public.

Acron / Ref IC1101

Title COST IC1101 - Optical Wireless Communications - An Emerging


Funding ESF, COST

Descript. Wireless transmission via optical carriers opens doors of opportunity

in areas as yet largely unexplored. Offering significant technical and
operational advantages, optical wireless communication (OWC) can
be, in some applications, a powerful alternative to and, in others,
complementary to existing radio frequency (RF) wireless systems.
Variations of OWC can be employed in a diverse range of
communication applications ranging from very short-range (on the
order of millimetres) optical interconnects within integrated circuits

through outdoor inter-building links (on the order of kilometres) to

satellite links (larger than 10,000 kilometres). In many respects,
OWC research is still in its infancy and calls for extensive research to
begin to harness the enormous potential of the optical spectrum. This
COST Action will serve as a high-profile consolidated European
scientific platform for interdisciplinary OWC research activities,
spanning from characterization of diverse propagation media to
modeling, design and development of devices, components,
algorithms/protocols and systems. It will make significant
contributions to the fundamental scientific understanding, technical
knowledge, engineering design and applications while promoting
community awareness of this emerging field. Development of novel
and efficient communication technologies resulting from integrated
research activities made possible through this Action will be a
significant enabler for future-generation heterogeneous
communication networks supporting a wide range of wireless

Acron / Ref IXOS3D

Title In-band crosstalk in optical communications systems with differential

direct detection

Funding IT

Descript. This project is within the optical communication networks area. In

particular, in the area that studies the physical constraints in optical
One of the most severe limitations in the network physical layer is
crosstalk. This phenomenon has its origin, primarily, in the imperfect
isolation of optical components, such as optical switches,
multiplexers, and demultiplexers, that are key components in the
design of an optical node. The type of crosstalk that causes the higher
degradation to the system performance is the in-band crosstalk, in
which the interfering (crosstalk) signals and the selected signal,
despite coming from distinct optical sources, have the same nominal

The main objectives of this project are:

* Develop a formalism to evaluate the impact of in-band crosstalk in

optical DQPSK systems.

* Evaluate the impact of in-band crosstalk in a DPSK and DQPSK

systems when the signal propagates through an optical network. Each
optical node is formed by an optical switching architecture, optical
amplifiers, optical filters, and possibly wavelength converters.

* Implement Monte Carlo (MC) simulation to study the impact of ASE

noise and in-band crosstalk on the performance of DPSK and DQPSK
systems and confirm the analytical results.

* Implement the multicanonical Monte Carlo (MMC) method to

simulate the tails of the probability density function of the decision
variable and to obtain lower values of the bit error rate (BER) than in
the MC standard procedure.

* Evaluate by simulation the impact of in-band crosstalk in optical

networks with DPSK and DQPSK signals, for a rigorous model of the
optical node and validate the analytical tool developed for this case.

Acron / Ref NESH

Title Development of novell sensors for hemodynamics characterization

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. Development of novell sensors for hemodynamics characterization

Acron / Ref NGTVD

Title Next generation Digital Tv over Fiber

Funding QREN, Televés

Descript. DEvelop a cost effective multi polarization optical fiber transciever for
next generation TV distribution in Short haul.


Acron / Ref NET-OPT

Title NET-OPT - Network Optimization

Funding Nokia Siemens Networks

Descript. Optimize the design and operation of optical transport networks with
relation to energy consumption and spectral efficiency.

Acron / Ref NG-COS

Title Next-Generation Coherent Optical Communication Systems

Funding IT

Descript. - To develop cost-effective solutions for extraction of phase and

amplitude information from the optical field, using advanced signal
processing techniques to reduce the hardware requirements
associated with coherent detection;

- To develop and implement efficient and simplified digital post-

compensation algorithms using the phase and amplitude information
of the optical field in order to enable real-time mitigation of linear and
nonlinear propagation impairments, with low computational power;

Future high-speed optical communication systems will inevitably rely

on new enabling technologies such as advanced modulation formats,
coherent detection and receiver-side digital signal processing. In order
to apply these technologies to commercial optical communication
systems there must be a strong I&D effort to develop efficient and
low-cost solutions. This is currently a fast growing investigation topic,
which need to be faced in many different fronts, such as:

- Study of propagation and receiver performance of different advanced

modulation formats;

- Analysis of network architectures and optical devices in order to


reduce the impact of propagation impairments;

- Development of efficient and cost-effective solutions for coherent

detection both in metro and access networks;

- Development of digital adaptive post-compensation algorithms for

the mitigation of linear and nonlinear impairments.

Within the framework of this project we will focus mainly on the

development of cost-effective coherent receivers, using advanced
digital signal processing techniques in order to reduce the hardware
requirements. Besides, taking advantage of the amplitude and phase
information provided by coherent detection, we are also going to
develop digital post-compensation algorithms, in order to
simultaneously enable higher bit-rates, narrower inter-channel spacing
and longer propagation distances without sacrificing the received
signal quality.

Acron / Ref OREO3

Title Organic-inorganic hybrids with enhanced light properties for the new
generation of optical communications

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. This project aims at the design-assisted synthesis and processing of

organic/inorganic hybrid materials with enhanced light-emitting
features and their applications in the new generation of optical
telecommunications (as passive and active structures). Passive
elements (such as planar and channel waveguides, couplers and
multimode interference splitters) will be developed based on the non-
doped hybrid matrices, whereas organic dyes and/or lanthanide
(Ln3+) ions will be used for active components (namely optical


Acron / Ref OSP-HNLF

Title OSP-HNLF - Optical Signal Processing Using Highly Nonlinear Fibers

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. We will fabricate and characterize highly nonlinear fibers obtained by

tapering standard optical fibers. Highly nonlinear fibers will be used to
produce a super-continuum and to implement two all-optical signal
processing devices: i) an all-optical signal regenerator for intensity
modulated signals based on self-phase modulation (SPM) and ii) an
all-optical signal processing regenerator for nonlinear phase noise
reduction based on four-wave mixing (FWM) suitable to be used in
phase modulated signals. An accurate numerical modelling and the
design optimization of both tapered fibers (TFs) and microstrutured
fibers (MFs) will be realized, in the perspective of their use to
generate a wide and flat super-continnum, as well as some
nonlinearity-based optical signal processing functions, namely the
wavelength conversion, all-optical switching and 2R regeneration.

Acron / Ref PosDig

Title Digital Post-Compensation of Chromatic Dispersion and Nonlinearities

in Optical Communication Systems

Funding PT-Inovação

Descript. Design, implement and validate efficient algorithms for digital pos-
compensation of chromatic dispersion and nonlinearities in optical
communication systems

Acron / Ref RoFnet

Title Reconfigurable Radio over Fiber network – RoFnet

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The overall objective of the project is to develop and demonstrate the
feasibility of a novel cost effective RoF system architecture that uses


the benefits of combining optical networking concepts with fiber radio

techniques to efficiently manage the network resource usage and to
allow flexible wavelength allocation for the BSs, depending on user
requirements and QoS.

To achieve the overall goal of the project we identify the following

interim objectives:

-Identification of novel network architectures suited for RoF systems,

combining low complexity with flexibility and cost effectiveness;

-To develop and demonstrate the feasibility of a new low cost BS

architecture, which uses a RSOA;

-To assess the transmission impairments of wavelength division

multiplexed (WDM) systems combined with subcarrier multiplexing
and employing optical single side band modulation (OSSB);

-To develop wavelength allocation algorithms able to allocate network

resources depending on varying user demand and QoS:

- To liaise with other European projects in order to understand and

possibly integrate relevant developments.

Acron / Ref SMART

Title Remote Structure Health Monitoring

Funding JustBit

Descript. The objective of this project is to develop techniques for the remote
monitoring of structures. For the trial, two viaducts will be monitored
with several fiber sensors developed at IT. A prototype will be placed
remotely for the interrogation of all sensors. It will collect real time
data of deformation and temperature and give alarms if critical
thresholds are triggered


Acron / Ref P-Quantum

Title Practical Quantum Communications

Funding IT

Descript. - To perform a field trial experiment over installed fibers in the city of
Aveiro, using single and entangled photon-pairs to implement
quantum protocols for message authentication and fair contract
- To propose quantum protocols suitable for real quantum channels,
for privacy problems that cannot be solved with quantum key
distribution, namely the authentication of messages and fair contract
- To develop the interest and expertise in quantum
telecommunications in Portugal, both at the theoretical and the
experimental levels, in order to develop internationally-competitive
research and train new human resources in this new and strategically
important area for secure telecommunications.

Acron / Ref TOMAR-PON

Title Techniques Of Modulation And Remodulation for PON

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. This project targets the performance enhancement of passive optical

network (PON). The two key performances that this project aims at
improving are the capacity and reach of PONs. Thus, the extended
reach wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) PON with increased bit
rate up to the Ethernet rates of 100Gb/s and with the bidirectional
transmission will be investigated. The project intends to improve the
two crucial elements of PONs, the central office and the optical
network unit (ONU), by means of investigating the optimum
modulation and remodulation techniques for these systems, since they
constitute pillars of such a cost-sensitive segment.


Acron / Ref TURBO

Title Transmission of UltRa wide-Band radio signals over Optical fibre

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. This project proposes to investigate the performance impairments of

the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ultra wideband (OFDM-
UWB) radio signal transmission in fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) networks
and optimize the system parameters through analytical and numerical
simulation work, and to experimentally demonstrate the main results
obtained. Particularly, the study and the assessment of the main
system impairments is performed, such as: (i) electrical crosstalk
associated with multi-channel OFDM-UWB transmission, (ii) linear and
non-linear fibre effects, (iii) optical crosstalk associated with the
transmission of several optical channels using dense wavelength
division multiplexing (DWDM). Different techniques to reduce the
performance degradation caused by such limitations are also
The work to carry out along this project targets the transmission of
OFDM-UWB radio signals in FTTH networks using external modulation
(EM) and direct modulation (DM) of the emitter laser.
The transmission of OFDM-UWB radio signals over multi-mode fibre is
also a topic to be investigated in the project, since this type of fibre is
used in the user’s premises due to its easy maintenance and


4.2.5 Running and Concluded Theses

MSc Theses

Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Transmission of OFDM-UWB radio
Inês Marques
Adolfo Cartaxo signals in FTTH networks using directly 5/2011
modulated lasers
Paulo Jorge
Geração e propagação de sinais rádio
António Teixeira Afonso de Mário Lima 6/2011
sobre fibra (RoF)_
Telmo David
Estado da resposta transitória de
Paulo André Pelicano de 7/2011
amplificadores ópticos
Simulation of optical amplification in
Paulo André Gabisa Bekele plastic optical fiber 8/2011

Cenários de migração para XGPON1

António Teixeira Daniel Vieira Mário Lima 9/2011
GMPLS-controlled OBS network
simulator: implementation of the OSPF
Luís Cancela Rui Batalha 9/2011

Henrique José A. Celestino Wireless Optical Communications based

Silva Sanches Martins on White LEDs
Jose Pedro
António Teixeira Oliveira Mário Lima Estudo e teste de uma rede EPON_ 11/2011
Ruben Fernando Estudo Comparativo entre sistemas
Pedro Renato 12
Cavalheiro RoF com modulação directa e com
Tavares Pinho /2011
Jeronimo modulação externa
Pedro Renato Márcio José Reis Geração e propagação de sinais rádio
Tavares Pinho Silva Almeida sobre fibra óptica
Tiago Rafael
Armando Nolasco
Ferreira Marques Optimization of IPTV Distribution 12/2011
Photon-Pairs Generation Through Four-
Armando Nolasco Luís Miguel Pais
Paulo André Wave Mixing 12/2011
Pinto Pinto Martins
Carlos Eduardo
Pedro Renato Redução das emissões de CO2 em
da Costa António 12/2011
Tavares Pinho redes ópticas
Monte-Carlo simulation of an optical
Luís Cancela Genádio Martins João Lopes Rebola DQPSK system impaired by crosstalk 4/2012

Monitorização do processo de cura do

Paulo André Licínio Ferreira Humberto Varum betão com sensores ópticos 5/2012

Transporte de energia em fibras ópticas

Paulo André MArco Granada Mário Lima 5/2012
Hugo Borges dos Convivência de gerações em redes
António Teixeira Mário Lima 6/2012
Santos Lopes ópticas PON.
Simao Pedro Distribuição de Sinais Rádio e Vídeo
António Teixeira Mário Lima 6/2012
Tavares Brandao sobre Fibra_
Hugo Rodrigues Distribuição de vídeo em redes ópticas
António Teixeira Mário Lima 6/2012
Braz de Carvalho PON
Optimized design of multi-rate optical
João Manuel
João Pires Bruno Caseiro networks with intermediate 6/2012
Ferreira Pedro
Ricardo Manuel Redes ópticas de próxima geração –
António Teixeira Mário Lima 6/2012
da Silva Ferreira formatos de modulação


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Carlos Manuel Da Redes ópticas passivas de alcance
António Teixeira Mário Lima 6/2012
Silva Oliveira estendido
Tiago Miguel Da
Redes ópticas passivas de operação
António Teixeira Paz Santos Mário Lima 6/2012
Henrique José A. Filipa Raquel All-Optical Static RAM Cell with
Silva Gois Lopes Read/Write functionality
Maria Rute Híbridos orgânicos-inorgânicos para
Paulo André Sandra Correia 8/2012
Ferreira André monitorização óptica biomédica
Goncalo Amorim
Arquitectura WDM-PON baseada em
António Teixeira Ribeiro Gomes Mário Lima 9/2012
components Sintonizáveis
José Ferreira da Redes de acesso baseadas em
António Teixeira Cristiana Santos 9/2012
Rocha formatos de modulação avançados
João André
António Teixeira Rodrigues Mário Lima Segurança em Redes ópticas_ 9/2012
Carlos Jorge Analysis of in-band crosstalk impact in
Luís Cancela João Lopes Rebola 10/2012
Morais Fraga optical burst switching networks
Designing and optimization of
João Manuel
João Pires Afonso Oliveira heterogeneous OTN/DWDM networks 10/2012
Ferreira Pedro
with intermediate aggregation.
João Manuel Optimization and multilayer planning of
João Pires Bruno Henriques 11/2012
Ferreira Pedro IP/MPLS/OTN networks
Pedro Renato Nuno Miguel dos Análise Tecno-Económica em
Tavares Pinho Santos Mendes Telecomunicações - FTTx
Concentradores solares luminescentes
Maria Rute
Paulo André Pedro Sena baseados em Materiais Híbridos 12/2012
Ferreira André
Pedro Renato Andreia Sofia Distribuição de Sinais Rádio e Vídeo
Tavares Pinho Reis Mouta sobre Fibra
Pedro Miguel
Pedro Renato
Fernandes Fibras ópticas de plástico 12/2012
Tavares Pinho
Daniel Hugo
Armando Nolasco
Gonçalves IPTV Deliverer over MPLS-TP 12/2012
Sofia Batalha de
Armando Nolasco
Oliveira Pascoal Packet-Based Transport Networks 12/2012
Barbara Salome
Redes opticas passivas avançadas e de
António Teixeira Ribeiro de Mário Lima 12/2012
cobertura extendida NG-PON2

Table 18 - List of MSc Theses running in the Optical Communications Area during 2011

PhD Theses

Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title

Contention Minimization Strategies for

João Pires João Pedro Paulo Monteiro 1/2011
Optical Burst-Switched Networks

Optical Metrology in Medicine and

Rogério Nunes
Lucia Bilro Rehabilitation, Optical Metrology in 2/2011
Medicine and Rehabilitation


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Biosensors based on Fiber Bragg
Rogério Nunes
Nelia Alberto Gratings, Biosensors based on Fiber 3/2011
Bragg Gratings
Dimensioning Multi-Layers Optical
Armando Nolasco José Ferreira da
Claunir Pavan Networks 3/2011
Pinto Rocha

All optical processing in fibre optical

Miguel Vidal Rogério Nunes
Paulo Monteiro communication systems 9/2011
Drummond Nogueira

Ultra wideband radio signal systems

Tiago Manuel
Adolfo Cartaxo along optical fibre 11/2011
Ferreira Alves
Polarization Effects in Fiber Optics
Armando Nolasco Nelson de Jesus
Communication Systems 12/2011
Pinto Corderio Muga

Paulo Fernando
Sensores ópticos para monitorização
Paulo André da Costa 12/2011
dinâmica de estruturas
Henrique José A. Sílvia Medeiros Next Generation Optical Access Networks
Silva Vaz Pato
Estudo da Degradação de fibras ópticas
Paulo André Ana Maria Rocha sob o efeito de potências elevadas 5/2012

Hibridos Orgânicos/inorgânicos para

Carlos Miguel Maria Rute aplicações de baixo custo em óptica
Paulo André 5/2012
Vicente Ferreira André integrada

Henrique José A. João da Silva Spread Spectrum in Access and

Silva Pereira Metropolitan Networks
WDM flexible networks
António Teixeira Jacklyn Dias 7/2012

Blue ocean Strategy in current optical

António Teixeira Muneer Zuhdi 9/2012
Rogério Nunes Energy consumption in communications
Luís Sá Paulo André 9/2012
Nogueira networks
Rogério Nunes
Bernardo Veiga Techno-economics in scientific projects 9/2012
High Capacity Optical Transmission
Henrique José A. Filipe Marques Systems based on Mode Group Diversity
Paulo Monteiro 10/2012
Silva Ferreira Multiplexing

Integrated multi-functional photonic

Lara Penedo
Paulo André Paulo Monteiro devices for optical communication 10/2012
Paulo Alexandre
Henrique José A. Radio Over Fibre Systems with Support
Ferreirinha de 10/2012
Silva for Fixed and Mobile services
Rogério Nunes Advanced Fiber Sensors, Advanced Fiber
Hugo Lima 12/2012
Nogueira Sensors
Advanced optical generation and
Rogério Nunes
António Teixeira Rogério Dionísio regeneration 12/2012
All-optical routing funcionalities
António Teixeira Claudia Reis Paulo André 12/2012
Rogério Nunes Local crystalization of LiNbO3 for the
Nuno Ferreira 12/2012
Nogueira production of low cost optical devices
Next generation optical converged
António Teixeira Mário Lima, networks 12/2012
Nelson Manuel Daniel Diogo Optical fibre telecommunication systems
Adolfo Cartaxo 12/2012
Simões da Costa Trindade Fonseca with multi-symbol phase modulation


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title

Physical and logical aspects of Ethernet

João Pires João Santos Paulo Monteiro over WDM networks supported in ring 12/2012

Armando Nolasco João Carlos de

Paulo Monteiro Transient Effects in Optical Networks 12/2012
Pinto Melo Ferreira
Radio-over-Fiber Technology for
Manuel Violas Mojtaba Sadeghi Atílio Gameiro Broadband Wireless MIMO Systems 1/2013

MIMO techniques for radio over Fiber

Atílio Gameiro Mojtaba Sadeghi Manuel Violas 2/2013
Active and Passive All-Optical Signal
Rogério Nunes Andre Miguel Vidal
Processing Devices for Efficient Optical 9/2013
Nogueira Albuquerque Drummond
Communication Systems
Rogério Nunes Components and techniques for high
Carlos Marques 9/2013
Nogueira capacity optical communications
Rogério Nunes
Luís Melo João Lemos Pinto Advanced fiber optic sensors 10/2013
emiters and receivers for next generation
António Teixeira Zoran Vijicij Natasa Pavlovic 12/2013
access optical networks
Next generation dense optical access
António Teixeira Ali shahpari Mário Lima 12/2013
Filipe Manuel
OFDM-based next generation converged
Adolfo Cartaxo Wiener Ferro de 12/2013
optical-wireless access networks
Armando Nolasco Nuno Alexandre
Quantum Cryptography in Optical Fibers 12/2013
Pinto Peixoto Silva
Rogério Nunes Técnicas de monitorização em redes
Paulo André Ana Pratas 12/2013
Nogueira ópticas da próxima geração
Nuno Borges Research on Nonlinearities in Radio over
Manuel Violas Zhansheng Liu 4/2014
Carvalho Fiber
Mário All-optical network resources in the
Mário Lima Vitor Ribeiro Lima,António scope of impairment aware based routing 9/2014
Teixeira for the next generation optical networks
Armando Nolasco Fernando Pedro Digital Post-Compensation in High-Speed
Pinto Pereira Guiomar Optical Transmission Systems
Maria de Fátima Estudo da degradação do tempo de vida
Paulo André Fonseca das fibras ópticas e o seu impacte no 12/2014
Domingues desempenho das redes de comunicações
Armando Nolasco Rui Manuel Dias
Paulo Monteiro Optical Networks Optimization 12/2014
Pinto Morais
Armando Nolasco Sudhir Kumar José Ferreira da Quality of Signal in Transparent Optical
Pinto Routray Rocha Networks
Álvaro José
Armando Nolasco Quantum Communications in Optical
Caseiro de Paulo André 12/2015
Pinto Fibers

Table 19 - List of PhD Theses running in the Optical Communications Area during 2011


4.2.6 Publications

Optical Communication Systems

Book Chapters

- André, P.S; Ana M. Rocha; F Domingues; N. Fernandes ; F Granada; M. J. N.

Advances in Energy Research – Volume 8 , Morena V. Acosta , Nova Publisher ,
New York , 2011 .

Papers in Journals

- Girão, J.; B. Neto; Ana M. Rocha; C. Reis; R.P. Dionísio; s Chatzi; F Bonada; J.
Lazaro; A.T. Teixeira; P.S André; " C+L bandƒn extended reach amplified next
generation access networks ", Microwave and Optical Tech. Letters , Vol. 53 , No.
10 , pp. 2414 - 2418 , October , 2011 .

- Oliveira, R.A.; C.A.F. Marques; J. Canning; R.N. Nogueira; A. Pohl; " Complex
Bragg Grating Writing using Direct Modulation of the Optical Fibre with Flexural
Waves ", Applied Physics Letters , Vol. 99 , No. 16 , pp. 161111 - 161111-3 ,
October , 2011 .

- Reis, J.D.; A.T. Teixeira; " Cross-Phase Modulation Impact on Coherent Optical
16QAM-WDM Transmission Systems ", Microwave and Optical Tech. Letters , Vol.
53 , No. 3 , pp. 633 - 636 , March , 2011 .

- Rocha, Ana M.; P. Antunes; F Domingues; M. Facão Facão; P.S André; " Detection
of Fiber Fuse Effect Using FBG Sensors ", IEEE Sensors Journal , Vol. 11 , No. 6 ,
pp. 1390 - 1394 , June , 2011 .

- Guiomar, F. P.; J.D. Reis; A.T. Teixeira; A. N. Pinto; " Digital Post-Compensation
Using Volterra Series Transfer Function ", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , Vol.
23 , No. 19 , pp. 1412 - 1414 , October , 2011 .

- Liu, Z.; M. Violas; N.B.C. Carvalho; " Digital Predistortion for RSOAs as External
Modulators in Radio over Fiber Systems ", Optics Express , Vol. 19 , No. 18 , pp.
17641 - 17646 , August , 2011 .

- Alves , T. M. F.; A. Cartaxo; " Distribution of double-sideband OFDM-UWB radio

signals in dispersion compensated long-reach PONs ", IEEE/OSA Journal of
Lightwave Tech. , Vol. 29 , No. 16 , pp. 2467 - 2474 , August , 2011 .

- Marques, C.A.F.; R.A. Oliveira; A. Pohl; J. Canning; R.N. Nogueira; " Dynamic
Control of a Phase-Shifted FBG through Acousto-Optic Modulation ", Optics
Communications , Vol. 284 , No. 5 , pp. 1228 - 1231 , March , 2011 .


Silva, N. A.; N. J. Muga; A. N. Pinto; " Evolution of first-order sidebands from

multiple FWM processes in HiBi optical fibers ", Optics Communications , Vol. 284 ,
No. 13 , pp. 3408 - 3415 , April , 2011 .

- Alves , T. M. F.; A. Cartaxo; " Experimental Demonstration of 9 Double Sideband

OFDM-UWB Sub-Bands Transmission Along Long-Reach PONs ", Microwave and
Optical Tech. Letters , November , 2011 .

- Morgado, J.; D.F. Fonseca; A. Cartaxo; " Experimental Study of Coexistence of

Multi-Band OFDM-UWB and OFDM-Baseband Signals in Long-Reach PONs Using
Directly Modulated Lasers ", Optics Express , Vol. 19 , No. 23 , pp. 23601 - 23612 ,
December , 2011 .

- Liu, Z.; M. Sadeghi; G. Valicourt; R. Brenot; M. Violas; " Experimental Validation

of a Reflective Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Model Used as a Modulator in Radio
Over Fiber Systems ", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , Vol. 23 , No. 9 , pp. 576
- 578 , May , 2011 .

- Fonseca, D.F.; A. Cartaxo; " Eye opening degradation due to sideband

suppression in direct detection systems for different signaling formats ", Fiber and
Integrated Optics , Vol. 30 , No. 3 , pp. 151 - 165 , June , 2011 .

- Ferreira, F. M.; S. L. Jansen; P. Monteiro; H. A. Silva; " Nonlinear Semi-Analytical

Model for Simulation of Few-Mode Fiber Transmission ", IEEE Photonics Technology
Letters , pp.1 - 3 , November , 2011 .

- Dahan, D. D.; U. M. Mahlab; A.T. Teixeira; I. Tomkos; " Optical performance

monitoring for translucent/transparent optical networks ", IET Optoelectronics , Vol.
5 , No. 1 , pp. 1 - 18 , May , 2011 .

- Alves , T. M. F.; M. Morant; A. Cartaxo; R. Llorente; " Performance comparison of

OFDM-UWB radio signals distribution in long-reach PONs using Mach-Zehnder and
linearized modulators ", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications , Vol.
29 , No. 6 , pp. 1311 - 1320 , June , 2011 .

- Muga, N. J.; M. Ferreira; A. N. Pinto; " QBER Estimation in QKD Systems with
Polarization Encoding ", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Tech. , Vol. 29 , No. 3 , pp.
355 - 361 , February , 2011 .

- Abdalla, A.A.; M. J. N. Lima; A.T. Teixeira; " Reduced bandwidth transmitter and
simple detection scheme for improved constant envelope OFDM ", Electronics
Letters , Vol. 47 , No. 6 , pp. 391 - 392 , March , 2011 .

- Alves , T. M. F.; A. Cartaxo; " SNR approach for performance evaluation of time-
stretching photonic analogue to digital converter system ", Optics Express , Vol. 19
, No. 2 , pp. 1493 - 1509 , January , 2011 .

- Facão, M. Facão; Ana M. Rocha; P.S André; " Traveling Solutions of the Fuse
Effect in Optical Fibers ", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Tech. , Vol. 29 , No. 1 ,
pp. 109 - 114 , January , 2011 .


- Reis, J.D.; A.T. Teixeira; " Weighting nonlinearities on future high aggregate data
rate PONs ", Optics Express , Vol. 19 , No. 27 , pp. 26567 - 26567 , December ,
2011 .

Papers in Conference Proceedings

- Veljanovski, V. V.; V. S. Sleiffer; D. B. van den Borne; J. C. Capasso; H. K.

Kuluslu; J. S. Seixas; V. S. Schramm; A. T. Tschersich; R.N. Nogueira; N.P.
Pavlovic; " 100G CP-QPSK Field Trial over 4108 km of Installed Submarine Cable ",
Proc OSA Optical Fiber Communications - OFC , LA , United States , Vol. 1 , March ,
2011 .

- Cartaxo, A.; J. Morgado; T. M. F. Alves ; F. C. Carvalho; D.F. Fonseca; J. L.

Rebola; " A view on optical-wireless converged NG-FTTH networks ", Proc Annual
Workshop on Photonic Technologies for Access and Biophotonics , Stanford , United
States , January , 2011 .

- Oliveira, R.A.; G. R. C. Possetti; C.A.F. Marques; P.T. Neves; C. A. Bavastri; R. C.

Kamikawachi; J. L. Fabris; R.N. Nogueira; J. Canning; A. Pohl; " Acousto-optic
control of the LPG spectrum for sensing applications ", Proc Optical Fiber Sensors
Conf. , Ottawa , Canada , Vol. OFS11-OFS21-223 , pp. 1 - 4 , May , 2011 .

- Marques, C.A.F.; R.A. Oliveira; A. Pohl; P.S André; R.N. Nogueira; " Adaptive gain
equalization on optical amplifiers based on the Acousto-Optic effect using a single
Long Period Grating ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol.
cd , pp. 1 - 3 , April , 2011 .

- Marques, C.A.F.; L. Melo; R.A. Oliveira; A. Pohl; P.S André; R.N. Nogueira; "
Adaptive gain equalization on optical amplifiers based on the acousto-optic
modulation using a long period grating ", Proc International Conf. on Applications of
Optics and Photonics - AOP2011 , Braga , Portugal , May , 2011 .

- Reis, J.D.; A.T. Teixeira; " Architectural Optimization of Coherent Ultra-Dense

WDM based Optical Access Networks ", Proc OSA Optical Fiber Communications -
OFC , Los Angeles , United States , March , 2011 .

- Marques, C.A.F.; R.A. Oliveira; J. Canning; A. Pohl; R.N. Nogueira; " Controlling
the properties of Fiber Bragg Gratings based on the Acousto-Optic modulation ",
Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon , Portugal , pp. 1 - 3 , April , 2011 .

- Almeida, A. J.; L. M. Pinto; N. A. Silva; N. J. Muga; A. N. Pinto; " Correlated

Photon-Pair Generation in a Highly Nonlinear Fiber Using Spontaneous FWM ", Proc
Symp. on Enabling Optical Networks - SEON , Aveiro , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 ,
July , 2011 .

- Muga, N. J.; A. J. Almeida; M. Ferreira; A. N. Pinto; " Critical Issues in Polarization

Encoded Quantum Key Distribution Systems ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011
, Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 11 - 11 , April , 2011 .


- Reis, J.D.; A.T. Teixeira; " Density and Guard Band in Migration Scenarios to
Coherent Ultra-Dense WDM ", Proc IEEE Global Telecommunications Conf. -
GLOBECOM , Houston , United States , Vol. 54 , pp. 1 - 5 , December , 2011 .

- Alves , T. M. F.; A. Cartaxo; " Dependence of the transmission performance of

multi-Band OFDM-UWB signals in LR-PONs on the modulator bias and driving
voltages ", Proc International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conf. - IMOC , Natal ,
Brazil , October , 2011 .

- Almeida, P. ; H. A. Silva; " Distribution of MB-OFDM UWB and Millimeter-Wave

WPAN Signals on Hybrid FTTH Networks ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Ultra-
Wideband - ICUWB , Bologna , Italy , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 5 , September , 2011 .

- Pinho, P.T.; " Evaluation of a Low-Cost Radio-Over-Fiber System ", Proc Symp. on
Enabling Optical Networks - SEON , Aveiro , Portugal , July , 2011 .

- Gamelas, AG; " Evolution of FTTH networks based on Radio-Over-Fibre ", Proc
International Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON , Stockholm , Sweden , pp. 1
- 4 , June , 2011 .

- Rodrigues, C.Rodrigues; F. C. Carvalho; A. Cartaxo; " Evolution of FTTH networks

based on Radio-Over-Fibre ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks –
ICTON , Stockholm , Sweden , pp. 1 - 4 , June , 2011 .

- Rocha, Ana M.; G. G. Fernandes; F Domingues; A. N. Pinto; M. Facão Facão; P.S

André; " Fiber fuse effect propagation break using optical fiber taper ", Proc
Optoelectronics and Communications Conf. - OECC , Kaohsiung , Taiwan , pp. 593 -
594 , July , 2011 .

- Vilar, R. ; C.A.F. Marques; R.N. Nogueira; A.T. Teixeira; R. Llorente; F. Ramos; "
Flexible Optical-Comb-Based Multi-Wavelength Conversion for Optical Switching
and Multicast ", Proc European Conf. on Networks and Optical Communications -
NOC , Newcastle , United Kingdom , Vol. , pp. 1 - 4 , July , 2011 .

- Costa, N.; D.F. Fonseca; A. Cartaxo; " Influence of local oscillator-to-signal power
ratio on the gaussianity of CP-QPSK signal statistics ", Proc International Conf. on
Transparent Networks – ICTON , Stockholm , Sweden , June , 2011 .

- Morgado, J.; D.F. Fonseca; A. Cartaxo; " Influence of Spectrum Location of

Gigabit-Ethernet in Coexistence with Multi-Band OFDM-UWB Wireless Signals on the
Long-Reach PON Performance Using Directly Modulated Lasers ", Proc IEEE
International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics , Singapore , Singapore
,October , 2011 .

- Oliveira, R.A.; C.A.F. Marques; K. Cook; J. Canning; R.N. Nogueira; A. Pohl; "
Inscription of Bragg gratings using flexural acoustic waves ", Proc European Conf.
on Optical Communications - ECOC , Geneva , Switzerland , September , 2011 .

- Fernandes, G. G.; A. J. Almeida; M. Niehus; A. N. Pinto; " Measurement of the

Diameter of an Optical Fiber Microwire using Stimulated Four-Wave Mixing ", Proc


International Conf. on Applications of Optics and Photonics - AOP2011 , Braga ,

Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 7 , May , 2011 .

- Guiomar, F. P.; J.D. Reis; A.T. Teixeira; A. N. Pinto; " Mitigation of Intra-Channel
Nonlinearites Using a Frequency-Domain Volterra Series Equalizer ", Proc European
Conf. on Optical Communications - ECOC , Geneve , Switzerland , September ,
2011 .

- Fonseca, D.F.; J. Morgado; A. Cartaxo; " Multi-band UWB signals transmission

improvement due to pre-emphasis in LR-PONs using DMLs ", Proc IEEE Photonics
Conf. - IPC , Arlington , United States , October , 2011 .

- Sá , L.M.; C.A.F. Marques; N. Alberto; R.N. Nogueira; P.S André; " Multichannel
dispersion compensation using a simplified approach SFBG design ", Proc
International Conf. on Applications of Optics and Photonics - AOP2011 , Braga ,
Portugal , May , 2011 .

- Almeida, P. ; H. A. Silva; " Multiservices and Multiband Optical Signal Generation

for Hybrid Access networks ", Proc Conf. on Optical Networks Design and Modelling
- ONDM , Bologna , Italy , pp. 1 - 6 , February , 2011 .

- Fernandes, G. G.; A. J. Almeida; A. N. Pinto; " Nonlinear Phase and Parametric

Gain in Optical Fiber Microwires ", Proc Symp. on Enabling Optical Networks - SEON
, Aveiro , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , July , 2011 .

- Pinto, A. N.; A. J. Almeida; N. A. Silva; N. J. Muga; L. M. Pinto; " Optical Quantum

Communications: An Experimental Approach ", Proc International Conf. on
Applications of Optics and Photonics - AOP2011 , Braga , Portugal , May , 2011 .

- Sousa, .; C.A.F. Marques; R.N. Nogueira; P.S André; " Optical signal to noise ratio
monitoring with Hi-Bi fiber Bragg grating ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 ,
Lisboa , Portugal , pp. 1 - 3 , April , 2011 .

- Meireles, B. M.; J. L. Rebola; " Optimization of optical SSB-OFDM system with

direct-detection for application in metropolitan/regional networks ", Proc ICETE
International Conf. on Optical Communication Systems - OPTICS , Sevilla , Spain ,
Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , July , 2011 .

- Muga, N. J.; A. J. Almeida; M. Ferreira; A. N. Pinto; " Optimization of polarization

control schemes for QKD systems ", Proc International Conf. on Applications of
Optics and Photonics - AOP2011 , Braga , Portugal , Vol. 1 ,May , 2011 .

- Guiomar, F. P.; A. N. Pinto; " Optimizing the Nonlinear Operator in Backward

Propagation ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp.
1 - 4 , April , 2011 .

- Sousa, .; C.A.F. Marques; R.N. Nogueira; P.S André; " OSNR monitoring using Hi-
Bi FBG for 10 Gbit/s optical networks ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent
Networks – ICTON , Stockholm , Sweden , pp. 1 - 4 , June , 2011 .


- Alves , T. M. F.; A. Cartaxo; " Photonic analogue-to-digital converted based on

wavelength division multiplexing technique ", Proc ICETE International Conf. on
Optical Communication Systems - OPTICS , Sevilha , Spain , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 10 ,
July , 2011 .

- Reis, J.D.; A.T. Teixeira; " Physical Impairments on High Aggregate Data Rate
Passive Coherent Optical Networks ", Proc International Microwave and
Optoelectronics Conf. - IMOC , Natal-RN , Brazil , Vol. CD , pp. 1 - 5 , November ,
2011 .

- Mendonça, A.; A. Charas; J. C. Clark; L. B. Bazzana; A. N. Nocivelli; G. L.

Lanzani; J. Morgado; " Plastic optical fibres dopants to obtain gain enlargement and
ultrafast optical switching ", Proc International Conf. on Applications of Optics and
Photonics - AOP2011 , Braga , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 7 , May , 2011 .

- Almeida, A. J.; S. R. Carneiro; N. A. Silva; N. J. Muga; A. N. Pinto; " Polarization-

Entangled Photon Pairs Using Spontaneous Four-Wave Mixing in a Fiber Loop ",
Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , April ,
2011 .

- André, P.S; M. J. N. Lima; F Granada; X Xiangjun; " Power over fiber in Raman
amplified optical networks ", Proc International Conf. on Telecommunications - ICT ,
graz , Austria , June , 2011 .

- Carvalho, F. C.; A. Cartaxo; " Power Requirements for Coexisting Baseband and
Wireless OFDM-based Signals in Hybrid Metro-Access Networks ", Proc International
Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON , Stockholm , Sweden , Vol. Tu.A5.6 , pp.
1 - 4 , June , 2011 .

- Pato, S.; J. M. Pedro; P. Monteiro; H. A. Silva; " Prospects of supporting

distributed antenna systems over next-generation optical access and metro-access
networks ", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON , Stockholm
, Sweden , June , 2011 .

- Rocha, Ana M.; P.S André; F Domingues; M. Facão Facão; " Reflected Light from
the Fiber Fuse Propagation ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Lisboa
, Portugal , April , 2011 .

- Almeida, A. J.; N. A. Silva; N. J. Muga; A. N. Pinto; " Single-Photon Source Using

Stimulated FWM in Optical Fibers for Quantum Communication ", Proc International
Conf. on Applications of Optics and Photonics - AOP2011 , Braga , Portugal , Vol. 1 ,
pp. 1 - 7 , May , 2011 .

- Silva, N. A.; A. J. Almeida; A. N. Pinto; " Statistical Characterization of a Single-

Photon Source Based on Stimulated FWM in Optical Fibers ", Proc Conf. on
Telecommunications - ConfTele , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , April , 2011 .

- Rocha, Ana M.; F Domingues; M. Facão Facão; P.S André; " Threshold Power of
Fiber Fuse Effect for different types of Optical Fiber ", Proc International Conf. on
Transparent Networks – ICTON , Stockholm , Sweden , pp. Tu.P.13 - , June , 2011 .


- Reis, J.D.; A.T. Teixeira; " Transmission Aspects on Broadband Coherent Optical
Access Networks ", Proc IEEE Latin-American Conf. on Communications -
LATINCOM , Belém-PA , Brazil , Vol. 3 , pp. 1 - 6 , October , 2011 .

- Morgado, J.; D.F. Fonseca; A. Cartaxo; " Transmission of Coexisting OFDM-

Baseband and Multi-Band OFDM-UWB Signals Along LR-PONs Using DMLs ", Proc
IEEE Photonics Conf. - IPC , Arlington , United States , October , 2011 .

- Liu, Z.; M. Violas; N.B.C. Carvalho; " Transmission of Four Channels SCM Over
Fiber and Nonlinear Compensation for RSOA External Modulators ", Proc IEEE
GLOBECOM Workshops: Distributed Antenna Systems for Broadband Mobile
Communication , Houston , United States , pp. 1 - 5 , December , 2011 .

- Fonseca, D.F.; J. Morgado; A. Cartaxo; " Transmission of multi-band OFDM-UWB

signals along NG-FTTH networks using directly modulated lasers ", Proc OSA Optical
Fiber Communications - OFC , Los Angeles , United States , March , 2011 .

- Rebola, J. L. ; A. Cartaxo; " Using the Moment Generating Function for the
Performance Assessment of Optically Preamplified Direct-Detection OFDM Systems
", Proc International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conf. - IMOC , Natal , Brazil ,
October , 2011 .

- Reis, J.D.; A.T. Teixeira; " Weighting Nonlinearities on Future High Aggregate
Data Rate PONs ", Proc European Conf. on Optical Communications - ECOC ,
Geneva , Switzerland , Vol. CD , pp. We.10.P1.109 , September , 2011 .

Project Reports

- Almeida, P. ; F. M. Ferreira; H. A. Silva; " Optical Transmitter for the RoFnet

Project Demonstrator ", Instituto de Telecomunicações , PTDC/EEA-
TEL/71678/2006 , June , 2011 .


Book Chapters

- Fernandes, C. F.; J. Morgado; " The Static and Dynamic Transfer-Matrix-Method in

the Analysis of Distributed-Feedback Lasers " - Chapter in Numerical Simulations of
Physical and Engineering Processes , INTECH Open Acess Publisher, In-Tech, 2011 .

- André, P.S; Ana M. Rocha; F Domingues; M. Facão Facão; " Thermal effects in
optical fibers " - Chapter in Heat Transfer - Book 1 , Marco Aurélio dos Santos
Bernardes , In-Tech , 2011 .

Papers in Journals

- Reis, C.; A. Maziotis; C. Kouloumentas; N. Calabretta; P.S André; R.P. Dionísio;

B. Neto; H.J.S Dorren; H. Avramopoulos; A.T. Teixeira; " All-Optical Clocked D Flip-


Flop Memory using a Hybrid Integrated S-R Latch ", Microwave and Optical Tech.
Letters , Vol. 53 , No. 6 , pp. 1201 - 1204 , June , 2011 .

- Bilro, L.; N. Alberto; L.M. Sá ; J. L. Pinto; R.N. Nogueira; " Analytical Analysis of
Side-Polished Plastic Optical Fiber as Curvature and Refractive Index Sensor ",
IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Tech. , Vol. 29 , No. 6 , pp. 864 - 870 , March ,
2011 .

- Muga, N. J.; M. Ferreira; A. N. Pinto; " Broadband polarization pulling using

Raman amplification ", Optics Express , Vol. 19 , No. 19 , pp. 18707 - 18712 ,
September , 2011 .

- Fernandes, V.R.; Vicente; E. Pecoraro; D Karpinsky; A Kholkin; N. Wada; P.S

André; Ferreira; " Determination of Refractive Index Contrast and Surface
Contraction in Waveguide Channels Using Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm Applied
to Spectroscopic Ellipsometry ", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Tech. , Vol. 29 , No.
19 , pp. 2971 - 2977 , October , 2011 .

- Neto, B.; A. K Klingler; C. Reis; R.P. Dionísio; R.N. Nogueira; A.T. Teixeira; P.S
André; " Enhanced optical gain clamping for upstream packet based traffic on
hybrid WDM/TDM-PON using fiber Bragg grating ", Optics Communications , Vol.
284 , No. 5 , pp. 1354 - 1356 , March , 2011 .

- Domingues, F.; Ana M. Rocha; P.S André; " High powers effects in damaged and
contaminated optical fiber connectors ", Microwave and Optical Tech. Letters , Vol.
53 , No. 11 , pp. 2485 - 2488 , November , 2011 .

- Domingues, F; Ana M. Rocha; P.S André; " High powers effects in damaged and
contaminated optical fiber connectors ", Microwave and Optical Tech. Letters , Vol.
53 , No. 11 , pp. 2485 - 2488 , November , 2011 .

- Boavida, J.M.; J. Morgado; C. F. Fernandes; " HR-AR Coated DFB Lasers with
High-Yield and Enhanced Above-Threshold Performance ", Optics and Laser
Technology , Vol. 43 , No. 3 , pp. 729 - 735 , April , 2011 .

- Ferreira, N.; F. M. Costa; R.N. Nogueira; M.P.F. Graça; " Lithium niobate bulk
crystallization promoted by CO2 laser radiation ", Applied Surface Science , Vol. in
press , No. - , pp. 1 - 4 , September , 2011 .

- Graffion, ; Cattoen; W Man; V.R. Fernandes; P.S André; R. A. Sá Ferreira; L. D.

Carlos; " Modulating the Photoluminescence of Bridged Silsesquioxanes
Incorporating Eu3+-Complexed n,n0-Diureido-2,20-bipyridine Isomers: Application
for Luminescent Solar Concentrators ", Journal of Materials Chemistry , Vol. 23 ,
No. 21 , pp. 4773 - 4782 , October , 2011 .

- Dionísio, R.P.; G.P. Parca; C. Reis; A. T. Teixeira; " Operational parameter

optimization of MZI-SOA using multi-objective genetic algorithms ", Electronics
Letters , May , 2011 .


- Domingues, F.; P.S André; ; " Optical fibres coating aging induced by the
maritime environment ", Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and
Electromagnetic Applications , Vol. 10 , No. 1 , pp. 259 - 265 , June , 2011 .

- Drummond, M. V.; C.A.F. Marques; P. Monteiro; R.N. Nogueira; " Photonic

Instantaneous Frequency Measurement System Using Complementary Modulation ",
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , Vol. 23 , No. 3 , pp. 143 - 145 , February ,
2011 .

- Antunes, P.; Ana M. Rocha; Lima; H Varum; P.S André; " Thin bonding wires
temperature measurement using optical fiber sensors ", Measurement , Vol. 44 ,
No. 2 , pp. 554 - 558 , February , 2011 .

- Vicente, C.; R Venkatachaam; B. Ferreira; P. Marques; C.A.F. Marques; E.

Pecoraro; L. D. Carlos; P.S André; R. A. Sá Ferreira; " Thin film optimization design
of organic-inorganic hybrids for waveguide high-rejection optical filters ", Physica
Status Solidi (RRL) , Vol. 5 , No. 8 , pp. 280 - 282 , July , 2011 .

- Antunes, P.; H Varum; P.S André; " Uniaxial fiber Bragg grating accelerometer
system with temperature ", Measurement , Vol. 44 , No. 1 , pp. 55 - 59 ,
September , 2011 .

- Xavier, L.R.; V.R. Fernandes; Vicente; E. Pecoraro; Carlos; R. A. Sá Ferreira; P.S

André; " UV Laser Photo-fabrication of Waveguide Couplers using Self-Patterning
Organic-Inorganic Hybrids ", Microwave and Optical Tech. Letters , Vol. 53 , No. 10
, pp. 2304 - 2307 , October , 2011 .

Papers in Conference Proceedings

- Ribeiro, V. M. C.; C. Reis; M. J. N. Lima; P.S André; A.T. Teixeira; " All-optical flip
flop using two gain-clamped RSOAs ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon
, Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , April , 2011 .

- Fernandes, C. F.; J. Morgado; J.M. Boavida; " Analysis of Phase-Shift DFB Lasers
Using the Dynamic Transfer-Matrix-Method ", Proc IEEE II Conference on
Telecommunications - CONATEL 2011 , Arequipa , Peru , pp. -1 -4 , May , 2011 .

- Pereira, J. T.; C.F. Fernandes; " Bandwidth Modeling and Optimization of PIN
Photodiodes ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Lisbon , Portugal ,
Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , April , 2011 .

- Ferreira, F. M.; S. Pato; P. Almeida; H. A. Silva; P. Monteiro; " Dual Band Signal
Generation for Millimeter-wave RoF Systems with Subcarrier Multiplexing ", Proc
Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Lisbon , Portugal , pp. 1 - 4 , April ,

- Domingues, F.; Ana M. Rocha; P.S André; " Failure Probability of Optical Fiber
under High Optical Power and Small Bend Diameters ", Proc International
Microwave and Optoelectronics Conf. - IMOC , Natal , Brazil , October , 2011 .


- Fernandes, C.F.; J. T. Pereira; " Frequency Response Analysis of Dual Depletion

PIN Photodiodes ", Proc Portuguese-Spanish Conf. in Electrical Engineering , Ponta
Delgada, Açores , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , July , 2011 .

- Pereira, J. T.; J.T. Torres; " Frequency Response Optimization of Dual Depletion
InGaAs/InP PIN Photodiodes ", Proc International Symp. on Electromagnetic Fields
in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering - ISEF , Funchal - Madeira ,
Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 8 , September , 2011 .

- André, P.S; F. Domingues; F Granada; " Impact of the Maritime Environment on

the Aging of Optical Fibers ", Proc Conf. on Lasers and Electro-optic - CLEO ,
baltimore , United States , May , 2011 .

- André, P.S; Vicente; L.R. Xavier; V.R. Fernandes; E. Pecoraro; R.N. Nogueira; P.
Monteiro; Carlos; N. Wada; R. A. Sá Ferreira; " Integrated optics structures on sol-
gel derived organic-inorganic hybrids for optical communications ", Proc
International Conf. on Applications of Optics and Photonics - AOP2011 , Braga ,
Portugal , May , 2011 .

- André, P.S; F Domingues; M. Facão Facão; Ana M. Rocha; " Optical Fuse
Discharge Temperature Determination Employing the CIE Color Coordinates ", Proc
Conf. on Lasers and Electro-optic - CLEO , sidney , Australia , August , 2011 .

- Sá Ferreira, R. A.; Vicente; E. Pecoraro; Carlos; P.S André; " Organic–inorganic

hybrid materials in the context of the next generation of optical networks ", Proc
International Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON , estocolmo , Sweden , June ,
2011 .

- Drummond, M. V.; C.A.F. Marques; P. Monteiro; R.N. Nogueira; " Photonic

Instantaneous RF Frequency Measurement System based on Complementary E/O
Modulation ", Proc Optoelectronics and Communications Conf. - OECC , Kaohsiung ,
Taiwan , Vol. 6G2-2 , pp. 1 - 2 , July , 2011 .

- Drummond, M. V.; C.A.F. Marques; P. Monteiro; R.N. Nogueira; " Photonic

Instantaneous RF Frequency Measurement System based on Complementary
Modulation ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1
- 3 , April , 2011 .

- Drummond, M. V.; C.A.F. Marques; P. Monteiro; R.N. Nogueira; " Photonics

Instantaneous RF Frequency Measurement System based on Complementary
Modulation ", Proc International Conf. on Applications of Optics and Photonics -
AOP2011 , Braga , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , March , 2011 .

- Fernandes, V.R.; Vicente; E. Pecoraro; N. Wada; P.S André; R. A. Sá Ferreira; "

Refractive Index Characterization of Waveguide Channels Using Spectroscopic
Ellipsometry ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon , Portugal , April ,

- Drummond, M. V.; A.T. Teixeira; P. Monteiro; R.N. Nogueira; " Routable OTDM to
WDM Converter enabled by a Programmable Optical Processor ", Proc European


Conf. on Optical Communications - ECOC , Geneva , Switzerland , Vol. We.10.P1.58

, pp. 1 - 3 , September , 2011 .

- Sá Ferreira, R. A.; Vicente; V.R. Fernandes; Carlos; P.S André; E. Pecoraro; V.

Bermudez; " Silica-on-silicon high rejection filters using organic-inorganic hybrids ",
Proc Materials Research Society Symp. , San Francisco , United States , April ,
- Silva, N. A.; N. J. Muga; A. N. Pinto; " Single-Photon Source Using Stimulated
FWM in Optical Fibers for Quantum Communication ", Proc SPOF International
Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics - AOP 2011 , Braga , Portugal ,
May , 2011 .

- Drummond, M. V.; A.T. Teixeira; P. Monteiro; R.N. Nogueira; " Tunable OTDM to
WDM Conversion enabled by a Programmable Optical Filter ", Proc Optoelectronics
and Communications Conf. - OECC , Kaohsiung , Taiwan , Vol. 8D1-2 , pp. 1 - 4 ,
July , 2011 .


Papers in Journals

- Santos, J.; J. M. Pedro; P. Monteiro; J. J. O. Pires; " Optimized Routing and Buffer
Design for Optical Transport Networks Based on Virtual Concatenation ", Journal of
Optical Communications and Networking , Vol. 3 , No. 9 , pp. 725 - 738 ,
September , 2011 .

Papers in Conference Proceedings

- Cartaxo, A.; J. Morgado; D.F. Fonseca; " A perspective on optical-wireless

converged NG-FTTH networks using directly modulated lasers ", Proc International
Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON , Stockholm , Sweden , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 ,
June , 2011 .

- Santos, J.; J. M. Pedro; P. Monteiro; J. J. O. Pires; " Cost-Optimized Planning for

Supporting 100 Gb/s and 40 Gb/s Services over Channel Count-Limited Optical
Transport Networks ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Communications - ICC ,
Kyoto , Japan , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 6 , June , 2011 .

- Santos, J.; J. M. Pedro; P. Monteiro; J. J. O. Pires; " Enhanced Differential Delay

Compensation in OTN with Dedicated and Shared Buffering Architectures ", Proc
European Conf. on Optical Communications - ECOC , Geneve , Switzerland , Vol. 1 ,
pp. 1 - 3 , September , 2011 .

- Santos, J.; J. M. Pedro; P. Monteiro; J. J. O. Pires; " Impact of Collocated

Regeneration and Differential Delay Compensation in Optical Transport Networks ",
Proc Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4
, April , 2011 .

- Santos, J.; J. M. Pedro; P. Monteiro; J. J. O. Pires; " Multi-Stage Optimization

Framework for Transporting 100-GbE over OTN with Distributed Differential Delay


Compensation ", Proc IEEE International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling

Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks - IEEE CAMAD , Kyoto ,
Japan , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 5 , June , 2011 .

- Pedro, J. M.; J. Santos; J. J. O. Pires; " Performance Evaluation of Integrated

OTN/DWDM Networks with Single-Stage Multiplexing of Optical Channel Data Units
", Proc International Conf. on Transparent Networks – ICTON , Stockholm , Sweden
,June , 2011 .

- Cancela, L. G. C.; J. J. O. Pires; " Quantifying the Influence of Crosstalk-Crosstalk

Beat Noise in Optical DPSK Systems ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon
, Portugal , April , 2011 .

- Pedro, J. M.; S. Pato; " Towards Fully Flexible Optical Node Architectures: Impact
on Blocking Performance of DWDM Transport Networks ", Proc International Conf.
on Transparent Networks – ICTON , Stockholm , Sweden , June , 2011 .

- Santos, J.; J. M. Pedro; P. Monteiro; J. J. O. Pires; " Virtual Concatenation of 100-

GbE over OTN: Tradeoffs Between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Multiplexing ",
Proc Symp. on Enabling Optical Networks - SEON , Aveiro , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1
- 4 , July , 2011 .

4.2.7 Other Achievements


- P.S André; Ana M. Rocha; P. Antunes; A. Martins; " Method and monitor to
determined the presence of fuse effect in optical networks ", WO/2011/071405 ,
June , 2011 .

- P.S André; Ana M. Rocha; P. Antunes; A. Martins; " Monitor e método para a
determinação da ocorrência do efeito de fusível em redes ópticas, baseados em
redes de difracção escritas numa fibra óptica ", PT 104875 , August , 2011.


- Alves , T. M. F.; A. Cartaxo; " Best paper award ", Optics Conference 2011 , 01-
07-2011 .


4.3 Networks and Multimedia

4.3.1 Area Coordinators

 Mário Figueiredo
 Rui Valadas

4.3.2 Human Resources


Degree Aveiro Coimbra Lisboa

Full Professor 0 1 5

Associate Professor 2 1 7

Assistant Professor 11 4 27

Post. Doc. 0 1 3

Coordinator Professor 0 1 1

Assistant Lecturer 1 2 1

PhD Student 23 3 31

(Licenciado) 9 0 0

TOTAL 46 12 75

Table 20 – Overview of human resources in Networks and Multimedia Area in 2011


Permanent Collaborators

Position Degree Name Group

Associate PhD Abel João Gomes Network Architectures
Professor and Protocols – Cv
Full Professor Agregação Amílcar Sernadas Security and Quantum
Information –Lx
Assistant PhD Ana Cristina Costa Aguiar Networked Systems – Po
Assistant PhD Ana Fred Pattern and Image
Professor Analysis – Lx
Assistant PhD Ana Gualdina Almeida Matos Security and Quantum
Professor Information –Lx
Assistant PhD Anders Lyhne Christensen Network Architecture
Professor and Protocols – Lx
Assistant PhD António Carlos Almeida Network Architecture
Professor and Protocols – Lx
Assistant PhD António Nogueira Wireless Networking –
Professor Av
Assistant Augusto José Venâncio Neto Wireless Networking –
Professor Av
Post. Doc. Bruno Bauwens Networked Systems – Po

Assistant PhD Carlos Eduardo Ramos dos Security and Quantum

Professor Santos Lourenço Information –Lx

Assistant PhD Carlos Manuel Costa Security and Quantum

Professor Lourenço Caleiro Information –Lx

Post. Doc. PhD Catarina Brites Multimedia Signal

Processing – Lx
Post. Doc. Cristina Olaverri Networked Systems – Po

Assistant PhD Daniel da Silva Graça Security and Quantum

Professor Information –Lx
Assistant Daniel Enrique Lucani Roetter Networked Systems – Po
Post. Doc. PhD Danillo Bracco Graziosi Multimedia Signal
Processing – Lr
Post. Doc. PhD Daowen Qiu Security and Quantum
Information –Lx
Assistant PhD Diogo Nuno Pereira Gomes Wireless Networking –
Lecturer Av
Post. Doc. PhD Fausto José Canhoto de Paiva Networked Systems – Po

Coordinator PhD Fernando Lopes Multimedia Signal

Professor Processing – Co
Assistant PhD Fernando Perdigão Multimedia Signal
Professor Processing – Co


Position Degree Name Group

Associate Agregação Fernando Pereira Multimedia Signal
Professor Processing – Lx
Assistant PhD Francisco Fontes Network Architectures
Professor and Protocols – Av
Assistant PhD Gabriel Falcão Paiva Multimedia Signal
Professor Fernandes Processing – Co

Assistant PhD Hugo Pedro Martins Carriço Pattern and Image

Professor Proença Analysis – CV

Assistant PhD João Ascenso Multimedia Signal

Professor Processing – Lx
Assistant PhD João Filipe Quintas dos Security and Quantum
Professor Santos Rasga Information –Lx

Associate Licenciatura João Francisco Cordeiro de Networked Systems – Po

Professor Oliveira Barros

Assistant PhD João Pedro Afonso Oliveira da Pattern and Image

Professor Silva Analysis – Lx

Associate PhD João Sobrinho Network Architecture

Professor and Protocols – Lx
Assistant PhD Joaquim José de Castro Embedded Systems – Av
Professor Ferreira

Assistant PhD Joel José Puga Coelho Network Architectures

Professor Rodrigues and Protocols – Cv

Associate PhD José Alberto Gouveia Embedded Systems – Av

Professor Fonseca

Associate Agregação José Bioucas Dias Pattern and Image

Professor Analysis – Lx
Associate PhD José Brázio Network Architecture
Professor and Protocols – Lx
Assistant PhD José Nascimento Pattern and Image
Professor Analysis – Lx
Associate PhD Luís A. Alexandre Pattern and Image
Professor Analysis – CV
Assistant PhD Luís Ducla Soares Multimedia Signal
Professor Processing – Lx
Assistant PhD Luis Filipe Coelho Antunes Security and Quantum
Professor Information –Lx
Full Professor Agregação Luís Henrique Martins Borges Pattern and Image
de Almeida Analysis – Lx

Assistant PhD Luís Miguel Martins Nunes Network Architecture

Professor and Protocols – Lx


Position Degree Name Group

Associate PhD Luis Miguel Pinho de Almeida Networked Systems – Po
Post. Doc. PhD Manuel Alejandro Barranco Networked Systems – Po

Assistant PhD Marco Alexandre Cravo Multimedia Signal

Professor Gomes Processing – Co

Full Professor Agregação Maria Cristina de Sales Viana Security and Quantum
Serôdio Sernadas Information –Lx

Assistant PhD Maria Manuela Areias da Multimedia Signal

Professor Costa Pereira de Sousa Processing – Cv

Assistant PhD Maria Paula Antunes Abrantes Security and Quantum

Professor Gouveia Information –Lx

Assistant PhD Maria Paula Prata de Sousa Network Architectures

Professor and Protocols – Cv
Assistant PhD Maria Paula Queluz Multimedia Signal
Professor Processing – Lx
Assistant PhD Mariana Almeida Pattern and Image
Professor Analysis – Lx
Post. Doc. Mariana Henriques da Networked Systems – Po
Silva Kaiseler

Full Professor Agregação Mário Figueiredo Pattern and Image

Analysis – Lx
Full Professor Agregação Mário Freire Multimedia Signal
Processing – Cv
Assistant Michel Celestino Paiva Networked Systems – Po
Professor Ferreira

Assistant PhD Miguel Raul Dias Information Theory – Po

Professor Rodrigues

Assistant PhD Miguel Tavares Interactive Multimedia -

Professor Coimbra Po

Post. Doc. PhD Nikola Paunkovic Security and Quantum

Information –Lx

Assistant PhD Nuno Miguel Morais Multimedia Signal

Professor Rodrigues Processing – Lr

Coordinator PhD Paulo Alexandre Carapinha Pattern and Image

Professor Marques Analysis – Lx


Position Degree Name Group

Associate Agregação Paulo Alexandre Carreira Security and Quantum
Professor Mateus Information –Lx

Assistant PhD Paulo André Pais Fazendeiro Pattern and Image

Professor Analysis – CV
Assistant PhD Paulo Lobato Correia Multimedia Signal
Professor Processing – Lx
Assistant PhD Paulo Nunes Multimedia Signal
Professor Processing – Lx
Assistant PhD Paulo Salvador Ferreira Wireless Networking –
Professor Av
Assistant PhD Pedro Alexandre Sousa Wireless Networking –
Professor Gonçalves Av

Coordinator PhD Pedro Amado Assunção Multimedia Signal

Professor Processing – Lr
Assistant PhD Pedro Ricardo Morais Inácio Multimedia Signal
Professor Processing – Cv
Post. Doc. Ricardo Roberto Duarte Networked Systems – Po

Associate Agregação Rui L. Aguiar Wireless Networking –

Professor Av
Assistant PhD Rui Manuel Fonseca Pinto Multimedia Signal
Professor Processing – Lr
Associate PhD Rui Manuel Rocha Network Architecture
Professor and Protocols – Lx
Assistant PhD Rui Pedro de Magalhães Claro Networked Systems – Po
Professor Prior

Full Professor Agregação Rui Valadas Network Architecture

and Protocols – Lx
Assistant PhD Sancho Moura Oliveira Network Architecture
Professor and Protocols – Lx
Post. Doc. PhD Sara Maria Fernandes Rato e Multimedia Signal
Costa Marques Candeias Processing – Co

Coordinator PhD Sérgio Faria Multimedia Signal

Professor Processing – Lr
Assistant PhD Susana Sargento Network Architectures
Professor and Protocols – Av
Post. Doc. PhD Tiago Travassos Vieira Networked Systems – Po

Assistant PhD Tomás Brandão Multimedia Signal

Professor Processing – Lx
Post. Doc. PhD Traian Emanuel Networked Systems – Po


Position Degree Name Group

Assistant PhD Valter Filipe Miranda Castelão Wireless Networking –
Professor da Silva Av

Licenciado Licenciatura Vasco Lagarto Wireless Networking –

Assistant PhD Verónica Costa Teixeira Pinto Interactive Multimedia -
Professor Orvalho Po

Assistant PhD Vitor Manuel Mendes Silva Multimedia Signal

Professor Processing – Co
Post. Doc. PhD William Ricardo Carson Information Theory – Po

Table 21 – Permanent Collaborators working in the Networks and Multimedia Area in 2011

Other Collaborators

Position Degree Name Group

PhD Student MSc Adriano Nunes Raposo Network Architectures
and Protocols – Cv
PhD Student Alexandre Kimiyaki Ligo Networked Systems – Po

PhD Student MSc Alfredo Matos Wireless Networking – Av

Licenciado Licenciatura Álvaro Henrique C. Gomes Radio Systems – Av

PhD Student MSc André Amorim de Faria Network Architectures

Cardote and Protocols – Av

PhD Student MSc André Braga Reis Network Architectures

and Protocols – Av
PhD Student MSc André Filipe Torres Martins Network Architecture and
Protocols – Lx
PhD Student MSc André Lourenço Pattern and Image
Analysis – Lx
PhD Student MSc André Nuno Carvalho Security and Quantum
Souto Information –Lx

Assistant PhD André Zúquete Network Architectures

Professor and Protocols – Av
PhD Student MSc Andreia Sofia da Costa Security and Quantum
Teixeira Information –Lx

PhD Student Ângela Cristina Marques de Multimedia Signal

Oliveira Processing – Cv

PhD Student Angelo Miguel Pires Arrifano Multimedia Signal

Processing – Cv


Position Degree Name Group

PhD Student MSc Antonio Carlos de Oliveira Network Architecture and
Júnior Protocols – Lx

Assistant PhD António Luís Morais Costa da Network Architecture and

Lecturer Silva Lopes Protocols – Lx

PhD Student MSc Arlindo Oliveira da Veiga Network Architectures

and Protocols – Cv
PhD Student MSc Artur Ferreira Pattern and Image
Analysis – Lx
PhD Student MSc Bruno José Conchinha Security and Quantum
Montalto Information –Lx

PhD Student Bruno Miguel Correia da Silva Network Architectures

and Protocols – Cv
PhD Student MSc Bruno Miguel Ferreira de Interactive Multimedia -
Oliveira Po

Assistant MSc Carla Calado Lopes Multimedia Signal

Lecturer Processing – Co
PhD Student MSc Carlos Jorge Santiago Wireless Networking – Av

PhD Student Carlos Manuel Martins Marques Network Architectures

and Protocols – Av
PhD Student Carlos Miguel Ferreira Network Architectures
and Protocols – Av
Licenciado MSc Carlos Miguel Martins de Network Architectures
Campos and Protocols – Av

PhD Student Daniel Filipe Leonardo Figueira Network Architectures

and Protocols – Av
PhD Student Diego Felix de Souza Multimedia Signal
Processing – Lx
PhD Student Diogo João de Sousa Networked Systems – Po

Licenciado Licenciatura Diogo Resende Rainho Wireless Networking – Av

PhD Student MSc Eduardo Marta Multimedia Signal

Processing – Co
PhD Student MSc Eduardo Oliveira Estanqueiro Wireless Networking – Av

PhD Student Elga Cristina Gato Correia Multimedia Signal

Processing – Cv
PhD Student MSc Emanuel Martins Multimedia Signal
Processing – Co
PhD Student MSc Evariste Logota Network Architectures
and Protocols – Av

Position Degree Name Group

PhD Student Fabio de Lima Hedayioglu Interactive Multimedia -
PhD Student MSc Farhan Riaz Interactive Multimedia -
PhD Student MSc Fernando António Carvalho Network Architectures
Marcos and Protocols – Cv

Licenciado Filipe Cabral Pinto Network Architectures

and Protocols – Av
PhD Student Licenciatura Filipe Cruz Gomes Soares Multimedia Signal
Processing – Cv
PhD Student MSc Filipe dos Santos Neves Network Architectures
and Protocols – Cv
Assistant PhD Francisco Miguel Alves Campos Security and Quantum
Professor de Sousa Dionísio Information –Lx

PhD Student MSc Frank Juergen Knaesel Network Architectures

and Protocols – Av
Assistant PhD Frutuoso Gomes Mendes da Network Architectures
Professor Silva and Protocols – Cv

PhD Student MSc Gerhard Maierbacher Networked Systems – Po

PhD Student MSc Gil Melfe Mateus Santos Network Architectures

and Protocols – Cv
Assistant MSc Gonçalo Nuno Vinhas Leitão Network Architectures
Professor and Protocols – Cv
PhD Student MSc Hana Khamfroush Networked Systems – Po

PhD Student MSc Helena Isabel Aidos Lopes Network Architecture and
Protocols – Lx
PhD Student MSc Henrique José Monteiro Multimedia Signal
Oliveira Processing – Lx

PhD Student MSc Hugo Filipe Pereira da Silva Information Theory – Po


PhD Student MSc Hugo Humberto Plácido da Pattern and Image

Silva Analysis – Lx

PhD Student Hugo Moreira de Sousa Pinto Networked Systems – Po

Assistant PhD Isabel da Piedade Xavier Network Architecture and

Professor Machado Alexandre Protocols – Lx

Assistant PhD Jaime Arsénio de Brito Ramos Security and Quantum

Professor Information –Lx
Assistant PhD Jan Gunnar Cederquist Security and Quantum
Professor Information –Lx

Position Degree Name Group

PhD Student MSc João Guilherme Pereira Networked Systems – Po

PhD Student MSc João Manuel Barbosa de Network Architecture and

Oliveira Protocols – Lx

PhD Student MSc João Manuel Maia Duarte Network Architecture and
Protocols – Lx
PhD Student MSc João Manuel Pires Leitão Network Architectures
Caldeira and Protocols – Cv

PhD Student MSc João Maria Duarte Andrade Multimedia Signal

Processing – Co
PhD Student MSc João Monteiro Soares Network Architectures
and Protocols – Av
PhD Student MSc João Paulo Barraca Wireless Networking – Av

Assistant MSc João Paulo Cordeiro Network Architectures

Lecturer and Protocols – Cv
PhD Student MSc João Paulo Patriarca de Networked Systems – Po

PhD Student MSc João Paulo Vilela Networked Systems – Po

PhD Student Licenciatura João Vasco Paulo Gomes Multimedia Signal

Processing – Cv
PhD Student MSc Joaquim Manuel Pereira Network Architectures
Mateus and Protocols – Cv

PhD Student MSc José Carlos G. P. Miranda Network Architecture and

Protocols – Lx
PhD Student MSc José David Pereira Coutinho Pattern and Image
Gomes Antão Analysis – Lx

Assistant PhD José Francisco Monteiro Network Architectures

Professor Morgado and Protocols – Cv

PhD Student MSc José Miguel de Carvalho Catela Network Architecture and
Teixeira Protocols – Lx

PhD Student MSc Karina Girardi Roggia Security and Quantum

Information –Lx
PhD Student MSc Ke Zhang Information Theory – Po

PhD Student Licenciatura Lino Miguel Moreira Multimedia Signal

Ferreira Processing – Lr

PhD Student MSc Lucas Guardalben Network Architectures

and Protocols – Av


Position Degree Name Group

PhD PhD Luís Cruz Multimedia Signal
Processing – Co
PhD Student MSc Luis David Moreira Network Architecture and
Pedrosa Protocols – Lx

PhD Student Luís Filipe Nunes Quaresma Network Architecture and

de Oliveira Protocols – Lx

PhD Student Luís Filipe Rosário Lucas Multimedia Signal

Processing – Lr
PhD Student Luís Manuel Cerqueira Barreto Network Architectures
and Protocols – Av
PhD Student MSc Luís Miguel Barbosa da Costa Interactive Multimedia -
Leite Po

PhD Student MSc Luís Miguel Lopes de Oliveira Network Architectures

and Protocols – Cv
Associate PhD Luis Miguel Pina Coelho Network Architecture and
Professor Teixeira Botelho Protocols – Lx

PhD Student Luis Miguel Ramos Barbara Networked Systems – Po

Cunha Pinto

Licenciado Licenciatura Luís Miguel Silva Wireless Networking – Av

Full Professor Agregação Luís Sá Multimedia Signal

Processing – Co
PhD Student MSc Luisa Marina Araújo Lima Networked Systems – Po

PhD Student MSc Manuel Mota Ferreira Network Architecture and

Protocols – Lx
PhD Student MSc Márcio Daniel Tavares de Melo Network Architectures
and Protocols – Av
PhD Student MSc Maria Cecília dos Santos Network Architectures
Rosa and Protocols – Cv

PhD Student Maria Margarida Carreira Pires Embedded Systems – Av


PhD Student Maricica Nistor Networked Systems – Po

Post. Doc. PhD Marta Isabel Belchior Network Architecture and

Lopes Protocols – Lx

PhD Student Mate Boban Networked Systems – Po

PhD Student MSc Miguel Pereira dos Santos Network Architecture and
Silva Protocols – Lx


Position Degree Name Group

PhD Student Licenciatura Miguel Sousa Borges de Network Architecture and
Almeida Protocols – Lx

PhD Student Mohammad Nozari Networked Systems – Po


PhD Student MSc Munnujahan Ara Information Theory – Po

PhD Student MSc Nelson Carreira Francisco Multimedia Signal

Processing – Lr
PhD Student MSc Nelson Filipe Capela Network Architectures
and Protocols – Av
PhD Student MSc Nuno Alexandre Tavares Network Architectures
Coutinho and Protocols – Av

PhD PhD Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Network Architectures

Santos and Protocols – Cv

PhD Student Nuno Miguel Monteiro Barbosa Interactive Multimedia -

Assistant PhD Paul Andrew Crocker Network Architectures
Professor and Protocols – Cv
PhD Student MSc Paulo Alexandre Correia da Network Architectures
Silva Neves and Protocols – Cv

Assistant PhD Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras Embedded Systems – Av

PhD Student MSc Paulo Jorge Ferreira Baptista Network Architectures
Pinheiro Cordeiro and Protocols – Cv

Assistant Licenciatura Paulo Paiva Monteiro Multimedia Signal

Lecturer Processing – Co
PhD Student MSc Paulo Roberto Almeida Moreira Network Architecture and
Costa Protocols – Lx

PhD Student Paulo Vasco Oliveira Networked Systems – Po

PhD Student MSc Pawel Andruszkiewicz Network Architectures

and Protocols – Cv
PhD Student Licenciatura Pedro Alexandre Cardoso Security and Quantum
Baltazar Information –Lx

PhD Student Pedro Alexandre Wireless Networking – Av


Assistant PhD Pedro Araújo Network Architectures

Professor and Protocols – Cv
Licenciado MSc Pedro Capão Radio Systems – Av


Position Degree Name Group

PhD Student MSc Pedro Emanuel Rodrigues Networked Systems – Po

PhD Student MSc Pedro Frazão Correia Multimedia Signal

Processing – Lr
PhD Student MSc Pedro José Gonçalves Ribeiro Security and Quantum
Information –Lx
PhD Student MSc Pedro Miguel Alves Brandão Networked Systems – Po

Assistant PhD Pedro Miguel dos Santos Alves Security and Quantum
Professor Madeira Adão Information –Lx
PhD Student MSc Pedro Miguel Naia Neves Network Architectures
and Protocols – Av
PhD Student Pedro Miguel Salgueiro dos Networked Systems – Po

PhD Student Pedro Miranda de Andrade de Networked Systems – Po

Albuquerque d´Orey

PhD Student MSc Pedro Tavares Barata BastosInteractive Multimedia -

PhD Student Pedro Tiago Magalhães Gomes Networked Systems – Po

Licenciado MSc Ricardo Azevedo Guerra Network Architectures

Pereira and Protocols – Av

PhD Student Ricardo David Castañeda Interactive Multimedia -

Marin Po

PhD Student MSc Ricardo João Rodrigues Security and Quantum

Gonçalves Information –Lx

Licenciado MSc Ricardo Jorge Alves Wireless Networking – Av


PhD Student MSc Ricardo Jorge Fernandes Networked Systems – Po

PhD Student MSc Ricardo Jorge Magalhães de Network Architectures

Matos and Protocols – Av

MSc MSc Ricardo Vilaça Moreira Network Architectures

and Protocols – Av
PhD Student MSc Romeu Rabaça Monteiro Network Architectures
and Protocols – Av
PhD Student MSc Rui Costa Cardoso Network Architectures
and Protocols – Cv
PhD Student MSc Rui Filipe Mendes Alves da Networked Systems – Po


Position Degree Name Group

Assistant PhD Rui Jorge Henriques Calado Network Architecture and
Professor Lopes Protocols – Lx

PhD Student MSc Rui Manuel Pacheco Meireles Networked Systems – Po

PhD Student Rui Pedro Quaresma Braz Multimedia Signal

Processing – Cv
PhD Student MSc Samah Ahmad Mohammad Information Theory – Po

PhD Student PhD Sandro Moiron Multimedia Signal

Processing – Lr
PhD Student MSc Sérgio Armindo Lopes Networked Systems – Po
PhD Student MSc Sérgio Duarte Correia Network Architectures
and Protocols – Cv
PhD Student Sérgio Emanuel Duarte Dias Network Architectures
and Protocols – Cv
PhD Student MSc Sérgio Marcelino Security and Quantum
Information –Lx
PhD Student MSc Sónia Pelizzari Pattern and Image
Analysis – Lx
PhD Student Susana Pereira Bulas Cruz Networked Systems – Po

PhD Student MSc Sylvain Tony Marcelino Multimedia Signal

Processing – Lr
PhD Student MSc Teresa de Jesus Baptista Interactive Multimedia -
Vieira Po

PhD Student MSc Teresa Sarmento Henriques Network Architecture and

Protocols – Lx
PhD Student MSc Tiago José Gomes Quelhas Network Architecture and
Protocols – Lx
PhD Student MSc Tiago Pinto Fernandes Interactive Multimedia -
PhD Student MSc Tiago Silvestre Condeixa Network Architectures
and Protocols – Av
PhD Student Licenciatura Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus Network Architectures
Soares and Protocols – Cv

Assistant PhD Victor Manuel Letra Macedo Network Architectures

Professor Marques and Protocols – Av

MSc Vitor Simões Ribeiro Wireless Networking – Av

PhD Student Xiem HoangVan Multimedia Signal

Processing – Lx
Assistant PhD Yasser Rashid Revez Omar Security and Quantum
Professor Information –Lx

Position Degree Name Group

PhD Student Ye Can Interactive Multimedia -
Table 22 – Non-permanent Collaborators working in the Neteworks and Multimedia Area in


4.3.3 Summary of Research Achievements Contributing groups

 Information Tecnology – Lx
 Information Theory – Po
 Multimedia Signal Processing – Lr
 Multimedia Signal Processing – Lx
 Network Architecture and Protocols – Lx
 Network Architectures and Protocols – Av
 Pattern and Image Analysis – CV
 Security and Quantum Information –Lx Scope and Objectives

The general medium term research direction in IT-Networks and

Multimedia will aim at several goals:
 A global network integrating multiple technologies and services,
providing end-to-end quality of service (QoS), ubiquitous access,
and security. The common denominator of such heterogeneous
global network will almost surely be the Internet Protocol (IP).
 New ways of storing/communicating, retrieving/accessing,
processing, and presenting large volumes of multimedia data -
text, still images, video, and audio.
The area of Networks and Multimedia includes 74 researchers with a
PhD degree, and more than 130 PhD students and other collaborators.
The research in this scientific area is organized in groups, with their
main future research goals and topics of expertise are listed below. Expertise and topics for future research Information Theory

 Investigation of fundamental communications limits of wired and

wireless communications systems;
Investigation of the fundamental security limits of communications


 Study of the interactions between information theory and estimation

theory, and their applications in the analysis, design and
optimization of communications systems and in physical-layer
 Investigation of the realization of common signal processing tasks
(such as detection, estimation, classification, regression) within the
paradigm of compressed sensing/sampling, mainly targeting
applications to imaging systems.

Interactive Miltimedia

 Set the infrastructure and logistics to run three research labs on:
computer graphics, computer vision, and human-computer
 Set the foundation of 3d synthetic characters and how they behave in
virtual and real environments.
 Study and deploy a character animation pipeline to create look-a-like
 Study and deploy a markerless facial motion capture system that
uses low-cost equipment, such as web-cams;
 Create an animation system that automatically animates 3d facial
models based on the markerless facial motion capture data;
 Realize a game prototype for the recognition of facial emotions using
our facial sketching technique, and reproduce facial expressions from
a specific person, wearing a head-mounted display, into a synthetic
3d avatar.

Multimedia Signal Processing

 Application of multi-fractal theory for medical image and video

 Automatic discrimination of breast tumors in ultrasonic images:
quantification and classification of breast tissue density and study of
its variance in the neighborhood of breast tumor lesions.


 Design and development of a 3d holographic video codec, taking into

account the perceptual characteristics introduced by the channel, the
target display, and the human visual system.
 Development of robust acoustic modelling methods, by automatic
segmentation of speakers, linguistic and non-linguistic events and
speech utterances in broadcast programs.
 Study of voice pathologies and dysarthria, using signal analysis and
acoustic models for speakers with voice disorders.
 Automatic creation of phonetic dictionaries for portuguese.
 Exploring prosodic and linguistic features of the speech segments in
the bd database.
 Studying hesitation phenomena detected automatically from the
 Making forensic voice comparison using various speech features.
 Research on the practical aspects of dvb-t deployment and in-building
 Research on motion compensation for distributed video coding and
for video coding standards.
 Development of complexity control schemes for video codecs (namely
hevc), looking for solutions for embedded platforms to control the
amount of power used in coding video, and studying parallel
implementation of hevc codecs.
 Research on video summarization and segmentation, namely focusing
on the choice of metrics, the reproduction process, and the
integration into temporally scalable video coding algorithms.
 Development of efficient rate control algorithms for multiple
description video encoders, using the h.264/avc framework for
dynamic network adaptation to multiple paths and error robustness
 Development of biometric identification and verification methods with
enhanced security (notably using distributed source coding tools) and
robustness (namely for unconstrained environments and based on
partial or degraded data).
 Development ofiris recognition methods for the non-cooperative at-a-
distance capture environment by modelling deformations under


different lighting conditions and through the use of periocular

 Research on analysis of road surface pavement images, for the
supervision and management support of road infrastructures, namely
 Development of processing techniques for 3d video, namely 3d
holoscopic video.
 Developmentof objective video quality assessment methods for iptv
 Research on digital image and video segmentation and classification,
for automatic power line maintenance inspection.
 Development of efficient distributed video coding solutions based on
the wyner-ziv and slepian-wolf theorems.
 Development of h.264/avc based efficient video coding solutions
based on geometric transforms.
 Development of efficient combined predictive-distributed video coding


Pattern and Image Anaysis

 Rresearch on deep learning, based on the idea that multiple layers of

representation are useful in certain problems, such as, to alleviate
the burden of retraining between different but similar tasks by
reusing some of the representation layers.
 Research on evolutionary computation: study of the use of multiple
gpus for implementing commonly used algorithms in the area.
 Proposal and implementation of a framework in order to
operationalize the larg (lean, agile, resilient and green – larg)
evaluation model for supply chains.
 Research on using soft computing techniques for automatic drug
infusion in medical care environment.
 Development of image analysis methods for automatic cell annotation
and for the analysis chest x-rays.
 Development of new cluster validation techniques and new algorithms
for clustering dyadic data.


 Research on new clustering ensemble methods and (dis)similarity

learning from data.
 Classification of sequences using information theoretic distances, with
applications in biometrics (namely eeg) and text classification.
 Research on bling separationof linearly mixed phase-lockedsources.
 Research on analysis and processing of hyperspectral data for remote
sensing and near infrared imaging applications.
 Development of fast algorithms for imaging inverse problems,
involving non-smooth regularization and non-gaussian observation
 Research on on-line algorithms for learning classifiers in structured
contexts, namely for natural language processing applications (e.g.,
 Research on blind image deblurring, namelyfurther testing and
improvement of the multi-resolution approach, search for better cost
functions, and development of new criteria for selecting the
regularization parameter and the stopping threshold.
 Blind estimation and inversion of nonlinear distortion in signals.
 Development of new tools for sar data, providing effective
improvements of the state of art capabilities in maritime surveillance.
 Development of an underwater communications testbed using
ultrasound signals.

Architectures, Protocols and Services

 Correctness of connection management protocols with application to

the Internet.
 Internet routing. (a) Study of mechanisms and incentives for the
deployment of route aggregation. (b) Advances on the algebraic
theory of routing. (c) Scalability of MPLS networks.
 Theoretical and experimental study of complex networks’ structure
and dynamics.
 Design and experimental assessment of networked multimedia
systems. Particular emphasis will be given to the signaling and media
transport issues and to the support of challenging media content.


 Home networking. Development of new context-aware interfaces for

 Wireless sensor networks. (a) Development of new applications based
on the 6LowPAN protocol. (b) Development of a new board
(hardware) for sensor networks, dedicated to actuation purposes. (c)
Initial foray into the so-called “participatory sensing”.
 Wireless sensor networks: a solution for environmental and body
sensor network solution will be proposed for ultra-light aircraft pilot
 Deployment of an experimental network setup (at Tagus Park),
interconnecting a mesh of routers.
 Network applications for monitoring and training of life styles, namely
by researching on the effects of converged network and
communications technologies.
 Deployment of VDTN testbed, including aggregation and de-
aggregation mechanisms, andfragmentation algorithms.
 E-learning: a new eLearning platform that incorporates
contributionsfrom the Web 2.0/3.0 (including online social networks)
in the context of personal learning environments.
 Mobile and ubiquitous computing, in particular location and context
aware applications with a focus on eHeath and ambient assisted living
 Wearable technologies, in particular, development of technological
garments for health status monitoring and interface with domotic
 Intelligent Transportation Systems: definition of adequate models for
wireless signal propagation and quality of service assessment,
including the impact of vehicles as obstacles in vehicle-to-vehicle

Traffic Engineering

 Congestion control in the internet. (a) investigation of binary

congestion signaling schemes to control rate-based and window-
based sources. (b) implementation and testing of new end-to-end


congestion control mechanisms for links with large bandwidth-delay

 Traffic analysis. (a) robust feature selection and robust pca for
internet traffic anomaly detection. (b) portability of statistical
classifiers for the identification of internet applications.
 Theory and practice of quality of experience (qoe) assessment.
particular emphasis will be given to the media transport issues,
namely its impact on qoe parameters and the mapping between
quality of service (qos) and qoe.
 Evaluation of methodologies for the assessment of the quality of
internet access provided by isps.
 Application of bio-signal measurements to the assessment of quality
of experience, in particular, to devising an autonomous and bio-signal
based method to assess QoE.
 Research on network traffic classification, in particular by assessing
the effects of changes in the lower layers of the communication

Fundamentals of Networking

 Physical-layer security: impact of physical-layer security strategies on

the secure connectivity of large-scale wireless networks.
 Network coding: delay, fairness, security and applications in video
streaming and peer-to-peer systems.
 Information security: algorithms for equational reasoning under
cryptographic algebraic theories and their integration in a
probabilistic model for the analysis of guessing and other offline
attacks, and to design and study a suitable equational-based
probabilistic dynamic epistemic companion logic.
 Applicability of the notion of algorithmic information theory to
cryptographic primitives.
 One-way functions: we take a fresh look into one way functions
trying to give an individual approach to this concept based on time
bounded kolmogorov complexity. we propose a new definition of one-
way function and study its connection with classical one way
functions (namely weak, string and deterministic one way functions).

we also prove some results concerning relating classical one way

functions and the expected value of kolmogorov complexity.

4.3.4 Running and Concluded Projects


Funding Agency Number

British Council/CCISP 1
EU 2
EU, FP7 3
FCT, UT Austin 1
FCT, UT Austin 1
IT 16
Plano de Inovação PTInovação 1
PT-Inovação 1
QREN, PT-Inovação 1

Table 23 – Number of active projects in the Networks and Multimedia

Area during 2011


Activity in Projects

Acron / Ref 3D VIVANT

Title Live Immerse Video-Audio Interactive Multimedia

Funding EU, FP7

Descript. The aim of the project 3D VIVANT is to capture events automatically in

3D and deliver them for realistic, interactive and immersive play back to
home users-viewers. This will require the project to create, develop and
integrate a comprehensive range of components from the generic
technology of 3D imaging. Real and virtual 3D content will be
homogeneously combined/mixed producing a novel form of rich and
interactive content, defined as “3D Holoscopic content”. 3D Holoscopic
imaging is a technique for creating full colour 3D optical models that
exist in space independently of the viewer. The images exhibit
continuous parallax throughout the viewing zone. The continuous nature
of the images produced with this method eliminates the effect of
'cardboarding' (flattening of objects into discrete depth planes) and
flipping (a visible effect created by moving between image fields)
present in multiview stereoscopic systems. Unlike multiview stereoscopy,
information about a point is contained in many different parts of the
image plane. In this respect 3D Holoscopic imaging is akin to
holography. However 3D Holoscopic imaging is more advantageous,
since it can operate under incoherent illumination, which is in contrast
with holography, and hence it allows more conventional live capture and
display procedures to be adopted. Furthermore, in viewing the 3D optical
model accommodation and convergence work in unison (i.e. the viewer’s
eyes focus and converge to the same point) to prevent eye-strain from

The 3D VIVANT project will investigate the possibility of using different

technologies for capture and display of 3D content. For the capture, 3D
VIVANT will take full advantage of 3D Holoscopic imaging technology,
where a single camera is required. Hence in this project a world first
single aperture ultra-high definition 3D Holoscopic imaging camera will
be constructed which will permit live capture of 3D content. For the


display, the project will take advantage of Holography to provide

immersive, ultra high resolution presentation of 3D content. To increase
the immersive experience, the generation and playback of 3D spatial
sound is also investigated. The developed system will be tested using
two user cases, namely, broadcasting and online hyperlinking. For this
purpose various 3D Holoscopic video processing algorithms, such as 3D
codecs and 3D object segmentation, as well as search and retrieval
techniques will be developed.

Acron / Ref 3DVAP

Title 3D video adaptation based on perceptual metrics

Funding National Science Foundation - QREN

Descript. The research work in this project is focused on 3D video stream

adaptation methods capable of maximizing 3D perceptual quality under
different sets of known constraints. The joint interdependencies between
rate, 3D perceptual distortion and decoding complexity will be
investigated using subjective evaluation and validation procedures.
Adaptation of 3D video streams is mainly targeted at rate, format and
decoding complexity adaptation, taking into account that 3D video
includes more parameters suitable for adaptation which provide an
increased level of flexibility (e.g., the 3D signal is coded into two
streams which might undergo through different channel errors and
constraints, variable depth distortion in the spatial and temporal
domains producing similar perceptual quality, asymmetric distortion in
stereoscopic video, effect of error concealment methods in 3D
perception, etc). The project research is also concerned in devising
power-aware adaptation functions such that decoding power
consumption is reduced at the expense of minimum quality cost. This is
an open topic for research in 3D video since decoding is far more
complex than monoscopic video and the need for low complexity
decoding is higher because of limited battery life and lower
computational resources in portable decoders.


Acron / Ref 3DVQM

Title 3D Video Quality Monitor

Funding IT

Descript. The project is focussed on research and development of 3D video

perceptual quality monitoring in error prone networks, such as the near
future 3DTV services over IP or DVB networks. The challenge is to
establish a set of (Quality of Experience) QoE metrics and their
relationship with objective measurements that affect the overall QoE.
These metrics are computed from a combination of transport network
layer information, quality features of 3D video signal and coding
parameters embedded in compressed streams. The project seeks to
investigate No-Reference (NR) methods such that blind 3D quality
assessment can be carried out at any point of the delivery chain
including the receiving terminal. Such an approach is rather more
challenging than Full-Reference (FR) or even Reduced-Reference (RR)
methods, where either the original signal or partial information about it
is available.

Acron / Ref Affective Mouse

Title Affective Mouse

Funding QREN

Descript. This project aims at determining the role of emotions on the learning
process and the way in which these can influence the results of the
process. The goal is to develop a Human-computer interaction device
(which is envisioned as a computer mouse) that measures multiple
electrophysiological signals from the children and simultaneously allows
the interaction with a multimedia Web application with games and
educational exercises. Thus we want to know how different activities
influence the physiological signals while completing the exercises/games
on the Web platform. The system will allow the tutor to follow-up the


learning process, adopt incentive measures, and adjust the learning

process according to the emotive signals of the children. As a result of
the R&D project a physiological signal database will be produced on
didactic and cognitive exercises, this way creating a base structure for
advanced studies in affective computing and real interaction/learning

Acron / Ref ARGUS

Title Activity Recognition and Object Tracking Based on Multiple Models

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. There are hundreds of cameras deployed in public places (e.g., streets,
shopping malls, airports). However, only a small fraction of the cameras
outputs (<5%) is regularly observed by humans. Most of the video
information is stored or destroyed without being watched or processed.
This means that current surveillance systems are not able to detect
abnormal events in real time. A large effort has been recently done to
develop algorithms to track objects (persons, vehicles) in video
sequences and to recognize activities and unusual behaviors. Despite
this effort, the problem is still far from being solved. Most of the current
techniques only consider isolated persons and try to characterize the
activity based on the trajectory in the video sequence or using shape
features (silhouette, gait, gestures). Shape parameters may be useful
when the camera is close to the object being observed, but trajectories
are more important if the object is far from the camera. In the case of
small/far objects, the surveillance system should be able to learn typical
trajectories from the video signal and to compare new trajectories with
the learned ones in order to recognize activities and detect unusual
events. This can be done by clustering the observed trajectories into a
set of typical clusters, each characterized by a “mean” trajectory or by a
statistical model. The comparison of trajectories is not a simple task.
Some methods involve the temporal alignment of sequences (e.g., using
dynamic time warping). Other methods avoid explicit alignment by
resorting to generative models (e.g., dynamic Bayesian networks). In


the latter approach, checking if some new trajectory is well described by

a model corresponds to computing its likelihood under that
model These generative models, however, are difficult to train and non
intuitive since their structure and parameters have no physical meaning.
This project will develop a new representation for activity recognition
which tries to overcome some of the previous difficulties. We assume
that the (person, vehicle, animal) trajectory is generated by a set of
space-varying velocity fields learned from the video
data. Different velocity fields correspond to different motion regimes.
Consider, for example, a cross between two streets. We may have one
velocity field describing the pedestrian motion in the first street and a
second velocity field in the second street. Switching between the driving
fields is possible and the switching probabilities are also space-varying
(they depend on the person position in the scene); it’s possible to switch
at the cross, but not far from it. Therefore, switching is described by a
field of space-varying stochastic matrices. This model will be learned
from a set of observed trajectories using the expectation-maximization
(EM) algorithm. This seems to be a natural choice, since we do not know
which velocity field is driving the motion (active field); these active field
labels are thus treated as missing data. The estimation of the space-
varying matrices will be performed in an information theoretic
framework using tools from differential geometry (natural gradient
based on Riemaniann metric). This will be done in an unsupervised way.
The number of models, the velocity fields and the field of switching
matrices will all be learned from unlabeled data (video sequences). The
proposed model is intuitive and easily understandable/ interpretable
since each velocity field can be observed and describes a different type
of motion in the scene. This information can be used by the manager of
the infrastructure to characterize the typical ways in which people move
in that place. Furthermore, it is also a good starting point for activity
recognition based on the sequence of active models (switching
sequence) and the computation of the sequence probability in order to
detect abnormal behaviors. We also propose to develop an extension of
the activity recognition system to the case of pairs of interacting
pedestrians or even larger groups. The movement of each pedestrian will


also be modeled using the set of velocity fields as before. The

dependence between different pedestrians will have to be modeled since
we can no longer assume that they are independent. We will model the
pairs (triplets, etc.) of labels in order to describe common activities
(e.g., walking together, pursuing). Although the project is focused on
human activity recognition, the proposed methods can also be applied in
other contexts (e.g., surveillance of highways, analysis of the motion of
isolated animals of groups of animals). The project team has worked
together in the past and that work led to several joint publications. It
includes 4 PhD researchers from 3 research institutes and it will also
involve post-graduate students. The team has significant experience in
all the the topics involved in the project: surveillance, object tracking,
pattern recognition, computer vision, dynamical systems, and differential

Acron / Ref AVATAR

Title 3D Face Animation

Funding QREN

Descript. Project AVATAR aims to develop 3D animated face models that are
synchronized with speech. The input to the system can be either speech
or text. In the case of speech input, a recognizer is used followed by a
converter from phonemes to visemes. In the case of text input, a
synthesizer is used to create both the audio (speech) and the sequence
of visemes. 3D face animations, created after the sequence of visemes,
need to run on browser to allow the development of rich and interactive
WEB applications.

The project is funded by QREN where IT participates as a subcontractor.


Acron / Ref BioSec

Title Secure Multimodal Biometric Recognition System using Distributed

Source Coding

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. Biometric recognition systems target the automatic recognition of a

person’s identity based on physical, physiological or behavioural
characteristics (something a person is or produces). In particular,
verification systems perform one to one authentication, comparing the
captured biometric data with that person’s own biometric template (a
mathematical representation of the biometric features extracted during
the enrolment phase) previously stored in the system.
One of the major vulnerabilities associated to biometric recognition
systems is that once a biometric template becomes compromised, it
cannot be reissued, updated or destroyed. An attacker could then gain
access to all the accounts/services/applications using that same
biometric trait. The main goal of the project is to create a secure
multimodal biometric verification system, supporting the generation of
different templates from the same biometric data, as well as cancellable
templates. Furthermore, the privacy of the original biometric data needs
to be guaranteed, not allowing its recovery from the stored data.
State-of-the-art methods will be extended by considering a biometric
verification system based on distributed source coding principles and
cryptographic hash functions, to enhance security with respect to
traditional biometric systems. The additional consideration of multimodal
biometrics helps preventing spoof attempts by imposters while
increasing recognition rates

Acron / Ref BodySens

Title Internet-friendly Body Sensor Network

Funding IT

Descript. This project aimed the proposal of plug-and-play approaches for wireless
sensor networks (WSNs) with IPv6 support allowing direct connection to


the Internet. Wireless mesh sensor networks are also considered and
routing approaches are studied, as well as body sensor networks and
their monitoring through mobile devices (using Android, symbian,
Windows mobile and iPhone operating systems).
The creation of a wireless sensor network prototype performing IPv6 for
demonstrations and performance evaluation of the project contributions
is also considered.

Acron / Ref Bots

Title Design and Implementation of a BotNet Detection System

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The main purpose of this project is the development of a laboratorial

platform for the real time detection of botnets and subsequent counter-
measures deployment. The proposed detection approach should be
based on diverse information types: the historical traffic profile of
network users, on mathematical traffic models that can accurately
describe network traffic and/or user profiles, on traffic measurements
that can be carried out on some specific probes and on artificial
intelligence systems that can take some combination of inputs in order
to generate a relevant output that can used by the decision support

Acron / Ref BST

Title Bluetooth Sensing Technology

Funding IT

Descript. The Bluetooth Sensing Technology project aims to deploy Bluetooth

scanners along the freeway/arterial network in the road proximity. The
idea is to locate a single detector in a place that can cover both ways of
direction where data can be transmitted without interferences (i.e. the
middle of a freeway, Fig. 2).

In addition to the main task of designing and building a prototype of


Bluetooth scanner (Task 1), the Bluetooth Sensing Technology project

will include two other tasks that further expand the scope of the
collaborative research that is involving faculty from different Portuguese
research institutions and universities: the research experiment
conduction to measure the traffic conditions (Task 2) and the data
evaluation and results interpretation (Task 3).

Conclusions regarding effective traffic management, control and flow

optimization as it pertains to travel information such as
Origin/Destination (O/D) matrices, travel times and route inference will
be drawn by comparison of these parameters for each vehicle. The data
evaluation will allow characterizing arterial/freeway systems and
classifying them.

Acron / Ref CAGE

Title Computer Assisted Gastroenterology Examination

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. Research and develop novel gastroenterology image analysis algorithms

for the extraction of clinical information.

Acron / Ref CALLAS

Title Calculi and Languages for Sensor Networks

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The main goals of the CALLAS (Calculi and Languages for Sensor
Networks) research project are: to contribute towards a fundamental
understanding of wireless sensor networks by developing formal tools
based on process calculi; to provide adequate programming
architectures for dynamically configurable sensor nodes; and to validate
the proposed designs in real-life prototype sensor applications.
Wireless sensor networks, made of tiny, low-cost devices capable of
sensing the physical world and communicating over radio links, are


significantly different from classical wireless networks such as GSM or

wireless LANs: (a) the design of a sensor network is strongly driven by
its particular application, (b) sensor nodes are highly constrained in
terms of power consumption and computational resources (CPU,
memory), and (c) large-scale sensor applications require self-
configuration and distributed software updates without human
Previous work on fundamental aspects of wireless sensor networks has
mostly focused on communication-oriented models, in which the sensor
nodes are assumed to store and process the data, coordinate their
transmissions, organize the routing of messages within the network, and
relay the data to a remote receiver. Although some of these models
provide useful insights (e.g. into the connectivity characteristics or the
overall power efficiency of sensor networks) there is a strong need for
formal methods that capture the inherent processing and memory
constraints, and illuminate the massively parallel nature of in-network
computation. Our take is to develop process calculi for sensor networks
building on formalisms for concurrent distributed systems and mobile
code (most notably, pi-calculus). The envisioned tools will enable us to
(a) prove the correctness and feasibility of different data gathering and
communication protocols (e.g. by exploiting behavioral equivalence
between processes), and (b) carry out formal comparisons of different
schemes by quantifying the minimum amount of required resources.
Based on the results of the first task we will attack another fundamental
problem in sensor networks: the need for sensor programming
languages with self-configuration and distributed update capabilities. We
propose to develop specifically tailored high level idioms for sensor
networks that capitalize on notions such as mobile code and self-
maintenance. Finally, we will implement and test the developed
programming tools on a sensor networking prototype. Real-life
experiments will allow us to better understand sensor networking
constraints and further improve our designs. We believe that our
interdisciplinary team of computer scientists and electrical engineers is
well equipped to contribute both in theory and in practice to the
advancement of sensor network programming.


Acron / Ref CAPES

Title Video coding with MMP


Descript. Develope algorithmd for video coding with MMP

Acron / Ref CellNote Touch

Title CellNote Touch - Touch-based Interactive Annotation of Cellular Images

Funding IT

Descript. Biomedical research typically requires the collection of very high

quantities of microscopy images, with its subsequent manual or semi-
automatic analysis using support software. This task is slow, subjective
and very tiring, which motivates its full automation, allowing scientists to
devote their full attention to the more critical issues of their research.
The CellNote Touch project will combine research in computer vision and
human-computer interaction to create an interactive touch-based tool
for an improved analysis and annotation of cellular images that
can run on a simple tablet-type computer.

Acron / Ref COHERENT

Title Coding and Communications over Heterogeneous Technologies

Funding IT

Descript. COHERENT will deliver fundamental knowledge and a proof-of-concept

for network coding as a key enabler of efficient networking for multi-
homed devices. By exploiting the multiple, coexisting technologies in the
end terminals, e.g., Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, WiMAX, UMTS, COHERENT shall
focus on developing resource allocation and decision algorithms
developed to optimise the use of the multiple available technologies,
leveraging advanced coding techniques. Our view is that the optimal
trade-off between energy efficiency, quality of service, network
resources optimization, and economic costs can only be achieved by fully

exploiting synergies amongst heterogeneous wireless networks (HWN)

through multi-homing. The existing heterogeneous mobility platform
developed by previous projects (PANORAMA and LTE_Mob) between
Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) – Aveiro and Portugal Telecom
Inovação (PTIN) shall be used for practical evaluation and demonstration
of the developed algorithms and methodologies. Conversely, the
platform’s functionality will be enhanced with joint coding and resource
allocation algorithms

Acron / Ref ComFormCrypt

Title ComFormCrypt - Computational Semantics of Formal Methods in


Funding FCT-PTDC

Descript. This project addresses the problem of correct symbolic abstractions of

cryptographic primitives for the purpose of symbolic, automated proving
of security properties of protocols.

Computer security has been of major interest in the past two decades.
This field provides both interesting research problems and important
applications to everyone's life such as e-commerce and e-government,
hence the need for designing better and safer security protocols. Proving
security of protocols however is a difficult task that sometimes cannot be
performed by hand, therefore several tools have been designed to deal
with such a complex problem [B01,BMV05,P98]. But the need for such
(automated) tools is not only due to the complexity of the protocols. If
we consider the simple protocol proposed by Needham and Schroeder in
1978 [NS78], it was not until 1996 that Lowe discovered his famous
attack on the protocol using the CSP-model checker FDR [L96] and
suggested a fix. The attack used a flaw in the protocol design, the
encryption itself was assumed to be perfectly secure. With this ''perfect''
cryptography assumption the protocol is simple enough to be easily
analyzed by standard model-checkers and theorem provers. The fix was
shown to be safe as long as encryption was perfect. But what happens


when the cryptographic primitives are not perfect, which is the case in
real life where we can always guess a key with small probability? After
some positive results regarding cryptographic soundness of such
abstractions, Warinschi [W03] showed that the same attack discovered
by Lowe against the NS protocol, could be performed against the
corrected version if a somewhat weak but standard encryption scheme is
used, the El-Gamal encryption scheme. This result turned the attention
of the research community for the need of soundness results for formal
cryptography, ie, the importance to characterize when protocols proved
correct using perfect cryptography are correct when implemented with
computational cryptography. Computational soundness of formal
cryptography is an active research area and members of this team have
been involved in several of its fronts

Symbolic models provide abstractions for the study of cryptography that
are amenable for automatic verification of complex protocols but assume
''perfect cryptography'' [DY93]. Messages, keys, encryptions, attacks, all
appear as formal objects described with symbolic operations, axioms,
derivation rules; cryptographic operations are modeled as functions on a
space of symbolic expressions and security properties are also treated
symbolically. This method ignores the probabilistic nature of encryptions.
It provides a powerful way to describe how an adversary may interfere,
corrupt, deceive participants of a protocol, and grab this way information
not addressed to him. This method is much easier to handle
mathematically than the computational, the proofs can be automated
but, as the probabilistic nature is ignored, security within this framework
does not necessarily mean security in the real world. Real probabilistic
attacks that are outside the framework of this model may still happen

On the other hand in the computational model cryptographic operations

act on strings of bit and their security properties are defined in terms of
probability and computational complexity [GM84]. Computational
security proofs make use of techniques of these theories; proofs have to
be done by hand (ie cannot be automated) and are different for each


protocol. Good protocols are those in which attackers cannot do

something bad too often and efficiently enough. This is a very detailed
description, closer to reality as it involves the notion of efficient
computation, hence complexity and probabilities. However, even for
mildly complex protocols this approach simply becomes too difficult and
impossible to handle.

The unification of these two models is absolutely necessary for symbolic

security proofs to be trustable. So far in the literature there are
fragmented attempts done by different research groups, but as their
treatment lack sound mathematical basis, the results themselves and
how they are related are questionable

We expect this research project to deliver new insights to the
relationship between the symbolic and computational models, clarify the
applicability and limitations of existing approaches to this problem, and
provide sound mathematical foundations that can be used in the future
as a common framework and technique for sound symbolic abstraction
of new cryptographic primitives.

The ultimate goal of this research is to develop/adapt fully automated

tools for symbolic models that, via our soundness results, entail strong
cryptographic guarantees to the computational model, hence
substituting the tedious complexity-theoretic proofs of computational
cryptography by automated ones

Acron / Ref COMUVI

Title Compressão de Vídeo Multi-Vista

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. Desenvolvimento de técnicas para compressão de vídeo multi-vistas

utilizando técnicas baseadas na correspondência aproximada de padrões
multi-escalas recorrentes


Acron / Ref COST 2101

Title Biometrics for Identity Documents and Smart Cards

Funding European Science Foundation

Descript. The main objective of this COST Action is to investigate novel

technologies for unsupervised multimodal biometric authentication
systems using a new generation of biometrics-enabled identity
documents and smart cards, while exploring the added-value of these
technologies for large-scale applications with respect to European
requirements in relation to the storage, transmission, and protection of
personal data.

Acron / Ref CSI^2

Title Cryptographic Security of Individual Instances

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. Cryptographic Security of Individual Instances

Acron / Ref DECA-Bio

Title Dependent Component Analysis of Biological Signals

Funding IT

Descript. This project is meant to support a three-way collaboration between IT-

Lisbon, IT-Coimbra, and Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland. The three
research groups involved have two things in common: they all work in
blind source separation (BSS) in situations where the typical approach
through Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is not appropriate; and
they all apply these techniques to biological signals.
Our proposal is to pool together the e orts of the three research groups.
They have recently worked in two main domains: separation of phase-
locked subspaces; and separation of cardiac sounds. Although these two
domains are very di erent, they share several aspects: 1) they are both
inverse problems; 2) the observation model is linear; 3) the sources are


assumed to be statistically dependent. The team will develop novel

algorihms to tackle these two separation problems, based mainly on two
approaches: matrix factorization and Bayesian inference.

Acron / Ref DEWICOS

Title Design of Next Generation Very High Data Rate Wireless

Communications Systems

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The grand objective of the research project DEWICOS: Design of Next
Generation Very High Data Rate Wireless Communications Systems is to
exploit a novel framework based on the interplay between information
theory and estimation theory to lay the foundations for the design of
next generation very high data rate wireless communications systems.
In the last decade wireless communications have experienced an
explosive growth with the demand for higher data rates to accommodate
new services growing rapidly ever since. A number of wireless systems
have been gradually introduced including novel mobile and fixed wireless
systems, e.g., 2nd and 3rd generation mobile systems as well as WiFi
(IEEE 802.11) and WiMax (IEEE 802.16). This wireless communications
revolution is being fuelled by constant technological breakthroughs to
enhance transmission performance in the wireless setting. For example,
major advances that dominated research efforts in the past decade
concerned the development of multiple antenna transmission schemes,
as well as the development of powerful error correcting coding schemes,
such as turbo codes and low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes. In fact,
these powerful techniques are now gradually being incorporated into
wireless communications standards and commercial products.
Notwithstanding, the optimization of the reliable information
transmission rate – the Holy Grail in communications – is still an open
issue at large of paramount importance in communications systems
research and practice, offering the prospect of communication at ever
increasing information rates. The major difficulty relates to the absence
of appropriate mathematical tools and methodologies due to the


presence of complex features in communications systems, thereby

motivating system designers often to resort to other criteria, engineering
experience, and insight to optimize the system. Building upon
foundational work on the interplay between information theory and
estimation theory, this project proposes a different paradigm to the
analysis, design and optimization of wireless communications systems:
We will capitalize on the relation between mutual information, which
measures the reliable information transmission rate between the input
and the output of a system, and the non-linear minimum mean-squared
error (MMSE), which measures the minimum mean-squared error in
estimating the input given the output, to overcome in an innovative way
the inherent difficulties concerning the optimization of the reliable
information transmission rate of key communications systems. The
research project is divided into three complementary tasks, which
culminate with the application of the ideas to relevant communications
scenarios and applications. The first task leverages the intersections
between information theory and estimation theory in order to establish
insight into the optimal structure of standard elements of
communications systems. The focus will be on establishing concrete
design guidelines for optimal transmit filters, optimal receive filters as
well as resource allocation procedures in relevant communications
scenarios, ranging from deterministic to wireless fading channels and
single- to multi-user channels. The objective of the second task will be to
develop practical algorithms, with a good tradeoff between issues such
as accuracy, efficiency, complexity and convergence, in order to perform
optimal filtering and resource allocation in communications systems. In
addition, taking into account that the reliable information transmission
rate is only achievable with powerful error correcting codes, this task will
also investigate the integration of the optimal designs with powerful
error correction codes, such as turbo codes or LDPC codes. The objective
of the third task will be to evaluate the impact of the optimal designs –
in combination with powerful error correcting codes – on the reliable
information transmission rate of practical communications scenarios and
standards such as WiFi, WiMax and LTE wireless networks, as well as
digital subscriber (DSL) lines. Overall, the research team, consisting of


key research groups from the reputable Instituto de Telecomunicações,

gathers considerable expertise in a wide range of complementary topics
such as information theory, estimation and detection theory and
communications systems and networks, all of which are necessary to
meet both the theoretical and practical challenges of this research. High-
level publishable (and possibly patentable) results are expectable

Acron / Ref DRIVE-IN

Title Distributed Routing and Infotainment through VEhicular Inter-


Funding FCT/CMU

Descript. As positioning devices, sensing technologies and wireless interfaces

become standard commodities, all sorts of vehicles such as cars, buses
and trucks will soon be able to operate in a networked fashion, sharing
vital information ranging from traffic congestion data to accident alarm
signals and making navigation and safety decisions based on the
messages they receive from neighboring nodes. In addition, vehicle-to-
vehicle communications open a myriad of new applications, including
location-based information dissemination, vehicle-based social
networking and distributed interactive games. So far, in most
applications navigation and communication are viewed as separate
capabilities with little or no relationship to each other. Clearly, vehicle
mobility and node density can vary dramatically depending on the road
network and daily traffic patterns, and, consequently, wireless network
connectivity between vehicles is extremely dynamic and highly
correlated with the position of the vehicles and the physical
characteristics of the road. It is thus important to explore how one can
exploit the interplay between real-time navigation and wireless
communication to achieve stable and efficient traffic and information


Acron / Ref DeLKeTI

Title Development and Learning of Kernels for Text and Images

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. 1. Development of techniques to approximate the universal distance for

sequences and multidimensional data; this will lead to an approximate
universal kernel. Using the ability of compression algorithms to
approximate the universal distance, kernels will be tailored to each
particular problem by exploiting different characteristics of the data.
2. Application of universal kernels in learning algorithms
such as support vector machines or kernel logistic regression.

3. Theoretical characterization of the concentration properties (bounds)

of the approximations to the universal distance, namely by exploiting
known connection to Shannon's information.

4. Development of kernel learning techniques, in which the istance

measure is learned from data (in supervised, emi-supervised, or non-
supervised modes), rather than specified a priori.

5. Application of the developed kernels to problems in text and image

analysis; e.g., categorization, desambiguation, clustering.

Acron / Ref DigiScope

Title DigiScope - DIGItally enhanced stethosCOPE for clinical usage

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. In the ears of an experienced physician, a stethoscope yields important

clinical information which can help an initial assessment of a patient’s
clinical condition and guide the subsequent need for more specialized
exams. Auscultation is both a powerful tool for screening the generic
population for cardiac diseases and a hard clinical skill to master. Our
motivation is thus to address state-of-the-art digital audio signal
processing research challenges for extracting clinical features from
auscultation, as well as providing a clinical second opinion on specific


heart pathologies. We pay particular attention to aortic pulmonary signal

decomposition and its correlation with pulmonary arterial pressure,
researching novel algorithms that can enable us to assist clinicians in the
detection of pulmonary arterial hypertension situations. This is a good
example of a reasonably common and sometimes deadly pathology that
is difficult to detect by inexperienced physicians and which has a good
prognosis when detected early.

Acron / Ref EPIC

Title EPIC - Efficient Pattern-matching Image Compression on many-core


Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The main goal of this project is to study the implementation of high
performance recurrent pattern matching-based compression algorithms
in many-core platforms, namely in Graphic Processing Units (GPUs).

Acron / Ref EcoSense

Title Wireless Sensor Mesh Networks for Pervasive Environmental Monitoring

Funding IT

Descript. This project aims to study routing protocols, applications and data
gathering protocols in wireless mesh sensor networks and their
application for environment monitoring. A real prototype for environment
monitoring to study the network performance and data collection for
better knowledge about Asphodelus bento-rainhae habitat is also


Acron / Ref EvaClue

Title Evidence Accumulation in Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning:

a Cluster Ensemble Approach

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The main objectives of this project are twofold:

1. To provide original, state-of-the-art contributions to the area of semi-

supervised learning, in particular exploring cluster ensemble

2. To address the practical, real world problem of automatic structuring

of text data, focusing on three types of objects: scientific
papers; electronic email; and web pages.

The key idea of semi-supervised learning, specifically constrained

clustering, is to exploit both a priori information, and unlabeled data to
organize data into sensible groups. A priori information can be provided
as labeled data, or as constraints (usually pair-wise relations) that one
wishes to enforce or just encourage. We focus on pair-wise associations,
which are to be defined from available a priori information, or provided
by means of user queries or data mining techniques on the application
domain, exploring semi-structured data from multiple sources.
Specifically, we will address the problem of active acquisition of
constraints, by identifying key-objects at cluster boundaries, and
exploring boosting approaches. A particular breakthrough on
semisupervised learning is expected by its extension into the cluster
ensemble framework.

Cluster ensemble methods are a recent and very promising research

area in clustering. Introduced in 2001, it was given increasing attention
by the scientific community, both from theoretical and application
domain perspectives. It is our goal to make novel contributions to this
topic, in particular addressing the following issues: (a) processing of
large data sets, focusing on efficient and scalable algorithms; (b)
dimensionality reduction, through feature selection and extraction
techniques; (c) use of a priori information, in a semi-supervised


perspective. The later issue will be addressed by incorporating and/or

extending existing single clustering methods into the ensemble
framework, but most importantly by designing new methods directly
driven by the ensemble perspective and evidence accumulation
paradigm. Built upon previous work on multi-criteria evidence
accumulation and dissimilarity-based clustering, we will extend it taking
into consideration the previous issues, and furthermore for the purpose
of local feature selection (identification of relevant features at a cluster
level). Cluster validation methods, exploring stability-based and
information-theoretic concepts, will play an important role in the above
mentioned research topics.

Acron / Ref FOCOS

Title Aberrant Crypt Foci and Human Colorectal Polyps : mathematical

modelling and endoscopic image processing.

Funding FCT, UT Austin

Descript. Colon cancer is a type of cancer that forms in the large intestine (colon)
or the rectum (end of the colon). Because it often affects both areas it is
frequently referred to as Colorectal Cancer (CRC). It is one of the most
frequent malignant tumors in the world. In Portugal, it is ranked first in
terms of mortality among the five major cancer types (lung, breast,
colon, stomach and prostate). Unlike most other malignancies, it is
possible to prevent colorectal cancer. This is due to the long period of
time elapsed between the appearance of a polyp and the eclosion of the
carcinoma, which allows the detection and removal of the benign lesion.
The most usual and clinically important polyps are adenomatous polyps
(or adenomas), which are common in adults above the age of fifty years.
According to international medical guidelines, early detection and
removal of adenomatous polyps can prevent CRC and
significantly improve the chance of survival. However, many public
health issues related to screening of adenomatous polyps, as the
periodicity and type of endoscopic evaluations, and the age of first
evaluation, are still under discussion, and there is not an agreement


about the screening programs. In this context, Aberrant Crypt Foci (ACF)
may have a crucial and determinant role. These are clusters of aberrant
(deviant from normal) crypts (small pits, which are compartments of
cells, in the colon epithelium) that are thought to be the precursors of
colorectal cancer. In fact, according to endoscopic studies and animals´
experiments, ACF precede the eclosion of adenomas. Thus if this claim is
proved, it means ACF must be considered part of the adenoma-
carcinoma sequence. This proposed project focuses in the mathematical
modelling and endoscopic imaging processing of ACF and polyps. It
requires interdisciplinary interactions and close collaboration in
complementary areas. The main goal is to assist medical doctors in
terms of the diagnosis, the prevention and the treatment of colorectal
cancer. For the modelling part, our intention is to utilize multiscale
methods, which involve partial differential equations and level set
methods, to simulate the dynamics and shape of ACF and polyps
populations. Mathematical simulations will be compared with
experimental and clinical results. Such a comparison will lead to critical
assessment of the models assumptions and to introduce suitable
changes for their enhancement. We believe these models will be able to
reproduce some particular aspects of the behavior of the human colon,
and to reveal processes/mechanisms that would be impossible to reach
with real-life experiments. They will provide some insight into ACF and
polyps dynamics/behavior and consequently into CRC carcinogenesis.
For the image processing part our aim is to develop computerized and
fast algorithms to identify and assess the ACF and polyps patterns,
captured in vivo by endoscopy. In particular, PDE (partial differential
equation) and variational based image processing methods will be
applied. The current methods employed for assessing the ACF and
polyps patterns are somewhat subjective. They rely on direct medical
observation only and are not standardized nor automated. It is desirable
to have a reliable computerized method capable of identifying the ACF´s
external boundaries and the crypts´ orifices in their interiors, as well as,
the polyps´ patterns (size, morphology, color, surface, location). In this
proposed project, the ACF´s images are obtained by magnification
chromoscopic colonoscopy, with a fexible endoscope, whereas the


polyps´ images are acquired with a colon capsule endoscope. This latter
is a very recent noninvasive tool for colonic evaluation, and consists of a
microdevice, which is ingested by a patient and films the interior of the
colon wall. The main advantages of such image processing algorithms
would be to support the clinical reading and analysis, to improve
diagnostic accuracy, to help to standardize colonic crypt and polyp
pattern assessment, and to reduce the time needed for analyzing the
huge amount of endoscopic images. In this way, these
algorithms would facilitate and speed up screening methods towards the
CRC prevention. The study of these research topics started in January
2007 at the Mathematical Department of the University of Coimbra (see cmuc/lcm/endoscopic.html), with the
collaboration of medical doctors from the Faculty of Medicine of the
University of Coimbra and the University Hospital of Coimbra. Later on,
in October 2007, we initiated a collaboration with the University of Texas
at Austin (UT Austin), in the Institute for Computational Engineering and
Sciences (ICES), involving Omar Ghattas, Georg Stadler, Chandrajit
Bajaj, Bjorn Engquist and Richard Tsai. These researchers are now
members of the research team of this project. The company Given
Imaging (Yoqneam, Israel, is also our
partner in this project (consultant: Doctor Elisha Rabinovitz, PhD, Chief

Acron / Ref GOLEM

Title GOLEM: Realistic Virtual Humans

Funding EU, FP7-People

Descript. The overall objective of GOLEM is to share knowledge between Industry

and Academia in order to successfully achieve the following scientific and
technological objectives. The main goal of the project is to carry out
multidisciplinary research that will result in technology that radically
improves the visual appearance and behaviour of virtual characters
(avatars), while streamlining the production pipeline and keeping them
customizable and affordable. This will have a relevant impact in 1)


industries (such as movies or games) 2) academia (by advancing the

state of the art in the related research fields) and 3) neuroscience (by
using the avatars in novel experiments about presence in virtual
environments). GOLEM encompasses two complementary objectives; the
first objective is the development of a novel, optimized pipeline that
covers capture, synthesis and animation of realistic virtual humans in
real time, which will enhance current state-of-the-art techniques to
create virtual humans in fields such as game production or
cinematography. It is estimated that its development will save up to
90% of time in the animation process. Based on the achieved results,
the second objective of this project is to conduct novel research on
presence in virtual environments.

Acron / Ref GTI-CANE

Title Generic Transport In Context-Aware NEtworks

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The overall goal of GTI-CANE is to design and demonstrate a new

architecture for the efficient support of context-aware multiparty
sessions in NGNs, using the above described concepts along with
intelligent network control entities to provide a stable high-level
transport to applications while taking care of low-level, dynamic issues
like network selection and mechanisms for seamless mobility

Acron / Ref HE[eee]SIT[u]ATION

Title HE[eee]SIT[u]ATION: Portuguese Hesitation Models

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The main objective of this work is to establish hesitation models of

continuous spoken European Portuguese, that is, to identify the
pertinent linguistic characteristics (features) of the phenomenon that are
regular in its production.


Operational objectives are the following:

a) To describe Portuguese hesitation phenomena, under acoustic-

prosodic and morphologic-syntactic parameters.

b) To define linguistic rules and models for the automatic identification

and handling of hesitations in continuous speech.
c) To create an annotated database of hesitations for the European
Portuguese that will be available to the speech and language
research community.

Acron / Ref HoHus

Title High-performance Onboard Hyperspectral Unmixing Systems

Funding IT

Descript. Hyperspectral imaging has recently emerged as a powerful remote

sensing technology. The huge data volumes acquired by these sensors
put stringent requirements on data processing techniques as most of the
remote sensing applications require an immediate response.
The project aims at the development and implementation in GPU and
FPGA hardware of the main steps of the unmixing techniques in a
parallel fashion. The full unmixing system supported by specialized
hardware may be suitable in the future for real-time onboard processing.

Acron / Ref InVivoMuscle

Title Development of “in vivo” experimental techniques and modeling

methodologies for the evaluation of the mechanical load applied on the
musculoskeletal system

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The main goal is to pursue interdisciplinary research involving muscle

physiology, biomechanics and neuromuscular control. The actual focus is
to conduct research for the evaluation of biomechanical load on the
musculoskeletal system. Our underlying hypothesis is that the increasing


of the amount of exercise can positively influence biological tissue

morphology and functional mechanical properties. Nevertheless,
excessive loading, both in intensity as well as frequency and volume, can
be associated to acute and chronic musculoskeletal impairments. We aim
to study the effect of specific mechanical loads in the musculoskeletal
system, with special emphasis in the muscle-tendon complex, and the
cartilage. The study will be centered on architectural/structural,
functional and neuromuscular chronic and acute changes associated to
the mechanical load supported while the body is undergoing exercise
routines, of moderate to high mechanical cyclic loading.
To accomplish the study of the biological tissue chronic and acute
adaptations to cyclic mechanical loading two complementary approaches
will be used: (1) in vivo imaging methodologies (magnetic resonance
imaging - MRI - and ultrasonography - US); (2) biomechanics modeling.
We are concerned with the changes in muscle and tendon stiffness,
cartilage thickness and collagen arrangement. The neuromuscular control
systems are sensitive to neural fatigue, and this can be measured
through EMG. These changes will be assessed and introduced into the
models throughout the redefinition of the activation process. Structural
and functional analysis of cartilage and muscle-tendon complex before
and after mechanical load will be available from MRI and SE. The
resulting information will be correlated and those changes will be related
with the estimated joint loading (using biomechanical modeling). All this
data will be further analyzed applying clustering techniques for
exploratory data analysis, crossing it with the different types of
mechanical loads.


Acron / Ref LIFEisGAME

Title LIFEisGAME: LearnIng of Facial Emotions usIng Serious GAMEs

Funding FCT, UT Austin

Descript. To carry out research that leads to a system capable of facial synthesis
in real time with cinematographic quality

To explore different models to define the most adequate tangible user

interface to allow an immersive behavior when interacting with people
that sufer of ASD To disseminate results to the public and to the
scientific community

Acron / Ref LTE-Mob

Title Integração de LTE nas Arquitecturas de Redes Futuras: uma Perspectiva

de Mobilidade

Funding PT-Inovação

Descript. Para um operador de telecomunicações é muito importante identificar a

melhor forma de evoluir a sua rede de acesso para integrar as novas
tecnologias existentes, minimizando as modificações na sua infra-
estrutura de suporte. O objectivo deste projecto é investigar a
arquitectura de suporte ao LTE (Long Term Evolution), nomeadamente o
EPC (Evolved Packet Core), com especial enfoque nos: (1) mecanismos e
parâmetros de Qualidade de Serviço (QoS) suportados em cada um dos
segmentos da rede: acesso e core; e estudo dos processos de gestão de
mobilidade definidos pelo 3GPP e a sua integração em ambientes
dinâmicos e com a plataforma IEEE 802.21 Media Independent Handover

Actualmente, mesmo estando num ambiente residencial, os utilizadores

preferem utilizar o telemóvel para efectuar chamadas em vez do telefone
da rede fixa. No entanto, a cobertura disponibilizada em ambientes
residenciais pelas tecnologias móveis nem sempre é eficaz. Neste
sentido, as femtocells poderão desempenhar um papel significativo e,
como tal, este projecto irá investigar e propor um conjunto de


mecanismos para expandir a arquitectura LTE/EPC com suporte para

configurações baseadas em femtocells. Finalmente, será também
efectuado o estudo da arquitectura e funcionalidades do modo relay para
LTE e a sua usabilidade em cenários residenciais e empresariais.

Acron / Ref MBIR

Title MBIR-Multispectral Biometric Iris Recognition

Funding IT

Descript. The main goal of this project is to assess the amount of discriminating
information that can be used for iris biometric purposes, according to the
spectrum and intensity of light used in the acquisition scene. The use of
different light spectrums for iris recognition purposes has been receiving
growing attention, due to the potential of performing image acquisition
at large distances and uncontrolled environments, which enables any
application where the cooperation of the recognizable subjects is not
expectable (forensics).

Acron / Ref MuViDisco

Title Multiview Video Disparity Compensation using Geometric Transforms

Funding IT

Descript. The main objective of this project is to develop a novel prediction model
that we expected to increase the performance of traditional 3D video
encoders. This technique will efficiently exploit geometric transformations
to warp each image block from one view to another, thus modeling the
disparity effect.


Acron / Ref MUVIS

Title MUlti-view distributed coding for VIsual Sensor networks

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. Distributed video coding (DVC) is a compression paradigm based on two

key Information Theory results from the 70s: the Slepian-Wolf and the
Wyner-Ziv theorems. Contrary to the available predictive video codecs,
DVC codecs exploit the source statistics at the decoder providing
functional benefits such as: 1) flexible distribution of the computational
complexity between encoder and decoder; 2) in-built robustness to
channel losses; 3) exploitation of Inter-view data correlation at the
These functional benefits are very important for visual sensor networks,
a network of wireless low-power video camera nodes, used for a wide
range of applications such as surveillance, monitoring of remote areas or
tele-presence systems. Visual sensor networks are characterized by: 1)
Inter-view correlation between camera nodes with overlapped views; 2)
up-link communication between many encoders (one at each camera
node) to a few decoders; 3) independent compression of each view,
since collaboration between cameras is difficult to implement or rather
Due to these characteristics, it is not efficient (or possible) to compress
each captured view at a central node with the typical predictive
approach, e.g. using the recent multi-view video coding H.264/MVC
(Multi-view Video Coding) standard, since it implies to exploit spatial,
temporal and Inter-view correlations at a rather high complexity
encoder. The distributed coding approach provides a significant
architectural benefit since it does not require any Inter-camera
communication to explore the Inter-view correlation while the predictive
approach requires the availability of all views at some central encoding
location, forcing communication between cameras. This project will
advance state-of-the-art by developing competitive multi-view DVC
solutions for visual sensor networks, notably by proposing:
1. Side information (SI) creation and correlation noised modeling: To


fully exploit the potential of the multi-view distributed video coding

paradigm, high quality side information (an estimation of the source
created at the decoder) must be created by (jointly) exploiting temporal
and Inter-view correlations. In this case, solutions that combine
temporal and Inter-view SI estimators by using preliminary decoded data
as helper information will be proposed. In addition, correlation noise
models capturing the statistical correlation between the side information
(available at the decoder) and the source (available at the
encoder) will also be proposed along with the estimation of the relevant
2. Hybrid predictive-distributed video coding: The combination of
predictive coding techniques, to exploit the temporal correlation, with
distributed coding techniques, to exploit the Inter-view correlation, may
be a successful “cocktail” to obtain improved rate-distortion (RD)
performance. This approach was never exploited before (as much as the
authors know) and will require to reinvent popular coding techniques at
both encoder and decoder. In this case, it is also expected to obtain
error resilience improvements, which is quite important in this type of
error-prone networks (typically wireless).

Acron / Ref MuMoMgt

Title Gestão de Mobilidade e Multicast em Redes de Acesso Heterogéneas

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The project intends to define, develop and deploy a Wireless Access
Network that supports multicast traffic in a mobility environment and
manages network resources efficiently. The main objectives are:
(1) To propose, design and evaluate a signalling mechanism to manage
multicast sessions over heterogeneous wireless networks;
(2) To propose and evaluate a mobility solution to provide seamless
handover of multicast groups;

(3) To propose and evaluate resource management algorithms to

support multicast groups over heterogeneous wireless technologies.
This Wireless Access Network shall be exploitable not only by the

conventional Internet Service Providers (ISP), such as PT, but also by

the content providers that will exploit the DVB spectrum. Since DVB is a
broadcast technology, it is necessary to provide a return channel in a
different technology, so both types of wireless providers need to

Acron / Ref NECOVID

Title NECOVID: Negative Covert Biometric Identification

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The main purpose of this project is to address the feasibility of an

automated system that performs covert and reliable biometric
recognition, using the iris as single trait. Obviously, this type of biometric
recognition is extremely ambitious and brings many challenges to the
pattern recognition task, namely due to the many types of non-deal
images that result of the imaging conditions and acquisition protocols
(at-a-distance, on-the-move and under dynamic lighting conditions) The
proposed approach to deal with these extremely challenging conditions is
based on the concept of negative (a-contrario) recognition, i.e., to prove
that an individual is not among a group of people already known to the
system. The key insight is that although the quality of the captured data
possibly denies the positive recognition with enough confidence, perhaps
it is still possible to assure that data is not correspondent to a subset of
the enrolled templates, which for most of the everyday situations is the
essential. The range of potential applications to the type of system
proposed for this project is obvious. Indeed, this type of applications is
regarded for the Pattern Recognition community as ‘’the grand-
challenge’’ (e.g., ''Biometrics: a grand-challenge'', A.K. Jain), due to the
implications that they can have in modern societies.


Acron / Ref NETS

Title Next Generation Network Operations and Management

Funding FCT/CMU

Descript. Effective network management has been widely recognized as a grand

challenge. Enterprise networks spend an increasing amount of their IT
budgets (up to 70% in 2008) in order to only maintain their current
operating environments, rather than to add new, value-adding services
and equipment. A $1000 server that demands annual maintenance cost
of $2000 illustrates a simple example of the management problem. This
excessive cost of network management is mainly due to the large scale
of networks, the heterogeneity of different technologies, and their subtle
interactions. The goal of NeTS is to develop a novel network operation
and management framework that departs from conventional approaches
through a cross-disciplinary research collaboration based on hierarchical
network abstraction modeling, structure learning of probabilistic
graphical models for machine learning, and wavelet and kernel-based
signal processing technologies. In multiple phases, NeTS will be
progressively deployed in the Portugal Telecom (PT)’s operation and
management of high definition IP/TV network to illustrate the impact of
our proposed research. High Definition IP/TV network is one of the
highest growth services for PT and is regarded as a key strategic area in
PT. The grand challenge of this complex network is to deliver, without
failures, a high quality service efficiently – this requires novel
management/operations systems to detect anomalies, identify their
root-causes, and predict future network behavior in real time. Existing
network management systems for IP/TV are generally focused on
monitoring and on simple correlation of events analysis; using these
management systems still incurs in excessive costs and delays. NeTS will
be deployed online in part of PT’s IP/TV network in order to assess its
performance and expected network operations and management cost
reduction. Network operators will play a key role in assessment and fine-
tuning of our systems. Our approach to this research problem is
significantly different from conventional approaches that focus on
monitoring and correlation analysis. We bring together insights from

network abstraction and statistical and heuristic machine learning

methods and closely tie them to build an intelligent network abstraction
model. Network insights show that the network configuration dictates
the behavior of the network control plane and the network control plane
dictates the behavior of the data plane. We bring configuration, control
and data plane abstraction models together with probabilistic graphical
models to derive an intelligent and predictable network abstraction
model of an enterprise network. Further novelty of our approach consists
of performing automatic learning of the graph structure using concepts
from Bayesian model selection, information theory, and optimization;
this will be done step-by-step using first static network configuration
elements, then by summarization and filtering of dynamic control plane
information, and finally of data plane information. Once a graphical
model is obtained for the network, we will perform inference on the
graph to identify anomalies and their root-causes and to predict future
network behavior. Finally, we will explore the concept of forcing function
to impose restrictions on the network configuration that simplify the
graphical model and the inference process. This project heavily
leverages on previous network abstraction modeling work with PT in last
3 years. The direct impact of this research will be on the network
operations and management of PT’s IP/TV service. Although at this point
it is not possible to say what the real impact will be, we anticipate a
reduction of at least 30% on network operations and management costs.
This is supported by the anticipation that support teams will be directed
to a single extremely likely root cause of a failure rather than to multiple
possible failure points, that root-causes will be detected in the time-span
of seconds rather than days, that service may be brought up in minutes
s rather than days, and that network behavior and failures may be
anticipated, thus reducing down time several orders of magnitude. We
expect other enterprise network-supported services may also benefit
from NeTS because the network modeling and management functions
researched in this project are generic to enterprise networks.
To achieve NeTS’ goals, we formed an interdisciplinary team that
includes experts in Networking (Dr. Sobrinho, IT/Lisboa, Dr. Kim,
ECE/CMU and Dr. Alegria, PT), Machine Learning (Dr. Cardoso,


INESC/Porto and Dr. Morla, INESC/Porto), Information Theory,

Communications and Signal Processing (Dr. Rodrigues, IT/Porto), as well
as Optimization (Dr. Xavier, ISR/Lisboa). Furthermore, we obtained a
strong collaboration commitment from Portugal Telecom with their
operational experiences and manpower that will be explored during all
phases of the research project (see attached letter of support from PT).
We plan to integrate several PhD students who are already enrolled in
(e.g. Tiago Carvalho and Tiago Quelhas) and in the process of applying
to the CMU-Portugal program. It is also important to note that we have
created various PhD-level courses within the CMU-Portugal program in
topics directly relevant to this research proposal, as well as taken the
responsibility for advanced courses within the CMU-Portugal Master’s
program in Information Networking. Class projects for graduate and
undergraduate students will also focus on research issues that contribute
to the success of NeTS. Furthermore, PT employees who are enrolled in
the Master’s program will work on NeTS projects and continue their work
when they return to PT after completion of their degrees. CMU and
Portuguese PIs will ensure that project development, milestone
achievement, and partner coordination are on track with plan and take
measures to correct any deviation to the project timetable. This will be
facilitated by the existence of previous work between partners e.g. PT
and CMU and shared PhD students.


Title NOISYRIS - Synthesis of Noisy Iris Images for Biometric Recognition Purposes

Funding IT

Descript. Tthe main goal of this project is the development of a prototype system able to
generate synthetic close-up iris images, according to a set of parameters specified
by users. This system will be integrated in the UBIRIS web site, and will constitute
as a valuable tool in the evaluation of the robustness of iris recognition methods.


Novel information processing methodologies for intelligent sensor

Acron / Ref

Title Novel information processing methodologies for intelligent sensor


Funding FCT/CMU

Descript. Over the past few years, we have witnessed tremendous advances in the
miniaturization of low cost electro-mechanical devices that exhibit
several sensing capabilities (e.g. temperature, pressure, vision,
etc) and possess signi cant embedded processing and low-range wireless
communication. This triggered interest in wireless sensor networks
(WSN) where large collections of such small wireless
sensor nodes are scattered across critical geographical areas or
infrastructures to execute a variety of monitoring and acting tasks. While
the use of WSN is crucial to assess the state of a physical
system, the ultimate engineering goal is to control such system to
perform certain desired tasks. We refer to systems that close the loop
around wireless sensor networks as cyber-physical systems
(CPS). Cyber-physical systems are physical and engineered systems the
operations of which are monitored, coordinated, controlled and
integrated by a computing and communication infrastructure.
Examples of CPS include medical devices and systems, aerospace
systems, transportation vehicles and intelligent highways, defense
systems, robotic systems, process control, factory automation,
building and environmental control and smart spaces.
To realize the immense potential bene ts of CPS in real-life applications,
a plethora of novel problems lying at the intersection of statistical signal
processing, control, communication theory, and distributed optimization,
must be addressed. Indeed, it is clear that to achieve desired
networkwide detection, estimation or control objectives, system
designers should deal eciently with simultaneous challenges, typically
tackled in separate engineering disciplines. The challenges include
securing energy-ecient operation as the nodes are usually battery-
operated and constrained to small power budgets, developing distributed
analogues of centralized signal processing and control

algorithms, coping with the dynamic communication topology

interconnecting the sensing nodes, dealing with the random nite-
bandwidth wireless medium, etc. The need for this interdisciplinary
e ort is mirrored in the creation of this project's research team which
gathers signi cant expertise in a wide range of complementary topics in
the disciplines of control, signal processing, optimization, information
theory, along with the private technology company ISA (Intelligent
Sensing Anyhwere) which holds a vast experience in the deployment of
sensing networks for telemetry, environmental monitoring and energy
The main goal of this project is to address certain key research issues in
the eld of wireless sensor networks and map the research results into
implementations on prototype testbeds, thereby showcasing real-life
applications with social and economic impact. More precisely, the
expected outcomes of this project are:

1. Fast algorithms for sensor selection While energy-eciency is of a

lesser concern in wireless LANs, it is of critical importance in
large-scale wireless sensor networks (WSN), as the in-situ unattended
sensors are typically powered by nonrechargeable batteries. Thus,
aggressive restraints on sensor usage must be observed to ensure a
prolonged WSN lifetime. When the WSN is used for event discrimination
(e.g., intruder/no intruder, re/no re, etc) this translates into nding which
minimal subset of the deployed sensing nodes is sucient to activate for a
given query, whilst securing a prescribed detection performance. It is
clear that nding the optimal subset of sensors represents
a formidable optimization challenge. Indeed, forming all possible
combinations of few sensors and checking the respective performance is
computationally intractable even for moderate network sizes.
Additionally, a WSN is typically immersed in a noisy environment subject
to various degradation factors such as wireless fading and interference
phenomena. These induce communications constraints between the
sensors themselves or between the sensors and a fusion point
responsible for the decision. It is thus important to explicitly account for
the impact of this adverse phenomena in the design of reliable sensor
selection algorithms. In this project, we will develop fast (non-


combinatorial) optimization algorithms for several sensor selection

application scenarios which strike a desirable tradeo among detection
performance, computational complexity and robustness with respect to
the fading wireless medium.

2. Secure WSN communication schemes Security is an issue of

paramount importance in current communications systems and
The wide deployment of wireless sensor networks, together with the
broadcast nature of the wireless medium, calls for advanced secure
mechanisms to protect potentially sensible information against possible
Traditionally, security is viewed as an independent feature with little or
no relation to the remaining data communication tasks and, therefore,
state-of-the-art cryptographic algorithms are insensitive to the physical
nature of the wireless medium. However, there has been more
recently a renewed interest on information-theoretic security - widely
accepted as the strictest notion of security - which calls for the use of
physical-layer techniques exploiting the inherent randomness of the
communications medium to guarantee both reliable communication
between two legitimate parties as well as secure communication in the
presence of an eavesdropper. This paradigm is particularly interesting
for wireless sensor networks since it may not be possible to secure
information using state-of-the-art complex cryptographic protocols
due to energy budget considerations. In this project, we will study the
fundamental security mechanisms pertaining to the sensor
network communications medium by exploiting tools from information
theory. In addition to revealing the secrecy limits of wireless sensor
networks, we will also construct speci c transmission schemes
appropriate to convey information between sensors and a fusion point
in a reliable and secure manner, taking into account the energy and
bandwidth restrictions of sensor networks.

3. Secure Control of Cyber-Physical Systems Modern cyber-physical

systems raise signi cant engineering challenges because of their scale,
their need to bridge the physical, information and communication


technology domains and their need to operate eciently, securely and

reliably. Today's methods and tools for control systems engineering are
unable to systematically cope with such requirements. Security, in
particular, must enter the design process and cannot be considered an
afterthought. Today's designs are mainly driven by performance/cost
considerations, resulting in brittle systems susceptible to attacks starting
from both the physical and cyber side. The problem arises
because CPS tend to be open systems, accessible both physically and
through the communication network. The increasing use of the Internet
will allow attackers to execute their attacks remotely. Next generation
systems will be particularly susceptible to security threats
if this concern is not addressed at design time. CPS, di erently from
traditional IT systems, not only have to be able to detect malicious
attacks but they need to guarantee continuity of operations under
attack, perhaps with decreased functionality, through graceful
degradation rather abrupt. They also need to be able to recon gure to
eradicate attacks and restore full functionality. We propose to introduce
a new approach to control systems design, by formally
de ning security attacks on control systems and by developing tools to
analyze the e ect of security attacks, to design attack resilient control
systems and develop quantitative metrics to assess the natural tradeo
between security and performance.

4. Testbed and Implementation We propose the employment of an

experimental platform to validate the outcomes of the
research. ISA will assist in de ning the set of applications that better
align with both their business and with the current market trends. We
will adopt the Sensor Andrew platform available at Carnegie Mellon at
the rst stage, with the plan to enhance the platform and
deploy a smaller scale testbed at IST in Portugal at a later stage. Sensor
Andrew is a project aimed a building a large scale wireless sensor-
actuator network infrastructure on the CMU campus. The testbed
comprises the basic sensor and actuator hardware, the software
that runs on this hardware allowing access to the sensor and actuator
hardware, and nally the network protocols and services required to
support communications and routing within large-scale sensor networks.


We plan to build an event noti cation system that will allow us

to perform sensor selection, event detection and real time control using
the Sensor Andrew platform. At the core of the system is the use of an
XMMP server that allows timely retrieval of selected sensor data and
delivery of control commands. This infrastructure will allow us to
validate the proposed methodologies and algorithms in a real setting, to
assess its robustness to uncertainties and resilience to security attacks.
The vision of this project is to advance CPS and WSN design by
integrating expertise along several key dimensions, thereby
outperforming the common methodologies which ignore their
This is re ected in the formation of the project team which aims at
realizing this fruitful synergism between multidisciplinary academic
researchers and a highly experienced industry partner. In the detailed
outline of the proposed research, we expose clearly how this project
builds on such interaction, by describing how each team member
participates in the four main lines of research aforementioned. Moreover,
the outcomes of this project are also of direct interest
to the running FCT project URBISNET-Urban environmental networked
sensing using a public transportation infrastructure (PTDC/EEA-
CRO/104243/2008), and collaborative work with the URBISNET sta will
leverage both projects.

Acron / Ref P3DTV

Title Performance Optimisation in 3D TV Broadcasting Services

Funding IT

Descript. This project addresses the emerging 3D TV broadcasting services by

investigating the problems associated with transmission of different
stereo video coding formats. It is comprised of two main parts that run
in parallel and communicate between each other by exchanging technical
information in order to optimise the performance of the broadcasting
system in terms of received quality and channel useful capacity. The
research on 3D video deals with characterisation and optimisation of 3D


video coding algorithms by developing and testing suitable error

resilience methods for broadcasting such type of content. On the
decoder side the project addresses error concealment methods to cope
with transmission errors and improve the quality delivered to users. The
particular issues related to coded depth information are receiving special
attention in this project as this is the major component of 3D video
which makes it different from classical 2D. Appropriate distortion
measures for depth will be used to optimise performance. The project
makes use of the most recent video coding standard for video
(H.264/AVC) and its extension for multiview coding (H.264/MVC).
Finally, a method to characterise the radio propagation channel will be
developed for varying deployment scenarios. A refined method is
required to effectively measure the signal coverage in DVB-T networks
and to extract the effective parameters for the error pattern generator
required for both source and channel coding optimisation of DVB-T
transmissions. Additionally, the measured data to be obtained and
included in a database for various geometries and at a number of
frequencies will represent a quantum improvement, both in volume and
accuracy of the database presently available to system designers. This
will form a framework to radio system designers to propose fading
mitigation techniques based on link level analysis using the proposed
error pattern generator.

Acron / Ref PADU

Title Performance and Durability of Future Wireless Sensor Networks

Funding EU

Descript. Important research questions: how should WSNs be integrated into the
Future Internet and what special challenges do they present to designers
and implementers, taking into account that all aspects of the design of
WSN architecture, communication protocols, and mechanisms must be
considered under the viewpoint of the limited energy resources available
to sensor nodes.

Moreover, to be able to compare different proposed solutions with


respect to the requirements of users and operators, a thorough

evaluation of the WSNs performance is needed. Hence, the development
of unified methods for the evaluation of WSNs is a very important task
that is not addressed sufficiently, yet.

Acron / Ref PAIRUE

Title Fusion of Palmprint and Iris Recognition in Uncontrolled Environments

Funding IT

Descript. The main objective of this project is to design a biometric identification

system to be used in uncontrolled data acquisition scenarios. In order to
do this, and thus enjoy all the advantages of this type of systems
mentioned above, there are four main challenges that have to be solved.
These challenges can be summarized as:

- Acquisition of data with enough discriminating information - This is a

fundamental phase in devising any biometric application. The data
acquisition setup (operating wavelength, type of illuminant, levels of
luminance, number and position of illumination sources) and the protocol
demanded to subjects play a crucial role in the quality of the acquired
data and determine the success of the biometric recognition task. Thus,
a convenient data acquisition framework should be devised in the
earliest stages of the project.

- Accurate biometric data segmentation - As mentioned above,

traditional biometric applications, such as computer access and border
control, require the user to submit a biometric in a highly controlled
manner. In this kind of constrained biometric capture, users take
deliberate actions to cooperate with the biometric systems, such as
facing forward and standing still. This makes it easier for the system to
extract the biometric information from the raw image/video data, by
performing a simple segmentation. However, when the acquisition
scenario is relatively uncontrolled, the acquisition system will have to be
able to perform a much more sophisticated segmentation to extract the
desired biometric information from the raw image/video and guarantee


that it is not confused with noise, which can be quite high.

- Correction of pose and illumination variations - After being able to
extract the biometric data (i.e., determine its exact location) from the
raw image/video data, the system has to deal with the problem of pose
and illumination variations due to unconstrained biometric capture. After
all, when the capture is done in an uncontrolled fashion, the biometric
data can have different sizes, different orientations, different degrees of
deformation and be subjected to different types of illumination, all of
which have to accounted for in order to be able to perform a successful
user recognition. This process of dealing with the captured data
variability can be seen as form of normalization.

- Robust user identification - After the biometric data has been

normalized, robust recognition algorithms have to be developed for
performing the identification itself. To improve the identification
performance, more than one biometric trait can be considered, in which
case different fusion strategies will have to be considered.
The four main challenges above have to be dealt with, while
guaranteeing that the typical requirements imposed on biometric
systems, like universality, uniqueness, permanence, collectability,
performance or acceptability are also met. This will ensure that the
developed identification system will be a successful one.

Acron / Ref QUALINET

Title European Network on Quality of Experience in Multimedia Systems and


Funding ESF, COST

Descript. The goal of this Action is to establish a strong network on Quality of

Experience (QoE) with participation from both academia and industry.
Its main objective will be to develop and to promote methodologies to
subjectively and objectively measure the impact in terms of quality of
future multimedia products and services.


Acron / Ref QuantPrivTel

Title QuantPrivTel: Quantum PrivateTelecommunications

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. QuantPrivTel – Quantum Private Telecommunications is a research

project that joins the theoretical expertise of the Security and Quantum
Information Group (SQIG) at Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) in
Lisbon and the skills in quantum optics experiments of the Optical
Communications group (OC-Av) at IT Aveiro to tackle new challenges in
the emergent and multidisciplinary area of quantum private
telecommunications. Its main scientific objectives are:

1. To propose new quantum protocols for important problems of privacy

in telecommunications that cannot be solved with the now-famous
quantum key distribution, namely the authentication of classical
messages with enhanced security and fair contract signing;
2. To develop and implement efficient methods to generate and detect
single photons in optical fibers, as well as pairs of entangled photons,
and to use them to demonstrate in the laboratory our original quantum
protocols for message authentication and fair contract signing.
Some contributions are also expected to more general and forward-
looking problems, such as new schemes to improve phase estimation
and precision measurements based on phase distinguishability and
quantum correlations, and their possible applications to positioning
systems and satellite communications, or the design of environment-
assisted quantum channels, a very novel idea we intend to explore.


Acron / Ref ReAlImage

Title Regularization Criteria and Fast Algorithms for Imaging Inverse Problems

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The goal of the project is to advance the state of the art in criteria and
algorithms for solving imaging inverse problems. The research fronts
that we aim to push forward are the following:

a) In standard photography, and even more in computational

photography (CP), deconvolution plays a key role. In the standard case,
deblurring is used to compensate lens softness, while in many CP
applications (e.g., coded aperture) deconvolution is itself responsible for
producing the images. Even with the CP ''friendly'' direct operators, prior
knowledge (regularization) is required to solve the IP. In this work front,
we will develop new regularization criteria, beyond the currently used
sparseness-inducing 1-norm and total-variation. In particular, we will
consider: compound regularizers; criteria that adapt automatically to the
intrinsic complexity and/or the local structure of the underlying image;
non-local regularization (which has only been used for pure denoising
problems, with excellent results).

b) Realistically, full knowledge about the convolution operator is seldom

available: the exact motion causing a motion blur is of course unknown;
coded aperture imaging is highly sensitive to the exact knowledge of the
aperture, which is usually obtained by a previous careful calibration
procedure. These observations stress the general importance of blind
deconvolution. In this topic, we will research criteria for blind
deconvolution, for problems with varying degrees of uncertainty about
the direct operator. In particular, we will take steps towards the ''holly
grail'' of blind deconvolution: an objective function whose minimization
yields optimal image and convolution estimates.

c) Some of the currently fastest algorithms for CS and image

deconvolution under standard regularizers were developed by
researchers in the project team. The new criteria mentioned in (a) and
(b) will result in new, more challenging optimization problems, requiring
new algorithms. This will be the third core research direction of the

project, continuing our successful recent line of work. Bregman iterations

and augmented Lagragian methods will be fundamental tools in our

Acron / Ref SearchCol

Title SearchCol: Meta-heuristic Search by Column generation

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. Many relevant practical problems can be modeled as combinatorial

optimization problems (COPs). Examples are the definition of routes for
vehicles, schedules for machines, or the dimensioning of
telecommunication networks. Meta-heuristics (MHs), such as tabu search
or genetic algorithms, are the most successful methods in providing
good-quality solutions in reasonable amounts of time for large-size
instances of several COPs.

The aim of this project is to propose a new MH, entitled Search by

Column generation (SearchCol), for COPs. SearchCol algorithms will be
applied in specific problems from four areas: production planning and
scheduling, telecommunications, forest management, and cutting and
packing. The main distinctive feature of SearchCol is that its ingredients
(such as construction of solutions, neighborhood structures, or crossover
operators) are based on column generation (CG). We aim at proving that
a suitable search strategy (provided by the hybrid MHs framework)
taking advantage of decomposition exact methods (CG) quickly leads to
high-quality solutions for NP-hard COPs. The evidence is that CG
provides tight lower bounds (in minimization problems) on the optimal
value and that the columns belonging to the restricted master problem
define a search space where high-quality solutions exist.
The drawbacks of standard MHs (the lack of ameasure of the quality of
the solution obtained and the lack of a well defined stopping criterion)
are overcome in SearchCol since the lower bound provided by CG is


Acron / Ref SIMBAD

Title Beyond features: similarity-based pattern analysis and recognition

Funding EU, FP7 ICT

Descript. The challenge of automatic pattern analysis and recognition (or machine
learning) is to develop computational methods which learn to distinguish
among a number of classes from examples, with a view to endow
artificial systems with the ability to improve their own performance in
the light of new external stimuli. This ability is instrumental in building
next-generation artificial cognitive systems which, as opposed to
traditional machine or computer systems, can be characterized as
systems which cope with novel or indeterminate situations, which aim to
achieve general goals as opposed to solving specific problems, and which
integrate capabilities normally associated with people or animals. The
socio-economic implications of this scientific endeavor are enormous, as
it will have applications in a wide variety of real-world scenarios ranging
from industrial manufacturing to vehicle control and traffic safety, to
remote and on-site (environmental) sensing and monitoring, and to
medical diagnostics and therapeutics. This project aims at bringing to full
maturation a paradigm shift that is currently just emerging within the
pattern recognition domain, where researchers are becoming
increasingly aware of the importance of similarity information per se, as
opposed to the classical feature-based approach. Indeed, the notion of
similarity has long been recognized to lie at the very heart of human
cognitive processes and can be considered as a connection between
perception and higher-level knowledge, a crucial factor in the process of
human recognition and categorization. We shall undertake a thorough
study of several aspects of purely similarity-based pattern recognition
methods, from the theoretical, computational, and applicative
perspective. We aim at covering a wide range of problems and
perspectives, considering both supervised and unsupervised learning
paradigms, generative and discriminative models, and our interest will
range from purely theoretical problems to real-world practical


applications. We shall apply our algorithms to challenging biomedical

problems that lend themselves particularly well to similarity-based
approaches, namely, to the analysis of tissue micro-array images of
renal cell carcinoma and to magnetic resonance brain imaging for the
diagnosis of mental illness.

Acron / Ref SELF

Title Descoberta e decisão automática de recursos

Funding PTIn

A tendência actual e futura é de que as redes de comunicação se tornem

bastante complexas, tanto a nível do número de elementos como a nível da
sua diversidade e complexidade. Durante os últimos anos tem havido um
esforço grande no desenvolvimento de soluções de controlo e de gestão das
redes autonómicas, que permitam colocar alguma parte deste controlo e
gestão nos próprios elementos da rede para aumentar a escalabilidade e
resiliência da mesma. Destes mecanismos de controlo e gestão, a
descoberta dos elementos e da sua informação relevante e a decisão
automática do aprovisionamento dos recursos, são dois dos pontos fortes
em evolução nesta área. Este projecto tem como objectivo definir e
implementar mecanismos de descoberta de nós da rede e da sua
informação relevante para tomar decisões de aprovisionamento dos
recursos da rede de uma forma automática e considerando que nem
sempre toda a informação se encontra presente na tomada de decisão.
Este trabalho será integrado nas soluções do plano de controlo das
plataformas de transporte da PTInovação e permitirá resolver alguns
problemas existentes na descoberta existente destas soluções e nos seus
mecanismos de decisão.


Acron / Ref Serv-CPS

Title Serv-CPS: Server-based Real-Time Ethernet Communication Architecture

for Cyber-Physical Systems

Funding FCT/PTDC

The objective of this project is developing a network framework, based on

switched Ethernet, suitable to support CPS, by including an explicit and
efficient support to component-oriented design methodologies. The
framework shall support:
- Heterogeneous traffic classes with temporal isolation;
- Partitioning and virtualization mechanisms;
- Hierarchical multi-level server composition;
-Dynamic adaptation and reconfiguration of servers with temporal
- Analytical tools for supporting the design of CPS;
- Middleware for service management;

Acron / Ref SHOWNet

Title Soft HandOver for Wi-fi networks

Funding IT

This proposal aims at decreasing the disruption of the active sessions

running during the handover by the use of network coding. In our
approach, network coding will be the key enabler towards ensuring soft
handover, providing the correct delivery of all packets in the running
session without duplicating the packets in both networks. In our approach,
the idea is to use network coding to send additional coded packets, i.e.,
linear combination of the original packets, towards the mobile terminal
performing handover, to i) enhance information transmission before the
handover, when the channel quality for both data and feedback is severely
degraded, and 2) improve the probability of correct reception of the
information after the handover, when the exact knowledge of the status of
the terminals is unknown. These two steps shall be instrumental in
achieving a seamless handover. The choice of the number of coded packets


to be sent before and after the handover needs to take into account several
issues, such as the mobility pattern of the mobile terminal, signal variation
in both the previous and the new access networks, handover time and the
expected performance degradation while handover is taking place.
Moreover, the decision of handover with network coding needs also to be
addressed, since it is required to evaluate the cost of handover (in terms of
signaling and performance decrease) and the additional cost of introducing
coding, both in the extra amount of information delivered and its delay in
real-time communications. In this approach, we will target Wi-Fi networks
and the handover of smart phones between different Wi-Fi access points.
The evaluation of our approach will be performed through simulation in the
network simulator and on a seamless mobility platform previously
developed between IT and PTInovação.

Acron / Ref UbiquiMesh

Title Cross-Layer Optimization in Multiple Mesh Ubiquitous Networks

Funding FCT/PTDC

The objectives are to maximise resource transmission efficiency whilst

guaranteeing the quality (of experience) and minimising the effort for each
entity/operator. In line with these objectives, optimization mechanism
account for:
• Information from the different protocol stack layers to optimize the
subscriber access performance, and the creation of cross-layer design
interactions whilst optimizing the quality of experience (QoE) metrics;
• Interaction among the different network entities to make the service
available to the subscribers in an optimized way, taking the possibility of
having different companies operating the backhaul and the access
networks. The focus of the research activities will be the following:
• To identify, monitor and optimize QoE metrics for voice and video
services in these networks by considering the support of an hierarchy of
mesh networks for the identified scenarios;
• To define cross-layer mechanisms to optimize the impact of the
developed QoE metrics into the concatenated mesh network performance.
Our research will explore mechanisms for efficient use of spectrum, for the

shared medium access and routing onto the concatenated networks,

transport issues, as well as the usefulness of context awareness, e.g.
positioning, the distribution of the velocities and active services;
• To apply game theory concepts to optimize the cooperation among the
different agents: subscriber terminal access network nodes (gateway to the
operator) and backbone network routers;
• To use pricing models to analyse the benefit associated with agent as
well as the interactions among different network operators through the use
of the optimization methodologies previously proposed.

Acron / Ref UMM

Title Gestão de Mobilidade Centrada no Utilizador Final

Funding FCT/PTDC

The work to be developed in this project relates to the topic of global

mobility management in spontaneous wireless environments, i.e.,
environments that self-adjust to any network topology change. Global
mobility management is addressed from a network perspective, and the
purpose is to ensure a transparent access to Internet services (e.g Triple
Play) for the end-user, who will be able to access his/her subscribed
services independently from access attachment point, location, and based
upon his/her own requirements (“Quality of Experience”, QoE). In
addition, global mobility management is to be analyzed from a de-
centralized perspective, given that environments to be considered will
incorporate wireless local-loops that are based upon end-user willingness
to cooperate. Main aspects to focus upon are:
1. Handover management optimization
a. Consider QoE as well as available (aggregated) spectrum to provide the
user with the best possible connection seamlessly at any time and
independent of location, having in mind user expectations.
b. Analyze and validate adequate cost functions and metrics to estimate
QoE levels on-the-fly.
2. User-centric mobility management
a. Investigate and validate algorithms for a self-organized selection of
anchor-points, aiming to insure system robustness to highly frequent

b. Devise a global mobility management mechanism taking into
consideration the aspects analyzed in relation to handover optimization
and incorporating mobility models that support adequate anchor point

Acron / Ref VERE

Title VERE: Virtual Embodiment and Re-Embodiment

Funding EU, FP7 ICT

This project aims at dissolving the boundary between the human body
and surrogate representations in immersive virtual reality and physical
reality. Dissolving the boundary means that people have the illusion that
their surrogate representation is their own body, and act and have
thoughts that correspond to this. The work in VERE may be thought of as
applied presence research and applied cognitive neuroscience, and it
would also significantly add to scientific knowledge in these areas .
Imagine that you could transfer your self to an artificial body – a virtual
body as represented in virtual reality or a physical robotic body. Recent
advances in cognitive neuroscience show that internalising a body beyond
ourselves (external, remote, alien) is possible, that our body
representation is highly malleable and may be altered by appropriate
changes to the normal stimulus contingencies that we are used to in
every day life.
The purpose of this research is to make such body transference possible
with two different modes (virtual and physical). On top of this technical
achievement, that would be underpinned through ongoing neuroscience
research on body representation, would be a number of practical
applications that will be constructed and investigated during the project.


Acron / Ref VT

Title Video transcoding between H.264 and MPEG-2

Funding British Council/CCISP


Acron / Ref Vital Respnder

Title Vital Responder - Monitoring Stress among First Responder Professionals

Funding FCT/CMU

The goal of the Vital Responder research project is to explore the

synergies between innovative wearable technologies, scattered sensor
networks, intelligent building technology and precise localization services
to provide secure, reliable and effective first-response systems in critical
emergency scenarios. The core problem under consideration is to evaluate
human stress in real-time under adverse conditions, by means of
continuous online vital sign monitoring of first responders. Turning this
vision into engineering reality requires significant advances on the several
fronts: (a) real-time information gathering of body signals is very hard to
achieve in uncontrolled and dangerous environments, (b) GPS based
location systems do not work indoors, and (c) inter-disciplinary research
between engineers and clinicians on the origins and nature of
physiological stress is still at an infant stage. The “silver bullet” is
provided by a high-tech company named Biodevices, which together with
researchers at the University of Aveiro developed a suite of non-intrusive
wearable technologies, as inconspicuous as a t-shirt, capable of gathering
relevant information about the individual.


Acron / Ref WebRun

Title Interactive Web game to promote the sports practice

Funding IT

Create new ways of interacting with Web applications;

Producing a usable prototype (hardware + software);
Develop new algorithms for load balancing and replication in order to
publish the game in a web server with high performance and high


4.3.5 Running and Concluded Theses

MSc Theses

Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Face detection and
segmentation for realistic
Luís Cruz Daniel Saragoça 1/2011
avatar construction

Métodos de medição e
Pedro Amado Assunção Simão Cardeal Salviano Soares avaliação de QoS de serviços 2/2011
multimédia em redes IP
Model Training for a
João Carlos Cunha
Fernando Perdigão Portuguese Speech Synthesis 2/2011
Carla Sofia Moura
Speech Synthesis System
Fernando Perdigão da Cruz Pereira de 2/2011
from a Sequence of Phones
Colonic polyp detection in
wireless capsule endoscopy
José Bioucas Dias Filipe Condessa Mário Figueiredo 3/2011
images using a local
approximation techniques
Paulo Serralheiro
Susana Sargento Comunicação entre Veículos 3/2011

João Francisco
Ana Cristina Costa Cordeiro de Oliveira Data Paths in Urban Sensing
Filipe Reibeiro 3/2011
Aguiar Barros Vehicular Networks

Filipe Perdigão da
SIN: Service-based
Rui Manuel Rocha Costa 3/2011
Interconnected Networks

Miguel Lobato de
Advances on transforms for
Fernando Pereira Faria Pereira Matteo Naccari 4/2011
high efficiency video coding
Renewal of Electrical and
Fernando Lopes Carlos Conceição 4/2011
Infrastructures at IPC

Automation of Software
Testing - Dashboard
Fernando Lopes Márcio Carvalho Inácio Fonseca 5/2011

Compressão de imagens
Nuno Miguel Morais
Sérgio Faria Luís Lucas coloridas com MMP 6/2011
Discriminative Hyperspectral
José Bioucas Dias Jun Li 6/2011
Image Segmentation
Pedro Miguel dos João Miguel Barros
Santos Alves Madeira Silva Mendes Electronic Voting 6/2011
Focagem Cega de Imagens
Luís Henrique Martins André Gonçalo usando técnicas de Multi-
Mariana Almeida 6/2011
Borges de Almeida Machado Abelha Resolução

Informed Network Coding for

João Francisco Cordeiro
Sergio Assunção Rui Costa Minimum Decoding Delay 6/2011
de Oliveira Barros

Affective Mouse -
Filipe André Electrophysiological Signal
Ana Fred 7/2011
Lourenço Canento Processing for Affective


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
João Francisco Anonymity in Wireless
Daniel Enrique Lucani Hugo Moreira de
Cordeiro de Oliveira Networks Under Traffic 7/2011
Roetter Sousa Pinto
Barros Analysis Attacks
Associating ECG features
Miguel Tavares Coimbra Johannes Pallauf Klaus Diepold 7/2011
with firefighter’s activities
Hugo Pedro Martins Automatic Document
Tiago Velho 7/2011
Carriço Proença Classification and Analysis
Pedro Miguel
Sancho Moura Oliveira Botbeans 7/2011
Aparício Dias
Chest X-rays image 7/2011
Hugo Pedro Martins
Rui Silva diagnosis: An adaptive
Carriço Proença
Coding Just Enough: 7/2011
Daniel Enrique Lucani Tiago José Costa
Algorithm Design and
Roetter Pinto
Analysis for Coded Networks
Comunicação e decisão entre 7/2011
Paulo Salvador
Susana Sargento Tomé Gomes elementos da rede na
internet do futuro
Comunicação entre veículos: 7/2011
Susana Sargento Filipe Neves
comunicações multimédia
Comunicação entre veículos: 7/2011
Susana Sargento Luís Coelho encaminhamento e
optimização de rotas
Conillon: Distributed 7/2011
Hélio Alexandre Anders Lyhne
Sancho Moura Oliveira Computing Platform for
Dias da Silva Christensen
Desktop Grids
Criação e reconfiguração de 7/2011
Susana Sargento Romeu Monteiro Jorge Carapinha redes virtuais numa
perspectiva de operador
Determining Leishmania 7/2011
Infection Levels by Automatic
Miguel Tavares Coimbra Pedro Nogueira
Analysis of Microscopy
GPU-based Hand 7/2011
João Álvaro Segmentation to Writing-in-
Abel João Gomes Abel João Gomes
Couceiro Cardoso the-Air with Gesture
Hand-based Biometric 7/2011
Luís Miguel dos
Recognition System for
Luís Ducla Soares Santos Serrano Paulo Lobato Correia
Mobile Devices

Mauro Filipe 7/2011

Frutuoso Gomes
Martins Ferrão Interaction in Games
Mendes da Silva

Vitor Manuel Mendes Hugo Manuel Marco Alexandre Modulação de magnitude em 7/2011
Silva Lopes Avelar Cravo Gomes DSP de vírgula fixa
Performance Assessment of 7/2011
Routing Protocols and
Joel José Puga Coelho
João Alfredo Dias Fragmentation Approaches
for Vehicular Delay-Tolerant
Reconhecimento Biométrico 7/2011
Hugo Pedro Martins da Íris na Região de
Luís Lucas
Carriço Proença Comprimentos de Onda do
Andre Filipe 7/2011
Frutuoso Gomes
Santos Barbosa Serious Games
Mendes da Silva

Pedro Costa 7/2011

Paulo Salvador Statistical characterization of
António Nogueira Correia
Ferreira Botnets


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Ubiquitous Computing 7/2011
Joel José Puga Coelho
Ivo Charro Lopes Approaches for Mobile Health
Luís Miguel Ramos João Francisco Information System over
Fausto José Canhoto de
Bárbara Cunha Cordeiro de Oliveira Resource-constrained 8/2011
Paiva Vieira
Pinto Barros Platforms For Firefighters
Isabel da Piedade
Xavier Machado Nuno Pombinho A story in the museum 9/2011
Automatic Segmentation of 9/2011
Marco António
Fernando Perdigão Speech and Music in Audio
Nunes José
Compressão de imagem de 9/2011
Luís Cruz Anselmo Vivas baixa complexidade para
tele-contagem - II
Construção de uma mesa 9/2011
digital Multi-touch e
Verónica Costa Teixeira Pedro Henrique
desenvolvimento de uma
Pinto Orvalho Silva Rodrigues
aplicação de animação facial

Management of users and 9/2011

Isabel da Piedade user profiles in SAP: Direct
Xavier Machado David Ralo Approach vs Web Portal
Alexandre Approach

Paulo Lobato Correia 9/2011

Luís Ducla Soares Ângela Cunha Secure Face Recognition

José Mário 9/2011

Verónica Costa Teixeira Talking 3D characters in real-
Figueiredo Serra Miguel Sales Dias
Pinto Orvalho time
José Miguel An architecture using key-
Rui Jorge Henriques
Gomes Teixeira de based routing for managing 10/2011
Calado Lopes
Sousa anything-as-a-service clouds
Development of a Portable
Fernando Lopes Jérôme Nameche Fernando Ferreira PV-FED Acquisition and 10/2011
Processing Device
Construction of a Real
Joel José Puga Coelho Maicke Cabral de
Vehicular Delay-Tolerant 11/2011
Rodrigues Paula
Network Testbed
Domo Zonse - Integrating 11/2011
Rui Manuel Rocha Carlos Rodrigues Sensor Networks into Home
Networking Architectures
Home Sense - Smartphone- 11/2011
Rui Manuel Rocha Hugues Silva based monitoring and control
in Home Environments
Hybrid adaptive optimization 11/2011
Rui Miguel Neto João Maria Azedo
in a virtualized computing
Marinheiro Rendeiro
Smart Power - Power 11/2011
Carlos Almeida
Consumption Optimization
Rui Manuel Rocha David Possidónio
through WSN-based control
and monitoring
David Miguel 11/2011
Joel José Puga Coelho The use of NFC phones on
Rodrigues Patient Health Records

Video authentication for 11/2011

João Ascenso Marcos Salvador H.264/AVC

Video streaming over a IEEE 11/2011

João Ascenso Gonçalo Barreira 802.11n wireless network


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title

Luís Bernardes Adaptação do Protocolo

Pedro Amado Assunção 12/2011
DCCP para Tráfego VoIP

CellNote: Image processing 12/2011

Miguel Tavares Coimbra Celso Ferreira
modules for cellular images
Miguel Alexandre 12/2011
Rui Pedro de Magalhães
Pinto Teves da Construção de Gateway SMS
Claro Prior
Detection of Encrypted 12/2011
Traffic Generated by Peer-to-
Mário Freire André Esteves Peer Live Streaming
Applications Using Deep
Packet Inspection
Filipe Miguel Teixeira 12/2011
Paulo Bacelar Reis Distributed Control of a
Ricardo Rodrigues Pereira da Silva
Pedreiras Robotic Arm
Gestão eficiente da fila DCCP 12/2011
em fontes de vídeo 3D
Pedro Amado Assunção Nuno Gomes
baseada em informações
Paulo Bacelar Reis Alexandre Moutela Linux-based real-time control 12/2011
Jorge Azevedo
Pedreiras Nunes da Mot system
Diogo Gomes de 12/2011
Paulo Salvador Monitoring Support based on
António Nogueira Pinho Silva
Ferreira NETCONF
PowerEmb - Power Aware 12/2011
Rui Manuel Rocha João Gonçalves Rui Manuel Rocha, System for Small Embedded
Proposta 3GPP de 12/2011
José Albino Indicadores de Desenpenho
Susana Sargento
Carvalho da Silva de Rede – R4 CS Core
Unobtrusive Collection and 12/2011
Annotating of Auscultations
Miguel Tavares Coimbra Daniel Pereira Ricardo Correia in Real Hospital

Sistema de registo do
Rui Manuel Fonseca
Sérgio Faria Hugo Parreiras controlo autonómico da 1/2012
variabilidade cardíaca
Building Automation and
Control – Central
Fernando Lopes Júlio Silva Inácio Fonseca Management of a Hotel 2/2012
Building and its Effects in the
Building Energy Performance
DVB-T Transmission for In-
Fernando Lopes Bruno Carmo Luís Cruz building MATV, SMATV and 2/2012
Project and Implementation
Fernando Lopes Adriano Campos Inácio Fonseca of a Linux-based Real-Time 2/2012
Embedded System
Technical Process
Fernando Lopes António Bonifácio Inácio Fonseca Optimizations in Paper 2/2012
David Piñeiro
Rui Pedro de Magalhães
Lopez TCP com Network Coding 4/2012
Claro Prior

Over Board - Expansion

Rui Manuel Rocha Sérgio Teixeira Module for Actuation on WSN 5/2012


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Phone Sensing -
Rui Manuel Rocha Nadir Türkman 5/2012
application for distributed
sensing in human networks
Integration and Support for
Pedro Miguel dos
Maria Ana Casal João Carlos Serrenho Automatic Generation of Test
Santos Alves Madeira 6/2012
Cunha Dias Pereira Cases using AnyTestes
Project Management in the
Isabel da Piedade
TI sector in Portugal - Agile
Xavier Machado Raquel Feitor 6/2012
Methodology vs Traditional
Pedro Miguel dos Manuel Nunes Security and Privacy in
Ricardo Jorge
Santos Alves Madeira Farinha Correia Identification and Micro- 6/2012
Fernandes Chaves
Adão Rego Payment Systems
Isabel da Piedade
Usability in an immersive
Xavier Machado Julio Silva Miguel Sales Dias 6/2012
virtual reality system
Pedro Miguel dos Verification of Cryptographic
Santos Alves Madeira Nina Mortazavi Protocols using First Order 6/2012
Adão Logics
Using IEEE802.21 Media
Rui Jorge Henriques Independent Handover tools
André Rodrigues 7/2012
Calado Lopes for enhancing QoE support in
IMS networks
David José Cabaço 7/2012
Paulo Nunes 2D-to-3D Video Conversion
David Miguel 3D Holoscopic Video 7/2012
Paulo Nunes
Fernandes Segmentation
A system for interaction with 7/2012
Rui Jorge Henriques Luís André Romão
FVP based systems: design,
Calado Lopes Henriques
implementation and test
Ricardo Jorge de Ambiente 3D Web para 7/2012
Frutuoso Gomes
Jesus Rodrigues simulação de condições de
Mendes da Silva
Pesqueira iluminação
Arquitectura de rede para 7/2012
Susana Sargento Bruno Figueiredo sessões personalizadas de
conteúdos multicast
Hugo Pedro Martins 7/2012
Rui Raposo Biometric Ear Recognition
Carriço Proença
Bit-depth scalable distributed 7/2012
Fernando Pereira Vasco Nascimento João Ascenso
video coding
Hugo Miguel 7/2012
Coding and Processing of 3D
Paulo Nunes Campelo Luís Ducla Soares
Holoscopic Video
Rodrigues Almeida
Computable subjective 7/2012
Tiago Simões
Luís Cruz measures for evaluation of
3D video quality
Computer Generated 3D 7/2012
Paulo Nunes Luís Morgado
Holoscopic Video
Comunicação Em Larga- 7/2012
Arnaldo Silva Escala Em Redes Veiculares:
Susana Sargento Jorge Filipe Dias
Rodrigues de Oliveira Desempenho

Comunicação Em Larga- 7/2012

Joao Gilberto Ana Cristina Costa
Susana Sargento Escala Em Redes Veiculares:
Reigota Afonso Aguiar
Distribuição De Conteúdos
Depth Estimation and Image 7/2012
Agostinho Ferreira
Rendering for 3D and Free-
Paulo Nunes da Silva
viewpoint Video Applications


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Endoscopic Image 7/2012
Gabriel Falcão Paiva Segmentation using Parallel
Marco Martins Isabel Figueiredo
Fernandes Computing on GPUs with
Explorarions of Video 7/2012
Luís Cruz Fernando Morais Tracking in Video Sensor
Pedro Nuno Matos 7/2012
Frutuoso Gomes Ferramenta visual para a
Mendes da Silva criação de jogos 3D
Generation of 2D and 3D 7/2012
João Pedro High Resolution Images from
Paulo Nunes
Ascenso Rodrigues a 3D Holoscopic
Integração Da Cloud Com 7/2012
Bruno Miguel
Susana Sargento Jorge Carapinha Rede Na Perspectiva De
Sendas Parreira
Pedro Miguel Naia 7/2012
Neves,Francisco Integração de LTE em redes
Susana Sargento Hugo Pires
Fontes de acesso heterogéneas

Daniel Enrique Lucani Load Balancing in Multi-Beam 7/2012

Filipe Gomes
Roetter Satellites
Bruno Alexandre Mobilidade Distribuída Em 7/2012
Susana Sargento André Zúquete
Aguiar da Fonseca Ambientes Dinâmicos
Ricardo Antunes 7/2012
Marco Alexandre Cravo Vitor Manuel Mendes Modulação de Magnitude em
de Azevedo da
Gomes Silva Plataformas de Vírgula Fixa
Veiga Ferrão
Objective Video Quality 7/2012
Maria Paula Queluz Rui Almeida Tomás Brandão
Assessment in IPTV Networks
Luís Tiago Ferreira Paulo Salvador Statistical characterization of 7/2012
António Nogueira
Figueiredo Jacinto Ferreira machine-to-machine traffic
Supervision and Management 7/2012
System for Mobile Industrial
Paulo Bacelar Reis
Luis Tavares José A. Fonseca Load Transportation

Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedro Alexandre Suporte MSRP para HardQoS 7/2012
Luis Nobrega
Pedreiras Gonçalves switch,
Hugo Diogo 7/2012
Paulo Salvador Tracking of wireless users for
António Nogueira Antunes Lopes
Ferreira modeling user behavior
Tomás 7/2012
Video Quality Evaluation in IP
Maria Paula Queluz Miguel Chin Brandão,António
Virtual Images Management 7/2012
Maria Paula Prata de João Daniel
Service for Cloud
Sousa Raposo Pereira
Monitorização dos Sinais
João Francisco
Fausto José Canhoto de Vitais de Condutores para
Diana Carneiro Cordeiro de Oliveira 8/2012
Paiva Vieira Caracterização de Stress e
Fadiga no Trânsito Urbano
A New Multilayer Approach
Joel José Puga Coelho Jorge Manuel
for E-Learning Platforms 8/2012
Rodrigues Frazão Costa

Mobile platform-independent
Joel José Puga Coelho
Paula Freire solutions for integration to an 8/2012
electronic health record
New Concepts Integration on
Joel José Puga Coelho Tiago Miguel
E-Learning Platforms 8/2012
Rodrigues Carrola Simões


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Sistema de informação em
Sérgio Faria Luís Cachulo tempo real para paragens de 8/2012
Towards a Network
Joel José Puga Coelho Bruno Filipe Aguiar Management Solution for
Rodrigues Durães Silva Vehicular Delay-Tolerant
Eduardo Jorge Wireless Sensor Network
Joel José Puga Coelho
Fernandes Silveira Solution for Personal and 8/2012
Roque Environmental Monitoring
Isabel da Piedade
Xavier Machado Rui Cardoso A story in the museum II 9/2012
Isabel da Piedade Collaborative 9/2012
Paulo Alexandre
Xavier Machado Recommendation System for
Pinto Albuquerque
Alexandre Mobile devices
Desenvolvimento de método 9/2012
alternativo à bengala para
Pedro Brandão Cátia Silva
orientação de pessoas
Developing cubes for 9/2012
Isabel da Piedade Guilherme João
evaluating the profitability of
Xavier Machado Cavaco Esperança
projects in Information
Alexandre da Silva
Isabel da Piedade 9/2012
Luís Pedro Robalo Quinta da Regaleira in the
Xavier Machado
Simões de Lemos palm of your hand
Sincronização em redes de 9/2012
Pedro Brandão Paulo Vilares
sensores no corpo Humano
Sistema de leitura RFID de 9/2012
Sérgio Faria Igor Silva Telmo Fernandes
longa distância
Sistema de monitorização de 9/2012
João Pedro Afonso Marco António Nuno Miguel de
consumos de energia
Oliveira da Silva Moura Rebelo Figueiredo Garrido
Sistema Electrónico para 9/2012
Sérgio Faria Fábio Sousa
Monitorização Ambiental
Transmissão de televisão 3D 9/2012
Pedro Amado Assunção João Carreira Sérgio Faria
com a norma DVB
Um modelo de apoio à 9/2012
decisão de adopção de
Rui Miguel Neto Rui Valdemar Software as a Service
Marinheiro Pereira Madaleno aplicado à actividade
económica “Financeira e
Isabel da Piedade 9/2012
Nelson Manuel
Xavier Machado Virtual Post Office
Catarino Mendes
Filipe Manuel de Airport Environment
Paulo Lobato Correia 10/2012
Valsassina Serra Simulator
Audio processing for digital 10/2012
Miguel Tavares Coimbra Nuno Silva stethoscopes used in real
clinical environments
Automatic detection and 10/2012
Maria Paula Queluz João Fernandes Tomás Brandão counting of stork nests in
electric power lines
Afonso Salvador Automatic Road Pavement 10/2012
Paulo Lobato Correia
Marques Crack Detection using SVM
Nuno Alexandre Biometric Recognition based 10/2012
Paulo Lobato Correia Luís Ducla Soares
Freire Moço on a Smartphone
Biometric Recognition based 10/2012
Paulo Lobato Correia Sanchit Luís Ducla Soares
on Latent Palmprints

Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Pedro Miguel dos Geração Automática de 10/2012
Santos Alves Madeira Adelino Portela Casos de Teste na
Adão Ferramenta AnyTester
MPLS in enterprise networks 10/2012
João Sobrinho André Bento

SAVA - Sistema de 10/2012

Sérgio Faria Mário Reis Telmo Fernandes informação para veículos
Segmentation of 3D 10/2012
César Alexandre
Paulo Lobato Correia Holoscopic Video
Ferreira Luís

Client-cloud storage of
João Ascenso António Borga audiovisual data 11/2012

Error control schemes for 11/2012

João Ascenso José Moreira IPTV multicast

HTTP based video streaming 11/2012

João Ascenso Divyesh Virchande

ISTNanosat-1 - Heart - 11/2012

João André H. Moisés Simões Processing and Digital
Rui Manuel Rocha
Ferreira Piedade Communications unit

LA6 - Local Aggregation in 11/2012

Rui Manuel Rocha Bruno Coelho the Internet of Things

Sense Companion - 11/2012

Rui Manuel Rocha Controlling home sensors
with smartphone
Sistemas Interactivos para 11/2012
Miguel Tavares Coimbra António Sousa
Maria Paula Prata de Rui Manuel State Management in Online
Sousa Ferreira da Cunha Games
Route aggregation
João Sobrinho João Alves 10/2013

Realtime 3D Scene Pre-

Verónica Costa Teixeira
Tiago Fernandes visualization with Mobile 10/2014
Pinto Orvalho
Intelligent Facial Animation:
Verónica Costa Teixeira
Jose Serra Creating emphatic characters 12/2015
Pinto Orvalho
with stimuli based animation
Emotional Regulation: A
Verónica Costa Teixeira
Pedro Nogueira means for more immersive 12/2015
Pinto Orvalho
Simulation of Deformable
Verónica Costa Teixeira
Ozan cetinaslan Solid and Rigid Bodies on 12/2015
Pinto Orvalho
Facial Models

Table 24 - List of MSc. Theses running in the Networks and Multimedia Area During 2011


PhD Theses

Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Advances in near-infrared hyperspectral
Marta Belchior
Mário Figueiredo José Bioucas Dias image analysis for pharmaceutical anti- 2/2011
Individual Information Measures:
Luis Filipe
André Souto Applications to Computational 3/2011
Coelho Antunes
Luis Miguel Pina
Distributed Coordination in Unstructured
Coelho Teixeira António Luis Lopes 3/2011
Intelligent Agent Societies
Fernando Catarina Isabel Exploiting Correlation Noise Modeling in
Pereira Carvalheiro Brites Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
Danillo Bracco Eduardo Antônio da Codificação de imagens utilizando o
Sérgio Faria 4/2011
Graziosi Silva algoritmo MMP
Maria Paula No-reference image and video quality
Tomás Brandão 5/2011
Queluz assessment
João Francisco Coding Strategies for Sensor Networks:
Cordeiro de Clustering, Compression and Network 7/2011
Oliveira Barros Coding
Luis Miguel Pinho de Enhanced Ethernet Switching
Paulo Bacelar Rui Gabriel Viegas
Almeida,Paulo Bacelar Technology for Adaptive Hard Real-Time 7/2011
Reis Pedreiras dos Santos
Reis Pedreiras Applications
João Francisco
Cordeiro de João Paulo Vilela Jamming for Wireless Secrecy 7/2011
Oliveira Barros
Elsa Alexandra
Carlos Sá da Stijn Viaene,Carlos Sá Performance Management of Higher
Cabral da Rocha 7/2011
Costa da Costa Education Degrees
José Bioucas Marian-Daniel Sparse Unmixing Approach to Spectral
Antonio Plaza 10/2011
Dias Iordache Unmixing
João Francisco
Coding Strategies for Secret Key
Cordeiro de Paulo Falcão Oliveira 12/2011
Distribution, Storage and Anonymity
Oliveira Barros
Andreas J.
Susana Enabling Multimedia Services over
Marcel Calvacanti Kassler,Susana 12/2011
Sargento Wireless Mesh Networks
Automatic processing techniques for
Carla Calado Lopes speech recognition 1/2012

Characterization of cryptographic
Luis Filipe Andreia Sofia primitives based on Kolmogorov
Armando Matos 1/2012
Coelho Antunes Teixeira Complexity

Miguel Tavares Computer Assisted Analysis of Narrow-

Fahran Riaz 2/2012
Coimbra Band Imaging Endoscopy Exams
Joel José Puga Vasco Nuno da
Performance Assessment of Vehicular
Coelho Gama de Jesus 2/2012
Delay Tolerant Networks
Rodrigues Soares
Acesso Sem Fios de Banda Larga em
Susana Ambientes de Redes Heterogéneas de
Pedro Neves Francisco Fonte 3/2012
Sargento Próxima Geração

Controlo de Congestionamento em
Luís Barreto Redes sem Fios 3/2012

Miguel Raul Dias Design and Optimisation of DWDM

João Oliveira Henrique Salgado 3/2012
Rodrigues Millimetre-Wave Fibre-Radio Systems
José Bioucas Source Separation of Phase-Locked
Miguel Almeida Ricardo Nuno Vigário 3/2012
Dias Signals


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Análise de Segurança de Primitivas
Luis Filipe Criptográficas com base na Teoria de
Andreia Teixeira Armando Matos 4/2012
Coelho Antunes Informação Algoritmica

Data Clustering using Constraints

Ana Fred João Duarte 4/2012
Detection and Limitation of Peer-to-Peer
João Vasco Paulo
Mário Freire Paulo Monteiro Traffic in Information Networks 6/2012
Generalization of the Embedded Branch
Filipe Cruz Gomes
Mário Freire Process for Automatic Detection of 6/2012
Breast Cancer
João Francisco
Information Dissemination in Random
Cordeiro de Sérgio Crisóstomo , 6/2012
Oliveira Barros
João Francisco
One-shot Capacity of Memoryless
Cordeiro de Rui A. Costa 6/2012
Oliveira Barros
Alfredo Miguel Melo Privacidade em Redes Heterogéneas de
Rui L. Aguiar Susana Sargento 6/2012
Matos Próxima Geração
Vitor Manuel Jesus Service Provisioning in Dense Network
Rui L. Aguiar 6/2012
Silva Operator Scenarios
Integrated Identity and Context
Diogo Nuno João Miguel Diogo Nuno Pereira
Management Architecture for Privacy- 7/ 2012
Pereira Gomes Gonçalves Gomes,Rui L. Aguiar
Enabled Context-Awareness
Verónica Costa José Carlos Guedes
Intuitive Real Time Facial Interaction
Teixeira Pinto dos Prazeres A. Augusto Sousa 7/2012
And Animation
Orvalho Miranda
Fernando Arlindo Oliveira da Automatic speech and speaker
Luís Sá 9/2012
Perdigão Veiga segmentation and labelling
Susana Context-Aware Control Design For
Evariste Logota 9/2012
Sargento Multicast-Aware Networks
Ricardo Matos Context-based Wireless Mesh Networks 9/2012
Susana Integração Transparente de Redes
Nuno Coutinho Sérgio Pires 9/2012
Sargento Heterogéneas
Susana Virtualização de Redes numa
Márcio Melo Jorge Carapinha 9/2012
Sargento Perspectiva de Operador
Luis Miguel Pina
Learning Action Control Rules through
Coelho Teixeira Paulo Costa 10/2012
Observation of Software Agent Bodies
João Francisco
Capacity Bounds for Communication
Cordeiro de Mate Boban 11/2012
Oliveira Barros
João Francisco
Cordeiro de Pedro Santos Coding for Networks-on-Chip 11/2012
Oliveira Barros
João Francisco
Cyber -physical systems for Smart
Cordeiro de Luis Pinto 11/2012
Oliveira Barros
João Francisco
Density-Based Routing in Vehicular Ad-
Cordeiro de Rui Meireles Peter Steenkiste 11/2012
hoc Networks
Oliveira Barros

Nuno Miguel
Nelson Carreira Eduardo Antônio da Efficient Image And Video Compression
Morais 11/2012
Francisco Silva Using Multiscale Recurrent Patterns
João Francisco
Cordeiro de Hana Khamfroush Geographical Network Coding 11/2012
Oliveira Barros


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
João Francisco
Cordeiro de Joao Almeida Joint protection and data compression 11/2012
Oliveira Barros
João Francisco
Cordeiro de Susana Bulas Cruz Network Coding for Sensor Networks 11/2012
Oliveira Barros
João Francisco
Network Coding Protocols for Video
Cordeiro de Diogo Ferreira 11/2012
Oliveira Barros
João Francisco
Cordeiro de Maricica Nistor Network Coding Delay 11/2012
Oliveira Barros
João Francisco
Physical-Layer Security in Large-Scale
Cordeiro de Saurabh Shintre 11/2012
Oliveira Barros
Pedro Amado Salviano Adaptation and Quality Optimization in
Sylvain Marcelino 12/2012
Assunção Soares,Sérgio Faria Future 3D Video Delivery Services
Advanced Multiple Description Coding
Pedro Amado Vitor Manuel Mendes
Pedro Correia for Video 12/2012
Assunção Silva
Algoritmos de Reconstrução de Sinal e
Pedro Amado Filipe dos Santos
Salviano Soares Aplicações 12/2012
Assunção Neves

Automatic Document Organization using

Ana Fred André Lourenço 12/2012
Semi-Structured Information
David Pereira Data retrieval and classification using
Mário Figueiredo 12/2012
Coutinho information distances
Developing Safety Critical Applications
Paulo Bacelar António Luís Ferreira Luis Miguel Pinho de based on the Flexible Time-Triggered
Reis Pedreiras Marques Almeida Paradigm

Dissimilarity Increments Statistics and

Ana Fred Helena Aidos Dimensionality Reduction in 12/2012
Unsupervised Learning
Hybrid generative/discriminative
Mário Figueiredo Artur Ferreira 12/2012
supervised learning
Image Processing for Supervision and
Paulo Lobato Henrique José
Management Support of Road 12/2012
Correia Monteiro Oliveira
Hugo Humberto Multi-Modal Modeling of Cognition and
Ana Fred 12/2012
Placido da Silva Emotion
Hugo Pedro
Gil Melfe Mateus
Martins Carriço Negative Object recognition 12/2012
Susana Performance evaluation in next
Miguel Almeida Orlando Remédios 12/2012
Sargento generation networks
Pedro Amado Scalable Video Coding with embedded
Lino Ferreira Luís Cruz 12/2012
Assunção new features
Vitor Mirones Victor Marques Self in-network resource management 12/2012
Miguel Tavares DigiScope - DIGItally enhanced
Fabio Headyioglu 1/2013
Coimbra stethoSCOPE for clinical usage
João Francisco
Public Policies for Intelligent
Cordeiro de Alexandre Ligo 1/2013
Transportation Systems
Oliveira Barros
Body signal analysis for monitoring
Miguel Tavares
Pedro Gomes fatigue in first responders 3/2013
Miguel Tavares Event Detection for Capsule Endoscopy
Paulo Alves 3/2013
Coimbra Video Exams


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Miguel Raul Dias
Munnujahan Ara Information-Theoretic Security 1 6/2013
Autonomic Quantification and
Ângela Cristina
Mário Freire Classification of the Breast Tissue 7/2013
Marques de Oliveira
Classification in 2D Ultrassound Images
Carlos David Towards Autonomic Detection of
Mário Freire 7/2013
Magalhães Queiroz Encrypted Peer-to-Peer Traffic
Joel José Puga
João Manuel Pires Integration of Intra-Body Sensors in
Coelho 8/2013
Leitão Caldeira Wireless Sensor Networks
Joel José Puga Performance Assessment of Routing
Luis Miguel Lopes de
Coelho Amaro Sousa Protocols in IPv6 Over Wireless Sensor 8/2013
Rodrigues Mesh Networks
Communication Architecture for Mobile
Susana Pedro Miguel Naia
João Soares Cloud Services 9/2013
Sargento Neves

Communication between nodes and

Susana Paulo Salvador
Lucas Guardalben domains in self-management networks 9/2013
Sargento Ferreira

Susana Pedro Miguel Naia Converged Mobile Communications in

Frank Kanesel 9/2013
Sargento Neves Multiple Integrated Networks
Correctness of network protocols
João Sobrinho Tiago Quelhas 9/2013

Susana Geo-optimized and cross-layer transport

André Cardote Peter Steenkiste 9/2013
Sargento communications
Susana Optimizing Vehicular Communications
André Reis O. K. Tonguz 9/2013
Sargento through Hybrid Networks
Rui Jorge
José Luís P.A. Vale Organizational Crisis Preparedness and
Henriques 9/2013
Matos Response in a Networked World:
Calado Lopes
Maria Manuela
Areias da Costa Qualidade subjectiva e objectiva de
Marco Bernardo 9/2013
Pereira de imagens e vídeos, incluindo o caso 3D
Susana User-Centric Mobility with Quality of
Tiago Condeixa 9/2013
Sargento Experience Handover Optimization
Verónica Costa
Bruno Miguel An interactive facial muscle system for
Teixeira Pinto 10/2013
Ferreira de Oliveira CG Films and videogames
Social Optimal Routing enabled through
Michel Celestino Pedro Miranda de
Cristina Olaverri Vehicular Networks 10/2013
Paiva Ferreira Albuquerque d'Orey
Rui Miguel Neto João Manuel Dias de QoE measurements with Agents
Marinheiro Almeida cooperation on Personal Cells
Verónica Costa
Nuno Miguel
Teixeira Pinto Auto-rigging applied to markless MoCap 12/2013
Monteiro Barbosa
Connections between Information
Theory and Estimation Theory and
Miguel Raul Dias
Samah Mustafa Adão Silva Applications to Wireless 12/2013

Facial Skin Shading Parameterization

Verónica Costa
Teresa de Jesus System For Real-Time Rendering Of
Teixeira Pinto 12/2013
Batista Vieira Emotions

Miguel Raul Dias

Ke Zhang Information-Theoretic Security 2 12/2013
Miguel Raul Dias
Vinay Prabhu Information-Theoretic Security 3 12/2013


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Kernel based methods for text retrieval
Mário Figueiredo André T. Martins Pedro Aguiar 12/2013
and semantic desambiguation
João Francisco
Simulation of Intelligent Transportation
Cordeiro de José Luís Pereira R. Rossetti 12/2013
Oliveira Barros
Abel João Rui Pedro Monteiro Geometric Representation and
Abel João Gomes 1/2014
Gomes Amaro Duarte Animation of Natural Phenomena

Abel João Sérgio Emanuel Geometric Representation and

Gomes Duarte Dias Recognition Methods in Protein Docking

Abel João Rui Sérgio Viegas

Segmentação de Malhas Geométricas 1/2014
Gomes Rodrigues
Biomedical Signal Processing for Critical
Miguel Tavares
Can Ye Infrastructures 3/2014

Efficient resource management of

heterogeneous, small dimension and
Rui Miguel Neto Rui Jorge Ferreira
geographically dispersed cloud 4/2014
Marinheiro Esteves
computing systems

Flexible and Adaptive Architecture for

Rui Manuel Moisés Simões
José Catela Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks 6/2014
Rocha Piedade

Luís Ducla
Caroline Conti Paulo Nunes 3D Holoscopic Video Coding 7/2014
João Francisco
Joao Guilherme Information Gathering in Intelligent
Cordeiro de 7/2014
Pereira Rodrigues Transportation Systems
Oliveira Barros
Joel José Puga Performance Evaluation of Cooperation
Bruno Miguel
Coelho Mechanisms for Mobile Health 8/2014
Correia da Silva
Rodrigues Applications
Verónica Costa
Tiago Pinto Realtime 3D Scene Pre-visualization
Teixeira Pinto A. Augusto Sousa 9/2014
Fernandes with Mobile Devices
Assessing Complexity of Physiological
Luis Filipe Teresa Sarmento
Signals 9/2014
Coelho Antunes Henriques

Development of a biologically plausible

Luís A. visual saliency algorithm and its
Sílvio Brás Filipe 9/2014
Alexandre implementation on GPGPU architecture

Verónica Costa Mónica Maria da

Verónica Costa Interactive Technology for Emotion
Teixeira Pinto Costa Madeira 9/2014
Teixeira Pinto Orvalho Recognition
Orvalho Queirós de Oliveira
Next-Generation Driver Information
Michel Celestino
Pedro Gomes Cristina Olaverri Systems 9/2014
Paiva Ferreira
Verónica Costa
Luís Miguel Barbosa
Teixeira Pinto Virtual puppets 9/2014
da Costa Leite
Nuno Miguel Morais
Luis Filipe Rosário Disparity compensation using Least
Sérgio Faria Rodrigues,Sérgio 10/2014
Lucas Squares
Verónica Costa
Pedro Tavares Easy Facial Constraints: A Dynamic
Teixeira Pinto 10/2014
Barata Bastos Industry Standard
Multiview Video Disparity Compensation
Sérgio Faria Diego Felix Souza using Geometric Transforms 10/2014
Pereira,Sérgio Faria


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Miguel Raul Dias
Hugo Reboredo Filter Design with Secrecy Constraints 11/2014
Maria Manuela
Multiple Description Coding with Side
Areias da Costa
Ângelo Arrifano Information optimized for Wireless 11/2014
Pereira de
Parallel LDPC Decoding over GF(q) for
Gabriel Falcão João Maria Duarte
Heterogeneous and Homogeneous 11/2014
Paiva Fernandes Andrade
Hugo Pedro
Chandrashekhar Periocular biometric recognition at
Martins Carriço 11/2014
Padolle visible wavelength
Real-Time Urban 3D Modeling by
Gabriel Falcão Rui Jorge Melo Combining Stereo from Symmetry with
Paiva Fernandes Teixeira General Purpose Programming in the
Graphics Processing Unit (GPGPU
Luís Henrique
Miguel Antunes Dias Blind Image Deblurring, Blind Image
Martins Borges 12/2014
Alfaiate Simões Deblurring
de Almeida
António Tiago Miguel Amaral Paulo Salvador Characterization and Modeling of M2M
Nogueira de Sousa Ferreira Traffic
Guilherme Riberio Complexity Control of HEVC Video
Luís Cruz 12/2014
Corrêa Coders and Decoders
Memory-Aware Parallel LDPC Decoding
Vitor Manuel João Maria Duarte Gabriel Falcão Paiva
over GF(q) for Homogeneous and 12/2014
Mendes Silva Andrade Fernandes
Heterogeneous Multicore Architectures
Paulo Salvador Methodologies for Network Entities
João Rodrigues Antonio Neves 12/2014
Ferreira Profiling
António Nuno Gonçalves Paulo Salvador Modeling and Analysis of Network
Nogueira Rodrigues Ferreira Resilience: the Security Perspective
Parallelization techniques for H.264/AVC
Luís Cruz Thaísa Leal da Silva 12/2014
and newer standards
Architectural and Networking Aspects of
Ana Cristina
Mohammad Nozari Sensing Applications on Vehicular 1/2015
Costa Aguiar
Carlos Manuel
Costa Lourenço Andreia Mordido Logic in Security 1/2015
Luis Miguel Luis Filipe Nunes Communications and Middleware for
Pinho de Quaresma de Pedro Lima Cooperating Heterogeneous and 3/2015
Almeida Oliveira Autonomous Mobile Robots
Fernando Combined predictive-distributed video
Hoang Van Xiem João Ascenso 7/2015
Pereira coding
Daniel Enrique Hugo Moreira de
Peter Steenkiste Congestion Control for Future Internet 7/2015
Lucani Roetter Sousa Pinto
Fernando Efficient video coding based on
Diego Felix Souza Sérgio Faria 7/2015
Pereira geometric transforms

Table 25 - List of PhD Theses running in the Networks and Multimedia Area During 2011


4.3.6 Publications

Architectures And Protocols

Book Chapters

- Coutinho, N.; S. Sargento; " Context-Aware Delivery of Multi-Party

Communications: Access and Core Network Selection " - Chapter in Wireless Multi-
Access Environments and Quality of Service Provisioning: Solutions and Application
, Ramona Trestian , IGI global, Medical Information Science Reference ,2011 .

- Almeida, M. A.; S. Sargento; " Coupling Activity and Performance Management

with Mobility in Vehicular Networks " - Chapter in Vehicular Technologies , 978-953-
7619-241-8 , In-Tech, 2011 .

- Pedreiras, PP; SV Vitturi; SS Schoenegger; LS Seno; " Ethernet Powelink " -

Chapter in The Industrial Electronics Handbook , Bodgan Wilamowski, J. David Irwin
, CRC Press, 2011 .

- Sargento, S.; R. Matos; K. H. Hummel; A. H. Hess; H. d. M. de Meer; " Multi-

Access Communications in Wireless Mesh Networks by Virtualization " - Chapter in
Wireless Multi-Access Environments and Quality of Service Provisioning: Solutions
and Application , Ramona Trestian , IGI global, Medical Information Science
Reference, 2011 .

Papers in Journals

- Mendes, L. M.; J. R. Rodrigues; " A Survey on Cross-layer Solutions for Wireless

Sensor Networks ", Journal of Network and Computer Applications , Vol. 34 , No. 2 ,
pp. 523 - 534 , March , 2011 .

- Felizardo, V. F.; P. D. G. Gaspar; V. R. Reis; N. M. Garcia; " Aquisition of multiple

physiological parameters during physical exercise ", Intrnl. Journal of E-Health and
Medical Communications (IJEHMC) , Vol. 2 , No. 4 , pp. 37 - 49 , October , 2011 .

- Neves, P.; J. Soares; S. Sargento; H. P. Pires; F. Fontes; " Context-aware Media

Independent Information Server for Optimized Seamless Handover Procedures ",
Computer Networks , Vol. 55 , No. 7 , pp. 1498 - 1519 , May , 2011 .

- Shu, L. S.; J. L. Lloret; J. R. Rodrigues; M. Chen; " Distributed intelligence and

data fusion for sensor systems ", IET Communications , Vol. 5 , No. 12 , pp. 1633 -
1636 , August , 2011 .

- Coutinho, N.; T. Condeixa; S. Sargento; A. Neto; " Energy Efficiency as Input for
Context-aware Group- based Communications ", Vol. 1 , No. 6 , pp. 329 - 353 ,
April , 2011 .

- Soares, J. M.; M. Franceschinis; R. M. Rocha; W. Zhang; M. A. Spirito; "

Opportunistic Data Collection in Sparse Wireless Sensor Networks ", EURASIP

Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking , Vol. 2011 , No. 401802 ,

January , 2011 .

- Oliveira, L.oliveira; A. F. Sousa; J. R. Rodrigues; " Routing and Mobility

Approaches in IPv6 over LoWPAN Mesh Networks ", Intrnl. Journal of
Communication Systems (IJCS) , Vol. 24 , No. 11 , pp. 1445 - 1466 , November ,
2011 .

- Natkaniec, M.N.; J. Gozdecki; S. Sargento; " Supporting QoS in Integrated Ad-

Hoc Networks ", Wireless Personal Communications , Vol. 56 , No. 2 , pp. 183 - 191
, October , 2011 .

- Sousa, Paula Prata; P. Fazendeiro; P. Sequeira; " Towards Cost-Effective Bio-

Inspired Optimization: a Prospective Study on the GPU Architecture ", Lectures
Notes in Computer Science , Vol. II , No. 7077 , pp. 63 - 70 , December , 2011 .

Papers in Conference Proceedings

- MArques, A. M.; V.V. Vasconcelos; PP Pedreiras; L. Almeida; " A Flexible

dashboard panel for a small electric vehicle ", Proc Iberian Conf. on Information
Systems and Technologies - CISTI , Chaves , Portugal , pp. 1 - 4 , June , 2011 .

- Sifalakis, S.; S. Martin; C. Tschudin; L. S. Ferreira; L. M. Correia; " A Generic

Service Interface for Cloud Networks ", Proc International Conf. on Cloud
Computing and Services Science - CLOSER , Noordwijkerhoud , Netherlands , May ,
2011 .

- Crocker, P.; VN Nicolau; " A Secure Architecture for Electronic Ticketing Based On
the Portuguese e-ID Card ", Proc European Conf. on Information Warfare and
Security - ECIW , Talin , Estonia , Vol. 10 , pp. 38 - 50 , July , 2011 .

- Behnam, MB; PP Pedreiras; " Analysis and optimization of the MTU in real-time
communications over Switched Ethernet ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on
Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA , Tolouse , France , pp. 1 - 7
, September , 2011 .

- Silvestre-Blanes, J; PP Pedreiras; R Marau ; " Bandwidth mapping algorithms in

distributed media control applications ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Emerging
Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA , Tolouse , France , pp. 1 - 8 ,
September , 2011 .

- Cederquist, J.; " Complexity of Fairness Constraints for the Dolev-Yao Attacker
Model ", Proc ACM Symp. on Appl. Computing , Taichung , Taiwan , Vol. 26 , pp.
1507 - 1514 , March , 2011 .

- Santos, R. S.; PP Pedreiras; MB Behnam; TN Nolte; L. Almeida; " Demonstrating

an Ethernet Switch Enhanced With Hierarchical Scheduling ", Proc Workshop on
Adaptive and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems - APRES , Chicago , United States
, April , 2011 .


- Santos, R. S.; PP Pedreiras; MB Behnam; TN Nolte; L. Almeida; " Demonstrating

an Ethernet Switch Enhanced With Hierarchical Scheduling ", Proc IEEE Real-Time
Systems Symp. - RTSS , Vienna , Austria , November , 2011.

- Kumar, Navin; Domingos Terra; L. Alves; R. L. Aguiar; " Design, Development

and Performance Analysis of DSSS-based Transceiver for VLC ", Proc EUROCON and
CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon , Portugal , April , 2011 .

- Roggia, K.; PP Pedreiras; L. Almeida; R. R. Rajkumar; " Efficient Elastic Resource

Management for Dynamic Embedded System ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on
Embedded Software and Systems - ICESS , Changsha , China , November , 2011 .

- Sequeira, P.; Paula Prata Sousa; P. Fazendeiro; " Genetic algorithms over GPUs: a
preliminary assessment ", Proc International Conf. on Engineering UBI - ICEUBI ,
Covilhã , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 10 , November , 2011 .

- Knaesel, F.J.; P. Neves; S. Sargento; " IEEE 802.21 MIH-enabled Evolved Packet
System Architecture ", Proc ICST Conf. on Mobile Networks and Management
(MONAMI) , Aveiro , Portugal , September , 2011 .

- Cunguara, MC; TOS Silva; PP Pedreiras; " Loosely Coupled Architecture Network
Control Systems ", Proc IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics -
INDIN , Lisbon , Portugal , pp. 137 - 141 , July , 2011 .

- Cunguara, MC; TOS Silva; PP Pedreiras; " Loosely Coupled Architecture Network
Control Systems ", Proc IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics -
INDIN , Lisbon , Portugal , pp. 137 - 141 , July , 2011 .

- Santos, R. S.; MB Behnam; TN Nolte; PP Pedreiras; L. Almeida; " Multi-level

Hierarchical Scheduling in Ethernet Switches ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on
Embedded Software and Systems - ICESS , Taipe , Taiwan , pp. 185 - 194 ,
October , 2011 .

- Agüero, R.; C. Caeiro; L. M. Correia; L. S. Ferreira; L Suciu; A. Timm-Giel; "

OConS: Towards Open Connectivity Services in the Future Internet ", Proc ICST
Conf. on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI) , Aveiro , Portugal ,
September , 2011 .

- Dias, H. D.; R. N. Marinheiro; " Peer-to-Peer Collaboration in Content Delivery

Networks ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Information Networking - ICOIN ,
Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , January , 2011 .

- Borges, Luis M.; F. J. Velez; S. Lebres; " Performance Evaluation of the Schedule
Channel Polling MAC Protocol applied to Health Monitoring in the Context of IEEE
802.15.4 ", Proc European Wireless - EW , Vienna , Austria , April , 2011 .

- Lucas da Silva, M.; C. Simões; H. Silva; F. Botelho; " Rapid Application

Development Using Web Technologies: An Application to Communicative
Competence Promotion of Children with ASD ", Proc INSTICC International Conf. on
Health Informatics - Healthinf , Rome , Italy , January , 2011 .


- Dashti, M.T.; J. Cederquist; Y. W. Wang; " Risk Balance in Optimistic Non-

repudiation Protocols ", Proc Formal Aspects of Security and Trust , Leuven ,
Belgium , Vol. 7140 , pp. 263 - 277 , September , 2011 .

- Mathews, N. M.; A. Christensen; R. O. O´Grady; M. B. Bonani; F. M. Mondada; M.

D. Dorigo; " Self-Assembly based on Active Recruitment and Guidance ", Proc
IEEE/RSJ International Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems , San Francisco ,
United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 4762 - 4769 , September , 2011 .

- Sousa, Paula Prata; J. Muranho ; " Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on GPU:

When Is Rows Reordering Worthwhile? ", Proc International Conf. on Engineering
UBI - ICEUBI , Covilhã , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 10 , November , 2011 .

- Quelhas, T.; J. L. S. Sobrinho; " Towards a Better Understanding of Distance-

Vector Routing Protocols with Reset on Failures ", Proc IASTED International Conf.
on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks - PDCN , Innsbruck , Austria ,
February , 2011 .

- MArques, A. M.; V.V. Vasconcelos; PP Pedreiras; L. Almeida; " Towards Efficient

Transient Fault Handling in Time-Triggered Systems ", Proc Inforum - Simpósio de
Informática , Coimbra , Portugal , September , 2011 .

- Olaverri , C.; C. Draxler Draxler; K. Bengler; " Variable Menus for the Local
Adaptation of Graphical User Interfaces: An Implementation Approach ", Proc Conf.
Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação - CISTI , Chaves , Portugal , pp. 1
- 1 , June , 2011 .

- Barreto, L.; S. Sargento; " XCP-Winf and RCP-Winf: Congestion Control

Techniques For Wireless Mesh Networks ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on
Communications - ICC , kyoto , Japan , pp. 1 - 6 , July , 2011 .

Project Reports

- Suciu, L; L. S. Ferreira; C. Caeiro; L. M. Correia; et. al.; " Architectural Concepts

of Connectivity Services ", European Commission , FP7-ICT-2009-5-257448 , July ,
2011 .



- Bastos, P.B; Produção 3D com Blender de Personagens Bípedes , FCA - Editora de

Informática, Lda. , Lisboa , 2011 .

Book Chapters

- Miranda, J.M; T. Fernandes; V. Orvalho; " Interactive Technology: Teaching

People with Autism to Recognize Facial Emotions " - Chapter in Autism / Book 1 ,
InTech , In-Tech , 2011 .


- Orvalho, V.; T. Fernandes; J.C. Miranda; " Teaching People with Autism to
Recognize Facial Emotions " - Chapter in Autism Spectrum Disorders - From Genes
to Environment , Tim Williams , In-Tech , 2011 .

Papers in Journals

- Fernandes , G. Falcão; J. Andrade; V. Silva; L. Sousa; " GPU-based DVB-S2 LDPC

decoder with high throughput and fast error floor detection ", Electronics Letters ,
Vol. 47 , No. 9 , pp. 542 - 543 , April , 2011 .

- Dias, S.; A. Gomes; " Graphics processing unit-based triangulations of Blinn

molecular surfaces ", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience , Vol.
23 , No. 17 , pp. 2280 - 2291 , December , 2011 .

Papers in Conference Proceedings

- Leite, L.; V. Orvalho; " AnimActor: Understanding Interaction with Digital

Puppetry using Low-Cost Motion Capture ", Proc International Conf. on Advances in
Computer Entertainment Technology - ACE , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 8 , November ,
2011 .

- Silva, L. F. A. S.; F. S. Silva; " Augmented Reality for Web - A new interaction
method without markers ", Proc Ibero-American Symp. in Computer Graphics , Faro
, Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 183 - 188 , June , 2011 .

- Abirached, B. A.; J. Aggarwal; B. T. Tamersoy; Y. Zhang; T. Fernandes; J.M

Miranda; V. Orvalho; " Improving Communication Skills of Children with ASDs
through Interaction with Virtual Characters ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on
Serious Games and Applications for Health - SEGAH , Braga , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp.
1 - 1 , November , 2011 .

- Deus, T. F.; T. Marques; P. Alexandre; PFL Lopes; I. Alexandre; " Learn English
With Inspector Flops ", Proc VideoJogos - VJ , Porto , Portugal , December , 2011 .

- Fernandes, T.; S. A. Alves; J.M Miranda; C. Q. Queirós; V. Orvalho; " LIFEisGAME:

An approach to the utilization of serious games for therapy for children with ASD ",
Proc Conference on Enterprise Information System - International Workshop on
Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies - CENTERIS HCIst
2011 , Porto , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , October , 2011 .

- Lopes, PFL; DJ Jardim; I. Alexandre; " Math4Kids ", Proc First Iberian Workshop
on Serious Games and Meaningful Play - SGaMePlay , Chaves , Portugal , June ,
2011 .

- Barbosa, A. F. S. B.; F. S. Silva; " Oxyblood - A serious game in WebGL ", Proc
First Iberian Workshop on Serious Games and Meaningful Play - SGaMePlay ,
Chaves , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 221 - 224 , June , 2011 .

- Fernandes , G. Falcão; J. Andrade; V. Silva; L. Sousa; " REAL-TIME DVB-S2 LDPC



on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing - ICASSP , Prague , Czech Republic ,

May , 2011 .

- Barbosa, A. F. S. B.; F. S. Silva; " Serious Games - Design and Development of

OxyBlood ", Proc International Conf. on Advances in Computer Entertainment
Technology - ACE , Lisbon , Portugal , November , 2011 .

- Miranda, J.C.; X. Alvarez; D. G. Gutierrez; A.A.S Sousa; V. Orvalho; " Sketch

Express: Facial Expressions Made Easy ", Proc SBIM EUROGRAPHICS Symp. on
Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling (SBIM) , Vancouver , Canada , August ,
2011 .



- Bloch, M.Bloch; J. Barros; Physical-Layer Security: From Information Theory to

Security Engineering , , Cambridge University Press , Cambridge, UK , 2011 .

Book Chapters

- Rodrigues, J. ; A. N. Nogueira; P. Salvador; " Classifying Users Profiles and

Content in a Content-Zapping IPTV Service " - Chapter in Advances in Next
Generation Services and Service Architectures , A. Prasad, J. Buford, V. Gurbani ,
River Publishers, 2011 .

Fonseca, Jo. A. Fonseca; E. Marta; " Controller Area Network " - Chapter in The
Industrial Electronics Handbook – Industrial Communication Systems , B. M.
Wilamowski and J. David Irwin , CRC Press , 2011 .

- Ferreira, A.; R. Correia; D. Chadwick; L. Antunes; " Password Sharing and How to
Reduce it " - Chapter in Certification and Security in HealthRelated Web
Applications Concepts and Solutions. , Anargyros Chryssanthou, Ioannis Apostolakis
and Iraklis Varlamis , IGI global, Medical Information Science Reference , 2011 .

- Denko, M.; J. R. Rodrigues; B. Vaidya; J. J. Jugmohan; " Pervasive Healthcare

Systems and Applications " - Chapter in Pervasive Healthcare Technologies and
Application , M. Denko and M. Obaidat , John Wiley & Sons , 2011 .

- Lo Bello, L. L.B.; J. Fonseca; W. E. Elmenreich; " Real-Time Systems " - Chapter

in The Industrial Electronics Handbook – Industrial Communication Systems ,
Bogdan M. Wilamowski and J. David Irwin , CRC Press , 2011 .

- Han, G. H.; L. S. Shu; W. S. Shen; C. Z. Zhu; J. R. Rodrigues; " RNST: Precise

Localization Based on Trilateration for Indoor Sensor Networksin Advancements " -
Chapter in Distributed Computing and Internet Technologies: Trends and Issues ,
Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, Mukaddim Pathan, and Hae Young Lee , Idea-Group Inc. ,
Hershey , 2011 .


Papers in Journals

- Matos, R.; C . M. M. Marques; S. Sargento; K. H. Hummel; " Analytical Modeling

of Context-Based Multi-Virtual Wireless Mesh Networks ", Ad Hoc , January , 2011 .

- Rodrigues, J. R.; O. P. Pereira; P. N. Neves; " Biofeedback Data Visualization for

Body Sensor Networks ", Journal of Network and Computer Applications , Vol. 34 ,
No. 1 , pp. 151 - 158 , January , 2011 .

- Pereira, O. P.; JC Caldeira; J. R. Rodrigues; " Body Sensor Network Mobile

Solutions for Biofeedback Monitoring ", Mobile Networks and Applications , Vol. 16 ,
No. 6 , pp. 713 - 732 , December , 2011 .

- Neves, P. N.; J. R. Rodrigues; K. L. Lin; " Data Fusion on Wireless Sensor and
Actuator Networks Powered by the ZenSens System ", IET Communications , Vol. 5
, No. 12 , pp. 1661 - 1668 , August , 2011 .

- Lin, K. L.; J. R. Rodrigues; H. G. Ge; N. X. Xiong; X. L. Liang; " Energy Efficiency

QoS Assurance Routing in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks ", IEEE Systems ,
Vol. 5 , No. 4 , pp. 495 - 505 , December , 2011 .

- Moraes, R. M.; F. B. C. Carreiro; P. Bartolomeu Bartolomeu; J. Fonseca; F. V.

Vasques; " Enforcing the timing behavior of real-time stations in legacy bus-based
industrial Ethernet networks ", Computer Standards and Interfaces , Vol. 33 , No. 3
, pp. 249 - 261 , March , 2011 .

- Rodrigues, J. R.; F. S. Sabino; L. Z. Zhou; " Enhancing e-Learning Experience

with Online Social Networks ", IET Communications , Vol. 5 , No. 8 , pp. 1147 -
1154 , May , 2011 .

- Vinhoza, T. T. V.; M. Ferreira; J. Barros; O. Tonguz; " Impact of Vehicles as

Obstacles in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks ", IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in
Comunications , Vol. 29 , No. 1 , pp. 7 - 20 , January , 2011 .

- Nogueira, A. N.; J. Rodrigues; P. Salvador; J. R. Rodrigues; " IPTV Service based

on a Content-Zapping Paradigm ", Multimedia Systems , Vol. 17 , No. 4 , pp. 351 -
364 , May , 2011 .

- Aguiar, A.; " Leveraging Electronic Ticketing to Provide Personalised Navigation in

a Public Transport Network ", IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems ,
No. 99 , pp. 1 - 9 , October , 2011 .

- Nistor, M.; D. E. Lucani; T. T. V. Vinhoza; R.C. Costa; J. Barros; " On the Delay
Distribution of Random Linear Network Coding ", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in
Communications , Vol. -29 , No. -5 , pp. -1084 -1093 , May , 2011 .

- Almeida, L.; J Silvestre-Blanes; PP Pedreiras; " On-line QoS Management for

Multimedia Real-Time Transmission in Industrial Networks ", IEEE Trans. on
Industrial Electronics , Vol. 58 , No. 3 , pp. 1061 - 1071 , March , 2011 .


- Vaidya, B.; J. P. Park; S. Y. Yeo; " Robust One-time Password Authentication

Scheme using Smart Card for Home Network Environment ", Computer
Communications Journal , Vol. 34 , No. 3 , pp. 326 - 336 , March , 2011 .

- Vaidya, B.; J. P. Park; S. Y. Yeo; J. R. Rodrigues; " Robust One-time Password

Authentication Scheme using Smart Card for Home Network Environment ",
Computer Communications Journal , Vol. 34 , No. 3 , pp. 326 - 336 , March , 2011 .

- Nascimento, J.; P. Mateus; " Statistical Model for a Quantum Noiseless Subsystem
", Optics Communications , Vol. 45 , No. 3 , pp. 11 - 23 , January , 2011 .

- Neves, P. N.; A. F. F. E. Esteves; R. M. F. C. Cunha; J. R. Rodrigues; " User-

Centric Data Gathering Multi-Channel System for IPv6-enabled Wireless Sensor
Networks ", Intrnl. Journal of Sensor Networks , Vol. 9 , No. 1 , pp. 13 - 23 ,
February , 2011 .

- Neves, P. N.; A. E. Elias; A. F. F. E. Esteves; J. R. Rodrigues; " ZenSens -

Improving Sensor and Actuator Networks User Experience with iPhone Support ",
Ad Hoc ,February , 2011 .

Papers in Conference Proceedings

- Rodrigues, J.; A. Aguiar; F. V. Vieira; J. Barros; J. P. C. Silva Cunha; " A Mobile

Sensing Architecture for Massive Urban Scanning ", Proc IEEE Conf. on Intelligent
Transportation Systems , Washington D.C. , United States , Vol. 6 , pp. 1 - 6 ,
October , 2011 .

- Nogueira, A. N.; E. Rocha; P. Salvador; " A Multi-Variate Classification Approach

for the Detection of Illicit Traffic ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Software,
Telecommunications and Computer Networks - SoftCOM , Hvar , Croatia ,
September , 2011 .

- Matos, JM; A. Cardote; S. Sargento; " An IEEE 802.11p/WAVE Implementation

with Synchronous Channel Switching for Seamless Dual-channel Access ", Proc IEEE
Vehicular Networking Conf. (VNC) , Amsterdam , Netherlands , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 ,
November , 2011 .

- Eduardo, E.R.; R.J. Lopes; " Assessing the integration of ontology tools in content
network architectures ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon , Portugal ,
Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , April , 2011 .

- Adão, P.; E. Sixpence Sixpence; C. Smith Smith; " Automatização de Casos de

Teste como Processo de Melhoria da Qualidade do Software: O caso da Aplicação e-
Learning ISUPAC3 no ISUTC ", Proc Congresso Luso Moçambicano de Engenharia -
CLME , Maputo , Mozambique , September , 2011 .

- Nogueira, A. N.; E. Rocha; P. Salvador; " Classification of hidden users profiles in

wireless communications ", Proc International ICST Conf. on Mobile Networks and
Management , Aveiro , Portugal , September , 2011 .


- " Classification of hidden users' profiles in wireless communications ", Proc

International ICST Conf. on Mobile Networks and Management , Aveiro , Portugal ,
September , 2011 .

- Matos, R.; C . M. M. Marques; S. Sargento; " Context-Based Connectivity in

Wireless Mesh Networks: Analytical vs Simulation Studies ", Proc Conf. on
Telecommunications - ConfTele , Lisboa , Portugal , April , 2011 .

- Matthew , G.; J. Rodriguez; " Cross-Layer Approach in P2PSIP MANETs ", Proc
IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conf. - CCNC , Las Vegas , United
States , January , 2011 .

- Nogueira, A. N.; E. Rocha; P. Salvador; " Detection of Illicit Network Activities

based on Multivariate Gaussian Fitting of Multi-scale Traffic Characteristics ", Proc
IEEE International Conf. on Communications - ICC , Kyoto , Japan , June , 2011 .

- Matos, R.; S. Sargento; " Distributed Control and Management of Context-Based

Wireless Mesh Networks ", Proc ICST Conf. on Mobile Networks and Management
(MONAMI) , aveiro , Portugal , September , 2011 .

- Gomes, P.; C. Olaverri ; M. Ferreira; L.D. Damas; " Driver-Centric VANET

Simulation ", Proc Nets4Cars 2011 , Wessling-Oberpfaffenhofen , Germany , March
, 2011 .

- Ferreira, L.F.; L. A Cruz; P.A. Assunção; " Efficient Scalable Coding of Video
Summaries using Dynamic GOP Structures ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 ,
Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , April , 2011 .

- Khamfroush, H.; D. E. Lucani; J. Barros; " GeoCode: A Geographic Coding-Aware

Communication Protocol ", Proc IEEE Conf. on Intelligent Transportation Systems ,
Washington DC , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 6 , October , 2011 .

- Nogueira, A. N.; E. Rocha; P. Salvador; J. R. Rodrigues; " Identification of

Anomalies on Encrypted Communications based on Multi-Scale Behavior Modeling ",
Proc International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control
Systems , Budapest , Hungary , October , 2011 .

- Fernandes, T.; " Indoor Localization Using Bluetooth ", Proc FEUP Doctoral Symp.
on Informatics Engineering - DSIE , Porto , Portugal , January , 2011 .

- Abrudan, T.; L. M. Paula; J. Barros; J. P. C. Silva Cunha; N.B.C. Carvalho; "

Indoor location estimation and tracking in wireless sensor networks using a dual
frequency approach ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Indoor Positioning and
Indoor Navigation - IPIN 2011 , Guimarães , Portugal , September , 2011 .

- Brás, L.; N.B.C. Carvalho; P.T. Pinho; " Indoor/Outdoor Management System
Compliant with Google Maps and Android® OS ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE
2011 , Lisboa , Portugal , pp. 1 - 4 , April , 2011 .


- Vilela, J. V.; Pedro Pinto Pinto; J. Barros; " Jammer Selection Policies for Secure
Wireless Networks ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Communications - ICC ,
kyoto , Japan , June , 2011 .

- Nogueira, A. N.; P. Salvador; " Joint Modeling of Heterogeneous Networks for QoS
Prediction ", Proc World Conf. on Information Technology - WCIT , Antalya , Turkey
, November , 2011 .

- Nogueira, A. N.; P. Salvador; " Joint Modeling of Heterogeneous Networks for QoS
Prediction ", Proc International Conf. on Telecommunication Systems, Modeling and
Analysis - ICTSM , Prague , Czech Republic , May , 2011 .

- Brás, L.; N.B.C. Carvalho; P.T. Pinho; " Location System applied in Management
of Emergency Scenarios ", Proc ETH Zurich 10 International Conf. on Indoor
Positioning and Indoor Navigation - IPIN , Guimaraes , Portugal , pp. 1 - 4 ,
September , 2011 .

- Robalo, D.R.; F. J. Velez; " Model for the Correlation between Quality of Service
and Experience in Cognitive Radio Networks ", Proc International Symp. on Applied
Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies - ISABEL , Barcelona ,
Spain , October , 2011 .

- Nogueira, A. N.; P. Salvador; " Modeling Framework for M2M Traffic ", Proc World
Conf. on Information Technology - WCIT , Antalya , Turkey , November , 2011 .

- Nogueira, A. N.; J. Rodrigues; P. Salvador; " Multimedia Content Aggregator

applied to an IPTV Content-Zapping Service ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications -
ConfTele , Lisbon , Portugal , April , 2011 .

- Phulpin, Y. P. ; J. Barros; D. E. Lucani; " Network Coding in Smart Grids ", Proc
IEEE International Conf. on Smart Grid Communications - SmartGridComm ,
Brussels , Belgium , October , 2011 .

- , ; A. Aguiar; ; " OLBS: Offline Location Based Services ", Proc IEEE International
Conf. on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services, and Technologies -
NGMAST , Cardiff , United Kingdom , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , September , 2011 .

- Barroso, D. M.; R. M. Rocha; " Service Augmented Resource Description

Architecture ", Proc Conf. Nacional de Redes de Sensores - CNRS , Coimbra ,
Portugal , pp. 71 - 75 , March , 2011 .

- Costa, FP; R. M. Rocha; " SIN – Service-based Interconnected Networks ", Proc
ICST Conf. on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI) , Aveiro , Portugal ,
September , 2011 .

- Fonseca, I.; C.C. Coelho; F. Lopes; " Sistema de Informação Integrado para a
Gestão de Cursos de Especialização Tecnológica ", Proc Conf. Ibérica de Sistemas e
Tecnologias de Informação - CISTI , Chaves , Portugal , Vol. I , pp. 1 - 4 , June ,
2011 .


- Nogueira, A. N.; E. Rocha; P. Salvador; " Statistical Characterization of Botnets ",

Proc World Conf. on Information Technology - WCIT , Antalya , Turkey , November
, 2011 .

- Fernandes, T.; J. J. Jacob; " Virtual Location-Based Indoor Guide ", Proc IST
International Conf. on Serious Games Development and Applications - SGDA ,
Lisbon , Portugal , September , 2011 .

- Shi, X. S. ; M. M. Médard; D. E. Lucani; " When Both Transmitting and Receiving

Energies Matter: An Application of Network Coding in Wireless Body Area Networks
", Proc IFIP Networking 2011: Workshop on Network Coding Applications and
Protocols - NC-Pro , Valencia , Spain , May , 2011 .


Book Chapters

- Grazioso, P.; F. Guerra; " Deployment of Next Generation Cellular Networks " -
Chapter in Pervasive Mobile & Ambient Wireless Communications (COST 2100) ,
Roberto Verdone , River Publishers , Aalborg, Denmark , 2011 .

Papers in Journals

- Marques, R.; E. A. Araújo; A. Zúquete; " Fast 802.11 handovers with 802.1X
reauthentications ", Security and Communication Networks , Vol. 4 , No. 3 , pp. 267
- 283 , March , 2011 .

- Morais, R.M.; C. Pavan; A. N. Pinto; C. Agra; " Genetic Algorithm for the
Topological Design of Survivable Optical Transport Networks ", IEEE/OSA Journal of
Optical Communications and Networking , Vol. 3 , No. 1 , pp. 17 - 26 , January ,
2011 .

- Mateiro, JM; S. Sargento; A. Neto; N. Coutinho; N. F. Ferreira; " Mobility of

Sources and Listeners: Real-Time Support of Multicast Services ",
Telecommunication Systems , Vol. 48 , No. 1 , pp. 185 - 202 , October , 2011 .

Papers in Conference Proceedings

- Nascimento, A.N.; R. Sofia Sofia; T. Condeixa; S. Sargento; " A Characterization

of Mobility Management in User-centric Networks ", Proc IEEE International Conf.
on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Networking - NEW2AN , St. Petersburg , Russia
, Vol. 11th , August , 2011 .

- Melo, M.; J. Carapinha; S. Sargento; " A Platform for Operator-Driven Network

Virtualization ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisboa , Portugal , April ,
2011 .

- Lucani, D. E.; M. M. Médard; " Bridging Tree-Packing and Network Coding: An

Information Flow Approach ", Proc Conf. on Information Sciences and Systems -
CISS , Baltimore, MD , United States , March , 2011 .


- Soares, J.; J. Carapinha; M. Melo; S. Sargento; " Building Virtual Private Clouds
with Network aware Cloud ", Proc IARIA International Conf. on Advanced
Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences - ADVCOMP , Lisbon , Portugal
, November , 2011 .

- Cruz, S.; G. Maierbacher ; J. Barros; " Joint Source-Network Coding for Large-
Scale Sensor Networks ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Information Theory -
ISIT , Saint Petersburg , Russia , August , 2011 .

- Figueira, A. R. C. F.; J. V. Gomes; M. Sousa; M. Freire; P.R.M. Inácio ; "

Mechanism and Daemon for Identification of Worms in Attacking Zombies ", Proc
Conf. sobre Redes de Computadores - CRC , Coimbra , Portugal , Vol. 11 , pp. 0 - 9
, November , 2011 .

- Soares, L. F. B. Soares; D. A. B. F. Fernandes; J. V. Gomes; M. Sousa; M. Freire;

P.R.M. Inácio ; " NetOdyssey: A Flexible Tool for Real-Time Statistical Analysis of
Network Traffic Flows ", Proc Conf. sobre Redes de Computadores - CRC , Coimbra ,
Portugal , Vol. 11 , pp. 0 - 9 , November , 2011 .

- Soares, L. F. B. Soares; D. A. B. F. Fernandes; J. V. Gomes; M. Sousa; M. Freire;

" NetOdyssey: A Flexible Tool for Real-Time Statistical Analysis of Network Traffic
Flows ", Proc Conf. sobre Redes de Computadores - CRC , Coimbra , Portugal , Vol.
11 , November , 2011 .

- Melo, M.; J. Carapinha; S. Sargento; " Network Virtualization System Suite:

Experimental Network Virtualization Platform ", Proc International Conf. on
Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the development of Networks and
Communities , Shanghai , China , April , 2011 .

- Guardalben, L.G; António. P Pinho; P. Salvador; S. Sargento; " Nodes Discovery

in the In-Network Management Communication Framework ", Proc ICST Conf. on
Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI) , Aveiro , Portugal , Vol. 3 , pp. 1 - 14
, September , 2011 .

- Correia, L. M.; J. M. Venes; " Performance of a Heterogeneous Network with

UMTS, Wi-Fi and WiMAX ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon , Portugal ,
April , 2011 .

- Santiago, CS; BG Gangopadhyay; J. M. Pedro; " Planning a Urban Radio over

Fibre Network ", Proc IEEE Region 8 EUROCON 2011 International Conference on
Computer as a Tool joint with the Conference on Telecommunications , Lisboa ,
Portugal , April , 2011 .

- Nascimento, A.N.; R. Sofia Sofia; T. Condeixa; S. Sargento; R. Matos; " User-

centric Mobility Management ", Proc Terena Networking Conf. , Prague , Czech
Republic , May , 2011 .

- Melo, M.; J. Carapinha; S. Sargento; L. Torres; N. Tran-Phuong Tran-Phuong; U.

Killat Killat; A. Timm-Giel; " Virtual Network Mapping - An Optimization Problem ",
Proc ICST Conf. on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI) , Aveiro , Portugal
, September , 2011 .


- Melo, M.; J. Carapinha; S. Sargento; " Virtual Network Mapping into

Heterogeneous Substrate Networks ", Proc IEEE Symp. on Computers and
Communications (ISCC) , Kerkyra , Greece , July , 2011 .


Book Chapters

- Ferreira, J.; Jo. A. Fonseca Fonseca; " Controller Area Network " - Chapter in
Industrial Electronics Handbook , Bodgan Wilamowski and J. David Irwin , CRC
Press, 2011 .

- Soares, V. S.; J. R. Rodrigues; " Cooperation in DTN-Based Network Architectures

" - Chapter in Cooperative Networking , M. S. Obaidat and S. Misra , John Wiley &
Sons, 2011 .

- Oliveira, R. O.; A. Garrido; M. Luís; R. Pasquini; L. B. Bernardo; R. Dinis; "

Performance Analysis of XOR-Based Routing Protocols In Vehicular ad hoc Networks
" - Chapter in Internet Policies and Issues. Volume 8 , B.G. Kutais , Nova Publisher,
2011 .

- Rodrigues, J. R.; V. S. Soares; F. F. Farahmand; " Stationary Relay Nodes

Deployment on Vehicular Opportunistic Networks " - Chapter in Mobile
Opportunistic Networks: Architectures, Protocols and Applications , Mieso K. Denko
, CRC Press , Boca Raton , 2011 .

Papers in Journals

- Ahlgren, B.; P. Aranda; P. Chemouil; L. M. Correia; H. Karl; S. Oueslati; M.

Söllner; A. Welin; " Content, Connectivity, and Cloud: Ingredients for the Network
of the Future ", IEEE Communications Magazine , Vol. 49 , No. 7 , pp. 62 - 70 , July
, 2011 .

- Farahmand, F. F. ; I. C. Cerutti; A. P. Patel; J. J. Jue; J. R. Rodrigues; "

Performance of Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks with Relay Nodes ", Wireless
Communications & Mobile Computing , Vol. 11 , No. 7 , pp. 929 - 938 , July , 2011
- Vaidya, B.; M. Denko; J. R. Rodrigues; " Security Mechanism for Voice over
Multipath Mobile Ad-hoc Networks ", Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing
, Vol. 11 , No. 2 , pp. 196 - 210 , February , 2011 .

- Soares, V. S.; F. F. Farahmand; J. R. Rodrigues; " Traffic Differentiation Support

in Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks ", Telecommunication Systems , Vol. 48 , No.
1-2 , pp. 151 - 162 , September , 2011 .

Papers in Conference Proceedings

- Luís, M.; R. O. Oliveira; L. B. Bernardo; R. Dinis; " A Reliable Broadcast and

Unicast MAC Protocol for ad hoc Networks ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. -
VTC-Spring , Budapest , Hungary , Vol. 1 , pp. 000 - 001 , May , 2011 .


- Gomes, N.; P. Loureiro; P.A. Assunção; " Algoritmo de gestão da fila DCCP para
melhorar a QoE de vídeo 3D baseado em informações de cross-layer ", Proc Conf.
sobre Redes de Computadores - CRC , Coimbra , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 6 ,
November , 2011 .

- Capela, N.; J. Soares; P. Neves; S. Sargento; " An Architecture for Optimized

Inter-Technology Handovers: Experimental Study ", Proc IEEE International Conf.
on Communications - ICC , Kyoto , Japan , Vol. 6 , pp. 1 - 6 , June , 2011 .

- Oliveira, R. O.; L. B. Bernardo; M. Luís; " Analysis of Heuristic-based MAC

protocols for ad hoc Networks ", Proc IEEE Wireless Communications and
Networking Conf. - WCNC , Cancun , Mexico , Vol. 1 , pp. 191 - 196 , March , 2011.

- Silva, H.S.; S. Oliveira; A. Christensen; " Conillon: A Lightweight Distributed

Computing Platform for Desktop Grids ", Proc Iberian Conf. on Information Systems
and Technologies - CISTI , Chaves , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 6 , June , 2011 .

- Zarmehri, M.; A. Aguiar; " Data Gathering for Sensing Applications in Vehicular
Networks ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference - VNC , Amsterdam ,
Netherlands , Vol. 2011 , pp. 139 - 146 , November , 2011 .

- Ferreira, D.; J. Barros; " Efficient Erasure Recovery Protocols for Real-time
Applications over Wireless Networks ", Proc MAP-TELE Workshop - MAP-TELE ,
Averiro , Portugal , May , 2011 .

- Lucani, D. E.; J. K. Kliewer; " Energy-Delay Considerations in Coded Packet Flows

", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Information Theory - ISIT , Saint Petersburg ,
Russia , pp. 859 - 863 , July , 2011 .

- Morais, R.M.; C. Pavan; R. F. Rocha; A. N. Pinto; " Estimating Extra Capacity for
Dedicated Protection in Mesh Optical Transport Networks ", Proc European Conf. on
Networks and Optical Communications and Conf. on Optical Cabling and
Infrastructure - NOC/OC , Newcastle , United Kingdom , July , 2011 .

- Morais, R.M.; C. Pavan; A. N. Pinto; " Estimating the Energy Consumption in

Survivable Optical Transport Networks ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 ,
Lisbon , Portugal , April , 2011 .

- Luís, M.; R. O. Oliveira; L. B. Bernardo; R. Dinis; " Maximizing Throughput-

Fairness Tradeoff in MAC for ad hoc Networks ", Proc IEEE Wireless
Communications and Networking Conf. - WCNC , Cancun , Mexico , Vol. 1 , pp. 357
- 362 , March , 2011 .

- Reis, A.B.; S. Sargento; O. Tonguz; " On the Performance of Sparse Vehicular

Networks with Road Side Units ", Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-
Spring , Budapest , Hungary , pp. 1 - 5 , May , 2011 .

- Ganhão, F.; M.P. Pereira; L. B. Bernardo; R. Dinis; R. O. Oliveira; P. Pinto; "

Performance of Hybrid ARQ for Network Diversity Multiple Access Schemes ", Proc
International Conf. on Computer Communications , Maui , United States , July ,
2011 .

- Prior, R.P.; A. Rodrigues; " Systematic Network Coding for Packet Loss
Concealment in Broadcast Distribution ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on
Information Networking - ICOIN , Kuala-Lumpur , Malaysia , January , 2011 .

- Oliveira, R. O.; A. Garrido; R. Pasquini; M. Luís; L. B. Bernardo; R. Dinis; P. Pinto;

" Towards the use of XOR-based Routing Protocols in Vehicular ad hoc Networks ",
Proc IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. - VTC-Spring , Budapest , Hungary , Vol. 1 ,
pp. 000 - 001 , May , 2011 .



- Pinto, R.; Biomedical Engineering: Trends in electronics, communications and

software , , In-Tech , Croatia , 2011 .

Book Chapters

- Lourenço, A.; A. L. N. Fred; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " A Generative Dyadic Aspect

Model for Evidence Accumulation Clustering " - Chapter in SIMBAD 2011 , M. Pelillo
and E.R. Hancock , Springer , 2011 .

- Aidos, H.; A. L. N. Fred; " A Study of Embedding Methods under the Evidence
Accumulation Framework " - Chapter in SIMBAD 2011 , M. Pelillo and E.R. Hancock
, Springer, 2011 .

- Nascimento, J. M. P.; J. Dias; " Signal Subspace Identification in Hyperspecral

Imagery " - Chapter in Signal and Image Processing for Remote Sensing , C.H.
Chen , CRC Press, 2011 .

Papers in Journals

- Gorgulho, A. Gorgulho; R. Neves; N.H. Horta; " Applying a GA kernel on

optimizing technical analysis rules for stock picking and portfolio composition ",
Expert Systems with Applications , Vol. 38 , No. 11 , pp. 14072 - 14085 , October ,
2011 .

- Borges, J.; J. Dias; A. Marçal; " Bayesian hyperspectral image segmentation with
discriminative class learning ", IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing ,
Vol. 49 , No. 6 , pp. 2151 - 2164 , January , 2011 .

- Tomás, R.; A. Lourenço; H. Silva; V. Lee; S. Going; " Effects of Whole-Body

Vibration on Vastus Lateralis Activation During Isometric and Dynamic Squatting ",
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine , No. 49 , pp. 139 - 140 , July , 2011 .

- Proença, H.; G. Santos Santos; " Fusing Color and Shape Descriptors in the
Recognition of Degraded Iris Images Acquired at Visible Wavelength ", Computer
Vision and Image Understanding , Vol. 116 , pp. 167 - 178 , November , 2011 .


- Nascimento, J. M. P.; J. Dias; " Hyperspectral Unmixing based on Mixtures of

Dirichlet Components ", IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing ,
December , 2011 .

- Proença, H.; D. Yang; " Introduction to the Special Issue On Unconstrained

Biometrics: Advances and Trends ", Signal, Image and Video Processing Journal ,
Vol. 5 , No. 3 , pp. 1 - 2 , September , 2011 .

- Almeida, M.S.C.; L.B. Almeida ; " Nonlinear separation of show-through image

mixtures using a physical model trained with ICA ", Signal Processing , November ,
2011 .

- Proença, H.; " Quality Assessment of Degraded Iris Images Acquired in the Visible
Wavelength ", IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security , Vol. 6 , No. 1 ,
pp. 82 - 95 , March , 2011 .

- Almeida, M.; J.-H. Schleimer; R. V. Vigário; J. Dias; " Source Separation and
Clustering of Phase-Locked Subspaces ", IEEE Trans. on Neural networks , Vol. 22 ,
No. 9 , pp. 1419 - 1434 , September , 2011 .

- Iordache , M.; J. Dias; A. Plaza; " Sparse unmixing of hyperspectral data ", IEEE
Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing , Vol. 49 , No. 2 , pp. 2014 - 2039 ,
June , 2011 .

- Li, J.; J. Dias; A. Plaza; " Spectral-spatial hyperspectral image segmentation using
subspace multinomial logistic regression and Markov random fields (in press) ",
IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing , Vol. 1 , No. 1 , pp. 1 - 15 ,
August , 2011 .

- Lourenço, A.; H. Silva; A. L. N. Fred; " Unveiling the Biometric Potential of Finger-
Based ECG Signals ", Vol. 2011 , June , 2011 .

Papers in Conference Proceedings

- Marques, P.; A. Ferreira; S. P. Sampaio; " A pedagogical passive RADAR using

DVB-S signals ", Proc IEEE, KIEES Asia-Pacific International Conference on
Synthetic Aperture Radar - APSAR , Seoul , Korea, South , Vol. CD-ROM
,September , 2011 .

- Martins, A.; M. A. T. Figueiredo; P. Aguiar; N. A. Smith; E. P. Xing; " An

Augmented Lagrangian Approach to Constrained MAP Inference ", Proc
International Conf. on Machine Learning - ICML , Bellevue, WA , United States , Vol.
, pp. 169 - 176 , June , 2011 .

- Amaro, P.A.; V.V. Vasconcelos; I. Fonseca; F. Lopes; " An Educational Application

using High Level Industrial Machine Vision Software ", Proc Portuguese Conf. on
Pattern Recognition - RecPad , Porto , Portugal , Vol. I , pp. 1 - 2 , October , 2011 .

- Oliveira, S.; L. Nunes; A. Christensen; " An Experiment in Mixing Evolving and

Preprogrammed Robots ", Proc European Conf. on Artificial Life , Paris , France ,
Vol. 1 , pp. 605 - 612 , August , 2011 .

- Dias, J.; A. Plaza; " An overview on hyperspectral unmixing: geometrical,

statistical, and sparse regression based approaches ", Proc IEEE International
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp.- IGARSS , Vancouver , Canada , July ,

- Riaz, F.; M. Coimbra; M. Dinis-Ribeiro Ribeiro; F. Baldaque Silva Silva; "

Classification of Gastroenterology images using Gabor filters ", Proc Portuguese
Conf. on Pattern Recognition - RecPad , Porto , Portugal , October , 2011 .

- Silva, H.; A. Lourenço; A. L. N. Fred; JBF Filipe; " Clinical Data Privacy and
Customization via Biometrics Based on ECG Signals ", Proc Information Quality in
eHealth - USAB , Graz , Austria , November , 2011 .

- Marques, N.; E. Dias; J. P. C. Silva Cunha; M. Coimbra; " Compressed Domain

Topographic Classification for Capsule Endoscopy ", Proc International Conf. of the
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - EMBC , Boston , United States ,
, September , 2011 .

- Can, Y.; J. Pallauf Pallauf; B.V.K. Vijaya Kumar Bhagavatula; M. Coimbra; "
Customizing Training Dataset for Improved Heartbeat Recognition Performance in
Long-Term ECG Signal Analysis ", Proc International Conf. of the IEEE Engineering
in Medicine and Biology Society - EMBC , Boston , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 ,
August , 2011 .

- Antão, DPC; A. L. N. Fred; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " ECG-Based Continuous

Authentication System Using Adaptive String Matching ", Proc International Conf.
on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing - Biosignals - INSTICC , Rome , Italy
, January , 2011 .

- Ferreira, A.; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " Efficient Unsupervised Feature Selection for

Sparse Data ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon , Portugal , April ,

- Ferreira, A.; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " Feature Discretization and Selection in

Microarray Data ", Proc International Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and
Information Retrieval - KDIR , Paris , France , Vol. 1 , pp. 465 - 469 , October ,
2011 .

- Ferreira, A.; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " Feature Selection and Discretization for

Microarray and Other Biological Data ", Proc Inforum - Simpósio de Informática ,
Coimbra , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 60 - 65 , September , 2011 .

- Pereira, J. N.; R. Neves; N.H. Horta; " Fitness Function Evaluation for MA Trading
Strategies based on Genetic Algorithms ", Proc Genetic and Evolutionary
Computation Conf. - GECCO , Dublin , Ireland , July , 2011 .

- Riaz, F.; M. Areia; F. Baldaque Silva Silva; M. Dinis-Ribeiro; P. Pimentel; M.

Coimbra; " Gabor textons for classification of gastroenterology images ", Proc IEEE
International Symp. on Biomedical Imaging , Chicago , United States , April , 2011 .


- Veiga, A.; S. Candeias; F. Perdigão; " Generating a Pronunciation Dictionary for

European Portuguese Using a Joint-Sequence Model with Embedded Stress
Assignment ", Proc Braz Comput Soc Brazilian Symposium in Information and
Human Language Technology - STIL , Cuiabá, Mato Grosso , Brazil , pp. 144 - 153 ,
October , 2011 .

- Aidos, H.; A. L. N. Fred; " Hierarchical Clustering with High Order Dissimilarities ",
Proc International Conf. on Machine Learning and Data Mining - MLDM , New York ,
United States , August , 2011 .

- Jardim, DJ; S. Oliveira; L. Nunes; " Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning: Learning

Sub-goals and State-Abstraction ", Proc Conf. Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de
Informação - CISTI , Chaves , Portugal , Vol. II , pp. 245 - 248 , June , 2011 .

- Can, Y.; B.V.K. Vijaya Kumar Bhagavatula; M. Coimbra; " Human Identification
based on ECG Signals from Wearable Health Monitoring Devices ", Proc
International Symp. on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication
Technologies - ISABEL , Barcelona , Spain , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , October , 2011 .

- Iordache , M.; J. Dias; A. Plaza; " Hyperspectral unmixing with sparse group lasso
(accepted) ", Proc IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp.-
IGARSS , Vancouver , Canada , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , July , 2011 .

- Santos, G. Santos; H. Proença; " Iris Recognition: Preliminary Assessment about

the Discriminating Capacity of Visible Wavelength Data ", Proc International
Workshop on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval - MIPR , Taichung ,
Taiwan , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , November , 2011 .

- Canento, F. A. L.; A. L. N. Fred; H. Silva; H. Gamboa; A. Lourenço; " Multimodal

Biosignal Sensor Data Handling for Emotion Recognition ", Proc IEEE Sensors ,
Limerick , Ireland , October , 2011 .

- Aidos, H.; A. L. N. Fred; " On the Distribution of Dissimilarity Increments ", Proc
Iberian Conf. on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis , Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria , Spain , June , 2011 .

- Martins, A.; M. A. T. Figueiredo; P. Aguiar; N. A. Smith; E. P. Xing; " Online

Learning of Structured Predictors with Multiple Kernels ", Proc International Conf.
on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics - AISTATS , Fort Lauderdale , United States ,
April , 2011 .

- Fred, A. L. N.; H. Silva; A. Lourenço; " Palm based ECG biometrics ", Proc
Portuguese Conf. on Pattern Recognition - RecPad , Porto , Portugal , October ,
2011 .

- Almeida, M.; R. V. Vigário; J. Dias; " Phase Locked Matrix Factorization ", Proc
European Signal Processing Conf. - EUSIPCO , Barcelona , Spain , pp. 1728 - 1732 ,
August , 2011 .

- Hedayioglu, F.; M. G. Jafari; S. S. Mattos; M. D. Plumbley; M. Coimbra; "

Separating Sources from Sequentially Acquired Mixtures of Heart Signals ", Proc

Portuguese Conf. on Pattern Recognition - RecPad , Porto , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp.

100 - 103 , October , 2011 .

- Alexandre, L.; " Single layer complex valued neural network with entropic cost
function ", Proc International Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN , Espoo ,
Finland , Vol. Springer LNCS 6791 , pp. 331 - 338 , June , 2011 .

- Ferreira, A.; Oliveira; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " Sliding Window Update Using Suffix
Arrays ", Proc IEEE Data Compression Conf. - DCC , Snowbird, UT, USA , United
States , pp. 456 - 456 , March , 2011 .

- Costa, P.; L.M. Botelho; " Software Image for Learning by Observation ", Proc
Portuguese Conf. on Artificial Intelligence - EPIA , Lisbon , Portugal , pp. 872 - 884
, October , 2011 .

- Dias, J.; M. Iordache ; A. Plaza; " Total variation regularization in sparse

hyperspectral unmixing ", Proc IEEE Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal
Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing - WHISPERS 2009 , Lisbon , Portugal ,
Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , June , 2011 .

- Lourenço, A.; H. Silva; D. P. Santos; A. L. N. Fred; " Towards a Finger Based ECG
Biometric System ", Proc INSTICC International Conf. on Bio-inspired Systems and
Signal Processing - Biosignals , Rome , Italy ,January , 2011 .

- Duarte, M.; A. Christensen; S. Oliveira; " Towards Artificial Evolution of Complex

Behavior Observed in Insect Colonies ", Proc Portuguese Conf. on Artificial
Intelligence - EPIA , Lisboa , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 153 - 167 , October , 2011 .

- Parracho, P. Parracho; R. Neves; N.H. Horta; " Trading with Optimized Uptrend
and Downtrend Pattern Templates using a Genetic Algorithm Kernel ", Proc IEEE
Congress on Evolutionary Computation - CEC , New Orleans , United States , June ,
2011 .

- Ferreira, A.; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " Unsupervised Feature Selection for Sparse

Data ", Proc European Symp. on Artificial Neural Networks - ESANN , Bruges ,
Belgium , Vol. 1 , pp. 339 - 344 , April , 2011 .

- Ferreira, A.; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " Unsupervised Joint Feature Discretization and

Selection ", Proc Iberian Conf. on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis , Las
Palmas, Gran Canaria , Spain , June , 2011 .

- Lourenço, A.; LM Medina; A. L. N. Fred; JBF Filipe; " Unsupervised Organisation of

Scientific Documents ", Proc International Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and
Information Retrieval - KDIR , Paris , France , pp. 557 - 568 , October , 2011 .





- Sousa, M.; M. Freire; Biomedical Diagnostics and Clinical Technologies: Applying

High-Performance Cluster and Grid Computing , , Idea-Group Inc. , NY , 2011 .

Book Chapters

- Naccari, M. ; F. Pereira; " Comparing Spatial Masking Modelling in Just Noticeable

Distortion Controlled H.264/AVC Video Coding " - Chapter in Analysis, Retrieval and
Delivery of Multimedia Contents , Nicola Adami, Andrea Cavallaro, Riccardo
Leonardi, Pierangelo Migliorati , Springer , Berlin , 2011 .

- Ferreira, A.; P. Marques; " Echo Cancellation for Hands-Free Systems " - Chapter
in Adaptive Filtering , Lino García Morales , In-Tech, 2011 .

- Neves, F.N.; S.S. Soares; P.A. Assunção; F.T. Tavares; " Enhanced VoIP by signal
reconstruction and voice quality assessment " - Chapter in VoIP Technologies ,
Shigeru Kashihara , In-Tech , Rijeka, Croatia , 2011 .

- Fernandes , G. Falcão; V. Silva; L. Sousa; " Parallel LDPC Decoding " - Chapter in
GPU Computing Gems , ed. Prof. Wen-mei W. Hwu , Morgan and Kaufmann ,
Burlington, MA, USA , 2011 .

- Lenkiewicz, P.; M. Sousa; M. Freire; J.Fernandes Fernandes; " Techniques for

Medical Image Segmentation: Review of the Most Popular Approaches " - Chapter
in Biomedical Diagnostics and Clinical Technologies: Applying High-Performance
Cluster and Grid Computing , IGI , Idea-Group Inc., 2011 .

- Sousa, M.; F. Soares ; M. Freire; " The Role of Self-Similarity for Computer Aided
Detection Based on Mammogram Analysis " - Chapter in Biomedical Diagnostics and
Clinical Technologies: Applying High-Performance Cluster and Grid Computing ,
Idea-Group , Idea-Group Inc. , Hershey, New York , 2011 .

Papers in Journals

- Melo, R. M.; J. P. B. Barreto; G. Falcão Fernandes ; " A New Solution for Camera
Calibration and Real-Time Image Distortion Correction in Medical Endoscopy - Initial
Technical Evaluation ", IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering , November , 2011 .

- Baptista, P. R. ; T.R. Cunha; C. Bernardes; C. Gama; Ó. Ferreira; A. Dias; " A

precise and efficient methodology to analyze the shoreline displacement rate ",
Journal of Coastal Research , Vol. 27 , No. 2 , pp. 223 - 232 , March , 2011 .

- Naccari, M. ; F. Pereira; " Advanced H.264/AVC based perceptual video coding:

architecture, tools and assessment ", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video
Tech. , Vol. 21 , No. 6 , pp. 766 - 782 , June , 2011 .


- Afonso, M.; J. Dias; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " An Augmented Lagrangian Approach to

the Constrained Optimization Formulation of Imaging Inverse Problems ", IEEE
Trans. on Image Processing , Vol. 20 , No. 3 , pp. 681 - 695 , March , 2011 .

- Brites , C.; F. Pereira; " An Efficient Encoder Rate Control Solution for Transform
Domain Wyner-Ziv Video Coding ", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video
Tech. , Vol. 21 , No. 9 , pp. 1278 - 1292 , September , 2011 .

- Tomé , A.; F. Pereira; " Low delay distributed video coding with refined side
information ", Signal Processing: Image Communication , Vol. 26 , No. 4-5 , pp.
220 - 235 , April , 2011 .

- Tomás, B.; F. Pereira; " Musical slideshow: boosting user experience in photo
presentation ", Multimedia Tools and Applications , Vol. 55 , No. 3 , pp. 627 - 653 ,
March , 2011 .

- Pereira, J.; H. A. Silva; " Orthogonal Perfect DFT sequences ", IET Signal
Processing , Vol. in press , December , 2011 .

Papers in Conference Proceedings

- Lucas, LFRL; Nuno M. M. Rodrigues; E. Silva; S.M.M. Faria; " Adaptive Least
Squares Prediction for Stereo Image Coding ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on
Image Processing - ICIP , Brussels , Belgium , September , 2011 .

- Dick, J. D.; H. A. Almeida; L. D. Soares; P. Nunes; " 3D Holoscopic Video Coding

using MVC ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisboa , Portugal , April , 2011 .

- Ascenso, J.; C. Brites ; F. Pereira; " A Denoising Approach for Iterative Side
Information Creation in Distributed Video Coding ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on
Image Processing - ICIP , Brussels , Belgium , September , 2011 .

- Pereira, F.; G. Cernigliaro; M. Naccari; F. Jaureguizar; J. Cabrera; F. Pereira; " A

new fast motion estimation and mode decision algorithm for H.264 depth maps
encoding in free viewpoint TV ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing
- ICIP , Brussels , Belgium , September , 2011 .

- Figueiredo, M. A. T.; J. Dias; " An Alternating Direction Algorithm for

(Overlapping) Group Regularization ", Proc Workshop on Signal Processing with
Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations - SPARS’11 , Edinburgh , United
Kingdom , June , 2011 .

- Noto, S. ; P.L. Correia; L. D. Soares; " Analysis of Error Correcting Codes for the
Secure Storage of Biometric Templates ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 ,
Lisbon , Portugal , April , 2011 .

- Pallauf, J. Pallauf; P. Gomes; S. Brás Brás; J. P. C. Silva Cunha; M. Coimbra; "

Associating ECG features with firefighter's activities ", Proc International Conf. of


the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - EMBC , Boston , United
States , September , 2011 .

- Ascenso, J.; C. Brites ; F. Pereira; " Augmented LDPC Graph for Distributed Video
Coding with Multiple Side Information ", Proc IEEE Workshop on MultiMedia Signal
Processing - MMSP , Hangzhou , China , October , 2011 .

- Carmo, GC; M. Naccari; F. Pereira; " Binary tree decomposition depth coding for
3D video applications ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Multimedia and Expo -
ICME , Barcelona , Spain , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , July , 2011 .

- Sanchit, S.; M. Ramalho; P.L. Correia; L. D. Soares; " Biometric Identification

through Palm and Dorsal Hand Vein Patterns ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011
, Lisbon , Portugal , April , 2011 .

- Graziosi, D. B. G.; C.L.P. Pagliari; E. Silva; S.M.M. Faria; Nuno M. M. Rodrigues;

M. Carvalho; " Codificação de mapas de profundidade usando casamento de
padrões multiescalas ", Proc Simpósio Brasileiro das Telecomunicações , Curitiba ,
Brazil , October , 2011 .

- Francisco, N.; A. Zaghetto; B. Macchiavello; E. Silva; M. Lima-Marques; Nuno M.

M. Rodrigues; S.M.M. Faria; " Compression of touchless multiview fingerprints ",
Proc IEEE Biometric Measurements and Systems for Security and Medical
Applications - BioMS , Milan , Italy , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 5 , September , 2011 .

- Francisco, N.; Nuno M. M. Rodrigues; E. Silva; M. Carvalho; S.M.M. Faria; "

Computational complexity reduction methods for multiscale recurrent pattern
algorithms ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon , Portugal , pp. 1 - 4 ,
April , 2011 .

- Nogueira, Pedro A. Nogueira; M. Coimbra; " Determining Leishmania Infection

Levels by Automatic Analysis of Microscopy Images ", Proc Congresso de Métodos
Numéricos em Engenharia , Coimbra , Portugal , June , 2011 .

- Ramalho, M.; P.L. Correia; L. D. Soares; " DISTRIBUTED SOURCE CODING FOR
International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP , Brussels , Belgium , September ,
2011 .

- Correia, Pedro F.; P.A. Assunção; V. Silva; " Enhanced H.264/AVC Video
Streaming using Network-adaptive Multiple Description Coding ", Proc IEEE Region
8 EUROCON 2011 International Conference on Computer as a Tool joint with the
Conference on Telecommunications , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , April ,
2011 .

- Marcelino, S. Marcelino; P.A. Assunção; S.M.M. Faria; S.S. Soares; " Error
recovery of image-based depth maps using Bézier curve fitting ", Proc IEEE
International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP , Brussels , Belgium , September ,
2011 .


- Sousa, M.; P. Lenkiewicz; M. Freire; " Extended Whole Mesh Deformati on Model:
Full 3D Processing ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP ,
Brussels , Belgium , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , September , 2011 .

- Brandão, T.; M. Chin; M.P. Queluz; " From PSNR to perceived quality in H.264
encoded video sequences ", Proc EuroITV , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. CDROM , July ,
2011 .

- Afonso, M.; J. Dias; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " Hybrid Synthesis-Analysis Frame-Based

Regularization: A Criterion and an Algorithm ", Proc Workshop on Signal Processing
with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations - SPARS’11 , Edinburgh , United
Kingdom , June , 2011 .

- Coimbra, M.; F. Riaz; F. Vilarino Vilarino; M. Dinis-Ribeiro; " Identifying

potentially cancerous tissues in Chromoendoscopy images ", Proc Iberian Conf. on
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis , Gran Canaria , Spain , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 ,
June , 2011 .

- Conti, C. ; J. Lino; P. Nunes; L. D. Soares; P.L. Correia; " Improved Spatial

Prediction for 3D Holoscopic Image and Video Coding ", Proc European Signal
Processing Conf. - EUSIPCO , Barcelona , Spain , August , 2011 .

- Naccari, M. ; F. Pereira; " Integrating a spatial just noticeable distortion model in

the under development HEVC codec ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Acoustics,
Speech, and Signal Processing - ICASSP , Prague , Czech Republic , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 -
4 , May , 2011 .

- Sousa, M.; A. Arrifano; M. Freire; " Joint Source-Channel Decoding of Motion-

Information Using Maximum-a-Posteriori ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Image
Processing - ICIP , Brussels , Belgium , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , September , 2011 .

- Naccari, M. ; C. Brites ; J. Ascenso; F. Pereira; " Low complexity deblocking filter

perceptual optimization for the HEVC codec ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on
Image Processing - ICIP , Brussels , Belgium , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , September , 2011

- Almeida, M.S.C.; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " New stopping criteria for iterative blind
image deblurring based on residual whiteness measures ", Proc IEEE Workshop on
Statistical Signal Processing - SSP , Nice , France , June , 2011 .

- Afonso, M.; J. Dias; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " Non-cyclic deconvolution using an

augmented-Lagrangian method ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisboa ,
Portugal , April , 2011 .

- Pereira, F.; " Panel on 'Quality of Experience in Applications, Standardization and

Certification' ", Proc International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience -
QoMEX , Mechelen , Belgium , September , 2011 .

- Conti, C. ; " Paulo ", Proc European Signal Processing Conf. - EUSIPCO , Barcelona
, Spain , August , 2011 .


- Cabrita, A.S.C; M. Naccari; F. Pereira; " Perceptually driven coefficients pruning

and quantization for the H.264/AVC standard ", Proc Conf. on Telecommunications -
ConfTele , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , April , 2011 .

- Pereira, J.; H. A. Silva; " Perfect DFT Sequences Transformed Into Orthogonal
Sequences ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Libon , Portugal , pp. 1 - 4 ,
April , 2011 .

- Neves, F.N.; S. Pedro; S.S. Soares; P.A. Assunção; F.T. Tavares; " Quality model
for monitoring QoE in VoIP services ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon
, Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , April , 2011 .

- Ramalho, M.; S. Sanchit; P.L. Correia; L. D. Soares; " Secure Multi-Spectral Hand
Recognition System ", Proc European Signal Processing Conf. - EUSIPCO ,
Barcelona , Spain , August , 2011 .

- " Secure Multi-Spectral Hand Recognition System ", Proc European Signal
Processing Conf. - EUSIPCO , Barcelona , Spain , August , 2011 .

- Hedayioglu, F.; M. G. Jafari; S. S. Mattos; M. D. Plumbley; M. Coimbra; "

SIGNALS ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal
Processing - ICASSP , Prague , Czech Republic , Vol. To be published| , pp. To be
published| - To be published| , May , 2011 .

- Coimbra, M.; M. G. Jafari; S. Rabaça; M. D. Plumbley; " Separating sources from

sequentially acquired mixtures of heart signals ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on
Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing - ICASSP , Prague , Czech Republic , Vol.
1 , pp. 1 - 1 , May , 2011 .

- Conti, C. ; J. Lino; P. Nunes; L. D. Soares; P.L. Correia; " Spatial Prediction Based
on Self-Similarity Compensation for 3D Holoscopic Image and Video Coding ", Proc
IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP , Brussels , Belgium ,
September , 2011 .

- Lucas, LFRL; Nuno M. M. Rodrigues; E. Silva; S.M.M. Faria; " Stereo Image
Coding using Dynamic Template-Matching Prediction ", Proc EUROCON and
CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon , Portugal , April , 2011 .

- Pinto, L.F.H.P.; J. F. M. C. Carreira; S.M.M. Faria; Nuno M. M. Rodrigues; P.A.

Assunção; " Subjective Quality Factors in Packet 3D Video ", Proc IEEE International
Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience - QoMEX , Mechelen , Belgium , Vol.
1 , pp. 1 - 1 , September , 2011 .

- Pereira, F.; " Video compression: an evolving technology for better user
experiences … ", Proc National Conf. on Telecommunications (Peru) , Arequipa ,
Peru , May , 2011 .

- Pereira, F.; " Visual compression: the foundational technology for better TV
experiences ", Proc EuroITV , Lisboa , Portugal , June , 2011 .


Project Reports

- Kumar, Navin; M. Figueiredo; L. Alves; R. L. Aguiar; " VLC Modulation Schemes ",
FCT , PDC/VIDAS/2006 , March , 2011 .


Book Chapters

- Lopes, C.; F. Perdigão; " Phone Recognition on the TIMIT Database " - Chapter in
Speech Technologies , Ivo Ipsic , In-Tech , 2011 .

Papers in Conference Proceedings

- Veiga, A.; S. Candeias; C. Lopes; F. Perdigão; " Characterization of Hesitations

Using Acoustic Models ", Proc International Congress of Phonetic Sciences - ICPhS
XVII , Hong Kong , China , August , 2011 .


Book Chapters

- Nogueira, A. N.; P. Salvador; R. Valadas; A. Pacheco; " Markovian Modelling of

Internet Traffic " - Chapter in Performance Handbook in Next Generation Internet:
Performance Evaluation & Applications , D. Kouvatsos , Springer , Berlin-Heidelberg
, 2011 .

Papers in Conference Proceedings

- Nogueira, A. N.; P. Salvador; R. Valadas; A. Pacheco; " Joint Modeling of Network

Related Events with Multi-Dimensional Markov Modulated Deterministic Processes ",
Proc IEEE International Conf. on Software, Telecommunications and Computer
Networks - SoftCOM , Hvar , Croatia , September , 2011 .

- Nogueira, A. N.; P. Salvador; " Markov Modulated Bi-variate Gaussian Processes

for Mobility Modeling and Location Prediction ", Proc IFIP Networking , Valencia ,
Spain , May , 2011 .-

- Nogueira, A. N.; P. Salvador; " Modeling M2M Traffic: A New Paradigm ", Proc
International Conf. on Telecommunication Systems, Modeling and Analysis - ICTSM
, Prague , Czech Republic , May , 2011 .´

- Silva, L.S.; R Marau ; L. Almeida; " Sessão RTSS@Work: Demonstrating real-time

reconfiguration in service-oriented distributed systems ", Proc IEEE Real-Time
Systems Symp. - RTSS , Viena , Austria , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , November , 2011 .


4.3.7 Other Achievements


- Garcia, N. M. ; R. G. C. Couto; A. P. P. Pinheiro; " BioPLUX communication suite ",

1.0 , November , 2011 .

- Couto, R. G. C.; A. A. A.; N. M. Garcia; " InventALLab ", 1.0 , June , 2011 .


- Barreto, J. P. B.; G. Falcão Fernandes ; R. M. Melo; " METHOD, MODEL, AND

RECTIFICATION USING PARALLEL PROCESSING (pending) ", 105832 , July , 2011 .

- Rodrigues, J. R.; V. S. Soares; F. F. Farahmand; " Método de Transmissão de

Dados em Redes Veículares com Ligações Intermitentes ", PT 104538 , August ,
2011 .

- Garcia, N. M. ; R. G. C. Couto; A. P. P. Pinheiro; " Sistema de Interação Mista

Web+SMS para Monitorização e Treino de Estilos de Vida ", Portuguese Patent
105903, pending , June , 2011 .

- Garcia, N. M. ; R. G. C. Couto; A. P. P. Pinheiro; " Wearable device for interface

control ", Portuguese Patent 105404, pendin , May , 2011 .


- Lucas da Silva, M.; C. Simões; H. Silva; " Prémio Engenheiro Jaime Filipe ", This
award, promoted by the Portuguese Social Security Institute, distinguishes yearly
the most innovative and autonomy enabling solution within the domain of
rehabilitation engineering, and at a National level it currently stands as the highest
recognition in this field. , 01-12-2011 .

- Veiga, A.; S. Candeias; F. Perdigão; " Generating a pronunciation dictionary for

European Portuguese using a mixed model ", prize for the 3rd best papaer in the
8th Symposium in Information and Human Language Technology (STIL 2011),
Cuiabá, UFMG - Brazil. , 01-10-2011 .

- Almeida, M.S.C.; " Menção honrosa no Prémio Científico IBM 2010 ", Este Prémio
foi instituído pela IBM em 1990 para distinguir trabalhos com elevado mérito
científico no campo da computação teórica e aplicada, realizados por investigadores
portugueses com idade inferior a 36 anos de idade. (http://www- , 01-01-2011 .


- Lopes, F.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Adaptação do protocolo DCCP para tráfego VOIP ",
ESTG-IPL-2011 , 01-12-2011 .

- Lopes, F.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Gestão eficiente da fila DCCP em fontes de vídeo
3D baseada em informações de cross-layer ", ESTG-IPL-2011 , 01-12-2011 .

- Figueiredo, M. A. T.; " Invited Talks ", On the Use of Alternating Direction
Optimization for Imaging Inverse Problems ", Symposium on Variational Image
Analysis (VIA11), Heidelberg, Germany , 01-07-2011 .

- Faria, S.M.M.; " PhD Thesis Jury ", Video coding with low encoder complexity for
systems with multiple cameras - FEP - Universidade do Porto ", , 01-07-2011 .
- Nunes, P.; " PhD Thesis Jury ", No-reference Image and Video Quality Assessment
", 01-06-2011 .

- Caldeirinha, R.F.S.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Using Least-Squares Prediction for
Compression of Colour and Stereo Images ", Luis Lucas, Polytechnic Institute of
Leiria , 01-06-2011 .

- Nunes, P.; " MSc Thesis Jury ", Televisão Digital Terrestre Desafios e Estratégias
de Implementação em Moçambique ", 01-05-2011 .

- Sargento, S.; " Member of Advisory Committee ", Avaliadora de Projectos

Europeus da Comissão Europeia da área de Research Infrastructures, FP7, Call 5,
2009 ", FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2009-1 , 01-01-2011 .

- Queluz, M.P.; " Member of Advisory Committee ", Elected Member of The
EURASIP Board of Directors ", 01-01-2011 .

- Rodrigues, J. R.; " Member of Technical Committee ", IEEE ComSoc Technical
Committee on Communications Software ", Vice-Chair , 01-01-2011 .

4.3.8 Other Contributions

Conference Committees

- IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP, Technical Programme

Chairman, Paulo Lobato Correia, 01-01-2011

- International Workshop on Quality of Experience for Multimedia Content Sharing -

QoEMCS, Organizing Committee, Rui Jorge Henriques Calado Lopes, 01-06-2011

- European Conf. on Complex Systems - ECCS, Technical Programme Committee,

Rui Jorge Henriques Calado Lopes, 01-09-2011

- European Signal Processing Conf. - EUSIPCO, Technical Programme Committee,

Paulo Nunes, 01-01-2011

- International Conf. on Image Analysis and Recognition, Technical Programme

Committee, Miguel Tavares Coimbra, 01-01-2011

- IFIP Networking 2011: Workshop on Network Coding Applications and Protocols -

NC-Pro, Conference Chairman, Daniel Enrique Lucani Roetter, 01-01-2011

- International Workshop on Quality of Experience for Multimedia Content Sharing -

QoEMCS, Technical Programme Committee, Maria Paula Queluz, 01-01-2011

- International Conf. on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, Technical

Programme Committee, Maria Paula Queluz, 01-01-2011

- International Conf. on Image Analysis and Recognition, Technical Programme

Committee, Maria Paula Queluz, 01-01-2011

- IEEE Real-Time Systems Symp. - RTSS, Technical Programme Committee, Paulo

Bacelar Reis Pedreiras, 01-01-2011

- Workshop de Sistemas Operacionais - WSO, Technical Programme Committee,

Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras, 01-01-2011

- Workshop on Adaptive and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems - APRES, Technical

Programme Committee, Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras, 01-01-2011

- IARIA International Conf. on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of

Service - CTRQ, Technical Programme Committee, Vasco Nuno da Gama de Jesus
Soares, 01-01-2011

- Computability and Complexity in Analysis - CCA, Technical Programme

Committee, Luis Filipe Coelho Antunes, 01-01-2011

- International Conf. on Computer and Communication Technology - ICCCT,

Technical Programme Committee, Rui Jorge Henriques Calado Lopes, 01-09-2011

- European Signal Processing Conf. - EUSIPCO, Scientific Committee, Paulo Lobato

Correia, 01-01-2011

- Euro-Ngi Conf. on Next Generation Internet Networks (NGI), Technical

Programme Committee, Amaro Sousa, 01-06-2011

- International Network Optimization Conf. - INOC, Scientific Committee, Amaro

Sousa, 01-01-2011

- IFIP International Conf. on New Technologies, Mobility and Security - Wireless

Sensor Networks Workshop - NTMS, Technical Programme Committee, Paulo
Bacelar Reis Pedreiras, 01-01-2011

- IEEE Symp. on Industrial Embedded Systems - SIES, Technical Programme

Committee, Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras, 01-01-2011

- European Workshop on Biometrics and Identity Management - BioID, Technical

Programme Committee, Luís Ducla Soares, 01-01-2011


- International Conf. on Image Analysis and Recognition, Technical Programme

Committee, Maria Paula Queluz, 01-01-2011

- Asian Conf. on Inteligent Information and Database Systems - ACIIDS, Technical

Programme Committee, Maria Paula Queluz, 01-01-2011

- International Conf. on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, Technical

Programme Committee, Maria Paula Queluz, 01-01-2011

- Ibero-American Symp. in Computer Graphics, Technical Programme Chairman,

Frutuoso Gomes Mendes da Silva, 01-06-2011

- European Signal Processing Conf. - EUSIPCO, Technical Programme Committee,

Paulo Lobato Correia, 01-01-2011

- IEEE International Conf. on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation -

ETFA, Technical Programme Committee, Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras, 01-01-2011

- International Conf. on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology - ACE,

Scientific Committee, Frutuoso Gomes Mendes da Silva, 01-01-2011

- Conf. on Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers - CETC, Scientific

Committee, Fernando Lopes, 01-01-2011

- CETC2011- Conf. on Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers , Scientific

Committee, Pedro Miguel dos Santos Alves Madeira Adão, 01-01-2011

- Inforum - Simpósio de Informática, Scientific Committee, Pedro Miguel dos Santos

Alves Madeira Adão, 01-01-2011

- Networks for Real-Time Embedded Systems - NERES, Organizing Committee,

Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras, 01-01-2011

- IEEE Symp. on Industrial Embedded Systems - SIES, Technical Programme

Committee, Paulo Bacelar Reis Pedreiras, 01-01-2011

- Workshop on Agreement Technologies - WAT, Technical Programme Committee,

Luis Miguel Pina Coelho Teixeira Botelho, 01-01-2011

- Multi-Agent Systems: Theory and Applications - MASTA, Technical Programme

Committee, Luis Miguel Pina Coelho Teixeira Botelho, 01-01-2011

- Portuguese Conf. on Artificial Intelligence - EPIA, Technical Programme

Committee, Luis Miguel Pina Coelho Teixeira Botelho, 01-01-2011

- Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction - ACII, Technical Programme

Committee, Luis Miguel Pina Coelho Teixeira Botelho, 01-01-2011

- International Conf. on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies - EC-Web,

Technical Programme Committee, Luis Miguel Pina Coelho Teixeira Botelho, 01-01-

- International Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems - AAMAS,

Technical Programme Committee, Luis Miguel Pina Coelho Teixeira Botelho, 01-01-

- Conf. Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação - CISTI , Technical

Programme Committee, Rui Jorge Henriques Calado Lopes, 01-05-2011

- First Iberian Workshop on Serious Games and Meaningful Play - SGaMePlay,

Scientific Committee, Frutuoso Gomes Mendes da Silva, 01-01-2011

- Mosharaka International Conf. on Computing and Artificial Intelligence - MIC-CAI,

Technical Programme Committee, Rui Jorge Henriques Calado Lopes, 01-07-2011

- Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Conference Chairman, Sérgio Faria, 01-


- International Conf. on Telecommunications - ICT, Scientific Committee, Sérgio

Faria, 01-01-2011

- Conf. on Telecommunications - ConfTele, Scientific Committee, Sérgio Faria, 01-


- IEEE International Conf. on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services, and

Technologies - NGMAST, Technical Programme Committee, Fernando J. Velez, 01-

- International Conf. on Hand-Based Biometrics - ICHB, Scientific Committee, Hugo

Pedro Martins Carriço Proença, 01-01-2011

- IAPR International Conf. on Biometrics - ICB, Scientific Committee, Hugo Pedro

Martins Carriço Proença, 01-01-2011

- IEEE International Joint Conf. on Biometrics - IJCB, Sessions Chairman , Hugo

Pedro Martins Carriço Proença, 01-01-2011

- Conf. on Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers - CETC, Technical

Programme Committee, Rui Jorge Henriques Calado Lopes, 01-11-2011

- IEEE International Workshop on Video Panorama - IWVP, Technical Programme

Committee, Paulo Nunes, 01-01-2011

- IEEE International Conf. on Networks, Technical Programme Committee, Rui Jorge

Henriques Calado Lopes, 01-12-2011

- EuroITV, Technical Programme Committee, Rui Jorge Henriques Calado Lopes, 01-

- International Conf. on Multimedia, Signal Processing and Communication

Technologies - IMPACT, Scientific Committee, Fernando Lopes, 01-01-2011


- IARIA International Conf. on Internet Monitoring and Protection - ICIMP, Technical

Programme Committee, João Vasco Paulo Gomes , 01-01-2011

Editorial Committees

- Intrnl. Journal of Satellite Communications Policy and Management , InderScience

Publishers, Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues, Editorial Board Member, 01-04-2011

- European Trans. on Telecommunications , Wiley, Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues,

Editorial Review Board Member, 01-06-2011 to

- Recent Patents on Telecommunications , Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., Joel

José Puga Coelho Rodrigues, Editor-in-Chief, 01-06-2011 to

- Intrnl. Journal of Biometrics , Inderscience, Hugo Pedro Martins Carriço Proença,

Editorial Board, 01-09-2011 to


4.4 Basic Sciences and Enabling

4.4.1 Area Coordinators

 Pedro Girão
 Luís Alcácer

4.4.2 Human Resources


Degree Aveiro Coimbra Lisboa

Professor Emeritus 0 0 1

Full Professor 1 3 3

Associate Professor 0 2 7

Assistant Professor 4 5 13

Post-Doc 0 5 6

Coordinator Professor 0 1 2

Assistant Lecturer 0 4 0

PhD Student 5 7 16

(Licenciado) 0 0 1

TOTAL 10 27 49

Table 26 – Overview of the human resources in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies
Area in 2011


Permanent Collaborators

Position Degree Name Group

Assistant PhD Acácio Manuel Amaral Power Systems – Co
Assistant PhD Adérito Neto Alcaso Power Systems – Co
Assistant PhD Amaro Sousa Network Architectures and
Professor Protocols – Av
Post. Doc. PhD Ana Charas Organic Electronics – Lx
Post. Doc. PhD Ana Teresa Fernandes Organic Electronics – Lx

Assistant PhD André Manuel dos Santos Power Systems – Co

Professor Mendes

Post. Doc. PhD Antonino Stabile Power Systems – Co

Full Professor Agregação António Cardoso Power Systems – Co

Full Professor Agregação António Cruz Serra Instrumentation and

Measurements – Lx
Associate Agregação Artur Lopes Ribeiro Instrumentation and
Professor Measurements – Lx
Associate Agregação Beatriz Borges Power Electronics - Lx
Assistant PhD Domingos da Silva Integrated Circuits – Av
Professor Barbosa

Assistant PhD Edgar Silva Pereira Applied Mathematics – Cv

Full Professor Agregação Eduardo de Sousa Saraiva Power Systems – Co

Assistant PhD Fernando Tim Tim Janeiro Instrumentation and

Professor Measurements – Lx
Assistant PhD Fernando Manuel Lourenço Applied Mathematics – Cv
Professor Martins

Assistant PhD Francisco Alegria Instrumentation and

Professor Measurements – Lx
Post. Doc. PhD Gianluca Fabbri Power Systems – Co

Associate Agregação Helena Ramos Instrumentation and

Professor Measurements – Lx
Assistant PhD Hugo Marques Power Electronics - Lx
Assistant PhD João Manuel Patrício Applied Mathematics – Co
Full Professor Agregação Joaquim Júdice Applied Mathematics – Co


Position Degree Name Group

Assistant PhD Jorge Manuel Correia Integrated Circuits - Lx
Professor Guilherme

Associate Agregação Jorge Morgado Organic Electronics – Lx

Full Professor Agregação José António Marinho Instrumentation and
Brandão Faria Measurements – Lx

Licenciado Licenciatura José Augusto Alves Instrumentation and

Gouveia Measurements – Lx

Coordinator Agregação José Dias Pereira Instrumentation and

Professor Measurements – Lx
Post. Doc. PhD Lorenzo Petrucci Power Systems – Co

Professor Agregação Luís Alcácer Organic Electronics – Lx

Coordinator PhD Luís Merca Fernandes Applied Mathematics – Co
Assistant PhD Luis Nero Alves Integrated Circuits – Av
Post. Doc. PhD M´hamed Drif Power Systems – Co

Assistant PhD Manuel Fernando Martins Integrated Circuits - Lx

Professor de Barros

Associate PhD Manuel Lameiras de Security and Quantum

Professor Figueiredo Campagnolo Information –Lx

Coordinator PhD Manuel Matos Organic Electronics – Lx

Assistant PhD Manuel Ventura Guerreiro Instrumentation and
Professor das Neves Measurements – Lx

Associate PhD Maria Madalena Martins Applied Mathematics – Co

Assistant PhD Nuno Gonçalo Bandeira Instrumentation and
Professor Brás Measurements – Lx

Assistant PhD Nuno Horta Integrated Circuits - Lx

Post. Doc. PhD Octavian Postolache Instrumentation and
Measurements – Lx
Assistant Agregação Pedro Ramos Instrumentation and
Professor Measurements – Lx
Full Professor Agregação Pedro Silva Girão Instrumentation and
Measurements – Lx


Position Degree Name Group

Post. Doc. PhD Quirina Ferreira Organic Electronics – Lx

Assistant PhD Raúl Martins Instrumentation and

Professor Measurements – Lx
Post. Doc. PhD Rita França de Sousa Organic Electronics – Lx

Post. Doc. PhD Rui Miguel Martins de Organic Electronics – Lx

Azevedo Meira

Assistant PhD Rui Neves Integrated Circuits - Lx

Associate PhD Rui Teives Henriques Organic Electronics – Lx
Post. Doc. PhD Tomás Radil Instrumentation and
Measurements – Lx
Assistant PhD Vitor Manuel da Silva Power Electronics - Lx
Professor Costa

Associate Agregação Vitor Manuel de Oliveira Instrumentation and

Professor Maló Machado Measurements – Lx

Table 27 – Permanent Collaborators working in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies
Area in 2011

Other Collaborators

Position Degree Name Group

Assistant MSc Ana Carla Vicente Vieira Power Systems – Co
PhD Student MSc Ana Luisa Mendonça Organic Electronics – Lx

MSc Ana Margarida de Matos Organic Electronics – Lx


PhD Student MSc Bruno Miguel Gil Rosa Instrumentation and

Measurements – Lx
PhD Student Bruno Ricardo Oliveira Power Systems – Co

Assistant MSc Carlos Ferreira Power Electronics - Lx

PhD PhD Celino José Martins Miguel Applied Mathematics – Cv


Position Degree Name Group

PhD Student Licenciatura David Filipe Correia Integrated Circuits - Lx

Full Professor Agregação Dinis Magalhães Santos Integrated Circuits – Av

PhD Student MSc Domingos Augusto Teixeira Integrated Circuits – Av

Post. Doc. PhD Dorabella Martins da Silva Applied Mathematics – Co

PhD Student Licenciatura Eduardo Correia Pinheiro Instrumentation and

Measurements – Lx
PhD Student MSc Eunice de Fátima Fragoso Power Systems – Co

PhD Student MSc Hugo Ribeiro Power Electronics - Lx

PhD Student MSc Joana Farinhas Organic Electronics – Lx

PhD Student Licenciatura Jorge Oliveira Estima Power Systems – Co

PhD Student MSc José Carlos Sequeira Instrumentation and

Martins dos Santos Measurements – Lx

PhD PhD José Carlos Teixeira Applied Mathematics – Co

Assistant PhD José Cura Integrated Circuits – Av

Assistant MSc José Luís Silva Power Systems – Co
PhD Student MSc José Manuel Matias Pinto Integrated Circuits - Lx

PhD Student MSc Luis Filipe Morgado Organic Electronics – Lx

PhD Student MSc Luís Filipe Silva Camacho Security and Quantum
Information –Lx
PhD Student MSc Luís Filipe Soldado Instrumentation and
Granadeiro Rosado Measurements – Lx

Assistant MSc Luís M. Oliveira Power Systems – Co

Associate PhD Maria Celeste Gouveia Applied Mathematics – Co
PhD Student MSc Maria da Graça Laranjo Organic Electronics – Lx
Mendes Brotas

Assistant MSc Marina Perdigão Power Systems – Co



Position Degree Name Group

PhD Student MSc Mauro Edgar Pereira Integrated Circuits - Lx
Figueiredo Santos

PhD Student Mohsen Bandarabadi Power Systems – Co

PhD Student MSc Mónica Figueiredo Integrated Circuits – Av

PhD Student MSc Natália Gameiro Power Systems – Co

PhD Student MSc Navin Kumar Integrated Circuits – Av

PhD Student MSc Nuno Calado Correia Integrated Circuits - Lx


PhD Student MSc Nuno Miguel Amaral Freire Power Systems – Co

PhD Student MSc Nuno Rafael Mendonça Integrated Circuits – Av


PhD Student Purnachand Nalluri Integrated Circuits – Av

Assistant PhD Sérgio Cruz Power Systems – Co

Assistant PhD Silvério Simões Rosa Applied Mathematics – Cv
PhD Student MSc Tânia Isabel de Almeida Organic Electronics – Lx

PhD Student MSc Teresa Margarida Gonçalves Applied Mathematics – Co

Ferreira Gaspar

PhD Student MSc Vitor Viegas Instrumentation and

Measurements – Lx
Table 28 – Non-permanent Collaborators working in the Basic Sciences and Enabling
Technologies Area in 2011


4.4.3 Summary of Research Achievements Contributing groups

 Applied Electromagnetics - Lx
 Applied Mathematics - Co
 Applied Mathematics- Cv
 Integrated Circuits – Av
 Integrated Circuits - Lx
 Organic Electronics - Lx
 Power Electronics - Lx
 Power Systems – Co
 Instrumentation and Measurement - Lx Applied Electromagnetics – Lx

Scope and Objectives

The recently created Group of Applied Electromagnetics conducts

research activities in the broad domain of the Electromagnetic Field
Theory and its applications to electric, magnetic, and electronic
devices. In 2011 the following interrelated topics have been
 Transmission-line structures
 Skin-effect phenomena
 Transformer modeling
 Computational methods for electromagnetic field evaluation Transmission-line structures

Group research on transmission-line structures is multifaceted,

encompassing theory and applications, and aiming at a variety of
The problem of the numerical evaluation of the series-impedance of
uniform multiconductor overhead power lines, taking into account


transverse variations of conductivity and permeability of line

conductors and soil, was analyzed and solved by resorting to a new
developed method that employs elemental current strips instead of
current filaments. The method is general and can be applied to other
transmission-line geometries.
Bundled conductors in triangular and flat configurations are used in HV
overhead power lines in order to mitigate corona and dielectric
breakdown phenomena. Analytical and numerical results, concerning
the comparison between the two bundle configurations were obtained
from the viewpoint of the series-impedance, magnetic field, and
conductor current distributions. Conclusions point out that the flat
configuration is less affected by magnetic field proximity effects.
Magnetic fields produced by underground power cables can endanger
human safety. The important problem of magnetic field mitigation
using shielded cables was solved numerically considering different
options for the shielding material —aluminum shielding proved to be
more efficient.
An investigation path on the novel subject of magnetic transmission
lines was initiated. Signal transmission in magnetic transmission lines
is assured by means of two parallel magnetic-flux carrying magnetic
strips as opposed to the familiar situation of two parallel current-
carrying electric strips. Preliminary research (that led to a patent
submission) suggests that magnetic transmission lines can perform
better than electric transmission lines in the microwave and terahertz
bands. Skin-effect phenomena

Research was focused on inhomogeneous circular cylindrical tubular

conductors, and magnetic cores, exhibiting radial variation of the
medium constitutive parameters.
A matrix approach and a circuital approach were developed for the
evaluation of the pul internal impedance of multilayered conductors,


where each layer is characterized by arbitrary values of the

permeability, permittivity, and conductivity.
In addition, it was shown that, when a certain type of radial variation
of the medium parameters is enforced, the skin-effect diffusion
equation transforms into a second-order Euler-Cauchy equidimensional
equation, whose field solution can be described by exact, but simple,
closed-form expressions involving integer powers of the radial
coordinate —such inhomogeneous media were coined “Euler-Cauchy
An analysis aimed at the characterization of the complex inductance of
an N-turns coil embracing an inhomogeneous Euler-Cauchy toroidal
core was also developed, taking into account eddy currents in the core
and considering frequencies up to 2 MHz. Transformer modelling

A current transformer of clamp type with a toroidal core was analyzed

from the viewpoint of the eccentricity of the primary circuit where one
conductor goes through the core’s window and the return conductor is
outside the core. Research was focused on the influence of the position
of the primary circuit conductors on the evaluation of the mutual
inductance between primary and secondary circuits. Analytical results
and closed-form expressions for the mutual inductance were obtained
for the case of an air-core transformer. A finite-element method was
also employed for the numerical computation of the mutual inductance
for the cases of air-cores and iron-cores. Computational methods for electromagnetic field


The development of computational methods and software tools for

electromagnetic field calculation is key for most of the above reported
research activities of the Group.


In what concerns the magnetic field analysis of three-conductor

bundles, a dedicated software package was developed considering the
multipole method for the dielectric medium, and Fourier series and
Bessel functions expansions for the conductors.
In what concerns the magnetic field mitigation problem in shielded
underground cables, a dedicated software package was developed
considering a hybrid FEM/semi-analytical expansion for analyzing the
open boundary magnetic field problem.
In what concerns the magnetic field evaluation in a current transformer
with eccentric primary conductors, a dedicated software package was
developed considering a triangular FEM mesh together with Dirichlet
and Neumann boundary conditions. Applied Mathematics – Co

The research of the Group of Applied Mathematics in

Telecommunications has been focused on Optimization and Numerical
Linear Algebra. The members of this group have been working on
establishing new theoretical results concerning existence and
uniqueness and convergence analyses of algorithms for the solution of
some important problems in Linear Algebra and Optimization.
Furthermore they have been devoted to the design, implementation
and testing of algorithms for the solution o these problems.
Collaboration with engineers on the solution of some models of
engineering, namely in telecommunications, has be enhanced. The
most relevant research topics are presented below:
Preconditioning and convergence of iterative methods for the solution
of linear systems of equations, generalized inverses and its
Interior-point algorithms, active-set methods, sequential quadratic
algorithms and enumerative methods for the solution of
complementarity problems and finite dimensional variational


Complementarity algorithms, positive semi-definite and reformulation-

linearization techniques for bilevel programming, quadratic and bilinear
programming, eigenvalue complementarity problems and mathematical
programs with linear complementarity constraints.
Solution of structured optimization models arising in
telecommunications, civil engineering, and finance.
Hybrid approaches for models in telecommunications based on
columngeneration and local search heuristics.
Efficient reformulation techniques for hop and degree constrained
Routing algorithms for 6LoWPAN mesh networks. Applied Mathematics- Cv

The group develops research activity in the areas of Matrix Analysis,

Optimization , Mathematics Education and Numerical Methods, Ring
Theory, Quaternion Rings, Differential Equations, Graph Theory,
Metapopulation Dynamics; with applications mainly to Simulation,
Mathematical Modeling, Systems Stability, Epidemics and Demographic
Migration. Integrated Circuits – Av

This report describes the scientific activities reported under the area of
Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies, during the year of 2011, at
the Institute of Telecommunications – Aveiro site (IT – Aveiro). During
this year, there was only one group reporting under this topic, the
group of Integrated Circuits. The Integrated Circuits group at the IT-
Aveiro is composed by four effective members, namely: Luis Filipe
Mesquita Nero Moreira Alves, Dinis Gomes Magalhães dos Santos, José
Luis Vieira Cura and Domingos Silva Barbosa. This report is divided
into two sections, namely: section I, presents the group members and
side collaborators and section ii, describes the scientific activities
addressed during 2011.


Detailed activities:
The scientific activities addressed by the members of the integrated
Circuits group from IT-Aveiro, during the year of 2011 followed seven
lines: 1) energy efficient concepts for public illumination systems; 2)
energy efficient integrated circuit amplifier design; 3) visible light
communication system design 4) TDOA telemetry for wildlife tracking
systems, 5) SAW based sensors development and design; 6) Radio
astronomy methods for deep space exploration – project GEM; and 7)
Radio astronomy methods for deep space exploration – project
PrepSKA. The activities under these lines have gathered knowledge on
some areas of interest for this group. In some cases, the actions taken
resulted also on the industrial contacts at both national and
international levels. The following description highlights the important
achievements under each of these lines.
Energy Efficient Concepts for Public Illumination Systems – This topic
represents a new trend on the usual activities of this group. It
departed from the gathered knowledge on solid state lighting devices,
LEDs, also explored for other objectives. Public illumination systems
are predicted to be dominated by solid state lighting devices in the
next few years. LEDs, present several advantages to other illumination
devices in current use. The exploitation of these advantages and the
advancement of collaborative control strategies for these systems are
currently a hot topic for both research and industrial sectors. The
activities under this line of research started with the participation on an
International funded project, involving several participants from the
European community (project LITES: CIP-ICT-PSP-2008-2/238916).
The major achievements under this line of research are the
dissemination of the group activities both at national and international
levels, and the direct contact of several actors from the industrial
sector that may result in future collaborations.
Energy Efficient Integrated Circuit Amplifier Design – This line of
research results from the gathered experience of this group on the
field of integrated circuit design. The main objective is to advance new
design strategies able to optimize circuit performance without
impairing power consumption. The expected outcome will be to achieve


energy efficient amplifiers. Until this point the research on this line was
concentrated on the analysis and deployment methods for minimum
power consumption in amplifiers. This line of researched is supported
on a national funded project (project EECCO: PTDC/EEA-
Visible Light Communication System Design – The research under this
topic has started several years ago, with project VIDAS (PTDC/EEA-
TEL/75217/2006). The main objective of this project was to explore
visible light as a communication means for driver assistance systems.
Traditional lighting devices are not suitable for communication
purposes due to their persistence between switching states. This is the
case of both incandescent and discharge devices. LEDs, on the other
end, enable fast switching operation, thus potentiating other
applications rather than lighting. VIDAS project elaborated use LEDs
for both signaling and communication purposes. The research on this
topic is reaching to important conclusions. A real demonstrator was
assemble to show that visible light can be used for communication at
low data rates, and also, that evolved modulation techniques, such as
spread spectrum, are required to combat the presence of noise
(especially on outdoor scenarios). This project has reached its
conclusion in March 2011, resulting in several important published
contributions, one PhD thesis and three MsC dissertations. The PhD
student, Navin Kumar received the two prizes for his contributions on
this field: the Gowry award for the best paper published in the IETE
Technical Review and the second place in the Fraunhofer Portugal
Challenge 2011. His work also received honors during the presentation
on the Research day 2011 event held at the University of Aveiro.
Application of visible light communication concepts to other areas
rather than intelligent transportation systems (as in VIDAS project)
has been started during 2011. Possible international co-operations
build up on LITES project has been started aiming for better energy
efficiency in public lighting systems supported on visible light
communication concepts. These actions are aligned with the agenda of
COST action IC1101 (Optical Wireless: a promising technology),
integrating a member from the Integrated Circuits group.


A major shift in research interests occurred in 2010. The main line is

now on surface acoustic wave devices, which will be used both as
identifiers and sensors for various physical magnitudes. Behavior of the
devices will undergo a major improvement by the use of carbon
(diamond-like) thin film deposition. In connection with this line of
work, we have two funding sources: a FCT project, JISIS: PTDC/EEA-
TEL/104004/2008 (which started in 2010) and a new project (QREN
21634) started in October 2011.
Project GEM: In April 2011, we inaugurated with great success and
media coverage the successfully the Cassegrain 9-meter dish from
Vertex/General Dynamics offered by Portugal Telecom. This is the only
current operating radiotelescope in Portugal to be installed and operate
in the radio/microwave sky surveys for space science surveys. A public
demonstration was carried. This constitutes a major achievement
nationally. The international Galactic Emission Mapping project aims to
map and characterize the polarization field of the Milky Way. In
Portugal it will map the sky polarized emission of the Northern
Hemisphere in C-band and provide templates for map calibration and
foreground control of microwave space data to be provided by ESA
Planck Surveyor mission and later missions. The design of the C-band
cross complex correlator was fully tested and published for filed
operation at the antenna as part of its full digital back-end using a low-
cost Field Programmable Gate Array without compromising its
performance relation. This new digital backend comprises a base-band
complex cross-correlator outputting the four Stokes parameters of the
incoming polarized radiation. The publication describes the design and
implementation of the complex correlator using the FPGA and the
dedicated digitizers at each receiver arm, detailing the method applied
at the several algorithm stages. This correlator is suitable for large sky
area polarization continuum surveys.
Project PrepSKA: We developed a full study on the Digital Data Back
Haul for the Square Kilometer Array the same time respond to cost
issues of mass production of important components for the Square
Kilometer Array. This study had a full time engineer, funded at 100%
by IT, as part of our activities and duties in PrepSKA Signal Transport


and Networking. The study analyses and classifies the network

topology and technologies of SKA up to 100Gb/sec technology. This
study was presented at a Concept Design Review, in Manchester, June
2011 and approved by an International Panel of experts. Collaboration
with Martifer Solar and EnergyIn - The national Pole on Sustainable
Energy Systems towards the greening of the SKA project. A FP7
proposal with the Spanish and Dutch industry was submitted on this
subject to provide a testbed solution for the SKA prototypes in Moura.
Participation in the ESA Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 proposal for a 4th
generation satellite mission - COrE - aiming a careful measurement of
the tiny polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background in the band
45-220 GHz, using the GEM project as a clone for foreground and low-
frequency radio noise subtraction. COrE will map the polarization of the
microwave sky with such a high precision, a factor at about 50 better
than what Planck can achieve. COrE will provide maps of the
microwave sky in 15 frequency bands, ranging from 45 GHz to 795
GHz, with an angular resolution ranging from 23 arcmin (45 GHz) and
1.3 arcmin (795 GHz) and sensitivities roughly 10{30 times better
than PLANCK (depending on the frequency channel). The COrE mission
will lead to breakthrough science in a wide range of areas, ranging
from primordial cosmology to galactic and extragalactic science. A
White Paper (90 pages) was published summarizing the science and
spacecraft design. Following the May Conferences on ICT and
Radioastronomy, we hold at IT a Delta Concept Design Review on the
Signal Transport and Network (STaN). In partnership with the Optical
Communication we were responsible for the introduction of
100Gbit/sec technology considerations on the SKA Digital Data Back
Haul design and its impact on sensor networking having released the
results on a international SKA report (co-supervision of an engineer).
This was presented in June 2011 at the SKA STaN Concept Design
Review held in Manchester for an International Evaluation Panel of
experts selected by the SKA project and Funding Agencies within the
project. The results were publicly displayed in December 2011
(Netherlands) having solved the IO subsystem and networking of


dense sensor Aperture Array systems (AAVP 2011 Conferences,

Dwingelloo). A summary of this work was awarded the Best Poster at
the Research day of University of Aveiro. Organization of the
conference “The Growing Demands on Connectivity and Information
Processing in Radio Astronomy from VLBI to the SKA” joining the
Square Kilometer Array (SKA) and Nexpres projects. This conference
was organized by the joint collaboration of the Instituto de
Telecomunicações – Aveiro, Universidade de Aveiro and TICE. This
event focused on research convergence aspects common to both Space
Science and Technology and ICT domains. Integrated Circuits - Lx

The Integrated Circuits Group (ICG), IT-Lisbon, research activity in

2011 lead to the following achievements:

 Design of an integrated overcurrent detection system for bridge-tied

load class-D audio amplifiers. A proof-of-concept implementation was
designed on a 3 V, 0.18 μm CMOS technology, within a BTL output
stage rated for maximum output power of 1 W. The proposed solution
provides current savings of up to 38%, with a small increase in the
detection time for BD modulation compared with a conventional
 Design of radiation hardened DC/DC converters controlled with PWM
current mode control or PFM methods to be employed in the aerospace
industry, 0.35 μm CMOS technology. In order to solve stability issues,
the PWM switch model was applied to a multi-output forward
 Development of a low power Digital-to-Analog converter for audio
applications. The chosen oversampled Delta-Sigma converter was
design in a 0.18 μm CMOS technology. The signal is upsampled with a
multi stage of FIR and CIC filters to 128 times the Nyquist frequency. A
third order, 4 bits Noise-shaper is used. This choice can deliver high
resolution, above SNR=103dB, i.e., more than 16 effective bits.


 Development of an innovative solution for analog IC design

automation, particularly, for circuit-level optimal sizing. The proposed
system, FUGA, implements a new design automation strategy based on
a single-objective genetic algorithm kernel combined with fuzzy logic
system. The fuzzy logic system introduces design knowledge into the
GA kernel providing an effective guidance, increasing the quality of the
results and reducing the required number of generations to reach the
desired solution.
 Development of an innovative solution for analog circuit-level sizing,
GENOM-MO, based multi-objective optimization and Pareto optimal
fronts extraction. The approach uses a modified NSGA-II algorithm in
order to tackle the design problem together with NGSPICE as the
evaluation engine.
 Development of an analog IC sizing and layout generation
methodology, AIDA, in cooperation with CTS-UNINOVA and RMOM-IT.
The approach uses modified NSGA-II kernels for both sizing and layout
tasks using HSPICE and CALIBRE as evaluation engines. A proof-of-
concept is being prepared for a state-of-the-art IC in a 0.13 μm CMOS
 Development of a system-level sizing and behavior simulation tool for
pipeline analog-to-digital converters, in cooperation with ThalesAlenia
Space. Organic Electronics - Lx

In 2011, the scientific activities in Organic Electronics, foccused on the

fabrication and test of organic electronic devices, including molecular
wires, plastic optical fibers, organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs),
organic memories, plastic photovoltaic solar cells, organic field effect
transistors, and the study of physical properties of materials for
organic electronics.
The detailed activities included:


Molecular Electronics (Molecular Wires)

i) Studies on the self-assembly process of porphyrins on highly
oriented pyrolitic graphite (HOPG), in particular, the first steps that
anticipate the formation of fully packed monolayers.
ii) Use of Conductive AFM-break junctions as a new alternative to the
methods previously used to characterize the electrical properties of the
molecular wires grown stepwise on HOPG.
iii) Characterization of monolayers on graphite using scanning
tunneling microscopy (STM)
iv) Study of electrical tansport of conductive molecular wires using STM
and conductive atomic force microscopy
v) Theoretical calculations by quantum mechanics of the shape of
Molecular wires.
Plastic Optical Fibers
Preparation of new fluorescent molecules to be used as dopants in
plastic optical fibers and films. The photophysical properties of some of
the compounds were studied at the Istituto Politecnico di Milano. This
work is a follow-up of the activities developed within the EU-funded
project (POLYCOM), via Instituto Superior Técnico, which ended in
Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDS)
i) Polymer based Light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), in particular, a study
on new boron-based complexes to be used as luminescent layers.
ii) OLEDs were also fabricated using a set of polymers obtained via a
collaboration with ISEL-Lisboa. The study of the influence of bipolar
charge traps and thin oxide interlayers on LEDs performance was also
Organic Memories
The activity on resistive nonvolatile organic memories was mainly
focused on diodes based on blends of a ferroelectric polymer with a
conjugated polymer. The major task has been the investigation of the
appropriate conditions to form compact films from such blends
solutions by spin coating. AFM was used to characterize such films.


Polymer Based Photovoltaic Cells (OPVs)

i) A significant effort was devoted to the synthesis of new materials
and fabrication of polymer-based photovoltaic cells (OPVs). In
particular, a new family of cross-linkable conjugated polymers, derived
from polyhexylthiophene, was prepared. Studies were made on
surface patterning of thin films, to be used in OPVs by combination
with PCBM, an approach that has been previously developd for a
different polymer family. OPVs were fabricated and characterized.
ii) Fabrication and characterisation of organic Photovoltaic cells with
(organic) active layer comprising different device arquitectures:
nanostructured polymer films, blends and planar bilayers of cross-
linked polymers with an electron acceptor component. These studies
allowed to establish comparisons between the performance of organic
active layers with nanostructured interfaces and with «conventional»
architectures, such as blends or bilayers.
iii) Synthesis of the copolymer with a low-bandgap conjugated
polyfluorene, and with an extended absorption range, overlapping well
with the solar spectrum.
Biocellulose for Printed Organic Electronics
i) Fabrication and characterization of organic thin film transistors using
biocelullose and chitosane-based materials either as substrates or
ii) Optimization of the conditions for inkjet printing of electronic
materials, including silver, poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)
poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT), poly(4-vinylphenol) (PVP) and
poly(9,9-diocthylfluorene-bitiophene) (F8T2).
iii) Development of organic field effect transistors (OFETs) fabricated
by inkjet printing using bacterial cellulose (BC) as substrate. Silver and
PEDOT were used as contacts; a mixture of BC and chitosan or PVP
were used as dielectric; F8T2 or pentace were used as the
semiconductor material.
Analysis of devices morphology (OPVs, OFETs, OLEDs) using the
atomic force microscopy
Atomic Force microscopy (AFM) was extensively used for the
monitoring of film and devices morfologies.


Physical Properties of Materials for Organic Electronics

i) Study on the photophysics of luminescent polymers that are used in
the fabrication of organic photovoltaic cells, and/or light-emitting
diodes, or field-effect transistors prototypes, within the research group
activities. This includes the investigation of the dynamics of excited
states in luminescent polymers utilizing both picoseconds time resolved
(at the pico-second resolution) and steady state photoluminescence
ii) In collaboration with researchers of the Florida State University,
Tallahassee, the coupling between Charge Density Wave ground state
of conducting chains and the spin-Peierls ground state of the magneitc
chains of the model two-chain conductor
(Perylene)2Pt(maleonitrileditholate)2 was further investigated by
proton NMR.
iii) Magnetic characterisation by Electron Spin Resonance of some new
compounds used as building blocks for molecular conductors. Power Electronics – Lx

Audio Power Amplifier

Continuing the study and development of single stage switching audio

power amplifiers. Focus on new pulse width modulators and in passive
filter topologies in order to improve circuit performance. Collaboration
in the development of an integrated audio power amplifier.

Active Power Filters And Power Factor Compensation

Continuing the work related with the optimization of filter passive

components in hybrid power filters. Continuing the study,
development and experimental realization of single stage power factor
corrector topologies and control processes. Analysis of new high
performance topologies that are based in component reduction and
equal distribution of the input current by the four bridge switches.
Identification of operating issues and investigation of solutions.


Resonant Contactless Energy Transfer

Continuing the studies involving new PWM resonant topologies, use of
LLC resonant converters for contactless energy transmission. Analysis
of parameters sensitivity to coils misalignment. Concretization of
experimental prototype of system integration. First system tests.

Switching Converters For Renewable Energy Resources

Continuing the development of boost and buck-boost single stage
topologies, for interface between the ac mains and a Photo Voltaic

Colaboration with rmom circuits and systems group on

integration in cmos technology
Continuing the research, development and practical implementation of
very high frequency high performance (110MHz) DC-DC converters in
CMOS technology for power management RF-CMOS, “System On a
Chip (SoC)”. Achievement of new design methodologies of QSW
converters for Soc).

Colaboration with inesc

Continuing the development and study of techniques for achieving high
performance integrated DC-DC converters. Development of an
integrated audio power amplifier based in the conception of new
modulation techniques. Power Systems – Co

Fault diagnosis of aluminum electrolytic capacitors

The development of simple, precise and cheap fault diagnostic

techniques that can evaluate the capacitor condition is essential to
avoid unexpected breakdowns in different electronic equipment.
Aluminum electrolytic capacitors are one of the most common
capacitors in electronics due to their excellent characteristics, like very


high volumetric efficiency, small price and a very wide range of voltage
and capacitance ratings. Unfortunately, due to their high losses, the
lifespan is short. These capacitors are considered one of the most
vulnerable elements of switch mode power supplies (SMPS),
uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) and adjustable speed drives

The Study of Aluminum electrolytic capacitors aging process

The development of precise fault diagnosis for aluminum electrolytic
capacitors requires the knowledge of capacitors aging process. This
study is essential to predict the capacitors aging mechanism during its
operation. In many applications, the stoppage of the equipment is not
always possible, so the prediction of faults is essential to avoid
unexpected breakdowns.

Behavior of a Three-Phase Induction Motor Fed by a Fault

Tolerant Multilevel Inverter
Nowadays energy efficiency is an issue of vital importance for the
society and for industry in particular. That is why the losses of an
induction machine should be reduced, either in normal or faulty
operating mode. For this purpose a 2D finite element model to study
the induction machine behavior under normal and faulty conditions was
developed. Machine faults like airgap eccentricity, stator winding short-
circuit, broken rotor bars were considered. These models allow also to
study the thermal behavior of the machine under these faulty

Fault Tolerant Cascade Multilevel Inverter for Electric Vehicle

A state of the art about fault diagnosis methods that can be used in a
Cascade Multilevel Inverter was obtained. The mathematical model
developed for the power converter allows to compensate an open-
circuit failure in a power semiconductor. Based on the reconfiguration
of the control strategy, the converter will feed electrical machine with a


balanced line voltage. Simulation and experimental results were


Transformerless topologies for railway train power supply

The purpose of this work was to analyze the operation of a single-
phase multilevel rectifier, based on cascaded H-bridges in order to
replace the power transformer in electric railway traction applications.
In a first stage, an overview on existing transformerless topologies for
electric railway traction applications and their main features was
Then a drive description and a mathematical model for simulation
purposes were developed for a multilevel topology based on cascaded
H-bridges. Several simulation and experimental tests were performed
and the results were compared with a conventional diode rectifier for
operations under normal and faulty conditions.

Performance of three-phase induction motor with asymmetrical

The aim of this work was to investigate the performance of a three-
phase induction motor fed by an asymmetrical sinusoidal supply
voltage. For this purpose, a three-phase power source was developed,
having the direct and inverse voltage components, both simultaneously
controlled. This voltage source allows to feed the machine with
different levels of unbalance voltages and, therefore, the derating of a
three-phase induction motor could be analyzed. All machine derating
tests were accomplished for the same nominal motor temperature
variation. Several experimental tests were conducted in agreement
with NEMA rules.

Fault Diagnosis in High Power drives based on Multilevel

The developed work comprised an investigation on modulation
techniques, suitable to be used on a NPC multilevel inverter. The
SVPWM modulation technique was adopted to be used in this work.
Several simulation and experimental tests were accomplished in order


to select the most appropriated switching frequency under normal

operating conditions. Given that this multilevel inverter has more
power semiconductors than the traditional two level inverter, methods
of fault diagnostic and fault tolerant control strategies were
investigated in order to be implemented in the converter and thus
increase their reliability. Several diagnostic methods based on voltage
and current measurements were analyzed, especially those based in
the Park’s Vector theory. Experimental and simulation tests were
conducted in order to evaluate their efficiency.

Electronic ballasts for fluorescent lamps

A research and development on new control techniques for electronic
ballasts based on magnetic regulators were accomplished. The lighting
industry is a global, multibillion industry, with even more money spent
on the energy consumption of these light sources. With energy
conservation concerns becoming increasingly high, electronic ballast
consumption is expected to be stronger. A number of factors are
contributing to this growth rate, including government regulations,
lower prices, innovative technologies and energy efficiency. It is
intended with this work to develop new topologies and technologies for
electronic ballasts with special focus on dimming and efficiency. Good
simulation and experimental results were already achieved.

Diagnosis of faults in induction motors

Eccentricity faults in induction motors are very common. Typically they
can result from manufacturing defects such as rotor unbalance and
from assembling conditions where the machine shaft is subjected to
uneven mechanical efforts. Hence, it is intended to develop on-line
fault diagnostic methods that can effectively detect different types of
these faults, namely static and dynamic eccentricity, and evaluate the
severity level of each one.
Although rotor broken bars do not initially cause an induction motor to
fail, there can be serious secondary effects. The fault mechanism can
result in high current levels and broken parts of the bar hitting the end
winding or stator core of a high voltage motor at a high velocity. This


can cause serious mechanical damage to the insulation and a

consequential winding failure may follow, resulting in a costly repair
and lost production. Considering this, in this topic is intended to
develop diagnostic techniques for the detection of rotor broken bars in
induction motors, which also allow to evaluate its severity level.
Approximately 30% of all motor faults are caused by failure of motor
winding due to insulation problems. The majority of induction motor
winding failures is gradually from lower short-circuits current to higher
level and finally broken. Taking this into account, this topic is focused
on the development of diagnostic techniques that allow to distinguish
short-circuit faults in the windings of three phase induction motors.
Different numbers of short-circuits turns are considered in order to
simulate distinct severity levels and to correct evaluate them.

Diagnosis of rotor and core faults in motors coupled to time-

varying loads
Induction motors are nowadays used in a wide range of industrial
applications. Many of these machines are coupled to time-varying
loads which increases the difficulty of faults detection. For this reason,
it is important the development of diagnostic methods for these
specific working conditions that can lead to an improvement of the
reliability of these applications. Therefore, the main objective of this
research is the development of diagnostic methods able to diagnose
induction motor faults specially the ones related with the rotor bars
and magnetic circuit. Taking into account that induction machines are
very often supplied by power electronic converters, new fault diagnosis
methods have been investigate in order to detect and locate faults an
machines operating in closed-loop.

Modelling, analysis and fault diagnosis in three-phase power

Power transformers are critical components in production,
transportation and distribution systems of electrical energy. The
occurrence of a fault in a transformer can thus result in significant
downtime, with the associated outage and loss of revenue.


Consequently, there is a huge demand for the development of

diagnostic techniques that can be applied for the on-line diagnosis of
faults in the most critical elements of a transformer, including the
windings and core. In this context, a new diagnostic method has been
developed for the detection of faults in such transformer components.
A simulation model was implemented to study such faults, both in
core-type and shell-type transformers, and experimental tests were
also performed with the same aim. On-site tests were successfully
conducted at a power generation plant in transformers rated 60 MVA,
10 kV/ 240 kV, hence demonstrating the usefulness and applicability of
the diagnostic tool developed.

Validation of the models of the components previously

developed (PV, Wind, battery and DC/DC DC/AC converters)
In the previous years of the research programme, models were
developed to simulate the behavior of PV, Wind, battery and
converters. The models have been designed to be as general as
possible taking both design parameters and specific component
characteristics obtained from manufacturers or from experiments into
account. Each model is a self-contained module which can stand on its
own, and is fully documented with respect to usage, governing
equations and reference material. A validation of each of the
implemented mathematical models was performed by an interactive
analysis and comparison between simulation results and data from
 Simulation of Photovoltaic Cells on a Generic Surface Geometry: The
model of the Photovoltaic Generator has been improved by adding an
innovative feature in order to simulate generic surface geometries.
This new feature allows to investigate and simulate the behavior of a
Photovoltaic Generator to be installed on a generic surface considering
any kind of surfaces, also curved and moving ones. The realized model
has been validated comparing various commercial solar panels. The
developed model is very versatile and can be used to analyze the
possibility to exploit various available surfaces in order to produce
photovoltaic energy in many different applications.


 Measurement campaign on hybrid PV-Wind plant: Thanks to the

availability of a real PV-Wind plant for telecom applications provided by
an Italian company it has been possible to validate the developed
models through a measurements campaign and experimental tests.
Based on the developed models the PV-Wind plant has been first
simulated in different operating conditions and results obtained from
simulations were then compared with actual data measured on field.
The possibility of having a real system and real experimental data has
made it possible to refine the developed models and to transform them
into a real operational design tool.
 Identification of condition monitoring, diagnostic techniques and
advanced control techniques and methods to identify failures or
potential failures in the components of a Wind System: A deep study of
the various control strategies has continued to model and describe the
interactions between components and to manage the energy flows.
The specific study and analysis of condition monitoring and diagnostic
techniques for a WIND SAPS also started to develop advanced control
techniques to identify failures or potential failures in the wind
generator. The obtained results will be used to identify a suitable
interface taking into account reliability, availability, condition
monitoring and remote diagnostics together with fault tolerance.
 Energy storage devices: Experimental results from the test plant have
been used also to deeply investigate the behavior of energy storage
devices. The model of the battery developed in the first year has been
improved with a new analytical model. This new feature of the model
uses a data driven procedure based on a genetic algorithm to derive a
few quantities of interest which are then compared with the
corresponding measured ones.
 Other research topics: As a result of the scientific interests of the
researcher, a parallel research activity has been carried out to design
and implement a novel instrumentation system for the detection of
small biological currents. A current acquisition system, a non invasive
probe and a software tool have been realized. Even if these research
topics are not related with the objectives of the FCT research grant,
they represent an interesting and challenging subject that give an


important and meaningful contribution to the student’s scientific


Energy management of hybrid multigeneration plant powering

TLC systems
Tri-Generation represents a competitive choice with respect to the
adoption of conventional methods for supplying power and cooling to
loads demanding different energy carriers. The configuration objects of
investigation takes advantage of the availability of natural sources
such as sun and wind through the insertion in the prime mover group
of a wind generator and Photovoltaic and thermal panels to generate
electricity and hot water. The integration of renewable energy sources
to fossil fuelled prime movers in a HTS increases the complexity of the
overall management of the system. In this light, the research has been
focused on the development of a power management strategy based
on the implementation of neural network techniques for a trigeneration
system aimed at feeding a TLC load. The conclusions of the study
confirms the necessity to devise efficient control strategies in order not
to incur in operational mismanagement of the trigeneration plant that
would result in economic losses related to excessive gasoline
consumption and service life reduction.
 Optimization techniques applied on hybrid multigeneration plants
powering TLC systems Multigeneration power systems placed in area
not connected to fuel networks provide a strong incentive to the
adoption of optimization techniques aimed at maximising the economic
benefits of this kind of plants. Tri-generation systems can provide high
payoffs in terms of carbon emission and energy cost reductions but
require significant investments. A variety of variables in the expression
of capital and operative costs has been considered and an optimization
problem formulated and solved based on hierarchical optimization
algorithms. Simulations have been carried out with dedicated software
to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. Trough this
investigation the influence of the main parameters affecting the
economic planning of a trigeneration system has been deduced.


Recommendations and further conclusions are expected when more

realistic data will be available.
 Multiscenario Economic Analysis of trigeneration plants: The aim of
the study has been to develop an investigation into the main variables
influencing the performances and thus the cost of the electricity
(kWhe) generated in the case a trigeneration plant is powered by a
Concentrated Photovoltaic and Thermal (CPVT) equipment or by an
Internal Combustion Engine (ICE). The analysis has been carried out
by considering the influence of the level of solar radiation, the solar
concentrator initial capital cost and the quality of the technology
characterizing the separate production. External parameters such as
the price unit of subsidies granted for polluting emission reduction and
fuel saving achievement are thus considered and varied according to
discrete values. The results provide good prospects about the potential
use of solar concentrators in cogeneration applications in medium or
high solar radiation area. It has been demonstrated that the cost of the
kWhe can attain zero values in several combinations of appropriate
financial aids and within the subsidy prices contemplated for both the
CPVT and the ICE. Instrumentation and Measurement

Scope and Objectives:

The Instrumentation and Measurement Group works in the broad

domain of Metrology. In 2011 the main topics addressed were:

 Analogue-to-digital and digital-to-analogue conversion;

 Measurement of electrical quantities;
 Non-destructive testing
 Sensors and transducers;
 Signal acquisition and automated and telemetric measuring
 Signal processing applied to sensors and instrumentation.
 Swarms robotics


A detailed report of the activity in each topic follows.

Analogue-to-digital and digital-to-analogue conversion

 Continuation of the study of the uncertainty of analogue to digital
converter test methods, namely of the Histogram Test Method, the
Random Noise Test Method and the Sine Fitting Test Method.
Consideration of different non-ideal effects like additive noise, jitter,
phase noise and harmonic distortion.

Measurement of electrical quantities

 Implementation of a PC based three-phase power quality analyser
using multi-harmonic sine-fitting, morphological operations for event
detection and classification.

Non-destructive testing
 The research work during 2011 was related with two I.T. internal
projects: CLASSE and OMeGA. CLASSE ended in 2011 and aimed at
classifying defects inside conductive non-magnetic plates using the
eddy current method. OMeGA started in 2011 with the objective of
detecting defects inside metallic parts, but using ultrasonic methods
optically excited.
Work on the area of non-destructive testing using eddy currents went
on and the application was extended to determine thicknesses. Two
types of excitation currents have been used: Pulsed Eddy currents
(PEC) and sinusoidal currents.
The use of algorithms in the area of digital signal processing to process
and interpret data provided by the sensors used in the laboratory for
eddy current testing proved to be very effective to overcome the poor
performance of some of these sensors. Significant improvements in the
crack position accuracy and resolution were obtained. Some of the
crack characteristics like length and orientation are now obtained using
the measurement system developed at the Instrumentation and
Measurement Laboratory and inversion algorithms based on the de-


convolution in the discrete Fourier transform domain with Tikhonov

Novel low-cost handheld instruments to detect cracks and other
defects in a plate of conductive material have been implemented and
the prototypes are working properly. One of these instruments uses a
planar excitation coil with a giant magneto-resistor as the sensing
element and the visualization of the defect can be depicted in real-time
on a LCD display. Besides the output voltage with the sensor location
can be transmitted to a PC for further processing. The other instrument
is able to measure both amplitude phase of the sensor output voltage
(corresponding to the secondary magnetic field with the crack
information) and transmitted to the PC wirelessly to be depicted as
A new non-destructive testing method is being tested. The conductive
material being tested moves in a time constant magnetic field and due
to the movement the induced currents in the conductor generate a
secondary magnetic field. When the current flow pattern is disturbed
by the existence of defects, variations of the magnetic field occur and
information about the defects can be assessed by measuring the
magnetic field. As far as the authors know this is an original method,
that has not yet it been reported in the literature, and presents
undoubted advantages when the material to be tested is in motion
relative to the test sensor (like when inspecting a rail track with a

Sensors and transducers

 Development of the measurement setup for liquid viscosity based in
impedance measurements and impedance spectroscopy for sensor
 Progress in the interoperability of marine observatories has been
carried out. Sensors with analogue outputs will have their connectivity
augmented with an embedded Transducer Electronic Data Sheet, which
contains technical information to identify the sensor. Data will be
formatted according to IEEE 1451.0 standard and interoperability in


OBSEA and MBARI observatories is already a fact concerning some

equipment issues.
 Some work based on the Precise Time Synchronization Standard,
IEEE 1588 has already started. Ocean observatories are an important
technological resource that can provide knowledge to forecast
environment changes or to ocean research. Sensor data is collected at
different world locations and large streams of data must be correlated
with other events or data sources to study either long term tendencies
or singular events. To allow this analysis data in a location context
must be time-stamped.
For many observations a low time-stamp precision is adequate but, for
other observations, like hydrophones and seismometers, the
millisecond precision level is needed. Now the project and
implementation of a “GPS virtual pulse-per-second signal generator” to
be installed at OBSEA observatory to timestamp sensor data in a sub-
millisecond range is being carried out. OBSEA is a cabled seafloor
observatory 4 km offshore Vilanova i la Geltru (Barcelona, Stain) at 20
m water depth, interconnected to the coast by an energy and
communication mixed cable.
 Static and dynamic characterization of sensors and measurement
system (polarography, heavy metals detectors, turbidity, pH and
conductivity sensors). One paper was presented in one international
conference and an extended version was submitted for publication in
Instrumentation and Measurement review.

Signal acquisition and automated and telemetric measuring

 A first prototype of a stereo-vision system using digital cameras to
measure cloud height, wind speed and direction at cloud level was
developed. The weather protection system which will allow it to run in
a permanent basis was also developed.
 Implementation and development of I&M industrial transmission
systems based on Foundation Fieldbus (FF), HART and CAN protocols.
 Application of the 1451 standard: implementation of a Network
Capable Application Processor (NCAP) based on a XML platform.

In the domain of biomedical applications worth mentioning:

TIM project
 A large scale 1200 GPU core direct model and inverse problem
implementation of the MIT with an astonishing real-time performance.
 Design of a high-performance 8A@1MHz excitation PA.
 Design of a passive multi-frequency tank circuit for controlled
impulsive magnetic field excitation.
 Design and implementation of ubiquitous architectures associated
with cardio respiratory and dynamic activity monitoring for elderly and
persons with severe restriction of mobility or during the motor
rehabilitation: a smart wheelchair and a smart walker based on unified
sensing solution expressed by Doppler radar (EHRuWheel FCT
RIPD/APD/109639/2009 project).
 Design, implementation and testing of a third version of a wearable
solution for vital signs and dynamic activity monitoring, pervasive
computing using Android OS smart phone and web based telecare
information system – (HomeTelecare IT-PT Inovação Project).
 Development of prototypes of physiological parameters sensing
including skin conductivity measurement and 2 lead ECG using E-
textile (FCT Project).
 Development of the first prototype of a biomedical system compatible
with IEEE1451.4 using I2C.
 Design and implementation of a smartphone embedded software as
part of human smart sensor interfacing and a web based information
system associated with vital signs data management (HomeTelecare
IT-PT Inovação Project).
 Development of novel algorithms including the Independent
Component Analysis for artefact removal, Empirical Mode
Decomposition combined with Principal Component Analysis, Optimized
Sine Fitting algorithms to obtain accurate estimation of heart rate and
respiration rate from the signals delivered by sensors embedded in a


 A patent proposal in the arrhythmia area based on wavelet coherence

algorithms was registered in September 2011.
 Truly capacitive bio-potential measurements enabling ECGs to be
acquired at distances greater than 10 cm.
 An EIT implementation for plethysmographic characterization of

In the domain of environmental applications:

 Multiprocessor architecture for water quality monitoring:

temperature, conductivity, turbidity.
 Research work in the area of air quality monitoring using ZigBee
wireless sensor network.

Signal processing applied to sensors and instrumentation

 A procedure based on evolutionary algorithms (genetic and gene
expression programming) to identify the equivalent impedance
network of a sensor was developed.
 Improvements to the sine-fitting algorithm when used in floating
point systems with 32 bit such as DSPs have been proposed.
 An algorithm for the early fault detection in the case of rotor
eccentricity in induction machines has been developed.
 Implementation of multi-harmonic sine-fitting algorithms in a
multicore processor for efficient estimation of the harmonic amplitudes,
phase and fundamental frequency.
 Use of ANNs and Gaussian feature extraction algorithm for defect
characterization in welded joints with non-destructive testing.
 Development of advanced signal processing techniques for
instrumentation and measurements applications (non-linear A/D
converters, calibration and auto-calibration procedures applied to
different measurement systems, advanced signal processing


Swarm robotics
 Demonstration of how a novel infrared range and bearing
communication system can facilitate recruitment and guidance-based
self-assembly in groups and swarms of autonomous robots.
 Finalized and submitted a study of how firefly-inspired communication
and synchronization can provide a swarm of one hundred simulated
robots with fault detection and fault accommodation capabilities in a
foraging task.
 Developed middleware for the dynamic distribution of computational
tasks on regular workstations.
 Studied if robots can be evolved to cooperate and communicate with
pre-programmed robots.

In 2011, the following services to external entities were rendered:

 Collaboration with Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear (ITN) in

automating the operation of their ion implanter.
 Development and implementation of an instrumentation network for
broadband RF spectrum monitoring for ANACOM.
Developing and implementation of extended distributed RF spectrum
occupancy measurement system using client server architecture
 Development of server application software including RF receiver
remote control, server local database, audio streaming server
application based on VLC, secure data file transfer application base on
WinSCP,- testing and validation.
 Design and implementation of client side application including multi-
server application control, connection fail alarm generation, SSH file
transfer control, spectrum occupancy data analysis, audio streaming
control based on developed VLC scripts. – testing and validation.


4.4.4 Runing and Concluded Projects


Funding Agency Number

EU, FP7 2
IEEE, TC-25 1
Intellab 1
IT 6
Ministério da Ciência e Inovação Espanhol 1
PT-Inovação 1
Thales Alenia Space 1

Table 29 – Number of active projects running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies
Area in 2011


Activity in projects

Acron / Ref AIDA

Title AIDA – Automated P-Cell Generation based on Multi-Objective

Optimization and Pareto Optimal Front Circuit Level Characterization

Funding IT

Descript. The AIDA project addresses the problem of analog and mixed-signal
(AMS) IC design automation. It proposes an innovative
methodology for the reuse and retargeting of circuit-level analog
blocks by putting together both previous work from the research
teams and in deep knowledge from researchers in the area of
Analog IC Design, Electronic Design Automation (EDA), Evolutionary

Acron / Ref AISMAd

Title AISMAD – Advanced Integrated Switched-Mode Audio Drivers

Funding IT

Descript. The AISMAD project aims to implement an integrated circuit to be

used in high fidelity portable applications, with outputs suited both
for headsets and/or loudspeakers. The project targets are to
fabricate and characterize a Class-D amplifier IC, explore and
expand the test-chip multi-functionality of operation modes, and
develop, design and test possible approaches to increase the
maximum output power


Acron / Ref AQA/Sado

Title Water Quality Assessment in Sado Estuary

Funding Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal

Descript. Research activities related with water quality assessment and its
impact in ecosystems, particularly dolphins life.

Acron / Ref BC

Title Biocellelose for Printed Organic Electronics

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The ultimate goal of the project is to demonstrate the possibility

and advantage of using bacterial cellulose, also called biocellulose
(BC), and BC derivatives, as substrate, as dielectric and as
electrically active layer for inkjet printed organic electronics.

Acron / Ref BPMeas

Title Blood Pressure Measurement

Funding IEEE, TC-25

Descript. The project objective is to develop models and measurement

systemas associated with Blood Pressure Measurement through a
international participation of IEEE scientist from different
universities and research institutions.

Acron / Ref CRACK

Title Flaw Imaging in Metals by Contactless Conductivity

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The measuring principle is based on the phenomenon whereby the


impedance of a coil generating a time-varying magnetic field

changes in the presence of a conductive material as eddy currents
are induced in the material. Therefore the idea of a contactless
electrical conductivity imaging system (CECIS) is based on a sensor
composed of two coils. One of the coils, designated the transmitter
coil, is driven by an alternating current and generates an oscillating
magnetic field that induces currents inside the object to be tested.
These induced currents are related to the conductivity distribution of
the body. Another coil, the receiver coil, measures the total
magnetic field. One component of the magnetic field is related to the
primary imposed currents and the other component is related to the
induced eddy currents. As the signal originated from deeper voxel
significantly attenuates before it reaches the receiving coil the
information gets easily corrupted by measurement noise. By
incorporating into the design a real time digital signal processor able
to perform advanced signal processing techniques it is possible to
increase significantly the range of the sensor. Two solutions are
envisaged to accumulate data either by relocating the probe several
times using a XY scanning mechanism or by using an array of
sensors, i. e., several probes in the vicinity of the object to be
tested. The mathematical basis of this methodology is developed in
two parts. In the first part, the physics of the induction system is
simulated in the forward problem either using a numerical method
like the finite element method (FEM) or an artificial intelligent
technique (ANN). The simulated system is used to preview the
correspondence between first order variations in the secondary
magnetic field to conductive perturbations in the conductive body. A
set of equations in the discrete form can be formulated: Sx=b,
where x is the unknown conductivity perturbation vector, b is the
magnetic field measurement vector and S is the sensitivity matrix.
The second part of this study is the formulation of the inverse
relation of this correspondence in order to reconstruct the
conductivity images for a three dimensional sample object: b=S x +
y, where y represents unknown measurement noise present in the
real scenario. Since the signal from a deeper voxel is smaller than


surface voxel, measurement noise corrupts more the information

from deeper voxels. However, the relation between the magnetic
measurements and the conductivity distribution is nonlinear. Thus,
one way to estimate the solution is to linearize the forward problem
around an initial conductivity distribution and update the
conductivity distribution using a suitable algorithm by comparing the
calculated fields with the measurements. Several algorithms can be
used to minimize the norm of ||S x - b|| when solving for x. These
algorithms must be investigated in order to select the one that
provides the best performance for the problem to be evaluated. The
mathematical relation between the conductivity distribution and the
measurements is the backbone of the imaging algorithm.

Acron / Ref Dendrímeros

Title Just in Time Dendrimers

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The work plan on this project envisages the design, preparation and
performance evaluation of useful biodegradable and biocompatible
dendrimers with targeted physical and chemical properties for two
defined applications: (i) in vivo smart “pH-driven― efficient
drug nanocarriers and (ii) new chemical sensors. The dendrimers
preparation will be performed using an economic, clean, and simple,
one-pot procedure, where CO2 is both used as a solvent and as a
reagent (C1 feedstock). To exclude dendrimers cytotoxicity and
enhance their biodegradability urea linkages will be incorporated in
the dendrimer architecture.Another interesting and cutting edge
issue in dendrimer chemistry is that these nanometer-sized vehicles
will be incorporated within layer-bylayer (LBL) films using alternating
hydrogen bond interactions as the driving force for assembly, thus
enabling the incorporation of drugs and pH-sensitive release. The
unique architectural features of dendrimers led to fairly recent
developments in the field of chemical sensing. This almost


unexplored potential opens-up for exciting opportunities that we will

systematically explore: i) using the dendrimers library without end-
capping for explosives detection ii) using perylene end-capped
dendrimers for detection of metal cations.

Acron / Ref EECCO

Energy EffiCient Current-mode techniques for free-space Optical

front-end receivers

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. Desenho de receptores ópticos de espaço livre baseados em técnicas

de modo de corrente com elevada eficiência energética

Acron / Ref EHR-Wheel

Title Electronic Health Records for Wheelchairs Users

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. Developing unobtrusive monitoring of electrocardiogram and

respiratory activities using sensors installed in household furniture in
everyday life completed with RFID elements to provide a safe and
healthy place for the elderly Developing appropriate health data and
tracking data analysis tools important observations (e.g. general
health and activity levels, activities of daily living (ADL).
Advanced data processing for accurate cardiac and respiratory signal



Title Electronic Health Records for Wheelchairs Users

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. Global environmental concerns and the ever-increasing need for

energy, coupled with a steady progress in renewable energy
technologies are opening up new opportunities for utilization of
alternative energy resources for telecommunications (TLC)
applications. The equipments used in TLC have strict specific
requirements in terms of type and quality of the power supply and
most TLC energy systems present a special energy supply challenge,
requiring reliable, unattended power system operation in locations
where grid power is not available. For these applications, interest in
stand-alone power systems (SAPS) is increasing and the value of
alternative power solutions is becoming more apparent. Considering
this, the main general objectives of this research program are:
• The investigation of the new available technologies for the
generation and storage of energy for TLC applications;
• The development of a SAPS capable of self-diagnosing power
converter faults and, in case of a failure occurrence, to keep its
normal operation, although with a reduced performance.

Acron / Ref FaulTHEV

Title Fault Tolerant Electric Motor Drives Applied to Hybrid Electric Vehicle

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. Currently, with the increasing demand for environmentally friendlier

and higher fuel economy vehicles, the automotive companies are
focused on the development of hybrid electric vehicles
(HEVs).Considering this, the main objectives of this project are
focused on the development and implementation of two different
electric drives based on permanent magnet synchronous motors
(PMSM) and switched reluctance motors (SRM), with power


converter fault-tolerance capability, applied to HEVs.

Acron / Ref HomeTelecare

Title HomeTelecare

Funding PT-Inovação

Descript. The main objective is to implement a prototype of a system that

allows non-invasive monitoring of cardiac and respiratory
parameters of people living in non-hospital environments

Acron / Ref JISIS

Title Diamond-based surface acoustic wave devices: a reverse fabrication


Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. Design, simulation, prototyping and testing of SAW devices based

on a high-temperature substrate, such as langasite, in order to
obtain sensors and identifiers that can be interrogated remotely and
at the same time be used in harsh and hostile environments.

Acron / Ref KeMANDE

Title Kernel Method Applied to Non Destructive Evaluation

Funding IT

Descript. Throughout the world, engineers and technicians are working

together finding cracks and other anomalies to prevent expensive
failures. The increasingly important role of nondestructive testing in
public security and safely technology development promote new and
innovative methods to be developed and already known methods do
be enhanced. Eddy Current Testing (ECT) is one of the most


established nondestructive structure evaluation technique that

enables defect detection and material condition monitoring with high
sensitivity and reliability. Within this method the volume distribution
of the material conductivity is determined by inducing eddy currents
inside the conductor under test and measuring the magnetic field
produced by those currents [6]. ECT is used with electrically
conductive materials for the measurement of the thickness of
metallic plates [7] or non-metallic coatings or metal substrates,
estimation of electrical conductivity or magnetic permeability
distribution, corrosion detection [8] and the determination of
surface or subsurface defects [9]. However, regarding safety and
economic efficiency assessment, defects are still the main concern
and with the improvements on understanding the facture
mechanics, the detailed geometric characterization of the cracks,
still an open problem, became the target of the research in the
area. One disadvantage of this type of method is related to the
inevitability of well qualified and experienced technicians to perform
the tests since, in spite of its implementation simplicity, data
produced by eddy current based equipment are among the most
complicated to interpret. These factors together motivate the
project objectives: to implement new and better measurements
with both novel instrumentation and embedded artificial intelligence
to automate the interpretation of the various imaging data streams
in order to determine surface and subsurface defects shape and size
With eddy currents nondestructive evaluation, the dimensions of
defects are retrieved by inversion of the measured signals. Since
the physical model of the problem is often complicated and non-
linear, the inversion model is ill-posed and it’s solution always a
challenge. Within this project an original strategy based on the
current lines distribution is proposed. The idea is to assess the
current density perturbation caused by the defects through a bi-
dimensional map of the magnetic field components on the surface of
the material to be tested, obtained experimentally. This current
density can be represented as a composition of magnetic dipoles.


The field of the single magnetic field dipole will be the kernel of the
transformation to be used in the inversion process. Measurements
are taken using electromagnetic sensors based on giant
magnetoresistive (GMR) effect. GMRs extend the application field of
eddy current non destructive evaluation methods since they
measure the magnetic field directly and their sensitivity is equal for
all working frequencies, allowing better performance than
conventional probes for low-frequency applications as, for instance,
when detecting defects deep buried in multilayered structures.
Besides, these sensors are far more sensitive than those used in
current commercial equipment [11] and the output signal signal-to-
noise ratio is high enough to apply regularization methods to extract
It is our goal to develop a competitive automated system to be
subsequently exploited and used in the industry. This project
besides its technical and scientific objectives is also focused on
promoting nondestructive evaluation issues to young researchers. It
is a multidisciplinary field of study that embraces issues like: (1)
technology development; (2) image processing and recognition; (3)
modeling and algorithms. In Portugal there are very few
competencies within the nondestructive testing knowledge area in
spite of the abundance of industrial relevance for them and as a
result Portugal is losing competitiveness in a 600 million global

Acron / Ref LITES

Title Led-based intelligent street lighting for energy saving

Funding EU

Descript. The main objective of the LITES project is to prove in real life
experimentation that intelligent street lighting using solid-state
lights LED drastically reduces energy consumption. The lighting
service delivered is compliant with road classes CE2-CE5, S- and A-


according to the standard of EN13201 That means that our device

can be installed in secondary street, commercial access, allotment,
pedestrian way, cycle track. It is compliant with all electric
standards for luminaires general requirements and tests as well.
The core element of the solution is the dimming of the lamp
depending on the environment; a set of embedded sensors
measures ambient light, temperature, current, and detect motion.
Output data of sensors is then processed by the embedded
intelligence allowing optimum regulation of light levels. The
members within the consortium have been carefully selected to
cover the entire value-chain of the project and the standardisation
as well. They are all convinced about the prosperous future for this
technology, its significant energy saving potential up to 70 %,
environmental and economical benefits and the increased level of
traffic safety for the public.

Acron / Ref MATRIX

Title Electric Drives Based on Matrix Converters

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The main objective of this project is to develop an electric drive,

based on matrix converters, with self-diagnostic and fault-tolerant
capabilities. The drive, which will rely on the use of induction motors
and PMSMs, will allow to detect and locate any fault in the matrix
converter. After its detection, the control system of the drive will
enter in a fault-tolerant operating mode, according to which the
control strategy will be modified in order to minimize the
consequences of the fault and thus maintaining the system running,
although with degraded performance. Besides the detection of faults
in the matrix converter, and in the case of the induction motor
drive, the integrated diagnostic system should also be able to detect
faults in the motor, namely stator and rotor faults, bearing faults
and airgap eccentricity. The drive obtained with these new features


combines the advantages of the matrix converter with the high

reliability granted by the integrated and fault-tolerant
diagnostic/control system.

Acron / Ref MultilevelConv

Title Fault Diagnosis in High Power Drives Based on Multilevel Converters

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The aim of this research project is to investigate fault-tolerant

control strategies, proper to be used in high power drives, based on
multilevel topology. Simultaneously, an investigation about the
performance of both power converter and induction motor, in order
to optimize the drive behavior for a post-fault operation, will also be

Acron / Ref NANOPEPS

Title Micro- and Nanopatterning of cross-linkable electro-active polymers

by spin-coating

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. This project deals with the optimization of organic electronic

devices, namely photovoltaic cells (PV), light-emitting diodes
(LEDs) and optical chemical sensors, through the provement of the
organic film morphology and functionality using a low-cost, simple,
and innovative method of patterning at the submicrometric or the
Our group was recently pioneer in exploring a simple and low-cost
method to prepare patterned films at the submicrometric scale
using cross-linkable electroluminescent polymers also synthesised in
our group. In principle, the method should be scalable to large
substrates and to a broad range of different classes of conjugated
polymers. Basically, it consists on controlling the phase separation


occurring during the deposition of a solution containing a cross-

linkable electro-active polymer and an «inert» polymer, on a
substrate, by spin coating. The main original characteritsic of this
approach is that the cross-linked film is resistant against
dissolution, enabling that multilayer devices may be fabricated
utilizing low cost solution techniques. This project proposes i) to
synthesise new cross-linkable semiconducting polymers with
chemical properties designed for specific applications; ii) to extend
and to explore the patterning method to those materials to obtain
film morphologies tuned for specific applications iii) to fabricate
efficient devices based on such films. The target devices are:
- PV cells. Semiconducting polymer based-films where electron-
donor and -acceptor materials are segregated forming vertical
domains (relative to the electrodes) and these are separated from
less than 20 nm represent the optimal film morphology, because it
minimizes losses in the charge generation and transport to the
electrodes processes. By preparing adequate crosslinkable polymers
and using the referred patterning method, we aim at tuning the
column dimensions (of columnar films) or porous diameter (of
porous films) to obtain ideal nanostructured polymer scaffolds,
where the complementary component (donor or acceptor) can
afterwards be deposited filling the empty spaces. The resultant
arranjement of the two interpenetrating layers should approach the
“ideal” morphology for OPV cells.

- Optical Chemical Sensors. Fluorescent semiconducting polymers

have shown an amplified response in chemosensing
processes. We intend to functionalize the polymer nanopatterned
film to recognise selectively a specific target molecule which acts as
a fluorescence quencher, generating an optical sensor. Since
nanostructures have a huge surface/volume ratio, an even higher
sensitivity is expected. Examples of analytes to investigate are
fluoride, cyanide, and iodide anions resultant from toxic gases, and
metal ions such as Al3+, Pb 2+, and Ag+.

- LEDs. The most efficient organic LEDs are based on multilayered


devices comprising both charge transport layers and emissive layers

between the electrodes. Besides showing reasonable efficiencies,
such values are still well below the predicted maxima. One approach
for optimization, nearly unexplored so far, consists on the use of
nanopatterned hole-transport layers to increase the contact area for
charge transfer to the emissive layer. Also, there have been reports
demonstrating higher emission efficiency in nanopatterned films, for
which nanopatterning of the emissive layer represents another
approach to optimize LEDs.

Acron / Ref NHyMat

Title SolarNHyMat - Nanostructured Hybrid Materials for Solar Cells

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The “SolarNHyMat― project aims to foster essential progress

in the performance of organic solar cells devices by covalent
incorporation of acceptor molecules on the walls of mesoporous
silica nanostructured materials and encapsulation of the donor
polymers on the pores of those same silica materials. The key
scientific objectives of the “SolarNHyMat― project will be (i)
alignment of the acceptors (on the walls) and donors (on the
pores), (ii) maximize the interfacial area and the donor:acceptor
contact, (iii) isolation of the polymer chains into nanoscale domains
leading to a confinement effect, (iv) charge stabilization conduction
along individual chains with spontaneous formation of a graded-
index waveguide, and (v) circumvent oxygen interference. The
expected results for the “SolarNHyMat― project taking into
account the above objectives are (i) avoid phase segregation and
minimize the recombination process, (ii) improve charge separation
and increase carrier’s mobility, (iii) no interchain hopping events
would be required, (iv) improve gain and reduce loss, and (v)
enhance the long term stability


Acron / Ref NOVO

Title Non volatile polymer memories for flexible electronics

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. This project aims to investigate the operating mechanism and the
role of phase separation details of non-volatile resistive polymer
memories based on blends of conjugated and ferroelectric

Acron / Ref OMeGA

Title Optical Measurement of Guided Acoustic Waves in Solid Media

Funding IT

Descript. The coupling of ultrasound waves into solid media on a material

surface point followed by the wave detection on another point can
be used to infer about the wave propagation conditions. The wave
suffers reflections on the material boundaries, but is attenuated or
diffracted on existing material discontinuities. It is possible to obtain
valuable information about material defects by an accurate analysis
of the wave propagation conditions. In this project we intend to
apply the ultrasound method to establish an experimental method
of defects detection inside solid structures whose structural health
monitoring is of great importance. This is the case of the aircraft
structures, the liquid or gas pipelines in nuclear power plants or
other containers subject to high pressures. To our knowledge, the
most important inspection task at this time is the assessment of
possible internal defects inside the stainless steel containers of the
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER).


Acron / Ref PQW

Title The Physics of Quantum Walks

Funding IT

Descript. In this project we will focus on bringing the theory nearer to the
experiment, by studying open systems by means of non-unitary
quantum walks, which are usually easier to implement, than their
unitary counterparts

Acron / Ref Prep-SKA

Title A Preparatory Phase proposal for the Square Kilometer Array

Funding EU, FP7

Descript. The baseline design for the SKA is an interferometer array capable
of imaging the radio sky at frequencies from ~70 MHz to ~25 GHz,
and providing an all-sky monitoring capability at frequencies below
1 GHz. The telescope is to be built in three phases, and will be able
to carry out significant scientific observations as it is being built.
The concept involves parabolic dishes with innovative feeds to
maximize a combination of spatial and frequency coverage; at lower
frequencies phased arrays can become cost-effective and offer new
operational capabilities. Technological innovation, closely paralleling
commercial IT developments, is the key to the design concepts
under investigation and to the target cost of 1.5 billion Euro. Data
transport rates are likely to be in the range of 100 Giga-bits/sec to
Tera-bits/sec, with Petaflop capacity required for the central
processor. Much of the required technology is currently being
developed in the course of specific design studies (including the EC
funded FP6 SKA Design Study, SKADS) and the construction of
several SKA Pathfinder instruments around the world. The final step
of integrating the accumulated R&D knowledge into a detailed
system design for the SKA, is planned to take place from 2008 to
2011, with the first three years being under the aegis of PrepSKA.


Acron / Ref SPEED

Title Low Power Ultra-High Speed Analogue-to-Digital Converter for

Ultra-Wideband Wireless Communications

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. The major goal of this project is to design, integrate in a 90nm

CMOS technology and experimentally evaluate a calibration-free 2-
channel time-interleaved 6-bit 1GS/s CMOS Pipeline ADC with an EE
better than 0.2-0.3 pJ per conversion step and at the same time
achieving a very low die area. Many novel techniques will be
addressed to reach such goal such as, intensive use of passive
structures, amplifier sharing, simple amplifier topology and
exhaustive circuit optimization. A second aim of the project will be
to include, on-chip, an efficient solution for providing built-in self-
testing capability.

Acron / Ref PRODUTECH-PSI-Act2



Funding ADI

Descript. The aim of this project is the development and implementation of

innovative methodologies for the analysis of reliability and
availability of production equipment. The existence of these
methods will allow more effective management, which leads to an
improvement in the productivity of the production system.


Acron / Ref SCALES

Title SCALES - Simulation Tool for Pipeline ADCs

Funding Thales Alenia Space

Descript. Developement of a simulation tool do do architecture study of an

integrated Analog-to-Digital Converter

Acron / Ref SearchCol

Title SearchCol: Meta-heuristic Search by Column generation

Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. Many relevant practical problems can be modeled as combinatorial

optimization problems (COPs). Examples are the definition of routes
for vehicles, schedules for machines, or the dimensioning of
telecommunication networks. Meta-heuristics (MHs), such as tabu
search or genetic algorithms, are the most successful methods in
providing good-quality solutions in reasonable amounts of time for
large-size instances of several COPs. The aim of this project is to
propose a new MH, entitled Search by Column generation
(SearchCol), for COPs. SearchCol algorithms will be applied in
specific problems from four areas: production planning and
scheduling, telecommunications, forest management, and cutting
and packing. The main distinctive feature of SearchCol is that its
ingredients (such as construction of solutions, neighborhood
structures, or crossover operators) are based on column generation
We aim at proving that a suitable search strategy (provided by the
hybrid MHs framework) taking advantage of decomposition exact
methods (CG) quickly leads to high-quality solutions for NP-hard
COPs. The evidence is that CG provides tight lower bounds (in
minimization problems) on the optimal value and that the columns
belonging to the restricted master problem define a search space
where high-quality solutions exist. The drawbacks of standard MHs


(the lack of ameasure of the quality of the solution obtained and the
lack of a well defined stopping criterion) are overcome in SearchCol
since the lower bound provided by CG is available.

Acron / Ref TIMII

Title Magnetic Induction Tomography - High Resolution Imaging


Funding FCT/PTDC

Descript. Develop the Magnetic Induction Tomography technology in all of its

aspects which includes the Electromagnetic Direct Problem
Formulation, the Image Processing Inverse Problem Resolution, the
Instrumentation and the Biomedical applications.


4.4.5 Running and Concluded Theses

MSc Theses

Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Design and implementation of a
André Manuel
Rui Pedro Santos multilevel converter with fault
dos Santos 2/2011
Ventura tolerance, based on the cascaded H-
bridge topology.
Jorge Manuel Correia Amplificador Hi-Fi para Audio Portátil de
Nuno Horta Frederico Cadete 3/2011
Guilherme Elevada Eficiência
Bruno Miguel Jorge Manuel Correia
Nuno Horta Space DCDC - II 3/2011
Tavares Silva Guilherme
Jorge Manuel Correia
Nuno Horta Carla Duarte EVOLUTION - IC Design Automation 4/2011
Utilização de um Rato Óptico como
Artur Lopes Tiago Jorge
Helena Ramos Dispositivo de Posicionamento em 4/2011
Ribeiro Rocha
Testes com Correntes de Foucault
Pedro Ramos Pedro Xavier DSP based power quality analyzer 5/2011
Vital Signs monitoring and localization
David Vinhas José Dias Pereira using weelchair and embedded sensors 5/2011
and RFID for wheelchairs'users
Contactless Battery Charger for
André Brandão
Beatriz Borges Hugo Marques Supplying Wireless Data Transmission 6/2011
Electronic Equipment
Diagnosis of faults in electric drives
Marco André de
Sérgio Cruz based on three-phase induction motors 7/2011
Jesus Lopes
operating in closed-loop
Maria Celeste Licínio Jorge
Finite Topological Spaces 7/2011
Gouveia Oliveira Maurício
Maria da
Maria Celeste
Conceição Silva On the Irreducibility of Polynomials 7/2011
Tiago José
Luis Nero Alves,Dinis Posicionamento por radiofrequência
Luis Nero Alves Ramos Salvador 7/2011
Magalhães Santos utilizando estações terrestres
de Andrade
André Manuel Rui Miguel Belo
Transformerless topologies for railway
dos Santos Leal Toste 7/2011
train power supply
Mendes Ferreira
Eduardo de Jennifer Matos Caracterização e Modelização de Díodos
David Gacio 9/2011
Sousa Saraiva da Cruz Led
@Portugal: Portal integrado de turismo
Luís Miguel
Tiago do Bem com sistema de recomendações 10/2011
Martins Nunes
baseado em lógica vaga
Javier Rodriguez Cardoso,André Desempenho do Motor de Indução
António Cardoso 10/2011
Rey Manuel dos Santos Trifásico com Alimentação Assimétrica
João Silva Jorge Manuel Correia AUDIO II: Amplificador Hi-Fi para Audio
Nuno Horta 11/2011
Carvalho Guilherme Portátil de Elevada Eficiência
Autonomous Impedance Measurement
Pedro Ramos Ricardo Correia 11/2011
System based on dsPIC
David Filipe
Correia João Carvalho CMOS Audio DAC 11/2011
Function Generator powered and
Pedro Ramos André Leitão 11/2011
controlled by USB
Francisco Mobile Air Quality Measurement
David Quelhas 11/2011
Alegria Platform


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Modelação Matemática e Optimização
João Manuel
Joana Gonçalves de um Processo de Reciclagem de 11/2011
Óleos Lubrificantes Usados
Jorge Manuel Correia
Nuno Horta Gonçalo Aguiar Space DCDC - III 11/2011
Pedro Ramos Ricardo Silva USB Data Acquisition Board 11/2011
Elton Luis Nero Alves,José Amplificadores de Transimpedância
Luis Nero Alves 12/2011
Nascimento Lima Cura com Elevada Eficiência Energética
Automation of a Plasma Cutting Robotic
Fernando Lopes Carlos Tavares Inácio Fonseca 12/2011
Francisco Miguel Ângelo Moisés Simões Batery Managment System for Formula
Alegria Silva Guedes Piedade Student
Fernando Marco Alexandre
Controlo de um Helicóptero 12/2011
Martins de Antunes Mendes
Anabela Aníbal Manuel de Fiber based Access Networks: Planning
Amaro Sousa 12/2011
Sequeira Damas Oliveira Duarte and Cost Optimization
Jorge Ricardo
FUNDAMENTAL I - Resultados das
Rui Neves Rodrigues Nuno Horta 12/2011
Rui Neves Nuno Horta FUNDAMENTAL II - Notícias 12/2011
Domingos da Large databases management of space
Diogo Pinheiro Rui L. Aguiar 12/2011
Silva Barbosa missions - the Healpix Viewer
Manuel Carlos
Joaquim Manuel
Fernando Ferreira,Manuel Módulo de Potência para Interface com
Ruivo de Oliveira 12/2011
Martins de Fernando Martins de a Rede Eléctrica
Barros Barros
Manuel Carlos
Fernando Pedro Miguel Ferreira,Manuel
Protótipo de veículo eléctrico 12/2011
Martins de Lopes Freitas Fernando Martins de
Barros Barros
Luis Nero
Krzysztof Marek Sistema de Gestão de Iluminação em
Luis Nero Alves Alves,António 12/2011
Machnicki Ambientes Industriais
Wilson Sousa Luis Nero Alves,Dinis Sistemas de Comunicação por Luz
Luis Nero Alves 12/2011
Cerino Magalhães Santos Visível Baseados em FPGA
Luis Nero Alves,José Sistemas Inteligentes de Iluminação
Luis Nero Alves Nuno Sá 12/2011
Cura Pública
Artur Lopes João Couto Arez Sisteme de Medida da Espessura de
Helena Ramos 12/2011
Ribeiro Gonçalves Chapas Metálicas
João Carlos
Rui Casanova Automated Trading in Forex 1/2012
Switching Converter for Audio
Beatriz Borges Rui Santos Carlos Ferreira 1/2012
Development and Integration of
Fernando Lopes Sensors for Industrial Automation and 3/2012
Renato Bito José Dias Pereira Suction Meter for Prematures 3/2012
AIDA II: OpAmps Automatic Layout
Jorge Manuel Correia
Nuno Horta Ricardo Martins Generator 4/2012

GENOM2: Optimização do
Dimensionamento de Circuitos
Manuel Fernando
Nuno Horta Marcio Cabral Analógicos com Recurso a Técnicas de 4/2012
Martins de Barros
Computação Evolutiva


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
David Filipe Correia Sistema amplificador de Classe G para
Nuno Horta Álvaro Geraldes 4/2012
Guilherme áudio portátil de elevada eficiência
Andre Martins Jorge Manuel Correia SPACE-DC/DC - II: Conversor DC-DC
Nuno Horta 4/2012
Ribeiro Guilherme para a Industria Aeroespacial
Biomedical Smart Sensores IEEE1451.4
Octavian João Miguel
Pedro Silva Girão and IEEE1451.5 compatibles for 5/2012
Postolache Correia Freire
HealthCare Ubiquitous Systems
CO2 and pH intra-body blood
Raúl Martins João Carreiras Raúl Martins 5/2012
concentrations for respiratory pacer
António Manuel
FOREX PATTERN- Prever Mercados de
Rui Neves Lourenço Nuno Horta 6/2012
Futuros de Câmbios usando Padrões
António Luís Context-aware Mobile Application for
Morais Costa da Sérgio Cerqueira Automatic Appointment Scheduling and 7/2012
Silva Lopes Notification
André Manuel
Luis Miguel Control Strategies and Fault Diagnosis
dos Santos 7/2012
Antunes Caseiro for NPC Multilevel Rectifiers
Alexandre Moutela
Paulo Bacelar Nunes da Mota,Paulo Controlador Adaptativo baseado em
Diego Mendes 7/2012
Reis Pedreiras Bacelar Reis Xenomai
Diagnosis of core faults in three-phase
Pedro Camara
Sérgio Cruz induction motor drives running in 7/2012
Diagnóstico e Análise de Avarias em
Bruno Miguel
Geradores Síncronos de Ímanes
António Cardoso Gomes dos António Cardoso 7/2012
Permanentes Aplicados em Turbinas
André Manuel Pedro Manuel
Fault Diagnosis in Active Power Filters,
dos Santos Antunes Faria 7/2012
based on Multilevel NPC topology.
Mendes Lopes
Paulo Bacelar Fixed Priority Schedulers on a hard-real
Ricardo Almeida 7/2012
Reis Pedreiras time Baseband Multiprocessor
Paulo André Pais Image Segmentation using Focal Point
João Leite 7/2012
Fazendeiro Clustering: a Parametric Analysis
Tiago Luis Leite Implementation of Medical Image
Luís Cruz de Bessa Registration Methods in Ophthalmology 7/2012
Ferreira Software Suite
António Luís
Mobile Application for Supporting
Morais Costa da Luís Cardoso 7/2012
University Students
Silva Lopes
Daniel Marques Modelling and simulation of shell-type
Sérgio Cruz 7/ 2012
Machado power transformers
Monitorização fina do consumo de
Paulo Bacelar Alexandre Moutela energia elétrica usando redes de
Cesar Gomes 7/2012
Reis Pedreiras Nunes da Mota sensores sem fios

Multicore implementation of the HEVC

Luís Cruz Intra Predictor 7/2012

André Manuel Thermal behavior of a three phase

Filipe Antonio
dos Santos induction motor with a closed-loop load 7/2012
Carreira Costa
Mendes torque control
António Luís
Web-based System for the Automatic
Morais Costa da Marcos Pinto 7/2012
Evaluation of Java Programs
Silva Lopes
WebRun - jogo Web interactivo para
Pedro Araújo José Castanheira promover a prática desportiva 7/2012


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Luís Miguel Learning behavior patterns based on
André Duarte 9/2012
Martins Nunes surveillance images
Luís Miguel
Nuno Antunes Interactive, Dynamic Timetabling 9/2012
Martins Nunes
Multi-Agent Coordination using
Luís Miguel
Pedro Cerdeira Setplays: Applications in the RoboCup’s 9/2012
Martins Nunes
2D Simulation League
Poderá a telemonitorização domiciliária
contribuir na redução dos elevados
Pedro Brandão Alice Miranda custos da insuficiência cardíaca para o 9/2012

Luís Miguel Pedro Bonifácio Sancho Moura Profiling Web based users preferences
Martins Nunes Costa Oliveira with Text Mining
Fernando Tim Luís Miguel Desenvolvimento de um Contador de
Tim Janeiro Leitão da Silva Energia Eléctrica Inteligente
Maria João
Beatriz Borges Perdigão High Frequency Integrated DCDC 10/2012
Carlos Miguel
Schwarz High Frequency LLC Resonant
Beatriz Borges Hugo Marques 10/2012
Gonçalves Converter
MAcBETh I: High Performance
Operational Amplifiers IC Design
Manuel Fernando
Nuno Horta Frederico Rocha Automation based on Pareto Optimal 10/2012
Martins de Barros
Front Characteristics

New Cross-linkable Donor Polymers for

Ana Charas Soraia Lourenço Manuel Matos Nanostructured OPV cells 10/2012

Fernando Bruno
Hugo Ribeiro,Hugo Single Stage Converter for Application
Beatriz Borges Nabais Ferreira 10/2012
Marques in Photovoltaic Pannels
smartHealthCareMobunit - Biomedical
Octavian and air quality mobile monitoring and
Pedro Silva Pedro Silva Girão 10/2012
Postolache data management system based on
Tiago Mota Hugo Marques,Carlos
Beatriz Borges Switching Audio Amplifier 10/2012
Garcia Oliveira Ferreira
A Linguistic Framework for Embryo
Paulo André Pais
João Silva Viability Assessment 11/2012

Joana Vicente
FLOOD - Movimentos de Fundos entre
Rui Neves Guerreiro Nuno Horta 11/2012
Organic light-emitting diodes on
Jorge Morgado Ana Coelho biocellulose composites 11/2012

Análise e Implementação de Métodos

Numéricos para Resolução de Sistemas
João Manuel
Bruno Grácio de Equações Lineares de Grandes 12/2012

Converters for Renewable Energy

Beatriz Borges Pedro Martins Sources 12/2012

Interface Inverter Between Eolic

Raúl Miguel Moisés Simões
Beatriz Borges Turbine and AC Mains 12/2012
Macedo da Silva Piedade


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Power Supply Based in a Piesoelectric
Beatriz Borges Marco Pinto Marcelino Santos Transformer 12/2012

Mohamed de
Beatriz Borges Resonant Pole Inverter 12/2012
Real time power quality monitoring
Pedro Ramos Inês Sousa 11/2015
system for 3-phase power grid

Table 30 – List of MSc Theses running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area
during 2011

PhD Theses

Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Commuting matrices and Deflation
Edgar Silva
Maria Cecila Rosa method for Regular matrix pencils 9/2011
Test de modeles d'Énergie Noire et
Domingos da propriétés physiques des amas de
Pierre Delsart Alain Blanchard 10/2011
Silva Barbosa galaxies

Luis Filipe Injecção e transporte de carga em

Luís Alcácer 12/2011
Ferreira Morgado dispositivos electrónicos orgânicos
Integration of IEEE 1451 with OGC-
Joaquin del Rio
Helena Ramos Antoni Manuel SWE and Ocean Instruments 12/2011

Visible Light Communication Systems

Rui L. Aguiar,Luis
Luis Nero Alves Navin Kumar for Road Safety Applications 12/2011
Nero Alves
Plastic Optical Fibers doped with
Ana Lu�sa
Jorge Morgado conjugated polymers showing gain 1/2012

Vítor Manuel Plataformas de Interoperabilidade

José Dias Pereira Pedro Silva Girão 1/2012
Rodrigues Viegas para Redes de Comunicação Industrial
Análise do Desempenho de Motores
Síncronos de Ímanes Permanentes
Jorge Oliveira
António Cardoso Quando Alimentados Através de Um 2/2012
Conversor Tolerante a Falhas

Marina Mendes Research and Development on New

Eduardo de Sargento José Marcos Alonso Control Techniques for Electronic
Sousa Saraiva Domingues Álvarez Ballasts based on Magnetic Regulators
Utilização do Motor de Indução no
António Manuel
Diagnóstico de Avarias em Cargas
António Cardoso Luzano de 2/2012
Quadros Flores

Aproveitamento Electrotérmico de
Carlos Alberto
António Cardoso Sistemas Fotovoltaicos em Complexos 3/2012
Figueiredo Ramos

Beatriz Borges Hugo Ribeiro Power Factor Correctors 3/2012

Tânia Isabel de
Jorge Morgado Non volatile resistive memories 4/2012
Almeida Braz
João Paulo Silva Estabelecimento de Redes de
Rui L. Aguiar 6/2012
Barraca Comunidades Sobreponíveis


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Natália dos
Fault Tolerance in Switched
António Cardoso Santos Gameiro 6/2012
Reluctance Motor Drives
Edgar Silva
Fernando Marcos Matrix Algorithms 6/2012
Edgar Silva Joaquim Manuel
Metapopulation in Epidemic Models 6/2012
Pereira Pereira Mateus
Modeling, Quering and Mining Spatial
Michel Celestino
David Vaz Database through Logic Programming 6/2012
Paiva Ferreira
Sincronização em Sistemas Integrados
Mónica Jorge
a Alta-Velocidade, Sincronização em
Rui L. Aguiar Carvalho 6/2012
Sistemas Integrados a Alta-Velocidade

Paulo Bacelar Milton Armando Tomás Oliveira e Adaptive control techniques for
Reis Pedreiras Cunguara Silva networked embedded systems
Dynamic Geometric Modeling of
Adriano Nunes
Abel João Gomes Plasmidic DNA for Therapeutical 9/2012
Nuno Gonçalo
e-pain: information technologies
Pedro Araújo Coelho Costa 9/2012
applied to chronic pain assessment
Research Topic: High Performance
Maria Manuela
Przemyslaw Computing for 3D and 4D Image
Areias da Costa 9/2012
Lenkiewicz Segmentation: Application to
Pereira de Sousa
Automatic Detection of Breast Cancer
Resposta farmacológica automática e
Filipe Nuno
em tempo real em pacientes com
Pedro Araújo Mateus Dias 9/2012
regurgitação mitral em cuidados
Carlos Filipe ALgoritmos de Optimização para
Luís Merca Luís Merca
Perquilhas Modelos de Planeamento de Redes de 10/2012
Fernandes Fernandes
Baptista Transporte
Optimization of the operation of a Ion
Francisco Alegria José Lopes 10/2012
Complexos de metais de transição
Rui Teives Ana Isabel Dulce Belo,Rui
com base em ligandos ditiolenos 12/2012
Henriques Soares Neves Teives Henriques
contendo grupos tiofénicos
André Manuel Fault Tolerant Cascade Multilevel
Toni dos Santos
dos Santos Inverter For Electric Vehicle 12/2012
Mendes Applications
Bruno Miguel Gil Intracardiac Rehography by Magnetic
Raúl Martins 12/2012
Rosa Induction Tomography
Artur Lopes Radislav Signal Processing for NDE in
Michal Kubínyi 12/2012
Ribeiro Šmid,Helena Ramos Aerospace,
Switching Audio Amplifiers
Beatriz Borges Carlos Ferreira Luís Sá 12/2012

Thickness Measurement Using
Helena Ramos Jakub Kral Ramos,Radislav 12/2012
Transient Eddy Current Techniques
Eduardo Pinheiro Pedro Silva Girão Vital Signals Monitoring Wheelchair 12/2012
Compostos moleculares condutores
Rui Teives Bruno José
com propriedades de comutação e 1/2013
Henriques Cardoso Vieira
Eunice de Fátima Diagnóstico de Avarias em Sistemas
António Cardoso 1/2013
Fragoso Ribeiro de Energia para Telecomunicações
Luís Manuel
Fault Diagnosis in Three-Phase
António Cardoso Ramos de 1/2013
Transformer Windings

Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Maria da Graça
New materials for organic solar
Jorge Morgado Laranjo Mendes Ana Charas 3/2013
concentrators and photovoltaic cells
Maria Manuela
Ultrasound Breast Image Analysis for
Areias da Costa Elga Correira 9/2013
Automated Detection of Breast Cancer
Pereira de Sousa
Ana Carla Vicente Maintenance Management and
António Cardoso 10/2013
Vieira Organization of School Buildings
José Miguel da Ultra Low Noise Receiver for Space
Armando Rocha Cupido,Domingos da 10/2013
Silva Bergano and Ground Applications
Silva Barbosa
Luís Filipe
Soldado Moisés Simões Non-Destructive Testing Based on
Pedro Ramos 11/2013
Granadeiro Piedade Eddy Currents
Amplificadores de Elevado
Desempenho para Áudio,
Nuno Horta David Guilherme 12/2013
Amplicadores de Elevado Desempenho
para Áudio
Arquitecturas Reconfiguráveis de
Jorge Manuel
Nuno Horta Mauro Santos Elevado Desempenho p/ Terminais 12/2013
Correia Guilherme
Móveis da 4G e 5G
Integrated Switching Audio Amplifier -
Beatriz Borges Pedro Braga Beatriz Borges Amplificador Audio Comutado 12/2013
Ana Gualdina Language Based Security for
José Santos Gérard Boudol 12/2013
Almeida Matos Distributed Mobile Code
André Manuel Thermal Behaviour of a Three-Phase
Bruno Ricardo
dos Santos Sérgio Cruz Induction Motor Fed by a Fault 12/2013
Oliveira Baptista
Mendes Tolerant Multilevel Inverter
Optimal Stock Market Investments
José Manuel
Rui Neves Nuno Horta Based on Evolutionary Computation 1/2014
Matias Pinto
Techniques and Technical Analysis
José Carlos Development and Implementation of
Pedro Ramos Sequeira Martins an Impedance Measuring System 2/2014
dos Santos Applied to Viscosity Sensors
Geração e Optimização Automática de
Nuno Horta Nuno Lourenço 4/2014
High efficiency polymer-based
Joana Tavares
Jorge Morgado Ana Charas photovoltaics through morphology 4/2014
Mohsen André Manuel dos Fault Tolerance in Multilevel
Sérgio Cruz 7/2014
Bandarabadi Santos Mendes Converters for Wind Power Generators
Processamento e análise de imagens
Maria Manuela
ultra-som 2D e 3D: aplicação à
Areias da Costa Rui Brás 9/2014
detecção automática do cancro da
Pereira de Sousa
Tolerância a Falhas em Accionamentos
Nuno Miguel Baseados em Geradores Síncronos de
António Cardoso 10/2014
Amaral Freire Ímanes Permanentes Aplicados em
Turbinas Eólicas
Maria Manuela
Ricardo Jorge Human Visual Perception in Image
Areias da Costa 11/2014
Antunes Bichinho Compression
Pereira de Sousa
Sérgio Duarte Signal Processing for Radio Assisted
Luís Cruz 12/2014
Correia Location Systems
Octavian Abbas Multiprocessor platform for vital signs
Pedro Silva Girão 12/2015
Postolache AbdolAliPour and motor activity assesment
Anders Lyhne Sancho Moura
Miguel Duarte TBD 12/2015
Christensen Oliveira


Supervisor Student Co- Supervisors Title
Dosimetric and electrical
characteristics of a FFF Linac and
Pedro Ramos Paulo Ferreira Pedro Silva Girão modern Quality Assurance procedures 12/2016
for Intensity Modulated and Rotational

Table 31 – List of PhD Theses running in the Basic Sciences and Enabling Technologies Area
during 2011


4.4.6 Publications

Applied Mathematics

Book Chapters

- Martins, F.; " Efeito da idade na performance de uma tarefa de antecipação-

coincidência (Dias G, Mendes R, Clemente F, Rocha R e Martins F) " - Chapter in
Estudos em Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança IV , P Mouroço, O Vasconcelos, J
Barreiros e R Matos , , Escola Superior de Educação e Ciências Sociais e e Centro de
Investigação de Motricidade Humana/IPL, Leiria , 2011 .

- Martins, F.; " Efeito dos constrangimentos no desempenho motor de crianças no

remate de futebol (Martins F, Clemente F, Couceiro M, Dias G e Mendes R) " -
Chapter in Estudos em Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança IV , P Mouroço, O
Vasconcelos, J Barreiros e R Matos , , Escola Superior de Educação e Ciências
Sociais e e Centro de Investigação de Motricidade Humana/IPL, Leiria , 2011 .

Papers in Journals

- Pereira, E.; M. Rosa; " A deflation method for regular matrix pencils ", Applied
Mathematics and Computation , Vol. 218 , No. 6 , pp. 2913 - 2920 , November ,
2011 .

- Andreani, R. A.; J. J. Júdice; J. Jose Martinez; J. M. Patrício; " A projected-

gradient interior-point algorithm for complementarity problems ", Numerical
Algorithms , Vol. 57 , No. 4 , pp. 457 - 485 , August , 2011 .

- Júdice, J. J.; " Algorithms for linear programming with linear complementarity
constraints ", TOP - Sociedad de Estadística y Investigación Operativa , Vol. 1 , No.
1 , pp. 1 - 22 , September , 2011 .

- Martins, F.; " Best Approximation Pair of Two Linear Varieties via an (In)Equality
by (Fan-Todd) Beesack (M. A. Facas Vicente, Fernando Martins, Cecília Costa, José
Vitória) ", Cornell University Library , Vol. 1 , No. 1108.0858 , pp. 1 - 20 , August ,
2011 .

- Costa-Santos, C. C-S; J. B. Bernardes; L. Antunes; " Complexity and categorical

analysis may improve the interpretation of agreement studies using continuous
variables ", Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice , Vol. 17 , No. 3 , pp. 511 - 514
, June , 2011 .

- Antunes, L.; A. Matos; A. Souto; A. Teixeira; " Entropy Measures vs. Algorithmic
Information ", Entropy , Vol. 13 , No. 3 , pp. 595 - 611 , March , 2011 .

- Gouveia, L.; P. Patrício; A. F. Sousa; " Models for optimal survivable routing with
a minimum number of hops: comparing disaggregated with aggregated models ",
Intrnl. Transactions in Operational Research , Vol. 18 , No. 3 , pp. 335 - 358 , May ,
2011 .


- Andreani, R. A.; J. J. Júdice; M. Martinez; J. M. Patrício; " On the natural merit

function for solving complementarity problems ", Mathematical Programming , Vol.
130 , No. 1 , pp. 211 - 223 , November , 2011 .

- Alvarez-Vázquez, L. J.; J. J. Júdice; A. M. Aurea Martínez; C. R. Rodríguez; M. E.

Vázquez-Méndez; M. A. Vilar; " On the optimal design of river fishways ",
Optimization and Engineering , Vol. 1 , No. 1 , pp. 1 - 19 , November , 2011 .

- Santos, D.; A. F. Sousa; F. Alvelos; M. Dzida; M. Pióro; " Optimization of link load
balancing in multiple spanning tree routing networks ", Telecommunication Systems
, Vol. 48 , No. 1-2 , pp. 109 - 124 , August , 2011 .

- Gouveia, L.; P. M. Moura; A. F. Sousa; " Prize collecting Steiner trees with node
degree dependent costs ", Computers and Operations Research , Vol. 38 , No. 1 ,
pp. 234 - 245 , January , 2011 .

- Fernandes, L. M.; J. J. Júdice; H. Sherali; A. P. A. P. Antunes; " Siting and Sizing

of Facilities under Probabilistic Demands ", Journal of Optimization Theory and
Applications , Vol. 148 , No. 1 , pp. 1 - 21 , January , 2011 .

- Lopes, M.; J-C. Wolff; J. Dias; M. A. T. Figueiredo; " Study on the effect of pixel
resolution and blending grade on near-infrared hyperspectral unmixing of tablets ",
Applied Spectroscopy , Vol. 65 , No. 2 , pp. 193 - 200 , February , 2011 .

Papers in Conference Proceedings

- Oliveira, J. F.; J. C. Pedro; " Advanced time-domain techniques for strongly

nonlinear RF circuit simulation ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon ,
Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , April , 2011 .

- Martins, F.; " Análise às variáveis de produto na execução do serviço de ténis sob
o efeito de um escoamento aerodinâmico induzido (vento artificial) (P. Mendes, F.
Martins, A. M. Facas Vicente, F. Corbi, M. Couceiro, R. Mendes e J. Trovão) ", Proc
Congresso Nacional de Biomecânica , Coimbra , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 49 - 52 ,
February , 2011 .

- Martins, F.; " Analysis of the Performance in the First Tennis Serve Under the
Effect of an Induced Aerodynamic Flow (Wind) (P. Mendes, R. Mendes, F. Martins,
M. A. Facas Vicente, M. J. Coelhoe- Silva, J. P. Fuentes, G. Dias e R. Menayo) ",
Proc Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science , Liverpool , United
Kingdom , Vol. 1 , pp. 305 - 305 , July , 2011 .

- Lopes, M.; J-C. Wolff; NM Mistry; JW Warrack; J. Dias; M. A. T. Figueiredo; "

Comparison of near infrared and Raman hyperspectral unmixing performances for
chemical identification of pharmaceutical tablets ", Proc IEEE GRSS Workshop on
Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing , Lisbon , Portugal , June , 2011 .

- Martins, F.; " Conhecimento matemático para o ensino de futuros professores dos
primeiros anos: os pictogramas (C. Miguel Ribeiro e F. Martins) ", Proc XIII Conf.
Interamericana de Educação Matemática , Recife, Pernambuco , Brazil , Vol. 1 , pp.
CIAEM (Ed.) - CIAEM (Ed.) , June , 2011 .

- Martins, F.; " Early Years’ Trainee Teachers Mathematical Knowledge for
Teaching: The Case of Bar Graphs (F. Martins e C. Miguel Ribeiro) ", Proc Conf. of
the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education , Ankara ,
Turkey , Vol. 1 , pp. 491 - 491 , July , 2011 .

- Wolff, J-C.; NM Mistry; JW Warrack; M. Lopes; J. Dias; M. A. T. Figueiredo; "

Near-infrared imaging and Raman mapping to understand the bigger picture of a
counterfeit anti-viral medicine ", Proc Federation of Analytical Chemistry and
Spectroscopy Societies - FACSS , Reno , United States , October , 2011 .

- Omar, Y.; " Quantum Private Telecommunications ", Proc National Conf. on
Telecommunications (Peru) , Arequipa , Peru , Vol.
10.1109/CONATEL.2011.5958672 , pp. 1 - 3 , May , 2011 .

- Martins, F.; " Statistical Significance Analysis of the R-DPSO (M. S. Couceiro, N.
Ferreira, R. P. Rocha, F. M. L. Martins e F. Clemente) ", Proc ISEC - Symposium on
Computational Intelligence for Engineering Systems , Coimbra , Portugal , Vol. 1 ,
pp. CD-ROM - CD-ROM , November , 2011 .

- Martins, F.; " Towards a Correction Metric to the Putting Lip-out (M. S. Couceiro,
G. Dias, F. M. L. Martins e J. A. Luz,) ", Proc ISEC - Symposium on Fractional
Signals and Systems , Coimbra , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 138 - 146 , November ,
2011 .

M. L. Martins, C. Miguel Ribeiro e Helena Gomes) ", Proc International Week of
ESEC , Coimbra , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. CD-ROM - CD-ROM , April , 2011 .


Papers in Journals

- Baptista, P. R. ; T.R. Cunha; A. Matias; C. Gama; C. Bernardes; Ó. Ferreira; "

New land-based method for surveying sandy shores and extracting DEMs: The
INSHORE system ", Environmental Monitoring and Assessment , Vol. 182 , No. 1-4 ,
pp. 243 - 257 , February , 2011 .

- Ferreira, M. ; P. d´Orey; " On the Impact of Virtual Traffic Lights on Carbon

Emissions Mitigation ", IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems , Vol. 99 ,
No. 10-2011 , pp. 1 - 12 , October , 2011 .

Papers in Conference Proceedings

- Olaverri , C.; K. Bengler; " Impact of cultural diversity on the menu structure
design of Driver Information Systems: a cross-cultural study ", Proc IEEE Intelligent
Vehicles Symp. - IV , Baden Baden , Germany , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , June , 2011 .

- Sebastião, D.S.; D. Ladeira; M.A. Antunes; C. Oliveira; L. M. Correia; " Projecto

monIT - monitorização de radiação electromagnética em comunicações móveis ",


Proc Sociedade Brasileira de Proteção Radiológica II Congresso de Proteção Contra

Radiações da Comunidade dos Países de Lingua Portuguesa - Radio2011 , Recife,
PE , Brazil , May , 2011 .

- Lucas da Silva, M.; C. Simões; D. Gonçalves; T. Gonçalves; H. Silva; F. Botelho; "

TROCAS: Communication Skills Development in Children with Autism Spectrum
Disorders via ICT ", Proc IFIP TC13 Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction -
INTERACT , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 6949/2011 , pp. 644 - 647 , September , 2011 .


Book Chapters

- Silva, H.; S. P. Palma; H. Gamboa; " AAL+: Continuous Institutional and Home
Care Through Wireless Biosignal Monitoring Systems " - Chapter in Handbook of
Digital Homecare , Lodewijk Bos, Adrie Dumay, Leonard Goldschmidt, Griet
Verhenneman and Kanagasingam Yogesan , Springer , , 2011 .

- Postolache, O.; J. M. Dias Pereira; P.M. Girão; G. Postolache; " Distributed Smart
Sensing Systems for Indoor Monitoring of Respiratory Distress Triggering Factors "
- Chapter in Chemistry, Emission, Control, Radioactive Pollution and Indoor Air
Quality , Intech , In-Tech , Rijeka , 2011 .

- Antunes, P.; F Domingues; F Granada; P.S André; " Mechanical properties of

optical fibers " - Chapter in Optical Fibers , Yasin Moh, Sulaiman W. Harun e
Hamzah Arof , In-Tech, 2011 .

- Radil, T.; P.M. Ramos; " Methods for Estimation of Voltage Harmonic Components
" - Chapter in Power Quality , Andreas Eberhard , In-Tech , 2011 .

- , ; L. Bilro; C. Leitão Leitão; P. Antunes; H. Lima; P.S André; R.N. Nogueira; J. L.

Pinto; " Optical Fiber Technology for eHealthcare " - Chapter in Handbook of
Research on ICTs for Healthcare and Social Services , Isabel Maria Miranda & Maria
Manuela Cruz-Cunha, 2011 .

- Alberto, N.; L. Bilro; P. Antunes; C. Leitão Leitão; H. Lima; P.S André; R.N.
Nogueira; J. L. Pinto; " Optical Fiber Technology for eHealthcare " - Chapter in
Handbook of Research on ICTs for Healthcare and Social Services , Isabel Maria
Miranda & Maria Manuela-Cruz, 2011 .

- Antunes, P.; H. Lima; N. Alberto; L. Bilro; A. Costa; H. Rodrigues Rodrigues; J. L.

Pinto; R.N. Nogueira; H Varum; P.S André; " Optical sensors based on FBG for
structural health monitoring " - Chapter in New Developments in Sensing
Technology for Structural Health Monitoring , Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay ,
Springer, 2011 .

- Postolache, O.; J. M. Dias Pereira; P.M. Girão; " Underwater Acoustic Source
Localization and Sounds Classification in Distributed Measurement Networks " -
Chapter in Advances in Sound Localization , Pawel Strumillo , In-Tech , Wien ,


- Postolache, O.; P.M. Girão; J. M. Dias Pereira; " Water Quality Assessment
through Smart Sensing and Computational Intelligence " - Chapter in New
Developments and Applications in Sensing Technology , Subhas C. Mukhopadhyay,
Aime Lay-Ekuakille, Anton Fuchs , Springer , Berlin Heidelberg , 2011 .

Papers in Journals

- Bilro, L.; J. Oliveira; J. L. Pinto; R.N. Nogueira; " A reliable low-cost wireless and
wearable gait monitoring system based on a plastic optical fibre sensor ",
Measurement Science & Technology , Vol. 22 , No. 4 , pp. 045801 - 7pp. , April ,
2011 .

- Dias Pereira, J. M.; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; " A Smart Measurement and
Stimulation System to Analyze and Promote Non-Nutritive Sucking of Premature
Babies ", Measurement Science Review , Vol. 11 , No. 6 , pp. 173 - 180 , December
, 2011 .

- Faria, J.; V. Machado; M. Neves; " Analysis of the Mutual Inductance in Current
Transformers taking Primary Conductors Eccentricity into Account ", IEEE Trans. on
Magnetics , Vol. 47 , No. 6 , pp. 1719 - 1725 , June , 2011 .

- Alberto, N.; L. Carvalho; H. Lima; P. Antunes; R.N. Nogueira; J. L. Pinto; "

Characterization of different water/powder ratios of dental gypsum using fibre
Bragg grating sensors ", Dental Materials Journal , Vol. 30 , No. 5 , pp. 700 - 706 ,
September , 2011 .

- Oliveira, R.A.; G. R. C. Possetti; C.A.F. Marques; P.T. Neves; K. Cook; R. C.

Kamikawachi; J. L. Fabris; R.N. Nogueira; J. Canning; A. Pohl; " Control of the long
period grating spectrum through low frequency flexural acoustic waves ",
Measurement Science & Technology , Vol. 22 , No. 4 , pp. 045205 - 6pp , April ,
2011 .

- Bergano , JB; F. F. Fernandes; L. Cupido; D. Barbosa ; R. Fonseca ; I. S. V.

Ferreira; B. Grossan; G. F. S. Smoot; " Digital Complex Correlator for a C-band
Polarimetry survey ", Experimental Astronomy , Vol. 30 , No. 1 , pp. 23 - 37 ,
February , 2011 .

- " Digital complex correlator for a C-band polarimetry survey ", Experimental
Astronomy , Vol. 30 , No. 1 , pp. 23 - 37 , May , 2011 .

- Gomes, H.G.; A. R. T. Testera; N.B.C. Carvalho; M. B. Barciela; K. R. Remley; "

Diode Power Probe Measurements of Wireless Signals ", IEEE Trans. on Microwave
Theory and Tech. , Vol. 59 , No. 4 , pp. 987 - 997 , April , 2011 .

Metrology and Measurement Systems , Vol. 18 , No. 2 , pp. 0 - 0 , June , 2011 .

- Neto, V. Neto; J. Santos Santos; N. Alberto; J. L. Pinto; R.N. Nogueira; J. Grácio

Grácio; " Evaluation of Diamond Coatings on Optical Fibre Sensors for Biological
Use ", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology , Vol. 11 , No. 6 , pp. 5408 -
5412 , June , 2011 .

- Carvalho, L.; N. Alberto; P. G. Gomes; R.N. Nogueira; J. L. Pinto; M. H. F.

Fernandes; " In the trail of a new bio-sensor for measuring strain in bone:
Osteoblastic biocompatibility ", Biosensors and Bioelectronics , Vol. 26 , No. 10 , pp.
4046 - 4052 , April , 2011 .

- Lopes, J.; F. Alegria; Redondo; J. R. Rocha; E. A. Alves; " Mass spectrometry

improvement on an high current ion implanter ", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res.
B , Vol. 1 , No. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , April , 2011 .

- Ramos, H. G.; A. L. Ribeiro; M. Kubínyi; " Measuring Interface for an ECT Sysem
", Przeglad Elektrotechniczny , Vol. 87 , No. 7 , pp. 266 - 271 , July , 2011 .

- , ; P.S André; H Varum; P. Antunes; L. Ferreira Ferreira; M. Sousa Sousa; "

Monitoring of the concrete curing process using plastic optical fibers ",
Measurement , Vol. In Press , October , 2011 .

- Postolache, O.; J. M. Dias Pereira; P.M. Girão; " Multi-sensing node architecture
for water quality monitoring ", Instrumentation Viewpoint , Vol. 1 , No. 11 , pp. 66
- 67 , September , 2011 .

- Alegria, F.; " On the Bias of Terminal Based Gain and Offset Estimation Using the
ADC Histogram Test Method ", Metrology and Measurement Systems , Vol. 18 , No.
1 , pp. 3 - 12 , March , 2011 .

- Antunes, P.; H Varum; P.S André; " Paulo Antunes, Humberto Varum e Paulo
André, "Uniaxial fiber Bragg grating accelerometer system with temperature and
cross axis insensitivity ", Measurement , Vol. 14 , No. 1 , pp. 55 - 59 , January ,
2011 .

- Ardeleanu, A. S. A.; P.M. Ramos; " Real time pc implementation of power quality
monitoring system based on multiharmonic least-squares fitting ", Metrology and
Measurement Systems , Vol. XVIII , No. 4 , pp. 543 - 554 , December , 2011 .

- Antunes, P.; Ana M. Rocha; H. Lima; H Varum; P.S André; " Thin bonding wires
temperature measurement using optical fiber sensors ", Measurement , Vol. 44 ,
No. 3 , pp. 554 - 558 , March , 2011 .

- Alberto, N.; C.A.F. Marques; J. L. Pinto; R.N. Nogueira; " Three-parameter optical
fiber sensor based on a tilted fiber Bragg grating ", The Virtual Journal for
Biomedical Optics , Vol. 6 , No. 1-Jan3 , pp. 6085 - 6091 , January , 2011 .

Papers in Conference Proceedings

- Alegria, F.; A Dionísio; F. Almeida; E. Martinho; " 3-D Electrical Resistivity

Imaging as a Smart Monitoring Method for Identification of Moisture Sources in
Stone Cultural Heritage ", Proc European Workshop on Cultural Heritage
Perservation - EWCHP , Berlin , Germany , Vol. 1 , pp. 218 - 223 , September ,
2011 .


- Bergano , JB; A. Rocha; L. Cupido; D. Barbosa ; " A 5 GHz LNA for a radio-
astronomy experiment ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisboa , Portugal ,
pp. 1 - 4 , April , 2011 .

- Freitas, J.; A. Rocha; L. Cupido; D. Barbosa ; " A 5 GHz LNA for a radio-
astronomy experiment ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisboa , Portugal ,
Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , April , 2011 .

- Pavic, B.; P. Daponte; L. de Vito; H. Silva; " A Case Study on Muscle Activation
Analysis in Post-stroke Rehabilitation Patients ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on
Medical Measurements and Applications - MeMeA , Bari , Italy , pp. 360 - 365 , May
, 2011 .

- Postolache, O.; A. L. Ribeiro; H. G. Ramos; " A novel uniform eddy current probe
with GMR for Non Destructive Testing Applications ", Proc Conf. on
Telecommunications - ConfTele , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 5 - 9 , April , 2011 .

- Ramos, H. G.; A. L. Ribeiro; D. Pasadas; T. Rocha; " A SIMPLE DIRECT PROBLEM

Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation - QNDE , Burlington ,
United States , July , 2011 .

- Mariano, F.M.L; M.R. Rogalski; O. Postolache; " A simulation based comparative

study of two broadband probes for NMR of magnetically ordered materials ", Proc
International Conf. on Sensing Technology - ICST , Palmerston North , New Zealand
, Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 5 , November , 2011 .

- Dias Pereira, J. M.; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; " A Smart Conductivity Sensor with
Temperature and Water Tide Level Compensation capabilities ", Proc International
Conf. on Sensing Technology - ICST , Palmerstone North , New Zealand , Vol. 1 ,
pp. 99 - 99 , November , 2011 .

- Sousa, J.; S. P. Palma; H. Silva; H. Gamboa; " aal@home: a New Home Care
Wireless Biosignal Monitoring Tool for Ambient Assisted Living ", Proc INSTICC
International Living Usability Lab Workshop on AAL Latest Solutions, Trends and
Applications - AAL , Rome , Italy , January , 2011 .

- Silva, H.; A. Lourenço; R. Tomás; V. Lee; S. Going; " Accelerometry-based Study

of Body Vibration Dampening During Whole-Body Vibration Training ", Proc IEEE
International Symp. on Medical Measurements and Applications - MeMeA , Bari ,
Italy , pp. 98 - 102 , May , 2011 .

- Santos, J.; P.M. Ramos; " Application of Compensation Techniques in a dsPIC

based Impedance Measuring System ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 ,
Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , April , 2011 .

- Pinheiro, E.C.; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; " Cardiopulmonary Signal Processing of

Users of Wheelchairs with Embedded Sensors ", Proc IEEE International Workshop
on Medical Measurements and , Bari , Italy , Vol. I , pp. 1 - 6 , May , 2011 .


- Postolache, O.; P.M. Girão; G. Postolache; J M Joaquim; " Cardio-Respiratory and

Daily Activity Monitor Based on FMCW Doppler Radar Embedded in a Wheelchair ",
Proc International Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society -
EMBC , Boston , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 1917 - 1120 , August , 2011 .

- Silva, H.; A. L. N. Fred; A. Lourenço; " Check Your Biosignals Here: Experiments
on Affective Computing and Behavioral Biometrics ", Proc Portuguese Conf. on
Pattern Recognition - RecPad , Porto , Portugal , October , 2011 .

- Kyriazis, G. A. K.; P.M. Ramos; A.C. Serra; " Comparison between a classical and
a bayesian approach for estimating harmonics of periodic arbitrary signals ", Proc
IMEKO TC4 Symp. , Natal , Brazil , Vol. TC04 , pp. NA - NA , September , 2011 .

- Madeira, R.; O. Postolache; G. Postolache; " Designing Personalized Therapeutic

Serious Games for a Pervasive Assistive Environment ", Proc IEEE International
Conf. on Serious Games and Applications for Health - SEGAH , Braga , Portugal ,
Vol. I , pp. 1 - 11 , November , 2011 .

- Ribeiro, A. L.; H. G. Ramos; " Eddy Current Non-destructive Problem Inversion

when Planar Constant Field Probes are Used ", Proc Review of Progress in
Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation - QNDE , Burlington , United States , Vol. 1
, pp. 27 - 27 , July , 2011 .

- Tomás, R.; A. Lourenço; H. Silva; " Efeitos da Vibração Corporal na Activação do

Vastus Lateralis Durante o Agachamento Isométrico e Dinâmico ", Proc Portuguese
Physical Rehabilitation Society Congress - SPMFR , Albufeira , Portugal , March ,
2011 .

- Tomás, R.; A. Lourenço; H. Silva; V. Lee; S. Going; " Effects of Whole-Body

Vibration on Vastus Lateralis Activation During Isometric and Dynamic Squatting ",
Proc World Congress of International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
- ISPRM , San Juan , Puerto Rico , June , 2011 .

- Janeiro, F. M.; F. M. Janeiro; P.M. Ramos; " Efficient Implementation of

Multiharmonic Least-Squares Fitting Algorithms ", Proc IMEKO TC4 Symp. , Natal ,
Brazil , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , September , 2011 .

- Oliveira, C.; D.S. Sebastião; D. Ladeira; M.A. Antunes; L. M. Correia; "

Electromagnetic Fields Measurements in Portuguese Schools ", Proc International
Conf. on Non-Ionizing Radiation and Children Health , Ljubljana , Slovenia , May ,
2011 .

- Postolache, O.; P.M. Girão; " Enabling telecare assessment with pervasive sensing
and Android OS smartphone ", Proc IEEE International Workshop on Medical
Measurements and , Bari , Italy , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 5 , May , 2011 .

- Pasadas, D.; H. G. Ramos; F. Alegria; " Handheld Instrument to Detect Defects in

Conductive Plates with a Planar Probe ", Proc IEEE Instrumentation and
Measurement Technology Conf. , Shangai , China , pp. 144 - 149 , May , 2011 .


- Martins, RCM; D. Primor Primor; T. Paiva; " High-Performance Groundless

EEG/ECG Capacitive Electrodes ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Medical
Measurements and Applications - MeMeA , Bari , Italy , Vol. 1 , pp. 503 - 506 , May
, 2011 .


EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHMS ", Proc IMEKO TC4 Symp. , Natal , Brazil , Vol. 1 ,
pp. 1 - 1 , September , 2011 .

- Cruz, P.M.; ; N.B.C. Carvalho; " Instrumentação Virtualizada para Tecnologias

Rádio Emergentes ", Proc URSI Seminar of the Portuguese Committee , Lisboa ,
Portugal , Vol. 1 , November , 2011 .

- Rocha, T.; A. L. Ribeiro; H. G. Ramos; " Low-cost Stand-alone System for Eddy
Current Testing of Metallic non-Ferromagnetic Plates ", Proc IEEE Instrumentation
and Measurement Technology Conf. , Shangai , China , pp. 225 - 230 , May , 2011

- Pinheiro, E.C.; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; " Method for Segmentation of Cardiac
Signals based on Four Parameter Sine Fitting ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE
2011 , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. I , pp. 1 - 4 , April , 2011 .

- Postolache, O.; P.M. Girão; " Mobile Solution for Air Quality Monitoring and
Respiration Activity Monitoring based on an Android OS Smart Phone ", Proc IMEKO
TC19 Symp , Cavtat , Croatia , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , June , 2011 .

- Ramos, H. G.; A. L. Ribeiro; D. Pasadas; T. Rocha; " MODELING EDDY CURRENT

17th Symposium IMEKO TC 4 - Measurement of Electrical Quantities, 15th
International Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing, 3rd Symposium IMEKO TC
19 - Environmental Measurements , Natal , Brazil , September , 2011 .

- Antunes, P.; F Domingues; ; ; P.S André; " Monitorização das variações da

topografia de uma praia com sensores de fibra óptica ", Proc MEC2011 -
Conferência sobre Morfodinâmica Estuarina e Costeira - MEC2011 , Lisboa ,
Portugal , February , 2011 .

- Postolache, O.; P.M. Girão; J. M. Dias Pereira; " Multi-sensing node architecture
for water quality monitoring ", Proc UPC Workshop Internacial sobre Tecnologia
Marina - 28) MARTECH 2007 , Cadiz , Spain , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , September , 2011 .

- Postolache, O.; P.M. Girão; E.C. Pinheiro; J. M. Dias Pereira; R. Madeira; G.

Postolache; J M Joaquim; " Multi-usage of Microwave Doppler Radar in Pervasive
Healthcare Systems for Elderly ", Proc IEEE International Instrumentation and
Technology Conf. - I2MTC , Hangzhou , China , Vol. I , pp. 10 - 15 , May , 2011 .

- Postolache, G.; P.M. Girão; O. Postolache; " New insight into arrhythmia onset
using HRV and BPV analysis ", Proc International Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Society - EMBC , Boston , United States , Vol. 1 , pp. 2691 -
2694 , September , 2011 .


- Carretas, L.; J. F. Martins; V. F. Pires; A. J. Pires; P.M. Ramos; F. M. Janeiro; "

Online detection of rotor eccentricity in squirrel cage induction motors ", Proc
IMEKO TC4 Symp. , Natal , Brazil , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , September , 2011 .

- Antunes, P.; H Varum; P.S André; " Optical FBG sensors for static structural
health monitoring”, EASEC12 - Twelfth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural
Engineering and Construction, Hong Kong, 26-28 Janeiro, 2011. ", Proc Twelfth
East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction - EASEC12
, Hong Kong , January , 2011 .

- Postolache, G.; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; " Phase shift, coherence, BPV and HRV
before and during self-terminating cardiac arrhythmia ", Proc IEEE International
Workshop on Medical Measurements and , Bari , Italy , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 4 , May ,
2011 .

- Pasadas, D.; T. Rocha; H. G. Ramos; A. L. Ribeiro; " Portable Eddy Current NDT
Instrument Using Two Different Implementations ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE
2011 , Lisboa , Portugal , pp. 1 - 1 , April , 2011 .

- Oliveira, C.; D.S. Sebastião; D. Ladeira; G.C. Carpinteiro; M.A. Antunes; L. M.

Correia; " Procedimento de medida em ambientes hospitalares (in Portuguese) ",
Proc URSI Seminar of the Portuguese Committee , Lisboa , Portugal , November ,
2011 .

- Silva, H.; A. Lourenço; N. Paz; " Real-Time Biosignal Acquisition and Telemedicine
Platform for AAL Based on Android OS ", Proc INSTICC International Living Usability
Lab Workshop on AAL Latest Solutions, Trends and Applications - AAL , Rome , Italy
, Vol. , pp. - , January , 2011 .

- Postolache, G.; C. M. Moura; P.M. Girão; O. Postolache; " Rehabilitative

TeleHealthCare for post-Stroke Outcome Assessment ", Proc ICST International
Conf. on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare , Dublin , Ireland , Vol. 1
, pp. 1 - 6 , May , 2011 .

- Postolache, O.; P.M. Girão; S.A. Antunes; F.A. Tavares; " RF Spectrum Monitoring
and Management System Based on an RF Receiver Multi-server Architecture ", Proc
International Workshop on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing
Systems , Prague , Czech Republic , Vol. 1 , pp. 176 - 179 , September , 2011 .

- Pinheiro, E.C.; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; " Robust Heart Rate Estimation from
Cardiovascular Signals Unobtrusively Acquired in a Wheelchair ", Proc IEEE
Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conf. , Hangzhou , China , Vol. I ,
pp. 779 - 783 , May , 2011 .

- Viegas, V.V.; P.M. Girão; J. M. Dias Pereira; " Service-Oriented Distributed

Measurement and Control Systems: A Case Study ", Proc International Workshop
on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems , Prague , Czech
Republic , September , 2011 .

- Alberto, N.; C.A.F. Marques; J. L. Pinto; R.N. Nogueira; " Simultaneous

temperature and refractive index sensor based on a tilted fibre Bragg grating ",

Proc International Conf. on Applications of Optics and Photonics - AOP2011 , Braga

, Portugal , May , 2011 .

- Postolache, O.; P.M. Girão; J. M. Dias Pereira; G. Postolache; " Smart Walker for
Pervasive HealthCare ", Proc International Conf. on Sensing Technology - ICST ,
Palmerston North , New Zealand , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 5 , December , 2011 .

- Silva, H.; A. Lourenço; R. L. Lourenço; P. L. Leite; DPC Antão; A. L. N. Fred; "

Study and Evaluation of a Single Differential Sensor Design Based on Electro-textile
Electrodes for ECG Biometrics Applications ", Proc IEEE Sensors , Limerick , Ireland
, October , 2011 .

- Ribeiro, A. L.; H. G. Ramos; J. Gonçalves; " Thickness Measurement of a

Nonmagnetic Metallic Plate Using Harmonic Eddy Current Excitation and a GMR
Sensor ", Proc IMEKO TC4 Symp. , Natal , Brazil , Vol. CD-ROM , pp. 1 - 6 ,
September , 2011 .

- Li, -; J. Kral; R. Šmid; H. G. Ramos; A. L. Ribeiro; " Thickness Measurement Using

Transient Eddy Current Techniques ", Proc IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement
Technology Conf. , Shangai , China , pp. 138 - 143 , May , 2011 .

- , ; N. Alberto; C.A.F. Marques; P. Antunes; J. L. Pinto; R.N. Nogueira; " Three

parameters simultaneous measurement with a single TFBG ", Proc Optical Fiber
Sensors Conf. , Ottawa , Canada , May , 2011 .

- Alberto, N.; C.A.F. Marques; P. Antunes; J. L. Pinto; R.N. Nogueira; " Three
parameters simultaneous measurement with a single TFBG ", Proc Optical Fiber
Sensors Conf. , Ottawa , Canada ,May , 2011 .

- , ; P.M. Cruz; N.B.C. Carvalho; " Two-Tone Measurement Technique to apply on

Mixed-Domain Instrumentation ", Proc URSI Seminar of the Portuguese Committee
, Lisboa , Portugal , November , 2011 .

- Postolache, O.; A. L. Ribeiro; H. G. Ramos; " Uniform Eddy Current Probe

Implementation Using Planar Eexcitation Coil and GMR Sensor Array ", Proc IMEKO
TC4 Symp. , Natal , Brazil , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 5 , September , 2011 .

- Pinheiro, E.C.; O. Postolache; P.M. Girão; J M Joaquim; C. M. Moura; G.

Postolache; " Wheelchair User’s Cardiovascular Evaluation System to Support
Physiotherapy Sessions ", Proc IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology
Conf. , Hangzhou , China , Vol. I , pp. 369 - 374 , May , 2011 .

Project Reports

- COrE (Cosmic Origins Explorer) A White Paper ", ESA Porposal submission , ,
February , 2011 .



Papers in Journals

- Rolo, M. D. Rolo; L.N.A. Alves; E. M. Martins; M. Santos; " A low-noise CMOS

front-end for TOF-PET ", Journal of Instrumentation , Vol. 6 , No. 9 , pp. 8888 -
9999 , September , 2011 .

Guilherme, DG; J.G. Guilherme; N.H. Horta; " Automatic Topology Selection and
Sizing of Class-D Loop-Filters for Minimizing Distortion Based on an Evolutionary
Optimization Kernel ", Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing , Vol. 68 ,
No. 10.1007/s10470-011-9716-4 , pp. 1 - 12 , July , 2011 .

Quaresma, HJQ; P.M. Santos; A.C. Serra; " Impact of temperature on substrate
coupling in low-doped substrate ", Electronics Letters , Vol. 47 , No. 23 , pp. 1273 -
1275 , November , 2011 .

Oliveira, A.O.; L. Almeida; ABF Ferrari; " The ARPA-MT Embedded SMT Processor
and Its RTOS Hardware Accelerator ", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics , Vol. 58
, No. 3 , pp. 890 - 904 , March , 2011 .

Papers in Conference Proceedings

- Terra, D.; Navin Kumar; Nuno Rafael Lourenço; L.N.A. Alves; R. L. Aguiar; "
Design, development and performance analysis of DSSS-based transceiver for VLC
", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon , Portugal , April , 2011 .

Figueiredo, M.; R. L. Aguiar; " Dynamic Jitter Accumulation in Clock Repeaters

Considering Power and Ground Noise Correlations ", Proc IEEE International Symp.
on Circuits and Systems - ISCAS , Rio de Janeiro , Brazil , May , 2011 .

- Sousa, P.; C. Duarte; M.B. Barros ; J.G. Guilherme; N.H. Horta; " Optimal OpAmp
Sizing based on a Fuzzy-Genetic Kernel ", Proc Genetic and Evolutionary
Computation Conf. - GECCO , Dublin , Ireland , July , 2011 .

- Silva, N.V.S.; A.O. Oliveira; N.B.C. Carvalho; " Validation of a Flexible FPGA-
based LDPC Decoder Through Hardware-Software Co-simulation ", Proc Jornadas
sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis - REC , Porto , Portugal , pp. 39 - 42 , February ,
2011 .

- Terra, D.; D. Terra; L.N.A. Alves; R. L. Aguiar; " Visible Light Communication for
Intelligent Transportation in Road Safety Applications ", Proc IEEE IWCMC - IWCMC
, Istambul , Turkey , Vol. 2 , pp. 1111 - 1115 , July , 2011 .

Project Reports

- Terra, D.; Nuno Rafael Lourenço; M. Figueiredo; L.N.A. Alves; R. L. Aguiar; "
D5.1: Visible-light transceiver prototype ", Instituto de Telecomunicações Aveiro ,
PTDC/EEA-TEL/75217/2006 , March , 2011 .


- Terra, D.; Nuno Rafael Lourenço; Navin Kumar; L.N.A. Alves; R. L. Aguiar; "
D6.1: Performance evaluation of VIDAS demonstrator ", Instituto de
Telecomunicações Aveiro , PTDC/EEA-TEL/75217/2006 , March , 2011 .

- Terra, D.; Nuno Rafael Lourenço; L.N.A. Alves; R. L. Aguiar; " P5.1: Visible-light
transceiver prototype ", Instituto de Telecomunicações Aveiro , PTDC/EEA-
TEL/75217/2006 , March , 2011 .


Book Chapters

- Montalto, B. M.; D. Basin; C. Caleiro; " Efficient decision procedures for message
deducibility and static equivalence " - Chapter in Formal Aspects of Security and
Trust - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 6561 , P. Degano, S. Etalle, J.
Guttman , Springer, 2011 .

Papers in Journals

- Caleiro, C.; R. Gonçalves; " Abstract valuation semantics ", Studia Logica , July ,
2011 .

- Long, Y.; D. Qiu Qiu; D. Long; " An Efficient Separability Criterion for n-partite
arbitrarily dimensional quantum states ", Intrnl. Journal of Quantum Information ,
Vol. 9 , No. 1 , pp. 1101 - 10112 , September , 2011 .

- " Comment on 'Semiquantum-key distribution using less than four quantum states
", Physical Review A , Vol. 83 , No. 4 , pp. 046302 - 046302 , October , 2011 .

- Zou, X.; D. Qiu Qiu; " Comment on Semiquantum-key distribution using less than
four quantum states ", Physical Review A , Vol. 83 , No. 4 , pp. 046302 - 046303 ,
November , 2011 .

- Long, Y.; D. Qiu Qiu; " Concurrence vectors of multipartite states based on
coefficient matrices ", Quantum Information Processing , Vol. 11 , No. 1 , pp. 1 - -
20 , December , 2011 .

Basin, D.; C. Caleiro; J. Ramos; L. Viganò; " Distributed temporal logic for the
analysis of security protocol models ", Theoretical Computer Science , Vol. 412 ,
No. 31 , pp. 4007 - 4043 , July , 2011 .

- Paunkovic, N.; J. Bouda; P. Mateus; " Fair and Optimistic Quantum Contract
Signing ", Physical Review A , Vol. 84 , No. 6 , pp. 062331 - 062331 , December ,
2011 .

Caleiro, C.; M.P.G. Gouveia; J. Ramos; " Hierarchical logical consequence ", Logic
Journal of the IGPL , Vol. 19 , No. 4 , pp. 544 - 565 , July , 2011 .


Situ, Haozhen; D. Qiu Qiu; " Investigating the implementation of restricted sets of
multiqubit operations on distant qubits: a communication complexity perspective ",
Quantum Information Processing , Vol. 10 , No. 1 , pp. 609 - 618 , May , 2011 .

Caleiro, C.; J. Marcos; " Many-valuedness meets bivalence: Using logical values in
an effective way ", Journal of Mutiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing , July ,

- Fernandes , G. Falcão; L. Sousa; V. Silva; " Massively LDPC Decoding on Multicore

Architectures ", IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems , Vol. 22 , No. 2 ,
pp. 309 - 322 , February , 2011 .

Qiu, D. Qiu; L. Li; X. Zou; P. Mateus; J. Gruska; " Multi-letter quantum finite
automata: Decidability of the equivalence and minimization of states. ", Acta
Informatica , Vol. 48 , No. 5-6 , pp. 271 - 200 , April , 2011 .

- Matos, A.; J. Cederquist; " Non-disclosure for distributed mobile code ",
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science , Vol. 21 , No. 6 , pp. 1111 - 1181 ,
June , 2011 .

- Sernadas, A.; C. Sernadas; J.R. Rasga; " On combined connectives ", Logica
Universalis , Vol. 5 , No. 2 , pp. 205 - 224 , March , 2011 .

- Caleiro, C.; L. Viganò; MV Volpe; " On the mosaic method for many-dimensional
modal logics: a case study combining tense and modal operators ", Logica
Universalis , January , 2011 .

- Barisch, M. B.; M. Coniglio; C. Sernadas; " Preservation by fibring of the finite

model property ", Journal of Logic and Computation , Vol. 21 , No. 2 , pp. 375 - 402
, March , 2011 .

- Sernadas, A.; C. Sernadas; " Preservation by fibring of the finite model property
", Journal of Logic and Computation , Vol. 21 , No. 2 , pp. 375 - 402 , April , 2011 .

- Lin, Q.; D. Long; D. Qiu Qiu; " Sharing a quantum secret without a trusted party
", Quantum Information Processing , Vol. 10 , No. 1 , pp. 97 - 106 , May , 2011 .

- Zheng, S.; L. Li; D. Qiu Qiu; " Two-Tape Finite Automata with Quantum and
Classical States ", Intrnl. Journal of Theoretical Physics , Vol. 2011 , No. 50 , pp.
1262 - 1281 , September , 2011 .

Papers in Conference Proceedings

- Matos, A.; A. T. Teixeira; A. Souto; " Distinguishing probability ensembles ", Proc
Computability in Europe - CIE , Sofia , Bulgaria , pp. 155 - 164 , June , 2011 .

- Montalto, B. M.; D. Basin; C. Caleiro; " FAST - An efficient decision procedure for
deduction and static equivalence ", Proc International Conf. on Rewriting
Techniques and Applications - RTA , Novi Sad , Serbia & Montenegro , Vol. 10 , pp.
11 - 20 , July , 2011 .



Book Chapters

- Estima, J. O.; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Comparison of Different Modulation Strategies

Applied to PMSM Drives Under Inverter Fault Conditions " - Chapter in Technological
Innovation for Sustainability , Luis M. Camarinha-Matos , Springer , Boston , 2011 .

Papers in Journals

- Estima, J. O.; A. J. M. Cardoso; " A new approach for real-time multiple open-
circuit fault diagnosis in voltage source inverters ", IEEE Trans. on Industry
Applications , Vol. 47 , No. 6 , pp. 2487 - 2494 , December , 2011 .

- Fabbri, G.; A. J. M. Cardoso; C. B. Boccaletti; L. C. Castrica; " A Software Tool for

the Evaluation of the Behaviour of Bioelectrical Currents ", Journal of Systemics,
Cybernetics and Informatics , Vol. 9 , No. 3 , pp. 79 - 84 , May , 2011 .

- Buiatti, G. M. Buiatti; A.M.R. Amaral; A. J. M. Cardoso; " A Very Simple

Experimental Technique for Characterizing and Diagnosing Electrolytic Capacitors ",
Intrnl. Journal of Electrical Engineering Education (IJEEE) , Vol. 48 , No. 1 , pp. 17 -
33 , January , 2011 .

- Cruz, S. M. A. ; M. Ferreira; A. M. S. Mendes; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Analysis and

Diagnosis of Open-Circuit Faults in Matrix Converters ", IEEE Trans. on Industrial
Electronics , Vol. 58 , No. 5 , pp. 1648 - 1661 , May , 2011 .

- Machado, V.; M. E. Pedro Pedro; J. Faria; D. Van Dommelen Dommelen; "

Magnetic Field Analysis of Three-Conductor Bundles in Flat and Triangular
Configurations with the Inclusion of Proximity and Skin Effects ", Electric Power
Systems Research , Vol. 81 , No. 11 , pp. 2005 - 2014 , November , 2011 .

- Perdigão, M.; J. Álvarez; D. Gacio Gacio; E. S. Saraiva; " Magnetically Controlled

Electronic Ballasts With Isolated Output: The Variable Transformer Solution ", IEEE
Trans. on Industrial Electronics , Vol. 58 , No. 9 , pp. 4117 - 4129 , September ,
2011 .

- Ribeiro, H.R.; B. Borges; " New Optimized Full-Bridge, Single Stage AC/DC
Converters ", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics , Vol. 58 , No. 6 , pp. 2397 -
2409 , June , 2011 .

- Álvarez, J.; M. Perdigão; D. Gacio Gacio; E. S. Saraiva; " Optimizing Universal

Ballasts Using Magnetic Regulators and Digital Control ", IEEE Trans. on Industrial
Electronics , Vol. 58 , No. 7 , pp. 2860 - 2871 , July , 2011 .

- Boccaletti, C. B.; L. Petrucci; " Parametric Analysis of Axial Flux Wind Generators
Focused on Total Harmonic Distortion Evaluation ", IET Renewable Power
Generation , Vol. 5 , No. 2 , pp. 148 - 159 , March , 2011 .


- Oliveira, L. M. R.; A. J. M. Cardoso; S. M. A. Cruz; " Power transformers winding

fault diagnosis by the on-load exciting current Extended Park’s Vector Approach ",
Electric Power Systems Research , Vol. 81 , No. 6 , pp. 1206 - 1214 , June , 2011 .

- Ribeiro, H.R.; B. Borges; " Techniques to obtain single-stage power supplies with
power factor correction (PFC) ", Intrnl. Journal of Electronics , Vol. 98 , No. 4 , pp.
487 - 504 , April , 2011 .

Papers in Conference Proceedings

- Estima, J. O.; A. J. M. Cardoso; " A Fault-Tolerant Permanent Magnet

Synchronous Motor Drive with Integrated Voltage Source Inverter Open-Circuit
Faults Diagnosis ", Proc European Conf. on Power Electronics and Applications ,
Birmingham , United Kingdom , pp. 1 - 10 , August , 2011 .

- Fabbri, G.; M. Paschero; A. J. M. Cardoso; C. B. Boccaletti; F. M. F. Mascioli; " A

Genetic Algorithm Based Battery Model for Stand Alone Radio Base Stations
Powering ", Proc IEEE Industry Telecommunications Energy Conf. - INTELEC ,
Amsterdam , Netherlands , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 8 , October , 2011 .

- Fabbri, G.; C. B. Boccaletti; F. M. F. Mascioli; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Adding ICT to

Transportation Systems: Monitoring and Management System for the Electric
Vehicle Fleet on the Island of Ventotene ", Proc IEEE International Conf. on
Computer Science and Information Technology - ICCSIT , Chengdu , China , Vol. 1 ,
pp. 403 - 407 , June , 2011 .

- Mendes, A. M. S.; R. Rocha Rocha; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Analysis of a Railway

Power System Based on Four Quadrant Converters Operating Under Faulty
Conditions ", Proc IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conf. , Niagara
Falls , Canada , Vol. CDROM , pp. 1 - 6 , May , 2011 .

- Freire, Nuno M. A.; J. O. Estima; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Comparison of Distinct

Modulation Techniques Applied to PMSG Drives for Wind Turbine Applications Under
Faulty Operating Conditions ", Proc International Conf. on Clean Electrical Power -
ICCEP , Ischia , Italy , pp. 1 - 6 , June , 2011 .

- Freire, Nuno M. A.; J. O. Estima; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Comparison of PMSG Drives

Based on Vector Control and Direct Control Techniques for Wind Turbine
Applications ", Proc Portuguese-Spanish Conf. in Electrical Engineering , Ponta
Delgada , Portugal , pp. 1 - 6 , June , 2011 .

- Marques, H.S.; B. Borges; P.M. Ramos; A. Martins; " Contactless Battery Charger
for Composite Humidity and Temperature Wireless Sensors ", Proc EUROCON and
CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon , Portugal , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 1 , April , 2011 .

- Marques, H.S.; B. Borges; " Contactless Battery Charger with High Relative
Separation Distance and Improved Efficiency ", Proc International
Telecommunications Energy Conf. , Amsterdam , Netherlands , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 5 ,
October , 2011 .


- Fabbri, G.; A. J. M. Cardoso; C. B. Boccaletti; A. Girimonte; " Control and

Optimisation of Power Consumption in Radio Base Stations ", Proc IEEE Industry
Telecommunications Energy Conf. - INTELEC , Amsterdam , Netherlands , Vol. 1 ,
pp. 1 - 6 , October , 2011 .

- Baptista, B. Baptista; A. M. S. Mendes; S. M. A. Cruz; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Effects

of Static Eccentricity on the Temperature Distribution in a Three-Phase Induction
Motor ", Proc Portuguese-Spanish Conf. in Electrical Engineering , Ponta Delgada ,
Portugal , Vol. CDROM , pp. 1 - 5 , June , 2011 .

- Quispe, E. Q.; X. Fernández; A. M. S. Mendes; A. J. M. Cardoso; J. A. Palacios; "

Experimental Study of the Effect of Positive Sequence Voltage on the Derating of
Induction Motors under Voltage Unbalance ", Proc IEEE International Electric
Machines and Drives Conf. , Niagara Falls , Canada , Vol. 1 , pp. 918 - 922 , May ,
2011 .

- Ventura, R.V.; A. M. S. Mendes; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Fault Detection in multilevel

cascaded inverter using Park’s Vector Approach with balanced battery power usage
", Proc European Power Electronics Conf. - EPE , Birmingham , United Kingdom ,
Vol. CDROM , pp. 1 - 5 , August , 2011 .

- Freire, Nuno M. A.; J. O. Estima; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Multiple Open-Circuit Fault

Diagnosis in Voltage-Fed PWM Motor Drives Using the Current Park’s Vector Phase
and the Currents Polarity ", Proc IEEE International Symp. on Diagnostics for
Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and Drives , Bologna , Italy , pp. 1 - 8 ,
September , 2011 .

- Ribeiro, E.; A. J. M. Cardoso; C. B. Boccaletti; " Power Conditioning and Energy

Management in a Renewable Energy Based Hybrid System for Telecommunications
", Proc International Telecommunications Energy Conf. , Amsterdam , Netherlands ,
Vol. 1 , pp. 1 - 9 , October , 2011 .

- Ribeiro, E.; A. J. M. Cardoso; C. B. Boccaletti; " Power Converters Analysis in a

Renewable Energy Based Hybrid System with Hydrogen Storage ", Proc IET
Renewable Power Generation - RPG , Edinburgh , United Kingdom , Vol. 1 , pp. 1 -
6 , September , 2011 .

- Petrucci, L.; G. Fabbri; C. B. Boccaletti; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Powering and Cooling

of a Server Room Using a Hybrid Trigeneration System ", Proc IEEE International
Conf. on Computer Science and Information Technology - ICCSIT , Chengdu , China
, Vol. 1 , pp. 398 - 402 , June , 2011 .

- Estima, J. O.; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Single Power Switch Open-Circuit Fault

Diagnosis in Voltage-Fed PWM Motor Drives by the Reference Current Errors ", Proc
IEEE International Symp. on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics
and Drives , Bologna , Italy , pp. 1 - 8 , September , 2011 .



Papers in Journals

- Pereira, A. T. P.; P. N. Novo; M. P. Prazeres; V. C. Chu; J. P. C. Conde; "

Heterogeneous immunoassays in microfluidic format using fluorescence detection
with integrated amorphous silicon photodiodes ", Biomicrofluidics Journal , Vol. 5 ,
No. 1 , pp. 014102 - 014102-13 , February , 2011 .

- Romão, R. I. S. ; Q. Ferreira; J. Morgado; J. Martinho; A. M. P. S. Gonçalves da

Silva; " Nanopatterning in Langmuir-Blodgett monolayers of a thermoresponsive
double hydrophilic block copolymer studied by AFM ", Journal of Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology , Vol. 11 , No. 4 , pp. 3151 - 3161 , April , 2011 .

- Farinhas, J.; Q. Ferreira; R. Paolo; L.A. Alcácer; J. Morgado; A. Charas; "

Nanostructured donor/acceptor interfaces in photovoltaic cells using columnar-grain
films of a cross-linked poly(fluorene-alt-bithiophene) ", Journal of Materials
Chemistry , Vol. 21 , No. 33 , pp. 12511 - 12519 , September , 2011 .

- Vicente, C.; R. A. Sá Ferreira; E. Pecoraro; P.S André; L. D. Carlos; " Optical

filters and resonant cavities based on di-ureasil organic–inorganic hybrids ", Journal
of Sol Gel Science and Technology , Vol. 59 , No. 3 , pp. 475 - 479 , August , 2011

- Khalil, G. K.; A. M. A. Adawi; B. Robinson; A. J. C. Cadby; W. C. T. Tsoi; J-S. Kim;

A. Charas; J. Morgado; D. L. Lidzey; " Spectroscopy and Single-Molecule Emission
of a Fluorene-Terthiophene Oligomer ", Journal of Physical Chemistry B , Vol. 115 ,
No. 42 , pp. 12028 - 12035 , October , 2011 .

- Ferreira, Q. ; L.A. Alcácer; J. Morgado; " Stepwise preparation and

characterization of molecular wires made of zinc octaethylporphyrin complexes
bridged by 4,4-bipyridine on HOPG ", Nanotechnology , Vol. 22 , No. 43 , pp.
435604 - 435610 , October , 2011 .

- Charas, A.; A. Mendonça; J. C. Clark; L. B. Bazzana; A. N. Nocivelli; G. L.

Lanzani; J. Morgado; " Stimulated Emission and Ultrafast Optical Switching in a
Ter(9,9-spirobifluorene)-co-methylmethacrylate Copolymer ", Journal of Polymer
Science Part B: Polymer Physics , Vol. 49 , No. 1 , pp. 52 - 61 , January , 2011 .

Papers in Conference Proceedings

- Alcácer, L.A.; J. Morgado; Q. Ferreira; E. Pecoraro; " Biocellulose Based Materials

for Organic Field Effect Transistors ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon ,
Portugal , April , 2011 .


Electronic and Related Properties of Organic Systems , Vilnius , Lithuania , July ,
2011 .


- Ferreira, Q. ; J. Morgado; " Electrical Properties of a Single Molecule ", Proc Conf.
on Telecommunications - ConfTele , Lisboa , Portugal , April , 2011 .

- Matos, M.; Q. Ferreira; R. T. Henriques; J. Morgado; M.A. Afonso; R.S. Silva; M.

COMPOUNDS ", Proc Conf. of International Society of Electrochemistry - RSEQ - ISE
2011 , Murcia , Spain , September , 2011 .

- Ferreira, Q. ; L.A. Alcácer; J. Morgado; " Fabrico de fios moleculares por self-
assembly controlado por STM ", Proc Encontro Nacional da SPQ , Braga , Portugal ,
, July , 2011 .

- Pereira, A. T. P.; Q. Ferreira; E. Pecoraro; C. S. R. F. Ferreira; S. C. M. F.

Fernandes; C. P. N. Neto; A. J. D. Silvestre Silvestre; J. Morgado; L.A. Alcácer; "
Inkjet-printed organic field-effect transistors using bacterial cellulose materials ",
Proc International Symp. on Flexible Organic Electronics - IS-FOE09 , Thessaloniki ,
Greece , July , 2011 .

- Ferreira, Q. ; L.A. Alcácer; J. Morgado; " Molecular wires of zinc

octaethylporphyrins and bipyridines prepared at the tetradecane/HOPG interface ",
Proc International SPM usermeeting , Les Ulis , France , May , 2011 .

- Charas, A.; J. Farinhas; Q. Ferreira; R. Paolo; J. Morgado; " Organic photovoltaic

cells based on structured layers of cross-linked donor polymers and fullerene ", Proc
European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) - Spring Meeting - E-MRS , Nice ,
France , May , 2011 .

- Farinhas, J.; Q. Ferreira; R. Paolo; A. Charas; J. Morgado; " Organic photovoltaic

cells with nanostructured films of cross-linked conjugated polymers ", Proc SPOF
International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics - AOP 2011 ,
Braga , Portugal , May , 2011 .

- Charas, A.; J. Farinhas; Q. Ferreira; R. Paolo; J. Morgado; " Organic Photovoltaic

Cells with Nanostructured Polymer Layers ", Proc Sociedade Portuguesa de Química
XXII Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química - XXIIENSPQ , Braga ,
Portugal , July , 2011 .

- Farinhas, J.; Q. Ferreira; A. Charas; J. Morgado; " Organic photovoltaic cells with
structured interfaces ", Proc EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011 , Lisbon , Portugal ,
April , 2011 .

- Farinhas, J.; A. Charas; Q. Ferreira; R. Paolo; J. Morgado; " Organic Photovoltaics

with Nanostructured Interfaces Prepared from a Cross-linked Polyfluorene ", Proc
International Conf. on Materials for Advanced Technologies - ICMAT , Singapore ,
Singapore , June , 2011 .

- Ferreira, Q. ; L.A. Alcácer; J. Morgado; " Zinc-octaethylporphyrin/bipyridine

molecular wires on HOPG ", Proc International Conf. on Materials for Advanced
Technologies - ICMAT , Singapore , Singapore , June , 2011 .


4.4.7 Other Achievements


- Girão, P.M.; O. Postolache; " Smart Bracelet ", 000 , June , 2011 .


- Araújo, P.A.; J.M.O. Oliveira; A. Lebres; C.N. Nunes; " “Thermometer for
prolonged monitoring of vaginal temperature” (pending) ", 105089 , June , 2011 .

- P.S André; P. Antunes; H Varum; " Acelerómetro e inclinómetro bidimensional

óptico baseado em redes de difracção gravadas em fibras ópticas ", Pendente ,
August , 2011 .

- Faria, J.; " Dispositivo formado por uma linha magnética de transmissão, para uso
em circuitos integrados, para aplicações na tecnologia terahertz ", 106056
(Portugal) , December , 2011 .

Garcia, N. M. ; " Gerador para transformação da energia cinética de um gás

emnergia eléctrica ", Portugues Patent 105703, pending , May , 2011 .

Garcia, N. M. ; P. S. Sousa; M. C. B. Castelo Branco; " Máquina de avaliação do

estado de saúde através dos métodos conjuntos de auto-semelhança e entropia ",
Portuguese Patent 105403, pending , November , 2011 .

- Ferreira, ; P.S André; P. Antunes; E. Pecoraro; L. D. Carlos; N. Santos; J. Santos;

A. Barros Barros; " Sensor óptico baseado em fibras fotónicas e materiais híbridos
orgânicos-inorgânicos para monitorização do nível de humidade relativa ", Pendente
, September , 2011 .

- P.S André; H Varum; P. Antunes; E. Pecoraro; Ferreira; L. D. Carlos; " Sensor

óptico baseado em redes de difracção para monitorização do nível de humidade
relativa e temperatura em estruturas de engenharia civil ", Pendente , September ,
2011 .


- Marques, H.S.; B. Borges; " Best Poster Award ", Contactless Battery Charger
with High Relative Separation Distance and Improved Efficiency atribuido na 33rd
International Telecommunications Energy Conference – INTELEC, Amsterdam,
Netherlands , 01-10-2011 .

- Freire, Nuno M. A.; J. O. Estima; A. J. M. Cardoso; " Best Paper Award ", 12th
Portuguese-Spanish Conf. in Electrical Engineering, Ponta Delgada, Portugal , 01-
07-2011 .

- Pereira, A. T. P.; Q. Ferreira; E. Pecoraro; C. S. R. F. Ferreira; J. Morgado; L.A.

Alcácer; " Inkjet printing of organic field-effect transistors using biocellulose


derivative materials ", Best poster in the XXII Encontro Nacional da SPQ , 01-07-
2011 .

- Pinheiro, E.C.; " Outstanding Reviewer of 2010 ", IEEE Transactions on

Instrumentation and Measurement , 01-02-2011 .
- Faria, J.; " IEEE Fellow ", Fellow IEEE , 01-01-2011 .


- Gouveia, M. C.G.; " PhD Thesis Jury ", Contradomínios numéricos em espaços de
Hilbert e em espaços de Krein ", , 01-12-2011 .

- Barbosa , D.; " Member of Advisory Committee ", COrE - Cosmic Origins Explorer
", an M3 propossal submitted to ESA Cosmic Vision 2015-2015 , 01-11-2011 .

- Mendes, J. C.; J. C. Grácio; DMS Santos; " Invited Talks ", Increasing the
performance of wireless sensors for the automotive industry with nanodiamond
coatings ", , 01-10-2011 .

Vila Real , 01-10-2011 .

- Oliveira, A.O.; " Member of Technical Committee ", The 5th International
Conference on Advances in Circuits, Electronics and Micro-electronics ", CENICS
2011 , 01-08-2011 .

- Oliveira, A.O.; " Member of Technical Committee ", The 6th IEEE International
Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems – Västerås, Suécia ", SIES 2011 , 01-
06-2011 .

- Couto, R. G. C.; N. M. Garcia; " Technical Audit ", CE Marking - A synthesis of the
conformance CE marking on medical devices ", , 01-03-2011 .

- Marques, H.S.; " Seminars ", Transmissão de Energia sem Contacto ", I Fórum de
Energia Electrotécnica – Ciclo de Conferências da Semana da FECN, Auditório
Agostinho da Silva , 01-03-2011 .

4.4.8 Other Contributions

Conference Committees

- APDIO Workshop Investigação Operacional na Robótica, Conference Chairman,

Joaquim Júdice, 01-01-2011
- International Telecommunications Energy Conf., Scientific Committee, Beatriz
Borges, 01-01-2011


- Optimization, Scientific Committee, Joaquim Júdice, 01-01-2011

- Doctoral Conf. on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems - DOCEIS,
Technical Programme Committee, António Cardoso, 01-01-2011
- Portuguese-Spanish Conf. in Electrical Engineering, Scientific Committee, António
Cardoso, 01-01-2011
- IEEE International Symp. on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics
and Drives, Scientific Committee, António Cardoso, 01-01-2011
- IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conf., Technical Programme
Committee, Pedro Silva Girão, 01-01-2011
- Joint IMEKO TC11 TC19 TC20 International Symposia Metrological Infrastructure
Environmental and Energy Measurements, International Symposium of Energy
Agencies of Mediterranean Countries, Mediterranean Industry of the Sun,
Organizing Committee, Pedro Silva Girão, 01-01-2011
- Conf. Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação - CISTI , Scientific
Committee, Paulo André Pais Fazendeiro, 01-01-2011
- IEEE Symp. Series on Computational Intelligence - SSCI, Technical Programme
Committee, Paulo André Pais Fazendeiro, 01-01-2011
- Workshop sobre o Ensino da Investigação Operacional, Organizing Committee,
João Manuel Patrício, 01-01-2011
- IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conf., Technical Programme
Chairman, António Cruz Serra, 01-01-2011
- Portuguese Conf. on Artificial Intelligence - EPIA, Technical Programme
Committee, Cristina Olaverri , 01-01-2011
- EUROCON and CONFTELE 2011, Organizing Committee, Beatriz Borges, 01-01-
- Encuentro Ibérico de Electromagnetismo Computacional - EIEC , Organizing
Committee, João Carlos Roquete Fidalgo Canto, 01-01-2011
- International Conf. on Electromagnetic Fields, Health and Environment - EHE'06,
Scientific Committee, Vitor Manuel de Oliveira Maló Machado, 01-01-2011
- Curso em Optimização Semidefinida: (Semi)Definitely the Future!, Conference
Chairman, Joaquim Júdice, 01-01-2011
- Workshop Investigação Operacional nas Telecomunicações, Organizing
Committee, Joaquim Júdice, 01-01-2011
- Workshop Investigação Operacional nas Telecomunicações, Organizing
Committee, Luís Merca Fernandes, 01-01-2011


- Olimpíadas de Matemática da Lusofonia, Organizing Committee, Luís Merca

Fernandes, 01-01-2011
- Conf. sobre Redes de Computadores - CRC, Scientific Committee, Amaro Sousa,
- Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis - REC, Technical Programme
Committee, Arnaldo Silva Rodrigues de Oliveira, 01-01-2011
- IEEE Real-Time Systems Symp. - RTSS, Technical Programme Chairman, Luis
Miguel Pinho de Almeida, 01-01-2011
- Radionet, IT, SPDO, Nexpress-FP7, TICE The Growing Demands on Connectivity
and Information processing in Radio Astronomy from VLBI to SKA - VLBI2SKA,
Scientific Committee, Domingos da Silva Barbosa , 01-05-2011
- ASTRON, RadioNet, SPDO, SKA-AAVP, FP7 AAVP2011: Taking the AA programme
into SKA Pre-Construction - AAVP 2011, Scientific Committee, Domingos da Silva
Barbosa , 01-12-2011
- Workshop on Space Tecnhologies and Synergies with Technological Poles,
Organizing Committee, Domingos da Silva Barbosa , 01-11-2011
- International Conf. on Engineering UBI2011 – “Innovation and Development”,
Scientific Committee, Fernando Manuel Lourenço Martins, 01-01-2011
- Portuguese-Spanish Conf. in Electrical Engineering, Scientific Committee, Vitor
Manuel de Oliveira Maló Machado, 01-01-2011
- International Conf. on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - ICAART, Technical
Programme Committee, Luís Miguel Martins Nunes, 01-01-2011


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