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Due to a lack of expertise upon which to

build a thoroughly authentic system, the

following changes to the information given
in Legends & Lore are suggested. Imbalc,
which seems to deal with the lambing
season (mid-winter), would be identified
with Yule Night itself (around December
22 or 23 on our calendar). Beltane is a
solar festival which belongs at the vernal
equinox (around March 22 or 23); it should
be placed there or at the first full moon
following the equinox Lugnasad was the
time of the great Tailteen Fair, and its
garlands belong with Midsummer Night
(June 22 or 23). Samain was the end of the
harvest, and would best be placed at the
time of the harvest moon, which is the
moon nearest to the autumnal equinox
(September 22 or 23); for consistency’s
sake, this date could be placed at the first
full moon following that equinox. These
suggestions form the basis of most of what
is presented in the ceremonial spells.
Human sacrifices are not dealt with in
these spells. For the most part, the cer-
emonial spells related to the seasons use
offerings of milk, cattle and fire, garlands,
and first fruits and fire. It would be rea-
sonable to assume that animals would be
used in appropriate offerings at these
times and others. The subject of human
sacrifice, however, should be left up to the
DM. If the DM’s Celtic-style culture goes
for such things, that’s fine. In my cam-
paign, only certain druids perform human
sacrifices, and only in the less civilized
realms of society. As noted in Legends &
Lore, if human sacrifices are performed,
condemned criminals will be used.
What follows is a list of 21 new druidic
spells, some of which are reversible.
Descriptions, areas of effect, and other
by Arthur Collins Welsh perspectives (just ask one of them), pertinent information are included in each
and even on those points where they spell listing.
The spells presented herein offer no agree, the insular Celts of the British Isles
obstacles to their use in AD&D® games. cannot be taken as exemplars of the great
They are demonstrations of the druid’s Celtic civilization of the European main- Ferment (Necromantic) Reversible
power over the natural environment, as land. One is left to follow one’s fancy as to Level: 1 Components: V,S,M
most of the druidic spells in the Players who is more representative or which Range: Touch CT: 1 segment
Handbook are. However, in putting togeth- makes for a better fantasy model. Duration: Perm. ST: None
er this list, it seemed wise to round out the Even the facts that we have are some- AE: 1 gallon/level
druid’s spell capabilities by also including a times a bit awkward for building a druidic Explanation/Description: By means of a
set of ceremonial spells, as Len Lakofka sect within a fantasy setting. Legends & ferment spell, the caster causes liquids,
did for the cloistered cleric NPC in Lore and the Encyclopedia Britannica even liquids of high viscosity, to ferment
DRAGON® issue #68 and for clerics in offer the same list of four major Celtic their sugar and starch (if any) into alcohol.
general in DRAGON issue #58. Some PCs festivals and agree on their dates: Samain, Most natural liquids would be ferment-
are unlikely to be interested in such November 1; Imbalc, February 1; Beltane, able, but the final judgment of what liq-
things: Of what use are they in your basic May 1; and, Lugnasad, August 1. It might uids are and are not is up to the DM. One
adventure? Yet the working druid in his work better, however, to connect AD&D gallon may be fermented for every level
community would be expected to perform game druids to a solar calendar, such as the spell-caster has. Alcohol content rang-
such ceremonies every year. the one used by the Neolithic culture that es from 2% to 8% in the finished product
Little is actually known of the ancient built a number of prehistoric structures (roll 2d8). The mash thus produced is not
Celtic religion. The Celts flourished like Stonehenge. In that case, the four necessarily rendered palatable by the
around the second century B.C., and most main festivals should coincide with the spell. The reverse of the spell, spoil, does
of the writers who commented on them winter solstice, vernal (spring) equinox, to liquids what wild vinegar yeasts do to
before their absorption into other cultures summer solstice, and autumnal equinox. wine; it makes them go bad. Note that
were very prejudiced (Julius Caesar, for Calendars change from culture to culture good wine can be spoiled, but bad wine
example). What little we can pin down and from age to age, but the dates given cannot have its awful taste reduced by
comes primarily from Irish and Welsh for the Celtic festivals are a good month further fermentation. The material compo-
sources, and even they are not particular- away from the equinoxes and solstices. nent for this spell is a raisin (spoiled in
ly reliable. Then, too, there is a world of They do not match the agricultural sea- case the reverse of the spell is desired) or
difference even between the Irish and the sons well, either. other dried fruit.
32 JUNE 1987
Find Water (Divination) The nectar itself is of the same quality as a the oath is performed the witness spell
Level: 1 Components: V,S,M fine wine. If the druid holds a receptacle expires. However, certain oaths might be
Range: 3” CT: 4 segments beneath the flower, he can fill it with the binding for years. The death of the oath-
Duration: 3 turns ST: None nectar. Otherwise, he can simply hold the taker breaks all but the most terrible
AE: 1” path flower over his or another’s mouth. Crea- oaths. Note that there is no material com-
Explanation/Description: This spell enables tures that prize fine drink will appreciate ponent for this spell.
the caster to find any water source within this druidic spell.
range of the spell, allowing him to esti- Ceremony: Spring (Evocation)
mate how plentiful the water is. After Ceremony: Witness (Evocation) Level: 3 Components: V,S,M
casting the spell, the druid may search the Level: 2 Components: V,S Range: Special CT: Dusk to dawn
immediate vicinity, and any water within Range: Hearing CT: 1 round Duration: 1 year ST: None
3” of the druid in the direction of concen- Duration: Special ST: None AE: Druid’s charge
tration (along a 1” wide path) will be AE: 1-4 individuals Explanation/Description: The seasonal
detected. The druid will be able to tell Explanation/Description: Within their spells of spring, summer, autumn, and
approximately how much water there is; society, druids are legal officials as well as winter have the following in common.
these estimations will be: traces only, a religious leaders. Having a druid witness Range and area of effect are the druid’s
small amount, a goodly amount, a large an oath or vow makes it binding upon the charge: in other words, the land and peo-
amount, or a vast supply. The druid will party or parties making the promise. The ple under the druid’s care, large or small.
not know whether or not the water is person making the oath or vow presents If the druid is off on his own, then he is in
drinkable until he reaches it. Thus, the himself to the druid and pronounces it, his own charge. A party of adventurers, if
druid might detect a water source beneath calling upon the powers that be to keep of the druidic religion, might be consid-
a cave floor, but will not know if it is pota- the pledge made until its fulfillment. The ered his charge. A druid of insufficient
ble until the party digs down to it. Note druid then casts the spell, and the pledge level to cast one of these spells is part of
that no barriers of any kind affect this is completed. Various consequences may someone else’s charge, as are those people
spell. Water can be found through rock, befall the person failing to keep his word. and lands under the lower-level druid.
metal, or any other material, as long as the These consequences must be agreed to by However, the junior druid must participate
water is within spell range and area. The all concerned, and are made part of the in the ceremony conducted by a higher
material component for this spell is a oath or vow. For example, a person might level druid in order for his charge to bene-
forked stick (divining rod). promise to return with a herd of cattle fit. It will be noted that it takes an llth-
stolen from a neighboring lord. A time level druid to cast ceremony: winter, while
Hibernate (Enchantment/Charm) limit might be offered by the oathtaker. a druid of 3rd level could cast ceremony:
Level: 1 Components: V,S,M The oathtaker seals his oath by saying spring. The lower-level druid will be
Range: Touch CT: 1 round something like, “and may my right arm be expected to conduct the ceremonies he is
Duration: Special ST: Neg. palsied if I fail to fulfill this oath.“ After the capable of leading (casting). Furthermore,
AE: 1-3 creatures druid witnesses the oath, the oathtaker he is to be in attendance on the nights
Explanation/Description: A creature sent must fulfill his literal word, or his right when the higher-level druids over him
into hibernation by a druid will sleep in a arm will indeed be palsied — permanently. conduct the ceremonies he is yet incapable
torpid state for as many weeks as the The druid may advise the oathtaker of leading (casting). Failure in either case
caster desires (up to as many weeks as the against making rash promises, and may could mean disaster for the druid and/or
caster has levels). During that time, the suggest suitable modifications of oaths, but his charge. These ceremonies are all-night
creature’s needs for oxygen, food, water, the final say is the oathtaker’s. After wit- affairs, during which the druids keep vigil,
and such are all but negligible. The crea- nessing the oath (which the druid does at chant, make offerings, and perform cer-
ture can be awakened, but will go back to his discretion), nothing more can be done tain actions important to the community’s
sleep when it is no longer interrupted, about it: The conditions are set, and the or kingdom’s welfare for the coming year.
unless it makes another saving throw. powers invoked see to it that the conse- Ordinary worshipers are also participants,
When the spell expires, the creature will quences are administered in the event that although the druids do much of their
awaken with a very intense hunger. Note failure occurs. Warriors often take oaths work withdrawn from the masses (and in
that from 1-3 creatures can be hibernated: to perform certain deeds. Druids take holy secret).
1 large, bear-size creature, 2 man-size vows at 1st level, 7th level, and 12th level. At the spring festival (Beltane), the sun’s
creatures, or 3 smaller creatures. Humans Unless a permanent condition is evoked power to give life is celebrated. Great fires
and humanoids are as liable to the spell’s (such as an initiation to druidhood), once are lit, and cattle are passed between
effects as any other creature. Sentient or
quasi-sentient plants and plant beings will
go dormant if subjected to a hibernate
spell, just as they would in winter. The
New Druidic Spells
material component for this spell is the fur
from a mammal that hibernates (squirrel,
1st level 4th level 6th level
bear, etc.).
Ferment Ceremony: Summer Blossom
Find water Decompose Ceremony: Winter
Nectar (Conjuration/Summoning)
Hibernate Effervescence Control lycanthropes
Level: 1 Components: V,S,M
Nectar Rainbow Decay
Range: Touch CT: 1 segment
Duration: 1 round ST: None
AE: 1 flower or blossom
Explanation/Description: When a druid 2nd level 5th level
Ceremony: Witness Ceremony: Autumn 7th level
casts a nectar spell on a flower, he is able
Fertilize Call Hunt
to grasp it in his hand and “milk” it. Up to
3rd level Geyser Ceremony: Anointing
one quart of nectar can be milked from a
Ceremony: Spring
flower. The plant upon which the flower
grows must be living. The nectar is mildly Snapdragon
alcoholic, and has the flavor and fragrance
of the plant from which it is produced.
them. Druids and people also process toe, borrowed mistletoe, holly, and oak colored arch of light 5’ wide, which can
between the fires, waving shoots of grain. leaves can be used in spell-casting, though support any amount of weight, and will
The fiery sun is associated with health and all spell ranges, durations, and areas of last as long as the druid maintains his
the destruction of disease, so it is easy to effect will be adversely affected. The concentration upon it (or until the spell
see that the main point of this festival is to penalty for neglecting this festival is obvi- duration elapses). A span up to 300’ may
ensure protection from disease for ani- ously the druids loss of spell potency be bridged by the rainbow, but the apex
mals, crops, and humans. If the rite is throughout the coming year — a penalty of the arch will be one-fifth the length of
performed, the druids charge will be which can provide dire consequences for the span (60’ in the case of a 300’ span) in
subjected to the usual disease checks those who depend on the druids spell height. Ceilings may not permit the
throughout the whole year to come at abilities. desired length, in which case the spell will
– 10% probability. Beltane is also a major simply not function. Note also that the
civic festival and is associated with the rainbow makes upright travel across it
spring planting. Decompose (Necromantic) easy, regardless of the steepness of ascent
Level: 4 Components: V,S,M or descent; also, since there are no para-
Snapdragon (Alteration) Range: ½"/level CT: 7 segments pets, it is possible to fall or be thrown off
Level: 3 Components: V,S,M Duration: Perm. ST: None or Neg. of the rainbow.
Range: 8" CT: 6 segments AE: 1500 gp wt. maximum
Duration: 3 turns ST: ½ Explanation/Description: This spell causes Ceremony: Autumn (Evocation)
AE: 4” diameter organic material to turn into humus or Level: 5 Components: V,S,M
Explanation/Description: This spell is compost instantly. Up to 1,500 gp weight Range: Special CT: Dusk to dawn
named after the little flower whose petals of material (150 lbs.) can be affected. Liv- Duration: 1 year ST: None
can be manipulated like jaws. Upon cast- ing matter is not affected by this spell, AE: Druids charge
ing this spell, all blooming plants in the although a corpse (even a fresh one) Explanation/Description: Samain is the
area of effect become animated and car- would be. Magical items composed from autumn harvest festival and the main
nivorous. They writhe and stretch, biting organic materials (e.g., a wooden spear feasting time of the year, when all the folk
at creatures passing through the area. +1) must make a saving throw vs. disinte- assemble to offer their first fruits to the
They also shoot their pollen at creatures gration. Nonmagical items of organic com- gods. Great bonfires are built on promi-
within the area of effect, in imitation of a position (doors, rugs, etc.) receive no nent hills, and dancing and drinking go on
dragon’s use of its breath weapon. Crea- saving throw. Decomposed creatures can all night. The harvest’s bounty is meant to
tures passing through this spell area take be raised, resurrected, or reincarnated as stave off hunger in the winter. Penalties
2-8 hp damage from plant bites for every usual (after all, the body is there; it’s just a such as dearth and poverty are adminis-
round they are within the area of effect. clump of carpet sweepings). Undead crea- tered to the druids charge for the coming
The flowers shoot their pollen once each tures which rely on corporeal forms are year if this festival is neglected (extra
round that someone is within the area of also affected, though they do receive a expenses will be accrued, various treasure
effect. “Pollinated” persons are disabled by saving throw vs. death magic. collected will be deficient in value, etc.).
sneezing and choking for 5-20 rounds, and The DM must handle this condition of
are unable to leave the area on their own. misfortune throughout the year until the
Effervescence (Alteration) Reversible
From 1-3 persons or creatures can be next Samain. Figure at least 100 gp/level of
Level: 4 Components: V,S,M
pollinated each round. A successful saving additional unexpected expenses, loss, or
Range: 12” CT: 1 round
throw vs. spells reduces damage from misfortune per month in this event.
Duration: 1 turn/level
bites to 1-4 hp per round, and reduces
AE: Special ST: None
sneezing and choking time by half also. Fertilize (Necromantic) Reversible
The material component for this spell is a Explanation/Description: By means of this Level: 2 Components: V,S,M
snapdragon blossom. spell, the caster can cause up to 1,000 Range: Touch CT: 9 segments
cubic feet of liquid/level to bubble, froth, Duration: Special ST: Neg.
Ceremony: Summer (Evocation) foam, and fizz like an agitated, carbonated AE: Special
Level: 4 Components: V,S,M soft drink. This means that for every level Explanation/Description: With this spell, a
Range: Special CT: Dusk to dawn of experience the druid has, he gains an druid can increase the likelihood that
Duration: 1 year ST: None additional 1,000 cubic feet of area of animals and plants will reproduce better.
AE: Druid’s charge effect. For example, at 2nd level, a druid Up to 12 HD of animals or a field of up to
Explanation/Description: The Summer would be able to effervesce 2,000 cubic 10,000 square feet can be affected. Ani-
Festival of Lugnasad begins with the all- feet of liquid, and at 3rd level, the amount mals (including humans and humanoids)
night vigil of Midsummer, the shortest would be 3,000 cubic feet of liquid. Small make their appropriate saving throws;
night of the year. On the night of the first objects up to 10 gp weight in the effer- fields have a saving throw of 15 minus the
full moon following Midsummer, great vesced liquid will be drawn to the surface level of the druid. In the case of animals,
fairs are opened. This is the time of year by this spell. The reverse of this spell, the likelihood of conception is increased
when everything is in full flower. During calm, causes an effect similar to that of 5% per level of the caster. If both animal
this time, all persons involved in the cere- pouring oil on troubled waters: All liquids mates are included in the spell, the proba-
mony wear garlands, which are later in the area of effect become calm — even bilities are added together. In the case of
offered as sacrifices, beginning on Mid- rapids on a river or water in a boiling plants, the yield of the field is increased
summer’s Eve. This is the night when kettle. 5% per level of the caster over normal.
druids gather their mistletoe for the com- The reverse of this spell, sterilize, applies
ing year. As stated in the Players Hand- Rainbow (Evocation) the same percentages in reverse: thus, the
book, each druid must gather his own Level: 4 Components: V,S,M likelihood of conception in animals is
mistletoe on this night for his spells to Range: 6 ” CT: 2 segments reduced 5% per level of the caster, and the
work at full potency during the next year. Duration: 1 round/level yield of plants is reduced 5% per level of
If the druid cannot cast this spell for him- AE: Special ST: None the caster, unless the saving throw is
self, he must gather with other druids Explanation/Description: This spell is very made. In either case, large plants, such as
who will lead the ceremony, or the mistle- useful in crossing dangerous places; a trees, must be treated individually:
toe he gathers will be nothing more than rainbow evoked by a druid can be used to orchards are not the same as crop fields.
lesser mistletoe, even if gathered accord- span fissures, rivers, and so on. The rain- Duration lasts until conception is success-
ing to the prescribed form. Lesser mistle- bow springs into being, forming a multi- ful or until the growing season is over.
34 JUNE 1987
Geyser (Alteration) door sprout leaves and acorns), these Explanation/Description: Offerings of milk
Level: 5 Components: V,S,M growths will eventually die from lack of are in order for Imbalc, the winter festi-
Range: 12" CT: 1 turn sustenance. Living plants caused to blos- val. It is the lambing season, and like
Duration: 1 round S T : ½ som by this spell will react normally to the lambs, the year is born as the sun begins
AE: Special new shoots and blossoms. The reverse of to wax again. Yule is the longest night of
Explanation/Description: This spell causes this spell, blight, causes any object of the year, so this is the longest spell in all
a geyser to erupt from the ground, shoot- vegetable matter, living or nonliving, to the druids repertoire. It is a petition for
ing scalding steam and water high into the have its appendages shrivel up and drop strength. Neglecting this spell produces a
air. The geyser will shoot up to a height of off. Solid objects (e.g., an oaken door) are – 5% penalty in experience points earned
20-80’ instantaneously, and continues to not similarly affected, but if said door for the next year; the hit dice of animals
spout for 1 round. The area of effect is a were held together by wooden pegs, those born are rolled at – 1 hp per die.
function of the geyser’s height. The water pegs would shrivel up and become loose in
will fall in a circular pattern around the their holes. Fruit, blooms, buds, leaves, Control Lycanthropes
point of eruption, with a diameter equal to and so forth are withered instantly by the (Enchantment/Charm)
one-half the geyser’s height. Creatures hit blight. In either case, only enchanted Level: 6 Components: V,S,M
by the geyser itself take 3-36 hp damage objects or plants with hit-die listings get a Range: 6” CT: 3 segments
from the scalding water, while creatures saving throw. Blossom can be very useful Duration: Special ST: Neg.
within the area of spray take 1-12 hp in aiding victims of starvation (one could AE: Special
damage. Successful saving throws vs. produce immature wheat ears from Explanation/Description: 1 werebear or
breath weapons cut damage from the straw), while blight is extraordinarily weretiger, 1-2 wereboars, 1-3 werewolves
geyser in half. The geyser itself is 1-4’ in useful against yellow musk creepers (all its or wolfweres, 1-4 wererats, or 1 jackal-
diameter where it erupts. blossoms would fall off harmlessly). Plant- were can be controlled by means of this
like creatures, such as shambling mounds, spell. Control of only one type of lycan-
Blossom (Necromantic) Reversible must save vs. death magic or take 6d4 hp thrope may be attempted with any use of
Level: 6 Components: V,S,M damage each time they are struck with this spell. If the lycanthrope is in human
Range: 3" CT: 1 round blight, and will gain 1 hp per HD (up to form, the druid need not say what kind of
Duration: Instant ST: Special their maximum limit) when affected by lycanthrope he is attempting to control,
AE: 1 vegetable object blossom. but if lycanthropes of more than one type
Explanation/Description: The center of this are present in human form, only those of
spell can cause any object of vegetable Ceremony: Winter (Evocation) one type (druid’s choice or choice at ran-
matter, living or non-living, to sprout Level: 6 Components: V,S,M dom on basis of lycanthropic hit dice) will
leaves, buds, and blossoms. The effects Range: Special CT: Dusk to dawn be affected. Control lasts as long as the
produced will be living, but if produced Duration: 1 year ST: None lycanthropes continue to fail their saving
from a dead source (e.g., making an oaken AE: Druids charge throws. A new check is made every night

during the week of the full moon (seven same body on both planes at once, and his itself! The druid selects a location that will
nights); between full moons, control is perception is extended to both. In addi- be the Hunt’s place of summoning (see
automatic. The effects of the spell are like tion, contact is made possible with the Legends & Lore, pages 30-31, for details
those of the fourth-level magic-user spell, Negative and Positive Material Planes. The on the Wild Hunt), and begins to cast the
charm monster. In addition, the caster of result of this is the ability to effectively spell. The spell cannot be started until the
this spell can force lycanthropes under his combat creatures with a similar dual exist- full darkness of night sets in (moonlight is
control into and out of wereform by ence. Creatures with a dual existence on no hindrance). The caster must continue
means of a simple command. the Negative Material Plane (many undead) to call the Hunt until the Hunt is heard in
are the most common creatures of this the distance, or until the first light of
Decay (Necromantic) sort, and the affected individual can see dawn. If first light comes before the Hunt,
Level: 6 Components: V,S,M them clearly, converse with them if the spell did not succeed. Note that it is
Range: ½"/level CT: 8 segments desired, and engage in combat with them extraordinarily difficult to summon the
Duration: Perm. ST: Special on equal terms. A person in the other- Wild Hunt, since the Hunt is, by its very
AE: 3,000 gp wt. maximum world state is not affected by the energy nature, beyond ordinary control (nor will
Explanation/Description: In most respects, draining and other special abilities of the Hunt be in any way under the caller’s
decay is like the spell decompose, except undead from the Negative Material Plane, control if it does come). The Master of the
that it affects living organic matter as well. but will still take physical damage from Hunt has a saving throw of 2 in all catego-
Up to 3,000 gp weight in objects or crea- them when struck. Likewise, the other- ries, and his is the saving throw used in
tures (300 lbs.) can be affected. Living world person need not have magic weap- determining the success of this spell. Eve-
creatures who make their saving throw vs. ons in order to hit these creatures. ry half hour that the druid is casting this
death magic do not decay, but age 2-12 However, the spell can only be cast in the spell, 1d20 is rolled. A 1 indicates that the
years as a result of this spell. This spell dark, and sunlight will force the affected Master has felt the summons and his horn
also requires the subject to make a system individual back into sole existence on the is heard in the night, 10 miles away.
shock survival roll. Prime Material Plane. Creatures killed in Thereafter, the Hunt proceeds normally.
the otherworld state have a 75% chance of While engaged in casting this spell, the
Otherworld (Alteration) rising as undead of random sorts. druid can spend only one round every half
Level: 6 Components: V,S,M hour in other activities. The druid must be
Range: Touch CT: 1 turn Call Hunt (Conjuration/Summoning) standing upon the spot which is to be the
Duration: Special ST: None Level: 7 Components: V,S,M summoning source until the Hunt begins
AE: 1 individual Range: Special CT: Special to come (if it does).
Explanation/Description: This spell places Duration: Special ST: Special Legends & Lore says: “The Wild Hunt
the druid or another individual he touches AE: 10-mile diameter exists in all the lands where Druids and
in a special relationship to the Plane of Explanation/Description: This is truly an their deities dwell.” However, should the
Shadow. The affected person exists in the awful spell, for it summons the Wild Hunt particular campaign being played exclude

36 J UNE 1987
the Hunt from its mythos, or if the DM Ceremony: Anointing (Evocation) whether that person is the rightful posses-
wishes to expand the possibilities of this Level: 7 Components: V,S,M sor of the office. A successful anointing
spell in other cultural settings, call Hunt Range: Touch CT: 18 turns raises the recipient’s wisdom and charisma
can be used to summon other powers of a Duration: Perm. ST: Special by one point each (subject to the usual 18-
similar nature. The mode of casting would AE: 1 individual point maximum). The saving throw for
be the same, and the powers’ saving Explanation/Description: This rite is used this spell is unique. Assuming the candi-
throws would be, also. Great discretion to raise kings, high-level druids, and other date is properly qualified to assume the
should be employed in such a case, mak- important persons to their stations. Vari- station in question, his fitness for the
ing the powers called approximately equiv- ous other rituals accompany the rite. In station is then evaluated by the DM. He is
alent to the Hunt, which has at least 21 the Celtic view of things, sovereignty is a rated on a scale of 1-4 (1 being highest) in
beings in it worth a total of 27,500 xp. goddess to be wooed and wedded. The each of five areas:
Some suggested powers from other candidate is expected to make offerings to Alignment — Has the recipient displayed
mythoi that might be called by this spell the holy groves, conduct great sacrifices, good character and faithfulness to the
are as follows: and give away vast amounts of wealth to druidic cult in his past behavior?
Greek mythos — Dionysius with Mae- the poor to please his “bride,” the Power of Duty — Has the recipient shown himself
nads (berserk maidens, AC 7; MV 15”; HD Sovereignty. Displays of physical prowess responsible and reliable in all his past
8; hp 30; #AT 2; Dmg 1-6), or Pan with in the candidate are part of the rituals dealings, and loyal to the kingdom or sect
satyrs and centaurs in a debauched state. leading up to his annointing. Finally, the or organization in question?
Chinese mythos — Fei Lien and Feng Po anointing takes place. If the candidate Leadership — Has the recipient been a
with Spirits of the Air, or Wen Chung with proves himself good, wise, liberal, and strong and fair leader?
the same. powerful, he is accepted by the Sover- Performance — Did the candidate per-
Egyptian mythos — Minions of Set. eignty, and is allowed to take up his sta- form well in the rituals, games, demon-
Finnish mythos — Air Maidens. tion. At Tara, the kingstone upon which strations, offerings, and generosity during
Indian mythos — Yama with his Water the new High King stood was supposed to the festivities prior to his anointing?
Buffalo. cry out for the true king when he stood Breeding — Is the recipient of good
Nehwon mythos — Gods of Trouble or a upon it. Arthur’s being able to pull the family connections and does he act as
whole pack of Astral Wolves. sword from its enchanted resting place is befits his station?
Norse mythos — Valkyries. much the same sort of thing. For the recipient being judged in each
Sumerian mythos — Ki (and entourage). However, the anointing is the seal of category, a saving throw of 5-20 is derived
In any case, remember that the Wild station, whether or not the person’s from the addition of all of the awards
Hunt is at least as powerful as a demigod annointing works. In other words, the said together. If the recipient rolls this saving
and a couple of dozen big monsters. person is the lawful king, druid ruler, throw or above on 1d20, the spell works
Whether altered or not, this spell comes or whatever, upon completion of this and he is not only the lawful, but the
labelled, “Handle with Extreme Care.” ceremony, but disputes can arise about rightful possessor of that office.
determine if a particular section of ground
contains the right minerals and compo-
nents to support healthy plant growth.
The balance of acidity to alkalinity may be
divined, as well as the amount of fertilizer
the soil contains. A small pinch of the dirt

to be tested is placed between the caster’s
lip and gums, and the jaw is worked up
and down in a somatic gesture.

Heal rash (Alteration)

for Druids
Area of Effect: One person
Casting Time: ½ segment
By casting this cantrip, the druid may
heal any rash caused by exposure to an
irritating plant (such as poison ivy, poison
oak, and poison sumac). In order for the

— Naturally
spell to work, the rash may not be spread
over more than 20% of the total body area
of the recipient. The material component,
a drop of milkweed fluid, is applied to the
affected area while the caster gives a deep

New zero-level spells Cause rash (Alteration)

Area of Effect: One person
Casting Time: ½ segment
for the woods folk The reverse of a heal rash cantrip, this
spell causes a red, itchy rash to appear on
one of the extremities of the victim. The
rash is, for all practical purposes, the same
as that caused by exposure to a rash-
causing plant and must be treated in the
of more benefit to him in this environ- same manner. A leaf of poison ivy, oak, or
by Rick Reid ment, before he learned the higher-level sumac is hidden on the subject’s person;
“orisons.” the druid then makes a scratching motion
In DRAGON® issue #108, an article enti- With this in mind, the following list of 12 across his own arm while naming the arm
tled “Cantrips for Clerics” dealt with the druidic cantrips or zero-level prayers are or leg to be infected.
possibility of zero-level spells called “ori- presented. These may be used in the same
sons” for fledgling clerics and druids. manner as magic-user cantrips; when the Mark path (Enchantment)
These were described as more powerful druid reaches 1st level, he may substitute Area of Effect: One object
prayers and responses, mostly with a four cantrips for one first-level spell. Casting Time: 1/3 segment
religious base. However, since the fledgling While the most common use of each spell This cantrip allows the caster to place a
druid (or Tenderfoot) will spend most of is given in the description, crafty players small mark on an object, such as a rock or
his initial training in the forest or wilder- will surely find other ways to employ tree, for the purpose of marking a path.
ness, it seems likely that he would be them. As always, the final say in using The mark is completely harmless and
taught prayers and chants that would be these spells lies with the DM. remains invisible until the caster or an-
other druid passes within 10’ of the spot.
At this time, the mark appears briefly as a
glowing arrow, pointing in the direction
Bird call (Evocation) Drywood (Abjuration) the caster has chosen. Once the mark has
Area of Effect: Special Area of Effect: 1 cubic foot of wood revealed itself, the spell is concluded. The
Casting Time: ½ segment Casting Time: 1/5 segment somatic gesture consists of the caster
By means of this cantrip, the druid is This cantrip enables the caster to dry lightly drawing a small arrow with his
able to imitate the call of any of a number pieces of wood that may be either too fingertip on the object to be marked, while
of common, feathered creatures. The green or too damp to be ignited. Once whistling a jaunty traveling song.
druid must have already heard the sound treated, the wood may be burned as if it
of the bird to be imitated sometime in his had been dried for several months. The Disinfect (Alteration)
career, and may only imitate one type of somatic gesture consists of performing a Area of Effect: One person
bird with each casting. The spell lasts sawing motion with the material compo- Casting Time: 1/10 segment
only 2-5 segments, and the area of effect nent; a small torch or flame must also be When cast on a minor wound, this can-
depends upon the caster’s ability to placed over the wood to be affected. trip does nothing to heal the injury; it
project sound. The somatic gesture does, however, prevent the wound from
consists of clasping both hands around the Test soil (Divination) becoming infected. At this point, the
mouth while the lips are puckered to Area of Effect: 1 square yard of soil wound will heal at the normal rate even
create a whistling noise when breath is Casting Time: 1/3 segment though it is not bandaged or kept clean.
exhaled. This type of cantrip allows the druid to Somatic gestures consist of the caster

28 MARCH 1987

sucking on the index finger of one hand gesture consists of the caster gripping his berries or leaves) were to be dangerous,
while pointing to the wound with the throat while verbalizing a raspy, choking the entire plant would register as inedible.
other. sound. Also, such things as grass or maple leaves,
while normally not eaten, would still be
Quench (Enchantment) Disguise scent (Alteration) revealed as edible, since their consump-
Area of Effect: One person Area of Effect: Caster tion would cause no actual harm. The
Casting Time: 1/3 segment Casting Time: 1/10 segment somatic gestures consist of pointing to the
This cantrip is used to soothe someone By employing this cantrip, the druid is plant to be identified while making a
who suffers from the effects of water able to neutralize his particular body odor chewing motion with the mouth.
deprivation. While no water is actually for a period of one round. Animals that
created, cracked lips are softened, and normally rely on the sense of smell to Repel insect (Alteration)
one’s dry mouth and throat are moistened, detect the presence of strangers will not Area of Effect: Caster
giving the illusion of having partaken of be aware of the druid, and any creature Casting Time: ¼ segment
liquid refreshment. The caster verbalizes a or object the druid encounters while the This cantrip causes the caster’s bodily
“glug, glug” sound in the back of his spell is in effect will not absorb his aroma. secretions (sweat, saliva, etc.) to act as a
throat, while pretending to pour some- The caster goes through the motions of natural repellent to certain types of in-
thing into his or someone else’s mouth. pouring an imaginary liquid into his cup- sects. The effect lasts for one hour, affect-
ped hand and splashing it on his body, ing only common insects (flies, mosquitoes,
Parch (Enchantment) while humming a short ditty. bees, wasps, ants, etc.), and only one type
Area of Effect: One person of insect at a time. While the spell is in
Casting Time: 1/3 segment Edible plant (Divination) effect, the insects may still swarm around
The opposite of the quench spell, this Area of Effect: One plant the caster, but they will not bite or even
cantrip causes the unlucky subject to Casting Time: ½ segment light on his person. The insect to be re-
experience an intense thirst — no matter When cast on a plant, this cantrip allows pelled must be named in a verbal com-
how recently he has drunk something. the druid to determine whether or not mand, while the caster twirls his index
Lips crack, and the mouth and throat consuming that type of vegetation would finger around his head in a circle. The
become dry until such time as a quantity endanger his health. Note that even if only material component is the wing or body
of liquid is again consumed, The somatic certain parts of the plant (such as the part of any common insect.

banisher of fear (above), it can add +4 to silk, the larva is killed. If the gatherer For example, a character has 30 hp, but
a fear-caused saving roll if the subject is waits until the larva has completed its takes 16 hp damage. A 1st-level druid can
severely intoxicated (add +1 to the saving metamorphosis, the cocoon is destroyed. restore up to 5 hp if he works for five
throw if the character in question is only To mitigate this problem, the druid who turns. A 4th-level druid would be able to
mildly intoxicated). wishes to use silk must locate five worms restore 8 hp in four turns. A 10th-level
A quick rubdown in wine defeats attacks before they make their cocoons. The five druid could restore 8 hp in two turns.
that depend on adhesive qualities (for must be carefully fed and protected until If the character has been reduced below
example, attacks initiated by the giant the cocoons are complete. It is then per- one-half of his normal hit points, some
sundew and the mimic). This effect wears missible to sacrifice one to obtain silk. The form of anesthesia must be used in the
off in three turns. Wine has a 50% chance other cocoons must then be protected healing process. The anesthesia is usually
of killing plant spores that have reached until the butterflies emerge. This time an alcoholic spirit, although some druids
the skin but have not yet penetrated it. span may necessitate the player sitting out may have compounded a crude ether to
Treatment must begin within one turn of a few adventures. Since one cocoon yields use instead (see odor of sleep above). If
the contamination. Spores like those of 2,000-3,000’ of thread, a druid needs to ether is used, there is no direct aftereffect
yellow mold that seek the throat and lungs kill only one or two larvae in a lifetime. except as noted. If spirits are used, the DM
cannot be so treated. Even the simplest medical treatment should apply the “Great” column of the
takes time. The more complex the proce- Intoxication Table in the DMG (page 82)
Chirurgery dure, the longer the process takes. Natu- when determining the alcohol’s effects.
rally, nothing can be done until the melee If no anesthesia is available, the treat-
Druids are also trained to act as chirur- is concluded. ment can continue, but two or more mem-
geons (surgeons). While a dungeon or A 1st-level druid can repair damage bers of the party (cumulative strength
battlefield is not an ideal operating theater, equal to one-third the damage sustained in must equal three times the injured charac-
this problem is counteracted to an extent a given melee. This healing is at a rate of 2 ter’s strength) must hold the patient down.
by the greater inherent survivability hp per turn. The amount of damage that No one taking part in the treatment may
shown by characters. Nonetheless, the can be repaired, if an advanced kit is used, roll for surprise. Because of the noise, the
best that can be expected is a sort of increases by 1 hp per level until the druid probability of encountering a wandering
rough-and-ready, chop-and-sew procedure. reaches 4th level. After this point, no monster is doubled.
A druid purchases most of his or her further improvement is possible. Speed of If the injured character participates in
scalpels and tools from the local weapons treatment doubles successively at the 3rd combat later, there is a high probability of
maker. Since these require more careful and 5th levels; beyond that no further reopening his wounds. As a result, the
work than a simple dagger, prices are improvement is possible. The treatment of character loses one additional hit point for
higher. injuries due to burns improves at a each two hit points of damage sustained in
A 1st-level druid may start out with the roughly similar rate (see Table 4). the new combat. The use of silk thread
basic kit, but, as he or she advances, a reduces this to one additional hit point for
more advanced kit is expected as a matter every four new hit points of damage.
of course. The basic kit is relatively small Table 3 Obviously, the extra damage taken cannot
and would encumber the character Encumbrance of Antidotes be greater than the amount that was re-
slightly more than a dagger, whereas the paired. Treated wounds heal at twice the
advanced kit would be the size of a small Encumbrance in gp normal speed of 1 hp per day, if the char-
box (12” x 6” x 6”). Both can be carried Item (per treatment) acter rests.
in a pack or pouch since speed isn’t a Antidote (any) 20 This article has just skimmed the surface
factor in their use. Bandages are linen Balm for burns 50 of druidic medicine. While druids can be
soaked in alcohol and wrapped in dried Banisher of fears 20 valuable in repairing direct physical injury,
animal bladders. Chirurgeon’s kit unused a DM who chooses to include disease and
Druids prefer to make their own Basic 20 mental illness will provide a rich field for
chirurgical thread. Closely wrapped linen Advanced 50 them to practice their nonmagical skills.
thread that has been carefully coated with Itching powder 25 Druids are directed to Appendix J: Herbs,
beeswax can be used, but silk is a better Mask of clear air (each) 100 Spices and Medicinal Vegetables in the
material. However, obtaining it presents Odors of sleep/wakefulness 50 DMG (page 220) for other possible curative
druids with a serious dilemma. Parasite repellent 70 substances.
When a cocoon is unwound to provide Wineskin 50

Table 2 Table 4
Chirurgical Equipment Chirurgical Healing
Basic chirurgeon’s kit — 75 gp
Druid’s Maximum amount of lost hp HP healed by
level that can be healed druid per turn
Needle 2
1 1/3 of total lost
Retractor/clamp 2 l/3 of total lost +1 hp 2
Advanced chirurgeon’s kit — 450 gp 3 l/3 of total lost +2 hp 4
Scalpels 4 l/3 of total lost +3 hp 4
Needles 5 l/3 of total lost +3 hp 8
Retractors & clamps 6 l/3 of total lost +3 hp 9
Bone saw
Lancets Note: If the injury is a burn, replace the "1/3" with a “1/4" No improvement in ability is
Probes available beyond the druids 6th level.

20 MARCH 1987
Volume II, No. 4 Issue 15 11

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2004

The Nature of Druids in the Creation

Flanaess: The Old Faith Delving into the creation story of the Flan is crucial to
understanding the origins and philosophy of the druids. The story
by Paul J. Stormberg
holds that Beory (Oerth) had two husbands - the brothers Pelor
(Sol, Light/Day) and Nerull (Dark/Night). Although she desired
to take Pelor as her husband, Beory could not wed him without
I cannot claim this article as entirely mine. The words hereafter are inciting the jealousy of his brother Nerull. Thus, she married both,
certainly mine but this article owes its birth to the many discussions and hoping to achieve a peaceful balance between the brothers. Her
presentations of the GreyTalk community. In particular, Shawn Bond’s only stipulation was that she would not bear children for Nerull.
seminal post on the subject, “The History of Druids” (GreyTalk 1997), first The brothers agreed and thus Beory began her eternal wedding
suggested the potential of detailing a druidic hierarchy for the Flanaess. His dance, dividing her time equally between Pelor and Nerull. To the
wonderful post provided the outline for a hierarchy that I closely follow. Flannae this represents the eternal cycle of night and day.
Also presented in his article was the idea of territorial divisions, the origin
of the druidical faith among the Flannae, the great NPC druid names, and After a time, Beory and Pelor begat Rao, Berei, Allitur, Zodal, Obad-
the verisimilar names for each order, derived, and expanded from, those hai (the five* “wandering stars”), and all living plants and animals
penned by Gary Gygax in the Gord the Rogue novels. of Oerth, including the Flannae. Using trickery, Nerull sired two
daughters by Beory, Luna (Mistress, The Great Moon) and Celene
Later that year, Nils Bang Augsburg provided us with Søren Thustrup’s (Handmaiden).
work on the matter, translated from Danish. Specifically, Søren’s idea of
regional divisions inspired their way into this article. A few months later,
Christian Kringstad Kielland posted a detailed description of the roles and * In his seminal work, Astrology, Divinity, and Mankind, Yestro
levels of responsibility for each circle and order of druid. Bilnigd hypothesizes the existence of a sixth wandering star,
Of course, the work of Gary Gygax provided the whole-cloth to begin with: ‘Nerull’, invisible to the naked eye due to its dark hue.
the original class description of druids in D&D and AD&D, the Old
Faith presented in T1 The Village of Hommlet, the druidic gods described
in the World of Greyhawk fantasy setting, the Archdruidess and her The Old Faith
defined territory in WG6 Isle of the Ape, and the vast wealth of druidic
information in the Gord the Rogue novels - the last figuring prominently Druidic faith or The Old Faith is the most ancient form of
in the representation of the Flan creation myth and druidical orders. worship in the Flanaess. It is the precursor to all other forms of
formal religion among the Flannae. Simply put, the druidical faith
This article is as canonical as possible, leaning heavily towards Gary is the belief that nature is an entity in and of itself. Not a god per
Gygax’s 1st Edition version of the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Setting se, but a creation of the gods, one that exists independently and
and the AD&D game. As it stands, this article is as close to Gary Gygax’s regulates itself.
original vision of druids in the World of Greyhawk as is possible.
The latter self-regulating mechanism, known simply as “The
Balance,” is central to the philosophy of the Old Faith. This
The Nature of Druids in the Flanaess philosophy of balance permeates the religion on many levels: at
the lowest level it considers the existence of individual plants
rom the Greyhawk setting’s earliest days, druids and animals, at the highest level it considers the very fate of the
were identified as a fundamental political force cosmos.
with followers among the agricultural and rural
communities. In T1 The Village of Hommlet, The Old Faith recognises Oerth, Sol, the night, the moons, and the
Jaroo Ashtaff (D7) was an important leader of the “wandering stars” as gods. Druids also believe that all plants and
community as well as having high level political animals, including the Flannae, are children of Beory and Pelor.
connections with the Viscounty of Verbobonc The ash and oak are held as sacred, and mistletoe is their greatest
and the druids of the Gnarley Wood. It is also evident in that symbol of faith. Astronomical events, especially those tied to the
same module that fully half of the townsfolk are of the druidical seasons, indicate times of religious importance. Indeed, druidic
faith. If Jaroo and his community represent the norm of druidical stone circles, standing stones, and earthworks are designed to more
influence across the Flanaess, they represent a powerful political accurately predict and to focus the effects of these occurrences.
and religious force to be reckoned with.
This article explores the role of druids in the Flanaess, clarifying Druidical Power (Adapted from the 1978 Player’s Handbook by
their relationship with the varied nature gods and giving a solid Gary Gygax.)
overview of their organisation and leaders. Also examined are
the druidic religious beliefs, philosophies, political motivations, Druidical power comes from the energies and forces of nature.
duties, and spell casting ability. Ultimately, this article will clarify Druids’ devotion to and study of the force of nature allows them
the druid’s purpose in Greyhawk and thereby provide DM’s and to tap into its spell power. This is similar to the manner in which
players with a distinctive and fascinating organisation for their priests and clerics gain their 1st and 2nd level spells, i.e., purely
campaigns. as a result of their knowledge and faith. Thus, even those druids
Volume II, No. 4 Issue 15 12

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2004

Symbol Used Spell Range Spell Duration Area of Effect

Greater Mistletoe 100% 100% 100%
Lesser Mistletoe 100% 75%* 100%
Borrowed Mistletoe 75% 50%** 100%
Holly Leaves 75%* 50%** 75%*
Oak Leaves 50%** 50%** 50%**
* or +1 on saving throws, if any, if category is not applicable ** or +2 on on saving throws, if any, if category is not applicable

choosing to serve in the clergy of a particular deity gain their spells part of the natural balance, taking from nature what is necessary to
from the force of nature and not the deity. survive but never exploiting it or damaging it without need.
Central to the druid’s ability to tap into the spell power of nature The second circle of responsibility is within a community. Like
are various components and sacred items. The greatest of these is other creatures of nature, druidic folk see themselves as a pack,
mistletoe, followed by holly and oak leaves. The potency of each herd, flock, etc. The individual druid’s primary duty within this
varies accordingly and mistletoe varies further depending on the circle is the protection and guidance of their flock. Thus, while
method by which it is gathered. This in turn affects the power of a neutral in alignment, the druid will strive to make his or her
druid’s spells as follows: community survive and flourish. While many of the druid’s actions
seem to weigh heavily toward law and goodness, in truth they are
Greater Mistletoe: This potency of mistletoe is only possible if
no more lawful and good than a wolf defending and ensuring the
harvested during Midsummer’s Night (4th of Richfest), when both
survival of it’s pack.
moons are full. The mistletoe must be cut with a golden or silver
sickle and caught in a bowl before it falls to the ground. It is potent The next circle of responsibility is local. The druid’s duty within
only for the druid who harvests it. All others who use it must treat this circle is guardianship of a small ecosystem such as a forest or
it as borrowed mistletoe. marsh. The druid acts as custodian of the locality, responsible for the
natural balance, serving to protect and guide those of the druidical
Lesser Mistletoe: This potency of mistletoe is possible for any
faith, while seeking to influence those who are not. Typically only
mistletoe not harvested in the prescribed manner above, or on a
minor orders are responsible for a locality. Minor orders are subsets
night other than Midsummer’s Night (4th of Richfest). It is potent
of a major order and are led by a Druid (D12). The Druids of the
only for the druid who harvests it. All others who use it must treat
Gnarley Wood or the Oaken Concatenation are prime examples of
it as borrowed mistletoe.
minor orders responsible for particular localities.
Borrowed Mistletoe: This potency of mistletoe includes that which
Above the local circle of responsibility is the territorial circle. A
has been harvested in either previous manner by a druid other than
territory is defined by a collection of woodlands, watersheds, and
the one employing it.
natural areas. Typically a major order is responsible for a territory.
Holly or Oak Leaves: These least potent of druidic symbols must Major orders are directed by an Archdruid (D13).
at least be harvested by the druid intending to employ them.
At a higher level is the regional circle. This circle is made up of three
Borrowed oak leaves and holly will have no effect. There is no
territories overseen by a Great Druid (D14).
prescribed method for harvesting these.
Still above the regional circle is the planetary circle. While
Note that regardless of the method of gathering, potency lasts
the plausibility of a planetary organisational level for druids
only one year and then fresh mistletoe, holly, or oak leaves must
seems impossible, bear in mind the druidic power of travel and
be obtained. Also note that these items are subject to damage and
communication. If such magic is considered, this organizational
loss and must be replaced either from a cache or from one of the
level is entirely possible. It is the Grand Druid (D15) that oversees
above methods.
all druidical activity on Oerth.
Finally there is the planar circle of responsibility. Only the three
orders of Hierophants (D16-23) deal with balance at this level.
Alignment and Political Views
Nature has a way of maintaining itself; this is known as the
natural balance or “The Balance”. As mentioned, this philosophy of
balance is central to the teachings of the Old Faith and maintaining Relations with Other Religions
this balance is the responsibility of every druid. The scope of Druids recognise many gods and may worship or even serve
responsibility, however, has many different levels. These levels are in the clergy of those gods, that is, if the ideals of alignment and
conceived as ever expanding concentric circles. Each circle is given nature worship are compatible. Indeed, many druids serve in the
it’s own scope and the next circle an even greater one. priesthoods of Beory and Obad-hai. There are even instances when
The primary circle of responsibility is, of course, self. The druid druids of different philosophical and ethical tendencies are known
must act within the accords of balance, seeking only that which is to serve Fharlanghn, Ehlonna, and Xerbo. Here are examples of
how druids are influenced by their patron deities:
Volume II, No. 4 Issue 15 13

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2004

Druids of Beory tend to look at the larger picture, concerned Druids of Phyton are few in number. Typically found in good-
mainly with major disturbances of nature’s cycles. Small fires and aligned farming or rural, forested areas, these druids share their
other disasters of nature are part of the balancing cycle of nature, deity’s appreciation of beauty and nature. Protecting woodlands
each having effects beyond the comprehension of most beings. is foremost in their minds but agriculture is not antithetical to
Such events are accepted by druids dedicated to Beory. Balance- them. Instead, the druid-worshippers of Phyton actively support
of-nature disturbing events of otherplanar origin and magical such activity. Other druids are not fond of the chaotic good bent of
meddling are actively countered by these druids. Because of their this religion and find it an impure practice of the Old Faith, more
perspective, many druids dedicated to Beory find themselves in so than even the worship of Ehlonna. Elves, however, are typically
the upper echelons of the quite fond of such druids and their clerical brethren.
druidical hierarchy. Indeed, the scope of their Druids of Xerbo are the rarest of sorts. Called Sea Druids by some,
Druids of Obad-hai philosophy moves to a these druids act as wardens for the oceanic waters, coastlines, and
are more attuned to planar level of perception. the attendant animals and plant life. In particular these druids
wildlands and wild Thus the activity of the serve to guide those who eke out a living in these areas, i.e.,
animals. As with most fishermen, sailors, merchants, etc. Much like their priestly
druidical philosophy,
Hierophant orders is associates, they maintain that the struggle of the sea is part of
hunting is perceived often beyond the ken of nature’s way. Disturbing this balance is sure to bring the attention
as a natural balancing even the most powerful of of a sea druid.
force. Thus, while druids beings. Druids of non-human deities are also becoming more prevalent
dedicated to Obad-hai
in the druidical hierarchy. Originally solely a human institution,
protect wildlands and
the Old Faith has since grown to include many half-elves and
wild animals, they also
halflings in its ranks. That being the case, druids with non-human
support and guide those who hunt them. Excessive and wasteful
deities as their patrons have become more commonplace.
hunting is strongly countered by these druids. Similarly, these
druids protect wildlands, allowing for usage of an area’s resources
but strongly countering excess and abuse. Many of Obad-hai’s
druids are political, and, in their efforts to control access to their Organisation
region’s resources, seek positions of power and influence in the
druidical hierarchy. The druids of the Flanaess are organised into nine territorial
orders, each led by an Archdruid (D13). These territorial orders
Druids of Ehlonna share their deity’s fondness of forests, are grouped into three regions, Western Flanaess, Central Flanaess,
meadowlands, wildflowers, and sylvan areas. They likewise share and Eastern Flanaess, each overseen by a Great Druid (D14). In
Ehlonna’s alliance with sylvan creatures, hatred of evil humanoids, turn, these three Great Druids, are under the auspices of The Grand
and protective role regarding forests, flowers, and meadowlands. Druid (D15).
Although neutral in alignment, with only tendencies toward good,
these druids may be multi-classed druid/rangers. Since they have Little is known of the Old Faith’s world order beyond the Flanaess.
good tendencies and share many of the ranger’s ideals, they are As mentioned, however, there is a known Grand Druid (D15)
allowed this special dispensation by Ehlonna. who oversees all druidical activity on Oerth. This suggests the
possibility of druidical faith in Western Oerik, Hepmonaland,
Druids of Fharlanghn find that nature is best appreciated Fireland, Telchuria, and The Unknown Continent. However, the
as a whole, not some microcosm like a single forest or grove. faith is mainly centered in and around the Flanaess, as it originated
These druids travel across the lands of the Flanaess to gain an with the aboriginal peoples of this area.
understanding of nature. To them their presence in one area is
wasted if there is another area in need further afoot. Thus druids There are other more mysterious orders that go beyond the ones
following the philosophies of Fharlanghn are always travelling already mentioned. Known as the Hierophant orders, they are
from one area to another. It is perhaps this behaviour of travelling made up of powerful druids (D16-23) that have advanced beyond
from place to place and giving aid unto areas in need that gives the rank of Great Druid. The goals and intent of these groups are
these druids an overall tendency towards good. Elder druids more esoteric than their lower level counterparts. Indeed, the scope
dedicated to Fharlanghn eventually settle in one of the druidic of their philosophy moves to a planar level of perception. Thus the
regions they aided in the past. activity of the Hierophant orders is often beyond the ken of even
the most powerful of beings.
Druids of Geshtai are primarily focused on landbound bodies of
waters including: oases, wells, watering holes, rivers, ponds, lakes, The leaders of these orders (D23) are mysterious beings, having
etc. They are staunch defenders of the purity of these waters, as unknowable duties that can only include the fate of the cosmos.
well as the aquatic life dwelling therein and the folk who rely on The orders, circles, and ranks of the druidic hierarchy are given
such resources to survive. The druids differ from their priestly below, showing level, title, and, parenthetically, total number of
counterparts in that they also act as stewards for the animals, such druids. Instances without a total number indicate no limits to
plants, and peoples of the surrounding marshes, wetlands, swamps, the number of such druids.
and shorelines.
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Druidic Hierarchy of the Flanaess Order of the Amber Sphere

1st Aspirant Archdruid: Reynard Yargrove (D13; Obad-hai)
2nd Ovate Reynard is a wiry fellow with dark curly hair
3rd Initiate of the 1st Circle and deep brown eyes. He eschews the traditional
4th Initiate of the 2nd Circle white linen robes of his office, instead, favoring
5th Initiate of the 3rd Circle travelling and adventuring gear. He is obviously young
6th Initiate of the 4th Circle for the position, a point to which he is sensitive.
7th Initiate of the 5th Circle
8th Initiate of the 6th Circle Reynard’s sister, Reynardia (female; D13; Obad-hai), former
9th Initiate of the 7th Circle Archdruid of the Order of the Amber Sphere, is said to have been
10th Initiate of the 8th Circle instrumental in the initial recovery of the Staff of Rao. Since the
11th Initiate of the 9th Circle time of her absence on said quest, Reynard has served as Archdruid.
12th Druid Reynardia is currently in direct service of The Grand Druid, Uthos
13th Archdruid (9) Eldereye (D15; Beory).
14th Great Druid (3) Assistants: 3 Initiates of the 8th Circle (D10)
Overseer of All Druidical Activity on Oerth Grove: Dreadwood (U4-120)
15th The Grand Druid of Oerth (1) Deep within the rolling hills of the Dreadwood, the Niolar River
drops into the lush sylvan valleys at a place called the Prismatic
Falls. The spectacular 200’ waterfall sprays its crystalline waters into
16th Hierophant Druid an obscuring mist that fills the valley with multitudes of rainbows.
17th Hierophant Initiate Secreted within the shrouding mist and prismatic spectacle
18th Hierophant Adept is an ancient stairway carved into the living rock
19th Hierophant Master adjacent to the falls. The moss speckled stairs
20th Numinous Hierophant wind their way up to the top of the falls
21st Mystic Hierophant and quickly descend behind them to give
22nd Arcane Hierophant access to a hidden dell. The steep sided dell
23rd Hierophant (12) is rimmed with ancient oak, elm, ash, yew,
and yarpick trees so as to conceal the whole
from all but close aerial observation from
directly above the place. Even then the place is
The Nine Territorial
oftimes concealed by hallucinatory forest spells,
Druidic Orders of the especially when the falcon guardians area
Flanaess able to warn their druid masters of flying
The following section describes
the orders of the Old Faith in charge The meadow within the dell has a stand of
of each of the nine territories of the ten foot tall monoliths arranged in a seemingly
Flanaess. Each section gives the name of random fashion. These shadowy giants are
the order, name and description of the order’s speckled with lichen and moss but their deeply
Archdruid or Archdruidess, number, level, and title graven glyphs and sigils still show. Amongst them is a
of the Archdruid’s or Archdruidess’ assistants, location and massive granite chair from which the arch-druid counsels the
description of the Archdruid’s or Archdruidess’ grove, the region faithful and tenders judgements against backsliders and righteous
of the Flanaess in which the order’s territory is located (West, East, fools.
Central), and the nations, woodlands, and wildlands overseen by
Region: Western Region
the order. The parenthetical note following named NPC’s assumes
the individual is a human male, unless otherwise stated. If the Territory: Keoland, Hold of the Sea Princes, Yeomanry, Sterich,
name of a deity is included that indicates the patron deity of the Geoff, and Flotsam, Jetsom, and Fairwind Isles
individual. Unnamed NPC’s are only given a class and level and are
Woodlands: Dim Forest, Dreadwood, Hornwood, Oytwood,
not necessarily human males.
Axewood (Keoland side)
Finally, a symbol representative of the order accompanies each
Wildlands: Barrier Peaks, Crystalmist Mountains, Good Hills,
entry. These symbols hold no power to turn undead or to receive
Hellfurnaces, Hool Marshes, Jotens, Little Hills, Stark Mounds
or cast spells. They are used for the purpose of identification and
are worn prominently as a badge, jewellery, cloak pin, or brooch.
The symbols are fashioned from a variety of materials such as silver,
Order of the Golden Sickle
gold, brass, copper, maiere, enamel, semi-precious, and precious
stone. These badges are proudly and, when need be, defiantly Archdruid: Brigeth Bearfriend (female; D13; Beory)
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Rotund and jocular, Brigeth is no swooning damsel. She is a homely the most hard-bitten nomads to silence and obedience. There is
woman of 40 years with tangled red hair, dull hazel eyes, and heavy a kindness in Obanor’s deep blue eyes that quells even the most
freckling. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, she leads her region nervous supplicants. That and his approachable manner make him
with great success, having no foolish male druids doting on her well loved by most practitioners of the Old Faith.
beauty. She has a broad smile, speaks many languages,
Assistants: 3 Initiates of the 8th Circle (D10)
and is a superb diplomat. Her
hand shake is as strong as a Grove: Burneal Forest (W4-58)
strapping man’s and she is a
The euphoric scent of pine floods the senses in this virgin-conifer
fierce fighter, preferring a
woodland. At the heart of this fastness is a circular, tiered dais of
stout bronzewood shillelagh
massive proportions. Cut from a local, bluish-gray stone, nine stone
in combat. Always at her side
tiers rise up some 8 feet each from the forest floor. Upon the top
is an old black bear female
tier rests an ancient, smallish seat with a low back. Fashioned from
called Jilal to whom she talks
a single, massive piece of translucent, yellow amber, this odd chair
and consults as if it were a
is the seat from which the Archdruid judges and issues edicts to
human. The old bear seems to be
the faithful. Suspended within the chair are a number of ancient
quite opinionated.
large insects. Said to be an artifact of incredible age, the origin and
Assistants: 3 Initiates of the 8th Circle power of the Amber Chair of the Archdruid are closely guarded by
(D10) the Archdruid and his servants.
Grove: Bramblewood (M5-98) Region: Western Region
The Archdruid’s grove is secluded in the deep Bramblewood, amidst Territory: Blackmoor, Perrenland, Tiger Nomads, Wolf Nomads
the ruins of an ancient Beygraf’s summer palace. Only broken
Woodlands: Burneal Forest
remnants of gilded columns of ecru stone jut from the undergrowth
of jade ferns and climbing ivy. Near the center of the grove, a circle Wildlands: Clatspur Range, Cold Marshes, Land of Black Ice,
of broken columns stands upon a pavilion of ecru stone inlaid Mounds of Dawn, Sepia Uplands, Yatil Mountains, Yecha Hills
with peacock mosaics of blue and green glass. Within the circle of
Bodies of Water: Lake Quag
columns is a tiled bath built around a spring of exceptional purity.
The enchanted spring glows with the aquamarine brilliance of
Celene for nine days after the Handmaiden has shown full.
Order of the Emerald Sphere
It is here that the archdruidess and her coterie walk and hold
Archdruid: Lacoon, Son of Earth and Sky
counsel. The magics cast by the Archduidess, especially those of
(D13; Beory)
scrying, are most potent when the pool holds the aquamarine
brilliance of Celene within its waters. Blind from birth, Lacoon has pale, marble like
eyes that are chilling to behold. His white gaze
Region: Western Region
pierces the souls of all who come before him to be judged. Lacoon
Territory: Bissel, Ket, Tusmit, Ekbir, Zeif, Plains of the Paynims, is fair skinned and freckled with a florid face. His hair and beard are
Ull, Valley of the Mage a wild bush of curly brass-colored locks, shot through with white
and silver. His stormy personality is difficult to predict and the
Woodlands: Bramblewood, Ugudru Forest
wrath of his temper is fearful. Indeed, lesser druids quaver when
Wildlands: Dry Steppes, Lorridges, Tusman Hills, Ulsprue his thunderous voice rumbles through his grove. The Archdruid
Mountains is never without a flurrying cadre of small animals — sparrows,
finches, wrens, jays, squirrels, chipmunks, etc. These creatures serve
Bodies of Water: Lake Udrakanakar
as his “eyes” due to a special benison provided by Beory herself.
Such extraordinary vision leaves nothing unseen by Lacoon and
makes it all but impossible for him to be surprised. Nearing 50
Order of the Holly Cruciform
years in age, Lacoon still maintains a powerful, stocky build.
Archdruid: Obanor Birchborn (D13; Obad-hai)
Assistants: 3 Initiates of the 8th Circle (D10)
Known as “Birch-Skin” or the “Pale Druid” by the nomads and
Grove: Welkwood Grove (J4-95)
tribesmen of his territory, Obanor is indeed of fair skin. Standing
nearly seven feet, this tall, sinewy, blonde-haired fellow makes Secreted deep within the giant iptwoods of this place is the grove
quite an impression. Though he carries a heavy, eight foot staff of the Archdruid. The grove itself is a horseshoe-shaped stand of
of bronzewood, he is reluctant to use it. A man of peace, everyone giant ipts that tower some one hundred feet above. Nestled within
assumes, due to his size, that he is a giant in battle. Obanor is very the mighty roots of the stand are a scattered collection of blue-gray
wise and quite charismatic. As such he is a skillful negotiator and stone seats, some larger than others, even giant-sized. In the back
legislator. He is sought out from all corners of his territory to judge of this arboreal apse, raised upon a dais, is the massive stone seat of
disputes. When holding counsel, the Pale Druid is know to rap his the Archdruid. One cannot help but feel small and unimportant in
staff upon the stone, the sound and shock of which startle even such a place
Volume II, No. 4 Issue 15 16

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Region: Central Region The Archdruidess Byrnei Oerthborn is an austere woman with
curly brown hair, and sun-browned, freckled, skin. Her lambent
Territory: Celene, County of Ulek, Duchy of Ulek, Dyvers, Gran
green eyes sear with intensity and are always searching they eyes
March, Greyhawk, Hardby, Pomarj, Principality of Ulek, Veluna,
of those she meets. The Archdruidess is not interested in the day-
Verbobonc, Wild Coast
to-day sqaubbles of the local forest dwellers or the needs of visitors.
Woodlands: Axewood (Duchy of Ulek side), Dim Forest (East of While she questions those she meets, especially those who visit
the Realstream River), Gnarley Forest, Silverwood, Suss Forest, the stranger places of the Vesve, she leaves mundane work to her
Welkwood, Wild Coast capable assistants.
Wildlands: Cairn Hills, Drachensgrab Hills, Kron Hills, Lorridges, Byrnei’s true interests are far more
Lortmils, Mistmarsh esoteric, and mysterious. It seems
she is ready to move on from
Bodies of Water: Nyr Dyv
her position here but still, she
stays on, seeking the answer
Order of the Ivy Cruciform to some greater question, one
she never puts into words. She
Archdruid: Folkin Ippward (half-elf; D13; Obad-hai)
is often away, delving into the
Folkin is an exceedingly handsome half-elf with dark curly hair, mysteries of the Vesve - always
violet eyes, and golden-tan skin. He came to his current position seeking something… something
from the life of an adventurer, although he has long since lost the that affects the fate of Oerth itself.
desire for that mean life. Instead, Folkin revels in the fruits of his
Assistants: 3 Initiates of the 8th Circle
office. He take great pleasure in the ceremony and respect that is
afforded him as an Archdruid. Decorum and proper respect must
be shown at all times in his presence. Folkin is especially fond Grove: Gamboge Forest (X2-65)
of women, surrounding himself with a number of lovely young
The Grove of the Archdruidess is atop a large hill that rises up
assistants, both human, and half-elven. A pretty face is not easily
above the surrounding woodland. A clump of giant linden, ipt, and
overlooked by this fellow.
ancient elms upon the crest conceals the activities of the Druids of
Assistants: 3 Initiates of the 8th Circle (D10), all females the Ebon Altar. Deep within are massive, lichen covered monoliths
graven with druidical sigils and imagery. The black stone from
Grove: Vesve Forest (U4-83)
which they are carved is of a sort unknown to the locals. Each
Perhaps the most cleverly concealed of all groves is that of vaguely humanoid monolith appears as a giant in noble repose,
Archdruid Folkin Ippward. Atop the largest hill in the forest is an sitting upon its heels and hanging its massive head. While scattered
open meadow of tremendous size. The place commands a sweeping throughout the grove, these silent giants all face toward a massive
view of the Vesve canopy to the south and east toward Whyestil block of ebon-hued stone at the center of the grove. The stone is an
Lake. The Emerald Meadow, as it is called, has a peculiar knot ancient altar, clutched in the gnarled roots of a giant ipt. It is here,
work design carved into it, cut right down to the white chalk of with the ages-old, arboreal witnesses and ebon-hued watchers, that
the hill itself. The stark white, maze-like pattern of Flan knot work the Archdruid holds her austere counsel.
contrasts dramatically with the emerald grass of the meadow and
Region: Central Region
can be seen from miles away. The maze is the key to entering the
grove of the Archdruid, for those who walk the proper pattern find Territory: Bandit Kingdoms, Horned Society, Iuz, Rovers of the
themselves in a faerie demi-plane wherein the grove exists. Only, Barrens, Tenh, Theocracy of Pale
a few high level druids of the Order of the Ivy Cruciform and the
Woodlands: Celadon, Gamboge Forest, Fellreev Forest, Phostwood,
Archdruid himself know the pattern to walk upon the maze. All
others seeking audience within the grove are blindfolded and lead
through the maze. Wildlands: Bluff Hills, Flinty Hills, Rift Canyon, Troll Fens,
Region: Central Region
Bodies of Water: Fellreev Lake
Territory: County of Urnst, Duchy of Urnst, Highfolk, Furyondy,
Shield Lands
Woodlands: Vesve Forest Order of the Silvery Sickle
Wildlands: Abbor-Alz, Bright Desert, Howling Hills Archdruid: Y’lor, Born of Earth and Sun (D13; Beory)
Bodies of Water: Whyestil Lake This stocky, barrel-chested fellow is a bear of a man with thick,
curly red hair. His beard is plaited into two braids and held by gold
rings. Y’lor’s skin is pale white save for his flush, ruddy cheeks and
Order of the Ebon Altar nose, his eyes are more purple than anything, and when his mouth
splits into a wicked grin, it reveals filed, pointed teeth, a tradition
Archdruid: Byrnei Oerthborn (D13; Beory)
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among his clan. How Y’lor came to the Old Faith is unknown but despite good intentions. Even the wood elves of the forest have
his present service therein is well known indeed. lost their commitment to the other woodfolk and have become
increasingly isolated. Other druids within the Order of the Thorny
Y’lor is a strong advocate for the emancipation of Bone March
Cruciform seek a challenger to Umina from outside their precincts.
and vows to drive the humanoids forth with his own bronzewood
Until such is found, or the Hierophant returns, it is unlikely the
cudgel. The Archbarony of Ratik can
various factions of the forest will reunite under a common goal.
always count on the woodsmen and
worshippers of the Old Faith loyal Assistants: 3 Initiates of the 8th Circle (D10)
to Y’lor to swell it’s ranks in a time
Grove: Adri Forest (K2-66)
of need. Further political clout
is held by Y’lor and the Order of Those seeking the Grove of the Archdruid without a druid amongst
the Silvery Sickle as they closely their company are unlikely to succeed. As one approaches the
control the cutting of wood within outer defenses of the grove, brambles, thorns, and yarpick trees
the boundaries of the Timberway. grow thicker and thicker. Stubborn folk may continue this route
at a painful price, but ultimately they will find no way to breach
Assistants: 3 Initiates of the 8th
the ring of thorns. Wiser folk will wait in petition at the edge of
Circle (D10)
this place, in hopes that a patrol of druidical warders discovers
Grove: Timberway Forest (M2-42) them. Only then will the petitioners be allowed any ingress to the
place, and that only with the strict permission of the Archdruidess
High on a bluff known locally as the Stormy
Heights, the Order of the Silvery Sickle meets above the crashing
fury of Timber Bay. Storms rage against the bluff and the lichen Deep within the interior of the grove are tumbled monoliths and
covered stone circle that stands upon it but to no avail. The the remains of a circular stone building. The walls and columned
stones have stood so for as long as people have lived amongst the veranda of this place are intermingled with gnarled elms, maples,
Timberway. It is rumoured that the Archdruid single-handedly, and squat live oaks - the whole being overgrown with ivy and
whilst within the ring, sunk a fleet of rogue Schnai longships mistletoe. The interior of the place serves the Archdruid as a
intent on raiding the Archbarony. council chamber. Sunlight dapples down throughout the shattered
dome of this ancient civic building, and a spring-fed fountain
Region: Eastern Region
sprays crystal water into a stone basin. The Archdruid utilizes this
Territory: Stonefist, the Barbarian States, Ratik, Bone March. basin as a scrying pool.
Woodlands: Hraak, Loftwood, Sablewood, Spikey Forest, Region: Eastern Region
Territory: Almor, Great Kingdom, North Province, Nyrond,
Wildlands: Corusk Mountains, Griff Mountains, Rakers Medegia, Sea Barons, Spindrift Isles
Woodlands: Adri, Grandwood Forest
Order of the Thorny Wildlands: Gull Cliffs, Lone Heath
Archdruid: Umina,
Order of the Ruddy Gloaming
Servant of the Moons
(female; D13; Obad-hai) Archdruid: Feory Yewstaff
(female; D13; Obad-hai)
Umina appears to be
no more than a mousy Referred to as The Huntress
mid-wife and herbalist. by many of her followers, it
She is in her late 40’s is easy to see how Feory came
and has flat, gray-brown to her position. Born of the
hair and brown eyes. A local woodfolk, she has been
quiet woman, Umina, an almost mythical figure since
Servant of the Moons childhood. Her mother bore Feory
is a master herbalist, renowned for her effective tinctures, balms, until late in her pregnancy when she was
and medicines. Left in a lurch with the disappearance of the gored by a giant boar and killed. Cut from her mother’s womb by
Hierophant Immonara, the position of Archdruid fell to Umina. her huntsman father, Feory lived.
As her predecessor, Umina follows a policy of peace and quiet
An oak leaf birthmark in the nape of her neck foretold her path.
strength. Alas, she lacks the true charisma and power of her former
Raised by her father, she quickly learned the art of the hunt and
mistress and tends to stay within the confines of her grove. Thus,
the precepts of the Old Faith and Obad-hai. At age twelve she
the various factions of the Adri have become fractious and rarely
helped her father to hunt the legendary Great Boar that slew her
work together. The two main orders of rangers take up vastly
mother. The old boar was wily and dangerous but the two hunters
different approaches to raiders and often work against each other
had their motive. They cornered the beast, the father wounded it
Volume II, No. 4 Issue 15 18

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but was mortally wounded in turn. The beast turned on the girl Assistants: 3 Initiates of the 9th Circle (D11)
but impaled itself upon her spear, braced on the roots of an ancient
Grove: Adri (?)
oak. Feory slew the beast that had killed both of her parents and
had threatened her community for years. This legend is a favourite
of the woodfolk of the Rieuwood and the Hollow Highlands.
The Grand Druid of Oerth
The Huntress is both beautiful and fierce, with pony tailed hair
Name: Uthos Eldereye (D15; Obad-hai)
of jet and smouldering, dark brown eyes. Her flawless golden-tan
skin lies like polished stone over her chiselled features. She wears Assistants: 9 druids and 3 archdruids (D13; one of these is Rowena
hunting garments and bears a boar spear at all times, walking Yargrove (female; D13; Obad-hai))
with it as if a staff. In ceremony and battle, she is known to wear a
Grove: Fellreev Forest (R3-57)
stiffened-leather helm adorned with antlers. Feory has trained nine
huge mastiffs that obey her every command.
The Wild Hunt has been know to visit her territory annually, some
believe she leads the ‘Hunt herself.
Order of the Cabal
Assistants: 3 Initiates of the 8th Circle (D10)
Hierophant: 4 Hierophants of the
Grove: Rieuwood (Q2-92) Cabal (D23)
The Grove of the Archdruidess is found deep within the Rieuwood. Assistants: Unknown (D16-22)
Rising from the center of a large open meadow is a tightly grown
ring of massive live-oaks, some sixty feet high and three-hundred Grove/Plane: Unknown
feet across. Called Oakhaven, by those that know of it, the grove
is a formidable fortress with impenetrable, regenerating walls of
living oak trees and no noticeable means of entry. Within are the Order of the Golden Dawn
dwellings and huts of the Archdruid, her assistants, and visiting Hierophant: 4 Hierophants of the
druids, bards, and the occasional ranger. Above are observation Golden Dawn (D23)
platforms, rope-catwalks, rope and pulley rigs, and dumbwaiters to
bring in supplies and visitors. Assistants: Uknown (D16-22)
Region: Eastern Region Grove/Plane: Unknown
Territory: Ahlissa, Idee, Irongate, Lordship of the Isles, Onnwal,
Scarlet Brotherhood, Sunndi Order of the Rosy Cruciform
Woodlands: Menowood, Rieuwood, Thelwood Hierophant: 4 Hierophants of the Rosy Cruciform (D23)
Wildlands: Glorioles, Headlands, Hestmark Highlands, Hollow Assistants: Unknown (D16-22)
Highlands, Iron Hills, Spine Ridge, Vast Swamp
Grove/Plane: Unknown

The Great Druids of the Flanaess

Area: Western Region
The Old Faith is a rich and unique element of the Greyhawk
Great Druid: Oeridia Uskhome (female; D14; Obad-hai) setting. It is hoped that this article gives a sense of presence to the
Assistants: 3 Initiates of the 9th Circle (D11) druidical hierarchy and philosophy, making it a living, vital part
of campaigns, one of the wheels-within-wheels that are trademarks
Grove: Dreadwood (Z4-122) of the setting. So too, it will give players a richer backdrop for
the political forces that directly interact with their characters,
especially those playing druids or bards.
Area: Central Region
Great Druid: Iada-hai (D14; Beory)
Assistants: 3 Initiates of the 9th Circle (D11)
Grove: Celadon (N3-83)

Area: Eastern Region

Great Druid: Eblin of the Swans (D14; Beory)
Druids of the Old Faith

Druids of the Old Faith

Power Groups
by Eric Menge

The sun rises and the sun sets, the two moons dance across the heavens, and the seasons pass. Since the
earliest days, the druids of the Old Faith have watched the Eternal Circle of Nature. They know the ways of
nature and the mysteries of Oerth, but they are not its master. Instead, they are servants of nature and tend to
the needs of the land and its creatures. Only the foolish would underestimate their power for they have mastered
the secrets of the world itself.

Gods of the Old Faith

At the core of the Old Faith is Beory the Oerth Mother. She is the wellspring of all life and some druids consider
her the manifestation of Oerth itself. Additionally, the Old Faith believes that each season has a deity who acts as
steward for that portion of the year. The identities of these gods vary, depending upon the faithful. Like nature,
the Old Faith is very adaptable.

Among the Flannae, Ehlonna is the Spring Maid, Obad-Hai is the Lord of Summer, Berei or Beory is the Lady of
Autumn, and Nerull is the Winter King. At the center of the yearly cycle is the sun, symbolized by Pelor, who
ensures the change of the seasons. When the Old Faith spread among the Oeridians, Procan birthed five
children to assume these roles – Atroa (spring), Sotillion (summer), Wenta (autumn), and Telchur (winter) – while
Velnius, lord of the sky, fills the same role as Pelor. Though the Old Faith has only a small following among the
Suel, Bralm (spring), Llerg (summer), Phyton (autumn), and Vatun (winter) are the stewards of seasons among
communities with significant Suloise presence, while Lendor keeps the cycle. Other nature gods have devotees
among the Old Faith, as long as the druid remains of purely neutral alignment.

Beliefs of the Old Faith

The Old Faith of the Flanaeess is not about the temporal power of a church but about truths present in nature.
The druids seek to understand these truths, internalize them, and preserve them. Four truths permeate the
philosophy and teachings of the Old Faith.

The Eternal Circle: The central belief of the Old Faith is that of the Eternal Circle. Spring blooms into summer,
which fades to autumn and then descends into winter before winter gives rise to spring. The moon waxes, wanes,
and waxes again. Life gives way to death, which leads to rebirth. The root of all druidic philosophy is grounded in
the belief that the Eternal Circle continues without end, and all that is will pass away before being reborn.

All Things in Balance: For the Eternal Circle to turn, all things must exist in Balance. There is a place for
everything natural somewhere in the world. Death exists because it must, and winter comes because it is part of
the cycle. Nature is wild and dangerous, and the predator is just as much a part of the world as the prey. Old
Faith druids constantly strive to maintain the Balance of nature through their actions and in their thoughts.

Symbolism through Nature: The druids of the Old Faith hold great store in symbolism and respect oracles,
auguries, and omens. Animals and plants both represent philosophical truths, and druidic auguries are centered
on observing natural phenomena – such as what kind of birds fly overhead or the pattern formed by dropping a
stone into a still pond – and interpreting the meaning rather than asking a god’s servants directly. Druids often
keep oracular animals to assist with the divinations. The elemental weirds (described below) are greatly revered,
and many druids seek their advice.

The Power of Four: The number four has powerful significance in the Old Faith traditions. There are four
seasons in the year. The family has four roles – mother, father, daughter, and son. There are four great celestial
bodies – Oerth, the Sun, Luna, and Celene. The four elements – fire, water, earth, and air – are the foundation of

Legends of the Old Faith

The Old Faith druids first arose among the Flannae of Oerth, a human tribe with a proud tradition of storytelling.
Below are two of the most prominent myths of the Old Faith.

The First Dance of Beory: Long ago, Oerth was naught but lifeless stones and dust. Beory arose from the
essence of Oerth itself, looked over the windswept, broken land, and saw promise. Hope and the desire to give of
herself filled her, and she danced across the barren land. As she danced, she cut her foot on the sharp rocks of
the young world, and her blood sprinkled the ground where she stepped. Far above, Pelor turned his eye to the
dancing goddess, and he fell in love as he watched her dance. Beory’s blood mingled with the soil and Pelor’s
light shone from the heavens. Living things grew in the wake of Beory's dance, and the world blossomed for the
first time.

Obad-Hai and the Summer Tree: Each spring, Obad-Hai is born and grows into an eager and daring boy. At the

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Druids of the Old Faith

threshold of summer, Ehlonna comes to him and guides him to manhood. In the summer, Obad-Hai becomes the
Stag King and leads the Wild Hunt. His strength withers in the autumn until he is the Shalm. At the last breath of
the year, Nerull comes and slays him with a single stroke and hangs the corpse from the Summer Tree for seven
days, at the end of which Pelor cuts him down and buries him so that he is in the embrace of his mother, Beory.
Ehlonna comes to the grave and waters it with her tears. From that grave sprouts a sapling that gives forth a
single fruit. The fruit ripens, falls to the ground, and splits open to reveal the boy – Obad-Hai – beginning the
circle anew.

Friends of the Old Faith

The Old Faith does not exist in isolation. As an ancient religion, the Old Faith has made numerous allies over the
centuries. The tenet of All Things in Balance allows the druids to accept the widely varying customs and faiths of
people across the Flanaess. However, a few friends bear special mentioning.

Elves: The cordial relations between the elves and the Old Faith stretch over millennia. When the elves first
encountered humans, they interacted with the Flan tribes who were devout followers of the Old Faith. The elves
were impressed by the level of understanding and reverence of nature possessed by the druids and that
friendship continues to this day. The wood elves and the snow elves are the friendliest toward the druids, while
the grey elves are the most reserved. The valley elves are the exception to the rule, but their antipathy is a recent
development that began with the arrival of the Mage of the Valley. While the drow worship a demon, they do
revere spiders, and the neutral live-and-let-live stance of the Old Faith makes interaction between dark elf and
druid a complex one.

Fey: The Old Faith druids have long had relations with the fey. Because of the druids' strong connection to the
land and nature, they seemingly understand the capricious fey and can treat with them without dire peril. The fey,
in turn, respect the druids and deal with them in preference to other mortals. However, a faerie’s definition of
respect and dire peril are often far different from a mortal’s. Some groves sacred to the Old Faith have a dryad’s
tree among their number or a pool that lairs a nymph. Satyrs and sprites roam and do not settle in one place for
very long but often visit with the druids to share tales or receive advice.

Old Lore Bards: The Old Lore is a select order of bards affiliated with the Old Faith. Originally chosen from
among the Flan nobility, today’s bards must be human or half-elven and of noble descent. The bards have a long
tradition of scholarship and are organized into seven colleges, which are scattered throughout the Flanaess. The
druids entrust the Old Lore bards with many of their secrets. In return, the bards serve the often anti-social druids
as messengers and ambassadors.

Rangers of the Gnarley: Numbering roughly 200, the Rangers of the Gnarley are an independent faction who
strives to bring the good folk of the forest together and keep the forest independent of outside influences, such as
Greyhawk, Dyvers, and Celene. The strict neutrality of the Old Faith keeps them from becoming fast allies of the
good-aligned Rangers, but the Ranger Knights often seek out the druids for counsel and the druids rely on the
Rangers to eliminate threats to the Balance.

Foes of the Old Faith

The druids of the Old Faith have gained their fair share of enemies as well as allies over the years. The clerics of
St. Cuthbert are often rivals with the Old Faith for the devotion of the common folk but this competition is mostly a
peaceful one. The druid’s conflict with the followers of Pholtus is not heated enough to rise to the level of a foe,
but there is little love lost between them.

Aerdi and the Great Kingdom: When the Aerdi, the largest of the migrating Oeridian tribes, arrived in the
eastern Flanaess, they encountered decadent Flan tribes who had forsaken the Old Faith and had embraced the
worship of Ahmon-Ibor the Sibilant Beast (who would later be known as Demogorgon the Prince of Demons.) Not
every tribe was in the thrall of demons, but the Aerdi made no distinction in their destruction between the Old
Faith and demonic cults. By the time of the establishment of the Great Kingdom, the Oeridians had completed
the obliteration of the Flannae culture. The Old Faith druids retreated to the depths of the great forests, as their
circles were systematically destroyed, but prophesized that this was but a winter and they would outlast any
nation that the Oeridians could devise. With the fall of the Great Kingdom, their words came true, and the druids
have begun to emerge from their forests.

Elder Elementalism and Tharizdun: In the past, the Old Faith did not consider the cults of Elder Elementalism
a danger. Even at the height of the Temple of Elemental Evil, the Old Faith only had one druid, Jaroo Ashstaff, in
Hommlet to watch the cult. However, the Old Faith’s attitude changed when the druids learned that the Elder
Elementalism was a plot by the followers of the Tharizdun. The Old Faith considers the Unmaker the greatest of
all threats because he plots to completely destroy the Eternal Circle. The druids aggressively seek to undo any
attempts by the followers of Tharizdun to unleash their dread deity.

The Far Realms: Beyond the fabric of reality are the Far Realms. This horrific place is the home of aberrations
that are not part of the natural order of Oerth. Normally, the Old Faith would not concern itself with the matters of
another plane, but sometimes the barriers between planes wear thin and things seep across the boundaries. The

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gruesome might of the incomprehensible beings from the Far Realms warp nature in disturbing and impossible
ways by their very presence. This perversion to nature is anathema to the druids of the Old Faith, who constantly
attempt to destroy the intruders and seal the breaches between the worlds.

Vecna and the Ur-Flan: The Ur-Flan were a mysterious group among the Flannae about whom little is known for
sure. It is known that several of their number, Vecna and Keraptis among them, made themselves overlords of
pre-cataclysm empires and these Ur-Flan empires were quite evil. The druids did not concern themselves with
the Ur-Flan as long as they were not a threat to the Balance or the Eternal Cycle. This passive acceptance
allowed Vecna and others like him to flourish, and some held whole tribes in bondage to their evil. When Vecna
betrayed the druids and twisted their power over nature into a source of undeath, they were completely
unprepared. Some druids fled, many died, and the few who remained served the Whispered One. A number of
scholars believe that the druids who served Vecna rescued many of the Ur-Flan secrets and the Old Faith
preserves that knowledge to this day.

Places of Power
Worship of the Old Faith always takes place outdoors. Instead of temples, the druids and their followers gather at
places of natural significance. The druids often accentuate the power of these sites through additions of stones or
carefully chosen trees.

Elemental Weirds: The druids believe that elemental weirds are either manifestations of Beory's will in Oerth or
reflections of her consciousness. Either way, these cryptic beings are powerful diviners that dwell in remote and
hidden locations. The air weirds specialize in exploration and can be found on windy plains or mountaintops. The
earth weirds speak of death and fate and live in soft earthen pools of mud or clay. The fire weirds keep ancient
lore and give guidance to the suffering and ignorant, and their essences are bound to pools of fire or lava. The
water weirds speak words of healing and hope and dwell only in the clearest springs.

Megalithic Circles: The great megalithic circles are the heart of the Old Faith. The druids erect standing stones
on prominent hilltops or other places of natural power. The massive stones are either solitary (a menhir),
arranged to form a doorway (a trilithon), or a covered room (a dolmen). The stones commonly are arranged in
circles, but the exact arrangement varies widely.

Sacred Groves: The sacred groves act as centers of worship for the Old Faith. They are the lesser of the two
worship sites and are much more common than megalithic circles. Oak groves are the most prevalent, but other
trees are used, such as the massive deklo or the fruit-bearing usk. The choice of trees in a grove is crucial as
every tree has symbolism to the Old Faith.

Ways of the World: The Ways of the World are a secret means of travel for the Old Faith druids of the Flanaess.
They access a portion of the Ethereal Plane, which allows the druids to cover long distances on Oerth by walking
a short distance in the Ethereal. The Ways open to Oerth between the stones of a trilithon at a megalithic circle
and are guarded by a fey spirit bound to that gateway. Every gateway has a different guardian with a different
personality, and the druids must bargain with the fey for passage into the Ways. Common prices are a bit of
gossip, a song, or a flower, but sometimes the fey demands a difficult or valuable gift for passage.

The appearance of the Ways changes drastically depending on the season and the whim of the natural world.
Sometimes it resembles islands of stone in a thick sea of mist connected by narrow stone bridges. Other times, it
is twisting network of caverns or raised causeways through endless mire. The one constant are the menhirs
located at any crossroads in the Ways. Markings written in the Druidic language cover these stones to guide the
druids through the Ways.

The Ways of the World are not without danger. Centuries ago, vargouilles crept into them and flourished. The
druids consider them an unnatural parasite and try to eradicate them at every opportunity, but they have met with
little success. Because there is no sunlight in the Ways, once a victim is bitten, the corruption into one of these
aberrations continues unabated. The druids often take an Old Lore bard with them to counter the vargouilles’
scream, but travel through the Ways is extremely hazardous.

Hierarchy of the Old Faith

Druids enter the Old Faith as Ovates, where they assist more senior druids much as acolytes assist priests.
Above the Ovates are the Nine Circles of Initiation. When druids first become Initiates, many take an appellation
based upon an aspect of nature that speaks to them (for example, “Dorendel the Hawthorne” or “Jolene the
Hare”) and symbolizes their dedication to the neutral path of the Old Faith. Above the Ovates and the Initiates are
those with the title of Druid, who hold responsibility for a grove or a megalithic circle. The Druids must answer to
the nine Great Druids who each oversee one of the nine geographical regions of Oerth. Because of the vast
distances involved, each Great Druid is assisted by three Archdruids. The near-legendary Grand Druid stands at
the ultimate head of the Old Faith.

Druids arise from the rank of Ovate through the Nine Circles of Initiation by means of a series of trials and
ceremonies that test their wisdom and understanding of druidic lore. The ranks of Archdruid, Great Druid, and
Grand Druid are determined by challenge. Challenges must be made and resolved on the equinoxes and the

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solstices, and a druid may only challenge the rank directly above her current one. The challenge is determined by
the incumbent but must involve some sort of contest between incumbent and the challenger. Common
challenges include riddles, races, wrestling while in wildshape, or chess-style games, but any form of challenge is
possible as long as both contestants face the same danger. If successful, the challenger ascends in rank and
cannot be challenged that season while the incumbent is reduced to the challenger’s rank. If a druid dies while
holding a rank determined by challenge, the druid of the next higher rank sets the challenge and all claimants
must compete with each other. If this happens to the Grand Druid, Beory sets the challenge, providing details of
this through divinations and visions.

The Great Druid for the region that encompasses the Dominion of Greyhawk is Hildefer Paravis (Paravis being
Ancient Suloise for “the Feathered”) (N female human druid 15). She makes her home in the Gnarley Forest,
where she is on excellent terms with the rangers, swanmays, and fey. She is known to use her thousand faces
ability to take a variety of guises. Her favorite is a half-elven bard who travels throughout the lands on the border
of the Gnarley, carrying news while collecting tales to preserve the oral history of the region. Until this year
Hildefer held the rank of Archdruid, but she won the challenge against the former Great Druid at the summer
solstice, when she collected more fireflies (1,526 to be exact) in a single night.

As her first act, Hildefer has reclaimed several megalithic circles in and around the Gnarley Forest. She has
ordered the druids to cull back the bracken and restore the menhirs to their former glory. This activity has
attracted a lot of attention among the fauna and fey of the Gnarley, who have been gathering at these points. The
Greyhawk militia is watching these events carefully for fear that she make take a strong stand against their
incursions into the ancient forest. So far, Hildefer has been content to reclaim the old places of power and to
watch those who enter her forest.

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