WS2021 BAET Mathematical Basics 1 Inhalt ML

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Mathematical Basics BAET Variant 1 (2 pages)

(Please provide all of your answers rounded to the second decimal)

(Please provide not only the final results but as well your calculations that lead to the results.)

Business Mathematics
Exercise 1 (10 Points)
Calculate the first and second derivatives of the following functions:
a) (5 Points) f(x, y) = exp(x + xy)
b) (5 Points) g(x, y) = exp(x)

(1 + 𝑦)exp⁡(𝑥 + 𝑥𝑦)
a) ∇𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦) = ( )
𝑥⁡exp⁡(𝑥 + 𝑥𝑦)
(1 + 𝑦)2 exp⁡(𝑥 + 𝑥𝑦) (1 + 𝑥 + 𝑥𝑦)exp⁡(𝑥 + 𝑥𝑦)
H𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦) = ( )
(1 + 𝑥 + 𝑥𝑦)exp⁡(𝑥 + 𝑥𝑦) 𝑥 2 exp⁡(𝑥 + 𝑥𝑦)
y-xy -2y+xy 1-x
exp(x) exp(x) exp(x)
b) ∇𝑔(𝑥, 𝑦) = ( x ) H𝑔(𝑥, 𝑦) = ( 1-x )

Exercise 2 (10 Points)

Use matrices A and B to calculate the expressions below (If any calculation is not feasible state the
reason why.):
2 2 2 0 0 𝑎
A=( 3 3 3 ); B = (0 𝑎 0)
−5 −5 −5 𝑎 0 0
a) (7 Points) ((A∙B)T)5
b) (3 Points) B2

0 0 0
a) (0 0 0)
0 0 0
𝑎2 0 0
b) ( 0 𝑎2 0 )
0 0 𝑎2

Exercise 3 (10 Points)

Find all solutions of the following linear system of equations with regard to the parameters a and b. If
the system cannot be solved state why. If the system has an infinite number of solutions just state so
but do not determine their structure.
𝑎 1 𝑥 1
( ) ( ) = ⁡ ( )⁡
2 4𝑏 𝑦 0

For ab = 0.5 no solution
For ab ≠ 0.5: x = -2b/(1-2ab); y = 1/(1-2ab)
Exercise 4 (10 Points)
Calculate all extrema (except for marginal values) of the function f(x, y) = x2+ xy + x under the
constraint g(x, y) = x + y – 4 = 0. (It is not required to show that the found extrema are feasible.)

There are no extrema.

Exercise 5 (10 Points)

Since the starting her professional career with 25 Anna each month pays 200€ into a saving plan to
increase her pension. The yearly interest rate lies at 1.4%. At 40 she additionally starts to put 100€
per month into an investment fund that yields 5.8% per year. Both savings are realized in by the
beginning of each month.

When she reaches the age of 65 both savings plans are paid out into a common account with a yearly
interest rate of 1.1%. Out of this account for 35 years, by the beginning of each month she is paid out
a fixed monetary amount.

a) (6 Points) How much money has she saved by the beginning of her pension payments with
b) (4 Points) What is the monthly rate that she is paid each month during the last 35 years?

a) 196,268.7821
b) 562.7169

Statistics 1
Exercise 6 (10 Points)
Fill in the gaps:
a) (2 Points) The upper whisker of a boxplot results from the maximum of a data set.
b) (2 Points) Ordinal scaled data can be ordered but distances cannot be interpreted.
c) (2 Points) The corrected contingency coefficient can be calculated for nominal data and
takes values from the interval [0; 1].
d) (2 Points) The median-class is the first class whose cumulated relative frequency becomes
larger than 50%.
e) (2 Points) If only a finite number of characteristics is possible the data set is discrete and not

Exercise 7 (10 Points)

In a city ten companies exist that patents on a regular basis. During the last ten years they submitted
the following numbers of patent applications:
3 2 5 7 3 8 17 6 4 3
a) (2 Points) Calculate the average number of patents and the mode thereof.
b) (8 Points) Determine all measures required for the construction of a boxplot.
a) xM = 3; X = 5.8
b) xMin = 2; xMax = 17; x0.25 = 3; x0.5 = 4.5; x0.75 = 7

Exercise 8 (10 Points)

For two counties the number of companies that hold patent are summarized by the number of
patents that they hold:
Class County 1 County 2
[1; 5) 117 81
[5; 10) 93 71
[10; 20) 81 32
[20; 100) 65 17
[100; 200] 24 29
a) (8 Points) Calculate for both counties the average number of patents held as well as the
corrected standard deviation.
b) (2 Points) Use the coefficient of variation to determine in which of the two countries the data
fluctuates more strongly.

a) X1 = 25.6934; X2 = 28.8065; s12 = 1444.9909; s22 = 1788.5122; s1 = 38.013; s2 = 42.2908
b) V1 = 1.4795; V2 = 1.4681

Exercise 9 (10 Points)

The companies of a county are summarized according to their patent applications and revenues in
the following way:
Patent Applicatons \ Revenues 0 – 250,000€ 250,000€ - 500,000€ More than 500,000€
0 – 5 Applications 687 341 19
More than 5 applications 21 81 31
Calculate a suitable measure of association that is normalized to the interval [0; 1].

Chi2 = 203.9797/203.6861; k = 0.3839/0.3837; k* = 0.5429/0.5426

Exercise 10 (10 Points)

For selected companies the number of patents held and the company’s rating a displayed in the table
Patents 8 12 18 6 3
Ratings AA AA AAA BB C
Calculate a suitable measure of association.

R = 0.9747 (when using the midpoint ranking method)

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