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Q1: Which of the following is used to set cookies??

a $_COOKIE variable

b isset() function

c $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS variable

d None

e setcookie() function

f None

Q2: Tags and text that are not directly displayed on the page are written in _____ section.?

a None

b <title>

c None

d <body>

e <html>

f <head>

Q3: The data type BLOB stands for:?

a Binary List Obsolete Object

b None

c None of the mentioned

d Binary List Object

e Binary Large Object

f Big List Object

Q4: Which of the following is not a MySQL statement??




d None



Q5: PHP scripts are enclosed within _______?

a <p> . . . </p>

b <?php . . . ?>

c <?php

d ?php . . . ?php

e <? .... ?>

f <php> . . . </php>

Q6: How to list the contents of a folder??

a list

b None

c print

d None

e pwd

f ls

Q7: Which command would you use to gather facts with Ansible??

a ansible your_server -m info

b None
c ansible your_server -m setup

d None

e ansible your_server -m gather

f ansible your_server -m fact

Q8: How to get all resources with simple output (just the resource name) in Kubernetes??

a kubectl api-resources name

b kubectl api -o name

c None

d None

e kubectl api-resources -o name

f kubectl api -r name

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