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Introduction Bayer.

Bayer is a Life Science company which works in the secondary sector, developing the areas of
health and agriculture. The city known as Leverkusen, in Germany, has being their main
headquarter since 1912.
For almost one hundred and fifty-five years, Bayer has been contributing to finding solutions to
some of the major challenges of our time: an adequate supply of food and improved medical care
for a growing population.
Bayer was founded in Wuppertal (Germany), the first of August in 1863, when Friedrich Bayer
and Johann Friedrich Weskott created “Friedr. Bayer et comp”, a firm which started being a
tincture seller. It is not until 1881 when, as a consequence of developing their best-know product:
aspirin; they turn into an international firm. On 1904 Bayer’s cross was registered in the patent
register and in 1917 they have already earned their third industrial site in Germany. However, its
fast growth was interrupted for some years due to first and second world wars and oil crisis.
These problems didn’t destroy Bayer as, around the year two thousand and one, helped by
globalization, they celebrated one hundred years of aspirin. Some years later the firm divides into
three new subgroups: Bayer HealthCare, Bayer CropScience and Bayer MaterialScience and it
also starts cooperating with ONU’s environmental projects, offering them one million euros per
year for promotion. Nowadays, they continue investing in the future.
Legal form of Bayer is based on a corporate structure. The management structure of the Bayer
Group comprises three divisions: Pharmaceuticals, Consumer Health and Crop Science, and the
Animal Health business unit.

Las tinturas medicinales son extractos de los principios activos de las partes usadas de las
plantas medicinales; para ello se emplea un método de extracción en el cual se sumergen o
maceran las plantas
We define "Life Sciences" to encompass companies in the fields of biotechnology,

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