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Completing the Application for Delivery of Mail (Form 1583)

The core of the postal service regulations is the need for each of our Business Address/Mailbox Plus customers to provide
authorization for us to handle their mail on their behalf by having them complete a Form 1583 (Application for Delivery of Mail
Through Agent). Form 1583 demonstrates to the Post Office the clients have elected to have us handle their mail for them, as
well as prove the identity of the client completing the form.

Box 1a-b: Enter Client’s Agreement start and end date. (A new form will need to be filled out for customers who renew, as the
end date of their agreement will need to be updated.)
Box 2a-e: Enter the address the Client is to use to receive their mail at the center. This address must be the center’s,
inclusive of the suite designation and the client’s 3-to-4-digit PMB number that is assigned by the Centre Team
(this number cannot be reused).
Box 3: Select box for ‘Business/Organization Use’.
Box 4a-k: Enter name (e.g., John Smith), address (MUST match address in box 9b), and phone number of Applicant. The
identification provided in Section 8e MUST be for this person and this person MUST be the contact and
signor on the Agreement.
k) Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ if applicant is a court-ordered protected individual – if ‘Yes’, a copy of the court
order must be attached.
Box 5a-j: Enter name (e.g., John Smith), address (MUST match address in box 11b) and phone number of Authorized
Individual to pick up mail on behalf of the Client (if applicable). The identification provided in Section 10e MUST be
for this person.
Box 6a-g: Enter address Client wants their mail forwarded to (if applicable) and include their phone number and email. This
address can NOT be a 3rd-party address (e.g., FedEx, UPS, or any other courier address). To protect against
fraudulent activity, we will not mail forward to any address outside of the US or Canada. Client will need to supply
their own shipping labels or courier account for us to ship internationally.
Box 7a-i: Enter Applicant’s company name (MUST be the same company name on Agreement), type of business (e.g., lawyer),
business address (cannot be our Centre’s address, but can match home address), business telephone (can match
home phone) and the city/country business was registered (if applicable).
Box 8a-e: Enter Applicant’s name, ID number, issuing entity, and expiration date of ‘Photo ID’ selected in box 8e.
Box 9a-g: Enter Applicant’s name and address of ‘Address ID’ selected in box 9g (Must match address in box 4f).
Box 10a-e: Enter Authorized Individual’s name, ID number, issuing entity, and expiration date of ‘Photo ID’ selected in box 10e
Box 11a-g: Enter Authorized Individual’s name and address of ‘Address ID’ selected in 11g.
Box 12: Enter any Team Members associated with the company who will also receive mail at the center, per the agreement
House Rules (up to 3 contacts only and if applicable). 2 forms of Identification, 1 being a photo ID must be
provided, photocopied, and filed for any individual named in this section.
Box 13: Applicant’s signature.
Box 14: Notary, Agent, or Centre Team Member’s signature

Center Procedures:

1. Print two copies of Form 1583 for the customer to complete (one will be physically filed at the centre and the other taken
to the Postmaster).
2. Verify photo ID matches the person. Verify the home address matches the ID. Verify, using online resources, the
business address is not a third-party mail provider (FedEx, UPS, etc.). Even if the form comes notarized, the community
team must verify the entirety of the form. Since a notary stamp can also be forged, it is important we perform our own
validation to protect the business.
3. Verify and record IDs for additional names in box 12.
4. Customer and witnessing person sign the original 1583 form. NOTE: Team Member only signs the form if the customer is
filling the form out at the centre in front of them. Do not sign the form if you are not witnessing the customer fill in all the
information. A notary public can sign the form instead, but we must still validate, as some notaries can be faked.
5. Make a copy of the original signed form and provide to the customer, as well as copies of all IDs.
6. Scan the signed form and photocopy of all IDs to save in the customer’s e-file.
7. Place the original form and photocopy of all IDs in the center’s USPS 1583 file. This file should be lockable and kept secure.
(We MUST have a physical file of these documents in case we ever get audited by the USPS).
8. Take the second completed Form 1583 to the local USPS Postmaster.

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