Co Activity

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Name: Grade and Section: Subject:


Test Your Mood Yes No
1. Do you feel sad, depressed or down most of the time?
2. Are you unable to enjoy the things that once gave you pleasure?
3. Do you feel tired and/or lack energy most of the time?
4. Do you have trouble sleeping or do you sleep too much?
5. Do you find it difficult to concentrate or make decisions?
6. Have you had an increase or decrease in appetite or weight?
7. Have you had feelings of worthlessness or guilt?
8. Have you felt frightened or panicky for no apparent reason at all?
9. Have you felt restless and found it difficult to sit still/
10. Have you been feeling anxious or worried?
11. Have you felt like you just cannot go on or had thoughts of
death or dying?

Name: Grade and Section: Subject:


Test Your Mood Yes No
1. Do you feel sad, depressed or down most of the time?
2. Are you unable to enjoy the things that once gave you pleasure?
3. Do you feel tired and/or lack energy most of the time?
4. Do you have trouble sleeping or do you sleep too much?
5. Do you find it difficult to concentrate or make decisions?
6. Have you had an increase or decrease in appetite or weight?
7. Have you had feelings of worthlessness or guilt?
8. Have you felt frightened or panicky for no apparent reason at all?
9. Have you felt restless and found it difficult to sit still/
10. Have you been feeling anxious or worried?
11. Have you felt like you just cannot go on or had thoughts of
death or dying?

Name: Grade and Section: Subject:


Test Your Mood Yes No
1. Do you feel sad, depressed or down most of the time?
2. Are you unable to enjoy the things that once gave you pleasure?
3. Do you feel tired and/or lack energy most of the time?
4. Do you have trouble sleeping or do you sleep too much?
5. Do you find it difficult to concentrate or make decisions?
6. Have you had an increase or decrease in appetite or weight?
7. Have you had feelings of worthlessness or guilt?
8. Have you felt frightened or panicky for no apparent reason at all?
9. Have you felt restless and found it difficult to sit still/
10. Have you been feeling anxious or worried?
11. Have you felt like you just cannot go on or had thoughts of
death or dying?

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