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Biopsychosocial Model

Biological: The biological and/or chemical factors that influence behaviour.

Psychological: The cognitive and/or psychological factors that influence behaviour. Includes universal and
individual aspects of humans.
Social: Examines a person’s social environment and how these factors influence behaviour.

Task: Once you have watched the various clips in class, give at least three examples at each section of
what process might be occurring. Then discuss how the three aspects of the model could be influencing each
Video 1: Lying Lying my Weed is Flying! - COPS -

Biopsychosocial Factors Officer Andrew Fincher is questioning a man on a bicycle regarding suspicious
behaviour in a known drug neighbourhood. After denying he is in possession
of drugs, the suspect then throws a bag into the bushes in front of the police
officer. Analyse the suspects behaviour.
 Neurochemistry
 Head injury/trauma
 Drugs and alcohol
 Hormones
 Disease
 Age
 Sex
 Fight or flight response
 Sleep

 Cognition and thinking
 Mental illness e.g., anxiety
and depression
 Learning
 Emotions
 Memories
 Perceptions
 Beliefs
 Attitudes

 Cultural values
 Religion
 Family influence
 Societal expectations
 Community
 Social media
 Gender expectations
 Socio-economic status
 Bystanders

How to the three factors interact with each other in the example above? (i.e., how does the biological factors
affect the psychological factors which affect the social factors etc.)

Video 2: Good Will Hunting Bar Scene -

Biopsychosocial Factors Will and his friend Chucky enter a Harvard bar. Chucky then tries to talk to a
pretty girl. Another Harvard student, Clarke, starts to mock Chucky for his
lack of intelligence. Will steps in and humiliates Clarke with his intellect.
Analyse Will’s behaviour.
 Neurochemistry
 Head injury/trauma
 Drugs and alcohol
 Hormones
 Disease
 Age
 Sex
 Fight or flight response
 Sleep

 Cognition and thinking
 Mental illness e.g., anxiety
and depression
 Learning
 Emotions
 Memories
 Perceptions
 Beliefs
 Attitudes

 Cultural values
 Religion
 Family influence
 Societal expectations
 Community
 Social media
 Gender expectations
 Socio-economic status
 Bystanders

How to the three factors interact with each other in the example above? (i.e., how does the biological factors
affect the psychological factors which affect the social factors etc.)

Video 3: Jackass Mini-loop stunt -

Biopsychosocial Factors Ehren McGhehey and his colleague are trying to attempt a loop on the wooden
bike ramp. They are doing this on mini motorised vehicles. Analyse their
 Neurochemistry
 Head injury/trauma
 Drugs and alcohol
 Hormones
 Disease
 Age
 Sex
 Fight or flight response
 Sleep

 Cognition and thinking
 Mental illness e.g., anxiety
and depression
 Learning
 Emotions
 Memories
 Perceptions
 Beliefs
 Attitudes

 Cultural values
 Religion
 Family influence
 Societal expectations
 Community
 Social media
 Gender expectations
 Socio-economic status
 Bystanders

How to the three factors interact with each other in the example above? (i.e., how does the biological factors
affect the psychological factors which affect the social factors etc.)

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