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The Sensual
©2018-2021 The Blueprint Breakthrough, Inc - All Rights Reserved.
You’ve made a thrilling choice to discover the sexual mysteries of your Erotic Blueprint Type™ by
taking the Erotic Blueprint Quiz.
This Special Report has been created for you to deepen your understanding of your Erotic
Blueprint Type and gain new skills, compassion, acceptance and excitement for who you are as an
erotic being.
Based on how you answered the quiz questions, you are an...

Sensual Type™

Knowing this about yourself is the beginning of a deep and wondrous journey.
In this report you'll learn:
How to read your quiz result
What it means to “Know your Pleasure”
What your Sensual Superpowers are
About the Shadows of your Sensual (with a note about healing)
As a Sensual, what turns you on, feeds and fulfills you
Non-Verbal signals to play with
How the Sensual plays with other Blueprint Types (and solo play)
3 suggestions for what we like to call “Homeplay”
Tips for understanding Your Core Erotic Blueprint™ (plus some extra treats)
And what’s next for your development and expansion

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How to Read Your Quiz Results
When you took the Erotic Blueprint Quiz, your results were calculated as a percentage of each of
the five Blueprints. This breakdown helps you know your primary ways of accessing pleasure as
well as secondary and even tertiary methods.


28.57% Sensual
21.43% Shapeshifter
14.29% Kinky
14.29% Sexual
21.43% Energetic

Your Primary Blueprint Type is the type that received the highest percentage. Think of your
Primary Type as a language that you’re most fluent in speaking when it comes to sexuality. It is the
language your body understands and responds to immediately, with ease. It’s the erotic language
that gives you the most immediate access to arousal and turn on, and it’s where your sexuality
feels most at home.
You may have scored the same or a similar percentage on more than one Blueprint. That is likely
an accurate reflection of you having more than one Primary Blueprint Type. This is great news,
because it means you have many pathways to igniting arousal and accessing sexual satisfaction.

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Where did the Blueprints Come From
I’m Jaiya, an internationally recognized Somatic Sexologist, author of the best selling books,
“Red Hot Touch” and “Cuffed, Tied and Satisfied” and creator of The Erotic Blueprints.
For over 25 years I’ve been immersed in the study of Somatic Sexology. Somatic, meaning “of
the body.” My work is deeply rooted in the truths the body tells and not focused so much on
what we ‘think’ about sex and pleasure.
I’ve studied the biology and psychology behind turn on and attraction, ancient erotic rituals,
tantric sex, kinky dynamics and themastery of erotic touch in both my personal and
professional life.
Coaching hundreds of private clients over the years, delivering group workshops, and
performing clinical research led me to discover these 5 distinctive erotic types. Actually, it
feels like these erotic types revealed themselves to me.
I noticed clients with different pathways to experiencing intimacy, arousal, orgasm and
climax. These different arousal pathways began to organize themselves into consistent
patterns. I started to be able to use them with pinpoint accuracy to help my clients
breakthrough blocks that had plagued them for their entire lives.

This Is No Fad or Trend.

I tested this theory of The Erotic Blueprints for 5 years with my private
clients, and within my own relationship, before introducing them publicly.
I needed to know that they were a repeatable formula and made a
difference for my clients.
At this point, hundreds of my own clients, and thousands of the clients of
our Blueprint Coaches™, have now had their lives transformed by this
empowering and revolutionary framework for sexual communication and
They can do the same for you!


Know Your Pleasure

Discovering your Primary Blueprint Type from the Quiz may have already provided some huge
revelations. As a Sensual, you may have felt your incredible lusciousness but didn’t have the words
to express it -- and even more importantly -- to embody it.

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One of the biggest fears we hear regarding sexuality is the fear of being fundamentally broken.But
we are here to tell you that you are not broken!
Your Type, the Sensual, is quick to think you are broken because “you take too long” or “you are too
picky” or because someone told you that their last lover didn’t have these “issues”. However, your
incredible ability to find pleasure through all of your senses, and savor them deeply, can give you
access to full-bodied orgasmic Superpowers! You may not even need to get to the end goal,
because, for you, the journey is where all the erotic juice is.
When you know the Superpowers of your Sensual Type, you begin to learn the language of your
own erotic fulfillment.
Plus, when you understand where the other Blueprints rank in your overall chart, you open up
endless pathways to orgasmic delight.
In other words, the Quiz is just the beginning!
Now that you KNOW your pleasure, you have the delicious opportunity to OWN your pleasure by
embodying it.
This report will provide the map. If at the end you are ready for an adventure, we will offer you a
passport to orgasmic pleasure. We have many exciting treasures of arousal for you to discover.

Your Pleasure Profile

Sexual (14.3%)

Energetic (21.4%)

Shapeshifter (21.4%)

Sensual (28.6%)

Kinky (14.3%)

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Your Sensual Superpowers
Are you excited to hear all about your Superpowers? Let’s dive in.
Sensuals bring the beauty and full-bodied deliciousness to the sexual experience.
You have Superpowers that other Types may envy, like being able to experience orgasmic ecstasy
from eating your favorite foods. You know, that perfect peach or rich dark chocolate that makes
you moan with delicious overpowering pleasure.
If you are just now discovering that you’re a Sensual, you may not have developed these
Superpowers yet. It’s not a necessity, but you’re here reading this, so we know you’re probably
excited to reach your full orgasmic potential.
We share these Superpowers as a way of showing what’s possible for you. If you aren’t
experiencing these heightened states of otherworldly bliss, that absolutely does not mean there is
anything wrong with you.
This is more about showing you your potential as a Sensual Type, and to normalize your unique
expressions of pleasure.
Your Sensual Superpowers:
You love your world to be rich in sensuality – sights, sounds, touch, smells, and tastes that
delight all your senses
When you’re able to drop into your body, you have intense body awareness from the top of
your head all the way to your little toe
You have an amazing capacity to receive physical pleasure
You have an aesthetic for beauty and knack for creating sensual space
Your orgasms can be a multi-sensory experience
Orgasm, for you, could come from eating, smelling or touching something amazing
(especially if you also have elements of the Energetic Blueprint™)
Sensation can drop you out of your head and deep into pleasure
When you are relaxed you can indulge all day in the journey without any focus on the end
How scrumptious does it sound to have these experiences with your intimate connections?
How transformative would it be to have access to these scintillating states of pleasure every time
you opened your sexuality to yourself or to another?

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The Shadows of the Sensual
In Emily Nagoski’s groundbreaking book “Come As You Are” she speaks about the accelerator and
the brakes in your sex life. To put it simply, the accelerator is what puts the fuel on your arousal
and desire, the brakes are what turn off your arousal and desire.
Think of the Shadows of your Blueprint Type as the things that cause your arousal to take a
nosedive, they extinguish your sexual fire.
Shadows can originate from emotional traumas or challenges, physical injuries, biochemical
imbalances, and actual energetic disturbances in the body.
We have observed that healing your Shadows is one of the most effective things you can
do to increase arousal, desire, pleasure and connection.
And, Shadows are only Shadows if they actually put the brakes on your connections and arousal.
Shadow aspects of the Sensual:
You may struggle with getting out of your head and into your body; your mind runs away with
distracting thoughts

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You may worry a lot and project things that may not be true; "I'm taking too long to have an
orgasm"," They must be so bored", "What if I smell bad?"
You can seem incredibly picky and easily thrown off when conditions aren’t perfect
You may have an aversion to sexual fluids or other body fluids; you don’t like a mess
Your orgasms may seem elusive - almost there and then they go away again
Your partner(s) may feel like they can never get it right and you oftentimes agree with the
inner dialogue of “everything they do is wrong”
Healing your Shadows so you can open channels of arousal, connection and satisfaction, can be a
process of unwinding nervous system patterns, learning to advocate for your own needs, asserting
your boundaries and rewiring your nervous system to receive pleasure.
Healing your Shadows, whether they are Sensual Shadows or Shadows of other Blueprint Types,
opens the door to pleasures you didn’t know were possible.
Follow next steps at the end of this Report to learn where you can begin healing your Shadows
with practices and meditations. We can support you in uncovering your Shadows and
transforming them into pathways to incredible arousal!

A Note About Healing

While you may have the Superpowers of the Sensual Type and be fed by Sensual play, you may
not have any of the Shadows of this Type, or may have the Shadows of another Type.
Healing the Shadows is usually the big needle mover for our clients.
We’ve noticed that when you transform the Shadow aspects of your Blueprint, then the fuel on
the fire can really set things ablaze. If the Shadow aspects are constantly putting out the sparks,
it may not matter how much great fuel you use. That’s why healing the Shadows is so very, very
Being a Sensual, healing may involve learning how to stop the monkey mind chatter in your
head, so that you can enjoy what is happening in your body. Setting up an environment that
really works for you to feel sexy in, opening up and allowing yourself to be more vulnerable
and/or healing past hurts that have left an impact on you feeling safe and connected.
Engaging with a highly conscious and safe community around sexuality, utilizing mindset
meditations to rewire your nervous system and learning sex cultivation practices are some of
the ways to help heal your Blueprint.

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Ways to Feed a Sensual
Take a moment to think about all the ways that you feed yourself.
Are you thinking about what you ate for breakfast today?
Perhaps you remember the sweet satisfaction of tasting your morning smoothie…or maybe you
thought of the last time you were surrounded by the beauty of nature.
“Feeding” our Blueprint Type is about nourishment of the body and soul in ways that awaken
It’s the act of giving and receiving pleasure in ways that satisfy yourself and your lovers.
It’s probably WHY you are here -- to increase sexual satisfaction and connection with yourself, your
body, and your partner.
When your Blueprint Type is fully fed, you have more vitality.
Let’s dive into the buffet of all that feeds you.
Sensuals are turned on by all of their senses being ignited. You love the right yummy tastes. You
delight in the delicious smells around you. You savor an expertly delivered massage. Your eyes
find pleasure in colors and textures in a room.
Music can deeply affect you, bringing emotion or chills to the surface.
Playing with a Sensual is like creating a work of art. You can’t rush it, it’s not complete until it’s done
and the end product may be completely different than you thought it would be.
Do you feel fed and fulfilled in your eroticism? For the Sensual, relaxation and surrender to the
journey is essential.

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Feeding your Blueprint means giving yourself the touch and engaging in the various activities that
keep your fire raging. This point brings me to reveal the things that really help a Sensual drop
deep into pleasure. The majority of people are starving in their Erotic Blueprint and therefore they
feel they are broken or even suspect they do not have desire at all. The truth is that they simply
are not putting the right kind of fuel into the fire.

Here are a variety of ways to feed your Sensual:

Toggles: These are things that help you shift from daily life to an erotic experience.
Hot baths with essential oils
Cleaning up the bedroom first
A romantic dinner
Slow dancing
Peace of Mind: Address fears and periodically remind yourself of your enjoyment. Check in now
and then to make sure you’re staying present or ask a partner to do this for you.
I’ve got you
I’m really loving this right now -- I could do this all day
Trust me to take care of my own comfort, I’ll adjust if I need to
You smell really delicious
Sensual Treats and Play: Focusing on sensation can help you stay present with the pleasure
happening in your body.
Wearing a blindfold
Essential oils
Furry blankets or mitts
Body sliding massage
Feeding each other sensual foods

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Sensation play with a variety of sensory objects
Whole hand touch that wraps around curves and contours of the body
Oily, long slow massage strokes
Sensual kissing
Chest massage (do not only focus on the nipple)
Long strokes that include the genitals but do not focus on them
Genital petting
Getting turned on through your partner’s body
Subtle and authentic moaning and pleasurable sounds can be more exciting than specific

A Note About Words

“Speaking the Blueprints” is an important part of our in-depth coursework.
The use of some words may be upsetting or activating to some people and titillating or exciting
to others. For instance the use of the word “stalking” may be triggering to some and it may also
carry a charge of excitement and edge to it for other people.
Each Blueprint Type has a way of speaking that really turns them on... And ways that turn them
off. It also involves the correct vocal tone, body language and word choice all in concert,
creating a symphony of arousal and heightened ecstatic states.
Think of how it would mean to have your lover know just the right words to whisper in your ear
in the middle of the day, or text to you as you anticipate a full sensory immersion of juicy
textures, tastes and smells that night.
Imagine the seductive power of knowing exactly what to say and just how to say it!

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Non-Verbal Body Language

For fun, pay attention to these Sensual signals:

Will frequently moan without knowing it, especially when smelling or eating something
Will touch clothing or rub their body in some way while they talk
When fed sexually, they will sometimes cry, especially if they have been starving to be fed
May turn to food or other pleasure to get their Blueprint fed
May dress in a way that prioritizes comfort or sensation: shoes, undergarments or outfits that
make them feel physically good

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Blueprint Compatibility
How the Sensual Likes to Play with Others

Incompatibility is a Myth!
We believe that when it comes to Blueprints and sexual compatibility, incompatibility is a myth. It’s
like saying that if you are in love with someone who speaks a different language than you, then you
are incompatible as humans.

Think of Blueprints as languages.

When faced with challenges of sexual satisfaction inside of a relationship, you may be attempting
to speak Italian while your partner actually speaks Greek. This can create communication
breakdown, misunderstandings, resentment and disconnection.
You can also look at each Blueprint Type as it's own beautiful instrument. Exploring and learning
how to play your own erotic instrument allows you to become a virtuoso of your own body. And
that is what pleasure is all about.
If you’re committed to creating mind-blowing erotic fulfillment, isn’t it time to become a virtuoso of
your lover’s body, and teach them how to become a virtuoso of yours?
If you’re single, of course you want to learn as many erotic languages as possible, allowing your
self-pleasure practice to become multi-dimensional. Also, who knows what Blueprint your next
lover might be!!
We do observe that the couples who seem to have the biggest challenges in their sexual lives are
those with opposite Blueprints.

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This does not mean that they are incompatible, they just haven’t learned each other’s erotic
language yet
This also does not necessarily mean having similar Blueprints as your partner is the best approach
to sexual satisfaction. Sometimes having the same Blueprint as your partner can create issues.
For example, if two people are matching in their primary Blueprints but passion flatlines due to
the sameness of desires or the repetition of patterns, intimacy becoming lifeless, there is no place
to turn to heat things up.
Luckily, that desire by one or both partners for more; more foreplay, connection, frequency,
intensity, taboo play, space and anticipation, can be fed by exploring the turn ons of your
Secondary and Tertiary Blueprints.
If you or your partner is getting bored, frustrated or feeling unsatisfied, it may be due to the
cravings of your less prominent Blueprints desiring to be fed. This is when expanding into your
Secondary and Tertiary Blueprint Types becomes essential in order to evolve into the infinite
possibilities of pleasure that exist.
This report goes deep and yet is just the tip of the iceberg. Expanding the Blueprints is an aspect
we cover more in depth in our courses where you learn to not only know your pleasure but also
own it and fully live it!
For now, to give you a few hints on how to break through “incompatibility”...
Here are just a few examples of how an Sensual plays with other Blueprint Types:

Sensual & Energetic

Energetics can be a great match for a Sensual. They both can get lost in the
experience without the need for goal-driven sex and instead, can enjoy the
journey and play of the interaction.
Also, they may both put a great deal of importance on the quality of their
environment and surroundings. For both the Energetic and the Sensual, it is
important that nothing will distract them.
The Energetic may close all the doors and make sure the energy “feels good”, whereas the Sensual
will bring in the candles, flowers and beautiful visual enhancements and smells, so the space looks
and feels delicious and inviting.
An Energetic’s need for space and a Sensual’s need for closeness can cause challenges.
Energetics may feel smothered by the Sensual’s “touchy feely” nature. Sensuals may feel
unfulfilled if the Energetic isn’t grounded and always goes to light touch without any “grit and
grind” to it. This is especially true if partnered with a Light Energetic.

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Sensual & Sexual
Sensuals and Sexuals together can be an exquisite pairing in that they give
each other the opportunity to have both beauty and super hot sexual
Sensuals can bring a world of refinement and slowness to a Sexual and
a Sexual can bring the heat. There can be a lot of attraction at the
beginning of the relationship because, as they say, “opposites attract”
A Sensual needs to relax before great sex happens, whereas great sex for a
Sexual is how they relax.
The Sexual often moves too quickly and without much awareness of the needs of the Sensual for
slowness, relaxation and lots of foreplay before intercourse or penetration is even considered (it’s
okay Sexuals, no one told you).
Sensuals can get very critical and caught up in their heads. They can be very frustrated with their
Sexual partner and want them to “mind read” their pleasure. Often nothing that their Sexual
partner does is “right”. This only causes further resentment and turn off. Lack of desire can be the
If left unchallenged and unchanged, in long-term relationships, the Sensual becomes so frustrated
they start to lose attraction and passion. The Sexual eventually feels like such a failure that they
give up trying at all and will turn off their sexual energy in order to avoid feeling incompetent,
furthering the disconnect.
I’ve seen this far too often and we’ve turned this issue around for those of our clients who are
committed to learning each other’s erotic language of arousal.

Sensual & Kinky

Sensuals and Kinkies can make a great partnership because both of them
love sensation and find it can be a powerful tool for going deeper into the
body. This is especially true if the Sensual is really open to intense
sensation and the Kinky is a sensation-based Kinky.
Because both of these Blueprints can go into deep body play and are not so
much focused on intercourse, there is an endless world of creativity to
Because both the Kinky and Sensual thrive in rich environments and with play that requires
thought and preparation, they can easily fall into epic scenes or sessions that flow into delicious
On the flip side, where this pairing can run into challenges, is if the Sensual is in judgement,
criticism and lack of understanding and acceptance of the Kinky, or if both partners either really

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want to surrender or to dominate and no one is willing to switch the roles of giving and receiving.
Kinky Blueprints need acceptance and permission more than anything and the critical Shadow of
the Sensual can bring up the Kinky’s Shadow of shame.
Kinkies can sometimes get bored and find light sensation play doesn’t have enough depth for
them, so their needs are not met.

Sensual & Shapeshifter

The good news here is that the Shapeshifter can also speak Sensual, making
this a great match as long as the Sensual is willing to play with a lot of
sexual variety and novelty.
A Sensual can feed a Shapeshifter with prolonged play and diving
deep into the sensory experience and slowness of sexuality.
The downfall might be that the Shapeshifter can get caught only playing
in the Sensual. Since they are good at shifting into playing with any
Blueprint they can totally please their partner but may be left feeling
starved instead of fed. This usually results in boredom for them and they
may then seek novelty in unconscious ways.

A Note to Singles
You are an erotic being -- whether or not you’re in relationship. You do not need a lover to find
your turn on or fill your pleasure tank. You deserve pleasure now!
Developing a deep knowledge of your sexuality while you are solo, can increase the level of
your vitality and magnetism in every moment of life.
Plus, getting to know your body’s deepest turn ons, exploring your erotic mind and enjoying
what you desire…
Empowers you to enter into your next intimate adventure with confidence -- rather than hoping
your next lover will be the one who meets your needs.
When you know who you are as an erotic being, the next time you do play with a date, a lover or
a partner, it will be off-the-hook orgasmic.
While you are single, the world is your playground. Become your own ultimate lover!

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Here’s your homework (or “homeplay” as we like to call it)...
Refer to the resources provided above in this Special Report.
Choose a Sensual Superpower you would like to explore, i.e., multi-sensory orgasms,
indulging all day, etc
Select 3-5 ways you would like to Feed your Sensual from the list provided above
Set time aside over the next week to practice these techniques during solo play or with a
Make this practice winnable - Meaning, don’t over commit. For example: set aside three times to
explore that are 15 minutes each. You definitely have this much time to dedicate to your pleasure.
Don’t go from no pleasure practice to trying to do 60 minutes a day, every day. This is likely to
reinforce a sense of failure. You want to win and celebrate your wins!
Discover one Shadow aspect of your Blueprint that you would like to heal - Remember, you
may have the Shadow of one of the other Blueprints, but no Shadows of the Sensual. Use what
applies to you.
Journal about this Shadow aspect - The first step is bringing awareness to the piece that is
inhibiting your pleasure. When did it first arise in your life? Where do you feel it in your body? How
does it show up in your sex life and in other areas of your life?
A Word of Warning - Healing your Shadows can be very deep and sometimes triggering work.
We highly recommend getting skilled support working with a trained and experienced sexuality
coach, finding a sex-positive, trauma informed therapist and joining a healthy, sex-positive
community where you can be accepted for who you are becoming and compassionately
supported during your journey.
It’s time for your Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough!

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What’s Next

Now that you know a bit about your Sensual Superpowers, your Shadows, how you like to be fed,
and how you play with others, it is important for you to keep taking action.
We encourage you to start today by making it a daily practice to feed your erotic self!
The information in this report has given you a lot to go with, and yet it is a drop in the bucket of
what’s available to you.
Each Erotic Blueprint Type has an entire menu of pleasure possibilities available to create arousal,
excitement, erotic exploration and orgasmic ecstasy.
Most of our students see transformational results by learning not only who they are but also really
owning their Sensual Blueprints and living it fully.
We’ve given you some places to start when it comes to getting your Blueprint fed and putting
some fuel on the fire.
Now, are you ready to expand into more variety and speak your truest desires?
Whether you answered “yes” with an uncertain whisper or a toe curling scream, we’ve got a couple
more treats to share...

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Pleasure First

As you identify what turns you on as an Sensual, we encourage you to expand your range of
Everything in The Blueprint Breakthrough includes ways to explore pleasure. It’s our priority.
Whether starting a module in our courses or a business team meeting, we put pleasure first.
This doesn’t even have to take much time. Quick experiments can put you in your body, teach you
something delicious, and nourish your Sensual Type.
We want to offer you an experience of one of our many, many exercises.

>> Click here for a 3 minute video on finding your pleasure <<

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Your Core Erotic Blueprint
Yes, you have both a Primary Blueprint and an expanded Core Erotic Blueprint.
Just like your Sensual Type provides a map, a guide, a framework, a language that helps you talk
about your sexuality with greater ease and acceptance…
Your Core Erotic Blueprint consists of:
Your Erotic Blueprint Type (what this report focuses on)
Your Sexuality Stage
Your Obstacles/Pathways to Sexual Health and Pleasure
Let’s take a closer look at those last two elements.

The 5 Stages of Sexuality

People often make the mistake of thinking their sexuality is static and unchanging. But just like
everything else in life, we go through changes in our sexuality.
Honoring where your sexuality is right now, at this moment in time, creates freedom and ease. You
can let go of judgment and accept where you’re at. You are not broken!

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If you are in this stage you may be in a sexless relationship, taking a break from sex by choice or
craving a sexual connection that either you once had or have never experienced.
You are in this Stage if you are seeking to overcome your sexual obstacles and heal what keeps
you from having great sexual experiences.
In this Stage you want to learn more about your sexuality and how you can make it better. You are
most likely interested in Erotic Intelligence and raising your Erotic IQ.
In this Stage you give yourself permission to actually experience the things you’ve been curious
about or learning about. You are actively exploring your sexuality by stepping outside of the your
usual box.
You are in this Stage if you are interested in experiencing the “more” to sexuality. You may be
desiring to move beyond the physical, using intimacy as a form of spiritual expression. You may be
exploring Tantra or erotically induced states of ecstasy.

Which Stage Feels Like Where You Are Right Now?

We have another quiz to help you out!

>> Discover Your Stage of Sexuality by Clicking Here <<

The 4 Obstacles/Pathways

to Sexual Health and Pleasure

There are four main Obstacles to Sexual Health and Pleasure.
Left unaddressed, these obstacles may present serious roadblocks to the function of your libido,
suppressing your desire and killing your connection to turn on and climax. Modern medicine
often looks at these areas in isolation, if it looks at them at all.

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Your overall sexual vitality is dependent on looking at your entire system holistically. When you’re
empowered to become your own sex detective, you can uncover the true roots of any problems
you may be facing and begin the process of reclaiming optimal health.
Here’s the good news...
Once you discover what in each of these four areas is holding you back, you can then turn them
around and use them as pathways to vitality and orgasmic satisfaction.
What are these 4 Obstacles/Pathways to Sexual Health and Pleasure?
This obstacle involves the health of your physical body. Have you sustained injuries which impede
your flexibility, or create chronic pain? Are you suffering from muscular atrophy, scar tissue,
arthritis or a lack of exercise?
This obstacle is all about your bio-chemistry. Modern life can be a daily battle that depletes
healthy hormones and throws our systems out of whack. Optimizing your bio-chemistry,
understanding things like neurotransmitter dominance and your blood health, help to increase
your capacity for physical attraction and the sexual chemistry that creates desire and turn on.
This obstacle has to do with your emotional health. Have you experienced traumas related to your
sexuality that are unresolved? Are you able to express your needs in healthy ways? Are you
harboring resentments which have built up in your relationship?
We are bio-energetic before we are bio-chemical, physical or anything else. Our energetic field is
vitally important because every cell in our body is energy and is connected to the energy that
surrounds it. If your energetic environment is toxic to your system, you may be fighting an uphill
battle every day, which leaves nothing in the tank available for erotic intimacy. This
Obstacle/Pathway also has to do with the strength of empowering polarities in your sex life. Does
your lover present a powerful Yang to your Yin or visa versa? These energetic polarities are what
create and sustain hot attraction for a lifetime.

Transforming Obstacles to Pathways

You can see how any one of these aspects on its own may negatively or positively impact your sex
life. Awareness is the first step to creating transformation. Take some time to journal about these
areas of your life to see what’s working and what’s not for you in your life right now.
Optimizing these areas of your life is a complex and rewarding pursuit. The tools to do this work
are beyond the scope of this Blueprint Report. Each Obstacle/Pathway is an opportunity for deep
investigation. Throughout our courses, we dedicate time and energy to empower you to become
your own erotic detective.

>> Click Here for a Tiny Tease <<

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Pleasure is Your Birthright
Claim it!
Your body is yours. No one else’s!
Many of us have gone through life with stories that our bodies and our pleasure is not our own. In
fact, you possibly inherited embarrassment, shame and trauma around your erotic expression
from your family, society, culture and religion. And, if you’re like most of us, no one ever gave you a
pleasure education.
It takes education, mentorship and a dedication of time and energy to reclaim your sexual
sovereignty and to discover the connection, pleasure and sexual satisfaction that is possible.
Getting this report and learning about your Erotic Blueprint is the first step towards fully
reclaiming your body and your pleasure.
It’s time to end the legacy of pain and shame associated with sex and pleasure!
It’s time to discover all that’s erotically possible!

©2018-2021 The Blueprint Breakthrough, Inc - All Rights Reserved.

In this report, we’ve introduced you to several empowering aspects of your Core Erotic Blueprint:
The Stages of Your Sexuality
The Obstacles/Pathways to Sexual Health and Vitality
Your Blueprint Type, it’s Superpowers and practices to feed and fulfill your desires
How your Shadow aspects may be putting the brakes on your pleasure
How your primary Blueprint Type successfully plays with other Blueprints
These insights open new possibilities for your erotic empowerment and sexual satisfaction.
This new sexual literacy gives you a peek into what’s ahead for you, when you choose to expand
into the Superpowers of your Primary Blueprint and expand into the pleasures provided by all the
other Blueprint Types.
Knowing your Primary Blueprint Type shows you where you’re limited just as much as it shows you
where you’re resourced. You don’t know what you don’t know about erotic possibilities, until you
lean about them.
The possibilities for exploration are truly endless. The journey of erotic mastery can span your
entire lifetime!
Erotic mastery gives you the ability to always get your needs met and the confidence to satisfy any
lover, no matter what their Blueprint Type is.
An Erotic Master understands nuance, has subtlety in their touch, can dance with shifting needs,
and has the ability to create and ride on endless waves of orgasmic pleasure.
The path to erotic mastery is all about pleasure and play.
We’d love to be your guides and we invite you to…

©2018-2021 The Blueprint Breakthrough, Inc - All Rights Reserved.

Discover Your Deepest Desires
Join the…
Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough™ Course
Throughout these pages you've discovered who you are as a unique erotic being. Congratulations!
Our greatest desire is that this knowledge gives you permission to feel more pleasure and reach
your full orgasmic potential.
After identifying as a Sensual Type, people often have a series of conflicting emotions…
...a longing for deeper intimacy but worried about it always having to lead to intercourse
...the hope to enjoy a full body orgasm but worried about getting stuck in their head and being
...a desire to luxuriate in a beautiful, sensual experience but anxious about not being able to
create it perfectly.
That’s why your next step is so important -- the step that takes you from KNOWING your pleasure
to OWNING and LIVING it. And we are here to help you walk through any insecurities and
embrace your superpowers.
The 8 in-depth modules in Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough (with over 70 easy to digest and
actionable video trainings) take you on a journey of sexual awakening and empowerment
Watch our super hot video demonstrations that you can master for a lifetime of arousal
Learn as a couple what you need to keep sparks flying long term AND practice solo how to
achieve sexual satisfaction anytime
Transform your biggest obstacles into your deepest pathways for pleasure
Become the ultimate lover when you discover how to find pleasure in all that’s erotically

It’s Your Body! It’s Your Pleasure! Claim it!

>> Get Your Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Now <<

©2018-2021 The Blueprint Breakthrough, Inc - All Rights Reserved.

Expand Your Pleasure

All 5 Blueprint Reports

Your Blueprint Quiz results showed different percentages of Blueprint Types in your profile. In
fact, you may have had several Types vying for the top slot.
Or your lover may have received a different result for their Primary Blueprint Type and you want to
know more.
Or maybe you're feverishly curious about what the other Blueprint Types have to offer and you’re
ready to expand.
“Expanding” means that you are learning how to have blissful experiences in Blueprints other than
your Primary.
Expanding also allows you the ability to play with any Blueprint with ease.
Expanding could also be about fully developing your own Sensual Blueprint into its full
Superpower capacity.
Exciting, yes!?!
Fantastic! Because when you join Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough today, you get
all 5 of the Blueprint Reports as a bonus!

You have a world of arousal waiting to emerge inside of you!

Uncover all the delicious sides of you and gain every advantage as a lover.
Discover all that is erotically possible and be able to explore how much pleasure you can stand.

>> Join Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Today <<

©2018-2021 The Blueprint Breakthrough, Inc - All Rights Reserved.

A Lifetime Membership
in Erotic Freedom Club!
Erotic Freedom Club (EFC) is our exclusive online membership community
With your investment in Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Course, you get LIFETIME membership in
Erotic Freedom Club.
Here's a few of the many great benefits to membership...

2 Monthly, Group Coaching Calls with our Erotic Blueprint™ Master Trainers, to give you
skilled guidance and transformational coaching every step along your journey. Yes, that’s
right! Every month you have world class sex and relationship experts at your finger tips

A Library of Immersive Bonus Video Trainings, so you always have a path to explore and
expand your Erotic curiosities. These video trainings are clothing on, no nudity. That said,
they are still very hot, sometimes edgy and always full of powerful visual instruction

A Safer Space to Be YOU! The world is not the safest place to explore your sexuality. The
power of having a peer group supporting your growth has been scientifically proven. End the
isolation and join others who have courageously chosen to claim their pleasure. (NOTE: Our
culture is consent based and values diversity and inclusion. You grow and explore at a pace
that is comfortable to you)

Enjoy unlimited access to this sex-positive, informed, compassionate, consent-based community

as you live your pleasure through the Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Course.

>> Claim This Powerful Lifetime Bonus NOW <<

©2018-2021 The Blueprint Breakthrough, Inc - All Rights Reserved.

The Power of the Blueprints
The Erotic Blueprints allow you to access new skills, compassion, acceptance and excitement for
who you are as an erotic being. Your Pleasure Profile opens you up to an entire rainbow of erotic
possibilities. And therein lies the power of the blueprints...the power to know your fullest self.
Of course, pleasure isn’t just about information. It’s about feeling more pleasure, deeper layers of
passion and the essence of play! The key is to put your new knowledge into action -- to explore
your full range of desires.
When our clients use The Erotic Blueprint Methodology to discover how to nurture and feed their
pleasure pathways, great things happen:
“The Blueprints inspired me to find ME, to look and see who I am at the deepest levels of
myself.” — Coryelle, Santa Fe, NM
“I feel more connected with my own wants and needs, and I apologize less for being myself.
I am able to step into my own passions, owning them and appreciating them for the
wonderful gifts they are.” — Jeremy, Pasadena, CA
“The Blueprints accelerated my sexual evolution and I couldn’t be more pleased. Ahh, I feel
pleasure as I write this very sentence and now…” — Matt, East Lansing, MI
“I felt every part of my being come even more alive than I even imagined was possible. It’s
been a very sexy exploration!” — Suzanne, Vancouver, BC
“The Blueprints have given me an outlet for uncovering my own obstacles & pathways to
owning my full sexuality, given me more confidence, a better understanding of what I want in
life and from a partner, and at the same time I feel like I am just starting out on the journey.”
— Elle, Santa Fe, NM
You are responsible for your experience on this journey. Will you commit to being vulnerable and
allowing transformation to take hold?
The Erotic Blueprints may just open you to a new world of deeper, intimate connection and
incredible sexual fulfillment.
Now it’s time to take the next step and...

>> Claim Your Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough <<

Fill Your Heart with Love…

...and Your Life with Pleasure

©2018-2021 The Blueprint Breakthrough, Inc - All Rights Reserved.

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