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Business Letter and Report Writing

What is a Business Letter?

A business letter is a letter from one company to another, or such organizations and
their customers, clients, or other external parties.

These letters, shaped by the relationships between parties, serve various purposes—
from requesting information to ordering supplies. They tactfully point out mistakes,
provide direct replies, extend apologies, and convey goodwill.

Business letters are invaluable for their permanence. In a world of fleeting digital
messages, they offer a tangible, lasting record, enhancing their credibility and
seriousness. The formal language they employ commands respect, reflecting the gravity
we assign to the matters at hand.

Need of Business Letter

Businesses find business letters indispensable for various reasons within the corporate
landscape. Here are several common motivations prompting businesses to engage in
business letter correspondence:

1. Formal Communication: Business letters offer a formal channel for interacting with
clients, customers, suppliers, and other business associates. They project a sense of
professionalism, underscoring the sender’s commitment to taking the communication

2. Legal Documentation: Certain business letters, like contracts, agreements, and

proposals, serve a dual purpose by acting as legal documentation. These letters play a
crucial role in establishing legal obligations and safeguarding the interests of both
parties, particularly in the event of a dispute.

3. Requesting Information: Business letters serve as a means to request information

from other businesses, organizations, or individuals. For instance, a company might seek
a price quote from a supplier or seek clarification on a product or service through such
4. Handling Complaints: Businesses utilize letters to address grievances concerning
products, services, or issues with orders and deliveries. These complaint letters serve as a
constructive tool for issue resolution and contribute to preventing future problems.

5. Sales and Marketing: Business letters play a pivotal role in sales and marketing
initiatives. They can be employed to introduce new products or services, or to promote
special offers and sales. This form of communication serves as a strategic tool for
engaging with the target audience and driving business growth.

Functions of Business Letter

1. Conveying Information: The primary objective of business letters is to transmit

information related to various business activities. These letters serve as a means to
communicate with customers, suppliers, debtors, government authorities, financial
institutions, banks, insurance companies, and any other entities associated with the

2. Concluding Transactions: A specific role of business letters is to bring about the

conclusion of completed transactions. They are frequently utilized to formalize and
finalize business dealings.

3. Generating Demand: Business letters, particularly circular letters, play a crucial role in
creating demand for new products. Circular letters enable simultaneous communication
with a wide audience.

4. Building Goodwill: Despite the instantaneous nature of electronic communication, a

well-crafted business letter retains its significance in shaping a positive image for the

5. Business Expansion: By conveying goodwill messages and utilizing circular letters,

businesses can effectively expand their existing market reach.

6. Establishing Relationships: Business letters serve as a tool to establish and nurture

mutual relationships with customers, suppliers, and other relevant stakeholders.
7. Documentary Evidence: Business letters also play a role in maintaining documentary
evidence. Preserving letters provides a record for future reference and documentation.

8. Inquiries: In addition to sending messages, businesses receive vital information from

external sources. Business letters are instrumental in making inquiries about necessary
matters essential for the smooth operation of the business.

Types of Business Letter

There are several types of business letter, each with its own purpose and format. Here
are some of the most common types:

Business Letter

Official Demi-Official Internal or Form Letter


1. Official Letter: This category involves letters addressed to government or semi-

government entities, signifying a formal method of communication.
2. Semi-Official Letters (D.O.): Semi-official letters maintain an official purpose
but are uniquely directed to an individual by name. They come into play when a
matter requires personal attention, involves confidentiality, or demands
immediate resolution.
3. Internal Memos or Letters: Commonly employed within government offices and
businesses, internal memos or letters facilitate communication within the
organizational framework.
4. Form Letters: These letters are crafted for repetitive or routine communication
needs. They are applied for tasks such as acknowledgments, reminders,
interviews, notices, appointments, etc. Specific details are inserted as required for
each instance.

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