Class of 2006

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Class of 2006
University of Richmond

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Class of 2006

Section 1

Yasmeen Mufeed Abdullah Brooke Taylor Alexander Benjamin David Bowers

( 1'11.1mee11 ) ( /Jmoke) (B en )
Easte rn Wa shin gton Uni ve rsit y Uni v or No Carolina-C hapel Hill Virginia Polytec hni c In st.

John Brendan Boyle Heath David Bradford I~y an Rumel Bradley Steven Edward Buckingham
(Jo/i11 ) ( /-le(ff/i ) ( Rva11 ) (Steven )
Co ll ege or Will iam and Mary Co lk ge or Wi lli am and Mary Loyola Colkge Furman Uni versit y

Donta 'e LaMont Bugg Kristi Nicole Cahoon Catherine Ann Carswell Alex Thomas Case
( /J o11w 'e) (Kristi) (Cm/iv) (1\/e.1)
Univ. or Mary land-Colkge Park D icki nson Co lk ge Cornd l Uni ve rsit y A lbion Coll ege

Jason Richard Casper ,Jonathan Chiu Aaron Joseph Christoff Nathan Anthony Colarusso
(.laso11 ) (.!011atlw11) (Aaron) (Nate)
U ni versit y of Virg ini a Duke Un iversity Loyola Uni versi ty Lynchburg Colk ge

Brock Harlan Cole Sarah Elizabeth Cone Christen Moire Connell Barbara Buchanan Cooke
( /Jm ck) (Sllrah ) (Christ en ) (Barbara )
Uni vcrsi1 y or Richmond Ohio S1a1e U11i versi1 y Co ll ege o r William and Mary Co ll ege o r William and Mary

Jason Andrew Cooper Douglas Wallace Copeland, Ill Brian Thomas Diehl Lisa Dobrowolsky
(.lll.\"IJll) ('fripp ) (B rill11) ( Lisll)
.l:11nc:s Madi so n U11i versi1 y Hampd en-Sydney Coll ege Penn syl vania S1a1e Uni ve rsi1 y Villanova Uni versi1 y

Matthew MacDonald Durden Kimherly Beth Eagan Stephen Eugene Feil Katharine Leigh Fuegi
(Mllll) ( !Jeth) (Steve) ( Kathllri11 e)
Un iv or No Carolina -Chapel Hi ll Wa ke Fores! Uni vcrsi1y Tex as A & M Universil y Pennsy l va nia Slate Uni ve rsity

Michelle Blcase Gajda Bary William Hausrath l~ lcna Rosa Herasme .Jonathan Andrew Hilton
(Micl l<'ll<' ) (!Jarv) (El ena ) (Drew)
Uni vc:rsi1 y orTex as- ;\ usi in George Ma son Uni ve rsil y Virginia Common weahh Un i v. Bri gham Young U ni vers it y

Elizabeth Stipes Holder Siobhan Maikyl .)amsa Helen Eun-Ah Jhun Helen Marta Johnson
( /Je1sy) (Siobhan) (Hel en) ( f-/ el e11)
Dartm outh Co ll ege Con nec li eut Co ll ege Boston Universit y Emory Uni versit y

C hristo1>her Michael Kelly Bennett Kyle Kochler William Delbe rt Kroupa Andrei .Jacob Kublan
(Chris) ( !Jen11e11) (!J illy) (Andrei)
SUNY Bin gha1i11on Cent er Uni v. o l.Cal il'o rnia -Bcrke ley Wake Fo rest Uni ve rsit y .lames Madi son Uni ve rsit y

Valerie Al ine L' Hcrrou Hendrik .Johnson Lammers Brian Lewis Lang Elliott. l~)' Cmng Lee
(Valerie) ( H endrik) ( /Jri1111) (Ell ioll)
Mary Ba ldw in Co llege Western Maryland Co ll ege Roc hes ter Inst. or Tec hno logy Uni v. or Calirornia- Berkeley

Neal Howard Lewis Erin Elizabeth Lit.tie Jean ette Leigh M:mausa Christopher Mangin , Jr.
(Nea l ) (Erin ) (J e11n elle) (Chris)
Uni ve rsit y or Houston U11i v. 01·T'enncssGc-Chatt an()(lga Uni versit y o r Maine-Orono Wake Forest Uni ve rsit y

Stephanie Anne Marcus Laura Kathryn Marston Kathryn Elizabeth Matta Stacey Lynn McDonough
(Ste11!11111ie) (Laura) (Koi ty ) (Stacey)
Univcrsi1 y or Notre Dame College o r William and Mary Loyo la Col lege Old Dominion Uni vcrsil y

Cassandra Marie Melton Luke Russell Miller Patricia M. Moody Jared L. Moon
( Co.1·.1·a11dra) (L11ke) ( Pa11i) (.fared)
U11i versi1 y or Noire Darne .l :1mcs Madi son Uni versil y Uni v. or Maryland-Coll ege Park Sou1h crn Uiah S1a1c Coll ege

Samuel Collyns Moo1·c Adam Robbins Mordecai Michael Lee Morris Johnie Rush Muncy
(S111111w/) (/\rlw11) (Mic/Joel ) (.!oh11 ie)
Univcrsi1 y or f'l orida Uni vcrsi1 y or New Hampshire Virginia Pol y1ec hnic ln sl. Vi rgini a Pol y1cc hni c ln sl.

Ashley Elizahcth Murphy Shchzad Khan Niazi Andrew Justin Pclcsch Jason Douglas Recd
(1\ s/iley) (S/111 z) (A 11drew) (.lo.wm)
Trin i1y Col lege-C l' Wa shin glon and Lee Uni vcrsi1 y Nonh Carolin a S1a1c- Ral cigh Mi ll igan Colkge

Corcnia Thoroughgood Riley Denis Pasquale l{iva, .Jr. Scan David Rogers Laura Diane Schreiber
-. (Sean ) (Laura )
(Co renia ) (D enis)
U ni versity o f Vi rginia Washingw n and Lee Univcrsi1y Vi rgini a Commonw ealth U niv. Uni vc rsi1 y or Virgini a

Joshua Seth Shapiro ,Joshua Michael Siegel Rebecca Anne Signer Corey Byrd Simpson
(Joshua) (Joshua ) (B ecky ) (Corey)
SU NY 13inghamlon Ccnl cr Uni v. or M ary land -Coll ege Park Uni vcrsi1 y or Virginia Uni vcrsi1 y or Virginia

Amy Sue Skoglund Brndi Lynn Smith Douglas Brian Smith Karl Stephen Tarrant
(A 111y ) ( /Jradi ) ( D oug) ( Karl )
York Coll ege or Penn sy lvan ia Uni v. of Maryland -Colk gc Park Universit y or Vi rgin ia Uni v or No Carolina-Chapel I I ill

,John Milton Tippett .Jared Andrew Warren Lisa Christine Way Bradley Kyle Williamson
(John) (.lured ) ( Lisa ) ( /Jmd)
Univcrsi1 y or Dd awarc Uni versit y or Virgini a Florida S1a1c Uni vcrsil y Texas Tech Uni vc rsi1 y

Ashley Elizabeth Wilson Katherine Elizabeth Youman
(Asltley) ( Kotie)
Uni vt:rsity or Georgia Uni v. or Massachusell s-A mherst

Class of 2006

Section 2

Alicia .J ea nne Abelli .Jessica Diane Aber Naomi Elizabeth Andrews

(A licia ) (J essica ) (Noomi)
Buck nell Uni v..: rsit y Un i versit y or Ri chmond M iddlebury Co ll ege

Sashi Mohan Athota E. Brandon Bailey Victoria Balestri ere Justin Graham Banks
(So s/1i ) ( /Jrn 11do11 ) (Vi cky) (.lusti11 )
llang:i lort: Uni versit y Uni ve rsity or Ri chm ond Washin gton and L ee Uni versit y Uni versit y or Ri chm ond

Jill Me~han Barnett .Jennifer J. Berni er Laura Faye Berry Benjamin Thomas Bledsoe
(.Iii/) (.lr.:1111ifer) ( La11rn Foye ) (To111 )
Uni v..: rsit y or Vi rginia D:i vid son Colk g..: Uni v. or Tennessee- Knoxv i ll e Vi rgin ia Mi lit ary In sti tut e

Keith Gregory Bova II Joshua Bryson Brady Karl Arthur Bressler Brennan Tyler Brooks
(Keit/J ) (.!os/J) (Karl ) O.i /er)

Bos to n C o l kg..:: Virginia Polytechnic In st. Hamilt on College Wake Forest Uni versit y

David Michael Broome Gretchen Christina Byrd Gregory Lee Cassis Brian Andrew Choisser
(Dav e) (Gretch e11) (G reg ) ( l3ria11)
Uni v or No Carolina -Chapel Hill Universit y or Virgini a Universit y 01· Ri chmond Trinit y Uni ve rsit y

Nikki Marie Clarke Joshua Forbes Clowers Rocco Philip T. Columbus Kristin Anne Cook
(Nikk i ) (.!os/11w ) ( l?occo) ( Kri.1ti11)
College or William and M ary Virginia Polytechni c In st. Coll eg..: o r William and Mary Coll ege o r William and Mary

Eden Marie Darrell Justin Maurice Dean Andrea L. DclMonte Camille Joy Dillio
(Ede11) (.!11sti11 ) (A 11drea) (Ca111ille)
Col lcgc o r Charl eston Virginia Commonwl.!alth Uni v. Uni versit y or Ri chmond Un i versit y or Ri chmond

Kevin Christopher Dolan Tracey Rebecca Downs Rebecca Lynn Ennis .John 'l\1cker Farnum
( Kevi11 ) ('/irn::ey ) (Becca) (Jolin )
.l:11rn:s Mad ison Uni vers it y Co lgate Un iversi ty A merican Uni versi ty Virginia Pol y tech ni c Inst.

William A. Feldman Christopher Worden Geer Darnell Raymond Griffin Anne Elisabeth Haith
(Will) (Chris) (Do m e/I ) (A1111 e)
Co rn el l Uni vers it y Uni ve rsit y or Colorad o-Bou lder Virgini a Military In stitute Wak e Forest Uni ve rsit y

.John Avery Hampson Scott M. Hulgan Martha Elizabeth Hulley .Jenny Rae Jamiolkowski
(. l o/i11 ) (Srn 11 ) (Marthu ) (.le1111y)
Uni ve rsit y or Virginia 1:1<>rid a Gull' Coast Uni versit y Un i vc rsi1 y or Virginia Uni v. or Southern California

\I N I \' I M 'i I I 'I' 0 I'

Chase Bianca Kappel Darren John Kelley Barrett D. Kingsriter Donald Matthew Knepper
(Cli u.1e) ( /Jarre11) (Barrell) ( Do1111v)
James M adison Uni versi ty University or Vi rg in ia Sou thern Method ist Universit y Penn sy l vani a State Uni vers ity

l N I \' I: R 'i I T 'V 0 f

Laura Anne Lesikar Xiangzhen Liu Heather Elizabeth Lyons Jeremy Michael McLean
(La ura) (Xiw 1g zhe11 ) (lieu/h er) (.!ere111y)
Coll ege or William and Mary Jiangx i In st. ol' Economi cs and M gmt. Rando lph -Macon Woman 's Co ll ege Uni versit y of Virginia

Lindsay Lehnen Mollan Julia C hristine Moore Antoinette Novella Morgan Stephen Anthony Murray
( Lindsay ) (./11/ia) ( A111oi11 elle) (Stephen )
Si. Mary's Colkge Universit y or Virginia Vi rginia Commonwealth Uni v. Uni ve rsit y or New Hampshire

Kathryn Blake Nash Jonathan Michael O 'Connor Saemi Oh Matlhew Christopher Osborne
(Kate) ( .!011atlw11 ) (Si1e111i) (M1111)
Uni v or No Caro lin a-C hapel Hi ll 1-lampden-S ydney Coll ege Cornell Uni ve rsit y Vi rginia Common\vcallh Uni v.

Jace Madison Padden Scott R. Pasierb Susan Lynn Piascik Raymond Kennon Poteat
(.lilce) (SuJ/I) (S11.1·t111 ) ( K e11111111 )
Univc,;rsily of Vi rginia Penn sy lvania State Univers it y Universit y of Vi rgin ia Uni ve rsity of Virgini a

Charles Brandon Rash Randi S. Rembert Andrew Todd Rich Jay Justin Ritz
(/Jra 11do11 ) (Randi )
Vi rgini a Po lytechnic Inst. (7ildd) (.Illy )
Chark slon Southern University Uni versit y nr Virginia Univ. or Il linois Urbana-Cha mp

John Mac Donald Robb Man esh .liten S hah Linda Mi chelle Shin Kimberly A nne S kiba
(.flick) (Mll nes/i )
Washi ngtnn and Lee Uni versity ( Linda) (Kim berly)
A ustin Colk gi; Way ne Sime U11i vers i1 y Boston Uni ve rsit y

Ma rvi n Lee S mallwood Ala n Frederic Smith Benjamin All en Sti tely C. Scott Strickland
(Lee) (/\ Ian ) ( /J en) (Sco tt)
Macon Sta le .l ;11nes Madi son Uni versit y Un ive rsity or Florida Kcnyn n Coll ege

Ama nda .I. S umh1uist Da vid Michael Uberman Ritu Verma Taite Aa ron Westendo rf
( ll 111l111da) (Da vid ) ( !<i/11 ) (Taite)
Bu cknd l U11 ive rsi1 y U ni versit y or Vi rgini a Vanderbili Unive rsity Uni ve rsity o r Virgin ia


.Jackie Marie Wilbur Ashley Karla Williams Justin Lee Wind Kurtis Edward Wolfe
(Jackie) (Ashley) ( Jusl in) (Kur/)
Massach uscll s In stitute of Tedi. Uni v of No Ca rolina-Chapel Hill Lynchbu rg Co llcgc James Madi son University

Luke P. Wright .John Frederick Ziegler

(L uke) (John)
Corne ll Unive rsit y Ba tes Co llegc

I N I \ t- M ' I I \ 0 I

Class of 2006

Transfer Students

Angela Rebecca Adams G uillaume G.A. Bo1H1uel Claudia Brand

(A ngela) (Gu illal//11e) (Claudia )
Co llege of Wil li am :111d Mary Un ivcrsit c Pa ris X Nantcrn.! JWG Uni vcrsitact-1'rankru rt

Asha Hans Gauhar Rehman Naseem Sabrina Omnellal Alissa Wagner Padden
(Asha ) (Gw tlwr) (Sabrina ) (!l lis.rn)
Patna Women's Coll ege (India) Uni ve rsit y o r Tcnn cssct.:: Uni v..::rsit c Pari s X Nant l! rrc James Madi so n Uni ve rsit y

Roma Stankcviciutc
Concordia Int ernational U ni v.



Hil!h q1111lit y watt"h a11d j<'wt'lry n·pnir 11v11iluhlr.

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