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Lair of the Spider Hag

A Touch of Black: Chapter 10

The gargantuan spider lay dead, oozing black blood from many wounds. Its mistress, Oma Syndy Spinster, has fled
into the web choked tunnels below, surely hiding in the darkness waiting in ambush. Wisdom would demand that you
leave well enough alone. That you turn back. That you forsake your duty. Adventurers, even if they have it in
abundance, are not known for applying wisdom to problems. So the only real option is to plunge headlong into the Lair
of the Spider Hag.
SETUP INFORMATION 2 An effective Horror game can be a trick to run and takes
4 different skills than the average DM employs from game
ACT 1: The Hag’s Lair to game. It is my favorite style of game to run, and has
ACT 2: The Web Ward 8 been for forty years, so I have some suggestions for you,
ACT 3: Harp Concert 9 which you can find in the Appendices.
ACT 4: The Last Thread 9 What is The AOG?
CLOSING 11 It started 40ish years ago. I still remember the day my
OTHER CHAPTER LINKS 12 cousin brought out this thin blue book with a white
14 sketched dragon on its cover and a pile of strange dice.
LORE AND MORE He told eight year old me that we were going to play a
MAPS 19 game where I could be anything I wanted (as long as it
was an elf, dwarf, human, or halfling). I immediately
developed that love of bringing people along on journey
ADVENTURE MECHANICS after journey, and through all the moments and four
This Adventure is Part 10 of 10 decades of playing, the trip has never lost its wonder.
Target Party: 4 Level 5 Adventures Now, my son and I run Amplus Ordo Games as
Expected Playtime: 3+ Hours armchair content creators who donate our work to the
Tone: Dark Dungeon Crawl hobby at large. We host a Patreon which runs like a
D&D Magazine, posting mostly Maps and Full
Adventures. We do dabble into other areas like stories,
STYLE “SHORT SHOT” and thoughts on the game. My son helps write our “Year
A Short Shot is designed to give the GM a solid concept One” series which are adventures designed for entry
of what is going on inside of the adventure not just level DMs and players, and we use that content to run
ideas. The Story will be well flushed out, including both the after school Jr High Group.
Area and NPC descriptions, but will be more conceptual Any donations are used to fund an afterschool TTRPG
regarding things like encounters, rewards, and hazards. Club, our own hobbies, and of course pizza. If you would
The Short Shot gives everything most GMs requires to like to make some requests or support the work you can
lead a fantastic game. check us out at AOG. The site has over 2 year’s worth of
work and there are no paywalls. 50+ Adventures,
PLAYING A.O.G. ADVENTURES Hundreds of maps, and a lot of support content.
AOG adventures are written and designed to be system On the purely Social Media side. We’re active on Reddit
neutral to avoid Copyright and IP conflicts or issues. Subs and our Discord, where we host games, fulfil
They will lean toward a d20 system, particularly 5e requests for our supporters, and a smidge of
D&D, but language referencing specific creature types, commission work. I coach many of our subscribers
treasures, and environments may be more generic or regularly on DMing and fantasy cartography.
cast in my Homebrew World. All of which should be Contact us
easily imported into any system of your choosing. I also
write and do a lot of things in my own style. There is a PATREON Amplus Ordo Games
simple breakdown of these things at the end, and this
link leads to an Appendices of notes and my thoughts on DISCORD Join the Network
mechanics to help GMs and Players understand what I REDDIT Our Sub in Reddit (Not super active)
may mean by certain phrases and ideas, as well as FACEBOOK Yeah we know… Facebook…
helpful links to our own source materials.
Lair of the Spider Hag, September 2023 1
SETUP INFORMATION Game Opening and Hooks
Town of Tragedies Guidebook As mentioned, this Adventure is part of a
Series/Campaign. However, some people may just want
These adventures have been written and designed to be to use the nuts and bolts of the Module for their own
used with the Town of Tragedies Guide. It isn’t purposes, so I have provided some alternative ideas.
necessary, but the content is referenced often. Campaign: Persephone and her soon to be newborn
A TOWN OF TRAGEDIES GUIDE are under a Hag’s Curse and in grave danger. The
Players must find a way to save her.
Previous Chapters One Shot: The Group is hired by a local to end a
Hag’s Curse on their daughter.
Here is a link to the Previous Chapters One Shot Alternative: The Group comes across
Story Flow some locals in distress. His wife is about to give
birth, but she wasn’t pregnant yesterday!
The Player’s employer, Lady Persephone Trellu, came
to Deleran’s Crossing to do three things. Restore her Mood
family’s holdings, cure her disease stricken paralyzed Things hidden away. Moments covered in darkness.
body, and start a family of her own. To accomplish this The unknowable. Secrets. Mysteries. Echoes of the past
she entered into a dark pact with a Hag by the name of long thought forgotten. These are the bedrock of
Oma Syndy Spinster. Syndy demanded three tasks to be Deleran’s Crossing. Beyond every door. Behind the
accomplished before she would help. Gather Dark Root curtains. Under every stone. Locked in the backroom.
seeds, retrieve a Mythical Harp, and rescue her sister’s Chained in the cellar. Politely veiled evils covered by
Child from a cosmic entity known as Aberrant Black. All swollen sad eyes and wryly smiling lips. There are few,
three tasks were accomplished and Syndy fulfilled her if any, places in the city that have corners empty of
bargains as well. But not in a desirable way. shadow or closets sans skeletons. Now in most cases
Persephone was cured, married, and was with child, but these private wickednesses remain buried but not
the baby grew rapidly and the child has begun to forgotten. In most cases… Those that live here, know
consume its mother’s life essence. there are those rare and wretched moments where what
In order to save them the players must confront Syndy, was thought long lost has gently come rapping, so
and force her to lift the curse. The group has by now faintly it comes tapping, tapping at the chamber door. It
followed their leads deep into the woods. (Perhaps even shall be hidden nevermore.
with the help of Aberrant Black) There they found Oma
Syndy Spinster’s lair, a massive rotting Treant corpse Madness, Sanity. and Trauma
that has been hollowed out for the Hag’s use. There Madness, Sanity. and Trauma These adventures often
they confronted the Hag, demanding that she lift the deal with Madness and Insanity in the NPCs. For the
curse on their employer Persephone Trellu, but knew PCs I have introduced Madness issues and a Sanity
going into this endeavor that the likelihood of those Mechanic to the campaign in this episode. Coming face
demands being met were minimal at best. Syndy like all to face with inexplicable horror does things to the mind,
hags likely made counter offers, but those were nothing and that should not be lost on your players. It is 100%
more than shallow attempts to once again gain the optional, and if it in any way makes you or your players
upper hand. No, this problem would have to be resolved uncomfortable you should not use it. You can check out
by steel and spell. the mechanic I use in the Appendices
During the conflict Syndy fled into the tunnels below,
leaving the players to fight her pet gargantuan spider,
Rolb. They’ll now have to hunt her down and end her
once and for all, but that will be no simple task. The
Spider Hag’s Lair is a network of twisting caverns
formed into the sides quarter mile deep pit. She will
have headed deep into her sanctum to summon infernal
reinforcements. If they are to catch up to her and defeat
her once and for all they’ll need to disable her wards
and shut down the ritual she has begun.

2 Lair of the Spider Hag, September 2023

I try to include all relevant information in brief upfront Story Arcs
and more thought out at the end of the Module. This
section will usually include deeper info on NPCs, It is down to the Players and the Hag. They have fought
Locations, Maps. It may also include Stat Blocks, their way to the doorstep of Oma Syndy Spinster’s Lair,
Stories, Historical tidbits, as well as any Handouts. and it’s time to head inside and confront the fiend. This
Important Locations episode picks up right at the end of the previous one.
There should be little to no pre-game work to do if
Balinovia and the City of Beurnoli
The Stolregard Barony carved out of the heart of an you’re running the campaign. If you’re using the bones
dark old growth forest known as the Graywood. here to run a one shot, the adventure becomes a Spider
Deleran’s Crossing is the ruling seat of the Barony. It is themed Dungeon Crawl.
a poverty stricken, dying city, rotting from the inside out. HELP!
There is a very real chance that your players will feel
The Barony and Deleran’s Crossing
This is Persephone’s home, and worth mentioning as a overwhelmed and not up to the challenge ahead. There
backdrop to her life. Balinovia has an Italian feel to it, is a very real chance that this feeling is accurate. If you
particularly when it comes to social and familial culture. don’t think they’ll be able to handle the fights ahead on
their own, feel free to have some NPCs join them at the
NPCs beginning. Perhaps One of the other Sisters, who are
undoubtedly furious with Syndy, have sent their own
Lady Persephone Trellu
The player’s Adventuring Patron. She is a noblewoman agents. Maybe some of the people they’ve met, like the
new to town looking to extend her family’s power. Gray Griffon, have come to their aid. Perhaps they can
find someone inside that Syndy was holding captive. Do
Marsilia Baralini not be afraid to help them. This is going to be a tough
Persephone’s Handmaiden and personal bodyguard. adventure, and they’ve earned some aid. And if all else
Syndy has transformed her into Vampiric-Spider fails… they can call Aberrant Black. Because that surely
Creature. won’t end poorly for them.
Oma Sindy Spinsister (Cynthia) Tier of Play
Hag of the Night Circle
Oma and her sisters are ancient and powerful hags who The players should be Level 5 (Tier Two), They will be
settled into the Stolegard forest around Deleran’s exploring a dangerous dungeon with no real chance to
Crossing and have staked a major claim on the land. rest. This is going to take the difficulty of this chapter
Sindy moves about the city in the form of Cynthia into Deadly territory.
Duprang, a kindly middle aged woman.
Vaemond Maleris, Second Son of the Final Notes
Maleris Family of Coldrock
Vaemond is a pleasant young man with dashing As we begin the last chapter in our series, I want to
features, deep brown eyes, a finely trimmed black make you the DM aware that if you’re thinking things
mustache, and dark swept back hair. He is a dutiful son aren’t looking good for our players… you’re right. This
to both family and business, and has been courting is, and always has been, a Gothic Horror Campaign.
Persephone for some time now and will have proposed Which means the chances of the Heroes coming out on
marriage the night before the adventure begins. top were, from the beginning, slim to none. Of course
there is Hope, but only a fools hope. Give them what
The Maleris Family of Coldrock they need to get to the final battle. Even give them what
An influential Nobel Family From the city of Cold Rock they need to beat Syndy. But the climax is written in a
just to the north of Deleran’s Crossing. Vaemond’s way that will likely leave at least some of them dead.
Uncle in the Magistrate of Deleran’s Crossing.
Don Galvini and The Trellu Family
Persephone’s father and Family have come to town. He
is a thicker human man in his mid fifties. And while not
physically intimidating he casts a long shadow and has
an imposing presence. Back in Balinovia he is infamous
a Mafioso ad force to be reckoned with. Here in
Deleran’s Crossing is simply a wealthy father who does
not care much for his future son in law.

Lair of the Spider Hag, September 2023 3

Making Myself Known 1) The Entrance
She watches from behind them. She You pass through the claustrophobic tunnel into a chamber.
stands in front of them. Alongside them. The damp earth has turned to rocky walls. Webs crisscross the
With them. They never notice. It is tunnel and skulls with red glowing candles surround the
horrific to be ignored. Miserable to be entrance, their eye sockets seemingly fixed on you.
forgotten. Maddening to be unseen. Her
father walks past her for the hundredth Likely Player Actions
time this week. He doesn’t speak. No Destroy the Skulls: The skulls are basically there just to
words. Not a glance. She is invisible. Her creep them out, however, this is an opportunity to alert
anger boils over. Like it has dozens of them to the dangerous environment they just walked into.
times before. But what will she do? Lash Perhaps have the skulls cast a “Bestow Curse” style of
out? Speak harshly? Scream? They would spell upon them that lasts for a while when they’re
attacked. Something that they can remedy with a little
not hear. Her eyes fall on the wood
magic but also something to let them know Syndy doesn’t
splitting axe. To them she does not exist. mess around.
She did once. But no longer. She is dead
to them. But not undead. No… she is no
ghost. No Spirit. Not a specter. She is
simply hated and ignore because she 2) The Web Shaft
chose to do the one thing her father
refused her. She chose to marry for love. You stand on the ledge of a pit choked with webs so thickly you
But they took that from her too, and can barely see water reflecting at the bottom, more than 200’
now the entire house ignores her. Her
below you. There are also three other ledges you notice
hand grasps the axe, she wasn’t sure she
meant to. She feels its weight. The encircling the pit. Opposite you and some 40’ down. Off to the
consequence. The definity of it. They East about 80’ down, and another to the West about 150’ mark.
won’t ignore her for much longer. Likely Player Actions
Navigate the Shaft: Traversing the shaft isn’t hard if a little

ACT 1: The Hag’s Lair care is taken. In fact they’ll have to in order to continue
on. The sides of the pit are rocky and stable with many
They will enter into the Spider Hag’s Tunnels. Down in handholds and smaller ledges. The larger spider webs are
the bowels of the Shadow Fey. Syndy has burrowed out not sticky and could be used in the place of ropes and
a network of caverns all connected by a deep central bridges. And they can always use their own ropes as well.
shaft. The players will have to explore the cavern and Some minor athletics checks could probably be made as
destroy three skull altars that the Hag uses to charge a they scurry about, but failure should be a rare event.
ward that will keep them entering into the deepest part Destroy the Webs: This is possible, but will have two

of her lair. There she is using the harp to empower adverse effects. First, it will draw out the Spider Swarms
that nest here, who otherwise will remain hidden. It will
herself. This Act and Act 2 will blend together quite a count as an encounter, but it may also make the final
bit. I have listed the important locations on the map, battle easier, since Syndy will be robbed of the spider’s
they should be easy enough to identify. help and her extra mobility in this room. Secondly, they’ll
have to make Dexterity Saving Throws to avoid damage
from the webs snapping like tight cables and whipping
around. Lastly, if they burn them they will need to make
Constitution Saving Throws to avoid being burned by fire
and choked by smoke. I recommend the poisoned
condition for an hour or exhaustion if you’re feeling a little
on the mean side. I would also fill the tunnels with smoke
limiting their vision and causing extra problems.

4 Lair of the Spider Hag, September 2023

3) The Egg Room 5) Acrid Pool
A dozen or so clusters of web woven oval objects are placed There is a large pool of viscus green liquid in the center of this
around this room. Egg sacks. They are webbed to the floor, room releasing an odor into the air that burns your nostrils.
walls, and ceilings. Creatures with the lower half of spiders and Periodic bubbles rise and pop slowly in the thick liquid.
the upper body of elves skitter about tending to the sacks. Their Otherwise the room is fairly quiet. Down in the corner is a bone
heads are wrapped in webbing and seem to pay you no covered pedestal displaying a large skull with a burning black
attention. Off to the south is a bone covered pedestal in a candle atop it.
cavern niche. The pedestal displays a large skull with a burning Possible Player Actions
black candle atop it. Search the Pool: They will examine the pool. They may even
attack it. If at all possible the pool should be described as
Likely Player Actions a caustic liquid with the consistency of flowing mud. It
Destroy the Eggs: The Driders in the room have been eats organic material, wood, and most metals. Touching it
taken over by Spider Parasites and turned into Mindless will cause damage and being too close to a bubble will
Drones. They aren’t interested in the players until they expose them to toxic gasses. The pit the liquid sits in has
take action against the eggs or the skull. At that point they some small side tunnels in it where the Gelatinous Stalker
will attack until destroyed. If the sacks are destroyed they hides. There should be something in these tunnels that is
will release a noxious gas that inflicts the poisoned recoverable.
condition a hard Constitution Saving Throw can be made The Skull: The skulls only need to have the magical candle
to avoid the effects. extinguished, however, destroying it is a more likely player
The Skull: The skulls only need to have the magical candle action. This one is a trap. The Gelatinous Stalker is using
extinguished, however, destroying it is a more likely player it to distract intruders, hopefully giving it an edge if it
action. In either case the moment the players approach attacks. The real Skull is acting as the central nervous
the skull the Driders will attack. If they destroy the skull it system for the Stalker. They’ll have to face it to be able to
will fight back attacking them with “Eldritch Blast” type turn the skull off.
attack. It should have reasonable AC and Hitpoints.
Simply extinguishing the candle should be a Medium
Encounter: Gelatinous Stalker
Arcana Check or it will relight itself. The Gelatinous Stalker is an Ooze in the Gelatinous Cube
family. Unlike the Cube a Stalker is intelligent, although
Encounter: Drider Drones saying that is a bit generous. A Stalker can be trained and
These Drides have their heads wrapped in webs and commanded if it is well fed. Syndy keeps this particular
dozens of Parasitic Spiders swarming over them pet content and it is well trained. It rests in it’s pool until
controlling their actions. They typically operate by the something attempts to tamper with the skull in the room.
commands of Syndy, or if left to their own devices with the It then rises silently out of the acid and attacks. It will
instinctual intellect of the spiders. They do have a Puppet attempt to pull attackers inside of itself and throw targets
Master’s Fortitude ability. If they are dropped to 0 or less into the acid pool. The real skull protects the brain of this
HP they can make a Constitution Saving Throw, the DC of Stalker and can only be destroyed once the creature is
which the total Damage +5. If they succeed they are not dead.
killed, but instead the spiders web them back together
enough to keep them at 1 HP. Otherwise this is a brute
force combat.
6) Brain Weed
There is an odd looking plant in the corner of this chamber.
4) Dark Root Chamber Vines grow out like tentacles and a large pulsing fruit in the
center looks more like a brain than anything plant related.
Massive piles of twitching Dark Roots cover the walls and
Hazard: Brain Weed
much of the floor and ceilings. Several corpses can be seen
Brain weed is an infectious plant that survives by
entangled among the roots. The air here is humid and thick attaching parasitic burs to living creatures. These burs
with the smell of rot. drain the memories of those infected until their mind is
Possible Player Actions an empty shell and dies. Once dead the Brain Weed then
fully absorbs the mind of the creature into its own
Destroy the Roots: This room can be simply passed consciousness. Brain weeds can live for hundreds, maybe
through. However, they may decide to destroy the Roots, thousands, of years, and can contain the memories of
which will start an encounter, but not necessarily a whole civilizations, if they are well fed. Creatures that get
combat as they may find a creative way to eliminate them. too close to the Weed must make Medium Intelligence
Taking out the roots will remove them as an option for Saving Throws or consider the Weed in need of their
Sydny’s Lair Actions. protection and begin having their memories Drained. If
Hazzard the Weed is destroyed nearby victims will regain their
memories, and perhaps additional ones as well.
Dark Roots: As they already know these roots are
dangerous and can lash out with an attack similar to the
spell Vampiric Touch. Appropriate checks and rolls apply.

Lair of the Spider Hag, September 2023 5

7) Haunted Ledge 9) Ettercap Nest
There is an uncomfortable feeling in this area. The air is cold Webs choke this portion of the cavern. They’re not overly thick
and you could swear you hear whispers in the shadows. Things strands but they are layered very densely making it difficult to
move in the corners of your vision, but when you focus on see even a few feet beyond. There does seem to be some
them there is nothing there to be seen. funneling tunnels woven into the webs, perhaps for the
arachnids that dwell here to travel through. You also note the
Possible Player Actions
Investigate: There are plenty of ways that the players can large number of severed body parts hanging in the strands.
interact with the “ghosts” haunting this room. Leave that Arms, legs, and even a separated torso or two can be clearly
up to their imagination. Many folk have perished at seen. The parts are dry and cracking, almost mummified.
Syndy’s hands and tuning into lost and trapped spirits,
and both beneficial and malevolent spirits haunt this Hazard: Ettercap Webbing
place, so depending on how they engage this room could These webs are extremely thick up top and in most cases
benefit or hinder the players. Do they get a restful boon, interaction with them alerts the Ettercaps within. Cutting
or do they have to fight angered ghosts? Use this area as a them certainly does, and burning them is a bad idea. They
great opportunity to manage their resources. do burn slowly with a little effort. Unfortunately this
Encounter: Lost Spirits releases a toxic gas that will require constant Hard
Constitution Saving Throw. Failing the save will cause the
If you do engage them in a combat encounter be sure to
use the spirits ability to become ethereal and move players to become poisoned for ten minutes. A Medium
Perception Check will reveal that the webs could be
through objects. Half of what makes Ghosts scary is that
they can move through solid things. I usually give crawled under with limited interaction if care is taken.
“ghosts” a disengage as a bonus action when shifting into Possible Player Actions
ethereal forms or passing through objects. Makes them
more ghosty. Burn the Webs: Players do this a lot, and we as DMs
usually let them get away with it. However if they do that
here, they will quickly find that these webs do not burn
well, and what does burn releases a toxic fume.
8) Bone Pit Cut through the Webs: This is a more sensible approach,
and one without obvious consequences. The Webs cut
This room is filled with bones. The floor is completely covered. easily, though do stick to weapons and armor, but not as a
So much so that you have no idea how deep the pile goes. major hindrance. This does alert the Ettercaps though,
Rotting flesh clings to many of the remains and swarms of and the spider creatures will be waiting in ambush.
The Skull: The skulls only need to have the magical candle
larvae crawl over the rancid meat. extinguished, however, destroying it is a more likely player
Possible Player Actions action. The Skull here is acting as a lure bringing the
Search the Pit: The players will be expecting something players ever closer to the Ettercap Ambush. Once they are
close the Ettercaps will lasso the skull with a web shot and
horrible to come up out of the pit. I suggest only hinting
at something horrible. Bones move a little not far from yank it up into the webbing above beginning the
them, but nothing aggressive or supernatural happens. Encounter phase of this room.
The wind picks up. It gets colder. Whispers. Things that Encounter: Ettercap Ambush
make them uncomfortable. If they examine the actual
The Ettercaps will hide in their burrows and use the thick
bones, many will have carvings on them, mostly dark
webs to their advantage. They are not hindered by them in
runes, but some will have names on them, and the details
the slightest. They will camouflage themselves up above
of the deals they made with Syndy that got them here.
the Skull and wait for the players to arrive. Once the party
Destroy the Bones If they want to go to the trouble of
approaches the Skull they will shoot out Webs and yank it
destroying the bones they canbe rewarded for the work.
away, while simultaneously attacking the PCs. They will
They’re tied to some of Syndy’s power and weakening
pass the Skull around to one another as a Lair Action. This
them will weaken her. If they choose to do this though,
begins a game of Keep Away which the Ettercaps should
don’t let them off without a fight. Bring some spidery
be quite good at. If the players are not quick enough, or if
minions from other areas after them while they work.
the fight turns against the creatures, the Ettercaps will
Some Phase Spiders work nicely, since they can come
dash out into the Lair and attempt to hide the skull away.
basically out of nowhere.
Encounter: Phase Spiders
This should not be an overly complicated encounter. Make
the bones difficult terrain and have the phase spiders
teleport in and out of combat. I would also suggest having
them web off the exit. The players will get out easily after
the fight but the feeling of being trapped doesn’t leave
one’s consciousness so easily.

6 Lair of the Spider Hag, September 2023

10) Treasure Room Most of the items in here are nothing more than macabre
trophies that Syndy has taken from those she has
You find yourself in a small web draped but nearly empty nook ensnared. There are some that are from still active clients
and could be used to help free those under her
off to the side of the main tunnels. It seems to be some kind of
obligations. Some of that strictly depends on what you’ve
storage room. There is a large rusty cauldron, a few piles of done on the side in town, and perhaps what you’d like to
rope, some stacked firewood, and other mundane items and do. Searching around the room will reveal that Syndy likely
tools scattered about. The most interesting thing about this sleeps in the egg sac and that “guests” sleep in the nasty
bed. There is a book next to the bed with guests’ names in
chamber is that it is somewhat secluded. It may make a “safe”
it. This too could help identify clients and lead to some
place to take a short rest. follow up adventures. With some Medium Checks the
Possible Player Actions Players should find a few things of note, I’d put potions
and scrolls in here that have a darker tone to them. Maybe
Take that Short Rest: Depending on the state they’ve left even some troublesome temporary side effects. Things
the dungeon in I typically would allow them to take a short like a healing potion that also causes mild paranoia. A
rest in here. However, if they’ve caused a lot of chaos and scroll of Web that causes more eyes to form on the players
are being hunted by creatures then I probably would have forehead. Things like that.
them get attacked. Destroy the Room: Also always a possibility. I’d let them go
Examine the Room: They may want to take a closer look at nuts and destroy it all. Although I’d make some checks
this room. If so see the info in the “Puzzle” section below. along the way to see how much attention this gains. If
Cauldron Puzzle they’re too loud, send some guards, just enough to harass
them. Destroying the implements in the room should
While there doesn’t seem to be much going on in this weaken Syndy for the final confrontation.
room, the truth is the Cauldron is a “Holding” magical
item. While it appears to be empty, it certainly is not. Hazard: Syndy’s Traps
Syndy keeps the majority of her treasures in it. I included
In General, Syndy is a rather paranoid creature and so she
the idea of taking a short rest in the description
intentionally to throw them off of taking too close a look has laid a number of traps in this room to protect her
at the items in the room. A closer inspection of the room belongings.
will reveal a burn spot on the floor in the center, and a Webs: The Webs throughout the Lair do function as an
large hook hanging above it. The solution to the puzzle is alert system. The ones in here more so. Any significant
to suspend the cauldron and light a fire below it. Once contact should result in swarms of spiders coming out of
that is done the players will be able to see Syndy’s hidden every nook and craney to attack the players.
treasures inside of it. This should result in a Large Level The Broken Seal: This ward works just fine, and only looks
Appropriate Reward. broken. It will cast Phantasmal Force on everyone in the
room. If thye fail their saves they will believe they are
being attacked by Syndy herself.
Cursed Belongings: Syndy has put a Hex on her belongings
11) Syndy’s Chamber in this chamber. anyone carrying items out of here will
suffer disadvantage on Attacks, Saving Throws, and Skill
This room feels straight out of a nightmare. Your eyes first land
on the small fire burning in the center of the oblong chamber.
Thick red tinted smoke curls up from it, choking the air with a
potent acrid smell, and feeding into a thick cloud that covers
the web draped ceiling. There is a broken arcane circle on the
floor near the entrance. Magical runes that you can’t decipher
but cause your skin to crawl just looking at them have been
inscribed in what appears to be blood all around its edges.
There is a jumble of broken and web covered furniture in the
north end of the room including a filth stained bed and some
broken shelves that are held together by spider’s workings,
their contents scattered about lying broken on the floor. In the
south is what looks like a large egg sac, it’s top peeled open like
the shell of a hard boiled egg.

Likely Player Actions

Search The Room: The players will certainly want to get a
close inspection of this room. Hopefully they’ve checked
for traps, because there are several in here. I’ll describe
them below in the Hazards section.

Lair of the Spider Hag, September 2023 7

ACT 2: The Web Ward 13) Vamp-Spider Lair
Act 1 and 2 blend together quite a bit. Act 2 Really
begins once they destroy all the skulls they find while Beyond the Ward is a large cavern with a series of downward
Exploring the lair. Each of the three is located in a cliffs, dropping about 80’ before exiting out a tunnel below.
different environment, with different guardians, and Thick heavy webs cross-cross this room. Cocooned bodies of
different circumstances. Each with a black candle both folk and beasts hang in the webbing. Most of the cocoons
emitting eerie red light. They will look similar to the
ones they’ve already found near the entrance. The major look to have been here for some time as a thick layer of dust

difference is that these are magical points that keep the has settled on the cobwebbing. What did these poor souls trade
Ward in Location 12 active. Once they have destroyed to suffer such a fate? As you ponder this question you begin to
each of these they will have brought down the ward. hear a familiar sounding harp playing from the tunnel below.
However, that will not be a simple task. Each skull has a Player Actions
unique guardian that isn’t going to just allow the players
to freely attack the skulls. Head Toward the Sound: Hearing the Harp will likely spur
them into action. Though it may not. If they linger, have
Skull One is in Location 3) The Egg Room them make an Easy Charisma Saving Throw against
Skull Two is in Location 5) Acrid Pool Charm. Those who fail, can be easily shaken out of it.
Skull Three is in Location 9) Ettercap Nest Examine the Cocoons: There are dozens of cocoons in
here, I’d even put a small dragon shaped one webbed up
against the ceiling if they start poking around. Doing so
12) Ward Chamber will distract them from some of the others and dial the
tension level up. What else is in here? Various other
You take one look into this room and immediately feel the beings and creatures that have crossed the Hag and she
sensation of powerful magic. There is a large warding circle on has fed to her pets. Oh, Marisilla and her family are here
the floor in front of the passage to the south. There are three as well, recovering from their last battle. They should be
about half restored at the moment. I would only have the
pillars surrounding it. (They are lit with the corresponding players find them if they are being very thorough.
number of skulls out there lit) The circle is flanked on each side However, the longer they stay in here the more intense the
by a stone spider statue. They do not appear to be fully Harp’s playing will become, calling for more saves. If they
animated, but as you observe the room you hear the grinding of do end up fighting the Vamp-Spiders that will aid them in
the final battle.
stone and watch their heads turn toward you.
Encounter: Marisilla
Possible Player Actions
Examine the Room: Easy and Medium checks can be made This shouldn’t be a complicated fight. In fact it may even
to tell them what they already know. That the fixtures in be the only fight that the players will have the upper hand.
this room combine to form a deadly trap. They may even The Vamp-Spiders have retreated to their Cocoons
realize that the statues shoot webs and release poison (Coffins) to regenerate after being defeated by the players
clouds. Hard Arcana checks will tell them whether it is before. This will leave them in surprised and weakened
safe to pass or not. If all the skulls have been dealt with, condition should the team actually find them. They will
then it is safe to pass. If not they could attempt to press have to awaken and crawl out of their cocoons before they
their luck with the trap and ward. can attack, which should give the Players a round before
Attacking or Disabling the Room: I would allow this but it real combat begins. However once the fighting starts the
would require a series of Very Hard Checks, using both Vamp-Spiders will waste no time employing dangerous
Physical and Magical abilities. Any failures at all set the tactics such as throwing players off ledges and letting the
mechanisms off. fall kill them if possible.
Passing Into the Next Room: If the wars are down then this
happens without issue. If they are up, then they’ll find
themselves having to deal with the traps of the room.
Hazard: Lair Ward and Stone Spiders
If the trap is set into motion several things begin to
happen. First the pillars around the ward begin spraying
webbing. One over the north exit, one over the south, and
one around the room. (Webbing has an AC of 12 and
50hp) The pillars restore 25hp each round and make the
area difficult terrain. The players may attack the webbing
over the doorways, but the easiest way to deal with it is to
destroy the pillars (AC of 14 and 20hp). Compounding the
difficulty of the room are the Spider Statues. They will
spray poison clouds that fills the room doing 2d6 Poison
Damage (Hard Constitution Save for Half), and add an
additional 2d6 every round the trap is active.

8 Lair of the Spider Hag, September 2023

ACT 3: Harp Concert 15) Escape Tunnel
Once they drop the wards and move past the Cocoons
they’ll be able to progress into the final chamber, a You enter a web filled tunnel and are standing on a ledge that
Ritual Room where Syndy is playing the Harp. She is slopes downward and disappears into darkness below. From
using it to open a rift into the Hells, which is never good somewhere in the darkness you can hear slurping sounds and
for players. They will begin their confrontation here, but soft whispers, it moves on its own and shadowy tentacles
it won’t stay here. Once the players enter the room she
will flee out the back door while creatures from The writhe in your direction.

Abyss manifest into the chamber. One of them will be Likely Player Actions
Shoundra, the Shadow Demon from Sorrow Song. Navigate the Tunnel: They can climb across the walls or
Shoundra will continue playing the Harp while the attempt to find a creative way to get across. The tunnel
forces coming through the portal will run interference. has a number of hand holds and places they could get a
They’ll need to stop her then chase Syndy down the rope and grappling hook into. This should not be hard,

tunnel and into the pit. but it could be frustratingly time consuming.
Investigate the Darkness: While it feels like something akin
to the Hunger of Hadar, the darkness is only an illusionary
14) Dark Sanctum trick designed to slow down pursuit. Think of it as a
blanket that covers the lower passage. It does present
This chamber is a dome of worked stone and feels ancient. The sound, so if they are trying to cross it and someone falls
floor is one massive dark arcane circle with red glowing through, they cannot call back up for help. The ledge only
symbols carved into it. Syndy is here playing the harp. Her drops down about 30’ and can be carefully walked down.
A Hard Perception Check will reveal the illusion.
arachnid features are extremely hard to read, but the predatory
Swim: The only way out is undert the water. I would have
smile on her face is unmistakable. “You think you’ve won them make one or two Constitution Saving Trows for
because you’ve slain my minions and found me here.” She Dramatic Tension.
laughs. A wretched chittering sound. “All you’ve done is
present yourselves to pay our debts to a power you can’t ACT 4: The Last Thread
possibly comprehend. And for that I thank you!” She steps We’re about to close the doors on Syndy. Unfortunately,
away from the harp slinking toward the back of the room, but it The final battle wont be an easy one. She has fled back
keeps playing. The shadows are playing it! No… a particular to the main shaft and this will very quickly become a
shadow is playing it. Shoundra. The Shadow Demon insincerely three dimensional fight as Syndy will be up in the webs
thanks you as Syndy slips out a secret door behind her. “We and using the entire shaft to her advantage.
won’t ever be able to thank you enough for all you’ve done for Furthermore, she won’t be alone. Marisilia and her
us.” And with one discordant strum tears in reality form around family will join in fighting off the players.
the room and demons begin crawling through.
Confronting Syndy
Encounter: Shoundra and the Harp You come up from the water bellow to find yourself at the
This is a wave style encounter with demons showing up bottom of the main shaft. Syndy is clinging to a web about
every round. Shouldra will continue to play the Harp
which is keeping the portals open. Every round the Harp halfway up. She hisses is anger as she spots you. “So this is
will also force a save against Fear and Slow. It should be what we’ve come to. Let us get to it then shall we!” She begins
pretty obvious that the Harp is the Epicenter of the casting a spell. She shrieks in furious rage as she pulls her
problems and lead them to attack it. If they do not there is magic from the webs and stones around her.
a very strong possibility of a TPK. Every round brings in
low level demons and a challenging one. The CR of the Encounter: The Spider Hag
bigger demon should increase every round they fail to Syndy isn’t cornered but she has too much pride to
stop the harp. To end the fight they can either destroy the believe she can’t win this fight. The players have been
Harp or Shoundra, which the other Demons will be through several ordeals now, are surely hurt, and likely
working hard to prevent. The Demons will use all their very low on resources. And so the Hag will sit in the
ailities to keep them away from the Harp. Adjust for your middle of her webs and taunt them. She is still hurt from
team, but the Harp should be immune to non-magical the previous fight in the last chapter and may even
attacks with an AC of 12 and 100hp. Once it is stopped attempt to bargain with them, though breaking her
the portals close and what’s left will disappear. They will contracts won’t be something she’ll do easily. Now this
have to kill Shoundra. She won’t just poof away. may be a fight that the players cannot win, and as this is
the end of the campaign it will be a great place for a
Likely Player Actions glorious death. Don’t be afraid to allow them to kill Syndy
Follow Syndy: After the fight they can search for the secret and thus end her reign of terror, but still succumb to
door and chase down Sydny. It shouldn’t be too hard to Marisilla and her vamp-spider family or the environment
find the secret door. They know it is there, so the only around them. This is a Horror Campaign after all, and no
issue is how long does it take them to get it open. one really wins, not really. …

Lair of the Spider Hag, September 2023 9

Encounter: The Spider Hag (cont) SKILL CHALLENGE: Escape
Tactics wise Syndy will use her spells, the terrain, and her Once the Hag is dead the lair will begin collapsing in on
lair actions keep the players at a distance as best she can. itself. Whomever is still alive will surely want to fight their
She will also attempt to restrain and knock the players way to the exit if possible. This will initiate a multiple roll
from whatever they are standing on, forcing them to make Skill Challenge that should have increasingly difficult DCs. If
Dex and Str types of saves and checks pretty regularly. the cavern is on fire things should be even worse, and
Once they do begin to close in on her or start relying on almost certainly should force enough saves and damage to
ranged attacks she will summon her Vamp-Spider thralls kill some of the players along the way.
to defend her.
The fastest but most deadly way to end this is the self 1. The Main Shaft begins collapsing! Dexterity Saving Throw
sacrifice play and them burning the webs. Now, it has as Rocks Fall (Bludgeoning Damage)
2. Allow them to use Skills and Abilities to begin their escape
already been mentioned that this is a bad idea for the 3. The Main Shaft and Tunnels continue collapsing! Webs
players, at least as far as their survivability. But they may are snapping as boulders plummet and break them.
have forsaken that at this point. If they light the webs up, Increasing risk of falling and lashing around the room like
Syndy should react in a mad panic, and be consumed by whips. Saving Throws as Rocks Fall (Bludgeoning
Damage). Saving Throws as webs lash out (Slashing
the flames. If you want to let them get killing blows in on Damage).
her, have her plummet down to them. However, they 4. Allow them to use Skills and Abilities to continue their
should not be able to simply escape the burning lair. Near Escape.
Impossible Checks should be made, not only to avoid fire 5. The sides of the tunnels begin to cave in. Debris is falling
everywhere. All areas becomes Difficult Terrain. Saving
damage but to be able to continue to breathe as the entire Throws as Rocks Fall (Bludgeoning Damage). Saving
cavern fills with smoke. And since they are likely at the Throws tumbling stones and rock slides threaten to knock
near bottom of the lair… they cannot get out. them off their feet and bury them (Bludgeoning Damage).
6. Allow them to use Skills and Abilities to continue their
Syndy’s Enhanced Lair Actions Escape.
7. The Entrance Tunnel (Location 1) completely collapses.
These actions Replace Syndy’s Stat Block Lair Actions.
They can make a Very Hard Athletics or Acrobatics Check
1. Entangling Webs: Syndy shoots lines of heavy webbing in to dive through it if they’re quick. Saving Throws as Rocks
multiple directions. She can target up to eight creatures or Fall (Bludgeoning Damage).
objects. A Medium Dexterity Save must be made in order 8. The collapse subsides. Any fire has spread to the Tree
to avoid becoming grappled. If they are hit twice they above. The Lair has completely caved in. Allow them to
become restrained. A Strength Save can be made to use Skills and Abilities to possibly rescue those who
escape. These webs Can anchor from wall to wall as well. “almost” made it. If the tree is on fire they must make
2. Hypnotice Pattern: Sydny Spins a glittering web in the air. appropriate saves and take fire damage.
Those in line of sight must make an Intelligence Saving 9. Allow them to use Skills and Abilities to reach the exit. If
Trow or become Hypnotized as the spell Hypnotic Pattern they survived they can flee the tree back out into the park.
3. Swarming Spiders: Spiderlings swarm down any Web
Strands or Walls Available and attack any creatures Syndy
dirrects them to. A Medium Constitution Saving Throw
must be made or the targets take 2d4 Poison Damage and
are poisoned. They can attempt to save again at the end of
their turns. This Lair action can be disabled if the players
already fought the Spiderlings in the Shaft.
4. Curse of Darkness: Darkness only moderately obscures the
area causing Disadvantage on attack rolls for the round.
This Lair action can be disabled if the Players have settled
the Spirits in Syndy’s Lair.
5. Grasping Dark Roots: Syndy can call upon the Dark Roots if
the Players did not destroy them. Anyone within 15’ of the
walls must make a Medium Constitution Saving Throw or
have their Max Hp drained by 2d4. Syndy is Healed for
half the amount drained.

10 Lair of the Spider Hag, September 2023

CLOSING highlight the restoration of Callington Park. Remind
It is likely that some, if not all of the Players have died them that they broke up a slave trafficking ring, freed
either in the fight or during the escape attempt. If you do some trapped spirits, ended the shadow curse of Song
have survivors the first thing they’ll notice is the Dell, and even rescued some civil servants from the
Shadow Fey area that overlaps the park is beginning to Sewers. They accomplished a lot. Tragedy has a way of
dissipate and daylight is shining through. Now there are clouding over achievements. Remind them of those high
two ideal ways to end this for the survivors. They either point moments.
make it back safely earning their promised rewards, and Ending Cut-scene
that is a wonderful way to close out the story. Or, in
classic horror movie style, they escape with their lives
only to have something else tragic happen. A beam of sunlight breaks through into
the bedroom window. It has a natural,
If you are allowing them to leave rather than ending pure feel to it. The screams of pain and
their stories here, they can stumble back out into the terror that filled the night slow to
Park and then into the city. From there they will make whimpers, then murmurs, and then
their way back to Persephone and the Baby. No signs of nothing but soft breathing. A clean
the Shadow Fey will be left in the Park, which you need breath of air takes over the room and
to make sure they realize it is a big win for the city. Even Persephone’s eyes flutter open, filling
if they’re dead they’re heroes. We will close the with tears. She is older, aged
adventure with a cut-scene. If you are choosing to unnaturally. Her youth is gone, but her
continue playing, still give them the cut-scene and then ailments remain vanquished and she is
move on however you see fit. Make sure to adjust it if alive. The baby, now nearly two years past
Persephone has died already. I would suggest a “happy” newborn, unlatches from her breast and
adventure or two. They’ve earned it. begins to giggle and coo. Vaemond races
to their side. He gather’s Persephone’s
But I do really like the idea of one or two of them head to his chest and allows the babe to
crawling out of the burning tree back into the Shadow grasp his finger. Her champions did it.
Fey, and having their happy ending snatched from them. Against all odds, they lifted the curse.
It is classic Gothic Horror storytelling. Terribly burned, The “young” family weeps in relief
completely exhausted, and on Death’s very doorstep… together in their private chambers. And
but alive. There is an initial feeling of relief. A feeling for just a brief moment. A fleeting
that is quickly yanked away. But what happens then? moment. A moment that feels like a
Are they captured by Dark Fey? The curse has been treasured island of happiness drifting
lifted, but as the Shadow Fey dissolves around them through the dark sea that is Deleran’s
does it take them with it? Are there vengeful demons Crossing. They have peace. Soon after,
left from the ritual that drag them into the Abyss? Do her father enters the room and cheers
Syndy’s sisters come for them? Maybe an agent of with joy to see his girl alive and awake.
Servants come and begin attending to
Aberrant Black or some other NPC they’ve crossed their needs. They help her up and begin
shows up to deal with them? Lots of possibilities. They to change the sheets and help the new
should still get the ending Cutscene, particularly in this mother into less bedraggled clothing.
case. It’ll help them still feel like they won, even if One moves to the window and throws it
they’re dead. and the curtains open. Sunlight, fresh
However you end it. I hope it is something you and your wholesome sunlight, pours in. As she
players love. turns back into the room a large black
cat jumps onto the window sill. It begins
to lick its paws and bathe itself, purring
REWARDS loudly. It watches and begins waiting. It
As this is the “end” of the campaign, Rewards can feel a made a deal and now must wait. And
bit empty. But I have a few recommendations. You can waiting is of no real consequence. It
always give their new characters some “Legacy” items. leaps to the bed and rubs its head against
Rewards for the new run! They do not need to be mother and child, purring all the
connected to this story, but something for the players to louder. Afterall, what is a handful of
feel that sense of accomplishment. If you’re continuing years in comparison to the eons to come?
on, then reward them in a way that makes sense for
where you’re headed next.
Whatever the case, I highly recommend doing a brief
epilogue describing how each of your players changed
the city for the good. This is again a great place to THE END…
Lair of the Spider Hag, September 2023 11
I do want to take one last moment to sincerely thank you for playing an AOG Adventure. It means a lot to me as a
creator. If you enjoyed it please leave me some comments on wherever you found this adventure. You can support
more content like this by subscribing to our Patreon. AMPLUS ORDO GAMES


A Town of Tragedy Campaign Guide


Warehouse of Woe

The Haunting of House Trellu

Black Taxes
A Candle In The Window

The Shadows of Song Dell

Pitiful Little Things

Along Came The Spider

Aberrant Born

Lair of the Spider Hag

COMING SOON: The Full Campaign Guide! (Once I Compile, Update, and Re-Edit It)

To the Long History of Open Gaming that allows our adventures to be written system neutral.
The folks at WotC, Paizo, Kobold Press, and others publishing with Creative Commons and Open Licenses.
Original story written by Amplus Ordo Games
All Maps and Handouts were done by Designers at AOG using Inkarnate
PDF Formatting done using The Homebrewery
12 Lair of the Spider Hag, September 2023
Notes, Lore, Stories, Handouts, Maps, & Statblocks
D&D is a complicated dance of information and imagination. I've often found a lot of
trouble seeing someone else's vision in what they have written. Having put out dozens
of adventures now, we at the AOG have figured out that what we see isn't always what
you see. And while that is absolutely wonderful when it spawns creativity... it is
absolutely tragic when it breeds confusion.

We understand that we have a specific and sometimes unique way of presenting

infgormation, and so we've included the following items to help clear up some of that

You probably won't find sections like these in our "Year One" or "Quick Shot"
Adventures, as those are designed to flow without a lot of extra information. But
when it comes to our Bigger Releases we'll typically include quite a bit of extra
information to bring some clarity to our thinking, to further expand on our vision,
and hopefully add fuel to your own.

I think that's about all you need to know about this section.

And as always Thank You for playing with us!

Lair of the Spider Hag, September 2023 13

Homebrewed World
First off, almost all my adventures are set in my Homebrew World of Taalist, particularly the Continent of Krenshad.
Which the majority of has a very Gothic Art and Renaissance Period cultural feel to it. With some Greek and Middle
Eastern Cultre from various time periods thrown in there for flavor. That said… Almost all of my Adventures can be
easily ported into your location of choice. If you would like to play in Taalist my Campaign Guide (All 150+ Pages of it)
can be accessed on our Discord.
The Lay Out
I divide my adventures into “Acts”. An Act doesn’t necessarily reflect an amount of time, but more of an important
series of events or locations. Some Acts may take 5 minutes, some 5 hours. Why? I dunno, ask the players who over
complicate simple matters and simplify the overly complex.
Skill Check DCs
I don’t spend a lot of time defining DCs as I play with a bit wider scale of success and failures. What does that mean?
For reference the DC scale in 5E looks like this…. Very Easy DC 5, Easy DC 10, Medium DC 15, Hard DC 20, Very
Hard DC 25, Nearly Impossible DC 30. When I list a DC, I will tell you it is Hard. But Hard for one party may be easy
for another so I leave the actual number value up to you. I also play with a “Success but with Consequences” mentality.
That means if they get close they still accomplish their goal, but there is a “but” to that success. An Example? Hard
Stealth DC is 20, they roll an 18, I tell them “You sneak past the guard you see, but the guard you didn’t see heard
something and is headed your way.” I think it adds more to the story that way.
Search Checks
I often reference Search Checks. What is a Search Check? When the players want to “search” something or for
something I let them use either Investigation or Perception. I know that isn’t RAW but it just makes things so much
easier. I got real tired of explaining to players who have been playing with me for years the difference between the
two… just let them look for stuff!
Treasure Sizes
Every game is different. So I do not usually list out treasures. Instead I use the follwing terms to assign value not size
to the treasure Petty, Small, Medium, Large, Huge. Often I will use a combination of them. You can decide how best to
fulfill that for your party.
Identify Rules
I use a different style of Identify. Items in my world have a Knowledge DC on them (Arcana, Religion, History, and
Nature). I allow the player to use an appropriate Check on an item to identify it. The Identify Spell adds a +10 to this. It
can be upcast for additional +5 bonuses. Depending on the score of the Check I give them different information. Some
information is extremely hard to obtain, for example Curses are well hidden behind DCs that are at least DC 30, often
much higher.
Opening Cutscene
I like to start my games with an Opening Cutscene which is read before anything else happens. These are usually
really vague bits of information that give a glimpse into something that will maybe happen later, happened before the
adventure, or is story adjacent to it. I have found these to be great tools to set the mood and create a little mystery.
Setting, Background Info, and Hooks
These portions can be used as you see fit. Each one is a little different, so it is hard for me to say how best to use them.
Some will play better if you can get them into the hands of the players before the game. Others may have better
influence when read just after the Cutscene. Some are really only relevant to moments in the story. But as in all things
you do what is best for your game! That is always the way to go.
Skill Challenges
I use the idea of Skill Challenges a lot. What is that? It is an event in the game that isn’t quite an encounter and it isn’t
a simple skill check. It is a problem they solve with their whole skill set. Typically they must get three successes before
three failures in order to succeed in a skill check. The thing about a Skill challenge is they’re are vague on purpose to
allow players to be creative in solving a problem. An example may help here.
DM says “Your Boat is taking on water. What would you like to do?”
Player 1 responds with “I use my carpentry tools to fix the hole” and they make a Tool Check. But they roll a 2 so
they fail. Too much water.
Player 2 says “ wants to row harder with the crew to get us toward shore faster” They make an Athletics Check and
roll an 18. So that is a success.
Player 3 “I use Destroy Water to get water out” OK, well it only destroys 10 gallons so it isn’t super helpful, but the
momentary reprieve allows a little drywork to happen and allow player 1 to reroll.
14 Lair of the Spider Hag, September 2023
Lady Persephone of House DM Notes: Persephone is a main protagonist for the
Trellu of Balinovia
early adventures in A Town of Tragedy. There should be
a certain amount of mystery surrounding her, enough to
House Trellu is a powerful Noble family in the nation of create suspicion but not so much that the players turn
Balinovia, the city of Beurnoli specifically. They, like on her. I will be using her Dark Secret as the story
most nobles, maintain their wealth by owning land and builds, but intend for her to be more of a tragic figure as
collecting rent. The recent passing of a cousin who held things develop.
both land and title in Deleran’s Crossing has opened Marsilia Baralini
some interesting doors for them. Balinovia is at war
with the Blood Axe Orcs to the North and their chances When one uses the word Handmaiden it conjures
of keeping the Orcs at bay are not good. Barnabus pictures of young maidens in plain dresses attending
Trellu, the current head of House Trellu has sent his much older women. In this case the picture is turned
eldest daughter Persephone to manage the properties about. Marsilia has been many things to Persephone
and put them in an order worthy of House Trellu. Trellu. Nursemaid, Nanny, Governess, and
Persephone is a remarkable woman in many ways. As Handmaiden. She is a middle aged woman of proper
an infant she contracted the Pox, a disease that ravaged bearing. She holds herself as a lady of class, although
her body leaving her blind, and confined to a she has no claim to any titles herself. She has been a
wheelchair. She has never let her disabilities define her. loyal servant to the Trellu family since she was a
Now in her mid twenties, she has a sharp mind and a scullery maid in their kitchens as a child. She was
remarkable insight. She has proven herself time and married a long time ago, but the same Pox that took
again in both social situations and business. She has a Persephone’s eyes and legs stole her husband and two
no nonsense personality, that some consider cold and children. She has always looked after Persephone as
calculating. She is a fine looking woman of natural her own, and has never let that attachment show in an
beauty, but does not allow Marsilia, her handmaid, to inappropriate way. She is also the young woman’s
apply makeup or do anything more than a simple braid personal bodyguard, Handmaidens in Balinovia are not
with her hair. She wears a simple scarlet blindfold to simply responsible for dresses and makeup. They are
cover her eyes, as their empty pale milky color often trained combatants responsible for protecting their
puts people off, and not in a way that benefits charges with their very lives.
Potential Dark Secret: Marsilia was contacted by the
Potential Dark Secret: Persephone does not have many
desires. She accepted her life as a child and does not Hag before Aunt Zanetta’s letter arrived. Zanetta had no
often live with wishes or regrets. She does, however, intention of luring Persephone into a contract with a
have one. She wants children herself, but her physicians Hag, but the vile creature was made aware of the
have informed her that such a thing is impossible. The situation and decided to take advantage. Afterall, broken
Pox took that from her as well. Still, the heart wants hearts are the most fertile grounds for empty promises.
what the heart wants. Shortly, before her Aunt’s death Marsilia was promised a second chance with her family.
she received a letter from her. That letter hinted that She has made that arrangement. Though the price for
someone in Deleran’s Crossing had the power to help her family is steep and may be more than she can bear.
her conceive a child, maybe even recover fully. Shortly Marsilia is to help the Hag lure Persephone into a soul
afterward, another letter appeared. This one from an forfeiting deal. Once done, Marsilia and her family will
unknown sender. It claimed that they could indeed help be restored and allowed to carry on with their lives in a
Persephone, but blood would have to be spilled, demi-plane recreation of Beurnoli before the Pox came.
beginning with her Aunt. If she was willing to earn her DM Notes: Marsilia is in way over her head, but so far is
cure then she should put a black candle in the window holding the course. There should be minimal hinting at
and burn the letter at midnight. her Dark Secret until the actual reveal. She is truly torn
She hasn’t fooled herself into thinking this arrangement by this decision, and will still fight desperately to keep
isn’t without danger. She knows the force behind it is Persephone safe. She still thinks of her as a daughter,
likely a Fiend or a Hag. No matter, one week later a but she still wants her family back. So the loyalty is one
candle had been purchased, a letter burned, and Auntie part needing Persephone alive and one part actually
Zanetta passed away unexpectedly. Persephone has caring. Either way Marsilia is not slotted for a happy
come to do family business, and with any luck start one ending.
of her own.

Lair of the Spider Hag, September 2023 15

Syndy Spinsister, Hag of The Don Galvini Trellu
Night Circle Persephone’s father has come to town. He is a thicker
Syndy and her sisters are ancient and powerful hags human man in his mid fifties. And while not physically
who settled into the Stolegard forest around Deleran’s intimidating he casts a long shadow and has an
Crossing after the Pentad War. When the Weave imposing presence. Back in Balinovia he is infamous a
Drought took magic from the hands of mortals their Maffioso ad force to be rekoned with. Here in Deleran’s
coven infiltrated the City and began doing what Hags do Crossing is is simply a wealthy father who does not care
best, broker deals with beings whose wants outgrow much for his future son in law.
their sensibilities. The hags have divided up the aspects
of the city amongst themselves. Syndy, is the Hag of the NPC Group
Downtrodden. She dwells in the ruined Park and THE NIGHT CIRCLE
forests of the city and walk through the overgrown
yards, using her spider minions to keep a constant flow There are few things more unsettling or more
of information coming to her. She usually takes the dangerous in the world than a coven of powerful Hags.
form of Cynthia Duprang, a middle aged woman from There is no doubt that there is such a coven lurking in
the lower aristocracy. Cynthia is an average looking and pulling the strings on the town of Deleran’s
human woman with dishwater blond hair with small Crossing. They have divided the area amongst
streaks of gray forming. She has dull green eyes, a themselves and each controls a different aspect of the
welcoming smile, and the healthy, yet attractive figure of city. One manages the forests around Deleran’s
a woman who has led a full life. Cynthia is extremely Crossing, her reach extending far beyond the immediate
disarming and pleasant to be around. woodlands, from there she twists the natural into the
Oma’s true form is the stuff of nightmares. She, like unnatural. Another has embedded herself into the upper
most hags, has many features of the stereotypical class, aristocracy, and leadership of the town, loving the
folklore witch. A bent posture, wrinkly warted skin, long backstabbing and treachery people in power engage in.
scraggly gray hair. But that is where the similarities end. The last has happily chosen the downtrodden souls
She has four arms and four legs. Her hands and feet whose misery she revels in, and takes great pleasure in
each have eight digits. Four fingers where you would compounding. Together they form the coven the locals
expect them and four more opposite her palm where a whisper about as the Night Circle. The people are
normal beings wrist would connect to the hand. Her terrified of the coven, though no real proof of its
wrists instead join at the back of her palm and can existence has ever been presented. They simply know
unnaturally rotate. She wears a filthy black silken gown and understand that such things lurk in their shadows.
that does not cover her sagging granny bits, and a ratty Children are warned against making wishes, and adults
belt from which numerous pouches hang. Beneath he dare not speak dark desires out loud. Those who
scant wardrobe one can clearly see a spider like commit dark deeds often watch over their shoulders.
spinneret in her lower abdomen. She has twelve eyes But the truth is, although the coven loves to take
scattered across forehead and arachnid mandibles in advantage of such situations, and will happily bargain
place of a mouth. She typically crawls about on all eight with those who desire their help, they are often far more
limbs, but is just as quick when she rears up on her legs subtle than the citizens would imagine. They play long
in order to cast spells. Her skin is a dark decomposing games of influence and debt and have their claws deep
gray color and covered in countless pussing wounds into the hearts of the people, who are oftentimes
where multiple spider colonies nest inside of her. She completely unaware.
can naturally climb walls as the spell spider climb and
can attack anyone within 5’ of her with the spiders living
in her as a free action in a similar fashion to the
infestation spell.

Vaemond Maleris, 2nd Son of

the Maleris Family of Coldrock
Vaemond is a pleasant young man with dashing
features, deep brown eyes, a finely trimmed black
mustache, and dark swept back hair. He is a dutiful son
to both family and business, and has been courting
Persephone for some time now and will have proposed
marriage the night before the adventure begins.

16 Lair of the Spider Hag, September 2023

The Stolregard Barony and The Nation of Balinovia And
Deleran’s Crossing The City of Beurnoli
Let us begin with the Nation itself. Once a thriving part This is Persephone’s home, and worth mentioning as a
of Cetnovia, The Barony was founded long ago after backdrop to her life. Balinovia has an Italian feel to it,
land and title for the Eastern forests of Cetnovia were particularly when it comes to social and familial culture.
granted to Deleran Callington as reward for stopping Sadly, it is a land of extreme selfishness, most everyone
the Kren Empire from using the Throne of Bones to there is looking out for themselves first and themselves
dominate Cetnovia. It was later split off from Cetnovia second. And who could blame them? The nation is run
after some near cataclysmic disasters. Nestled in the by a former Pirate who wrangled the nobility under his
rocky foothills and valleys of the Stolregard mountains, thumb with the promises of riches or blood. They chose
the barony is a land with deep old growth forests. It was riches. It likely won’t last though. There are tens of
once a shining jewel in the world but centuries of thousands of Orcs from the Blood Axe Dominion
struggle have dimed its light. The Gray Wood is now building up on their northern borders. Balinovia has
filled with dark creatures and foreboding mystery. managed to keep them at bay thus far, but sooner or
The Capital City of Stolregard, Deleran’s Crossing is later the Orcs will break the lines and sweep through
nestled deep in the foothills of the Stolregard the land.
Mountains and surrounded by dark and foreboding Buernoli is a good sized city of tens of thousands
Gray Wood forest. Even in these late years and dark nestled on the north side of the Thundering River, and
times it is still a sight to behold. The city is built upon a is a valuable industrial center, and produces much of
cliffed island surrounded by a series of ridges and dells the nations arms and armor. The surrounding area is
cut out of the land by the Cold Rock River. The ruling hilly and rich with minerals, though most of the major
seat, Castle Skystone, sits just above the higher points mining operations are across the river in the mountains.
of the city on a plateau along the town’s northern edge. It is covered with small farms producing grain and
At first glance Deleran’s Crossing appears to be livestock. There are also a fair amount of vineyards
something out of a storybook, upon closer inspection it here, though the land isn’t as well suited to growing
more closely resembles a Shakespearean tragedy. grapes as the towns to the southwest are. It would be
Being a resident here is difficult, and life is pretty extremely picturesque if it weren’t for the pollution.
dismal. Despair and hopelessness are as common in Buernoli itself is filthy, the streets are filled with trash
town as rats and roaches. Low level violence and petty from large amount of industry that dominates the town.
crime are a daily occurrence. The people do what they The waste has tainted the river and forges have filled
have to do to survive both physically and emotionally. the sky with smoke. The wealthy live well outside the
city in hillside villas where they can ignore the decay
happening in town.

Lair of the Spider Hag, September 2023 17

Syndy Spinster
Medium fiend, Lawful evil
Rolb, Gargantuan Spider
Huge beast, Servant of Sydny
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 120 (12d10 + 50)
Speed 40 ft. Armor Class 15
Hit Points 80 (2d8 + 2)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Speed 50 ft., climb 50 ft.
21 (+5) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 15 (+2)
12 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 4 (-3)
Saving Throws Con +5
Skills Deception +5, Perception +5 Skills Perception +3, Stealth +7
Damage Resistances cold Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 13
Languages Common, Beast, Sylvan Languages —
Proficiency Bonus +5 Proficiency Bonus +2
Multiattack. Syndy makes one Bite & Two Claw attacks Spider Climb. The spider can climb difficult surfaces, including
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability
15 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage and 7 (2d6) poison damage. check.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the spider knows the
Hit: 15 (3d6 + 4) slashing damage. exact location of any other creature in contact with the same
Restraining Web. As a Bonus Action Syndy shoots webs out as a web.
Ranged Attack: +8 to hit, reach 30 ft., one target. Hit: The target Web Walker. The spider ignores movement restrictions caused
is grappled and restrained (escape DC 15) if it is a Large or by webbing.
smaller creature. Actions
Frightful Presence: Creatures of Syndy’s choice that are within
120 feet and aware of her must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom Multiattack. Rolb makes one Bite & One Web Attack Bite. Melee
saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 15 (3d6
can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, + 6) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 15
ending the effect on itself on a success. If the save is Constitution saving throw, taking 13 (4d6) poison damage on a
successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If the
her Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours. poison damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target is
stable but poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points,
and is paralyzed while poisoned in this way.
Spellcasting. The hag casts one of the following spells. Restraining Web. Rolb shoots webs out as a Ranged Attack: +8
Charisma is her spellcasting ability (spell save DC 14): to hit, reach 30 ft., one target. Hit: The target is grappled and
3/day each: disguise self, Fog cloud restrained (escape DC 15) if it is a Large or smaller creature.
At Will: Eldritch Blast 3 Blasts Sneaky Spider Can bonus action Dash, Disengage, or hide
1st (4): identify, ray of sickness, Helish Rebuke (R)
2nd (3): hold person, locate object, locate creature, Misty Step
(B), Darkness
3rd (3): bestow curse, counterspell, lightning bolt, Vamp Touch
4th (3): phantasmal killer, polymorph, Sickening Radiance
5th (2): contact other plane, scrying, Negative Energy Flood
6th (1): eyebite, circle of death

Legendary Resistance (3/Day)

If Syndy fails a Save, she can choose to succeed instead.
Legendary Action
Syndy can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Syndy regains
spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
Lair Action
On initiative cout 20 (losing ties), Sydny causes one of the
following effects. She can’t use the same effect two rounds in a
row and is immune to her own lair effects. Effects last 1 round.
Creates Darkness in the entire tree.
Casts a Web Spell that fills the interior of the tree.
Summons a swarm of spiderlings that do 2d4 damage to
targets of her choice inside the tree.

18 Lair of the Spider Hag, September 2023

The Stolregard Barony
Once a thriving part of Cetnovia, The Barony was founded long ago after land and title for the Eastern forests of
Cetnovia were granted to Deleran Callington as reward for stopping the Kren Empire from using the Throne of Bones
to dominate Cetnovia. It was later split off from Cetnovia after some near cataclysmic disasters. Nestled in the rocky
foothills and valleys of the Stolregard mountains, the barony is a land with deep old growth forests. It was once a
shining jewel in the world but centuries of struggle have dimed its light. The Gray Wood is now filled with dark
creatures and foreboding mystery.
The Capital City of Stolregard, Deleran’s Crossing is nestled deep in the foothills of the Stolregard Mountains and
surrounded by dark and foreboding Gray Wood forest. Even in these late years and dark times it is still a sight to
behold. The city is built upon a cliffed island surrounded by a series of ridges and dells cut out of the land by the Cold
Rock River. The ruling seat, Castle Skystone, sits just above the higher points of the city on a plateau along the town’s
northern edge.
Lair of the Spider Hag, September 2023 19
20 Lair of the Spider Hag, September 2023
Lair of the Spider Hag, September 2023 21
28. THE COPPER CROSSING (HR) A) House Trellu (HS)
29. DURRAND’S TAPROOM (HR) B) Warehouse 13 (HS)
30. FERUCHI’S GALLERY (HR) C) The Shadow Wreck (OT)
31. HILLSIDE INN AND TAVERN (HS) D) Galvini Imports (HR)
45. MORELY HOUSE (HS) HR - High Road
46. MELANIS HALL (HS) HS - Hillside
OT - Out of Town

22 Lair of the Spider Hag, September 2023

Lair Locations
1. Entrance 9. Ettercap Nest
2. Shaft 10. Treasure Room
3. Egg Room 11. Syndy’s Chamber
4. Dark Root Chamber 12. Ward Chamber
5. Acrid Pool 13. Vamp-Spider Lair
6. Brain Weed 14. Dark Scanctum
7. Haunted Ledge 15. Escape Tunnel
8. Bone Pit
Lair of the Spider Hag, September 2023 23

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