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1. Jack is ______ a model airplane.

A. build (B) builder (C) built (D) building**

2. We bought a ____ books.

(A) few** (B) little (C) some (D) lot

3. The lady _______ in this city since 1997.

(A) lives (B) is living (C) lived (D) has lived**

4. _____ will you finish your work?

(A) What (B) When** (C) Any time (D) Why
5. I am interested _____ receiving free samples of your product.

(A) in** (B) to (C) on (D) for

6. This lake is much ____ than the one near my house.

(A) deep (B) deeper** (C) deeply (D) more deeply

7. After you collect the money, you need to count ___.

(A) it** (B) them (C) itself (D) they

8. The _______ office is on Main Street.

(A) doctor (B) doctor’s** (C) doctor whose (D) of the doctor
9. The meeting was ___ because no one has time to come.

(A) cancelled** (B) cancellation (C) cancel (D) canceling

10. The party is on the _____ of January.

(A) two eight (B) twenty-eight (C) twenty-eighth** (D) twentieth and eighth
11. Jane became an English teacher and I did _____ .

(A) become (B) too** (C) well (D) neither

12. You can’t have dessert ______ you eat your dinner.

(A) but (B) unless** (C) therefore (D) whether

13. Buy a loaf of _____when you’re at the supermarket.

A. books B. boxes C. butter D. bread**

14. The manager ____to send this fax before noon today.
A. liked B. is liking C. would like** D. is being liked

15. You can either rent _____ buy this house.

D. whether
A. or** B. and C. nor

16. _______ these dishes will take at least an hour.

A. I wash B. The wash C. Washing** D. Wash

17. You had _______ study for the exam.

A. go B. supposed to C. better** D. ought

18. We felt that the recent reports were not particularly ______.
A. informs B. information C. informative** D. inform

19. Please call the travel agent this afternoon to ______ your travel plans.
A. confirmation B. confirm** C. confirmed D. confirming
20. Our team worked ______ hard that we finished the project two days before the deadline.
A. too B. not C. so** D. such

21. Accounting practice _____ by distinct accounting standards, rules, methods and procedures.
A. Guide B. guides C. is guided** D. was guided

22. Our bodies expect a constant supply of sleep ____ they function best when provided a full night’s sleep every 24hours.
A. And** B. but C.or D. yet

23. ______________ and rapid economic growth in recent years have put a large and increasing stress on the water
resources and environment in Ho Chi Mint City Vietnam.
A. Inrease population B. Inreased population** C. Increasing population D. Having inreased population

24. The term “medical reversal” refers to the replacement _________ that was widely believed to be beneficial.
A. of a medical practice** B. to a medical practice C. by a medical practice D. with a medical practice

25. Tardigrades also known as water bears, are microscopic animals that live ___watery environments and feed on juices
from plant cells.
A. In** B. on C. for D. over

26. History, it is often said _______ by the winners - a saying that suggests bias in historical records.
A. is written** B. was written C. has been written D. have been written

27. Foods reach in folate, a form of vitamin B, ___ reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease.
A. Help** B. helps C. helped D. is helping

28. The family went for a two-week cruise on a ___, ___, ___ ocean liner.
A. brand-new, incredible, Italian B. italian,incredible,brand-new C. incredible, brand-
new,Italian** D. incredible,italian, brand-new

29. They ___ a few crisis in the past, so they were able to handle this situation fairly well.
A. have managed** B. had managed C. had been managed D. have been managed

30. Over the years economic growth __ of greater concern than environmental preservation.
A. has been** B. have been C. had been D. will have been

31. The opening ceremony ___ by top officials and national officials if big companies last year.
A. is graced B. was graced** C. has graced D. had graced

32. A history of depression, denial, injustice and abuse ___ the greatest detriment to people of color.
A. Had B. Has C.Have been** D. Having

33. ________should help you be better informed about potential risks, but it should not be a source of alarm.
A. Know your family history B. Knowing your family history** C. To have your family
history known D. Having your family history known

34. We become nervous, doubtful, even fearful _____ we don’t see our good coming as quickly as we think.
A. While B. when** C.because D. Therefore

35. The child was advised to stay away ________ because of trauma.
A. completed from his father B. completely from his father**
C. completed with his father D. completely with his father
36. He _____ a beautiful poem for his mother.

A. write B. writing C. wrote** D. written

37. Water is nature’s big gift to man _____ it quenches his thirst.
A. although B. hence C. because** D. moreover

38. _________ the serene city of Italy is her lifelong dream.

A. Have visited B. Having visited C. Shall have visit D. To visit**

39. The fireman _____ the fire last night.

A. tries to control B. tried to controls C. tried to control** D. try to control

40. Dorothy unnecessarily ______ a quarrel with Bryan and left the party immediately.
A. picked on B. picked out C. picked** D. picked up

41. Success in this examination depends _____ the hard work alone.
A. at B. in C. on** D. from

42. Robert pleaded ____ his teacher to ask and give him a chance.
A. with B. to** C. from D. in

43. The child who caught cheating _____ the teacher not to tell his parents about the incident.
A. implored** B. has implored C. has imploring D. had implored

44. You _____ to stop drinking alcohol now before it ____ you.
A. must-kill B. should-kills C. have-kills** D. shall-kill

45. The department store has ____ boxes gift to giver.

A. square cardboard gift** B. square gift cardboard C. gift cardboard square

46. The debutant received ____ roses.

A. several big red** B. several red big C. red several big D. big red several

47. All men ____ his will but wait.

A. on B. in C. upon** D. from

48. The cost of a program being implemented is important ______ the feasibility prioritization of the various concerns for it to be
able to promote change.
A. Hence it looks into B. until it looks into C. since it looks into D. because it looks into**

49. Filipinos are fortunate ____ the country has natural resources.
a. because** b. hence c. when d. despite

50. Disaster preparedness and disaster reduction management are slowly being taught in schools because of the _____ of floods,
earthquakes and other natural calamities in the world.
a. continual increasing incident b. continually increase incidence
c. continual increase incidents d. continually increasing incidence**
51. The test was hard for Paul and _______.

a. I b. me** c. himself d. myself

52. The flower smells _______

a. more sweet b. sweetly c. sweet** d. sweeter

53. He is the ______ of the two brothers.

a. tallest b. most tall c. taller** d. very tall

54. The suggestion of the employees ______ appropriate.

a. is very b. seems c. seem** d. is

55. After ______ all day, she finally saw the lake.
a. had walked b. walking c. having walked** d. have walked

56. We had the ______ news when he came.

a. last b. last of all c. very last d. latest**

57. I ______ gone with you.

a. should have** b. am c. have d. had

58. I _______ walked two kilometers by the time you catch up with me.
a. have b. would have c. will have** d. had

59. If I _____ President, I would live in Malacanang.

a. were** b. was c. should d. am

60. The means of transportation ______ dramatically since the end of the 20th.
a. will changed b. have changed c. has changed** d. will have changed

61. If I _____ the same problems you had as a child; I might not have succeeded in life as well as you have.
a. have b. had** c. would have d. should

62. If I could speak English, I ______ next year studying in the States.
a. has spend b. would spend** c. would have spent d. will spent

63. We should work for the total ban _____ of pesticides.

a. on the use** b. by the use c. on using d. with

64. The Rizal Day Celebration reminds us about heroes worth ________
a. appreciating b. emulating** c. studying d. reading about

65. Louise, together with her siblings, ______the venue of Jane’s wedding.
a. arrive from b. arrives on c arrive in** d. arrives at

66. I have arrhythmia and was told to have further check-up to the hospital ______ shall I see to get help?
a. which b. where c. whom** d. who

67. Our country takes pride ______ the many beautiful beaches and resorts that attract numerous visiting tourists.
a. a. of b. in** c. over d. its

68. If a person is loquacious. She is said to be ______ and often times talks insensibly.
a. talkative** b. meticulous c. silent d. blatant

69. The presence of CCTV cameras in the major thorough fares _______ road mishaps and violations.
a. recorded b. will record c. records d. record**

70. The famous chefs of the world know that taste, aroma, texture, color, appearance and temperature of the food all contribute
_________ what we call flavor.
a. which b. to** c. from d. for

71. Number of participants ________ limited to a few practitioners.

a. is** b. are c. nevertheless d. although

72. Edgar unnecessarily _______ a quarrel with Bryan and left the party immediately with his other friends.
a. picked** b. picked up c. picked on d. picks
73. The millennials department store sells many ______ gift boxes available in different sizes for the gift-givers this
yuletide season.
a. cardboard creatively-designed square b. square cardboard creatively-designed
c. creatively-designed square cardboard** d. cardboard square creatively-designed

74. Despite a plea from the management, employees _____ a massive protest.
a. should staged b. would stage c. stage d. have stage**

75. Karen is a high eater______ she is not used eating a lot.

a. had b. although** c. hence d. was

76. History tells us that long before the Arabs arrived, a powerful civilization ______ already flourished in Egypt.
a. is b. was c. has d. had**

77. Theodore is drunk and drives recklessly. It seems he doesn’t care _______ his life at all.
a. for b. about** c. in d. at

78. It is observed that some new aspiring politician usually make a ______ before running in Congress with great hope of bringing
changes in the system ang progress in the country.
a. two-hour important decisions** b. two-hours important decisions
c. two hours important decisions d. two hour important decisions

79. Resiliency is one trait that is worth emulating ______ it is often misunderstood by others as a weak trait.
a. but b. yet** c. and d. that

80. I need to bleach those socks because my son always wants to wear ______ socks to match his well ironed uniform.
a. cleaner white b. white clean c. clean white** d. white cleaner

81. She is well loved by the people for being ______________.

a. slanderous b. virtuous** c. ambiguous d. condescending

82. Davidlee is an ____________ diver. He always wins the gold medal.

a. inept b. efficient c. adroit** d. aggressive

83. The ____ student _____ going to school.

a. delinquent; abhors** b. awkward; abhors c. industrious; dislikes d. obedient; dislikes

84. The reporter was adjudged guilty of _____ for spreading false accusations.
a. calumny** b. rebellion c. treachery d. mutiny

85. Ewan played the violin with such _____, everyone was amazed.
a. anxiety b. inanity c. deity d. virtuosity**

86. Today, Alfred Wegener’s theory is _______; however, he died an outsider treated with ___ by the scientific establishments.
a. unsupported: approval b. dismissed: contempt c. accepted: approbation d. unchallenged: disdain**

87. The revolution I art has not lost its steam; it _________ on as fiercely as ever.
a. trudges b. meanders c. rages** d. ambles

88. Biological clocks are of such ___ adaptive value to living organisms, that we would expect most organisms to _____them.
a. obvious: possess** b. ambivalent: develop c. meager: evolve d. significant: eschew

89. The peasants were the least ______ of all people, bound by tradition and _____ by superstitions.
a. conventional: encumbered b. pinioned: limited c. free: fettered** d. enthralled: tied
90. The conclusion of his argument, while _____, is far from ______.
a. germane: relevant b. esoteric: obscure c. stimulating: interesting d. abstruse: incomprehensible**


Choose your answer that best define the capitalized word in each item.
91. Clowns are never VAPID but the sick usually are.
a. lacking spirit and liveliness** b. redundancy c. mistake d. lively and energetic

92. Poverty should never be viewed as an IMPEDIMENT towards attaining good education.
a. way b. reason c. link d. obstruction**

93. URBANE people are appalled by rude behaviour.

a. modern b. ill-mannered** c. well-mannered d. rich

94. Janna’s department is highly COMMENDABLE.

a. praiseworthy** b. regrettable c. woeful d. lamentable

95. For EMNITY and the hate are contrary to the friendship and concord.
a. division b. confusion c. agreement d. mutual hatred**

96. Dentists believe that babies should be WEANED from feeding bottles as soon asa possible to prevent malformation of
the infant’s erupting teeth.
a. free from dependence** b. develop hatred for c. get used to d. make more dependent

97. The client was asked to verify the VERACITY of the statement of accounts issued.
a. redundancy b. accuracy** c. mistake d. discrepancy

98. “Spare the rod and spoil the child” is a common AMORPHISM.
a. slogan b. motto c. proverb** d. battle cry

99. The students were UPBRAIDED for misbehaving during assembly.

a. honored b. praised c. stopped d. scolded**

100. The Filipino’s FORTITUDE is the reason why he seldom complains.

a. peace-loving b. discontent c. satisfaction d. endurance**

101. The VIRULENT drug he had mistakenly taken killed him in an instant.
a. effective b. expensive c. sedative d. toxic**

102. Argentina is one of the world’s leading honey-exporters. It maintains a large APIARY.
a. Place where birds are bred. b. Place where apes are grown.
c. Place where bees are raised**. d. Place where honey is stored.

103. Eugenio Joshua admires his teacher’s DEPORTMENT during class.

a. demeanor** b. speech c. banishment d. intelligence

104. His recommendation was rejected because it might be INIMICAL to the company.
a. insubstantial b. useful c. costly d. disadvantageous**

105. Marvin Jay’s supervisor asked him to elucidate his proposal during the presentation.
a. clarify** b. extend c. improve d. shorten

106. An A-rating represents the ULTIMATE honor a film will ever have.
a. supreme b. pinnacle c. least** d. greatest
107. Leonardo da Vinci’s painting abilities are UNCANNY.
a. remarkable b. ordinary** c. astonishing d. unbelievable

108. You will never get sufficient nourishment if you are OBDURATE in refusing to eat
vegetable. a. stubborn b. firm c. willful d. obedient**

109. The current of flood water caused the wooden bridge to VACILLATE.
a. be firm** b. sway c. collapse d. vibrate

110. The VINDICTIVE politician spread rumors about his opponent.

a. spiteful b. revengeful c. malicious d. forgiving**

111.If words were swords, then her VITRIOLIC remarks could really kill.
a. sarcastic b. kind** c. scathing d. satirical
112. Many students VOUCH for the effectiveness of the Carl Balita Review Center.

a. affirm b. refute** c. guarantee d. endorse

113. That YONDER youth is more studious than the nearer one.

a. accuracy** b. mistake c. discrepancy d. redundancy

114. CBRC lectures are ZEALOUS teacher who nourish eager minds.

a. vigorious b. enthusiastic c. indifferent** d. earnest

115. Don’t let TRIVIAL things upset you.

a. ordinary b. important** c. inconsequential d. trifling

116. The mother has been DOLEFUL every day when she lost her son.
a. miserable b. cheerful** c. prayerful d. anxious

117. Juan Carlo ACQUIESCED to his friends’ plan of going to Baguio comes February.
a. agreed b. objected** c. rejoiced d. abided

118. John Dan’s house is full of a MOTLEY collection of furniture, including antiques, woodcrafts and glasswares.
a. diverse b. attractive c. homogenous** d. expensive

119. Jeric Angel’s nervousness was PALPABLE despite the confident façade he was showing.
a. evident b. increasing c. decreasing d. hidden**

120. He had learned that everything in life is EVANESCENT.

a. temporary b. permanent** c. extraordinary d. luminous

121. Joan lives ______ Santillan Road.

a. to b. in c. at d. on**
122. Maggie will be ready to leave _____ about thirty minutes.
a. on b. where c. in** d. at
123. Since he met his new girlfriend, Mico never seems to be _____home.
a. to b. in c. at** d. on
124. Jeremy responded to his mother’s demands ____ throwing a tantrum.
a. through b. from c. with d. by**
125.I think Carmen spent the entire afternoon ___ the phone.
a. at b. on** c. in d. with
D. Analogy
a. predictable: event a. departure: arrival** a. erudite: wisdom
b. coordinated: movement b. culmination: upshot b. desultory: error
c. active: thought c. approach: return c. boisterous: calm**
d. erratic: path d. escapade: punishment d. exalted: elevation

a. seed: flower a. obdurate: foolish** a. exacerbate: problem

b. smoke: fire b. ascetic: austere b. modify: accent
c. chair: furniture** c. loquacious: taciturn c. dampen: enthusiasm**
d. mystify: enlightenment d. peremptory: spontaneous d. elongate: line

a. religious: private a. starvation: sustenance a. soldier: weapon

b. expensive: profligate b. independence: freedom** b. lawyer: law
c. conservative: stoic c. infirmity: illness c. carpenter: wood**
d. mendacious: truthful** d. spontaneity: care d. teacher: pupil

a. miscarry: succeed**
b. dismount: devolve
c. abrogate: deny
d. abridge: shorten


1. A. Many medications are safe and effective when 6. A. The tale that was told
taken alone B. in a low and mystery voice**
B. and ineffective or counterproductive** C. kept us on the
C. when taken in combination D. edge of seats.
D. with something else.
7. A. Researchers are learning to detect changes
2. A. Outside of written records, B. beyond the huge population
B. evidence of Philippines’ existence** C. of bacteria, viruses, yeast cells and other microbes
C. have survived D. that thrives in the mouth**
D. in pottery relics.
8. A. Sit cramped**
3. A. The obligations of the accountant to the client
B. for a very long period of time
B. rested upon the agreed scope
C. in dry conditions
C. of the engagement which,
D. can affect our circulatory system.
D. in effect represents a contractual agreement**

4. A. The man 9. A. You are not always in control

B. gives an antidote so powerful** B. of what goes in your mind,
C. that any poison was made harmless C. because only you can determine**
D. after taking it. D. what stays there.

5. A. I bought some 10. A. The Philippines

B. silver charming Victorian** B. has accomodations**
C. ornaments C. to suit everyone
D. at the flee market. D. from five-star hotels to simple hotels.
11. A. As a mode of expository writing, 21. A. You should make sure
B. the narrated writing offers writers** B. your body has get**
C. a chance to think and write C. the necessary vitamins and minerals
D. about themselves. D. humans need.

12. A. The novel was so popular 22. A. It is often said that

B. among teenagers B. lightning never strike twice**
C. to a point that a movie was made C. at the same place,
D. based from the story** D. but this isn’t true.

13. A. Oncologists are doctors 23. A. Public opinion polls have consistently
B. who specialize B. demonstrated the public’s willingness
C. in treating C. for “tradeoff” economic growth**
D. the cancer** D. for environmental protection.

14. A. To skip meal** 24. A. Money is not natural reward of love**

B. maximizes B. that is why we call a man mercenary
C. the caloric effect C. if he marries a woman
D. of the food we eat. D. for the sake of her money.

15. A. Wallow in disappointment** 25. A. As of January 2003,

B. over something B. Okinawa has the highest proportion of centenarians
C. you did in the world
D. is not productive. C. but its ranking of male expectancy
D. fell into first rank in 1985 to fourth rank in 1995**
16. A. The majority of scientific evidence
B. showed that, for a healthy adult 26. A. I had a stream visitors**
C. moderate quantities of caffeine** B. which kept me sane,
D. pose no significant in health risk. C. but I never realized that the whole effort
D. would be so tiring
17. A. In 1964,
B. the African countries of Tanganyaki and Zanziban 27. A. The house furnishings of the**
C. has united to form** B. Ramos mansion by the lake
D. a single country, now called Tanzania. C. has impressed the guests
D. during the house warming.
18. A. The Gleaning Network,
B. an organizer in the United Kingdom 28. A. To lessen monthly expense**
C. is trying to reduce waste B. the newlywed decided
D. and solve farming problem** C. to rent a small apartment
D. in the old building
19. A. In many cities around the world
B. the number of homeless people 29. A. The expensive antiquity silver mirror
C. have become** B. was formerly owned by my only surviving aunt
D. a big problem. C. who in turn gave it to me during**
D. my 18th birthday celebration
20. A. A team led by the government agency concerned
B. say that chemicals from the factory** 30. A. The students in the state college have
C. had contaminated sediment in the bay B. prepared a letter of inquiry to the school officials
D. and entered the food chain. C. in relation to the sudden increase with**
D. tuition fees imposed by the school
31. A. The journalism is always updated** 38. A. In a study of women who were depressed in a 12
B. with regards to certain trendy words than clinches year study,
C. uttered by politicians and news casters such as B. evidence of having depression are considered a
D. win-win situation, wake-up call and proactive roles. grave risk factor**
C. so that there is all more reason for a depressed
32. A. After looking at academically challenged person
and delayed learners, D. seek psychological and medical mood boosters.
B. Text Mapping Project, a non-profit organization
in America was established 39. A. An education really suited to the rural
C. for serve classroom teachers in assisting these environment**
learners** B. can become both acceptable and
D. to improve reading comprehension skills. genuinely functional
C. only when the environment begins to offer skills,
33. A. Hydration is important so that for someone to stay knowledge
hydrated** D. and opportunities on the large scale.
B. he must be able to drink at least eight (8) glasses
of water 40. A. Statistics are a method used by mathematicians as far
C. and a fresh juice daily but not coffee and back as 17 century**
carbonated drinks B. which is used to analyze data that is, to organize,
D. while tea with antioxidants can also hydrate body. C. make sense, explain and put meaning to an
34. A. Machu Picch; a beautiful tourist attraction D. large amount of material or data gathered in
which nestles in a high saddle a research study.
B. between two peaks Cusco, Peru above
the Urubamba Valley, 41. A. Most important thing in the world**
C. was built by the Incas in the 15th century and it’s B. has been accomplished by people
boasts of more than** C. who have kept on when there
D. a hundred flight of stone step which leads D. seemed to be no hope
to temples and garden terraces.
42. A. There’s a little point in saving money
35. A. A mother and her new born baby is encouraged** B. when you can loose it**
B. to exchange smiles as often as they could C. through no fault of your own
C. because it is important for bonding and attachment D. and avoidable circumstances.
D. as well as intellectual and social development of
the child. 43. A. Thinking like a winner means not always having
to defeat someone else
36. A. Despite being crippled arthritis**
B. but it means that one is being able to learn from a
B. Grandma Ana Moses was a self-taught artist
who started painting
C. which would be of great help
C. everyday turning out more than 1000 works in
D. to rise above that failure and to be able to
25 years
reach one’s goal.
D. exhibited her work in the US until her death.
44. A. Unclean water and improper disposal of waste
37. A. For years, aspirin was hailed as a heart hero,**
B. can be carried highly communicable diseases**
B. for patients with problems of the heart but
C. because of their injurious effects
experts recently discovered
D. to human life
C. that it has a link to stomach problems such
as Gastrointestinal bleeding especially
45. A. Student and teachers alike
D. if one takes it daily even if he has no known
B. seem to felt that there is**
heart ailments.
C. more virtue in admitting growth
D. than knowledge
46. A. The Secretary was calm in explaining the 55. A. The indication
advantages of B. of social distinct**
B. the K-12 Curriculum when C. or the credibility of a piece of information
C. various protects from the parents D. can lead to interesting state of perplexity
D. begun in the streets.**
56. A. Swimming is a good form of restoring wellness
47. A. The researchers from DepEd traveling B. and making you fit
B. too many town and cities all over the country** C. therefore you are stretching your lung muscles**
C. to monitor the implementation of D. and oxygenating your internal system
D. their programs
57. A. The Japanese have high regard for the beauty of
48. A. Multiple intelligence as introduced by Howard Gardner the nature**
B. looks into the eight types of intelligences found in B. This reverence has led to creation of the world’s
a man most spectacular park systems
C. which could be helping the teachers in** C. covering 5.4 percent of their land total area.
D. identifying the pupils’ capabilities in class. D. The park also boasts of having the most
beautiful nature preserves.
49. A. Gender inequality exist when
B. anyone from the group of LGBT 58. A. Finance statements**
C. are prevented from any privileges** B. are the formal reports
D. which normal sexes enjoy C. prepared
D. by accountants.
50. A. Thailand is another famous Asian Tourist destination
B. which everyone enjoys going to 59. A. Public opinion polls have consistently
C. because of its street foods and B. demonstrated the public’s willingness
D. the majestic Grand Palace which the prime C. for “tradeoff” economic growth**
Minister holds office.** D. for environment protection

51. A. The navy contributes 60. A. Any government

B. to the protection of the environment and B. should implement certain policies
preservation of the natural resources C. which would cater to the economic, political,
C. by scuttle out cylindrical blocks** moral**
D. to serve as artificial reefs D. and the social needs of the nation.

52. A. The lady news anchor looked** 61. A. The threat of deculturation
B. so refreshing in her floral blouse and pleated skirt B. now hangs over many small ethnic minority**
C. in the television, delivered the news C. that are scattered
D. lively and spontaneity D. in the depths of many forests

53. A. In the middle of confusion 62. A. Human beings

B. Joseph the man who seemed** B. have this natural inclination
C. To have lose hope, suddenly heard a voice C. for fending off lonely, exile, and death**
D. telling him to remain steadfast D. by dressing up the passing moment as a miracle.

54. A. Despite being a PWD 63. A. Any nation

B. Carina preserves in her studies B. that aspires to elevate morality
C. and ignores any hardships that come along in life C. will have difficulty
D. to pursued her dreams of becoming SPED D. stamp out prostitution. **
64. A. Trinh Xuan Thuan, an astrophysicist from Vietnam 68. A. Inclusive education gives importance to all people
B. wrote The Birth of the Universe: The Big Bang and B. regardless of cultural affinity and the physical
After, in 1993, limitations
C. a book on how it elucidates** C. They are the people who wishes to learn and**
D. the information and evolution of galaxies. D. Become useful towards achieving improvement of
65. A. The failure of tree-planting project was due to the their lives.

inconsistent reforestation program 69. A. If depression will not be given an attention, it

B. haphazard community tree-planting schemes, and predisposes to hibernate and worst end his life.
meddling practices of indifference individuals** B. So, therefore, we should all create a
C. who reduced the anti-erosion fences consciousness to spot**
D. just to benefit their pasture land businesses C. Friends of family members who seem to be
66. A. The movie we have seen undergoing something
D. A listening ear, a warm hug or handshake matter
B. is a precision-carved jigsaw puzzle most.
C. that it took us inside the head**
D. of a deeply disturbed, isolated schizophrenic man
67. A. Aling Luz single-handedly raised her two children

B. did two works at the same time while still on the top
of guiding her children
C. with their studies who eventually both graduated
with honors
D. She is truly a role model and deserves an Ulirang
Ina award. **

EPT Reading Comprehension

The Filipino is sustained by his faith and his music. This was the observation made many years ago by a noted Jesuit.
This I saw, felt and believed when I took a summer vacation in my father’s hometown.
For example, Tata Kandong would work like a horse the whole day as he shuttles endlessly between his vegetable farm and
his modest piggery. In the evenings he would play his banduria and tell lots of stories between his pieces. Then he would
sound solemn and pious in saying, “God will send us rain for our rice field soon”.
My father’s youngest sister, Tita Cora, was a fine example of wife and mother would put her young to sleep with her sweet
lullabies. Going back to her work as a seamstress, she would hum lovely kundiman. On one occasion, she paused and with a
glint on her eyes, she hoped her two children would be successful professionals.
My cousin, Josuel, just graduated from high school. He had to walk five kilometers every day to school as there were no
available means of transportation. Some evenings we would share some praise songs. “I hope”. He wistfully said once, “I can
be a lawyer, so I can help the victims of exploitation in our town.”
Tata Kandong, Tita Cora and Josuel typify the strong and resolute Filipinos. While life is difficult, hope springs eternal from
their hearts, by the power of their faith and music.

1. We can infer from the selection that people can overcome life’s difficulties thru _________.
a. Sense of humor b. Faith in others c. Love songs and dances d. Love of God and music**

2. As used in the selection, the word “glint” means ________.

a. Doubt b. Pain c. Sparkle** d. Sadness

3. The theme of this selection is that the Filipino _______.

a. Overcome difficulties by his faith and music** b. Can always turn to others in order to survive
c. Depends on others to survive d. Look at life as a burden
4. The phrase”hope springs eternal” most likely mean _____.
a. To ask for hope b. To rely on hope c. There is no more d. There is always hope**

5. The Filipino value most exemplified selection in his ______.

a. Faith in others b. Love of family** c. Respect for elders d. Love of people

Whenever Richard Cory went down town, we people on the pavement, look at him. He was gentleman from sole to crown,
clean favored and imperially slim, and he was quietly arrayed and he was always human when he talked. But still he fluttered
pulses when he said “good morning” and he glittered when he walked, and he was rich- yes, richer than a king. And admirably
schooled in every grace, in fine, we thought that he was everything. To make us wish that we were in his place, so on we
worked and waited for the light and went without meat, and cursed the bread. And Richard Cory one calm summer night went
home and put a bullet through his head.

6. What lesson in life can be best derived from the poem?

a. Happiness is always a choice
b. Life offers as many opportunities
c. Death is like thief that comes in the most unexpected time.
d. One can be wealthy but still feel unfulfilled with his/her life**

7. What is the mood of the selection?

a. Ironic** b. Inspiring c. Surprising d. Confusing
8. What do you think was the main reason of Richard Cory for shooting himself? Answer: B. He get tired of living in solitude

9. What is the sensory image of the following lines in the poem? Answer: A. Sight

Let me but do my work from day to day, in field of forest, at the desk or loom. In roaring market place or tranquil room. Let me
but find it in my heart to say, when vagrant wishes beckon me astray, “this is my work; my blessing, not my doom. Of all who
live, I am the one by whom” this work can best be done in the right way” then shall I see it not too great, nor small, to suit my
spirit ant to prove my powers then shall I cheerful turn, when the long shadows fall at eventide, to play and love and rest.
Because I know for me my work is best.

10. What is the main idea expressed in the poem?B. Whatever task we set to do; we must do it the best we can**

11. As used in the selection, the word "loom" means a_____ D. Machine for weaving**

12. It can be concluded that the selection emphasizes_____.

A. Humility for what others work B. Pride in hard work** C. Sincerity of intention D. Charity to all

13. The idea of the author about his work is expressed through____.
A. Illustration B. Exposition C. Sonnet D. Poetry**

14. It can be inferred that the speaker is _____ the work he does.
A. Tired of B. Proud of** C. Fed up by D. Dissatisfied with
A world without pasta seems inconceivable. Macaroni and cheese loving children across the US would howl in protest; Italy
might suffer a heart attack; social unrest could explode in china where noodles are the main staple.
But if humans want to keep eating pasta, we will have to take much more aggressive action against global warming. Pasta
is made from wheat, and a large growing body of scientific studies and real-world observations suggest what wheat will be hit
especially hard as temperatures rise and storms and drought intensify in the years ahead.
Three grains- wheat, corn and rice account for most of the food that humans consume. All these are already suffering from
climate change, but wheat stands to fare the worst in the years ahead, for it is the grain most vulnerable to high temperatures.
That spells trouble not only for pasta but also for bread, the most basic food of all. International agricultural research centers
and the private sector have woken up to the fact that higher temperatures are almost inevitable and they have very little in their
genetic toolbox to deal with them.

15. The meaning of inconceivable in the first sentence of the passage must be _________.
a. Not imaginable** b. Cannot happen c. Unable to conceive d. No possibility

16. The passage emphasizes an alarming future scenario because __________.

a. Humans will take more aggressive action against global warming
b. China, where noodles are the main staple, could have social unrest
c. Macaroni and cheese loving children across the US would protest
d. Three significant grains, especially wheat may be lost to humans**.

17. This passage entitled Pasta Crisis points out with urgency that _____.
a. Higher temperatures are almost inevitable b. Three grains are already suffering from climate change
c. More aggressive action against global warming is needed** d. Drought will intensify in the coming years
18. Another way of expressing the idea in the sentence” it is the grain most vulnerable to high temperatures” is it is the grain _____.

a. Most affected under intense heat** b. Likely to flourish when it gets warm c. Strongly at risk in
temperate areas d. inclined to wither if it gets very hot

19. The idea in the passage is develop using ___________.

a. Narration b. Exposition** c. Description d. Illustration

What is obedience? It consists putting our own will to the will of another. It is a habit of the following a law or command. It is
a virtue necessary for everyone, especially children and young people. It is the basis of order. Without obedience life will be a
great disorder. It has been said that he who rightly obeys will live right; he will live sweetly, free from cares and troubles. He
cannot grow or progress if he does not learn to obey. He is not safe and happy if does not obey orders.
But obedience appears unattractive to the eyes of young people. They want to enjoy their liberty. Admittedly, this is the trend
now or what seems to be. Therefore, it is most necessary that they be wisely advised.
Always be obedient. You will find it very difficult at times, when pride or bad temper wants to dominate. You should learn
to bow, that is to obey while you are still young and you will have done a great deal to promote the happiness of your future life.
Obedience is something not to be ashamed of. You cannot live without it. Even the president of the country is not exempted
from obedience. He/ She has to obey the laws he/she have helped to make.
So obey God, your parents, teachers, superiors, and people in authority, laws of government and customs of society.
Obedience must be our law. And what a happy and world this be if everyone is obedient.

20. What is the main idea of the selection?

a. Obedience is just a trend. B. Obedience is freedom from laws
c. Obedience is the key to a happy and prosperous world** D. Obedience is true to both young and old.

21. Which specific paragraph gives suggestions on the gains of being obedient?
a. Paragraph 1 and 2 b. Paragraph 1 and 4 c. Paragraph 2 and 3 d. Paragraph 2 and 4**
22. What does the word trend mean?
a. cure b. value c. manner d. tendency**

23. Being obedient is different from those who are disobedient because
A. obedience is a virtue for everyone to aspire for. B. obedience seemed like a phenomenon.
C. obedience is a tradition of our society. D. obedience makes you feel proud yourself**

24. What do these words mean” putting our own will do the will another”?
A. being obedient** B. being naughty C. being hardheaded D. being disrespectful

25. What literary technique was used by the writer in presenting his ideas?
A. narration B. comparing ideas C. detailed analysis D. giving suggestions**

26. Being obedient is a sign of __.

A. discipline** B. superiority C. weakness D. childishness

27. Based on the selection, what conclusion can be drawn?

a. If every Filipino citizen would be obedient, our country will prosper and progress**
b. If every Filipino citizen would be obedient, our country will never develop.
c. If every Filipino citizen would be obedient, we will all be childish and childlike.
d. If every Filipino citizen would be obedient, we will be contacted.

We have so much in life to be thankful for. We walk, talk, see, hear, think and breathe- usually without effort. Why do we
have to spend so much time dwelling on what we can’t, don’t have and what is going wrong? We can instantly recall the
negative experiences, people and circumstances. Without recognizing, we have the ability to walk away or make a change.
Perhaps we have too many options from which to choose, or it could be we simply want to complain. Maybe if we spent just a
little time saying “thank you” for what we do have. We won’t have so much time to dwell in what we lack.
Gratitude, praise and thanksgiving activate the divine laws of abundance. When the universe can see we are conscious of
and grateful for what we have. It is activated to shower us with more. Even when it seems that the well is drying up, we can
affirm. “I can hardly wait to see the good that will come out of this”
28. According to the author, which of the following activates the divine laws of abundance?
A. Recalling negative experiences B. Dwelling on what we can't do C. Having so much in
life D. Giving thanks**

29. 33. Which of these statements from the selection expresses cause-effect relationship?
a. When the universe can see we are grateful for what we have, it is activated to shower us with more. **
b. We walk, talk, see, hear, think and breathe - usually without effort.
c. Perhaps we have too many options from which to choose
d. We have so much in life to be thankful for

30. 34. Why do we always have to be thankful in life?

A. Giving thanks solves most of our problems. B. Being thankful attracts more blessings. ** D.
C. Thanksgiving banishes most of our worries. Thankfulness is rare among the blessed.

31. 35. What is the main idea of the selection?

A. There are people who have so much in life. B. We have too many choices in life
C. There is good that comes from every thankful. ** D. Some people tend to dwell on negative.
(32 – 36)
Studies have consistently pointed out to at least three major immediate factors that push children to stay or live on the
streets. These are the poverty of the family, family relationship factors (physical or sexual abuse) and peer influence. Poverty
and peer influence when compounded with problems and stresses in the family life such as family break – up, child abuse and
neglect, domestic violence by step parents, underemployed parents, etc. altogether create pressures to the child to leave home
and find solace, protection and support from the peers on the streets, eventually becoming susceptible to their influence and
In Metro Manila, population growth, urbanization, and migration have increased through the years. Children are often
forced to try circumstances to help their family eke out of living or tend for themselves on the streets. Most of them are children
of poor parents who migrated from the rural areas in the hope of finding better job opportunities in the city, but whose lack of
education rendered them ill-equipped to struggle for survival in the urban jungle and are thus curtained to a life of object
poverty. For the street children, life on the streets is a constant struggle they overcome, the various negative comments that
threaten to overtake them and destroy their hopes for survival.
They work under the heat of the sun or in the dark of the night from six to 10 hours, seven days a week, often in a mix of
occupations in each situation to ensure a legitimate way to survive.

32. To "eke out of living" means______.

a. Earn in income** b. To live with others c. To sell in the streets d. To walk in the streets
33. Based on the selection, what value seems to be missing in the families of street children?
a. Loyalty b. Honesty c. Kindness d. Solidarity**
34. What is the most important factor that will equipped rural people to survive in the city?
a. Money b. Education** c. Food d. Home
35. This selection is simply about_____.
a. Providing homes for the poor b. Helping street children get an education
c. Factors why children live in the streets** d. How to lessen pressure on the family

36. Based on the text, we can conclude that street children are______.
a. Independent b. malnourished c. Helpless person d. Victims of poverty**

(37 - 40)

37. What is the main idea of the article?

a. Different ways to lift depression of bipolar adults b. Using MRI to lift depression of bipolar adults** d.
c. Effects of doctors at McLean Hospital to help bipolar adults Reaction to electrical pulses to magnetic fields.

38. In the article the line "A funny thing happened" means______.
a. A hilarious thing back place b. An absurd thing happened c. An unusual thing
occurred** d. A my thing cause about
39. According to the article, depression among bipolar adults can be remedied by?
a. Changing their brain chemistry b. Putting them into an MRI machine ** c. Boosting the patients
mood d. Making the patients laugh
40. What did the doctors at McLean Hospital do to confirm the results of their observation?
a. They studied the cause of depression in patients
b. They also used the MRI machine on non-bipolar adults
c. They exposed brain electrical pulses to electromagnetic fields.
d. They put more bipolar adults through the MRI machine**
(41 – 45)
Chopstick were invented in china over thousand years ago, probably evolving from twigs used to spear food from a cooking
pot. Knives took over this function in the West, but Confucius, who considered knives instruments of aggression, encouraged
the use of chopsticks as part of his teaching of nonviolence. The name in Chinese is kuaizi, which means “quick little felloes”
came from the Pidgin English for kuai.
Chopsticks spread throughout the orient, those belonging to the rich made of gold, silver, ivory, or jade. Most however,
were-and are made of bamboo, which was plentiful and cheap, with no taste or smell that could affect the food. The Japanese
made them from a variety of woods and lacquered them for durability. It was not until the late 19th century that the disposable
bamboo variety became popular.
Traditionally, Chinese and Japanese chopsticks differ in length and shape. The Chinese are ten inches long, square, and
blunt at the tip, while the Japanese are rounded, come to a point, and are a couple of inches shorter. They are efficient enough
to pick up a single grain of rice, but the accepted way to eat rice is to use the chopsticks almost like scoop, moving the grains
from a small bowl held close to the mouth.
Chopstick etiquette says you should not gesture with them as you talk, nor should you use them to pass food. And you’re
inviting misfortune if you drop them or place them crossed on your plate, unless you do it in a restaurant to show the waiter
you’re finished and ready for the check.
41. Another way of expressing the idea “chopsticks spread throughout the orient” is________________.

a. Chopsticks were swiftly accepted in the orient** b. Chopsticks were mostly found in the orient c.
Chopsticks were discovered d. Chopsticks were only found in the orient

42. In the phrase “and lacquered them for durability” the most likely meaning of lacquered is ______________.
a. Mixed b. Dipped c. Coated** d. Sprayed
43. In the passage, Chinese and Japanese chopsticks were described to __________.

a. Show that the Chinese and Japanese use chopsticks b. Point out differences between the two** c.
Give an idea of where chopsticks came from d. points out the similarities of the two
44. Using a term that means” quick little felloes” to refer a pair of chopsticks is an example of a ___________.
a. Simile b. Metaphor c. Hyperbole d. Personification**

45. Chopsticks show a cultural difference associated with people’s ___________.

a. Eating practice** b. Food preparation c. Rice eating- habits d. Cooking traditions

(46 – 50)
The verb is the business end of a sentence, the sentence’s reason for being. That’s where the action is. Without a verb,
even if it’s only suggested, there’s nothing going on, just a lot of nouns standing around with their hands in their pockets. A
verb is easy to spot. Just look for the moving target, the center of activity, the part that tells you what’s going on. No wonder the
verb is the most interesting word in a sentence. It is also the most complicated. Because the verb expresses action, it has
something that other words lack-time. It has to tell you whether something happened in the past, the present, the future or
some combination of times: sneeze, sneezed, will sneeze, and would have sneezed and so on.
The verb has another aspect, too. It varies according to who or what is performing the action: sneeze, he sneezes, they
sneeze, and so on.
There are plenty of reasons a verb can go astray. The most common is that it doesn’t match the subject: one is singular and
the other plural. For example, Pocholo and I was sneezing. The next most common reason is that the verb’s timing-its tense-is
(Yesterday she sneezes). This makes verb sound daunting, but they’re really not so bad. Taken one at a time (which is how
you encounter them, after all) problems with verb can be made to disappear.

46. The most important value of verbs is stated in the passage that says:
a. Spotting verbs in a sentence is very easy b. Verbs are the necessary key in making sentences
c. Where verbs are, action is always present** d. Without a verb, a sentence is uninteresting.
47. According to the passage, one reason verbs are not easy to use is because ____________.

a. Unlike other words, they are bound to time** b. They always indicate an ongoing action c. Unlike
other words, their spelling changes d. They cause complication in a sentence

48. Based on the passage, a verb can be defined as the word in a sentence that ___________.
a. Can most likely go astray b. Is the most complicated c. Can easily be spotted d. Expresses action**
49. “taken one at a time” problems with verbs can be made to disappear” is the same as saying that________________.

a. Using verbs carries no necessary problem b. Difficulty with verbs can be overcome gradually** c. Problems with
verbs are that important d. Although difficult, verb problems are easily solved

50. The passage is an example of ______________ of an idea.

a. An explanation b. A narration c. A description** d. An analysis

(51 – 55)
In the light of social changes, we come to the question: What qualities should distinguish the educated Filipino today? I venture
to suggest that the educated Filipino should first be distinguished by the power to do.
The oriental excels in reflective thinking, he is a philosopher. The Occidental is a doer; he manages things, men and affairs.
The Filipino of today needs more of this power to translate reflection into action. I believe that we are coming more to this
power to translate reflection into action.
We are coming more likely to the conviction that no Filipino has the right to be considered educated unless he is prepared
to take an active and useful part in the work, life, and progress of our country as well as in the progress of the world.

51. What is the best paraphrase of the last paragraph in the passage?
a. Participation in the work and progress of our country is sought by every Filipino
b. The country’s progress and advancement depend primarily on educated Filipino
c. A truly educated Filipino participates actively in the work and progress of the country and the world as a whole. **
d. To be considered educated, one has to be globally competitive and willing to take risks.

52. As used in the selection, what does word “conviction” mean?

A. intellectual guess B. strong belief** C. verdict D. allegiance

53. What trait is found in most Orientals but needs to be deepened in Filipino?
A. action oriented B. patience C. good in managing D. reflective thinker**
54. What is meant by this line? “The oriental is a philosopher”

a. Oriental people are contemplative** b. Oriental people have the blood of great philosophers c. They have a
tendency to become philosophers d. They think like Great Solomon.

55. What value is implied in the same passage above?

A. justice B. courage C. hyperactivity D. active involvement**

(56 – 60)
We strive for happiness, generally in self- centered ways. We expect others to favor us with their attention, for example, or
we wait for invitations or gifts. We have probably tried to buy happiness with purchase of a new dress or shoes. Fleeting
moments of happiness are gained, that’s all. And soon we are discontented once again. And the search begins anew.
But things may have changed for some of us. We are learning, maybe slowly, how to find more permanent happiness. And
we know that happiness that comes from “getting” is elusive. Giving to others, giving attention, sharing hope, sharing our
stories with others, listening to theirs, is the key to finding the happiness for which we have searched so long. We must get
outside of ourselves and focus on other’s joys or sorrows. Only then do we get a clear perspective on who we are and the
necessary role we play in the lives of others who need our attention and who have a message we also need to hear.
56. The underlined word in the selection connotes_____.
A. hard to possess** B. easy to achieve C. difficult to lose D. easy to understand

57. From the ideas presented in the selection we can infer that happiness _____.
a. can never be truly attained b. is temporary and fleeting
c. which comes from giving is more lasting and permanent** d. is achieved when we get something from others

58. It can be concluded that the value being given emphasis in the selection is _____.
a. being true to oneself b. being true to others c. receiving from others d. giving to others**

59. What is meant by the line “We must get outside and focus on other’s joy or sorrow”?
a. showing interest in others will get them interested in us
b. we must share with others our secret longings and dreams
c. we must try to involve ourselves in a personal life of others.
d. showing concern for others makes us forget our pre-occupation with ourselves. **

60. The idea of the author about happiness conveyed through _____.
a. comparing a thought with others experiences b. sharing other’s experiences on the construct
c. narrating a story and quoting a verse d. explaining and citing examples**
(61 – 70)

In the year 1799, an officer of the French Army was stationed in a small fortress on the Rosetta River, a mouth of the Nile,
near Alexander, Egypt. He was interested in the ruins of the ancient Egyptian civilization, and had seen the sphinx and the
pyramids, those mysterious structures that were erected by men of another era.
One day, as a trench was being dug, he found a piece of black slate on which letters had been carved. He had studied
Greek in school, and knew this was an inscription written in that language. There were two more lines carved into the stone:
one on the Egyptian characters he had seen on the ruins, the other in completely unfamiliar characters.
The officer realized the importance of such a find, and relinquished it to scholars who had been puzzling over Egyptian
In 1802, a French professor by the name of Champollion began studying the stone in an attempt to decipher the two unknown
sets of characters using the Greek letters as a key. He worked with the stone for over twenty years, and in 1823, announced that he
had discovered the meaning of the fourteen signs, and in doing so, had unlocked the secret of ancient Egyptian writing.
Some 5000 years after an unknown person had made those three inscriptions, the Rosetta stone became a key, unlocking
the written records of Egypt and sharing the history of that civilization with the rest of the world.

61. What is the main idea of the selection?

a. French scholars worked hard in studying ancient history.
b. Ancient Egyptians wrote and preserved their history in stones.
c. The discovery of the Rosetta Stone led to a better understanding of the history of Egypt. **
d. A French Army officer studied the Rosetta Stone and the inscriptions carved into it.

62. In which country was the Rosetta Stone found?

a. Egypt** b. Greece c. France d. Alexandra

63. What word would best describe ancient Egyptians based on the selection?
a. dedicated b. resourceful c. wise ** d. gifted

64. What might have happened if the Rosetta Stone were not found?
a. Egyptian civilization would have flourished.
b. Ancient Egypt would have not reached the peak of its glory.
c. Ancient Egyptians would have not known of their cultural heritage. **
d. Egyptian civilization would have not been fully understood by the modern world.
65. What does the lone sentence in the third paragraph mean?
a. The owner of the Rosetta Stone tried to sell it to scholars.
b. The Egyptians scholars were puzzled by the inscriptions found in the Rosetta Stone.
c. The founder of the Rosetta Stone knew of its value and turned it over to the proper authorities. **
d. The officer did not think the Rosetta Stone had much value and therefore gave it away.

66. What literary technique was used by the writer in developing the passage?
a. Detailed analysis b. Comparison and contrast of ideas
c. Narrative chronological order of events** d. Repetition of important points for emphasis

67. What conclusion may be drawn from the passage?

a. Egypt has a rich civilization dating back to the earliest times. **
b. Egypt has a mysterious culture which remained unknown.
c. Egypt was an ancient country with no significant history.
d. Egypt’s civilization benefited only those in ancient times.

68. It can be inferred that the Rosetta Stone is ____.

A. New B. Common C. Useful** D. Experience

69. What would likely happen with the paintings in Egyptian ruins?
a. They would be understood better** b. They would fade gradually
c. They would become useless d. They would become more puzzling and mysterious

70. It can be concluded from the selection that____.

a. Egypt has a short culture b. Ancient ruins hide mysteries
c. Hieroglyphics are common everywhere d. Discoveries can unlock the mysteries of the past**
(71 – 78)

One reason that so many people fail is that they lack confidence in themselves. If you think of yourself as being unworthy of
great achievement, you will never achieve greatness. If, on the other hand, you know yourself and understand what your
abilities are, and if then you are determined to accomplish and gain confidence in yourself.
One of the surest ways to accomplish this is for you to associate with persons who have really achieved greatness. It is
impossible, however, for most people to come frequently into the actual presence of the great. The next best thing, perhaps, is
for you to spend part of your time in reading about great achievers. Biography is a powerful stimulant to action.
But these processes will not work unless you rid yourself of a sense of inferiority and determined to do the best that you
possibly can. One of the great philosophers expressed the idea in a single sentence when he said that each individual should
hitch his wagon to a star.

71. What is the main idea of the selection?

a. Self-confidence is hard to achieve
b. Many people suffer from an inferiority complex
c. Knowing one self leads to great achievement in life
d. Self-confidence is the key factor in achieving success in life**

72. Which paragraph/s gives/give specific suggestions on how to develop confidence in oneself?
a. Paragraph 1 b. Paragraph 2 ** c. Paragraph 1 and 3 d. Paragraph 2 and 3

73. What word is synonymous or closest in meaning to the word “hitch” as used in the last sentence of the selection?
a. drive b. fasten ** c. detach d. remove

74. Successful people are different from those who are not because they
a. Work hard at having faith in their abilities. ** b. Persevere to achieve greatness.
c. Hesitate to take risk by themselves. d. Disregard the opinions of others.
75. What does the saying “Each individual should hitch his wagon to a star” mean?
a. One should try to fulfill all his ambitions in life. b. A person should emulate his ideal person. **
c. A person should aim as high as he could reach. d. One should wish upon a star to make his dreams come true.

76. What literary technique was used by the writer in presenting his ideas?
a. Narration b. Comparing ideas c. Detailed analysis d. Giving suggestions**
77. According to the author, what is one of the surest ways to achieve self-confidence?

a. Read lots of informative books b. Deal with people who have achieved greatness** c. Be-friend people who
are self-sufficient d. Develop a strong and independent personality
78. Based on the selection, what conclusion may be drawn?
a. Confidence in oneself is crucial in achieving success**
b. Associating with well-known individuals is enough to propel one to succeed
c. Reading the biographies of great people is essential for one to become successful
d. Confidence in the ability of others is needed to boost one’s chances of succeeding
(79 – 85)
Asia’s new generation of kids has more than just youth in common. Whether in Manila, Hongkong, Kuala Lumpur,
Singapore, Jakarta or Tokyo, whether rich or poor, urban or rural, delinquent or not, Asia’s youngsters share many things. They
go to schools, sing-along bars, fast food outlets, rock concert and rallies. They are dressed in wild costumes of screaming
colors or black, leather jackets, outsize t-shirts and candy-colored sneakers.
In Manila, they are particularly called “bagets”. Their pursuits, though seemingly inane are innocent – singing-along with the
gang at the malls, sharing cheeseburgers and sodas or cruising the commercial center of Cubao and Makati.
In Bangkok, they will wander about the Siam Shopping Center, in Singapore, in the shopping complexes of Orchard Road.
They are kids of Asia’s great cities, avant-garde, rebellious, modernized. They are exposed to imported television that usher in
international values.
In Hongkong, the kids have been described as precocious, world-wise, and materialistic, governed less by teachers and
parents than by the omnipresent television. Peer group influence is great. Their trademarks are smoking, foul language, bizarre
and attention-getting appearance, and rude mannerisms.
In Japan, they look like different race to the old generation. There is rising drug abuse, sexual freedom, crime and
homosexuality among the youth. There’s less respect given to parents and to the aged.

79. The passage is about Asia’s

a. lost generation b. delinquent youth c. urbanized society d. new generation of youth**
80. It can be inferred from the passage that Asia’s youth
a. have senseless pursuits b. share many common goals
c. have been influenced by western culture** d. have varied dreams and ambitions
81. What is worth observing and good about the youth beneath the modern image and westernized lifestyle?
a. The youth are still the easy-go-lucky type.
b. Many of them still believe in traditional values.
c. They share a common character as influenced by the media. **
d. The values of the new generation have been modified by modernization.
82. When the author said that Asian youth are avant-garde, it means that they
a. are behind the times b. have old-fashioned thoughts
c. are promiscuous and stubborn d. practice new and experimental ideas**

83. What conclusion can be drawn out of the passage?

a. Peers are just companions, they don’t influence others.
b. Print and broadcast media have a great influence on the youth. **
c. Discipline at home has nothing to do with the character of the youth today.
d. Character is hereditary, the environment has nothing to do with what was become of the youth today.
84. If the youth are exposed to too much western television they will likely
a. Develop foreign values and forget traditional ones. ** b. Become complacent and indifferent.
c. Become aggressive and violent. d. Develop an independent mind.

85. What literary technique was used by the author in writing the selection?
a. Comparing b. Describing** c. Making profile d. Narrating events


86. What would be the best title for the article?

a. Birds with jet lags b. Humans on a plane
c. The difference between birds and human on travel** d. The migration of birds through time zones

87. As used in the selection, the word "inedible" most likely means_____.
a. Appetizing b. Mouth watering c. Fit to be eaten d. Unfit to be eaten**

88. Based on the selection, it can be concluded that_______.

a. Birds migrate faster than humans’ b. The migration of birds and that of humans are very different**
c. Birds, like humans also experience jet lags d. Humans, unlike birds, migrate from north to south.

89. The word "quarry" as used in the last paragraph means___.

a. hunted b. target** c. hunter d. victim

90. Cats have acute hearing except the white cat with blue eyes which do not___.
a. hear well** b. hurt well c. see well d. eat well

91. The sentence "the cat is a precision instrument" is a ____

a. Hyperbole b. Metaphor** c. Simile d. Irony

92. The selection is mainly about___

a. How the cat differ from a dog b. How the cat is like a mammal
c. The cat as a hunting machine** d. The cat as a house pet

93. We can conclude from the selection that the cat is an animal which can___
a. Do a lot tricks b. Be domesticated c. Be very dangerous d. Survive on its own**

94. 23. From the line "I can hardly breathe or be in bed without their chores in my head" we can infer that the writer __
a. Often thinks about rules b. Wants to disobey rules c. Gets sick with rules** d. Likes having rules

95. The line “without rules..... I couldn't play” is an example of a/an_____.

a. Irony** b. Simile c. Metaphor d. Hyperbole

96. The word "dreary" as used in the sentences ''Life would be a dreary plight" most likely means ____
a. Valuable b. Invisible c. Boring** d. Entertaining

97. The author includes the examples of rules to signify the value of_____.
a. Respect b. Obedience** c. Loyalty d. Honesty

98. This poem is mainly about______.

a. How to obey rules b. How to ignore rules c. The harshness of rules d. The importance of rules**


99. The selection emphasizes the value of__ Answer: C. Physical Fitness
100. According to the selection the knee joints lifts like a level and such like a___ Answer: C. Hinge
101. The word "jarring" bones means__ Answer: D. Strong shaking of bones
102. The selection communicates the theme of__ Answer: A. The importance of the knee
103. What type of text is the selection? Answer: C. Scientific

The rat said his life is boring. He hunts chickens, men hunt him. All chicken and all men are alike. And in consequence, he is
a little bored. But if the Prince will take him, it will be as if the sun came to shine on his life. The rat shall know the sound of the
step that will be different from all the others. Other’s steps send him hurrying back under the ground. But when the Prince calls
him, it is like music that calls him out of the hole. He asks the Prince to gaze at the rice-fields down yonder. He does not eat
bread. Rice is no use to him. The rice fields have nothing to say to him. And that is sad. But the prince has the hair and the
color is gold. Think how wonderful that will be when the Prince has tamed the rat!

104. Which among the following is the theme of the selection?

A. The Prince and the Rat** B. The Life of the Rat C. The Rat D. The Prince
105. What does “But if the Prince will take him, it will be as if the sun came to shine on his life” mean?
a. The rat will experience security in life b. The rat experiences freedom**
c. The rat will feel satisfaction d. The rat will be closer to the Prince

106. Based on the text, the life of a rat is boring because?

a. His life is like music b. Men keep on hunting him**
c. He is stuck in the field d. Rice and bread is of no use to him

(107- 110)
The arts generally depend on ridiculous region but the theater is most ridiculous of all, imagine asking us to pretend that we
are in Bangkok after the fall of Saigon and that tea is a Vietnamese bar girl who kills herself because she believes that suicide
is the only solution to her problem. More than that engaged asking us to believe that all the other character in the play talk to
each other by singing. The theater is a lily that inexplicably assist from a single weedy falsities. Yet it is precisely from the
tension produced by all this absurdity that theater is able to create each poetry, power, enhancement and truth.

107. What is the best title of the selection?

a. Marvelous singing voices b. The imaginative power of drama**
c. The absurdity of fiction d. The production of musical play

108. Based from the excerpt, the author believes that all statements are true, EXCEPT?
a. Theater is based on absurdity
b. The character in musical plays converse by singing
c. Theater teaches us that suicide is the only solution to the problem**
d. . Theater creates poetry, power, enhancement and truth.

109. The word “absurdity” in the last sentence means?

A. fiction B. falsehood C. predicatability D. foolishness**

110. Which of the following can be conducted about theater from the selection?
a. it has different themes b. it is the most ridiculous of all the arts
c. it is able to create poetry, power and truth** d. it is a fictional representation of life.

(111 - 116)
The literature on drug addiction has grown at a rate that defies anyone to keep abreast of the literature, and apparently in inverse
proportion to our understanding of the subject. Addiction, or dependence as it is more fashionable to call it, excites controversy and
speculation yet true understanding of the phenomenon remains elusive.
In fact the area is fraught with speculation and acrimonious debate. Definition of terms such as drug, addiction, and abuse is obviously
less controversial than attempts to explain the nature of drug dependence, yet even the terminology is imprecise and overlain with
subjective connotations. At its most basic, a drug as defined by the World Health Organization, is simply any substance which
111. The author implies that he thinks the term “dependence” in the context of drugs.
a. is more accurate the older term “addiction” b. has not always been the preferred term**
c. is a currently under- used term d. is an avant-garde aberration

112. We can infer from the first sentence that _________

a. Not all that has been written on the subject of addiction has ended to our understanding**
b. No one can have read all the literature on any drug
c.. The more that is published the more we are likely to understand
d. The rate of growth should be higher if we are to understand the subject.

113. B. drug addicion

114. C. nicotine, cocaine, and caffeine
115. D. the added feels as if he is not aware of his own self and such
116. A. the drug spawns a wide range of disorders like fear, anxiety and sense of insecurity in the human mind.

(117 - 121)
A camera works like a human eye. Like the eye, the camera takes in rays of light reflected from a subject. A camera resembles
life because you have many settings within the camera that you can use, just as the versatility of life. You could also choose to
use zoom and focus to criticize and magnify the attributes of their personality singling out a certain aspect, sometimes
pleasantly, other times with great dislike. Taking an action shot is like slowing down a busy week with a rainy day. You are
forced to stay inside and spend quality time with the most important people in your life. The bad weather or even deciding to
stay off social media for a week, helps you break out of your routine and create new experiences. Moments like these create
stronger bonds with your family and friends, and will never forgotten. The quick speed of the camera shutters opening and
closing creates a life story. Every moments is captured and shows a real person. We try and hide our flaws but this part of the
camera reveals it with great beauty. Just focus on what’s important. Capture the good times. Develop from the negatives and if
things don’t turn out-just take another shot.

117. D. Camera resembles life

118. A. simile
119. A. Human Eye
120. C. Capture the good times
121. A. Focus on what’s important

(122 - 125)
Unique to Palawan is its mega diversity. For a long time, only the many ethnic communities that thrive in these islands and a
few other daring settlers who wanted to live in unpolluted surroundings know Palawan’s bountiful resources, abundant wildlife,
and extraordinary natural beauty. The island province first attracted foreign attention in the 1970’s when it became a United
Nations Vietnamese Refugee Center. At this time, a disturbance in Kenya also saw the transport of endangered animals from
its savannas to the plains of Calauit Island. However, it was a sea accident in 1979 that eventually led to the opening of
Palawan into major tourist attraction. According to a story, a tuna line disabled a dive boat’s propeller in the middle of the night
forcing it to drop anchor in an inlet. The following morning, the divers woke up with amazing scenery of skyscraping dark cliff.

122. C. it became united nation Vietnamese Regional Center

123. B. Palawan and its extraordinary natural beauty
124. A. Variety
125. C. El Nido was discovered by a diver

(126 – 132)
The views and beliefs of societies are often portrayed in the literature, art, and cinema of a certain era. The Iliad and
Odyssey, give scholars and historians an idea how the Ancient Greek lived their everyday lives. The Iliad and Odyssey, are
two classic stories told by Homer. Within these two stories, the roles of the Gods are very important to the story line and how
they affect the characters throughout.
In the Iliad, more Gods are involved with the characters. Whereas in the Odyssey, there are only two major Gods that
affect two major characters. The roles of the Gods in the Iliad are through two different stances of immortal versus immortal
and mortal versus immortal. The roles of the Gods in the Odyssey are through two major Gods and they affect the plot as
Poseidon versus Odysseus and Athena versus Telemachus.
Iliad was a tragedy illustrating the despair and useless suffering associated with war. Homer’s Odyssey was an epic
tale of long suffering resolving in triumph. Though there were a great many differences between the two works. There was an
underlying theme of love which ran through both. Not just the physical manifestation of infatuation. But the kind of love that
makes one willing to die for another. Not just the physical manifestation of infatuation. But the kind of love that makes one
willing to die for another.
126. D. Homer
127. A. Trojan War
128. C. Classic stories
129. A. Mythical Gods
130. B. illustrating the despair and useless suffering associated with war
131. C. Long suffering along resolving in triumph
132. C. Theme of Love

(133 – 138)

133. What is the selection all about?

A. A profile of Overseas Filipino workers** B. Problems faced by the overseas Filipino workers C.
C. A study made by the Overseas Filipino Workers Solutions to problems of Overseas Filipino Workers

134. Most OFW’s are in their thirties because they

A. Are more prepared to take risk and more ambitious
B. Have a family to support and thus need a higher income**
C. Are more mature and confident than those who are younger
C. Have tried working locally but were unsuccessful

135. Which of the following statements are true, based on the selection?
A. OFW’s in the Middle East countries and those in America, Europe and Asia are generally with their work.
B. OFW’s in the Middle East countries and those in America, Europe and Asia are not satisfied with their work.
C. OFW’s in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East are generally more satisfied than OFW’s in Europe, America and Asia** D. OFW’s in
Saudi Arabia and Asia are generally more satisfied than those who work in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East.

136. Which paragraph mentions the countries wherein most overseas Filipino Workers are employed?
A. Fourth** B. Fifth C. Last D. Third

137. What conclusion maybe derived based on the foregoing discussion?

A. Families of OFW’s prosper due to a large income
B. OFW’s work abroad to improve their family living conditions**
C. Most OFW’s come from poor families
D. It is difficult for OFW’s to stay employed

138. What might happen if most Filipinos continue to prefer working abroad than in their own country?
A. The country will become rich because of foreign worker’s earnings
B. The economy will stutter from the loss of its skilled workers
C. The economy will remain as it is in spite of workers going abroad**
D. The country will become highly industrialized
(139 – 144)
The complacent of the Filipino majority may not have be awakened yet to the reality of a ravaged environment: nonetheless the
evidence must be over emphasized. Automotive vehicle for one reportedly contribute 94.6 million tons of a waste released into their
air each year, a commuter can only imagine how polluted that air that gets into the respiratory system is.
Pollution experts are inclined to single out man as the culprit of his own destruction. Man rights referred to as “messy animal” has
helped being about until environment decay. Imperiled by the pollution of air, water and land are not only human lives.
The marine species as well as the flora and fauna are just adversely affected. Mass suicides of fishes and whales have been
witnessed along Australian and American shorelines. The mushrooming of factories and plants along the river banks have
been already largely responsible for the pollution of the different bodies of water, indiscriminate disposal of industrial waste
makes festering sinks of the rivers. Too much dumping of industrial waste renders to water stagnant. Many of the rivers that
used to flow along industrial banks can use some dredging and yet what good will dredging of a river do if in no time at all it will
serve again as dumping basin? The initiative has to come from the factory owners. A great number of scientist like or think that
the new technology can be called upon to check the impending pollution disaster, other are of the opinion that few births and
less gadgetry may provide the answers to the devastating dilemma. It cannot be denied, however that man’s waste ways call
for some measure of discipline. Man’s brutality toward his environment will only lead to his unmarking. It is ironical indeed that
who was created to have dominion over every living creature on earth should one day be overpowered by an environment he
has helped to pollute. The catastrophe can hopefully still be covered.

139. What does the selection generally urge man to realize?

A. The threat of environmental pollution to each country
B. The necessity of taking immediate steps to solve the pollution problem**
C. The scope of the problem of environmental pollution
D. The steps to take in checking the impending pollution disaster
147. The phrase “mushrooming of factories” are used in fourth paragraph of the selection related to factories which are

A. built** B. destroyed C. maintained D. abandoned

148. In what part of passage can you read of the ways we can prevent
pollution? A. First B. Fourth C. Fifth** D. Last

149. Who is referred to in the phrase “a messy animal”in the second passage?
A. Fishes and whales B. Flora and fauna C. Scientist D. Man**

150. What is implied in the last paragraph of the passage?

A. Man failed to realize the seriousness of the pollution problem
B. Pollution if unchecked can bring about the destruction of man**
C. Man does not deserve to be the master of HIS creation
D. There is no need to be alarmed of the pollution problem

151. What would be the likely outcome if we continue polluting our environment?
A. Man will be destroyed by an environment he had polluted**
B. Less births and less gadgetry will save the world from catastrophe
C. Technology can help check the problem on environment pollution
D. Man’s wasteful ways will contribute more to the pollution of the environment.

(145 – 151)
140. What is the main idea of the selection?
a. solar energy** b. radiant energy c. kinetic energy d. absorptive activity
141. What does the phrase “the sun is our life source” mean?
a. The energy of the sun is alive. b. The beginning of life is the sun.
c. The life of all living things come from the sun** d. The radiance of the sun is beautiful

142. For mankind, the sun is the source of ______.

a. carbon compounds b. atmosphere c. electricity d. all heat**

143. The largest part of the radiant energy directed towards the earth is ______.
a. Turned into fuel b. harnessed for electric power
c. Stored by the current season’s plant d. Absorbed by the earth’s atmosphere**

144. All useful energy on the surface of the earth comes from the ______.
a. sun directly b. sun’s activity c. radiation of the sun d. energy stored by the sun**

145. The author presented the selection about the sun by_____.
a. enumerating details** b. giving examples c. describing d. narrating

146. “Let us get to the bottom” in the first paragraph means______.

a. Search for reasons b. Discover the basic facts or cause** d.
c. Define the meaning Move under the ground

YOUTH – Samuel Ullma

Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the
will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.
Youth the means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite, for adventure over the love of
ease. This often exists in a man of sixty more than a boy of twenty. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow
old by deserting our ideals.
Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns
the spirit back to dust.
Whether sixty or sixteen, there is in every human being’s heart to lure of wonder, the unfailing child-like appetite of what’s
next, and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station; so long as it receives
messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from mean and from the infinite, so long are you young.
When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old,
even at twenty, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch the waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at eighty.


I ask them to take a poem, and hold it up to the light like a color slide or press an ear against its hive
I say drop a mouse into a poem and watch him probe his way out, or walk inside the poem’s room and feel the walls for a light
I want them to water-ski across the surface of a poem waving at the author’s name on the
shore But all they want to do is be the poem to a chair with rope
They begin beating it with a hose to find out what it really means.

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