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Gideon Waters

Technology Commissioner

30 January 2024

January ASB Report

Starting off this final semester, I am really trying to lock in for this class and my job. This

is the last time I will ever be in leadership and be a technology commissioner so I really want to

give it my all. We are on track for winter sports and only need to finish boys and girls soccer. All

winter sports are being entered into the timeline for the end of the year video. The

commissioners also recorded the winterfest reveal rally as well as set up music for the mornings

each day that we could.

I am currently not on any standing committees.

The technology department was on the winterfest rally committee where we played music

for the fashion show as well as recorded. We were also on the winterfest morning music

committee using asb sound system to play music before first period each day weather permitting.

My mentor partner Ricky and I are getting along very well. It makes it easier to have a

friend be a mentor because it's not awkward, weird, or scary to ask any questions. And that goes

both ways. He's helping me just as much as I help him. He did great on his mood board and a

great job communicating with me and Payton.

My concern for this program is lack of representation. Looking back at winterfest I really

should have done better about going all out and not just doing the colors for each day. I know the

same could go for a lot of us in the program. If we are asking people to do these dress up days
we need to be better about doing what we ask of others. I personally need to be a lot better about

this and I’m making it my goal to go all out for the spirit days we have left.

A positive comment about someone in class is Ava Brochini. I really saw over winterfest

how hard of a worker she is as well as an excellent leader. The way she communicated to our

entire class of what and who we needed was greatly appreciated. She would give the cold truth

sometimes and say we need xyz amount of people but only artistic people;

One change I’d like to see is others motivating each other to keep up with our work in

class. It’s very easy to have a chit chat with friends during leadership. We could refocus this

energy into something positive by encouraging our peers to have fun but make sure work is

getting done.

A core principle I’ve been trying to live by is to evolve and grow with change. I’m

changing my style in many different ways. I'm finding out how I really like to dress, how I like

to get my work done, and how I like to take care of my mental health. If something isn’t working

for me I like to input change in order to best suit my needs.

An impact I have been trying to make on campus is helping others be appreciated for

their own uniqueness. This year I’ve really found my style and what I like. It’s not necessarily

what everyone likes but it makes me happy and that's all that matters. I'm trying to admire and

celebrate people's individual style

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