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Assignment title: Features contributing to the success of contrasting businesses

Learning aims

A: Explore the features of different businesses and analyse what makes them successful

B: Investigate how businesses are organised

You need to carry out research on two businesses: one for profit and one not-for-profit.
You need to show evidence of comprehensive research and log all sources of
information in your assignment.

You will start your research today. As you research on the internet, any source of
information should be collected below in the box titled bibliography. Copy and paste the
web link, put the date and time accessed and the title of the article.

Business name:Amazon Not-for-profit name: vision

Legal structure Amazon is a publicly traded The Vision Foundation is a
(ownership) corporation, meaning it's legally nonprofit organisation
authorized to sell its products to operating as a charity,
the general public. In public dedicated to aiding
limited companies, members individuals with disabilities in
enjoy limited liability, absolving regaining their eyesight.
them of responsibility for the Functioning as both a
company’s debts, except with registered charity and a
specific permissions. Public limited limited company, it
companies come with their own prioritizes the mission of
set of advantages and assisting people in restoring
disadvantages.One advantage lies their vision. This signifies that
in their ability to access capital for while the foundation does
funding projects, issuing shares, and not aim to generate profits
obtaining better credit options. This
for the organisation, any
enhanced financial inflow aids in
reducing the company's profits made are directed
debt-to-income ratio and provides towards aiding individuals in
additional resources for areas such need of vision.
as advertising and online services.
However, there are potential
disadvantages that could undermine
the company. Loss of control is a
significant concern, as ownership
shifts to shareholders who now have
decision-making power. Additionally,
higher setup costs are a drawback,
requiring a substantial initial
investment, typically a minimum
share capital of £50,000.

Liability (and the Amazon is a limited liability
implications) company (LLC). Limited liability is a
legal safeguard for both
shareholders and property owners,
ensuring that individuals are not
personally accountable for the
company's debts and financial
losses. Companies with limited
liability enjoy several advantages,
including the ability to raise
capital. With limited liability,
investors only risk losing the
amount of money they have
invested in the company.

Purpose and their Amazon is an online shopping The Vision Foundation has
mission (look at their platform designed for customers been instrumental in
statement for this to buy and sell products. This facilitating vision restoration
evidence) signifies their responsibility in and finding innovative
ensuring the safety and value of solutions for sight-related
people's items. Upholding this challenges, not limited to a
responsibility enhances the single country but across
company's credibility and aligns various low-income
with their goal of positively countries (LICs). Their
impacting the world, aiming to mission, as articulated by
make it a better place. For the foundation, is to
instance, Amazon has explicitly revolutionise the lives of
stated that “We aim to be Earth’s those dealing with or
most customer centric company. affected by sight loss. They
Our mission is to continually raise achieve this by supporting
the bar of the customer projects that inform,
experience by using the internet empower, and integrate
and technology to help individuals, underlining their
consumers find, discover and buy strong commitment to
anything, and empower making a significant positive
businesses and content creators to difference in people's lives.
maximise their success.” Furthermore, the foundation
actively contributes to
initiatives, such as providing
eyeglasses and other
essential products,
ultimately contributing to
saving lives.”Our purpose is
to transform the lives of
people facing or living with
sight loss by finding projects
which inform,empower and
Aims and objectives Amazon is driven by four primary Since its establishment in
aims and objectives: customer 1921, the Vision Foundation
obsession instead of competitor has consistently lived up to
focus, a passion for invention, its name by providing
commitment to operational substantial assistance to a
excellence, and long-term growing number of
thinking. The company aspires to individuals. RNIB has joined
be the world's most forces with various smaller
customer-centric organisation, the charities to raise funds for
finest employer, and the most visually impaired individuals
nurturing workplace globally. This in the UK. This collaboration
vision aligns Amazon with creating ultimately led to the
a positive impact on the creation of the Vision
environment and the people Foundation, which has
within it, ultimately contributing to stood strong until the
a better world. Amazon achieves present day. The foundation
this through the services it offers to is steadfast in its objective
its customers and employees. to combat blinding diseases
Additionally, Amazon facilitates and their impact.
online selling and The Vision Foundation's
entrepreneurship, enabling impact extends globally,
individuals to establish businesses aiding a multitude of
on their platform and thereby people. For instance, they
generating profits for both the have made a significant
company and the individuals difference by supporting
utilising their platform. approximately 140,000
women entrepreneurs
across 105 countries,
primarily focusing on regions
in Africa and the Middle
East of Asia.

Size of organisation As of 2022, Amazon boasts total sense vision foundation is a

assets valued at US$462.68 billion non - profit organisation
and total equity amounting to they have small scale of
US$146.04 billion. The principal worker for example they
owner of Amazon is Jeff Bezos, approximately they have
possessing a 9.8% ownership stake. The Vision Foundation
In December 2022, the company operates with a relatively
employed a total of 1,541,000 small team, consisting of 11
individuals, a significant increase to 50 employees. This
from the 950,000 employees smaller workforce is aligned
recorded in June 2021. with their mission, which
prioritises utilising resources
to aid and support
individuals rather than
focusing on generating
profits for the organisation.
Their core emphasis is on
making a positive impact
on people's lives and
fulfilling their vision-related
Scope/scale Amazon has emerged as a The Vision Foundation has
premier online marketplace, played a crucial role in
experiencing remarkable global aiding numerous countries
expansion and recognition in need, providing them
through the pervasive reach of with the opportunity to
the internet and social media. establish hospitals and
Leveraging these factors, Amazon equip them with skilled
significantly amplified its scale, doctors specialising in eye
establishing a ubiquitous presence care. Their impact is
across various countries, making its noteworthy, spanning
platform accessible worldwide. For across more than 105
instance, on July 5, 1994, CEO Jeff countries, where their
Bezos initiated Amazon as an reputation for exceptional
online bookstore in the United work continues to grow,
States. Over time, Amazon showcasing their unceasing
diversified its offerings beyond dedication and
books, garnering widespread commitment to improving
fame globally. This success eyesight and healthcare on
eventually propelled the a global scale.
establishment of Amazon stores
worldwide, enabling them to stock
and showcase a wide array of
Relationship and
how they
communicate with
Are they successful? Amazon has surpassed its initial The Vision Foundation
Are they meeting boundaries, now offering an stands as a highly successful
their aims and extensive array of user-friendly charitable organisation,
objectives? Explain products via its easily navigable having made a significant
your view using website. Their services include impact by assisting
research lightning-fast and dependable numerous individuals in
next-day delivery. Additionally, regaining their eyesight.
Amazon has achieved success in Their dedicated efforts have
diversified ventures such as cloud surpassed initial aims and
computing and streaming media. goals, exemplified by the
As a testament to its growth, remarkable distribution of has transitioned into £30 million to sight loss
a publicly traded entity with a organisations. This
market capitalization exceeding substantial contribution has
$500 billion. Remarkably, Amazon had a profound and
proudly serves a vast customer widespread effect,
base, with a staggering 310 million positively impacting the
satisfied clients. As an Amazon lives of many people by
customer, I find Amazon to be a facilitating access to crucial
highly successful and trustworthy resources and support for
company for purchasing products. those dealing with sight lossI
Their reliability in product quality belief that the Vision
and efficient selling process is Foundation is indeed a
commendable. Additionally, successful organisation due
Amazon's provision of cloud to its significant impact on
computing services, specifically people's lives by providing
the AWS cloud server, is assistance with
invaluable. AWS offers a robust vision-related challenges.
and reliable cloud infrastructure, Their commitment to
allowing individuals like me to reducing the disparity
utilise their cloud services for between individuals with
various purposes, further visual impairments and
underlining their versatility and those without is
contribution to modern commendable, showcasing
technology. their dedication to
promoting equity and


vision foundation this for the Purpose of vision foundation

-us/our-vision-and-values/ facts about how many people it helped

ur-patron-and-vice-presidents/ the aims and objectives of the company

ort-us/our-history/ this for the Size of organisation in vision

undation foundation Are they successful Are they meeting their

ontent/uploads/2019/10/VisionFoundation aims and objectives

Amazon What are the advantages of being a PLC?

prestige. What are the disadvantages of being a PLC?

ompany-advantages-and-disadvantages/ Limited liability – What is limited liability?


6 Purpose and their mission (look at their
b-creation-and-investment/our-mission statement for this evidence) amzon's Aims and objectives this for the size of the organzions

mpany) this for the success of the company


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