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Exposition and Stimulus

As I was taking a long stroll through the neighborhood, I observed the various changes taking
place around Barbados. I noticed the most beautiful array of different kinds of flowers growing in
an otherwise neglected garden that was in a familiar house that looked like a very fond location
that was dear to me, and as I walked closer and closer to the house, something felt as if I was
reliving my childhood again; I was breathless, and my heart could hold no more when I saw the
gray house.
The gray house wasn’t vacant all this time, as my deceased grandfather used to live there, but
now he is with the Lord. It all started when I was a small child, around 4 years old, and I went to
his house every weekend to spend time with him, but it all came to a halt when I was 5; my
mother informed me that my grandfather had died from cancer.

Falling Action
I was so sad and heartbroken that I couldn't get my grandfather out of my mind for a long time,
and after I passed the house, I couldn't help but think of how happy he used to make me, and how
much I missed spending time with him, and a flood of memories rushed into my mind as I
thought back to the times I spent with my grandfather at that address, but I started to cry as if I
had never cried before. I immediately dialed my mother's phone number. I asked, "Mummy,
where did Grandad live?" as I was crying. She told me, " It was Advent Ave Bank Hall, St.
Michael." After hearing the address, I felt a wave of sorrow come over me. A flood of memories
rushed into my mind as I thought back to the times I spent with my grandfather at that address. I
thanked my mother for giving me the address, and I hung up the phone, knowing he would be
with me through all of my tough and hard journeys through life.
Knowing that my grandfather had finally been given a proper resting place, I was filled with a
sense of peace. Although I was still filled with sadness, I also felt a sense of comfort knowing
that his spirit was now at rest. I can use that as motivation to help me through rough times and
tasks, and I will know that he would want better for my family and me.

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