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114 M. E.


The introduction of fish as consumers of larvae has given the

hygienist a measure that has proved successful in fresh - water
containers ; that is , it has proved successful , whenever the
variety of fish most suitable for the particular container has been
employed . For receptacles such as cisterns , barrels , and wells ,
the bottom - feeding fish has in my experience been eminently
satisfactory ; the top - feeding fish , Gambusia , has been equally
satisfactory in fountains , but has failed in other containers .
Tanks , casks , and similar receptacles are most successfully and
economically protected against the mosquito when hermetically
covered and sealed . If it were possible for every community to
install a system of water mains that would deliver an adequate
supply of potable water day and night , yellow fever would
automatically disappear .
The first tangible results of a well - directed campaign to
control yellow fever will be seen in about six weeks after the
inauguration of the work . All efforts from this time on are for
the purpose of making secure these results . Operations may be
closed whenever the epidemiological factors indicate that the
disease has been conquered , and it is safe to suppose that this
end has been achieved when the deposit index of breeding has
reached a level of 10 per cent and does not remain above this
figure for any considerable time . The minimum period during
which an area should be free of yellow fever before control
measures may be safely relaxed is , at this time, fixed at ten
months .
In closing I wish to protest against the term " sporadic yellow
fever ” as improper . A disease with distinct dependence upon
two positive factors and which cannot possibly exist without
the conjunction of both these factors does not come within the
meaning of this word .


Después de detalladas consideraciones sobre la epidemiología y

medios de diseminación de la fiebre amarilla , el autor recomienda
los siguientes métodos de campaña en contra de la enfermedad :
“ Antes de dar comienzo a un plan de campaña debe hacerse

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