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Day 1(11 Dec): in the first day I learned how to move

the spaceship left,right up and down and to I learned

how to change spaceship models
Day 2: (12 Dec)I learned how to change the speed of
my spaceship .I also learned how to add an enemy and
then how to move the enemy down
Day 3 (13 Dec): on day 3 I learned how to add lasers to
kill the enemy and randomize the enemy spawn in the
game and added the score and the background
Day 4(14 Dec): on day 4 I’ve changed some sprites like
the ship,the enemy , the background to some more
interesting ones and i also aded the powerUp the shots
three bullets
Day 5(15 Dec) i aded the timer for the powerUp
Day 6(18 dec) on day 6 I learned how to aded the game
over scene
Day 7 (19 Dec) added the shooting sounds for the ship
Day 8 (20 dec) added enemy death sound
Day 9 (21 dec) learnd how to ad the player death
sound and the power up pickup sound
Day 10(10 jan) i made some improvements on the
game like adding new sprites
Day 11(15 jan ) made new backgrounds for the menu
,player death menu
Day 12(17 jan)i made the barries for the player that if
he goes out of the playing area the player gets
Day 13 (21 jan ) i made a life system for the player
Day 14 ( 25 jan) i made that when the score reaches 75
points the game ends
Day 15(30 jan ) on the last day i added some sounds
and me some fixing on the code

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