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Police Reports

Classification of Police Reports

1. Informal reports - it is usually a letter or memorandum, or any of one of the many prescribed in day-
to-day police operations. It could contain many items of administrative importance. Many police reports
may be placed in this category.

2. Formal reports this suggests the full-dress treatment, including cover, title page, letter of transmittal,
introduction, summary sheet, text, conclusions, recommendations, appendices, index and bibliography.

Classifications of Police reports according to purpose:

1. Performance report - contains information as to the status of an activity or operation.

2. Fact-finding report - involves the gathering and presentation of data in a logical order, without attempt
to draw conclusions.

3. Technical report - presents data on a specialized subject.

4. Problem-determining report - attempts to find out the causes of a problem or to find out whether a
problem really exists.

5. Problem-solution report - analyzes the thought processes that lie behind the solution of a particular
problem. It may include all of the elements found in the other types of reports, including presentation of
data collected, discussion of possible solutions to the problem, and an identification of the best solution.

Categories of Police reports

1. Operational reports - include those relating to the reporting of police incidents, investigations, arrests,
identification of persons, and miscellaneous reports necessary to the conduct of routine operations.

2. Internal reports - relate to the reporting necessary to the management of police organization and
include financial reports, personnel reports, purchase reports, equipment report, property maintenance
reports, and general correspondence.

3. Technical report - present data on a specialized subject, but usually related to completed staff work,
and add to the specific knowledge necessary to proper police management.

4. Summary of information - furnish intelligence information necessary to the solution of crimes,

accidents and police administrative problems. It keeps executive and legislative authority, and the
general public informed of the problems, progress, and needs of the police organization.

Types of Police reports:

1. Spot report is done after an important incident takes place in a certain area at a given time. It is done
within 24 hours in order to inform the immediate chief because of the principle of command
responsibility. It is done using the memo form or the radiographic form.

2. Special report - is done either because one feel he has some reporting to do, or a lower police unit is
obligated based on directives.

Paragraphing a Special report:

a. Problem - it answers the question, what is the report all about?

b. Rationale - this presents details, explanations or specifications regarding the problem.

c. Action it give the reader the idea of what to do after reading the report.

3. Progress report this is a follow-up report to a report previously sent or it could be an accomplishment
report which may be analytical in nature and may be comparatively longer.

4. Investigation report it is a report that is classified as Confidential and follows the following parts:

5. Beat Inspection report - this I submitted by the beat supervisor after inspecting those on the beat.

6. After Patrol report - is submitted by the personnel on patrol immediately after their tour of duty.

7. Situation report - this relates the present condition of a place or unit and could be submitted daily,
hourly or as the need arises.

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