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, FORMTP 2010079 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS CoUNeIL SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION ‘Test cope 01253010 MAYAUNE2010 HUMAN ANDSOCIALBIOLOGY Paper 01--General Proficiency minutes (Cao sue 2010 (am READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY, 1. This testeonsiss of60 items. You willhave75 minute to answer thm 2 Inadiditontothistest booklet, you should havean answershoet 5 Reebtemintiststhas forsuggseanewersetee(A), (8) (0D) Rendeachtemyon se about io answer and dace which choice is bes 4 gsr St fod thenumberwhicheoresporstoyntemandshadethespachaving {he same letras the answer you have chosen. Look atthe sample eg tele ‘Samok item Abnormally highbood presuriscalled-~ ‘SaunleAnswer A) dstesion @) —ypsersion OO (©) hypertension SOe0 (D) hyperglycaemia ‘The best answer to thisitemis “hypertension”, answer space (C) hasbeen shaded. 5 Hou wenttochange youransweeraseitcompletely befor youSlin jour ew choice & Mhenyonartoldto begin tumthepageand workas quickly aadascarefllysyovcan, you Faaekaasweran tem onstitaanl goontothenextone. Yourmay return ithe omitedite ner ‘Yourscore will be the total number ofcarrect answers. 7%. Figures arenotnceossaiy drawa to seal, BO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD 79 DO 50. Copyright(©2009 Caribbean Examinations Council ® Ailrightsreserved. o1253010F2010 aumrvasxey } ; Which of the following feataes is NOT commontoallivingorgaisnus? (A) Usingfoodto produce energy (B)_Relessing energy by a process of, sespiation (© Producing identical celts in reproduction (D) Getting sid of metabolic waste prodts Which ofthe following organics in the cell allows substances Yo ess in and out ofthe cal? (A) Nackews (B) Vacuole © Gyepsm ©), Calmembeane ‘em’ rofersto the following flow charcof ‘anagustic food chain, Phytoplankton —> zooplankton —> small ish large fish ‘What isthe status ofthe smal fish? Producer (B),Primaryconsumer (CL! Secondary consumer (D) Tetiaryconsumer ‘Moma 4S rfid to the following seston of the carbon ey Carton do In atmonphere Plants wating ©) sclera ‘Which typeof joint is found atthe knee in ‘burma beings? 4A) Hinge ) Prot © Ging 1 ©) Ballandsocket ‘An cxemple of voluntary ction it (A) the knee jerk (B) blinkinganeve (©) dropping hott (©) tumingonalightswites (One fanetion of endocrine glands isto 18 “ ® © oO secrete hormones directly into the ‘bloodstream ‘produce hormones which target aly ove organ respond quickly to astimutes secrete hormones into ducts “The left side of the heart has a thicker smsculr wall in onder to ay wy: (oy o pum blood tothe lings wv. puny blood to the rest ofthe boy Feeeive blood fom the ngs receive blood fam the rest of the bay Which ofthe following statements me tue about nai 1 Have randed mucus LL Eagaffand ingest becteria UL Arealtype of white blood ells © ‘ribablood ket, Dp» corny ater Doomes blocked Wibabloodc Which rw ine ble below indicates what happens o te volume and pressure of the tongs during septation? ings Volume [Pressure in Trerease 0] oe | Dr (| Decrease | Decrease (@)|_Decrgase | Increase Inthebloodclptting mechanism, fibrinogen ‘will change to fibrin inthe presence of | (A) toa oe) iin (©) thrombokinase wo) and calcium ions GOON TOTHENEXTPAGE lems 20-21 refs fo te following diagram — 20, - ‘hich shows the human gaseous exchange system. 21 ‘Which abled sructuresconsistofcariiae? wy & © ©) PandQ PandR QandR Rand Whereis the sife of gaseous exchange? @ @) © ©) > Q R 8 22, Onyponpasses from the ar sas to the blood capillaries by the process of )? ition B)—cerosis (©) sirsaccontraction ©) iapheagmeontaction [ems 23 24 refer tothe bar chart below which shows the composition pt four foods ‘Porcentge Composition by welght ssesuss 10 o ® oO Pood o Key BB Protein BE rat [ZA) Carvonvarate CO Water In answering items 23 -24, each option may be used once, more than once ar not at ll Which ofthe above foods 23. jaMOST likely sugar? 24, would NOT besuitable fora person suffering rom arises? | fp 0128301082010 GO ONTO THENEXT PAGE 25, 26. 2», ‘Which of the following tech aid in grinding 27. ‘04 into smaller pieces? Tas dais 1) Molar an premolars (©) _nisors and premolars (D) Canines and molars Inwhichpartof thealimentarycanelwillan 28, ‘exzyme that works bestatpHI-2.Sbefound? tn @) Moat ©) Stomach @) —Deodenuen ‘Which type df teeth would be found nan sdulthuman itabsent fromayoung child? g (©) Premdlar @) ! secnieceras = ® Be ‘sms 29 30 refer othe table below which shows the resuls of four tes on liga food. "Test number Test T Observation 1 | Addiodinesottion | seat with Benedict's solution ML | Add Binet rages Tv | Mix wit ethanol and pour nto wate Colourchangesiombrowntobiue black (Colour change fom bie red. Colouremsingbve Whit uty sion. ‘The food MOST likely contains 30, (A) fatend seh only (B) at starch and procin (©) fat reducing sugar and starch (D) fat nonreducing sugar and starch “Test mum I fan be sed to test for w @) © ©) reducing sugar non-tedicing sugar starch prea snow Tate YTD Ae 31, DigestioncanbeBEST described as (A) theprovessoftaking pieces of food ‘nto themouthand grinding thera intosmall pieces (B) — theeliminetionofprouctsafter ~ _setiesofmetabolic processes (©) the process of breaking. down ‘comple food substances into smplersubstnces (©) theremovelofundigested food fom thebody 32. Whichottie fallowingactivtes occurs wha ‘marathon mnnerconsumestoo lite weles? (G)) Move ADH is crete, increasing —/ reabsorption of ate ©) More ADH isecreted decreasing reabsonxionof wate, (©) Leo ADH fs secret, creasing wwinoomcentaton ©) Less ADA i eed, decreasing ueemcetiin 33. Bxcretio is BEST defined a the (A) climination ofexcess water from the bay (B) secretion of sts and sweat from the ‘ody (C) elimination of excess glucose from the body (D) —climination of waste products of ‘metabolism rem the body 34. Oncofthecrgansrespomsbleforthecxcretion ‘oftittogenous wast from the human body is the A) ng @) Kiduey (© pancreas (D) alimentary canal o12si010%2010 36. 7 38, Which ofthe folowing statements describes hhomenstasis? w ® oO o ‘The progess that slows products of Aigestion to be incomporated ito ‘The menstrual cyéte begins (A) stovuli (8) at dot (©) withthe Geeakdown of the uterine wall | ©) when te levels high Sexual erode (A) fusion of gametes (8) fission of (©) fasion oft © offepringby mitosis ‘Which of the following statements may be eve sbout prensa fare? 1 m1. wv. w © o Keeps the mother under a strict dict ‘ud exergise program. Monitors the development of the foetus.) ‘ep the motherto propery ear for baby afi bith Prevents 'o the developing Totus ealy Tand ton 1. Iand V gay, 1 Il aT only } GOON TO THE NEXTPAGE 39. Whichatite following binhcamtrolmethods 44 is considered tbe the LEAST relish? (A), Conon “BP _Riythm (©) Ora contraceptive (D) Intrauterine device 40, Chromosomes are made up of proiin and vay DNA @) RNA © stare ©) tw 41. During ascrual reproduction aa ongisin produces ew organisms that are entcal to ‘the parent. Which process occurs when the new ‘organisms are produced? (A) Meiosis s 4B) Mitosis (©) Pathogenesis (D) — Reduetiondivision 46. 42, Oneparentishomozygowsdominantand the 47 other heterozygous dominant. The resulting senotypes willbe A) #TTend 4 $B) ATPand et (C) Yittand tt (D) 4 TT end eT 48. 43. Which ofthe following organisos isthe causstiveagent forcholera? (A) Fangs 8) Virus (©) Flatworm QD Bacterium Good health may be BEST described as (A) the absence of dizease as well as complete physical well-being (B) the abseace of disease, as well as ‘complete social well-being 46)" a state 9 complet physic, social ‘and sfental well-being (D) a siawlof complete physical and coondmic well-being tems 45-46 refer tothe fellowing options. A ope of dl Vitamiad 4 Sicle-cellasemia One of the MORT effective methods of sterilisation ie (A) cleansing with pure water (B) using sutieptice © sain BP baling Which of the following is NOT a social consequence of diag suse? The abuse ar &B cStegen ae tne of et (D) withdraws from friends and 50 st tsi 49 refers to the following diagram showing dhe lifecycle of thohousetly. (" Pape AG a or Atwihich stage would insecticide be MOST Affective? j ‘em S051 cfer othe following types of imam, (ay @ © (©) Aricilpassive Inansweting items 50 5), match each tin with owe ofthe options above. Each option ‘may be used once, more dan once o Na at all A young lady had typhoid as child. She ‘ecovered and never got it again, even afer ‘repeated exposure tothe disease. I, ‘A baby is bor with antibodies to typhoid. & o12ssora7r2n40 ca 53, 4 The MOST ui etc on man dst the imorper dca otc (A) excess insects (B) excess partage ME) exposute to pathogens (D) pollution byheavy metals Formation of sei which destroys organisms ‘ccursin which tthe following stagesin he ‘water purification process? = (©) Screenis . =. Pollution is BEST described asthe (A) disposal of domestic waste @) disposal 6F baru substances in water (©) containgtion eftand, water sod air boyhazmfulmicroorganisms M2F contamination of land, water and aie by uma substances GOON TOTHENEXTPAGE -10- 158. Which ofthe fllowing procetses inthe water eyele refers to evaporation? wurvigie——_8_sy > oom a ” oo lo» Won sn so at Aniat T —_ ae) 56. Microorganiams are important in the $8. ‘The most way 10 dispose of, tronment of eowage because they oid waste inthe Cabbean is (A) produce methane which esa be UAT reel collected and used as fuel (8) usingignains (B) add oxygen tothe sewage to break (©) baring ofthe waste ‘down the faecal content (D) —dumpiti inte ocean (©) maaufutute fertiliser trom the sewage, which cam be used for gy scaghawere tina na oan oe 9. Recycling my ES (©) decompose the urea and other ‘rpc mater (A) chesigily altering a esource = {@)_ reducing th woof eeouce (OP coleedagandreprocessinga resource into pew products 57. Which ofthe following conditions is NOT (©) wages ovr and oven te Important inthe siting oa pitltrine? (A) Thelatine should be well lit 60, Which of the following is considered (B)— Thelatineshould belocateddowail biodegradable} UG) Thereshouldbenowaterwelsinibe area. (A) Giass (0) Thesoishouldbopenmeabletowater ey Raw © st (D) —Styrofpam lunchbox IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THISTEST,

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