HSB 2015 Paper1

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Phra ¢ Qocan. ie SL 004 Bows or 2+ e “Te proces by which ivng ora nergy fom tt ood ton i {B iedeton" : poh Which of the following organisms have cellulose cel walls as part of ther srucutt? L Pungi Plants M1, Bacteria (A) Tend tL only . (B) © Land tl ooly (©) Wand only ©) Liana uring osmosis, the movement of water ‘molectles through the semipermeable ‘membrane continues until (Q) | the amount of water molecules is ‘equalized on both sides (B) _ the hydrostatic presaire equals the ‘osmotic pressure (©) the osmotic pressure equals the ‘osmotic potential (O) tugidity and Naccidity ae equal ‘The amount of energy in food chains decreases at each trophic level because 1 there ae ess organisms respiration occurs TIL, the organisms are more active (A) Land Tronty and only 7 (©) Wand only ©) Wiad 4% ‘Microorganisms are an important part of the nirogen cycle. Which ofthe following contribute directly tonite Doiléup in a soi) Beatie (© _ Saprophytic fangt {D) *-Nitopensixingbactea ‘Wie ofthe following foods would BEST prevent constipation? (A) Chicken soup (B) Vegetable rice and fish (©) Frutand vegetable salad (©) Wheat bread and cheese “Which of the following reagent gives 2 positive ts forthe main fod present in & Slice of baked potato? (A) | Binret ) * Ethanol (©), Iodine sotution (D) Benedict's solution Kwashockor& a deficiency disease caused byslack of (a) fas @) proteins (©) slycogen @) _exobydeates G0 ON TO THE NEXT PAGI 10. u. cmd referstothefollowingdiagram whict! - 12. shows the structure of «typical oot, \ 2B. ‘Which of th prs Inbelled (A), (B), (C) and (©) puppies he woth with food? 5 ems 10-11 refer tote followinidingram ‘which shows a part of the digestive tact ofa human. ® q 14 wo » In dagwering items 10-11, each option 15, ‘may be used once, more thin once or not aval ‘Which organ secretes a substance which neutralizes hygrochloric acid? y ‘Which organ is responsible “for the igetion of protein only? Which of the following are properties of emymes! 1 "They work best ata particular pH, They are not affected by tempera 1, They work oofnly one subsite. (A) tanditoaly @) and only (© Wand toaly ©) Mma ‘The process by which undigested food is limited from the body i called (gestion @) excretion (©) ingestion ©) eaminaton Which, of the following combinations shows the correct percentage of oxygen and carbon dioxide found in the lungs of ‘ealthy perton? [Onygen [Carbon Dioside (CE Ta ce) | 16%. % [1% 0.05% fo) [21% 0.03% (Climbing up «mountain, a group of hikers finds tharbreathing becomes difficult. This is MOST likely because (A) thesirhas ess oxygen () they lose too much water by ‘sweating (©) they become tired from the long walle (D) the temperature drops and the sir ‘seolder (GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ch 16, Which of the following properties of 17. During respiration the release of energy ina membranes are required for rapid gaseous col occurs when exchange? (A) ADPis converted to ATP LS Moist (B) ATPis converted to ADP 1, Thin-walled ‘ (©) ADPis converted to lactic acid, IIL, 5 Small surface area to volume ratio (D)__ATPand oxygen form oxyhaemo- 4 lobia (A). | Land tt only ®) | Cand only € © | Wand ttonly ©) Mand tt tem 18 refers to the following. 7 0% 30 [Number of cigarettes smoked per day 18, Which of the following can be dedved from the graph? (A) Aste numer of cig ck per dy inese thes of geting hg cancer (®) Ad Ge sme of igang smoked pe ay ison, he ik of geting ng cancer decreases. sie (©) + When 30 cigar ested per yh if hig cance inne tn ines (D) Arte amber of cgnnes somo pr day deren, teri of Being ane cancer w. wo ® 2m, Why do we need transport systems in (he 1L.Toltansport substances from one ‘part ofthe body to another T. To produce hormones for eordination of body processes IL Toprotectthe body againstaiscases (A) Tana oaly ‘ @B) © Land tealy (©) Wandiltonly ©) ytaam } cs ‘tem. refers to the following diagram of ‘he buman heat o ‘Which labelled par contracts pump blood round the body? em refers to the following diagram 3¢ cell, ‘The diagram MOST likely represents ©: (A) livercell (8) phagocyte (©) lymphocyte (©) red Blood cet 2 Capillaries have vey thin walls which have only oe layer of cells. This isto allow (A) rapid diusion of gases and glucose (B) slow diusionofgasesand glucose (C) rapid diusion of protein and fats {© © slow diffusion of protein and fas Which ofthe folowing vitamins the process of blood cloning? (A) Vinin BQ Yanna . Yimin B ©) Viumink ‘tem 24 refers to the following diagram ‘Which shows parts of the human skeleton. Which of the following combinstions correctly identifies the bones labelled X, YandZ? Bonex Boney Bonez Tibia Femur Fibula Fem Tibia, Bibula Fibula ‘Tibia Femur Femur Fibula Tibia 2s, 26, 2. 24 ‘ism.2$ refers tothe following diagram of oman arm, Which of the following occurs when the ‘arm is bent or flexed? (A). The bey pus on the aus (3) The inp pls on he ulna (©, ‘Thescapulnis piled down. (Of Thewricepssbonens. ‘Which ofthe following connects muscle 10 bone? (A) Tendon i @) Ligament (Muscle 5 (©) Cartage ‘Which ofthe following allows movement in all directions? . (A) Kose (Ankle s (©) Etow 4 (D) Shoulder 28, Which ofthe followisg sets of constituents is found inthe urine ofa healthy person? (A) Ure, glucose and water (B) Salts, urea and proteins (©) Urea, salts and water (D) Proteins, salts and glucose Liam notices that his fhe is oabed (ed) serplaying football, Whishofte following processes cases his face to be flushed? (A) Iasulation ? (B) Evaporation (©) Vesodilation (D) Vasoconstriction item 30 refers to the following diagraen ‘which shows across section ofthe human (A) hic foltite (B) sweat gland (©) adipose tissue (D)__ sebaceous gland GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE 1. ‘em 31 refers tothe following eycle which shows the control of water content in the blood by sntidiufetic hormone (ADH). Ptatary. i fo ana YY MorkApH releases ths apa rlewed ee : 31." Which of the following prs shows the processes taking place at end N? i © (A) [Lest reabsorption of water inthe blood | More reabsorption of water ato the Blood (8) | More reabsorption of water into the blood | Less reabsorption of water into the blood (©) [No absorption of water into the Blood | More reabsorption of water into the Ulood (©) [Less reabsorption of water into the blood | No eabaorpion of water ino the ood The central nervois system is made up of he (A) © Brain and spinal cord B) brain and spinal nerves (©) brainanderanial nerves, (D) spinal cord and cranial nerves GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE ‘uem.33 refers tothe following diagram of « motor neurone, wv 1 1 NN 33, Which labeled partis the axon? Aw ot . * ‘ @ on Q a o wv ‘ a2 on a ilovngdapan fans a eat Oe flowing fap Eckanunjechoningmageorcason, (ML ee ae nay Shhped eemet ont ° i 34. Theiimage X is NOT . a 5 A) inverted (®) formed on thereting (©) sealer tan the object ae (D) the same sie asthe object A + 38. Which hormone is secreted by $7 (A) Adrensline (8) Insulin (©) Oestrogen ©) Thyroxine GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 36... Which ofthe following comparisons is NOT true for nérvous and hormonal control? ‘Nervour Control Hormonal Contra [CRY] Blea ensapes travel long Mesage we tansported in Blood (@) | Chenin messages travel across synapses. | Only cbemical mesage are nvolved (© | Tre response is usually shor-ve. ‘The fects een ong lating ( | Mesps earl sovy nd ak agaro | Meigs ve tan ve i ot. 37, Ovulation ig the process by which w @) © o 40, "Which of the fauowing methods af bin ano) is LRART effective In preventing ragamey? females become progoant , Ame anda foals gumcto fas ‘Gaus implanted in the wer (A) Natural metiod 2 tate egg i lensed ito the @) Barieemetiod oviduct (© Formonl method (D) Mechanical metiod Lem38referstothefollowing dagram which ee 4s Middepte hae te ; aaa 1) -Alroxmbton or ee as seinen 3 =a. a , i seman ogi amet © Redo ternes tana ness 38. Which of te bated pe consis =| oe ‘mitochondria? ) 39...” The corpus inteum seoetes ® © © cestogen progesterone Iutening hormone folicle-stimulating hormone : (©) fertlicaton G0 ONTO THE NEXT PAGE -10- refer io the following genetic cross ‘which shows the inertance of blod groups fnhumans. Alleles Aand'B are codorinant to cack ober and both ae dominant oO. ‘Which ofthe following offspring inherited the homozygous recessive allele? 4, wok @ 6b OM : @ oN ‘Which of the following is an example of genetic engineering? (A) | "Using stem cells toproduce organs (B) _Tapuscsltwre in benana production , (C) Cloning ofhigh-producing animals (D) Production of insulin by.E. colt bacteria Which of the following CANNOT be prevented by bealthy living activites? )), Inflenzs - (B) ~ Sicklecell anaemia {O)°- Tron-eficiency anemia. (D) Chronic heart disease Seema bas the following siga/symptoms: constriction ofher bronchial tubes, oughing fandwheering. Sheis MOST likely suffering, 0. fom (ay asthma é (B), malaria (©) typhoid (D) _ mberevlosis Moms 42-48 refer to the following diseases. (A). Teberoulois (B) Typhoid (© © Ringworm (@) —Gonorthoee Match each ofthe following phrases with * tne ofthe options above, each of which may te used onee, more than once oF nat at al CCanied by a fungus Causes severe giarthoes and abdominal + pains ‘Antibiotics are chemicals which can safely ‘pe takes into the body. They do aot harm ‘haman cell bu they destroy a fingi ) - monlds (©) bacteria ©) vinses Item $0 qefers to the following diagram ‘which shows the stages in the life eycie of the mosquito. ot \p? ‘Which ofthe following stages are found is ron water? (A) Hand tony (®) Wand V only (©) hllland1V only ©) Tend IV only 60.ON TO THE NEXT PAGE one ‘em 51 refers to the following diagram, ~ wo we, wi yy Swan vi z ww Ww = ‘St Where is ho leptospirosis vector MOST likely to be found? Which ofthe following cells oes the AIDS $8,, Tae process by which water vapour changes virus arack?, towateris (A) Phaborytes ‘ (A) evaporation (B) Erythrocytes (B) sublimation (©) Lyraphocytes—- (©) condensation (D) Muscle cells (D) ‘olidificaion ‘53, | Which of the following gases contributes $6, The MOSTeeffective way of purifying water ‘MOST to the greenhouse effect? 7 fn the bomeis (A) Sulphur dioxide (A) boiling and freeing (B)° Carbon dioxide (B) filtering and freezing (©), Nintogen dioxide (©) boiling and chlorination 4B) © Carbon: monoxide (D) chlorination and firing ‘S4:_ Whatisthecifect ofearbon monoxide onthe ‘human body? (A)___Provents oxygen uptake by blood (B) , Danigesclapreseatontiotachoa (© Cautes eye itaton and redvced ‘ty i (©) Has tonic effees on the nervous system GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE -n: aggre otowine phi so aye nase foe 4 ‘ Dissolved 5 4 oxygen concentration 4 orm) 1 — oe ‘Time (Weeks. 57. The oxygen concentration evel is MOST likely affected by (A) dead (B) sewage (vectors ©), meal ions SS Se ‘58, Which ofthe following stages are involved. 89. in the biological flter method ft sewage ‘eeatment? 1." Residual matter is died and used tomuke methane. 1H, Sereening of lage objects. TIL Stones eovered with aerobic! bacterisand protozoa which feed onorganic mater, « 60. TV. Compressed air supplies oxygen {in aeration tanks, for aerobic bacteria (Ay Land only (B) Wand only : (©), 1Mand tf only ©) U0,endv g \ ENDOFTEST ‘Which ofthe following gases is produced in landil site? (A) Ozone (®) Steam (©) © Oxygen (D) Methane + Aaubsnce is biodegradable iit “ ® © @ be broken down by bacteria to harmless materials canzot be broken downby bacteria to harmless materials is broken down by sunlight to harmless materials ia broken down by chemicals to harmless materials IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST,

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