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H.0. Mitchell Traveller GTEC) Contents ‘Module 1 Window on the world... Module 2 Heroes Module 3 Work & Leisure ‘Module 4 Planet Barth... Module 5 That strange. ‘Module On the move... Module Up-to-date Module 8 Human nature. \\\XXK. seat co tac RAS H.0. Mitchell 12 NNN man bake ol) > Student’ POETS ‘A. Compete the sentences ith the covet form ofthe ‘er inthe box Read the sentences and cel the comec anaes 1. Aves any spec habits estos dasng Cv aeton in yor enaney? 2 Macon an Jt eto be very seb lace they ‘chs eribleagunent they hve bso comple 1. My are hae aay eto becomes actress 2 Good hosts should ryt ee ea me 9. Salat Mork is «famous ski resort region in ipmanirtiogeta —_ sip inno on yeu seis! - fe esibiens/exhists. 5. Wha cscs the benef parpee of reranes peta? 6. Moweten des the arvton Song Catest - lake pce tke pare 7.How abot tryagon/ ying ot that Chine Thee sae ela eign fhe EE Tern hat Do yo cers /ncnlly eset ne to see your sly xcwe for big et 10. Lot of tart marvel wonder tthe nr ge sf Athena the Aeop (Titel athey_ Dathactng ana singing Seta eer ona awe. seme bad nether rng eure ester. lee bald be from an early age 0 msg he anion The pre of pels = eth ou Paik oily to ‘main caer cen i themes rt ston, aber oman sey Kane we ded GRAMMAR ©. Complato tho datoges with he Pesont Simple or the Present Progtessive ofthe verbs n bracket, ‘that (9 (yon odo wight Bel (2) (noi vom), Twaually ‘9. ho wy eb hate ‘finish ny project ow Eusepean painers, Ao That intereing because the Nao Musca 4 —_ hold anerhistom am thom this eke Weeangpifyoutte Bi Gravis. 16), (bain) iwi ilp mea. Attidee ty 6) (ou Fp 7) ___qeu go)onacipt actly. 108). (sry pnp tic oend, avo (Q)_ ont mg hous rarely xm (td then. won 10 Coie aie Read the dialogues and cele the core answer 1. Aitscucme, Madam, tut dneethishagbong/ 4, AsThisprogran combina /iacombining Fr nd {sth bg belonging your duction. Bite have mg righ be Data notaazeomn agresing/ agree wil ou. 2 A:Mycosinsane ving rece some, Aen yo lok along te Dr That willbe est ‘Bees, Lam bncing/ knw eda ep walle 3. As Wen are going to Meso neat Moray gh Be Thacissounding/ sounds eas. 12 > students Book pp.89 ‘A. Complete the felonng tbl liar wa vere eric theer Match the worde 1.8 ith thireeaninge 2h acest i oaks emethingappen Bidet ‘toundentand something pst Oo he way embody prononesnords + S.swetome i the oud arto book maging ee ur oat ) {aot understanding 2sinacon or somete’rerarks reey Zosisunecnantig O) ‘pintrciomen how enn can ptt pet peda write a Use the words nthe previous exerci to complet the follwing Sentances, Make any necessary changes. The fie brig ae oilin the dk regeding ha. he he ot the sopping sent 2. Have yo _—teslason othe Nats prion ye 2: The ball perce wa {Theaadlene pau ntact thee “Le cri You sot a oer that poor Santa rom his —____ hate fine. 6 you gt ton your way othe heal ibeay ak some fr 1 ofa bok aly ince decision whether buy io They —— ane haven’ spoken tach tess, There jer ats you beter than thetiue ne, aa a ‘a ke same hips with ny sav ese Ret hnght a new pire shoes yey, Rc Fentaring nes in September. cA famoursingr es next door to Cle ByThy wet Br fo hr emer aia 7 Tmbuyinga new nob ne bean my ld ne broke down E Mabe tndret questions stating withthe words ge. 1. Whenis Paine birdy? Doyoa remener 2 Where the thee pl? Oey ‘Why aidheleve tbe partyso souk Doyoaknow 4. Who dete the i wesav st itt $5 How do you oper ths machine? canyon {6 How any peopled the cee ayo mw + LUC Doyorbaw ‘stn we ending about New Year le Mew York. Decéewhete the stteeents ae raze. ite Tor Teor F 1b camo pw be ides gt Tres Squce 2 jn thnk twa a en cto New York iy {fn sys tht Tes Sere mascot inte aesoon, 4: The poe ad occ ff he square. ‘5 linsays that wn nt on Nw Tee Be 6 ln sts spe wen neat the atc: 2 abn vend when thecelbtions Fished > Student's Book pp. 10-11 ‘A. Match the two censor cammoa collocation. Being, Ibteopie ‘sity cana 4 pce a epaer ‘Saher eatrod 6 poronal avionnn 1. Rad the sertonces and cle the caret ane, | Wiyou plese be kind enough» complete ths qustonate/ ort 2 Keon inshpe ene ofthe ciadvantae advantages dal orkut 2 The content /provence ofthe lm nls one for chiden andere age wee ‘4. Maeconvenint immediate cin ofthe esc eam saved the ost liber i {3 Ourcontey dest make cr we eon SENS la > Student's Book pp. 10-11 -— nn . Look atthe pltres ad he prompt and wrt he micsng paragraph the leterbaow. +k can Bah “ery popular you oon sea fa woxk when nt wer pat 6087 ‘ete / net lit sec vist any eres pee stay (met pele ‘ike / bts Cets sen ped money ee ay eter ear Joa Ison ages noe est wrote bt Ive Boon vary bey. Th st tne we spoke od yu that was kia {ocajoh Wall yor pled fer that od vba. ha’ why in rig very etd oa wat tl yor al aot i ‘Wal hat al for now. Np yours ent your aner hlsy. Maye, yu ean comes Vist wit Wet asker Tike wr, Sapte eT ‘A. Crmploe the sentences withthe meds inthe box waming joy power avaeness caedty cod ast ve fede invited me oan eer that her acho was ronan 0 se pope —___stoutevronment problems ast ean the fraschod event but ected too jsut (3) —_—_ ‘The nla speikervneayosne man hota that wena undead thet things ete exteme wether condone nny pushed ares )_____ to sand tate vet changeour nas, Wim grea). arenas he anounosd a tex teveach programe in ther Pole bah he appr of man evernmentsae unreies. He expe that weal wo gee me beste osm to ste cur ae Ine, oe gi wen ease go et of eesti shout wat we can do the the enirenmet IGRAMMAR 18. Complete the iaiogve wth he Past Spl ofthe verbs In brackets Johns Hey Marion! Where) (eu Fhe) ysertaye Marios Ha 1(9)______ (gy tomy sess.) With. Jobe, (ota) gontirer Maion: You Wes) ae) niin, (6) tae nd (ay presen tery The si (ng)end (ance) al nh ole Tim ereyouraie 10) ow ©. Choosethe conc ansnera, bore Acad semi very ayn the same ssa welt busedsogo ees wel toring 2_____ ont night Did you ‘Dd yest 0 eDeyanwat 3.Matk_—_— real boring book st wes, sont’ thd ined ioradig Akay ping pny the mering addi babar ato 6 ud The Rcbinsoon___ Pent ame. sed tit ‘eve tne tog 2a poste 6 a debate 7 bate 4 alinice QMS nn lb > Student's Book pp. 15-17 My 0. wanined eveepeat epee signs cab poem cmb ees reer miners sees untaneet oe ‘A. Match he two clan te form ‘omessions Lamy avin C det Al Spek s-sating dizer bp ete 4. tgether apy arid woman Some hen eck tak and thin bout everthing Ae {Wink would ate maces whet ny pnt ih apport me eer thy nd ped ef atthe 2) taught si) ids a if pepe ond sens eso of bs eed cul tbe root. emo soa snes ia New a wel yet he el ela teen a 1 woul yt The good an happy Bi ewe {dont sidefthing esac we ait il, they {nye ytd reich hem, You ce my fy . ‘That woke ot rth bt gh bats it made me 6 te gtahead.Itheped me vercone 6). xd vin he) fife slong. a ( yao coiee made me wae odo erehing tp people net My parents reno lly hema wales love them ete es omy We | nome 28. Use the expressions nthe preious exercise te complete the fellowing sentoces. Leste fora dviek wight 2.Sacah doc ing othe ims Sted ter ay thane ad atch DVD, Su lwould sppecntee you could fiom dhe apr A Mpa ror my hoa. deit se _—thepestion of wexporis france oe i pti (Reed the sentences nd choose the eavrct anne. 1. Begone st here and Ina fal only alone 2 Letsgo ay fora few isa esape ro our daly oan schedule 2. you hee ends ies sma enjoy {A visto asp cam be very ain hci epee 5 Weld lancet aloft hotel iis eisai ere 6: Working set the ead canbe gic sinile! monotony 7.1n ie shopping in big department tres the ce shay ered / ne wth pepe ck independent rents eves ons own pres fer ims. —Tnnnra 1. You ae studying abvond and your fiend hes delded tisk youLookat the map and completothe tert your Feed svn hina ection te your bese. @ Dear 2 over here but (rn om really glad you can come vise me. vm having a great sure that when you get here, well have an even better time together: [As for getting to my heute it's pretty eacy. The bus step where you get fF is \f gou have any trouble finding my house, give me a call anc | wil help you out rm relly looking Forward te seting you Gest wishes, | dames ‘A. Read theext below and compete the raps. Use nly one wor In each ‘Best Friend) 4 Whee mass et remember raybeitw rye) sk Lalvayranin thee dion Mr po tsp to beateidofdors do eld ne that dp wee dans yandmatber ors sighbour bathe et hat tied very and tne the pela. Thy tl metres Shou dogs ving peoples ai that og ete man es ee (ound loot poppy ad ny pret asd). sn beep 4. too ae eer eh (2) asabost 12st brother to avg og acu the house even as nly a hares pep. weve vas 50 ey) Ena 'B.Read the text about Google arth and answor the questions 17, Cheese, Bere 1 Aseisne by the autho what ison change thet cure th he nent? . Tel pre tc one ator tha fs ofc. De opleare ping mace tration tha the ee Reape are sending fiver andre tse 2 Accondingte te author, Google aris ‘am itresting but minor chee ienton, an apicaton having vey sigan consequences 2. Why dow th athe strict and sropan? sec nase! tines eh cogs wactraainl ‘sto pir oat tbe wayia which people teed orl ‘to contrast pst and preset fomseuare art technol 4 Theautor metonsal ike lowingsbout Geo dat we can ot ur pston otis expense to we ‘thatany parte the wd can bese namaste of pfu thet ened Fat king Tht was ho sare ting every ear fds. 5 According theater theinnporteref Gong eth stat tal that earths in et geomet smal plane Deana huey sunderpinga gal chang. ‘thet people want toe and the woe 6 Wha isthe autor fering by ‘wind’ la he sa phuueofaster ‘eleting ite ye 7. Wha bes desis the ath felng about Gea ent lise abot Bette ivery ete abo Methinks people stele more cot of ‘When he sere fit cameo, 0 oe ely aw jas ses at old, crepe what dase Hers ieee sya the pos dou Sede, everyone at + “nail of ake accra and atic it thing athe Asif oer igh wal bow what wb page as, ‘we were dating onlin and we at aca 03 wed of Informatio, er athe o dcr ad wep cai Thea the aalbnlable eppeie- With the touch of « tat weld ne ino nor only wernt etal the word inl Ganglia one othe sot ince edhe pation the te, ‘ost impartance we have ye flyin Think sbou i Scan 100 yam go, people hed just legen to ue the gone, The a and arpane ware slowly coming tno ue. foe sent pepe, the Her intone tel and cn Kowdedge ofthe Fath wie then Lime othe ge ting on a fede the werd map pa wp 08 he sched al su ut vo chert has changed hes Gol art sean cen ee our lane fe eter ops. cok fd out cmc ction though dpe such, ghey travel wo he Mick sen, pas orc the Eyl pams nines Idec the no has cone sale We ae 89 longer indvidisl ving led coneie. We ae nos 4 aa vetwo o hanan beings waking opt a ure ‘Stale community. Gage Har st ne indian, ana of 0 plac of our earth abo eval om fare repos eur wether ae tbe wet convient cet ourhome ea mre cing i the ct at Gage Earth fas expand inca 4 window the envee. The “GegeUrinene application lol into the ar, fring + tedoeopic lek ete vain or pt ant ase fa in sce, Neer he ey tte oa een rhe eu TSA ERS SSS SS 2a > Student's Book pp. 2223.» ~_ STENT ‘AChooaethe caret anes bore My perder one shoe before enti hest i ‘emer eine 2 Mange coed al. she ee of theaccent tered Taped ‘poured 3 Weall_ inapeamet at heen ofc in the court yde oak peed ‘ode 4. These std wy hen he band wales onstage peticg bering ‘long 5S. Marin sd sata sone as ‘at he would dowel in sina esas, steve Beenie ‘ceonllent 6 Nel__sbot ot ling you the rath, sooaficed Tears ety 1 Hospi his kl when he il don the sian nw bei aia ‘aoe epsin 8, Have Macy ad Mick ther wedding dey? s.tidéen Te vaipecl announced ©. Complete tho santenca withthe coroe frm ofthe phrasal vars Inthe box. lubecft leepelf —fumon —paten patel talon trsall—eepon 1. Dont walk onthe ga Cant yu se the he gm shea aroane team anymore pris a work a to sree ati tune oe valking ety comet «seat {Mae ie you kv, ailthe ght ee leaeg ne hose Asati ik going teint mwa de plans - 6 _____the TV fv gie show inet 2. tems match, othe pouring a, yar rms Weare ono the beet —EE Look atte pltures and prompts and wite sentences usage Past Sinplead te Past Progressive, {Whey Pala die herdagher lookout winder 2. Thay havea meting when Moning ‘haa def ie home ct? ‘ak down B) 4. listth ron ie ‘Alec uh Net :mheboys pla ten wien adden tact ‘stave bath hen? fllatecy . Complete the dalegues wih th Past Simple or the Past Progressive ofthe verbs brackets ‘Asta What ‘sos wrt bine wht ()_happe) tone et ght. Aso on tine Best @)__ (stun) homer or on (Gnd alle vith 3,600 eros Ae Wot We) (youre) Bi16)___ (al thepoiestation end th one (6) ne 100 arte daakme ‘Aslecky you! Ast) (ot ep ver walla ight | Dewy?) (Gave nightmare AsSortol 19) (skp wn aud wie 19)_(va) wp. (40)____ pes ayeesont (2)____ (2) tang man inn om ‘cot You wee prey imagining hing. ‘A:Problly the mn (13)___ (ven) aight Sarmou ond blood (4) __(pou om ee shoo ou shou oop ealing novel before rg bel 2. > stndent’s Book pp. 2425 » _ STITT ‘A. Complete sentences withthe words in te x, Make any necessary changes ly {rain role shuld donate mone char a. Demme es Gime stam 0 fad wat my pets bough for my ida Ati besincmen sn hs guint workin. far iim copie Howat ‘alter eich ld S.Mytittebroter vite 2H tha ar et the pein fhe cunt tiny aise wih ected Monde Ienisy pomenion vopente for 8.Can you domme: and tae uth ai? 1. My grander stall ti____daringthe we rf 1, She ase teminter a ueston there pea 12. Merha xj the, of aang St de —EEa 9 Choosathe comect answer 3b cord | Chie teen a frase sn a Osh fr i the i Alone auto when exter fron 2eHlsory nasheed objec. enya ie ube whee eich dito ket, ane was destroy thee, deed to owe tana awh Bere eon sich Aken, ry rotier wasabi oy auto whens centre “ch The mal the sry us wesc and atl ubete whe evhich atone ths my rnd Pete father won he tery st yea. ante baad lose ee Jono sonteneasusng who, ub whore and whose, 1 Aeespeale Spenish Deny He end fein 2 isan epee tau ats feces et hee | Seen cour new caoe Her moeriea Maths tache, 4: The Chinese Acobte Theis tveling aren the woe Yu sald nist 5: Yous hs gay ease Se alte pune 6. Thesiyetat «lay reset sts was eal rns TAREE ie apg am ei iy el eee ge 1. Youtwara mantaing When ibe desde toentrthe 2 Yar nba ling What die do with the wal burning howe? ‘Pe hande torr the poli When esa dog beget poe orn ‘a Wheahesiwawemin, ec eept. «When esa abo 4 Youheara man tain. Why dose patcgatein 2 Yoaheare woman talking. Who i he sae? dav oe athe ald man a. He et ery perl in et bathe woman ees uty 2A > suident’s Book pp. 2627 [A Match the two cairns. Then wee the expressions to complete the sentences 1 Lhe) a ofhunear nin ould ia icin anda So sme Reet (J) Cinwmistiistin: 2 cetera tend fll estates sume C) eno thee state : 3 Los of oung reo tday have _—thepotien seas) ami faerploymert isu uns ht aed the bi Sunt) ee 5: oes mach un toe arn He bs ret 1. Read the semtencns and cite comect answer 1 Exe otra consul puti th lesa dager ke 2. Thee hacen alt fst /penae i isk inish the pe on tine 5. Ley apes conser everything youve done. 4. These oad expos i ena of henge deme amp Ot my 5. peng wee rapped /ssced nts oetared caren tock the fie rg tw hous te et theo 2. > student's Book pp. 2627 ~, os , Thaparagrph blow has sevorl mits, which have boon anderned ané marke ung he crrection cde Blom Rend the paragraph and cect hemi, CORRECTION CODE \wvvewwong word ove my grancatvet exe than anyone nthe the wat She's not he >of Pt: prepostion ww prepes ‘person tat would catch your aye. But when youmeat he. youTliracne aby Tetwnse ee Azaricle {eel be wey Ido, Une oho peope her age, she 9 ary opon minced Sp: spetiog ‘You woul tink that sho’ young pron vepped an ‘old poraont body. ee it yory acy tk to hor about ‘most anything. Shas ataays gota good piece of aos be » Sime. Shes erly somatue and loves mea ne peop. Stas abso vary asiveforscreone erage, She {s spending to of ne woikng out n agymn =the same } one 90, + 2D - student's Book pp. 2830 [A Chesca the correct newer, The van petal iat sipped fib of mest hese. 2.The polio officers an ver fri. +. eal ‘impressive cba: 2. Lei the iti gil managed gp ett the bring aig sonhaemed emcees euro 2b > Student's Book pp. 28:30 J atacker causes pope fw ace hg eect deemintin edie ‘i: Threeld binge __daringthe othe cent Datlew ecole (6 La people who seed hi, lieing th front. a.owinay resrancinsy cate 2. hen Kate dog di sect othe mourean andthe batted bed thal SEA 1. Complete sentesces wih the covtct forme the words in tracked the wor he, thar and a Martha ky Mer chien ae et (ose ine 2. Thaw ertainy (ty joke eer hare tts (lt yas yesterday. ‘toa ase with you, Ube Ryan cocks (el) Hid. Aterallhey bth chi SLi his moa we po (ite hat we spent st mom, they bd = (amaing expen nthe 6. Rewite the sentence string with the words given. 2. Wehavenerer read sucha ners ony bee, StF you wakeup a vel these He 4. Kar ste moe seal tha Pl rl dca Sutrene your vobey cosas Irene your vty tig ‘tay shoo gts retained npr as bey Poysar, = —<_ {2 eter layer onthe eam lee bala he done b > Student's Book pp. 28-30 ENGLISH IN USE Y 21ers) ', Rite the second eantenc otitis 2 sina mening othe fist sentence, sng word gen Do nt ‘Shnge the word giver, Yourest ue between two ante words, the word gen 1. Dasing her wa the pa Kelly bumped into a od fe ‘alyburged inion ol fee 2 iced stm km ys Dyes = 2. Lod wok stag dgartnet orbit bile don The deprtnere store hones den A. That mothers an ats. whose ‘Thatethe i sere 5: Wel portonc he estiag as Mary seul me one “ Weta sary colds make Xontine 2b > Student's Book pp. 31:33 fj ‘A. match te words athe two columns {ora expressions hater sy heer . ax O awit a» O te an ot se O een sae O) cen "ae O wow gonaAsvama | 1, Use some ofthe expressions nthe previous exsclse to complete te teat elem Make any necessty changes. ()_____1 pretend amy sites oak om here Somecates rivera) Trealedsmetiag was ene 1 1 esiefirned that ur mater hed Ma a et her ca, When ean ht into ny a and rushed tthe hop re shes Unfrtaatlj.on my war tee Lesa ft tye wich eon sen tine pi Mowers @)—___ rec the pel and ht doa ha ay us ti eset very sro, - ~~ 2D > student's Book pp. 3133 Reed the etter below nd dete caret word/phrases. e | haven't heard ream you for quite come tbe. ( know thet you've probably been very busy with moving house, but Pina hoping we can get together scon to catch up on each OthErE ROWE, — Speaking about news youll never guess winat happened to me (2) recently / after a while. You know Ive always wanted to go hiking. Well, | Finally wsanaged to go but it didn't turn out too well. | went with come friends of mine who are vary experienced hikers. Vim grateful | did because | don’t know what | would have done without then. We set off carly in the morning and started walking. (2) Finally / At First, | thought to myself that hiking is quite easy but then | started feeling realy tired and | could hardly keop up with the rest of the group. We were crossing a | field (2) when / while | Felt a sharp pain in mg left leg. | thought it was a thorny bush or something and kept going because the rest of the group was far ahead. (4) After a while / As soon as | broke out inte a cold sweat and started feeling very dizzy, (6) Then / When | passed out. (©) When / Then | finally came round, my Friends told me that @ snake had bitten me One of my friends who knew about snake bites had tied my leg anc sucked out the polson. Luckily, they had an antidote for snake bites and I soon felt much better: mn Futare, | will think twice about going hiking. Write soon to tell me your news. Take care, Elvis | ————————— * _ balks CCE Ld ' a iS 2 round-up > Student's Book pp. 3436 / ‘A.Reedthetoxt below nd dociouhichanewer bor ebest seach gap. Altos ising books tht ce ed usualy havea vey stan) tens Ins cse ys move than ht They even rmetobesone sri mya sated wing my Ft ties atthe age offerte wth hei hava ham bled in he aca evap: omer Twas ot ig o. eer of my es ana practical ge eve exe, Hever oe day my un un them wile she ws yng up rough te nati as wrk 01 (@)____ than inthebatonn ee pera shee al of hm. To ny cpr setae hd ef) o._ {at or rag and that shold fri ifthe what aly wanted. stays ()______ ry meena 1 foe ber adrian aso the schol newspaper eit he could pin ny stores, He én they were very succesful Ths provid ne wih te) net og, Atte age 21 Lon ft pre naan ery camnpettan arte wig profesional Lavicory ete etoary 2 a met str eiloed 2 accourapout ——butetponsle scone Aa per ba elite 5 mares senile ptm 6. a onary bs sera cetaodinny 2. a sdmire Ibarpeeste ——e announe 8 a dere Ininaigene —— dtrinion 18 Yow at going ren fou short txts about people who have made aiference, or questions 18, choose rm (he peopla 0) The peaplermay be chosen more than once. Which person tc an poi aad oewk? (is slinaed in tying being sext charge 2. killed! by some fr hire ‘encnrape cnperton bene v0 cous plied igre in geting cuneate work ogre? pein Citeciieninaeacad as orn ae county wher they eced ‘ota ‘ hei oduction?| a aliens ‘Noland Karachand Gandhi wel known oir bien oo lee -eprove thts enor els can bea weap ore pow ha as tha the were rite they can bn set chee witht “the wef vine. He a th vp i is poefe arto ee “Indra yas, he was dep religustus dee “bli in anyone eligi. He rats teach people sce egionsas eto ht the tug rath which Ke id wae"G. Gandhi bip ‘wins aout ads ndpndence but vas led in 18 by 4nd ai, “wo cessed him of btn In el the Hind eigen, any peopl rep ens Nome oem in Cope {ater of te European aio. Hebel ht Paap ceurtis wo ‘nef the weed ete Fortis texem he cna coger ‘nd erste logue, He boa hat Earope would ne day bce Sonuny which woul sarcoma inure Hi ret contain ‘ens th cine ser War Wat when there wae regs | ‘retour Genny at rane, Since he wa oid hr wa wold be once agin, Monet ned at eras and ance cou ad sted ress shuld be conta by mined hoy, This ma thetegining of iat nto become sun fran at Kely ny aot known to mart she pase ingot! ‘olen pronetng environs, Ste was Dorm ia aves Germany Sut wsrought pin the USA Aer competing he sees, se moved 1s Geran re she found the Gees pied ergniation inetd eed ad he earner. Sh believe hat the pean erpontiyt prtctthe evo a that och mas done od >. Rate brought abu Frese peen ovement Taaly, she wale in 1932 Nadine Gorimer has theoaghaut elif fought ape ination At tom in Seth afc she cs el wa ting one igh al Theft het she white dit oper rm sing her wring sl einen aan athorto peak out pins sprtba. Sheba ‘hen she won the Nobel ee er iran 98 or erecting lie Neon Morland wort wth parle nese nee innow ivohedin acatapaign inet sig meer fr HIV/AIDS 7 y 3A. > students Book pp.3839 [A Chose the correct answer bor Going to Ais wohl the oor aa ey expec | scemtersining 1b rewarding ewig ing ecu esope 3. Tonight ego fer Rees sd iti us cl i pting on nec Sucey. sehen ba perrmance hy 44 When you deine the water maker ear wcig your shin pe koa eae \ % __betngan eee talented stot hls very havoc. abou aes Uae 6, Whee de ou ual. sth yur ied ssn Ihhergout ccomeaerst azncly soy! nant my ohare ‘iso be deeminnon ri: * vested ging tos eymte eerie fora be Read Recetly 9 Veafstand eld He reve, eisorong 1. The eae were wearing er seal Bani signs becomes sin /+B. Match dh words ie the two columns io form exgressions. Then use the epeessions to cant the Sentences 5 owt [J theoninny ey ina vary god aden and lathe students Book pp. 3839 I AFG. newt he sentences string with the words ven, Use the core frm of as hae lor nee Lvl to pack your enh, - | 2: Hat assay bry aoe i ‘ims pets Thy spaniels eee {Tor aed lone ak ay St binge pede a Fieerereeererarecrereres Read the dalogues and cel the comect ans. 2A: Woul yon ike sere exo cote! Dit would rather /hadbtter hn some cf pee 4 Ae What mater Yoel Daley worth Read th statins below and compat he ctances sing wou ater or had etter andthe pops hw, 1a plnsace og we, ate) 2d want ogo ous wthinga DUD at here ta eter aah) 1 4: Sal hes nee alotand ses ir igh tly ott) She = 41 he bp dow stay nr hy he ial es. (an stay 2) Thetoys nee $.Paul dee et ea so be woul ie ald nda tice. ve) aaa 4 What he pat wot SA, > student's Book pp. 42-43 Te ‘A. Complete the soatences withthe worden the boxes Make ary necossary anges. reach aes) ey uh secling eine ae aE *e adebbouriod very nce om ive ig ously pt ee ‘mnths ene wat vant paint pink peu psies/ was cof) besoin nln fn foe iw cok tat et is ae Dew tte, Sony fret wring for so long bi lt than me agesto get wed tony new nighbouroed ve had dfly _ tng used things, you know. Anyway tn ting lye A. ‘ry, atl ny now fr non. im hoping you can come and vi coon, Wit Pa soa, oteftove ‘Aa the sentences ed dele the cone answer 1. Mest fis income slay cores naka i. 2. aves ach gesture expreton made rain someting wes 005- 2. Mas Spar got realy nervous / pst when she four ether sn bat es, 4. Macnee the an commit the ee are sll net dear ean the pie Pees aay tae dty reaps rh (1s ghia parfthe imap appearance evant wre B.choote the cree newt, 1. teuly ppesineyoue_ iter nny plem bat thee ating ou can do ap conden bale epee 2 Tom hinge for theo of os assur at theo soe shop seeing be pthrng cc loking A. Matesure you ends ain) Inyour lication eter sinters Rov eu 4. Ms__hasbee gate street, Do yuna what wrong th int cyecortect ‘a ody language ce bchvoae ‘4 Thissa formal ane prt some sre you wear_—__dtes. typical ‘aryopie cuptedne —EEA Read the suatlons below ar wie sentences. Use the prompts even and ay, gh, cou, st can't 1. hte abd meer: Ri hin dou the meeting, Remind / Cai abot ting! terwie he Sgt! abet it 2. Alex tabeen wr ee sry ed inthe gana ay. 3. This womans to youug be Kare motes She be beret 4. Yaa mt be ect wm ing ‘en hae arse Thee psy ofan hu on in the da 1 ran/ le onin the day 1 weeEacs ole sitet «ig comp nl Tam apy eh job aioe (0) shape eante o do. Homeves Leamerely doe to abet aon heday @)__yirevie eveything were wou You sc. ny apoitment was ot nm snd ety aon clack fara. want pt rend 3) sue that woul ari ther ale n quater ofan bar ‘ « evans. The ler ck ameren da ofa y the ee wit was alps elt got ready as 9) [could an ran othe hose Nea or the ueeeround san since the company isin the city conte What ant akon (6)___enasdrtin, thogh, shal pbc rmeane or tanport were se thal oy had lly aed ings) The only thing va doves cll in aed aki make nother pint fr the allowing dy Lockl th prone nt vs ge andentadg nde grec As you pot sd crryibg eat al he snd ae twas uk enous hej 3b > Student's Book pp. 47-49 i +a. complze ho sentnene withthe word inthe Box. Mak any naceesny change. : fovning tak report sk applicant satus + Couktyoutll me what ural a 2. Mate rt as sates apne. 4. Finding we Matt eens prc vam 4. etude many hourset in ok to become asaecenfal foil aye, io forte mat are good computer sls 6, Theedior ofthe sea evapo cased ne 6 wes ithe each crt. ‘B. ate he words nthetwo coun to form expression. iveking =O) vie sical Redo ame) «fora 6 ‘took your coenince ih eons oe ‘nt coniertin Cake the word 1-6 wth thee moaning endale sates bengen tine nantiie OQ bake aed ejbie spuncrs! ethane trate arolie A inpertet or mena Spleen th ged mers and behaviour sexentt C) renty tobe wed aceboy tne , Usethe afetves + 6above to cmp the following sentencos. 1LDityoebwes tip bask home? 2. Shop asians soul bas be Ts 2Sephenievey ond yam alae depen em bir ore ‘ala eaboe doce ik ving ter people wing forbes 5.Goed eommnintion sie forties 6th lai Me Haein, otal toyou ight nn, Cold you calla it er? Complete the tox wit the wos nthe box. ake any necessary changes, Abily antious suhible previous luat inte ceperienad ‘Oarof the people Ladner in he wd ysis Li he wan sins ey), and ene vee ea nee hat iy gd. gest things wth een pray cok computes asin had ‘heap Beeameconpatr 2) terse inthe schoo she wert nies whee she ot {grein meine, She wen ano Bam argon indie nw wel new hroghat ihe vIn ion this ily had af inearning focig langungsnd in er pret she mane to bce ( ____tarech ant spans. iy a abe ert fp thers as se wae sin) (9)_____ seo, she hohe ete arresting tac 0 society han tag to werk with Doce without Here A) ws fod for erin Boi where the cold weer 7) nieve a lage hospital es big change rom be (8 jubin ome of ‘Webiget nites in Tota tae very Bap here aa advetiing company, Complte F tage tha belo ie you CY. You sr iteee in spying fr he ch re your on ets Da forge explain ter of applestn yo have ten ng tea a vy yu consderyouse sale thes. Curriculum Vitee tome Nine dvation vey De A Hear Deel Aeeting anartncg Profit in Rain or Taian Werkxpefene Tullis overayens in anol ater ory Otherimerts Member fais evionmentl Dus Member Hei sd Bae hb Dear Siam "om wing with gat your avertsonen wach was paced in he Day Noon ed Septabr, Jam nterstedn opting fer the poston ela n eur alerting deparment. hve the vce uilfaons gules he potion you ae aetna vould spree the eportanty i prove his hee eon my CV a ter ree rom my emplye Thepeyou wl gweseros tention tomy appt ear ily, 1, Loskat the texte 15, What dos each! ey? Choose 2, bore You can ek up he enn ook mre ony tthe 1s You arene alowed pickup te onsen Hfyou euch an cen you mast pay ori Ls wants Tom tbe the reat. 1 Lsalsbavingher party on Stay, Lis ante heer pty ae esau wee ‘emrts, ‘Gould yoo kts km ol be ale w do the musica pany tka of having oe Sutra but Lea remeber youre working tthe eran on Fray or Sturdy. Lene how ad PL ean foram evening whe oe ee ® Mey toate [uniryttecilatven Ses shed Ty | ar © | eecemenneen crdaed bat they wil | booker Fiir same can ett nly hold tl Fidoy. | .Auryredetocnectte theabpas longa thereon + Wil you be able 10 90. | “tek rit tea before then oF do you ‘6. Castamers st mot ring their pets wont me to pick ep? estes «fest ot etait ‘oe Pusengers rng Helton met of phon ‘Pascge sng wo Southport can ae the in 0 lao 4 Puergers ping lip mat goto phen 3 round-up > students Book pp. 5052 1, Complete the second sentence so that has a inar meting e thoi centance, using the ord given Sone Thge te ord given sou rust use netacen to and fie words, Ing heed ve, Te atti caked puget vas two ments a iat 1 eee two ments 2. Whon dd you nt vit yor rndnothe i How - you lt ve your ganda? 2. ater tarte plying emis tree weet 2p i Kathrine arte Aster arta vane a Matin thera shes to ung te That weran . ssdniooyong, 5. wold retrtn sayin right ase to ake up cay rar vat 1 hse tow aptly omer 6. your stomach ache doen tan ten you dol ea dost: wi 1a wT tyour sac ache dc pt any bt. 7. Mest ater woking for ah ‘as Ma seater working ren hors ih. Yeu acl comet the concert fou don al eis ie 1 tothe cnc ion dont ele an Read the ext on page 39 about Anta Roddick, the founder of the Body Shop. Six sentences have hee re Flom the ick ehease lew Ath sre nen ech gop (4). Teresa ere seiens wih Yo [Alter ining a a teacher she wont raveng and spent alto vein communis avcure he word " fax avay tom her Erash horretown 8B. n 2006, jst one year botoe cho ced rita Rodi sok her business toa muthnatonal cosmetics 5 ‘company, something which se was highly ics fr, Ita call the Body Shop and it wae an immediate sucess. .Hemever she never reall enioyed running the company. She ako experience at rst hand how por these commuries wae and ow tle ep here mas fom {he developed word Shela in September 2007 age st {G.Apsrt from uring enironmentl Fendy product ard matera she aca mae ste the cempary was ly ova responséie Founder of the Body Shop vel: a the founder othe Rody Sop, company hich pec ara ths eave short fe, she became one ofthe ast sucesflbusinessnemen vet receiving many anards and prizes. Anita Roa as born Uteargton the UK i 940, She was he hd doen and grew opin sa Engi seid ton Sh decd hee saat outset thee cormuntiog he opaonced how women bed aed word waling ern sap ant commas tro nana products weno te use cfchemcl [3 [_] Backin England after her world tip, dh mari Gordon Roddick, together thay opened up a hoe ang a testaurar. The Dusness wast succesful as they expected and Gotdon let 10 go aveling ‘trough North and South Americ, he Anita was lft to cope with thei two ssl daughters on her She bean roduc natal couveticsn her Ktchen and opened heist shop in 976 [2 T_] Snce then the By Shop hs gown ros huge ml-rilen pour baie wth ve 2000=hopn St courts cndegovr 70 ilon peop pt yur Right rom the stort Mi Reick ued hr busines to eampsign onal binds of sues the emrenment ano ‘ree ese, aria rights, paiiim and women’s ght. None of he cosmets were tse on animals Sw so wade sare that al he packaging could be recy ad the bots coud be reused Most materi od fo har natural eoemetcs were bought crcl fom the predate sta far ca, Despite this she willbe rerembored as one of the leads of ‘thie coil responsible busines: am idea whicn mas hat making mane cnr the only in uses ite £ ANY : 42 > snus acon es / 1. Choose the comet answer, 1. When Ina hid {wel love ted the deck in ord, | = hee ro : astm rmaelte_ een : ‘nga ean or Sinope — vee at Tite tendrvordticy | hevhdk api talaga say hh comer coed Ta a cee heme cae tig fra ayomin_—_—_ep ae preneiaananaanner cme a wnt ast an cp na dae at ticin 4. to make something smaller in size or amount < egie) Q Natatninatetcamatg 4 Bemisout («tool todo someting witha ging pid | nto QA apenas atiemaart Dost nsetng the nr ames Bo en. baby aang top ean th el ech 2. Surpchingly enough many pl 3, The pie obs rca ue tae 4. yo vat oes yoda sem. 5. Wedide’ haetine to thew ids any sted tae or thie ay Road the elle ad cee thecoct ana ‘A Wit oa eusins bearing ave aeriedb seen bet dei thinks At see thy i be tearing aver xp they wl ane ping land a5 cock an be Acne nope we wl pepe ae prepared eveything by that ie Doe wry Ly wether ny mite noe Be Ac Tat od ‘Aa Wal ren our school ongeisng wl ve ngenied« Geven Dat heed of ect wae Be Wht ili Behave ren abut Ni Raber ‘As We infra ee ing teinfoem pope shout erviroamenal pee ee segpicaoee: Be Ae hve sing tobe /to hae Bee als br exper ‘As Of ain, et vat oc ih fp are welntering/ top. Be william page Robes Ree the lalogues ae wit sertances sing the prompesané 2 sable fate ens, 1 ArT where ebook yu brewed is weal? | omit toro 2. Wheres your mse phone Hugh Batley bay fawn thiserning 4 Aetsnner realy yma! ‘Be aryet bt dont wer: ih bp etme Ma eto 4. A: Wenontartveln Pari ete ook selec wey er Ne 5. ArAreyna ging the ech wth Kate on Suny? Be Wes ope ity nexsin/encie 4A, > student's Book pp.5657 See ‘A Mae he two cans Ter wee presser cones the aloes 6. vets!) wwe ae Otte Sworing 5) 6 mung ate Odor Stopes Few om hte zeot et 1. Autry so mke Ei chang hid and come wi ‘Bil doa hink eel be let sonnei Ho 2. Ae Why don yoke Hos? ‘Be Tete ate many renons. bess and thnks abou 0 one dbus 2 Arca bv aor Ricky! Bel do! ce at the is You ears ois happy bray tomer 4 At dow in my Mats cen oth dy ha and dot neti 5 ArDoyou think ina rion poe? Reon ‘cert the Earths dima geting warmer ané ware 6 tts atin be ‘Be Youte right Leto ouside 1. Choose the erect word te crplte the sanenene Make any ncossry change. ca ee sls, Iaitsnot potters pple wher hey actin. shel chew ‘compli omy postr ati hy Gly. and bog tes newbie, 2 a Althea our of Poul oti, pte, your hand 1. When thee atte ples, theses eel_— a peat A alanoatel, sendy ecu nd erate tf the tank Hew sly fine! w — rot onnr have ice anaveesd 10M pine 2 a ant deh scat. ‘you go sing made are you pack one tes | 2 aKuron____ber dean obese dato beau hs cul ot adhe ght oD. (6, Choose core answer, Bore. 1 feat mor fe ting he ___aspont toskap blloenp ease wp 2. tfyeophe__ shearers energy they wold plate he part sve ease ‘cl se 1 Weald ube ate oun sofstifyon_—__ sen! sdonttnin——bewoein edna | Unies Mandy fad sb wo put er ear vail ey ati eat 5, you coatinactobeinpiic ne ne____toy08, 6 {Ever you,__ theo worltacat ——beéidatacept monkey , Complete the dlogues. Expand the prompt to form Condon Sentences Type 102. 1. AcRoashuns iting 1: kro if anny? 9 wii 2. Ae Beso my take port in the compton Wel ik A ah AA tioeyengtacnd Thee nat spac rans /every 44 AsAceyou slang ith leet 1 Yes and ante apogee speak a 5 Ae Av you se you ioe thi Mahe pole our ma Bical our lp bs AsLlovehambaigint Bui be yo Fn fe Youwil hear an tere wa nase bcs! ating abou joys. For questions 15 chaesethe best ‘Wat coer te nersewerdo before he presets isu? | 1. He dscns ervionnenl peer, ‘SHetals iene abot acompetion, He derives roertin Pea 2 Alex hatjls ‘a srmny ound inthe Neerracan Tac at ye sery Lyon gt sty one ‘cel sting prove themes ‘Wht dot Alcs sont gt jay «They ron fund in th wo of hi [They hve bese an eninge spec, Ther proce ay be ink wo aronmentl cha Acco sckats aw des vam ser ale yt a Hamas elf grow er ‘allows tem otra! egh accent of wate, ‘Rashes thm dependent on ether crete 5: Aesrding to Ale what abet bring mre jh nthe ea They prod ood seater and an AA > student's Book pp. 58-59 ‘A. Compete the sentences sig the cet wort fom te boees. Mahe any necessary changes. 2 endangers’ unspoilt cations! environmental effective 1. Tikewething__ TV proganuresepcily documentaries, ‘ 2. Seivolsms donerete aie ________anafenssameng tudes | Youhivethe chance ossesome______——_ api at teal 20, 4 Inceasing be pce ares cab) vy mae pei uit sneking ‘ 5 Theihed anda te bahar renin 6 daerioofgne ey cv wept ete ‘ 2. haw erin company bt The sconce © Tenor eppaginllis.——_abwotcbppnsin tear. +8 Thayne de dwt fata noe te crt 16, Reteimeben__ inthe ton ound oe the cenmerity crate Sa ees avira 1 Governing lstins____ tothe rc 1 ananinae iting ae 1 Dan da gto een thar theese. 4 drive onset 18, Darngalong the iven amin epee Aa, > students Book pp. 58-59 o.Yeuheretedan ma oman tn psig nd yur tng yous. ite apoyo ‘eau tyurnane Prete er easy eae SeEdinsal apa » havent ere Fon yn for abu co ve delle dep you inet cen bow you're dea, Actua, Yn ten aren Beause | nerd your ace out Seating Im organise, ‘Be you rimpnitr mating pe A ne age foe ft to paw ake uaa V/A, ie eumed eat ote en envionment dasteroeoust oes ova aces of ee were bur devin Mi friends tnd sid top the al mst im panting tric Te ty enanet aeld ee apport ‘refer nals prov us with fading toot started. Unforbonsaly this fencing is net cnovghsovie'e panning on orjnising a fundiricing Nest, De you any ne to Who a of Fusutaising evnt ne sould st ck a sgn ote azo wenclong if you mould Leet onto it Fre plata we tag ae essed. une to Mave you er for the wend. ees sounds grces Jessie Dear Jessica, te was great to hear from youu | wae happy to hear that you have decided to do eomething about the forest that got burnt last summer. Some things are definicely worth spending time and fort on, am really looking Forvard to it Lots of love, ‘Samantha : 4b > Student's Book pp. 60-62 Pam VOCABULARY Y _ Complte he foowing centences with he carrct fore ofthe words n capa 1. Mesa reheping ta come up th x ue for cancer zEstARCH 2. Iwan slong duane cad when suddenly asta —_ Jumped in font ny car CREATE | Sie Sepa ae ‘amr 4. Ive) fined cenngp. Lkhowe the eit stunt 2 These are very ey ties a mst 6 hi so ake somthing er shop widoa ping fr. oat Crosse od word out, cage pone deer patch aed nlf mer Harpe crocs banetly toe cates prim tense pint pad Sch quet—fire gallo foot ounce yard ie GZ Reade sentences and ce the cervect answer 1. Many Lite pele ated thes yet 2 tm fri tat in cuca hee tf mach ob porte. 3 Some Alo peopl eve hat her ie on her anes. a 4 Hse ne ny i dd ou y ned i thea? 5 think weet very Ite ie iafoenatin om endangered econ Nendo id mar {Ste ery se utgoing tate sh go ao fe ren, 7. Therese artnet en ry op Completa the est th 4, te. vert) _ the of@)_sutnteeeemset fs) _ drei hey (4) artes ort inhopble erica known oma (3) (6 arena }__ nd thet recs hardiy ay if The ar) (9) dese fr example (__StheraDesetint) _afiea hot [t2)__deertin(19)_ ante isalwascoh (vay of 8) eon ated rom teeters (16) deer can cane of13)— ‘ar nes, tow and stony ek sre 3

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